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ADEX DSE Exam Questions & Answers 2023/2024

ADEX DSE Remembered Questions and
Answers 2023/2024
Clinical picture of 14 y.o. with inflamed gingival - Correct answer-Leukemia
How should an allergic reaction to barbiturates on lip be treated? - Correct answerBenadryl
Patient does not like look on canine (pictured), asked what it was - Correct answerHypoplasia
Facial erosion due to acidic beverages - Correct answerAmelogenesis Imperfecta (xray) - Correct answerBlue sclera (eye picture), what dental findings should you see? - Correct answerDentinogenesis imperfecta
All of the following are Hyperthyroid symptoms except?
a. fatigue
b. exopthalamus
c. tachycardia
d. tremor of extremities - Correct answer-a. fatigue
The minimal axial reduction for crowns are - Correct answer-1.5mm
Crown on #9 needs to be replaced. What measurement is correct? - Correct answer2mm occlusal reduction
What is the maximum amount of unsupported porcelain allowed? - Correct answer-2mm
The most important treatment for ANUG is - Correct answer-debridement
What is Gingivectomy used for - Correct answer-gingival hyperplasia
What is the treatment for a patient with a liver clot? - Correct answer-Irrigate, apply
pressure, reassess
(liver clot-unstable and often large, friable clot commonly forming in mucous
membranes. Usually lead to excessive bleeding and abnormal wound healing.)
In order to improve gingival health, what must you do to temporary crown? - Correct
answer-Under contour
Picture of Upper and lower complete arch crowns. What is wrong? - Correct answerImpingement on gums/gums health
Patient presents with pain on swallowing when wearing their denture. What is wrong? Correct answer-Overextension of lingual flange
Patient presents with space in between 3rd molar and premolar, with class II mobility.
How should you treat? - Correct answer-Implant
Patient missing #2 and #3. #1 has Class III mobility and furcation involvement. What
would be the optimal treatment plan? - Correct answer-Extract #1 and implant for #3 or
#2and #3
If you cannot pick a color for crown, what should you choose? - Correct answersomething with LOWER shade saturation and less gray
What is the worst location for an implant? - Correct answer-maxillary posterior
What is the best location for an implant? - Correct answer-Either mandibular posterior or
mandibular anterior
What is the best long term prognosis for an implant? - Correct answer-Either mandibular
posterior or mandibular anterior
Zinc phosphate is the worst cement for what type of restoration - Correct answer-deep
restoration (pulpal irritation)
BW xray of amalgam restoration. Patient complained of pain when provoked by hot or
cold. What is wrong? - Correct answer-Deep amalgam restoration
How long should periodontal packs be left for ? - Correct answer-1 week
How should an epulis be treated before making a new denture? - Correct answerExcision
What is the major reason for periodontal flaps? - Correct answer-access of
Patient presents with maxillary tori. What needs to be done before making new denture
- Correct answer-Remove tori
What is a characteristic of a major connector of a denture? - Correct answer-Rigidity
How often does OSHA make you check the autoclave - Correct answer-Weekly
HIV ELISA test was negative for a person who had a needle stick. What does that
mean? - Correct answer-Patient has no Abs present
Ortho case - what was the most important thing they did in maxillary arch? - Correct
answer-Align the teeth for future restorative procedures ( not close upper or lower
What pain reliever do you give to a patient who has kidney disease? - Correct answerAcetaminophen
Picture of surveyor. Asked what we were looking at? - Correct answer-space for guide
What is the major complications of Phelobitis - Correct answer-pulmonary emboli
Patient complaining of space in between teeth after SRP, why? - Correct answerbecause of
reduction in edema
1-2mm of reduction of probing depth after preforming SRP, what is the cause? - Correct
If there is a shunt on left arm, what should you consider - Correct answer-take BP on
right arm
Picture of #10 and #11 lingual surface, what is wrong with the gingiva? - Correct
Space in between #29 and #30 in a very old patient with no #31 or #32 and barely
occluding with #3. This is due to what? - Correct answer-No occlusion or mesial drifting
Surgical stent fits the gums but the immediate denture doesn't fit, what do you do? Correct answer-Relieve until it seats
Picture of the bottom of the tongue with multiple white lesions. Stated that the patient
had complaint of sore gums and tongue, he had a fever of 101 degrees.
Most likely diagnosis? - Correct answer-Primary Herpetic Stomatitis . (herpes on
attached gingiva)
Treatment of Primary Herpetic Stomatitis - Correct answer-palliative
Patient with purple lesions on palate and said they had similar lesions on their
body too? What is the most probable cause? - Correct answer-HIV (Kaposi Sarcoma)
Other choices
were Sturge Weber and Erthyema Multiforme
What disease will effect wearing complete dentures the most? - Correct answerSjorgens syndrome
Lesion in the mouth that heals with a scar? - Correct answer-Major apthous ulcer (minor heal w/out scar)
Picture with an arrow pointing to a Soft tissue mass on FOM? - Correct answer-Opening
of wharton's duct
Lichen planus present on the tongue that was asymptomatic, what is the treatment? Correct answer-Corticosteroids (nothing was not an option)
Picture of white things on the buccal mucosa and asked what it was? - Correct answerlichen planus
(but it also looked like luekoedema, cheek biting, etc. and all were answer choices)
Panoramic xray with radiopacity underneath the mandibular incisors, asked what
was it? - Correct answer-supernumerary tooth
(other choices- odontoma, impacted insicor)
Gingival edema is caused by? - Correct answer-anaerobes
Post crown cementation sensitivity is due to - Correct answer-Microleakage
Before you reline a complete denture you must first do what? - Correct answer-establish
posterior occlusion
Precision attachments not good for what type of patient? - Correct answer-patient with
low dexterity
What information do you need from patient on steroids? - Correct answer-you want to
know the duration and the dosage before dental treatment
is the most important thing for calculating medication dosage for a child
- Correct answer-weight
Patient just had a stroke. What do you need to worry about? - Correct answer-if they are
on anticoagulants
Contraindication for apically positioned flap is? - Correct answer-esthetics
Purpose of a wedge during a restoration is ? - Correct answer-adaptation of the matrix
What medication is a contraindication for a patient with hyperthyroidism ? - Correct
answer-giving them an analgesic with vasoconstrictors
Symptoms: No hair and missing teeth. What is the diagnosis? - Correct answerEctodermal dysplasia
Pernicious anemia is caused by what? - Correct answer-a lack of intrinsic factor, which
is required to absorb vitamin B12 from food
What is hemolytic anemia - Correct answer-a condition in which red blood cells are
destroyed and removed from the bloodstream before their normal lifespan is over.
Hereditary Telegnastia is associated with what? - Correct answer-Fe deficiency
Gave normal ranges and the patient's numbers for RBC, WBC, and platelets.
What is wrong? - Correct answer-Leukemia because high WBC, sore lymph nodes, and
painful gums (they give example of 14 y.o pt. w/ inflamed gingiva)
Arm rash - what drug caused it - Correct answer-Penicillin allergy
Patient was on penicillin for 2 weeks, their tongue is sore, what test do you do? Correct answer-Fungal test
Picture of a red painful tongue in an uncontrolled diabetic, what is it due to? - Correct
Biopsy the red and white portions of a mixed lesion - Correct answerMost likely reason that sealants fail? - Correct answer-contamination
There is an unconscious patient in your waiting room what is the first thing you
do? - Correct answer-check breathing
ID of mental ridge on radiograph - Correct answer-
RO on pano - mucous retention cyst that was in the maxillary sinus - Correct answerWhat is the difference in anaphylaxis vs syncope? - Correct answer-anaphylaxis has
wheezing and
Patient returns with pain 72 hours after extraction, what should you do? - Correct
answer-give irrigation and use eugenol soaked gauze
Extraction of tooth and patient comes back with a big infection? What is it? - Correct
Picture of a patient with down syndrome and question asked what you need to be
worried about as a dentist? - Correct answer-CHD (congenital heart defect?)
When can you use tissue conditioner and soft reline on a complete denture ? - Correct
answer-at anytime
How long should you wait to do lab relines? - Correct answer-6 months for lab reline
What is a reason for a try in for an immediate denture? - Correct answer-to check the
vertical dimension
Picture of a patient with a very Large diastema, what do you do? - Correct answerLeave it alone
RL next to PM- what should you do? - Correct answer-refer to oral surgery
Panoramic of RL at ramus- what should you do? - Correct answer-retake for diagnostic
reasons or refer to oral surgery?
Broken coronal portion of a canine, what do you do? - Correct answer-conservative
endo and
prepare post and core
T/F: Acid etching creates a chemical bond - Correct answer-FALSE
- does not create chemical bond
Multiple odontomas are linked to what disorder - Correct answer-Gardner's syndrome
(colorectal polyposis)
After cleaning, there is still BOP. What does this mean? - Correct answer-Retained
subgingival plaque
Swollen lesion on the tongue, what do you do next? - Correct answer-Palpate lesion
and see if firm
Picture of lip with something on the corner of it? - Correct answer-it was either SCC or
*other choices- angular chelitis or herpes labialis
bone loss on #4 - Correct answer-crater defect
Guided Tissue Regeneration is best for what type of furction? - Correct answer-class 2
Reduction of Probing Depths after SRP but still had mobility in anterior mandibular
teeth, what do you do? - Correct answer-Either GTR or periodic evaluation
SLOB rule - Correct answer-Same Lingual
Opposite Buccal
What medication can be prescribed for candida - Correct answer-Fluconazole
Identify the picture which was a pleomorphic adenoma - Correct answer-because firm
and they
said it was benign
Asymptomatic crowned lateral with a PA radioluceny, what do you do? - Correct
Mandibular incisor with large pulp chamber and PA RL. What is the large pulp chamber
from? - Correct answer-Trauma right after eruption
2 months after RCT tooth still had RL. What should you do? - Correct answer-Monitor
2 years after RCT, and still had RL. What should you do? - Correct answer-Retreat
#14 with RCT and patient is symptomatic with RL at one of the canals. How do you
treat? - Correct answer-Retreat all canals
#27 had root canal and a bridge from #27 to #25? What is the RL? - Correct answerNothing to do
with #25, not a failed RCT on #27, re-evaluate in 3 months, or chronic cyst in between
Pregnant person afraid of needles? - Correct answer-Place her in Trendelburg position
6 months pregnant had bleeding gums and mobile teeth? How should they be treated? Correct answer-Conservative
Pregnant lady with a diastema in between #8 and #9 with deep probing depth and
class 1 mobility on 8 and 9. What is the reason for diastema? - Correct answer-Chronic
T/F : Direct pulp cap is better in young teeth - Correct answer-True
How wide should the bur for a post be? - Correct answer-should not be greater than 1/3
Picture with a lesion that was anterior to the earlobe and it was swollen, stated the
stensons duct was also inflamed, what do you check first? - Correct answer-Stimulate
parotid and
see if you get exudate
Tongue sticking out with normal mucosa? - Correct answer-Previous laceration
When whitening teeth what do you do? - Correct answer-Wait for at least 5 days before
you do restorative
Appliance for ortho, what is it doing? - Correct answer-Tipping
Permanent dentition with tetracycline staining, when did this happen? - Correct answerPatient ingested tetracycline when they were between 0 and 5 years old
Picture of denture showing working side: - Correct answer-lateral movements were
Perio probe picture was being incorrectly used - Correct answerhow can you increase working time of alginate ? - Correct answer-by adding water that
is colder than room temperature
Picture that asked what was wrong with the teeth: - Correct answer-severe caries
Patient with lateral periodontal abscess, what is initial treatment? - Correct answerDebridement?
