A Comparative Study of Grid-Forming Controls and their Effects on Small-Signal Stability This paper was downloaded from TechRxiv (https://www.techrxiv.org). LICENSE CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 SUBMISSION DATE / POSTED DATE 03-02-2023 / 05-09-2023 CITATION Lamrani, Yahya; Colas, Frédéric; Van Cutsem, Thierry; Cardozo, Carmen; Prevost, Thibault; Guillaud, Xavier (2023). A Comparative Study of Grid-Forming Controls and their Effects on Small-Signal Stability. TechRxiv. Preprint. https://doi.org/10.36227/techrxiv.22006310.v2 DOI 10.36227/techrxiv.22006310.v2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. XX, NO. Y, MONTH 2023 1 A Comparative Study of Grid-Forming Controls and their Effects on Small-Signal Stability Yahya Lamrani, Student Member, IEEE, Frédéric Colas, Member, IEEE, Thierry Van Cutsem, Fellow Member, IEEE, Carmen Cardozo, Member, IEEE, Thibault Prevost, Member, IEEE, Xavier Guillaud, Member, IEEE Abstract—The increasing penetration of power-electronics interfaced resources brings new challenges regarding the smallsignal stability of power systems. To address this issue, gridforming controlled converters have emerged as an alternative to their conventional grid-following counterparts. This paper investigates the mechanisms behind converters driven stability and quantifies the stabilizing effect of grid-forming controls. The linearized state space model of different combinations of control strategies is analyzed in a multi-infeed system considering various operating points. Through a parametric sensitivity study and an examination of the participation factors of key eigenvalues of the linearized models, it is confirmed that grid-forming controls contribute to system stabilization. Moreover, this paper demonstrates that this stabilizing effect varies significantly depending on the specific grid-forming control implemented: whether a current control loop is used or not, notably impacts stability. Index Terms—Small-signal stability, grid-following, gridforming, current control, interaction phenomena. I. I NTRODUCTION D UE to the increasing efforts to limit the effects of climate change, the energy transition has been accelerated to meet the growing electricity consumption with carbon-neutral energy sources. Most of these sources, such as photovoltaic or wind, use converters to connect to the grid. This paradigm shift from an electrical grid dominated by synchronous generators to a system with a high rate of heterogeneously distributed non-synchronous generation brings new challenges to the power system. Non-synchronous generation behaves differently; for instance, it does not inherently provide inertia, system strength and it has a significantly lower current overload capacity. This combination of properties results into grids that are characterized as weaker than the traditional grids [1]. Today, the majority of the deployed non-synchronous generation is Grid-Following (GFL) controlled. This solution is well established in both academia and industry, reaching a certain level of harmonization. It always refers to an almost identical control structure including outer loops in cascade with a current control loop, and a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) for synchronization [2]. However, GFL controls are known to be sensitive to the grid strength and can become unstable in weak network conditions [3]. Therefore, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) recognizes both the decrease of synchronous generation and This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible the increase of GFL-controlled sources as destabilizing factors of the power system. More recently, Grid-Forming (GFM) control has been acknowledged as a promising alternative to overcome this potential barrier to the massive deployment of converter interfaced resources [1], [4]. However, many control schemes fall under the umbrella of GFM control. The common trait of all GFM schemes is that the controls set the references for the angle and the amplitude of the converter modulated voltage. The angle reference can be obtained with different solutions: droop control, power-synchronization control, synchroverters, Virtual Synchronous Machine (VSM), virtual synchronous generator or IP control [2], [5]–[8]. It has been shown that these schemes, when properly tuned, lead to an equivalent dynamic behavior [9], with the VSM scheme being the most adopted in literature for transmission systems applications as it offers a more familiar transition from the traditional synchronous generation [10]. As for the voltage amplitude reference, it can be set directly or via a current control loop. The use of a current loop has been privileged so far as it allows a straightforward saturation of the currents during faults and the re-use of extensively studied current loops implemented in the GFL control [11]. Multiple solutions have been proposed to generate the current references under the GFM control scheme such as the conventional dual loop, the virtual impedance or the use of a Quasi-Static Electrical Model (QSEM) (also referred to as the virtual admittance) with the use of the QSEM proving to be the most stable solution [11], [12]. Moreover, recent works have shown that it is possible for GFM controls to handle large disturbances events without requiring a