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User-Defined Data Types: File Organization & Access

Don't watch the clock; do what
it does. Keep going.
13.1 User-defined data types
Candidates should be able to:
Notes and guidance
Show understanding of why user-defined types are
Define and use non-composite types
Including enumerated, pointer
Define and use composite data types
Including set, record and class / object
Choose and design an appropriate user-defined data
type for a given problem
Key terms
User-defined data type – a data type based on an existing data type or other data types that
have been defined by a programmer.
Non-composite data type – a data type that does not reference any other data types.
Enumerated data type – a non-composite data type defined by a given list of all possible
values that has an implied order.
Pointer data type – a non-composite data type that uses the memory address of where the data
is stored.
Set – a given list of unordered elements that can use set theory operations such as intersection
and union.
Key terms
Serial file organisation – a method of file organisation in which records of data are physically
stored in a file, one after another, in the order they were added to the file.
Sequential file organisation – a method of file organisation in which records of data are
physically stored in a file, one after another, in a given order.
Random file organisation – a method of file organisation in which records of data are
physically stored in a file in any available position; the location of any record in the file is
found by using a hashing algorithm on the key field of a record.
Hashing algorithm (file access) – a mathematical formula used to perform a calculation on
the key field of the record; the result of the calculation gives the address where the record
should be found.
File access – the method used to physically find a record in the file.
Sequential access – a method of file access in which records are searched one after another
from the physical start of the file until the required record is found.
Direct access – a method of file access in which a record can be physically found in a file
without physically reading other records.
3.1.1 User-defined data types
There are 2 categories of user defined data types:
Enumerated (enum)
Non-composite data types
Enumerated data type: a list of possible data values
If you are using lots of constants in your program that are all related to each other, then
it is a good idea to keep them together using a structure called an “Enum”. For example,
you might want to store the names of each set of cards in a deck.
This allows you to set meaningful names to the enum and its members, making it
much easier to remember as well as making the code easier to read.
The benefits of using enumerations include the following:
Reduces errors caused by transposing or mistyping numbers.
Makes it easy to change values in the future.
Makes code easier to read, which means it is less likely that errors will be
Ensures forward compatibility. If you use enumerations, your code is less likely
to fail if in the future someone changes the values corresponding to the
member names.
Visual Basic Example
Enum EggSizeEnum
End Enum
Dim size As EggSizeEnum
size = EggSizeEnum.Medium
Pointer data type
A pointer data type is used to reference a memory location. It may be used to construct
dynamically varying data structures
A pointer is a variable that represents the location of a particular data item within a
specified domain (such as the hard drive, or an array). Within the computer’s memory,
every stored data item occupies one or more contiguous memory cell/s. The number of
memory cells needed to store a data item depends on the data type of that item.
For example, a single character will typically be stored in 1 byte of memory; an
integer usually requires 4 contiguous bytes, a floating-point number usually requires
4 contiguous bytes, and so on…
To understand pointers, you must first understand how data is stored in the computer’s
In typical computer architecture of the memory, each byte of the memory has a unique
address. Let us assume the first byte has an address of “201”. Then the next address will
be “202” and we’ll go on “203”,”204” and so on…
Now when we initialize a variable, the computer allocates some amount of memory
corresponding to this particular variable depending on the data type of the variable.
So for example ‘a’ as type integer that means the computer allocates 4 bytes of
memory, we can allocate memory from ‘204’ to ‘207’
NULL Pointers
It is always a good practice to assign a NULL value to a pointer variable in
case you do not have an exact address to be assigned. This is done at the
time of variable declaration. A pointer that is assigned NULL is called
a nullpointer.
How to Use Pointers?
There are a few important operations, which we will do with the help of
pointers very frequently. (a) We define a pointer variable, (b) assign the
address of a variable to a pointer and (c) finally access the value at the
address available in the pointer variable. This is done by using unary
operator * that returns the value of the variable located at the address
specified by its operand. The following example makes use of these
What are Pointers?
A pointer is a variable whose value is the address of another variable,
i.e., direct address of the memory location. Like any variable or constant,
you must declare a pointer before using it to store any variable address.
The general form of a pointer variable declaration is −
Composite data types:
Set data type
A set data type allows a program to create sets and to apply the mathematical operations
Defined in set theory. The following is a representative list of the operations to be expected:
• Difference
Include an element in the set
• exclude an element from the set
• check whether an element is in a set.
It is a composite data type that can store data in any particular order, in which
each element is indexed. Sets cannot have data items repeated more than once
Record data type
A record data type is the most useful and therefore most widely used. It allows the
Programmer to collect together values with different data types when these form a coherent whole.
DECLARE EmployeeFirstName : STRING
DECLARE EmployeeFamilyName : STRING
DECLARE DateEmployed : DATE
An individual data item can th en be accessed using a dot notation:
Employeel.DateEmployed ~ #16/05/ 2017#
Objects and classes
In object-oriented programming, a program defines the classes to be used - they are all
User-defined data types. Then for each class the objects must be defined. Chapter 27
(Section 27.03) has a full discussion of this subject
Why are user-defined data types necessary?
When object-oriented programming is not being used a programmer may choose not
to use any user-defined data types. However, for any reasonably large program it is
likely that their use will make a program more understandable and less errorprone. Once the programmer has decided because of this advantage to use a data
type that is not one of the built-in types then user-definition is inevitable. The use of,
for instance, an integer variable is the same for any program. However, there cannot
be a built-in record type because each different problem will need an individual
definition of a record
What is the difference between a structure and a class?
Structures do not have any methods
What is the difference between a class and an object?
A class is a template which cannot be executed
An object is an instance of a class which can be executed one class can be
used to make many objects
What are the main components of a class?
13.2 File organisation and access
Candidates should be able to:
Notes and guidance
Show understanding of the methods of file
organisation and select an appropriate method of file
organisation and file access for a given problem
Including serial, sequential (using a key field), random
(using a record key)
Show understanding of methods of file access
Sequential access for serial and sequential files
Direct access for sequential and random files
Show understanding of hashing algorithms
Describe and use different hashing algorithms to read
from and write data to a random / sequential file
File organization
Serial files
A serial file contains records which have no defined order. A typical use of a serial file would be for a bank to
record transactions involving customer accounts. A program would be running. Each time there was a withdrawal
or a deposit the program would receive the details as data input and would record these in a transaction file. The
records would enter the file in chronological order but otherwise the file would have no ordering of the
A text file can be considered to be a type of serial file but it is different because the file has repeating lines which
are defined by an end-of-line character or characters. There is no end of-record character. A record in a serial file
must have a defined format to allow data to be input and output correctly.
Sequential files
A sequential file has records that are ordered. It is the type of file suited to long-term storage of data. As such it
should be the type of file that is considered as an alternative to a database. In order to allow the sequential file to
be ordered there has to be a key field for which the values are unique and sequential but not necessarily
consecutive. It is worth emphasizing the difference between key fields and primary keys in a database table,
where the values are required to be unique but not to be sequential. In a sequential file, a particular record is
found by sequentially reading the value of the key field until the required value is found.
Direct-access files
Direct-access files are sometimes referred to as 'random-access' files but, as with random access memory, the
randomness is only that the access is not defined by a sequential reading of the file. For large files, direct access
is attractive because of the time that would be taken to search through a sequential file. In an ideal scenario, data
in a direct-access file would be stored in an identifiable record which could be located immediately when
required. Unfortunately, this is not possible. Instead, data is stored in an identifiable record but finding it may
involve an initial direct access to a nearby record followed by a limited serial search
The choice of the position chosen for a record must be calculated using data in the record so that the same
calculation can be carried out when subsequently there is a search for the data. The normal method is to use a
hashing algorithm. This takes as input the value for the key field and outputs a value for the position of the record
relative to the start of the file. The hashing algorithm must take into account the potential maximum length of the
file, that is, the number of records the file will store. A simple example of a hashing algorithm, if the key field has
a numeric value, is to divide the value by a suitably large number and use the remainder from the division to
define the position. This method will not create unique positions. If a hash position is calculated that duplicates
one already calculated by a different key, the next position in the file is used. This is why a search will involve a
direct access possibly followed by a limited serial search.
Sequential access
.?GGGGGGG6 ...
Random access
• The Sequential File
- fixed format used for records
- records are the same length
- field names and lengths are attributes of
the file
- one field is the key filed
• uniquely identifies the record
• records are stored in key sequence
Muhammad Ali Khan
O/A Computer Science
Muhammad Ali Khan
O/A Computer Science
Uses of storing data In Files
Start where you are. Use what
you have. Do what you can.
Key terms
Protocol – a set of rules governing communication across a network: the rules are agreed by
both sender and recipient.
HTTP – hypertext transfer protocol.
Packet – a message/data is split up into smaller groups of bits for transmission over a network.
Segment (transport layer) – this is a unit of data (packet) associated with the transport layer
FTP – file transfer protocol.
SMTP – simple mail transfer protocol.
Push protocol – protocol used when sending emails, in which the client opens the connection
to the server and keeps the connection active all the time, then uploads new emails to the
Binary file – a file that does not contain text only. The file is machine-readable but not humanreadable.
MIME – multi-purpose internet mail extension. A protocol that allows email attachments
containing media files as well as text to be sent.
POP – post office protocol.
IMAP – internet message access protocol.
TCP – transmission control protocol.
Pull protocol – protocol used when receiving emails, in which the client periodically connects
to a server, checks for and downloads new emails from a server and then closes the connection.
Host-to-host – a protocol used by TCP when communicating between two devices.
Host – a computer or device that can communicate with other computers or devices on a
BitTorrent – protocol used in peer-to-peer networks when sharing files between peers.
Peer – a client who is part of a peer-to-peer network/file sharing community.
Metadata – a set of data that describes and gives information about other data.
Pieces – splitting up of a file when using peer-to-peer file sharing.
Tracker – central server that stores details of all other computers in the swarm.
Swarm – connected peers (clients) that share a torrent/tracker.
Seed – a peer that has downloaded a file (or pieces of a file) and has then made it available to
other peers in the swarm.
Leech – a peer with negative feedback from swarm members.
Lurker – user/client that downloads files but does not supply any new content to the
Communication and internet technologies
14.1 Protocols
Candidates should be able to:
Notes and guidance
Show understanding of why a protocol is essential for
communication between computers
Show understanding of how protocol implementation
can be viewed as a stack, where each layer has its own
Show understanding of the TCP / IP protocol suite
Four Layers (Application, Transport, Internet, Link)
Purpose and function of each layer
Application when a message is sent from one host to
another on the internet
Show understanding of protocols (HTTP, FTP, POP3,
IMAP, SMTP, BitTorrent) and their purposes
BitTorrent protocol provides peer-to-peer file sharing
14.2 Circuit switching, packet switching
Candidates should be able to:
Notes and guidance
Show understanding of circuit switching
Benefits, drawbacks and where it is applicable
Show understanding of packet switching
Benefits, drawbacks and where it is applicable
Show understanding of the function of a router in
packet switching
Explain how packet switching is used to pass messages
across a network, including the internet
Protocol Stacks and Packets
So your computer is connected to the Internet and has a unique address. How does it
'talk' to other computers connected to the Internet? An example should serve here: Let's
say your IP address is and you want to send a message to the computer
The message you want to send is "Hello computer!". Obviously, the message
must be transmitted over whatever kind of wire connects your computer to the Internet.
Let's say you've dialed into your ISP from home and the message must be transmitted
over the phone line. Therefore the message must be translated from alphabetic text into
electronic signals, transmitted over the Internet, then translated back into alphabetic
text. How is this accomplished? Through the use of a protocol stack. Every computer
needs one to communicate on the Internet and it is usually built into the computer's
operating system (i.e. Windows, Unix, etc.). The protocol stack used on the Internet is
referred to as the TCP/IP protocol stack because of the two major communication
protocols used. The TCP/IP stack looks like this:
Protocol Layer
Application Protocols Layer
Protocols specific to applications such as WWW, e-mail,
FTP, etc.
Transmission Control
Protocol Layer
TCP directs packets to a specific application on a
computer using a port number.
Internet Protocol Layer
IP directs packets to a specific computer using an IP
Hardware Layer
Converts binary packet data to network signals and
(E.g. ethernet network card, modem for phone lines,
If we were to follow the path that the message "Hello computer!" took from our
computer to the computer with IP address, it would happen something like this:
Diagram 2
1. The message would start at the top of the protocol stack on your computer and
work it's way downward.
2. If the message to be sent is long, each stack layer that the message passes
through may break the message up into smaller chunks of data. This is because
data sent over the Internet (and most computer networks) are sent in
manageable chunks. On the Internet, these chunks of data are known
as packets.
3. The packets would go through the Application Layer and continue to the TCP
layer. Each packet is assigned a port number. Ports will be explained later, but
suffice to say that many programs may be using the TCP/IP stack and sending
messages. We need to know which program on the destination computer needs to
receive the message because it will be listening on a specific port.
4. After going through the TCP layer, the packets proceed to the IP layer. This is
where each packet receives it's destination address,
5. Now that our message packets have a port number and an IP address, they are
ready to be sent over the Internet. The hardware layer takes care of turning our
packets containing the alphabetic text of our message into electronic signals and
transmitting them over the phone line.
6. On the other end of the phone line your ISP has a direct connection to the
Internet. The ISPs router examines the destination address in each packet and
determines where to send it. Often, the packet's next stop is another router. More
on routers and Internet infrastructure later.
7. Eventually, the packets reach computer Here, the packets start at the
bottom of the destination computer's TCP/IP stack and work upwards.
8. As the packets go upwards through the stack, all routing data that the sending
computer's stack added (such as IP address and port number) is stripped from
the packets.
9. When the data reaches the top of the stack, the packets have been re-assembled
into their original form, "Hello computer!"
Protocol: a set of rules for data transmission which are agreed by sender and receiver
The TCP/IP protocol suite
Protocols are essential for successful transmission of data over a network. Each protocol
Defines a set of rules that must be agreed between sender and receiver. At the simplest level,
a protocol could define that a positive voltage represents a bit with value 1. At the other
Extreme, a protocol could define the format of the first 40 bytes in a packet
Internet Protocol (IP)
A protocol that specifies the size of the
packets that a message is broken down into,
and the address of the recipient device
A method of addressing that uses 32-bit
numbers to specify internet/network
A method of addressing that uses 128-bit
numbers to specify internet/network
A division of the OSI and TCP/IP models that
contains a protocol that implements a specific
aspect of communication
OSI model
A model that defines standards for
communication between any two devices and
across any network
A set of rules governing communication
between computers
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
A protocol in the TCP/IP suite that handles the
transfer of data from one computer to another
TCP/IP Layer Model
A model that defines standards for
communication over the internet
TCP/IP suite
A collection of protocols including IP, TCP and
UDP that handles communication between
two computers across the internet
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
A protocol in the TCP/IP suite that broadcasts
data across a network
What is a protocol?
Modern computers are designed with communication in mind. At a basic level, computers
may need to communicate with peripherals such as a printer, or to send messages to other
computers, which may be connected across a local area network (such as in a business, or
a school), a mobile phone cellular network, or the internet.
Before one computer can communicate with another, there must be a set of agreed rules in
place that manage how the communication is to take place. These rules are known
collectively as a protocol.
To illustrate the need for rules when two or more objects communicate, we will look at some
rules used when humans talk to each other. For example, we:
n the other person is talking, so we can hear them speak
Without such rules, communication becomes difficult, or even impossible.
Similarly to human communication, computers use rules, and these form the protocols that
are used for computer communication. Protocols need to specify several aspects of
communication, for example:
to be used, such as wired or wireless
The protocols allow messages to be transmitted in a structured, specific manner, so that the
receiving device is able to process the data sent from the sending device. Protocols
therefore make sure that communication between any two devices is successful. Different
communication protocols exist to specify rules for different types of communication, for
– handles transmission of data to and from a
– handles email transmission
– handles transmission of files across a network
– handles communication over the internet.
Layering and the OSI model
Many types of computer – for example, personal computers, laptops, servers, tablets and
smartphones – exist, and they are made by many different manufacturers. As a result, it is
important to have standards in place that designers and equipment manufacturers can follow
to make sure their products can communicate with others’.
The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model) was introduced to form standards for
computer communication. The model takes the various elements of communication and
conceptually separates them into layers. Each layer can be treated individually, and is
independent from the others. Each layer contains different protocols and handles a different
part of the transmission.
The model specifies seven layers: Layer
Application Layer
The interface between applications and the
network. Data/messages from applications
are passed down to / received from the
Presentation Layer.
Presentation Layer
Converts the data/message passed down
from the Application Layer into a format
usable by the layers below. Applications
use data in different ways and in different
formats. This layer makes sure all
data/messages are standardised into one
Session Layer
Controls the communication. Every
communication has a beginning and an
end. The Session Layer initiates the
communication and maintains it until it is
Transport Layer
Orders and assembles data packets for
transmission across the network.
Network Layer
Delivers packets. This layer determines the
address of the destination computer and
works out a route for packets to be sent
across the network.
Data Link Layer
Aids error-free transmission. This layer
contains the error-checking rules and
attempts to correct any transmission errors,
as well as determining the flow rate.
Devices may not be able to communicate
at the same speed, so this layer makes
sure data flows at a rate acceptable for
both devices.
Physical Layer
Handles the physical characteristics of the
hardware that handles the communication,
such as the medium (e.g. wired or
wireless) and transmission type.
The layers are numbered and sit one above each other, and can therefore be thought of as a
stack. The output from one layer provides the input for the next. Each layer interacts only with
the layer directly above it and/or below it, and at the bottom of the stack, the Physical Layer
transmits data between the source and destination devices:
Dividing protocols into layers provides several benefits:
above the Physical Layer. This makes it easier for a manufacturer to introduce a new
transmission medium.
protocols specific to that equipment (e.g. for a new router, testing would be needed at the
Network Layer, but not the Transport Layer).
metimes updated, and as the layers are separate and independent, the rules
within them can be changed without affecting the rules contained in the other layers, as long as
the interface to the layers above and below is kept the same.
s are more easily traced, as the type of error is often specific to a layer. A
tester only has to investigate that layer to find the cause of the problem.
The development and growth of the internet required specific protocols for internet
communication. Two protocols – Internet Protocol (IP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
– were developed as a result. Known collectively as the TCP/IP suite, each protocol is
responsible for different aspects of communication:
Internet communication uses ‘packet switching’ to handle data transfers from the sending device
to the receiving device – that is, transferred data, such as a downloaded file, is not sent across
the network in a single message, but is broken down into ‘packets’ of smaller pieces of data. IP
specifies the size of the packets that the message is broken down into, and the address of the
receiving device.
IP addresses
The Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) uses 32-bit numbers to specify internet addresses. These
addresses are broken down into four numbers in the range 0 to 255, and they are separated by
a dot. For example:
Each number is converted to 8 bits:
192 . 168 . 0 . 1
11000000 . 10101000 . 00000000 . 00000001
The four 8-bit numbers form one 32-bit number:
However, using 32 bits limits the total possible number of internet addresses to 4,294,967,296
(232) addresses (4.3 billion). Although this appears to be a very large number, the huge number
of computer devices currently running in the world means that the number of free addresses is
running out. As a result, a new version of the protocol, IPv6, using 128 bits, is now also in use.
This gives 2128 possible addresses!
– the ‘end-toend’ communication. It establishes a connection, then makes sure the packets are sent and
received correctly and in the right order. If a packet does not arrive, TCP re-sends the packet.
TCP differs from some other networking protocols in that it does not broadcast data across a
network – instead it is used for one-to-one communication between two devices. Another
protocol, the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is used for broadcasting data. Unlike TCP, UDP
does not guarantee the packet will safely arrive.
The TCP/IP layers handle similar
communication rules compared to their OSI
model equivalents:
Application Layer
The interface between applications (e.g. file
transfer, e-mail, web browsing) and the
network. Data/messages from applications
are passed to / received from the Transport
Transport Layer
Orders and assembles data packets for
transmission across the network. The
Transmission Control Protocol resides in
this layer, as does the User Datagram
Internet Layer
Exchanges packets between networks,
making all connected individual networks
appear as one big network. The Internet
Protocol is the main protocol in this layer.
Network Interface Layer
Defines how to transfers packets between
adjacent nodes on a wide area network and
within a local area network.
A TCP/IP communication example
If we want to view a webpage on the internet, the TCP/IP suite handles the communication
between our device and the webpage’s webserver:
1. Our browser uses the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to send a request to the
Application Layer.
2. The Application Layer protocol (HTTP) sends the request to the Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) in the Transport Layer. The TCP communicates with the Internet Layer to
establish a connection with the webserver across the network(s).
3. The Internet Protocol in the Internet Layer establishes the address of the webserver and
converts the request into packets. The packets are sent to the Network Layer.
4. The Network Layer uses its protocols to send the packets over the internet to the webserver.
5. At the webserver the process is reversed. The packets are sent up through the protocols in
the layers, and re-assembled into the request. The request is passed through the Application
Layer protocols for the webserver to service.
File transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to copy a file from one host to
another over a TCP/IP-based network, such as The Internet. By copying from one host to another,
you could say for example uploading a website with pictures from your PC to your website will
require use of FTP. Or the transfer of files over Skype will require FTP. FTP works on port 21
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a networking protocol behind the World Wide Web. It
allows for users on the web to exchange information found on web pages. HTTP works on ports 80
& 8080
Email protocols
The traditional method of sending and receiving emails is schematically illustrated in Figure
17.07. It can be seen that three individual client-server interactions are involved. The client
has a connection to a mail server which then has to function as a client in the transmission to the mail
server used by the receiver.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a 'push' protocol. POP3 (Post Office Protocol ve rsion
3) is a 'pull' protocol. There is a more recent alternative to POP3, which is IMAP (Internet
Message Access Protocol). IMAP offers the same facilities as POP3 but also a lot more.
This approach has been largely superseded by the use of web-based mail. A browser is used
to access the email application, so HTTP is now the protocol used. However, SMTP remains in
use for transfer between the mail servers.
TCP – Transmission Control Protocol
TCP is responsible for breaking data down into small packets before they can be sent over a
network, and for assembling the packets again when they arrive.
IP – Internet Protocol
IP takes care of the communication between computers. It is responsible for addressing, sending
and receiving the data packets over the Internet.
Communication between computers on a network is done through protocol suits. The most widely
used and available suite is TCP/IP. A protocol suit consists of a layered architecture where each
layer depicts some functionality which can be carried out by a protocol.
