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SEE PROFILE PHYSOR 2010 – Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 9-14, 2010, on CD-ROM, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL (2010) APOLLO2-A – AREVA'S NEW GENERATION LATTICE PHYSICS CODE: METHODOLOGY AND VALIDATION E. Martinolli∗, T.C. Carter, F. Clément, P.M. Demy, M. Leclère, P. Magat, A. Marquis, V. Marotte, J. Marten1, S. Misu1, M. Schneider, S. Thareau2, L. Villatte AREVA NP Plants Sector, Tour AREVA, 92084 Paris La Défense, France (1) Fuel Sector, Paul-Gossen-Strasse 100, 91052 Erlangen, Germany (2) Fuel Sector, 10, rue Juliette Récamier, 69456 Lyon, France ABSTRACT AREVA has developed the ARCADIA® reactor code system including the lattice physics transport code APOLLO2-A. Based on the APOLLO2 kernel developed by CEA, APOLLO2-A features a state-of-the-art methodology designed by AREVA for Light Water Reactor industrial applications. The validation of the code is achieved through comparisons with a comprehensive experimental database and with Monte-Carlo reference codes. In this paper, the main features of APOLLO2-A, the methodology and results from the validation base are presented. Key Words: Neutronics, ARCADIA®, APOLLO2-A, methodology, validation 1. INTRODUCTION AREVA has developed the deterministic neutron transport code APOLLO2-A [1, 2] designed for lattice physics calculations as part of the new ARCADIA® [3] reactor code system. It is based on APOLLO2 kernel [4, 5] developed by the French Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA) with the support of AREVA and Electricité de France (EdF). APOLLO2 provides the basic physics computation modules for solving the Boltzmann transport equation in a multi-group scheme and for generic unstructured geometries. APOLLO2 was adapted by AREVA for Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) and Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) industrial applications by implementing a layered computational scheme and a userfriendly and flexible input/output software layer. A comprehensive verification and validation base was set up. APOLLO2-A will replace APOLLO2-F [6], the lattice physics code of AREVA’s SCIENCE V2 reactor code system [7, 8] currently in production. The advanced methodology and the flexible software architecture of APOLLO2-A make it suitable for stand-alone lattice physics analyses, such as fuel assembly design studies, as well as for generating multigroup neutron libraries for core simulators, like AREVA’s PWR and BWR 3D core simulators ARTEMIS [9] and MICROBURN-B2 [10]. In 2010 a Topical Report for the ARCADIA® system, including APOLLO2-A, will be submitted to the US NRC, with the focus on PWR applications (including the EPR™ reactor) and uranium oxide (UOX) fuel. Licensing will be extended later to mixed oxide (MOX) fuel and BWR applications. ∗ Corresponding author, E-mail: E. Martinolli et al. The first section presents the main functionalities and the new methodology of APOLLO2-A. The second section provides results of the verification and validation base including both code-to-code comparisons against Monte-Carlo reference codes as well as validation of the physical models against experimental results (critical experiments and spent fuel analysis). A comprehensive extension of the experimental validation to MOX fuel type and BWR fuel assemblies is on-going. 2. FUNCTIONALITIES AND METHODOLOGY 2.1. Functionalities The main features of APOLLO2-A, from the user’s point of view, are described in the following paragraphs. Important aspects like the supported types of calculations, the nuclear data libraries, the input/output capability, and software architecture are presented. 