current loop [13]. Therefore, investigating the necessity and the impact of the current control on GFM schemes becomes a valid question, which, to the knowledge of the authors, hasn’t been sufficiently addressed in the literature. Past the controls nomenclature, the comparative stability studies between GFL and GFM controls have mostly used a setup consisting of a single converter connected to a Thévenin equivalent, where the equivalent impedance represents the grid strength expressed by the Short-Circuit Ratio (SCR). Such a setup is quickly limited by the static power transfer limit (regardless of the controls) when considering realistic reactive power limits of the units. It also fails to highlight the interaction phenomena encountered in the real power system due to the presence of multiple converters. In [14], a multiinfeed system was studied to determine the maximal hosting capacity of GFL-controlled converters of a given system. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. XX, NO. Y, MONTH 2023 However, the many simplifications and assumptions (such as identical control for all converters) reduces the model to a single converter to infinite bus configuration that overlooks interaction phenomena among converters. When interaction phenomena are studied [15], they are presented among GFLcontrolled converters only to highlight the impact of the bandwidth of the PLL and of the power injection on the smallsignal stability of the system. A setup was proposed in [16] to study the small-signal stability of multiple converters while overcoming the static power transfer limit and without neglecting interaction phenomena. However, its scope was limited to GFL-controlled converters. Additionally, when both GFL and GFM controls are considered [17], [18], the analysis either provides tuning recommendations rather than an explanation of the stabilizing impact of the GFM control, or it compares GFM and GFL based on a voltage source/current source behavior, which is an unfair comparison as the distinction stems from a circuit difference rather than a control difference (LC filter for GFM-controlled converters and LCL filter for GFL-controlled converters). Finally, even in studies directly targeting the improvement brought by GFM controls, little attention is paid to their specific type. In fact, it is often assumed that all GFM controls yield similar stability improvements, provided they are properly tuned and fulfill the primary functions of synthetic inertia and/or frequency droop [19]. In conclusion, although several studies have analyzed multiinfeed systems, no demonstration of the stabilizing effect of different types of GFM controls has been provided. To fill these gaps, this paper proposes the following contributions: • Investigation of the GFM control stabilizing effect: it is shown that the stabilizing properties of a GFM-controlled converter vary significantly depending on the presence of current control for an otherwise identical GFM control. • Proposal of a dedicated test setup suitable for studying interaction phenomena among converters in a weak grid. The setup is voluntarily kept as simple as possible to allow a physical interpretation of the analysis of the underlying instability mechanisms. This paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the building blocks of the studied systems by presenting the control structures, their tuning, as well as their state-space models. Section III studies the parametric sensitivity of the proposed 2-converter setup with respect to the grid strength, in order to showcase the variation on the stability limits resulting from different controls combinations. The underlying interaction phenomena and their impact on the stability limits is also analyzed. Section IV utilizes the findings of Section III to determine the minimal proportion of GFM-controlled converters required to stabilize the system by mitigating GFLrelated interactions. This analysis is carried out on a threeconverter system operating close to the previously identified stability limit. Finally, Section V concludes the paper. II. P RESENTATION OF DIFFERENT CONTROLS In the following subsections, three controls are presented: GFL, voltage-controlled GFM (vcGFM) and currentcontrolled (ccGFM), respectively. In addition to the control 2 structure, the tuning of its parameters and the equations describing the dynamic behavior of the controls are also detailed. The linearized state-space model of each control is then derived considering the building blocks shown in Fig. 1, where the inputs are the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) voltages, the power and voltage references and the outputs are the injected currents. Fig. 1: Converter module A. Grid-following control The GFL control structure is recalled in Fig. 2. The smallsignal model is established in the Park reference, with the assumption of a constant DC link voltage. The control operates in a local Park reference frame denoted by the subscript ”dq ”, while the subscript ”xy ” denotes the grid-side Park reference frame. The PLL synchronizes the local d-q frame to the PCC voltage vg by providing θ̃g , an estimate of the phase angle θg of that voltage. The estimated angle is used in the Park transformation and in its inverse, respectively denoted as P (θ̃g ) and P (θ̃g )−1 [2]. The currents