1 Training Schools 2 (1) A pilot project based on digital exam 3 (1) Based on the output of pilot project (1) All professional examination of - -, (………….) the digital JSC, PSC, and can be can be planned. examination conducted A for - need to build up. conduction system web based software system (2) All professional exams preparedness and under area exam constrain can commander (……….) be built. This pilot can be conducted by project digital trg software. may implemented in all Trg base for spot test, CT & term final examination. (3) Conducting & Cyber Security/ network security workshop in (2) School based area based computer lab short same digital platform. for questionatay for through conducting of all Naval Area. (4) Digital VIVA system all for all short of exam (r/ digital -) can be conducted examination system centrally. can be planned. system technology - Zoom or other can be (2) Implementation Docket system. true of training (3) Paper less Teaching Technique can be implemented in all school for this tram the names course for digital instructor in platform course be planned. used.