2.1.1 Supported types of calculations The following types of calculations are available with APOLLO2-A: • Single PWR or BWR fuel assemblies with various boundary conditions (reflective, vacuum and periodic) for design purpose or cross-section generation for core simulators; • Color-set: 2x2, 3x3, NxN fuel assemblies up to quarter cores; • 1D-slab calculation for reflector cross-section generation; • Single fuel cell. For all these types of calculations, APOLLO2-A provides the capability of computing single state points, as well as complex depletion histories with varying parameters and branch calculations. Restart points can be included at any state point and burn-up value. Small cores or critical experiments (KRITZ, EPICURE, Babcock and Wilcox, etc.) can also be computed through either the single fuel assembly or the color-set type of calculation. APOLLO2-A includes, by default, the following assembly-averaged branch parameters for cross-section library generation: • Boron concentration (both in parts per million - ppm - and B10 number density); • Moderator density (or void fraction for BWR); • Moderator temperature; • Fuel pellet temperature; • Xe-135 number density (or any isotope in burnable media); • Fuel exposure; • Detector, control rod/blade and burnable absorber insertion (more generally any geometric or isotopic variation of an individual rod or a set of rods can be used as user-defined state parameter). In addition to the standard computation mode, APOLLO2-A can carry out the transport computation in a “reference” mode. The reference mode enables a greater input flexibility (i.e. fuel rods, absorber rods, and moderator tubes can be placed at any location without constraints on lattice regularity; density and temperature distributions can optionally be specified) and an enhanced accuracy of the results obtained through a dedicated reference methodology, in which all optimizations and time saving strategies, such as PHYSOR 2010 – Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 9-14, 2010 2/13 APOLLO2-A - AREVA's New Generation Lattice Physics Code System: Methodology & Validation energy and space collapsing of the neutron flux, are disabled. The reference mode is recommended for applications where a very precise assessment of the fuel assembly behavior is needed. 2.1.2 Nuclear data libraries APOLLO2-A currently supports three multi-group neutron data libraries: the default and recommended library is based on JEFF3.1.1 [11] international nuclear data evaluation files. As an option, libraries based on ENDF/B-VII.R0 and JEF2.2 are also supported. As a result of the extensive validation work for APOLLO2-A, JEFF3.1.1 was shown to be the most accurate for fuel inventory, UOX and MOX reactivity, plutonium depletion and reactivity coefficients. The JEFF3.1.1-based multi-group library features all the most important actinides and more than 100 fission products. Moreover, the fine 281group energy mesh developed by CEA (SHEM mesh [12]) was adopted for all the supported libraries. The benefit of these choices will be explained in the methodology section. Specific libraries for gamma production and gamma transport are also provided and are fully consistent with the neutron transport library. 2.1.3 Input/output capabilities APOLLO2-A was specifically designed to provide the users with a large input flexibility for geometry description and to support all the main fuel assembly types present in the market. This was achieved thanks to the APOLLO2 flux solver based on the Method of Characteristics (MOC) [13, 14]. The following geometries are supported: • For PWR fuel assemblies: 14x14 up to 18x18, including large rod Combustion Engineering cases and Palisades; • For BWR fuel assemblies: various designs from 6x6 to 11x11 including AREVA’s ATRIUM™ design with square water hole, General Electric’s designs with cylindrical water holes, Westinghouse BWR designs with diamond-shaped water hole and internal water cross, and any type of channel box including those with asymmetric reinforced walls; • For all these fuel assemblies, rod displacements from the regular lattice can be individually specified for each rod; • The water gaps around the bundle can vary by side (wide and narrow water gaps). APOLLO2-A can be linked with an external material database that contains default compositions for fuel and other materials. In addition, any material can be defined by entering its isotopic composition; however, fuel has the added capability of being defined with general information (density, uranium enrichment, gadolinium concentration, plutonium concentration, etc). In other words, APOLLO2-A does not impose any limitations on material definitions. APOLLO2-A input is based on a user friendly keyword-based file. Keywords are self-explanatory and default options are provided