Each layer usually has more than one protocol option to carry out the responsibility that the layer
adheres to. TCP/IP is normally considered to be a 4 layer system. The 4 layers are as follows:
1. Application layer
2. Transport layer
3. Network layer
4. Data link layer
ApplicationU Layer:U
This is the top layer of TCP/IP. It includes applications or processes that use transport layer protocols
to deliver the data to destination computers.
As mentioned above, at each layer there are certain protocol options to carry out the task
designated to that particular layer. So, application layer also has various protocols that applications
use to communicate with the transport layer. Some of the popular application layer protocols are:
HTTP (Hypertext transfer protocol)
FTP (File transfer protocol)
SMTP (Simple mail transfer protocol)
SNMP (Simple network management protocol)
Transport Layer:
This layer provides backbone to data flow between two hosts. This layer receives data from the
application layer above it. There are many protocols that work at this layer but the 2 most
commonly used protocols here are TCP and UDP
TCP is used where a reliable connection is required while UDP is used in case of unreliable
TCP divides the data (coming from the application layer) into proper sized chunks and then passes
these chunks onto the network. It acknowledges received packets, waits for the acknowledgment
of sent packets and sets timeout to resend the packets if acknowledgements are not received in
time. The term ‘reliable connection’ is used where it is not desired to lose any information that is
being transferred over the network through this connection. So, the protocol used for this type of
connection must provide the mechanism to achieve this desired characteristic. For example, while
downloading a file, it is not desired to lose any information (bytes) as it may lead to corruption of
the downloaded file.
UDP provides a comparatively simpler but unreliable service by sending packets from one host to
another. UDP does not take any extra measurements to ensure that the data sent is received by the
target host or not. The term ‘unreliable connection’ is used where minor data loss does not hamper
the task being fulfilled through this connection. For example while streaming a video; loss of few
bytes of information is acceptable as this does not harm the user experience much.
Network Layer:
This layer is also known as the Internet Layer. The main purpose of this layer is to organize or handle
the movement of data on the network. By movement of data, we generally mean routing of data
over the network. The main protocol used at this layer is IP. While ICMP and IGMP are also used at
this layer.
Data Link Layer:
This layer is also known as the Network Interface Layer. This layer normally consists of device
drivers in the OS and the network interface card attached to the system. Both the device drivers
and the network interface card take cake of the communication details with the media being used
to transfer the data over the network. In most of the cases, this media is in the form of cables. Some
of the famous protocols that are used at this layer include ARP (Address resolution protocol) and
PPP (Point to point protocol) etc
What are Peer-to-Peer Networks?
In a nutshell, a peer-to-peer (P2P) network is created when 2 or more PCs are connected and share
resources without going through a separate server computer. A P2P network can be an ad hoc
connection or a P2P network can be a network on a much greater scale in which applications set up
direct relationships among users over the internet. Most P2P programs are focused on media
sharing and hence P2P is often associated with software privacy and copyright violation. A famous
example of P2P application is BitTorrent and so we are going to discuss how BitTorrent actually
carries out
You open a Web page and click on a link for the file you want.
BitTorrent client software communicates with a tracker to find other computers running
BitTorrent that have the complete file (seed computers) and those with a portion of the file
(peers that are usually in the process of downloading the file).
The tracker identifies the swarm, which is the connected computers that have all of or a portion
of the file and are in the process of sending or receiving it.
The tracker helps the client software trade pieces of the file you want with other computers in
the swarm. Your computer receives multiple pieces of the file simultaneously.
If you continue to run the BitTorrent client software after your download is complete, others
can receive .torrent files from your computer; your future download rates improve because you
are ranked higher in the "tit-for-tat" system.
Downloading pieces of the file at the same time helps solve a common problem with other peer-to-peer
download methods: Peers upload at a much slower rate than they download. By downloading multiple
pieces at the same time, the overall speed is greatly improved. The more computers involved in the
swarm, the faster the file transfer occurs because there are more sources of each piece of the file. For
this reason, BitTorrent is especially useful for large, popular files.
1. A protocol is:
a. a message sent from one computer to another
b. a program used to send messages between computers
c. a set of rules governing communication between computers
2. The OSI Model was developed to:
a. allow communication between two devices
b. define standards for communication
c. allow communication over the internet
3. An advantage of layering is:
a. transmission faults are easier to trace
b. computers can communicate without error
c. the transmission medium can be specified
4. The purpose of the Transmission Control Protocol is to:
a. allow packets to be sent over a network
b. allow packets to be sent over the internet
c. specify packet sizes and allocate packet numbers
5. The purpose of the Internet Protocol is to:
a. determine the address of the recipient computer
b. allow packets to be sent over the internet
c. specify the transmission medium
Circuit Switching
In this networking method, a connection called a circuit is set up between two devices, which
is used for the whole communication. Information about the nature of the circuit is maintained
by the network. The circuit may either be a fixed one that is always present, or it may be a
circuit that is created on an as-needed basis. Even if many potential paths through intermediate
devices may exist between the two devices communicating, only one will be used for any given
dialog. As illustrated below
Packet switching steps:
1. Data is split into packets
2. Each packet has a source address, destination address and payload (data packet)
3. If data requires multiple packets, then the order of each packet is noted
4. Packets sent onto the network, moving from router to router taking different paths (set
by the router). Each packet’s journey time can therefore differ.
5. Once the packets arrive, they are re-ordered
6. Message sent from recipient to sender indication that the message has been received
7. If no confirmation message received, sender transmits the data again.
How does a router work?
The internet is one of the 20th century’s
greatest communications developments. It
allows people around the world to send e-mail
to one another in a matter of seconds.
We’re all used to seeing the various parts of
the Internet that come into our homes and
offices -- the Webpages, e-mail messages and
file that make the Internet a
dynamic and valuable medium. But none of
these parts would ever make it to your
computer without a piece of the Internet that
you’ve probably given less regard to. This
technology is most responsible for allowing
the Internet to exist at all: the router
When you send an e-mail to a friend on the other side of the country, how does the message
know to end up on your friend’s computer rather than on one of the millions of other computers
in the world? Much of the work to get a message from one computer to another is done by
routers, because they’re the crucial devices that let messages flow between networks, rather
than within networks.
Imagine a small company that makes animated 3-D graphics for local television stations. There
are 10 employees of the company, each with a computer. 4 of the employees are animators,
while the other 6 are in sales, accounting and management. The animators will need to send
lots of large files back and forth to one another as they work on projects. To do this, they'll use
a network.
Each information packet sent from a computer is seen by all the other computers on the local
network. Each computer then examines the packet and decides whether it was meant for its
address. This keeps the basic plan of the network simple, but has performance consequences
as the size of the network or level of network activity increases. To keep the animators' work
from interfering with that of the folks in the front office, the company sets up two separate
networks, one for the animators and one for the rest of the company. A router links the two
networks and connects both networks to the Internet. Data travels across the internet in
packets. Each packet can carry a maximum of 1,500 bytes. Around these
packets is a wrapper with a header and a footer. The information contained in
the wrapper tells computers what kind of data is in the packet, how it fits
together with other data, where the data came from and the data's final
When you send an e-mail to someone, the message breaks up into packets
that travel across the network. Different packets from the same message don't
have to follow the same path. That's part of what makes the Internet so robust
and fast. Packets will travel from one machine to another until they reach their
destination. As the packets arrive, the computer receiving the data assembles
the packets like a puzzle, recreating the message.
All data transfers across the Internet work on this principle. It helps networks
manage traffic -- if one pathway becomes clogged with traffic, packets can go
through a different route. This is different from the traditional phone system,
which creates a dedicated circuit through a series of switches. All information
through the old analog phone system would pass back and forth between a
dedicated connections. If something happened to that connection, the call
would end.
That's not the case with traffic across IP networks. If one connection should
fail, data can travel across an alternate route. This works for individual
networks and the Internet as a whole. For instance, even if a packet doesn't
make it to the destination, the machine receiving the data can determine
which packet is missing by referencing the other packets. It can send a
message to the machine sending the data to send it again, creating
redundancy. This all happens in the span of just a few milliseconds.
If you're interested in switching to an IP convergence system, do some
research first. Many companies provide installation services. While an IP
system is relatively easy to maintain, it does require an up-front investment to
put the system in place. You'll need to outfit your organization with the proper
servers, handsets, video conferencing equipment and wiring to take full
advantage of the system's capabilities.
14.2.1 Circuit switching
The concept of circuit switching was introduced in Chapter 2 during the description of how a
public switched telephone network (PSTN) was used to make a phone call. Circuit switching
uses a dedicated channel/circuit which lasts throughout the connection: the communication line
is effectively ‘tied up’. When sending data across a network, there are three stages:
1 First, a circuit/channel between sender and receiver must be established.
2 Data transfer then takes place (which can be analogue or digital); transmission is usually bidirectional.
3 After the data transfer is complete, the connection is terminated.
The pros and cons of circuit switching are summarised in this table. Figure 14.7 shows an
example of circuit switching.
the circuit used is dedicated to the single
transmission only
it is not very flexible (for example, it will send
empty frames and it has to use a single,
dedicated line)
the whole of the bandwidth is available
nobody else can use the circuit/channel even
when it is idle
the data transfer rate is faster than with
packet switching
the circuit is always there whether or not it is
the packets of data (frames) arrive at the
destination in the same order as they were
if there is a failure/fault on the dedicated line,
there is no alternative routing available
a packet of data cannot get lost since all
packets follow on in sequence along the
same single route
dedicated channels require a greater bandwidth
it works better than packet switching in realtime applications
prior to actual transmission, the time required
to establish a link can be long
14.2.2 Packet switching
Packet switching was introduced in Chapter 2 when describing VoIP, together with a diagram to
show how the individual packets are routed from client to client.
Packet switching is a method of transmission in which a message is broken up into a number of
packets that can be sent independently to each other from start point to end point. The data
packets will need to be reassembled into their correct order at the destination. Figure 14.8 shows
an example of packet switching.
Note that
• each packet follows its own path
• routing selection depends on the number of datagram packets waiting to be processed at each
node (router)
• the shortest path available is selected
• packets can reach the destination in a different order to that in which they are sent.
Figure 14.8 An example of packet switching
As Figure 14.8 shows, the message sent by computer ‘A’ was split into four packets. The
original packet order was:
and they arrived in the order:
which means they need to
be reassembled in the correct order at the destination.
The pros and cons of packet switching are summarised in this table.
no need to tie up a communication line
the protocols for packet
switching can be more complex
than those for circuit switching
it is possible to overcome failed or faulty lines by simply
re-routing packages
if a packet is lost, the sender
must re-send the packet (which
wastes time)
it is easy to expand the traffic usage
does not work well with realtime data streams
circuit switching charges the user on the distance and
duration of a connection, but packet switching charges
users only for the duration of the connectivity
the circuit/channel has to share
its bandwidth with other packets
high data transmission is possible with packet switching
there is a delay at the destination
while packets are reassembled
packet switching always uses digital networks which
means digital data is transmitted directly to the destination
needs large amounts of RAM to
handle the large amounts of data
Infuse your life with action. Don't wait
for it to happen. Make it happen. Make
your own future. Make your own hope.
Make your own love. And whatever your
beliefs, honor your creator, not by
passively waiting for grace to come
down from upon high, but by doing
what you can to make grace happen...
yourself, right now, right down here
on Earth.
Key terms
Mantissa – the fractional part of a floating point number.
Exponent – the power of 2 that the mantissa (fractional part) is raised to in a floating-point
Binary floating-point number – a binary number written in the form M × 2E (where M is the
mantissa and E is the exponent).
Normalisation (floating-point) – a method to improve the precision of binary floating-point
numbers; positive numbers should be in the format 0.1 and negative numbers in the format 1.0.
Overflow – the result of carrying out a calculation which produces a value too large for the
computer’s allocated word size.
Underflow – the result of carrying out a calculation which produces a value too small for the
computer’s allocated word size.
13.3 Floating-point numbers, representation and manipulation
Candidates should be able to:
Notes and guidance
Describe the format of binary floating-point real
Use two’s complement form
Understand of the effects of changing the allocation
of bits to mantissa and exponent in a floating-point
Convert binary floating-point real numbers into
denary and vice versa
Normalise floating-point numbers
Understand the reasons for normalisation
Show understanding of the consequences of a binary
representation only being an approximation to the
real number it represents (in certain cases)
Understand how underflow and overflow can occur
Show understanding that binary representations can
give rise to rounding errors
In decimal notation, the number “23.456” can be written as “0.23456x102 ” . This means that in
decimal notation, we only need to store the numbers “0.23456” and “2”. The number “0.23456”
is called the mantissa and the number “2” is called the exponent. This is what happens in
For example, consider the binary number “10111”. This could be represented as “0.10111x25 ”
or “0.10111x2101 ” . Here “0.10111” is the mantissa and “101” is the exponent.
Similarly, in decimal, 0.0000246 can be written as “0.246x10- 4” . Now the mantissa is “0.246”
and the exponent is “-4”.
Thus, in binary, “0.00010101” can be written as “0.10101x2- 11” . Now the mantissa is
“0.10101” and the exponent is “-11”.
By now it should be clear that we need to store 2 numbers, the mantissa and the exponent.
This form of representation is called floating point form. Numbers that involve a fractional
part like “2.467 10 ” and “101.0101 2 ” are called real numbers.
Converting binary floating-point real numbers into denary and vice versa
Convert “2.625” into 8-bit floating point format
Converting the integral part is simple; you simply keep adding bits of increasing power
until you get the number that you want, so in this case:
2 (the integral part) =
128 (2^7)
64 (2^6)
32 (2^5)
16 (2^4)
8 (2^3)
4 (2^2)
2 (2^1)
1 (2^0)
Or simply “10”
As for the fractional part, you must do repeated multiplication by 2 until your remainder is
zero, so in this case:
0.625 (the fractional part)
- 0.625 x 2 = 1.25
(Generate “1”,continue with the rest)
- 0.25 x 2 = 0.5
(Because the whole part is “0” we continue multiplying by 2 )
- 0.5
(Generate “1” and nothing remains in the fractional part
So 2 10
x 2 = 1.0
= 10 2
and 0.625 10 = 0.101 2
So 2.625 10 = 10.101 2 (binary floating-point real number)
Convert 0.40625 to 8-bit floating point format
- 0.40625 x 2 = 0.8125
- 0.8125 x 2 = 1.625
- 0.625
x 2 = 1.25
- 0.25
x 2 = 0.5
- 0.5
x 2 = 1.0
So 0.40625 10 = 0.01101 2 (binary floating-point real number)
Convert 14.7 into 8-bit floating point format
14 (the integral part) =
128 (2^7) 64 (2^6)
32 (2^5)
16 (2^4)
8 (2^3)
4 (2^2)
2 (2^1)
1 (2^0)
Or simply “1110”
0.7 (the fractional part)
-0.7 x 2 = 1.4
-0.4 x 2 = 0.8
-0.8 x 2 = 1.6
-0.6 x 2 = 1.2
-0.2 x 2 = 0.4
-0.4 x 2 = 0.8
-0.8 x 2 = 1.6
-0.6 x 2 = 1.2
This process seems to go on endlessly. The number “7/10”, which is a perfectly normal
decimal fraction, is a repeating fraction in binary, just as the fraction “1/3” is a repeating
fraction in decimal. (It repeats in binary as well.) We can’t represent this number precisely as
a floating point number. The closest we can get with four bits is “.1011”. Since we already
have a leading “14”, the best eight
bit number we can make is “1110.1011” So 14.7 10 = 1110.1011 2 (binary floating-point
real number)
Convert 1101.1100 into denary format
Integral part: 1101
Fractional part: 1100
Converting the integral part is simply converting from binary to decimal
128 (2^7)
1101 2
64 (2^6)
32 (2^5)
16 (2^4)
8 (2^3)
4 (2^2)
2 (2^1)
1 (2^0)
= 8+4+1 = 13 10
Converting the fractional part is similar as integral part
½ (2^-1)
0.1100 2
¼ (2^-2)
1/8 (2^-3)
1/16 (2^-4)
= (1/2) + (1/4) = 0.75 10
So 1101.1100 2 = 13.75 10
*red cells indicate that those bits are not used
1/32 (2^-5)
1/64 (2^-6)
1/128 (2^-7)
1/256 (2^-8)
Normalizing a Real Number
In the above examples, the decimal point in the mantissa was always placed immediately before
the first non-zero digit. This is always done like this with positive numbers because it allows
us to use the maximum number of digits.
Suppose we use 8 bits to hold the mantissa and 8 bits to hold the exponent. The binary
“10.11011” becomes “0.1011011 x 210 ” and
can be held as:
Notice that the first digit of the mantissa is 0 and the second digit is 1. The mantissa is said to
be “normalized” if the first 2 digits are different. Thus, for a positive number, the first digit is
always 0 and the second digit is always 1. The exponent is always an integer and is help in 2’s
complement form.
Now consider the binary number “0.00000101011” which is “0.1010110 x 2- 101” . Thus the
mantissa is “0.101011” and the exponent is “-101”. Again, using 8 bits for the mantissa and 8
bits for the exponent, we have:
Because the 2’s complement of “-101” using 8 bits is “11111011”
The main reason that we normalize floating-point numbers is in order to have as high degree
of accuracy as possible.
Care must be taken when normalizing negative numbers. The easiest way to normalize
numbers is to first normalize the positive version of the number. Consider the binary number
“-1011”. The positive version is “1011” = “0.1011 x 2100 ” and can be represented by:
As another example, change the fraction “-11/32” into a normalized floating point binary
Ignore the negative sign and solve for just “11/32”
11/32 = 0.34375
- 0.3475 x 2 = 0.6875
- 0.6875 x 2 = 1.375
- 0.375 x 2 = 0.75
- 0.75
x 2 = 1.50
- 0.50
x 2 = 1.00
= 0.01011 2
Now we have 8 bits mantissa and 8 bits exponent
0 0 0 0 0
But it is not normalized, so we do that by removing a “0” from bit “1/2” in the
mantissa and subtracting that 1 location from exponent 0 revels -1.
That is:
1 1 1 1 1
For “-11/32”, keep the exponent the same and in the mantissa, convert it into 2’s
1 1 1 1 1
The following values relate to an 8-bit mantissa and an 8-bit exponent (using two’s
The maximum positive number which can be stored is:
Figure 13.10
The smallest positive number which can be stored is:
Figure 13.11
The smallest magnitude negative number which can be stored is:
Figure 13.12
The largest magnitude negative number which can be stored is:
Figure 13.13
Rounding errors
Suppose you wish to represent the number 1/7 in decimal. This number goes on infinitely
repeating the sequence “0.142857”.
How would you represent this in 4 bit floating point? (3 bit mantissa and 1 bit exponent) 1.43
x 10- 1 is the closest you can get.
Even with 10, 20, or 100 digits, you would need to do some rounding to represent an infinite
number in a finite space. If you have a lot of digits, your rounding error might seem
insignificant. But consider what happens if you add up these rounded numbers repeatedly for
a long period of time. If you round 1/7 to 1.42 x 10- 1 (0 .142) and add up this representation
700 times, you would expect to get 100. (1/7 x 700 = 100) but instead you get 99.4 (0.142 x
Relatively small rounding errors like the example above can have huge impacts. Knowing how
these rounding errors can occur and being conscious of them will help you become a better and
more precise programmer.
Consequences of binary representation of a real number
While some rounding errors seem to be very insignificant, small errors can quickly add up. One
of the most tragic events caused by rounding errors was the Patriot Missile Crisis in 1991.
Patriot Missiles, which stand for Phased Array Tracking intercept of Target, were originally
designed to be mobile defenses against enemy aircraft. These missiles were supposed to
explode right before encountering an incoming object. However, on the 25th of February 1991,
a Patriot Missile failed to intercept an incoming Iraqi Scud missile which then struck an army
barrack in Dhahran killing 28 American soldiers and injuring over 100 other people!
So what went wrong?
The system’s internal clock recorded passage of time in tenths of seconds. However, as
explained earlier, 1/10 has a non-terminating binary representation, which could lead to
problems. Let’s look into why this happens.
This is an approximation of what 1/10 looks like in binary.
The internal clock used by the computer system only saved 24 bits. So this is what was
saved every tenth of a second:
Chopping off any digits beyond the first 24 bits introduced an error of about:
This is about 0.000000095 seconds for each tenth of a second
The missile’s battery had been running for about 100 hours before the incident. Imagine this
error accumulating for 100 hours (10 times each second!)
The small error for each tenth of a second was not believed to be a problem. However, the
missile’s battery had been running for over 100 hours, introducing an error of about 0.34
Given the missile was supposed to intercept a Scud traveling 1,624 meters per second, 0.34
second delay turned out to be a huge problem!
I really believe that everyone has a
talent, ability, or skill that he can
mine to support himself and to
succeed in life.
15.2 Boolean Algebra and Logic Circuits
Notes and guidance
May include logic gates with more than two inputs.
Draw a logic circuit and derive a truth table for a
Understand of the role of flip-flops as data storage
Understand De Morgan’s laws.
Perform Boolean algebra using De Morgan’s laws.
Simplify a logic circuit/expression using Boolean
Understand of the benefits of using Karnaugh maps
Solve logic problems using Karnaugh maps
Half -Adder
A half-adder is a combinational arithmetic circuit block that can be used to add 2 bits. Such a
circuit thus has 2 inputs that represent the 2 bits to be added and 2 outputs, with one
producing the SUM output and the other producing the CARRY output
Half-adders are the simplest of all adder circuits, but it has a major
disadvantage. The half adder can add only 2 input bits (A and B) and has nothing to
do with the carry if there is any as the input. So if the input to a half adder has a carry,
then it will be neglected. Hence the binary addition process is not complete and that’s
why it is called a HALF adder
Full -Adder
A full-adder circuit is a combinational arithmetic circuit block that can be used to add
3 bits to produce a SUM and CARRY output.
Becomes a necessity when it comes to adding binary numbers with a large number of
Overcomes the limitation of the half-adder, which could only add 2 bits.
While adding larger binary numbers, we also consider the carry bit from the last 2
binary numbers.
A full-adder is therefore essential for the hardware implementation of an adder
circuit capable of adding larger binary numbers.
Boolean value
a value that is true or false
logic gate
a component in an electronic circuit that
produces an output from a combination of
inputs, based on a logical function such as
a statement or hypothesis
truth table
a table to show all the outputs from a
combination of inputs
What is Boolean algebra?
