STUDENT ASSESSMENT TASKS BSBCRT511 DEVELOP CRITICAL THINKING IN OTHERS This resource is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission as expressed in the RTO Works License Agreement. The information contained in this resource is, to the best of the project team’s and publisher’s knowledge true and correct. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, but the project team and publisher do not accept responsibility for any loss, injury or damage arising from such information. While every effort has been made to achieve strict accuracy in this resource, the publisher would welcome notification of any errors and any suggestions for improvement. Business Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Business Services Training Package. Contents Introduction 4 Assessment Task 1: Project 5 Assessment Task 1: Checklist 14 Final results record 19 Introduction The assessment tasks for BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others are outlined in the assessment plan below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course. Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the advice provided in the Business Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully. Assessment for this unit BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop critical thinking in others for products, programs, processes or services to an operational level. For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete one assessment task: Assessment Task 1: Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a project portfolio. BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 4 Assessment Task 1: Project Information for students In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a number of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio. You will need access to: a suitable place to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a meeting space and computer and internet access your learning resources and other information for reference your Student Assessment Tasks Project Portfolio template the Simulation Pack (if using the case study) or policies and procedures relating to critical thinking or training and team members willing to participate in meetings (if using own business). Ensure that you: review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business Works Student User Guide comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines answer all questions completely and correctly submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced submit a completed cover sheet with your work avoid sharing your answers with other students. i Assessment information Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on: where this task should be completed how your assessment should be submitted. Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that. BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 5 BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 6 Activities Complete the following activities: 1. Carefully read the following: This project requires you to develop and support a critical and creative thinking environment within an organisation or work area (such as a department or project team). To do this, you will assume a managerial role to support a specific team (and its individual members) with critical and creative thinking. Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career. For this reason, we are giving you the choice to base this project on your own business, one you work in or a familiar with, or you can use the case study provided. This will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a relevant, practical, and meaningful way to your own situation! If you are using the case study business, all relevant information for you to complete this assessment can be found in the Simulation Pack. You will assume the role of Sales and Marketing Manager and will support the Sales and Marketing team in critical and creative thinking. If you are basing this assessment on your own choice of business or work area, make sure you have access to all required information (read through the requirements in the green boxes below for further information). Choose a suitable leadership role that you’ll assume for this assessment and identify an appropriate team and individuals within the team that require coaching in critical thinking. It’s important that critical thinking forms an important part of the job role(s) of the individuals within the team. The individuals should represent a diverse group of people (e.g., different cultures, genders, languages, ages etc.). Speak to your assessor to get approval if you want to base this on your own business. You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below. Before you begin, complete page 4 of your Project Portfolio. You are required to describe the business you are basing this assessment on, the managerial role you will assume and the team and individual(s) you will support regarding critical thinking. Start working on Section 1 of your Project Portfolio. Steps 2 to 4 form part of Section 1. If you are basing this assessment on your own business, you need access to critical thinking or workplace training policies and procedures. If you do not have access to such policies and procedures, you may use those provided in the Simulation Pack if they are suitable for your business. BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 7 2. Research critical and creative thinking. Research critical and creative thinking. Write a report (approximately two pages) including: i 3. a summary of at least three models of critical and creative thinking five characteristics of critical and creative thinking features of critical thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation description and characteristics of formal and informal organisational learning environments and systems (at least two each) best practice approaches for instructing teams and individuals in critical thinking (at least three) examples of how the critical thinking can be applied in the workplace (at least two) list of what a safe critical and creative work environment includes (at least two). Make sure you access at least four sources of information and reference them correctly. Describe and analyse critical thinking in your chosen workplace. Provide an overview of your chosen organisation or work area’s objectives, processes, and resources. Describe any legislative requirements related to critical thinking and your team as well as the implicit and explicit organisational requirements (as outlined in the organisational policies and procedures). i Implicit requirements are the requirements that are expected but not overtly documented or explained (e.g., acknowledge different learning styles or recognise the impact of cultural background on learning and creativity). Explicit requirements are the requirements that have been documented (e.g., all staff must undergo Workplace Health and Safety training.). Analyse the organisational systems regarding critical thinking. To do this, assess whether critical thinking is embedded in the organisation culture, identify systems and processes already in place that support critical thinking and list any barriers to critical and creative thinking. BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 8 4. Plan to discuss critical and creative thinking with your team. Before you meet with the team, read through the meeting requirements (step 5) and plan for the meeting as follows: Plan how you will articulate key features of critical and creative thinking concepts to your team. Create any required supporting resources (such as a fact sheet, PowerPoint presentation etc) to assist. Develop questions to identify critical and creative thinking knowledge gaps in your team and its individual members. You will ask these questions at the meeting. Identify what you are willing to negotiate (regarding critical thinking) and how you will go about negotiating (if using the case study, your assessor will assign a problem to you that you will prioritise during negotiations). Choose two critical thinking skill/tool/techniques you will use in the meeting to determine potential solutions for the workplace problem you’ve chosen (e.g., brainstorming, cause-effect, opposite thinking etc). This will provide an opportunity for team members to apply critical thinking skills to workplace problems. Plan how you will approach teamwork and communication for a diverse group of people so that its inclusive and collaborative. Include how you will go about establishing connections and building genuine understanding at the meeting. Also describe how you will elicit the views of the diverse team members. Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1. Submit to your assessor for review. You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in your in Section 1 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission. Start working on Section 2 of your Project Portfolio. Steps 5 to 8 form part of Section 2. If you are basing this assessment on your own business, you need access to at least two team members who are willing to participate in a meeting that will be viewed by your assessor (in person, online or via a recording). These team members should represent a diverse group of people (e.g., different personalities, cultures, genders, ages, beliefs etc.) 5. Meet with your team to determine team and individual team member’s critical and creative thinking knowledge gaps and provide them an opportunity to apply critical thinking skills. Meet with at least two of your team members. At the meeting: Articulate key features of critical and creative thinking concepts (using the resources you created such as a fact sheet). BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 9 Ask the questions you prepared to identify at least two critical and creative thinking knowledge gaps for your team and at least two critical and creative thinking knowledge gaps for at least one individual team member. Collaborate to establish your team’s views and experience of the organisation’s approach to critical thinking. Explain the problems being experienced in the team and negotiate with team members which problem is the most pressing and relevant. Apply critical thinking as a team to the negotiated problem to determine potential solutions (use the two skills/techniques/tools you planned one after the other). As you engage with team members, you are required to demonstrate effective communication and teamwork skills including: speaking clearly and persuasively to communicate your ideas and thoughts asking questions and listening to seek the views and opinions of all team members using appropriate language suitable to the team dynamics. As you interact, establish connections and understanding with each team member and make sure you collaborate and negotiate using techniques that includes and considers all participants. You will be assessed on this. i If you are basing this assessment on your own business, this meeting will take place with actual people who work for/are associated with your chosen business. If you are using the case study, classmates and/or your assessor may play the role of the team members. Your assessor will assign role play participants to you. The meeting can either be viewed in person or online by your assessor or you may like to video record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and take no longer than 20 minutes. If this session is not viewed in person by your assessor, you will attach proof of the meeting to Section 2 of your Project Portfolio. At the end of the meeting, summarise the meeting outcomes. Include: at least two critical and creative thinking knowledge gaps for your team at least two critical and creative thinking knowledge gaps for one individual team member (you may choose any one of the team members) team/individual’s experience of organisation’s approach to critical thinking a description of the problem chosen through negotiation at the meeting as the most pressing and relevant solutions generated at the meeting. BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 10 Draft an email to the meeting participants to provide them with feedback on their participation in the meeting and their performance of the two critical thinking tasks. i 6. Depending on your team, and the feedback that must be given, you may need to draft more than one email. The feedback you provide should be authentic and based on the actual performance and participation of team members at the meeting. Facilitate one formal learning opportunity to address identified gaps. Facilitate one formal learning opportunity for team member(s) to address at least one of the identified gaps from your team meeting. As you facilitate the learning opportunity, comply with organisational and legislative requirements. Also seek feedback from the team member(s) on their experience of the opportunity. i 7. If you are using the case study, your formal learning opportunity and will depend on the team member whose knowledge gaps you identified at the team meeting. The formal opportunities are: Sales representative Email links of relevant cultural sensitivity YouTube clips to the staff member and ask that they watch it as part of their work hours and make notes about what they’ve learnt. As part of your email, request that they provide feedback once they’ve completed the activity. Advertising staff Source best practice examples of digital creativity and share them in an email to the advertising staff member. Ask that the staff member looks at the examples during work hours and makes notes about what they’ve learnt. As part of your email, request that they provide feedback once they’ve completed the activity. Call centre staff Email a link to a useful YouTube video that shows how to create graphs to the staff member and ask that they watch it as part of their work hours and practice what they’ve learnt. As part of your email, request that they provide feedback once they’ve completed the activity. Facilitate an informal learning opportunity to address identified gaps. Facilitate one informal learning opportunity for team member(s) to address at least one of the identified gaps from your team meeting. As you facilitate the learning opportunity, seek feedback on the team member’s experience of the opportunity. i If you are using the case study, your informal learning opportunity addresses the team’s difficulty analysing information and determining facts. You must send a daily riddle (for one week) via email to the team for them to solve. When you send the last riddle for the week, request their feedback on the learning opportunity. BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 11 8. Develop critical and creative thinking processes. Use the work done in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio and the knowledge you’ve gained from the team/individual meeting(s) to develop two processes that may be followed by your team to create a safe environment for critical and creative thinking. i If you are using the case study, you must: develop a process for the Sales and Marketing Team that uses an internal online discussion forum or chat group to assist each other establish whether the customer complaint is factual or perceived (i.e., is it fact or fiction) develop a procedure to guide the graphical representation of customer complaint data. You may represent the process in any appropriate way (e.g., flowchart, list, paragraph). Use business language appropriate to the audience who will be reading and using the processes. Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 2. Submit to your assessor for review. You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to attach as outlined in your in Section 2 of the Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission. You will use the work done in this section of the Project Portfolio to monitor and improve creative thinking practices. Start working on Section 3 of your Project Portfolio. Step 9 forms part of Section 3. You will use the feedback provided by your assessor when they marked Section 2 of the Project Portfolio. 9. Monitor and improve critical thinking practices. First analyse feedback received about the learning opportunities you provided. Then, evaluate your own performance. Reflect on the opportunities you provided to identify your strengths and weaknesses in developing critical thinking in others. Monitor the team’s critical thinking performance and identify at least two recommendations for improvement in future learning. Also state how additional support can be provided for your team and the individuals in the team. i Make sure your recommendations adhere to implicit and explicit organisational and legislative requirements. Choose one recommendation and develop it. BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 12 i If you are using the case study, you must plan for monthly critical thinking meetings. Develop an agenda for the first meeting. Use the template provided in the Simulation Pack. 10. Submit your completed Project Portfolio. Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all necessary attachments as indicated. BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 13 Assessment Task 1: Checklist Student’s name: Completed successfully? Did the student: Yes Comments No Research critical and creative thinking and write a report (approximately two pages) including: a summary of at least three models of critical and creative thinking five characteristics of critical and creative thinking features of critical thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation description and characteristics of formal and informal organisational learning environments and systems (at least two each) best practice approaches for instructing teams and individuals in critical thinking (at least three) examples of how the critical thinking can be applied in the workplace (at least two) list of what a safe critical and creative work environment includes (at least two)? Describe and analyse critical thinking in their chosen workplace including: Providing an overview of the chosen organisation or work area’s objectives, processes, and resources Describing any legislative requirements related to critical thinking and the team as well as the BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 14 implicit and explicit organisational requirements Analyse the organisational systems regarding critical thinking (assess whether critical thinking is embedded in the organisation culture, identify systems and processes already in place that support critical thinking and list any barriers to critical and creative thinking)? Plan to discuss critical and creative thinking with their team, including: Planning how they will articulate key features of critical and creative thinking concepts to your team and creating any required supporting resources (such as a fact sheet, PowerPoint presentation etc) to assist Developing questions to identify critical and creative thinking knowledge gaps in the team and its individual members Identifying what they are willing to negotiate and how they will go about negotiating Choosing two critical thinking skill/tool/techniques they will use in the meeting to determine potential solutions for the workplace problem you’ve chosen Planning how they will approach teamwork and communication for a diverse group of people so that its inclusive and collaborative (including how they will go about establishing connections, building genuine understanding at the meeting and eliciting the views of the diverse team members)? BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 15 Meet with at least two of the team members to: articulate key features of critical and creative thinking concepts ask the questions to identify at least two critical and creative thinking knowledge gaps for the team and at least two critical and creative thinking knowledge gaps for at least one individual team member collaborate to establish their team’s views and experience of the organisation’s approach to critical thinking explain the problems being experienced in the team and negotiate with team members which problem is the most pressing and relevant apply critical thinking as a team to the negotiated problem to determine potential solutions (use the two skills/techniques/tools you planned one after the other) engage with team members by: o speaking clearly and persuasively to communicate your ideas and thoughts o asking questions and listening to seek the views and opinions of all team members o using appropriate language suitable to the team dynamics establish connections and understanding with each team member? Draft an email to the meeting participants to provide them with feedback on their participation in the meeting and their performance of the two critical thinking tasks? BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 16 Facilitate one formal learning opportunity for team member(s) to: address at least one of the identified gaps from the team meeting comply with organisational and legislative requirements seek feedback from the team member(s) on their experience of the opportunity? Facilitate one informal learning opportunity for team member(s) to: address at least one of the identified gaps from the team meeting comply with organisational and legislative requirements seek feedback from the team member(s) on their experience of the opportunity? Develop two processes that may be followed by the team to create a safe environment for critical and creative thinking? Monitor and improve critical thinking practices by: analysing feedback received about the learning opportunities they provided evaluating their own performance monitoring the team’s critical thinking performance and identifying at least two recommendations for improvement in future learning stating how additional support can be provided for their team and the individuals in the team developing one of the recommendations? BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 17 Task outcome: Satisfactory Not satisfactory Assessor signature: Assessor name: Date: BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 18 Final results record Student name: Assessor name: Date Final assessment results Result Task Type Assessment Task 1 Project Overall unit results Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not submit S U DNS C NYC Feedback My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me. I would like to appeal this assessment decision. Student signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________ I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out according to the required assessment procedures. Assessor signature: ______________________________________ Date: _______________ BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others | 19