where possible. Keywords are grouped in blocks describing various physical objects (for example a rod, an assembly, a detector, etc.) and an extensive consistency checking is implemented. APOLLO2-A features a modern and flexible output capability: results are stored in a tree-structured, customizable Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) file. HDF [15] is a portable international binary file format for scientific bulk data, and is used for restart, direct result analysis and coupling with core simulators. In addition to standard spectral code output data, APOLLO2-A provides extended pin-by-pin data: flux and reaction rates, isotopic densities for burnable media (ring-by-ring) and optionally cross-sections. PHYSOR 2010 – Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 9-14, 2010 3/13 E. Martinolli et al. Moreover, a graphic output processor provides the capability of displaying the results with accurate space-resolution on the very fine MOC solver mesh. APOLLO2-A provides an embedded generator of input decks for MCNP [16] and TRIPOLI [17, 18] Monte-Carlo codes: these input decks are fully consistent (as for the geometry and the isotopic composition), with the data used by APOLLO2-A itself. This feature is currently only available for zero exposure; an extension is planned for depleted fuel. Monte-Carlo code input decks also include typical pin-by-pin tallies (fission rate, power). A post-processor for automated data treatment of Monte-Carlo code results is provided in the package. 2.1.4 Software architecture APOLLO2-A has a multi-layer modular structure which enables fast code evolution and easy maintenance as well as the capability of fine tuning of the physical models and solvers for advanced users. A modern C++ front-end (input/output processor and task-handler) is built above a Fortran77/Fortran95 programmable kernel. Cross-section library generation or any calculation including more than one depletion or branch-point set can be parallelized on many processors by a simple input option. The code automatically divides the state points in sub-sets and recovers the results which are then combined in a single output file. 2.2. Methodology APOLLO2-A solves the eigenvalue Boltzmann neutron transport equation, as well as a source gamma transport equation (where both prompt and delayed gamma sources coupled to neutron transport are accounted for) and can combine the results for the power distributions. Based on the most recent numerical and physical models, AREVA has developed, in close partnership with CEA, a methodology dedicated to industrial LWR applications to reach very good accuracy of the results even considering complex geometries and demanding physical conditions. This methodology is based upon the new, state-of-the-art MOC transport solver which can completely handle irregular (unstructured) geometries. The methodology implemented in APOLLO2-A is generic: it is used for both PWR and BWR applications regardless of the fuel, absorber and geometry and needs no case-specific or global correction. The microscopic cross-sections are first read from the multi-group neutron library based on JEFF3.1.1 nuclear data evaluation (e.g. cross-sections but also fission yields, decay constants, fission energy, capture energy, delayed neutron data, etc.). The cross-sections are provided for the 281-groups SHEM energy mesh. This mesh was developed by CEA through an individual isotope-by-isotope optimization analysis to explicitly describe the most important resonances of the main fission products and actinides. Therefore, this energy mesh allows avoiding resonance self- and mutual- shielding treatment below 23 eV where complex resonance overlapping effects are observed, while keeping the number of groups and the computational burden at reasonable level. Microscopic cross-sections are then processed to take into account the self-shielding effect of the energy resonances above 23 eV for all the main resonant isotopes. APOLLO2-A treats the self-shielding of the PHYSOR 2010 – Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 9-14, 2010 4/13 APOLLO2-A - AREVA's New Generation Lattice Physics Code System: Methodology & Validation following materials: actinides (U, Pu, etc.), absorbers (Gd, Er, Dy, Ag, In, Cd, Hf, etc.), structure materials (Zr, Fe, etc.), and detector materials (Co, V, Rh, etc.). The spatial dependency of the selfshielded cross-sections and the Dancoff effect are taken into account explicitly by a 2D flux calculation. This flux calculation uses the Collision Probability (CP) method and interface-current approximation [5] which yields accurate results with negligible computational burden. The neutron transport equation is then solved to determine the 2D heterogeneous flux. The direct computation of this flux distribution in the fine 281-energy group structure of the library and on the fine spatial mesh is performed by APOLLO2-A only in “reference mode”. For the standard usage mode, the flux is computed on a coarser energy mesh (35 groups) which is an optimum trade-off between accuracy and computation speed. Macroscopic cross-sections then need to be collapsed to this coarse energy mesh with an appropriate weighting flux. This flux is obtained through the intermediate steps described below. The main principle behind this multi-step methodology is an appropriate decoupling of the energy description from the spatial description of the flux. First, fine 281-energy group flux calculations are performed on simplified geometries with the CP solver (1st level). Dedicated 1D flux calculations for BWR components (water rods, water holes, etc.) are also performed at this step. The set of CP fluxes is accurate from the energy point of view, but less accurate for the assembly-range spatial coupling. Thus, to enhance spatial coupling at the full assembly scale, a second flux calculation (2nd level) is performed with the Integro-Differential Transport method (IDT) solver [19, 20] on a 2D, homogeneous cell geometry with 44-group cross-sections. These cross-sections are obtained by collapsing the self-shielded cross-sections with the CP fluxes. The two fluxes (1st and 2nd level) are combined using a reconstruction process [21] to yield a 281-group flux with a cell-scale spatial accuracy over the whole assembly geometry. This weighting flux is used to collapse the cross-sections to 35 groups for usage by the MOC solver. Figure 1. APOLLO2-A MOC geometries for PWR and BWR fuel assemblies The MOC flux calculation is then carried out on a very fine spatial grid (with thousands of meshes) representing the true heterogeneous geometry. Examples of MOC geometries for PWR and BWR fuel assemblies are provided in Figure 1. An automated mesh generator, based on CAD software libraries, is integrated in APOLLO2-A. It also offers post-processing capabilities at the finest spatial mesh level. PHYSOR 2010 – Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 9-14, 2010 5/13 E. Martinolli et al. The spatially accurate flux, resulting from the MOC calculation, is combined with the 281-group weighting flux to obtain the final result: a 2D flux which is very accurate over the full domain (fuel assembly or color-set) both in space (MOC mesh) and energy (281 groups). A critical buckling model is then used for computing a 281-group leakage calculation on the assembly geometry. The flux is then adjusted by a leakage correction. The final flux is used for depletion and outputs. The depletion of the fuel pellets, burnable absorbers, and detector active zones is performed with an extended isotope chain with 26 actinides and 131 explicit fission products. Each depletable material is divided into rings and each ring is depleted individually. The depletion solver is controlled by a “predictor-corrector” mechanism with a quadratic extrapolation of the reaction rates and an automatic depletion step refinement which ensures accurate treatment of burnable absorbers. Furthermore, the code offers the capability to perform zero power decay calculations (shutdown cooling). A gamma transport calculation is also performed with the MOC solver. A 94-group set of gamma sources is first computed from the reaction rates of all gamma-emitting (prompt and delayed) reactions based on the fine neutron flux. Then, the gamma transport is computed in 18 energy groups. The resulting gamma flux is used for evaluating the gamma contribution to the detector response as well as to improve the pinby-pin power distribution. A detailed energy deposition