IFR Flight Planning 4-3-01 EBCI - CIV departure, GSY holding, ILS 24 full procedure, & radar vect VOR 24. - MDA/H + 20ft! - No delayed flap setting possible for a 2D approach. Include Flap setting to be used in briefing. - holding, teardrop entry: intercept the teardrop. Start the timer when start of turn. 4-3-02 EBAW - ANT holding, ILS 29 and VOR 29 full procedure. - talk about lightning system within briefing. - Brief when VOR is offset, not aligned with rwy centerline. - racetrack pattern, mostly distance based, and used to bring aircraft onto an ILS final approach course. 4-3-03 LFQQ - CIV6K departure, LEQ holding, ILS Y 26, and RNP 26 circle to land 19. - You can hear on the ATIS which ILS is in use (if ILS Y, Z…) - VPT (Visual Pattern with predescribed Tracks), alternative way to fly a circle to land. - include Flap setting to be used in briefing. - Intercept ILS with 45° angle. - Arrow is always in the direction which we fly into. 4-3-04 LFAC - TRACA G2 departure, TRACA holding, RNP24, NDB24 - for short flights, try to brief as many as possible on the ground. - radar min altitude chart: was earlier only available to ATC (regarding radar vectors etc). Now available to pilots also, it is the altitude from which you can be seen on radar. - VDP = visual descent point. It is a point in between minimums and MAP, from which you can descent below MDH, even if you can not see the runway. Mostly time based, because if there were a distance available, you would not need a VDP. Time from FAP to MAP – (MDA/10). Also on EBFN VOR29. 4-3-05 EBAW EBBR - NIK4E departure, VOR Rwy 07R in EBBR. - print a Navlog for IFR Flight Planning! Do not forget! Needed for fuel, time management. - set as much as possible into FMS. Full flight plan. And brief as many as possible on the ground. - NEXT STEP!!! - say “request descent” in IFR, instead of “request descent to 2000ft”. Keep it short. - activate approach on PFD when you are cleared for the approach. Must be done before IAF. - incl lights, taxi route and other specialities in briefing as you go to other, non-familiar aerodromes. 4-3-06 EHGG EBOS - use Jeppesen charts for more information. - conditional clearance. “Behind traffic on final, line-up and wait behind”. Readback “behind…behind”. - if you are lost, use a structured method to make a right decision. - don’t look to instructor anymore. SPIC, so you make the decisions. - look at approach, sequencing, checking. Doorloop in your head first. - all about MANAGEMENT, and DECISION MAKING! - locator is not same as localizer! - if you are not sure: “can you confirm frequency”, or “confirm maintaining heading” 4-3-06 EBKT EBOS - SPIC => initiatief nemen! Is zelfde als “solo IFR”. - FLY – NAV – COMM , MANAGE (=> only in this order) Fly : manual flight, appropriate mode of automation Navigate: know G1000 Communicate: internal, external Manage: long term and short term (NEXT STEP!) - Manage, we have also acronym: FORDIC Facts Options Risk Decision Implement Check - AP modes: - basic mode: ROLL VS - lat mode: HDG NAV - vert mode: ALT HOLD VS (ALT ARM, turn altitude bug) - Brief smarter, standardized briefing. General: - briefings: interactive and engaging, contain threat and error management - 3 step process: prepare briefing set up briefing (radio nav) brief Briefings per flight phase: - crew briefing: A W N F, T/O, speeds, abnormals, T&E (if already discussed, say “checked”) - before taxi: SID briefing, request IFR clearance (is not required) SID: start at top, chart, TA, MSA, Routing, Remarks - approach: incl approach strategy (2D vs 3D) configuration management (common mental state) guidance management (raw data, RNAV overlay) actions after landing (taxi in) - CALLOUT THE GO AROUND! - you need to perform a holding for positioning 4-3-06 EBKT EBAW EBKT - say to ATC: “passing altitude”, “climbing …” and lateral clearance - vliegen is prioriteit! Aviate! Ook in wolken. - vectored ILS approach: vliegen wat ATC vraagt, niets anders. - bij approach ook vertical speed meenemen in de scan. En zorgen dat je niet onder het profiel gaat. - calls are above field elevation: “200ft, 500ft…” - voor je op AP drukt, check FMA modes. - vlieg attitude en wings level. Attitude bij climb out is 7,5°, 88kts. - AUTOPILOT: DA40D: AP kan enkel VS: dus let op speed DA40NG: bij climb: use FLC mode of AP. Die neemt speed mee. Bij desc VS mode gebruiken. - SID after T&G: opschrijven wat ze je geven, en in stby zetten als het kan. Indien unable, aangezien tijdens approach, vraag vectors. - in frankrijk staat de departure soms op 10-9 chart, indien er geen SID’s zijn. Zijn dan omnidirectional departures. - GRID MORA is not same as MSA. - incl wind in GS calculation on Jeppesen chart. 