and voltages used by the control are measured at the PCC and are filtered to reflect the bandwidth of the measurement devices. Fig. 2: Grid-following control structure Naturally, as the voltages and currents are filtered in the three-phase frame, the differential equations for vgfxy and ifgxy accounts for the axis cross coupling. The control is set to track the active power injection P to P ∗ and to regulate the PCC voltage to V ∗ , where V ∗ is set to provide a Q-V droop shown in Eq. (1) [20]: V ∗ = V0 + kQ (Q∗ − Q) (1) where kQ is the droop gain, Q is the measured reactive power produced by the converter, and V0 and Q∗ are the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. XX, NO. Y, MONTH 2023 voltage and the reactive power references, respectively, such that the voltage setpoint V ∗ is equal to V0 when the reactive power produced is equal to Q∗ . The outer loops controlling the active power and the PCC voltage generate the reference currents i∗dq used by the current controller. In turn, the current ∗ control sets the reference for the modulated voltages vm dq using the Proportional Integral (PI) controllers. Finally, the ∗ modulated voltage vm is affected by a delay to account for dq the effect of the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), reflected by the switching frequency fsw . Using various design studies and recommendations for stable GFL control under weak grid conditions [21]–[23], the above GFL is tuned as shown in Table I. In this table, ωp , ωv , ωLP F and ωcc denote the bandwidths of active power control, voltage control, low-pass filter and current control, respectively. Besides the small-signal stability considerations, ωcc is also adjusted to account for the switching frequency fsw , in order to avoid undesired interactions with the low level control. The PLL PI controller gains are calculated based on the PLL natural frequency ωn and its damping ratio ξ. TABLE I: GFL parameters Control Inputs filtering Outer loops PLL Current control PWM Parameter finputs ωp ωv kQ ωLP F ωn ξ ωcc fsw Value 5 kHz 10 rad/s 50 rad/s 0.15 300 rad/s 50 rad/s 1 1200 rad/s 2 kHz The relationship between the ”dq ” and the ”xy ” sets of variables is detailed in Eqs. (2) involving the phase angle estimate provided by the PLL. cos(θ̃g − θg ) sin(θ̃g − θg ) vgfdq = vgfxy −sin(θ̃g − θg ) cos(θ̃g − θg ) cos(θ̃g − θg ) sin(θ̃g − θg ) ifgdq = ifgxy (2) −sin(θ̃g − θg ) cos(θ̃g − θg ) cos(θ̃g − θg ) −sin(θ̃g − θg ) ∗ ∗ vm = vm xy dq sin(θ̃g − θg ) cos(θ̃g − θg ) The PWM-induced delay is modeled using a first-order Padé approximation as follows: −s + α ∗ v (s) (3) vmabc (s) = s + α mabc where α depends on the switching frequency. The state-space model inputs, state variables and outputs are defined as follows: UGF L = [vgx , vgy , P ∗ , Q∗ ] XGF L = [igx , igy , P f , Qf , V f , ζ P , ζ V , ζ id , ζ iq , ζ P LL , θ̃g , Px , Py , vgfx , vgfy , ifgx , ifgy ] YGF L = [igx , igy ] (4) (5) (6) where igx and igy are the currents injected into the grid by the converter. P f , Qf , V f are respectively the filtered 3 active power, reactive power and PCC voltage. The five ζ i state variables are related to the integrators of the various PI controllers and Pxy are the state variables associated with the Padé approximation of the delay in the Park reference frame. The differential equations converted in Laplace domain, in per-unit (pu), can be found in the Appendix. B. Voltage-controlled GFM The vcGFM control structure, shown in Fig. 3 uses the VSM ∗ scheme proposed in [9] to generate the reference angle θm and track the active power reference, while providing an inertial and damping effect, denoted H and ξ, respectively. The VSM scheme utilizes a PLL, identical to the one previously chosen for the GFL scheme, to obtain an estimation of the grid angular frequency ω̃g . Furthermore, the current dynamics are actively ∗ damped by modifying the voltage references vm using a dq 0 Transient Virtual Resistor (TVR) [24], [25]. The modulated voltage is controlled by directly setting the references of vmdq 0 to (V ∗ , 0), which are then rotated by the generated reference ∗ angle θm . By controlling the magnitude of the modulated voltage behind the connection transformer, the control scheme yields a QV droop whose value corresponds to the leakage inductance Lc of the transformer. Incidentally, this is common practice in conventional power plants. Fig. 3: Voltage-controlled GFM control structure The delay, seen in Fig. 3, is identical to the one considered for the GFL control. Similarly to the GFL control, as well, the currents and voltages measured at the PCC are filtered to reflect the measurement devices bandwidths. The TVR parameters are chosen to cover the possible resonances of the AC system [26]. The full control parameters are provided in Table II. TABLE II: vcGFM parameters Control Angle control TVR Parameter H ξ ωf Rv Value 5s 1 60 rad/s 0.09 The linearized state-space model of the vcGFM-controlled converter is built similarly to that of the GFL-controlled converter with the local Park reference frame being rotated ∗ by θm instead of θ̃g . The state-space model inputs and state variables are listed in Eqs. (7) and (8), respectively, while the output variables are those already defined in Eq. (6). UvcGF M = [vgx , vgy , P ∗ , V ∗ ] (7) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. XX, NO. Y, MONTH 