methodology is implemented to compute pin-by-pin power distributions: in addition to local energy deposition in the pellet (by fission product kinetic energy and beta energy), the model separately accounts for neutron kinetic energy loss by slowing-down and gamma energy transport over the geometry. The color-set methodology of APOLLO2-A is very similar to the single assembly methodology with one main difference: the 35-group cross-sections feeding the MOC flux solution over the entire color-set geometry are generated on each individual fuel assembly of the color-set. 3. VALIDATION BASE The validation strategy of APOLLO2-A is based both on extensive code-to-code benchmarking (against Monte-Carlo calculations) and comparisons to experimental results (critical experiments and spent fuel analyses). All APOLLO2-A and MCNP validation calculations presented in this section use consistent cross-section libraries based on the same JEFF3.1.1 nuclear evaluation. APOLLO2-A was run in the standard computation mode. 3.1. Monte-Carlo Benchmarking 3.1.1. Zero burn-up calculations APOLLO2-A is benchmarked against MCNP at zero burn-up on a wide range of fuel assembly types and physical conditions representative of existing LWR reactors (more than 350 cases, including PWR and BWR assemblies with UOX and MOX fuel). The validation base includes lattice sizes ranging from 14x14 to 18x18 for PWR fuel assemblies and the prevalent BWR designs. Lattice size for BWR ranges from 8x8 to 10x10 pins. Uranium enrichment PHYSOR 2010 – Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 9-14, 2010 6/13 APOLLO2-A - AREVA's New Generation Lattice Physics Code System: Methodology & Validation ranges from 1.49% to 4.95%. The validation base also covers MOX fuel with Pu contents ranging from 1.70% to 12.00%. Several different types of non-removable integral burnable absorbers: gadolinium (Gd2O3 with concentration up to 10%), erbium (Er2O3), zirconium diboride (ZrB2), removable burnable absorber rods (Pyrex glass and Wet Annular Burnable Absorber) are accounted for in the validation base. Several physical conditions are covered, representative of normal reactor operation (from cold zero power to hot full power) and accident conditions (e.g. low moderator density during main steam line break). For BWR fuel assemblies, void rate conditions range from 0% to 80%. Calculations are performed for uncontrolled and controlled assemblies: AIC, B4C and Hf are included. PWR UOX 1.5 rms (AP2-A / MCNP - 1) (%) BWR Uncontrolled AIC MOX B4C UOX MOX 300 350 Hf 1 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Case Figure 2. Relative difference on pin-by-pin fission rate rms between APOLLO2-A and MCNP The uncertainties (1σ) of the MCNP calculations are low: ±10 pcm for k-inf and 0.3% for pin-by-pin fission rates. The average discrepancies in PWR and BWR fuel assembly k-inf are -48±124 pcm, 42±325 pcm for uncontrolled and controlled assemblies, respectively. The root mean square (rms) differences for pin-by-pin fission rates between APOLLO2-A and MCNP are shown on Figure 2. The differences in fission rate rms are 0.17±0.07% and 0.37±0.21% for PWR and BWR assemblies, respectively. The entire set of results shows the excellent agreement between the two codes. Some generic optimizations are underway to further improve the level of accuracy. 3.1.2. Monte-Carlo depletion benchmarks APOLLO2-A depletion calculations are benchmarked against MCOR. MCOR [22] is an interface code system (similar to MONTEBURNS [23]) which couples MCNP5 to the depletion code KORIGEN [24]. PHYSOR 2010 – Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 9-14, 2010 7/13 E. Martinolli et al. The results presented in this section are obtained for two PWR and one BWR UOX fuel assemblies. The PWR assemblies consist of 17x17 lattices with 3 different enrichments (from 4.65 to 4.95%) and 36 pins with U/Gd . The two PWR assemblies differ only by their gadolinium content (6% and 10%). The BWR assembly is an ATRIUM™ 10 design with various enrichment levels (ranging from 2.65% to 4.95%) and 16 pins with 2.5% gadolinium content. The assemblies are depleted under standard hot full power, uncontrolled conditions, up to 80 GWd/t. The MCNP calculations reach for each depletion point an uncertainty