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La 2022 Notary Exam

LA 20 22 No tary Exam
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The ______________ is a compila tion of civil la ws tha t g over n the leg a l ca pa city of per s ons ; the
contr a ct of a nd effects of ma r r ia g e; g r ounds for divor ce, a nd the cla s s ifica tion of childr en a nd
A. Loui si ana Ci vi l Code
pa r enta l a uthor ity, a mong other thing s .
A. The Louis ia na Civil Code
Pg. 28
B. Revis ed S ta tues 35
C. Revis ed S ta tues 14
D. None of the Above
___________ i s a l egal authori ty that hel ps the notary to understand how a court
has i nterpreted l egi sl ati on and other sources of l aw.
A. Juri sprudence
A. Jur is pr udence
Pg. 32
B. The Civil Code
C. Revis ed S ta tues 9
D. None of the Above
A transf er of i mmovabl e property M UST be made by authenti c act or by act under
pri vate si gnature.
A. T rue B. F al se
B. F al se
Pg. 36
Note: Or a l tr a ns fer ma y be va lid when the pr oper ty ha s been a ctua lly deliver ed a nd the tr a ns fer or
r ecog niz es the tr a ns fer when inter r og a ted under oa th. Other wis e, this s ta tement a pplies .
Accordi ng to Ci vi l Code Arti cl e 3338, a l ease of i mmovabl e property must be
A. T rue
recorded i n order to have ef f ect as to a thi rd person.
Pg. 36
A. T rue B. F al se
Recordi ng D OE S N OT :
A. Pr otect 3r d per s ons
B. Occur in a pa r is h wher e the immova ble exis ts
C. Requir e a n ins tr ument be r ecor ded within a cer ta in a mount of time
D . Create a presumpti on as to the capaci ty or status of the parti es.
Pg. 39
D. Cr ea te a pr es umption a s to the ca pa city or s ta tus of the pa r ties .
A _____________ i s a person not a party to or personal l y bound by an i nstrument.
D . T hi rd person
A. Pa r t
B. Buyer in a ca s h
Pg. 39
C. Sel l er i n a cash sal e
D . T hi rd person
A(n) ______________ to an act i s a thi rd party wi th respect to i t.
D . Wi tness
A. Appearer
B. M ortgagor
Pg. 39
C. M ortgagee
D . Wi tness
Publ i c bri bery i s when a notary woul d accept _______ to i nf l uence hi s/her
B. Anythi ng of apparent present or prospecti ve val ue
A. Money
B. Anything of a ppa r ent pr es ent or pr os pective va lue.
C. Pos ition within compa nies
D. Anything
Pg. 47
LA 20 22 No tary Exam
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F orgery i ncl udes:
A. Alter ing a n a ct to be the a ct of a nother who did not a uthor iz e the a ct
D . Al l of the Above
B. Copying a n or ig ina l when no s uch or ig ina l exis ted
C. Ma king a n a ct a ppea r to ha ve been executed a t a time or pla ce or in number ed s equence other
Pg. 50
tha n wa s in fa ct the ca s e.
D. All of the Above
E. None of the Above.
A(n) ___________ occurs when a notary i s convi cted of a f el ony.
B. Automati c suspensi on
A. Tempor a r y S us pens ion
B. Automa tic S us pens ion
Pg. 51
C. Fine
D. Incons equentia l notifica tion
Among notari al powers are:
D . Al l of the above
A. Ma king inventor ies
B. Holding Fa mily meeting s a nd meeting s of cr editor s
Pg. 54
C. Ma king a ffida vits of cor r ection
D. All of the a bove
E. None of the a bove
In r eg a r d to RD 35:4, a ddr es s ing nota r ies connected with ba nks a nd other cor por a tions , power s
of the nota r y a r e g ener a lly a ma tter of whether or not the nota r y:
D . I s a party to the i nstrument
A. Is a dir ector
Pg. 55
B. Is the pr es ident
C. Is a s tockholder
D. Is a pa r ty to the ins tr ument
Pa r is hes with les s tha n ______________ ha d cer ta in s pecia l r ules in ter ms of the nota r y
dis cus s ion a nd ea r lier pr ovis iona l nota r ia l la ws in the s ta te of Louis ia na .
B. 40,000
A. 30,000
Pg. 56
B. 40,000
C. 50,000
D. 60,000
A notary has an af f i rmati ve duty to record:
A. Mor tg a g es
B. Conveya nces
C. All a cts of conveya nce a n encumbr a nce
C. Al l acts of conveyance an encumbrance
Pg. 58
D. Thos e a cts a ddr es s ing pr oper ty within pa r ticula r pa r is hes
T he pari sh of Orl eans notwi thstandi ng, recordi ng must occur:
A. Wi thi n 15 days
B. Wi thi n 30 days
C. Wi thi n 45 days
A. Wi thi n 15 days
Pg. 58-59
D . Wi thi n 60 days
Wi th respect to recordi ng transacti ons that address i mmovabl e property wi thi n the
pari sh of Orl eans, notari es must record:
D . Wi thi n 2 days
A. Wi thi n 15 days
B. Wi thi n 30 days
C. Same day
D . Wi thi n 2 days
Pg. 58-59
LA 20 22 No tary Exam
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T he appoi nti ng enti ty of the notary publ i c i s the:
A. Governor
B. Senate
C. D i stri ct Court
A. Governor
Pg. 64
D . Secretary of State
T he enti ty that oversees the appl i cati on and qual i f yi ng process f or persons
seeki ng the appoi ntment of notari es publ i c i s:
D . Secretary of State
A. Gover nor
Pg. 64
B. S ena te
C. Dis tr ict Cour t
D. S ecr eta r y of S ta te
T he enti ty that conf i rms and consents to the appoi ntment of notari es publ i c i s the:
B. Senate
A. Governor
B. Senate
Pg. 64
C. D i stri ct Court
D . Secretary of State
T he enti ty that revi ews character and f i tness shoul d such an i ssue ari se i s the:
C. D i stri ct Court
A. Governor
B. Senate
C. D i stri ct Court
Pg. 64
D . Secretary of State
Among the qual i f i cati on f or a notary publ i c i s:
A. A resi dent of the state of Loui si ana
E . Al l of the above
B. At l east 18 years ol d
C. A hi gh school di pl oma or equi val ent
Pg. 64
D . N one of the Above
E . Al l of the Above
A notary must mai ntai n a bond or errors and omi ssi on i nsurance worth:
A. 10,000
B. 20,000
C. 50,000
A. 10,000
Pg. 65-66
D . 100,000
_______________ i s the ri ght that conf ers on a person di rect, i mmedi ate, and
excl usi ve authori ty over a thi ng.