Boolean algebra is a form of mathematics that deals with statements and their Boolean
values. It is named after its inventor George Boole, who is thought to be one of the founders
of computer science. In Boolean algebra variables and functions take on one of two values:
true or false. These values can also be referred to as 1 for true and 0 for false.
Example statements
If we take a simple statement we can start to see the operations of Boolean algebra:
“I will wear a coat if it is very cold or if it is raining.”
The proposition ‘I will wear a coat’ will be true if either of the propositions ‘It is very cold’ or
‘It is raining’ are true. We can represent this as a diagram:
We could then make our statement more complex by saying:
“If I do not go on the bus, I will wear a coat if it is very cold or if it is raining.”
We can represent this as a diagram:
If we look at the logic of our diagram we can see that if it is very cold or it is raining and I am
not going on the bus, I will wear a coat. But if I go on the bus I will not wear a coat regardless
of whether it is very cold or it is raining.
Boolean operations have an order in which they are carried out. This order is:
– OR
However, anything that appears inside brackets has the normal mathematical rule apply, that
it is always carried out first.
We can begin to create a Boolean expression from our diagram. Note that the brackets
around the OR statement mean that this will be evaluated before the AND statement:
Coat = ((NOT Bus) AND (Very cold OR Raining))
In Boolean algebra, parts of a statement are often given a single letter. This means we can
write our statement as:
C = (( ) (V + R))
If we now consider the order that Boolean operators have to be carried out in, the NOT
statement will be evaluated first, so we can simplify our statement slightly by removing the
C = (V + R)
Boolean laws
There are some further general rules (laws) in Boolean algebra. We will use the values A, B
and C to demonstrate these rules. The rules apply to the AND and OR logic gates:
Boolean expressions often use symbols for the operators. Different symbols can be used,
but we will use:
Simplification (reduction) rules
There are also some simplifications we need to be aware of for Boolean operators:
( ̅) = A
By looking at our example and from understanding the rules that are applied and the
simplifications that can occur, we now have a greater understanding of the workings of
Boolean algebra.
Worked simplification example
We can now put our knowledge into practice with a further example. Consider the following
logic circuit:
1) The first set of gates gives:
2) The output of the two AND gates is passed through an OR gate:
3) The output of this and the OR gate (A + B) is then passed through an AND gate. The
whole expression is therefore:
X = (A + B) ((B C) + (C B))
4) We can now apply the simplification rule A + A = A to simplify the expression:
(B C) + (C B) = (B C)
5) The final simplified expression is therefore:
X = (A + B) (B C)
What exactly is memory?
A memory should have at least three properties:
1. It should be able to hold a value.
2. You should be able to read the value that was saved
3. You should be able to change the value that was saved.
We shall start with the simplest case, a one-bit memory.
1. It should be able to hold a single bit, 0 or 1.
2. You should be able to read the bit that was saved.
3. You should be able to change the value.
Since there is only one bit, there are only 2 options:
- Set the bit to 1
- Reset, or clear, the bit to 0.
The basic idea of storage
How can a circuit “remember” anything, when it’s just a bunch of gates that
produce outputs according to the inputs?
The basic idea is to make a loop, so that the circuit outputs are also the inputs.
Here is one initial attempt, shown with two equivalent layouts:
Does this satisfy the properties of memory?
These circuits “remember” Q, because its value never changes.
(Similarly Q’ never changes either.)
We can also “read” Q, by attaching a light probe or another circuit.
But we can’t change Q! There are no external inputs here, so we
can’t control whether Q=1 or Q=0.
The Latch:
The most common memory element used is the latch which is made up of an assembly
of logic gates. Even though a logic gate by itself has no storage capacity, several can be
connected together in ways that permit information to be stored.
A storage element maintains binary state indefinitely (as long as power is applied), until
directed by an input signal to switch to its alternated state.
The S-R (Set-Reset) latch is the most basic type. It can be constructed from NOR gates
or NAND gates. With NOR gates, the latch responds to active-HIGH inputs; with NAND
gates, it responds to active-LOW inputs
Q: Describe the role of flip-flops as data storage elements ?
Flip-flops can be either simple (transparent or asynchronous) or clocked (synchronous); the
transparent ones are commonly called latches.[1] The word latch is mainly used for storage
elements, while clocked devices are described as flip-flops.[2]
Simple flip-flops can be built around a pair of cross-coupled inverting elements: vacuum
tubes, bipolar transistors, field effect transistors, inverters, and inverting logic gates have all been
used in practical circuits. Clocked devices are specially designed for synchronous systems; such
devices ignore their inputs except at the transition of a dedicated clock signal (known as clocking,
pulsing, or strobing). Clocking causes the flip-flop either to change or to retain its output signal
based upon the values of the input signals at the transition. Some flip-flops change output on the
rising edge of the clock, others on the falling edge.
Since the elementary amplifying stages are inverting, two stages can be connected in succession
(as a cascade) to form the needed non-inverting amplifier. In this configuration, each amplifier
may be considered as an active inverting feedback network for the other inverting amplifier. Thus
the two stages are connected in a non-inverting loop although the circuit diagram is usually
Failure will never overtake me if
my determination to succeed is
strong enough.
Key terms
CISC – complex instruction set computer.
RISC – reduced instruction set computer.
Pipelining – allows several instructions to be processed simultaneously without having to wait
for previous instructions to finish.
Parallel processing – operation which allows a process to be split up and for each part to be
executed by a different processor at the same time.
SISD – single instruction single data, computer architecture which uses a single processor and
one data source.
SIMD – single instruction multiple data, computer architecture which uses many processors
and different data inputs.
MISD – multiple instruction single data, computer architecture which uses many processors
but the same shared data source.
MIMD – multiple instruction multiple data, computer architecture which uses many
processors, each of which can use a separate data source.
Cluster – a number of computers (containing SIMD processors) networked together.
Super computer – a powerful mainframe computer.
Massively parallel computers – the linking together of several computers effectively forming
one machine with thousands of processors.
CISC features
RISC features
Many instruction formats are possible
Uses fewer instruction formats/sets
There are more addressing modes
Uses fewer addressing modes
Makes use of multi-cycle instructions
Makes use of single-cycle
Instructions can be of a variable length
Instructions are of a fixed length
Longer execution time for instructions
Faster execution time for
Decoding of instructions is more complex
Makes use of general multi-purpose
It is more difficult to make pipelining work
Easier to make pipelining function
The design emphasis is on the hardware
The design emphasis is on the
Uses the memory unit to allow complex instructions to
be carried out
Processor chips require fewer
Table 15.1 The differences between CISC and RISC processors
Boolean algebra
Boolean operators
Algebra in which variables may have one of
two values (True or False, 1 or 0)
System of operators used for logical
operations. The following symbols are used in
this guide:
• NOT: A, B, C
• AND:
• OR: +
Karnaugh maps
truth table
A grid layout of the inputs and outputs of a logic
function with the input values on the outside of
the grid, and the output values in the squares
of the grid
A table listing all possible combinations of
inputs and the corresponding outputs for a
given logic function
What are Karnaugh maps?
Karnaugh maps are similar to truth tables, in that they show all possible combinations of
input variables and output for a given function. However, in Karnaugh maps, the variable
values form the coordinates of the map (row and column headings) and the function output
forms the squares in the map. The relation between a truth table and Karnaugh map is
shown below, for a generalised two-variable function where A, B are the variables and the
function output for each combination is determined by F:
The benefit of Karnaugh maps is that their layout enables output 1s to be grouped together.
A set of simplification rules for grouping (see Section 3 Online resources) can be followed to
eliminate unnecessary variables, see:
for a clear explanation, and derive the simplest logical expression of the function. Knowing
this simple expression means that the number of logic devices required to implement a
particular function in a logic circuit can be minimised. Similarly, in software applications,
knowing the simplest expression minimises the number of instructions/ comparisons needed.
2.2.Worked examples
Use the following link to work through examples of two- and three-variable Karnaugh maps
and the simplification rules:
14.2 Circuit switching, packet switching
Candidates should be able to:
Notes and guidance
Show understanding of circuit switching
Benefits, drawbacks and where it is applicable
Show understanding of packet switching
Benefits, drawbacks and where it is applicable
Show understanding of the function of a router in
packet switching
Explain how packet switching is used to pass messages
across a network, including the internet
Hardware and Virtual Machines
15.1 Processors, Parallel Processing and Virtual Machines
Candidates should be able to:
Notes and guidance
Show understanding of Reduced Instruction Set
Computers (RISC) and Complex Instruction Set
Computers (CISC) processors
Differences between RISC and CISC
Understand interrupt handling on CISC and RISC
Show understanding of the importance / use of
pipelining and registers in RISC processors
Show understanding of the four basic computer
Show understanding of the characteristics of
massively parallel computers
Show understanding of the concept of a virtual
Give examples of the role of virtual machines
Understand the benefits and limitations of virtual
Pipelineling in RISC
One of the major developments resulting from RISC architecture is pipelining. This is one of the
less complex ways of improving computer performance. Pipelining allows several instructions to
be processed simultaneously without having to wait for previous instructions to be completed. To
understand how this works, we need to split up the execution of a given instruction into its five
1 instruction fetch cycle (IF)
2 instruction decode cycle (ID)
3 operand fetch cycle (OF)
4 instruction execution cycle (IE)
5 writeback result process (WB).
To demonstrate how pipelining works, we will consider a program which has six instructions (A,
B, C, D, E and F). Figure 15.1 shows the relationship between processor stages and the number
of required clock cycles when using pipelining. It shows how pipelining would be implemented
with each stage requiring one clock cycle to complete.
There are better starters than me
but I'm a strong finisher.
16.1 Purposes of an Operating System (OS)
Candidates should be able to:
Notes and guidance
Show understanding of how an OS can maximise the
use of resources
Describe the ways in which the user interface hides
the complexities of the hardware from the user
Show understanding of process management
The concept of multi-tasking and a process
The process states: running, ready and blocked
The need for scheduling and the function and
benefits of different scheduling routines (including
round robin, shortest job first, first come first served,
shortest remaining time)
How the kernel of the OS acts as an interrupt handler
and how interrupt handling is used to manage lowlevel scheduling
Show understanding of virtual memory, paging and
segmentation for memory management
The concepts of paging, virtual memory and
The difference between paging and segmentation
How pages can be replaced
How disk thrashing can occur
Operating System Concepts (Chapter 7) Tasks/Processes – Process States New Ready Running Blocked
Exit – Process Control Block – Multitasking – Task Scheduling – CPU and IO Bound Tasks – Scheduling
Process states New: Process has been created but hasn’t yet got admission in ready queue. Ready:
Submitted for execution, all resources are assigned except CPU. Running: Currently running on CPU
Blocked: Cannot execute until specific event occurs Exit: Normal or abnormal termination of process
CPU Scheduling Criteria CPU Utilization: CPU should be kept as busy as possible. (40 to 90 percent)
Throughput: Work is being done. No. Of processes per unit time Turnaround time: For a particular process
how long it takes to execute. (Interval between time of submission to time of completion) Waiting time:
Total time process spends in ready queue. Response: First response of process after submission
Optimization criteria It is desirable to – Maximize CPU utilization – Maximize throughput – Minimize
turnaround time – Minimize start time – Minimize waiting time – Minimize response time In most cases,
we strive to optimize the average measure of each metric In other cases, it is more important to optimize
the minimum or maximum values rather than the average
CPU Scheduling FCFS or Co-operative SJF SRT first Priority Scheduling Round Robin Scheduling
First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) Scheduling ProcessBurst Time P 1 24 P 2 3 P 3 3 Suppose that the
processes arrive in the order: P 1, P 2, P 3 The Gantt Chart for the schedule is: Waiting time for P 1 = 0;
P 2 = 24; P 3 = 27 Average waiting time: ( )/3 = 17 Average turn-around time: ( )/3 = 27 P1P1 P2P2 P3P
FCFS – Continued: Suppose that the processes arrive in the order P 2, P 3, P 1 The Gantt chart for the
schedule is: Waiting time for P 1 = 6; P 2 = 0 ; P 3 = 3 Average waiting time: ( )/3 = 3 Much better than
previous case Convoy effect short process behind long process Average turn-around time: ( )/3 = 13 P1P1
P3P3 P2P
SJF( Non Pre-emptive and Simultaneous arrival ProcessArrival TimeBurst Time P P P P SJF (nonpreemptive, simultaneous arrival) Average waiting time = ( )/4 = 4 Average turn-around time = ( )/4 = 8
P4P4 P3P3 P1P P2P2 24
SJF (Non pre-emptive and varied arrival) ProcessArrival TimeBurst Time P P P P SJF (non-preemptive,
varied arrival times) Average waiting time = ( (0 – 0) + (8 – 2) + (7 – 4) + (12 – 5) )/4 = ( )/4 = 4
Average turn-around time: = ( (7 – 0) + (12 – 2) + (8 - 4) + (16 – 5))/4 = ( )/4 = 8 P1P1 P3P3 P2P P4P4
SJF (Pre-emptive and varied arrival) SRTF ProcessArrival TimeBurst Time P P P P SJF (preemptive, varied
arrival times) Average waiting time = ( [(0 – 0) + (11 - 2)] + [(2 – 2) + (5 – 4)] + (4 - 4) + (7 – 5) )/4
= )/4 = 3 Average turn-around time = ( )/4 = 9.75 P1P1 P3P3 P2P P4P4 57 P2P2 P1P1 16
Priority Sceduling A priority number (integer) is associated with each process The CPU is allocated to the
process with the highest priority (smallest integer  highest priority) – Preemptive – nonpreemptive SJF is
a priority scheduling where priority is the predicted next CPU burst time Problem  Starvation – low priority
processes may never execute Solution  Aging – as time progresses increase the priority of the process
Round Robin ProcessBurst Time P 1 53 P 2 17 P 3 68 P 4 24 Typically, higher average turnaround than
SJF, but better response time Average waiting time = ( [(0 – 0) + ( ) + (121 – 97)] + (20 – 0) + [(37 –
0) + ( ) + (134 – 117)] + [(57 – 0) + (117 – 77)] ) / 4 = ( ) ( ) + ( ) ) / 4 = ( )/4 = 292 / 4 = 73 Average
turn-around time = ) / 4 = P1P1 P2P2 P3P3 P4P4 P1P1 P3P3 P4P4 P1P1 P3P3 P3P
An operating system (OS) is a set of programs that manage computer resources and run in the
background on a computer system, giving an environment in which application software can be
Responsibilities of the OS include:
Hiding the complexities of hardware from the user.
Managing between the hardware’s resources which include the processors, memory, data
storage and I/O devices.
Handling “interrupts” generated by the I/O controllers
Sharing of I/O between many programs using the CPU.
The 2 types of software that usually reside on an OS are:
System Software – programs that manage the operation of a computer
Application Software – programs that help the user perform a particular task.
User Interfaces
The user interface is the interaction between the User and the Machine, letting the user
send commands with the expected results. Two types of interfaces are:
Command Line Interface (CLI)
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Command Line Interface (CLI)
A command-line interface allows the user to interact with the computer by typing in commands. The
computer displays a prompt, the user keys in the command and presses the enter button
Features of a command-line interface
Commands must be typed correctly and in the right order or the command will not work.
Experienced users who know the commands can work out very quickly without having to
find their way around the menus.
An advantage of command driven programs is that they do not need the memory and
processing power of the latest computer and will often run on lower spec machines.
A command-line interface can run many programs, for example a batch file could launch half
a dozen programs to do its task.
An inexperienced user can sometimes find a command driven program difficult to use
because of the number of commands that have to be learnt.
An example of command line interface is MS-DOS. The MS-DOS command to display all files on
the C drive would be “dir c:\”
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Graphical user interface is sometimes shortened to GUI. The user chooses an option usually by pointing
a mouse at an icon representing that option
Features of GUIs include:
Much easier to use for beginners.
They enable you to easily exchange information between software using cut and paste
They use a lot of memory and processing power. It can be slower to use than a commandline interface.
They can be irritating to experienced users when simple tasks require a number of operations.
Examples of GUIs are Windows XP, Windows 8, Apple OSX, and Ubuntu.
The operating system is designed to hide the complexity of the PC’s hardware. In order to achieve this, it
offers different features.
Provides an interface between computer and the user.
Input and output devices can be controlled.
The system’s resources are managed by the OS and can also be manages by the user using the
Reads and writes from or to a disk, also providing an interface for the user to manage the files.
Controls user access rights, by restricting different actions or interfaces
Types of interrupt is:
I/O interrupt
Generated by an I/O device that a job is complete or an error has occurred. Example
may be printer is out of paper or printer is not connected.
Timer interrupt
Generated by an internal clock indicating that the processor must attend to time
critical activities (see scheduling later).
Hardware interrupt
For example, power failure which indicates that the OS must close down as safely as
Program interrupt
Generated due to an error in a program such as violation of memory use (trying to use
part of the memory reserved by the OS for other use) or an attempt to execute an invalid
instruction (division by zero)
The earliest operating systems were used to control single-user computer systems. In those days, the
operating system would read in one job, find the data and devices the job needed, let the job run to
completion, and then read in another job. In contrast, computers today with modern OS systems are
capable of multiprogramming or executing many programs simultaneously. With
multiprogramming, when a job cannot use the processor, the system can suspend, or interrupt the job
freeing the processor to work on another job.
OS makes multiprogramming possible by capturing and saving all the relevant information about the
interrupted program before allowing another program to execute. When the interrupted program is
ready to begin executing again, it can resume execution just where it left off. Multiprogramming allows
the OS to run thousands of programs simultaneously for users who might be working on different
projects at different physical locations around the world.
So, one of the tasks of the OS is to arrange the jobs that need to be done into an appropriate order. The
order may be chosen to ensure that maximum use is made of the processor; another order may make
one job more important than the other. In the latter case, the OS makes use of priorities.
Suppose the processor is required by program A, which is printing wage slips for the employees of a
large company, and by program B, which is analyzing the annual, world-wide sales of the company
which has a turnover of many millions of dollars.
Program A makes little use of the processor and is said to be “I/O bound”.
Program B makes a great deal of the processor and is said to be “Processor Bound”. B
If program B has priority over program A for use of the processor, it could be a long time before
program A can print any wage slips. This is shown in the diagram below.
B using processor
A waiting for processor
B using processor
A waiting for processor
A using the processor
The following figure shows what happens if program A is given priority over program B for use of
the processor. This shows that the I/O bound program can still run in a reasonable time and much
better throughput is achieved.
The objectives of scheduling are to:
Maximize the use of the whole computer system
Be fair to all the users
Provide a reasonable response time to all the users, whether they are on-line users or a batch
processing user
Prevent the system failing if it has become overloaded
Make sure that the system is consistent by always giving similar response times to similar
activities from day to day.
To achieve these objectives, some criteria are needed in order to determine the order in which jobs are
executed. The following is a list of criteria which may be used to determine a schedule which will
achieve the above objectives.
Priority. Give some jobs a greater priority than others when deciding which job should be
given access to the processor.
I/O or Processor Bound. If a processor bound job is given the main access to the processor,
it could prevent the I/O devices being serviced efficiently.
Type of job. Batch processing, on-line and real-time jobs all require different response times.
Resource requirements. The amount of time needed to complete the job, the memory
required, I/O and processor time.
Resources used so far. The amount of processor time used so far, how much I/O used so far.
Waiting time. The time the job has been waiting to use the system.
In order to understand how scheduling is accomplished, it is important to realize that any job may be
in one, and only one, of three states. A job may be ready to start, running on the system or blocked
because it is waiting for a peripheral, for example, the figure below shows how jobs may be moved
from one state to another. Note that a job can only enter the running state from the ready state. The
ready and blocked states are queue that may hold several jobs. On a standard single processor
computer, only one job can be in the running state. Also, all jobs entering the system normally enter
from the running state and (normally) only leave the system from the running state.
When entering the system, a job is placed in the ready queue by a part of the OS called the High level
Scheduler (HLS). The HLS makes sure that the system is not overloaded.
Sometimes it is necessary to swap jobs between the main memory and backing store
memory management later). This task is done by the Medium Level Scheduler (MLS).
Moving jobs in and out of the ready state is done by the Low Level Scheduler (LLS). The
LLS decides the order in which jobs are to be placed in the running state. There are many
policies that may be used to do scheduling, but they can all be placed in one of two classes.
These are pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive policies.
A pre-emptive scheme allows the LLS to remove a job from the running state so that another
job can be placed in the running state.
A non-pre-emptive scheme allows each job to run until it no longer requires the processor.
This may be because it has finished or it needs an I/O device.
Some common scheduling policies are:
First Come First Served (FCFS)
Shortest Job First (SJF)
Round Robin (RR)
Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)
Multi-level Feedback Queues (MFQ)
And there are many more.
Simply means that the first job to enter the queue is the first to enter the
running state. This policy favors long jobs.
Simply means sort jobs in the ready queue in ascending order of time needed
by each job. New jobs are added to the queue in such a way as to preserve
this order.
This gives each job a maximum length of processor time (called a time slice)
after which the job is put at the back of the ready queue and the job at the
front of the queue is given use of the processor. If a job is completed before
the maximum time is up, it leaves the system
The ready queue is sorted on the amount of expected time still required by a
job. This scheme favors short jobs even more than SJF. Also there is a danger
of long jobs being prevented from running.
Involves several queues of different priorities with jobs migrating
For SJF, the short jobs are processed first depending on the time required; they will be sorted
in this order once. While SRT will mean that once an interrupt is raised, the queue will be
reshuffled again with the shortest job first. In this way, SRT favors short jobs more than
Although the two-state process management model is a perfectly valid design for an operating
system, the absence of a BLOCKED state means that the processor lies idle when the active
process changes from CPU cycles to I/O cycles. This design does not make efficient use of the
processor. The three-state process management model is designed to overcome this problem, by
introducing a new state called the BLOCKED state. This state describes any process which is
waiting for an I/O event to take place. In this case, an I/O event can mean the use of some device or
a signal from another process. The three states in this model are:
RUNNING: The process that is currently being executed.
READY: A process that is queuing and prepared to execute when given the opportunity.
BLOCKED: A process that cannot execute until some event occurs, such as the completion of
an I/O operation.
At any instant, a process is in one and only one of the three states. For a single processor computer,
only one process can be in the RUNNING state at any one instant. There can be many processes in
the READY and BLOCKED states, and each of these states will have an associated queue for
Processes entering the system must go initially into the READY state, processes can only enter
the RUNNING state via the READY state. Processes normally leave the system from
the RUNNING state. For each of the three states, the process occupies space in main memory.
