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ASME 压力容器建造规则

ASME Ⅷ.1-2023 压力
U-1. SCOPE适用范围
(a) See below. 详见下文
(1) The Foreword provides the basis for the rules described in this Division. 前言为本卷所述规则提供了基础。
(2) For the scope of this Division, pressure vessels are containers for the containment of pressure, either internal or
external. This pressure may be obtained from an external source, or by the application of heat from a direct or indirect source,
or any combination thereof. 就本卷之适用范围而言,压力容器是指用于容纳内部或外部压力的容器。 该压力可以从
(3) This Division contains mandatory requirements, specific prohibitions, and nonmandatory guidance for pressure
vessel materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, certification, and pressure relief. The Code does not
address all aspects of these activities, and those aspects which are not specifically addressed should not be considered
prohibited. Engineering judgment must be consistent with the philosophy of this Division, and such judgments must never be
used to overrule mandatory requirements or specific prohibitions of this Division. 本卷包含了压力容器之材料、设计、制
造加工、检查、检验、测试、认证和泄压的强制性要求、具体禁止事项和非强制性指南。 本准则并未涉及这些活动
的所有问题,未具体涉及的那些问题不应被视为禁止。 工程判断必须与本卷的理念一致,并且此类判断绝不能用来
(b) This Division is divided into three Subsections, Mandatory Appendices, and Nonmandatory Appendices. Subsection A
consists of Part UG, covering the general requirements applicable to all pressure vessels. Subsection B covers specific
requirements that are applicable to the various methods used in the fabrication of pressure vessels. It consists of Parts UW, UF,
and UB dealing with welded, forged, and brazed methods, respectively. Subsection C covers specific requirements applicable to
the several classes of materials used in pressure vessel construction. It consists of Parts UCS, UNF, UHA, UCI, UCL, UCD,
UHT, ULW, ULT, and Part UIG dealing with carbon and low alloy steels, nonferrous metals, high alloy steels, cast iron, clad and
lined material, cast ductile iron, ferritic steels with properties enhanced by heat treatment, layered construction, low temperature
materials, and impregnated graphite, respectively. Section II, Part D also contains tables of maximum allowable stress values for
these classes of materials, except for impregnated graphite. 本卷分为三个分卷和强制性附录以及非强制性附录。 A 分卷由
UG 篇组成,其涵盖适用于所有压力容器的通用要求。 B 分卷涵盖了适用于压力容器制造加工中所采用知各种方法的具
体要求,其由分别涉及焊接、锻造和钎焊方法之 UW、UF 和 UB 篇所组成。 C 分卷涵盖了适用于压力容器建构中所采
通过热处理增强性能的铁素体钢、多层结构、低温材料和和浸渍石墨等材料之 UCS、UNF、UHA、UCI、UCL、UCD、
UHT、ULW、ULT 篇和 UIG 篇所组成。 II-D 卷还包含这些类别材料 (浸渍石墨除外)之最大许用应力值的表格。
The Mandatory Appendices address specific subjects not covered elsewhere in this Division, and their requirements are
mandatory when the subject covered is included in construction under this Division. The Nonmandatory Appendices provide
information and suggested good practices. 强制性附录涉及本卷相关章节中未涵盖的具体主题,当所涵盖之主题包含在本卷
的构建中时,其要求是强制性的。 非强制性附录提供信息和建议的良好做法。
(c) See below. 见下文
(1) The scope of this Division has been established to identify the components and parameters considered in formulating
the rules given in this Division. Laws or regulations issued by municipality, state, provincial, federal, or other enforcement or
regulatory bodies having jurisdiction at the location of an installation establish the mandatory applicability of the Code rules, in
whole or in part, within their jurisdiction. Those laws or regulations may require the use of this Division of the Code for vessels or
components not considered to be within its scope. These laws or regulations should be reviewed to determine size or service
limitations of the coverage which may be different or more restrictive than those given here. 本卷之适用范围是为了确定在制定
本卷所给出之规则时所考虑的组成部分和参数。 当本卷为市、州、省、联邦或其他对安装地点具有管辖权之执法单位
性条款。 这些法令或规章可能要求对不属于其范围之容器或零部件采用本规则,因而宜核查这些法令或规章,以确定
(2) Based on the Committee’s consideration, the following classes of vessels are not included in the scope of this
Division; however, any pressure vessel which meets all the applicable requirements of this Division may be stamped with the
Certification Mark with the U Designator: 经委员会审议,下列类别的容器不在本卷之适用范围内; 然而,任何满足本卷
所有适用要求的压力容器均可加盖带有 U 标识符的认证标记:
those within the scope of other Sections; 在其他各卷适用范围内的那些压力容器;
fired process tubular heaters; 受火操作的管式加热器
pressure containers which are integral parts or components of rotating or reciprocating mechanical devices,
such as pumps, compressors, turbines, generators, engines, and hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders where the primary design
considerations and/or stresses are derived from the functional requirements of the device; 诸如泵、压缩机、涡轮机、发
(-d) structures whose primary function is the transport of fluids from one location to another within a system of
which it is an integral part, that is, piping systems; 主要功能是将流体从系统中之某一地点输送到该系统中另一个地点
piping components, such as pipe, flanges, bolting, gaskets, valves, expansion joints, and fittings, and the
pressure-containing parts of other components, such as strainers and devices which serve such purposes as mixing,
separating, snubbing, distributing, and metering or controlling flow, provided that pressure-containing parts of such
components are generally recognized as piping components or accessories; 诸如管道部件,诸如钢管、法兰、螺栓、垫
a vessel for containing water1 under pressure, including those containing air the compression of which serves
only as a cushion, when none of the following limitations are exceeded: 在压力作用下用于储水的容器1,包括那些仅起
(-1) a design pressure of 300 psi (2 MPa); 设计压力为300 psi (2 MPa);
(-2) a design temperature of 210°F (99°C); 设计温度为210°F (99°C);
a hot water supply storage tank heated by steam or any other indirect means when none of the following
limitations is exceeded: 在不超过下列限值的情况下,通过蒸汽或任何其他间接方式加热的热水供应储罐:
(-1) a heat input of 200,000 Btu/hr (58.6 kW); 热输入为200,000 Btu/hr (58.6 kW);
(-2) a water temperature of 210°F (99°C); 水温为210°F (99°C);
(-3) a nominal water containing capacity of 120 gal (450 L); 标称储水量为为120gal (450L);
vessels not exceeding the design pressure (see 3-2), at the top of the vessel, limitations below, with no
limitation on size [see UG-28(f), 9-1(c)]: 顶端部压力不超过设计压力之容器 (见 3-2),只要满足如下限度,则其尺寸
无限制 [见 UG-28(f), 9-1(c)]:
(-1) vessels having an internal or external pressure not exceeding 15 psi (100 kPa); 内部或外部压力不超
过 15 psi (100 kPa) 的容器;
(-2) combination units having an internal or external pressure in each chamber not exceeding 15 psi (100
kPa) and differential pressure on the common elements not exceeding 15 psi (100 kPa) [see UG-19(a)]; 每个舱室的内部
或外部压力不超过 15 psi (100 kPa) 且作用在公共单元上的压差不超过 15 psi (100 kPa) 的组合装置 [参见 UG19(a)];
vessels having an inside diameter, width, height, or cross section diagonal not exceeding 6 in. (152 mm),
with no limitation on length of vessel or pressure; 内径、宽度、高度或横截面对角线不超过6 in. (152 mm)的容器,对
pressure vessels for human occupancy (PVHOs).2 ASME PVHO所定义之载人压力容器 (诸如:
decompression chambers; Closed diving bells, also known as dry bells or personnel transfer capsules; High altitude
chambers; hyperbaric chambers; hyperbaric stretchers; medical hyperbaric oxygenation facilities; recompression chambers;
submarines; Manned submersibles; Atmospheric diving suits)
(d) The rules of this Division have been formulated on the basis of design principles and construction practices applicable to
vessels designed for pressures not exceeding 3,000 psi (20 MPa). For pressures above 3,000 psi (20 MPa), deviations from and
additions to these rules usually are necessary to meet the requirements of design principles and construction practices for these
higher pressures. Only in the event that after having applied these additional design principles and construction practices the
vessel still complies with all of the requirements of this Division may it be stamped with the applicable Certification Mark with
the Designator. 本卷的规则是基于适用于压力不超过 3,000 psi (20 MPa) 之容器的设计原则和施工管理制定的。 对于高于
3,000 psi (20 MPa) 的压力,通常需要针对这些规则进行修改和补充,以满足这些更高压力的设计原则和施工管理的要
求。 只有在应用这些附加设计原则和施工管理后,容器仍然符合本卷的所有要求,才可以在其上加盖带有标志符之相
(e) In relation to the geometry of pressure-containing parts, the scope of this Division shall include the following: 本卷之范
where external piping; other pressure vessels including heat exchangers; or mechanical devices, such as pumps,
mixers, or compressors, are to be connected to the vessel: 外部配管情况; 诸如要连接到容器之泵、混合器或压缩机的其他
压力容器 (包括热交换器) 或机械设备:
the welding end connection for the first circumferential joint for welded connections [see UW-13(i)]; 焊接
连接之第一个周向接头的焊接端部连接 [参见UW-13(i)];
the first threaded joint for screwed connections; 用于螺纹连接的第一个螺纹接头;
the face of the first flange for bolted, flanged connections; 用于螺栓、法兰连接的第一法兰面;
(-d) the first sealing surface for proprietary connections or fittings; 用于专利连接件或配件的第一密封表面;
(2) where nonpressure parts are welded directly to either the internal or external pressure-retaining surface of a
pressure vessel, this scope shall include the design, fabrication, testing, and material requirements established for non-pressurepart attachments by the applicable paragraphs of this Division; 3 当非受压部件直接焊接到压力容器的内部或外部承压表面
时,该压力边界应包括本卷 3 适用段落中为非承压零部件附件制定的设计、制作加工、试验和材料要求;
(3) pressure-retaining covers for vessel openings, such as manhole or handhole covers, and bolted covers with their
attaching bolting and nuts; 容器开口之承压盖,例如人孔盖或手孔盖,以及螺栓盖和其连接螺栓和螺母;
(4) the first sealing surface for proprietary fittings or components for which rules are not provided by this Division,
such as gages, instruments, and nonmetallic components. 本卷未规定的专利配件或零部件的第一密封面,例如量具、仪表和
(f) The scope of the Division includes requirements for overpressure protection in UG-150 through UG-156.
UG-150 至 UG-156 中的过压保护要求在本卷的适用范围内 。
(g) Vessels That Generate Steam 产生蒸汽的容器
(1) Unfired steam boilers shall be constructed in accordance with the rules of Section I or this Division [see UG120(f), UG-150(d), and UW-2(c)]. 非直接受火之蒸汽锅炉应按照第 I 卷或本卷之规则 [参见 UG-120(f)、UG-150(d) 和 UW2(c)]进行建造。
(2) The following pressure vessels in which steam is generated shall not be considered as unfired steam boilers, and
shall be constructed in accordance with the rules of this Division: 下列产生蒸汽之压力容器不应视为非直接受火蒸汽锅炉,
vessels known as evaporators or heat exchangers; 称为蒸发器或热交换器的容器;
vessels in which steam is generated by the use of heat resulting from operation of a processing system
containing a number of pressure vessels such as used in the manufacture of chemical and petroleum products; 利用包含多
个压力容器 (如用于制造化学和石油产品之压力容器)之制程系统在运行中所产生之热量来进行加热并产生蒸汽的
vessels in which steam is generated but not withdrawn for external use. 产生蒸汽但不抽出作为外用的容
(h) Pressure vessels or parts subject to direct firing from the combustion of fuel (solid, liquid, or gaseous), which are not
within the scope of Sections I, III, or IV may be constructed in accordance with the rules of this Division [see UW-2(d)]. 不属于
第 I、III 或 IV 册范围且承受燃料 (固体、液体或气体)直接燃烧热之压力容器或其零部件可按照本卷之规则来进行建造
[见 UW-2(d)]。
(i) Gas fired jacketed steam kettles with jacket operating pressures not exceeding 50 psi (345 kPa) may be constructed in
accordance with the rules of this Division (see Mandatory Appendix 19). 夹套之燃气操作压力不超过 50 psi (345 kPa)的夹套式
蒸汽釜可按照本卷条款进行建造 (见强制性附录 19)。
(j) Pressure vessels exclusive of those covered in (c), (g), (h), and (i) that are not required by the rules of this Division to be
fully radiographed, that are not provided with quick-actuating or quick-opening closures (see UG-35.2 and UG-35.3,
respectively), and that do not exceed the following volume and pressure limits may be exempted from inspection by Inspectors, as
defined in UG-91, provided that they comply in all other respects with the requirements of this Division: 除 (c)、(g)、(h) 和 (i)
中之快开盖 (请分别参见 UG-35.2 和 UG-35.3)外,本卷不要求进行 100% 射线照相检测之压力容器,只要其体积和压力
不超过以下限值即可免除 UG-91 中所规定的检验师检验,前提是它们在所有其他方面均符合本分部的要求:
(1) 5 ft3 (0.14 m3) in volume and 250 psi (1.7 MPa) design pressure; or
容积为 5 ft3 (0.14 m3)且设计压力为 250 psi (1.7 MPa);或者
(2) 3 ft3 (0.08 m3) in volume and 350 psi (2.4 MPa) design pressure;
容积为 3 ft3 (0.08 m3) 且设计压力为 350 psi (2.4 MPa);
(3) 11/2 ft3 (0.04 m3) in volume and 600 psi (4.1 MPa) design pressure.
容积为 1-1/2 ft3 (0.04 m3) 且设计压力为 600 psi (4.1 MPa);
In an assembly of vessels, the limitations in (1) through (3) above apply to each vessel and not the assembly as a whole.
Straight line interpolation for intermediate volumes and design pressures is permitted. Vessels fabricated in accordance with
this rule shall be marked with the “UM” Symbol in Figure UG-116, sketch (b) and with the data required in UG-116.
Certificates of Compliance shall satisfy the requirements of UG-120(a). 在组合容器而言,上述 (1) 至 (3) 中的限制适用于
每个容器,而不是适用于整个组合容器。 允许对中间体积和设计压力进行线性插值。 按照本规则制造之容器应标
有图 UG-116 中草图 (b) 中所示“UM”标志符以及 UG-116 中所需的数据,且该容器之合格证书应满足 UG-120(a) 的
The user or his designated agent (see Nonmandatory Appendix NN) shall establish the design requirements for pressure
vessels, taking into consideration factors associated with normal operation, such other conditions as startup and shutdown, and
abnormal conditions which may become a governing design consideration. 用户或其委托方 (见非强制性附录 NN)应制定压力
容器的设计要求,并顾及与正常运行相关的因素 (例如启动和关闭等其他条件),以及顾及可能成为主导设计的异常条件
Such consideration shall include but shall not be limited to the following: 此类考虑应包括但不仅限于以下内
all loadings listed in UG-22. UG-22 中所列出的所有载荷。
(-b) the need for corrosion allowances; 所需的腐蚀余量;
damage mechanisms and service restrictions associated with the service fluid at design conditions.
Informative and nonmandatory guidance regarding metallurgical phenomena is provided in Section II, Part D,
Nonmandatory Appendix A, API RP 571, and WRC Bulletins 488, 489, and 490. 与设计条件下之操作介质 相关的损坏
机制和使用限制。 有关冶金现象的信息性和非强制性指导见第 II 卷 D 篇非强制性附录 A、API RP 571 以及 WRC
公报 488、489 和 490。
(-d) the need for postweld heat treatment beyond the requirements of this Division and dependent on service
conditions; 超出本卷要求并取决于使用限制的焊后热处理;
for pressure vessels in which steam is generated, or water is heated [see U-1(g) and U-1(h)], the need for
piping, valves, instruments, and fittings to perform the functions covered by Section I, PG-59 through PG-61. 用于产生蒸
汽或加热水之压力容器[见 U-1(g) 和 U-1(h)],需要考虑到为执行第 I册PG-59 到 PG-61所涵盖之功能而所需的管
the degree of nondestructive examination(s) and the selection of applicable acceptance standards when such
examinations are beyond the requirements of this Division. 无损检测的程度以及当此类检测超出本卷的要求时选择适
User's Design Requirements Form 用户的设计需求表
(-a) A User's Design Requirements Form, or other document with equivalent information, shall be provided
when any of the following conditions is a design requirement: 当以下任何条件属于设计必要条件时,用户应提供设计
superimposed static reactions [UG-22(c)] 叠加的静态反作用力[UG-22(c)]
cyclic or dynamic reactions [UG-22(e)] 循环或动态反作用力 [UG-22(e)]
loadings due to wind, snow, or seismic reactions [UG-22(f)] 因风、雪或地震之反作用力而引起的
载荷 [UG-22(f)]
impact reactions [UG-22(g)] 冲击反作用力 [UG-22(g)]
temperature effects [UG-22(h)] 温度效应[UG-22(h)]
(-6) abnormal pressures [UG-22(i)] 异常压力 [UG-22(i)]
(-b) Sample User Design Requirements forms and guidance on their preparation are found in Nonmandatory
Appendix KK. This sample form might not be applicable to all pressure vessels that may be constructed in accordance with
this Division. The user is cautioned that input from the Manufacturer may be necessary for completion of this form. 非强制
性附录 KK 中给出了用户设计需求表及其编写指南的示例。该样表可能不适用于所有可能按照本卷所建造的压力
Responsibilities4 职责
(1) The Manufacturer is responsible for the structural and pressure-retaining integrity of a vessel or part thereof, as
established by conformance with the requirements of the rules of this Division and any additional requirements specified in the
User's Design Requirements Form when provided. The Manufacturer's Data Report shall include the design requirements of
(a)(2)(-a) when specified. 制造商对按本卷规则要求以及用户设计需求表中所规定之任何附加要求 (如果有提供时)所建造
之容器或其零部件的结构和持压保完整性负责。当有指定时,制造商数据报告应包括 (a)(2)(-a) 的设计要求。
(2) The Manufacturer of any vessel or part to be marked with the Certification Mark has the responsibility of
complying with all of the applicable requirements of this Division and, through proper certification, of assuring that all work done
by others also complies. The vessel Manufacturer or, when applicable, the part Manufacturer is responsible for the preparation
and accuracy of design calculations to show compliance with the rules of this Division, and his signature on the Manufacturer’s
Data Report Form shall be considered as certification that this has been done. The vessel or part Manufacturer shall have available
for the Inspector’s review the applicable design calculations and, when provided, the User's Design Requirements Form. See 10-5
and 10-15(d). 对于标有认证标记之任何容器或零部件,制造商有责任遵守本卷的所有适用要求,并通过相应证书来保证
其他人所做的所有操作也符合要求。 容器制造商或适用时的零部件制造商负责设计计算的准备和准确性,以证明其符
合本卷的规则,并且他在制造商数据报告表上的签名应被视为已完成此操作的证明 。 容器或零部件制造商应提供所适
用的设计计算以及用户设计需求表 (如果用户有提供时)供检验师审查, 参见 10-5 和 10-15(d)。
(3) The Manufacturer has the responsibility of ensuring all personnel performing design activities are qualified in the
applicable area(s) of design. See Mandatory Appendix 10 and Mandatory Appendix 47. 制造商有责任确保所有执行设计活动
之人员均具备适用设计领域的资格,参见强制性附录 10 和强制性附录 47。
(4) The Manufacturer has the responsibility to report methods of design used that are not covered by the rules of this
Division [see (g)], and they shall be described in the Remarks of the Manufacturer's Data Report. 制造商有责任报告本卷规则未
(5) Some types of work, such as forming, nondestructive examination, and heat treating, may be performed by others
(for welding, see UW-26 and UW-31). It is the vessel or part Manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure that all work so performed
complies with all the applicable requirements of this Division. After ensuring Code compliance, the vessel or part may be
stamped with the Certification Mark and Designator by the appropriate Certificate holder after acceptance by the Inspector. 某些
类型的操作 (例如成型、无损检测和热处理) 可以由其他人执行 (请参见 UW-26 和 UW-31 对焊接的要求)。 容器或零部
件制造商有责任确保所进行的所有操作均符合本卷的所有适用要求。 确信符合法规并在检验师认可后,持有相应证书
A vessel may be designed and constructed using any combination of the methods of fabrication and the classes of
materials covered by this Division, provided the rules applying to each method and material are complied with and the vessel is
marked as required by UG-116. 可以采用本卷所涵盖的制造方法和材料类别的任意组合来设计和建构容器,前提是要遵守
适用于每种方法和材料的规则,并且容器按照 UG-116 的要求进行标记。
When the strength of any part cannot be computed with a satisfactory assurance of safety, the rules provide procedures
for establishing its maximum allowable working pressure. 当任何零部件的强度计算不能令人满意地保证安全时,规则提供
It is the duty of the Inspector to make all of the inspections specified by the rules of this Division, and to monitor the
quality control and the examinations made by the Manufacturer. The Inspector shall make such other inspections as in his
judgment are necessary to permit certification that the vessel has been designed and constructed in accordance with the minimum
requirements of this Division. The Inspector has the duty of verifying that the applicable design calculations have been made and
are on file at Manufacturer’s plant at the time the Data Report is signed. Any questions concerning the calculations raised by the
Inspector must be resolved. See UG-90(c)(1). 检验师有责任进行本卷规则所规定的所有检验,并监督制造商进行的质量控
制和检查。 检验师应进行其认为必要的其他检验,以证明容器的设计和建构均符合本卷的最低要求。 检验师有责任验
证所相应的设计计算是否已完成,并在签署数据报告时该设计计算书已存档在制造商工厂。 检验师所提出的有关计算
的任何问题都必须得到解决, 参见 UG-90(c)(1)。
NOTE: The term “applicable design calculations” means that all pressure-retaining components covered by the
Certification Mark stamping are supported by calculations and/or proof tests that comply with the requirements of this
Division. The method of verifying that applicable design calculations have been made will vary with the individual
Inspector and depend largely on the Manufacturer’s procedures for producing the design calculations and any
subsequent quality checks performed by the Manufacturer. 注:术语“相应设计计算”是指认证标记印记所涵盖的所
有持压组件均得到符合本卷所要求的计算和/或验证测试的论证。 验证是否已进行相应设计计算的方法将因各
The rules of this Division shall serve as the basis for the Inspector to: 本卷规则应作为检验师执行以下活动的基础:
perform the required duties; 履行所规定的职责;
authorize the application of the Certification Mark; 授权压印认证标记;
(3) sign the Certificate of Shop (or Field Assembly) Inspection. 签署车间 (或现场装配)检验证书。
This Division of Section VIII does not contain rules to cover all details of construction. Where complete details of
construction are not given, the Manufacturer, subject to the acceptance of the Authorized Inspector, shall provide the appropriate
details to be used. 第 VIII 册之本卷不包含涵盖所有施工细节的规则。 如果未提供完整的构造详图,则制造商应在获得授
(1) Where design rules do not exist in this Division, one of the following three methods shall be used:
Mandatory Appendix 46. 强制性附录 46所述方法。
(-b) proof test in accordance with UG-101. 按照 UG-101之规定进行复核试验。
other recognized and generally accepted methods, such as those found in other ASME, EN, ISO, national,
and industry standards or codes. This option shall provide details of design consistent with the allowable stress criteria
provided in UG-23. 其他所公认的方法和普遍被接受的方法,例如 ASME、EN、ISO、国家规范和行业规范或法规
中的方法。此种替代方法应提供与 UG-23 中所给出之许用应力准则相一致的设计细节。
(2) The provisions of this paragraph shall not be used to justify the use of materials, joining processes (fabrication),
examination, inspection, testing, certification, and overpressure protection methods other than those allowed by this Division. 本
节之规定不应用于证明采用本卷所允许以外的材料、连接工艺 (制作加工)、检验、检验、试验、认证和超压保护等的合
Field assembly of vessels constructed to this Division may be performed as follows. 根据本卷所构建之容器可按如下
(1) The Manufacturer of the vessel completes the vessel in the field; completes the Form U-1, U-1A, or U-1P
Manufacturer’s Data Report; and stamps the vessel. 容器制造商在现场完成容器,填写表格 U-1、U-1A 或 U-1P 制造商数据
(2) The Manufacturer of parts of a vessel to be completed in the field by some other party stamps these parts in
accordance with Code rules and supplies the Form U-2 or U-2A Manufacturer’s Partial Data Report to the other party. The other
party, who must hold a valid U Certificate of Authorization, makes the final assembly, required NDE, and final pressure test;
completes the Form U-1, U-1A, or U-1P Manufacturer’s Data Report; and stamps the vessel. 对于由其他组织在现场完成且由
该组织出具制造商零部件数据报告表 U-2 或 U-2A 之容器零部件,制造商要根据规法则规则在这些零部件上压印。 对方
必须持有有效的 U 授权证书才有资格进行总装、所需的 NDE 和最终压力测试、 填写表格 U-1 或 U-1A 或 U-1P 制造商
数据报告, 并在容器上压印。
(3) The field portion of the work is completed by a holder of a valid U Certificate of Authorization other than the
vessel Manufacturer. The Certificate Holder performing the field work is required to supply a Form U-2 or U-2A Manufacturer’s
Partial Data Report covering the portion of the work completed by his organization (including data on the pressure test if
conducted by the Certificate Holder performing the field work) to the Manufacturer responsible for the Code vessel. The vessel
Manufacturer applies his Certification Mark with the U Designator in the presence of a representative from his Inspection Agency
and completes the Form U-1, U-1A, or U-1P Manufacturer’s Data Report with his Inspector. 该操作的现场部分由除容器制造
商以外的有效 U 授权证书持有者完成。 进行现场操作的该持证者需要提供一份涵盖由其组织所完成的部分操作 (如果由
执行现场操作的持书者进行时,则包括压力测试的数据)的制造商零部件数据报告表 U-2 或 U-2A 给对法规容器负责的制
造商。 容器制造商在检验机构代表在场的情况下使用带有 U 标志符之认证标记,并与其检验师一起签属表制造商数据
报告格 U-1、U-1A 或 U-1P。
In all three alternatives, the party completing and signing the Form U-1, U-1A, or U-1P Manufacturer’s Data Report
assumes full Code responsibility for the vessel. In all three cases, each Manufacturer’s Quality Control System shall describe
the controls to assure compliance for each Certificate Holder. 在所有三种选择中,填写并签署制造商数据报告表 U-1、U1A 或 U-1P的一方承担容器的全部法规责任。 在所有三种情况下,每一制造商的质量管理体系均应描述控制措施,以
For some design analyses, both a chart or curve and a equation or tabular data are given. Use of the equation or tabular
data may result in answers which are slightly different from the values obtained from the chart or curve. However, the difference,
if any, is within practical accuracy and either method is acceptable. 某些设计分析会给出图表或曲线以及方程或表格数据。
使用方程或表格数据可能会得到与从图表或曲线所获得的值略有不同的答案。 然而,即使有差异,只要该差异在实际
The Manufacturer of the completed vessel shall establish the construction requirements for subcontracted parts [see
Mandatory Appendix 43, 43-2(a)(2)] requiring inspection under this Division. The Manufacturer shall give consideration to the
compatibility of the parts with the completed vessel. Such consideration shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 完工容
器之制造商应制定需要根据本卷进行检验之分包部件的建造要求 [参见强制性附录 43 中第 43-2(a)(2)小段]。 制造商应顾
及零部件与已完成容器的兼容性。 此类考虑应包括但不限于以下:
the design requirements established by the user or the user’s designated agent [see U-2(a)] 用户或其委托方所制
the Certificate Holder responsible for design [see UG-120(c)(1)(-b)] 负责设计的持证者[参见UG-120(c)(1)(-b)]
Table U-3 Year of Acceptable Edition of Referenced Standards in This Division
Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)
Marking and Labeling Systems
Seat Tightness of Pressure Relief Valves
API Std. 527
Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures
Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form)
Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 25, 125, and 250
ASME B16.1
Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, NPS 1/2 Through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard
ASME B16.5
Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings
ASME B16.9
Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded
ASME B16.11 ASME B16.15
Cast Copper Alloy Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 250 Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges ASME B16.20
Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges, Flanged Fittings, and Valves, Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, ASME B16.24
1500, and 2500
Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 150 and 300
ASME B16.42
Large Diameter Steel Flanges, NPS 26 Through NPS 60 Metric/Inch Standard
ASME B16.47
Nuts for General Applications: Machine Screw Nuts, Hex, Square, Hex Flange, and Coupling ASME B18.2.2
Nuts (Inch Series)
Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe Conformity Assessment Requirements
Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly Repair of Pressure
Equipment and Piping
Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness Section VIII Division 1
Example Problem Manual
Safety Standard for Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy
Qualifications for Authorized Inspection
Standard Practice for Quantitative Measurement and Reporting of Hypoeutectoid
ASTM A1033
Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Phase Transformations
Standard Test Method for Flash Point by Tag Closed Tester
Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester Standard
Guide for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
Standard Reference Photographs for Magnetic Particle Indications on Ferrous
Standard Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals Relationship Among Brinell Hardness,
Vickers Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, Superficial Hardness, Knoop
Hardness, and Scleroscope Hardness
Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled [2 to 41/2 in. (50.8 to 114 mm)] Steel
Standard Test Method for Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil– Ductility
Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels
Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled [41/2 to 12 in. (114 to 305 mm)]
Steel Castings
Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings up to 2 in. (51 mm) in Thickness
Metallic Materials — Charpy Pendulum Impact Test Part 1: Test Method
ISO 148-1
Metallic Materials — Charpy Pendulum Impact Test Part 2: Verification of Testing Machines ISO 148-2
Metallic Materials — Charpy Pendulum Impact Test Part 3: Preparation and
ISO 148-3
Characterization of Charpy V-Notch Test Pieces for Indirect Verification of Pendulum
Impact Machines
Metric Standards
Standard Procedures for Calibrating Magnetic Instruments to Measure the Delta Ferrite AWS A4.2M
Content of Austenitic and Duplex Ferritic-Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld
Metric Screw Thread — M Profile Metric Screw Thread — MJ Profile
Metric Heavy Hex Screws
ASME B18.2.3.3M
Latest edition
Latest edition
2014, 4th Ed.
Latest edition
2020 [Note (1)], [Note (4)]
Latest edition
Latest edition Latest edition
Latest edition
2020 [Note (4)]
Latest edition
Latest edition Latest edition
Latest edition 2016
Latest edition [Note (2)]
Latest edition
Latest edition Latest edition
1963 (R2018) [Note (3)]
Latest edition
Latest edition
Latest edition
Latest edition
Latest edition
Latest edition
Latest edition Latest edition
Latest edition
(1) See UG-11(a)(2).
(2) See UG-91 and UG-117(a).
(3) R — Reaffirmed. 补充
(4) The use of a flange or flanged fitting that relies on and meets the requirements of a B16 Case is not permitted. 不允许使用依赖于并满足 B16
the need for pressure testing by the Manufacturer of the part, including the required test pressure
impact testing requirements for materials and/or welding procedure qualifications 材料和/或焊接工艺规程评定的
(5) compliance with special requirements for vessels intended for special services [see UG-120(d)]
the need for preheat or postweld heat treatment 所需的预热或焊后热处理
the extent and method of nondestructive examination (see UW-12) 无损检测的范围和方法 (见UW-12)
the units of measurement (see U-4) 计量单位 (见U-4)
the mandated Edition of the Code to be used for construction (see Mandatory Appendix 43) 用于建造之本法规的
拟用强制性版本 (见强制性附录43)
Table U-4-1 Standard Units for Use in Equations用于方程之标准单位
Linear dimensions (e.g., length, height, thickness, radius, diameter)
Section modulus
Moment of inertia of section
Mass (weight)
Force (load)
Bending moment
Pressure, stress, stress intensity, and modulus of elasticity
Energy (e.g., Charpy impact values)
Absolute temperature Fracture toughness
Boiler capacity
inches (in.)
square inches (in.2)
cubic inches (in.3)
cubic inches (in.3)
inches4 (in.4)
pounds mass (lbm)
pounds force (lbf)
inch-pounds (in.-lb)
pounds per square inch (psi)
foot-pounds (ft-lb) degrees Fahrenheit
(°F) Rankine (°R)
ksi square root inches (ksi
degrees or radians
SI 单位制
millimeters (mm)
square millimeters (mm2)
cubic millimeters (mm3)
cubic millimeters (mm3)
millimeters4 (mm4)
kilograms (kg)
newtons (N)
newton-millimeters (N·mm)
megapascals (MPa)
joules (J)
degrees Celsius (°C) kelvin (K)
MPa square root meters (MPa
degrees or radians
watts (W)
Throughout this Division references are made to various standards, such as ASME standards, which cover pressure–
temperature rating, dimensional, or procedural standards for pressure vessel parts. These standards, with the year of the acceptable
edition, are listed in Table U-3. 本卷引用了各种标准 (例如 ASME 标准),其中涵盖了压力容器零部件的压力-温度额定
值、尺寸或程序标准。 这些标准以及可接受版本的年份列于表 U-3 中。
Rules for the use of these standards are stated elsewhere in this Division. 美国习惯单位、SI 或任何当地习惯单位可
(a) U.S. Customary, SI, or any local customary units may be used to demonstrate compliance with requirements of this edition
related to materials, fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, certification, and overpressure protection. 美国习惯、SI 或任
(b) A single system of units shall be used for all aspects of design except where otherwise permitted by this Division. When
components are manufactured at different locations where local customary units are different than those used for the general
design, the local units may be used for the design and documentation of that component, subject to the limitations given in (c).
Similarly, for proprietary components or those uniquely associated with a system of units different than that used for the general
design, the alternate units may be used for the design and documentation of that component, subject to the limitations given in (c).
除非本卷另有允许,否则设计的所有方面均应使用单一的单位系统。 当组件在不同地点制造加工时,当地习惯单位与
一般设计所采用的单位不同时,则当地单位可用于该组件的设计和记录,但须遵守 (c) 中给出的限制。 类似地,对于专
利组件或那些与不同于通用设计之单位系统的独有组件,替代单位可用于该组件的设计和文档记录,但须遵守 (c) 中给
(c) For any single equation, all variables shall be expressed in a single system of units. Calculations using any material data
published in this Division or Section II, Part D (e.g., allowable stresses, physical properties, external pressure design factor B)
shall be carried out in one of the standard units given in Table U-4-1. When separate equations are provided for U.S. Customary
and SI units, those equations must be executed using variables in the units associated with the specific equation. Data expressed in
other units shall be converted to U.S. Customary or SI units for use in these equations. The result obtained from execution of
these equations or any other calculations carried out in either U.S. Customary or SI units may be converted to other units. 对于任
何单一方程,所有变量均应以单一单位制表示。 采用本卷或第 II-D 卷中已公布之任何材料数据 (例如许用应力、物理特
性、外压设计系数 B)的计算应采用表 U-4-1 中所给出的标准单位之一进行。 当为美国习惯单位和 SI 单位提供单独的方
程时,必须采用与具体方程相关之单位中的变量来执行这些方程。 以其他单位表示的数据应转换为美国习惯单位或 SI
单位以用于这些方程。 执行这些方程或以美国惯用单位或 SI 单位所进行的任何其他计算而获得的结果可以转换为其他
(d) Production, measurement and test equipment, drawings, welding procedure specifications, welding procedure and
performance qualifications, and other fabrication documents may be in U.S. Customary, SI, or local customary units in
accordance with the fabricator’s practice. When values shown in calculations and analysis, fabrication documents, or
measurement and test equipment are in different units, any conversions necessary for verification of Code compliance and to
ensure that dimensional consistency is maintained, shall be in accordance with the following: 生产、测量和测试设备、图纸、
焊接工艺规程说明书、焊接工艺和技能检定以及其他制造文件可以根据制造商的惯例采用美国惯用单位、SI 单位或当地
惯用单位。 当计算和分析、制造文件或测量和测试设备中所显示的值采用不同单位时,用于验证法规合规性并确保保
Conversion factors shall be accurate to at least four significant figures. 换算系数应精确到至少四位有效数字。
The results of conversions of units shall be expressed to a minimum of three significant figures. 单位换算结果应
(e) Conversion of units, using the precision specified above, shall be performed to assure that dimensional consistency is
maintained. Conversion factors between U.S. Customary and SI units may be found in Nonmandatory Appendix GG, Guidance
for the Use of U.S. Customary and SI Units in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Whenever local customary units are
used, the Manufacturer shall provide the source of the conversion factors which shall be subject to verification and acceptance by
the Authorized Inspector or Certified Individual. 应采用上述所规定之精度进行单位转换,以确保保持尺寸一致性。 美国习
惯单位和 SI 单位之间的换算系数见非强制性附录 GG《ASME 锅炉和压力容器规范中美国习惯单位和 SI 单位的使用指
南》。 每当采用当地惯用单位时,制造商应提供转换系数的来源,该来源应经授权检验师或认证个人的查证和接受。
(f) Dimensions shown in the text, tables, and figures, whether given as decimals or fractions, may be taken as decimals or
fractions and do not imply any manufacturing precision or tolerance on the dimensions. 正文本、表格和图形中所示尺寸,无
(g) Material that has been manufactured and certified to either the U.S. Customary or SI material specification (e.g., SA516M) may be used regardless of the unit system used in design. Standard fittings (e.g., flanges, elbows, etc.) that have been
certified to either U.S. Customary units or SI units may be used regardless of the units system used in design. 无论设计中采用何
种单位系统,都可以采用按照美国惯用或 SI 材料规范 (例如 SA-516M)进行制造和认证的材料。 无论设计中采用何种单
位系统,都可以采用已通过美国惯用单位或 SI 单位认证的标准配件 (例如法兰、弯头等)。
(h) All entries on a Manufacturer’s Data Report and data for Code-required nameplate marking shall be in units consistent
with the fabrication drawings for the component using U.S. Customary, SI, or local customary units. Units (either primary or
alternative) may be shown parenthetically. Users of this Code are cautioned that the receiving jurisdiction should be contacted to
ensure the units are acceptable. 制造商数据报告中的所有条目以及法规所要求的铭牌标记数据的单位应与采用美国惯用单
位、SI 单位或当地惯用单位的组件制造图纸一致。 单位 (主要单位或其他单位)可以在括号中显示。 本法规用户宜联系
The Code does not fully address tolerances. When dimensions, sizes, or other parameters are not specified with tolerances, the
values of these parameters are considered nominal, and allowable tolerances or local variances may be considered acceptable
when based on engineering judgment and standard practices as determined by the designer. 本法规并未全面处理公差问题。 当
UG篇 篇 对所有施工方法和所有材料的总体要求
UG-1 SCOPE适用范围
The requirements of Part UG are applicable to all pressure vessels and vessel parts and shall be used in conjunction with the
specific requirements in Subsections B and C and the Mandatory Appendices that pertain to the method of fabrication and the
material used. UG篇的要求适用于所有压力容器和容器零部件,并且这些规则还应与 B 分卷和 C 分卷以及与制造方法和
(a) Material subject to stress due to pressure shall conform to one of the specifications given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1,
Tables 1A, 1B, and 3, including all applicable notes in the tables, and shall be limited to those that are permitted in the applicable
Part of Subsection C, except as otherwise permitted in UG-9, UG-10, UG-11, UG-15, Part UCS, Part UIG, and the Mandatory
Appendices. Material may be identified as meeting more than one material specification and/or grade, provided the material meets
all requirements of the identified material specification(s) and/or grade(s) [see UG-23(a)]. 因压力而承受应力之材料应符合第
II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A、表 1B 和表 3 中所给出的规格之一,包括表中的所有适用注释,并应限为那些 C 分卷之适用篇
所允许的材料,除非 UG-9、UG-10、UG-11、UG-15、UCS 篇、UIG 篇和强制性附录中另有允许。 如果材料已被识别
为满足材料规范和/或等级的所有要求,则材料可以被确定为满足一种以上之材料规范和/或等级[参见 UG-23(a)]。
(b) Material for nonpressure parts, such as skirts, supports, baffles, lugs, clips, and extended heat transfer surfaces, need not
conform to the specifications for the material to which they are attached or to a material specification permitted in this Division,
but if attached to the vessel by welding shall be of weldable quality [see UW-5(b)]. The allowable stress values for material not
identified in accordance with UG-93 shall not exceed 80% of the maximum allowable stress value permitted for similar material
in Subsection C. 非承压零部件 (例如裙座、支架、折流板、突耳、钢夹和扩展的传热面)之材料不需要符合其所附材料的
规格或本卷所许用之材料规格, 但如果通过焊接连接到容器上时,则应具有可焊接的质量[参见 UW-5(b)]。 未按照 UG93 所确定之材料的许用应力值不应超过 C 分卷中类似材料所许用之最大许用应力值的 80%。
(c) Material covered by specifications in Section II is not restricted as to the method of production unless so stated in the
specification, and so long as the product complies with the requirements of the specification. (See UG-85.) 第 II 册中规范所涵盖
之材料不受生产方法所限制,除非该规范中另有说明,否则只要产品符合规范的要求即可 (参见 UG-85)。
(d) Materials other than those allowed by the rules of this Division shall not be used. Data for new materials shall be
submitted to and approved by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee on Materials in accordance with Section II, Part
D, Mandatory Appendix 5. 不应采用本卷规则允许以外的材料。 新材料的数据应根据第 II-D 卷强制性附录 5 的规定提交
给 ASME 锅炉和压力容器材料委员会并由其批准。
(e) Materials outside the limits of size and/or thickness given in the title or scope clause of the specifications given in Section
II, and permitted by the applicable part of Subsection C, may be used if the material is in compliance with the other requirements
of the specification,6 and no size or thickness limitation is given in the stress tables. In those specifications in which chemical
composition or mechanical properties vary with size or thickness, materials outside the range shall be required to conform to the
composition and mechanical properties shown for the nearest specified range. 如果应力表中没有给出尺寸或厚度限制,但该
材料符合规范的其他要求 6 且是 C 分卷适用篇之许用材料时,则可以采用超出第 II 册中所给出之规范标题或范围条款
中所给出的尺寸和/或厚度限制。 在化学成分或机械性能随尺寸或厚度变化的规范中,应要求超出范围之材料符合最接
(f) It is recommended that the user or his designated agent assure himself that materials used for the construction of the
vessels will be suitable for the intended service with respect to retention of satisfactory mechanical properties, and resistance to
corrosion, erosion, oxidation, and other deterioration during their intended service life. See also informative and nonmandatory
guidance regarding metallurgical phenomena in Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A. 建议用户或其委托方确保用于
能力。 另请参阅第 II -D 卷非强制性附录 A 中有关冶金现象的信息性和非强制性指南。
(g) When specifications, grades, classes, and types are referenced, and the material specification in Section II, Part A or Part B
is a dual-unit specification (e.g., SA-516/SA-516M), the design values and rules shall be applicable to either the U.S. Customary
version of the material specification or the SI unit version of the material specification. For example, when SA-516M Grade 485
is used in construction, the design values listed for its equivalent, SA-516 Grade 70, in either the U.S. Customary or metric
Section II, Part D (as appropriate) shall be used. 当被引用之规格、牌号、等级和类型,并且第 II-A 卷或 II-B 卷中之材料规
格是双单位制规格 (例如 SA-516/SA-516M)时,设计值和规则应适用于材料规范的美国习惯版本或材料规范的 SI 单位版
本。 例如,当 SA-516M Grade 485 用于建造时,应采用美国习惯或公制第 II-D 卷 (视情况而定)中所列出的等效 SA-516
Grade 70 的设计值。
(h) When the rules of this Division require the use of material physical properties, these properties shall be taken from the
applicable tables in Section II, Part D, Subpart 2. If the applicable tables in Section II, Part D, Subpart 2 do not contain these
properties for a permitted material or do not list them within the required temperature range, the Manufacturer may use other
authoritative sources for the needed information. The Manufacturer’s Data Report shall note under “Remarks” the property values
obtained and their source. 当本卷规则要求采用材料物理特性时,这些特性应取自第 II-D 卷第 2 子篇中之适用表格。如果
第 II -D 卷第 2 子篇中之适用表格不不包含这些许用材料的属性,或者未将其列在所需的温度范围内,则制造商可以采
用其他权威来源来获取所需的信息。 制造商数据报告应在“备注栏”中注明所获得的属性值及其来源。
NOTE: If material physical properties are not listed, the Manufacturer is encouraged to bring the information to the attention of the ASME
Committee on Materials (BPV Section II) so that the data can be added in Section II, Part D, Subpart 2. 注意:如果未列出材料物理属性,鼓
励制造商提请 ASME 材料委员会 (BPV 第 II 册)注意该信息,以便可以将数据添加到第 II-D 卷第 2 子篇中。
UG-5 PLATE7 板材
Plate used in the construction of pressure parts of pressure vessels shall conform to one of the specifications in Section II for
which allowable stress values are given in the tables referenced in UG-23, except as otherwise provided in UG-4, UG-10, UG-11,
and UG-15. 除UG-4、UG-10、UG-11和UG-15另有规定外,否则用于制造压力容器承压零部件之板材应符合第 II 册的规
范之一,且其许用应力值列于 UG-23 所引用的表中。
(a) Forged material may be used in pressure vessel construction, provided the material has been worked sufficiently to
remove the coarse ingot structure. Specifications and maximum allowable stress values for acceptable forging materials are given
in the tables referenced in UG-23. (See Part UF for forged vessels 锻造材料可用于压力容器结构,前提是该材料经过充分加
工以去除粗铸锭结构。 可接受的锻造材料规格和最大许用应力值列在 UG-23 所引用的表格中 (有关锻造容器的进一步规
则请参阅 UF 篇)。
(b) Forged rod or bar may only be used within the limitations of UG-14. 锻制杆材或棒材只能在 UG-14 的限度内使用。
(c) Forgings certified to SA-105, SA-181, SA-182, SA-350, SA-403, and SA-420 may be used as tubesheets and hollow
cylindrical forgings for pressure vessel shells that otherwise meet all the rules of this Division, provided that the following
additional requirements are met: 只要满足以下附加要求,则经 SA-105、SA-181、SA-182、SA-350、SA-403 和 SA-420 鉴
定后之锻件可用作管板和压力容器壳体的中空圆筒形锻件,否则锻件要满足本卷之所有规则 :
Forgings certified to SA-105 or SA-181 shall be subject to one of the austenitizing heat treatments permitted by
these specifications. 通过 SA-105 或 SA-181 鉴定之锻件应进行这些规范所允许的奥氏体化热处理之一。
One tension test specimen shall be taken from each forging weighing more than 5,000 lb (2 250 kg). The largest
obtainable tension test specimen as specified by the test methods referenced in the applicable specification shall be used. Except
for upset-disk forgings, the longitudinal axis of the test specimen shall be taken parallel to the direction of major working of the
forging. For upset-disk forgings, the longitudinal axis of the test specimen shall be taken in the tangential direction. When agreed
to by the Manufacturer, and when not prohibited by the material specification, test specimens may be machined from specially
forged test blocks meeting the provisions provided in SA-266 or other similar specifications for large forgings. 应从每件重量超
过 5,000 lb (2 250 kg)之锻件上采集一个拉伸试样。 应使用适用规范中所引用之测试方法所规定的最大可获得拉伸试样。
除镦粗盘锻件外,试样的纵轴应平行于锻件的主要锻造方向。 对于镦锻盘锻件,试样的纵轴应取自切线方向。 当制造
商同意且材料规范没有禁止时,试样可以由符合 SA-266 或其他类似大型锻件规范所规定的特殊锻造试块加工而成。
For quenched and tempered forgings weighing more than 10,000 lb (4 500 kg) at the time of heat treatment, two
tension test specimens shall be taken from each forging. These shall be offset 180 deg from each other, except that if the length of
the forging, excluding test prolongations, exceeds 12 ft (3.7 m), then one specimen shall be taken from each end of the forging. 对
于热处理时重量超过 10,000 lb (4 500 kg)之调质锻件,每一锻件应取两个拉伸试样。 它们应相互偏置 180 度,但如果锻
件的长度 (不包括测试延长段)超过 12 ft (3.7 m)时,则应从锻件的两一端各取一个试样。
Cast material may be used in the construction of pressure vessels and vessel parts. Specifications and maximum allowable stress
values for acceptable casting materials are given in the tables referenced in UG-23. These allowable stress values shall be
multiplied by the applicable casting quality factor given in UG-24 for all materials except cast iron. 铸造材料可用于制造压力容
器和容器零部件。可接受的铸造材料规格和最大许用应力值列在 UG-23 所引用的表格中。 对于除铸铁之外的所有材
料,这些许用应力值应乘以 UG-24 中所给出之适用铸造质量因数。
(a) Pipe and tubes of seamless or welded8 construction conforming to one of the specifications given in Section II may be used
for shells and other parts of pressure vessels. Allowable stress values for the materials used in pipe and tubes are given in the
tables referenced in UG-23. 符合第 II 册规定之一的无缝管材或焊接 8 结构用管材可用于压力容器的壳体和其他零部件。
UG-23 所引用之表格中给出了管材所用材料的许用应力值。
(b) Integrally finned tubes may be made from tubes that conform in every respect with one of the specifications given in
Section II. The requirements of (1), (2), (3), and (5) do not apply to tubes produced in accordance with a Section II integrallyfinned material specification. These tubes may be used under the following conditions: 整体式翅片管可由在各方面均符合第 II
册中所给出的规格之一的管子制成。如下 (1)、(2)、(3) 和 (5) 的要求不适用于根据第 II 册整体式翅片材料规范所生产的
管子。 这些管子仅可在以下条件下使用:
(1) The tubes, after finning, shall have a temper or condition that conforms to one of those provided in the governing
specifications, or, when specified, they may be furnished in the “as-fabricated condition” where the finned portions of the tube
are in the cold worked temper (as-finned) resulting from the finning operation, and the unfinned portions in the temper of the tube
prior to finning. 管子与翅片程整体后应具有符合管控规范中所规定的回火或调质之一,或者,当有规定时,它们可以按
“制造状态”提货,其中管子翅片部分处于翅片加工后的冷加工状态 (翅片状态),未翅片部分处于翅片加工前管子的回火
The maximum allowable stress value for the finned tube shall be that given in the tables referenced in UG-23 for the
tube before finning except as permitted in (3) below. 翅片管的最大许用应力值应为 UG-23 所引用的表格中管子在翅片之前
的最大许用应力值,但以下 (3) 中所允许的情况除外。
(3) The maximum allowable stress value for a temper or condition that has a higher stress value than that of the tube
before finning may be used, provided that qualifying mechanical property tests demonstrate that such a temper or condition is
obtained and conforms to one of those provided in the governing specifications in Section II, and provided that allowable stress
values have been established in the tables referenced in UG-23 for the tube material used. The qualifying mechanical property
tests shall be made on specimens of finned tube from which the fins have been removed by machining. The frequency of tests
shall be as required in the unfinned tube specification. 可采用翅片前应力值高于管子在回火或调值状态的最大允许应力值,
前提是合格的机械性能测试证明了可获得这样的回火或调值并符合以下之一: 第 II 册之管控规范中提供了这些规定,
并规定 UG-23 所引用之表格中已针对所用管材确定了许用应力值。 合格的机械性能试验应在已通过机械加工去除翅片
的翅片管试样上进行。 试验频率应符合无翅片管规范的要求。
(4) The maximum allowable internal or external working pressure of the tube shall be based on the root diameter and the
minimum wall of the finned section, or the outside diameter and wall of the unfinned section together with appropriate stress
values, whichever results in the lower maximum allowable working pressure. Alternatively, the maximum allowable external
pressure for tubes with integral fins may be established under the rules of Mandatory Appendix 23. 管子的最大许用内部或外部
取计算结果之最大许用工作压力中的较低值。 或者,可以根据强制性附录 23 的规则来确定带整体翅片之管子的最大许
(5) In addition to the tests required by the governing specifications, each tube after finning shall be subjected to a
pneumatic test or a hydrostatic test as indicated below. UG-90(c)(1)(-i) requirement for a visual inspection by the Inspector does
not apply to either of these tests. 除了管控规范所要求的试验外,翅片后的每根管子还应进行如下所述的气压试验或静水压
试验。 UG-90(c)(1)(-i) 对检验师的目视检查要求不适用于这两种测试。
(-a) an internal pneumatic test of not less than 250 psi (1.7 MPa) for 5 sec without evidence of leakage. The test
method shall permit easy visual detection of any leakage such as immersion of the tube under water or a pressure differential
不小于 250 psi (1.7 MPa) 的内部气压测试持续 5 秒,且应无泄漏迹象。 测试方法应允许容易地目视检查到任何泄漏,例
(-b) an individual tube hydrostatic test in accordance with UG-99 that permits complete examination of the tube
for leakage. 根据 UG-99 进行单独管子的静水压试验,允许对管子的泄漏进行全面检查。
Welding materials used for production shall comply with the requirements of this Division, those of Section IX, and the
applicable qualified welding procedure specification. When the welding materials comply with one of the specifications in
Section II, Part C, the marking or tagging of the material, containers, or packages as required by the applicable Section II
specification may be accepted for identification in lieu of a Test Report or a Certificate of Compliance. When the welding
materials do not comply with one of the specifications of Section II, the marking or tagging shall be identifiable with the welding
materials set forth in the welding procedure specification, and may be accepted in lieu of a Test Report or a Certificate of
Compliance. 用于生产的焊接材料应符合本卷、第 IX 卷的要求以及所适用的已评定认可之焊接工艺规程说明书。 当焊接
材料符合第 II-C 卷中的其中一项规范时,可以接受适用第 II 册规范所要求的材料、容器或包装上的标记或标签可代替
测试报告或合格证明书。 当焊接材料不符合第 II册的规范之一时,标记或标签应与焊接工艺规程说明书中所指定的焊接
Material recertification and requalification are only allowed by the vessel or part Manufacturer. 仅容器或零部件制造商才允许
(a) Identified Material With Complete Certification From the Material Manufacturer. Material identified with a
specification not permitted by this Division and identified to a single production lot as required by a permitted specification may
be accepted as satisfying the requirements of a specification permitted by this Division, provided the following conditions are
satisfied: 具有材料制造商完整鉴定的已标记材料。 如果满足以下条件,则按本卷非许用规范鉴定的材料,并根据许用规
(1) Documentation is provided to the Certificate Holder demonstrating that all applicable requirements (including, but
not limited to, melting method, melting practice, deoxidation, chemical analysis, mechanical properties, quality, and heat
treatment) of the specification permitted by this Division, to which the material is to be recertified, have been met. 向持证者提供
能证明需要重新鉴定之材料已满足本卷许用规范之所有适用要求 (包括但不限于熔炼方法、熔炼操作、脱氧、化学分
The material has marking, acceptable to the Inspector, for identification to the documentation. 该材料具有检验师
(3) When the conformance of the material with the permitted specification has been established, the material shall be
marked as required by the permitted specification. 当材料符合许用规范后,材料应按照许用规范的要求进行标记。
(b) Material Identified With a Specification Not Permitted by This Division and Identified to a Particular Production Lot as
Required by a Specification Permitted by This Division but Which Cannot Be Qualified Under (a). Any material for which the
documentation required in (a) is not available may be accepted as satisfying the requirements of the specification permitted by
this Division, provided that the conditions set forth below are satisfied. 被认定为本卷非许用规范之材料,并且根据本卷许用
规范的要求被认定为具体生产批次之材料,但该材料不符合 (a) 小段所规定的具备合格条件时,只要满足下列条件,任
何无法提供 (a) 小段中所要求之文件的材料均可被视为满足本本卷许用规范的要求。
(1) When documentation demonstrating complete conformance to the chemical requirements is not available, chemical
analyses are made on different pieces from the lot to establish a mean analysis that is to be accepted as representative of the lot.