2023 4 ∗ Pxy , ζ P LL , θ̃g , vgfxy , ifgxy , igxy and ζ θm variables obey the same differential equations as for the vcGFM-controlled converter. ζ idq are the state variables associated with the current PI controllers. The differential equations describing the dynamic behavior of the newly introduced state variables are detailed in Eqs. (A3). III. S TABILITY LIMIT OF A 2- CONVERTER SYSTEM As shown in [16], the classical small-signal studies using a Thévenin equivalent are not sufficient to determine the stability limits of different controls, for various grid strengths. In this section, precisely, the stability limits are investigated in a completely different setup where no power flows into the Thévenin equivalent representing the external grid. To that purpose, the 2-converter system proposed in [16] to improve GFL controls is used here to determine the small-signal stability limit of the previously presented controls for various levels of grid strength. First, the stability limit of two GFLcontrolled converters is assessed. One of the two converters is then changed into vcGFM and ccGFM control, respectively, to evaluate the contribution to stability of each GFM VSC type. Fig. 4: Current-controlled GFM control structure TABLE III: ccGFM parameters Control QSEM filter Current control Parameter QSEM ωLF P ωcc Value 62.5 rad/s 1200 rad/s ∗ ∗ XvcGF M = [igx , igy , ζ θm , θm , ζdT V R , ζqT V R , Px , Py , ζ P LL , θ̃g , vgfx , vgfy , ifgx , ifgy ] (8) A. Setup description Pxy , ζ P LL , θ̃g , vgfxy , ifgxy and igxy variables obey the differential equations already detailed in the Appendix for the GFL ∗ control. ζ θm is the state variable related to the VSM controller TV R of the power loop and ζdq are the state variables related to the TVR washout filter. The differential equations describing the dynamic behavior of the newly introduced state variables are detailed in Eqs. (A2). C. Current-controlled GFM Fig. 5: Description of the 2-converter setup The ccGFM control structure, presented in Fig. 4, involves ∗ .Similarly to the vcGFM the same VSM scheme to generate θm control, the voltage references are set for the modulated voltage.However, a current loop is used to generate the modulated voltage references, as presented in [11]. The QSEM of the circuit between the modulated voltage and the PCC voltage is used to determine the reference values of the currents i∗dq , according to Eq. (9). 1 Rc ω̃Lc f ∗ ∗ (vm − vdq ) (9) idq = 2 dq Rc + (ω̃Lc )2 −ω̃Lc Rc where ω̃ is the estimated converter angular frequency obtained f ∗ as the time derivative of θm and vdq is the filtered PCC voltage. It must be noted that the PCC voltage used for the QSEM is filtered to cover only the frequency range appropriate to the above-mentioned quasi-static model. For a fair comparison, the current control loop used here is identical to that of the GFL scheme. The set of parameters used is given in Table III. The linearized state-space model of the ccGFM-controlled converter is built similarly to that of the vcGFM-controlled converter, with identical inputs and outputs. The state variables are as follows: ∗ ∗ XccGF M = [igx , igy , ζ θm , θm , vdf , vqf , ζ id , ζ iq , Px , Py , ζ P LL , θ̃g , vgfx , vgfy , ifgx , ifgy ] (10) TABLE IV: 2-converter setup parameters Circuit VSC Filter OHL Grid Parameter Snom , Sb Unom , Ub Pnom Qmax Lc Rc Ll Rl Lg Rg Value 1.044 GVA 400 kV 1 GW 300 MVAr 0.15 pu 0.005 pu 0.144 pu 0.0072 pu 0.5 pu 0.05 pu The setup used to study the small-signal stability is shown in Fig. 5. The system consists of two converters: V SC1 and V SC2 , where V SC1 is GFL-controlled while V SC2 is controlled in GFL, vcGFM and ccGFM mode, successively. Each converter is connected via a 30-km long Overhead Line (OHL) to a Thévenin equivalent, denoted with subscript ”g ”. The Thévenin impedance (Rg + ωb Lg ) is used as a metric of the grid strength.The circuit parameters are detailed in Table IV. The operating point is set so that V SC1 is absorbing its nominal active power while V SC2 is injecting its nominal active power, thus limiting the power flowing through the grid IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. XX, NO. Y, MONTH 2023 5 1.08 VSC2 in GFL mode: Non-linear model VSC2 in GFL mode: Linear model VSC2 in ccGFM mode: Non-linear model VSC2 in ccGFM mode: Linear model VSC2 in vcGFM mode: Non-linear model VSC2 in vcGFM mode: Linear model 1.06 1.04 1.02 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 Time (s) Fig. 6: V SC1 PCC voltage response to a grid side phase jump impedance. This way, the system can operate for increasing values of the grid impedance with limited reactive power requirements. The state-space model of the setup is developed by associating the previously established state-space models to the state-space model of the network, which has been detailed in [16]. The state-space variables of the network are expressed as: Xsys = [ig0x , ig0y , ig1x , ig1y , ig2x , ig2y ] (11) Therefore, the full system state variables are represented by the vector [Xsys , XV SC1 , XV SC2 ]. Fig. 7: System eigenvalues for varying grid impedance TABLE V: Dominant modes for Zg = 0.7 pu Setup Eigenvalue Damping ratio GFL-GFL 3.67 ± 97.13i 3.7% GFL-vcGFM −54.7 ± 312.5i 17.3% GFL-ccGFM −76.4 ± 515i 14.6% B. Validation of the linearized model Using the state-space