Contraindicaiton for anti-sialogogue: - Correct answer-glaucoma
Final impression for denture: - Correct answer-want to cover tissue with little force
5 month old preggers with rheumatic fever and heart murmer: pre med? - Correct
Case: if patient was given kidney transplant, how would this change the treatment: Correct answer-would need to premedicate the patient because they would be
Panoramic with black dots and lines, what is this due to? - Correct answer-Static
Case question: how much attached gingiva on lingual of #25 - Correct answer-5mm
Picture of tongue with inflamed lingual tonsils - Correct answer-reassure patient and reevaluate
True of old patient on medication - Correct answer-drugs don't last as long because less
lipid solubility in old people?
Picture of leukoplakia, what do you ask patient? - Correct answer-Do you use
smokeless tobacco
Baby with severe caries: - Correct answer-baby bottle caries
Fractured distal MR on tooth with huge MO amalgam: - Correct answer-cast restoration
Angles classification: Class 2 division 1 - Correct answerAngles classification: Class 2 division 2 - Correct answerDifficulty turning neck is a sign of... - Correct answer-Eagle Syndrome [elongated styloid
Difference between syncope and anaphylactic shock - Correct answer-anaphylaxis
presents with wheezing (trouble breathing)
How soon can you work on a pt with Hep A? - Correct answer-a week after having it
Ulcers that recur - Correct answer-recurrent aphthous ulcers
Blue sclera are a sign of... - Correct answer-osteogenesis imperfecta
dentin dysplasia
Tx for Large Diastema - Correct answer-Leave alone
Radiolucency around crown (CEJ) impacted molar is likely... - Correct answerdentigerous cyst
Treatment for Dry Socket - Correct answer-Irrigate and pack with iodoform with eugenol
Before relining a complete denture, - Correct answer-build up posterior occlusion
In HIV patients, avoid treatment that... - Correct answer-causes bleeding
OSHA requires autoclaves to be tested how often? - Correct answer-weekly
Best Pain Rx for Kidney pt - Correct answer-Acetaminophen
Gingival Hyperplasia is caused by (3) - Correct answer--Cyclosporine
-Ca Channel Blockers
-Anticonvulsants (Dilantin)
Tx - Gingival Hyperplasia - Correct answer-Gingivectomy
Most important factor for calculation medication dose for a child - Correct answerpatient *weight*
PCN can cause what adverse rxn? - Correct answer-arm rash
Pt on PCN for 2 weeks presents w/ a sore tongue. What test do you run? - Correct
answer-fungal test
Tx Candida infection with? - Correct answer-Fluconazole
Tetracycline staining in permanent dentition occurs with pt is.... - Correct answer-0-5 yr
Contraindication for anti-sialogogue - Correct answer-Glaucoma
Considerations for Rx in Elderly Pt - Correct answer--Decrease dose of fat solible, water
soluble, and highly protein bound medications
-fat soluble drugs are more widely distributed, therefore drug effect is less intense but
lasts longer
Concern with pt taking ASA - Correct answer-excess bleeding
Pt is on: ASA, PCN, Naproxen, Estrogen. Which causes increased probing depth? Correct answer-estrogen
TB is tx with? - Correct answer-INH (Isoniazid)
Isosorbide is used for - Correct answer-angina
Probantine is an... - Correct answer-anti-sialogogue
Tetracycline binds to... - Correct answer-calcium components of bones and teeth
Antagonist for Percodan - - Correct answer-nalaxone
HTN is related to... - Correct answer-being overweight
Pt is a poorly controlled diabetic with diseased gums. Tx? - Correct answer-Hold off on
restorative and perio and refer to physician for consult
Blood test for Coumadin - Correct answer-PT or INR
Knuckle stiffness is a sign of... - Correct answer-meningitis
A DNA probe is used to... - Correct answer-see what alleles cause a disease
Cause of dysgeusia - Correct answer-radiation tx
Xerostomia can cause... - Correct answer-retrograde salivary infection
Tx - Pregnant pt in 3rd Tri with hypotension - Correct answer-lay on left side
Test to assess hemophiliac - Correct answer-PTT
Infectious mono would show on a ... - Correct answer-positive mono spot test
Facial erosion of teeth is caused by... - Correct answer-acidic beverages
Unconscious pt - Check what first? - Correct answer-breathing
To replace missing maxillary anterior teeth, what type of implant is best? - Correct
Pt missing #2 and #3. #1 has mobility and furcation involvement. Tx? - Correct answerEXT #1
IMP #3
(and IMP #2)
Worst area for implant placement (bone) - Correct answer-maxillary posterior
Best area for implant placement (bone) - Correct answer-mandibular anterior or
Possible implant complication - Correct answer-penetrate nasal cavity
What aspect cannot be determined from a radiograph for implant placement? - Correct
answer-facio-lingual width of alveolar bone
Most important consideration for implants - Correct answer-space between roots
Implants are placed with... - Correct answer-high torque
low speed
Pain on swallowing w/ denture - cause? - Correct answer-over extension of lingual
Important factor for Major Connector in RPD - Correct answer-rigidity
Reason for using non-rigid fixed retainers in RPD - Correct answer-correct path of
If a surgical stent fits around gingiva but the immediate denture does not, what do you
do? - Correct answer-relieve the denture until it seats
What disease affects wearing complete dentures the most? - Correct answer-Sjogrens
syndrome (xerostomia)
Chelitis occurs when there is... - Correct answer-increased interocclusal space
(decreased VDO)
Cheek biting occurs when teeth are... - Correct answer-end to end (not enough
horizontal overlap)
Why is it necessary to remove flabby, moveable tissue prior to denture fabrication? Correct answer-so denture has a firm base
Pt has undercuts at tuberosity and facial anterior. Tx? - Correct answer-Remove
tuberosity undercuts
Why do we complete a perio cleaning prior to extractions for immediate dentures? Correct answer-Healthy tissue heals more quickly
Purpose of an indirect retainer - Correct answer-prevent displacement
What muscle is affected by overextension of mandibular distobuccal flange? - Correct
What type of basal cell nevus is premalignant? - Correct answer-Junctional type
Dx - Xray shows teeth with no pulp chamber - Correct answer-Dentinogenesis imperfect
If a pt has multiple osteomas... likely to have? - Correct answer-Gardner's syndrome
Oval patch in midline of tongue
-Tx - Correct answer-Dx: Median rhomboid glossitis
Tx: Nystatin
Unilateral enlargement of maxilla w/ xray showing ground glass appearance - Correct
answer-Fibrous dysplasia
Cotton wool pattern of bone with hypercementosis is a sign of... - Correct answerPaget's disease
Positive Nikolsky's sign is seen with... - Correct answer-Pemphigus vulgaris
Clinical appearance - DI - Correct answer-opalescent teeth
Dx & Tx- multiple white lesions, sore gums & tongue, fever = 101 - Correct answer-Dx:
Primary Herpetic Stomatitis
Tx: Palliative care
Cause & Appearance - Kaposi's sarcoma - Correct answer-cause: HIV
appearance: purple lesions on palate
Lesion in mouth that heals with a scar - Correct answer-Major aphthous ulcer
(minor do not scar)
Signs of Ectodermal Dysplasia - Correct answer--missing teeth
-thin/sparse/no hair
Tx for Symptomatic Lichen Planus - Correct answer-Corticosteroids
Appearance - Mucous Retention Cyst - Correct answer-radiopacity in maxillary sinus,
evident on panoramic
X-ray reveals left maxillary central incisor is impacted and there is a large radiopaque
structure - Correct answer-Odontoma
tx- surgical removal, ortho to bring central down
Radiolucency behind permanent 2nd molar when no 3rd molar is present - Correct
answer-Primordial cyst
Appearance - dentigerous cyst - Correct answer-radiolucency around impacted molar
(at CEJ)
Appearance & Tx - Pleomorphic Adenoma - Correct answer-firm, benign growth in
posterior palate or mandibular angle
tx: surgical removal
Appearance & Tx - Traumatic Bone Cyst - Correct answer--radiolucency that scallops
around tooth roots
-leave alone, no tx, observe [or surgical curettage?]