While the reason for most transitions from one state to another might be obvious, some may not be
so clear.
RUNNING → READY The most common reason for this transition is that the running process
has reached the maximum allowable time for uninterrupted execution; i.e. time-out occurs. Other
reasons can be the imposition of priority levels as determined by the scheduling policy used for
the Low Level Scheduler, and the arrival of a higher priority process into the READY state.
RUNNING → BLOCKED A process is put into the BLOCKED state if it requests something for
which it must wait. A request to the OS is usually in the form of a system call, (i.e. a call from the
running process to a function that is part of the OS code). For example, requesting a file from
disk or a saving a section of code or data from memory to a file on disk.
paging is a memory management scheme by which a computer stores and retrieves data
from secondary storage[a] for use in main memory.[1] In this scheme, the operating system retrieves
data from secondary storage in same-size blocks called pages. Paging is an important part of virtual
memory implementations in modern operating systems, using secondary storage to let programs
exceed the size of available physical memo
Virtual memory
1. Memory that appears to exist as main storage although most of it is supported by data
held in secondary storage, transfer between the two being made automatically as
Disk Thrashing
Disk Thrashing is a problem that may occur when virtual memory is being used. As main
memory fills up, then more and more pages need to be swapped in and out of virtual memory.
This swapping leads to a very high rate of hard disk access.
Compared to RAM, moving a hard disk head takes thousands of times longer. And so
eventually more time is spent swapping the pages than on processing the data. If disk thrashing
continues then most likely program will lock-up or not run.
It doesn't do the hard disk any good either as it is being accessed rapidly (thousands of times
per second) by the memory manager. Sometimes you can hear the disk whirring away when
disk thrashing occurs.
Usually the operating system will warn the user of 'Low virtual memory' to encourage them to
shut down a few applications before everything grinds to a halt.
Memory Leaks
A program will demand some memory within a segment for storing its variables and data.
When a memory location is in use, the memory manager will mark it as being unavailable for
any other process. All well and good.
A well-written program will flush all its data away once it no longer needs it and the memory
manager will release that memory for other processes to use. But a badly written program will
not flush its data properly and so more and more memory gets locked up. This is called a
'memory leak'. If the leak is bad enough, then the system eventually runs out of memory. Before
that happens, the computer seems to run slower and slower. Usually the only recourse is to reboot the computer to ensure all its memory has been cleared.
Memory Crashes
The diagram shows two well-behaved programs running in memory. But what if Process 1 was
poorly coded and starts to write data into areas outside its allocated segment? The chances are,
the data will be written smack in the middle of another process, which will most likely result in
the renowned 'blue screen of death'.
Luckily memory management has become more sophisticated in modern operating systems and
a program trying to write outside its boundary will be prevented from doing so. This will still
probably crash the rogue program but at least all the other processes are still running safely.
With a computer, thrashing or disk thrashing describes when a hard
drive is being overworked by moving information between
the system memory and virtual memoryexcessively. Thrashing occurs
when the system does not have enough memory, the system swap file
is not properly configured, too much is running at the same time, or
has low system resources.
When thrashing occurs you will notice the computer hard drive always
working and a decrease in system performance. Thrashing is bad on the
hard drive because of the amount of work the hard drive has to do and if left
unfixed can cause an early hard drive failure.
How to eliminate thrashing
To resolve hard drive thrashing you can do any of the suggestions below.
1. Increase the amount of RAM in the computer.
2. Decrease the number of programs being run on the computer.
3. Adjust the size of the swap file.
A virtual machine is a software computer that, like a physical computer, runs an operating
system and various applications.
Virtual machines allow you to run an operating system in a window on your desktop. A
virtual machine could be used to run software made for other operating systems. For
example, running a program built for Ubuntu on your Windows 8 computer. The virtual
machine runs in a window on your main operating system
What is a Virtual Machine?
A virtual machine program is a computer program that creates a virtual computer system,
complete with virtual hardware devices. This virtual computer “machine” runs as a process in
a window on your current operating system. You can boot an operating system installer disc
inside the virtual machine, and the operating system will be “tricked” into thinking it’s running
on a real computer allowing you to install different operating systems on your virtual machine.
Your virtual machine’s operating system is stored on a virtual hard drive – a big, multigigabyte file stored on your Hard Drive. The file is presented to the operating system as a real
hard drive. (This means you won’t have to mess around with your partitioning.)
Virtual machines add some overhead, so they won’t be as fast as if you had installed the
operating system on real hardware. Demanding games that require serious graphics and CPU
power are one particular problem, so virtual machines aren’t the ideal way to Windows games
on Linux or Mac OS X – not unless those games are much older or aren’t graphically
demanding. Also, when multiple virtual machines are simultaneously running on a host
computer, each virtual machine may hang; this also depends on the workload on the system by
other running virtual machines.
Why You’d Want to Create a Virtual Machine
Virtual machines allow you to experiment with another operating system without leaving your
current OS. A virtual machine is also a great way to test out a new version of Windows. When
the latest version of Windows comes out, it will have some bugs present in it. Hence, you can
avoid system instability by installing it on a virtual machine.
When you’re done with an OS, you can just delete the virtual machine.
Virtual machines are also “sandboxed” from the rest of your system, which means that software
inside a virtual machine can’t escape the virtual machine and tamper with the rest of your
system. A virtual machine can be a good place to test out programs you don’t trust and see
what they do. For example, if you ever come across the “Hi, we’re from Windows” scam, you
can run their software in a virtual machine to see what it actually does. The virtual machine
prevents scammers from accessing your computer’s real operating system and files.
All in all, a virtual machine has its pros and cons and is mainly used by program developers.
One example that we will discuss in detail is the “Java Virtual Machine”
Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Java is a high-level language used to write computer programs. Other examples of high level
languages are C, C++, Pearl, Visual Basic, and Pascal.
When you write a computer program in high level language, the microprocessor needs to
convert your code into machine language in order for the program to run. This translation
process is different for every microprocessor.
Around the world, people use many kinds of microprocessors and in turn many kinds of
operating systems. This creates a major issue; all microprocessors have a different machine
code. (They have different instruction sets) This means that a program written on Intel
microprocessor for example, will not run on an AMD microprocessor. A program should
work on all type of computers.
Java tackles this problem beautifully, you write a program once and run it anywhere on any
type of computer. In other words, Java is a platform independent language, which means that
any program written using Java will run on any type of computer which Java supports (majority
of computer do support java).
So how does Java do it?
When you write a Java program and hit run, you pass your program to another program known
as a Complier. The Complier will convert your high level code into a lower level code known
as Bytecode. All computers have a Java Virtual Machine built in. Java provides a JVM for
almost all kinds of computers, such as:
JVM for Windows operating system X86 microprocessor
JVM for Macintosh operating system X64 microprocessor
The JVM understands Bytecode language, its microprocessor’s machine language, and knows
how to establish communication between operating system and the bytecode program.
The JVM converts bytecode into the machine language. And, once the program is into its
own machine language form, the computer can now run the program. This way, your bytecode
is executed by a JVM on all different type of computers. So this way, a program written using
Java can run on any computer or in other words, is a Platform independent language and the
reason that Java code can run on any type of computer is because of the JVM program.
This is also a reason why Java runs fairly slower compared to other high level programming
The main advantages of virtual machines:
Multiple OS environments can exist simultaneously on the same machine, isolated from each other;
Virtual machine can offer an instruction set architecture that differs from real computer's;
Easy maintenance, application provisioning, availability and convenient recovery.
Use software requiring an outdated operating system: If you’ve got an
important application that only runs on Windows XP, you can install XP in a
virtual machine and run the application in the virtual machine. The virtual
machine is actually running Windows XP, so compatibility shouldn’t be a
problem. This allows you to use an application that only works with Windows XP
without actually installing Windows XP on your computer – especially important
considering many new laptops and other hardware may not fully support
Windows XP.
Run software designed for another operating systems: Mac and Linux users
can run Windows in a virtual machine to run Windows software on their
computers without the compatibility headaches of Wine and Crossover.
Unfortunately, games can be a problem – virtual machine programs introduce
overhead and no virtual machine application will allow you to run the latest 3D
games in a virtual machine. Some 3D effects are supported, but 3D
graphics are the least well supported thing you can do in a virtual machine.
Test software on multiple platforms: If you need to test whether an
application works on multiple operating systems – or just different versions of
Windows – you can install each in a virtual machine instead of keeping separate
computers around for each.
Consolidate servers: For businesses running multiple servers, existing servers
can be placed into virtual machines and run on a single computer. Each virtual
machine is an isolated container, so this doesn’t introduce the security
headaches involved with running different servers on the same operating
system. The virtual machines can also be moved between physical servers.
The main disadvantages:
When multiple virtual machines are simultaneously running on a host computer, each virtual machine
may introduce an unstable performance, which depends on the workload on the system by other
running virtual machines;
Virtual machine is not that efficient as a real one when accessing the hardware.
byte code
machine code
process virtual machine
source code
system virtual machine
virtual machine
intermediate code that a virtual
machine converts into machine code
a program that converts source code
into machine code
software that runs a virtual machine
the emulated system/program
the computer that runs the emulated
virtual machine
code written as instructions that the
processor understands
an emulation of a single process
code written in a high-level language
an emulation of a complete computer
system/operating system
the process of creating and running a
virtual machine
software emulation of another
computer/program/operating system
What is a virtual machine?
Computers vary in the hardware they use, and run different programs and operating
systems. Sometimes we might want to have the functionality and capability of another
computer system running on our own computer. It may be that the hardware for the other
system no longer exists or is unavailable, or we may wish to have several versions of a
computer running simultaneously on one hardware system.
We can use software to emulate the other computer system so that our computer can
behave like that system. This emulation is known as a virtual machine.
The process of creating and running a virtual machine is known as virtualisation. The
computer that runs the virtual machine is known as the host. The virtualised system is
known as a guest. Virtualisation software, known as an emulator, creates a virtual
implementation of the guest system on the host computer, providing the host with the
functions and programs of the guest. The emulator translates the instructions of the guest
computer so that the host computer can understand them.
The emulator also provides a bridge that allows the virtual machine to use the user interface, via the
host operating system (I/O –
System virtual machines
System virtual machines emulate the software of another computer system completely. They
allow the host computer to have all the software functionality of the guest system. System
virtual machines run the operating system of the guest system within the operating system of
the host, allowing programs supported by the guest operating system to be run on the host
computer. As a result, system virtual machines are often used to allow the host computer to
run an operating system written for another hardware platform.
Users running Apple operating systems often use a Microsoft Windows virtual machine to
run the Windows operating system on Apple computers. Similarly, users of Apple- or
Windows-based computers often run Linux as a virtual machine. The system virtual machine
allows full use of the guest computer operating system and the programs that run on it.
Another use of system virtual machines is to provide access to programs that current
operating systems no longer support. Many old DOS and Windows 3.1, 95 and 98 programs
are not supported in Windows 8 and 10. Through using a system virtual machine for these
old operating systems, such programs can still be run.
System virtual machines often require substantial processing power and memory. This is inevitable,
as many modern operating systems require fast processors and plenty of memory. When emulating
these operating systems, the more capable a host computer is, the faster and more capable the
guest operating system will be. A host computer with limited resources may still be able to run a
system virtual machine but it may have degraded performance.
Process virtual machines
Process virtual machines emulate a single program. They are often used to support a
programming language, allowing programs created in that language to run on a variety of
systems. They are frequently used to emulate old video game systems and arcade games.
Virtual machines within virtual machines
It is possible to run one virtual machine within another. For example, a user wanting to play an
emulated old arcade game could run the arcade game process virtual machine, within a Windows
system virtual machine, on an Apple-based computer. The host computer’s operating system
provides an interface to the guest
The number of virtual machines within virtual machines is limited only by the hardware’s
performance and available memory of the host computer.
2.4 Running virtual machines simultaneously
If a host system is powerful enough, several virtual machines can be run side-by-side on one
computer. A good example of this is the increasing use of virtual machines to run several
virtual servers, such as a domain name server, web server and print server, on one physical
server. The host server maintains the virtual machines and allows them to act as though
they are all separate computers.
2.5 The Java Virtual Machine
Many programs are written in high-level languages such as Visual Basic, C++, Python and
Java. Before these programs can be run they need compiling. A compiler takes the highlevel language source code and converts it into machine code. This machine code is a set
of instructions specific to the processor architecture that the compiler is running on. As a
result, this code can only be run on processors that share the same instruction set.
The Java compiler does not convert a high-level language into machine code, but into an
intermediate language called byte code. This still needs translating into machine code
before it can be run on a processor.
The Java Virtual Machine is a virtual machine that reads and translates byte code into
different machine codes for many different processor architectures and operating systems.
This means that Java programs can be run on any computer that has this virtual machine,
including desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones and smart TVs.
Benefits and limitations of virtual machines
Using virtual machines brings several benefits:
-independent programs to run on multiple platforms
can be easily backed up, copied and re-installed. This has particular benefits in
corporate environments where network downtime can lead to loss of revenue. The virtual
machines can be installed on another computer and be up and running again quickly.
Virtual machines also have limitations:
software for another platform may find that they still cannot use the software correctly. For
example, an emulation of a driving video game that requires a steering wheel might not be
able to operate the game correctly
substantial amount of these resources, resulting in reduced performance from the host
performance and be difficult to use.
Online resources
The following are useful resources for understanding virtual machines.
The content of websites is dynamic and constantly changing. Schools are strongly advised
to check each site for content and accessibility prior to using it with learners. Cambridge
International Examinations is not responsible for the accuracy or content of information
contained in these sites. The inclusion of a link to an external website should not be
understood to be an endorsement of that website or the site's owners (or their
3.1 Websites
BBC Bitesize GCSE Computer Science – basic description of the types of virtual machine;
the previous page describes the hierarchy of software languages and codes:
BBC Bitesize Higher Computing Science – virtual machines and emulators:
Introduction to virtual machines from National Instruments, including the benefits of
virtualisation, particularly for engineering:
Description of the Java Virtual Machine:
Slides from Michigan Technology University – useful mainly for diagrams of system and
process virtual machines:
Repeating is harder than anything
16.2 Translation Software
Candidates should be able to:
Notes and guidance
Show understanding of how an interpreter can
execute programs without producing a translated
Show understanding of the various stages in the
compilation of a program
Including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, code
generation and optimisation
Show understanding of how the grammar of a
language can be expressed using syntax diagrams or
Backus-Naur Form (BNF) notation
Show understanding of how Reverse Polish Notation
(RPN) can be used to carry out the evaluation of
3.4.3 Translation software
Stating the obvious, people and computers do not speak the same language.
People have to write programs in order to instruct a computer what to do. This text is
called the “source code” and most often it is written in a high level language that people
find easy to use and write. On the other hand, a computer runs only binary code
‘1010101011110101011’ within its registers which is almost incomprehensible to
people, this is called the “machine code” or the
“Object code”
So there needs to be something to convert people-friendly source code into computerfriendly machine code. This is the role of translators. In this section, we will discuss
translators in depth.
Interpreters and Compilers
When electronic computers were first used, the programs had to be written in machine
code. This code was comprised of simple instructions each of which was represented by
a binary pattern in the computer. To produce these programs, programmers had to write
the instructions in binary. This not only took a long time, it was also prone to errors.
To improve program writing, assembly languages were developed. Assembly languages
allowed the use of mnemonics and names for locations in the memory. Each assembly
instruction mapped to a single machine instruction which meant that it was fairly easy to
translate a program written in assembly.
To speed up this translation process, assemblers were written which could be loaded into
the computer and then the computer could translate the assembly language into a machine
code; this process was still tedious and took a long time.
After assembly languages, came high-level languages which programmers nowadays (and
maybe even you) use to write code instructions for the computer to carry out. Several highlevel languages were developed. FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation) was developed for
science and engineering programs and it used formulae in the same way as would scientists
and engineers. Similarly COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) was developed
for business applications. Programs written in these languages needed to be translated to
machine code. This led to the birth of compilers
After assembly languages, came high-level languages which programmers nowadays (and
maybe even you) use to write code instructions for the computer to carry out. Several highlevel languages were developed. FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation) was developed for
science and engineering programs and it used formulae in the same way as would scientists
and engineers. Similarly COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) was developed
The lexical analyzer uses the source program as input and creates a stream of tokens for
the syntax analyzer. Tokens are normally 16-bit unsigned integers. Each group of
characters is replaced by a token. Single characters, which have a meaning in their own
right, are replaced by ASCII values. Multiple character tokens are represented by integers
greater than 255 because the ones up to 255 are reserved for the ASCII codes. Variable
names will need to have extra information stored about them; this is done by means of a
symbol table. This table is used throughout compilation to build up information about
names used in the program. During lexical analysis, only the variable’s name will be
noted. It is during syntax and semantic analysis that details such as the variable’s type
and scope are added. The lexical analyzer may output some error messages and
diagnostics. For example, it will report errors such as an identifier or variable name which
breaks the rules of the language.
At various stages during compilation, it will be necessary to look up details about the
names in the symbol table. This must be done efficiently! (so a linear search will not be
ideal for this task). In fact, it is usual to use a hash table and to calculate the position of a
name by hashing the name itself. When two names are hashed to the same address, a
linked list can be used to avoid the symbol table filling up.
The lexical analyzer also removes redundant characters such as white spaces (tabs,
spaces, etc… which we may find useful to make code more readable, but the computer
does not want) and comments. Often the lexical analysis takes longer than the other stages
of compilation. This is because it has to handle the original source code, which can have
many formats. For example, the following two pieces of code are equivalent although
their format is considerably different!
When the lexical analyzer has completed its task, the code will be in a standard format. This
means that the syntax analyzer (which is the next stage) can always expect the format of its
input to be the same
During this stage of compilation the code generated by the lexical analyzer is parsed
(broken into small units) to check if it is grammatically correct. All languages have rules
of grammar and computer languages are no exception. The grammar of programming
languages is defined by means of BNF notation. It is against these rules that the code has
to be checked.
It is at this stage, when all the errors due to incorrect use of the language have been
removed, that the program is translated into code suitable for use by the computer's
During lexical and syntax analysis a table of variables has been built up which includes
details of the variable name, its type and the block in which it is valid. The address of the
variable is now calculated and stored in the symbol table. This is done as soon as the
variable is encountered during code generation.
Before the final code can be generated, an intermediate code is produced. This
intermediate code can then be interpreted or translated into machine code. In the latter
case, the code can be saved and distributed to computer systems as an executable
program. Two methods can be used to represent the high-level language in machine code.
This syllabus does not require knowledge of either of these methods, but a brief outline
is given for those who may be interested.
One uses a tree structure and the other a three address code (TAC). TAC allows no more
than three operands. Instructions take the form:
Operand 1 := Operand 2
Operator Operand 3
For example, using three address code, the assignment statement
A:= (B + C) * (D – E) / F
Can be evaluated in the following order, where “Ri” represents an intermediate result.
:= B + C
:= D – E
:= R1 * R2
A := R3 / F
Backus -Naur Form and Syntax Diagrams
Since all programming languages have to be translated to machine code by means of a
computer, they must be clearly defined. Each statement must be of a prescribed form.
An example of the start of a FOR loop in Visual Basic is: For count = 1 To 10
Whereas C++ expects: for (count = 1, count <= 10, count++)
A visual basic compiler would not understand the C++ syntax and vice versa. We
therefore need, for each language, a set of rules that specify precisely every part of the
language. These rules are specified using the Backus Naur Form (BNF) or syntax
All languages use integers, so we shall start with the definition of an integer. An integer
is a sequence of digits 0,1,2,3,….,9. Now the number of digits in an integer is arbitrary.
That is, it can be
any number. A particular compiler will restrict the number of digits only because of the
storage space set aside for an integer has been exceeded. But a computer language does
not restrict the number of digits.
Thus the following are valid integers:
Thus, an integer can be a single digit. We can write this as :
<integer>:= <digit> The symbol (::=) is read as ‘is defined to be’
But we now must define a digit. A digit is 0 or 1 or 2 or…….. Or 9 and we write this
<Digit>:= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
The vertical line is read as OR. Notice that all the digits have to be specified and that
they are not inside angle brackets. (< and >) like <integer> and <digit> This is because
integer and digit have definitions elsewhere.
Our full definition of a single digit integer is:
<integer> ::= <digit>
<digit> ::= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
This is called Backus Naur Form (BNF).
But how are we going to specify integers of any length?
Consider the integer “147”
This is a single digit integer (1) followed by the integer 47. But 47 is a single digit integer
(4) followed by a single digit integer (7). Thus, all integers of more than one digit start
with a single digit and are followed by an integer. Eventually the final integer is a single
digit integer.
Thus, an indefinitely long integer is defined as: <integer> ::= <digit><integer>
This is a recursive definition as integer is defined in terms of itself. Applying this
definition several times produces the sequence:
To stop this ongoing process, we use the fact that eventually, <integer> is
a single digit. So we can write: <Integer> ::= <digit>|<digit><integer>
Reverse Polish Notation using Binary Trees:
RPN can be easily made using binary trees. Using BODMAS, an infix (general) notation
can easily be turned into a binary tree; representing the original infix notation. This tree
can be read in post traversal (left-right-root) to make an equivalent RPN.
In simple words, a binary tree can be used to convert an infix notation to RPN. See how the
following infix expression can be represented as a binary tree below.
The best and most beautiful things
in the world cannot be seen or even
touched - they must be felt with
the heart.
17.1 Encryption, Encryption Protocols and Digital certificates
Candidates should be able to:
Notes and guidance
Show understanding of how encryption works
Including the use of public key, private key, plain text,
cipher text, encryption, symmetric key cryptography
and asymmetric key cryptography
How the keys can be used to send a private message
from the public to an individual/organisation
How the keys can be used to send a verified message
to the public
How data is encrypted and decrypted, using
symmetric and asymmetric cryptography
Purpose, benefits and drawbacks of quantum
Show awareness of the Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/
Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Purpose of SSL / TLS
Use of SSL/TLS in client-server communication
Situations where the use of SSL/TLS would be
Show understanding of digital certification
How a digital certificate is acquired
How a digital certificate is used to produce digital
In order to understand how public key cryptography works, suppose Alice and Bob wish to
send secure mail to each other:
First, both Bob and Alice need to create their public/private key pairs. This is usually
done with the help of a Certification Authority (CA).
Alice and Bob then exchange their keys. This is done by exchanging certificates.
Bob can then use his private key to digitally sign messages, and Alice can check his
signature using his public key.
