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Families: Sociology Test Questions

Chapter Thirteen: Families
1. For most people in Canada, what is the primary agent of socialization?
a. media
b. work
c. family
d. peers
MSC: Remember
PTS: 1
REF: Defining the Family
2. Mora has three siblings. Her parents raised all four children in a middle class neighbourhood in a small
town in Alberta. What does this information describe?
a. family of procreation
b. census family
c. conjugal family
d. family of orientation
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Defining the Family
3. Nirinder married Sam, and they have three biological children. What does this information describe?
a. family of procreation
b. census family
c. conjugal family
d. family of orientation
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Defining the Family
4. One family is composed of a married or common-law couple (same or opposite sex), with or without
children. Another family is composed of a lone-parent living with at least one child in the same
dwelling. Which term best defines these families?
a. family of procreation
b. census family
c. conjugal family
d. family of orientation
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Defining the Family
5. A family is defined as “any combination of two or more persons who are bound together over time by
ties of mutual consent, birth and/or adoption or placement and who, together, assume responsibilities
for variant combinations of some of the following: physical maintenance and care of group members;
addition of new members through procreation or adoption; socialization of children; social control of
members; production, consumption, distribution of goods and services; and affective
nurturance—love.” What organization uses this definition?
a. Statistics Canada
b. Social Trends Institute
c. Vanier Institute of the Family Canada
d. American Psychological Association
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MSC: Remember
PTS: 1
REF: Defining the Family
6. According to recent census data, what is the predominant family structure in Canada?
a. lone-parent families
b. married families
c. common-law families
d. blended families
MSC: Remember
PTS: 1
REF: Marriage and Family
7. Grace and Isaiah got married last summer. They attended the same high school and were in the same
grade. Additionally, they were members of the same cooking club and enjoyed similar extracurricular
activities. What type of union is this depicting?
a. exogamy
b. homogamy
c. monogamy
d. polygamy
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Common-Law Unions
8. Miranda and Christina have been in a relationship for two years, and have been living together since
their second month of dating. They have chosen not to get married. What does this relationship
a. common-law union
b. Exogamy
c. arranged marriage
d. Monogamy
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Common-Law Unions
9. Patricia and Donald have lived together in a house in British Columbia for five years. Under Canadian
law, what are they considered to be?
a. married couple
b. common-law couple
c. mixed-union couple
d. not a couple
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Common-Law Unions
10. Desiree identifies as a lesbian woman. Although she has come out to many of her family and friends,
she still feels some hesitation when accessing health care services. What would be a potential reason
causing her hesitation?
a. fear of medical procedures
b. mistrust in physicians
c. mobility issues
d. attitudes, ignorance, and lack of support from health care workers
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Same-Sex Unions
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11. Which legal right do same-sex couples have in Canada today?
a. the right to register as a domestic partnership, which confers the same rights and
responsibilities as civil marriage
b. the right to a civil union in place of civil marriage
c. the right to a tax-free marriage ceremony
d. the right to a civil marriage
MSC: Remember
PTS: 1
REF: Same-Sex Unions
12. Alison and Luisa are getting married in July. Alison has a 14-year-old daughter and the three of them
live together. What type of family are they an example of?
a. simple step-family
b. complex step-family
c. blended family
d. multigenerational family
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Blended Families
13. Which term refers to families with children of both parents and children of one parent only, families
with children of each parent and no children of both parents, or families with children of both parents
and children of each parent?
a. simple step family
b. complex step family
c. blended family
d. family of orientation
MSC: Remember
PTS: 1
REF: Blended Families
14. Rose has been single for many years. She enjoys the freedom and associated positive aspects to her
single life; however, recently Rose has been feeling pressure to seek a romantic relationship and have
children, out of fear that she will be judged. What does Rose’s fear stem from?
a. fear of discrimination
b. prejudice
c. widespread loneliness
d. stigma
PTS: 1
REF: Singlehood
MSC: Higher Order
15. Which term refers to young adults who return to their parental home, after leaving for work, education,
or a relationship?
a. boomerang generation
b. crowded nest
c. empty nest
d. cluttered nest
PTS: 1
REF: Singlehood
MSC: Remember
16. Joanne resides with her grandmother. Her parents lost custody of her due to neglect and addiction
issues. Which term best describes Joanne?
a. sandwich generation
b. skip-generation
c. boomerang generation
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d. blended family
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Parenthood and Family
17. Darlene and Scott’s children have moved out of their family home and begun their lives in different
cities. Both children are attending school, pursing new career opportunities, and starting families of
their own. What type of household do Darlene and Scott now reside in?
a. cluttered/crowded nest
b. multigenerational
c. blended
d. empty nest
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Parenthood and Family
18. Dylan went to live in Vancouver for college. She intended to continue to live in the city, but found it
difficult to find full-time employment in her field once she completed the program. With student loans
and the cost of living, Dylan was forced to move back to her parents’ home in Ontario. What type of
household will Dylan and her parents be living in?