The pieces chosen for analysis shall be selected at random from the lot. The number of pieces selected shall be at least 10% of the
number of pieces in the lot, but not less than three. For lots of three pieces or less, each piece shall be analyzed. Each individual
analysis for an element shall conform to the limits for product analysis in the permitted specification, and the mean for each
element shall conform to the heat analysis limits of that specification. Analyses need only be made for those elements required by
the permitted specification (including its general requirements specification); only those elements for which documentation is not
available must be tested.
值将被接受作为该批次的代表值。 被选择用于分析之工件应从该批次中随机选取。 中选件数不少于该批总件数的
10%,但不少于 3件。 对于 3件或更少的批次,应对每件进行化学分析。 单元的每个单独分析应符合允许规范中的产品
分析限值,并且每个单元的平均值应符合该规范的热炉分析限值。 只需要对许用规范 (包括其一般要求规范)所要求的那
(2) When documentation demonstrating complete conformance to the mechanical property requirements is not
available, mechanical property tests are made in accordance with the requirements of the permitted specification, and the results
of the tests conform to the specified requirements; only those properties for which documentation is not available must be tested.
(3) When documentation demonstrating complete conformance to the heat treatment requirements is not available, the
material is heat treated in accordance with those specification heat treatment requirements, either prior to or during fabrication.
(See also UG-85.) 当无法提供证明完全符合热处理要求的文件时,要在制造之前或制造过程中,根据相应规范的热处理
要求对材料进行热处理 (另见 UG-85)。
(4) All other applicable requirements (including, but not limited to, melting method, melting practice, deoxidation,
chemical analysis, mechanical properties, grain size, and quality) of the specification permitted by this Division, to which the
material is to be recertified, have been demonstrated to have been met. 需要重新鉴定之材料应符合并证明已满足本卷许用规
范中所有其他适用的要求 (包括但不限于熔炼方法、熔炼操作、脱氧、化学分析、机械性能、晶粒尺寸和质量)。
The material has marking, acceptable to the Inspector, for identification to the documentation. 该材料要具有检验
(6) When the conformance of the material with the permitted specification has been established, the material shall be
marked as required by the permitted specification. 当材料符合许用规范后,材料应按照许用规范的要求进行标记。
(c) Material Not Fully Identified. Material that cannot be qualified under the provisions of either (a) or (b), such as material
not fully identified as required by the permitted specification or unidentified material, may be accepted as satisfying the requirements
of a specification permitted by this Division, provided that the conditions set forth below are satisfied. 标记未完全之材料。 不能
根据 (a)或 (b)之规定证明是合格的材料,例如未按许用规范之要求给出完整标记的材料或无标记的材料,只要满足下述
(1) Each piece is tested to show that it meets the chemical composition for heat analysis and the mechanical properties
requirements of the permitted specification. Chemical analyses need only be made for those elements required by the permitted
specification (including its general requirements specification). When the direction of final rolling or major work (as required by
the material specification) is not known, tension test specimens shall be taken in each appropriate direction from each sampling
location designated in the permitted specification. The results of all tests shall conform to the minimum requirements of the
specification, but the tensile strength of only one of the specimens need conform to the maximum requirement. 每工件都经过测
试,以表明其符合热炉分析化学成分和许用规范的机械性能要求。 只需针对许用规范 (包括其通用要求规范)所要求的那
些单元进行化学分析。 当最终轧制或主要成形 (根据材料规范要求)方向未知时,应从许用规范中所指定的每个取样位置
沿每个适当的取向获取拉伸试样。 所有试验结果应符合相应规范的最低要求,但仅其中一个试样的抗拉强度需符合最
(2) The provision of (b)(3) above shall be met. 应满足上述(b)(3)的规定。
(3) All other applicable requirements (including, but not limited to, melting method, melting practice, deoxidation,
chemical analysis, mechanical properties, grain size, and quality) of the specification permitted by this Division, to which the
material is to be recertified, have been demonstrated to have been met. If such verifiable evidence cannot be provided,
recertification is not permitted. 需要重新鉴定之材料应符合并证明已满足本卷许用规范中所有其他适用的要求 (包括但不限
于熔炼方法、熔炼操作、脱氧、化学分析、机械性能、晶粒尺寸和质量)。 如果无法提供此类鉴定证据,则不允许重新
(4) When the identity of the material with the permitted specification has been established in accordance with (1), (2),
and (3) above, each piece (or bundle, etc., if permitted in the specification) shall be marked with a marking giving the permitted
specification number and grade, type, or class, as applicable, and a serial number identifying the particular lot of material. A
suitable report, clearly marked as being a “Report on Tests of Nonidentified Material,” shall be completed and certified by the
vessel or Part Manufacturer. This report, when accepted by the Inspector, shall constitute authority to use the material in lieu of
material procured to the requirements of the permitted specification. 当已按照上述 (1)、(2) 和 (3) 确定具有许用规范之材料的
特性时,每一工件 (或是规范允许时的成捆材料等)应标有许用规范的编号和牌号、类型或等级 (如适用时)的标记,以及
标识具体批次的材料序列号。 容器或零部件制造商应填写并签证一份明确标记为“未标记材料的测试报告”的合适报告。
A CERTIFICATION MARK无鉴定标记之预制或预成型承压零部件
(a) Prefabricated or preformed pressure parts for pressure vessels that are subject to stresses due to pressure and that are
furnished by others or by the Manufacturer of the completed vessel shall conform to all applicable requirements of this Division
except as permitted in (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) below. When the prefabricated or preformed parts are furnished with a nameplate
that contains product identifying marks and the nameplate interferes with further fabrication or service, and where stamping on
the material is prohibited, the Manufacturer of the completed vessel, with the concurrence of the Authorized Inspector, may
remove the nameplate. The removal of the nameplate shall be noted in the “Remarks” section of the vessel Manufacturer’s Data
Report. The nameplate shall be destroyed. The rules of (b), (c), (d), and (e) below shall not be applied to welded shells or heads or
to quick-actuating or quick-opening closures (see UG-35.2 and UG-35.3, respectively). 由其他组织或成品容器制造商提供因压
力而承受应力之压力容器的预制或预成型承压零部件应符合本卷的所有适用要求,但 以下 (b)、(c)、(d)、(e)和 (f) 中所
允许的除外。 当预预制或预成型组件所配备之铭牌上包含产品识别标记,并且该铭牌会干扰进一步的制造或返修,并
且禁止在材料上进行压印时,成品容器制造商可在获得授权检验员的同意后拆除该铭牌。 铭牌的拆除该应在容器制造
商数据报告的“备注”栏中注明, 切拆除后铭牌应予以销毁。 以下 (b)、(c)、(d) 和 (e) 的规则不适用于焊制壳体或封头或
快开盖或快速断开扣件 (分别参见 UG-35.2 和 UG-35.3)。
Parts furnished under the provisions of (b), (c), (d), and (f) need not be manufactured by a Certificate Holder. However, the
Manufacturer of the completed vessel or Certification Mark–stamped part shall ensure that parts furnished under the provisions of
(b) through (f) meet all of the applicable Code requirements such as UCS-79(d), UNF-79(a), UHA-44(a), and UHT-79(a).
Prefabricated or preformed pressure parts may be supplied as follows: 按 (b)、(c)、(d) 和 (f) 之规定所提供的零部件无需由持
证者制造。 然而,成品容器或加压印认证标记之零部件的制造商应确保根据 (b) 至 (f) 之规定所提供的零部件已满足是
用法规的要求,例如 UCS-79(d)、UNF-79( a)、UHA-44(a)和UHT-79(a)的要求。 预制或预成型承压零部件可按如下方式
cast, forged, rolled, or die formed non-standard pressure parts 铸造、锻造、轧制或模压成型的不标准承压零
cast, forged, rolled, or die formed standard pressure parts that comply with an ASME product standard, either
welded or nonwelded 符合 ASME 产品标准的铸造、锻造、轧制或模压标准标准承压零部件,无论其是焊制还是非焊制
(3) cast, forged, rolled, or die formed standard pressure parts that comply with a standard other than an ASME
product standard, either welded or nonwelded 符合 ASME 产品标准以外标准的铸造、锻造、轧制或模压标准承压零部
cast cylindrical acrylic shells meeting the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 48. 符合强制性附录 48 之要求
(b) Cast, Forged, Rolled, or Die Formed Non-standard Pressure Parts. Pressure parts such as shells, heads, removable doors,
and pipe coils that are wholly formed by casting, forging, rolling, or die forming may be supplied basically as materials. All such
parts shall be made of materials permitted under this Division, and the manufacturer of the part shall furnish identification in
accordance with UG-93. Such parts shall be marked with the name or trademark of the parts manufacturer and with such other
markings as will serve to identify the particular parts with accompanying material identification. The Manufacturer of the
completed vessel shall be satisfied that the part is suitable for the design conditions specified for the completed vessel in
accordance with the rules of this Division. 铸造、锻造、轧制或模压成型的不标准承压零部件。 由铸造、锻造、轧制或模
压成型而成的整体壳体、封头、活动门、盘管等承压零部件基本上可作为材料供应。 所有此类零部件应以本卷许用材
料制成,零部件制造商应根据 UG-93 提供标记。 此类零部件应标有零部件制造商的名称或商标,以及用于识别特定零
部件的其他标记以及随附的材料标识。 成品容器制造商应确信该零部件适用于根据本卷之规则为成品容器所指定的设
(c) Cast, Forged, Rolled, or Die Formed Standard Pressure Parts That Comply With an ASME Product Standard, Either
Welded or Nonwelded 符合 ASME 产品标准的铸造、锻造、轧制或模压承压零部件,无论其是焊制还是非焊制
(1) These are pressure parts that comply with an ASME product standard accepted by reference in UG-44(a). The
ASME product standard establishes the basis for the pressure–temperature rating and marking unless modified in UG-44(a). 符合
UG-44(a) 所引用之 ASME 产品标准的那些承压零部件。除非被 UG-44(a) 所修订,否则 ASME 产品标准是制定压力-温
(2) Flanges and flanged fittings may be used at the pressure–temperature ratings specified in the appropriate standard
listed in this Division. 法兰和法兰配件可在本卷所列出之相应标准中所规定的压力-温度额定值下使用。
Materials for standard pressure parts shall be as follows: 标准承压零部件的材料应符合如下所述:
(-a) as permitted by this Division or在本卷所许用之材料,或
(-b) as specifically listed in the ASME product standard 列在 ASME 产品标准中具体列出的材料
When joining is performed it shall meet the following: 连接时应符合下列规定:
(-a) the requirements of UW-26(a), UW-26(b), and UW-26(c) and UW-27 through UW-40, or; 应符合UW-26(a)、
(-b) the joining requirements of ASME specification SA-234. 应符合ASME SA-234 的连接要求。
Standard pressure parts as identified in UG-11(c) do not require inspection, identification in accordance with UG-
93(a) or UG-93(b), or Partial Data Reports, provided the requirements of UG-11(c) are met.只要满足 (d) 的要求,则 (d) 中所确
定的标准承压零部件不需要根据 UG-93(a) 或 UG-93(b) 进行检验、标识或零部件数据报告。
If postweld heat treatment is required by the rules of this Division, it may be performed either in the location of the
parts manufacturer or in the location of the Manufacturer of the vessel to be marked with the Certification Mark. 如果本卷规则
(7) If radiography or other volumetric examination is required by the rules of this Division, it may be performed at one
of the following locations: 如果本卷规则要求进行射线检测或其他体积式检测,则可以在以下地点之一进行:
(-a) the location of the Manufacturer of the completed vessel 完成容器之制造商的所在地
(-b) the location of the pressure parts manufacturer 承压零部件制造商所在地
Parts made to an ASME product standard shall be marked as required by the ASME product standard. 按照 ASME
产品标准制造的零部件应按照 ASME 产品标准的要求进行标记。
(9) The Manufacturer of the completed vessels shall have the following responsibilities when using standard pressure
parts that comply with an ASME product standard: 完成容器之制造商在采用符合 ASME 产品标准之标准承压零部件时应承
(-a) Ensure that all standard pressure parts comply with applicable rules of this Division. 确保所有标准承压零部
(-b) Ensure that all standard pressure parts are suitable for the design conditions of the completed vessel. 确保所
(-c) When volumetric examination is required by the rules of this Division, obtain the completed radiographs,
properly identified, with a radiographic inspection report, and any other applicable volumetric examination report. 当本
(10) The Manufacturer shall fulfill these responsibilities by obtaining, when necessary, documentation as provided below,
provide for retention of this documentation, and have such documentation available for examination by the Inspector when
requested. The documentation shall contain at a minimum: 制造商应在必要时通过获取下列文件来履行这些责任,并规定该
文件的保留期限,且在检验师要求时提供此类文件已供检验师审查。 此类文件应至少包含:
(-a) material used 所用材料
(-b) the pressure–temperature rating of the part 零部件的压力-温度额定值
(-c) the basis for establishing the pressure– temperature rating 建立压力-温度额定值的基础
Cast, Forged, Rolled, or Die Formed Standard Pressure Parts That Comply With a Standard Other Than an ASME
Product Standard, Either Welded or Nonwelded 符合 ASME 产品标准以外标准的铸造、锻造、轧制或模压标准承压零部
(1) Standard pressure parts that are either welded or nonwelded and comply with a manufacturer’s proprietary standard
or a standard other than an ASME product standard may be supplied by 焊制或非焊制且符合制造商专利标准或 ASME 产品标
(-a) a Certificate Holder 持证者
(-b) a pressure parts manufacturer 承压零部件制造商
(2) Parts of small size falling within this category for which it is impossible to obtain identified material or that may be
stocked and for which identification in accordance with UG-93 cannot be obtained and are not customarily furnished, may be
used for parts as described in UG-4(b). 属于无法获得有标记之材料或无法获得 UG-93 所规定之标记且通常不提供标记之小
尺寸库存零部件,可用作 UG-4(b)中所述零部件 。
Materials for these parts shall be as permitted by this Division only. 这些零部件的材料应仅能采用符合本卷的许
Requirements for joining and brazing are as follows: 连接和钎焊的要求如下所述:
(-a) When joining is performed, it shall meet the requirements of UW-26(a), UW-26(b), UW-26(c), and UW-27
through UW-40. 进行连接时,应满足 UW-26(a)、UW-26(b)、UW-26(c) 和 UW-27 至 UW-40 的要求。
(-b) When brazing is performed, it shall meet the requirements of Part UB. 进行钎焊时,应满足 UB 篇的要求。
Standard pressure parts as identified in (d) do not require inspection, identification in accordance with UG-93(a) or
UG-93(b), or Partial Data Reports, provided the requirements of (d) are met. 只要满足 (d) 的要求,则 (d) 中所确定的标准承压
零部件不需要根据 UG-93(a) 或 UG-93(b) 进行检验、标识或出具零部件数据报告。
If postweld heat treatment is required by the rules of this Division, it may be performed either in the location of the
parts manufacturer or in the location of the Manufacturer of the completed vessel. 如果本卷规则要求焊后热处理,则可以在零
(7) If radiography or other volumetric examination is required by the rules of this Division, it may be performed at one
of the following locations: 如果本卷规则要求进行射线检测或其他容积式检测,则可以在以下地点之一进行:
(-a) the location of the Manufacturer of the completed vessel 完工容器制造商所在地
(-b) the location of the parts Manufacturer 零部件制造商所在地
(-c) the location of the pressure parts manufacturer 承压零部件制造商所在地
Marking for these parts shall be as follows: 这些零部件应按如下所述进行标记:
(-a) with the name or trademark of the Certificate Holder or the pressure part manufacturer and any other markings
as required by the proprietary standard or other standard used for the pressure part 持证者或承压零部件制造商的名称或商标以
(-b) with a permanent or temporary marking that will serve to identify the part with the Certificate Holder or the
pressure parts manufacturer’s written documentation of the particular items, and that defines the pressure– temperature rating of
the part
(9) The Manufacturer of the completed vessels shall have the following responsibilities when using standard pressure
parts: 完成容器之制造商在采用标准承压零部件时应承担下列责任:
(-a) Ensure that all standard pressure parts comply with applicable rules of this Division. 确保所有标准承压零部件
(-b) Ensure that all standard pressure parts are suitable for the design conditions of the completed vessel. 确保所有
(-c) When volumetric examination is required by the rules of this Division, obtain the completed radiographs,
properly identified, with a radiographic inspection report, and any other applicable volumetric examination report. 当本卷规则要
(10) The Manufacturer of the completed vessel shall fulfill these responsibilities by one of the following methods: 完成
(-a) Obtain, when necessary, documentation as provided below, provide for retention of this documentation, and
have such documentation available for examination by the Inspector when requested, or; 必要时获取下述文件,并规定该文件
(-b) Perform an analysis of the pressure part in accordance with the rules of this Division. [See also U-2(g).] This
analysis shall be included in the documentation and shall be made available for examination by the Inspector when requested. 根
据本卷规则对承压零部件进行分析 [另见 U-2(g)] 。该分析应包含在文件中,并在检验师要求时提供此类文件以供检验师
(11) The documentation shall contain at a minimum: 该文件应至少包含:
(-a) material used 所用材料
(-b) the pressure–temperature rating of the part 零部件的压力-温度额定值
(-c) the basis for establishing the pressure– temperature rating 建立压力-温度额定值的基础
(-d) a written certification by the pressure parts manufacturer that all joining and brazing complies with Code
requirements 承压零部件制造商出具用于证明所有连接和钎焊均符合法规要求的书面证明
(e) The Code recognizes that a Certificate Holder may fabricate parts in accordance with UG-11(d), and that are marked in
accordance with UG-11(d)(8). In lieu of the requirement in UG-11(d)(4)(-a), the Certificate Holder may subcontract to an
individual or organization not holding an ASME Certificate standard pressure parts that are fabricated to a standard other than an
ASME product standard provided all the following conditions are met: 本规范承认证书持有者可以按 UG-11(d) 来制造零部
件,并根据 UG-11(d)(8) 进行标记。 可代替 UG-11(d)(4)(-a) 中之要求的是:持证者可以将按照 ASME 产品标准以外之标
准所制造的标准承压零部件分包给未持有 ASME 证书的个人或组织,前提是要满足以下所有条件:
(1) The activities to be performed by the subcontractor are included within the Certificate Holder’s Quality Control
The Certificate Holder’s Quality Control System provides for the following activities associated with subcontracting
of joining operations, and these provisions shall be acceptable to the Manufacturer’s Authorized Inspection Agency: 持证者的质
(-a) the joining processes permitted by this Division that are permitted to be subcontracted 本卷允许分包的连接工
(-b) joining operations连接操作
(-c) Authorized Inspection activities授权检验活动
(-d) placement of the Certificate Holder’s marking in accordance with UG-11(d)(8) 持证者根据 UG-11(d)(8) 之规
(3) The Certificate Holder’s Quality Control System provides for the requirements of UG-92 to be met at the
subcontractor’s facility. 持证者之质量管理体系中规定了分包商之设施必须满足 UG-92 的要求。
(4) The Certificate Holder shall be responsible for reviewing and accepting the Quality Control Programs of the
subcontractor. 持证者应负责审查和接受分包商的质量控制大纲。
(5) The Certificate Holder shall ensure that the subcontractor uses written procedures and joining operations that have
been qualified as required by this Division. 持证者应确保分包商采用已按本节要求评定认可的书面规程和连接作业。
(6) The Certificate Holder shall ensure that the subcontractor uses personnel that have been qualified as required by this
Division. 持证者应确保分包商雇用符合本卷要求的合格人员。
(7) The Certificate Holder and the subcontractor shall describe in their Quality Control Systems the operational control
of procedure and personnel qualifications of the subcontracted joining operations. 持证者和分包商应在其质量管理体系中描述
(8) The Certificate Holder shall be responsible for controlling the quality and ensuring that all materials and parts that
are joined by subcontractors and submitted to the Inspector for acceptance, conform to all applicable requirements of this
(9) The Certificate Holder shall describe in their Quality Control Systems the operational control for maintaining
traceability of materials received from the subcontractor. 持证者应在其质量管理体系中描述从分包商处所收到之材料将如何
(10) The Certificate Holder shall receive approval for subcontracting from the Authorized Inspection Agency prior to
commencing of activities. 持证者在开始活动之前应获得授权检验机构的分包核准。
Cast Acrylic Shells 模铸塑聚丙烯酸壳体
(1) Cast acrylic cylindrical shells meeting the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 48 may be supplied as material.
满足强制性附录 48 要求的模铸丙烯酸圆筒形壳体可作为材料供应。
(2) The acrylic cylindrical shell manufacturer shall provide certification that the acrylic shell has been constructed in
accordance with all the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 48. The certification package shall include all certification
documentation required by Mandatory Appendix 48, 48-8 PVHO-1 Forms VP-1 through VP-4. 丙烯酸圆筒形壳体制造商应提
供用于证明丙烯酸壳体的建构已满足强制性附录 48 之所有要求的证明书。该认证包应包括强制性附录 48 第 48-8 条
PVHO-1 表格 (VP-1 至 VP-4)所要求的所有认证文件。
(3) The certification package shall be verified by the Authorized Inspector prior to the acrylic shell being installed into
any part of the vessel. 在将丙烯酸壳体安装到容器的任何位置之前,认证包应由授权检验师进行查证。
(4) The Certificate Holder shall include the acrylic certification package and PVHO-1 Form VP-5 with Form U-1 or
Form U-1A. 持证者所需出具之证明文件中应包括丙烯酸认证包和 PVHO-1 表格 VP-5 以及表格 U-1 或表格 U-1A。
Bolts and studs may be used for the attachment of removable parts. Specifications, supplementary rules, and maximum
allowable stress values for acceptable bolting materials are given in the tables referenced in UG-23. 螺栓和双头螺柱可用于连接
可拆卸零部件。 可接受的螺栓材料规范、补充规则和最大许用应力值列在 UG-23 所引用的表格中。
(1) Studs shall be threaded full length or shall be machined down to the root diameter of the thread in the unthreaded
portion, provided that the threaded portions are at least 1 1/2 diameters in length. Studs greater than eight diameters in length may
have an unthreaded portion that has the nominal diameter of the thread, provided the following requirements are met: 双头螺柱应
在全长上加工螺纹,或者应在无螺纹部分加工至螺纹根部直径,前提是螺纹部分的长度至少为直径的 1.5 倍。 长度大于
直径 8 倍的双头螺柱可以具有螺纹标称直径的中间无螺纹部分,前提是满足以下要求:
the threaded portions shall be at least 11/2 diameters in length; 两端之螺纹部分的长度至少应为直径的 1.5 倍;
the stud shall be machined down to the root diameter of the thread for a minimum distance of 0.5 diameters adjacent
to the threaded portion; 双头螺柱中邻近两端螺纹部分间之中间无螺纹部分应至少有一段为直径 0.5 倍的长度并应被加工
a suitable transition shall be provided between the root diameter and the unthreaded portion; and 根部直径与无螺纹
部分之间应有适当的过渡; 和
particular consideration shall be given to any dynamic loadings. 应特别重视任何动态载荷所引起的交变载荷。
Nuts shall conform to the requirements in the applicable Part of Subsection C (see UCS-11 and UNF-13). They shall
engage the threads for the full depth of the nut. 螺母应符合 C 分卷适用篇的要求 (参见 UCS-11 和 UNF-13)。 螺栓应与螺母
The use of washers is optional. When used, they shall be of wrought materials. 华司不是一定需要的,但如果使用时,
UG-14. RODS AND BARS 杆材和棒材
(a) Rods and Bars Used for Pressure Parts. Rod and bar may be used in pressure vessel construction for pressure parts such
as flange rings [see 2-2(d)], stiffening rings, frames for reinforced openings, stays and stay-bolts, and similar parts. Rod and bar
materials shall conform to the requirements for bars or bolting in the applicable Part of Subsection C. 用于承压零部件的杆材和
棒材。 杆材和棒材可用于压力容器结构中的承压零部件,例如法兰环 [参见 2-2(d)]、加劲环、补强开口框架、撑杆和拉
杆螺栓以及类似零部件。 杆材和棒材应符合 C 分卷适用篇中对棒材或螺栓的要求。
(b) Parts Machined From Rod and Bar. Pressure parts such as hollow cylindrically shaped parts, heads, caps, flanges, elbows,
return bends, tees, and header tees may be machined directly from rod or bar as provided in (1) through (4) below. 由杆材和棒材
如下 (1) 至 (4) 所述直接由杆材或棒材加工而成。
(1) Examination by the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method in accordance with the requirements of Mandatory
Appendix 6 or Mandatory Appendix 8 respectively, shall be as follows: 按如下所述进行强制性附录 6 或强制性附录 8 所要求
(-a) for flanges: the back of the flange and the outer surface of the hub 法兰:检测法兰的背面和轮毂的外表面
(-b) for heads, caps, elbows, return bends, tees, and header tees: all surfaces 封头、封盖、弯头、回转弯头、三通
(-c) for hollow, cylindrically shaped parts: no surface examination needed 中空圆筒形零部件:所有表面均无需检
Parts may be machined from rod or bar having a hot-worked diameter not greater than 5.50 in. (140 mm), provided
that the axial length of the part is approximately parallel to the metal flow lines of the stock. 只要零部件之轴向长度大致平行于
坯料的金属流线,则上述零部件可用热锻直径不大于 5.50 in. (140 mm)之杆材或棒材加工而成。
(3) Parts may be machined from rod or bar having a hot-worked diameter greater than 5.50 in. (140 mm), but not greater
than 8.00 in. (205 mm), provided the axial length of the part is approximately parallel to the metal flow lines of the stock, and the
minimum required thickness of the component is calculated following the rules of this Division using 50% of the specified
allowable stress. 上述零部件可由热锻直径大于 5.50 in. (140 mm)但不大于 8.00 in. (205 mm)之杆材或棒材加工而成,前提
是该零部件之轴向长度大致平行于坯料的金属流线且零部件之最小所需厚度是以本卷所规定之许用应力的 50% 所计算
As an alternative to (3) above and for rod or bar having a hot-worked diameter greater than 8.00 in. (205 mm), parts
may be machined from such rod or bar, if the following requirements are met: 热锻直径大于 8.00 in. (205 mm)之杆材或棒材只
要满足以下要求,则可用此类杆材或棒材作为上述 (3) 的备选材料:
(-a) The longitudinal axis of the part shall be parallel to the longitudinal axis of the rod or bar. 零部件的纵轴应平
(-b) At least two transverse tension test specimens shall be taken from each lot (as defined in the material
specification) of rod or bar material. The rods or bars within each lot shall be of the same diameter. 每批 (按材料规范中定
(-1) The second specimen shall be taken at 90 deg around the perimeter from the first specimen. 第二个试样与
(-2) The axis of the tension test specimen shall be located, as nearly as practicable, midway between the center
thickness and the surface of the rod or bar. 拉伸试样的轴线应尽可能位于杆材或棒材的中心厚度和表面之间的中间位
(-3) Both specimens shall meet the mechanical property requirements of the material specification. 两个试样均
(-4) For Table UCS-23 materials, the reduction of area shall be not less than 30%. 表UCS-23中所列材料的断
(-c) Each rod or bar, before machining, shall be 100% ultrasonically examined perpendicular to the longitudinal axis
by the straight beam technique in accordance with SA-388. The rod or bar shall be unacceptable if either of the following
每根杆材或棒材在机加工之前,应根据 SA-388 采用直束波技术垂直于纵轴进行 100% 超声波检测。 如果出现下列
(-1) The examination results show one or more indications accompanied by loss of back reflection larger than
60% of the reference back reflection. 检测结果出现一种或多种迹象,并且背反射损失大于基准背反射的60%。
(-2) The examination results show indications larger than 40% of the reference back reflection when
accompanied by a 40% loss of back reflection. 检测结果表明存在着背反射损失为 40% 且大于基准背反射之 40%的指
(-d) For heads and the flat portion of caps, the examinations of (-c) shall also be performed in the axial direction.