Bob can use Alice’s public key to encrypt messages, so that only she can decrypt
messages for him to read.
Similarly, Alice can use Bob’s Public key to encrypt messages, so that only he can
decrypt her messages.
So after reading the page above, you should be familiar with a few terms:
A public key is used to encrypt files, so that the data is un-readable to humans.
A private key is used to decrypt files, so that the encrypted file can be reverted
back to the normal human readable data.
A plain text is data which can be read and amended by humans
A cipher text is encrypted data which cannot be read by humans
Encryption is the process of translating human readable plain text into unreadable
cipher text for the purpose of data security.
Asymmetric key cryptography is the process of using public key and private key
to send data over the internet securely as described above.
In order to understand how public key cryptography works, suppose Alice and Bob wish to send
secure mail to each other:
First, both Bob and Alice need to create their public/private key pairs. This is usually
done with the help of a Certification Authority (CA).
Alice and Bob then exchange their keys. This is done by exchanging certificates.
Bob can then use his private key to digitally sign messages, and Alice can check his
signature using his public key.
Bob can use Alice’s public key to encrypt messages, so that only she can decrypt
messages for him to read.
Similarly, Alice can use Bob’s Public key to encrypt messages, so that only he can
decrypt her messages.
So after reading the page above, you should be familiar with a few terms:
A public key is used to encrypt files, so that the data is un-readable to humans.
A private key is used to decrypt files, so that the encrypted file can be reverted back
to the normal human readable data.
A plain text is data which can be read and amended by humans
A cipher text is encrypted data which cannot be read by humans
Encryption is the process of translating human readable plain text into unreadable cipher
text for the purpose of data security.
Asymmetric key cryptography is the process of using public key and private key to
send data over the internet securely as described above.
What is a digital signature?
It is basically a way to ensure that an electronic document (e-mail, spreadsheet, text file, etc.) is
authentic. Authentic means that you know who created the document and you know that it has
not been altered in any way since that person created it.
Digital signatures rely on certain types of encryption to ensure authentication. You already know
what encryption is from the last section. Authentication as mentioned above is the process of
verifying that information is coming from a trusted source. Encryption and Authentication work
hand in hand for digital signatures.
There are several ways to authenticate a person or information on a computer:
Password – The use of a username and password provide the most common form of
authentication. You enter your name and password when prompted by the computer. It
checks the pair against a secure file to confirm. If either the name or password do not match,
then you are not allowed further access.
Public key encryption – It uses a combination of a private key and a public key. The
private key is known only to your computer while the public key is given by your computer
to any computer that wants to communicate securely with it. To decode an encrypted
message, a computer must use the public key provided by the originating computer and its
own private key.
What is a digital certificate?
An attachment to an electronic message used for security purposes. The most common use of a
digital certificate is to verify that a user sending a message is who he or she claims to be, and to
provide the receiver with the means to encode a reply.
An individual wishing to send an encrypted message applies for a digital certificate from a
Certificate Authority (CA). The CA issues an encrypted digital certificate containing the
applicant’s public key and a variety of other identification information. The CA makes its own
public key readily available through the internet.
The recipient of an encrypted message uses the public key to decode the digital certificate attached
to the message and then verify the key as a legitimate key from the CA. The recipient also receives
the public key and identification information held within the certificate. With this information, the
recipient can send an encrypted reply.
Today, there are a number of authorities which provide digital certificates; one of them is
The procedure to obtain your own digital certificate is a
standard procedure and not a very hard one.
It starts with you opening your web browser and navigating to their website. There will be a form
which you have to fill in with your personal details and the type of certificate you wish to apply
for. Enter your details and pick the level of security you wish to attain on your certificate this
procedure usually asks for a fixed fee to be paid before you are entitled to actually use the
After all the details have been approved and the fee has been paid, A pop-up window will show
with information about your certificate. Click on the Install button to install the certificate in your
web browser.
Now all the encryption and decryption of messages will be done automatically thanks to your new
digital certificate.
To re-iterate points, A digital certificate is used to bind public keys to people or other entities. If
there were no certificates, the signature could easily be faked because the recipient would be unable
to check if the public key belongs to the sender.
The certificate itself is signed by a trusted Certificated Authority like VeriSign.
How digital signatures work
Digital signatures are based on public key cryptography, also known
as asymmetric cryptography. Using a public key algorithm such as RSA, one
can generate two keys that are mathematically linked: one private and one
public. To create a digital signature, signing software (such as an email
program) creates a one-way hash of the electronic data to be signed.
The private key is then used to encrypt the hash. The encrypted hash -- along
with other information, such as the hashing algorithm -- is the digital signature.
The reason for encrypting the hash instead of the entire message or
document is that a hash function can convert an arbitrary input into a fixed
length value, which is usually much shorter. This saves time since hashing is
much faster than signing.
The value of the hash is unique to the hashed data. Any change in the data,
even changing or deleting a single character, results in a different value. This
attribute enables others to validate the integrity of the data by using the
signer's public key to decrypt the hash. If the decrypted hash matches a
second computed hash of the same data, it proves that the data hasn't
changed since it was signed. If the two hashes don't match, the data has
either been tampered with in some way (integrity) or the signature was
created with a private key that doesn't correspond to the public key presented
by the signer (authentication).
A digital signature can be used with any kind of message -- whether it is
encrypted or not -- simply so the receiver can be sure of the sender's identity
and that the message arrived intact. Digital signatures make it difficult for the
signer to deny having signed something (non-repudiation) -- assuming their
private key has not been compromised -- as the digital signature is unique to
both the document and the signer, and it binds them together. A digital
certificate, an electronic document that contains the digital signature of the
certificate-issuing authority, binds together a public key with an identity and
can be used to verify a public key belongs to a particular person or entity.
the two hash values match, the message has not been tampered with, and the receiver knows the
message is from sender.
Most modern email programs support the use of digital signatures and digital
certificates, making it easy to sign any outgoing emails and validate digitally
signed incoming messages. Digital signatures are also used extensively to
provide proof of authenticity, data integrity and non-repudiation of
communications and transactions conducted over the Internet.
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It provides a secure connection between internet
browsers and websites, allowing you to transmit private data online. SSL has become part of
an overall security protocol known as Transport Layer Security (TLS).
In your browser, you can tell when you are using a secure protocol, such as TLS, in a couple
of ways. You will notice that the “http” in the address line is replaces with “https”, and you
should see a small padlock as well when you are accessing sensitive information, such as an
online bank account, any site where you have to enter credit card number, sites like PayPal or
Google Checkout, etc… . You’ll know that your session is secure if you see a “https” and a
padlock symbol.
If these websites did not make arrangements for this kind of security, then there will be a good
chance that your personal information will be floating around on the internet for the public or
even hackers to use for bad purposes.
TLS and its predecessor SSL make significant use of certificate authorities. Once your browser
requests a secure page and adds the “s” onto the “http” the browser sends out the public key
and the certificate, checking three things:
1) The certificate comes from a trusted party
2) The certificate is valid
3) The certificate has a relationship with the site from which it is coming.
So what is SSL used for? The SSL protocol is used by millions of e-Business providers to
protect their customers, ensuring their online transactions remain confidential. A web page
should use encryption expected to submit confidential data, including credit card details,
passwords or any personal information. All web browsers have the ability to interact with
secured sites so long as the site's certificate is from a recognized certificate authority.
Why do you need SSL?
The internet has spawned new global opportunities for enterprises conducting online
commerce. However, it has also attracted fraudsters and cyber criminals who are ready to
exploit any opportunity to steal consumer bank account numbers and card details. Unless the
connection between a client (e.g. internet browser) and a webserver is encrypted, then any
moderately skilled hacker can easily intercept and read the traffic.
How SSL uses both Asymmetric and Symmetric Encryption
In SSL communications, the server’s SSL Certificate contains an asymmetric public and
private key pair. The session key that the server and the browser create during the SSL
handshake is symmetric. This is explained further in the diagram below.
What is an SSL Certificate?
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and, in short, it's the standard technology for keeping an
internet connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two
systems, preventing criminals from reading and modifying any information transferred, including
potential personal details. The two systems can be a server and a client (for example, a shopping
website and browser) or server to server (for example, an application with personal identifiable
information or with payroll information).
It does this by making sure that any data transferred between users and sites, or between two
systems remain impossible to read. It uses encryption algorithms to scramble data in transit,
preventing hackers from reading it as it is sent over the connection. This information could be
anything sensitive or personal which can include credit card numbers and other financial
information, names and addresses.
TLS (Transport Layer Security) is just an updated, more secure, version of SSL. We still refer to
our security certificates as SSL because it is a more commonly used term, but when you
are buying SSL from Symantec you are actually buying the most up to date TLS certificates with
the option of ECC, RSA or DSA encryption.
HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) appears in the URL when a website is secured by
an SSL certificate. The details of the certificate, including the issuing authority and the corporate
name of the website owner, can be viewed by clicking on the lock symbol on the browser bar.
How does an SSL certificate work?
The basic principle is that when you install an SSL certificate on your server and a browser
connects to it, the presence of the SSL certificate triggers the SSL (or TLS) protocol, which will
encrypt information sent between the server and the browser (or between servers); the details are
obviously a little more complicated.
SSL operates directly on top of the transmission control protocol (TCP), effectively working as a
safety blanket. It allows higher protocol layers to remain unchanged while still providing a
secure connection. So underneath the SSL layer, the other protocol layers are able to function as
If an SSL certificate is being used correctly, all an attacker will be able to see is which IP and
port is connected and roughly how much data is being sent. They may be able to terminate the
connection but both the server and user will be able to tell this has been done by a third party.
However, they will not be able to intercept any information, which makes it essentially an
ineffective step.
The hacker may be able to figure out which host name the user is connected to but, crucially, not
the rest of the URL. As the connection is encrypted, the important information remains secure.
SSL starts to work after the TCP connection is established, initiating what is called an SSL
The server sends its certificate to the user along with a number of specifications (including which
version of SSL/TLS and which encryption methods to use, etc.).
The user then checks the validity of the certificate, and selects the highest level of encryption
that can be supported by both parties and starts a secure session using these methods. There are a
good number of sets of methods available with various strengths - they are called cipher suites.
To guarantee the integrity and authenticity of all messages transferred, SSL and TLS protocols
also include an authentication process using message authentication codes (MAC). All of this
sounds lengthy and complicated but in reality it’s achieved almost instantaneously.
What is malware?
“Malware”, short for malicious software, is any software used to disrupt the computer’s
operation, gather sensitive information without your knowledge, or gain access to a private
computer. It includes any software that gets installed on your machine and performs unwanted
tasks, often for some third party’s benefit.
Malware programs can range from being simple annoyances (pop-up advertising) to causing
serious computer invasion and damage (stealing passwords and data or infecting other machines
on the network). Additionally, some malware programs are designed to transmit information about
your Web-browsing habits to advertisers or other concerned parties without your knowledge.
It is unfortunate that there are people out there with malicious intent, but it is good to be aware of
the fact. You can install several utilities that will seek and destroy the malicious programs they
find on your computer.
Types of malware
Virus – Software that can replicate itself and spread to other computers or are
programmed to damage a computer by deleting files, reformatting the hard disk, or using
up the computer memory. All computer viruses are man-made. Even a simple virus is
dangerous because it will quickly use all available memory and bring the system to a halt.
A virus requires the user to run an infected program in order for the virus to spread.
How can you reduce the risk of getting a virus?
Use up to date anti-virus software.
Do not open an email attachment unless you are expecting it and know the
source. Be cautious when letting other users insert their USB into your
Only download files from trusted web sites.
It is a good practice to back up your data regularly. If a virus does damage to your
data, you can restore the damaged files from backup.
Worm – A computer worm is a self-replicating program that penetrates an operating
system with the intent of spreading malicious code. Worms utilize networks to send
copies of the original code to other computers, causing harm by consuming bandwidth or
by deleting files.
Worms are often confused with viruses; the difference lies in how they spread. Worms
self-replicate and spread across networks causing damage. They cannot be latched onto a
computer program. Worms often infect computers by exploiting bugs in legitimate
software. Typically, a high-profile, trusted web page may be tampered with so it transmits
(often invisibly) a carefully corrupted document file to the user when the page is viewed.
The corrupted file causes the viewer program to crash, opening a door for the injection of
a malicious program. To help hide the infection, the malicious program is usually a
‘downloader’ – a very small program that later connects to a remote computer over the
internet to download a more substantial piece of malicious software.
How to prevent worm infections?
A good anti-virus program can protect you to some extent, but it’s not enough on its own as it is
hard to keep it up to date. Many modern worms change hourly and it can take a day or more to
create and distribute an anti-virus update.
You also need a firewall to help block the worm’s communications, but the most effective way to
prevent worm infection is to turn off JavaScript for normal web browsing. JavaScript is a powerful
tool that makes websites interactive, and is increasingly relied on by web designers. But it is also
the most common entry point that worms use to infect your computer. So there is a trade-off.
Turning off JavaScript for normal web browsing will limit your access to many websites, but is
the best form of protection against worm infection.
An interesting fact about worms:
In the 1980s, researchers were seeking ways of managing the growing internet remotely, using
programs that could distribute themselves automatically across it.
In the US, on 2 November 1988, a Cornell University student called Robert Morris released an
experimental self-replicating program onto the internet to find out how many computers were
currently connected to it. The program spread rapidly, installing itself on an estimated 10% of the
computers then connected.
Morris had no malicious intent, but a bug in his program caused many of the computers the worm
landed on to crash. He was prosecuted and expelled from Cornell, but worms had come of age and
have since evolved into an effective way of attacking systems connected to the internet!
Spam – It is flooding the Internet with many copies of the same message, in an attempt to
force the message on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it. Most spam is
commercial advertising, often for fake products, get-rich-schemes, etc... Some people
define spam as unsolicited email and you do not know who the sender is. Real spam is
generally email advertising for some product sent to a mailing list or a newsgroup.
In addition to wasting people’s time with unwanted e-mail, spam also eats up a lot of
bandwidth. Organizations are trying to fight spam, but because the Internet is public, there
is really little that can be done to prevent spam.
There are however, a few precautions the user can take to reduce the amount of spam he/she
gets on his/her email.
Use firewall software on your computer to stop attacks from people attempting to
compromise your system and possible use it to send spam.
Always check the sender and recipient information of suspicious messages. Spam
will typically be sent from falsified email addresses to conceal the real sender, with
a number of recipients in the BCC field of the message to hide the large number of
Do not use real email addresses for signing up for (free) downloads of any kind
Do not make purchases based on spam messages you receive, thus eliminating the spammers’
economic foundation
Phishing – The act of sending an email to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate
enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used
for identity theft.
Phishing email will direct the user to visit a
website where they are asked to update
personal information such as password,
credit card, social security, or bank account
numbers that the legitimate organization
already has. The website, however, is bogus
and set up only to steal the information the
users enter on the page.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
18.1 Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Candidates should be able to:
Notes and guidance
Show understanding of how graphs can be used to aid
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Purpose and structure of a graph
Use A* and Dijkstra’s algorithms to perform searches
on a graph
Candidates will not be required to write algorithms to
set up, access, or perform searches on graphs
Show understanding of how artificial neural networks
have helped with machine learning
Show understanding of Deep Learning, Machine
Learning and Reinforcement Learning and the reasons
for using these methods.
Understand machine learning categories, including
supervised learning, unsupervised learning
Show understanding of back propagation of errors and
regression methods in machine learning
Computational thinking and problem-solving
19.1 Algorithms
Candidates should be able to:
Notes and guidance
Show understanding of linear and binary searching
Write an algorithm to implement a linear search
Write an algorithm to implement a binary search
The conditions necessary for the use of a binary
How the performance of a binary search varies
according to the number of data items
Show understanding of insertion sort and bubble sort
Write an algorithm to implement an insertion sort
Write an algorithm to implement a bubble sort
Performance of a sorting routine may depend on the
initial order of the data and the number of data items
Show understanding of and use Abstract Data Types
Write algorithms to find an item in each of the
following: linked list, binary tree
Write algorithms to insert an item into each of the
following: stack, queue, linked list, binary tree
Write algorithms to delete an item from each of the
following: stack, queue, linked list
Show understanding that a graph is an example of an
ADT. Describe the key features of a graph and justify
its use for a given situation
Candidates will not be required to write code for this
Show how it is possible for ADTs to be implemented
from another ADT
Describe the following ADTs and demonstrate how
they can be implemented from appropriate builtin types or other ADTs: stack, queue, linked list,
dictionary, binary tree
Show understanding that different algorithms which
perform the same task can be compared by using
criteria (e.g. time taken to complete the task and
memory used)
Including use of Big O notation to specify time and
space complexity
18 Artificial intelligence (AI)
In this chapter, you will learn about
• how to use A* and Dijkstra’s algorithms to find the shortest path in a graph
• how artificial neural networks have helped with machine learning
• deep learning, machine learning and reinforcement learning and the reasons for using these
methods in AI
• supervised learning, active learning and unsupervised learning when applied to AI
• back propagation of errors and regression methods in machine learning.
Try these three questions before you start this chapter.
1 What is meant by the term artificial intelligence (AI)?
2 Describe some of the pros and cons of using AI in everyday life.
3 Give four examples of the use of AI and briefly describe each.
18.1 Shortest path algorithms
Key terms
Dijkstra’s algorithm – an algorithm that finds the shortest path between two nodes or vertices
in a graph/network.
Node or vertex – fundamental unit from which graphs are formed (nodes and vertices are the
points where edges converge).
A* algorithm – an algorithm that finds the shortest route between nodes or vertices but uses an
additional heuristic approach to achieve better performance than Dijkstra’s algorithm.
Heuristic – method that employs a practical solution (rather than a theoretical one) to a
problem; when applied to algorithms this includes running tests and obtaining results by trial
and error.
18.1.1 Dijkstra’s algorithm
Dijkstra’s algorithm (pronounced dyke – strah) is a method of finding the shortest path between
two points on a graph. Each point on the graph is called a node or a vertex (for more
information on the features and uses of graphs, see Chapter 19). It is the basis of technology
such as GPS tracking and, therefore, is an important part of AI.
This set of instructions briefly describes how it works.
1 Give the start vertex a final value of 0.
2 Give each vertex connected to the vertex we have just given a final value to (in the first
instance, this is the start vertex) a working (temporary) value. If a vertex already has a
working value, only replace it with another working value if it is a lower value.
3 Check the working value of any vertex that has not yet been assigned a final value. Assign the
smallest value to this vertex; this is now its final value.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the end vertex is reached, and all vertices have been assigned a final
5 Trace the route back from the end vertex to the start vertex to find the shortest path between
these two vertices.
Here is a step-by-step example.
Suppose we have the following graph (route map) with seven vertices labelled A to G. We want
to find the shortest path between A and G. The numbers show the distance between each pair of
Figure 18.1
First, redraw the diagram, replacing the circled letters as per the key:
Figure 18.2
Set the final value of the start vertex (vertex A) to 0 (as per step 1 above).
The two vertices connected to A (B and C) are given the working values 5 and 6 respectively.
Make the smallest working value (vertex B) a final value. Then give the vertices connected to B
(D and E) working values based on the original distances. The working value for E is the final
value of B plus the value of B to E (5 + 6 = 11). The working value for D is the final value of B
plus the value of B to D (5 + 4 = 9).
The diagram now looks like this:
Figure 18.3
Make the smallest working value a final value: vertex C becomes 6.
Now give working values to all vertices connected to C. Note that the working value for E
remains 11 since the final value of C plus the value of C to E is 13, which is greater than 11.
Vertex D retains its working value since it is not connected to C and is not affected.
Vertex F takes the working value of C plus the value of C to F (6 + 6 = 12).
The diagram now looks like this:
Figure 18.4
Vertex D now has the smallest working value (9), so this becomes a final value.
Vertices E and G are connected to D, so these are now assigned working values. Note that G has
the working value 21 since it is the final value of D plus the value of D to G (9 + 12 = 21); E
keeps the value of 11 since the final value of D plus the value of D to E is greater than 11 (9 + 11
= 20).
Figure 18.5
Vertex E now has the smallest working value (11), so this becomes a final value.
Vertices D, F and G are all connected to E.
D already has a final value so it can be ignored.
F retains its value of 12 since E + E to F = 16 (> 12).
G changes since E + E to G = 17 (< 21).
The diagram now looks like this:
Figure 18.6
Vertex F now has the smallest working value (12), so this becomes a final value.
G retains its value of 17 since F + F to G = 20 (> 17).
The final diagram now looks like this:
Figure 18.7
The final step is to work back from G to A.
Figure 18.8
Thus, the shortest path is: A → B → E → G
The reasoning is as follows:
• The difference between the final values E and G is 6, which is the same as the path length E to
• The difference between the final values of B and E is 6, which is the same as the path length B
to E.
• The difference between the final value of B and A is 5, which is the same as the path length A
to B.
You will know if the shortest route is correct by applying this rule:
Path length is the same as the difference between final values at either end of the path.
If the path length between two points is not the same as the difference of the final values
between the same two points, then this is not a route that can be taken.
The following graph shows the routes through a large park.
Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path from point A to point I.
18.1.2 A* algorithm
Dijkstra’s algorithm simply checks each vertex looking for the shortest path, even if that takes
you away from your destination – it pays no attention to direction. With larger, more complex
problems, that can be a time-consuming drawback.
A* algorithm is based on Dijkstra, but adds an extra heuristic (h) value – an ‘intelligent guess’
on how far we have to go to reach the destination most efficiently.
The A* algorithm can also find shortest path lengths for graphs similar to the type used in
Section 18.1.1.
Suppose we have the following graph made up of an 8 × 6 matrix. White squares show permitted
moves, and grey squares show blocked moves.
Figure 18.9
Each of the parts of the graph are called nodes (or vertices). Each node has four values
• h (the heuristic value)
• g (movement cost)
• f (sum of g and h values)
• n (previous node in the path).
Note that the weight of a node usually represents movement cost, which is the distance between
the two nodes.
First, find the heuristic values (distances) using the Manhattan method (named after the crisscross street arrangement in New York). The distance from the starting square (1, 1) to the end
square (8, 6) is 12 squares (follow the purple line in the diagram below). Similarly, the distance
from square (2, 4) to (8, 6) is eight squares (follow the orange line in the diagram below).
Note: you can ignore the blocked moves when calculating heuristic distance from each node to
the final node.