models of the network and the VSC blocks under different controls, the 2-converter system statespace model is assembled and linearized at the following operating point: ∗ ∗ PV SC1 = −PV SC2 = −Pnom VV∗SC1 = VV∗SC2 = 1 pu egxy = [1, 0] (12) Before proceeding to stability studies, the linearized model has been validated in time-domain by comparing it to the full nonlinear model implemented in Matlab-Simulink. The validation consisted in comparing the responses to the non-linear model in case of a π/40 phase jump of the voltage source eg . The results are shown in Fig 6. It is clearly seen that the linearized model accurately replicates the non-linear model’s dynamics and is used henceforth for the system stability analysis. C. Sensitivity to the grid strength The sensitivity of the system to the grid strength is studied by assessing its small-signal stability for increasing values of the grid impedance. Thus, the state-space model of the full 2-converter setup is linearized for various values of the grid impedance and the eigenvalues of the linearized system are analyzed. The parametric study is conducted for values of Zg ranging from 0.5 pu to 3 pu, which would characterize an extremely weak grid. Lg and Rg are accordingly varied to keep a X/R ratio of 10.Figure 7 shows a sample of the parametric sensitivity of the three controls combinations. The stability limit is defined as the first operating point for which at least one of the eigenvalues of the linearized system has a positive real part, which is also confirmed via EMT timedomain simulations. The figures show a clear stability advantage of the GFM controls with the vcGFM outperforming the ccGFM. The GFL-GFL setup is the first to become unstable, at Zg = 0.8 pu while the GFL-GFM combinations remain stable for higher values of Zg . In fact, the GFL-vcGFM shows very little sensitivity to the grid impedance and no stability limit for the studied range of Zg values. The GFL-ccGFM combination has a significantly higher stability limit than the GFL-GFL setup as it is stable up to Zg = 1.38 pu. Beyond the simple comparison of the stability limits of the setups, the parametric sensitivity also allows analyzing the dynamic behavior of the three setups as they approach their stability limits. For example, at Zg = 0.7 pu, the three configurations can be compared in terms of the eigenvalues that are most sensitive to the grid strength. This comparison is presented in Table V, where both GFL-GFM setups exhibit significantly better damping than the GFL-GFL counterpart. D. Interaction phenomena interpretation through participation factors For a deeper understanding of the observed differences between the three setups, it is of interest to study how IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. XX, NO. Y, MONTH 2023 Grid VSC1 𝑋 𝑋 6 VSC2 𝑋 (a) VSC2 in GFL mode Grid VSC1 𝑋 𝑋 VSC2 𝑋 (b) VSC2 in vcGFM mode Grid 𝑋 VSC1 𝑋 VSC2 𝑋 (c) VSC2 in ccGFM mode Fig. 8: Participation factors of the three setups in their respective dominant modes the various controls and system parameters contribute to the instability phenomenon, via the state variables governed by the said control and system parameters [27]. To that purpose, for the previously identified dominant, or eventually unstable eigenvalue, the participation factors of the state variables are analyzed. The results, corresponding to the eigenvalues from Table V and Zg = 0.7 pu, are shown in Fig. 8. For the GFL-GFL setup, the results definitely confirm the converter interaction and instability mechanisms previously reported in the literature. The states of both converters contribute to the critical eigenvalue via the voltage regulation and the PLL state variables (ζ V and θ̃g , grayed out in Fig. 8a), which reflects the electrical proximity of the two converters PCCs. The PLL and the voltage control are closely correlated: the PLL uses the PCC voltage to synchronize the control frame in which the current references are generated to regulate the voltage. The injection of these currents causes the volatility of Vpcc which is accentuated in weaker grids, eventually leading to unstable operation, as reported in multiple references (e.g. [15], [28]). Note that the observed asymmetry between the contributions of the two converters state variables is due to the higher stability of GFL control for a rectifier mode operating point. In fact, a GFL-controlled converter displays a higher stability margin when, all things being equal, the active power Fig. 9: Description of the multi-infeed setup reference point is negative (rectifier mode) than when it is positive (inverter mode) [29]. When V SC2 is in vcGFM mode, the noticeable difference is the absence of contribution of the GFL state variables to the dominant mode, which further confirms that this setup remains stable even for extremely weak grids. In fact, in this system, the vcGFM provides a full decoupling between the GFL converter and the weak grid, thus mitigating the potential GFL-weak grid interactions and significantly improving the system dynamic behavior and stability limit. Finally, when V SC2 is controlled in ccGFM mode, the contributions of the GFL control are significantly limited in contrast to the GFL-GFL setup. This mitigation of the GFLweak grid interaction can be attributed to the improvement brought by the ccGFM