Radiopacity surrounding apex of root - Correct answer-Focal Sclerosing Osteomyelitis
Hereditary Telangietasia - Correct answer--abnormal blood vessel formatin in skin &
mucous membranes
Tuberculosis treatment? - Correct answer-INH (Isoniazid) and Rifampin
When can't a patient use Ketoconozole? - Correct answer-When they are taking
What antibiotic is present in gingival crevicular fluid? - Correct answer-Tetracycline
What antibiotic is best for tx odontogenic infections? - Correct answer-Pen VK
What is the main adverse effect of Erythromycin? - Correct answer-GI upset
What is the main adverse effect of nitrous oxide? - Correct answer-nausea
What causes mydriasis? - Correct answer-anti-cholinergics
What is the efficacy of a drug? - Correct answer-maximum response of that drug
How does Prozac work? - Correct answer-serotonin inhibitor [SSRI]
Narcotic Antagonists - Correct answer--Flumazenil
For a 5 year old, what dose of F in water is necessary so they will not need other
supplementation? - Correct answer-0.75 ppm
Concentration of NaF - Correct answer-0.01%
What Ca Channel blocker causes gingival hyperplasia? - Correct answer-Nifedipine
What drug tx ventricular arrhytmia? - Correct answer-Lidocaine
What drug cannot be given to a pt with a head injury? - Correct answer-Opioids
Pt with peptic ulcers should not take... - Correct answer-steroids
Drug to tx Parkinson's - Correct answer-L-Dopa and Carbidopa
What is therapeutic index? - Correct answer-LD50/ED50
What drug demonstrates redistribution? - Correct answer-Thiopental
What does Zidovudine tx? - Correct answer-HIV (AKA Retrovir, antiviral)
Symptoms - Hyperthyroidism - Correct answer--exopthalmous
Symptoms - Hypothyroidism - Correct answer--fatigue
-weight gain
-deepened voice
-dry skin
Tx & Description - Liver Clot - Correct answer--D: large, friable clot on mucous
membrane, may lead to excessive bleeding
-Tx: irrigate, apply pressure, assess
What does it mean if an HIV ELISA test was negative for a person who had a needle
stick? - Correct answer-That person has no antibodies to HIV present
Major Complication - Phlebitis - Correct answer-pulmonary emboli
If a pt has a shunt on their left arm... - Correct answer-take their BP on the right arm
CI for Hyperthyroid Pt - Correct answer-local w/ vasoconstrictor (epi)
Def - Anemia - Correct answer-reduced oxygen carrying capacity of blood
Aplastic Anemia - Correct answer-damaged bone marrow from chemical or radiation
Hemolytic Anemia - Correct answer-RBCs destroyed from chemicals
Thalassemia - Correct answer-hemoglobin deficient & RBCs arw short lived, due to
defective gene
Pernicious anemia - Correct answer-excess of immature RBCs due to inability to absorb
Tx for Large space between teeth #11 and 12? - Correct answer-No tx
Tx for allergic rxn - Correct answer-corticosteroids
Difference bt anaphylaxis and syncope - Correct answer-A: wheezing &
Yellow defect on facial surface of anterior teeth is caused by? - Correct answerabrasion
Tx for pt whose BGL = 360? - Correct answer-do not treat, send for immediate medical
Hereditary telangectasia is associated with... - Correct answer-iron deficiency problems
Dx - 14 pt with inflamed gingiva, elevated WBC, and sore lymph nodes - Correct
A red, painful tongue in an uncontrollable diabetic is due to? - Correct answermalnutrition
Concern w/ down syndrome pt for dentist? - Correct answer-congential heart disease
Contraindication for pt with hyperthyroidism - Correct answer-using an anesthetic with
Pt labs: phosphorous levels normal, alkaline phosphatase = elevated, Dx? - Correct
answer-Paget's Disease
Most frequent problem with Maryland bridges (resin bonded bridges) - Correct answerdebonding
Minimum axial reduction for a crown - Correct answer-1.5 mm
When replacing a crown on #9, how much occlusal reduction is needed> - Correct
answer-2 mm
Maximum amount of unsupported porcelain allowed - Correct answer-2 mm
What can be done to a temporary to improve gingival health? - Correct answerundercontour
If unsure about shade for a crown, choose something with.... - Correct answer-a lower
shade saturation and less gray
Space between #29 and #30, no molars distal, very light occlusion with #3, space is due
to what? - Correct answer-No occlusion and mesial drifting premolars
Post crown cementation sensitivity is due to... - Correct answer-microleakage
Tx for fractured distal marginal ridge on tooth with large MO amalgam - Correct answercast restoration
Minimum labial reduction PFM prep - Correct answer-1.5 mm
Bridge 6 - 11 may fracture due to - Correct answer-bending of metal
To match shade properly.... - Correct answer-polish teeth first
Large DO amalgam in 3 with crack in M area, should be tx with? - Correct answer-PFM
Best cement to improve retention for a short croqn - Correct answer-resin cement
Best pontic for anterior - Correct answer-modified ridge lap pontic
Best way to communiate to lab and patient - Correct answer-study cast or diagnostic
wax up
Disadvantage of PFM vs. resin bonded - Correct answer-more removal of tooth
When is a fixed bridge contraindicated in anterior - Correct answer-loss of alveolar bone
Where do you place the heavier bevel on an onlay - Correct answer-functional (working)
Pt w/ maxillary CD with 6 lower anterior (natural) teeth is likely to have... - Correct
answer-Kelly's syndrome (bone loss in anterior maxilla)
Where does one put pier abutment (RPD) - Correct answer-distal of female component
Relines with small projections of impression material are projecting - Correct answertrim projections flush with ridge
Impression for most predictable results (remov pros) - Correct answer-custom tray with
tooth stops
Before you reline complete denture, - Correct answer-first establish posterior occlusion
Precision attachments are not good for what patients? - Correct answer-patients with
low dexterity
When can you use a tissue conditioner or soft reline on a CD? - Correct answer-anytime
Wait how long for a lab hard reline? - Correct answer-6 months
Reason for try in of immediate denture - Correct answer-check vertical dimension
Technique for final impression for denture - Correct answer-cover tissue with a little
Before relining the complete denture, what should you do? - Correct answer-build up
posterior occlusion
An RPD clasp that is cervical to the height of contour is considered... - Correct answer-a
retentive clasp
Reciprocal clasp purpose - Correct answer-counterbalance the retentive clasp
Pt needs CD but has lingual tori. Tx? - Correct answer-surgical removal of tori
Immediate denture - order of extractions - Correct answer--extract posteriors first
-possibly leave some premolars to preserve vertical dimension
Purpose of an immediate try in - Correct answer--establish VDO
-improve esthetics & phonetics
Biggest function of a major connector - Correct answer-rigidity
When should immediate denture be first removed? - Correct answer-24 later by dentist
Final impression for CD - Material - Correct answer-PVS
When is a denture reline indicated? - Correct answer-when ridges resorb
When should immediate dentures be removed? - Correct answer-1 day, 3 days, 1 week,
1 month
Before trimming teeth on stone case for an immediate, do what? - Correct answer-Mark
a line 3 mm above the free gingival margin
Advantage of Immediate Denture - Correct answer-pt is never without teeth
When setting denture teeth, you do not need to consider... - Correct answer-tongue
What needs to be considered when setting Max denture teeth? - Correct answer-arch
What muscle is affected by overextension on mandibular anterior buccal flange? Correct answer-orbicularis oris
In CD, if you have 1 mm of space between upper and lower molars, what should you
do? - Correct answer-tuberosity reduction
Unseating of maxillary denture can result from - Correct answer-excessive depth of
palatal seat
What is the closest speaking sound? - Correct answer-S sound (sibilants)
Purpose of a wedge in restorative - Correct answer-adaptation of the matrix band
Most likely reason for sealant failure - Correct answer-contamination
Acid etching does what? - Correct answer-does NOT create chemical bonds
creates tags micro mechanical retention
increases surface area
Many options can restore a 1.5 mm diastema except... - Correct answer-composite
Tx - 10 year old with diastema - Correct answer-observe until canine erupts
when polishing composites. - Correct answer-removing contacts
What amalgam type is best for interproximal spaces - Correct answer-admixed
What amalgam type is best for strong lateral condensation forces - Correct answerspherical
Where to store scrap amalgam - Correct answer-under sulfide
Best way to avoid root caries - Correct answer-maintain periodontal attachment
Pear shaped bur - Correct answer-330
Stephan Plot - Correct answer-measures pH changes on tooth enamel surface
Tx - Broken crown of canine - Correct answer-Conservative endo w/ post and cor
Asymptomatic #10 with crown and PARL, tx? - Correct answer-RCT
#26 with large pulp chamber and PARL. What is large pulp from? - Correct answertrauma right after eruption
Endo tx tooth has PARL 2 years later. Tx? - Correct answer-Retreat
#14 had RCT, pt is symptomatic with PARL on one canal. Tx? - Correct answer-Retreat
all canals
Direct pulp cap is better in.... - Correct answer-younger teeth
Bur for a post should not be great than... - Correct answer-1/3 diameter
#8 and #9 both have PARL. #9 is Endo tx, but pt is still in pain. Tx? - Correct answerEndo on #8
Vital tooth with RO on apex, apex is blunted. Dx? - Correct answer-hypercementosis
The distobuccal cusp on #30 occludes with what? - Correct answer-Central Fossa on #3
Cause of blunted roots? - Correct answer-Orthodontic forces
Strongest and most aggressive cutting file - Correct answer-K File
Where should obturation end? - Correct answer-0.5 - 1.0 mm from radiographic apex
Where are you most likely to perforate max 1 PM? - Correct answer-mesial
After post+core placement, pt has pain on biting. Dx? - Correct answer-vertical fracture
Differentiate between perio and pulpal abscess? - Correct answer-cold and EPT
Lateral incisor - negative to vitality test, asymptomatic. Tx? - Correct answer-leave
What is a RL lateral to a vital tooth? Tx? - Correct answer-Periodontal cyst, surgical
If the root is 16 mm long, the post should be how long? - Correct answer-11 mm
Tooth has a vertical root fracture with PARL, tx? - Correct answer-extract
Main component in a root canal sealer - Correct answer-Zinc oxide
Concentration of sodium hypochlorite in Endo - Correct answer-3% (MUSC)
1, 2.5, and 5.5%
Tooth with most prominent cervical bulge - Correct answer-Man 1 Molar
What muscle translates the condule - Correct answer-pterygoid
When do primary centrals erupt? - Correct answer-6 mon
Tx - child who lost 2nd primary molar (4 yo) - Correct answer-distal shoe
Removable appliances in ortho produce what? - Correct answer-tipping forces
Most common malocclusion - Correct answer-Class II, Div I
Where do permanent teeth erupt? - Correct answer-Facially
When do you use an occlusal separator? - Correct answer-muscle spasm
Tx- ANUG - Correct answer-debridement
How long do you leave a perio pack in for? - Correct answer-1 week after surgery
Reason to reflect a perio flap - Correct answer-Access of instrumentation
Patient complains of space between teeth after SRP. What happened? - Correct
answer-Reduced edema, gums less woleen
What is the cause of a 1-2 mm reduction in probing depth after SRP? - Correct answerlong junctional epithelium
Gingival edema is caused by... - Correct answer-anaerobes
Contraindication for apically positioned flap - Correct answer-esthetics
BOP after cleaning. Cause? - Correct answer-Retained subgingival plaque
Crater - Correct answer-one sided defect
Trench - Correct answer-two or three sided defect
Moat - Correct answer-four sided (circumferential) defect
GTR is best for treating.. - Correct answer-Class II furcations
Pt had reduction in probing depths after SRP but still had mobility in mand ant teeth.