Figure 18.10
Use this method to find the heuristic distances for all permitted nodes:
Figure 18.11
Now, find the g-values (the movement costs). Since we can either move up/down, left/right or
diagonally, we can choose our g-values based on a right-angled triangle. To make the maths easy
we will use a triangle with sides 10, 10 and 14:
Figure 18.12
Find the f values using f(n) = g(n) + h(n).
Starting with square (1, 1), look at the surrounding squares:
Figure 18.13
• square (1, 2): f = 10 + 11 = 21
• square (2, 1): f = 10 + 11 = 21
• square (2, 2): f = 14 + 10 = 24
Since 21 < 24, (1, 2) or (2, 1) are the possible directions.
We will choose (2, 1) as the next step:
Figure 18.14
• square (3, 1): f = 10 + 10 = 20
• square (3, 2): f = 14 + 9 = 23
• square (1, 2): f = 14 + 11 = 25
• square (2, 2): f = 10 + 10 = 20
Since 20 is the smallest value, the next stage can be (3, 1) or (2, 2).
We will choose (3, 1) as the next step:
Figure 18.15
• square (2, 2): f = 14 + 10 = 24
• square (3, 2): f = 10 + 9 = 19
• square (4, 2): f = 14 + 8 = 22
Since square (3, 2) is the smallest value, this must be the next step.
Now look at the possible routes already found to decide where to move next:
Figure 18.16
It seems route 2 is the shortest route: (1, 1) → (2, 2) → (3, 2).
When considering the next squares (3, 3) or (4, 2), and applying the above rules, it becomes clear
that the next stage in the route is:
(1, 1) → (2, 2) → (3, 3)
Continue throughout the matrix and produce the following shortest route from (1, 1) to (8, 6):
Figure 18.17
The shortest path is:
(1, 1) → (2, 2) → (3, 3) → (4, 4) → (5, 4) → (6, 4) → (7, 5) → (8, 6)
Examples of applications of shortest path algorithms include
global positioning satellites (GPS)
Google Maps
modelling the spread of infectious diseases
IP routing.
1 Find the shortest route from node A to node J using the A* algorithm. Note that you are
given the heuristic values (h) in green, and the movement cost values (g), in red.
2 Use the A* algorithm to find the shortest route from the starting point (1, 3) to the end point
(6, 7). Note that you will need to calculate your own h-values and g-values in this question
using the method shown earlier.
3 The following network shows 11 places of interest in a city. The times (in minutes) to walk
between pairs of places of interest are shown on the vertices.
a) Using Dijkstra’s algorithm, find the shortest time to walk from E to G.
b) Write down the corresponding shortest route.
Total walking time is 288 minutes.
4 The road network below connects a number of towns. The distances shown are in kilometres
(km) between roads connecting the towns.
a) i) Use Dijkstra’s algorithm on the road network to find the minimum distance between
towns A and J.
ii) Write down the corresponding shortest route.
b) The road AJ is a dual carriageway where the speed limit is 95 kph.
The speed limit on all other roads is 80 kph.
Assuming Karl drives at the maximum speed limit on each road, calculate the minimum
time to drive from town A to town J.
18.2 Artificial intelligence, machine learning
and deep learning
Key terms
Machine learning – systems that learn without being programmed to learn.
Deep learning – machines that think in a way similar to the human brain. They handle huge
amounts of data using artificial neural networks.
Labelled data – data where we know the target answer and the data object is fully recognised.
Unlabelled data – data where objects are undefined and need to be manually recognised.
Supervised learning – system which is able to predict future outcomes based on past data. It
requires both input and output values to be used in the training process.
Unsupervised learning – system which is able to identify hidden patterns from input data –
the system is not trained on the ‘right’ answer.
Reinforcement learning – system which is given no training – learns on basis of ‘reward and
Semi-supervised (active) learning – system that interactively queries source data to reach the
desired result. It uses both labelled and unlabelled data, but mainly unlabelled data on cost
Reward and punishment – improvements to a model based on whether feedback is positive
or negative; actions are optimised to receive an increase in positive feedback.
Web crawler – internet bot that systematically browses the world wide web to update its web
page content.
Artificial neural networks – networks of interconnected nodes based on the interconnections
between neurons in the human brain. The system is able to think like a human using these
neural networks, and its performance improves with more data.
Back propagation – method used in artificial neural networks to calculate error gradients so
that actual node/neuron weightings can be adjusted to improve the performance of the model.
Chatbot – computer program set up to simulate conversational interaction between humans
and a website.
Regression – statistical measure used to make predictions from data by finding learning
relationships between the inputs and outputs.
18.2.1 Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Figure 18.18 shows the link between artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and deep
learning. Deep learning is a subset of machine learning, which is itself a subset of AI.
Figure 18.18
AI can be thought of as a machine with cognitive abilities such as problem solving and learning
from examples. All of these can be measured against human benchmarks such as reasoning,
speech and sight. AI is often split into three categories.
1 Narrow AI is when a machine has superior performance to a human when doing one specific
2 General AI is when a machine is similar in its performance to a human in any intellectual
3 Strong AI is when a machine has superior performance to a human in many tasks.
Carry out some research into the following AI concepts.
• Knowledge representation
• Automated reasoning
• Computer vision
• Robotics
Examples of AI include
• news generation based on live news feeds (this will involve some form of human interaction)
• smart home devices (such as Amazon Alexa, Google Now, Apple Siri and Microsoft Cortana);
again these all involve some form of human interaction (see Figure 18.19).
Figure 18.19
In this example, the AI device interacts with a human by recognising their verbal commands.
The device will learn from its environment and the data it receives, becoming increasingly
sophisticated in its responses, showing the ability to use automated repetitive learning via
artificial neural networks.
18.2.2 Machine learning
Machine learning is a subset of AI, in which the algorithms are ‘trained’ and learn from their past
experiences and examples. It is possible for the system to make predictions or even take
decisions based on previous scenarios. They can offer fast and accurate outcomes due to very
powerful processing capability. One of the key factors is the ability to manage and analyse
considerable volumes of complex data – some of the tasks would take humans years, if they were
to analyse the data using traditional computing processing methods. A good example is a search
Figure 18.20
The search engine will learn from its past performance, meaning its ability to carry out searches
becomes more sophisticated and accurate.
Machine learning is a key part of AI and the various types of machine learning will be covered
later in this chapter.
Labelled and unlabelled data
Let us consider what is meant by labelled and unlabelled data:
Suppose a garage selling vehicles obtains them from three sources.
Vehicles from source 1 are always cars and always come fully serviced.
Vehicles from source 2 are vans and are usually unserviced.
Vehicles from source 3 are motorbikes and are usually serviced.
Vehicles less than three years old also come with a warranty. Thus, the garage has in stock
• vehicle 1 – car, serviced, warranty
• vehicle 2 – van, no service, no warranty
• vehicle 3 – car, no service, warranty
• vehicle 4 – motorbike, serviced, warranty.
Coming into stock in the next few days are
• vehicle 5 – from source 1, two years old
• vehicle 6 – from source 3, four years old
• vehicle 7 – from source 2, one year old.
Vehicles 1, 2, 3 and 4 are all labelled data since we know
• what type of vehicle they are
• whether they have been serviced
• whether they have a warranty.
They are fully defined and recognisable.
However, vehicles 5, 6 and 7 are unlabelled data since we do not know what type of vehicle
they are and we only know their source and age.
Unlabelled data is data which is unidentified and needs to be recognised. Some processing
would need to be done before they could be recognised as a car, van or motorbike.
Now, suppose you want to automatically count the types of birds seen in a bird sanctuary. The
proposed system will consider bird features such as shape of beak, colour of feathers, body size,
and so on. This requires the use of labelled data to allow the birds to be recognised by the system
(see Figure 18.21).
Figure 18.21
Machine learning recognises the birds as labelled data, allowing it to be trained. Once trained, it
is able to recognise each type of bird from the original data set. Algorithms are used to analyse
the incoming data (by comparing it to bird features already recognised by the model) and to learn
from this data. Informed decisions are then made based on what it has learned. Thus, in this
example, it is able to recognise new data and produce an output automatically showing how
many of each type of bird was detected.
Examples of machine learning include
• spam detection (the system learns to recognise spam emails without the need of any human
• search engines refining searches based on earlier searches carried out (the system learns from
its mistakes).
Types of machine learning
There are a number of different types of machine learning, including supervised, unsupervised
learning, reinforcement and semi-supervised (active).
Supervised learning
Supervised learning makes use of regression analysis and classification analysis. It is used to
predict future outcomes based on past data:
• The system requires both an input and an output to be given to the model so it can be trained.
• The model uses labelled data, so the desired output for a given input is known.
• Algorithms receive a set of inputs and the correct outputs to permit the learning process.
• Once trained, the model is run using labelled data.
• The results are compared with the expected output; if there are any errors, the model needs
further refinement.
• The model is run with unlabelled data to predict the outcome.
An example of supervised learning is categorising emails as relevant or spam/junk without
human intervention.
Unsupervised learning
Systems are able to identify hidden patterns from the input data provided; they are not trained
using the ‘right’ answer.
By making data more readable and more organised, patterns, similarities and anomalies will
become evident (unsupervised learning makes use of density estimation and k-mean clustering;
in other words, it classifies unlabelled real data).
Algorithms evaluate the data to find any hidden patterns or structures within the data set.
An example is used in product marketing: a group of individuals with similar purchasing
behaviour are regarded as a single unit for promotions.
Reinforcement learning
The system is not trained. It learns on the basis of ‘reward and punishment’ when carrying out
an action (in other words, it uses trial and error in algorithms to determine which action gives the
highest/optimal outcome).
This type of learning helps to increase the efficiency of the system by making use of optimisation
Examples include search engines, online games and robotics.
Semi-supervised (active) learning
Semi-supervised learning makes use of labelled and unlabelled data to train algorithms that can
interactively query the source data and produce a desired output.
It makes as much use of unlabelled data as possible (this is for cost reasons, since unlabelled data
is less expensive than labelled data when carrying out data categorisation).
A small amount of labelled data is used combined with large amounts of unlabelled data.
Examples of uses include the classification of web pages into sport, science, leisure, finance, and
so on. A web crawler is used to look at large amounts of unlabelled web pages, which is much
cheaper than going through millions of web pages and manually annotating (labelling) them.
18.2.3 Deep learning
Deep learning structures algorithms in layers (input layer, output layer and hidden layer(s)) to
create an artificial neural network that can learn and make intelligent decisions on its own.
Its artificial neural networks are based on the interconnections between neurons in the human
brain. The system is able to think like a human using these neural networks, and its performance
improves with more data.
The hidden layers are where data from the input layer is processed into something which can be
sent to the output layer. Artificial neural networks are excellent at identifying patterns which
would be too complex or time consuming for humans to carry out.
For example, they can be used in face recognition. The face in Figure 18.22 shows several of the
positions used by the face recognition software. Each position is checked when the software tries
to compare two facial images. A face is identified using data such as
• distance between the eyes
• width of the nose
• shape of the cheek bones
• length of the jaw line
• shape of the eyebrows.
Figure 18.22 Face recognition
Figure 18.23 shows an artificial neural network (with two hidden layers).
Figure 18.23 An artificial neural network
These systems are able to recognise objects, such as birds, by their shape and colour. With
machine learning, the objects form labelled data which can be used in the training process.
But how is it possible to recognise a bird if the data is unlabelled? By analysing pixel densities of
objects, for example, it is possible for a deep learning system to take unlabelled objects and then
recognise them through a sophisticated set of algorithms.
Deep learning using artificial neural networks can be used to recognise objects by looking at the
binary codes of each pixel, thus building up a picture of the object. For example, Figure 18.24
shows a close up of a face where each pixel can be assigned its binary value and, therefore, the
image could be recognised by deep learning algorithms as a person’s face.
Figure 18.24 Deep learning algorithms can recognise this as a person’s face
This summarises how deep learning works:
Figure 18.25
Large amounts of unlabelled data (data which is undefined and needs to be recognised) is input
into the model. One of the methods of object recognition, using pixel densities, was described
above. Using artificial neural networks, each of the objects is identified by the system. Labelled
data (data which has already been defined and is, therefore, recognised) is then entered into the
model to make sure it gives the correct responses. If the output is not sufficiently accurate, the
model is refined until it gives satisfactory results (known as back propagation – see Section
18.2.6). The refinement process may take several adjustments until it provides reliable and
consistent outputs.
Text mining
Suppose a warehouse contains hundreds of books. A system is being developed to translate the
text from each book and determine which genre the book belongs to, such as a car engine repair
manual. Each book could then be identified by the system and placed in its correct category.
How could this be done using deep learning and machine learning techniques?
Figure 18.26
Computer-assisted translation (CAT)
Existing online language translators have a limited use: they often have difficulty translating
words or phrases with double meanings, or idioms specific to a language. Computer-assisted
translation (CAT) goes some way to overcome these issues. CAT uses deep learning algorithms
to help in the translation process.
In particular, CAT uses two tools:
• Terminology databases (linguistic databases that grow and ‘learn’ from translations being
carried out).
• Translation memories (these automatically insert known translations for certain words, phrases
or sentences).
Photograph enhancement
Some of the latest smartphones cameras use deep learning to give DSLR quality to the
photographs. The technology was developed by taking the same photos using a smartphone and
then using a DSLR camera. The deep learning system was then trained by comparing the two
photographs. A large number of photographs already taken by a DSLR camera (but not by the
smartphone) were then used to test the model. The results can be seen in Figure 18.27.
Figure 18.27 Original photo taken by smartphone (left); enhanced photo using deep learning model (right)
Turning monochrome photos into colour
Deep learning can be used to turn monochrome (black and white) photographs into coloured
photographs. This is a sophisticated system which produces a better photograph than simply
turning grey-scale values into an approximated colour. In Figure 18.28, the original monochrome
image has been processed to give a very accurate coloured image.
Figure 18.28 Deep learning can change black and white photographs to colour
The deep learning system is trained by searching websites for data which allows it to recognise
features and then map a particular colour to a photograph/object thus producing an accurate
coloured image.
Chatbots interact through instant messaging, artificially replicating patterns of human
interactions using machine learning. Typed messages or voice recordings make use of predefined
scripts and machine learning: when a question is asked, a chatbot responds using the information
known at the time.
Figure 18.29
18.2.4 Comparison between machine learning and deep
machine learning
deep learning
enables machines to make decisions
on their own based on past data
enables machines to make decisions using an artificial
neural network
needs only a small amount of data to
carry out the training
the system needs large amounts of data during the
training stages
most of the features in the data used
need to be identified in advance and
then manually coded into the system
deep learning machine learns the features of the data
from the data itself and it does not need to be identified
in advance
a modular approach is taken to solve the problem is solved from beginning to end as a single
a given problem/task; each module
is then combined to produce the final
testing of the system takes a long
time to carry out
testing of the system takes much less time to carry out
there are clear rules which explain
why each stage in the model was
since the system makes decisions based on its own
logic, the reasoning behind those decisions may be
very difficult to understand (they are often referred to
as a black box)
Table 18.1 Comparison between machine learning and deep learning
18.2.5 What will happen in the future?
Table 18.2 lists some artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning developments
expected in the not too distant future.
detection of crimes before they happen by looking at existing patterns
development of humanoid AI machines which carry out human tasks (androids)
increased efficiency in health care and diagnostics (for example, early detection
of cancers, eye defects, and so on)
better marketing techniques based on buying behaviours of target groups
increased personalisation in various areas (such as individual cancer care which
personalises treatment based on many factors)
hyper intelligent personal assistants
Table 18.2 Developments in AI, machine learning and deep learning
Carry out some research into present day and future developments in AI, machine learning and
deep learning (these will change every year and it is necessary to update yourself with all the
latest developments).
18.2.6 Back propagation and regression methods
Back propagation
When designing neural networks, it is necessary to give random weightings to each of the neural
connections. However, the system designer will not initially know which weight factors to use to
produce the best results. It is necessary to train the neural networks during the development
Figure 18.30
The training program is iterative; the outputs produced from the system are compared to the
expected results and any differences in the two values/results are calculated. These errors are
propagated back into the neural network in order to update the initial network weightings.
This process (training) is repeated until the desired outputs are eventually obtained, or the errors
in the outputs are within acceptable limits.
Here is a summary of the back propagation process:
• The initial outputs from the system are compared to the expected outputs and the system
weightings are adjusted to minimise the difference between actual and expected results.
• Calculus is used to find the error gradient in the obtained outputs: the results are fed back into
the neural networks and the weightings on each neuron are adjusted (note: this can be used in
both supervised and unsupervised networks).
• Once the errors in the output have been eliminated (or reduced to acceptable limits) the neural
network is functioning correctly and the model has been successfully set up.
• If the errors are still too large, the weightings are altered – the process continues until
satisfactory outputs are produced.
Figure 18.31 shows the ultimate goal of the back propagation process.
Figure 18.31
There are two types of back propagation: static and recurrent:
• Static maps static inputs to a static output.
• Mapping is instantaneous in static, but this is not the case with recurrent.
• Training a network/model is more difficult with recurrent than with static.
• With recurrent, activation is fed forward until a fixed value is achieved.
Machine learning builds heavily on statistics; for example, regression is one way of analysing
data before it is input into a system or model. Regression is used to make predictions from given
data by learning some relationship between the input and the output. It helps in the understanding
of how the value of a dependent variable changes when the values of independent variables are
also changed. This makes it a valuable tool in prediction applications, such as weather
In machine learning, this is used to predict the outcome of an event based on any relationship
between variables obtained from input data and the hidden parameters.
1 a) Explain the difference(s) between narrow AI, general AI and strong AI.
b) In machine learning, what is meant by reward and punishment? Give an example of its
c) Explain the term artificial neural networks. Use diagrams to help in your explanation.
2 a) Explain the difference between supervised learning, unsupervised learning,
reinforcement learning and active learning.
b) i) Describe how back propagation (of errors) is used to train an AI model.
ii) Name two types of back propagation.
3 a) Give one use of each of the following.
i) supervised learning
ii) unsupervised learning
iii) reinforcement learning
iv) semi-supervised (active) learning
b) Name the ten terms, i)–x), being described.
i) Intelligent machines that think and behave like human beings.
ii) System that learns without being programmed to learn.
iii) Machines that process information in a similar way to the human brain; they handle
large amounts of data using artificial neural networks.
iv) Data where objects are undefined and need to be manually recognised.
v) An internet bot that systematically browses the world wide web to update its web
vi) A computer program which is set up to automatically simulate a conversational
interaction between a human and a website.
vii) A statistical measure used in artificial neural networks to calculate error gradients so
that actual neuron weightings can be adjusted to improve the performance of the
viii) A statistical measure used to make predictions from data by finding learning
relationships between input and output values.
ix) Data where we know the target answer and data objects are fully recognised and
x) Improvements made to a model based on negative and positive feedback: actions are
optimised to increase the amount of positive feedback.
End of chapter questions
1 a) Answer these multiple choice questions.
i) Identify the statement that best describes artificial intelligence.
A putting human intelligence into a computer system
B programming a computer using a user’s intelligence
C making a machine intelligent
D playing a game on a computer
E adding more memory units to a computer
ii) Identify the programming language that is not used when programming AI systems.
A Java
B JavaScript
C Lisp
D Perl
E Prolog
iii) Identify the correct description of a heuristic approach.
A trying to improve algorithms using back propagation
B searching and measuring how far away a node is from its destination
C comparison of two nodes in a graph to see which is nearer to the destination node
D an informed ‘guess’ about which node will lead to the required goal
E all the above
b) Copy the diagram below and connect each description to either machine learning or deep
2 a) Describe three features you would associate with:
i) reinforcement learning
ii) supervised learning.
b) Explain why these applications are regarded as artificial intelligence.
i) Chat bots
ii) Search engines
iii) Photographic enhancement applications
3 Copy and complete the text, using words from the box. Words may be used once, more than
once, or not at all.
4 a) Explain the difference between the A* algorithm and Dijkstra’s algorithm.
b) The following graph (network) shows how long it takes (in seconds) to walk between ten
hotels in a city.
i) Using Dijkstra’s algorithm, show the shortest time to walk from the City Hotel (C) to
the Quality Hotel (Q).
ii) Give the route corresponding to your answer in part b)i).
5 The following graph is made up of a (9 × 8) matrix.
Use the A* algorithm to show the shortest route from A to B.
6 Tom is using a GPS device to navigate from point B to point E.
Tom’s GPS uses the A* algorithm to find the shortest route:
This route is shown in orange on the diagram.
However, due to some major flooding, routes M to J and M to F have been closed, making
the original path no longer possible.
Describe how the GPS system will use the A* algorithm to find an alternative route from B
to E.
7 The following graph shows the routes connecting buildings on a university campus. The
numbers represent the time taken (in minutes) to cycle from one building to another.
a) i) Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the minimum time to cycle from building A to
building L.
ii) Write down the corresponding shortest route.
b) It has been decided to construct a new cycle path, either from A directly to D (cycle time
30 minutes) or from A directly to I (cycle time 20 minutes).
Identify the option that would reduce the cycle time from building A to building L by the
greatest amount.
19 Computational thinking and problem
In this chapter, you will learn about
• how to write algorithms to implement linear and binary searches
• the conditions necessary for the use of a binary search
• how the performance of a binary search varies according to the number of data items
• how to write algorithms to implement insertion and bubble sorts
• the use of abstract data types (ADTs) including finding, inserting and deleting items from
linked lists, binary trees, stacks and queues
• the key features of a graph and why graphs are used
• how to implement ADTs from other ADTs
• the comparison of algorithms including the use of Big O notation
• how recursion is expressed in a programming language
• when to use recursion
• writing recursive algorithms
• how a compiler implements recursion in a programming language.
19.1 Algorithms
In Chapter 10 you learnt about Abstract Data Types (ADTs) and searching and sorting arrays.
You should also have been writing programs in your chosen programming language (Python,
VB or Java). Try the following five questions to refresh your memory before you start to read
this chapter.
1 Explain what is meant by the terms
a) stack
b) queue
c) linked list.
2 a) Describe how it is possible to implement a stack using an array.
b) Describe how it is possible to implement a queue using an array.
c) Describe how it is possible to implement a linked list using an array.
3 Write pseudocode to search an array of twenty numbers using a linear search.
4 Write pseudocode to sort an array that contains twenty numbers using a bubble sort.
5 Make sure that you can write, compile and run a short program in your chosen programming
language. The programs below show the code you need to write the same program in each
of three languages.
Key terms
Binary search – a method of searching an ordered list by testing the value of the middle item
in the list and rejecting the half of the list that does not contain the required value.