control. However, the GFL contribution to the critical eigenvalue is not completely neutralized, which explains why this setup becomes unstable before its GFLvcGFM counterpart. Furthermore, two ccGFM state variables f are contributing to the eigenvalue: vdq , grayed out in Fig. 8c. These state variables are used by the QSEM to generate the current references used by the current control (see Eq. (9)). This explains why vcGFM control shows better stability than the ccGFM control: the ccGFM control relies on the PCC voltage measurements for its current control, which makes it more vulnerable to the grid strength: indeed, a less stiff grid leads to a more volatile Vpcc and consequently a less stable operation of the ccGFM. IV. S TABILIZING PROPERTIES OF GFM CONTROLS IN A MULTI - INFEED SYSTEM This section aims at showing the stability improvement brought by adding a GFM-controlled converter to multiple GFL-controlled converters. As GFM control is more recent than GFL control and not all existing GFL-controlled installations can be retro-fitted to GFM control, it is interesting to determine the minimal additional capacity of GFM-controlled converters required to stabilize a given system hosting multiple GFL-controlled converters. A. Setup description The setup used in the previous section is modified such as V SC2 is split into two converters: V SC21 and V SC22 , respectively, where V SC21 operates in GFL-mode and V SC22 in vcGFM or ccGFM mode, while obeying the constraint: V SC21 V SC22 V SC2 Snom + Snom = Snom = Sb (13) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. XX, NO. Y, MONTH 2023 7 Grid 𝜆 VSC1 VSC22 VSC21 𝜆 (a) VSC22 in vcGFM 𝑋 𝑋 𝑋 𝑋 Fig. 11: Participation factors with VSC22 in ccGFM mode Grid VSC21 VSC1 VSC22 (b) VSC22 in ccGFM Fig. 10: System eigenvalues for varying VSC22 proportion This model is representative for example, of a wind farm, in which a subset of generators are controlled in GFM mode and the rest in GFL mode, each subset being represented by an aggregated model. The setup is shown in Fig. 9. The network parameters remain identical to those in Table IV, with Rc and Lc keeping their values in pu but each referred to the V SC22 V SC21 ) of their respective converter. or Snom MVA base (Snom Furthermore, Zg is set to 1 pu. This leads to an operating point far beyond the stability limit of the GFL-GFL setup (Zg = 0.8 pu), and, hence, allows assessing the stabilizing impact of GFM-controlled converters. Similarly to the setup of Section III, the state space model of the network is built with the state variables Xsys shown in Eq. (11). The full system state variables are represented by the vector [Xsys , XV SC1 , XV SC21 , XV SC22 ]. In accordance with the 2-converters setup, the operating point of the whole system is chosen as follows: ∗ ∗ ∗ PV SC1 = −(PV SC21 + PV SC22 ) = −Pnom VV∗SC1 = VV∗SC2 = 1pu (14) egxy = [1, 0] 𝑋 𝑋 Grid 𝑋 VSC21 VSC1 𝑋 𝑋 𝑋 𝑋 VSC22 𝑋 Fig. 12: Participation factors with VSC22 in vcGFM mode with the type of the GFM control: the ccGFM control has to be 15 times bigger than its vcGFM counterpart. Indeed, while the 3% proportion is enough with a vcGFM control for the system to reach small-signal stability, the proportion climbs to 45% with the ccGFM control. Past the strict definition of small-signal stability, the minimal proportion required by both GFM controls to reach a satisfactory dynamic performance also varies significantly. As shown by the 10% damping ratio cone in Fig. 10, a 8% proportion with vcGFM control is enough to guarantee an acceptable dynamic performance of the system while the ccGFM control required for an equal performance is only achieved for a 99% proportion. B. Comparison of the respective contributions of the ccGFM and vcGFM to system stability C. Mitigation of interactions phenomena In the same manner as presented in the previous section, the state-space model has been linearized and validated through comparisons with the non-linear model in time-domain. The stabilizing effect of the GFM controls is evaluated V SC22 by determining the minimal proportion (Snom /Sb ) of the GFM-controlled converter required to stabilize the system at the operating pointFigure 10 shows the root loci relative to the vcGFM and ccGFM control, respectively, when varying the above mentioned proportion. It is remarkable that the required converter proportion can be as low as 3%, further highlighting the stabilizing impact of the GFM control. V SC22 On the other hand, the minimal Snom /Sb proportion required to restore small-signal stability varies significantly In Section III, the stabilizing effect of the GFM controls has been traced back to the mitigation of the interactions between the GFL-controlled converters through the weak grid, brought by GFM controls decoupling the GFL-controlled converters from the network variables.Now, the participation factor analysis is repeated to shed light on the underlying mechanisms explaining these latter results. For the case with ccGFM control, the parametric sensitivity allows identifying the eigenvalue that first becomes unstable, and, consequently, dominates the system dynamics. Figure 11 shows the participation factors of the various state variables when V SC22 is in ccGFM mode. The contributions of the two GFL-controlled converters, previously identified in Fig. 8, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. XX, NO. Y, MONTH 2023 8 the same power flow pattern as before. For this study, the passive load is chosen as a purely resistive load chosen such as its power consumption is 10% of Sb , it follows that: V SC1 Snom = 0.9Sb (a) VSC22 in vcGFM (b) VSC22 in ccGFM Fig. 13: Parametric sensitivity to VSC22 size with a load are reaffirmed, though with the additional contributions of the ccGFM filters used for the V SC22 QSEM. The ccGFMcontrolled converter fails to sufficiently limit the interactions between the GFL-controlled converters and the weak grid, which explains why a larger ccGFM-controlled converter V SC22 (and a correspondingly smaller GFL-controlled converter V SC21 in this setup) is required to achieve system stability. The parametric sensitivity with regard to the proportion of the vcGFM-controlled converter highlights two different pairs of eigenvalues, denoted λ1 , λ2 in Fig. 12. For a low GFM proportion, λ1 is the dominant eigenvalue. The participation factors reveal that all three converters contribute to the eigenvalue λ1 with the PLL and the voltage regulation of the GFL converters participating the most. However, the system dynamics experience a change as the proportion of GFM converter grows: beyond a 30% proportion, λ2 becomes the dominant eigenvalue of the system. The participation factors show that the GFL-controlled converters have a very limited contribution to λ2 , thus highlighting again the decoupling of the GFL-controlled converters from the weak grid, and hence the faster (with regard to GFM proportion) stability restoration. D. Effect of load type on previous findings The previous studies have shown the interest of the proposed test setup. Interaction phenomena and small-signal stability limits have been highlighted without the constraints previously encountered in a Thévenin equivalent setup. However, it has been reported in literature that the type of load plays a key role in the dynamic behavior and the stability of the system [30]. Therefore, it is prudent to assess the validity of the previously observed trends beyond the specific case of a 100% active power-controlled power. In this subsection, the previous setup is modified to include a passive load in parallel with VSC1 .Accordingly, the nominal power of VSC1 (here, the active load) is reduced to maintain (15) It is first verified, by time-domain EMT simulation and eigenvalues analysis, that if Zg = 1 pu and VSC2 is fully controlled in GFL mode, the system would remain unstable despite the change in the load type. Therefore, the previous subsection study can be reconducted to evaluate the stabilizing effect of both GFM control schemes. After linearizing and validating the state-space model against time-domain EMT simulations, a parametric sensitivity study with regard to the size of the GFM-controlled VSC22 is carried on. Figure 13 shows the evolution of the system eigenvalues for an increasing proportion of the GFM-controlled converter. When VSC22 is in vcGFM mode, the system becomes small-signal stable for as little as a 2% proportion and reaches a satisfactory dynamic performance for a 5% proportion. The required minimal proportion is only slightly improved compared to the test case with no passive load, showing that the vcGFM control scheme is quite robust with regards to the type of load. However, when VSC22 is in ccGFM mode, the minimal proportions to reach small-signal stability and satisfactory dynamic behavior are significantly reduced from 45% to 6% and from 99% to 89%, respectively. This finding shows that the ccGFM control scheme provides a better stabilizing effect for a smaller active load and with the presence of a passive load. The passive load being resistive also contributes to the system damping, making the stabilizing task easier for the GFM-controlled converter. It is also worth noting that the differences between the two GFM schemes, while reduced, are still significant. It can be shown that the gap between both controls can be further reduced by increasing the size of the passive load (while decreasing the active load) but it remains unbridgeable. V. C ONCLUSION In this paper, the small-signal stability of different controls has been studied by analyzing the linearized state space model of different combinations of controls under various operating conditions. Using a dedicated test setup, the stability limits of the controls are investigated. It is confirmed, thanks to the analysis of participation factors, that the GFL controls are more sensitive to the grid strength: they are more vulnerable to interaction phenomena, and they rely on the stiffness of the PCC voltage to synchronize. It is also found that the GFM controls improve the stability of the GFL-controlled converters by limiting their interactions with the weak grid. This smallsignal stability enhancement depends significantly on the type of GFM control. In fact, while both studied GFM controls are set to identically provide inertia, the vcGFM-controlled converter fully decouples the GFL-controlled converter from the weak grid, while the ccGFM-controlled converter only limits the interactions of the GFL-controlled converter with the weak grid and presents new interaction phenomena as it IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, VOL. XX, NO. Y, MONTH 2023 also relies on the