封头和管帽的平坦部分也应按(-c) 沿轴线方向进行检测。
(-e) Before welding, the cut surfaces of the part adjacent to the weld shall be examined by magnetic particle or
liquid penetrant methods in accordance with Mandatory Appendix 6 or Mandatory Appendix 8, respectively. 焊接前,邻近
焊缝之零部件的切割面应分别按照强制性附录 6 或强制性附录 8 的规定用磁粒或液渗透法进行检测。
When there is no material specification listed in Subsection C covering a particular wrought product of a grade, but there is an
approved specification listed in Subsection C covering some other wrought product of that grade, the product for which there is
no specification may be used provided: 当 C 分卷中没有列出涵盖某个牌号的特定锻造产品之材料规范,但 C 分卷中列出
了涵盖该牌号的某些其他锻造产品的核准规范时,只要符合下列条件,则可使用C 分卷中未列出牌号的该产品:
(a) the chemical and physical properties, heat treating requirements, and requirements for deoxidation, or grain size
requirements conform to the approved specification listed in Subsection C. The stress values for that specification given in the
tables referenced in UG-23 shall be used. 化学和物理特性、热处理要求、脱氧要求或晶粒尺寸要求符合 C 卷中列出的核准
规范,而该产品之许用应力值是取 UG-23 所引用之表格中针对该规范的给出应力值。
(b) the manufacturing procedures, tolerances, tests, and marking are in accordance with a Section II specification covering the
same product form of a similar material; 制造程序、公差、测试和标记符合涵盖类似材料之相同产品形式的第 II 册规范
(c) for the case of welded tubing made of plate, sheet, or strip, without the addition of filler metal, the appropriate stress
values are multiplied by a factor of 0.85; 对于由板材、片材或带材所制成且不添加焊料的焊管,它们的许用应力值值应为
相应材料许用应力值应乘以系数 0.85;
(d) the product is not pipe or tubing fabricated by fusion welding with the addition of filler metal unless it is fabricated in
accordance with the rules of this Division as a pressure part; 该产品不是通过添加焊料所焊制成的管管材,除非它是按照本
(e) mill test reports reference the specifications used in producing the material and in addition make reference to this
(a) The design of pressure vessels and vessel parts shall conform to the general design requirements in the following
paragraphs and in addition to the specific requirements for Design given in the applicable Parts of Subsections B and C. As an
alternative, the design rules of Mandatory Appendix 46 may be used. 压力容器和容器零部件的设计除应符合以下段落中的通
用设计要求外,还应符合 B 和 C 分卷之适用篇中给出的具体设计要求。 此外还可以采用非强制性附录 46 的设计规则作
(b) Minimum Thickness of Pressure-Retaining Components. Except for the special provisions listed below, the minimum
thickness permitted for shells and heads, after forming and regardless of product form and material, shall be 1/16 in. (1.5 mm)
exclusive of any corrosion allowance. Exceptions are: 承压零部件的最小厚度。 除下列特殊规定外,无论产品形式和材料如
何,成型后之壳体和封头在不包括任何腐蚀余量下所容许的最小厚度应为 1/16 in. (1.5 mm)。 例外情况是:
(1) the minimum thickness does not apply to heat transfer plates of plate-type heat exchangers; 此最小厚度要求不适用于
(2) this minimum thickness does not apply to the inner pipe of double pipe heat exchangers nor to pipes and tubes that are
enclosed and protected from mechanical damage by a shell, casing, or ducting, where such pipes or tubes are NPS 6 (DN 150) and
less. This exemption applies whether or not the outer pipe, shell, or protective element is constructed to Code rules. When the
outer protective element is not provided by the Manufacturer as part of the vessel, the Manufacturer shall note this on the
Manufacturer’s Data Report, and the owner or his designated agent shall be responsible to assure that the required enclosures are
installed prior to operation. Where pipes and tubes are fully enclosed, consideration shall be given to avoiding buildup of pressure
within the protective chamber due to a tube/pipe leak. All other pressure parts of these heat exchangers that are constructed to
Code rules must meet the 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) minimum thickness requirements. 此最小厚度要求不适用于双管式换热器的内管,
也不适用于由壳体、套管或导管封闭并防止机械损坏的管材,而此类管材 ≤ NPS 6 (DN 150)。 无论外管、壳体或保护组
件是否按照规范规则构造,此项豁免均适用。 当制造商未将外部保护组件作为容器的一部分提供时,制造商应在制造
商数据报告中注明这一点,并且所有者或其委托方应负责确保在操作之前安装所需的壳体。 当管材完全封闭时,应考
虑到如何避免因管道泄漏而在保护舱内产生压力。 这些热交换器的所有其他承压零部件 (按照规范规则建构)必须满足
1/16 in. (1.5 mm) 的最小厚度要求。
(3) the minimum thickness of shells and heads of unfired steam boilers shall be 1/4 in. (6 mm) exclusive of any corrosion
allowance; 非直接受火之蒸汽锅炉的锅壳和封头在不包括任何腐蚀余量下的最小厚度应为 1/4 in. (6 mm);
(4) the minimum thickness of shells and heads used in compressed air service, steam service, and water service, made from
materials listed in Table UCS-23, shall be 3/32 in. (2.5 mm) exclusive of any corrosion allowance. 由表 UCS-23 中所列出之材料
制成的供压缩空气、供汽和供水中所使用的壳体和封头在不包括任何腐蚀余量下的最小厚度应为 3/32 in. (2.5 mm) 。
(5) this minimum thickness does not apply to the tubes in air cooled and cooling tower heat exchangers if all the following
provisions are met: 如果满足以下所有规定,则此最小厚度要求不适用于风冷式和冷却塔式热交换器中的管子:
(-a) the tubes shall not be used for lethal UW-2(a) service applications; 管子不应用于 UW-2(a) 所述的致死运行应用领
(-b) the tubes shall be protected by fins or other mechanical means; 管子应采用翅片或其他机械装置进行保护;
(-c) the tube outside diameter shall be a minimum of 3/8 in. (10 mm) and a maximum of 11/2 in. (38 mm); 管子的最小外径
应为3/8 in. (10 mm),而最大外径应为 11/2 in. (38 mm);
(-d) the minimum thickness used shall not be less than that calculated by the formulas given in UG-27 or 1-1 and in no
case less than 0.022 in. (0.5 mm). 所采用的最小厚度不应小于按 UG-27 或 1-1 中之给出公式所计算出的厚度,并且在任何
情况下绝不应小于 0.022 in. (0.5 mm)。
Plate Undertolerance 板材公差不足
(1) Plate material shall not be ordered with a nominal thickness thinner than the design thickness. 所订购的板材标称厚
(2) Plate material with an actual thickness less than the design thickness shall not be used unless the difference in
thicknesses is less than the smaller of 0.01 in. (0.3 mm) or 6% of the design thickness [see UG-90(b)(6)]. 不应使用实际厚度小
于设计厚度之板材,除非厚度差异小于 0.01 in. (0.3 mm) 或设计厚度的 6% (取较小值) [参见 UG-90(b)(6)]]。
(3) If plate material is ordered to a specification that allows an undertolerance greater than the smaller of 0.01 in. (0.3
mm) or 6% of the nominal thickness, the thickness of the plate ordered shall be increased, if required, so that the plate material
will meet the requirement of (2) when used. 如果订购之板材规范允许下公差大于 0.01 in. (0.3 mm)或标称厚度的 6% (取较小
者),则如有需要,应增加订购板材的厚度,以便到货板材厚度能满足 (2)的要求。
(d) Pipe Undertolerance. If pipe or tube is ordered by its nominal wall thickness, the manufacturing undertolerance on wall
thickness shall be taken into account except for nozzle wall reinforcement area requirements in accordance with UG-37 and UG40. The manufacturing undertolerances are given in the several pipe and tube specifications listed in the applicable Tables in
Subsection C. 管材公差不足。如果钢管或管子按其标称壁厚订购,则应计及壁厚的制造公差,但根据 UG-37 和 UG-40
的管口壁补强面积要求除外。 制造公差在 C 分卷之适用表格中列出了几种管材规格中给出。
(e) Corrosion Allowance in Design Formulas. The dimensional symbols used in all design formulas throughout this Division
represent dimensions in the corroded condition. 设计方程中的腐蚀裕量。本卷本卷所有设计方程中所用尺寸符号表示是在
Examples showing the application of the design rules of this Division are contained in ASME PTB-4, ASME Section VIII,
Division 1, Example Problem Manual. 显示本卷设计规则应用的示例包含在 ASME PTB-4、ASME 第 VIII -1 卷、示例问题
A vessel may be designed and constructed by a combination of the methods of fabrication given in this Division, provided the
rules applying to the respective methods of fabrication are followed and the vessel is limited to the service permitted by the
method of fabrication having the most restrictive requirements (see UG-116). 容器可以通过本卷中所给出的制造方法的组合
工况来进行设计和建构 (参见 UG-116)。
Except as specifically prohibited by other rules of this Division, a vessel may be designed and constructed of any combination of
materials permitted in Subsection C, provided the applicable rules are followed and the requirements in Section IX for welding
dissimilar metals are met. 除非本卷其他规则明确禁止,否则容器可以由 C 分卷所许用之任何材料的组合来进行设计和构
建,前提是要遵守适用规则并满足第 IX 卷中关于焊接异种金属的要求。
The requirements for the base metals, HAZs, and weld metal(s) of a weldment between metals having different impact testing
requirements and acceptance criteria shall each be applied in accordance with the rules of this Division. 对于具有不同冲击试验
NOTE: Because of the different thermal coefficients of expansion of dissimilar materials, caution should be exercised in design and construction
under the provisions of this paragraph in order to avoid difficulties in service under extreme temperature conditions, or with unusual restraint of
parts such as may occur at points of stress concentration and also because of metallurgical changes occurring at elevated temperatures. [See also
Galvanic Corrosion in Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-440(c).] 注:由于不同材料具有不同的热膨胀系数,因此在按照
本节之规定进行设计和施工时应小心谨慎,以避免难以应于极端温度条件、出现零部件异常约束 (如应力集中点)以及由于高温下发生
冶金变化之等情况下 。 [另请参阅第 II-D 卷非强制性附录 A第 A-440(c) 小段中的电化学腐蚀]。
(a) Combination Units. A combination unit is a pressure vessel that consists of more than one independent or dependent
pressure chamber, operating at the same or different pressures and temperatures. The parts separating each pressure chamber are
the common elements. Each element, including the common elements, shall be designed for at least the most severe condition of
coincident pressure and temperature expected in normal operation (see 3-2). This includes consideration of loads from chambers
that are otherwise exempt from Code requirements per U-1(c)(2)(-f) and U-1(c)(2)(-g). Only the chambers that come within the
scope of this Division, U-1, need be constructed in compliance with its provisions. Also, see 9-1(c) for jacketed vessels, and UG99(e) or UG-100(d) for pressure tests of combination units. 组合装置。 组合装置是由多个独立或相关压力舱室组成的压力容
器,且组合装置可在相同或不同之压力和温度下运行。 分隔每个压力腔室之零部件称为公共单元。 每个单元 (包括公共
单元) 应至少针对正常操作中所预期的重合压力和温度的最严酷条件进行设计 (见 3-2), 这包括考虑来自舱室的载荷,
这些舱室的载荷可免除 U-1(c)(2)(-f) 和 U-1(c)(2)(-g) 的法规范要求。 只有属于本卷 U-1 范围内的舱室才需要按照其规定
建造。 另请参阅 9-1(c) 以了解夹套容器,并参阅 UG-99(e) 或 UG-100(d) 以了解组合装置的压力测试。
(1) Common Element Design. It is permitted to design each common element for a differential pressure less than the
maximum of the design pressures of its adjacent chambers (differential pressure design) or a mean metal temperature less than the
maximum of the design temperatures of its adjacent chambers (mean metal temperature design), or both, only when the vessel is
to be installed in a system that controls the common element design conditions. 公共组件之设计。 仅当容器要安装在可以以
控制公共组件设计条件的系统中时,才允许将每个公共组件设计成压差小于其相邻舱室的最大设计压力 (压差设计)或平
均金属温度小于其相邻室的最大设计温度 (平均金属温度设计),或两者兼而有之。
(2) Differential Pressure Design (Dependent Pressure Chamber). When differential pressure design is permitted, the
common element design pressure shall be the maximum differential design pressure expected between the adjacent chambers. The
common element and its corresponding differential pressure shall be indicated in the “Remarks” section of the Manufacturer’s
Data Report
[see UG-120(b)(1) and UHX-19.3] and marked on the vessel [see UG-116(j)(1)(-a) and UHX-19.2.1(a)]. The differential pressure
shall be controlled to ensure the common element design pressure is not exceeded. 压差设计 (独立压力舱室)。 当允许压差设
计时,公共组件之设计压力应为相邻腔室间的最大预期设计压差。 公共组件及其相应压差应在制造商数据报告之“备注”
栏中注明 [参见UG-120(b)(1)和UHX-19.3] 并标记在容器上 [参见UG-116(j )(1)(-a) 和 UHX-19.2.1(a)]。 应控制压差以确保
(3) Mean Metal Temperature Design. When mean metal temperature design is used, the maximum common element design
temperature determined in accordance with UG-20(a) may be less than the greater of the maximum design temperatures of its
adjacent chambers; however, it shall not be less than the lower of the maximum design temperatures of its adjacent chambers. The
common element and its corresponding design temperature shall be indicated in the “Remarks” section of the Manufacturer’s
Data Report [see UG-120(b)(2) and UHX-19.3] and marked on the vessel [see UG-116(j)(1)(-b) and UHX-19.2.1(b)]. The fluid
temperature, flow, and pressure, as required, shall be controlled to ensure the common element design temperature is not
exceeded. 平均金属温度设计。 当采用平均金属温度设计时,根据 UG-20(a)所确定的最大公共组件设计温度可以小于其
相邻舱室之最大设计温度中的较大者; 但不应低于其相邻舱室之最高设计温度中的较低者。 公共单元及其相应设计温
度应在制造商数据报告的“备注”栏中注明 [参见 UG-120(b)(2)和 UHX-19.3] 并标记在容器上 [参见 UG-116(j )(1)(-b) 和
UHX-19.2.1(b)]。 应根据实际需求来控制流体的温度、流量和压力,以确保不会超过公共单元的设计温度。
(b) Special Shapes. Vessels other than cylindrical and spherical and those for which no design rules are provided in this
Division may be designed under the conditions set forth in U-2. 特殊形状之容器。 除圆筒形和球形外之容器以及本卷未规定
设计规则之容器可按 U-2 所规定的条件来进行设计。
(c) When no design rules are given and the strength of a pressure vessel or vessel part cannot be calculated with a satisfactory
assurance of accuracy, the maximum allowable working pressure of the completed vessel shall be established in accordance with
the provisions of UG-101. 当没有给出设计规范且不能以符合要求的精度保证压力容器或容器零部件的强度计算时,则应
按照 UG-101 的规定来建立成品容器的最大许用工作压力 。
(a) Maximum. Except as required in UW-2(d)(3), the maximum temperature used in design shall be not less than the mean
metal temperature (through the thickness) expected under operating conditions for the part considered (see 3-2). If necessary, the
metal temperature shall be determined by computation or by measurement from equipment in service under equivalent operating
conditions. See also U-2(a). 最高设计温度。除 UW-2(d)(3) 中的要求外,设计中所采用的最高温度应不低于拟用零部件在
操作条件下的预期平均金属温度 (整厚度的金属温度) (见 3-2)。 如有必要,金属温度应通过计算或在当量操作条件下对
在役设备的测量来确定, 另见 U-2(a)。
NOTE: The user and Manufacturer are cautioned that certain fabrication details allowed by this Division may result in cracking at welds
and associated heat-affected zones (HAZ) for vessels designed for use at elevated temperature. WRC Bulletin 470, “Recommendations for
Design of Vessels for Elevated Temperature Service” has information that may prove helpful to the vessel designer. WRC Bulletin 470
contains recommended design details for use at elevated temperature service, which is for the purposes of this Division, when the
allowable stresses in Section II, Part D are based on time-dependent properties. The use of these details does not relieve the Manufacturer
of design responsibility with regard to consideration of stresses associated with both steady state conditions and transient events, such as
startup, shutdown, intermittent operation, thermal cycling, etc., as defined by the user. 注:用户和制造商应注意,本卷所允许的某些制
造细节可能会导致设计用于高温之容器焊缝和相关热影响区 (HAZ)开裂。 WRC 公报 470 “高温服务容器设计建议” 所提供的信
息可能对容器设计者有帮助。 WRC 公报 470 包含在高温工况下使用的推荐设计细节,WRC 公报 470是针对卷之目的且当第 IID 卷中之许用应力是基于随时间变化的特性时而提出的。使用这些细节并不能免除制造商在考虑与稳态条件和瞬态事件 (例如用
(b) Minimum. The minimum metal temperature used in design shall be the lowest expected in service except when lower
temperatures are permitted by the rules of this Division10 (see UG-116, UCS-66, and UCS-A-3). The minimum mean metal
temperature shall be determined by the principles described in (a) above. Consideration shall include the lowest operating
temperature, operational upsets, autorefrigeration, atmospheric temperature, and any other sources of cooling [except as permitted
in (f)(3) below for vessels meeting the requirements of (f) below]. The MDMT marked on the nameplate shall correspond to a
coincident pressure equal to the MAWP. When there are multiple MAWP’s, the largest value shall be used to establish the
MDMT marked on the nameplate. Additional MDMT’s corresponding with other MAWP’s may also be marked on the
nameplate.10 最小設計金屬溫度。除非本卷 10 规则允许较低温度 (参见 UG-116、UCS-66 和 UCS-A-3),否则设计中所采
用之最低金属温度应是在役中的预期最低温度。应根据上述 (a)中所述原则来确定 最低平均金属温度。 考虑因素应包括
最低运行温度、运行扰动、自动制冷、大气温度和任何其他冷却源 [但如下 (f)(3) 中允许满足 (f) 要求的容器除外]。 铭
牌上所标记的最小設計金屬溫度应对应等于 MAWP 的重合压力。 当有多个最大许用工作压力时,应取最大值来建立铭
牌上所标记的最小設計金屬溫度。 与其他最大许用工作压力相对应的其他 最小設計金屬溫度也可标记在铭牌上。10
(c) Design temperatures that exceed the temperature limit in the applicability column shown in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1,
Tables 1A, 1B, and 3 are not permitted. In addition, design temperatures for vessels under external pressure shall not exceed the
maximum temperatures given on the external pressure charts. 设计温度不允许超过第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A、1B 和表 3 中所
示适用性栏中之温度限度。 此外,承受外压之容器的设计温度不应超过外压图表上所给出的最高温度。
(d) The design of zones with different metal temperatures may be based on their determined temperatures. 具有不同金属温
(e) Suggested methods for obtaining the operating temperature of vessel walls in service are given in Nonmandatory
Appendix C.
求取在役容器操作壁温的建议方法建非强制性附录 C。
Impact testing per UG-84 is not mandatory for pressure vessel materials that satisfy all of the following: 满足以下所有条
件的压力容器材料不强制执行 UG-84 的冲击测试:
The material shall be limited to P-No. 1, Gr. No. 1 or 2, and the thickness, as defined in UCS-66(a) [see also Note (1)
in Figure UCS-66.2], shall not exceed that given in (-a) or (-b) below: 材料应限于属于 P-No. 1, Gr. No. 1 or 2 以及其按 UCS66(a) 中所定义的厚度 [另请参见图 UCS-66.2 中的注释 (1)] 不应超过如下 (-a) 或 (-b) 中的给出值:
(-a) 1/2 in. (13 mm) for materials listed in Curve A of Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M); 图 UCS-66 (图 UCS66M) 曲线 A所列出的材料为 1/2 in. (13 mm);
(-b) 1 in. (25 mm) for materials listed in Curve B, C, or D of Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M). 图 UCS-66 (图
UCS-66M)曲线 B、C 或 D 所列出之材料为 1 in. (25 mm)。
(2) The completed vessel shall be hydrostatically tested per UG-99(b) or UG-99(c) or 27-4. Alternatively, the completed
vessel may be pneumatically tested in accordance with 35-6. 已完成容器应按照 UG-99(b) 或 UG-99(c) 或 27-4 进行静水压试
验。 或者,可以根据 35-6 对已完成容器进行气压试验。
(3) Design temperature is no warmer than 650°F (345°C) nor colder than −20°F (−29°C). Occasional operating
temperatures colder than −20°F (−29°C) are acceptable when due to lower seasonal atmospheric temperature. 设计温度不高于
650°F (345°C),也不低于 −20°F (−29°C)。 由于季节性大气温度较低,偶尔低于 -20°F (-29°C) 的操作温度是可以接受
The thermal or mechanical shock loadings are not a controlling design requirement. (See UG-22.) 热冲击载荷或机
械冲击载荷不是管制性设计要求 (参见 UG-22)。
Cyclical loading is not a controlling design requirement. (See UG-22.) 循环加载不是管制性设计要求 (参见 UG-
Each element of a pressure vessel shall be designed for at least the most severe condition of coincident pressure (including
coincident static head in the operating position) and temperature expected in normal operation. For this condition, the maximum
difference in pressure between the inside and outside of a vessel, or between any two chambers of a combination unit, shall be
considered [see UG-98 and 3-2]. See also U-2(a). 压力容器的每个组件应至少针对正常操作中所预期的重合压力 (包括操作
位置的重合静压头)和温度的最严苛条件进行设计。 在这种最严苛情况下,应顾及容器内部和外部之间的最大压力差或
组合装置之任何两舱室之间的最大压力差 [参见UG-98和3-2]。 另见 U-2(a)。
The loadings to be considered in designing a vessel shall include those from: 设计容器时所要计入的载荷应包括:
(a) internal or external design pressure (as defined in UG-21); 内部或外部设计压力 (定义见 UG-21);
(b) weight of the vessel and normal contents under operating or test conditions; 容器重量和操作或测试条件下的溶液当量
(c) superimposed static reactions from weight of attached equipment, such as motors, machinery, other vessels, piping,
linings, and insulation; 因附加设备 (如电机、机械、其他容器、管道、衬里和保温材料)之重量而产生的迭加静载荷反作
(d) the attachment of: 附件有:
internals (see Nonmandatory Appendix D); 内部结构 (见非强制性附录 D);
vessel supports, such as lugs, rings, skirts, saddles, and legs (see Nonmandatory Appendix G); 容器支撑件,例如突
耳、支撑环、裙座、鞍座和支腿 (见非强制性附录 G);
(e) cyclic and dynamic reactions due to pressure or thermal variations, or from equipment mounted on a vessel, and
mechanical loadings; 因压力或热变化或安装在容器上之设备和机械载荷而引起的周期性和动载荷反作用力;
wind, snow, and seismic reactions, where required; 必要时应顾及到因风、雪和地震载荷而引起的反作用力;
(g) impact reactions such as those due to fluid shock; 冲击反作用力,例如由流体冲击所引起的反作用力;
(h) temperature gradients and differential thermal expansion; 温度梯度和热膨胀差;
abnormal pressures, such as those caused by deflagration; 诸如由爆燃所引起的异常压力;
test pressure and coincident static head acting during the test (see UG-99). 试验压力与试验期间同时发生作用的静压头
(见 UG-99)。
(a) The maximum allowable stress value is the maximum unit stress permitted in a given material used in a vessel constructed
under these rules. The maximum allowable tensile stress values permitted for different materials are given in Section II, Part D,
Subpart 1. Section II, Part D is published as two separate publications. One publication contains values only in the U.S.
Customary units and the other contains values only in SI units. The selection of the version to use is dependent on the set of units
selected for construction. A listing of these materials is given in the following tables, which are included in Subsection C. For
material identified as meeting more than one material specification and/or grade, the maximum allowable tensile stress value for
either material specification and/or grade may be used provided all requirements and limitations for the material specification and
grade are met for the maximum allowable tensile stress value chosen. 最大允许应力值是根据本规则建造之容器中所用已知材
料所许用的最大单位应力。 不同材料之最大许用拉伸应力值列于在第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇中。 II-D卷分别发行了国际单位
用之版本的选择取决于为构建而选择的单位集。 下表列出了包含在 C 分卷中的那些材料。对于确定满足多个材料规范
或牌号中的最大许用拉伸应力值 。
Carbon and Low Alloy Steel (stress values in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 3 for bolting and
Table 1A for other carbon steels) 碳钢和低合金钢 (螺栓的应力值参见第 II -D 卷第 1 子篇表
UNF-23.1 through UNF-23.5
3,其他碳钢的应力值参见表 1A)
Nonferrous Metals (stress values in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 3 for bolting and Table 1B for
other nonferrous metals) 有色金属 (螺栓的应力值参第 II -D 卷第 1 子篇表 3,其他有色金属
的应力值参见表 1B)
High Alloy Steel (stress values in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 3 for bolting and Table 1A or
Table 1B for other high alloy steels) 高合金钢 (高合金钢螺栓的应力值见第 II -D 卷第 1 子篇表
3,其他高合金钢的应力值见表 1A 或表 1B)
Maximum Allowable Stress Values in Tension for Cast Iron 铸铁的最大许用拉伸应力值
Maximum Allowable Stress Values in Tension for Cast Ductile Iron球墨铸铁的最大许用拉伸应力
Ferritic Steels with Properties Enhanced by Heat Treatment (stress values in Section II, Part D,
Subpart 1, Table 1A) 通过热处理提高性能的铁素体钢 (应力值见第 II -D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A)
Maximum Allowable Stress Values in Tension for 5%, 8%, and 9% Nickel Steels and 5083-0
Aluminum Alloy at Cryogenic Temperatures for Welded and Nonwelded Construction 5%、8%
和 9% 镍钢和 5083-0 铝合金的焊制和非焊制结构在低温下的最大许用拉伸应力值
The methods for determining maximum allowable stress values for impregnated graphite (Certified Material) are given
in UIG-23. UIG-23 中给出了用于确定浸渍石墨 (已鉴定合格之材料)之最大许用应力值的方法。
(b) The maximum allowable longitudinal compressive stress to be used in the design of cylindrical shells or tubes, either seamless
or butt welded, subjected to loadings that produce longitudinal compression in the shell or tube shall be the smaller of the
following values: 对于在承受载荷时会产生纵向压载荷之无缝或对接有缝圆筒形壳体或管子而言,其设计时所采用之最
the maximum allowable tensile stress value permitted in (a) above; 上述(a)中所允许的最大许用拉应力值;
the value of the factor B determined by the following procedure where 可通过以下步骤来确定系数 B 的值,步骤
= modulus of elasticity of material at design temperature. The modulus of elasticity to be used shall be
taken from the applicable materials chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3. (Interpolation may be made
between lines for intermediate temperatures.) 材料在设计温度下的弹性模量。 所要采用的弹性模
量应取自第 II-D 卷第 3 子篇中的相应材料图表 (可在中间温度的两线之间进行插值)。
= outside radius of cylindrical shell or tube 圆筒形壳体或管子的外半径
= the minimum required thickness of the cylindrical shell or tube 圆筒形壳体或管子的所需最小厚度
The joint efficiency for butt-welded joints shall be taken as unity. 对接焊接头的接头系数应取值为 1。
The value of B shall be determined as follows. B 值应按如下步骤推定。
Step 1. Using the selected values of t and R, calculate the value of factor A using the following equation: 步骤
1:将所使选定之 t 和 R 值输入下式来计算因子 A 的值:
A = (𝑅
𝑜 ⁄𝑡 )
Step 2. Using the value of A calculated in Step 1, enter the applicable material chart in Section II, Part D,
Subpart 3 for the material under consideration. Move vertically to an intersection with the material/temperature line for
the design temperature (see UG-20). Interpolation may be made between lines for intermediate temperatures. If tabular
values in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 are used, linear interpolation or any other rational interpolation method may be
used to determine a B value that lies between two adjacent tabular values for a specific temperature. Such interpolation
may also be used to determine a B value at an intermediate temperature that lies between two sets of tabular values, after
first determining B values for each set of tabular values. 步骤 2:将在步骤 1 中所计算出之 A 值输入到在第 II-D 卷
第 3 子篇分中相应材料的适用材料图表。 垂直移动到与设计温度的材料/温度线的交点 (参见 UG-20)。 可以在中
间温度的两线之间进行插值。 如果采用第 II-D 卷第 3 子篇中的表格值,则可以采用线性插值或任何其他合理插
值方法来确定特定温度下位于两个相邻表格值之间的 B 值。 在首先确定每组表格值的B值之后,这种插值还可
In cases where the value at A falls to the right of the end of the material/temperature line, assume an
intersection with the horizontal projection of the upper end of the material/temperature line. If tabular values are used,
the last (maximum) tabulated value shall be used. For values of A falling to the left of the material/temperature line, see
Step 4. 如果 A 值落在材料/温度线端点的右侧,则假设与材料/温度线上端点水平投影之相交点为交点。 如果
采用表格值,则应采用最后 (最大)表格值。 对于落在材料/温度线左侧的 A 值,请参见步骤 4。
Step 3. From the intersection obtained in Step 2, move horizontally to the right and read the value of factor
B. This is the maximum allowable compressive stress for the values of t and 𝑅𝑜 used in Step 1. 步骤 3: 从步骤 2 中所
获得的交点水平向右移动并读取系数 B 的值。B值即是步骤 1 中所选用之 t 值和 𝑅𝑜 值的最大许用压应力。
Step 4. For values of A falling to the left of the applicable material/temperature line, the value of B shall be
calculated using the following equation: 步骤 4:对于落在适用材料/温度线左侧的 A 值而言,应以下式来计算 B
If tabulated values are used, determine B as in Step 2 and apply it to the equation in Step 4. 如果采
用表格值,请按照步骤 2 来确定 B值,并将其应用于步骤 4 中的方程。
Step 5. Compare the value of B determined in Step 3 or Step 4 with the computed longitudinal compressive
stress in the cylindrical shell or tube, using the selected values of t and 𝑅𝑜 . If the value of B is smaller than the computed
compressive stress, a greater value of t must be selected and the design procedure repeated until a value of B is obtained
that is greater than the compressive stress computed for the loading on the cylindrical shell or tube. 步骤 5: 利用所选
定的 t 和 𝑅𝑜 值,将步骤 3 或步骤 4 中所确定的 B 值与计算出之圆筒形壳体或管子中的纵向压应力进行比较。
如果 B 值小于计算所得压应力,则必须选择更厚的 t 值,并重复设计过程,直到所获得的 B 值大于针对作用在
圆筒形壳体或管子上之载荷所计算出的压应力 。
(c) The wall thickness of a vessel computed by these rules shall be determined such that, for any combination of loadings
listed in UG-22 that induce primary stress and are expected to occur simultaneously during normal operation 13 of the vessel, the
induced maximum general primary membrane stress does not exceed the maximum allowable stress value in tension (see UG-23),
except as provided in (d) below. Except where limited by special rules, such as those for cast iron in flanged joints, the above
loads shall not induce a combined maximum primary membrane stress plus primary bending stress across the thickness that
exceeds 11/2 times14 the maximum allowable stress value in tension (see UG-23). It is recognized that high localized discontinuity
stresses may exist in vessels designed and fabricated in accordance with these rules. Insofar as practical, design rules for details
have been written to limit such stresses to a safe level consistent with experience. 按这些规则所计算出之容器壁厚应按如下所
述来确定其适当性: UG-22 中所列会引起一次应力与预计在容器正常操作 13 期间同时发生之任何载荷的组合下而引起
的最大一次薄膜应力不超过拉伸时的最大允许应力值 (参见 UG-23),但如下 (d) 中所规定的情况除外。 除非受到特殊规
则的限制 (例如法兰接头中的铸铁),否则上述载荷不应引起最大一次薄膜应力加上作用厚度截面上之一次弯曲应力的组
合超过最大许用拉伸应力值的 1.5 倍 14 ( 参见 UG-23)。 人们认识到,根据这些规则设计和制造的容器中可能存在高局部
The maximum allowable stress values that are to be used in the thickness calculations are to be taken from the tables
at the temperature that is expected to be maintained in the metal under the conditions of loading being considered.
Maximum stress values may be interpolated for intermediate temperatures. 厚度计算中所采用的最大许用应力值应从表
中某温度时获取,该温度是金属在拟用载荷条件下预期持温下的温度。 可以针对中间温度进行插值以获得相应最
(d) For the combination of earthquake loading, or wind loading with other loadings in UG-22, the wall thickness of a vessel
computed by these rules shall be determined such that the general primary membrane stress shall not exceed 1.2 times the
maximum allowable stress permitted in (a), (b), or (c) above. This rule is applicable to stresses caused by internal pressure,
external pressure, and axial compressive load on a cylinder.15 对于 UG-22 中的地震载荷或风载荷与其他荷载的组合,按本规
则所计算出之容器壁厚应按如下所述来确定其适当性:应使一次薄膜应力不超过上述 (a)、(b) 或 (c) 中所许用之最大许
用应力的 1.2 倍。 此规则适用于由内压、外压及作用在圆筒上之轴向压载荷而引起的应力。15
Earthquake loading and wind loading need not be considered to act simultaneously. 计算中不必计入地震载荷和风
(e) Localized discontinuity stresses [see (c) above] are calculated in Mandatory Appendix 1, 1-5(g) and 1-8(e), Part UHX, and
Mandatory Appendix 5. The primary plus secondary stresses14 at these discontinuities shall be limited to 𝑆𝑃𝑆 , where 𝑆𝑃𝑆 = 3S, and
S is the maximum allowable stress of the material at temperature [see (a) above]. 局部不连续应力的计算规则 [参见上文 (c)] 见
强制性附录 1 第 1-5(g) 和 1-8(e) 条款、UHX 篇以及强制性附录 5。这些不连续处的一次应力和二次应力 14 应限为 𝑆𝑃𝑆 ,
此处 𝑆𝑃𝑆 = 3S,而 S 是材料在预期温度下的最大许用应力 [参见上面的 (a)]。
In lieu of using 𝑆𝑃𝑆 = 3S, a value of 𝑆𝑃𝑆 = 2𝑆𝑌 may be used, where 𝑆𝑌 is the yield strength at temperature, provided the
following are met: 只要满足以下条件,可使用𝑆𝑃𝑆 等于 2𝑆𝑌 的值来替代𝑆𝑃𝑆 等于 3S的值,此处𝑆𝑌 是材料在预期温度
the allowable stress of material S is not governed by time-dependent properties as provided in Section II, Part D,
Subpart 1, Table 1A or Table 1B; 材料之许用应力 S 不受第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A 或 1B 中所规定的随时间变化之特性的影
the ratio of the specified minimum yield strength to specified minimum tensile strength for the material at room
temperature does not exceed 0.7; 材料在室温下之最小规定降服强度与最小规定抗拉强度的比值不超过 0.7;
(f) Values for yield strength, 𝑆𝑌 , as a function of temperature are provided in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table Y-1. If the
material being used is not listed in Table Y-1, while being listed in other tables of Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, or the specified
temperature exceeds the highest temperature for which a value is provided, the yield strength may be determined as described
below for use in the design equations in this Division. S is the maximum allowable stress at the temperature specified [see (a)] and
f is the factor (e.g., weld factor) used to determine the allowable stress as indicated in the notes for the stress line. If the value of f
is not provided, set f equal to 1. II-D 卷第 1 子篇之表 Y-1 中提供了降服强度𝑆𝑌 与温度之关系的值。如果所用材料未在表 Y1 中列出,但已列在第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇之其他表格,或所指定之温度超过提供值的最高温度时,则可按如下所述来确定
降服强度,以用于本卷的设计方程。如应力线注释中所述, S 是指定温度下的最大许用应力 [参见 (a)],f 是用于确定许
用应力的系数 (例如,焊接系数)。如果未提供 f 值,则将 f 设置为 1。
(1) If allowable stress is established based on the 662/3% yield criterion, then yield strength, 𝑆𝑌 , shall be taken as 1.5S/f.
若按 662/3%降服准则来建立许用应力时,则降服强度𝑆𝑌 应取值为 1.5S/f。
(2) If the allowable stress is established based on yield criterion between 66 2/3% and 90%, then the yield strength, 𝑆𝑌 ,
shall be taken as 1.1S/f. 若按在 662/3 和 90% 之间之降服准则来建立许用应力时,则降服强度𝑆𝑌 应取值为 1.1S/f。
NOTE: For temperatures where the allowable stress, S, is based on time-dependent properties, the yield strength obtained
by these formulas may be overly conservative. 注意:当许用应力 S 是基于随时间变化之特性的温度时,则通过这
(g) Maximum shear stress in restricted shear, such as dowel bolts or similar construction in which the shearing member is so
restricted that the section under consideration would fail without a reduction of area, shall be limited to 0.80 times the values in
Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A, Table 1B, or Table 3. 由于抗剪构件受到定位螺栓或类似结构的限制,以致所考虑之
截面在不减少面积的情况下会失效,因而在剪切受限之情况下的最大剪切应力应限为第 II-D 卷 第 1 子篇表 1A、表 1B
或表 3 中之给出值的 0.80 倍。
(h) Maximum bearing stress shall be limited to 1.60 times the values in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A, Table 1B, or
Table 3. 最大承压应力应限限为第 II-D 卷 第 1 子篇表 1A、表 1B 或表 3 中之给出值的 1.60 倍。
(a) Quality Factors. A casting quality factor as specified below shall be applied to the allowable stress values for cast
materials given in Subsection C except for castings permitted by Part UCI. At a welded joint in a casting, only the lesser of the
casting quality factor or the weld joint efficiency specified in UW-12 applies, but not both. NDE methods and acceptance
standards are given in Mandatory Appendix 7. 质量系数。 下列所规定的铸件质量系数应适用于 C 分卷中所给出之铸造材
料的许用应力值,但 UCI 篇所许用之铸件除外。具有焊接接头之铸件仅能取 UW-12 中所规定的铸件质量系数或焊接接
头效率中的较小者,但不能同时取这两者的数值。 无损检测方法和其合格准则见强制性附录 7。
(1) A factor not to exceed 80% shall be applied to static castings that are examined in accordance with the minimum
requirements of the material specification. In addition to the minimum requirements of the material specification, all surfaces of
centrifugal castings shall be machined after heat treatment to a finish not coarser than 250 μin. (6.3 μm) arithmetical average
deviation, and a factor not to exceed 85% shall be applied. 对于按照材料规范最低要求进行检测的静态铸件,应取不超过
80% 的质量系数。 除了材料规范的最低要求外,离心铸件之所有表面在热处理后均应机加工至粗糙度之算术平均偏差
不大于 250 μin. (6.3 μm),并取不超过 85%的质量系数。
(2) For nonferrous and ductile cast iron materials, a factor not to exceed 90% shall be applied if in addition to the
minimum requirements of (1): 对于有色铸铁和球墨铸铁材料而言,除了 (1) 的最低要求外,还应取不超过 90% 的质量系
(-a) each casting is subjected to a thorough examination of all surfaces, particularly such as are exposed by
machining or drilling, without revealing any defects; 每一铸件之所有表面均经过彻底检测,尤其是通过机械加工或钻孔而
(-b) at least three pilot castings16 representing the first lot of five castings made from a new or altered design are
sectioned or radiographed at all critical sections17 without revealing any defects; 至少有三个试验性铸件16 来代表采用新设计或
变更设计所制造的首批五个铸件,在所有关键截面17 进行切片或射线检测,且结果不能发现任何缺陷;
(-c) one additional casting taken at random from every subsequent lot of five is sectioned or radiographed at all
critical sections without revealing any defects; and 从后续每批 5 个铸件中随机抽取一个铸件,并在所有关键截面进行切片
(-d) all castings other than those that have been radiographed are examined at all critical sections by the magnetic
particle or liquid penetrant methods in accordance with the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 7. 除经过射线检测之铸件外,
所有铸件的所有关键截面均按照强制性附录 7 的要求采用磁粉或液渗透方法进行检测。
(3) For nonferrous and ductile cast iron materials, a factor not to exceed 90% may be used for a single casting that has
been radiographed at all critical sections and found free of defects. 对于已在有色铸铁和球墨铸铁材料之所有关键截面进行射
线检测并无发现缺陷的一个单一铸件,可取不超过 90% 的质量系数。
(4) For nonferrous and ductile cast iron materials, a factor not to exceed 90% may be used for a casting that has been
machined to the extent that all critical sections are exposed for examination for the full wall thickness; as in tubesheets drilled
with holes spaced no farther apart than the wall thickness of the casting. The examination afforded may be taken in lieu of
destructive or radiographic testing required in (2)(-b) above. 对于已加工至所有关键截面都暴露出来以进行全壁厚检测的有
色铸件和球墨铸件而言,例如孔间距不大于铸件壁厚的管板钻孔,可取不超过 90% 的质量系数。这种检测可以代替上
述 (2)(-b) 中所要求的破坏性试验或射线检测。
(5) For carbon, low alloy, or high alloy steels, higher quality factors may be applied if in addition to the minimum
requirements of (1) above, additional examinations are made as follows. 对于碳钢、低合金钢或高合金钢而言,如果除了上述
(1) 的最低要求之外,还进行了如下附加检测,则可取更高的质量系数。
(-a) For centrifugal castings, a factor not to exceed 90% may be applied if the castings are examined by the magnetic
particle or liquid penetrant methods in accordance with the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 7. 如果离心铸件按照强制性附
录 7 的要求用磁粒或液渗透法进行检测时,则可取不超过 90%的质量系数。
(-b) For static and centrifugal castings a factor not to exceed 100% may be applied if the castings are examined in
accordance with all of the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 7. 如果要求静模铸件和离心铸按照强制性附录 7 的所有要求
进行检测,则可以取不超过 100% 的质量系数。
(6) The following additional requirements apply when castings (including those permitted in UG-11) are to be used in
vessels to contain lethal substances (UW-2). 当铸件 (包括 UG-11 中所许用之铸件)用作盛装致死物质 (UW-2) 的容器时时,
(-a) Castings of cast iron (UCI-2) and cast ductile iron (UCD-2) are prohibited. 禁止采用以铸铁 (UCI-2) 和球墨铸
铁 (UCD-2)所浇铸成之铸件。
(-b) Each casting of nonferrous material permitted by this Division shall be radiographed at all critical sections 17
without revealing any defects. The quality factor for nonferrous castings for lethal service shall not exceed 90%.本卷所许用之每
种有色金属铸件均应在所有关键截面17 进行射线检测,且不得发现任何缺陷。 用于致死用途之有色铸件的质量因数不
应超过 90%。
(-c) Each casting of steel material permitted by this Division shall be examined per Mandatory Appendix 7 for severe
service applications [7-3(b)]. The quality factor for lethal service shall not exceed 100%. 本卷所允许之每种钢铸件均应根据强
制性附录 7 进行恶劣工况应用的检测 [7-3(b)]。当此类钢铸件暴露在致死工况时,其铸造质量系数不应超过 100%。
(b) Defects. Imperfections defined as unacceptable by either the material specification or by Mandatory Appendix 7, 7-3,
whichever is more restrictive, are considered to be defects and shall be the basis for rejection of the casting. Where defects have
been repaired by welding, the completed repair shall be subject to reexamination and, when required by either the rules of this
Division or the requirements of the castings specification, the repaired casting shall be postweld heat treated and, to obtain a 90%
or 100% quality factor, the repaired casting shall be stress relieved. 缺陷。 材料规范或强制性附录 7、7-3 (以限制性较大者为
准)定义为不可接受的缺陷要被视为缺陷,并应作为铸件的拒收依据。 如果缺陷已通过焊接返修,则完成后的该返修区
域应进行复验,并且当本卷规则或铸件规范要求时,返修后的铸件应进行焊后热处理已获得 90%的质量系数,且在消除
应力后才能获得 100%的 质量系数。
(c) Identification and Marking. Each casting to which a quality factor greater than 80% is applied shall be marked with the
name, trademark, or other traceable identification of the manufacturer and the casting identification, including the casting quality
factor and the material designation. 识别和标记。 每个取质量系数大于 80% 的铸件均应标有将铸件质量系数和材料名称包
(a) The user or his designated agent (see U-2) shall specify corrosion allowances other than those required by the rules of this
Division. Where corrosion allowances are not provided, this fact shall be indicated on the Data Report. 用户或其委托方 (见 U-2)
应规定除本卷规则要求之外的腐蚀裕度。 如果未提供腐蚀余量,则应在数据报告中注明此一事实。
(b) Vessels or parts of vessels subject to thinning by corrosion, erosion, or mechanical abrasion shall have provision made for
the desired life of the vessel by a suitable increase in the thickness of the material over that determined by the design formulas, or
by using some other suitable method of protection. (See Nonmandatory Appendix E.) 因腐蚀、侵蚀或机械磨损而变薄之容器
或容器零部件应通过适当增加材料厚度 (超过由设计方程所确定的厚度)或采用其他合适的保护方法 (参见非强制性附录
NOTE: When using high alloys and nonferrous materials either for solid wall or clad or lined vessels, refer to UHA-6, UCL-3, and UNF-4, as
appropriate. 注:当将高合金和有色金属材料用于单层或复合或衬里容器时,请酌情参阅 UHA-6、UCL-3 和 UNF-4。
(c) Material added for these purposes need not be of the same thickness for all parts of the vessel if different rates of attack are
expected for the various parts. 如果预计各个零部件受到不同的腐蚀速率,则出于这些目的而增加之材料不需要为该容器
(d) No additional thickness need be provided when previous experience in like service has shown that corrosion does not
occur or is of only a superficial nature. 如果以前的类似使用经验表明不会发生腐蚀或仅轻微腐蚀,则无需提供额外的厚
(e) Telltale Holes. Telltale holes may be used to provide some positive indication when the thickness has been reduced to a
dangerous degree. Telltale holes shall not be used in vessels that are to contain lethal substances [see UW-2(a)], except as
permitted by ULW-76 for vent holes in layered construction. When telltale holes are provided, they shall have a diameter of 1/16
in. to 3/16 in. (1.5 mm to 5 mm) and have a depth not less than 80% of the thickness required for a seamless shell of like
dimensions. These holes shall be provided in the opposite surface to that where deterioration is expected. [For telltale holes in
clad or lined vessels, see UCL-25(b).]
警报孔。 当厚度减小到危险程度时,可以使用警报孔来提供明确的指示。警报孔不应用于盛装致死物质的容器[参见
UW-2(a)],除非 ULW-76 允许用于多层结构中的排气孔。 当提供警报孔时,其直径应为 1/16 in. 至 3/16 in. (1.5 mm 至 5
mm),深度不小于类似尺寸无缝壳体所需厚度的 80% 。 这些孔应设置在与预期恶化之表面的对面上[ 有关设置在包层或
内衬容器中的警报孔,请参见 UCL-25(b)]。
(f) Openings for Drain. Vessels subject to internal corrosion shall be supplied with a suitable drain opening at the lowest
point practicable in the vessel; or a pipe may be used extending inward from any other location to within 1/4 in. (6 mm) of the
lowest point. 排水口。 易受内部腐蚀的容器应在容器内可行的最低点配备合适的排水口; 或者可以采用从任何其他位置
向内延伸至最低点 1/4 in. (6 mm)以内的管道来作为排水口。
Corrosion resistant or abrasion resistant linings, whether or not attached to the wall of a vessel, shall not be considered as
contributing to the strength of the wall except as permitted in Part UCL (see Nonmandatory Appendix F). 无论耐蚀或耐磨衬里
是否附着在容器壁上,均不应将其视为对容器壁强度有贡献,除非 UCL篇允许 (见非强制性附录 F)。
(a) The minimum required thickness of shells under internal pressure shall not be less than that computed by the following
formulas,18 except as permitted by Mandatory Appendix 1 or Mandatory Appendix 32. In addition, provision shall be made for
any of the loadings listed in UG-22, when such loadings are expected. The provided thickness of the shells shall also meet the
requirements of UG-16, except as permitted in Mandatory Appendix 32. 内压作用下之壳体的最小所需厚度不应小于按下式所
计算出的值 18,除非强制性附录 1 或强制性附录 32 允许。此外 ,当预计有 UG-22 中所列出的载荷时,则应对 UG-22 中
所列出的任何载荷作出规定。所规定的壳体厚度也应满足 UG-16 的要求,但强制性附录 32 所允许者除外。
(b) The symbols defined below are used in the formulas of this paragraph. 本节方程中所采用之符号的定义如下所述。
E = joint efficiency for, or the efficiency of, appropriate joint in cylindrical or spherical shells, or the efficiency of
ligaments between openings, whichever is less. 圆筒形壳体或球壳体中之接头的适当接头效率,或开孔之间
For welded vessels, use the efficiency specified in UW-12. 焊制容器取 UW-12 中所规定的焊缝效率。
For ligaments between openings, use the efficiency calculated by the rules given in UG-53. 按 UG-53 中所给定
P = internal design pressure (see UG-21) 内部设计压力 (见 UG-21)
R = inside radius of the shell course under consideration,19 所要计算之筒节的内半径19,
S = maximum allowable stress value (see UG-23 and the stress limitations specified in UG-24) 最大允用应力值 (参
见 UG-23 和 UG-24 中所规定的应力限值)
t = minimum required thickness of shell 壳体所需的最小厚度
(c) Cylindrical Shells. The minimum thickness or maximum allowable working pressure of cylindrical shells shall be the
greater thickness or lesser pressure as given by (1) or (2) below. 圆筒形壳体。圆筒形壳体的最小厚度或最大许用工作压力应
为下述 (1)或 (2)中所给出之较大厚度或较小的压力。
(1) Circumferential Stress (Longitudinal Joints). When the thickness does not exceed one-half of the inside radius, or P
does not exceed 0.385SE, the following formulas shall apply: 纵向接头之环向应力。当厚度不超过内半径的 1/2 或 P 不超过
0.385SE 时,可利用如下方程来求解接头之标称厚度 t 或作用在纵向接头之环向应力 P:
or P =
Longitudinal Stress (Circumferential Joints). When the thickness does not exceed one-half of the inside radius, or P
does not exceed 1.25SE, the following formulas shall apply: 环向接头之纵向应力 20。 当厚度不超过内半径的 1/2 或 P 不超
过 1.25SE 时,可利用如下方程来求解接头之标称厚度 t 或作用在环向接头之纵向应力 P:
or P =
(d) Spherical Shells. When the thickness of the shell of a wholly spherical vessel does not exceed 0.356R, or P does not
exceed 0.665SE, the following formulas shall apply: 球壳。当球形容器之壳体厚度不超过 0.356R 或 P 不超过 0.665SE 时,
可利用如下方程来计算出壳体厚度 t 或作用在壳体上之应力 P:
or P =
(e) When necessary, vessels shall be provided with stiffeners or other additional means of support to prevent overstress or
large distortions under the external loadings listed in UG-22 other than pressure and temperature. 必要时,容器应配备加劲环或
其他额外的支撑装置,以防止在 UG-22 所列中除压力和温度以外之其他外部载荷作用下出现过应力或较大变形。
(f) A stayed jacket shell that extends completely around a cylindrical or spherical vessel shall also meet the requirements of
UG-47(c). 环绕着圆筒形或球形容器延伸的受拉撑夹套壳体也应满足 UG-47(c) 的要求。
(g) Any reduction in thickness within a shell course or spherical shell shall be in accordance with UW-9. 筒节或球壳内的任
何厚度削薄均应符合 UW-9 的规定。
Figure UG-28 Diagrammatic Representation of Variables for Design of Cylindrical Vessels Subjected to External Pressure
Moment axis of ring
h = depth of head
h = depth of head
Rules for the design of shells and tubes under external pressure given in this Division are limited to cylindrical shells,
with or without stiffening rings, tubes, and spherical shells. Three typical forms of cylindrical shells are shown in Figure UG-28.
Charts used in determining minimum required thicknesses of these components are given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3. 本卷给
UG-28 所示。用于确定这些组件之最小所需厚度的线算图请参阅第 II-D 卷第 3 子篇。
The symbols defined below are used in the procedures of this paragraph: 在本节计算步骤中所用符号之定义如下所
A = factor determined from Section II, Part D, Subpart 3, Figure G and used to enter the applicable material chart in
Section II, Part D, Subpart 3. For the case of cylinders having 𝐷𝑜 /t values less than 10, see (c)(2). 由 II-D卷第3子
篇图 G 所确定的系数,以用于输入到 II-D卷第3子篇相应材料的线算图中。对于 𝐷𝑜 /t 值小于 10 的圆筒请参
见 (c)(2)。
B = factor determined from the applicable material chart or table in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 for maximum design
metal temperature [see UG-20(c)] 根据 II-D卷第3子篇中相应材料之线算图或表格所确定的最大设计金属温度
之系数 [参见 UG-20(c)]
𝐷𝑜 = outside diameter of cylindrical shell course or tube 圆筒形壳体筒节或管子的外径
E = modulus of elasticity of material at design temperature. For external pressure design in accordance with this Section,
the modulus of elasticity to be used shall be taken from the applicable materials chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart
3. (Interpolation may be made between lines for intermediate temperatures.) 材料在设计温度下的弹性模量。根
据本卷进行外部压力设计时,弹性模量应取值于 II-D卷第3子篇中相应材料的线算图 (可在中间温度之两线
L = total length, in. (mm), of a tube between tubesheets, or design length of a vessel section between lines of support
(see Figure UG-28.1). A line of support is: 管板间之管子的总长度(以in. (mm)为单位),或支撑线间之容器段的
设计长度 (见图 UG-28.1)。此处所述支撑线是:
(a) a circumferential line on a head (excluding conical heads) at one-third the depth of the head from the head
tangent line as shown on Figure UG-28; 从封头切线至封头深度之 1/3 处的封头 (不包括准锥形封头)环向
切线,如图 UG-28 所示;
a stiffening ring that meets the requirements of UG-29; 符合 UG-29 之要求的加劲环;
a jacket closure of a jacketed vessel that meets the requirements of 9-5; 符合 9-5 要求之带夹套容器的夹套封
a cone-to-cylinder junction or a knuckle-to-cylinder junction of a toriconical head or section that satisfies the
moment of inertia requirement of Mandatory Appendix 1, 1-8. 满足强制性附录 1-8 之惯性矩要求的准锥形
P = external design pressure [see Note in (f)] 外部设计压力 [见 (f) 中的注释]
𝑃𝑎 = calculated value of maximum allowable external working pressure for the assumed value of t, [see
Note in (f) below] 假设厚度为 t值时之最大许用外部操作压力的计算值[见如下 (f) 中的注释]
𝑅𝑜 = outside radius of spherical shell 球壳的外半径
= minimum required thickness of cylindrical shell or tube, or spherical shell, in. (mm) 圆筒形壳体或管
子或球形壳的最小所需厚度,以in. (mm)为单位
𝑡𝑠 = nominal thickness of cylindrical shell or tube, in. (mm) 圆筒形壳体或管子的标称厚度,以in. (mm)
Cylindrical Shells and Tubes. The required minimum thickness of a cylindrical shell or tube under external pressure,
either seamless or with longitudinal butt joints, shall be determined by the following procedure: 圆筒形壳体和管子。无论是无
Cylinders having 𝐷𝑜 /t values ≥ 10: 𝐷𝑜 /t 值 ≥ 10 的圆筒:
Figure UG-28.1 Diagrammatic Representation of Lines of Support for Design of Cylindrical Vessels Subjected to External Pressure
[Notes (1) and (2)]
(b) [Notes 1-3]
(c2) [Notes (1) and (2)] [
(e) [Note (3)]
(f) [Note (3)]
(1) When the cone-to-cylinder or the knuckle-to-cylinder junction is not a line of support, the required thickness of the cone, knuckle, or
toriconical section shall not be less than the required thickness of the adjacent cylindrical shell. Also, the reinforcement requirement of
Mandatory Appendix 1, 1-8 shall be satisfied when a knuckle is not provided at the cone-to-cylinder junction. 当锥壳与圆筒的连接处或转
角与圆筒的连接处不是支撑线时,锥壳、转角或锥段的所需厚度不应小于相邻圆筒形壳体的所需厚度。 另外,在锥壳交界处未设
置转角时,应满足强制性附录 1-8 的补强要求。
Calculations shall be made using the diameter and corresponding thickness of each cylindrical section with dimension L as shown.