Insertion sort – a method of sorting data in an array into alphabetical or numerical order by
placing each item in turn in the correct position in the sorted list.
Binary tree – a hierarchical data structure in which each parent node can have a maximum of
two child nodes.
Graph – a non-linear data structure consisting of nodes and edges.
Dictionary – an abstract data type that consists of pairs, a key and a value, in which the key is
used to find the value.
Big O notation – a mathematical notation used to describe the performance or complexity of
an algorithm.
19.1.1 Understanding linear and binary searching
Linear search
In Chapter 10, we looked at the linear search method of searching a list. In this method, each
element of an array is checked in order, from the lower bound to the upper bound, until the item
is found, or the upper bound is reached.
The pseudocode linear search algorithm and identifier table to find if an item is in the populated
1D array myList from Chapter 10 is repeated here.
Array to be searched
Upper bound of the array
Lower bound of the array
Pointer to current array element
Item to be found
Flag to show when item has been found
Table 19.1
This method works for a list in which the items can be stored in any order, but as the size of the
list increases, the average time taken to retrieve an item increases correspondingly.
The Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science syllabus requires you to be able
to write code in one of the following programming languages: Python, VB and Java. It is very
important to practice writing different routines in the programming language of your choice; the
more routines you write, the easier it is to write programming code that works.
Here is a simple linear search program written in Python, VB and Java using a FOR loop.
Write the linear search in the programming language you are using, then change the code to
use a similar type of loop that you used in the pseudocode at the beginning of Section 19.1.1,
Linear search.
Binary search
A binary search is more efficient if a list is already sorted. The value of the middle item in the
list is first tested to see if it matches the required item, and the half of the list that does not
contain the required item is discarded. Then, the next item of the list to be tested is the middle
item of the half of the list that was kept. This is repeated until the required item is found or there
is nothing left to test.
For example, consider a list of the letters of the alphabet.
To find the letter W using a linear search there would be 23 comparisons.
Figure 19.1 Linear search showing all the comparisons
To find the letter W using a binary search there could be just three comparisons.
Figure 19.2 Binary search showing all the comparisons
Check how many comparisons for each type of search it takes to find the letter D. Find any
letters where the linear search would take less comparisons than the binary search.
A binary search usually takes far fewer comparisons than a linear search to find an item in a list.
For example, if a list had 1024 elements, the maximum number of comparisons for a binary
search would be 16, whereas a linear search could take up to 1024 comparisons.
Here is the pseudocode for the binary search algorithm to find if an item is in the populated 1D
array myList. The identifier table is the same as the one used for the linear search.
Array to be searched
Upper bound of the array
Lower bound of the array
Pointer to current array element
Item to be found
Flag to show when item has been found
Table 19.2
The code structure for a binary search is very similar to the linear search program shown for each
of the programming languages. You will need to populate myList before searching for an item,
as well as the variables found, lowerBound and upperBound.
You will need to use a conditional loop like those shown in the table below.
Python uses a condition to
repeat the loop at the start of
the loop
VB uses a condition to stop the
loop at the end of the loop
Java uses a condition to repeat
the loop at the end of the loop
Table 19.3
You will need to use If statements like those shown in the table below to test if the item is found,
or to decide which part of myList to use next, and to update the upperBound or lowerBound
Python using integer division
VB using integer division
Java automatic integer division
Table 19.4
In your chosen programming language, write a short program to complete the binary search.
Use this sample data:
16, 19, 21, 27, 36, 42, 55, 67, 76, 89
Search for the values 19 and 77 to test your program.
19.1.2 Understanding insertion and bubble sorting
Bubble sort
In Chapter 10, we looked at the bubble sort method of sorting a list. This is a method of sorting
data in an array into alphabetical or numerical order by comparing adjacent items and swapping
them if they are in the wrong order.
The bubble sort algorithm and identifier table to sort the populated 1D array myList from
Chapter 10 is repeated here.
Array to be searched
Upper bound of the array
Lower bound of the array
Pointer to current array element
Flag to show when swaps have been made
Index of last element to compare
Temporary storage location during swap
Table 19.5
Here is a simple bubble sort program written in Python, VB and Java, using a pre-condition loop
and a FOR loop in Python and post-condition loops and FOR loops in VB and Java.
Insertion sort
The bubble sort works well for short lists and partially sorted lists. An insertion sort will also
work well for these types of list. An insertion sort sorts data in a list into alphabetical or
numerical order by placing each item in turn in the correct position in a sorted list. An insertion
sort works well for incremental sorting, where elements are added to a list one at a time over an
extended period while keeping the list sorted.
Here is the pseudocode and the identifier table for the insertion sort algorithm sorting the
populated 1D array myList.
Array to be searched
Upper bound of the array
Lower bound of the array
Pointer to current array element
Element being placed
Position in array of element being moved
Table 19.6
Figure 19.3 shows the changes to the 1D array myList as the insertion sort is completed.
Figure 19.3
The element shaded blue is being checked and placed in the correct position. The elements
shaded yellow are the other elements that also need to be moved if the element being checked is
out of position. When sorting the same array, myList, the insert sort made 21 swaps and the
bubble sort shown in Chapter 10 made 38 swaps. The insertion sort performs better on partially
sorted lists because, when each element is found to be in the wrong order in the list, it is moved
to approximately the right place in the list. The bubble sort will only swap the element in the
wrong order with its neighbour.
As the number of elements in a list increases, the time taken to sort the list increases. It has been
shown that, as the number of elements increases, the performance of the bubble sort deteriorates
faster than the insertion sort.
Figure 19.4 Time performance of sorting algorithms
The code structure for an insertion sort in each of the programming languages is very similar to
the bubble sort program. You will need to assign values to lowerBound and upperBound and use
a nested loop like those shown in the table below.
Nested loop
cannot use
key as a
Table 19.7
In your chosen programming language write a short program to complete the insertion sort.
There are many other more efficient sorting algorithms. In small groups, investigate different
sorting algorithms, finding out how the method works and the efficiency of that method. Share
your results.
19.1.3 Understanding and using abstract data types
Abstract data types (ADTs) were introduced in Chapter 10. Remember that an ADT is a
collection of data and a set of operations on that data. There are several operations that are
essential when using an ADT
• finding an item already stored
• adding a new item
• deleting an item.
We started considering the ADTs stacks, queues and linked lists in Chapter 10. If you have not
already done so, read Section 10.4 to ensure that you are ready to work with these data
structures. Ensure that you can write algorithms to set up then add and remove items from stacks
and queues.
In Chapter 10, we looked at the data and the operations for a stack using pseudocode. You will
need to be able to write a program to implement a stack. The data structures and operations
required to implement a similar stack using a fixed length integer array and separate sub routines
for the push and pop operations are set out below in each of the three prescribed programming
languages. If you are unsure how the operations work, look back at Chapter 10.
Stack data structure
stack with
stack with
set to
public for
stack with
set to
public for
Table 19.8
Stack pop operation
to access
points to
the top of
the stack
points to
the top of
the stack
points to
the top of
the stack
Table 19.9
Stack push operation
Table 19.10
In your chosen programming language, write a program using subroutines to implement a
stack with 10 elements. Test your program by pushing two integers 7 and 32 onto the stack,
popping these integers off the stack, then trying to remove a third integer, and by pushing the
integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 onto the stack, then trying to push 11 on to the stack.
In Chapter 10, we looked at the data and the operations for a circular queue using pseudocode.
You will need to be able to write a program to implement a queue. The data structures and
operations required to implement a similar queue using a fixed length integer array and separate
sub routines for the enqueue and dequeue operations are set out below in each of the three
programing languages. If you are unsure how the operations work, look back at Chapter 10.
Queue data structure
with no
with no
items and
set to
public for
with no
set to
public for
Table 19.11
Queue enqueue (add item to queue) operation
global used
subroutine to
If the
rearPointer is
pointing to the
last element of
the array and
the queue is
not full, the
item is stored
in the first
element of the
If the
rearPointer is
pointing to the
last element of
the array and
the queue is
not full, the
item is stored
in the first
element of the
If the
rearPointer is
pointing to the
last element of
the array and
the queue is
not full, the
item is stored
in the first
element of the
Table 19.12
Queue dequeue (remove item from queue) operation
If the
points to the
last element
in the array
and the
queue is not
empty, the
pointer is
updated to
point at the
first item in
the array
rather than
the next item
in the array
If the
points to the
last element
in the array
and the
queue is not
empty, the
pointer is
updated to
point at the
first item in
the array
rather than
the next item
in the array
If the
points to the
last element
in the array
and the
queue is not
empty, the
pointer is
updated to
point at the
first item in
the array
rather than
the next item
in the array
Table 19.13
In your chosen programming language, write a program using subroutines to implement a
queue with 10 elements. Test your program by adding two integers 7 and 32 to the queue,
removing these integers from the queue, then trying to remove a third integer, and by adding
the integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 to the queue then trying to add 11 to the queue.
Linked lists
Finding an item in a linked list
In Chapter 10, we looked at defining a linked list as an ADT; now we need to consider writing
algorithms using a linked list. Here is the declaration algorithm and the identifier table from
Chapter 10.
The above code sets up a linked list ready for use. The identifier table is below.
Linked list to be searched
Pointers for linked list
Start of the linked list
Start of the heap
Pointer to current element in the linked list
Table 19.14
Figure 19.5 below shows an empty linked list and its corresponding pointers.
Figure 19.5
Figure 19.6 below shows a populated linked list and its corresponding pointers.
Figure 19.6
The algorithm to find if an item is in the linked list myLinkedList and return the pointer to the
item if found or a null pointer if not found, could be written as a function in pseudocode as
shown below.
The following programs use a function to search for an item in a populated linked list.
The trace table below shows the algorithm being used to search for 42 in myLinkedList.
Already set to 4
Table 19.15 Trace table
In the programming language of your choice, use the code given to write a program to set up
the populated linked list and find an item stored in it.
Inserting items into a linked list
The algorithm to insert an item in the linked list myLinkedList could be written as a procedure in
pseudocode as shown below.
Here is the identifier table.
Start of the linked list
Start of the heap
Null pointer set to -1
Item to add to the list
Temporary pointer
Table 19.16
Figure 19.7 below shows the populated linked list and its corresponding pointers again.
Figure 19.7
The trace table below shows the algorithm being used to add 18 to myLinkedList.
Table 19.17 Trace table
The linked list, myLinkedList, will now be as shown below.
Figure 19.8
The following procedure adds an item to a linked list.
Use the algorithm to add 25 to myLinkedList. Show this in a trace table and show
myLinkedList once 25 has been added. Add the insert procedure to your program, add code to
input an item, add this item to the linked list then print out the list and the pointers before and
after the item was added.
Deleting items from a linked list
The algorithm to delete an item from the linked list myLinkedList could be written as a
procedure in pseudocode as shown below.
Here is the identifier table.
Start of the linked list
Start of the heap
Null pointer set to −1
Pointer to current list element
Pointer to previous list element
Item to delete from the list
Temporary pointer
Figure 19.18
The trace table below shows the algorithm being used to delete 36 from myLinkedList.
Table 19.19 Trace table
The linked list, myLinkedList, will now be as follows.
Figure 19.9
The following procedure deletes an item from a linked list.
Use the algorithm to remove 16 from myLinkedList. Show this in a trace table and show
myLinkedList once 16 has been removed. Add the delete procedure to your program, add code
to input an item, delete this item to the linked list, then print out the list and the pointers before
and after the item was deleted.
Binary trees
A binary tree is another frequently used ADT. It is a hierarchical data structure in which each
parent node can have a maximum of two child nodes. There are many uses for binary trees; for
example, they are used in syntax analysis, compression algorithms and 3D video games.
Figure 19.10 shows the binary tree for the data stored in myList sorted in ascending order. Each
item is stored at a node and each node can have up to two branches with the rule if the value to
be added is less than the current node branch left, if the value to be added is greater than or equal
to the current node branch right.
Figure 19.10 Example of an ordered binary tree
A binary tree can also be used to represent an arithmetic expression. Consider (a + b) * (c – a)
Figure 19.11 Example of an expression as a binary tree
Draw the binary tree for the expression (x – y) / ( x * y + z).
Find out about different tree traversals and how they are used to convert an expression into
reverse Polish.
The data structure for an ordered binary tree can be created in pseudocode as follows:
Create the data structure in pseudocode for a binary tree to store a list of names. Your list must
be able to store at least 50 names.
The populated contents of the data structure myTree is shown below.
Figure 19.12
The root pointer points to the first node in a binary tree. A null pointer is a value stored in the left
or right pointer in a binary tree to indicate that there are no nodes below this node on the left or
Finding an item in a binary tree
The algorithm to find if an item is in the binary tree myTree and return the pointer to its node if
found or a null pointer if not found, could be written as a function in pseudocode, as shown.
Here is the identifier table for the binary tree search algorithm shown above.
Tree to be searched
ADT for tree
Pointer to the start of the tree
Pointer to the left branch
Pointer to the right branch
Null pointer set to −1
Pointer to current item
Item being searched for
Table 19.20
The trace table below shows the algorithm being used to search for 42 in myTree.
Table 19.21 Trace table
Use the algorithm to search for 55 and 75 in myTree. Show the results of each search in a trace
Inserting items into a binary tree
The binary tree needs free nodes to add new items. For example, myTree, shown in Figure 19.13
below, now has room for 12 items. The last three nodes have not been filled yet, there is a
pointer to the next free node and the free nodes are set up like a heap in a linked list, using the
left pointer.
Figure 19.13
The algorithm to insert an item at a new node in the binary tree myTree could be written as a
procedure in pseudocode as shown below.
Here is the identifier table.
Tree to be searched
ADT for tree
Pointer to the start of the tree
Pointer to the left branch
Pointer to the right branch
Null pointer set to -1
Pointer to current item in tree
Item to add to tree
Pointer to next free node
Pointer to position in tree to store item to be added
Pointer to leaf node that is going to point to item added
Flag to identify whether to go down the left branch or the right branch
Table 19.22
The trace table below shows the algorithm being used to add 18 to myTree.
Table 19.23
The tree, myTree will now be as shown below.
Figure 19.14
Use the algorithm to add 25 to myTree. Show this in a trace table and show myTree once 25
has been added.
Implementing binary trees in Python, VB.NET or Java requires the use of objects and recursion.
An example will be given in Chapter 20.
A graph is a non-linear data structure consisting of nodes and edges. This is an ADT used to
implement directed and undirected graphs. A graph consists of a set of nodes and edges that join
a pair of nodes. If the edges have a direction from one node to the other it is a directed graph.
Figure 19.15
As we saw in Chapter 18, graphs are used to represent real life networks, such as
• bus routes, where the nodes are bus stops and the edges connect two stops next to each other
• websites, where each web page is a node and the edges show the links between each web page
• social media networks, where each node contains information about a person and the edges
connect people who are friends.
Each edge may have a weight; for example, in the bus route, the weight could be the distance
between bus stops or the cost of the bus fare.
A path is the list of nodes connected by edges between two given nodes and a cycle is a list of
nodes that return to the same node.
For example, a graph of the bus routes in a town could be as follows. The distance between each
bus stop in kilometres is shown on the graph.
Figure 19.16
Find another path from School to Gardens. Find the shortest path from Town centre to Train
station. Find the shortest cycle from the Town centre.
A path from School to Gardens could be Path = (School, Train station, River, Gardens).
19.1.4 Implementing one ADT from another ADT
Every ADT is a collection of data and the methods used on the data. When an ADT is defined,
the definition can refer to other data types. For example, myLinkedList refers to the data type
INTEGER in its data definition.
A linked list type could be defined as follows.
And then used as follows.
Write pseudocode to declare a linked list to store names. Use this to write pseudocode to set up
a linked list that will store 30 names. Write a program to store and display names in this linked
The data types for a stack, queue and a binary tree have been defined using existing data types.
Another data type is a dictionary, which is an ADT that consists of pairs consisting of a key and
a value, where the key is used to find the value. Each key can only appear once. Keys in a
dictionary are unordered. A value is retrieved from a dictionary by specifying its corresponding
key. The same value may appear more than once. A dictionary differs from a set because the
values can be duplicated. As a dictionary is not an ordered list, it can be declared using a linked
list as part of the definition.
A dictionary type could be defined in pseudocode as follows.
And then used as follows.
Each of the programming languages used in Cambridge International A Level Computer Science
provide a dictionary data type, as shown in the table below.
Dictionary data type example
Java Dictionary is no
longer used in Java but can
be implemented using a
hash table
Table 19.24
In the programming language of your choice, write a program to use a dictionary to store the
names of students as their keys and their examination scores as their values. Then find a
student’s examination score, add a student and score and delete a student and score.
19.1.5 Comparing algorithms
Big O notation is a mathematical notation used to describe the performance or complexity of an
algorithm in relation to the time taken or the memory used for the task. It is used to describe the
worst-case scenario; for example, how the maximum number of comparisons required to find a
value in a list using a particular search algorithm increases with the number of values in the list.
Big O order of time complexity
describes an algorithm that always takes the same time to
perform the task
deciding if a number is
even or odd
describes an algorithm where the time to perform the task
will grow linearly in direct proportion to N, the number of
items of data the algorithm is using
a linear search
describes an algorithm where the time to perform the task
will grow linearly in direct proportion to the square of N,
the number of items of data the algorithm is using
bubble sort, insertion
describes an algorithm where the time to perform the task
doubles every time the algorithm uses an extra item of data
calculation of
Fibonacci numbers
using recursion (see
Section 19.2)
O(Log describes an algorithm where the time to perform the task
goes up linearly as the number of items goes up
binary search
Table 19.25 Big O order of time complexity
Big O order of space complexity
describes an algorithm that always uses the
same space to perform the task
any algorithm that just uses
variables, for example d = a + b + c
O(N) describes an algorithm where the space to
perform the task will grow linearly in direct
proportion to N, the number of items of data the
algorithm is using
Table 19.26 Big O order of space complexity
any algorithm that uses arrays, for
example a loop to calculate a
running total of values input to an
array of N elements
1 Using diagrams, describe the structure of
a) a binary tree
b) a linked list.
2 a) Explain what is meant by a dictionary data type.
b) Show how a dictionary data type can be constructed from a linked list.
3 Compare the performance of a linear search and a binary search using Big O notation.
19.2 Recursion
Remind yourself of the definitions of the following mathematical functions, which many of
you will be familiar with, and see how they are constructed.
• Factorials
• Arithmetic sequences
• Fibonacci numbers
• Compound interest
Key terms
Recursion – a process using a function or procedure that is defined in terms of itself and calls
Base case – a terminating solution to a process that is not recursive.
General case – a solution to a process that is recursively defined.
Winding – process which occurs when a recursive function or procedure is called until the
base case is found.
Unwinding – process which occurs when a recursive function finds the base case and the
function returns the values.
19.2.1 Understanding recursion
Recursion is a process using a function or procedure that is defined in terms of itself and calls
itself. The process is defined using a base case, a terminating solution to a process that is not
recursive, and a general case, a solution to a process that is recursively defined.
For example, a function to calculate a factorial for any positive whole number n! is recursive.
The definition for the function uses:
This can be written in pseudocode as a recursive function.
With recursive functions, the statements after the recursive function call are not executed until
the base case is reached; this is called winding. After the base case is reached and can be used in
the recursive process, the function is unwinding.
In order to understand how the winding and unwinding processes in recursion work, we can use
a trace table for a specific example: 3!
Table 19.27
Here is a simple recursive factorial program written in Python, VB and Java using a function.
Write the recursive factorial function in the programming language of your choice. Test your
program with 0! and 5!
Complete trace tables for 0! and 5! using the recursive factorial function written in pseudocode
and compare the results from your program with the trace tables.
Compound interest can be calculated using a recursive function. Where the principal is the
amount of money invested, rate is the rate of interest and years is the number of years the money
has been invested.
The base case is
total0 = principal where years = 0
The general case is
totaln = totaln-1 * rate
Table 19.28
This function can be traced for a principal of 100 over three years at 1.05 (5% interest).
Table 19.29
The Fibonacci series is defined as a sequence of numbers in which the first two numbers are 0
and 1, depending on the selected beginning point of the sequence, and each subsequent number
is the sum of the previous two.
Identify the base case and the general case for this series. Write a pseudocode algorithm to find
and output the nth term. Test your algorithm by drawing a trace table for the fourth term.
Write your function from Activity 19S in the high-level programming language of your choice.
Test this with the 5th and 27th terms.
Benefits of recursion
Recursive solutions can contain fewer programming statements than an iterative solution. The
solutions can solve complex problems in a simpler way than an iterative solution. However, if
recursive calls to procedures and functions are very repetitive, there is a very heavy use of the
stack, which can lead to stack overflow. For example, factorial(100) would require 100 function
calls to be placed on the stack before the function unwinds.
19.2.2 How a compiler implements recursion
Recursive code needs to make use of the stack; therefore, in order to implement recursive
procedures and functions in a high-level programming language, a compiler must produce object
code that pushes return addresses and values of local variables onto the stack with each recursive
call, winding. The object code then pops the return addresses and values of local variables off the
stack, unwinding.
1 Explain what is meant by recursion and give the benefits of using recursion in
2 Explain why a compiler needs to produce object code that uses the stack for a recursive
End of chapter questions
1 Data is stored in the array NameList[1:10]. This data is to be sorted.
a) i) Copy and complete this pseudocode algorithm for an insertion sort.
ii) A special case is when NameList is already in order. The algorithm in part a) i) is
applied to this special case.
Explain how many iterations are carried out for each of the loops.
b) An alternative sort algorithm is a bubble sort:
i) As in part a) ii), a special case is when NameList is already in order. The algorithm in
part b) is applied to this special case.
Explain how many iterations are carried out for each of the loops.
ii) Rewrite the algorithm in part b), using pseudocode, to reduce the number of
unnecessary comparisons.
Use the same variable names where appropriate.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9608
Paper 41 Q5 June 2015
2 A Queue Abstract Data type (ADT) has these associated operations:
– create queue
– add item to queue
– remove item from queue
The queue ADT is to be implemented as a linked list of nodes.
Each node consists of data and a pointer to the next node.
a) The following operations are carried out:
Copy the diagram and add appropriate labels to show the final state of the queue. Use the
space on the left as a workspace.
Show your final answer in the node shapes on the right.
b) Using pseudocode, a record type, Node, is declared as follows:
The statement
reserves space for 10 nodes in array Queue.
i) The CreateQueue operation links all nodes and initialises the three pointers that need
to be used: HeadPointer, TailPointer and FreePointer.