Tx? - Correct answer-GTR or perio eval
6 mon pregnant, bleeding gums, mobile teeth. Tx? - Correct answer-Conservative
Initial treatment - lateral periodontalabscess - Correct answer-debridement
Expected result after cleaning for chronic generalized periodontitis - Correct answerreduction of inflammation
pocket depth decrease of 1-2 mm
Goal for flap surgery - Correct answer-pocket reduction
Redness on gingiva is caused by what bacteria? - Correct answer-anaerobic
Sign of a severe perio issue - Correct answer-if probing depths get worse
What cannot be seen/determined from an xray? - Correct answer-pocket depth
Purpose of splinting teeth - Correct answer--periodontal stabilization
-pt comfort
What is NOT a clinical sign of mobility? - Correct answer-widened PDL space
Tx- Aggressive Perio - Correct answer-Debridement, Scaling, Antibiotics
Bacteria - JLP - Correct answer-A.a.
Bacteria - Periodontitis - Correct answer-P. gingivalis
When is a gingivectomy indicated? - Correct answer-to tx suprabony pocket
What tooth is likely to fail after perio tx? - Correct answer-Max 1 M
Migration rate of epithelial tissue - Correct answer-0.5 - 1.0 mm per day
Most common cell type in PDL - Correct answer-Fibroblasts
What is responsible for plaque adhering to teeth? - Correct answer-Pellicle
Term for HIV gingivitis - Correct answer-Linear gingival erythema
What is seen with pseudopocketing? - Correct answer-no attachment loss
Pt returns with pain 72 hr after EXT. Tx? - Correct answer-Irrigate
Place eugenol soaked gauze
Pt returns post-EXT with large infection. Dx? - Correct answer-Subperiosteal abscess
Tx - Dry Socket - Correct answer-Irrigate
Pack with iodoform w/ eugenol
Tx - Oro-antral fistula - Correct answer-Surgery to close
29 yo has retained primary molar with no issues. Tx? - Correct answer-None
Purpose of interrupted sutures - Correct answer-to immobilize the flap
How to suture - Correct answer-go from moveable to fixed tissue
Tight sutures result in? - Correct answer-necrosis
Freeze dried cadaver bone is an example of? - Correct answer-An allograft
Root is left during extraction, best instrument? - Correct answer-Cryer (aka East/West)
When extracting maxillary molars, why start with 3rd molar and move mesial? - Correct
answer-Prevent breaking off the tuberosity [beware the lone molar]
Which tooth radiates pain to the ear - Correct answer-Man Molar
Autoclave needs to be checked... - Correct answer-weekly
OSHA requires that patients & dentists wear... - Correct answer-eye wear
Sterilizer is checked by... - Correct answer-biological indicators
How do you increase working time of alginate? - Correct answer-Use water colder than
room temp
A tooth with a large cavity, what restoration is best for gingival health? - Correct answerGold onlay or PFM
Worst cement for a deep restoration - Correct answer-Zinc phosphate
Impression material with greatest dimensional stability - Correct answer-PVS
Most important feature of cement - Correct answer-Strength against solubility and
What cement cannot be used under bonded restoration - Correct answer-ZOE (eugenol
interferes with bonding)
What material causes contraction of amalgam? - Correct answer-Tin
What material delays expansion of amalgam? - Correct answer-Zinc
Cause of blurry x-ray - Correct answer-patient moved
PAN - half looks normal, other half looks enlarged, error? - Correct answer-pt had head
Cause of a dark PA - Correct answer-too much developer
What is not required for a PAN? - Correct answer-thyroid collar
If a PAN has black dots and lines, what is the cause? - Correct answer-static electricity
Cause - odd looking trabeculae on radiograph - Correct answer-Sickle cell anemia
Gemination - Correct answer-two teeth develop from one
one main crown
If you see a herringbone slide, what do you do? - Correct answer-Reverse the slide
Submentovertex view - Correct answer--shot from chin up
-shows base of skull
Water's projection - Correct answer--shows maxillary sinuses
-xray beam directed from behind head
What is KVP? - Correct answer-energy (quality) of photons in beam
What is MA? - Correct answer-quantity (number of photons) in beam
Bilateral round radiopacities on mandibular anterior - Correct answer-tori
Why are filters used in xrays? - Correct answer-to remove low energy photons
What are intensifying screens used for? - Correct answer-reduce patient radiation dose
KVP controls what? - Correct answer-contrast
What is concrescence? - Correct answer-fusion of cementum only
What do you do next when you find a swollen lesion on the tongue? - Correct answerpalpate the lesion and see if its firm
Lesion anterior to the earlobe swollen, Stenson's duct is inflamed, what do you do next?
- Correct answer-Stimulate parotid and see if you get exudate
Blue lines under tongue are due to? - Correct answer-aging
Where is Wharton's duct - Correct answer-under tongue
White stains on teeth are caused by - Correct answer-fluorosis
Tx - Liver Spot - Correct answer-remove it, irrigate, pressure, re-evaluate
Slow growing mandible is a sign of... - Correct answer-hyperpituitarism
Dark, reddish tooth - Correct answer-hyperemia
Signs - Cleidocranial dysplasia - Correct answer--Prolonged retention of deciduous
-Delayed/failed erupt of permanent teeth
-Multiple unerupted supernumerary teeth
-Odd shaped teeth
What bony lesions do you find in Gorlin Syndrome (Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma
Syndrome) - Correct answer-OKC
What is similar to squamous cell carcinoma - Correct answer-keratocanthoma
Micrognathia, cleft palate, and glossoptosis - Correct answer-Pierre Robin Syndrome
Sign of Peutz-Jegger Syndrome - Correct answer-brown macules on lips
Cyst around the crown of impacted molar is likely .... - Correct answer-a dentigerous
(T/F) Odontoregional dysplasia is a genetic disorder. - Correct answer-FALSE
Tx - Maxillary Dome Cyst in sinus - Correct answer-no tx
Name - nodules on alveolar ridge of infant - Correct answer-Bohn nodules
Radiographical signs of Langerhans cell disease - Correct answer-teeth floating in air
Which papilla are involved in oral hairy leukoplakia? - Correct answer-Filiform
Where is cancer least likely to occur in the mouth? - Correct answer-alveolar ridge
Blue sclera is a sign of... - Correct answer-osteogenesis imperfecta
Dental manifestation of osteogensis imperfecta is.... - Correct answer-DI Type I
Condition - multiple supernumerary teeth - Correct answer-Gardner syndrome
What oral cyst is a true fissural cyst? - Correct answer-median palatal cyst
Where do you see sulfur granules? - Correct answer-actinomycoses
Signs - Erythema multiforme - Correct answer-target iris/bull's eye lesions
Premalignant precursor of SCC - Correct answer-actinic cheilitis
Paget's is a premalignant condition for... - Correct answer-Osteosarcoma
Dens invaginatus - Correct answer-"Dens in dente"
Inside the tooth
Dens evaginatus - Correct answer-Forms an extra bump or cusp
Premolars most likely affected
Outside the tooth
Recent Extraction side on X-ray disappears after how long? - Correct answer-About 18
What is mesiodens? - Correct answer-Supernumerary tooth in the midline between
central incisors
What problems does mesiodens cause? - Correct answer-Malocclusion
Food impaction
Poor aesthetics
Cyst formation
Concrescence is? And caused by what? - Correct answer-Cementum joins two teeth
Caused by crowding or trauma
Taurodontism caused by? - Correct answer-Failure or late invagination of Hertwigs
epithelial root sheath
Where are lateral perio cysts found? Can they be probed? - Correct answer-Between
mandibular premolars on the mesial side of the man 1st premolar
CANNOT be probed
When taking a pan X-ray do they need a thyroid collar? - Correct answer-No
If you take a periapical radiograph of the upper right molars and you see a ghost image
of the anterior teeth, what happened? - Correct answer-Film was double exposed
Digital film is: - Correct answer-Faster than F speed film
What can a pan best detect? - Correct answer-Third molars or cysts/tumors
If 8 and 9 are present, and so are the permanent first molars how old is the patient? Correct answer-At least 6 yrs old
If lower permanent canines are erupted then the patient is most likely around? - Correct
Patient shouldn't have 2nd molars yet
If you see permanent premolars erupting and the primary molars have exfoliated, how
old are they? - Correct answer-10-12yrs
When does first permanent molar erupt? - Correct answer-6yrs
Pulp is composed of? - Correct answer-Fibroblasts, blood vessels, lymphatic channels,
nerves and connective tissue
Which of the following parts of the tooth is the first to form? - Correct answer-Enamel
Mesenchyme gives rise to all of the following except? - Correct answer-Enamel
Gives rise to: dentin, pulp, cementum
Lacunae contain what? - Correct answer-Small spaces that contain the bone cells
What do canaliculi provide? - Correct answer-Routes for nutrients to reach the
Hypodontia - Correct answer-Less than 6 missing teeth
Oligodontia - Correct answer-6 or more missing teeth
Is a bifurcated root on a premolar or canine normal anatomy? - Correct answer-Yes variation of normal
Ankylosis usually associated with? Most common tooth it occurs on ? - Correct answerHypodontia
Occurs when a tooth fails to exfoliate
Occurs commonly on primary 2nd molar, ankylosed tooth is the 2nd permanent
Pulp chambers very large on X-ray - Correct answer-Internal resorption
Parotid duct - Correct answer-Stensons duct
Serous fluid only
Submandibular duct - Correct answer-Whartons duct
Oblique ridge runs from? - Correct answer-DB cusp to ML cusp
What is the reason for ankylosis - Correct answer-Delayed eruption of permanent teeth