D . Ownershi p
A. Pos s es ion
B. S a le
Pg. 89
C. Oblig a tion
D. Owner s hip
An exampl e of somethi ng that i s ________ woul d be the hi gh seas because i t may
not be owned by anyone.
A. Common
A. Common
B. Public
C. Pr iva te
D. None of the Above
Pg. 82-83
LA 20 22 No tary Exam
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An exa mple of s omething tha t is _______ would be a city r oa d beca us e it is intended to be ta ken out
of commer ce a nd ma inta ined for the open a nd fr ee us e of a ll per s ons .
B. Publ i c
A. Common
Pg. 82-83
B. Public
C. Pr iva te
D. None of the Above
An exampl e of somethi ng that i s _________ woul d be a busi ness truck because i t
i s owned by a pri vate person (j uri di cal or natural ).
C. Pri vate
A. Common
Pg. 82-83
B. Public
C. Pr iva te
D. None of the Above
Thos e thing s tha t ha ve a "body", der ived fr om the La tin, "cor pus " would be cons ider ed ________
wher ea s thos e thing s tha t a r e fictions of the la w under s tood a s r ig hts or oblig a tions a r e
cons ider ed ________________.
B. Corporeal , i ncorporeal
A. Incor por ea l, cor por ea l
Pg. 84-86
B. Cor por ea l, incor por ea l
C. Common, Public
D. Public, Common
I mmovabl es automati cal l y i ncl ude:
A. T racts of l and
B. M obi l e H omes
C. T emporary Bui l di ngs not under mortgage
A. T racts of Land
Pg. 84-89
D . N one of the Above
M ovabl es automati cal l y i ncl ude:
A. Cars
B. M obi l e H omes
C. T emporary bui l di ngs
A. Cars
Pg. 84-89
D . N one of the above
An exampl e of a publ i c i mmovabl e corporeal woul d be a:
A. Ci ty truck
B. Ci ty Park
B. Ci ty Park
C. D eed i n a ci ty courthouse
Pg. 84-89
D . Al l of the above
E . N one of the above
_______________ i s the ri ght that conf ers on a person di rect, i mmedi ate, and
excl usi ve authori ty over a thi ng.
C. Ownershi p
A. Possessi on
B. Acqui si ti on
Pg. 89
C. Ownershi p
D . Resol uti on
__________ i s the addi ti on to or i ncrease i n val ue of property by means of
i mprovements or natural growth.
A. Accessi on
A. Accessi on
B. Acqui si ti on
C. Acqui si ti ve prescri pti on
D . N one of the above
Pg. 90-91
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________ are di vi ded i nto both natural and ci vi l types.
D . F rui ts
A. Laws
B. Bonds
C. D eeds
Pg. 91
D . F rui ts
Li st the ways that ownershi p i s aqui red:
A. Successi on
D . Al l of the above
B. E f f ect of obl i gati ons or contracts
C. Operati on of Law
Pg. 95
D . Al l of the above
E . N one of the above
T he manner to acqui re ownershi p or other real ri ghts by possessi on f or a certai n
peri od of ti me i s cal l ed:
A. Acqui si ti ve prescri pti on
A. Acqui si ti ve prescri pti on
B. Prohi bi ti ve substi tuti on
Pg. 95-96
C. Accessi on
D . Qui tcl ai m
T hi ngs that are owned by more than one person are exampl es of ownershi p i n
B. I ndi vi si on
A. Statute
B. I ndi vi si on
Pg. 97
C. Compul sory possessi on
D . I l l egal
A __________ i s a charge or burden on a thi ng, usual l y an i mmovabl e, f or the
benef i t of another person or another estate.
C. Servi tude
A. Law
B. Real ri ght
Pg. 100
C. Servi tude
D . D i sposi ti on
T he pri mary types of servi tude(s) i s/are:
A. Predi al
D . Both A and B
B. Personal
C. Property
Pg. 100
D . Both A and B
E . A, B, and C
The ___________ es ta te is the one for which a pr edia l s er vitude g ives r ig hts , wher ea s the
_________ es ta te is the one on which a pr edia l s er vitude encumber s .
A. D omi nant, servi ent
A. Domina nt, s er vient
B. S er vient, domina nt
Pg. 112-113
C. Us ufr uct, ha bita tion
D. Ha bita tion, us ufr uct
_______________ i s a ri ght of l i mi ted durati on on the property of another and i s
consi dered i ncorporeal .