Thicknesses of the transition sections are based on Note (1). 设计时应采用如图所示尺寸 L、连接处之各筒节直径和相应的厚度来进行
When the cone-to-cylinder or the knuckle-to-cylinder junction is a line of support, the moment of inertia shall be provided in accordance with
Mandatory Appendix 1, 1-8 [see UG-33(f)]. 当锥壳与圆筒或转角与圆筒的连接处为支撑线时,其惯性矩应符合强制性附录 1-8 之规
定[见 UG-33(f)]。
Step 1. Assume a value for t and determine the ratios L/𝐷𝑜 and 𝐷𝑜 /t. 步骤 1: 假定一个t值并确定比值 L/𝐷𝑜 和
𝐷𝑜 /t。
Step 2. Enter Section II, Part D, Subpart 3, Figure G at the value of L/𝐷𝑜 determined in Step 1. For values of L/𝐷𝑜
greater than 50, enter the chart at a value of L/𝐷𝑜 = 50. For values of L/𝐷𝑜 less than 0.05, enter the chart at a value of L/𝐷𝑜 = 0.05.
步骤 2: 将在第 1 步所确定之 L/𝐷𝑜 值输入 II-D卷第 3子篇的线算图 G中。当L/𝐷𝑜 值大于 50时,选用线算图上L/𝐷𝑜 = 50
的值,而当L/𝐷𝑜 值小于 0.05时,则选用线算图上L/𝐷𝑜 = 0.05 的值。
Step 3. Move horizontally to the line for the value of 𝐷𝑜 /t determined in Step 1. Interpolation may be made for
intermediate values of 𝐷𝑜 /t; extrapolation is not permitted. From this point of intersection move vertically downward to determine
the value of factor A. For values of A greater than 0.10, use a value of 0.10. 步骤 3: 水平移动到步骤 1 中已确定 𝐷𝑜 /t值的
线。可以对𝐷𝑜 /t的中间值进行插值,但不允许外推。从该交点垂直向下移动以确定系数A 的值。当A 值大于 0.10时,将A
值取值为 0.10。
Step 4. Using the value of A calculated in Step 3, enter the applicable material chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3
for the material under consideration. Move vertically to an intersection with the material/temperature line for the design
temperature (see UG-20). Interpolation may be made between lines for intermediate temperatures. If tabular values in Section II,
Part D, Subpart 3 are used, linear interpolation or any other rational interpolation method may be used to determine a B value that
lies between two adjacent tabular values for a specific temperature. Such interpolation may also be used to determine a B value at
an intermediate temperature that lies between two sets of tabular values, after first determining B values for each set of tabular
values. 步骤 4:将在步骤 3 中所计算出之 A 值输入 II-D卷第 3子篇中相应材料的线算图上。垂直移动到与设计温度下之
材料/温度线相交 (参见 UG-20)。可在中间温度的两线间进行插值。如果采用 II-D卷第 3子篇中的相应表列值,可采用线
性插值或任何其他合理插值方法来确某具体温度下位于两个相邻表格值之间的 B 值。在首先确定每组表格值的B值之
后,这种插值还可用于确定位于两组表格值间之中间温度下的 B值。
Figure UG-29.1 Various Arrangements of Stiffening Rings for Cylindrical Vessels Subjected to
External Pressure 图 UG-29.1 圆柱形容器在承受外压作用时之加劲环的各种布置
Gap (not to exceed 8 times the thickness of the shell
plate) 焊接逃(不大于壳体壁厚的8 倍)
This section shall have moment of inertia required for
ring unless requirements of UG-29(c) are met.除非满足
Butt weld
See UG-29(c)
Web of stiffner
Flange of stiffner加
Butt weld
Gap in ring for
Strut member
Section J—K
This section shall have moment of inertia
required for ring. 此截面应具有加劲环所需
Length of any gap in unsupported shell not
to exceed length of arc shown in Figure
Butt weld in ring
Unstiffened cylinder
Type of construction when gap is
greater than length of arc shown in
Figure UG-29.2当焊接逃孔大于图UG29. 2所示弧长时的结构形式
At least 120 deg至少120O
This section shall have moment of inertia required
for ring. 此截面应具有加劲环所需的惯性矩
In cases where the value of A falls to the right of the end of the material/temperature line, assume an intersection
with the horizontal projection of the upper end of the material/temperature line. If tabular values are used, the last (maximum)
tabulated value shall be used. For values of A falling to the left of the material/temperature line, see Step 7. 如果 A 的值落在材料
/温度线端点的右侧,则假设与材料/温度线上端点水平投影之相交点为交点。如果采用表列值,则应取最后一个 (最大)
表列值。对于落在材料/温度线左侧的 A 值则请参见步骤 7。
Step 5. From the intersection obtained in Step 4, move horizontally to the right and read the value of factor B.
步骤 5: 从步骤 4 中所获得的交点,水平向右移动并读取系数 B 的值。
Step 6. Using this value of B, calculate the value of the maximum allowable external working pressure 𝑃𝑎 using the
following equation: 步骤 6:将 B 值输入下市,以计算最大许用外部操作压力𝑃𝑎 的值:
𝑃𝑎 =
3(𝐷𝑜 ⁄𝑡)
Step 7. For values of A falling to the left of the applicable material/temperature line, the value of 𝑃𝑎 can be calculated
using the following equation: 步骤 7:对于落在相应材料/温度线左侧的 A 值,可用以下方程来计算𝑃𝑎 的值:
𝑃𝑎 =
3(𝐷𝑜 ⁄𝑡)
If tabular values are used, determine B as in Step 4 and apply it to the equation in Step 6. 如果采用表列值,则按照
步骤 4 中所述方法来确定 B,并将其带入步骤 6 中的方程,以求取𝑃𝑎 值。
Step 8. Compare the calculated value of 𝑃𝑎 obtained in Step 6 or Step 7 with P. If 𝑃𝑎 is smaller than P, select a larger
value for t and repeat the design procedure until a value of 𝑃𝑎 is obtained that is equal to or greater than P. 步骤 8: 将步骤 6 或
步骤 7 中所计算出之𝑃𝑎 值与 P 进行比较。 如果𝑃𝑎 小于 P,则选择较大的 t 值并重复此设计程序,直到所获得的 𝑃𝑎 值等
Cylinders having 𝐷𝑜 /t values <10: 𝐷𝑜 /t 值 <10 的圆筒:
Step 1. Using the same procedure as given in (1), obtain the value of B. For values of 𝐷𝑜 /t less than 4, the value of
factor A can be calculated using the following equation: 步骤 1: 采用与 (1) 中所给出的相同步骤来获得 B 的值。 当
𝐷𝑜 /t值小于 4 时,可按如下方程来计算系数 A 的值:
A = (𝐷
𝑜 ⁄𝑡 )
For values of A greater than 0.10, use a value of 0.10. 当 𝐷𝑜 /t 值大于 0.10时,将 𝐷𝑜 /t取值为 0.10。
Step 2. Using the value of B obtained in Step 1, calculate a value 𝑃𝑎1 using the following equation: 步骤 2: 将在
步骤 1 中所获得的 B 值输入如下方程以求解𝑃𝑎1 的值:
𝑃𝑎1 = [(𝐷
𝑜 ⁄𝑡 )
− 0.0833] 𝐵
Step 3. Calculate a value 𝑃𝑎2 using the following equation: 步骤 3. 使用如下方程来计算𝑃𝑎2 的值:
𝑃𝑎2 =
𝐷𝑜 ⁄𝑡
[1 −
𝐷𝑜 ⁄𝑡
where S is the lesser of two times the maximum allowable stress value in tension at design metal temperature, from the applicable
table referenced in UG-23, or 0.9 times the yield strength of the material at design temperature. Values of yield strength are
obtained from the applicable external pressure chart as follows: 式中: S 是 UG-23 相应表中设计金属温度下之最大许用拉应
力值的两倍或材料在设计温度下之降服强度的 0.9 倍 (取较小者)。降服强度值可按如下所述从相应外部压力线算图中获
(a) For a given temperature curve, determine the B value that corresponds to the right hand side termination
point of the curve. 按某一给定温度之曲线来确定对应于该曲线右侧端点的 B 值。
(b) The yield strength is twice the B value obtained in (a) above. 降服强度是上述 (a) 中所获 B 值的两
Step 4. The smaller of the values of 𝑃𝑎1 calculated in Step 2, or 𝑃𝑎2 calculated in Step 3 shall be used for the
maximum allowable external working pressure 𝑃𝑎 . Compare 𝑃𝑎 with P. If 𝑃𝑎 is smaller than P, select a larger value for t
and repeat the design procedure until a value for 𝑃𝑎 is obtained that is equal to or greater than P. 步骤 4: 最大许用外部
操作压力 𝑃𝑎 取步骤 2中所计算出的 𝑃𝑎1 或步骤 3 中所计算出的 𝑃𝑎2 之较小值。将 𝑃𝑎 与 P 进行比较, 如果 𝑃𝑎 小于
P,则选择较大的 t 值并重复此设计过程,直到所获得的𝑃𝑎 值等于或大于 P。
Spherical Shells. The minimum required thickness of a spherical shell under external pressure, either seamless or of
built-up construction with butt joints, shall be determined by the following procedure: 球形壳体。无论球形壳体是无缝的还是
Step 1. Assume a value for t and calculate the value of factor A using the following equation: 步骤 1: 对 t提出一个假
设值并用如下方程来计算系数 A 的值:
A = (𝑅
𝑜 ⁄𝑡 )
Step 2. Using the value of A calculated in Step 1, enter the applicable material chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 for
the material under consideration. Move vertically to an intersection with the material/temperature line for the design
temperature (see UG-20). Interpolation may be made between lines for intermediate temperatures. If tabular values in Section
II, Part D, Subpart 3 are used, linear interpolation or any other rational interpolation method may be used to determine a B value
that lies between two adjacent tabular values for a specific temperature. Such interpolation may also be used to determine a B
value at an intermediate temperature that lies between two sets of tabular values, after first determining B values for each set of
tabular values. 步骤 2: 将在步骤 1 中所计算出的 A 值输入到 II-D卷第 3子篇中所用材料之相应线算图上。垂直移动到
与设计温度之材料/温度线的相交 (参见 UG-20)。可以在中间温度的两线之间进行插值。如果采用 II-D卷第 3子篇中的
相应表列值,可采用线性插值或任何其他合理插值方法来确定具体温度下位于两个相邻表列值间的 B 值。在首先确定
In cases where the value at A falls to the right of the end of the material/temperature line, assume an intersection with
the horizontal projection of the upper end of the material/temperature line. If tabular values are used, the last (maximum)
tabulated value shall be used. For values at A falling to the left of the material/temperature line, see Step 5. 如果 A处的值落
最后一个 (最大)表列值。对于落在材料/温度线左侧的 A 值,则请参见步骤 5。
Step 3. From the intersection obtained in Step 2, move horizontally to the right and read the value of factor B. 步骤 3:
从步骤 2 中所得到的交点,水平向右移动并读取系数 B 的值。
Step 4. Using the value of B obtained in Step 3, calculate the value of the maximum allowable external working pressure
𝑃𝑎 using the following equation: 步骤 4: 采用步骤 3 中所获得的 B 值,并将其输入到如下方程以计算最大许用外部操作
压力𝑃𝑎 的值:
𝑃𝑎 = (𝑅
𝑜 ⁄𝑡 )
Step 5. For values of A falling to the left of the applicable material/temperature line, the value of 𝑃𝑎 can be calculated
using the following equation: 步骤 5:对于落在适用材料/温度线左侧的 A 值,可用如下方程来求解 𝑃𝑎 的值:
𝑃𝑎 = (𝑅
𝑜 ⁄𝑡 )
If tabulated values are used, determine B as in Step 2 and apply it to the equation in Step 4. 如果采用相应表列值
时,则按照步骤 2 中所述方法来确定 B值,并将其其输入到步骤 4所给出之方程中。
Step 6. Compare 𝑃𝑎 obtained in Step 4 or Step 5 with P. If 𝑃𝑎 is smaller than P, select a larger value for t and repeat the
design procedure until a value for 𝑃𝑎 is obtained that is equal to or greater than P. 步骤 6: 将步骤 4 或步骤 5 中所获得的𝑃𝑎
与P进行比较。 如果𝑃𝑎 小于P,则选择较大的 t 值并重复此设计程序,直到所获得的𝑃𝑎 值等于或大于P。
(e) The external design pressure or maximum allowable external working pressure shall not be less than the maximum
expected difference in operating pressure that may exist between the outside and the inside of the vessel at any time. 外部设计压
(f) Vessels intended for service under external design pressures of 15 psi (103 kPa) and less [see U-1(c)(2)(-h)] may be
stamped with the Certification Mark and Designator denoting compliance with the rules for external pressure, provided all the
applicable rules of this Division are satisfied. When the Certification Mark is to be applied, the user or his designated agent shall
specify the required maximum allowable external working pressure. 21 The vessel shall be designed and stamped with the
maximum allowable external working pressure. 只要满足本卷之所有适用条款,则拟在外部设计压力 ≤ 15 psi (103 kPa) 下运
行之容器 [见 U-1(c)(2)(-h)] 可压印认证标记标志符,以表明该容器已符合所适用之所有外部压力条款。压印认证标记
(g) When there is a longitudinal lap joint in a cylindrical shell or any lap joint in a spherical shell under external pressure, the
thickness of the shell shall be determined by the rules in this paragraph, except that 2P shall be used instead of P in the
calculations for the required thickness. 当承受外压之圆筒形壳体和球壳分别具有纵向搭接接头和具有任何搭接接接时,应
按本节规则来确定壳体的厚度,但在计算所需厚度时应采用 2P 来取代 P。
(h) Circumferential joints in cylindrical shells may be of any type permitted by the Code and shall be designed for the
imposed loads. 圆筒形壳体之环向接头可以是规范所所许用之任何类型,并应针对外加载荷进行设计。
(i) Those portions of pressure chambers of vessels that are subject to a collapsing pressure and that have a shape other than
that of a complete circular cylinder or formed head, and also jackets of cylindrical vessels that extend over only a portion of the
circumference, shall be fully staybolted in accordance with the requirements of UG-47 through UG-50 or shall be proof tested in
compliance with UG-101(p). 承受破坏性压力且形状不同于真圆之圆筒体或成型封头的那些容器压力舱室部分以及仅在圆
筒形容器之圆周一部分上延伸的夹套,应 根据 UG-47 至 UG-50 的要求完全设置拉紧螺栓,或应根据 UG-101(p) 进行复
(j) When necessary, vessels shall be provided with stiffeners or other additional means of support to prevent overstress or
large distortions under the external loadings listed in UG-22 other than pressure and temperature. 必要时,容器应配备加劲环或
其他附加支撑装置,以防止在 UG-22 中除压力和温度以外之其他外部载荷作用下出现过应力或大变形。
PRESSURE 用于承受外压之圆筒形壳体上的加劲环
(a) External stiffening rings shall be attached to the shell by welding or brazing [see UG-30]. Internal stiffening rings need not
be attached to the shell when the rings are designed to carry the loads and adequate means of support is provided to hold the ring
in place when subjected to external pressure loads. Segments of rings need not be attached when the requirements of (c) are met.
外部加劲环应通过焊接或钎焊将其连接到壳体上 [见 UG-30]。当内部加劲环设计成能够承受这种载荷,并且在承受外部
压力载荷时能够提供了足够的支撑方式以将环固定到位时,则内部加劲环不需要连接到壳体上。当满足 (c) 的要求时,
Except as exempted in (f) below, the available moment of inertia of a circumferential stiffening ring shall be not less than
that determined by one of the following two formulas: 除以下(f)项得以豁免外,除下述(f)中的豁免情况外,环向加劲环的可
𝐼𝑠 = [𝐷𝑜2 𝐿𝑠 (𝑡 + 𝐴𝑠 ⁄𝐿𝑠 )𝐴]⁄14
𝐼𝑠′ = [𝐷𝑜2 𝐿𝑠 (𝑡 + 𝐴𝑠 ⁄𝐿𝑠 )𝐴]⁄10.9
I = available moment of inertia of the stiffening ring cross section about its neutral axis parallel to the axis of the shell
𝐼𝑠 = required moment of inertia of the stiffening ring cross section about its neutral axis parallel to the axis of the shell
𝐼 ′ = available moment of inertia of combined ring-shell cross section about its neutral axis parallel to the axis of the shell.
The nominal shell thickness 𝑡𝑠 shall be used and the width of shell that is taken as contributing to the moment of
inertia of the combined section shall not be greater than 1.10√𝐷0 𝑡𝑠 and shall be taken as lying one-half on each side
of the centroid of the ring. Portions of the shell plate shall not be considered as contributing area to more than one
stiffening ring. 环与壳体之组合横截面上与壳体轴线平行之中性轴的可用惯性矩。设算时应采用标称壳厚𝑡𝑠 ,
且对组合截面惯性矩作出贡献的壳体宽度不应大于 1.10√𝐷0 𝑡𝑠 ,并应从位于加劲环质心之两侧各取一半宽
𝐼𝑆′ = required moment of inertia of the combined ring-shell cross section about its neutral axis parallel to the axis of the
CAUTION: Stiffening rings may be subject to lateral buckling. This should be considered in addition to the requirements for 𝑰𝒔
and 𝑰′𝒔 [see U-2(g)]. 注意:加劲环可能会发生横向挫曲, 因此除了 𝑰𝒔 和 𝑰′𝒔 的要求之外,还宜重视此一事实 [参见 U-2(g)]。
If the stiffeners should be so located that the maximum permissible effective shell sections overlap on either or both sides
of a stiffener, the effective shell section for that stiffener shall be shortened by one-half of each overlap. 如果加劲材的位置宜使
A = factor determined from the applicable chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 for the material used in the
stiffening ring, corresponding to the factor B, below, and the design temperature for the shell under
consideration 根据 II-D卷第 3子篇中用于加劲环材料的相应线算图所确定的系数对应于如下系数 B以
𝐴𝑠 = cross-sectional area of the stiffening ring 加劲环之横截面积
B = factor determined from the applicable chart or table in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 for the material used for
the stiffening ring [see UG-20(c)]根据 II-D卷第 3子篇中用于加劲环之材料的相应线算图或相应表格所
确定的系数 [参见 UG-20(c)]
𝐿𝑠 = one-half of the distance from the centerline of the stiffening ring to the next line of support on one side,
plus one-half of the centerline distance to the next line of support on the other side of the stiffening ring,
both measured parallel to the axis of the cylinder. A line of support is: 从加劲环中心线到在一侧之下一
以平行于圆筒体轴线之方式测量 。此处所谓的支撑线是指:
a stiffening ring that meets the requirements of this paragraph; 符合本节要求的加劲环;
a circumferential connection to a jacket for a jacketed section of a cylindrical shell; 对于圆筒形壳体
(c) a circumferential line on a head at one-third the depth of the head from the head tangent line as shown
on Figure UG-28; 如图 UG-28 所示,从封头切线至封头三分之一深度处的封头环向线;
a cone-to-cylinder junction. 锥壳与圆筒的接合点处。
𝐷𝑜 , E, P, t, and 𝑡𝑠 are as defined in UG-28(b). 𝐷𝑜 、E、P、t 和𝑡𝑠 之定义见 UG-28(b) 。
The adequacy of the moment of inertia for a stiffening ring shall be determined by the following procedure.应通过以下
Step 1. Assuming that the shell has been designed and 𝐷𝑜 , 𝐿𝑠 , and t are known, select a member to be used for the
stiffening ring and determine its cross-sectional area 𝐴𝑠 . Then calculate factor B using the following equation: 步骤 1:假设
壳体已设计完成并且 𝐷𝑜 、𝐿𝑠 和 t 为已知数,选定一个用作加劲环之构件并确定其横截面积𝐴𝑠 ,然后它们分别输入如
下方程来求解系数 B的值:
B= (
4 𝑡+𝐴𝑠 ⁄𝐿𝑠
Step 2. See below. 步骤 2: 见下文。
(a) If tabular values in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 are used, linear interpolation or any other rational
interpolation method may be used to determine an A value that lies between two adjacent tabular values for a specific
temperature. Linear interpolation may also be used to determine an A value at an intermediate temperature that lies between
two sets of tabular values, after first determining A values for each set of tabular values. The value of A so determined is then
applied in the equation for 𝐼𝑠 or 𝐼𝑠′ in Step 6(a) or Step 6(b). 如果采用第 II-D 卷第 3 子篇中的相应表列值,则可采用线性
插值或任何其他合理插值方法来确定位于具体温度下两相邻表列值间的 A 值。在首先确定每组表格值的 A 值之后,
线性插值还可用于确定位于两组表列值间之中间温度处的 A 值。将经如此步骤所确定之 A 值输入到用于求解𝐼𝑠 的方
程中或输入到步骤 6(a) 或步骤 6(b)中之方程以求解𝐼𝑠′ 。
(b) If material charts in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 are used, enter the right-hand side of the applicable
material chart for the material under consideration at the value of B determined by Step 1. If different materials are used for
the shell and stiffening ring, use the material chart resulting in the larger value of A in Step 4, below. 如果采用第 II-D 卷第 3
子篇中的相应材料线算图时,则将在步骤 1 所确定之 B 值置于拟用材料之相应线算图的右侧。如果壳体和加劲环采
用不同的材质时,则加劲环的 A 值要取按如下步骤 4 中所获得的较大值。
Step 3. Move horizontally to the left to the material/ temperature line for the design metal temperature. For values of
B falling below the left end of the material/temperature line, see Step 5. 步骤 3: 向左水平移动到设计金属温度下的材料/
温度线。对于低于材料/温度线左端的 B 值请参见步骤 5。
Step 4. Move vertically to the bottom of the chart and read the value of A. 步骤 4: 垂直移动到线算图底部并读取
A 的值。
Step 5. For values of B falling below the left end of the material/temperature line for the design temperature, the value
of A can be calculated using the formula A = 2B/E. 步骤 5: 对于低于设计温度下之材料/温度线左端的 B 值,则可按 A
= 2B/E来计算 A 值。
Step 6. See below. 步骤 6:见下文。
(a) In those cases where only the stiffening ring is considered, compute the required moment of inertia from the
formula for 𝐼𝑠 given above. 在仅考虑加劲环的情况下,可根据上文用于求解 𝐼𝑠 之方程来计算所需的惯性矩。
(b) In those cases where the combined ring-shell is considered, compute the required moment of inertia from
the formula for 𝐼𝑠′ given above. 在考虑加劲环与壳体之组合情况下,则根据可根据上文用于求解𝐼𝑠′ 之方程来计算所需的
Step 7. See below. 步骤 7:见下文。
(a) In those cases where only the stiffening ring is considered, determine the available moment of inertia I as
given in the definitions. 在仅考虑加劲环的情况下,按上述定义来确定有效惯性矩 I。
(c) In those cases where the combined ring-shell is considered, determine the available moment of inertia 𝐼 ′ as
given in the definitions. 在考虑加劲环与壳体之组合情况下,按上述定义来确定有效惯性矩 𝐼 ′ 。
NOTE: In those cases where the stiffening ring is not attached to the shell or where the stiffening ring is attached but the designer
chooses to consider only the ring, Step 6(a) and Step 7(a) are considered. In those cases where the stiffening ring is attached to
the shell and the combined moment of inertia is considered, Step 6(b) and Step 7(b) are considered. 注:不管加劲环是否未连
接到还是已连接到壳体,设计者仅须先考虑6(a) 和7(a)。当加劲环连要接到壳体且需考虑到组合惯性矩时,设计者才须
要考虑步骤 6(b) 和步骤 7(b) 。
Figure UG-29.2 Maximum Arc of Shell Left Unsupported Because of Gap in Stiffening Ring of
Cylindrical Shell Under External Pressure 图 UG-29.2 外压作用下因圆筒形壳体加劲环间隙而导致
Outside Diameter ÷Thickness 外径÷厚度, Da/𝑡𝑠
Design Length ÷ Outside Diameter 设计长度÷外径, L/𝐷𝑜
Step 8. If the required moment of inertia is greater than the available moment of inertia for the section selected, for
those cases where the stiffening ring is not attached or where the combined ring-shell stiffness was not considered, a new
section with a larger moment of inertia must be selected; the ring must be attached to the shell and the combination shall be
considered; or the ring-shell combination that was previously not considered together shall be considered together. If the
required moment of inertia is greater than the available moment of inertia for those cases where the combined ring-shell was
considered, a new ring section with a larger moment of inertia must be selected. In any case, when a new section is used, all
of the calculations shall be repeated using the new section properties of the ring or ring-shell combination. 步骤 8: 如果所
If the required moment of inertia is smaller than the actual moment of inertia of the ring or ring-shell
combination, whichever is used, that ring section or combined section is satisfactory. 如果所需惯性矩小于加劲环或环-壳
(b) Stiffening rings shall extend completely around the circumference of the cylinder except as permitted in (c) below. Any
joints between the ends or sections of such rings, such as shown in Figure UG-29.1 (A) and (B), and any connection between
adjacent portions of a stiffening ring lying inside or outside the shell as shown in Figure UG-29.1 (C) shall be made so that the
required moment of inertia of the combined ring-shell section is maintained. 除以下 (c) 中所允许的情况以外,加劲环的延伸
应完全围绕着圆筒的圆周。此类加劲环的端部或加劲环段之间的任何接头 (如图 UG-29.1 (A) 和 (B) 所示) 以及位于壳体
内部或外部之相邻加劲环间的任何接头 (如图 UG-29.1(C)所示) 应能确保环-壳组合截面所需惯性矩得以维持。
(c) Stiffening rings placed on the inside of a vessel may be arranged as shown in Figure UG-29.1 (E) and (F), provided that
the required moment of inertia of the ring in (E) or of the combined ring-shell section in (F) is maintained within the sections
indicated. Where the gap at (A) or (E) does not exceed eight times the thickness of the shell plate, the combined moment of inertia
of the shell and stiffener may be used. 放置在容器内部的加劲环可以布置成图 UG-29.1 (E) 和 (F) 所示图示结构,前提是
(E) 处的加劲环或 (F) 处之环-壳组合截面要具有所需的惯性矩。只要 (A) 或 (E) 处的间隙不超过壳板厚度的 8 倍,则可
Any gap in that portion of a stiffening ring supporting the shell, such as shown in Figure UG-29.1 (D) and (E), shall not
exceed the length of are given in Figure UG-29.2 unless additional reinforcement is provided as shown in Figure UG-29.1 (C)
or unless the following conditions are met: 支撑壳体之加劲环部分中如图 UG-29.1 (D) 和 (E) 所示的任何间隙,不应超过
图 UG-29.2 中所给出的长度,除非按照图UG-29.1(C)所示提供额外的补强或除非满足以下条件:
(1) only one unsupported shell arc is permitted per ring; and 每个加劲环仅允许有一个无支撑的壳弧; 和
(2) the length of the unsupported shell arc does not exceed 90 deg; and 无支撑壳体弧长度不超过 90°; 和
(3) the unsupported arcs in adjacent stiffening rings are staggered 180 deg; and the dimension L defined in UG28(b) is taken as the larger of the following: the distance between alternate stiffening rings, or the distance from the head
tangent line to the second stiffening ring plus one-third of the head depth. 相邻加劲环无支撑圆弧错开 180°; UG-28(b)
中所定义的尺寸 L 取以下两者中的较大者:相邻加劲环之间的距离,或从封头切线到第二个加劲环的距离加上封
Figure UG-30 Some Acceptable Methods of Attaching Stiffening Rings
图 UG-30 用于连接加劲环的几种可接受方法
Continuous Fillet Weld One Side, Intermittent Other
In-line Intermittent Weld
Staggered Intermittent Weld
Continuous full penetration
(1) For external stiffeners, S ≤ 8t. 外部加劲环时, S ≤ 8t
(2) For internal stiffeners, S ≤12t内部加劲环时, S ≤ 12t
When internal plane structures perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cylinder (such as bubble trays or baffle plates)
are used in a vessel, they may also be considered to act as stiffening rings, provided they are designed to function as such. 当垂直
于圆筒纵轴之内部平面结构 (例如鼓泡塔盘或折流板)用于容器中时,它们被认为也可以充当加劲环,只要它们被设计成
(e) Any internal stays or supports used as stiffeners of the shell shall bear against the shell of the vessel through the medium
of a substantially continuous ring. 用作壳体加劲材的任何内部撑杆或支撑件应通过大体上连续的环状中间物抵靠在容器壳
NOTE: Attention is called to the objection to supporting vessels through the medium of legs or brackets, the arrangement of which may cause
concentrated loads to be imposed on the shell. Vertical vessels should be supported through a substantial ring secured to the shell (see
Nonmandatory Appendix G, G-3). Horizontal vessels, unless supported at or close to the ends (heads) or at stiffening rings, should be supported
through the medium of substantial members extending over at least one-third of the circumference, as shown at (K) in Figure UG-29.1. 注:应
避免将起支撑作用的支腿或托架之中间物抵靠在容器上,因为其布置可能会导致壳体受到集中载荷。 立式容器应通过固定在壳体上
的坚固环支撑 (参见非强制性附录 G第 G-3节)。如图 UG-29.1 中的 (K) 所示 ,除非在端部 (封头)或加劲环附近受到支撑,否则应通过
Attention is called also to the hazard of imposing highly concen- trated loads by the improper support of one vessel on another or by the
hanging or supporting of heavy weights directly on the shell of the vessel. (See Nonmandatory Appendix G. 还需要注意由于一容器在另一容
器上的不当支撑或直接悬挂在容器上或支撑重物而施加高度集中载荷的危险 (参见非强制性附录 G)。
(f) When closure bars or other rings are attached to both the inner shell and outer jacket of a vessel, with pressure in the space
between the jacket and inner shell, this construction has adequate inherent stiffness, and therefore the rules of this paragraph do
not apply. 当夹套容器的封闭杆件或其他环附接到容器之内壳和外壳上时,在外壳和内壳之间的空间存在着压力的情况
(a) Stiffening rings may be placed on the inside or outside of a vessel, and except for the configurations permitted by UG-29,
shall be attached to the shell by welding or brazing. Brazing may be used if the vessel is not to be later stress relieved. The ring
shall be essentially in contact with the shell and meet the rules in UG-29(b) and UG-29(c). Welding of stiffening rings shall
comply with the requirements of this Division for the type of vessel under construction. 加劲环可以放置在容器的内部或外
部,并且除 UG-29 所允许的配置外,应通过焊接或钎焊将其固定在壳体上。 如果容器稍后不需消除应力,则可以使用
钎焊。 环应大体上与壳体接触并满足 UG-29(b)和 UG-29(c)中的规则。 加劲环的焊接应符合本卷对容器类型的建造要
(b) Stiffening rings may be attached to the shell by continuous, intermittent, or a combination of continuous and intermittent
welds or brazes. Some acceptable methods of attaching stiffening rings are illustrated in Figure UG-30. 加劲环可以通过连续
焊、跳焊、或者连续和跳焊或钎焊的组合被连接到到壳体。 图 UG-30 中例举了几种可接受的加劲环连接方法。
(c) Intermittent welding shall be placed on both sides of the stiffener and may be either staggered or in-line. Length of
individual fillet weld segments shall not be less than 2 in. (50 mm) and shall have a maximum clear spacing between toes of
adjacent weld segments of 8t for external rings and 12t for internal rings where t is the shell thickness at the attachment. The total
length of weld on each side of the stiffening ring shall be: 跳焊应布置在该加劲材的两侧,可以是错列跳焊,也可以是并排
跳焊。 各个填角焊缝段的长度不应小于 2 in. (50 mm) ,并且相邻焊接段之焊趾部间的最大净间距应为外环 8t,内环
12t,此处 t 为该附着件处的壳体厚度 。 加劲环每侧之焊缝总长度应为:
not less than one-half the outside circumference of the vessel for rings on the outside; and 外侧环绝不少于容器外
not less than one-third the circumference of the vessel for rings on the inside. 内部环不绝少于容器周长的三分之
(a) A continuous full penetration weld is permitted as shown in sketch (e) of Figure UG-30. Continuous fillet welding or
brazing on one side of the stiffener with intermittent welding or brazing on the other side is permitted for sketches (a), (b), (c), and
(d) of Figure UG-30 when the thickness tw of the outstanding stiffening element [sketches (a) and (c)] or width w of the stiffening
element mating to the shell [sketches (b) and (d)] is not more than 1 in. (25 mm). The weld segments shall be not less than 2 in.
(50 mm) long and shall have a maximum clear spacing between toes of adjacent weld segments of 24t. 允许采用如图 UG-30 中
草图 (e) 所示的连续全熔透焊缝。 当图 UG-30 中草图 (a)、(b)、(c) 和 (d)所示厚度为 tw 时,允许在加劲材的一侧进行连
续填角焊或钎焊,而在另一侧进行跳接或钎焊。 外伸加劲组件[草图(a)和(c)]或与壳体配合的加劲组件肋的宽度 w[草图
(b)和(d)]不超过 1 in. (25 mm)。 焊缝段的长度应不小于 2 in. (50 mm),并且相邻焊缝段之焊趾部间的最大净间距应为 24
(b) Strength of Attachment Welds. Stiffening ring attachment welds shall be sized to resist the full radial pressure load from
the shell between stiffeners, and shear loads acting radially across the stiffener caused by external design loads carried by the
stiffener (if any) and a computed radial shear equal to 2% of the stiffening ring’s compressive load. 连接焊缝的强度。 加劲环
加劲材环压载荷的 2% 所计算得出之径向剪切力 (如果有时)所引起的沿径向作用在加劲材上的剪切载荷 。
原文如此。但如下 (2)以及 L-5.3 的算例都采用 1%计箅。-- CACI 译注。
The radial pressure load from shell, lb/in., is equal to P𝐿𝑠 . 壳体的径向压载荷 (以 lb/in. 为单位)等于 P𝐿𝑠 。
The radial shear load is equal to 0.01P𝐿𝑠 𝐷𝑜 . 径向剪切载荷等于 0.01P𝐿𝑠 𝐷𝑜 。
P, 𝐿𝑠 , and 𝐷𝑜 are defined in UG-29. P、𝐿𝑠 和𝐷𝑜 之定义请参见 UG-29。
Minimum Size of Attachment Welds. The fillet weld leg size shall be not less than the smallest of the following: 连接焊缝
(1) 1/4 in. (6 mm);
vessel thickness at the weld location; 焊接位置处的容器壁度;
stiffener thickness at weld location. 焊接位置处的加劲材厚度。
Internal Pressure. The required wall thickness for tubes and pipe under internal pressure shall be determined in
accordance with the rules for shells in UG-27. 内部压力。 管子在内压作用下的所需壁厚应按照 UG-27 中对壳体的规定来确
(b) External Pressure. The required wall thickness for tubes and pipe under external pressure shall be determined in
accordance with the rules in UG-28. 外部压力。 承受外压之管材的所需壁厚应按 UG-28 中之规则来确定之。
(c) The thickness as determined under (a) or (b) above shall be increased when necessary to meet the following requirements:
(1) Additional wall thickness should be provided when corrosion, erosion, or wear due to cleaning operations is
(2) Where ends are threaded, additional wall thickness is to be provided in the amount of 0.8/n in. (20/n mm) [where n
equals the number of threads per inch (25.4 mm)]. 如果端部有螺纹,则应提供 0.8/n in. (20/n mm) 的额外壁厚 [此处 n 等于
每 in. (25.4 mm)中的螺纹数]。
NOTE: The requirements for rolling, expanding, or otherwise seating tubes in tube plates may require additional wall thickness and careful
choice of materials because of possible relaxation due to differential expansion stresses. 注:由于不同的膨胀应力可能导致松弛,因此在管
(a) The minimum required thickness at the thinnest point after forming22 of ellipsoidal, torispherical, hemispherical, conical,
and toriconical heads under pressure on the concave side (plus heads) shall be computed by the appropriate formulas in this
paragraph,23 except as permitted by Mandatory Appendix 32. Heads with bolting flanges shall meet the requirements of UG-35.1.