Delayed shedding of primary teeth
Sternoclediomastoid also palates for? - Correct answer-Anterior superficial and deep
Answer may also say anterior and posterior deep cervical nodes
What papillae is most numerous on the tongue? - Correct answer-Filiform
Hairy tongue caused by elongation of what papillae? - Correct answer-Filiform
Does a patient with fordyce granules need treatment/ - Correct answer-NO
If a patient has a tongue piercing what can happen? - Correct answer-Chipped tooth
Trigeminal neuralgia
Infective endocarditis
Class I occlusion - Correct answer-mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar is
aligned with the buccal groove of te mandibular first molar
Class II occlusion division 1 - Correct answer-Too far forward and max anterior teeth
are proclined out
Class II division 2 - Correct answer-Maxillary anteriors are tilting inward
Class III occlusion - Correct answer-Too far back
Free gingival margin - Correct answer-Interface between the sulcular epithelium and the
epithelium of the oral cavity
Keratinized mucosa - Correct answer-Masticatory mucosa: gingiva and hard palate
Vermillion border of the lip
Oral or outer epithelium
Non keratinized mucosa - Correct answer-JE
Lining mucosa (lip, cheek, alveolar mucosa, floor of mouth, soft palate)
Dorsum of tongue and taste buds
Calculating CAL with overgrowth - Correct answer-SUBTRACT
Calculating CAL with recession - Correct answer-ADD
When the gingival margin is at the CEJ no calculations are needed bc the probing depth
and the CAL are the same - Correct answer-True
3mm probing depth
4mm of recession
What is CAL - Correct answer-7mm
Lamina dura is thicker when? - Correct answer-Tooth is erupting and thinning
Abscence or thinning of lamina dura is sign of? - Correct answer-Perio disease
If a patient has gingivitis the reasons for the edema is due to? - Correct answer-Toxins
produced from the biofilm
If a probe is perpendicular to the long axis of a tooth what is it measuring? - Correct
What is the best proof of the destruction of tissues? - Correct answer-Attachment loss
Drugs that cause xerostomia - Correct answer-Antihypersensitives
Anti Parkinson's
Blood thinners and chemotherapy agents cause - Correct answer-Bleeding gums
Meds that cause bleeding gums - Correct answer-Anticoagulant (coumadin)
Antiplatelet (plavix)
Certain epilepsy drugs
Chemotherapys drugs
Procardia (nifedipine) causes? - Correct answer-A calcium channel blocker that causes
gingival hyperplasia
What drugs cause delayed healing? - Correct answer-Corticosteroids
Drugs that cause gingival overgrowth - Correct answer-Anticonvulsants (dilantin)
Succinimides and valproic acid
Calcium channel blockers (nifedipine and verapamil)
Immunosuppressant (cyclosporine)
Antituberculosis agnets: - Correct answer-Rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide and
Aspirin - salicylate drug - Correct answer-Causes bleeding
Affects hemostasis
Which group of anti-hypersensitive drugs causes gingival hyperplasia - Correct answerCalcium channel blockers
All of the following drugs may causes increased risk of bleeding? - Correct answerDilantin
Common side effect of prozac - Correct answer-Xerostomia
Most likely side effect of prednisone - Correct answer-Impaired wound healing
Immunosuppressant that causes gingival enlargement - Correct answer-Cyclosporine
Most likely side effect of claritin - Correct answer-Xerostomia
Side effect of steroid use - Correct answer-Delayed wound healing
Class of medications that DONT cause xerostomia - Correct answer-Anti-tussives
Most common side effect of heparin - Correct answer-Hemorrhage
Angular cheilitis is caused by - Correct answer-Candida albicans
Initial onset of angular cheilitis? - Correct answer-Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency
Poor diet
Zinc deficiency
Angular cheilitis can also be a sign of what? - Correct answer-Anorexia/bulimia due to
the malnutrition
Solar cheilitis affects what? - Correct answer-Vermilion
Red part of lip
Common features of solar cheilitis - Correct answer-Dry lips
Thinned skin of the lips
Scaly patches
Most common tumorlike growth - Correct answer-Irritation fibroma
Most common place for irritation fibroma to occur - Correct answer-Buccal mucosa
along plane of occlusion
Neurofibroma - Correct answer-Benign nerve sheath tumor derived from myelin sheath
Neuroma - Correct answer-Growth of tumor of nerve tissue
Ameloblastoma - Correct answer-Soap bubble appearance on X-ray
Most common in adults 40-50
Most common type of odontogenic lesion - Correct answer-Ameloblastoma
Leukoplakia - Correct answer-CANNOT BE WIPE OFF
White lesion of mucous membrane
Candidiasis - Correct answer-CAN be wiped off
Leukoedema - Correct answer-Filmy opaque white to slate gray discoloration
Seen in 90% of african americans
Nikolskys signs - Correct answer-Fragile mucosa that blisters or sloughs when pressure
is applied
Amelogenesis imperfecta - Correct answer-Yellow to brown in color
X-rays: lack of enamel opacity
Dentinogenesis imperfecta - Correct answer-Gray to yellowish brown
X-rays: bulbous crowns and shorter roots - abscence of pulp chambers
Mucolele - Correct answer-Painless sac on inner surface of the lips
Clear fluid
Go away w/o treatment
Ranula - Correct answer-Floor of mouth
Caused by trauma to salivary gland
Peripheal giant cell granuloma - Correct answer-Overgrowth of tissue due to trauma
Associated with progenitor granuloma and peripheal ossifiying fibroma
Peripheal giant cell granuloma occurs in? - Correct answer-60% females
Often on mandible
Measles - Correct answer-Koplik spots - white spots on red background in mouth
Herpangina caused by? Children or adults?
Characterized by? - Correct answer-Coxsackievirus A
In children
Ulcers and sores in mouth
Herpes zoster also called? - Correct answer-Shingles
When does shingles occur? - Correct answer-Older than 60
Had chicken pox before 1
Weak immune system
Herpetic whitlow also called? Affects who? - Correct answer-HSV-1
Commonly contracted by dental workers and medical workers exposed to oral
Mulberry molars and hutchinsons incisors are seen with? - Correct answer-Congenital
Irritation fibroma is composed of - Correct answer-Dense fibrous connective tissue only
Who regulates fluoride in bottled water - Correct answer-FDA
Bottled water can contain how much fluoride? - Correct answer-1.4-2.4mg per liter
Labeling requirements - Correct answer-FDA doesnt have to list actual fluoride content
Process of tooth decay? - Correct answer-Bacteria plus sugar equals acid
What type of pop causes more decay? - Correct answer-Diet soda - because of the acid
Vitamin B - Correct answer-Thiamin
Beri beri
Vitamin B2 - Correct answer-Riboflavin
Chellosis and glossitis
Vitamin B3 - Correct answer-Niacin
Pellegra (4 D's)
Vitamin B6 - Correct answer-Proxidine
Chellosis and glossitis
Vitamin B12 - Correct answer-Cobalamin
Pernicious anemia
Pernicious anemia - Correct answer-Can cause permanent damage to nerves and other
Raises risk for developing stomach cancer
Where is vitamin B12 found? - Correct answer-Meat, fish, eggs, milk, dairy
What is the negative consequence of APF? - Correct answer-Erodes porcelain
Which method of fluoride application immediately gets absorbed into the enamel? Correct answer-Fluoride varnish - has highest PPM
What is the minimum time for a foam or gel fluoride tx to be the most effective? Correct answer-4 minutes
At one min - 80% effective
At 4 mins - 100% effective
A child drinking fluoridate water and taking supplements is at greater risk for - Correct
Which does NOT have natural occurring fluoride - Correct answer-Pork
When is pH level at its highest in regards to eating meals? - Correct answer-After eating
a meal
Two forms of COPD: - Correct answer-Emphysema
Chronic obstructive bronchitis
Most common risk factors with COPD - Correct answer-Smoking an secondhand smoke
When treating patients with emphysema how should they be placed? - Correct answerSemi-supine position
Type I diabetes - Correct answer-Insulin dependent
When does hypoglycemia occur? - Correct answer-Blood sugar levels drop below 80
Diabetic ketoacidosis - Correct answer-Occurs when there isn't enough insulin to move
glucose into cells
Warm, red, and dry skin
Which antibiotics treat MRSA? - Correct answer-Vancomycin and bactrim
What disease can cause inflammation? - Correct answer-Uncontrolled type II diabetes
If your diabetic patient starts to feel uncomfortable nervous an feels faint what should
you do - Correct answer-Sit the patient upright
A patient on an anti-hypertensive medication is most likely to experience what in dental
chair? - Correct answer-Orthostatic hypotension
Pay attention to the fact this question says in the dental chair
ASA class ii applies to which medical condition? - Correct answer-Well-controlled
The BEST way to keep patient from becoming unconscious is: - Correct answer-Put
them in the supine position with head below heart
A patient suffering from hypoglycemia will have wat? - Correct answer-Fast pulse,
What commonly precipitates a thrombosis? - Correct answer-Stasis
Premed guidelines - Correct answer-Prosthetic cardiac valve or prosthetic material for
valve repair
History of infective endocarditis
Heart defects
***Nifedepine causes: - Correct answer-gingival hyperplasia
***What type of drug is Nifedepine? - Correct answer-Ca-Channel Blocker
***Large space b/w 11 & 12: what to do? - Correct answer-LEAVE IT ALONE
Papilloma - Correct answer-Identify this lesion
how to treat mucocele? - Correct answer-excise with salivary gland remnants