D . Usuf ruct
A. T ol erati on
B. M ortgage
C. N ote
D . Usuf ruct
Pg. 101-102
LA 20 22 No tary Exam
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Accor ding to CC 223, pa r ents ha ve, dur ing ma r r ia g e, the enjoyment of the pr oper ty of their
childr en until:
A. Chi l dren become deceased
F . Onl y B and C
B. Childr en r ea ch the a g e of ma jor ity
C. Childr en become ema ncipa ted
Pg. 105
D. All of the a bove
E. Only A a nd B
F. Only B a nd C
D i f f erent el evati ons between two estates woul d be an exampl e of :
A. N atural Servi tudes
A. N atural Servi tudes
B. Predi al Servi tudes
Pg. 114
C. D i sti nct Servi tudes
D . D i screti onary servi tudes
Assumi ng an estate owner has no access to a publ i c road, the owner may cl ai m a(n):
B. Ri ght of passage
A. Usuf ruct
B. Ri ght of passage
Pg. 115-116
C. D ue process
D . Ri ght of habi tati on
Servi tudes are:
A. Af f i rmati ve
B. N egati ve
C. Al l of the above
C. Al l of the above
Pg. 117-118
D . N one of the above
Among the ways predi al servi tudes may be exti ngui shed i s by:
A. Use
B. D esi re of servi ent estate owner
C. Prescri pti on of non-use
C. Prescri pti on of non-use
Pg. 124
D . N one of the above
General pl ans governi ng bui l di ng standards, speci f i c uses, and such l i ke, are
cal l ed:
D . Bui l di ng Restri cti ons
A. Predi al servi tudes
B. Personal Servi tudes
Pg. 127-128
C. Usuf ructs
D . Bui l di ng restri cti ons
General l y speaki ng, a donati on i nter vi vos i s ______________ upon acceptance by
the donee.
B. I rrevocabl e
A. Revocabl e
B. I rrevocabl e
Pg. 129-130
C. D i screti onary
D . N ul l
Oner ous dona tions , r emuner a tive dona tions , ma nua l g ifts a nd cer ta in incor por ea l mova bles
evidenced by cer tifica te, document, or other wr iting tha t is tr a ns fer a ble by endor s ement or deliver y
notwiths ta nding , a dona tion if immova ble pr oper ty mus t be:
D . I n authenti c act
A. Acknowl edged
B. Ver ba l
C. Wr itten
D. In a uthentic a ct
E. Both A a nd B
F. None of the a bove
Pg. 149-151
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I f a donati on i s not accepted by the donee, the donati on ___________.
D . I s i nval i d
A. I s val i d
B. I s val i d wi th restri cti ons
C. Coul d be decl ared i nval i d
Pg. 134-135
D . I s i nval i d
Val i d donati ons requi re donati ve:
A. Restri cti ons
B. Li ti gati on
C. Recompense
D . I ntent
Pg. 131-132
D . I ntent
A cl ear expressi on that property i s bei ng gi ven gratui tousl y and that the donor i s
di vesti ng hi msel f of the property wi thout any recompense woul d be cl assi f i ed as:
A. Capaci ty
B. Dona tive Intent
C. Dona tive nullifica tion
B. D onati ve I ntent
Pg. 131-132
D. Authentic a ct ver ifica tion
When two parti es agree to create, modi f y, or exti ngui sh obl i gati ons, a
__________ occurs.
A. Contract
A. Contract
B. Speci f i cati on
Pg. 153
C. Conveyance
D . Lesi on beyond moi ty
T he substi tuti on of one person to the ri ghts of another, whi ch may occur, f or
exampl e, wi th i nsurance, i s consi dered:
C. Subrogati on
A. A conveyance
B. A contract
Pg. 158-159
C. Subrogati on
D . A dati on en payment
I n order f or a contract to be val i d, parti es must have:
A. Ca pa city
B. Cons ent
E . Al l of the above
C. Object
D. Ca us e
Pg. 167-172
E. All of the a bove
F. None of the a bove
T he ki nd of matri moni al regi me that i s "l egal " i s the:
A. Contractual
B. Party l egal
C. Partl y Contractual
D . Communi ty
Pg. 199
D . Communi ty
A communi ty property regi me al ways consi sts of :
A. Acquets and gai ns
B. M ortgage
C. Conveyances
D . Reservati on of F rui ts
A. Acquets and gai ns
Pg. 199
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Ci vi l Code arti cl e 2339 speci f i es that by def aul t, property that i s the f rui t of
separate i s:
C. Communi ty property
A. Separate property sti l l
B. Parti al separate/parti al communi ty property
Pg. 200-201
C. Communi ty property
D . Avai l abl e f or j udi ci al revi ew.
A matri moni al regi me communi ty resul ts i n a :
B. A regi me separate f rom the spouses
A. Juri di cal person
B. A regi me separate f rom the spouses
C. A regi me whereby the spouses have an equal , 1/2 share
Pg. 199-200
D . A natural person
I nheri tance i s consi dered:
A. Communi ty property
B. Separate property
C. Al l of the above
B. Separate property
Pg. 204
D . N one of the above
A notary may construct a:
C. Contractual Regi me
A. Legal regi me
B. M atri moni al regi me
Pg. 207-209
C. Contractual Regi me
D . N one of the above- an attorney must be used f or al l matri moni al regi mes
A communi ty may be termi nated by:
A. Mutua l cons ent s ubs equent to the ma tr imonia l r eg ime being cr ea ted
B. S epa r a tion fr om the s a me domicile for one yea r
C. S pous a l r eques t
D . D i vorce
Pg. 205-207
D. Divor ce
M marri age that requi res premari tal counsel i ng i s a:
A. M arri age by j usti ce of the peace
B. Covenant marri age
C. M arri age wi thi n a church
B. Covenant M arri age
Pg. 198-199
D . M arri age i nvol vi ng a mi nor aged 17
A sel l er i s bound to:
A. N ot del i ver the thi ng sol d
E . N one of the above
B. D i scl ose hi dden def ects at hi s di screti on
C. Sel l somethi ng that may work f or use
Pg. 219-223
D . Al l of the above
E . N one of the above
Buyers are bound to:
A. Pay
A. Pay
B. Rent
C. Si gn a contract
D . N othi ng
Pg. 223-225
