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English Language Acquisition PSA Assessment Guide

MYP Assessment Information & Guidance 2022-2023
English Language Acquisition
Grade Level
Statement of Inquiry
Film is a creative art form that shares personal and cultural
expression and a commentary on society with its audience.
Assessment Title
Due Date for Submission
Why Does Film Matter ?
Assessment Overview
Based on your choice of an SDG , create a public service
announcement on how you promote the SDG. The purpose is to raise
awareness about the goal and how you persuade audience to take
actions accordingly.
1. Choose one SDG that interests you
2. Plan your PSA in the story board (visualize your plan)
3. Write your script of approximately 250 words
4. You may find other visual images in the internet. Source them.
5. Your PSA responds to the assessment title : Why Does Film
Assessment Instructions
Wednesday , 11 October 2023
Matter ?
6. Use the following techniques : facts, guilt , empathy , call for
action according to the SDG (s) you have chosen.
7. Use simple present tense for your work. (script and video)
8. Proofread your work before submission.
9. Submit your work in Managebac.
Assessment Criteria
In order to get a 7-8, you need to pay attention to the following :
 Exceptional demonstration of understanding the statement of
D : Writing
inquiry, effectively connecting the PSA to it.
 Exceptional understanding of SDGs and their significance.
i.use a wide range of vocabulary
Script includes compelling facts, deep empathy, strong guilt
ii.use a wide range of
appeal, and a clear call for action.
grammatical structures generally
 Script is exceptionally well-organized and clear. Ideas flow
logically and coherently
iii.organize information
 Simple present tense is consistently and effectively used.
effectively and coherently in an
 Delivery is confident and engaging. Tone is appropriate,
appropriate format using a wide
matching the content.
range of simple and complex
cohesive devices
iv.communicate all the required
information with a clear sense of
audience and purpose to suit
the context.
C: Speaking
i.use a wide range of vocabulary
ii.use a wide range of
grammatical structures generally
iii.use clear pronunciation and
intonation in a comprehensible
iv.communicate all the required
information clearly and
In order to get a 7-8, you need to pay attention to the following :
Exceptional demonstration of understanding the statement of
inquiry, effectively connecting it to the PSA's theme of
promoting SDGs.
Utilizes a wide range of precise and contextually relevant
vocabulary effectively. Enhances the PSA's impact and
Demonstrates a wide range of grammatical structures with high
accuracy, contributing to clarity and engagement.
Pronunciation and intonation are clear and contribute
significantly to comprehensibility and engagement.
Communicates all required information, facts, empathy, guilt
appeal, and the call for action clearly and effectively. The PSA is
highly persuasive.
Check the grade 9 ELA channel