In addition, provision shall be made for any of the loadings listed in UG-22. The provided thickness of the heads shall also meet
the requirements of UG-16, except as permitted in Mandatory Appendix 32. 凹侧承受压力 (加上封头)下之椭圆形、半球形、
半球形、锥形和准锥形封头于成型 22 后最薄点处的所需最小厚度应按本节中的适用方程计算,23 除非强制性附录允许
32. 则带螺栓法兰的封头应符合 UG-35.1 的要求。 此外,还应对在 UG-22 中所列出的任何载荷做出规定。 所提供的封
头厚度也应满足 UG-16 的要求,但强制性附录 32 允许者除外。
The symbols defined below are used in the formulas of this paragraph: 本节方程中所采用之符号的定义如下所述:
D = inside diameter of the head skirt; or inside length of the major axis of an ellipsoidal head; or inside diameter of a
conical head at the point under consideration, measured perpendicular to the longitudinal axis 封头直边段或椭圆
封头长轴的内部长度; 或拟计算点处沿垂直于所测定的锥形封头内径
= inside diameter of the conical portion of a toriconical head at its point of tangency to the knuckle, measured
perpendicular to the axis of the cone 锥形封头的圆锥部分在其与转角相切点处沿垂直于锥体轴线所测定的内
径 = D – 2r(1 – cos α)
E = lowest efficiency of any joint in the head; for hemispherical heads this includes head-to-shell joint; for welded
vessels, use the efficiency specified in UW-12 封头任何点的最低效率; 对于半球形封头而言,这包括了封头
与壳体的接头; 焊制容器则采用 UW-12 中所规定的效率
L = inside spherical or crown radius. The value of L for ellipsoidal heads shall be obtained from Table UG-37. 内球面半
径或冠半径。 椭圆封头的 L 值应从表 UG-37 中获得。
P = internal design pressure (see UG-21) 设计内压 (请参阅UG-21)
r = inside knuckle radius 内转角半径
S = maximum allowable stress value in tension as given in the tables referenced in UG-23, except as limited in UG-24
and (d) below. UG-23所引用之表格中所给出之最大许用拉伸应力值,但受限于 UG-24 和如下 (d)者 除外。
t = minimum required thickness of head after forming 封头成型后的最小所需厚度
𝑡𝑠 = minimum specified thickness of head after forming, in. (mm). 𝑡𝑠 shall be ≥t 成型后封头的最小规定厚度𝑡𝑠 必须等
α = one-half of the included (apex) angle of the cone at the centerline of the head (see Figure 1-4) 封头中心线处的圆锥
体之夹角 (顶角)的一半,(请参阅图1-4)。
(c) Ellipsoidal Heads With 𝑡𝑠 /L ≥ 0.002. The required thickness of a dished head of semiellipsoidal form, in which half the
minor axis (inside depth of the head minus the skirt) equals one-fourth of the inside diameter of the head skirt, shall be determined
by 具有𝑡𝑠 /L≧0.002 之椭圆形封头。短轴之 1/4 (封头的内部深度减去直边段)等于直边段内径之 1/4 且具有半椭圆形状之碟
NOTE: For ellipsoidal heads with 𝑡𝑠 /L < 0.002, the rules of Mandatory Appendix, 1-4(f) shall also be met. 注:具有
𝑡𝑠 ⁄𝐿<0. 002之椭圆形封头还应满足强制性附录 1-4(f) 的规则
An acceptable approximation of a 2:1 ellipsoidal head is one with a knuckle radius of 0.17D and a spherical
radius of 0.90D. 近似2:1 的可接受椭球封头是指转角半径为 0.17D,球面半径为 0.90D的封头。
(d) Torispherical Heads With 𝑡𝑠 /L ≥ 0.002. The required thickness of a torispherical head for the case in which the knuckle
radius is 6% of the inside crown radius and the inside crown radius equals the outside diameter of the skirt [see (i)] shall be
determined by 具有𝑡𝑠 /L ≥ 0.002 的准球形封头。 对于封头转角半径为内冠半径的 6% 且内冠半径等于直边段外径的情
NOTE: For torispherical heads with 𝑡𝑠 /L < 0.002, the rules of Mandatory Appendix, 1-4 (f) shall also be met. 注:对于
具有𝑡𝑠 /L < 0.002 的锥形封头,还应满足强制性附录 1-4(f) 的规则。
Torispherical heads made of materials having a specified minimum tensile strength exceeding 70,000 psi (485 MPa)
shall be designed using a value of S equal to 20,000 psi (138 MPa) at room temperature and reduced in proportion to
the reduction in maximum allowable stress values at temperature for the material (see UG-23). 由最小规定抗拉强度
超过 70,000 psi (485 MPa) 之材料制成的准球形封头头,应以在室温下等于 20,000 psi (138 MPa) 的 S 值来进行
设计,并按材料使用温度下之最大许用应力值的折减比例减低 (参见 UG-23)。
(a) Hemispherical Heads. When the thickness of a hemispherical head does not exceed 0.356L, or P does not exceed 0.665SE,
the following formulas shall apply: 半球形封头。 当半球形封头的厚度不超过 0.356L,或 P 不超过 0.665SE 时,则应按下
式来计算所需厚度 t:
Conical Heads and Sections (Without Transition Knuckle). The required thickness of conical heads or conical shell
sections that have a half apex-angle α not greater than 30 deg shall be determined by 锥形封头和锥段 (不带转角区)。 应按下
式来确定半顶角 α 不大于 30°的锥形封头或锥壳段的所需厚度 t:
A reinforcing ring shall be provided when required by the rule in Mandatory Appendix, 1-5(d) and 1-5(e). 当在强制附录
Conical heads or sections having a half apex-angle α greater than 30 deg without a transition knuckle shall comply with
eq. (4) and Mandatory Appendix, 1-5(g).具有半锥顶角 α大于30°且无转角区之锥形封头或锥段的所需厚度(t)应符合方程(4)
(f) Toriconical Heads and Sections. The required thickness of the conical portion of a toriconical head or section, in which
the knuckle radius is neither less than 6% of the outside diameter of the head skirt nor less than three times the knuckle thickness,
shall be determined by eq. (f)(4) in (f) above, using 𝐷𝑖 in place of D. 准锥形封头和锥段。转角半径既不小于封头直边段外径
的 6%,又不小于转角区厚度的 3 倍的准锥形封头或锥段的圆锥形部分所需厚度,应按如上 (f)(4) 方程来确定,但记得
要以𝐷𝑖 来代替(f)(4) 方程中 D。
The required thickness of the knuckle shall be determined by eq. 1-4(d)(3) in which 转角区所需厚度应按强制性附录14(d)中的式(3) – t =
or P =
、t =
– 来进行计算,其中L 可按下式计算:
Toriconical heads or sections may be used when the angle α≤ 30 deg and are mandatory for conical head designs when the
angle α exceeds 30 deg, unless the design complies with Mandatory Appendix, 1-5 (g). 当α角度 ≤ 30 度时,可以采用准锥形封
头或锥段;当 α角度大于 30 度时,除非设计符合强制性附录 1-5(g) 的要求,否则必须采用圆锥形封头设计。
When an ellipsoidal, torispherical, hemispherical, conical, or toriconical head is of a lesser thickness than required by the
rules of this paragraph, it shall be stayed as a flat surface according to the rules of UG-47 for braced and stayed flat plates. 当椭圆
形封头、准球形封头、圆锥形封头、园锥形封头或准锥形封头之厚度小于本节各相应条款所要求的厚度时,应按 UG-47
(h) The inside crown radius to which an unstayed head is dished shall be not greater than the outside diameter of the skirt of
the head. The inside knuckle radius of a torispherical head shall be not less than 6% of the outside diameter of the skirt of the head
but in no case less than 3 times the head thickness. 无撑杆之的内冠半径应不大于封头直边段的外径。 准球形的内转角半径
应不小于封头直边段外径的 6%,但在任何情况下都不应小于封头厚度的 3 倍。
(i) A dished head with a reversed skirt may be used in a pressure vessel, provided the maximum allowable working pressure
for the head is established in accordance with the requirements of UG-101. 带倒直边段之碟形封头可用于压力容器,前提是
要按照 UG-101 的要求来确定封头的最大许用工作压力。
(j) All formed heads, thicker than the shell and concave to pressure, intended for butt-welded attachment, shall have a skirt
length sufficient to meet the requirements of Figure UW-13.1, when a tapered transition is required. All formed heads concave to
pressure and intended for butt-welded attachment need not have an integral skirt when the thickness of the head is equal to or less
than the thickness of the shell. When a skirt is provided, its thickness shall be at least that required for a seamless shell of the
same inside diameter. 当需要锥形过渡时,所有比壳体厚且凹侧受压、用于对焊连接的成型封头应具有足够的直边段长
度,以满足图 UW-13.1 的要求。 当封头的厚度等于或小于壳体的厚度时,所有成型后且凹侧承压之封头以及用于对焊
连接的封头不需要具有整体式直边段。 当提供直边段时,其厚度应至少为相同内径之无缝壳体所需的厚度。
(k) Heads concave to pressure, intended for attachment by brazing, shall have a skirt length sufficient to meet the
requirements for circumferential joints in Part UB. 凹面受压且用于钎焊连接之封头应具有足以满足 UB 篇对环向接头所要
求的直边段长度 。
(l) Any taper at a welded joint within a formed head shall be in accordance with UW-9. The taper at a circumferential welded
joint connecting a formed head to a main shell shall meet the requirements of UW-13 for the respective type of joint shown
therein. 成型封头上之焊接接头的任何厚度削斜应符合 UW-9 的规定。成型封头与壳体连接时,环向焊接接头的厚度削
斜应符合 UW-13 中对相应接头形式的要求。
Table UG-33.1 Values of Spherical Radius Factor 𝐾𝑜 for Ellipsoidal Head With Pressure on Convex Side
表 UG-33.1 凸侧受压之椭球封头的球半径系数𝐾𝑜 值
𝐷𝑜 /2ho
GENERAL NOTE: Interpolation permitted for intermediate values. 总注释:允许对中间值进行插值。
(m) If a torispherical, ellipsoidal, or hemispherical head is formed with a flattened spot or surface, the diameter of the flat spot
shall not exceed that permitted for flat heads as given by eq. UG-34(c)(2)(1), using C = 0.25. 如果准球形、椭圆形或半球形封
头形成有扁平点或表面,则该扁平点的直径不应超过 UG-34(c)(2)中方程(1)的计算值,该方程中的 C 变量取值为 0.25。
Openings in formed heads under internal pressure shall comply with the requirements of UG-36 through UG-46. 内压作
用下成型封头的开孔应符合 UG-36 至 UG-46 的要求。
(o) A stayed jacket that completely covers a formed inner head or any of the types included in this paragraph shall also meet
the requirements of UG-47(c). 完全覆盖成型内封头或本节中所涉之任何类型的有拉撑夹套也应满足 UG-47(c) 的要求。
(a) General. The required thickness at the thinnest point after forming22 of ellipsoidal, torispherical, hemispherical,
toriconical, and conical heads and conical segments under pressure on the convex side (minus heads) shall be computed by the
appropriate formulas given in this paragraph (see UG-16). Heads with bolting flanges shall meet the requirements of UG-35.1. In
addition, provisions shall be made for any other loading given in UG-22. The required thickness for heads due to pressure on the
convex side shall be determined as follows. 通则。 应通过本节中所给出的适当方程来计算椭圆形、准球形、半球形、准锥
形和圆锥形封头和圆锥形段在凸侧 (负封头)受压下于形成 22 后之最薄点处的所需厚度 (参见 UG-16)。 带螺栓法兰之封头
应符合 UG-35.1 的要求。 此外,还应对 UG-22 中所给出的任何其他载荷做出规定。 由于凸侧受压而要求的封头厚度应
For ellipsoidal and torispherical heads, the required thickness shall be computed by the appropriate procedure given
in (d) or (e) below. 应按如下 (d) 或 (e) 中所给出的适当程序来计算椭圆形和类球形封头的所需厚度。
For hemispherical heads, the required thickness shall be determined by the rules given in (c) below. 应按如下 (c)中
For conical and toriconical heads and conical sections, the required thickness shall be determined by the rules given
in (f) below. 应按如下 (f) 中所给出之规则来确定圆锥形和 conical 封头以及锥体段的所需厚度。
Nomenclature. The nomenclature defined below is used in this paragraph. Figure 1-4 shows principal dimensions of
typical heads. 专门用语。本节中采用以下所定义之术语。 图 1-4 显示了典型封头的主要尺寸。
A, B, E, and P are as defined in UG-28(b) A、B、E 和 P 之定义请参阅 UG-28(b)
= outside diameter of the head skirt 封头直边段的外径
𝐷𝑜 /2ho = ratio of the major to the minor axis of ellipsoidal heads, which equals the outside diameter of the head skirt
divided by twice the outside height of the head (see Table UG-33.1) 椭圆型封头之长轴与短轴的比值,等于封
头直边段之外径除以封头外部高度的两倍 (见表 UG-33.1)
= outside diameter at large end of conical section under consideration 拟计算之圆锥段的大端外径
= outside diameter at small end of conical section under consideration 拟计算之圆锥段的小端外径
= outside diameter at small end of conical section under consideration 拟计算之圆锥段的小端外径
= one-half of the length of the outside minor axis of the ellipsoidal head, or the outside height of the ellipsoidal head
measured from the tangent line (head-bend line) 椭圆形封头外短轴长度的50%,或从切线 (封头起弯线)开始
Figure UG-33.1 Length 𝑳𝑪 of Some Typical Conical Sections for External Pressure
图 UG-33.1 外压作用下之圆锥段的几种典型长度𝑳𝑪
Portion of a cone圆锥体部分
= factor depending on the ellipsoidal head proportions 𝐷𝑜 /2ho (see Table UG-33.1) 取决于椭圆形封头𝐷𝑜 /2ho比值的
系数 (见表 UG-33.1)
= axial length of cone or conical section (see Figure UG-33.1). 锥壳或锥体段的轴向长度 (见图 UG-33.1)。
= equivalent length of conical head or Section between lines of support [see (g)] 支撑线间锥形封头或锥体段的当
量长度 [见 (g)]
= for hemispherical heads, the outside radius半球形封头之外半径
= for ellipsoidal heads, the equivalent outside spherical radius taken as 𝐾𝑜 椭圆形封头之当量外球半径,可取值为
𝐾𝑜 𝐷𝑜
= for torispherical heads, the outside radius of the crown portion of the head锥形封头的外冠半径
= minimum required thickness of head after forming, in. (mm) 封头成型后的所需最小厚度,以in. (mm)为单位
= effective thickness of conical section圆锥段的有效厚度
= t cos α
= one-half the apex angle in conical heads and sections, deg锥形封头和圆锥段之顶角的50%,以度为单位
Hemispherical Heads. The required thickness of a hemispherical head having pressure on the convex side shall be
determined in the same manner as outlined in UG-28(d) for determining the thickness for a spherical shell. 半球形封头。 应按
UG-28(d) 中用于确定球壳厚度的相同方式来确定凸侧受压之半球形封头的所需厚度。
(d) Ellipsoidal Heads. The required thickness of an ellipsoidal head having pressure on the convex side, either seamless or of
built-up construction with butt joints, shall not be less than that determined by the following procedure. 椭圆形封头。不应按以
下程序来确定凸侧受压之椭圆形封头 (无论是无缝的还是带对接接头的组合结构)的所需厚度。
Step 1. Assume a value for t and calculate the value of factor A using the following formula: 步骤 1:提出厚度 t 的假设
值并用下式来计算因子 A 的值:
𝑅𝑜 ⁄𝑡
Step 2. Using the value of A calculated in Step 1, follow the same procedure as that given for spherical shells in UG-28(d),
Steps 2 through 6. 步骤 2:采用步骤 1 中所计算出之 A 值,并遵循与 UG-28(d) 步骤 2 至步骤 6 中针对球壳所给出的相同
(e) Torispherical Heads. The required thickness of a torispherical head having pressure on the convex side, either seamless or
of built-up construction with butt joints, shall not be less than that determined by the same design procedure as is used for
ellipsoidal heads given in (d) above, using the appropriate value for 𝑅𝑜 . 准球形封头。 凸侧受压之准球形封头的所需厚度,无
论是无缝的还是带对接接头的组合结构,均不应小于按上述 (d)中用于椭圆形封头之相同设计程序且在采用相应𝑅𝑜 值下
(f) Conical Heads and Sections. When the cone-to- cylinder junction is not a line-of-support, the required thickness of a
conical head or section under pressure on the convex side, either seamless or of built-up construc- tion with butt joints shall not be
less than the required thickness of the adjacent cylindrical shell and, when a knuckle is not provided, the reinforcement
requirement of Mandatory Appendix 1, 1-8 shall be satisfied (see Figure UG-28.1). When the cone-to-cylinder junction is a lineof-support, the required thickness shall be deter- mined in accordance with the following subparagraphs. 圆锥形封头和锥体段。
头的组合结构,均不应小于与之相邻之圆筒体的所需厚度 ,当未设置转角区时,还应满足 1-8 的补强要求 (见图 UG28.1)。 当锥体与圆柱筒体之连接处为支撑线时,则应按如下各小段所述程序来确定所需厚度。
When α is equal to or less than 60 deg: 当α ≦60°时:
(-a) cones having 𝐷𝐿 /𝑡𝑒 values ≥10: 具有 𝐷𝐿 ⁄𝑡𝑒 ≧10之锥体:
Step 1. Assume a value for 𝑡𝑒 and determine the ratios 𝐿𝑒 /𝐷𝐿 and 𝐷𝐿 ⁄𝑡𝑒 . 步骤 1:提出厚度𝑡𝑒 的假设值并确
定 𝐿𝑒 /𝐷𝐿 与 𝐷𝐿 ⁄𝑡𝑒 的比值。
Step 2. Enter Section II, Part D, Subpart 3, Figure G at a value of L/𝐷𝑜 equivalent to the value of 𝐿𝑒 /𝐷𝐿
determined in Step 1. For values of Le/𝐷𝐿 greater than 50, enter the chart at a value of 𝐿𝑒 /𝐷𝐿 = 50. 步骤 2: 将在步骤 1 中
确定等于 𝐿𝑒 /𝐷𝐿 值的 L/𝐷𝑜 值 (即假设𝐿𝑒 /𝐷𝐿 与 𝐷𝐿 ⁄𝑡𝑒 的比值等于 1) 输入第 II-D 卷第 3 子篇之图 G 中。当𝐿𝑒 /𝐷𝐿 值大
于 50 时,则在该图表放入𝐿𝑒 /𝐷𝐿 = 50的值。
Step 3. Move horizontally to the line for the value of 𝐷𝑜 /t equivalent to the value of 𝐷𝐿 /𝑡𝑒 determined in Step
1. Interpolation may be made for intermediate values of 𝐷𝐿 /𝑡𝑒 ; extrapolation is not permitted. From this point of
intersection move vertically downwards to determine the value of factor A. 步骤 3: 水平移动到与步骤 1 中所确定的
𝐷𝑜 /t 线相交。可对𝐷𝐿 ⁄𝑡𝑒 的中间值进行插值,但不允许外推。从此一交点垂直向下移动以确定系数 A 的值。
Step 4. Using the value of A calculated in Step 3, enter the applicable material chart in Section II, Part D,
Subpart 3 for the material under consideration. Move vertically to an intersection with the material/temperature line for the
design temperature (see UG-20). Interpolation may be made between lines for intermediate temperatures. 步骤 4:将步骤
3 中所得出的 A 值输入到第 II-D卷第 3子篇中拟用材料之适用材料图表。 垂直移动到与设计温度下之材料/温度线
相交 (参见 UG-20)。 可以在中间温度之两线间进行插值。
In cases where the value of A falls to the right of the end of the material/temperature line, assume an
intersection with the horizontal projection of the upper end of the material/temperature line. For values of A falling
to the left of the material/temperature line, see Step 7. 如果 A 值落在材料/温度线之端部的右侧,则假设与材
料/温度线上端的水平投影相交。 若 A 值落在材料/温度线之左侧时,请参阅步骤 7。
Step 5. From the intersection obtained in Step 4, move horizontally to the right and read the value of factor
步骤 5: 从步骤 4 所得到之交点向右水平移动,并读取系数 B 的值。
Step 6. Using this value of B, calculate the value of the maximum allowable external working pressure 𝑃𝑎
using the following formula: 步将该 B 值输入下公以计算出最大许用外部操作压力 𝑃𝑎 的值:
𝑃𝑎 =
3( 𝐷𝐿 ⁄𝑡𝑒)
Step 7. For values of A falling to the left of the applicable material/temperature line, the value of 𝑃𝑎 can be
calculated using the following formula: 步骤 7: 对于落在适用材料/温度线左侧的 A 值,可以用下公式来求解 𝑃𝑎
𝑃𝑎 =
3( 𝐷𝐿 ⁄𝑡𝑒)
Step 8. Compare the calculated value of 𝑃𝑎 obtained in Step 6 or Step 7 with P. If 𝑃𝑎 is smaller than P, select a
larger value for t and repeat the design procedure until a value of 𝑃𝑎 is obtained that is equal to or greater than P. 步骤 8:
将步骤 6 或步骤 7 中计算得到之 𝑃𝑎 值与 P 进行比较。如果𝑃𝑎 小于 P,则选用更大的 t 值并重复设计过程,直到所
获 𝑃𝑎 值等于或大于 P。
Step 9. Provide adequate moment of inertia and reinforcement at the cone-to-cylinder junction in accordance
with Mandatory Appendix 1, 1-8. For a junction with a knuckle, the reinforcement calculation is not required, and the
moment of inertia calculation may be performed either by considering the presence of the knuckle or by assuming the
knuckle is not present whereby the cone is assumed to intersect the adjacent cylinder. 步骤 9: 根据强制性附录1-8 在锥
体与圆筒体连接处提供足够的惯性矩和补强。 对于具有转角区之连接处,不需要进行补强计算,并且可以通过考
虑过渡区的存在或通过假设不存在着转角区 (从而假定圆锥体与相邻圆筒体相交)来计算惯性矩。
(-b) cones having 𝐷𝐿 /𝑡𝑒 values <10: 具有 𝐷𝐿 /𝑡𝑒 值 <10 的锥体:
Step 1. Using the same procedure as given in (-a) above, obtain the value of B. For values of 𝐷𝐿 /𝑡𝑒 less than 4,
the value of factor A can be calculated using the following formula: 步骤 1: 采用与上述 (-a) 中所给出之相同程序来获
得 B 的值。 当𝐷𝐿 /𝑡𝑒 小于 4时,可用下式来计算系数 A 的值:
A = (𝐷
𝐿 ⁄𝑡 𝑒 )
For values of A greater than 0.10, use a value of 0.10. 当A 值大于 0.10时,将其取值为 0.10。
Step 2. Using the value of B obtained in Step 1, calculate a value Pa1 using the following formula: 步骤 2: 采
用在步骤 1 中所获得的 B 值,并将B 值带入下式来计算出𝑃𝑎1 的值:
𝑃𝑎1 = [(
𝐷 𝐿 ⁄𝑡 𝑒 )
− 0.0833] 𝐵
Step 3. Calculate a value 𝑃𝑎2 using the following formula: 步骤 3: 用下式计算𝑃𝑎2 的值 :
𝑃𝑎2 =
𝐷 𝐿 ⁄𝑡 𝑒
[1 − (
𝐷 𝐿 ⁄𝑡 𝑒 )
S = the lesser of two times the maximum allowable stress value in tension at design metal temperature,
from the applicable table referenced by UG-23, or 0.9 times the yield strength of the material at
design temperature 设计金属温度下最大许用拉伸应力值 (取自 UG-23 所引用之适用表格)的两
倍,或设计温度下材料降服强度的 0.9 倍,取较小者
Values of yield strength are obtained from the applicable external pressure chart as follows. 降服强度
值是从所适用之外部压力图表并按如下 (-a)和 (-b)所述而获得的。
(-a) For a given temperature curve, determine the B value that corresponds to the right hand
side termination point of the curve. B 值对应于给定温度曲线的右侧终点。
(-b) The yield strength is twice the B value obtained in (a) above. 降服强度是上述 (-a) 中所
获 B 值的两倍。
Step 4. The smaller of the values of 𝑃𝑎1 calculated in Step 2, or 𝑃𝑎2 calculated in Step 3 shall be used for the
maximum allowable external working pressure 𝑃𝑎 . Compare 𝑃𝑎 with P. If 𝑃𝑎 is smaller than P, select a larger value for t and
repeat the design procedure until a value for 𝑃𝑎 is obtained that is equal to or greater than P. 步骤 4: 最大许用外部操作
压力𝑃𝑎 取步骤2所计算出的𝑃𝑎1 值或步骤3计所算出之𝑃𝑎2 值中的较小值。 将𝑃𝑎 与 P 进行比较。如果𝑃𝑎 小于 P,则选
用更大的 t 值并重复设计过程,直到所获 𝑃𝑎 值等于或大于 P。
Step 5. Provide adequate moment of inertia and reinforcement at the cone-to-cylinder junction in accordance
with Mandatory Appendix 1, 1-8. For a junction with a knuckle, the reinforcement calculation is not required, and the
moment of inertia calculation may be performed either by considering the presence of the knuckle or by assuming the
knuckle is not present whereby the cone is assumed to intersect the adjacent cylinder. 步骤 5: 按强制性附录1-8所述在
锥体与圆筒体之连接处提供足够的惯性矩和补强。 对于具有转角区的连接处,不需要进行补强计算,并且可以通
过考虑转角区的存在或通过假设不存在着转角区 (从而假定圆锥体与相邻圆筒体相交)来计算惯性矩。
When α of the cone is greater than 60 deg, the thickness of the cone shall be the same as the required thickness for a
flat head under external pressure, the diameter of which equals the largest diameter of the cone (see UG-34). 当锥体的 α 大于
60°时,锥体厚度应与扁平封头在外压作用下之所需厚度相同,而该扁平封头之直径等于锥体的最大直径 (见 UG-34)。
The thickness of an eccentric cone shall be taken as the greater of the two thicknesses obtained using both the
smallest and largest α in the calculations. 偏心锥体的厚度应取计算中以最小和最大 α 所获之两种厚度中的较大者。
(g) The required thickness of a conical part of a toriconical head or conical section having pressure on the convex side, either
seamless or of built-up construction with butt joints within the conical part of a toriconical head or conical section, shall not be
less than that determined from (f) above with the exception that 𝐿𝑒 shall be determined as follows: 无论是无缝结构还是在圆锥
小于按上述 (f) 所确定的值,但 𝐿𝑒 应按如下所述程序来确定之:
For sketches (a) and (b) in Figure UG-33.1, 按下式来求解图 UG-33.1 中所示草图 (a) 和 (b)的 𝐿𝑒 值
𝐿𝑒 = (𝐿𝑐 ⁄2)(1 + 𝐷𝑠 ⁄𝐷𝐿 )
For sketch (c) in Figure UG-33.1, 按下式来求解图 UG-33.1 中所示草图 (c)的𝐿𝑒 值
𝐿𝑒 = 𝑟1 sin 𝛼 +
For sketch (d) in Figure UG-33.1, 按下式来求解图 UG-33.1 中所示草图 (d) 的𝐿𝑒 值
𝐿𝑒 = 𝑟2
𝐿𝑐 𝐷𝐿+𝐷𝑠
sin 𝛼 +
𝐿𝑐 𝐷𝐿+𝐷𝑠
For sketch (e) in Figure UG-33.1, 按下式解图 UG-33.1 中所示草图 (e) 的𝐿𝑒 值
𝐿𝑒 = (𝑟1 + 𝑟2
) sin 𝛼 +
𝐿𝑐 𝐷𝐿+𝐷𝑠
(h) When lap joints are used in formed head construction or for longitudinal joints in a conical head under external pressure,
the thickness shall be determined by the rules in this paragraph, except that 2P shall be used instead of P in the calculations for
the required thickness. 当搭接接头用于成型封头结构或在外部压力作用下之锥形封头中的纵向接头时,其厚度应按本节
规定来确定之,但在计算所需厚度时应以 2P 代替 P。
(i) The required length of skirt on heads convex to pressure shall comply with the provisions of UG-32(k) and UG-32(l) for
heads concave to pressure. 凸面受压封头之直边段的所需长度应符合 UG-32(k) 和 UG-32(l) 对凹面受压封头的规定。
Openings in heads convex to pressure shall comply with the requirements of UG-36 through UG-46. 凸面受压下之封头
开孔应符合 UG-36 至 UG-46 的要求。
(a) The minimum thickness of unstayed flat heads, cover plates and blind flanges shall conform to the requirements given in
this paragraph. These requirements apply to both circular and noncircular 24 heads and covers. Some acceptable types of flat heads
and covers are shown in Figure UG-34. In this figure, the dimensions of the component parts and the dimensions of the welds are
exclusive of extra metal required for corrosion allowance. 无拉杆之扁平封头、盖板和盲法兰的最小厚度应符合本节的要
求。这些要求也适用于圆形和非圆形封头和盖板。图 UG-34 显示了几种可接受的封头和盖板类型,在该图中构成此类
The symbols used in this paragraph and in Figure UG-34 are defined as follows: 本节和图 UG-34 中所用方程之符号的
C = a factor depending upon the method of attachment of head, shell dimensions, and other items as listed in (d)
below, dimensionless 取决于封头连接方法、壳体尺寸和如下 (d) 中所列其他项目的系数,无量纲
= long span of noncircular heads or covers measured perpendicular to short span 垂直于短轴向所测定之非圆
= diameter, or short span, measured as indicated in Figure UG-34 按图 UG-34 所示所测定的直径或短轴尺
= joint efficiency, from Table UW-12, of any Category A weld as defined in UW-3(a) UW-3(a)中所定义之任
何A类焊缝的焊接接头系数 (可从表 UW-12查得)
= gasket moment arm, equal to the radial distance from the centerline of the bolts to the line of the gasket
reaction, as shown in Table 2-5.2 等于从螺栓中心线到垫片反作用力线的径向距离的垫片力臂 (见表 25.2 所示)
= influence coefficient 影响系数
= 0.2 in. for Customary units 采美国惯用单位制时取0.2 in.
= 5 mm for SI units 采 SI 单位制时取5 mm
= perimeter of noncircular bolted head measured along the centers of the bolt holes
= the ratio 𝑡𝑟 /𝑡𝑠 , dimensionless 𝑡𝑟 与𝑡𝑠 的无量纲比值
= internal design pressure (see UG-21) 内部设计压力 (见 UG-21)
= inside corner radius on a head formed by flanging or forging 通过扳边或锻造成型之封头的内拐角半径
= maximum allowable stress value in tension from applicable table of stress values referenced byUG-23
取至 UG-23所给出之相应应力值表格中的最大许用抗拉应力值
= minimum required thickness of flat head or cover 扁平封头或盖板的最小所需厚度
= throat dimension of the closure weld, as indicated in Figure UG-34, sketch (r)
封闭焊缝的喉部尺寸,如图 UG-34 草图 (r) 所示
= nominal thickness of the flange on a forged head, at the large end, as indicated in Figure UG-34, sketch (b)
= nominal thickness of flat head or cover 封头或盖板的标称厚度
= required thickness of seamless shell, for pressure 受压无缝壳体的所需厚度
𝑡𝑠 = nomwnal thickness of shell 壳体的标称厚度
𝑡𝑤 = thickness through the weld joining the edge of a head to the inside of a vessel, as indicated in Figure UG-34,
sketch (g) 通过将封头边缘连接到容器内侧之焊缝的喉深,如图 UG-34 草图 (g) 所示
W = total bolt load given for circular heads for eqs. 2-5(e)(4) and 2-5(e)(5) 由(e)(4) 和 (e)(5)所给之方程2-5、方
Figure UG-34 Some Acceptable Types of Unstayed Flat Heads and Covers
图 UG-34无拉杆扁平封头和盖板的几种可接受类型
Center of lap
Center of weld
Tangent line
𝑟𝑚𝑛. = 0.375 in. (10 mm) for ts 11/2 in. (38 mm)
𝑟𝑚𝑛. = 0.25ts for ts 11/2 in. (38
mm) but need not be greater
than 3/4 in. (19 mm)
tw = 2tr min. nor less than 1.25ts but need not be
greater than t
Projection beyond weld
is optional壳体可延伸
Bevel is optional开槽
Continuation of
shell optional壳体
45 deg max.
Sketches (e), (f), and (g) circular covers, C = 0.33m, C min. = 0.20
See Figure UW-13.2 sketches (a) to (g), inclusive,
for details of welded joint ts not less than 1.25𝑡𝑟
包括不小于 1.25𝑡𝑟 的焊接接头详细信息,参见图 UW13.2所示草图 (a) 至 (g)
See Figure UW-13.2 sketches (a) to (g),
inclusive, for details of outside welded
30 deg min.
45 deg max.
min. t1 = t or ts,
Seal weld密封焊
GENERAL NOTE: The above sketches are diagrammatic only. Other designs that meet the requirements of UG-34 are acceptable.总注释:图中所示
仅为示意图,凡符合UG-34 要求的其他型式亦允许采用
(1) Use UG-34(c)(2) eq.(2) or UG-34(c)(3) eq.(5). 采用UG-34(c)(2)中所给出之方程(2)或UG-34(c)(3) 中所给出之方程(5)
(2) When pipe threads are used, see Table UG-43. 当采用管螺纹时,见表UG-43
= length of flange of flanged heads, measured from the tangent line of knuckle, as indicated in Figure UG-34,
sketches (a) and (c), in. (mm) 按图 UG-34 草图 (a) 和 (c) 所示从转角区之切线开始测得的扳边封头的法
兰长度,单位:in. (mm)
= a factor of noncircular heads and covers that depends on the ratio of short span to long span, as given in (c)
below, dimensionless 取决于短径与长径之比值的非圆形封头和盖板的无量纲系数,见如下 (c)
The thickness of flat unstayed heads, covers, and blind flanges shall conform to one of the following three requirements.25
(1) Circular blind flanges conforming to any of the flange standards listed in Table U-3 and further limited in UG-44(a)
shall be acceptable for the diameters and pressure–temperature ratings in the respective standard when the blind flange is of the
types shown in Figure UG-34, sketches (j) and (k). 当盲板法兰为图 UG-34 草图 (j)和 (k)所示类型并在 UG-44 (a)中进一步限
制为圆形盲板法兰时,则其只要符合表 U-3 中所列任何法兰标准,则应可采用相应标准中的直径和压力-温度额定值。
(2) The minimum required thickness of flat unstayed circular heads, covers and blind flanges shall be calculated by the
following formula:无支撑扁平封头、盖板和盲法兰的最小所需厚度可按下式求出:
t = d√𝐶𝑃⁄𝑆𝐸
except when the head, cover, or blind flange is attached by bolts causing an edge moment [sketches (j) and (k)] in
which case the thickness shall be calculated by 除非上述封头、盖板或盲法兰用螺栓连接从而导致边缘力矩
[草图 (j) 和 (k)] 时,其厚度才应按下式计算
t = d√𝐶𝑃⁄𝑆𝐸 + 1.9𝑊ℎ𝑔 ⁄𝑆𝐸𝑑 3
When using eq. (2), the thickness t shall be calculated for both operating conditions and gasket seating, and the
greater of the two values shall be used. For operating conditions, the value of P shall be the design pressure, and
the values of S at the design temperature and W from Mandatory Appendix 2, eq. 2-5(e)(4) shall be used. For
gasket seating, P equals zero, and the values of S at atmospheric temperature and W from Mandatory Appendix 2,
eq. 2-5(e)(5) shall be used. 当采用方程(2) 时,厚度 t 应针对运行条件和垫片压紧力来分别计算,并应取该两
值中的较大值。运行条件下之P值应为设计压力,S 的值应为设计温度下的值,W 的值应为按强制性附录
2-5(e)式(4)的计算值 。对于垫片压紧力而言,P 等于 0,在大气温度下之S 值以及 W 则按强制性附录2-5(e)
Flat unstayed heads, covers, or blind flanges may be square, rectangular, elliptical, obround, segmental, or otherwise
noncircular. Their required thickness shall be calculated by the following formula: 无拉杆扁平封头、盖板或盲法兰可以是方
where 式 (3)中之Z变量由下式给出
with the limitation that Z need not be greater than two and one-half (2.5). Z值不必大于2.5。
Equation (3) does not apply to noncircular heads, covers, or blind flanges attached by bolts causing a bolt edge moment
[Figure UG-34, sketches (j) and (k)]. For noncircular heads of this type, the required thickness shall be calculated by the
following formula: 方程 (3) 不适用于通过螺栓所连接之非圆形封头、盖板或盲法兰,因为螺栓连接会引起边缘力矩 [图
UG-34中草图 (j) 和 (k)]。对于此类非圆形封头的所需厚度应按下式进行求解:
When using eq. (5), the thickness t shall be calculated in the same way as specified above for eq. (2)(2). 当采用
方程(5)时,厚度 t应按上文UG-34(c)(2)方程(2)所指定的同样方法进行求解。
For the types of construction shown in Figure UG-34, the minimum values of C to be used in eqs. (c)(2)(1), (c)(2)(2),
(c)(3)(3), and (c)(3)(5) are: 用于图 UG-34 中所示结构类型之之方程(c)(2)(1)、(c)(2)(2)、(c)(3)(3) 和 (c)(3)(5) 中所采用之 C
(1) Sketch (a). C = 0.17 for flanged circular and noncircular heads forged integral with or butt welded to the vessel with
an inside corner radius not less than three times the required head thickness, with no special requirement with regard to length of
flange, and where the welding meets all the requirements for circumferential joints given in Part UW. 草图 (a)。 当将与容器锻
造成整体或带内拐角半径不小于所需封头厚度之 3 倍的圆形折边和非圆形之封头以满足 UW 篇对周向接头所给出之所有
要求的对接焊缝连接至容器时,C = 0.17,草图 (a)对法兰长度没有特殊要求时。
C = 0.10 for circular heads, when the flange length for heads of the above design is not less tha对于圆形封头而
言,当上述草图之封头凸缘长度 Y不小于如下方程之计得值时, C 取值为 0.10
C = 0.10 for circular heads, when the flange length Y is less than the requirements in eq. (6) but the shell
thickness is not less than 当凸缘长度 Y 小于方程之计得值,但壳体厚度𝑡𝑠 不小于方程 (6)之计得值时,C = 0.10
for a length of at least 2√𝑑𝑡𝑠 . 长度至少为2√𝑑𝑡𝑠 。
When C = 0.10 is used, the taper shall be at least 1:3. 当C取值为 0.10 时,应至少以 1:3进行削斜。
(2) Sketch (b-1). C = 0.17 for forged circular and noncircular heads integral with or butt welded to the vessel, where the
flange thickness is not less than two times the shell thickness, the corner radius on the inside is not less than three times the flange
thickness, and the welding meets all the requirements for circumferential joints given in Part UW. 草图 (b-1)。当凸缘厚度不小
于壳体厚度的 2 倍,内拐角半径不小于凸缘厚度的 3 倍,并且焊接满足 UW 部分给出的圆周接头的所有要求时,C =
0.17 可用于与容器锻造成整体或以对接焊接之锻造圆形和非圆形封头。
(3) Sketch (b-2). C = 0.33 but not less than 0.20 for forged circular and noncircular heads integral with or butt welded to
the vessel, where the flange thickness is not less than the shell thickness, the corner radius on the inside is not less than the
草图 (b-2) 。当凸缘厚度不小于壳体厚度,且最小所需内拐角半径𝑟𝑚𝑛. 不小于下列值时,等于 0.33 但不小于 0.20 的 C 值
𝑟𝑚𝑛. = 0.735 𝑡𝑠 for 𝑡𝑠 > 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) but need not be greater than 3/4 in. (19 mm) 当𝑡𝑠 > 1-1/2 in. (38
mm)时,𝑟𝑚𝑛. = 0.735𝑡𝑠 但不必大于 3/4 in. (19 mm)
𝑟𝑚𝑛. = 0.25 in. (10 mm) for 𝑡𝑠 ≤ 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) 当 𝑡𝑠 ≤ 1-1/2 in. (38 mm)时,𝑟𝑚𝑛. = 0.25 in. (10 mm)
The welding shall meet all the requirements for circumferential joints given in Part UW. 焊接应满足 UW 篇针
Sketch (c). C = 0.13 for circular heads lap welded or brazed to the shell with corner radius not less than 3t and Y not
less than required by eq. (1)(6) and the requirements of UW-13 are met. 草图 (c)。 当将具有拐角半径不小于 3t、 Y 不小于方
程 (1)(6)要求之封头以满足 UW-13 要求之搭接焊或钎焊或钎焊将圆形封头连接到壳体上时,C = 0.13。
C = 0.20 for circular and noncircular lap welded or brazed construction as above, but with no special
requirement with regard to Y. 对于上述圆形和非圆形搭接焊或钎焊结构而言,可将C 取值为 0.20,草图 (c)
对此类结构的长度 Y 值没有特殊要求。
C = 0.30 for circular flanged plates screwed over the end of the vessel, with inside corner radius not less than
3t, in which the design of the threaded joint against failure by shear, tension, or compression, resulting from the
end force due to pressure, is based on a factor of safety of at least four, and the threaded parts are at least as strong
as the threads for standard piping of the same diameter. Seal welding may be used, if desired. 对于具有内拐角半
径不小于 3t,且螺纹接头之设计可防止因压力而引起之端部力而导致的剪切、拉伸或压缩失效 ,基于至
兰板而言,可将C 取值为 0.30。 如果需要时,可以采用密封焊。
(5) Sketch (d). C = 0.13 for integral flat circular heads when the dimension d does not exceed 24 in. (600 mm), the ratio
of thickness of the head to the dimension d is not less than 0.05 or greater than 0.25, the head thickness 𝑡ℎ is not less than the shell
thickness 𝑡𝑠 , the inside corner radius is not less than 0.25t, and the construction is obtained by special techniques of upsetting and
spinning the end of the shell, such as employed in closing header ends. 草图 (d)。 对于整体式扁平圆封头而言,当其尺寸 d
不超过 24 in. (600 mm)时,C 取值为 0.13,其中封头厚度与尺寸 d 之比不小于 0.05 或大于 0.25,封头厚度 th 不小于壳体
厚度𝑡𝑠 ,内拐角半径不小于 0.25t,其结构是通过对壳体端部进行镦粗和旋压之特殊技术获得的,例如封闭集管端部所采
(6) Sketches (e), (f), and (g). C = 0.33m but not less than 0.20 for circular plates, welded to the inside of a vessel, and
otherwise meeting the requirements for the respective types of welded vessels. If a value of m less than 1 is used in calculating t,
the shell thickness 𝑡𝑠 shall be maintained along a distance inwardly from the inside face of the head equal to at least 2√𝑑𝑡𝑠 . The
throat thickness of the fillet welds in sketches (e) and (f) shall be at least 0.7𝑡𝑠 . The size of the weld 𝑡𝑤 in sketch (g) shall be not
less than 2 times the required thickness of a seamless shell nor less than 1.25 times the nominal shell thickness but need not be
greater than the head thickness; the weld shall be deposited in a welding groove with the root of the weld at the inner face of the
head as shown in the sketch. 草图 (e)、(f) 和 (g)。对于焊接到容器内部并且满足相应焊制容器类型之要求的圆形板而言,
C = 0.33m 但不小于 0.20。如果在计算 t 时的 m 值小于 1,则壳体厚度𝑡𝑠 应沿从封头内表面向内至少保持一段等于 2√𝑑𝑡𝑠
的距离。草图 (e) 和 (f) 中的填角焊缝喉深应至少为 0.7𝑡𝑠 。草图(g)中焊缝喉深𝑡𝑤 既不应小于无缝壳体所需厚度的 2 倍,
还不应小于标称壳体厚度的 1.25 倍,但不必大于封头厚度;如图所示,熔填金属应瑱满整个焊接坡口,且焊缝根部位于
C = 0.33 for noncircular plates, welded to the inside of a vessel and otherwise meeting the requirements for the
respective types of welded vessels. The throat thickness of the fillet welds in sketches (e) and (f) shall be at least
0.7𝑡𝑠 . The size of the weld 𝑡𝑤 in sketch (g) shall be not less than 2 times the required thickness of a seamless shell
nor less than 1.25 times the nominal shell thickness but need not be greater than the head thickness; the weld shall be
deposited in a welding groove with the root of the weld at the inner face of the head as shown in the sketch. 对于焊
接到容器内部并且满足相应焊制容器类型之要求的圆形板而言,C = 0.33。草图 (e) 和 (f) 中的填角焊缝喉深
应至少为 0.7𝑡𝑠 。草图(g)中焊缝𝑡𝑤 的尺寸不应小于无缝壳体要求厚度的2倍,也不小于标称壳体厚度的1.25
Sketch (h). C = 0.33 for circular plates welded to the end of the shell when 𝑡𝑠 is at least 1.25tr and the weld details
conform to the requirements of UW-13(e) and Figure UW-13.2, sketches (a) to (g) inclusive. See also UG-93(d)(3). 草图 (h)`. 当
𝑡𝑠 至少为 1.2 tr 且焊接细节符合 UW-13(e) 和图 UW-13.2 中草图 (a) 至 (g) 的要求时,C = 0.33 可用于焊接到壳体端部的圆
形板,另请参阅 UG-93(d)(3)。
(8) Sketch (i). C = 0.33m but not less than 0.20 for circular plates if an inside fillet weld with minimum throat thickness
of 0.7𝑡𝑠 is used and the details of the outside weld conform to the requirements of UW-13(e) and Figure UW-13.2, sketches (a) to
(g) inclusive, in which the inside weld can be considered to contribute an amount equal to 𝑡𝑠 to the sum of the dimensions a and b.
See also UG-93(d)(3). 草图 (i)。 等于 0.33 但不小于 0.20 之 C 值可用于内侧填角焊缝最小喉深为 0.7t𝑡𝑠 ,并且外侧焊缝细
节符合 UW-13(e) 和图 UW-13.2 中草图 (a) 到 (g) 之要求的圆形板,其中可认为内部焊缝对尺寸 a 和 b 的总和贡献了等于
𝑡𝑠 的量。另参请参阅 UG-93(d)(3)。
(9) Sketches (j) and (k). C = 0.3 for circular and noncircular heads and covers bolted to the vessel as indicated in the
figures. Note that eq. (c)(2)(2) or (c)(3)(5) shall be used because of the extra moment applied to the cover by the bolting. 草图 (j)
和 (k)。 C = 0.3 可用于,如图 (k)所示的圆形和非圆形封头和用螺栓固定在容器上的盖板。请注意,由于螺固时会在盖
板上产生额外力矩,因此应采用(c)(2)中所给出之方程(2) 或 (c)(3) 中所给出之方程(5)。
When the cover plate is grooved for a peripheral gasket, as shown in sketch (k), the net cover plate thickness under
the groove or between the groove and the outer edge of the cover plate shall be not less than 如图(k)所示:对于圆形封头
for circular heads and covers, nor less than 对于圆形封头和盖板而言,不小于d√6𝑤ℎ𝐺 ⁄𝑆𝐿𝑑 2
for noncircular heads and covers, nor less than d√1.9𝑤ℎ𝐺 ⁄𝑆𝑑 2 . 对于非圆形封头和盖板而言,不小于
d√6𝑤ℎ𝐺 ⁄𝑆𝐿𝑑 2
(10) Sketches (m), (n), and (o). C = 0.3 for a circular plate inserted into the end of a vessel and held in place by a positive
mechanical locking arrangement, and when all possible means of failure (either by shear, tension, compression, or radial
deformation, including flaring, resulting from pressure and differential thermal expansion) are resisted with a factor of safety of at
least four. Seal welding may be used, if desired. 草图 (m)、(n) 和 (o)。 当所有可能失效方式 (因压力和热膨胀差而导致剪
切、拉伸、压缩或径向变形,包括扩口)具有少为 4 之安全系数至时, C = 0.3 用于嵌入容器端部并通过强制机械锁定装
置固定到位的圆形板。 如果需要时,可以采用密封焊。
(11) Sketch (p). C = 0.25 for circular and noncircular covers bolted with a full-face gasket, to shells, flanges or side
草图 (p)。 对于采用满缘垫片并以螺栓连接到壳体、法兰或侧板之圆形盖板和非圆形盖板而言,C = 0.25。
(12) Sketch (q). C = 0.75 for circular plates screwed into the end of a vessel having an inside diameter d not exceeding 12
in. (300 mm); or for heads having an integral flange screwed over the end of a vessel having an inside diameter d not exceeding
12 in. (300 mm); and when the design of the threaded joint, against failure by shear, tension, compression, or radial deformation,
including flaring, resulting from pressure and differential thermal expansion, is based on a factor of safety of at least four. If a
tapered pipe thread is used, the requirements of Table UG-43 shall also be met. Seal welding may be used, if desired. 草图 (q)。
当在设计螺纹接头时,已针对剪切、拉伸、压缩或径向变形 (包括由压力和热膨胀差异引起的扩口)引起的失效给出了至
少为 4 的安全系数时,则旋入内径 d 不超过 12 in. (300 mm)的容器末端之圆形板的 C 值为 0.75; 或当具有整体凸缘之封
头,而该凸缘拧在内径 d 不超过 12 in. (300 mm)的容器端部上时,C 亦取值为 0.75 。 若锥形管螺纹,还应满足表 UG-43
的要求。 如果需要慈,可以使用密封焊。
(13) Sketch (r). C = 0.33 for circular plates having a dimension d not exceeding 18 in. (450 mm) inserted into the vessel
as shown and otherwise meeting the requirements for the respective types of welded vessels. The end of the vessel shall be
crimped over at least 30 deg, but not more than 45 deg. The crimping may be done cold only when this operation will not injure
the metal. The throat of the weld shall be not less than the thickness of the flat head or shell, whichever is greater. 草图 (r)。C =
0.33 适用于如图所示尺寸 d 不超过 18 in. (450 mm)之圆形板崁入满足相应类型焊制容器要求之容器中的构造。而该容器
末端应至少卷曲为 30 度但不超过 45 度。 仅当压接操作不会损坏金属时,才可进行冷压接。 焊缝喉深应不小于扁平封
头或壳体的厚度 (取较大者)。
Sketch (s). C = 0.33 for circular beveled plates having a diameter d not exceeding 18 in. (450 mm), inserted into a
vessel, the end of which is crimped over at least 30 deg, but not more than 45 deg, and when the undercutting for seating leaves at
least 80% of the shell thickness. The beveling shall be not less than 75% of the head thickness. The crimping shall be done when
the entire circumference of the cylinder is uniformly heated to the proper forging temperature for the material used. For this
construction, the ratio 𝑡𝑠 /d shall be not less than the ratio P/S nor less than 0.05. The maximum allowable pressure for this
construction shall not exceed P = KS/d. This construction is not permissible if machined from rolled plate. 草图(s)。当直径 d 不
超过 8 in. (450 mm)之圆形带斜边板崁入至少卷曲为 30 度但不超过 45 度之容器端部,并且当该容器端部为垫片承座而
开槽的残余厚度至少占壳体厚度的 80%时,C = 0.33。卷边长度不应小于封头厚度的 75%。 当筒体的整个圆周均匀加热
到所用材料之适用锻造温度时方能进行卷边。 对于这种结构,比率𝑡𝑠 /d 应不小于比率 P/S 也不应小于 0.05。 此结构的
最大许用压力 P 不应超过 KS/d。 如果由轧制板材加工而成,则不允许采用这种结构。
UG-35.1 Dished Heads 蝶形封头
Requirements for design of dished heads with bolting flanges are given in Mandatory Appendix, 1-6. 有关带螺栓凸缘之
蝶形封头的设计要求请参阅强制性附录 1-6。
UG-35.2 Quick-Actuating Closures 快动封闭组件
Definitions 定义
Quick-actuating closures are closures that are operated by an action that releases all holding elements. 快动
(2) Holding elements are parts of the closure used to hold the cover to the vessel, and/or to provide the load
required to seal the closure. Hinge pins or bolts may be used as holding elements. 夹持组件是封闭组件的一部分,以用于
将盖板托 y94 容器上,为该封闭组件之密封性提供所需的载荷。 铰链销或螺栓可用作夹持组件。
(3) Locking elements are parts of the closure that prevent a reduction in the load on a holding element or prevent
the release of a holding element. Locking elements may also be used as holding elements. 闭锁组件是封闭组件的一部分,
The locking mechanism or locking device may consist of a combination of locking elements. 闭锁机构或闭
General 通则
(1) Quick-actuating closures shall be designed such that the locking elements are engaged prior to or upon
application of pressure and remain engaged until the pressure is released. 快动封闭组件应设计成在施加压力之前或施加压
(2) Quick-actuating closures shall be designed such that the failure of a single holding element while the vessel
is pressurized (or contains a static head of liquid acting at the closure) will not 快动封闭组件的设计应能确保容器在加压
(-a) cause or allow the closure to be opened or leak; or 导致或允许该封闭组件被打开或泄漏;或者
(-b) result in the failure of any other locking element or holding element; or 导致任何闭锁组件或夹持组
(-c) increase the stress in any other locking element or holding element by more than 50% above the
allowable stress of the element 将任何其他闭锁组件或夹持组件中的应力增加超过该组件之许用应力的50% 以上
(3) Quick-actuating closures shall be designed and installed such that it may be determined by visual external
observation that the holding elements are in satisfactory condition. 快动封闭组件应设计和安装成能通过目视外部观察确
(4) Quick-actuating closures shall also be designed so that all locking elements can be verified to be fully
engaged by visual observation or other means prior to the application of pressure to the vessel. 快动封闭组件还应设计成能
(5) When installed, all vessels having quick-actuating closures shall be provided with a pressure-indicating
device visible from the operating area and suitable for detecting pressure at the closure. 安装时,所有具有快动封闭组件之
The use of a multilink component, such as a chain, is not permitted. 不允许使用诸如锁链此类的多链接组
When a quick-actuating closure is provided as a part, it shall be provided with a Partial Data Report as
meeting the applicable requirements of this Division. 当快动封闭组件作为一个零部件提供时,应提供零部件数据报告表
(8) Nonmandatory Appendix FF provides supplementary information for the Manufacturer of the pressure vessel
and provides guidance on installation, operation, and maintenance for the owner and user. 非强制性附录 FF 为压力容器制
Specific Design Requirements 具体设计要求
(1) Quick-actuating closures that are held in position by positive locking devices and that are fully released by
partial rotation or limited movement of the closure itself or the locking mechanism, and any closure that is other than
manually operated, shall be so designed that when the vessel is installed the following conditions are met (see also
Nonmandatory Appendix FF):
何非手动操作的闭,应设计成能使容器的安装满足以下条件 (另见非强制性附录 FF):
(-a) The closure and its holding elements are fully engaged in their intended operating position before
pressure can be applied in the vessel. 在对容器施加压力之前,封闭组件及其夹持组件完全啮合在其预期操作位
(-b) Pressure tending to force the closure open or discharge the vessel contents clear of the vessel shall be
released before the closure can be fully opened for access. 在完全打开封闭件以供进入之前,应释放倾向于迫使封
(-c) In the event that compliance with (-a) and (-b) above is not inherent in the design of the closure and its
holding elements, provisions shall be made so that devices to accomplish this can be added when the vessel is installed.