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A sel l er may i nvoke l esi on beyond moi ety i f the thi ng was sol d f or:
A. Less than one-f ourth i t's actual cost
B. Less than one-thi rd of i t's actual cost
C. Less than one-hal f i ts actual cost
C. Less than one-hal f i ts actual cost
Pg. 224-225
D . N one of the above
Where the l ease of a movabl e i s not a f i nanced l ease (or rental -purchase l ease as
def i ned i n the l aw), i t i s theref ore deni ed as a(n):
A. T rue l ease
A. T rue l ease
B. F al se l ease
Pg. Ch. 14
C. T emporary l ease
D . Permanent l ease
A uni l ateral j uri di cal act that conf ers authori ty on another person i s cal l ed a(n):
B. procurati on
A. M andate
B. Procurati on
Pg. 248
C. Condi ti onal procurati on
D . Power of attorney
E xpress authori ty i s requi red i n order f or a mandatary to:
A. Accept or renounce the successi on
B. Create a wi l l
C. E xceed the authori ty granted
A. Accept or renounce the successi on
Pg. 251-252
D . Paraph the note
T he pri nci pal must perf orm the obl i gati ons that the mandatary contracted wi thi n:
C. Li mi ts of hi s authori ty
A. 3 year peri od
B. 5 year peri od
Pg. 255
C. Li mi ts of hi s authori ty
D . Scope speci f i ed i n the wi l l
A M andatary may be hel d personal l y bound:
B. By exceedi ng the authori ty granted
A. N ever
B. By exceedi ng the authori ty granted
C. By operati ng wi thi n the authori ty granted
Pg. 254
D . By executi ng the i nstrument speci f i ed i n the power of attorney
T he death of a pri nci pal means that the mandate:
A. I s termi nated
B. I s termi nated wi thi n a 6-month peri od
C. I s granted to the successor pri nci pal
A. I s termi nated
Pg. 258
D . I s granted to the successor mandatary
A suretyshi p must be done:
A. E i ther verbal l y or i n wri ti ng
B. Verbal l y
C. I n wri ti ng
D . I n Authenti c act
C. I n wri ti ng
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Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng I S N OT a f orm of suretyshi p?
B. Resi denti al
A. Legal
B. Ordi nary
Pg. 263
C. Commerci al
D . Resi denti al
A sti pul ati on i n the suretyshi p contract notwi thstandi ng, a surety i s l i abl e f or the
f ul l perf ormance of the:
B. Pri nci pal obl i gati on
A. D ebt
B. Pri nci pal obl i gati on
Pg. 265-266
C. T emporary obl i gati on
D . Ownershi p obl i gati on
A ________ is a r ea l r ig ht es ta blis hed by contr a ct over cer ta in types of pr oper ty cr ea ting a
pr efer ence over cer ta in types of pr oper ty in fa vor of a s pecific cr editor a s s ecur ity for the
pa yment of a s um of money or the per for ma nce of a n oblig a tion.
C. Pl edge
A. S ur ety
B. Cor por ea l
Pg. 271
C. Pledg e
D. Colla ter a l a g r eement
M ortgages have no ef f ect agai nst thi rd persons unti l they are:
D . Recorded
A. Si gned by the wi tnesses
B. Si gned by the party si gni ng the promi ssory note
Pg. 291
C. D ated by hand
D . Recorded
To ca ncel a mor tg a g e s ecur ing a pa r a phed oblig a tion, a n a ccepta ble document tha t would
a ccompa ny the r eques t to ca ncel would be:
A. The or ig ina l oblig a tion ma r ked pa id or ca nceled
B. A document s ig ned by the oblig or s ta ting tha t the oblig a tion is fulfilled
C. A copy of the or ig ina l r ecor ded ins tr ument
A. T he ori gi nal obl i gati on marked pai d or cancel ed
Pg. 297-298
D. A la tter s ent via cer tified ma il s ta ting tha t the oblig a tion ma y be ca ncelled
T he "l ost note" af f i davi t:
A. M ay be used i n the event of an emergency
B. I s no l onger accepted
C. I s accepted as l ong as a notary attests to i ts val i di ty
B. I s no l onger accepted
Pg. 302-303
D . I s not accepted unl ess the ori gi nal mortgagor attests to i ts val i di ty
T he col l ateral mortgage note can be i ssued and rei ssued wi thout exti ngui shi ng:
A. T he hand note
B. T he col l ateral mortgage
C. T he Conveyance bond
B. T he col l ateral mortgage
Pg. 306-307
D . N one of the above
A non-possessory ri ght created over property f or the perf ormance of an obl i gati on i s
C. M ortgage
A. Conveyance
B. Qui tcl ai m
C. M ortgage
D . N ote
Pg. 285
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M ortgages created by contract are consi dered:
A. Judi ci al
B. Conventi onal
C. Legal
B. Conventi onal
Pg. 285-286
D . N one of the above
M ortgages ari si ng f rom j udgment are consi dered:
A. Judi ci al
A. Judi ci al
B. Conventi onal
Pg. 285-287
C. Legal
D . N one of the above
M ortgages ari si ng by operati on of l aw are consi dered:
C. Legal
A. Judi ci al
B. Conventi onal
Pg. 288-299
C. Legal
D . N one of the above
M ortgage ef f ecti vel y grants:
D . Ri ghts
A. Ownershi p
B. Possessi on
Pg. 285
C. T i tl e
D . Ri ghts
I f the thi ng destroyed i s encumbered by mortgage, the mortgage i s:
A. Permanent
B. E xti ngui shed
C. Granted
B. E xti ngui shed
Pg. 285-286
D . I ndemni f i ed
A mortgage must be recorded i n the pari sh:
A. Where the mortgage property exi sts
B. Where the mortgage was executed
C. Where the mortgagor i s domi ci l ed
A. Where the mortgaged property exi sts
Pg. 293-294
D . Where the mortgagee has i ts pri nci pal pl ace of busi ness
A(n) ___________ i s a l awf ul , vol i ti onal act i ntended to have l egal consequences:
A. Juri di cal act
B. Authenti c act
C. Oath
A. Juri di cal Act
Pg. 315
D . D eposi ti on
Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng i s N OT a component of a j uri di cal act necessari l y?