***Problem with resin bonded bridges most commonly? - Correct answer-debonding
***Hep A - after how long is it fine to treat dental again? - Correct answer-1 week
***What to give allergic rxn to barbiturate on lip? - Correct answer-benadryl
***facial erosion on teeth - Correct answer-acidic bevs
dentinogenesis Imperfecta Xray looks like? - Correct answer-obliterated pulp chambers,
constricted crowns, short roots
***picture of blue sclera eyes, asked what dental finding? - Correct answer-DI
***Hyperthyroid symptoms do NOT include: - Correct answer-FATIGUE (other choices =
exophthalmous, tachycardia, tremor of extremities)
***minimum axial reduction for crown: - Correct answer-1.5mm
Maximum amount of unsupported porcelain allowed? - Correct answer-2mm
Cyclosporine causes? - Correct answer-gingival hyperplasia
***ANUG tx that is most important: - Correct answer-DEBRIDEMENT
gingival hyperplasia tx? - Correct answer-Gingivectomy
***Pt presents with liver clot - tx? - Correct answer-Irrigate, apply pressure, reasses
***Want to undercontour the temp to do what? - Correct answer-improve gingival health
Pic of pt with all crowns on upper & lower and asked - what is wrong? - Correct answerImpingement on gums/gum health. (incorrect choices = incorect oj/ob, improper contour
of cwns)
***t has pain on swallowing when wearing denture - why? - Correct answerOverextension of LINGUAL flange/lingual impingement
***Pt present with space bw 3M with class 2 mobility and premolar What to do to fix? Correct answer-Implant
Pt missing #2 and #3. #1 has class 3 mobility and furcation involvement. What optimal
tx? - Correct answer-EXT #1 and either implant for #3 or 2 +3
***If cannot pick a color for a crown, what do you choose? - Correct answer-Something
with LOWER shade saturation and LESS GRAY
***Worst place for implant? - Correct answer-Max Post
***Best place for implant? - Correct answer-Mand Ant
***Zn Phosopate is the worst cement for what type of resto? - Correct answer-DEEP
***what type of cement is the worst for a Deep Restoration - Correct answer-Zinc
***BWX of tooth with amalgam: pt complains of pain when provoked by hot or cold why? - Correct answer-Deep amalgam filling
***Leave perio pack on for how long? - Correct answer-1 week
picture of epulis fissuratum and how do you treat before making a new denture? Correct answer-EXCISION
***Reason for perio flap? - Correct answer-ACCESS for instrumentation
Max Tori in denture pt - what do you do before making new dentrue? - Correct answerREMOVE
***Essential property for major connector? - Correct answer-RIGIDITY
***OSHA makes you check autoclave how often? - Correct answer-weekly
***HIV ELISA test was NEG for person who had needle stick. What does it mean? Correct answer-Pt has NO antibodies present for HIV (also choice is "pt does not have
HIV - this is WRONG - antibodies just may have not shown up yet - so read carefully!)
***ortho case - what was most important thing they did in max arch? - Correct answerAlign teeth for future restorative procedures (NOT close U&L diastemas)
***Pain reliever for pt who has kidney disease? - Correct answer-ACETAMINOPHEN
Pic of surveyor: What are we looking at? - Correct answer-SPACE FOR GUIDE PLANE
***Phlebitis major complication? - Correct answer-Pulmonary Emboli
***Pt complains of space b/w teeth after SRP> why? - Correct answer-Reduction of
edematous gingiva
***1-2mm reduction of probing depth after performing SRP - why? - Correct answer-LJE
***Shunt on left arm? - Correct answer-take BP on right arm duh
***Pic of #10 & 11 linguals - what is wrong with gingiva? - Correct answer-EDEMA
***Space in b/w #29 & 30 in very old pt with no 31 or 32 and barely occluding with #3 is
due to what? - Correct answer-No occlusion or mesial drifting premolars (one of these is
correct - I think it's occlusion)
***surgical stent fits the gums but immediate denture doesn't fit - what do you do? Correct answer-Relieve until it seats
***Pic of bottom of tongue with multiple white lesions - stated that pt had complaint of
sore gums and tongue, has fever of 101. 20yo pt. Most likely DX? - Correct answerPrimary Herpetic Stomatitis
***Tx of Primary Herpetic Stomatitis? - Correct answer-Palliative
***Pt with purple lesions on palate said they had similar lesion on their body too. What is
most probable cause? - Correct answer-HIV - (Kaposi's Sarcoma). Other INCORRECT
options were SturgeWeber and Erythema Multiforme
what disease will affect wearing CD themost? - Correct answer-Sjogrens (xerostomia)
***Lesion in mouth (case is on lip, young boy) that heals with scar? - Correct answerMajor Apth Ulcer
***Pic with arrow pointing to soft tissue mass on FOM? - Correct answer-Opening of
Wharton's Duct
***Lichen Planus present on tongue that was asymptomatic - asked what treatment? Correct answer-Corticosteroids (doing nothing was not an option)
***Pic of white things on BM and asked what it was. - Correct answer-Lichen Planus
(but looked like leukoedema, cheek biting etc and all were choices) (wickham's striae
means Lichen Planus)
***PAN with RO under mand incs - what was it? - Correct answer-Supernumerary tooth.
(Other incorrect choices: odontoma, impacted incisior)
***gingival edema is caused by? - Correct answer-ANAEROBES
***Post-cementation of crown sensitivity is due to? - Correct answer-MICROLEAKAGE
***Before you reline a CD, you must first establish what? - Correct answer-Restore
Posterior Occl
Pic of pt's maxilla with FPD & RPD attached to it. Asked how they were attached - Correct answer-Choices were Semi-precision attachment/bur preps/extracoronal
attachment - (no idea)
***Precision attachments are not good for patient with? - Correct answer-Low Dexterity
(case is: pt has severe arthritis in hands)
***Pt on steroids - you want to know the
before dental tx - Correct answerDuration & Dosage (do not choose "does not apply to dentistry" or something like that)
***Pts weight is most critical thing for calculating? - Correct answer-Med dosage for
Pt just had stroke: What do you need to worry about? - Correct answer-Are they on
***CI for apically positioned flap? - Correct answer-ESTHETICS is the concern with it
(mentions canine I think)
Purpose of a wedge during restoration? - Correct answer-Adaptation of matrix band
***CI for patient with hyperthyroidism is? - Correct answer-Giving them an analgesic
with vasoconstrictors
No hair & missing teeth? - Correct answer-Ectodermal Dyspl
KNOW THINGS ABOUT ANEMIAS: pernicious, hymolytic, b12 & folate deficiency there are 2 questions - Correct answer-anemia, bitches
***Hereditary Telegnastia is associated with? - Correct answer-Iron deficiency problems
(not b12 or folate)
***Normal ranges & patient's numbers for RBCs, WBCs and platelets were given. What
is wrong? - Correct answer-LEUKEMIA - high WBC, sore lymph nodes, painful gums
(very swollen gingiva is the pic)
***Penicillin causes allergic reaction and gives? - Correct answer-arm rash (theres a
***Pt on penicillin for 2 wks, tongue is now sore. What test? - Correct answer-fungal test
***Pic of red painful tongue in uncontrolled diabetic - what is it due to? - Correct answermalnutrition
***Gives pic of red/white lesion and asks how to go further. - Correct answer-Biopsy the
red AND white portions of mixed lesion
Multiple questions about ERUPTION & looking at BW to see if it's normal - Correct
***Most likely reason that sealants fail? - Correct answer-contamination
***Unconscious pt in waiting room - what is first thing you do? - Correct answer-Check
***Identify the mental ridge on radiograph - Correct answer-look it up
***RO on PAN in sinus - dx? - Correct answer-- it's a mucous retention cyst in max
***difference in anaphalaxis vs syncope - Correct answer-Ana has WHEEZING &
***Pt returns in 72h with pain post-EXT. Therapy? - Correct answer-Give irrigation & use
eugenol soaked gauze (dry socket)
***EXT of tooth & pt comes back with big infxn - dx? - Correct answer-Subperiosteal
Pic of pt with Down syn & Q asks what need to be worried about as dentist - Correct
***You can use tissue conditioner and soft reline on a CD at anytime - T or F - Correct
***How long for lab reline? (i dont get what this is asking but ok) - Correct answer-6
***Reason for try-in for an immediate denture is to check the? - Correct answer-OVD
***Pic of pt with very lg diastema - what to do? - Correct answer-Leave it alone
***RL next to PM - what to do next? - Correct answer-REFER to OS
PAN of RL at ramus - what to do next? - Correct answer-retake for diagnostic reasons
or refer to OS? idk
Broken coronal portion of a canine - what to do? - Correct answer-Conservative endo
and prep post & core
***Acid etching does NOT create a chemical bond. t or f? - Correct answer-TRUE
***Xray with remnants of primary teeth roots reamining - Correct answer-cool man
Multiple Odontoma questions - Correct answer-read about it dude
***After cleaning and there is still BOP - Correct answer-RETAINED SUB-G PLAQUE
***Swollen lesion on tongue, what do you do next - ? - Correct answer-Palpate lesion
and see if it's firm
***Pic of lip with something on corner of it - dx? - Correct answer-It was either SCC or
syphilis (other choices - angular chelitis or herpes labialis)
***Bone loss on #4 was a - Correct answer-crater defect - memorize this, it was in the
part II case selection questions focusing on the perio chart
***Worst vert bone loss - - Correct answer-distal of #13
***GTR best for what class of furcations - Correct answer-CLASS 2 (I had 2 class 2
furcations to choose from, i picked the one that had lesser pocket depths - it asked
'most ideal')
***Reduction of PDs after SRP but still had mobility in ant mand teeth - what to do? Correct answer-either GTR or periodic eval (Trevor put periodic eval...)