如果封闭组件及其夹持组件的设计并非固有地符合上述 (-a) 和 (-b) 的规定,则应制定相关规定,以便在安装容
(2) The design rules of Mandatory Appendix 2 of this Division may not be applicable to the design of
quickactuating closures; see Mandatory Appendix 2-1(e). 本卷强制性附录 2 之设计规则可能不适用于快动封闭组件的设
计;见强制性附录 2 第 1(e)段。
(3) The design shall consider the effects of cyclic and other loadings (see UG-22) and mechanical wear on the
holding and locking elements and sealing surfaces. 设计应顾及到循环载荷和其他载荷 (参见 UG-22)以及机械磨损对夹持
(4) It is recognized that it is impractical to write requirements to cover the multiplicity of quick-actuating
closures, or to prevent negligent operation or the circumventing of safety devices. Any device or devices that will provide the
safeguards described in (1)(-a), (1)(-b), and (1)(-c) above will meet the intent of these rules. 公认的是:编写要求来涵盖快
动封闭组件的多样性或防止疏忽操作或规避安全装置是不可行的。 任何提供上述 (1)(-a)、(1)(-b) 和 (1)(-c) 中所述保
(5) If clamps used in the design of quick-actuating closures meet the scope of Mandatory Appendix 24, then the
requirements of Mandatory Appendix 24 shall also be met. 如果在快动封闭组件之设计中所采用的卡箍满足强制性附录
24 的是用范围,则还应满足强制性附录 24 的要求。
(6) The Manufacturer of a pressure vessel with a quick-actuating closure shall supply the user with an
installation, operation, and maintenance manual that shall address the maintenance and operation of the closure. The manual
should address the topics discussed in Nonmandatory Appendix FF. The intent is for this manual to stay with the owner or
operator of the pressure vessel. 配备有快动封闭组件之压力容器制造商应向用户提供安装、操作和维护手册,该手册宜
说明该封闭组件的维护和操作。该手册宜涉及非强制性附录 FF 中所讨论的主题。 该手册的目的是让压力容器所有
Alternative Designs for Manually Operated Closures 手动封闭组件的另一种设计
(1) Quick-actuating closures that are held in position by a locking mechanism designed for manual operation
shall be designed such that if an attempt is made to open the closure when the vessel is under pressure, the closure will leak
prior to full disengagement of the locking elements and release of the closure. The design of the closure and vessel shall be
such that any leakage shall be directed away from the normal position of the operator. 由专为手动操作设计之锁闭机构固
释放封闭组件之前,封闭组件先行泄漏。 封闭组件和容器的设计应确保任何泄漏都应远离操作员且泄放至安全位
(2) Manually operated closures need not satisfy (c)(1)(-a), (c)(1)(-b), or (c)(1)(-c) above, but pressure vessels
equipped with such closures shall be equipped with an audible or visible warning device that will warn the operator if
pressure is applied to the vessel before the holding elements and locking elements are fully engaged in their intended
position or if an attempt is made to disengage the locking mechanism before the pressure within the vessel is released. 手动
UG-35.3 Quick-Opening Closures快开封闭组件
(a) Definitions 定义
(1) Quick-opening closures are closures other than bolted flange joints as described in UG-44(a), 1-6, and
Mandatory Appendix 2, and quick-actuating closures as described in UG-35.2. Closures utilizing a clamp design that meets
the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 24 are exempt from the rules for quick-opening closures. Closures with multiple
swing bolts are not considered quick-opening closures. 快开封闭组件是 UG-44(a)、附录 1-6 和强制性附录 2 中所述螺栓
法兰接头以及 UG-35.2 中所述快动封闭组件以外的另一种封闭组件。其采用符合强制性附录 24 要求之卡箍设计的封
闭组件不受快开封闭组件规则的约束。 具有多个活节螺栓之封闭组件不被视为快开封闭组件。
(2) Holding elements are parts of the closure used to hold the closure to the vessel, and/or to provide the load
required to seal the closure. Hinge pins or bolts may be used as holding elements. 夹持组件是封闭组件的一部分,以用于
将封闭组件托在容器上,和/或为该封闭组件之密封性提供所需的载荷。 铰链销或螺栓可用作夹持组件。
(b) General 快开封闭组件的通则
(1) Quick-opening closures shall be designed such that the failure of a single holding element while the vessel is
pressurized (or contains a static head of liquid acting at the closure) will not 快开封闭组件应设计成在容器加压 (或包含
(-a) cause or allow the closure to be opened or leak; or 导致或允许该封闭组件被打开或泄漏;或者
(-b) increase the stress in any other holding element by more than 50% above the allowable stress of the
将任何其他闭锁组件或夹持组件中的应力增加超过该组件之许用应力的50% 以上
(2) Quick-opening closures shall be designed and installed such that it can be determined by visual external
observation that the holding elements are in satisfactory condition. 快开封闭装置应设计和安装成能通过目视外部观察确
(3) All vessels having quick-opening closures shall have a pressure release device (e.g., vent valve, threaded plug)
installed on the vessel that will relieve the pressure inside the vessel prior to opening the closure. Alternatively, if release of
the product in the vessel could be dangerous to personnel or the environment, or could cause other safety issues, the
provisions for pressure release need not be furnished when operating procedures are such that they can ensure there is no
pressure in the vessel prior to opening the closure. 所有具有快开封闭组件之容器均应在容器上安装泄压装置 (例如排气
阀、螺纹塞),以在打开封闭组件之前释先行放容器内的压力。 或者,如果产品在容器中的释放可能对人员或环境
(4) When a quick-opening closure is provided as a part, it shall be provided with a Partial Data Report and shall
meet the applicable requirements of this Division. 当快开封闭件组作为一个零部件提供时,则应提供零部件数据报
Nonmandatory Appendix FF provides supplementary design information for the Manufacturer and provides
guidance on installation, operation, and maintenance for the owner and user. 非非强制性附录 FF 为制造商提供补充设计
(c) Specific Design Requirements 具体设计要求
(1) The design rules of Mandatory Appendix 2 of this Division may not be applicable to the design of quickopening closures; see Mandatory Appendix 2-1(e). 本卷强制性附录 2 的设计规则可能不适用于快开关闭组件的设计; 见
强制性附录 2-1(e)。
(2) The design shall consider the effects of cyclic and other loadings (see UG-22) and mechanical wear on the
holding elements and the sealing surfaces. 设计应顾及循环载荷和其他载荷 (参见 UG-22)以及机械磨损对夹持组件和密封
Figure UG-36 Large Head Openings — Reverse-Curve and Conical Shell-Reducer Sections
图 UG-36 封头上大开孔-反向曲线和锥形壳体变径段
NOTES: 注释:
(1) 𝑟𝐿 shall not be less than the greater of 0.12(𝑟𝐿 + t) or 3t: 𝒓𝒔 has no
dimensional requirement. 𝑟𝐿 不应小于0.12(𝑅𝐿 + t) 或 3t 中的较大者;𝒓𝒔
(2) α1 >α2 ; therefore, use α1 in design equations. 由于α1 >α2 ,因此设计方程
(3) The Manufacturer of a pressure vessel with a quick-opening closure shall supply the user with an installation,
operation, and maintenance manual that shall address the maintenance and operation of the closure. The manual should address
the topics discussed in Nonmandatory Appendix FF. The intent is for this manual to stay with the owner or operator of the
pressure vessel. 配备有快开封闭组件之压力容器的制造商应向用户提供安装、操作和维护手册,其中应说明封闭组件
的维护和操作。 该手册应涉及非强制性附录 FF 中所讨论的主题。 该手册的目的是让压力容器的所有者或操作员一起
Shape of Opening 27 开孔的形状 27
(1) Openings in cylindrical or conical portions of vessels, or in formed heads, shall preferably be circular, elliptical, or
obround.28 When the long dimension of an elliptical or obround opening exceeds twice the short dimensions, the reinforcement
across the short dimensions shall be increased as necessary to provide against excessive distortion due to twisting moment. 容器
的圆筒形或圆锥形部分或成型封头中的开孔应优选为圆形、椭圆形或长圆形。28 当椭圆形或长圆形开孔之长径尺寸超
(2) Openings may be of other shapes than those given in (1) above, and all corners shall be provided with a suitable
radius. These openings shall be designed in accordance with U-2(g). 开孔可以是上述 (1)中所给出之形状以外的其他形状,并
且所有转角均应具有合适的半径。 这些开孔应根据 U-2(g) 之规则来进行设计。
Size of Openings 开孔尺寸
(1) Properly reinforced openings in cylindrical and conical shells are not limited as to size except with the following
provisions for design. The rules in UG-36 through UG-43 apply to openings not exceeding the following: for vessels 60 in. (1 520
mm) inside diameter and less, onehalf the vessel diameter, but not to exceed 20 in. (510 mm); for vessels over 60 in. (1 520 mm)
inside diameter, one-third the vessel diameter, but not to exceed 40 in. (1 020 mm). (For conical shells, the inside shell diameter
as used above is the cone diameter at the center of the opening.) For openings exceeding these limits, supplemental rules of
Mandatory Appendix 1-7 shall be satisfied in addition to the rules of this paragraph. 圆筒形和圆锥形壳体中经过适当补强的开
孔,除下列对设计的规定外,其尺寸不受限制。 UG-36 至 UG-43 中的规则适用于不超过以下范围的开孔: 对于内径为
60 in. (1 520 mm)及以下的容器,为容器直径的一半,但不超过 20 in. (510 mm); 对于内径超过 60 in. (1 520 mm)的容
器,为容器直径的三分之一,但不超过 40 in. (1 020 mm)。 (对于锥壳而言,上述壳体内径为开孔中心处的圆锥直径)。
对于超过这些限度的开孔,除本款规则外,还应满足强制性附录 1-7 的补充规则。
(2) Properly reinforced openings in formed heads and spherical shells are not limited in size. For an opening in an end
closure, which is larger than one-half the inside diameter of the shell, one of the following alternatives to reinforcement may also
be used: 成型封头和球壳中具有适当补强之开孔,其尺寸不受限制。 对于端盖上的开孔 (大于壳体内径的一半),也可以
Figure UG-37 Chart for Determining Value of F, as Requiredin UG37 图 UG-37 按 UG-37 之要求以用于确定 F 值的线算图
(-a) a conical section as shown in Figure
UG-36, sketch (a); 采用图 UG-36 中草图 (a) 所示
(-b) a cone with a knuckle radius at the
large end as shown in Figure UG-36, sketch (b); 采
shell axis壳体
用图 UG-36 中草图 (b) 所示在大端具有转角半
(-c) a reverse curve section as shown in
Figure UG-36, sketches (c) and (d); or 采用图 UG36 草图 (c) 和 (d) 中所示的反向曲线段;或者
(-d) using a flare radius at the small end as
shown in Figure UG-33.1, sketch (d). 采用图 UG33.1 草图 (d) 中所示在小端具有喇叭口半径之
Values of F
The design shall comply with all the
requirements of the rules for reducer sections [see
(e) below] insofar as these rules are applicable. 只
径管段规则的所有要求 [见下文(e)]。
(c) Strength and Design of Finished Openings
All references to dimensions in this
and succeeding paragraphs apply to the finished
construction after deduction has been made for
material added as corrosion allowance. For design
purposes, no metal added as corrosion allowance
may be considered as reinforcement. The finished
opening diameter is the diameter d as defined in
UG-37 and in Figure UG-40. 本段落和后续段落
Angle θ, deg, of Plane With Longitudinal Axis平面与纵轴的夹角(θ),单位:度
添加之材料后的成品结构。 出于设计目的,以腐蚀余量添加之金属不可被视为补强材料。经过修整之开孔直径是 UG37 和图 UG-40 中所定义的直径 d。
See below. 见下文
(-a) Openings in cylindrical or conical shells, or formed heads shall be reinforced to satisfy the requirements in
UG-37 except as given in (3) below. 圆筒形或圆锥形壳体或成型封头中之开孔应进行补强,以满足 UG-37 中的要
求,但以下 (3) 中所给出的情况除外。
(-b) Openings in flat heads shall be reinforced as required by UG-39. 扁平封头中之开孔应按照 UG-39 的要求
Openings in vessels not subject to rapid fluctuations in pressure do not require reinforcement other than that inherent
in the construction under the following conditions: 在以下条件下,不受压力快速波动影响的容器开孔不需要补强,但但结
(-a) welded, brazed, and flued connections meeting the applicable rules and with a finished opening not larger
(-1) 31/2 in. (89 mm) diameter — in vessel shells or heads with a required minimum thickness of 3/8 in. (10
mm) or less; 在带有最小所需厚度 ≤ 3/8 in. (10 mm)之容器壳体或封头上之开孔直径不大于31/2 in. (89 mm);
(-2) 23/8 in. (60 mm) diameter — in vessel shells or heads over a required minimum thickness of 3/8 in. (10
mm);在带有最小所需厚度为 3/8 in. (10 mm)之容器壳体或封头上之开孔直径不大于23/8 in. (60 mm);
(-b) threaded, studded, or expanded connections in which the hole cut in the shell or head is not greater than 2 3/8
in. (60 mm) diameter; 为螺纹、螺柱或膨胀节等接头而在壳体或封头上切出直径不大于23/8 in. (60 mm)的开孔;
(-c) no two isolated unreinforced openings, in accordance with (-a) or (-b) above, shall have their centers closer to
each other than the sum of their diameters; 根据上述 (-a) 或 (-b),任何两个孤立未补强开孔间之中心距不应超过该
(-d) no two unreinforced openings, in a cluster of three or more unreinforced openings in accordance with (-a) or
(-b) above, shall have their centers closer to each other than the following: 根据上述 (-a) 或 (-b) 规定,在三个或更多
for cylindrical or conical shells, 对于圆筒形壳体或圆锥形壳体而言为:
for doubly curved shells and formed or flat heads, 对于双曲壳体和成型封头或扁平封头而言为:
where 式中
𝑑1 , 𝑑2 = the finished diameter of the two adjacent openings 相邻两个开孔的成品直径
= the angle between the line connecting the center of the openings and the longitudinal
axis of the shell 连接开孔中心之直线与壳体纵轴间之夹角
The centerline of an unreinforced opening as defined in (-a) and (-b) above shall not be closer than its
finished diameter to any material used for reinforcement of an adjacent reinforced opening. 上述 (-a) 和 (-b) 中所定
Openings Through Welded Joints. Additional provisions governing openings through welded joints are given in UW-14.
通过焊接接头之开孔。 UW-14 中给出了管控焊接接头上之开孔的附加规定。
Reducer Sections Under Internal Pressure 内部压力作用下的异径管段
(1) The equations and rules of this paragraph apply to concentric reducer sections wherein all the longitudinal loads are
transmitted wholly through the shell of the reducer. Where loads are transmitted in part or as a whole by other elements, e.g.,
inner shells, stays, or tubes, the rules of this paragraph do not apply. 本段落之方程和规则适用于同心异径管段,其中所有纵
向载荷完全通过异径管之壳体传递。则本洛段之规则不适用于当载荷以部分或整体由其他组件 (例如内壳体、撑杆或管
(2) The thickness of each element of a reducer, as defined in (4) below, under internal pressure shall not be less than that
computed by the applicable formula. In addition, provisions shall be made for any of the other loadings listed in UG-22, where
such loadings are expected. 如下文 (4)中所定义的异径管各组件在内压作用下的厚度不应小于按适用方程所计算出的值。
此外,如果预计会出现 UG-22 中所列出的任何其他载荷,则应做出规定。
The symbols defined in either UG-32(b) or below are used in this paragraph (see Figure UG-36). 本段落采用了
UG-32(b) 或下文中所定义的符号 (见图 UG-36)。
= minimum required thickness of the considered element of a reducer after forming 成型后拟计算异径管
RL = inside radius of larger cylinder 大端筒体的内半径
Rs = inside radius of smaller cylinder 小端筒体之内半径
= inside radius of knuckle at larger cylinder 大端筒体的转角区内半径
= radius to the inside surface of flare at the small end 小端处之喇叭口内表面的半径
α = one-half of the included (apex) angle of a conical element 圆锥形组件之夹角 (顶角)的一半
(4) Elements of a Reducer. A transition section reducer consisting of one or more elements may be used to join two
cylindrical shell sections of different diameters but with a common axis, provided the requirements of this paragraph are met.
异径组件。 只要满足本段落之要求,则由一或多个组件所组成的变径过渡段可用于连接两个不同直径但具有公共轴线
Conical Shell Section. The required thickness of a conical shell section, or the allowable working pressure
for such a section of given thickness, shall be determined by the equations given in UG-32(f). 锥形壳体段。 应以 UG32(f) 中所给出之方程来确定圆锥形壳体段所需厚度,或给定厚度之截面允许用操作压力。
(-b) Knuckle Tangent to the Larger Cylinder. Where a knuckle is used at the large end of a reducer section, its
shape shall be that of a portion of an ellipsoidal, hemispherical, or torispherical head. The thickness and other dimensions
shall satisfy the requirements of the appropriate equations and provisions of UG-32. 与大端圆筒体相切之转角区。 如
果在变径管的大端采用转角区,则其形状应为椭圆形、半球形或准球形头部的一部分。 厚度和其他尺寸应满足
(5) Combination of Elements to Form a Reducer. When elements of (4) above, having different thicknesses are
combined to form a reducer, the joints including the plate taper required by UW-9(c) shall lie entirely within the limits of the
thinner element being joined. 由多个组件所组成的变径段。 当异径段是由具有不同厚度之上述(4)的组件所组合形成时,
包括 UW-9(c)所要求之板锥度的接头应完全位于所要连接之较薄组件的范围内。
(-a) A reducer may be a simple conical shell section, Figure UG-36, sketch (a), without knuckle, provided the
half-apex angle α is not greater than 30 deg, except as provided for in Mandatory Appendix, 1-5(g). A reinforcement ring
shall be provided at either or both ends of the reducer when required by the rules of 1-5. 异径管可以是图 UG-36中草图
(a)所示不带转角区的简单的锥形壳体段,前提是半顶角 α 不大于 30 度,但强制性附录 1-5(g)中所规定的情况除
(-b) A toriconical reducer, Figure UG-36, sketch (b), may be shaped as a portion of a toriconical head, UG-32(g),
a portion of a hemispherical head plus a conical section, or a portion of an ellipsoidal head plus a conical section,
provided the half-apex angle α is not greater than 30 deg, except as provided for in Mandatory Appendix, 1-5(g). A
reinforcement ring shall be provided at the small end of the conical reducer element when required by the rules in
Mandatory Appendix, 1-5.
图 UG-36中草图 (b)所示准锥形异径段可成形为UG-32(g) 所述的准锥形封头一部分,半球形封头的一部分加上圆
锥段,或椭圆形封头一部分加上圆锥段,前提是半顶角α不大于30度,但强制性附录 1-5(g)中所规定的情况除
外。 业主引用强制性附录1-5中之条款时,则锥形异径组件的小端应设有加劲环。
(-c) Reverse curve reducers, Figure UG-36, sketches (c) and (d), may be shaped of elements other than those of
(4) above. See U-2(g). 图 UG-36中草图 (c) 和 (d)所示反向曲异径段可以采用除上述 (4) 之外的组件形状, 参见 U(f)
Reducers Under External Pressure. The rules of UG-33(f) shall be followed, where applicable, in the design of reducers
under external pressure. 外部压力作用下之异径段。当适用时,外部压力作用下之异径段的设计应遵循 UG-33(f) 的规则。
(g) Oblique Conical Shell Sections Under Internal Pressure. A transition section reducer consisting of an oblique conical
shell section may be used to join two cylindrical shell sections of different diameters and axes, provided the following
requirements are used: 内部压力作用下之斜圆锥壳段。只要须满足以下要求,则由斜圆锥壳段所组成的过渡异径段可用
The required thickness shall be determined by the equations given in UG-32(f). 所需厚度应满足按 UG-32(f) 中所
(2) The angle α to be used shall be the largest included angle between the oblique cone and the attached cylindrical
section [see Figure UG-36, sketch (e)] and shall not be greater than 30 deg, except as provided for in Mandatory Appendix, 15(g). 所采用之角度 α 应为斜锥体与其所附着之圆筒段之间的最大夹角 [见图 UG-36 中草图(e)],且不应大于 30°,但强制
性附录 1-5(g)中所规定的除外。
(3) Diametrical dimensions to be used in the design equations shall be measured perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder
to which the cone is attached. 设计方程中所采用之直径尺寸应沿着垂直于圆锥体所连接之圆筒体的轴线进行测量。
(4) A reinforcement ring shall be provided at either or both ends of the reducer when required by the rules of Mandatory
Appendix, 1-5. 当业主引用了强制性附录 1-5 的规则要求时,则应在异径端的一端或两端设置加劲环。
Nomenclature. The symbols used in this paragraph are defined as follows: 命名法。本节中所采用之符号的定义如下所
= total cross-sectional area of reinforcement required in the plane under consideration (see Figure UG-37.1)
(includes consideration of nozzle area through shell if Sn/Sv < 1.0) 拟计算平面内所需补强的总横截面积 (见
图 UG-37.1) (如果 Sn/Sv < 1.0时,则包括插入壳体的管嘴面积)
= area in excess thickness in the vessel wall available for reinforcement (see Figure UG-37.1) (includes
consideration of nozzle area through shell if Sn/Sv < 1.0) 容器壁中可用于补强的多余厚度 (见图 UG-37.1)
(如果 Sn/Sv时,则包括插入壳体的管嘴面积)
= area in excess thickness in the nozzle wall available for reinforcement (see Figure UG-37.1) 管嘴壁中可用
于补强的多余厚度 (见图 UG-37.1)
= area available for reinforcement when the nozzle extends inside the vessel wall (see Figure UG-37.1) 当管嘴
延伸到容器壁内时可用于补强的面积 (见图 UG-37.1)
= cross-sectional area of material added as reinforcement (see Figure UG-37.1) 作为补强材料添加之材料的
横截面积 (见图 UG-37.1)
𝐴41 , 𝐴42 ,
= cross-sectional area of various welds available for reinforcement (see Figure UG-37.1) 可用于补强之各种焊
缝的横截面积 (见图UG-37.1)
= corrosion allowance腐蚀裕量
= inside shell diameter壳体内径
= outside diameter of reinforcing element (actual size of reinforcing element may exceed the limits of
reinforcement established by UG-40; however, credit cannot be taken for any material outside these limits) 补
强组件之外径 (补强组件之实际尺寸可能超出 UG-40 所规定的补强极限;但是,超出这些极限之任何
= finished diameter of circular opening or finished dimension (chord length at midsurface of thickness
excluding excess thickness available for reinforcement) of nonradial opening in the plane under
consideration, in. (mm) [see Figures UG-37.1 and UG-40] 圆形开孔之成品直径或拟计算平面中非径向开
孔之成品尺寸 (厚度中面处的弦长,该厚度不包括可用于补强之多余厚度),单位:in. (mm) [参见图
UG-37.1 和 UG-40]
= 1 (see definitions for 𝑡𝑟 and trn) E = 1(请参阅𝑡𝑟 和𝑡𝑚 的定义);
= 1 when an opening is in the solid plate or in a Category B butt joint; or当开孔位于无缝处或 B 类对接接头
中时,𝐸1 = 1; 或者
= 0.85 when an opening is located in an ERW or autogenously welded pipe or tube. If the ERW or
autogenously welded joint is clearly identifiable and it can be shown that the opening does not pass through
this weld joint, then 𝐸1 may be determined using the other rules of this paragraph; or 当开孔位于电阻焊或自
熔焊管材中时,𝐸1 =0.850,如果电阻焊或自熔焊焊接头清晰可辨,并且可以证明开孔没有穿过该焊接
接头,则可以采用本段落的其他规则所确定𝐸1 值;或者
= joint efficiency obtained from Table UW-12 when any part of the opening passes through any other welded
joint 当开孔之任何部分穿过任何其他焊接接头时,𝐸1 等于从表 UW-12 获得的接头效率
Figure UG-37.1 Nomenclature and Formulas for Reinforced Openings 图 UG-37.1 补强开孔之名词术语和方程
Use Smaller value采用较小值
See UG-40 for limits
of reinforcement
Use Smaller value采用较小值
Use larger value采用较大小值
Use larger value采用较大小值
For nozzle wall inserted through the vessel wall
For nozzle wall abutting the vessel wall对于
Without Reinforcing Element 无补强组件
= d tf F + 2tn F (1-tr1)
Area required所需面积
= d(𝐸1 𝑡 − 𝐹𝑡𝑟 ) − 2𝑡𝑛 (𝐸1 𝑡 − 𝐹𝑡𝑟 )(1 − 𝑡𝑟1 )
Area available in shell; use larger value壳体内之可用面积
= 2(𝑡 + 𝑡𝑛 )(𝐸1 𝑡 − 𝐹𝑡𝑟 ) − 2𝑡𝑛 (𝐸1 𝑡 − 𝐹𝑡𝑟 )(1 − 𝑡𝑟1 )
= A2
= 5(𝑡𝑛 − 𝑡𝑟𝑛 )𝑓𝑟2 𝑡
= 5t(𝑡𝑛 − 𝑡𝑟𝑛 )𝑓𝑟2 𝑡
Area available in nozzle projecting outward; use smaller value
= A3
= 5t 𝑡𝑖 𝑓𝑟2
= 5t i t i fr2
= 2h 𝑡𝑖 𝑓𝑟2
Area available in inward nozzle; use smallest value
= A1
外伸管嘴的可用面积 (取较小值)
内伸管嘴的可用面积 (取最小值)
= A41
= outward nozzle weld 外伸管嘴焊缝= (leg) fr2
Area available in outward weld 外部焊缝的有效补强面积
= A43
= inward nozzle weld 内伸管嘴焊缝= (leg) fr2
Area available in inward weld 内部焊缝的可用面积
If A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 ≥ A
Opening is adequately reinforced 开孔处已充分补强
Opening is not adequately reinforced so reinforcing elements
must be added and/or thicknesses must be increased 开孔未
If A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 < A
With Reinforcing Element; Added 有外加补强之组件
= same as A, above与上面的 A 相同
Area required 所需面积
= same as A , above与上面的 A 相同
Area available可用面积
= 5(𝑡𝑛 − 𝑡𝑟𝑛 )𝑓𝑟2 𝑡
= 2(𝑡𝑛 − 𝑡𝑟𝑛 )(2.5𝑡𝑛 + 𝑡𝑒 )𝑓𝑟2
Area available in nozzle projecting outward; use smaller area外伸管嘴的可用
same as A3 , above
Area available in inward nozzle内伸管嘴的可用面积
= A41
= outward nozzle weld外伸管嘴焊缝=
Area available in outward weld 外部焊缝的可用面积
= A42
= outer element weld外部组件焊缝=
Area available in outer weld外部焊缝的可用面积
= A43
= A5
= inward nozzle weld内伸管嘴焊缝=
= (𝐷𝑝 d 2𝑡𝑛 ) 𝑡𝑒 𝑓𝑟4 [Note (2)]
面积 (取较小面积)
Area available in inward weld 内部焊缝的可用面积
Area available in element组件中的可用区域
If A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A42 + A43 + A5 ≥ A
Opening is adequately reinforced开孔处已充分补强
GENERAL NOTE: This figure illustrates a common nozzle configuration and is not intended to prohibit other configurations permitted by the Code.
NOTES: 注释:
(1) Includes consideration of these areas if Sn /Sv < 1.0 (both sides of centerline). 如果Sn /Sv < 1.0 (中心线两侧)时,则计入这些面积
(2) This formula is applicable for a rectangular cross-sectional element that falls within the limits of reinforcement. 此方程适用于补强限度内的
= correction factor that compensates for the variation in internal pressure stresses on different planes with
respect to the axis of a vessel. A value of 1.00 shall be used for all configurations except that Figure UG-37
may be used for integrally reinforced openings in cylindrical shells and cones. [See UW-16(c)(1).] 用于补偿
相对于容器轴线之不同平面上的内压应力变化的修正系数。 值 1.00 应用于所有配置,但图 UG-37中
可用于圆筒形壳体和锥体上之开孔的整体补强除外 [参见 UW-16(c)(1)]。
= strength reduction factor, not greater than 1.0 [see UG-41(a)] 不大于 1.0的强度折减系数 [参见 UG-41(a)]
= Sn/Sv for nozzle wall inserted through the vessel wall 插入容器壁之管嘴壁的强度削减系数𝑓𝑟1 = 𝑆𝑛 ⁄𝑆𝑣
= 1.0 for nozzle wall abutting the vessel wall and for nozzles shown in Figure UG-40, sketch (j), (k), (n), and
邻接容器壁之管嘴壁以及图 UG-40 中草图 (j)、(k)、(n) 和 (o) 中所示管嘴的强度削减系数𝑓𝑟1 取值为1
= 𝑆𝑛 ⁄𝑆𝑣
= (lesser of 𝑆𝑛 or 𝑆𝑝 )/ 𝑆𝑣 (𝑆𝑛 或 𝑆𝑝 之较小值)/ 𝑆𝑣
= 𝑆𝑛 ⁄𝑆𝑣
= distance nozzle projects beyond the inner surface of the vessel wall. (Extension of the nozzle beyond the
inside surface of the vessel wall is not limited; however, for reinforcement calculations, credit shall not be
taken for material outside the limits of reinforcement established by UG-40.) 管嘴伸出容器壁内表面的距
离。 (管嘴伸出容器壁内表面的延伸长度不受限制,但是,对于补强计算而言,凡超出 UG-40 所规定
= spherical radius factor (see definition of 𝑡𝑟 and Table UG-37) 球半径系数(请参阅𝑡𝑟 的定义和表UG-37)
= length of projection defining the thickened portion of integral reinforcement of a nozzle neck beyond the
outside surface of the vessel wall [see Figure UG-40, sketch (e)] 管嘴焊颈部整体补强之加厚部分伸出容器
壁外表面的投影长度 [见图 UG-40,草图 (e)]
= internal design pressure (see UG-21), psi (MPa) 内部设计压力,单位:psi (MPa)(请参阅UG-21)
= inside radius of the shell course under consideration 拟计算处的筒节内半径
= inside radius of the nozzle under consideration 拟计算处的管嘴内半径
= allowable stress value in tension (see UG-23), psi (MPa). For welded pipe or tubing, the allowable stress of
the corresponding seamless product form. If there is no corresponding seamless product form, use the
allowable stress for the welded product form divided by 0.85. 拉伸许用应力值(请参阅UG-23),单位:psi
= allowable stress in nozzle, psi (MPa) (see S above) 管嘴许用应力值,单位:psi (MPa) (请参阅上文对S的
= allowable stress in reinforcing element (plate), psi (MPa) (see S above) 补强组件(板材)的许用应力值,单
位:psi (MPa) (请参阅请参阅上文对S的定义解说)
= allowable stress in vessel, psi (MPa) (see S above) 容器的许用应力值,单位:psi (MPa) (请参阅上文对S
= specified vessel wall thickness,29(not including forming allowances). For pipe it is the nominal thickness less
manufacturing undertolerance allowed in the pipe specification. 所规定的容器壁厚度29(不包括成型裕量)。
= thickness or height of reinforcing element (see Figure UG-40) 补强组件的厚度或高度[请参阅图UG-40]
= nominal thickness of internal projection of nozzle wall 管嘴伸内壳壁之部分的标称厚度
= nozzle wall thickness.29 Except for pipe, this is the wall thickness not including forming allowances. For
pipe, use the nominal thickness [see UG-16(d)]. 管嘴壁厚29,除钢管外,它为不包括成型裕度的壁厚。对
= required thickness of a seamless shell based on the circumferential stress, or of a formed head, computed by
the rules of this Division for the designated pressure, using E = 1, and, for shells fabricated from welded
pipe or tubing, the allowable stress of the corresponding seamless product form. If there is no corresponding
seamless product form, use the allowable stress for the welded product form divided by 0.85, except that 基
于周向应力之无缝壳体或根据本卷规则针对指定压力所计算出的成型封头所需厚度,计算时 E取值
为1,对于由焊制管材所制成的壳体,则为相应无缝产品形式的许用应力。 如果没有相应的无缝产
品形式,则取焊接产品形式之许用应力除以 0.85后的值,但有以下例外情况:
(a) when the opening and its reinforcement are entirely within the spherical portion of a torispherical
head, 𝑡𝑟 is the thickness required by Mandatory Appendix, 1-4 (d), using M = 1; 当开孔及其补强件完全位于
准球形封头的球形部分内时,t_r是强制性附录1-4(d)采用M =1时的所需厚度;
when the opening is in a cone, 𝑡𝑟 is the thickness required for a seamless cone of diameter D
measured where the nozzle axis pierces the inside wall of the cone; 当开孔位于锥体上时,𝑡𝑟 为直径D之无缝
(c) when the opening and its reinforcement are in an ellipsoidal head and are located entirely within a
circle the center of which coincides with the center of the head and the diameter of which is equal to 80% of the
shell diameter, 𝑡𝑟 is the thickness required for a seamless sphere of radius 𝐾1 D , where D is the shell diameter
and K 1 is given by Table UG-37. 当开孔及其补强件位于椭圆形封头且完全位于与封头中心重合且直径等
于壳体直径的80%的之圆内时, 𝑡𝑟 为半径为 𝐾1 D 之无缝球体的所需厚度 ,此处 D 是壳体直径,𝐾1 由表
UG-37 给出。
= required thickness of a seamless nozzle wall, using E = 1, and, for nozzles fabricated from welded pipe or
tubing, the allowable stress of the corresponding seamless product form. If there is no corresponding seamless
product form, use the allowable stress for the welded product form divided by 0.85. 无缝管嘴壁在取 E = 1
时的所需厚度,对于由焊制管材所制成的管嘴而言,为相应无缝产品形式的许用应力。 如果没有相
= total load to be carried by attachment welds (see UG-41) 连接焊缝所承受的总载荷 (参见 UG-41)
Table UG-37 Values of Spherical Radius Factor 𝑲𝟏 表UG−37 球半径系数𝑲𝟏 的值
D /2h
(a) Equivalent spherical radius当量球半径 = 𝐾1D; D/2h = axis ratio长短轴比.
(b) For definitions, see Mandatory Appendix, 1-4 (b). 定义请参阅强制性附录1-4(b)
(c) Interpolation permitted for intermediate values. 中间值可用内差法
General. The rules in this paragraph apply to all openings other than: 壳体和成型封头之开孔处之所需补强的通则。本
small openings covered by UG-36(c)(3); UG-36(c)(3) 所含盖之小开孔
openings in flat heads covered by UG-39; UG-39 所含盖之扁平封头上的开孔
openings designed as reducer sections covered by UG-36(e); 按 UG-36(e) 所述变径段规则而设计的开孔
large head openings covered by UG-36(b)(2); UG-36(b)(2) 所含盖之封头上的大开孔
(5) tube holes with ligaments between them conforming to the rules of UG-53. 符合 UG-53 规则之管孔间的孔桥。
Reinforcement shall be provided in amount and distribution such that the area requirements for reinforcement are satisfied
for all planes through the center of the opening and normal to the vessel surface. For a circular opening in a cylindrical shell, the
plane containing the axis of the shell is the plane of greatest loading due to pressure. Not less than half the required
reinforcement shall be on each side of the centerline of single openings. 补补强的数量和分布应满足通过开孔中心并垂直于
平面。 单孔中心线两侧应不少于所需补强的50%。
(c) Design for Internal Pressure. The total crosssectional area of reinforcement A required in any given plane through the
opening for a shell or formed head under internal pressure shall be not less than 内压设计。 内压作用下之壳体或成型封头在
任何给定平面内通过开孔的所需总补强横截面积 A 不应小于下式的计得值:
Design for External Pressure 外部压力的设计
Figure UG-38 Minimum Depth for Flange of FluedIn Openings 图 UG-38 扳边开孔的最小扳边凸缘深度
Minimum depth of flange:
the smaller of 3𝑡𝑟 or 𝑡𝑟 + 3
in. (75 mm) when d exceeds
6 in. (150 mm)
当 d超过6in. (150mm)时,
或𝑡𝑟 +3in (75mm)的较小值
The reinforcement required for openings in singlewalled vessels subject to external pressure need be only 50% of that
required in (c) above, where 𝑡𝑟 is the wall thickness required by the
rules for vessels under external pressure and the value of F shall be
1.0 in all external pressure reinforcement calculations. 承受外压之
单壁容器开孔的所需补强仅需上述(c)中所要求的 50%,其中𝑡𝑟
中 F 值均应取值为 1.0。
The reinforcement required for openings in each shell
of a multiple-walled vessel shall comply with (1) above when the
shell is subject to external pressure, and with (c) above when the
shell is subject to internal pressure, regardless of whether or not
there is a common nozzle secured to more than one shell by strength
welds. 当多层容器壁之每一壳体壳体承受外压时,在其上之开孔所需的补强应符合上述 (1)的规定;当壳体承受内压
时,无论是否有一个通过承载焊缝固定在多层壳体上的共有管喷,都应符合上述 (c)的规定。
(e) Design for Alternate Internal and External Pressure. Reinforcement of vessels subject to alternate internal and external
pressures shall meet the requirements of (c) above for internal pressure and of (d) above for external pressure. 交替承受内部和外
部压力时的设计。 交替承受内部和外部压力之容器的补强应满足上述 (c)内部压力和上述 (d)外部压力的要求。
Details and equations for required area and available area are given in Figure UG-37.1. 所需面积和可用面积的详细信息
和方程如图 UG-37.1 所示。
(g) Reinforcing plates and saddles of nozzles attached to the outside of a vessel shall be provided with at least one vent hole
[maximum diameter 7/16 in. (11 mm)] that may be tapped with straight or tapered threads. These vent holes may be left open or
may be plugged when the vessel is in service. If the holes are plugged, the plugging material used shall not be capable of
sustaining pressure between the reinforcing plate and the vessel wall. 连接到容器外部的管嘴补强板和鞍座应至少设有一个最
大直径为 7/16 in. (11 mm)之排气孔,该排气孔可以用直螺纹或锥形螺纹攻丝。 当容器在使用中,这些排气孔可以保持
打开状态或者可以被堵塞。 如果排气孔被堵塞,所用堵塞材料不应能够承受补强板和容器壁之间的压力。
(h) Segmental reinforcing elements are allowed, provided the individual segments are joined by full penetration butt welds.
These butt welds shall comply with all the applicable requirements of Part UW. Each segment of the reinforcing element shall
have a vent hole as required by (g). Unless the provisions given below are satisfied, the area 𝐴5 as defined in Figure UG-37.1 shall
be multiplied by 0.75. The area 𝐴5 does not require any reduction if one of the following is satisfied: 允许采用分段补强组件,
前提是各个分段均通过全熔透对接焊缝连接,且这些对接焊缝应符合 UW 篇的所有适用要求。 补强组件的每分段应有
一个符合 (g)之要求的排气孔。 除非满足以下规定,否则图 UG-37.1 中所定义的面积 𝐴5 应乘以 0.75。 如果满足以下条
件之一,则区域 𝐴5 不需要任何折减:
Each butt weld is radiographed or ultrasonically examined to confirm full penetration, or 每一对接焊缝均经过射线
For openings in cylinders, the weld is oriented at least 45 deg from the longitudinal axis of the cylinder. 对于圆筒上
之开孔而言,焊缝方向与圆筒纵轴至少成 45 度角。
(i) The reinforcement rules in this Division are applicable for internal or external pressure and do not address the
requirements for openings under the action of externally applied loadings (such as pipe reactions). When externally applied
loadings are to be considered, see U-2(g). 本卷补强规则适用于内部或外部压力作用下的开孔要求,但不适用于在外部施加
载荷 (例如管道反作用力)作用下的开孔要求。 当要计入外部施加载荷时,则请参见 U-2(g)。
(a) Flued openings in shells and formed heads made by inward or outward forming of the head plate shall meet the
requirements for reinforcement in UG-37. The thickness of the flued flange shall also meet the requirements of UG-27 and/or
UG-28, as applicable, where L as used in UG-28 is the minimum depth of flange as shown in Figure UG-38. The minimum
thickness of the flued flange on a vessel subject to both internal and external pressure shall be the larger of the two thicknesses as
determined above. 由封头板向内或向外成型而形成之壳体和成型封头上的扳边开孔应满足 UG-37 中的补强要求。扳边凸
缘的厚度还应满足 UG-27 和/或 UG-28 的要求 (按所适用者而定),其中 UG-28 中采用的 L 是扳边凸缘的最小深度,如图
UG-38 所示。 承受交变内部和外部压力之容器上的扳边凸缘的最小厚度应是上述所确定之两个厚度中的较大者。
(b) The minimum depth of flange of a flued in opening exceeding 6 in. (150 mm) in any inside dimension, when not stayed by
an attached pipe or flue, shall equal 3𝑡𝑟 or 𝑡𝑟 + 3 in. (for SI units, 𝑡𝑟 + 75 mm), whichever is less, where 𝑡𝑟 is the required shell or
head thickness. The depth of flange shall be determined by placing a straight edge across the side opposite the flued opening
along the major axis and measuring from the straightedge to the edge of the flanged opening (see Figure UG-38). 当任何内部尺
寸大于 6 in. (150 mm)之开孔中的最小扳边凸缘深度,当没有被连接管道或烟道所拉称时,应等于 3𝑡𝑟 或𝑡𝑟 + 3 in. ( SI 单
位置时为 𝑡𝑟 + 75 mm) 中之较小者,此处 𝑡𝑟 是所需的壳体或封头厚度。 扳边凸缘深度应通过沿主轴线在扳边开孔相对侧
放置直尺并测从直尺量到扳边开孔凸缘边缘的距离来确定 (见图 UG-38)。
There is no minimum depth of flange requirement for flued out openings. 对向外扳边之开孔不限制其最小扳边凸缘深
(d) The minimum width of bearing surface for a gasket on a self-sealing flued opening shall be in accordance with UG-46(j).
自密封扳边开孔上的垫片最小承压面宽度应符合 UG-46(j) 的规定。
(a) General. The rules in this paragraph apply to all openings in flat heads except opening(s) that do not exceed the size and
spacing limits in UG-36(c)(3) and do not exceed one-fourth the head diameter or shortest span. Electric immersion heater support
plates (see 41-3) may be designed in accordance with the rules of this paragraph or Mandatory Appendix 41. 本节中之规则适用
于扁平扁平封头的所有开口,但不超过 UG-36(c)(3) 中尺寸和间距限度且不超过封头直径或最短跨度之 1/4 的开孔除
外。 浸没式电热器支撑板 (见强制性附录 41-3)可根据本节或强制性附录 41 的规则进行设计。
(b) Single and multiple openings in flat heads that have diameters equal to or less than one-half the head diameter may be
reinforced as follows: 扁平封头中直径等于或小于封头直径一半的单一和多个开孔可按如下所述方式进行补强:
(1) Flat heads that have a single opening with a diameter that does not exceed one-half the head diameter or shortest span, as
defined in UG-34, shall have a total cross-sectional area of reinforcement for all planes through the center of the opening not less
than that given by the formula 具有一个单孔且直径不超过 UG-34 中所定义之封头直径或最短跨度 50%的扁平封头,应具
where d, 𝑡𝑛 , and fr1 are defined in UG-37 and t in UG-34. 式中d,𝑡𝑛 和𝑓𝑟1 之定义见 UG-37,而t 之定义见 UG-34 。
(2) Multiple openings none of which have diameters exceeding one-half the head diameter and no pair having an average
diameter greater than one-quarter the head diameter may be reinforced individually as required by (1) above when the spacing
between any pair of adjacent openings is equal to or greater than twice the average diameter of the pair. 当任一相邻开孔对间之
间距 ≥ 该开孔对之平均直径的两倍时,则可按照上述 (1)的要求逐一补强各开孔,前提是任何一个开孔之直径均不超过
封头直径的 50%,且任一开孔对之平均直径均不超过封头直径的 25%。
When spacing between adjacent openings is less than twice but equal to or more than 11/4 the average diameter of the pair,
the required reinforcement for each opening in the pair, as determined by (1) above, shall be summed together and then
distributed such that 50% of the sum is located between the two openings. Spacings of less than 11/4 the average diameter of
adjacent openings shall be treated by rules of U-2(g). 当相邻开孔间之间距小于该对平均直径的两倍但等于或大于该对之平
均直径的 11/4倍时,该开孔对中每一开孔所需的补强 (按上述 (1)确定)应加在一起,然后进行分配,以使总和的 50% 位
于两个开孔之间。 间距小于该开孔对平均直径的 11/4倍 时,间距应按 U-2(g) 规则进行处置。
(3) Referencing Figure UG-39, sketch (a), the ligament between two adjacent openings (𝑈1 , 𝑈2 , or 𝑈3 ) shall not be less
than one-quarter of the diameter of the smaller of the two openings in the pair. The radial distance between the inner edge of the
opening (𝑈4 , 𝑈5 or 𝑈6 ) and the dimension d as shown in Figure UG-34 and Figure UG-39, sketch (a) shall not be less than
onequarter of the diameter of that one opening. 参见图 UG-39 中 草图 (a),两相邻开孔(𝑈1 、 𝑈2 或𝑈3 )间之孔桥不应小于该
对开孔中两开孔中具有较小直径之该开孔直径的四分之一。 如图 UG-34 和图 UG-39 中草图 (a)所示,开孔(𝑈4 、𝑈5 或𝑈6 )
内缘与图 UG-34 和图 UG-39 中草图 (a)所示尺寸 d 之间的径向距离不应小于一个开孔直径的四分之一。
(c) Flat heads that have an opening with a diameter that exceeds one-half the head diameter or shortest span, as defined in
UG-34, shall be designed as follows: 当扁平封头上的开孔直径超过 UG-34 中所定义的封头直径或最短跨度的一半时,应
Figure UG-39 Openings in Flat Heads and Covers 图 UG-39 扁平封头和盖板上的开孔
d as defined in
Figure UG-34 d的
d as defined in Figure UG-34,
sketches (j), (k), and (p) d见图UG-
Section A-A
34中的示意图 (j),(k),(p)
Section B-B B-B 截面
Legend: 题跋
p = spacing, center-to-center, between openings各开孔间之中心到中心的间距
U1, U2,…= ligament width孔桥宽度
(d1 + d2)/2 = average diameter of pair of openings开孔对的平均直径
(1) When the opening is a single, circular centrally located opening in a circular flat head, the head shall be designed
according to Mandatory Appendix 14 and related factors in Mandatory Appendix 2. The head-to-shell junction may be integral, as
shown in Figure UG-34, sketches (a), (b-1), (b-2), (d), and (g). The head may also be attached by a butt weld or a full-penetration
corner weld similar to the joints shown in Figure UW-13.2, sketches (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), or (f). The large centrally located
opening may have a nozzle that is integrally formed or integrally attached by a full penetration weld or may be plain without an
attached nozzle or hub. The head thickness does not have to be calculated by UG-34 rules. The thickness that satisfies all the
requirements of Mandatory Appendix 14 meets the requirements of the Code. 当开孔是位于圆形扁平封头中心上的一个单一
圆形开孔时,则该封头应根据强制性附录 14 和强制性附录 2 中的相关因素进行设计。封头与壳体之连接处可以是如图
UG-34中草图 (a)、(b-1)、(b-2)、(d) 和 (g)所示的整体式。 封头也可以通过类似于图 UW-13.2中草图 (a)、(b)、(c)、(d)、
(e) 或(f)中所示接头的对接焊缝或全熔透角焊缝进行连接。 位于中心的大开孔可具有一体形成或通过全熔透焊接连接成
一体的管嘴,或者可以是平而没有连接的管嘴或套壳。封头厚度不必按 UG-34之规则进行计算,因为只要满足强制性附
(2) Opening(s) may be located in the rim space surrounding the central opening. See Figure UG-39, sketch (b). Such
openings may be reinforced by “Area Replacement Method” in accordance with the formula in (b)(1) above using as a required
head thickness the thickness that satisfies rules of Mandatory Appendix 14. Multiple rim openings shall meet spacing rules of
(b)(2) and (b)(3) above. Alternatively, the head thickness that meets the rules of Mandatory Appendix 14 may be increased by
multiplying it by the square root of two (1.414) if only a single opening is placed in the rim space or if spacing p between two
such openings is twice or more than their average diameter. For spacing less than twice their average diameter, the thickness that
satisfies Mandatory Appendix 14 shall be divided by the square root of efficiency factor e, where e is defined in (e)(2) below. 开
孔可以位于围绕中心开孔的边缘空间中, 见图 UG-39 中草图 (b)。通过面积代替方法, 並将满足强制性附录 14 规则的
封头所需厚度输入上述 (b)(1) 之方程中来为此类开孔进行补强。多个边缘开孔应满足 (b)(2) 和上述 (b)(3) 的间距规则。
或者,如果边缘空间带中仅放置一个单孔,或者如果两个此类开孔间之间距 p 是等于或大于它们之平均直径的两倍,则
满足强制性附录 14 规则的封头厚度可以通过将其乘以 2 的平方根 (1.414)来增加封头厚度。 对于小于其平均直径两倍的
间距,满足强制性附录 14 的厚度应除以效率系数 e 的平方根,其中 e 的定义见下文 (e)(2)。
The area-replacement concept requires that the metal removed to make an opening be replaced by an equal area of
reinforcement within a prescribed region around the opening. 面积替换概念要求在开孔周围的规定区域内,为形
The rim opening(s) shall not be larger in diameter than one-quarter the differences in head diameter less central
opening diameter. The minimum ligament width U shall not be less than one-quarter the diameter of the smaller of the
two openings in the pair. A minimum ligament width of one-quarter the diameter of the rim opening applies to ligaments
designated as 𝑈2 , 𝑈4 , 𝑈3 , and 𝑈5 in Figure UG-39, sketch (b). 边缘空间带的开孔直径不应大于封头直径与中心开孔
直径之差值的四分之一。最小孔桥宽度 U 不应小于成对之两开孔中之较小开孔直径的四分之一。图 UG-39 草图
(b) 中指定为 𝑈2 、𝑈4 、𝑈3 和 𝑈5 的最小孔桥宽度为边缘空间上之开孔直径的四分之一。
(3) When the large opening is any other type than that described in (1) above, there are no specific rules given.
