Uploaded by Antonio Glover

Untitled Book - Draft

“Unknown Title”
By Antonio Glover
Chapter 1
The streets of the city were dark and quiet, a thin layer of fog clung to the pavement as
Detective Emma Williams stood in the middle of the street. The flashing lights of the police car
glittering off the windows of the community center as her eyes scanned the park for any signs of
the person who had been terrorizing the city for the past few months.
She could see the police tape that marked off the scene, to same tape meant to preserve
the evidence, not that there would be any. She approached the officer who stood at the barricades
and flashed her badge at him as he lifted the tape to allow her through.
The body is posed just like the others that have been found around the city. The was a
poor little girl is sitting at a small table set with teacups, saucers, and a teapot. One of the park
lights had been turned towards the scene, as if a spotlight had been placed on the girl. She wore a
white summer dress with daisy’s embroidered throughout it. A golden necklace hung from her
neck with a raven hanging from it. There were stuffed animals seated around the table and others
in the grass at her feet. She was pouring tea into the cup nearest her, a wire could barely be seen
holding her arm wrapping itself up and around her, forcing her to stay in place. Her mouth was
posed into a smile as if she were chatting with her stuffed animal friends, telling them all about
her day and listening to their stories as well. The only thing that gave it away she was dead was
the lifelessness in her eyes as she sat there in the middle of the park. The killer has clearly
wanted her to appear light and playful with this scene. It was anything but.
Emma averted her gaze away from the scene, not being able to take it anymore. It was
just as grewsome as the others she has looked at in the photos she was given when she took on
the case.
“UNKNOWN TITLE” (DRAFT) | By Antonio Glover
At first, they had assumed it was a string of random kidnappings, but as the weeks went
by and more children began to disappear. The victims were all under the age of fifteen, and each
one had been taken from their homes in the middle of the night without a trace.
“UNKNOWN TITLE” (DRAFT) | By Antonio Glover