a. cluttered/crowded nest
b. multigenerational
c. blended
d. empty nest
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Parenthood and Family
19. Treyvon and Lashma have three children. Recently Treyvon’s mother became unwell; his father was
already in poor health. Treyvon and Lashma found it difficult to care for his parents while also taking
care of their children, so they asked Treyvon’s parents to move in with them. Which term best
describes Treyvon and Lashma?
a. skip-generation
b. sandwich generation
c. boomerang generation
d. baby boomer generation
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Parenthood and Family
20. Which international agreement establishes strict standards for international adoptions, such as ensuring
that birth parents have truly given their consent and have not been paid, and that efforts have been
made to find the child a permanent home in his or her country of origin?
a. International Convention on the Rights of Adoptive Children
b. Convention on the Rights of the Child
c. Hague Convention
d. Geneva Convention
MSC: Remember
PTS: 1
REF: Fostering and Adoption
21. Which term refers to the placement of a child or young person in the home of someone who receives
compensation for caring for the child but who is not the child’s parent?
a. adoption
b. foster care
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c. surrogacy
d. skip-generation
MSC: Remember
PTS: 1
REF: Fostering and Adoption
22. Mark and Paul have been married for five years, and recently they decided that they would like to have
children. Because they cannot conceive a child together, what route of assisted human reproduction
will they likely use?
a. artificial insemination
b. in vitro fertilization
c. gestational surrogacy
d. traditional surrogacy
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Assisted Human Reproduction
23. Marc and Selma are having difficulty getting pregnant. They decide to consult a fertility specialist,
who suggests the most common form of artificial insemination. Which of the following would she
a. in vitro fertilization
b. surrogacy
c. artificial insemination
d. intra-uterine insemination
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Assisted Human Reproduction
24. What is the name of the law enacted by the Parliament of Canada to regulate assisted human
reproduction and related research?
a. Child and Family Services Act
b. Inclusive Reproduction Act
c. Assisted Human Reproduction Act
d. Assisted Human Fertility Act
MSC: Remember
PTS: 1
REF: Assisted Human Reproduction
25. Sam and Jenn love and respect each other very much but are not involved in any sort of romantic
relationship. They both wanted to have children, but it never came to fruition. Sam and Jenn were both
getting older and decided they would have a child together without entering into a relationship, and
remaining in separate households. Which term best describes Sam and Jenn?
a. empty nesters
b. boomerang generation
c. co-parents
d. a blended family
PTS: 1
MSC: Higher Order
REF: Co-Parenting
26. In 2006, what percentage of households were comprised of couples without children?
a. 15%
b. 25%
c. 29%
d. 31%
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MSC: Remember
PTS: 1
REF: Childfree Couples
27. What percentage of children and youth were victims of family violence by a parent, sibling, extended
family member or spouse?
a. 28%
b. 31%
c. 43%
d. 51%
MSC: Remember
PTS: 1
REF: Family Violence in Canada
28. José moved to Canada from his home country of Guatemala. He met, fell in love with, and married
Miyu, who is from Japan. José and Miyu are an example of what kind of couple?
a. common-law
b. same-sex
c. mixed-union
d. blended
MSC: higher order
PTS: 1
REF: Intersectionality
29. When referring to gender and family structures, how have the roles of women shifted?
a. Women tend to have children earlier and delay entering the workforce.
b. Women are marrying later, obtaining an education, and entering the workforce.
c. Women are abstaining from obtaining higher level education.
d. Women are having more children and attending university at the same time.
MSC: Remember
PTS: 1
REF: Intersectionality
30. In Chapter 13’s “In Their Shoes” feature a student shares differences in family life and values shaped
by socioeconomic status. Specifically, which of the following does she share?
a. her family of orientation’s lower-middle class status versus her family of procreation’s
upper-middle class status
b. her family of orientation’s upper class status versus her family of procreation’s
upper-middle class status
c. her family of orientation’s upper-middle class status versus her family of procreation’s
lower-middle class status
d. her family of orientation’s lower-middle class status versus her family of procreation’s
upper class status
MSC: Remember
PTS: 1
REF: In Their Shoes
1. Explain what is meant by the term “boomerang generation.” What societal reasons are contributing to
this generation?
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“Boomerang generation” is a term used to describe young adults who return to their parental home
after leaving for education, work, or a relationship. Reasons for them returning include changes in
relationship status, cultural preferences, difficulties finding or securing long-term employment, and the
high costs associated with education.
PTS: 1
REF: Parenthood and Family
2. Traditionally, men were the head of the house. As society has evolved, so have the roles assigned to
both men and women. Describe some of the changes to traditional gender roles.
Answers will vary but should contain references to the material on page 292 and could include
stay-at-home dads, same-sex parents, single fathers, co-parenting, and both parents being invested
emotionally and financially in their children.
PTS: 1
REF: Intersectionality
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