2 questions for SLOB rule - Correct answer-radiography hello
pt has candida - give WHAT - Correct answer-FLUCONAZOLE
Identify the pic which has PLEOMORPHIC ADENOMA - Correct answer-probably in
Asymptomatic crowned lateral with PARL - tx? - Correct answer-RCT
Mand Inc with lg pulp chamber and PARL - what is large pulp chamber from? - Correct
answer-TRAUMA immediately post-eruption
2 months after RCT tooth still had RL? - Correct answer-MONITOR
2y and still had RL post-RCT? - Correct answer-RE-TREAT
#14 with RCT and pt is symptomatic with RL at on of the canals. How do you treat? Correct answer-RETREAT ALL CANALS
#27 had RCT and bridge from #27 to 25. What is the RL? - Correct answer-nothing to
do with #25, not a failed RCT on 27, re-evaluate in 3mos or chronic cyst in between 2427
pregnant person afraid of needles? - Correct answer-place her in Trendelburg position
6mos pregnant and had bleeding gums w mobile teeth - tx? - Correct answerConservative debridement
pregnant lady with diastema #8 & 9. Deep probing depth and class 1 mobility on 8 & 9.
Reason for diast? - Correct answer-Chronic perio
DPC is better in (young/old) teeth? - Correct answer-YOUNG
Bur for post should not be greater than
of diameter - Correct answer-1/3
Picture with lesion that was anterior to earlobe and it was swollen. Stated the stensons
duct was also inflamed. What do you check first? - Correct answer-stimulate parotid to
see if you get exudate
tongue sticking out with normal mucosa? - Correct answer-previous laceration
when whitening teeth - what do you do? - Correct answer-Wait for at least 5 days before
you do restorative
appliance for ortho - what is it doing? - Correct answer-TIPPING
Permanent dentition with tetracycline stating - when did this happen? - Correct answerPt ingested ttclcn when they ere bw 0-5 uears p;d
perio probe picture - - Correct answer-incorrect use
picture of denture showing working side - Correct answer-lateral movements were
you can increase working time of alginate by: - Correct answer-adding water that is
colder than room temp
picture that asked what was wrong with the teeth? - Correct answer-SEVERE CARIES
Pt with lateral perio abscess - what is intiail tx? - Correct answer-Debridement?
CI for sialogogue - - Correct answer-epilepsy?
Final impression for denture - want to cover tissue with (little/great) amount of force Correct answer-LITTLE force
5mo pregnant lady with rheumatic fever and heart murmur - premed? - Correct answerNO premed
Case: if pt was given kideny xplant, how would this change tx? - Correct answer-Would
need to premed the pt bc they would be immunosuppressed
PAN with black dots and lines - what is the error? - Correct answer-STATIC
Case: how much attached gingiva on lingual of #25? - Correct answer-5mm
Pic of tongue with inflamed lingual tonsils - next step? - Correct answer-Reassure pt
and re-eval
Pic of leukoplakia, what do you ask pt? - Correct answer-do you use SMOKELESS
Bby with severe caries - suspect? - Correct answer-Baby bottle caries
fracture distal MR on tooth with huge MO amalgam - how to restore? - Correct answerCAST restoration
Angles classification of pt in pic - flared ant incs - Correct answer-Class 2 Div 1
Pt has difficulty turning neck: what syndrome - Correct answer-Eagles' Syndrome
syncope v anaphalactic shock - difference? - Correct answer-anaph shk has wheezing
on expiration, syncope may not breathe at all (fainting)
Hep A? how long until you can work on him - Correct answer-1 week
Ulcers with other episodes slide - what condition? - Correct answer-Recurrent Aphthous
PA of mandible with weird trabeculae - condition? - Correct answer-Sickle Cell Anemia
Slide of blue sclera - condition? - Correct answer-dentinogenesis imperfecta (or
osteogenesis imp)
big diastema? - Correct answer-leave it alone
PAN with RL around impacted 3M - Correct answer-dentigerous cyst
painful big swelling adj to EXT site - Correct answer-dry socket?** (or maybe residual
TX of dry socket - Correct answer-irrigate, pack with iodoform with eugenol
Before relining the denture, you must: - Correct answer-build up posterior occlusion
HIV pt - what do you do? - Correct answer-whatever tx it was that didn't induce bleeding
OSHA requires autoclaves to be tested how often? - Correct answer-weekly
Kidney pt - what analgesic? - Correct answer-acetaminophen
Arrow to RPD clasp cervical to HOC - which is it? - Correct answer-retentive arm
Arrow to reciprocal clasp (above/at HOC) - what is purpose? - Correct answercounterbalance retentive arm
diabetic pt with burning tongue - cause? - Correct answer-malnutrition
HTN is related to the pt being
? - Correct answer-overweight
main reason why sealants fail? - Correct answer-contamination
why give prophy prior to EXT for immediate denture? - Correct answer-healthy gingiva
heals faster
XRay ID - what is it - Correct answer-remnants of primary teeth
lip with bluish lump - Correct answer-mucocele
RO lesion in sinus on PAN - Correct answer-mucocele (?) - might actually be mucuous
retention cyst...
what is best view for sinus? - Correct answer-WATERS
Big cavity - what is best for pulpal and gingival health? - Correct answer-gold onlay or
PFM - probably is gold onlay
acid etching does all EXCEPT - - Correct answer-create chemical bond (?)
teeth with bull-like extensions in pulp - Correct answer-taurodontism
large central incisor - Correct answer-gemination
herringbone on film - what is error? - Correct answer-film backwards
Tx for major aphtous ulcer? - Correct answer-corticosteroids
pic of opalescent teeth - what condition? - Correct answer-DI
Xray of obliterated pulps - what condition? - Correct answer-DI
BW of teeth with no enamel - what condition? - Correct answer-AI
Disadv of resin bonded bridge (maryland)? - Correct answer-debonding
max ant teeth missing - best type of implant? - Correct answer-endosseous
possible complication for max ant implant? - Correct answer-nasal cavity penetration
What would you expect after perio cleaning with chronic generalized perio pt - Correct
answer-pocket reduction 1-2mm*
poorly controlled diabetic with inflamed gums - what next? - Correct answer-refer to MD
for consult
slide with scalloping RL bw posterior roots - tx? dx? - Correct answer-Observe,
traumatic bone cyst
Xray with huge RL assoc with #8 & 9. 9 had endo - what to do if pt still feels pain? Correct answer-Endo #8
Slide: tongue, swollen lesion, what to do next? - Correct answer-palpate to see if it's firm
or indurated
lump that moves - benign or malig? - Correct answer-benign likely
lump that is immovable/fixed - benign or malig? - Correct answer-malig likely
Xray with RL behind 2M (no 3M) - dx? - Correct answer-primordial cyst (arising from
absent 3M tooth bud)
who requires that pt and dentist wear eyewear? - Correct answer-OSHA
wash hands prior to gloves - who requires? - Correct answer-CDC - but maybe osha?
dark PA - what is error? - Correct answer-too much developer
left max central isnt erupted - huge RO ball - dx? - Correct answer-odontoma
f/u tx for the odontoma blocking the central incisor? - Correct answer-sx removal of
odontoma, orthodontics to erupt central into position
white wavy patches in labial/bucal pouch mucosa - what do you ask pt? - Correct
answer-do you use smokeless tobacco?
alkaline phosphatase is elevated - what condition? - Correct answer-PAGET'S
inside of a ranula - mucous or purulent? - Correct answer-mucuous
dilantin gingival hyperplasia tx - Correct answer-gingivectomy
GTR best for what grade furcation? - Correct answer-Grade II (e.g. #30)
Xray ID: - Correct answer-mental ridge
frontal view of teeth: left side oclusion, right side has a step - where is the fracture? Correct answer-MIDLINE
upper max molar area - RL with corticated border. edentulous spaces are present Correct answer-sinus pneumatization (sinus moving down - normal)
SLOB rule - Correct answer-same lingual, opposite buccal. If you move Xray towards
mesial, then the LINGUAL root will ALSO move mesial (and the MB & DB roots will
move opposite)
bridge from #6-11. might fracture because? - Correct answer-METAL BENDING
liver spot tx - Correct answer-- remove, irrigate, pressure, re-eval
how to kill Candida albicans? - Correct answer-Fluconazole
lateral inc negative to vitality test but asymptomatic- tx? - Correct answer-leave it alone
**Condylar inclination on articulator = - Correct answer-**protrusive record
mass in post palate - benign: - Correct answer-pleomorphic adenoma
tx for pleomorphic adenoma - Correct answer-sx removal
mass in mandibular angle - Correct answer-pleomorphic adenoma (hmm it must have
been a clinical photo not radio...)
lower central inc xray: NEGATIVE pulp vitality test, asympt, no caries, RL around apices
- cause & tx? - Correct answer-trauma, endo
Xray of RL lateral to VITAL tooth - dx? - Correct answer-lateral periodontal cyst
tx for lat perio cyst? - Correct answer-sx removal
immediate dentures - EXT all teeth except which ones? - Correct answer-#12 & 21
swelling at mand angle - now what? - Correct answer-take xray
U shaped major connector - biggest function is to provide - Correct answer-RIGIDITY
(not reciprocation, retention etc)
CI in hyperthyroidism? - Correct answer-Vasocont in anesth (e.g. Epi)
improving gingival health - over or under contouring of temps? - Correct answerUNDER
blunted roots in xrays could be from? - Correct answer-ortho
BWX what can't you determine? - Correct answer-BL width of alv bone
longest dimensional stability impre material? - Correct answer-pVS
replacing an ANT crown - what do you need? - Correct answer-2mm INCISAL reduction
what cement most harmful to pulp tissue? - Correct answer-zn phosphate
noraml reaction to cold, no perc sens, but no xray - dx? - Correct answer-normal
perio pack should be removed after X weeks? - Correct answer-1 week
calcium channel blocker complication? - Correct answer-gingival hyperplasia
identify nicotinic stomatitis - Correct answer-look it up duh
Phlebitis means what risk? - Correct answer-pulmonary emboli risk
Healing after sx flap? - Correct answer-LJE
Healing after SC/RP? - Correct answer-LJE
identify the worst C:R - Correct answer-the answer guide says #9 and that it was
obvious tho
DB Cusp of #30 occludes...? - Correct answer-central fossa of #3
most important consideration for implants? - Correct answer-space bw roots
to match the shade - - Correct answer-polish first
unsure about shade? - Correct answer-less gray and less color saturation
pic of big DO amal in 3 or 14. crack in M area. Tx? - Correct answer-PFM
what is the PD of this tooth from this xray? - Correct answer-TRICK: can't tell PD from
hard reline - X mos after insertion - Correct answer-6 months
temp relines can be done when? - Correct answer-anytime
coumadin blood test? - Correct answer-PT
Pt is taking aspirin penicllin naproxen and estrogen. What contributes to increased PD?
