Uploaded by Frankie Tang

AI & IoT in Telecommunications: Project Proposal

1) What is the suggested topic of your Extended project?
Implications of AI/internet of things for telecommunication
2) Why have you chosen this topic?
This fits my study subjects(math/physics) well, which I could start it
with basic knowledge, also this is the topic that I interested for lots of
years. I might put my research much closer to a position of “ways and
speed of information transfer across the world and outside the Earth “.
But I will definitely mention and compare the advantages and
disadvantages of it as well.
3) What are the important themes/key words within this topic? Which
search terms will you use to find information on your topic? Think of
as many as you can
Speed of information transfer / costs of information transfer
Different ways of sending information / information transfer to outside
the Earth
4) What are the key questions about this topic you want to investigate in
your project?
1. Research Question 1: why we need develop Al/ internet things
2. Research Question 2:how does it matter to daily lives
3. Research Question 3:negative effects?
5) What do you think will be most difficult when researching and writing
your report? How’s will you deal challenges and three solutions.
Resource and research I find will probably really professional, how
can I rearrange the things, put it in my report in a convincible way,
could let people who don’t know about physics also understand
1. Explain necessary professional key words. E.g. Dyson sphere
2. Use enough referencing list that let people could search them by
3. Put more weight on effects and so on, avoid too may deep
academic words.