Copy and complete the diagram to show the value of all pointers after CreateQueue
has been executed.
ii) The algorithm for adding a name to the queue is written, using pseudocode, as a
procedure with the header:
where NewName is the new name to be added to the queue.
The procedure uses the variables as shown in the identifier table.
Data type
Array[1:10] OF Node
Array to store node data
Name to be added
Pointer to next free node in array
Pointer to first node in queue
Pointer to last node in queue
Pointer to current node
Copy and complete the pseudocode for the procedure RemoveName. Use the
variables listed in the identifier table.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9608
Paper 41 Q6 June 2015
20 Further programming
In this chapter, you will learn about
• the characteristics of a number of programming paradigms, including low-level
programming, imperative (procedural) programming, object-oriented programming and
declarative programming
• how to write code to perform file-processing operations on serial, sequential and random
• exceptions and the importance of exception handling.
20.1 Programming paradigms
In Chapter 4, Section 4.2, you learnt about assembly language, and in Chapter 11, Section
11.3, you learnt about structured programming. Review these sections then try these three
questions before you read the first part of this chapter.
1 Describe four modes of addressing in assembly language.
2 Write an assembly language program to add the numbers 7 and 5 together and store the
result in the accumulator.
3 a) Explain the difference between a procedure and a function.
b) Describe how to pass parameters.
c) Describe the difference between a procedure definition and a procedure call.
4 Write a short program that uses a procedure.
Throughout this section, you will be prompted to refer to previous chapters to review related
Key terms
Programming paradigm – a set of programming concepts.
Low-level programming – programming instructions that use the computer’s basic instruction
Imperative programming – programming paradigm in which the steps required to execute a
program are set out in the order they need to be carried out.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) – a programming methodology that uses selfcontained objects, which contain programming statements (methods) and data, and which
communicate with each other.
Class – a template defining the methods and data of a certain type of object.
Attributes (class) – the data items in a class.
Method – a programmed procedure that is defined as part of a class.
Encapsulation – process of putting data and methods together as a single unit, a class.
Object – an instance of a class that is self-contained and includes data and methods.
Property – data and methods within an object that perform a named action.
Instance – An occurrence of an object during the execution of a program.
Data hiding – technique which protects the integrity of an object by restricting access to the
data and methods within that object.
Inheritance – process in which the methods and data from one class, a superclass or base
class, are copied to another class, a derived class.
Polymorphism – feature of object-oriented programming that allows methods to be redefined
for derived classes.
Overloading – feature of object-oriented programming that allows a method to be defined
more than once in a class, so it can be used in different situations.
Containment (aggregation) – process by which one class can contain other classes.
Getter – a method that gets the value of a property.
Setter – a method used to control changes to a variable.
Constructor – a method used to initialise a new object.
Destructor – a method that is automatically invoked when an object is destroyed.
Declarative programming – statements of facts and rules together with a mechanism for
setting goals in the form of a query.
Fact – a ‘thing’ that is known.
Rules – relationships between facts.
A programming paradigm is a set of programming concepts. We have already considered two
different programming paradigms: low-level and imperative (procedural) programming.
The style and capability of any programming language is defined by its paradigm. Some
programming languages, for example JavaScript, only follow one paradigm; others, for example
Python, support multiple paradigms. Most programming languages are multi-paradigm. In this
section of the chapter, we will consider four programming paradigms: low-level, imperative,
object-oriented and declarative.
20.1.1 Low-level programming
Low-level programming uses instructions from the computer’s basic instruction set. Assembly
language and machine code both use low-level instructions. This type of programming is used
when the program needs to make use of specific addresses and registers in a computer, for
example when writing a printer driver.
In Chapter 4, Section 4.2.4, we looked at addressing modes. These are also covered by the
Cambridge International A Level syllabus. Review Section 4.2.4 before completing Activity
A section of memory in a computer contains these denary values:
Denary value
Give the value stored in the accumulator (ACC) and the index register (IX) after each of these
instructions have been executed and state the mode of addressing used.
// this stops the program, it executes the same instruction until the computer is turned off!
20.1.2 Imperative programming
In imperative programming, the steps required to execute a program are set out in the order
they need to be carried out. This programming paradigm is often used in the early stages of
teaching programming. Imperative programming is often developed into structured
programming, which has a more logical structure and makes use of procedures and functions,
together with local and global variables. Imperative programming is also known as procedural
Programs written using the imperative paradigm may be smaller and take less time to execute
than programs written using the object-oriented or declarative paradigms. This is because there
are fewer instructions and less data storage is required for the compiled object code. Imperative
programming works well for small, simple programs. Programs written using this methodology
can be easier for others to read and understand.
In Chapter 11, Section 11.3, we looked at structured programming. This is also covered by the
Cambridge International A Level syllabus. Review Section 11.3 then complete Activity 20B.
Write a pseudocode algorithm to calculate the areas of five different shapes (square, rectangle,
triangle, parallelogram and circle) using the basic imperative programming paradigm (no
procedures or functions, and using only global variables).
Rewrite the pseudocode algorithm in a more structured way using the procedural programming
paradigm (make sure you use procedures, functions, and local and global variables).
Write and test both algorithms using the programming language of your choice.
20.1.3 Object-oriented programming (OOP)
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming methodology that uses self-contained
objects, which contain programming statements (methods) and data, and which communicate
with each other. This programming paradigm is often used to solve more complex problems as it
enables programmers to work with real life things. Many procedural programming languages
have been developed to support OOP. For example, Java, Python and Visual Basic all allow
programmers to use either procedural programming or OOP.
Object-oriented programming uses its own terminology, which we will explore here.
A class is a template defining the methods and data of a certain type of object. The attributes are
the data items in a class. A method is a programmed procedure that is defined as part of a class.
Putting the data and methods together as a single unit, a class, is called encapsulation. To ensure
that only the methods declared can be used to access the data within a class, attributes need to be
declared as private and the methods need to be declared as public.
For example, a shape can have name, area and perimeter as attributes and the methods set
shape, calculate area, calculate perimeter. This information can be shown in a class
diagram (Figure 20.1).
Figure 20.1 Shape class diagram
When writing a program, an object needs to be declared using a class type that has already been
defined. An object is an instance of a class that is self-contained and includes data and methods.
Properties of an object are the data and methods within an object that perform named actions.
An occurrence of an object during the execution of a program is called an instance.
For example, a class employee is defined and the object myStaff is instanced in these programs
using Python, VB and Java.
Data hiding protects the integrity of an object by restricting access to the data and methods
within that object. One way of achieving data hiding in OOP is to use encapsulation. Data hiding
reduces the complexity of programming and increases data protection and the security of data.
Here is an example of a definition of a class with private attributes in Python, VB and Java.
Write a short program to declare a class, student, with the private attributes name,
dateOfBirth and examMark, and the public method displayExamMark. Declare an object
myStudent, with a name and exam mark of your choice, and use your method to display the
exam mark.
Inheritance is the process by which the methods and data from one class, a superclass or base
class, are copied to another class, a derived class.
Figure 20.2 shows single inheritance, in which a derived class inherits from a single superclass.
Figure 20.2 Inheritance diagram – single inheritance
Multiple inheritance is where a derived class inherits from more than one superclass (Figure
Figure 20.3 Inheritance diagram – multiple inheritance
Not all programming languages support multiple inheritance. Check if the language you are
using does.
Here is an example that shows the use of inheritance.
A base class employee and the derived classes partTime and fullTime are defined. The objects
permanentStaff and temporaryStaff are instanced in these examples and use the method
Figure 20.4 shows the inheritance diagram for the base class employee and the derived classes
partTime and fullTime.
Figure 20.4 Inheritance diagram for employee,
and fullTime
Write a short program to declare a class, student, with the private attributes name,
dateOfBirth and examMark, and the public method displayExamMark.
Declare the derived classes fullTimeStudent and partTimeStudent.
Declare objects for each derived class, with a name and exam mark of your choice, and use
your method to display the exam marks for these students.
Polymorphism and overloading
Polymorphism is when methods are redefined for derived classes. Overloading is when a
method is defined more than once in a class so it can be used in different situations.
Example of polymorphism
A base class shape is defined, and the derived classes rectangle and circle are defined. The
method area is redefined for both the rectangle class and the circle class. The objects
myRectangle and myCircle are instanced in these programs.
Write a short program to declare the class shape with the public method area.
Declare the derived classes circle, rectangle and square.
Use polymorphism to redefine the method area for these derived classes.
Declare objects for each derived class and instance them with suitable data.
Use your methods to display the areas for these shapes.
Example of overloading
One way of overloading a method is to use the method with a different number of parameters.
For example, a class greeting is defined with the method hello. The object myGreeting is
instanced and uses this method with no parameters or one parameter in this Python program.
This is how Python, VB and Java manage overloading.
Write a short program to declare the class greeting, with the public method hello, which can
be used without a name, with one name or with a first name and last name.
Declare an object and use the method to display each type of greeting.
Containment, or aggregation, is the process by which one class can contain other classes. This
can be presented in a class diagram.
When the class ‘aeroplane’ is defined, and the definition contains references to the classes – seat,
fuselage, wing, cockpit – this is an example of containment.
Figure 20.5
When deciding whether to use inheritance or containment, it is useful to think about how the
classes used would be related in the real world.
For example
• when looking at shapes, a circle is a shape – so inheritance would be used
• when looking at the aeroplane, an aeroplane contains wings – so containment would be used.
Consider the people on board an aeroplane for a flight. The containment diagram could look like
this if there can be up to 10 crew and 350 passengers on board:
Figure 20.6
Draw a containment diagram for a course at university where there are up to 50 lectures, three
examinations and the final mark is the average of the marks for the three examinations.
Object methods
In OOP, the basic methods used during the life of an object can be divided into these types:
constructors, setters, getters, and destructors.
A constructor is the method used to initialise a new object. Each object is initialised when a new
instance is declared. When an object is initialised, memory is allocated.
For example, in the first program in Chapter 20, this is the method used to construct a new
employee object.
Table 20.1
Constructing an object
Table 20.2
A setter is a method used to control changes to any variable that is declared within an object.
When a variable is declared as private, only the setters declared within the object’s class can be
used to make changes to the variable within the object, thus making the program more robust.
For example, in the employee base class, this code is a setter:
Table 20.3
A getter is a method that gets the value of a property of an object.
For example, in the partTimeStaff derived class, this method is a getter:
Table 20.4
A destructor is a method that is invoked to destroy an object. When an object is destroyed the
memory is released so that it can be reused. Both Java and VB use garbage collection to
automatically destroy objects that are no longer used so that the memory used can be released. In
VB garbage collection can be invoked as a method if required but it is not usually needed.
For example, in any of the Python programs above, this could be used as a destructor:
Here is an example of a destructor being used in a Python program:
Here are examples of destructors in Python and VB.
VB – only if required, automatically called at
end of program
Java – not used
Table 20.5
Writing a program for a binary tree
In Chapter 19, we looked at the data structure and some of the operations for a binary tree using
fixed length arrays in pseudocode. You will need to be able to write a program to implement a
binary tree, search for an item in the binary tree and store an item in a binary tree. Binary trees
are best implemented using objects, constructors, containment, functions, procedures and
• Objects – tree and node
• Constructor – adding a new node to the tree
• Containment – the tree contains nodes
• Function – search the binary tree for an item
• Procedure – insert a new item in the binary tree
The data structures and operations to implement a binary tree for integer values in ascending
order are set out in Tables 20.6–9 below. If you are unsure how the binary tree works, review
Chapter 19.
Binary tree data structure – Class
Python – the values for new nodes are set here.
Python uses None for null pointers
VB with a recursive definition of node to allow for
a tree of any size
Java with a recursive definition of node to allow
for a tree of any size
Table 20.6
Binary tree data structure – Class
Python – the root of the tree is set as an instance of
VB uses Nothing for null pointers
Java uses null for null pointers
Table 20.7
Add integer to binary tree
Python showing a recursive
procedure to insert a new node and
the pointers to it
VB showing a recursive procedure
to insert a new node
Java showing a recursive procedure
to insert a new node
Table 20.8
Search for integer in binary tree
Python – the function
returns the value
searched for if it is
found, otherwise it
returns None
VB – the function
returns the value
searched for if it is
found, otherwise it
returns Nothing
Java – the function
returns the value
searched for if it is
found, otherwise it
returns null
Table 20.9
In your chosen programming language, write a program using objects and recursion to
implement a binary tree. Test your program by setting the root of the tree to 27, then adding the
integers 19, 36, 42 and 16 in that order.
Complete a pre-order and post-order traverse of your binary tree and print the results.
20.1.4 Declarative programming
Declarative programming is used to extract knowledge by the use of queries from a situation
with known facts and rules. In Chapter 8, Section 8.3 we looked at the use of SQL scripts to
query relational databases. It can be argued that SQL uses declarative programming. Review
Section 8.3 to remind yourself how SQL performs queries.
Here is an example of an SQL query from Chapter 8:
Declarative programming uses statements of facts and rules together with a mechanism for
setting goals in the form of a query. A fact is a ‘thing’ that is known, and rules are relationships
between facts. Writing declarative programs is very different to writing imperative programs. In
imperative programming, the programmer writes a list of statements in the order that they will be
performed. But in declarative programming, the programmer can state the facts and rules in any
order before writing the query.
Prolog is a declarative programming language that uses predicate logic to write facts and rules.
For example, the fact that France is a country would be written in predicate logic as:
Note that all facts in Prolog use lower-case letters and end with a full stop.
Another fact about France – the language spoken in France is French – could be written as:
A set of facts could look like this:
These facts are used to set up a knowledge base. This knowledge base can be consulted using
For example, a query about countries that speak a certain language, English, could look like this:
Note that a variable in Prolog –
in this example – begins with an uppercase-letter.
This would give the following results:
The results are usually shown in the order the facts are stored in the knowledge base.
A query about the languages spoken in a country, Switzerland, could look like this:
And these are the results:
When a query is written as a statement, this statement is called a goal and the result is found
when the goal is satisfied using the facts and rules available.
Use the facts above to write queries to find out which language is spoken in England and
which country speaks Japanese. Take care with the use of capital letters.
Download SWI-Prolog and write a short program to provide facts about other countries and
languages and save the file. Then consult the file to find out which languages are spoken in
some of the countries. Note that SWI-prolog is available as a free download.
The results for the country Switzerland query would look like this in SWI-Prolog:
Most knowledge bases also make use of rules, which are also written using predicate logic.
Here is a knowledge base for the interest paid on bank accounts. The facts about each account
include the name of the account holder, the type of account (current or savings), and the amount
of money in the account. The facts about the interest rates are the percentage rate, the type of
account and the amount of money needed in the account for that interest rate to be paid.
Here is an example of a query using the above rule:
And here is the result:
Here are examples of queries to find bank account details:
And here are the results:
Carry out the following activities using the information above.
1 Write a query to find out the interest rate for Laila’s bank account.
2 Write a query to find who has savings accounts.
3 a) Set up a savings account for Robert with 300.00.
b) Set up a new fact about savings accounts allowing for an interest rate of 7% if there is
2000.00 or more in a savings account.
Use SWI-Prolog to check your answers to the previous activity.
1 Explain the difference between the four modes of addressing in a low-level programming
language. Illustrate your answer with assembly language code for each mode of addressing.
2 Compare and contrast the use of imperative (procedural) programming with OOP. Use the
shape programs you developed in Activities 20B and 20E to illustrate your answer with
examples to show the difference in the paradigms.
3 Use the knowledge base below to answer the following questions:
a) Write two new facts about Java, showing that it is a high-level language and uses OOP.
b) Show the results from these queries
i) teaching(X).
ii) teaching(masm).
c) Write a query to show all programming languages translated by an assembler.
20.2 File processing and exception handling
In Chapter 10, Section 10.3, you learnt about text files, and in Chapter 13, Section 13.2, you
learnt about file organisation and access. Review these sections, then try these three questions
before you read the second part of this chapter.
1 a) Write a program to set up a text file to store records like this, with one record on every
b) Write a procedure to append a record.
c) Write a procedure to find and delete a record.
d) Write a procedure to output all the records.
2 Describe three types of file organisation
3 Describe two types of file access and explain which type of files each one is used for.
Key terms
Read – file access mode in which data can be read from a file.
Write – file access mode in which data can be written to a file; any existing data stored in the
file will be overwritten.
Append – file access mode in which data can be added to the end of a file.
Open – file-processing operation; opens a file ready to be used in a program.
Close – file-processing operation; closes a file so it can no longer be used by a program.
Exception – an unexpected event that disrupts the execution of a program.
Exception handling – the process of responding to an exception within the program so that the
program does not halt unexpectedly.
20.2.1 File processing operations
Files are frequently used to store records that include data types other than string. Also, many
programs need to handle random access files so that a record can be found quickly without
reading through all the preceding records.
A typical record to be stored in a file could be declared like this in pseudocode:
Storing records in a serial or sequential file
The algorithm to store records sequentially in a serial (unordered) or sequential (ordered on a key
field) file is very similar to the algorithm for storing lines of text in a text file. The algorithm
written in pseudocode below stores the student records sequentially in a serial file as they are
Note that PUTRECORD is the pseudocode to write a record to a data file and GETRECORD is the
pseudocode to read a record from a data file.
Identifier name
Array of records to be written to the file
File name
Counter for records
Table 20.10
If a sequential file was required, then the student records would need to be input into an array of
records first, then sorted on the key field registerNumber, before the array of records was
written to the file.
Here are programs in Python, VB and Java to write a single record to a file.
(Java programs using files need to include exception handling – see Section 20.2.2 later in this
In the programming language of your choice, write a program to
• input a student record and save it to a new serial file
• read a student record from that file
• extend your program to work for more than one record.
In the programming language of your choice, extend your program to sort the records on
registerNumber before storing in the file.
Adding a record to a sequential file
Records can be appended to the end of a serial file by opening the file in append mode. If records
need to be added to a sequential file, then the whole file needs to be recreated and the record
stored in the correct place.
The algorithm written in pseudocode below inserts a student record into the correct place in a
sequential file.
Identifier name
record from student file
new record to be written to the file
student file name
temporary file name
Table 20.11
Note that you can directly append a record to the end of a file in a programming language by
opening the file in append mode, as shown in the table below.
Opening a file in append mode
Opens the file with the
name fileName in append
mode in Python
Opens the file with the
name fileName in append
mode in VB.NET
Opens the file with the
name fileName in append
mode in Java
Table 20.12
In the programming language of your choice, write a program to
• put a student record and append it to the end of a sequential file
• find and output a student record from a sequential file using the key field to identify the
• extend your program to check for record not found (if required).
Extend your program to input a student record and save it to in the correct place in the
sequential file created in Extension Activity 20E.
Adding a record to a random file
Records can be added to a random file by using a hashing function on the key field of the record
to be added. The hashing function returns a pointer to the address where the record is to be
In pseudocode, the address in the file can be found using the command:
The record can be stored in the file using the command:
Or it can be retrieved using:
The file needs to be opened as random:
The algorithm written in pseudocode below inserts a student record into a random file.
In the programming language of your choice, write a program to input a student record and
save it to a random file.
Finding a record in a random file
Records can be found in a random file by using a hashing function on the key field of the record
to be found. The hashing function returns a pointer to the address where the record is to be
found, as shown in the example pseudocode below.
In the programming language of your choice, write a program to find and output a student
record from a random file using the key field to identify the record.
20.2.2 Exception handling
An exception is an unexpected event that disrupts the execution of a program. Exception
handling is the process of responding to an exception within the program so that the program
does not halt unexpectedly. Exception handling makes a program more robust as the exception
routine traps the error then outputs an error message, which is followed by either an orderly
shutdown of the program or recovery if possible.
An exception may occur in many different ways, for example
• dividing by zero during a calculation
• reaching the end of a file unexpectedly when trying to read a record from a file
• trying to open a file that has not been created
• losing a connection to another device, such as a printer.
Exceptions can be caused by
• programming errors
• user errors
• hardware failure.
Error handling is one of the most important aspects of writing robust programs that are to be
used every day, as users frequently make errors without realising, and hardware can fail at any
time. Frequently, error handling routines can take a programmer as long, or even longer, to write
and test as the program to perform the task itself.
The structure for error handling can be shown in pseudocode as:
Here are programs in Python, VB and Java to catch an integer division by zero exception.
In the programming language of your choice, write a program to check that a value input is an
In the programming language of your choice, extend the file handling programs you wrote in
Section 20.2.1 to use exception handling to ensure that the files used exist and allow for the
condition unexpected end of file.
End of chapter questions
1 A declarative programming language is used to represent the following facts and rules:
These clauses have the following meaning:
Ahmed is male
Aisha is female
Ahmed is a parent of Raul
A is the mother of B if A is female and A is a parent of B
a) More facts are to be included.
Ali and Meena are the parents of Ahmed.
Write the additional clauses to record this.
b) Using the variable C, the goal
Write the result returned by the goal
c) Use the variable M to write the goal to find the mother of Gina.
d) Write the rule to show that F is the father of C.
e) Write the rule to show that X is a brother of Y.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9608
Paper 42 Q2 November 2015
2 A college has two types of student: full-time and part-time.
All students have their name and date of birth recorded.
A full-time student has their address and telephone number recorded.
A part-time student attends one or more courses. A fee is charged for each course. The
number of courses a part-time student attends is recorded, along with the total fee and
whether or not the fee has been paid.
The college needs a program to process data about its students. The program will use an
object-oriented programming language.
a) Copy and complete the class diagram showing the appropriate properties and methods.
b) Write program code:
i) for the class definition for the superclass Student.
ii) for the class definition for the subclass FullTimeStudent.
iii) to create a new instance of FullTimeStudent with:
– identifier: NewStudent
– name: A. Nyone
– date of birth: 12/11/1990
– telephone number: 099111
Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9608
Paper 42 Q3 November 2015
3 a) When designing and writing program code, explain what is meant by:
– an exception
– exception handling.
b) A program is to be written to read a list of exam marks from an existing text file into a
1D array.
Each line of the file stores the mark for one student.
State three exceptions that a programmer should anticipate for this program.
c) The following pseudocode is to read two numbers.
The programmer writes the corresponding program code.
A user inputs the number 53 followed by 6. The following output is produced:
i) State the pseudocode line number which causes the exception to be raised.
ii) Explain the purpose of the pseudocode on lines 11 and 12.
Cambridge International AS & A Level Computer Science 9608
Paper 42 Q5(b)–(d) June 2016