- Correct answer-estrogen?
CI for apically positioned flap in anteriors - Correct answer-esthetics
best cement to improve retention for a short crown? - Correct answer-resin cement
before trimming teeth on stone cast for immediate - mark a line X mm above FGM Correct answer-3 mm
BW - what is problem here? - Correct answer-pulp stones?
Anterior pontic design - Correct answer-mod ridge lap
Slow growing mandible - Correct answer-Hyperpituitary
Weight gain, deep voice, dry skin - Correct answer-Hypothyroidism
Exophthalmos - Correct answer-Hyperthyroidism
best way to communicate to lab? - Correct answer-dx wax up
best way to communicate to pt? - Correct answer-Dx wax-up?
Pic of BCC - Correct answer-know it
Pt with no hair, no teeth - Correct answer-ectodermal dysp
sealants fail why? - Correct answer-Contamination
Lichen planus tx if symptomatic - Correct answer-Corticosteroids
Lichen planus tx if asymptomatic - Correct answer-answer choices did not give no tx, so
he put corticosteroids
reline of immediate denture by lab - Correct answer-6 mos
final lab reline of immediate - Correct answer-3 mos
Advantage of imm denture - Correct answer-pt doesnt want to be w/o teeth
hyperemia - Correct answer-dark, reddish tooth
red spots on arm pic - Correct answer-PCN allergy
dark spots on palate - Correct answer-Kaposi (maybe sturge weber tho - SW is more
diffuse purplish on half-ish of palate where Kaposi is more discrete pigmentations)
DPC works better in young teeth T/F - Correct answer-true
GP in sinus tract, does not go to apex - Correct answer-periodontal abscess
Ant to earlobe swollen inflammation of stensons duct - Correct answer-stimulate parotid,
check for exudate
picture ID - focal sclerosing osteomyelitis - Correct answer-condensing osteitis is the
root is 16mm, post should be at least: - Correct answer-11mm
splinted teeth - Correct answer-perio tx for more comfort to pt
hereditary telangiectasia sign - Correct answer-blanching on pressure
tongue sticking out with laceration on it; blanches under pressure - Correct answer-i put
result of previous laceration (other choices: included granular cell tumor...)
pic of tongue with purple dots - multiple papules - Correct answer-lymphagioma maybe
purplish lesion of lip - Correct answer-hemangioma
RINN xray holders - Correct answer-parallel film and cone is perpindicular
When setting denture teeth, you DO NOT consider: - Correct answer-tongue space
What do you NOT consider for esthetics when setting max denture teeth? Choose from:
midline, tooth position, arch form - Correct answer-(not sure, maybe arch form?)
lingual tonsil pic - bumps on lateral tongue - Correct answer-DO NOTHING (salt water
rinses were a choice)
mandibular teeth with lingual appliance, what is it doing? - Correct answer-labiallly
impression for most predictable results - Correct answer-custom tray with tissue stops
relines, small projections of impression material are projecting - Correct answer-trim
projections flush with ridge (duh)
Pic ID - swollen maxilla - Correct answer-PAGETS
Pic of exophytic pedunculated lesion interfering with eating - ? - Correct answerpapilloma
cluster of balls on BM on line of max dentition - Correct answer-fibroma or papilloma
pic of lingual bone cavity - Correct answer-stafnes defect pic
xray tooth under mand ant - Correct answer-supernumerary tooth
xray of mandible with sialolith, what view is this? - Correct answer-occlusal
pic of fissured tongue - Correct answer-be able to identify
2 RO next to roots - Correct answer-retained primary roots
least important when trimming teeth - Correct answer-age
pain on swallowing when rpd is removed - Correct answer-RPD lingual impingement
staining of teeth - Correct answer-does not affect perio prog
difficulty swallowing - Correct answer-insufficient interoccl. space
first diagnostic proceudre at recall - Correct answer-update med hx
xray of multilocular RL lesion in post mand - Correct answer-ameloblastoma!!
chelitis happens in increased interocclusal space. tx? - Correct answer-decrease IO
space and increasing VDO
cheek biting happens when teethare in what position - Correct answer-end-to-end
when does tetracycline staining occur - Correct answer-pt is 0-5 years (NOT when mom
was preg)
yellow efects on facial surfaces of anteriors - Correct answer-beverage erosion
ARROWS pointing to FIRST PILLARS near tonsils - Correct answerPALATOGLOSSUS M (but this wasnt a choice, so he put first pillar)
pic of erosive lichen planus on cheek - Correct answer-identify it
nasopalatine cyst tx? - Correct answer-excision
impacted 3M impinging on 2M (mandibular) - tx? - Correct answer-either ext 3M or ext
2M bc 3M will erupt into position
29yo retained primary molar w no problems - Correct answer-leave it (no tx)
leukoplakia next step? - Correct answer-BIOPSY lesion
pre-vs.-post ortho pics show what changes - Correct answer-root resorption in this case
most importatnt reason for doing ortho on this patient? - Correct answer-tooth
movement and spacing
unconscious pt - what do first? - Correct answer-check BREATHING
why would there be a void in the palate area of max impression tray? - Correct answerINsufficient VENTING
pt presents with complaints after insertion - reason? - Correct answer-working or nonworking interferences
consequence of over-extension of DB flange? - Correct answer-uprighting by masseter
pic of 14yo with inflamed gingiva - - Correct answer-leukemia, WBC less than 70k with
immature ones
pt with hyperpigmentation of oral cavity - Correct answer-Addison's
PAN of supernumerary teeth, clavicles PRESENT - Correct answer-Gardner's
film speed that requires the least amt of rad? - Correct answer-E speed
BP 160/110 - next stpe? - Correct answer-refer to MD
ideal amt of undercut for retentive clasp? - Correct answer-0.1 in
reason for gingivitis during preg? - Correct answer-change of GCF composotion
Pt is in the chair- if he is suffering an MI. His symptoms would be all of the following
A. Pounding heart
B. Burning chest
C. Numbness of left arm
D. Pain in jaw - Correct answer-A. Pounding heart
what do you do w pt with Bell's palsy? - Correct answer-refer to neurologist
what is not an etchant?
A. Citric acid
B. Malic acid
C. Phosphoric acid
D. Bis GMA - Correct answer-D. Bis-GMA
Pt with all upper and lower anteriors with cervical abrasion. Tx: - Correct answerconservative filling
What is the best restorative tx for a large class II restoration? - Correct answer-gold
Which is not an acceptable surface disinfectant?
A. Alcohol based
B. Phenol based
C. Chlorine based
D. Iodine based - Correct answer-A. Alcohol based
Distal extention RPD case- what clasp is needed on posterior abutment teeth: - Correct
answer-circumferential clasp with mesial retention
Traumatic ulcer next to EXT, what tx? - Correct answer-re-eval
14 y.o. with impacted man 2nd PM, next step is to: - Correct answer-refer to ortho
Needs class I RPD, distal abutments are 20 and 24. Indirect retention should be located
at: - Correct answer-#22 and #27
Clinical picture of primary molar with enlargement of the pulp extruding out of crown: Correct answer-hyperplastic pulp
clinical picture of premolar with enamel hypoplasia, caused by - Correct answer-trauma
or infection of primary tooth
X-ray of RO areas surrounding RL area of RCT tooth. RO area is: - Correct answercondensing osteitis, focal sclerosing type
Pt with tooth sensitivity to cold to receive PFM crown, cement of choice is:
A. Zinc phosphate
B. Zinc silicone ph
C. Polycarboxylate
D. Glass Ionomer - Correct answer-C. Polycarb
what is the purpose of labs placing die spacers - Correct answer-makes room for
With hyperparathyroidism- you can expect with this pt - Correct answer-hypersalivation
Man in dental chair with chest pain, Nitroglycerin doesn't work what is happening? Correct answer-MI
Test for heparin: - Correct answer-PTT
Test for warfarin - Correct answer-PT
HCTZ in denture pt - ? - Correct answer-decr retention due to less salivation
Pt returns after inserting CD & partial lower dentures (pt had dentures before)- pt
complains of soreness of both ridges, due to:
A. Allergy
C. Over extended flange
D. Decreased freeway space - Correct answer-D. Decreased Freeway Spc
How you would correct recession around canine? - Correct answer-lateral repositioned
Pt with chronic asthma- had infection, took tetracycline. He keeps complaining of
burning tongue, you do a smear that reveals yeast & fungal what is the tx? - Correct
answer-Clotrimazole (anti-fungal)
Pt with ANUG, what is the best tx? - Correct answer-Debride necrotic areas & tooth
water or warm saline rinses and
antibiotic therapy if systemic involvement (fever, malaise, lymphadenopathy)
Pregnant woman, need to premed, what do you use? - Correct answer-Clindamycin
Child- 3 y.o. with severe caries in 4 primary incisors what do you do? - Correct answerEXTs
Pt with median palatal cyst, tx: - Correct answer-Sx removal (enucleation)
Median Rhomboid glossitis
What is it?
Tx: - Correct answer-what: End result of chronic candida albicans infection- devoid of
filiform papillae
tx: nystatin
Lateral incisor with fx in mid-root, tx: - Correct answer-stabilize for 3 wks,
apexification may be indicated but if both coronal & apical portions are necrotic RCT
can be difficult so EXT.
How does periodontal disease affect levels of a diabetic pt? - Correct answer-increased
Given a list of NSAIDs and Tylenol, Must have known that
given to pt with kidney disease. - Correct answer-Tylenol
can be safely