Consequently, the requirements of U-2(g) shall be met. 当大开孔是上述(1)中所述类型以外没有给出具体规则的任何其他类
型时,则应满足 U-2(g) 的要求。
(d) As an alternative to (b)(1) above, the thickness of flat heads and covers with a single opening with a diameter that does not
exceed one-half the head diameter may be increased to provide the necessary reinforcement as follows: 可作为上述 (b)(1) 之备
(1) In eq. UG-34(c)(2)(1) or eq. UG-34(c)(3)(3), use 2C or 0.75 in place of C, whichever is the lesser; except that, for
sketches (b-1), (b-2), (e), (f), (g), and (i) of Figure UG-34, use 2C or 0.50, whichever is the lesser. 在方程 UG-34(c)(2)(1) 或方程
UG-34(c)(3)(3)中用 2C 或 0.75 (取较小者) 来代替 C; 但对于图 UG-34 中草图 (b-1)、(b-2)、(e)、(f)、(g) 和 (i),则用 2C
或 0.50(取较小者) 来代替 C。
In eq. UG-34(c)(2)(2) or eq. UG-34(c)(3)(5), double the quantity under the square root sign. 在方程 UG-34(c)(2)(2)
或 方程 UG-34(c)(3)(5)中,平方根符号下的数量加倍。
(e) Multiple openings none of which have diameters exceeding one-half the head diameter and no pair having an average
diameter greater than one-quarter the head diameter may be reinforced as follows: 直径均不超过直径 50%且平均直径不大于封
头直径 25%之多个开孔可按如下方式进行补强:
(1) When the spacing between a pair of adjacent openings is equal to or greater than twice the average diameter of the
pair, and this is so for all opening pairs, the head thickness may be determined by rules in (d) above. 当一相邻开孔对间之间距
等于或大于该开孔对之平均直径的两倍且所有开孔对都如此时,则可按上述 (d) 之规则来确定封头厚度。
(2) When the spacing between adjacent openings in a pair is less than twice but equal to or greater than 1 1/4 the average
diameter of the pair, the required head thickness shall be that determined by (d) above multiplied by a factor h, where 当一相邻
开孔对间之间距小于该开孔对的两倍但等于或大于该开孔对平均直径的 11/4 倍时,则所需的封头厚度取如上 (d)所确定
之厚度乘以系数 h 后的值,而系数 h 可按下式计得
h = √0.5⁄𝑒
e = [(𝑝 − 𝑑𝑎𝑣𝑒 )⁄𝑝]𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡
= average diameter of the same two adjacent openings 相同两相邻开孔的平均直径
= smallest ligament efficiency of adjacent opening pairs in the head 封头上相邻开孔对的最小孔桥
= center-to-center spacing of two adjacent openings 两相邻开孔的中心距
Spacings of less than 11/4 the average diameter of adjacent openings shall be treated by rules of U-2(g). 相邻开孔之
中心距小于其平均直径的 1.25 倍时应按 U-2(g)规则处置
In no case shall the width of ligament between two adjacent openings be less than one-quarter the diameter of the
smaller of the two openings in the pair. 在任何情况下,两相邻开孔间之孔间距不应小于该开孔对中之较小者的开孔直径四
The width of ligament between the edge of any one opening and the edge of the flat head (such as U 3 or U5 in Figure
UG-39) shall not be less than one-quarter the diameter of that one opening. 任一开孔边缘与扁平封头之边缘 (如图 UG-39 中的
U 3 或 U5)间的孔桥宽度不应小于该开孔直径的四分之一。
(a) The boundaries of the cross sectional area in any plane normal to the vessel wall and passing through the center of the
opening within which metal must be located in order to have value as reinforcement are designated as the limits of reinforcement
for that plane (see Figure UG-37.1). Figure UG-40 depicts thicknesses t, 𝑡𝑒 , and 𝑡𝑛 , or 𝑡𝑖 and diameter d used in establishing the
limits of reinforcement. All dimensions are in the corroded condition; for nomenclature, see UG-37(a). 垂直于容器壁并穿过开
孔中心之任何平面中之横截面积的边界被指定为该平面的补增强范围 (见图 UG-37.1),也就是说金属必须位于该开孔内
才能对补强起有效作用。 图 UG-40 描绘了用于确定含腐蚀裕度之补增强范围之厚度 t、𝑡𝑒 ,和 tn 或 ti 和直径 d。术语 t、𝑡𝑒
和 𝑡𝑛 ,或 t、𝑡𝑒 , 、𝑡𝑛 、𝑡𝑖 和 d 之定义请参见 UG-37(a)。
Figure UG-40 Some Representative Configurations Describing the Reinforcement Dimension𝒕𝒆 and the Opening
Dimension d 图 UG-40 用于描述补强尺寸𝒕𝒆 和开孔直径 d之几种典型结构的图例
(a-4) [See Note (2)]
(a-3) [See Note (1)]
Figure UG-40 Some Representative Configurations Describing the Reinforcement Dimension𝒕𝒆 and the Opening
Dimension d 图 UG-40 用于描述补强尺寸𝒕𝒆 和开孔直径 d之几种典型结构的图例
(1) See Figure UW-16.1, sketch (v-2) for limitations. 见图 UW-16.1 中草图(v-2)之限制条件的说明
(2) See Figure UW-16.1, sketch (w-2) for limitations. 见图 UW-16.1 中草图(w-2)之限制条件的说明
(3) If L < 2.5tx, use sketch (e-1); if L ≥ 2.5tx, use sketch (e-2). 当 L < 2.5t x时, 采用草图(e-1) ; 当 L ≥ 2.5t x时, 采用草图(e-2)
(b) The limits of reinforcement, measured parallel to the vessel wall, shall be at a distance, on each side of the axis of the
opening, equal to the greater of the following: 在沿平行于容器壁所测定之补强范围应位于距开孔轴线两侧等于以下值中之
the diameter d of the finished opening; 成品开孔直径 d;
the inside radius, 𝑅𝑛 , of the nozzle plus the vessel wall thickness t, plus the nozzle wall thickness 𝑡𝑛 . 管嘴内半径
𝑅𝑛 加上容器壁厚 t,再加上管嘴壁厚𝑡𝑛 的总和。
(c) The limits of reinforcement, measured normal to the vessel wall, shall conform to the contour of the surface at a distance
from each surface equal to the smaller of the following: 垂直于容器壁的补强范围应沿该容器表面轮廓测定,且距每一表面
21/2 times the vessel wall thickness t; 容器壁厚 t 的 2.5 倍;
21/2 times the nozzle wall thickness 𝑡𝑛 plus the thickness 𝑡𝑒 as defined in Figure UG-40. 管嘴壁厚𝑡𝑛 的 2.5 倍加
上图 UG-40 中所界定之厚度𝑡𝑒 的和。
(d) Metal within the limits of reinforcement that may be considered to have reinforcing value shall include the following:
(1) metal in the vessel wall over and above the thickness required to resist pressure and the thickness specified as
corrosion allowance. the area in the vessel wall available as reinforcement is the larger of the values of 𝐴1 given by the equations
in Figure UG-37.1. 容器壁中的金属超过抗压所需的厚度和超过腐蚀余量所规定的厚度。 容器壁中可用作补强的面积是图
UG-37.1 中方程所给出之𝐴1 值中的较大值。
(2) metal over and above the thickness required to resist pressure and the thickness specified as corrosion allowance
in that part of a nozzle wall extending outside the vessel wall. The maximum area in the nozzle wall available as reinforcement is
the smaller of the values of 𝐴2 given by the equations in Figure UG-37.1. 金属超过抗压所需的厚度和超过指定为延伸到容器
壁之外的管嘴壁部分之腐蚀余量的厚度。 管嘴壁中可用作补强材料的最大面积是图 UG-37.1 中方程所给出之𝐴2 值中的
All metal in the nozzle wall extending inside the vessel wall 𝐴3 may be included after proper deduction for
corrosion allowance on all the exposed surface is made. No allowance shall be taken for the fact that a differential pressure on
an inwardly extending nozzle may cause opposing stress to that of the stress in the shell around the opening: 在适当扣除所有
暴露表面上的腐蚀余量之后,可以包括延伸到容器壁𝐴3 内之管嘴壁中的所有金属。 不应考虑以下事实:向内延伸之
metal in attachment welds 𝐴4 and metal added as reinforcement 𝐴5 . 连接焊缝中的𝐴4 金属和所外加埔强金属
𝐴5 。
(e) With the exception of studding outlet type flanges and the straight hubs of forged nozzle flanges [see UG-44(a)(10)],
bolted flange material within the limits of reinforcement shall not be considered to have reinforcing value. With the exception of
material within an integral hub, no material in a tubesheet or flat head shall be credited as reinforcement for an opening in an
adjacent shell or head. 除螺柱出口型法兰和锻造管嘴法兰的直颈[参见 UG-44(a)(10)]外,在补强范围内的螺栓法兰材料不
应被认为具有补强值。 除整体式套壳内的材料外,管板或扁平封头中之任何材料均不应被视为对相邻壳体或封头中之
(a) Material used for reinforcement shall have an allowable stress value equal to or greater than that of the material in the
vessel wall, except that when such material is not available, lower strength material may be used, provided the area of
reinforcement is increased in inverse proportion to the ratio of the allowable stress values of the two materials to compensate for
the lower allowable stress value of the reinforcement. No credit may be taken for the additional strength of any reinforcement
having a higher allowable stress value than that of the vessel wall. Deposited weld metal outside of either the vessel wall or any
reinforcing pad used as reinforcement shall be credited with an allowable stress value equivalent to the weaker of the materials
connected by the weld. Vessel-tonozzle or pad-to-nozzle attachment weld metal within the vessel wall or within the pad may be
credited with a stress value equal to that of the vessel wall or pad, respectively. 用于补强之材料的许用应力值应等于或大于容
的比值成反比例增加,以补偿补强的较低许用应力值。 任何具有比容器壁之许用应力值更高许用应力值之补强的额外
强度都不能被视为可用补强。 容器壁或任何用作补强之补强垫外侧的熔敷焊缝金属应采用与焊缝连接之材料中较弱材
(b) On each side of the plane defined in UG-40(a), the strength of the attachment joining the vessel wall and reinforcement or
any two parts of the attached reinforcement shall be at least equal to the smaller of: 在 UG-40(a) 中所定义之平面的每一侧,连
Figure UG-41.1 Nozzle Attachment Weld Loads and Weld Strength Paths to Be Considered
图 UG-41.1 所要考虑之管嘴附件的焊缝载荷和焊缝强度带
W = total weld load总焊缝载荷 [UG-41(b)(2)] [𝐴 − 𝐴1 + 2𝑡𝑛 𝑓𝑟1 (𝐸1 𝑡 − 𝐹𝑡𝑟 )]𝑆𝑣
W1-1 = weld load for strength path 1-1 [UG-41 (b)(1)] 强度带 1-1 的焊缝载荷 [UG-41 (b)(1)]= (𝐴2 + 𝐴5 + 𝐴41 + 𝐴42 )𝑆𝑣
W2-2 = weld load for strength path 2-2 [UG-41(b)(1)] 强度带 2-2 的焊缝载荷 [UG-41(b)(1)] = (𝐴2 + 𝐴3 + 𝐴41 + 𝐴43 +
2𝑡𝑛 𝑡𝑓𝑟1 )𝑆𝑣
W3-3 = weld load for strength path 3-3 IUG-41 (b)(1)] 强度带 3-3 IUG-41 (b)(1)] 的焊缝载荷 = ((𝐴2 + 𝐴3 + 𝐴5 + 𝐴41 + 𝐴42 +
𝐴43 + 2𝑡𝑛 𝑡𝑓𝑟1 ))𝑆𝑣
(a) Depicts Typical Nozzle Detail With Neck Inserted Through the Vessel Wall 用于描绘焊颈部插入容器壁的典型管嘴细节
W = total weld load总焊缝载荷 [UG-41 (b)(2)] = (𝐴 − 𝐴1 )𝑆𝑣
W1-1 = weld load for strength path 1-1强度带 1-1 的焊缝载荷 [UG-41 (b)(1)] = (𝐴2 + 𝐴6 + 𝐴41 + 𝐴42 )𝑆𝑣
W2-2 = weld load for strength path 2-2 强度带 2-2 的焊缝载荷 [UG-41(b)(1)] = (𝐴2 + 𝐴41 )𝑆𝑣
(b) Depicts Typical Nozzle Detail With Neck Abutting the Vessel Wall 用于描绘焊颈部紧靠容器壁的典型管嘴细节
(a) Areas A1, A2, A3, A5, and A4i are modified by frx factors. 用𝑓rx1系数来修正面积𝐴1 、𝐴2 、𝐴3 、𝐴5 和𝐴4i 。
(b) Nomenclature is the same as in UG-37 and Figure UG-37.1. 名词术语与 UG-37 和图 UG-37.1 中的相同。
the strength in tension of the cross section of the element or elements of reinforcement being considered (see W 1 - 1 ,
W 2 - 2 , and W 3 - 3 of Figure UG-41.1 for examples); 拟计算之一个或多个补强组件横截面的抗拉强度 (请参见图 UG-41.1 中
有关 W1-1、W2-2 和 W3-3 的示例);
(2) the strength in tension of the area defined in UG-37 less the strength in tension of the reinforcing area that is integral
in the vessel wall as permitted by UG-40(d)(1) (see W of Figure UG-41.1 for examples); UG-37 中所定义之面积的抗拉强度减
去作为容器壁整体一半分且为 UG-40(d)(1) 所允许之补强面积的抗拉强度 (参见图 UG-41.1 中有关 W 的示例);
for welded attachments, see UW-15 for exemptions to strength calculations. 为了解焊制附件强度计算的豁免,请
参阅 UW-15 。
(c) The strength of the attachment joint shall be considered for its entire length on each side of the plane of the area of
reinforcement defined in UG-40. For obround openings, consideration shall also be given to the strength of the attachment joint
on one side of the plane transverse to the parallel sides of the opening that passes through the center of the semicircular end of the
opening. 计算连接接头之强度时,应计入 UG-40 中所界定补强面积之平面两侧的焊缝全长。对于长圆形开孔,还应计及
(d) For detailed requirements for welded and brazed reinforcement see the appropriate paragraphs in the Parts devoted to these
subjects (see UW-15 and UB-19). 有关焊接和钎焊补强的详细要求,请参阅专门针对这些主题之有关篇中的相应节 (请参
阅 UW-15 和 UB-19)。
(See UG-39 for multiple openings in flat heads. 有关扁平封头上的多个开孔请参阅UG-39)
(a) When any two openings are spaced such that their limits of reinforcement overlap [see Figure UG-42, sketch (a)], the two
openings shall be reinforced in the plane connecting the centers, in accordance with the rules of UG-37, UG-38, UG-40, and UG41 with a combined reinforcement that has an area not less than the sum of the areas required for each opening. No portion of the
cross section is to be considered as applying to more than one opening, nor to be considered more than once in a combined area.
当任何两个开孔的间距使得它们的补强重叠受到限制时 [参见图 UG-42 中草图(a)],则此两个开孔应按照 UG-37, UG-38,
UG-40 和 UG-41 的规则在连接中心的平面上进行补强 ,且组合补强面积不小于每个开孔所需面积的总和。 横截面的任
Figure UG-42 Examples of Multiple Openings 图 UG-42 多个开孔的示例
Limits of reinforcement
Limits of reinforcement
(a) Two Openings Spaced With
Limits of Reinforcement Overlapping
(b) More Than Two Openings Spaced
With Limits of Reinforcement Overlapping
The available area of the head or shell between openings having an overlap area shall be proportioned between the
two openings by the ratio of their diameters. 具有重叠面积之开孔间的封头或壳体的可用面积应在两个开孔之间按其直径比
For cylinders and cones, if the area of reinforcement between the two openings is less than 50% of the total required
for the two openings, the supplemental rules of Mandatory Appendix 1-7(a) and 1-7(c) shall be used. 对于圆筒体和圆锥体而
言,如果两个开孔间之补强面积小于该两个开孔所需总面积的 50%,则应采用强制性附录 1-7(a)和 1-7(c)的补充规则进
A series of openings all on the same centerline shall be treated as successive pairs of openings. 位于同一中心线
(b) When more than two openings are spaced as in (a) above [see Figure UG-42, sketch (b)], and are to be provided with a
combined reinforcement, the minimum distance between centers of any two of these openings shall be 1 1/3 times their average
diameter, and the area of reinforcement between any two openings shall be at least equal to 50% of the total required for the two
openings. If the distance between centers of two such openings is less than 1 1/3 times their average diameter, no credit for
reinforcement shall be taken for any of the material between these openings. Such openings must be reinforced as described in (c)
below. 当两个以上之开孔的间距如上述 (a) 所示 [见图 UG-42 中草图 (b)],并且要配备组合补强时,则任何两个开孔中心
间的最小距离应为其平均直径的 11/3 倍,任意两个开孔间之补强面积应至少等于两个开孔所需总面积的 50%。 如果两个
此类开孔之中心距小于其平均直径的 11/3 倍时,,则这些开孔间之任何材料均不得视为对补强有贡献,且 此类开孔必须
按照如下 (c) 中的说明进行补强。
(c) Alternatively, any number of adjacent openings, in any arrangement, may be reinforced by using an assumed opening
enclosing all such openings. The limits for reinforcement of the assumed opening shall be those given in UG-40(b)(1) and UG40(c)(1). The nozzle walls of the actual openings shall not be considered to have reinforcing value. For cylinders and cones, when
the diameter of the assumed opening exceeds the limits in UG-36(b)(1), the supplemental rules of 1-7(a) and 1-7(c) shall also be
另一种方法是:任何布置中任何数量之相邻开孔可以通过采用包围所有此类开孔的假定开孔来进行补强。 假定开孔的
补强范围应符合 UG-40(b)(1) 和 UG-40(c)(1) 中之规定。 实际开孔的管嘴壁不应被认为具有补强价值。 对于圆筒体和圆
锥体而开,当假定开孔之直径超过 UG-36(b)(1)中的限度时,还应采用强制性附录 1-7(a)和 1-7(c)的补充规则来进行处
(d) When a group of openings is reinforced by a thicker section butt welded into the shell or head, the edges of the inserted
section shall be tapered as prescribed in UW-9(c). 当一组钻在较厚断面之开孔接焊连接到壳体或封头上以进行补强时,插
入段的边缘应按 UW-9(c)中所述削斜过渡。
(e) When a series of two or more openings in a cylindrical or conical shell are arranged in a regular pattern, reinforcement of
the openings may be provided per the rules of ligaments in UG-53. 当圆柱形或圆锥形壳体中的一系列两个或更多个开口以规
则图案布置时,可以根据 UG-53 中的管间隙规则来提供开口的补强。
General. Nozzles may be attached to the shell or head of a vessel by any of the methods of attachment given in this
paragraph, except as limited in UG-36. 通则。 管嘴可以通过本节中所给出之任何连接方法连接到容器的壳体或封头上,但
UG-36 中所限制的除外。
(b) Welded Connections. Attachment by welding shall be in accordance with the requirements of UW-15 and UW-16.
焊接接头。焊接接头应符合 UW-15 和 UW-16 的要求。
(c) Brazed Connections. Attachment by brazing shall be in accordance with the requirements of UB-17 through UB-19.
钎焊接头。钎焊接头应符合 UB-17 至 UB-19 的要求。
(d) Studded Connections. Connections may be made by means of studs. The vessel shall have a flat surface machined on the
shell, or on a built-up pad, or on a properly attached plate or fitting. The distance from the inside surface of the vessel to the
bottom of a drilled hole to be tapped shall not be less than the corrosion allowance plus one-fourth of the minimum required wall
thickness. Weld metal may be added to the inside surface of the vessel to maintain this distance (see UW-42). The tapped holes
shall also conform to the requirements of (g) below. Studded connections shall meet the requirements for reinforcement in UG-36
through UG-42.
容器之内表面上溶敷额外焊缝金属来保有此一净距离 (参见 UW-42),此外,螺纹孔还应符合以下 (g)的要求。双头螺栓
连接件应满足 UG-36 至 UG-42 中的补强要求。
(e) Threaded Connections. Pipes, tubes, and other threaded connections that conform to the ASME Standard for Pipe Threads,
General Purpose, Inch (ASME B1.20.1) may be screwed into a threaded hole in a vessel wall, provided the pipe engages the
minimum number of threads specified in Table UG-43 after allowance has been made for curvature of the vessel wall. The thread
shall be a standard taper pipe thread except that a straight thread of at least equal strength may be used if other sealing means to
prevent leakage are provided. A built-up pad or a properly attached plate or fitting may be used to provide the metal thickness and
number of threads required in Table UG-43, or to furnish reinforcement when required. 螺纹连接件。符合 ASME 通用管螺纹
规范且为英制 (ASME B1.20.1)钢管、管子和其他螺纹接头均可啮合到容器壁上的螺纹孔中前提是刚管啮合所需最小螺纹
数以计及容器壁的曲率,见表 UG-43。螺纹应为标准锥形管螺纹,但如果提供其他密封措施以防止泄漏时,则可采用至
少为等强度的直螺纹。可用拼接衬垫或正确连接之板件或配件来达到表 UG-43 中所要求的金属厚度和螺纹啮合数,或
Threaded connections larger than 4 in. pipe size (DN 100) shall not be used in vessels that contain liquids having a flash
point below 110°F (43°C), or flammable vapors, or flammable liquids at temperatures above that at which they boil under
atmospheric pressure. 钢管尺寸大4 in. (DN 100)的螺纹接头不应用于装有闪点低于 110°F (43°C) 之液体、易燃蒸气或装
Threaded connections larger than 3 in. pipe size (DN 80) shall not be used when the maximum allowable working
pressure exceeds 125 psi (0.8 MPa), except that this 3 in. pipe size (DN 80) restriction does not apply to plug closures used for
inspection openings, end closures, or similar purposes, or to integrally forged openings in vessel heads meeting the requirement
of UF-43.
当最大许用工作压力超过 125 psi (0.8 MPa)且管径大于 3 in.(DN 80)时,不应采用螺纹接头,但对于此 3 in.(DN 80)管径
之限制不适用于用于检查孔、端盖或类似用途的塞堵,或用于满足 UF-43 所要求之容器封头上的整体式锻造开孔。
Table UG-43 Minimum Number of Pipe Threads for Connections 表 UG-43 螺纹连接件的最少管螺纹啮合数
Size of Pipe Connection
管接头之尺寸, NPS (DN)
1/2 and 3/4 (DN 15 and 20)
1, 1-1/4, and 11/2 (DN 25, 32, and 40)
2 (DN 50)
2-1/2 and 3 (DN 65 and 80)
4–6 (DN 100–150)
8 (DN 200)
10 (DN 250)
12 (DN 300)
Min. Plate Thickness Required
Threads Engaged 啮合螺纹数
所需板厚, in. (mm)
0.43 (11.0)
0.61 (15)
0.70 (18)
1.0 (25)
1.25 (32)
1.5 (38)
1.62 (41)
175 (45)
(f) Expanded Connections. A pipe, tube, or forging may be attached to the wall of a vessel by inserting through an
unreinforced opening and expanding into the shell, provided the diameter is not greater than 2 in. pipe size (DN 50). A pipe, tube,
or forging not exceeding 6 in. (150 mm) in outside diameter may be attached to the wall of a vessel by inserting through a
reinforced opening and expanding into the shell. 胀管接头。钢管、管子或锻件可通过插入未补强之开孔并胀管到壳体中之
方式来连接到容器壁,前提是钢管尺寸在管径上不大于 2 in. (DN 50) 。外径不超过 6 6 in. (150 mm)之钢管、管子或锻件
Such connections shall be: 此类接头应为:
firmly rolled in and beaded; or 强力滚入加单道焊;或者
rolled in, beaded, and seal-welded around the edge of the bead; or 滚入、单道焊并沿焊道边缘周围施加密封焊;
expanded and flared not less than 1/8 in. (3 mm) over the diameter of the hole; or 对直径不小于 1/8 in. (3 mm)之开
孔的胀管 + 扩口;或者
rolled, flared, and welded; or 滚压、扩口 + 焊接;或者
rolled and welded without flaring or beading, provided: 无扩口或单道焊的滚压+焊接,但要满足如下要求:
(-a) the ends extend at least 1/4 in. (6 mm), but no more than 3/8 in. (10 mm), through the shell; 端部延伸穿过壳体
至少 1/4 in. (6 mm),但不超过 3/8 in. (10 mm);
(-b) the throat of the weld is at least 3/16 in. (5 mm), but no more than 5/16 in. (8 mm). 焊缝喉深至少为3/16 in. (5
mm),但绝不超过5/16 in. (8 mm)。
When the tube or pipe does not exceed 11/2 in. (38 mm) in outside diameter, the shell may be chamfered or recessed to a
depth at least equal to the thickness of the tube or pipe and the tube or pipe may be rolled into place and welded. In no case
shall the end of the tube or pipe extend more than 3/8 in. (10 mm) beyond the shell. 当管材外径不超过 11/2 in. (38 mm)时,壳
体可进行倒角或加工成凹座,该凹座之深度至少等于管材厚度,并且可以对管材进行滚压到位并焊接。 在任何情况
下,管材的末端伸出壳体之长度都不应超过 3/8 in. (10 mm)。
Grooving of shell openings in which tubes and pipe are to be rolled or expanded is permissible. 允许在壳体开孔处开
Expanded connections shall not be used as a method of attachment to vessels used for the processing or storage of
flammable and/or noxious gases and liquids unless the connections are seal-welded. 除非接头是密封焊接的,否则凡用于处
(g) Where tapped holes are provided for studs, the threads shall be full and clean and shall engage the stud for a length not
less than the larger of 𝑑𝑠 or 如果应为双头螺栓提供完整且干净的螺孔螺纹,且该螺孔螺纹与双头螺栓的啮合长度不应小于
𝑑𝑠 或下式之计算值中较大者
𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙
0.75𝑑𝑠 x
𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒雙頭螺柱材料在設計溫度下的最大許用應力值
𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙
𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒攻絲材料在設計溫度下的最大許用應力值
in which 𝑑𝑠 is the nominal diameter of the stud, except that the thread engagement need not exceed 1 1/2𝑑𝑠 . 式中 𝑑𝑠 是双头螺栓的
标称直径,但螺纹啮合长度不必超过𝑑𝑠 的1.5倍。
(a) The following standards covering flanges and pipe fittings are acceptable for use under this Division in accordance with
the requirements of UG-11. Pressure– temperature ratings shall be in accordance with the appropriate standard except that the
pressure–temperature ratings for ASME B16.9 and ASME B16.11 fittings shall be calculated as for straight seamless pipe in
accordance with the rules of this Division including the maximum allowable stress for the material. The thickness tolerance of the
ASME standards shall apply. 根据 UG-11 的要求,以下有关法兰和管配件之标准可用于本卷。 但 ASME B16.9 和 ASME
B16.11 管配件的压力-温度额定值应按照本卷的规则 (包括材料的最大许用应力)与无缝直管进行一样计算;厚度允差应
符合 ASME 相应标准的规定。
Table UG-44-1 Moment Factor, 𝑭𝑴 表 UG-44-1 弯矩系数𝑭𝑴
Flange Pressure Rating Class法兰压力额定等级
Standard 标准
Size Range尺寸范围
ASME B16.5
≤NPS 12
>NPS 12 and ≤NPS 24
<NPS 48
≥NPS 48
[Note (1)]
[Note (1)]
[Note (2)]
ASME B16.47
Series A
Series B
(a) The combinations of size ranges and flange pressure classes for which this Table gives no moment factor value are outside the
scope of this Table. 本表未给出等级系数值的尺寸范围和法兰压力等级的组合不在本表的范围内。
(b) The designer should consider reducing the moment factor if the loading is primarily sustained in nature and the bolted flange
joint operates at a temperature where gasket creep/relaxation will be significant. 如果载荷本质上是持续承受的,并且螺栓法兰接
(1) 𝐹𝑀 = 0.1 + (48 − NPS)⁄56.
𝐹𝑀 = 0.1, except for NPS 60, Class 300, in which case FM = 0.03,但NPS 60, Class 300之𝐹𝑀 取值为0.03.
ASME B16.1, Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 25, 125, and 250. Permitted only for pressure
vessel parts used on pressure vessels constructed in accordance with Part UCI of this Division. ASME B16.1《灰口铸铁管法兰
和法兰管件,25、125 和 250 级》仅允许用于根据本卷 UCI 篇建造之压力容器上所采用的压力容器组件。
(2) ASME B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, NPS 1/2 Through NPS 24 Metric/Inch Standard
(3) ASME B16.9, Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings
(4) ASME B16.11, Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded
(5) ASME B16.15, Cast Copper Alloy Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 250
(6) ASME B16.20, Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges
(7) ASME B16.24, Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges, Flanged Fittings, and Valves, Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500,
and 2500
(8) ASME B16.42, Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 150 and 300
(9) ASME B16.47, Large Diameter Steel Flanges, NPS 26 Through NPS 60 Metric/Inch Standard
(10) A forged nozzle flange may use the ASME B16.5/ B16.47 pressure–temperature ratings for the flange material being
used, provided all of the following are met: 锻造管嘴法兰可以采用 ASME B16.5/B16.47 压力-温度额定值来表示所用法兰材
(-a) For ASME B16.5 applications, the forged nozzle flange shall meet all dimensional requirements of a flanged
fitting given in ASME B16.5 with the exception of the inside diameter. The inside diameter of the forged nozzle flange shall not
exceed the inside diameter of the same size lap joint flange given in ASME B16.5. For ASME B16.47 applications, the inside
diameter shall not exceed the weld hub diameter A given in the ASME B16.47 tables. 当采用ASME B16.5 时,锻造管嘴法兰应
满足 ASME B16.5 中对法兰配件所给出的所有尺寸要求 (但内径除外)。 锻造管嘴法兰的内径不应超过ASME B16.5中对
相同尺寸之搭接法兰所给出的内径。 采用ASME B16.47 时,锻造管嘴法兰的内径不应超过 ASME B16.47 表中对焊接高
颈所给出的直径 A。
(-b) For ASME B16.5 applications, the outside diameter of the forged nozzle neck shall be at least equal to the hub
diameter of the same size and class ASME B16.5 lap joint flange. For ASME B16.47 applications, the outside diameter of the hub
shall at least equal the X diameter given in the ASME B16.47 tables. Larger hub diameters shall be limited to nut stop diameter
dimensions. See Figure 2-4, sketches (12) and (12a). 当采用ASME B16.5时,锻造管嘴焊颈部之外径应至少等于ASME B16.5
中相同尺寸和等级之松套法兰所给出的焊颈部直径。采用ASME B16.47时,焊颈部之外径应至少等于 ASME B16.47 表
中所给出的直径 (X)。较大焊颈直径应受限于螺母止动件的直径尺寸;请参阅图2-4中草图 (12) 和 (12a)。
(b) External loads (forces and bending moments) may be evaluated for flanged joints with welding neck flanges chosen in
accordance with (a)(2), (a)(9), and (a)(10), using the following requirements: 根据 (a)(2)、(a)(9) 和 (a)(10) 所选用之带颈法兰
的法兰接头可以采用以下要求来评估外部载荷 (力和弯矩):
(1) The vessel MAWP (corrected for the static pressure acting on the flange) at the design temperature cannot exceed the
pressure–temperature rating of the flange. 容器在设计温度下之最大许用工作压力 (已根据作用在法兰上的静压进行了矫正)
(2) The actual assembly bolt load (see Nonmandatory Appendix S) shall comply with ASME PCC-1, Nonmandatory
Appendix O. 实际装配螺栓载荷 (见非强制性附录 S)应符合 ASME PCC-1 非强制性附录 O 的规定。
(3) The bolt material shall have an allowable stress equal to or greater than SA-193 B8 Cl. 2 at the specified bolt size
and temperature. 螺栓材料的许用应力应等于或大于 SA-193 B8 Cl. 2 在所指定之螺栓尺寸和温度下的许用应力。
(4) The combination of vessel MAWP (corrected for the static pressure acting on the flange) with external moment and
external axial force shall satisfy the following equation (the units of the variables in this equation shall be consistent with the
pressure rating): 容器之最大许用工作压力 (已针对作用在法兰上的静压进行了矫正) 与外力矩和轴向外力的组合应满足以
下方程 (方程中变量的单位应与额定压力之单位一致):
16𝑀𝐸 + 𝐹𝐸 𝐺 ≤ 𝜋𝐺 3 [(𝑃𝑅 − 𝑃𝐷 ) + 𝐹𝑀 𝑃𝑅 ]
= external tensile axial force 外部拉伸轴向力
= moment factor, in accordance with Table UG-44-1 弯矩系数,根据表 UG-44-1取值
= gasket reaction diameter垫片反力作用点之直径
= external moment外部力矩
= vessel MAWP (corrected for static pressure acting on the flange) at design temperature容器在设计温度
下的 最大许用工作压力 (已针对作用在法兰上的静压进行了矫正)
= flange pressure rating at design temperature法兰在设计温度下的压力额定值
The minimum wall thickness of nozzle necks shall be determined as given below. 应按如下所述程序来确定管嘴焊颈部之最小
For access openings and openings used only for inspection: 对于检修孔和仅用于检验的开孔:
𝑡UG−45 = 𝑡𝑎
For other nozzles: 对于其他管嘴:
Determine 𝑡𝑏 . 先按下式确定𝑡𝑏 ,然后𝑡UG−45 取𝑡𝑎 或 𝑡𝑏 中之较大者
𝑡𝑏 = min[𝑡𝑏3 , max(𝑡𝑏1 , 𝑡𝑏2 )]
𝑡UG−45 = max(𝑡𝑎 , 𝑡𝑏 )
𝑡𝑎 = minimum neck thickness required for internal and external pressure using UG-27 and UG-28 (plus corrosion
and threading allowance), as applicable. The effects of external forces and moments from supplemental loads
(see UG-22) shall be considered. Shear stresses caused by UG-22 loadings shall not exceed 70% of the
allowable tensile stress for the nozzle material. 采用 UG-27 和 UG-28 (按适用性而定)时为内部和外部压力
所需的最小焊颈部厚度 (加上腐蚀和螺纹余量)。 应考虑附加载荷 (参见 UG-22)所产生的外力和力矩的
影响。由 UG-22 载荷所引起的剪切应力不应超过管嘴材料允许拉应力的 70%。
= for vessels under internal pressure, the thickness (plus corrosion allowance) required for pressure (assuming E
= 1.0) for the shell or head at the location where the nozzle neck or other connection attaches to the vessel but
in no case less than the minimum thickness specified for the material in UG-16(b). 对于处于内压作用下之容
器而言,为在管嘴焊颈部或其他连接连接到容器之位置处相应于壳体或封头压力 (假设 E = 1.0)的所需
厚度 (加上腐蚀余量),但在任何情况下小于 UG-16(b) 中为材料所规定的最小厚度。
= for vessels under external pressure, the thickness (plus corrosion allowance) obtained by using the external
design pressure as an equivalent internal design pressure (assuming E = 1.0) in the formula for the shell or head
at the location where the nozzle neck or other connection attaches to the vessel but in no case less than the
minimum thickness specified for the material in UG-16(b). 对于承受外压的容器而言,在计算方程中,将
外部设计压力用作当量内部设计压力 (假设 E = 1.0)而获得的厚度 (加上腐蚀余量)。 管嘴焊颈部或其他
连接件连接到容器上,但在任何情况下都不应小于 UG-16(b) 中为材料所规定的最小厚度。
𝑡𝑏3 = the thickness given in Table UG-45 plus the thickness added for corrosion allowance. 表 UG-45 中所给出之
𝑡𝑈𝐺−45 = minimum wall thickness of nozzle necks 管嘴焊颈部的最小壁厚
Table UG-45 Nozzle Minimum Thickness Requirements管嘴最小厚度要求
Minimum Wall Thickness 最小壁厚[See UG-16(d)]
Nominal Size标称尺寸
NPS 1/8 (DN 6)
NPS 1/4 (DN 8)
NPS 3/8 (DN 10)
NPS 1/2 (DN 15)
NPS 3/4 (DN 20)
NPS 1 (DN 25)
NPS 1-1/4 (DN 32)
NPS 1-1/2 (DN 40)
NPS 2 (DN 50)
NPS 2-1/2 (DN 65)
NPS 3 (DN 80)
NPS 3-1/2 (DN 90)
NPS 4 (DN 100)
NPS 5 (DN 125)
NPS 6 (DN 150)
NPS 8 (DN 200)
NPS 10 (DN 250)
≥ NPS 12 (DN 300)
GENERAL NOTE: For nozzles having a specified outside diameter not equal to the outside diameter of an
equivalent standard NPS (DN) size, the NPS (DN) size chosen from the table shall be one having an equivalent
outside diameter larger than the nozzle outside diameter. 总注释:对于指定外径不等于等效标准 NPS (DN)
尺寸的之管嘴,从表中所选用的 NPS (DN) 尺寸应为当量外径大于管嘴外径的尺寸 。
(a) All pressure vessels for use with compressed air and those subject to internal corrosion or having parts subject to erosion
or mechanical abrasion (see UG-25), except as permitted otherwise in this paragraph, shall be provided with suitable manhole,
handhole, or other inspection openings for examination and cleaning. 所有用于储存压缩空气之压力容器以及储存那些易受内
部腐蚀或具有易受侵蚀或机械磨损部件之压力容器 (见 UG-25),除非本节另有允许,否则均应配备合宜的人孔、手孔或
Compressed air as used in this paragraph is not intended to include air that has had moisture removed to provide an
atmospheric dew point of −50°F (-46°C) or less. 本节中所述压缩空气并不包括已去除水分以提供 −50°F (‐ 46°C) 或更低大
Inspection openings may be omitted in vessels covered in (b), and in heat exchangers where the construction does not
permit access to the shell side, such as fixed tubesheet heat exchangers or U-tube and floating tubesheet heat exchangers having
shells integral with the tubesheets. When inspection openings are not provided, the Manufacturer’s Data Report shall include
one of the following notations under “Remarks”: UG-46(b) 中所涵盖之容器以及结构不允许进入壳城侧的热交换器中,例
如固定管板式热交换器或具有与管板成一体之壳体的 U-形管和浮动管板式热交换器,可以省略检查孔 。 当未提供检
“UG-46(b)” when telltale holes are used in lieu of inspection openings; 当采用泄漏孔代替检查孔时,写出 UG-
“UG-46(a)” when inspection openings are omitted in fixed tubesheet heat exchangers or U-tube and floating
tubesheet heat exchangers having shells integral with the tubesheets; 当固定管板式换热器或具有与管板成一体之壳体的 U 形
(3) “ UG-46(a)” when inspection openings are omitted in fixed tubesheet heat exchangers or U-tube and floating
tubesheet heat exchangers with Configuration a, b, or c as shown in Figure UHX-12.1 or Figure UHX-14.2; 当固定管板式换热
器或具有如图 UHX-12.1 或图 UHX-14.2 所示结构 a、b 或 c 之 U 形管式和浮动管板式换热器省略检查孔时,写出 “UG46(a)”
(4) “UG-46(c)”, “UG-46(d)”, or “UG-46(e)” when provision for inspection is made in accordance with one of these
paragraphs; 当根据 “UG-46(c)”、“UG-46(d)”或“UG-46(e)”这些段落之一制定检验规定时,写出 “UG-46(c)”、“UG-46(d)”
(5) the statement “for noncorrosive service.” 声明“用于非腐蚀工况”。
(b) When provided with telltale holes complying with the provisions of UG-25, inspection openings as required in (a) above
may be omitted in vessels not over 36 in. (900 mm) I.D. that are subject only to corrosion, provided that the holes are spaced one
hole per 10 ft2 (0.9 m2 ) (or fraction thereof) of internal vessel surface area where corrosion is expected with a minimum of four
uniformly spaced holes per vessel. This provision does not apply to vessels for compressed air. 当配备符合 UG-25 规定的指示
孔时,则内径不超过 36 英寸 (900 毫米)仅易受腐蚀之容器可以省略上述 (a)中要求的检查孔 ,前提是预计会发生腐蚀容
器内部表面孔在每 10 ft2 (0.9 m2 ) (或不足 10 ft2 部分亦设置一个指示孔)面积内要设置一个指示孔,且每个容器至少有四
个均布的指示孔。 本规定不适用于储存压缩空气之容器。
(c) Vessels over 12 in. (300 mm) I.D. under air pressure that also contain, as an inherent requirement of their operation, other
substances that will prevent corrosion need not have openings for inspection only, provided the vessel contains suitable openings
through which inspection can be made conveniently, and provided such openings are equivalent in size and number to the
requirements for inspection openings in (f) below. 在气压作用下内径大于 12 in. (300 mm)之容器 ,当该容器除有其操作的
适当开孔,且这些开孔之尺寸和数量符合下面 (f) 中检查孔的要求。
(d) For vessels 12 in. (300 mm) or less in inside diameter, openings for inspection only may be omitted if there are at least
two removable pipe connections not less than NPS 3/4 (DN 20). 对于内径为 12 in. (300 mm)或更小之容器而言,仅当至少有
两个不小于 NPS 3/4 (DN 20) 的可拆卸管道连接件时,才可省略用于检查的开孔。
(e) Vessels less than 16 in. (400 mm) and over 12 in. (300 mm) I.D. shall have at least two handholes or two threaded pipe
plug inspection openings of not less than NPS 1 1/2 (DN 40) except as permitted by the following: when vessels less than 16 in.