PCC voltage for current reference generation, thus being itself vulnerable to less stiff grids. This finding is further extended by studying the stabilizing impact brought by a GFM-controlled converter to a multi-infeed system and under different types of load. More importantly, while this paper has confirmed that using GFM-controlled converters indeed improves the small-signal stability of multi-infeed systems, it has shown that not all GFM controls are equally effective, mainly due to current control. Furthermore, considering the uncertainties and the lack of knowledge over the load type and its distribution in future power systems, the present study should not be considered as a simple comparative analysis of two GFM control schemes only, but also as a robustness study showing that when the GFM controls account for a current control loop, they become more dependent on the voltage stiffness provided by the rest of the system due to various grid strength levels and load types. Going forward, these findings are currently being validated on complex systems more representative of realistic transmission grids and converters topologies (MMC, LCL-connected VSC...). Finally, time domain studies with full EMT nonlinear models will ultimately confirm the validity of the results discussed here for unbalanced conditions and large disturbance stability. A PPENDIX The state variables of the GFL control are governed by the following differential equations: ωb s.igx = (vmx − vgx − Rc igx + ωLc igy ) L c ω b s.igy = (vmy − vgy − Rc igy − ωLc igx ) L c s.P f = ωLP F (P − P f ) s.V f = ωLP F (Vg − V f ) s.Qf = ωLP F (Q − Qf ) s.ζ P = Kip (P ∗ − P f ) s.ζ V = Kiv (V ∗ − V f ) s.ζ id = Kicc (i∗d − igd ) s.ζ iq s.ζ P LL s.θ̃g s.Px s.Py s.vgfx s.vgfy s.ifgx s.ifgy = Kicc (i∗q − igq ) (A1) = KiP LL vgq = ωb (ζ P LL + KpP LL vgq ) ∗ = α(vm − vmx ) + ωPy x ∗ = α(vm − vmy ) − ωPx y = ωinputs (vgx − vgfx ) + ωvgfy = ωinputs (vgy − vgfy ) − ωvgfx = ωinputs (igx − ifgx ) + ωifgy = ωinputs (igy − ifgy ) − ωifgx where ωb is the base frequency of the system in rad/s, ω is the grid frequency in pu and the Ki , Kp parameters refer to the integral and proportional gains of the various PI controllers. 9 The state variables of the vcGFM control are governed by the following differential equations: ∗ 1 (P ∗ − P + kd (ω̃g − ω̃)) s.ζ θm = 2H ∗ ∗ s.θm = ωb (ζ θm − ω ∗ ) (A2) TV R TV R s.ζ = ω (R i − ζ ) T V R v g d d d TV R s.ζq = ωT V R (Rv igq − ζqT V R ) where ω ∗ is the frequency setpoint in pu, and kd is the VSM gain calculated for the desired GFM damping ξ. 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Frédéric Colas is a member of the Laboratory of Electrical Engineering (L2EP) in Lille and is a Research Engineer at Arts et Métiers. His field of interest includes the integration of dispersed generation systems in electrical grids, advanced control techniques for power system, integration of power electronic converters in power systems and hardware-in-the-loop simulation. Thierry Van Cutsem (Fellow, IEEE) received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Liège, Belgium. When retiring in 2021, he was a Research Director of the Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) and an Adjunct Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Liège. He is currently active as a Consultant and Adviser. His interests included power system dynamics, security, monitoring, control, and simulation. He has been involved in collaborations with several TSOs in Europe and Canada in the field of voltage control and stability. He also served as the Chair of the IEEE PES Power System Dynamic Performance Committee. Carmen Cardozo (Member, IEEE) received a M.Eng in electrical engineering from Universidad Simón Bolı́var, Miranda, Venezuela in 2008 and a M.Sc. in Energy Physics from ENS Cachan, France in 2012. She has also received a Ph.D. in 2016 from Université Paris-Saclay. Since then, she has been working for the research and development department of Réseau de Transport d’Electricité (RTE), the french TSO. Her research topics include the modeling and control of power electronic interfaced resources, including HVDC crossborder inter-connector, for power system stability assessment. Thibault Prevost (Member, IEEE) received his M.Eng from Supélec, Paris, France. He has been working for research and development of the Réseau de Transport d’Electricité (RTE) since 2007. He has worked on grid connection studies for renewable and European grid codes for generators. He has been working on European Projects Migrate and Osmose, still focus on the operation of a system dominated with power electronic interfaced generation. Xavier Guillaud (Member, IEEE) received a Ph.D. from University of Lille in 1992 and joined the Laboratory of Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics (L2EP) in 1993. He has been professor in Ecole Centrale of Lille since 2002. First, he worked on modeling and control of power electronic systems. Then, he studied the integration of distributed generation and especially renewable energy in the power system. Nowadays, he is focused on the integration of high voltage power electronic converters in the transmission system. He is involved on several projects about power electronics on the grid within European projects and a large number of projects with French electrical utilities.