on k-inf of ±50 pcm at 1σ and of 0.3% at 1σ on pin-by-pin fission rates. The KORIGEN burn- up step size is 0.1 GWd/t until Xenon buildup, 0.5 GWd/t until gadolinium burn-out and 2.5 GWd/t afterwards. Each gadolinium fuel pellet is depleted with 10 annular rings. Discrepancies on fission rates (rms) between APOLLO2-A and MCOR calculations are shown in Figure 3 for all the cases. In Figure 4, comparisons of the isotopic contents are shown for one representative fuel assembly and some isotopes of interest (absorbers and actinides). All results demonstrate the excellent agreement between the two codes over depletion. Mean discrepancies on k-inf are -141±157 pcm and -161±189 pcm for the two PWR respectively, and -291±86 pcm for the BWR case. Discrepancies of the most important actinides are below 1.5% all over the depletion. Other minor actinides which are not shown here are below 10%. PWR UOX with 6% Gd content (HFP) PWR UOX with 10% Gd content (HFP) BWR ATRIUM 10 UOX (HFP at 40%) rms(AP2-A / MCNP - 1) (%) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Burn-up (GWd/t) 60 70 80 Figure 3. Pin-by-pin fission rate discrepancy (rms) between APOLLO2-A and MCOR PHYSOR 2010 – Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 9-14, 2010 8/13 APOLLO2-A - AREVA's New Generation Lattice Physics Code System: Methodology & Validation Gd155 Gd157 U235 U236 Pu239 Pu240 Pu241 AP2A/MCOR - 1 (%) 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 0 10 20 30 40 Burn-up (GWd/t) 50 60 70 80 Figure 4. Relative discrepancies of the isotopic concentrations between APOLLO2-A and MCOR PWR UOX assembly with 10% Gd content 3.2 Validation against experimental data This section documents the capability of APOLLO2-A to accurately calculate reactivity, fission rate distributions, and spent fuel isotopic inventory in a wide range of conditions as compared to measured data. The reactivity calculation and fission rate distributions of APOLLO2-A are compared against measurements for several critical experiment configurations. The isotopic depletion of APOLLO2-A is validated against measurements from experimental and industrial reactors. 3.2.1 Critical experiments The analyzed experiments come from several international programs, including Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) in the US, KRITZ-KWU in Sweden, and two experimental programs – EPICURE and CAMELEON – from CEA in France. These critical experiments are UO2-fueled experimental reactors which were selected to support the licensing of the ARCADIA® chain in the US. The configurations were selected in order to support a wide range of validation; this range includes several U235 enrichments, absorber materials, guide-tube configurations, void conditions, and fuel/moderator temperatures. The general characteristics of the experiments are given in Table I. Table II presents the results for both reactivity (pcm) and fission rate distribution (% rms) comparisons. A total of 43 configurations were analyzed for reactivity. Table II presents the results of the experiments with measured fission rate distributions. PHYSOR 2010 – Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 9-14, 2010 9/13 E. Martinolli et al. Table I. Critical Experiment Characteristics Experiment Enrichment (w/o) Temperature (°C) Special Characteristics B&W 2.5 - 4.0 21 Absorbers: Pyrex, B4C, AIC, Gd2O3 (Gd Enrichment = 4.00%) KRITZ-KWU 3.1 20 - 245 EPICURE 3.7 22 CAMELEON 3.5 22 Temperature Variation Absorbers: Pyrex, AIC – Void simulated by Al over-cladding Absorbers: Hf, Gd2O3 (Gd Enrichment = 3% with 5.1 w/o U235 and 7% with 0.25 w/o U235) Table II. Critical Experiment Analysis Results Experiment B&W-1970's B&W-1980's KRITZ-KWU EPICURE CAMELEON Configuration C-M (pcm) % rms XI_2 215 1.72 XI_6 131 1.51 XI_8 63 1.26 XI_11 156 1 146 1.27 0.64 5 94 0.69 12 89 0.87 14 87 0.76 18 237 0.86 20 227 0.86 U-WH1 229°C -51 1.08 UH1.2 23 1.75 UH1.2 30% Void -25 0.62 UH1.2 50% Void -40 1.00 UH1.2 100% Void -73 0.95 UH1.4 4 0.53 UH1.4 Pyrex -25 1.13 UH1.4 SSAIC -199 1.77 25 Guide Tubes 12 Gd2O3 pins 141 0.73 12 Gd2O3 Pins 113 1.56 13 Gd2O3 Pins 148 1.09 5 Gd2O3 Pins 147 1.25 PHYSOR 2010 – Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 9-14, 2010 10/13 APOLLO2-A - AREVA's New Generation Lattice Physics