4-3-09 LFRN EBOS - Powerbank needed for IPad. - Go around is not the same as a missed approach. - “FL100… captured” - AP: opletten met modes te deselecteren. Beter andere modes selecteren. - SOP callout transition altitude. “Standard, FL…”. Check 2x (G1000 and stby) - zvm van setup blijven voor approach. Laat staan. - bij flare: aileron input laten afhangen van of je van de centerline afdrift of niet. - niet aan noise cancelling prutsen op 200ft, even uithouden. - wanneer ATC zegt: “ctc me on…”, dan bij overschakelen op nieuwe frequency zeg je “OCO321S on …” (new frequency) - ATC “Cambrai Ferdi”, dan haal je de punten ertussen eruit. Ook indien ze op een rechte lijn liggen met elkaar. - om van IAS naar TAS te gaan, ongeveer: +2%/1000ft erbij 4-3-11 LFOH EBOS - STAP: franse ATIS met beperkte gegevens, automatisch bericht. - maintain rwy centerline, also during taxi! Do not give throttle input when on rwy after touchdown, let the aircraft slow down. - if you need to enter a holding for positioning, it is the same as a holding for ATC. - 7,5° on climb, and RIGHT RUDDER!! Fly attitude initially. - for a go-around, it is the safest option to start turning, when you are at the circling altitude. This is the “first safe” altitude. - fly tracks, also on final approach ILS course. - PDG: if there is an increased PDG, the reason is only given when it is not a clear reason (airspace evt.). - fly-over waypoint needs to be briefed, and checked in FMC. - if you expect a go-around, brief actions you will do. 4-3-8 LFRG EBOS - time management! Do not wait to set radio aids until you can identify them. Just make sure they are identified before using them. - energy management: monitor your vertical profile. How many miles do I need to descend? ILS has a DME! Distance needed = height x 3… Or ask ATC “request further descend”. Think about when you need to descend! - protected visual circling area: 1,68nm. It is based upon speed. 4-3-7 EBOS EBKT EBAW EBOS - Briefing goal: to achieve a common mental state in the cockpit. Brief also your radio set up, and configuration management! Try eventually to fly more operational (delayed flap approach…) - avoid to use the throttle constantly, even during taxi. Set a power setting, and leave it like that. Avoid using fuel pumps constantly. 4-3-15 EDSB EBOS - watch out during AP operations. When you say “1/1000 to go”, set hand on the throttle, to add/reduce thrust as needed. - switch fuel tanks once every 30/60min. 4-3-10 EBOS LFQQ EBOS - 2D minima: LNAV: +20ft. - DH x 6 = min visibility to see the runway. - do not use AP in VS mode on OEKVK in climb, due to stall, you cannot control speed. - first select approach with IAF, when you are cleared to an IAF. Do not push on the vectors-to-final button. Do not use it if you do not know exactly how to use it. - next step concept! - when you do approach briefing on the ground due to short leg, brief again shortly in the air, to brief differences. - on FAF= set LDG flaps and set MAA. - briefing begins with AWNF, and ATIS. Do not forget checklist. - OEKVK is not LPV approved. - do not just read back ATC clearances, if they give you something you do not want or did not ask for. - review special entry with VOR holding. Use rate 1 turns in holdings. - apply drift correction if no track available. - landing light on if you receive the clearance! 4-3-13 EBOS LFAT EBOS - bij OUT-IN interceptive draai je 135°, zo intercepteer je de IN bound track. - bij landing, maintain centerline. Stick ophouden om beter te remmen, er staat meer downforce op de main wheels, en je ontlast het neuswiel. - when performing flapless approach, set throttle in idle, because DA40 does not loses speed easily without flaps. - during landing, you can give full rudder to align the nose with the centerline. And keep stick in the wind. - during flight planning, check route advisor, but make own planning with waypoints. Route advisor may give you various altitudes for each leg. - 2nd alternate in flight plan if you use a landing aerodrome in which there is no official met office. - never delete or add or change an active waypoint in the flight plan. - you need to brief the fly-over points during the briefing. - review grid mora. 4-3-16 EBOS LFQQ EBAW EBOS - avoid brake input on takeoff. Set brakes more aft, and feet on the sides. - You set 1013 when passing TA during climb, and set QNH when cleared to any altitude during descend. - use CWS to correct altitude on AP. - you need to be stable on 2nm of IAF. - visualize holding more. Show where holding is located. Teardrop is taken from holding radial, not actual heading. Teardrop need to be intercepted. Is in fact an in/out interception. - don’t forget fuel balance. - flare: higher AoA. Aircraft needs to lose it’s energy. Vliegtuig zal zichzelf op de grond zetten.