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Public Speaking Self-Evaluation Assignment

Self Evaluation Assignment (50 points)
DUE: Module 7
Papers must be submitted no later than 11:59 pm on due date
Late papers will not be accepted
This assignment will allow you to evaluate yourself after watching a video of your second
presentation. It is worth a significant amount of points! Please read and follow the directions
Write an evaluation of your informative presentation based on viewing your recorded video. Your
paper should be approximately 3 pages long (typed, double spaced). In the evaluation, answer
the following questions about your presentation, using the text as a guide to public speaking
concepts. Be sure to use APA style and reference page numbers from you text when you use it to
support your content. Also, please support your explanations with specific examples from your
 Your papers will be graded based on your ability to integrate theoretical concepts into
your critique, the use of examples to back up your claims, APA citations and the
correct use of grammar and spelling.
 Each response should include a theoretical concept (properly cited) and clear examples
from your speech!
 Please number your responses and keep them in the order that they appear below.
1. How was the experience of seeing your presentation on video? Any surprises? Did you do
better or worse than you thought you did?
2. How did you feel during the presentation? Were you fully “present” and comfortable?
3. What, if anything, did you notice in your presentation that helped you to develop goodwill
with the audience? If you did not create good will or sufficiently adapt to your audience,
discuss how you can do so in your next presentation.
4. Was the purpose of your speech clear? How so or not? What was your attention gaining
strategy? Was it effective? Was the thesis statement explicitly stated? Were the main points
previewed in the introduction?
5. Were the major ideas clearly identifiable? Were the major ideas you chose to use relevant
to your thesis statement?
6. What was the organizational pattern you used? Was the pattern clear in the presentation?
Would you use this same pattern again if you were to do the presentation again? If not,
what pattern would you use instead? Why?
7. Did you have effective transitions between the introduction, the body, the body and the
conclusion, and between main ideas in the body of the presentation? What types of
connectives did you use?
8. What major forms of support did you use? Did they help you to develop your main ideas?
Did you orally cite your sources? Did you cite them correctly?
9. Did dimensions of delivery (eye contact, movement, gestures, and voice) give you the best
possible expression of your topic? Explain your answer and provide examples.
10. Based on the above analysis, name at least three specific things on which you will focus for
improving your next presentation.
****See the grading rubric for details about how points will be assessed