Code System: Methodology & Validation The fission rate distributions, both measured and calculated, were normalized so that the average of the measured locations is equal to 1.0. The mean deviation of the k-eff among all the configurations is 66 ± 139 pcm at 1σ. Only two configurations showed more than 250 pcm of discrepancy. CEA has determined that the uncertainty, in pcm, of its critical experiments, including measurement and modeling, is between 300 and 400 pcm (1σ). These results clearly show a good agreement well within the overall uncertainty. All of the results for the fission rate distributions fall within 2σ of the reported measurement uncertainty (2% at 2σ). 3.2.2 Spent fuel analyses The isotopic inventory of the spent fuel calculated by APOLLO2-A is compared with the measured compositions from chemical analyses performed on samples irradiated in experimental and power reactors. The samples come from several power plants in Germany and France as well as a CEA experimental reactor, and cover a large range of fuel types, including UOX, Enriched Reprocessed Uranium (ERU), UO2-Gd2O3 and MOX, as well as a large range of burn-up levels, from 3 to 71 GWd/t. The UOX, ERU and UO2-Gd2O3 cases were computed with single-assembly calculations, whereas those cases involving MOX were computed using the color-set capability, in order to account for the spectral effect of neighboring assemblies. Table III presents the general characteristics of the spent fuel analysis experiments. Table III. Isotopic Burn-up Analysis Experiments Experiment Fuel Type Number of Samples Burn-up Range Bugey 3 UOX : 3.1% U235 Enrichment 1 20 GWd/t Gravelines 2&3 UOX : 4.5% U235 Enrichment 7 26-61 GWd/t Malibu Program UOX : 4.3% U235 Enrichment MOX : 8.1% Plutonium 1 1 71 GWd/t 68 GWd/t Cruas 4 ERU : 3.1% U235, 1.2% U236 6 13-36 GWd/t 6 2.5-8.5 GWd/t 12 3.5-11.8 GWd/t Gedeon 1 Program Gedeon 2 Program UOX : 3.25% Enrichment Gd2O3 : 5% UOX : 0.2% Enrichment Gd2O3 : 8% Saint Laurent B1 MOX : 2.9 – 5.6% Plutonium 7 25-45 GWd/t Dampierre 2 MOX : 6.7% Plutonium 4 52-57 GWd/t The results for the spent fuel analyses, presented in Figure 5, show that for most of the isotopes and burnup values, APOLLO2-A predicts the isotopic inventory within 5% of the measurement. More than 95% of the results for isotopes of interest are within 2σ of the total reported uncertainties – up to 7% (1σ) depending on isotopes and burn-up. PHYSOR 2010 – Advances in Reactor Physics to Power the Nuclear Renaissance Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 9-14, 2010 11/13 E. Martinolli et al. U235 U236 Pu239 Pu240 Pu241 Pu242 10.0 C/E - 1 (%) 5.0 0.0 -5.0 -10.0 -15.0 12 24 36 48 Burn-up (GWd/t) 60 72 Figure 5. Results of spent fuel analyses 4. CONCLUSIONS AREVA has developed APOLLO2-A, a new lattice physics code for PWR and BWR industrial applications. APOLLO2-A is a component of the new ARCADIA® reactor code system. Thanks to an advanced multi-level methodology, based on an advanced MOC solver and a state-of-the-art multi-group neutron data library based on JEFF3.1.1 evaluation, the code computes highly accurate results and provides high quality neutronics data for core simulators. Efficient usage of APOLLO2-A is achieved through its flexible and user-friendly input/output software layer. A comprehensive validation database was defined to ensure accuracy for current and future applications. Results show excellent agreement with both reference Monte-Carlo codes and several international experimental programs. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge the significant contribution of the CEA/SERMA (APOLLO2 kernel, multigroup neutron data library and methodology support) and CEA/SPRC (nuclear data evaluation and experimental programs). Some of the validation programs were funded in a joint R&D effort of AREVA, EdF, and CEA. The support by AREVA NP Inc. teams is also acknowledged for code review and validation aspects. REFERENCES 1. V. Marotte, F. Clément, S. Thareau, S. Misu, I. Zmijarevic, “Industrial application of APOLLO2 to Boiling Water Reactors,” PHYSOR-2006, Vancouver, Canada, September 2006, CD-ROM (2006) 2. J. Marten, F. Clément, V. Marotte, E. Martinolli, S. Misu, S. Thareau, L. 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