A. H eadi ng
B. Appearance cl auses
C. Si gnatures
D . Paraph
D . Paraph
Pg. 332
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In the pr ea mble of a nota r ia l a ct wher eby two pa r ties a r e lis ted, the nota r y mor e tha n likely:
A. Ha d a commis s ion in one pa r is h then moved to a nother pa r is h
B. Is domiciled in a differ ent pa r is h fr om wher e he is commis s ioned
C. Accounts for being commis s ioned in one pa r is h while qua lified in a differ ent pa r is h
D. Cons ider s two lis ting pa r is hes pa r a mount in or der to dis clos e r ecipr ocity.
C. Accounts f or bei ng commi ssi oned i n one pari sh whi l e qual i f i ed i n a di f f erent
pari sh
Pg. 333-334
T he porti on of the act contai ni ng the detai l ed agreement of the parti es i s the:
C. Body
A. H eadi ng
B. Appearance cl auses
Pg. 342
C. Body
D . Attestati on
E xcept where the l aw speci f i cal l y provi des otherwi se (such as i s the case f or
wi l l s), a wi tness may be:
A. A person of proper understandi ng
A. A person of proper understandi ng
B. At l east 16 years ol d
Pg. 348-349
C. At l east 18 years ol d
D . A maj or or mi ni mal l y, an emanci pated mi nor
Wi tnesses f or testaments must be:
B. 16 years ol d
A. T he age of maj ori ty
B. 16 years ol d
Pg. 350
C. 18 years ol d
D . 21 years ol d
An i ncompetent wi tness f or a testament accordi ng to Ci vi l Code 1581 woul d be
def i ned as:
D . Al l of the above
A. Person unabl e to si gn thei r name
B. Person under the age of 16
Pg. 350
C. A person who i s bl i nd
D . Al l of the above
E . A and B onl y
I t coul d be sai d that general l y, al l natural persons enj oy the general l egal
capaci ty to have ri ghts and duti es:
A. At fa ce va lue, but with ca vea ts
B. After a ppr opr ia te pr ofes s iona l eva lua tion
C. Upon the a g e of ma jor ity
A. At f ace val ue, but wi th caveats
Pg. 336
D. S ubject to the timely a ppea r a nce of the nota r y a t a jur idica l a ct s ig ning
An authenti c pri vate act i s consi dered:
A. I l l egal and consi dered nul l
B. An oath
C. A certi f i ed copy of the ori gi nal
D . An acknowl edged act
Pg. 327
D . An Acknowl edged act
A compl ete, sel f -provi ng act notari al act i s:
A. A pri vate act wi th the appearers si gnatures
B. An authenti c act
B. An authenti c act
C. An act sti pul ated by the settl or
D . Al l of the above
E . N one of the above
Pg. 8, 318-323
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Recordi ng i s a statutory duty requi red of the:
C. N otary
A. Parti es
B. Wi tnesses
Pg. 59
C. N otary
D . E nti ty f or whom the act wi l l benef i t
A(n) ___________ i s a sol emn promi se:
A. Oath
A. Oath
B. Authenti c Act
Pg. 363
C. Pri vate act, dul y acknowl edge
D . Af f i davi t
A contr a ct to s ell r ea l pr oper ty in which the pur cha s e pr ice is to be pa id by the buyer to the s eller in
ins ta llments , a nd in which the s eller , a fter pa yment of the s tipula ted s um, a g r ees to deliver title to
the buyer :
D . Bond f or deed
A. Ca s h s a le
Pg. 372-373
B. Cr edit s a le
C. Da tion en Pa iment
D. Bond for deed
Bond f or deed contracts are subj ect to requi rements f or regi stry af f ecti ng thi rd
A. I n the same manner as true conveyances
A. In the s a me ma nner a s tr ue conveya nces
B. Upon complete pa yment of the bond for deed
Pg. 372-373
C. When the conveya nce its elf a s s ocia ted with the bond for deed is filed
D. Never
A contract whereby each party transf ers to the other the ownershi p of a thi ng other
than money i s:
D . E xchange
A. Credi t Sal e
B. Cash Sal e
Pg. 377-378
C. Bond f or D eed
D . E xchange
T he i nstrument whereby the grantor transf ers, rel i nqui shes, or qui ts any cl ai m he
may have i n a thi ng i s a(n):
A. Qui t cl ai m
A. Qui t cl ai m
B. Cash Sal e
Pg. 374-375
C. E xchange
D . N one of the above
Vente a remere i s al so cal l ed a(n):
A. Ri ght of f i rst ref usal
B. Sal e wi th ri ght of redempti on
C. Li mi tati on on durati on
B. Sal e wi th ri ght of redempti on
Pg. 375-377
D . T i mber sal e
I nter vi vos means
A. Between the l i vi ng
B. Af ter death
C. I n contempl ati on of l i f e
D . I n contempl ati on of death
A. Between the l i vi ng
Pg. 688
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A provi si on f or conveyances may be:
A. N o ti tl e exami nati on
E . N one of the above
B. Reservati on of mi neral ri ghts
C. Reservati on of usuf ruct
Pg. 389-390
D . A servi tude
E . Al l of the above
E . N one of the above
I n contempl ati on of a conf essi on of j udgment, a consti tuent woul d general l y be
addressi ng:
D . E xecutory process
A. Servi tudes
B. A property descri pti on addendum
Pg. 389-390
C. Correcti ng the paraph
D . E xecutory process
T he document(s) that a secretary of a corporati on woul d si gn decl ari ng authori ty
by vi rtue of a board deci si on i s a:
B. A corporate resol uti on
A. T he arti cl es
B. A corporate resol uti on
Pg. 393-394
