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OutSystems Associate Reactive Developer Exam Questions

Associate Reactive
Developer (OutSystems 11)
Exam Dumps
Associate Reactive Developer Exam Dumps
1. Considering Aggregates and the SQL Tool, which of the following is
the correct option?
A. The SQL Tool allows to write queries that contain sub-queries.
B. Joins between entities can only be defined in Aggregates.
C. All queries that can be written in an SQL Tool can be defined in an
D. Attribute grouping can only be done with the SQL Tool.
Answer: A
Associate Reactive Developer Exam Dumps
2. What is the main purpose of the Screen Preparation?
A. Decide what widgets will be rendered.
B. Fetch data from databases.
C. Submit the form data to the server.
D. Redirect the user to the proper screen.
Answer: B
Associate Reactive Developer Exam Dumps
3. Regarding Web Blocks in Outsystems, select to statement that is
A. Web Block can only have 1 output
B. Web Block cannot have preparation action
C. Web Block can Preparation action
D. Web Block can have multiple outputs
Answer: C
Associate Reactive Developer Exam Dumps
4. Regarding Blocks in OutSystems reactive apps, which of the
following options is correct?
A. Blocks can only be instantiated on Screens.
B. Blocks can be instantiated on Screens and other Blocks.
C. Blocks can be instantiated on Client Actions on the Screen.
D. Blocks can be instantiated on Screens and external HTML pages,
using a special HTML tag.
Answer: B
Associate Reactive Developer Exam Dumps
5. Considering Aggregates and SQL Queries, which of the following
statements is true?
A. All SQL Queries can be replaced by an Aggregate.
B. Aggregates and SQL Queries have different output types.
C. Everything that can be define in Aggregate can also be written in a
SQL Query.
D. Both SQL Queries and Aggregates are automatically optimized by
the platform.
Answer: C
Associate Reactive Developer Exam Dumps
6. Regarding Indexes, which of the following options is correct?
A. Custom indexes cannot be added to an Entity.
B. Unique indexes help prevent data duplication.
C. Indexes over referenced attributes cannot be deleted.
D. Indexes speed up data retrieval without any kind of impact.
Answer: B
Associate Reactive Developer Exam Dumps
7. Considering Users and Roles in OutSystems, which of the following
options is correct?
A. End-users can only be created programmatically, using Actions
from the Users application.
B. There are three built-in roles in OutSystems: Anonymous, AppUser
and Registered.
C. All users, with or without a login, have automatically the Registered
D. By default, end-users are managed in the built-in Users application.
Answer: D
Associate Reactive Developer Exam Dumps
8. Regarding Reactive Web Apps in OutSystems, which of the
following options is false?
A. A Reactive Web App is a cross-device app.
B. The code generated by OutSystems results in a single-page
C. A developer builds the Reactive Web App in Service Studio.
D. Data requests are executed synchronously.
Answer: D
Associate Reactive Developer Exam Dumps
9. Which of the following commands is not available in the
OutSystems debugger?
A. Restart Debugging
B. Stop Debugging
C. Step Over
D. Continue Request
Answer: A
Associate Reactive Developer Exam Dumps
10. What types of applications can be created in OutSystems?
A. Web, Mobile and Service
B. Web, Mobile, Service and Extension
C. Module and Extension
D. Only Web
Answer: A