C. T he regi strati on f or servi ce of process
D . A decl arati on of authori ty
T he of f i ce that addressed movabl es i s the:
A. Cl erk of court
B. Secretary of state
C. Of f i ce of M otor Vehi cl es
C. Of f i ce of M otor Vehi cl es
Pg. 423
D . T he di stri ct court
T he f orm general l y used to address moveabl e f i nanci ng consi derati ons i s the:
C. T he UCC-1
A. D onati on document
B. T he authenti c Act
Pg. 429
C. the UCC-1
D . T he D M V F orm 372
T he of f i ce/person that col l ects sal es tax f or mavabl es i s the:
A. Of f i ce of M otor Vehi cl es
B. Cl erk of Court of f i ce of the transacti on venue
C. Secretary of State's of f i ce
A. Of f i ce of M otor Vehi cl es
Pg. 439-440
D . T he ex-of f i ci o notary who actual l y notari z es the ti tl e transacti on
I n terms of movabl e property, a trade i n:
A. Is cha r g ed ba s ed on the a pplica ble pa r is h ta x
B. Is cha r g ed ba s ed on the a pplica ble pa r is h s a les ta x
C. Is not cha r g ed if the mova ble is mor e tha n 5 yea r s old
D . I s not charged
Pg. 439-440
D. Is not cha r g ed
Vehi cl es transf erred to Loui si ana f rom other states are subj ect to road tax:
A. Ba s ed on domicile or pr ima r y bus ines s a ddr es s of the buyer
B. Ba s ed on vehicle va lue lis ted in NADA
C. Ba s ed on r ecipr oca l pa r is h a g r eements
D. Ba s ed on domicile or pr ima r y bus ines s s a ddr es s of the s eller
B. Based on vehi cl e val ue l i sted i n N AD A
Pg. 439-440
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T he transf er of a deceased person (the decendent) to hi s successors i s a :
D . Successi on
A. Conveyance
B. Wi l l
Pg. 443
C. T rust
D . Successi on
General l y speaki ng, ____________ have capaci ty to make testaments.
C. Al l
A. M aj ors
B. E mani ci pated mi nors
Pg. 459
C. Al l
D . T hose domi ci l ed i n Loui si ana
Parti cul ar, general , and uni versal are the three types of :
A. M ortgages
B. Conveyances
C. T estamentary di sposi ti ons
C. T estamentary di sposi ti ons
Pg. 461
D . D onati ve di sposi ti ons
I f a testator i s unabl e to read because of physi cal i mpai rment, he may:
A. Not wr ite a tes ta ment
C. Wri te a testament wi th addi ti onal f ormal i ti es
B. Ma y wr ite a tes ta ment s ubject to r eview by a tr us t a ttor ney
C. Wr ite a tes ta ment with a dditiona l for ma lities
Pg. 468-470
D. Appea l the judicia l dis tr ict of his domicile for inter vention
I f a testator al i enates the f orced porti on, the testament:
A. I s subj ect to parti ti on
B. I s nul l
B. I s nul l
C. I s consi dered val i d i f the f orced hei r achi eves the appropri ate age wi thi n 5
Pg. 479
D . N one of the above
A(n) ___________ is a tes ta menta r y dis pos ition not ma de in tr us t, in which a leg a tee is g r a nted
pr oper ty a s owner with the condition tha t, upon his dea th, the pr oper ty is to be g iven to a nother :
A. Prohi bi ted Substi tuti on
A. Prohi bi ted subsi ti tuti on
B. T rust
Pg. 481
C. Wi l l
D . H ei rshi p Sti pul ati on
D i si nhersi on of a f orced hei r:
A. M ay never occur
B. M ay occur f or any reason
C. M ay occur by def aul t
D . M ay occur i f the testator gi ves reason i n the wi l l
Pg. 489-492
D . M ay occur i f the testator gi ves reason i n the wi l l
Acceptabl e reasons f or di si nhersi on are:
A. The child, being a minor , ma r r ied without the cons ent of pa r ents
D . Al l of the above
B. The child ha s eben convicted of a cr ime punis ha ble by life impr is onment or dea th
C. The child ha s r a is ed his ha nd to s tr ike a pa r ent
D. All of the a boce
E. A a nd B only
Pg. 489-492
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Ci vi l code arti cl e 257, whi ch al l ows a parent to appoi nt a tutor:
A. Mus t be included in a will
B. Ma y be s ig ned without witnes s es a s long a s it's nota r iz ed
C. Ma y be s ta nd-a lone a uthentic a ct
C. M ay be stand-al one authenti c act
Pg. 493
D. Accounts for both tutor s hip a nd for ma l a doption in the event of the pa r ent's dea th
I n terms of a wi l l , the notary may al so operate as a(n):
A. E xecutor
A. E xecutor
B. Wi tness
Pg. 485-486
C. Legatee
D . T estator
I n consi derati on of testaments, you CAN :
A. Change the order of successi on
D . Al l of the above
B. M odi f y usuf ructs
C. M ake bequests to non-f ami l y members
Pg. 483-496
D . Al l of the above
E . N one of the above
A(n) _____________, a s the ter m us ed in R.S . 9:1731, is the r ela tions hip r es ulting fr om the
tr a ns fer of title to pr oper ty to a per s on to be a dminis ter ed by him a s a fiducia r y for the benefit of
a nother .
A. T rust
A. T rust
Pg. 510
B. Wi l l
C. Successi on
D . T estament
A tr us t ins tr ument tha t pla ces r es tr a ints on a lienta ting a n inter es t in the tr us t, whether tha t
inter es t be in income or pr incipa l, is ca lled a ___________ tr us t.
D . Spendthri f t
A. Regul ar
B. Chari tabl e
Pg. 523-524
C. Cl ass
D . Spendthri f t
A __________ creates a trust.
C. Settl or
A. T rustee
B. Legatee
C. Settl or
D . T estator
I nter vi vos trusts may be created by:
A. Authenti c act
A. Authenti c act
B. Act under pri vate si gnature
Pg. 511
C. Af f i davi t
D . N one of the above
I n terms of trusts and f orced porti ons, the trust:
A. M ay exceed the l i f e of the f orced hei r
B. M ay not exceed the l i f e of the f orced hei r
B. Ma y not exceed the life of the for ced heir
C. Ma y exceed the life of the fr oced heir if the for ced heir a ttempted to s tr ike the pa r ents
D. Ma y not exceed the life of the for ced heir if the for ced heir wa s the a g e of ma jor ity
Pg. 521-522
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______________ is a n under ta king of a nota r y public a ppointed by the cour t to loca te, identifym
inventor y, a nd a ppr a is e pr oper ty under the a dminis tr a tion of a cour t.
D . Publ i c i nventory
A. Successi on
B. Operati on of Law
Pg. 530
C. Smal l successi on
D . Publ i c i nventory
T he notary who i s commi si oned to take a publ i c i nventory hol ds a speci al
authori ty and acts as an of f i cer of the ___________.
D . Court
A. D ecendent
B. H ei r
Pg. 531-532
C. T rustee
D . Court
"Process Verbal " i s part of a(n):
A. Smal l successi on
B. Act of Correcti on
C. Publ i c i nventory
C. Publ i c i nventory
Pg. 537-539
D . Oath
A "recapul ati on: i s part of a(n):
A. Smal l successi on
B. Act of Correcti on
C. Publ i c i nventory
C. Publ i c i nventory
Pg. 539
D . Oath
T he gross amount of an estate cannot exceed ___________ i s a smal l successi on i s
to be used.
C. $125,000
A. $50,000
B. $75,000
Pg. 542
C. $125,000
D . $150,000
A(n) __________ is a n individua l (or ma r r ied couple in a leg a l r eg ime) who owns a bus ines s
enter pr is e tha t is not a dis tinct entity s epa r a te fr om the owner .
A. Sol e propri etorshi p
A. Sol e propri etorshi p
B. Corporati on
Pg. 549-550
D . Partnershi p
A(n) __________ is a jur idica l per s on, dis inct fr om its pa r tner s , cr ea ted by a contr a ct between two
or mor e per s ons to combine their effots or r es our ces in deter mined pr opor tions a nd to colla bor a te
a t mutua l r is k for their common pr ofit or commer icia l benefit.
D . Partnershi p
A. Sol e propri etorshi p
B. Cor por a tion
Pg. 551-558
D. Pa r tner s hip
A(n) ____________ i s a j uri di cal person di sti nct f rom i ts owners wherei n
pwndershi p i s vested wi th sharehol ders.
B. Corporati on
A. Sol e propri etorshi p
B. Corporati on
D . Partnershi p
Pg. 558-565
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A(n) _________ is a jur idica l per s on ha ving one or mor e member s a nd or g a niz ed under Title 12,
Cha pter 22. Owner s hip is r epr es ented by member s hip.
A. Sol e propri etorshi p
B. Corporati on
Pg. 565-571
D . Partnershi p
A pa r tner s hip wher ein ther e is a tlea s t one g ener a l pa r tner with r ig hts a nd oblig a tions of a n
or dina r y pa r tner , a nd one or mor e limited pa r tner s who s ha r e in pr ofits a nd los s es na s ed on their
A. Partnershi p i n commendam
level of contr ibutuion is ca lled a (n):
A. Partnershi p i n commendam
Pg. 552
B. Pa r tner s hip
C. Or g a niz ed pa r tner s hip
D. Or dina r y pa r tner s hip
An acre equal s:
A. 200'x200'
B. 100'x100'
C. 802.7'x802.7'
D . 208.7'x208.7'
Pg. 406
D . 208.7'x208.7
A secti on equal s:
A. 1 square mi l e
B. 6 square mi l es
C. 36 square mi l es
A. 1 square mi l e
Pg. 406
D . 100 square mi l es
A townshi p equal s:
A. 1 square mi l e
B. 6 square mi l es
C. 36 square mi l es
C. 36 square mi l es
Pg. 400-401
D . 100 square mi l es
Paral l el to north/south meri di an l i nes are:
A. Range l i nes
A. Range l i nes
Pg. 400
B. T ownshi p l i nes
Paral l el to east/west base l i nes are:
B. T ownshi p l i nes
A. Range l i nes
Pg. 400
B. T ownshi p l i nes
Property descri bed f rom boundary to boundary i s sai d to be descri pti ons:
A. General l y
B. Per aversi onem
C. Per metes and bounds
D . N one of the above
B. Per aversi onem
Pg. 406
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Property descri bed ai n course and di stance around the tract or by natural or
record monuments i s:
C. Per metes and bounds
A. General l y
B. Per aversi onem
Pg. 407
C. Per metes and bounds
D . N one of the above
Stocks are ri ghts wi thi n stocks are general l y exampl es of :
A. I ncorporeal movabl es
B. I ncorporeal i mmovabl e
C. Corporeal movabl e
A. I ncorporeal movabl es
Pg. 83-86
D . Corporeal i mmovabl e
A servi tude i s an exampl e of :
A. I ncorporeal movabl es
B. I ncorporeal i mmovabl e
C. Corporeal movabl e
B. I ncorporeal i mmovabl e
Pg. 100
D . Corporeal i mmovabl e
A domi nant estate:
A. I s burdened wi th a servi tude
B. Benef i ts f rom a servi tude
C. Al ways resi des wi thi n publ i c access ri ght of way
B. Benef i ts f rom a servi tude
Pg. 112-113
D . I s a matter of opi ni on of the attorney
Servi tudes can be:
A. Af f i rmati ve
B. N egati ve
C. N one of the above
D . Both A and B
Pg. 117-118
D . Both A and B
A servi ent estate:
A. I s burdened wi th a servi tude
B. Benef i ts f rom a servi tude
C. N ever has access to the publ i c road
A. I s burdened wi th a servi tude
Pg. 100
D . Cannot be al tered by a j uri di cal act
A wi l l can modi f y usuf ructs:
A. As l ong as the usuf ructs do not af f ect the matri moni al regi me
B. Assumni ng the usuf ructs don't run wi th the l and
C. Assumi ng the usuf ructs do run wi th the l and
D . Wi thout f urther consi derati ons
Pg. 483-484
D . Wi thout f urther consi derati on
T he Lati n term that best tel l s the notary to beware i s:
A. Caveat E mptor
B. Caveat N otari us
C. Supra
D . M orti s Causa
B. Caveat N otari us
Pg. 608, Ch. 30
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T he Lati n termthat expresses "I n contempl ati on of death" i s:
D . M orti s Causa
A. Caveat E mptor
B. Caveat N otari us
C. Supra
Pg. 692, Ch. 24
D . M orti s Causa
Rel ease of ri ghts i s:
A. Pact de non al i enando
B. Qui tcl ai m
C. Li ci tati on
B. Qui tcl ai m
Pg. 695
D . N one of the above
Busi nesses are exampl es of :
B. Juri di cal persons
A. N atural persons
B. Juri di cal persons
Pg. 547
C. N one of the above
What i s a f emal e cal l ed who serves as the executor of a wi l l i s cal l ed a(n):
A. E xecutri x
A. E xecutri x
B. E xecutor
C. T estatri x
Pg. 685
D . T estator
T he person to whom ti tl es to the trust property i s transf erred, whi ch i s to be
admi ni stered by hi m as f i duci ary i s cal l ed the:
B. T rustee
A. Legatee
B. T rustee
Pg. 699
C. H ei r
D . E xecutor
T he di f f erence between the suf f i x "tri x" and "tor" i s
A. Rel ati onshi p to the decedent
B. Rel ati onshi p to the trustee
C. Busi ness status
D . Gender
Pg. 699
D . Gender
Whi ch f orm M UST be i n authenti c f orm:
A. D onati on
B. M ortgage
C. Act under pri vate si gnature
A. D onati on
Pg. 323-325
D . Oath
T he concept of a court uphol di ng an act passed by a notary who i s not compl etel y
qual i f i ed at the ti me the act was executed i s known as the _______________
doctri ne.
A. D e f acto
A. D e f acto
Pg. 67
B. I mposter
C. Judi ci ary
D . D e j ure
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N otari es are requi red to f i l e reports wi th the secretary of state:
B. Annual l y
A. M onthl y
B. Annual l y
Pg. 71
C. Bi -annual l y
D . At the ti me of commi ssi on and suspensi on
I f a notary us l ate f i l i ng the annual report, the notary i s consi dered:
A. Permanentl y suspended
B. D i sbarred
C. T emporari l y suspended
C. T emoprari l y suspended
Pg. 71
D . Subj ect to commi ssi on revocati on
F or ci ti z ens, the notary appl i cant must be a regi stered _________ i n the paari sh
of hi s resi dence.
A. Voter
A. Voter
B. T ax payer
Pg. 68
C. Resi dent
D . N one of the above as l ong as al l other qual i f i cati ons are met
General l y speaki ng, i n order f or notari es to be val i dl y commi ssi oned, they must:
A. Ha ve r es idence in the pa r is h of their commis s ion
D . Al l of the above
B. Be a r eg is ter ed voter in the pa r is h of commis s ion
Pg. 68-69
C. Be cur r ently bonded or ins ur ed
D. All of the a bove
E. A a nd B only
T he pri mary anci l l ary tutl e that addresses notary l aw i s:
B. R.S. 35
A. R.S. 9
B. R.S. 35
Pg. 31, Appendi x A
C. R.S. 15
D . R.S. 27
N ame f or person i n whose f avor a mortgage i s granted
M ortgagee
An LLC, corporati on, or partnershi p
Juri di cal Persons
Person named i n a Wi l l
LA 20 22 No tary Exam
Study this set o nline at: https://www.cram.co m/flashcards/la-20 22-no tary-exam129 39 56 9
Person di sposed to i nheri tance by operati on of l aw
H ei r
Sworn to and descri bed bef ore me.......
Common l aw versi on of a servi tude
E asement
Conf erri ng some or al l of the ef f ects of maj ori ty on a mi nor
E manci pati on
Acts f or the pri nci pal
M andate
Pri vel ege granted by l aw to protect workmen f or payment
Li en
Contract made that establ i shes separate property or modi f i es the l egal regi me
M atri moni al Agreement
Li near measurement descri pti ons i n property
M etes and bounds
LA 20 22 No tary Exam
Study this set o nline at: https://www.cram.co m/flashcards/la-20 22-no tary-exam129 39 56 9
E vi dence of exi sti ng debt
Promi ssory note
Person wi th granti ng authori ty
Pri nci pal
Legal enti ty created contractual l y by two or more persons
Partnershi p
Owner of property burdened wi th usuf ruct
N aked owner
Grants a mortgage
M ortgagor
Agreement by a party to l et another person use a thi ng f or a f i xed pri ce and term
One who has di ed wi thout a wi l l
I ntestate
Common l aw descri pti on of the ci vi l l aw tutor
Guardi an
LA 20 22 No tary Exam
Study this set o nline at: https://www.cram.co m/flashcards/la-20 22-no tary-exam129 39 56 9
Person above age of maj ori ty decl are i ncapabl e of cari ng f or sel f by a court
I nterdi ct
T o burden wi th cl ai m such as a mortgage
E ncumber
A person entrusted wi th the property of another
F i duci ary
Anythi ng that i s not i mmovabl e by l aw
M oveabl e
Lessor of property
Landl ord
Between l i vi ng persons
I nter vi vos
Catal og or l i st under oath of property of a person or successi on
I nventory
A personal servi tude granted to a natural person to dwel l i n the house of another
H abi tati on