(400 mm) and over 12 in. (300 mm) I.D. are to be installed so that inspection cannot be made without removing the vessel from
the assembly, openings for inspection only may be omitted, provided there are at least two removable pipe connections of not less
than NPS 11/2 (DN 40). 内径小于 16 in. (400 mm)但大于 12 in. (300 mm)之容器应至少有两个手孔或两个不小于 NPS 11/2
(DN 40) 的螺纹管塞检查孔,但以下允许情况除外:当容器内径小于 16 in. (400 mm)但大于 12 in. (300 mm)的安装致使必
须从容器上拆下组件后才能进行检查时,则仅可省略用于检查的开孔,前提是至少有两个不小于 NPS 11/2 (DN 40) 的可
Vessels that require access or inspection openings shall be equipped as follows. 31 凡需要人孔或检查孔之容器均应配备
All vessels less than 18 in. (450 mm) and over 12 in. (300 mm) I.D. shall have at least two handholes or two
plugged, threaded inspection openings of not less than NPS 1 1/2 (DN 40). 所有内径小于 18 in. (450 mm)但大于 12 in. (300 mm)
之容器应至少配备有两个手孔或两个不小于 NPS 11/2 (DN 40)的螺纹管塞检查孔。
(2) All vessels 18 in. (450 mm) to 36 in. (900 mm), inclusive, I.D. shall have a manhole or at least two handholes or two
plugged, threaded inspection openings of not less than NPS 2 (DN 50). 所有内径为 18 in. (450 mm) 至含 36 in. (900 mm )之容
器应配备有一个人孔或至少两个手孔或两个不小于 NPS 2 (DN 50)的螺纹管塞检查孔。
(3) All vessels over 36 in. (900 mm) I.D. shall have a manhole, except that those whose shape or use makes one
impracticable shall have at least two openings, each with a minimum area equivalent to a 4 in. × 6 in. (100 mm × 150 mm)
所有内径大于 36 in. (900 mm)之容器应配备有人孔,但如其形状或用途致使人孔不可行时,则应至少应配备有两个最小
面积相当于 44 in. × 6 in. (100 mm × 150 mm)的手孔。
(4) When handholes or pipe plug openings are permitted for inspection openings in place of a manhole, one handhole or
one pipe plug opening shall be in each head or in the shell near each head. 当允许以手孔或管塞开孔作为检查孔以代替人孔
(5) Openings with removable heads or cover plates intended for other purposes may be used in place of the required
inspection openings, provided they are equal at least to the size of the required inspection openings. 为其他目的而设置的带有可
(6) A single opening with removable head or cover plate may be used in place of all the smaller inspection openings,
provided it is of such size and location as to afford at least an equal view of the interior. 可拆卸式封头或盖板上之一個单孔,
(7) Flanged and/or threaded connections from which piping, instruments, or similar attachments can be removed may be
used in place of the required inspection openings, provided that: 可以采用配备有可拆卸管道、仪表或类似附件之法兰和/或螺
(-a) the connections are at least equal to the size of the required openings; and 连接至少等于所需开孔的尺寸;
(-b) the connections are sized and located to afford at least an equal view of the interior as the required inspection
openings. 连接件的尺寸和位置至少能提供与所需检查孔相同的内部视野。
When inspection or access openings are required, they shall comply at least with the following requirements: 当需要检查
(1) An elliptical or obround manhole shall be not less than 12 in. × 16 in. (300 mm × 400 mm). A circular manhole shall
be not less than 16 in. (400 mm) I.D. 椭圆形人孔或长圆形人孔不应小于 12 in. × 16 in. (300 mm × 400 mm)。而圆形人孔的
内径不应小于 16 in. (400 mm)。
(2) A handhole opening shall be not less than 2 in. × 3 in. (50 mm × 75 mm), but should be as large as is consistent with
the size of the vessel and the location of the opening. 手孔的开孔不应小于 2 in. × 3 in. (50 mm × 75 mm),但宜尽可能与容器
(h) All access and inspection openings in a shell or unstayed head shall be designed in accordance with the rules of this
Division for openings. 壳体或无拉杆封头上的所有出入孔和检查孔均应按照本卷的开孔规则来进行设计。
(i) When a threaded opening is to be used for inspection or cleaning purposes, the closing plug or cap shall be of a material
suitable for the pressure and no material shall be used at a temperature exceeding the maximum temperature allowed in this
Division for that material. The thread shall be a standard taper pipe thread except that a straight thread of at least equal strength
may be used if other sealing means to prevent leakage are provided. 当螺纹开孔用于检查或清理目的时,管塞或管帽应由能
(j) Manholes of the type in which the internal pressure forces the cover plate against a flat gasket shall have a minimum
gasket bearing width of 11/16 in. (17 mm). 内部压力迫使盖板抵靠在平垫片上之人孔类型,其垫片的最小承压宽度应为 11/16
in. (17 mm)。
(a) The minimum thickness and maximum allowable working pressure for braced and stayed flat plates and those parts that,
by these rules, require staying as flat plates with braces or staybolts of uniform diameter symmetrically spaced, shall be calculated
by the following equations: 对于具有抗压材和牵条之平板以及按本规则要求且带有等直径对称间隔之抗压材或牵条的零部
t = p√
𝑡 2 𝑆𝐶
C = 2.1 for welded stays or stays screwed through plates not over 7/16 in. (11 mm) in thickness with ends riveted
对于两末端以焊接固定之牵条或通过螺钉拧过厚度不超过 7/16 in. (11 mm)之平板且两末端铆固之牵条
而言, C取值为 2.1
= 2.2 for welded stays or stays screwed through plates over 7/16 in. (11 mm) in thickness with ends riveted over
对于两末端以焊接固定之牵条或通过螺钉拧过厚度大於 7/16 in. (11 mm)之平板且两末端铆固之牵条而
言,C 取值为 2.2
= 2.5 for stays screwed through plates and fitted with single nuts outside of plate, or with inside and outside nuts,
omitting washers; and for stays screwed into plates as shown in Figure UG-47, sketch (b) 对于通过螺钉拧过
平板厚度并在平板外侧以单颗螺母固定或平板内外侧以无垫圈螺母固定之牵条和如图 UG-47中草图 (b)
所示以螺纹拧入平板之撑条而言,C 取值为 2.5
= 2.8 for stays with heads not less than 1.3 times the diameter of the stays screwed through plates or made a taper
fit and having the heads formed on the stays before installing them, and not riveted over, said heads being made
to have a true bearing on the plate对于在安装前具有小于牵条直径 1.3 倍之端头(而不是铆接),以使牵条
能有效地支承在平板上且通过螺钉拧过板或进行锥形配合的牵条而言,C 取值为 2.8
= 3.2 for stays fitted with inside and outside nuts and outside washers where the diameter of washers is not less
than 0.4p and thickness not less than t 装有内外螺母和外华司之牵条,该华司直径不小于 0.4p,且该华司
厚度不小于 t时,C 取值为 3.2
P = internal design pressure (see UG-21) 内部设计压力 (见
p = maximum pitch. The maximum pitch is the greatest
distance between any set of parallel straight lines passing
through the centers of staybolts in adjacent rows. Each of the
three parallel sets running in the horizontal, the vertical, and
Figure UG-47 Acceptable Proportions for Ends of
Stays 牵条端部的可接受比例
Not less than ½ times the nominal diameter of
the bolt, but must be 0.4 pitch of stays if C =
3.2不小于螺栓标称直径的 2½ 倍,但如果 C
= 3.2,则必须为牵条节距的 0.4 倍
the inclined planes shall be considered. 最大节距。 最大节
的最大距离。 应考虑到在水平面、垂直面和倾斜面上运
Not less than 16t if C = 2.8 or less and not less
than t if C = 3.2如果 C = 2.8 或更小,则不小于
= maximum allowable stress value in tension (see
16t,如果 C = 3.2,则不小于 t
UG-23) 最大许用拉伸应力值 (参见 UG-23)
= minimum thickness of plate平板的最小厚度
(b) The minimum thickness of plates to which stays may
be applied, in other than cylindrical or spherical outer shell
plates, shall be 5/16 in. (8 mm) except for welded construction
covered by UW-19 or Mandatory Appendix 17. 除圆筒形外
Not less than 1% diameters of
bolt as measured on the outside
of the threaded portion由螺纹
5/16 in. (8 mm),但为 UW-19 或强制性附录 17 所涵盖的
(c) If a stayed jacket extends completely around a
or spherical vessel, or completely covers a formed
(1) See UG-83.
head, it shall meet the requirements given in (a) above, and
shall also meet the applicable requirements for shells or heads in UG-27(c) and UG-27(d) and UG-32. In addition, where any
nozzle or other opening penetrates the cylindrical or spherical vessel, or completely covered head, and the jacket, the vessel or
(b) [See Noted )]
formed head shall be designed in accordance with UG-37(d)(2). 如果具有牵条之夹套完全延伸到圆筒形或球形容器周围,或
完全包裹着成型封头,则除应满足上述 (a) 中给出的要求,还应满足 UG-27(c) 、 UG-27(d) 和 UG-32 中对壳体或封头之
按照 UG-37(d)(2) 进行设计。
When two plates are connected by stays and but one of these plates requires staying, the value of C shall be governed by
the thickness of the plate requiring staying. 当两块平板要用牵条连接在一起,但仅其中一块需要牵条时,C 值应由需要牵
(e) Acceptable proportions for the ends of through stays with washers are indicated in Figure UG-47, sketch (a). See UG-83.
图 UG-47 中草图 (a)给出了带有华司之贯穿型牵条端头的可接受比例,请参阅 UG-83。
Figure UG-53.1 Example of Tube Spacing With Pitch of
Figure UG-53.2 Example of Tube Spacing With Pitch of Holes
Holes Equal in Every Row 图 UG-53.1每排孔都具有相
Unequal in Every Second Row 图 UG-53.2 每隔一排孔分布不
Longitudinal line纵向线
Longitudinal line纵向线
GENERAL NOTE: 5-1/4 in. = 133 mm.
GENERAL NOTE: 5-1/4 in. = 135 mm; 6-3/4 in. = 170 mm.
The maximum pitch shall be 81/2 in. (220 mm), except that for welded-in staybolts the pitch may be greater, provided it
does not exceed 15 times the diameter of the staybolt. See UW-19(a) for plate thicknesses greater than 3 /4 in. (19 mm). 对于节距
可能更大但不超过标称牵条直径 15 倍之焊接式牵条而言,其最大节距应限为 81/2 in. (220 mm)。用于平板厚大于 3 /4 in.
(19 mm)之此类牵条请参阅 UW-19(a)。
Figure UG-53.3 Example of Tube Spacing With Pitch of Holes Varying in
Figure UG-53.4 Example of Tube
Spacing With Tube Holes on Diagonal
Every Second and Third Row图 UG-53.3 每隔一排和二排孔距不同的管
Lines 图 UG-53.4 对角线上之管孔的管
Longitudinal line纵向线
GENERAL NOTE: 5-1/4 in. = 135 mm; 6-3/4 in. = 170 mm.
Longitudinal line纵向线
(g) When the staybolting of shells is unsymmetrical by reason of interference with butt straps or other construction, it is
permissible to consider the load carried by each staybolt as the area calculated by taking the distance from the center of the
spacing on one side of the bolt to the center of the spacing on the other side. 当壳体的拉紧螺栓因与对接搭板或其他结构干涉
而不对称时,允许按以下面积来考虑每个拉撑螺栓承受的载荷,此面积按螺栓一 侧间距中心至另一侧间距中心间的距
(a) The ends of staybolts or stays screwed through the plate shall extend beyond the plate not less than two threads when
installed, after which they shall be riveted over or upset by an equivalent process without excessive scoring of the plates, or they
shall be fitted with threaded nuts through which the bolt or stay shall extend. 穿过平板之拉紧螺栓或牵条之端部在安装时应至
The ends of steel stays upset for threading shall be fully annealed. 用于螺纹加工的镦粗钢牵条端部应应进行完全退
Requirements for welded-in staybolts are given in UW-19. UW-19 中给出了焊接式拉杆螺栓的要求。
(a) When the edge of a flat stayed plate is flanged, the distance from the center of the outermost stays to the inside of the
supporting flange shall not be greater than the pitch of the stays plus the inside radius of the flange. 当被拉撑平板的边缘被扳边
(a) The required area of a staybolt at its minimum cross section 32 and exclusive of any allowance for corrosion shall be
obtained by dividing the load on the staybolt computed in accordance with (b) below by the allowable stress value for the material
used, as given in Subsection C, and multiplying the result by 1.10. 拉紧螺栓在其最小横截面处的所需面积 32 (不包括任何腐蚀
余量)应通过将根据如下 (b) 所计算出之拉紧螺栓载荷除以 C 分卷中为该材料给出之许用应力值,再乘以 1.10 来获得。
Figure UG-53.5 Diagram for Determining the Efficiency of Longitudinal and Diagonal Ligaments Between
Diagonal Efficiency对角向系数, %
Circumferential pitch
Openings in Cylindrical Shells 图 UG-53.5 用于确定圆筒形壳体上之开孔间的纵向及对角向孔带系数的算图
𝑝1 = longitudinal pitch纵向节距
p’ = diagonal pitch对角向节距
Longitudinal Efficiency纵向孔带系数, %
(a) Equations are provided for the user's option in [b), (c), and (d) below, The use of these equations is permitted for values beyond those
provided by Figure UG-53,5. 当效率值超出图UG-53,5所提供的范围时,允许用户选用如下[b)、(c) 和(d) 中所给出之方程来计算各相应的系
(b) Diagonal efficiency对角向系数, % =
𝐽+0.25−(1−0.01𝐸long )√0.75+𝑗
, where式中J = (𝑝′ / 𝑃1)2
(c) Curve of condition of equal efficiency of diagonal and circumferential ligaments, diagonal efficiency, 当对角向与环向具有相同的孔带系
数条件曲线时,对角向孔带系数% =
200𝑀+100−2(1−0.01𝐸long )√1+𝑀
, where式中 M = [(100 − 𝐸long )⁄(200 − 0.5𝐸long )]
(d ) Longitudinal efficiency纵向孔带系数 % = 𝐸long = [(𝑝1 − 𝑑)⁄𝑝1 ] 100
(b) Load Carried by Stays. The area supported by a stay shall be computed on the basis of the full pitch dimensions, with a
deduction for the area occupied by the stay. The load carried by a stay is the product of the area supported by the stay and the
maximum allowable working pressure. 由牵条所承载的载荷。由牵条所支撑之面积应根据全节距尺寸计算,并扣除支柱所
Stays made of parts joined by welding shall be checked for strength using a joint efficiency of 60% for the weld. 由焊接
所连接之零部件制成的牵条应取 60% 的焊缝连接效率来核查焊缝强度。
Figure UG-53.6 Diagram for Determining Equivalent Longitudinal Efficiency of Diagonal Ligaments Between
Openings in Cylindrical Shells 图 UG-53.6 用于确定圆筒形壳体上开孔间之对角向管间隙之当量纵向孔带系数的
Equivalent Longitudinal Efficiency等效纵向孔带系数, %
axis 壳体轴
𝑝1 = diagonal pitch纵向节距
d = diameter of tube hole
Angle of Diagonal With Longitudinal对角线向与纵向线间的夹角, θ, deg
GENERAL NOTE: The equation below is provided for the user's option. The use of the equation is prohibited beyond the range of the abscissa and
ordinate shown.总注释:用户可选用如下方程。 禁止在所示横坐标和纵坐标范围之外采用此一方程。
sec 𝜃
Equivalent longitudinal efficiency当量纵向孔带系数, % =
sec2 𝜃+1−( ′ )√3+sec2 𝜃
𝑝 /𝑑
0.015+0.005sec2 𝜃
(a) The symbols used in the equations and charts of this paragraph are defined as follows: 本节中所用方程和图表中的符号
d = diameter of tube holes 管孔直径
n = number of tube holes in length 𝑝1 在𝑝1 长度内的管孔数
p = longitudinal pitch of tube holes 管孔的纵向节距
𝑝1 = unit length of ligament 管间隙的单位长度
𝑝′ = diagonal pitch of tube holes 管孔的对角节距
s = longitudinal dimension of diagonal pitch 对角节距的纵向尺寸
= 𝑝′ cos θ
θ = angle of diagonal with longitudinal line, deg对角线与纵向线的夹角,单位:度
(b) When a cylindrical shell is drilled for tubes in a line parallel to the axis of the shell for substantially the full length of the
shell as shown in Figures UG-53.1 through UG-53.3, the efficiency of the ligaments between the tube holes shall be determined
as follows:如图 UG-53.1 至 UG-53.3 所示,当在与壳体轴线平行的线上为管子在圆柱形壳体上钻出基本达到壳体全长的
孔时,应按如下所述来确定管孔之间的孔带系数 :
(1) When the pitch of the tube holes on every row is equal (see Figure UG-53.1), the formula is 当管孔间距相等时 (见图
= efficience of ligament孔带系数 =
(2) When the pitch of tube holes on any one row is unequal (as in Figures UG-53.2 and UG-53.3), the formula is 当任一排
管孔间距不等时时 (如图 UG-53.2 和 UG-53.3),方程为
𝑝1 −𝑛𝑑
= efficience of ligament孔带系数 =
𝑝1 −𝑛𝑑
(c) When the adjacent longitudinal rows are drilled as described in (b) above, diagonal and circumferential ligaments shall
also be examined. The least equivalent longitudinal efficiency shall be used to determine the minimum required thickness and the
maximum allowable working pressure. 当相邻纵行按上文 (b) 所述进行钻孔时,还应检查对角向管间隙和环向管间隙。应
(d) When a cylindrical shell is drilled for holes so as to form diagonal ligaments, as shown in Figure UG-53.4, the efficiency
of these ligaments shall be determined by Figures UG-53.5 and UG-53.6. Figure UG-53.5 is used to determine the efficiency of
longitudinal and diagonal ligaments with limiting boundaries where the condition of equal efficiency of diagonal and longitudinal
ligaments form one boundary and the condition of equal efficiency of diagonal and circumferential ligaments form the other
boundary. Figure UG-53.6 is used for determining the equivalent longitudinal efficiency of diagonal ligaments. This efficiency is
used in the equations for setting the minimum required thickness and the maximum allowable working pressure. 当圆筒形壳体上
形成如图 UG-53.4 所示的对角向管间隙时,这些孔带系数应按图 UG-53.5 和图 UG-53.6 来确定。图 UG-53.5 用于确定纵
条件构成另一个边界。图 UG-53.6 适用于确定对角向的当量孔带系数。将此孔带系数带入方程可计算最小所需厚度和最
(e) Figure UG-53.5 is used when either or both longitudinal and circumferential ligaments exist with diagonal ligaments. To
use Figure UG-53.5, compute the value of 𝑝′ /𝑝1 and also the efficiency of the longitudinal ligament. Next find the vertical line in
the diagram corresponding to the longitudinal efficiency of the ligament and follow this line vertically to the point where it
intersects the diagonal line representing the ratio of 𝑝′ /𝑝1 . Then project this point horizontally to the left, and read the diagonal
efficiency of the ligament on the scale at the edge of the diagram. The minimum shell thickness and the maximum allowable
working pressure shall be based on the ligament that has the lower efficiency. 图 UG-53.5 适用于当纵向和环向管间隙中的一
或两个与对角向管间隙同时存在的情形。为采用图 UG-53.5,请计算 𝑝′ /𝑝1 的值以及纵向孔带系数。 接下来在图中找到
对应于纵向孔带系数的垂直线,并垂直沿着此条线到达它与代表 𝑝′ /𝑝1 比率之对角线相交的点。 然后将此交点水平投影
到左侧,并在图左侧边缘的刻度上读取对角向孔带系数。 最小壳体厚度和最大许用工作压力应以上述所得孔带系数中
(f) Figure UG-53.6 is used for holes which are not in line, placed longitudinally along a cylindrical shell. The diagram may be
used for pairs of holes for all planes between the longitudinal plane and the circumferential plane. To use Figure UG-53.6,
determine the angle θ between the longitudinal shell axis and the line between the centers of the openings, θ, and compute the
value of 𝒑′ /d. Find the vertical line in the diagram corresponding to the value of θ and follow this line vertically to the line
representing the value of 𝒑′ /d. Then project this point horizontally to the left, and read the equivalent longitudinal efficiency of
the diagonal ligament. This equivalent longitudinal efficiency is used to determine the minimum required thickness and the
maximum allowable working pressure.
图 UG-53.6 适用于不是沿圆筒壳体纵向成一直线排列的孔。 此图可用于纵向平面和周向平面间之所有平面的孔对。 为
采用图 UG-53.6,请确定纵向壳体轴线与各开孔中心间之连线的夹角 θ,并计算𝒑′ /d 的值。 在图中找到与 θ 值相对应之
垂直线,并沿着该条线垂直于移动到与代表 𝒑′ /d 值的线相交。 然后将该相点水平投影到左侧,以读取对角向管间隙的
当量纵向孔带系数。 可用该当量纵向孔带系数来确定所需的最小厚度和最大许用工作压力。
(g) When tube holes in a cylindrical shell are arranged in symmetrical groups which extend a distance greater than the inside
diameter of the shell along lines parallel to the axis and the same spacing is used for each group, the efficiency for one of the
groups shall be not less than the efficiency on which the maximum allowable working pressure is based. 当圆柱壳上的管孔沿平
(h) The average ligament efficiency in a cylindrical shell, in which the tube holes are arranged along lines parallel to the axis
with either uniform or nonuniform spacing, shall be computed by the following rules and shall satisfy the requirements of both:33
For a length equal to the inside diameter of the shell for the position which gives the minimum efficiency, the efficiency shall
be not less than that on which the maximum allowable working pressure is based. When the inside diameter of the shell
exceeds 60 in. (1 520 mm), the length shall be taken as 60 in. (1 520 mm) in applying this rule. 当孔带系数最小处的长度等
于壳体内径时,则此系数不应小于用于确定最大许用工作压力时所依据的系数。当内径大于 60 in. (1 520 mm)之壳体
采用本规则时,长度应取值为 60 in. (1 520 mm)。
(1) For a length equal to the inside radius of the shell for the position which gives the minimum efficiency, the efficiency
shall be not less than 80% of that on which the maximum allowable working pressure is based. When the inside radius of the shell
exceeds 30 in. (760 mm), the length shall be taken as 30 in. (760 mm) in applying this rule. 当孔带系数最小处的长度等于壳体
内径时,则该系数不应小于用于确定最大许用工作压力时之依据数值的 80%。当本规则应用于内半径超过 30 in. (760
mm)之壳体时,长度应值取为 30 in. (760 mm)。
(i) When ligaments occur in cylindrical shells made from welded pipe or tubes, and their calculated efficiency is less than
85% (longitudinal) or 50% (circumferential), the efficiency to be used in the equations of UG-27 is the calculated ligament
efficiency. In this case, the appropriate stress value in tension (see UG-23) may be multiplied by the factor 1.18. 当管间隙出现在
由焊制管材所制成的圆筒形壳体中时,其计算系数小于 85% (纵向)或 50% (环向)时,UG-27 方程中所采用之系数为计算
所得的孔带系数,在这种情况下,相应拉伸应力值 (参见 UG-23)可以乘以系数 1.18。
(a) All vessels shall be so supported and the supporting members shall be arranged and/or attached to the vessel wall in such a
way as to provide for the maximum imposed loadings (see UG-22 and UG-82). 所有容器都应如此支撑,以使支撑构件的布置
和/或连接到容器壁的方式,使之能承受最大外加载荷 (请参阅 UG-22 和 UG-82)。
(b) Nonmandatory Appendix G contains suggested rules for the design of supports. 非强制性附录 G 中给出了支座设计时
WALLS 与平台、梯子和其他容器壁连接的突耳
(a) Lugs or clips may be welded, brazed, or bolted to the outside or inside of the vessel to support ladders, platforms, piping,
motor or machinery mounts, and attachment of insulating jackets (see UG-22). The material of the lugs or clips shall be in
accordance with UG-4.可以用焊接、钎焊或螺栓连接等方法将突耳或钢夹连接到容器内部或外部,以支撑扶梯、平台、
管道、电动机或机械装置以及保温护套(请参阅 UG-22),前提是突耳或钢夹的材料应满足 UG-4 的要求。
(b) External piping connected to a pressure vessel shall be installed so as not to overstress the vessel wall (see UG-22 and UG82).
连接到压力容器之外部管道的安装应避免容器壁承受过大的应力 (参见 UG-22 和 UG-82)。
(c) Nonmandatory Appendix G provides guidance on the design of attachments. 非强制性附录 G 提供了附件设计导则。
The fabrication of pressure vessels and vessel parts shall conform to the general fabrication requirements in the following
paragraphs and to the specific requirements for ULW-75 given in the applicable Parts of Subsections B and C. 压力容器和容器
零部件的制造家应符合以下各节中的通用制造加工要求以及 B 和 C 分卷之各适用篇中针对ULW-75 所给出的具体要求。
(a) Plates, edges of heads, and other parts may be cut to shape and size by mechanical means such as machining, shearing,
grinding, or by oxygen or arc cutting. After oxygen or arc cutting, all slag and detrimental discoloration of material which has
been molten shall be removed by mechanical means prior to further fabrication or use. 板材、封头边缘和其他零部件可以通过
机械方法 (例如机械加工、剪切、磨削)或者通过氧气或电弧切割来切割成所需形状和尺寸。 氧气或电弧切割后,在进一
(b) Ends of nozzles or manhole necks which are to remain unwelded in the completed vessel may be cut by shearing, provided
sufficient additional material is removed by any other method that produces a smooth finish. 在已完成之容器中未焊接之管嘴
(c) Exposed inside edges shall be chamfered or rounded. 裸露的内边缘应倒角或倒圆。
(a) Material for pressure parts preferably should be laid out so that when the vessel is completed, one complete set of the
original identification markings required by UG-94 will be plainly visible. The pressure vessel Manufacturer shall maintain
traceability of the material to the original identification markings by one or more of the following methods: accurate transfer of
the original identification markings to a location where the markings will be visible on the completed vessel; identification by a
coded marking traceable to the original required marking; or recording the required markings using methods such as material
tabulations or as-built sketches that ensure identification of each piece of material during fabrication and subsequent identification
in the completed vessel. Such transfers of markings shall be made prior to cutting except that the Manufacturer may transfer
markings immediately after cutting, provided the control of these transfers is described in his written Quality Control System (see
10-6). Except as indicated in (b) below, material may be marked by any method acceptable to the Inspector. The Inspector need
not witness the transfer of the marks but shall satisfy himself that it has been correctly done (see UHT-86). 压力零部件之材料的
布局最好应使容器于完全后,能使 UG-94 所 要求的一整套原始识别标记清晰可见。压力容器制造商应通过以下一或多
种方法保持材料对原始识别标记的可追溯性:(1) 将原始识别标记准确转移到该已完成容器上标记可见的位置;(2) 通过
可追溯至原始所需标记的简码标记进行识别;(3) 或者使用材料造册格或竣工草图等方法记录所需的标记,以确保在制
造过程中识别每件材料以及随后在已完成之容器中进行识别。 此类标记的转移应在切割前进行,但制造商要在切割后
立即转移标记,前提是其书面质量管理体系中描述了这些转移的管理 (见 10-6)。 除了下面 (b) 中所指出的情况外,材料
可以通过检验师可接受的任何方法进行标记。检验师无需见证标记的转移,但他应确信已正确完成转移 (参见 UHT86)。
(b) Where the service conditions prohibit die-stamping for material identification, and when so specified by the user, the
materials manufacturer shall mark the required data on the plates in a manner which will allow positive identification upon
delivery. The markings must be recorded so that each plate will be positively identified in its position in the completed vessel to
the satisfaction of the Inspector. Transfer of markings for material that is to be divided shall be done as in (a) above. 如果使用条
别。 必须记录标记,以便在已完成容器中准确识别每块板的位置,并使检验师满意。 待分割材料的标记应按照上述 (a)
(c) When material is formed into shapes by anyone other than the Manufacturer of the completed pressure vessel, and the
original markings as required by the applicable material specification are unavoidably cut out, or the material is divided into two
or more parts, the manufacturer of the shape shall either: 当材料由成品压力容器之制造商以外的任何人成型,并且适用材料
transfer the original identification markings to another location on the shape; or 将原始识别标记转移到型材上的
其他位置; 或者
(2) provide for identification by the use of a coded marking traceable to the original required marking, using a marking
method agreed upon and described in the Quality Control System of the Manufacturer of the completed pressure vessel. 通过采用
Identification in accordance with UG-93, in conjunction with the above modified marking requirements, shall be considered
sufficient to identify these shapes. Manufacturer’s Partial Data Reports and parts stamping are not a requirement unless there has
been fabrication to the shapes that include welding, except as exempted by UG-11. 根据 UG-93 的识别连同上述的变通标记要
求应被认为足以识别这些型材。 制造商的零部件数据报告和零部件冲压不是必需的,除非已经制造出包括焊接的型
材,但 UG-11 所豁免的情况除外。
Defects in material may be repaired, provided acceptance by the Inspector is first obtained for the method and extent of repairs.
Defective material that cannot be satisfactorily repaired shall be rejected. 材料缺陷可以进行返修,前提是要首先获得检验师
对返修方法和范围的认可。 當有缺陷材料在返修后无法符合要求時应被拒收。
Table UG-79-1 Equations for Calculating Forming Strains 表 UG-79-1 用于计算成型应变的方程
Type of Part Being Formed 待成型零部件的类型
Forming Strain 成型应变, %
Cylinders formed from plate由板所卷成的筒节
𝜀𝑓 = (
For double curvature (e.g., heads) 双曲率零部件(如封头)
𝜀𝑓 = (
Tube and pipe bends弯管
𝜀𝑓 = (
) (1 −
) (1 −
𝜀𝑓 = calculated forming strain or extreme fiber elongation 所计算出之成型应变或极限纤维伸长率
R = nominal bending radius to centerline of pipe or tube 到管材中心线的标称弯曲半径
𝑅𝑓 = final mean radius最终平均半径
𝑅𝑜 = original mean radius, equal to infinity for a flat plate 成型前的平均半径(对于平板而言等于无穷大)
r = nominal outside radius of pipe or tube 管材的标称外半径
= nominal thickness of the plate, pipe, or tube before forming 板材或管材于成型前的标称厚度
(a) Limits are provided on cold working of all carbon and low alloy steels, nonferrous alloys, high alloy steels, and ferritic
steels with tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment [see UCS-79(d), UNF-79(a), UHA-44(a), and UHT-79(a)]. Forming
strains or extreme fiber elongation shall be determined by the equations in Table UG-79-1. 本节对通过热处理增强拉伸性能的
所有碳钢和低合金钢、有色合金钢、高合金钢和铁素体钢的冷加工规定了限制条件 [参见 UCS-79(d)、UNF-79(a)、UHA44 (a) 和 UHT-79(a)]。 成型应变或极限纤维伸长率应由表 UG-79-1 中的方程确定。
(b) If the plates are to be rolled, the adjoining edges of longitudinal joints of cylindrical vessels shall first be shaped to the
proper curvature by preliminary rolling or forming in order to avoid having objectionable flat spots along the completed joints
(see UG-80).
出现令人讨厌的扁平点 (参见 UG-80)。
(c) When the vessel shell section, heads, or other pressure boundary parts are cold formed by other than the manufacturer of
the vessel, the required certification for the part shall indicate whether or not the part has been heat treated (see UCS-79, UHA-44,
UNF-79, and UHT-79). 当容器壳体截面、封头或其他压力边界零部件由容器制造商以外之组织进行冷成型时,则该零部
件所需的证书应表明该零部件是否经过热处理 (参见 UCS-79、UHA- 44、UNF-79 和 UHT-79)。
(d) A reduction in weld thickness due to a forming operation is acceptable, provided all of the following conditions are met:
(1) Prior to the forming operation, the weld(s) are verified to comply with UW-35(a) through UW-35(e) by the
Manufacturer and the Inspector. 在成型操作之前,制造商和检验师要查证焊缝是否符合 UW-35(a) 至 UW-35(e) 的要求。
The reduced weld thickness, at any point, shall not be less than the design thickness of the component. 任何点处被
(3) The reduction in thickness shall not exceed 1/32 in. (1 mm) or 10% of the nominal thickness of the adjoining surface,
whichever is less. 厚度减薄量不应超过 1/32 in. (1 mm)或相邻表面之标称厚度的 10%中的以较小者。
SPHERICAL SHELLS 圆柱壳、圆锥壳和球壳的允许不圆度
(a) Internal Pressure. The shell of a completed vessel shall be substantially round and shall meet the following requirements:
承受内部压力时。 成品容器之壳体应基本上为圆形,并应满足下列要求:
(1) The difference between the maximum and minimum inside diameters at any cross section shall not exceed 1% of the
nominal diameter at the cross section under consideration. The diameters may be measured on the inside or outside of the vessel.
If measured on the outside, the diameters shall be corrected for the plate thickness at the cross section under consideration (see
Figure UG-80.2). 任何横截面之最大内径与最小内径间之差不应超过拟测横截面之标称直径的 1%。 直径可以在容器的内
部或外部测量。 如果在外部测量时,则应减去拟测横截面处的板厚度 (见图 UG-80.2)。
(2) When the cross section passes through an opening or within 1 I.D. of the opening measured from the center of the
opening, the permissible difference in inside diameters given above may be increased by 2% of the inside diameter of the
opening. When the cross section passes through any other location normal to the axis of the vessel, including head-to-shell
junctions, the difference in diameters shall not exceed 1%. 当横截面穿过开孔或距从开孔中心所测定之开孔内径在 1 I.D. 以
内时,则上述允许差可以增加到开孔内径的 2%。 但当横截面通过垂直于容器轴线的任何其他位置 (包括头与壳体之连
接处)时,则直径差不应超过 1%。
For vessels with longitudinal lap joints, the permissible difference in inside diameters may be increased by the
nominal plate thickness. 对于具有纵向搭接接头之容器而言,内径允许差可按标称板厚增加。
Outside Diameter ÷ Thickness外径/厚度, 𝑫𝑶 / t)
Figure UG-80.1 Maximum Permissible Deviation From a Circular Form e for Vessels Under External Pressure
图 UG-80.1 外部压力作用下容器与真圆的最大允许偏差 e
Design Length÷Outside Diameter设计长度÷外径, L/𝑫𝑶
(b) External Pressure. The shell of a completed vessel to operate under external pressure shall meet the following
requirements at any cross section: 承受部压力时。在外压作用下运行之成品容器的壳体,在任何截面上之真圆度均应满足
The out-of-roundness limitations prescribed in (a)(1) and (a)(2) above. 满足上述 (a)(1) 和 (a)(2) 中所规定的不圆
Figure UG-80.2 Example of Differences Between Maximum and Minimum
Inside Diameters in Cylindrical, Conical, and Spherical Shells
图 UG-80.2 圆筒形壳体、锥壳和球壳之最大和最小内径间的差异示例
(2) The maximum plus-or-minus
deviation from the true circular form, measured
radially on the outside or inside of the vessel,
shall not exceed the maximum permissible
deviation e obtained from Figure UG-80.1. Use e
= 1.0t or e = 0.2t, respectively, for points falling
above or below these curves. Measurements shall
be made from a segmental circular template
having the design inside or outside radius
(depending upon where the measurements are
taken) and a chord length equal to twice the arc
length obtained from Figure UG-29.2. The values
of L and 𝐷𝑜 in Figures UG-29.2 and UG-80.1
shall be determined as follows: 在容器外部或内部沿径向所测定的值与真圆的最大正负偏差不应超过从图 UG-80.1 中所获
得的最大允许偏差 e。 对于高于或低于这些曲线的点,分别取 e = 1.0t 或 e = 0.2t。 测量时应采用弓形样板进行,该样板
具有所设计之内半径或外半径 (取决于测量点)且弦长等于从图 UG-29.2 中所获得知弧长的两倍。 应按如下所述程序来确
定图 UG-29.2 和 UG-80.1 中的 L 和 𝐷𝑜 值:
(-a) for cylinders, L and 𝐷𝑜 as defined in UG-28(b); 筒体总长L 和其外径𝐷𝑜 之定义请参阅UG-28(b) ;
(-b) for cones and conical sections, L and 𝐷𝑜 values to be used in the figures are given below in terms of the
definitions given in UG-33(b). In all cases below, 锥体和锥体段之总长L 和外径 𝐷𝑜 的定义请参阅UG-28(b),并按如下方程及
程序来求解L 和𝐷𝑜 的值:
𝐿𝑒 = 0.5𝐿(1 + 𝐷𝑠 ⁄𝐷𝐿 )
(-1) at the large diameter end, 在大直径端处之L = 𝐿𝑒 ,𝐷𝑜 = 𝐷𝐿
(-2) at the small diameter end, 在小直径端处之𝐿𝑒 = 0.5𝐿(1 + 𝐷𝑠 ⁄𝐷𝐿 ),𝐷𝑜 = 𝐷𝑠
(-3) at the midlength diameter, 在中径处之L = 𝐿𝑒 [2𝐷𝐿 ⁄(𝐷𝐿 + 𝐷𝑠 )],𝐷𝑜 = 0.5(𝐷𝐿 + 𝐷𝑠 )
(-4) at any cross section having an outside diameter of 𝐷𝑥 , 在外径为𝐷𝑥 的任意截面处之 L = 𝐿𝑒 𝐷𝐿 ⁄𝐷𝑥 ;𝐷𝑜 =
(-c) for spheres, L is one-half of the outside diameter 𝐷𝑜 . 球壳的L取外径𝐷𝑂 的一半
For cylinders and spheres, the value of t shall be determined as follows: 应按如下所述程序来确定圆筒体和球体的
t 值:
(-a) For vessels with butt joints, t is the nominal plate thickness less corrosion allowance. 对于具有对接焊缝之
容器而言,其 t值取标称板厚减去腐蚀裕量后的值。
For vessels with longitudinal lap joints, t is the nominal plate thickness and the permissible deviation is 对于
具有搭接纵缝之容器而言,其 t值取标称板厚加允许偏差 (即为
(-c) Where the shell at any cross section is made of plates having different thicknesses, t is the nominal thickness
of the thinnest plate less corrosion allowance. 当壳体之任何横截面是由不同厚度之板材所制成时,则 t
For cones and conical sections, the value of t shall be determined as in (3) above, except that t in (3)(-a), (3)(-b), and
(3)(-c) shall be replaced by 𝑡𝑒 as defined in UG-33(b). 锥体和锥体段之 t 值应按上述 (3) 中的方法确定,但 (3)(-a)、(3)(-b) 和
(3)(-c) 中的 t 应替换为 UG-33(b) 中所规定的𝑡𝑒 值。
(5) The requirements of (2) above shall be met in any plane normal to the axis of revolution for cylinders and cones and
in the plane of any great circle for spheres. For cones and conical sections, a check shall be made at locations (2)(-b)(-1), (2)(-b)(2), and (2)(-b)(-3) above and such other locations as may be necessary to satisfy manufacturers and inspectors that requirements
are met.
在横切于筒体和锥体段回转轴之任何平面内以及球体之任何大圆平面内的真圆度要求都应满足上述 (2) 的要求。应在如
上文 (2)(-b)(-1)、(2)(-b)(-2) 和 (2)(-b)(-3) 所述位置处以及为满足制造商和检验师之要求而可能需要的其他位置对锥体和
(6) Measurements shall be taken on the surface of the base metal and not on welds or other raised parts of the material.
(7) The dimensions of a completed vessel may be brought within the requirements of this paragraph by any process
which will not impair the strength of the material. 完品容器的尺寸可以通过任何不会损害材料强度的工艺来达对真圆度真圆
Sharp bends and flat spots shall not be permitted unless provision is made for them in the design. 除非设计中有规
(9) If the nominal thickness of plate used for a cylindrical vessel exceeds the minimum thickness required by UG-28 for
the external design pressure, and if such excess thickness is not required for corrosion allowance or loadings causing compressive
forces, the maximum permissible deviation e determined for the nominal plate thickness used may be increased by the ratio of
factor B for the nominal plate thickness used divided by factor B for the minimum required plate thickness; and the chord length
for measuring ema x shall be determined by 𝐷𝑜 /t for the nominal plate thickness used. 如果用于圆筒形容器之板材的标称厚度大
于 UG-28 对外部设计压力所要求的最小厚度,并且如果这种超额厚度不需要考虑腐蚀余量或引起压缩力之载荷时,则
可通过所采用之标称板厚度的系数 B 除以最小所需板厚度的系数 B 的比率来增加最大允许偏差 e ; 用于测量 ema x 的弦
长应由所用标称板厚的 𝐷𝑜 /t 确定。
(a) Vessels and components fabricated of pipe or tube under internal or external pressure may have permissible variations in
diameter (measured outside) in accordance with those permitted under the specification covering its manufacture. 根据其制造规
范所允许的范围,在内部或外部压力作用下由管材所制成之容器和零部件可能具有所允许的直径变化 (在外径处测量)。
(a) The inner surface of a torispherical, toriconical, hemispherical, or ellipsoidal head shall not deviate outside of the specified
shape by more than 11/4% of D nor inside the specified shape by more than 5/8% of D, where D is the nominal inside diameter of
the vessel shell at point of attachment. Such deviations shall be measured perpendicular to the specified shape and shall not be
abrupt. The knuckle radius shall not be less than that specified. 准球形、准锥形、半球形或椭圆形封头之内表面在规定形状
之外的偏差不应超过 D 的 11/4%,在规定形状之内的偏差不应超过 D 的 5/8%,此处 D 是连接点处容器壳体的标称内
径。 此类偏差应以横切于指定形状之方式进行测量,并且形状不应有突然变化。转角半径不应小于规定值。
(b) Hemispherical heads or any spherical portion of a torispherical or ellipsoidal head designed for external pressure shall, in
addition to satisfying (a) above, meet the tolerances specified for spheres in UG-80(b) using a value of 0.5 for L/𝐷𝑜 . 设计用于承
受外部压力之半球形封头或准球形封头、椭圆形封头的任何球体部分,除了要满足上述 (a) 之外,还应满足 UG-80(b) 中
所规定的球体公差(L/𝐷𝑜 取值为 0.5 )。
(c) Measurements for determining the deviations specified in (a) above shall be taken from the surface of the base metal and
not from welds. 应从母材表面而不是从焊缝来测量用于确定上述 (a) 中所规定的偏差。
(d) The skirts of heads shall be sufficiently true to round so that the difference between the maximum and minimum inside
diameters shall not exceed 1% of the nominal diameter. 封头直边段应具有足够的真圆度,以使最大和最小内径间之差异不
超过标称直径的 1%。
(e) When the skirt of any unstayed formed head is machined to make a driving fit into or over a shell, the thickness shall not
be reduced to less than 90% of that required for a blank head (see UW-13) or the thickness of the shell at the point of attachment.
When so machined, the transition from the machined thickness to the original thickness of the head shall not be abrupt but shall
be tapered for a distance of at least three times the difference between the thicknesses. 当任何无牵条成型封头的直边段需要机
加工当无任何牵条之成型封头的直边段经过机械加工以以紧配于壳体内壁或外壁时时,其厚度不应减薄至毛坯封头 (见
UW-13)所需厚度的 90% 或在连接点之壳体厚度的 90%。 当如此加工时,从加工厚度到封头原始厚度的过渡不应是突变
All lugs, brackets, saddle type nozzles, manhole frames, reinforcement around openings, and other appurtenances shall be formed
and fitted to conform reasonably to the curvature of the shell or surface to which they are attached. 所有突耳、支架、鞍形馆
(a) When pressure parts, such as saddle type nozzles, manhole frames, and reinforcement around openings, extend over
pressure-retaining welds, such welds shall be ground flush for the portion of the weld to be covered. 当承压零部件 (例如鞍形管
Figure UG-84 Simple Beam Impact Test Specimens (Charpy
Type Test) 图 UG-84 简支梁冲击试样 (夏比型试验)
When nonpressure parts, such as lugs, brackets, and
support legs and saddles, extend over pressure-retaining welds,
such welds shall be ground flush as described in (a) above, or
such parts shall be notched or coped to clear those welds. 当非
承压零部件 (例如突耳、支架、支撑腿和鞍座)延伸到承压
焊缝上时,此类焊缝应按上述 (a) 中所述进行磨平,或者此
(1) See UG-84(c) for thickness of reduced-size specimen. 小尺寸试样之厚度
Holes for screw stays shall be drilled full size or punched not to
exceed 1/4 in. (6 mm) less than full diameter of the hole for
plates over 5/16 in. (8 mm) in thickness and 1/8 in. (3 mm) less
than the full diameter of the hole for plates not exceeding 5/16 in.
(8 mm) in thickness, and then drilled or reamed to the full
diameter. The holes shall be tapped fair and true with a full thread. 螺纹牵条的孔应按全尺寸钻出或冲孔,板厚超过 55/16 in.
(8 mm)时,其冲孔直径不应比全尺寸小 1/4 in. (6 mm); 当板厚不超过 5/16 in. (8 mm)时,冲孔孔直径径应比全尺寸小1/8
in. (3 mm),然后钻孔或铰孔至全直径。 孔应攻丝成平滑准确的完整螺纹。。
(a) General. Charpy V-notch impact tests in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph shall be made on weldments and
all materials for shells, heads, nozzles, and other vessel parts subject to stress due to pressure for which impact tests are required
by the rules in Subsection C. 通则。当 C 分卷中的规则要求对焊件以及壳体、封头、管嘴和其他因压力而受到应力之容器
零部件的所有材料进行冲击试验时,则应根据本节的规定对上述材料进行夏比 V 型缺口冲击试验。
(b) Test Procedures 试验程序
Table UG-84.4 Impact Test Temperature Differential表 UG-84.4 冲击试验温差
Minimum Specified Yield Strength 最低规定降服强度, ksi (MPa)
≤40 (280)
≤55 (380)
>55 (380)
Temperature Difference温差, °F (°C) [Note (1)]
10 (6)
5 (3)
0 (0)
(1) Impact test temperature may be warmer than the minimum design temperature by the amount shown. . 冲击试验温度可能比最小
Impact test procedures and apparatus shall conform to the applicable paragraphs of SA-370 or ISO 148 (Parts 1, 2,
and 3). 冲击测试程序和设备应符合 SA-370 或 ISO 148 (第 1、2 和 3 篇)中之适用条款的规定。
(2) Unless permitted by Table UG-84.4, impact test temperature shall not be warmer than the minimum design metal
temperature [see UG-20(b)]. The test temperature may be colder than the minimum specified in the material specification of
Section II. 除非为表 UG-84.4 所允许,否则冲击试验温度不应高于最低设计金属温度 [见 UG-20(b)]。 测试温度可能低于
第 II 册材料规范中所规定的最低温度。
(c) Test Specimens 试样
(1) Each set of impact test specimens shall consist of three specimens. 应由三个试样组成一个冲击试样组。
(2) The impact test specimens shall be of the Charpy V-notch type and shall conform in all respects to Figure UG-84.
The standard (10 mm × 10 mm) specimens, when obtainable, shall be used for nominal thicknesses of 7/16 in. (11 mm) or greater,
except as otherwise permitted in (-a) below. 冲击试样应为夏比 V 型缺口类型,并应全面符合图 UG-84。如果可得时,用于
代表标称厚度为 7/16 in. (11 mm)或更大的试样可为标准试样 (10 mm × 10 mm),除非下文 (-a) 中另有允许。
(-a) For materials that normally have absorbed energy in excess of 180 ft-lbf (240 J) when tested using full size (10
mm × 10 mm) specimens at the specified testing temperature, subsize (10 mm × 6.7 mm) specimens may be used in lieu of full
size specimens. However, when this option is used, the acceptance value shall be 75 ft-lbf (100 J) minimum for each specimen
and the lateral expansion in mils (mm) shall be reported. 对于在指定测试温度下采用全尺寸 (10 mm × 10 mm) 试样进行测试
时通常吸收能超过 180 ft-lbf (240 J) 的材料,可用小尺寸 (10 mm × 6.7 mm) 试样来代替全尺寸试样。 然而,当采用此一
选项时,每个试样的可接受值应最小为 75 ft-lbf (100 J),并且以密耳 (mm) 为单位的侧膨胀量应写入报告。
Figure UG-84.1M Charpy V-Notch Impact Test Requirements for Full-Size Specimens for Carbon and Low
Alloy Steels, Having a Specified Minimum Tensile Strength of Less Than 655 MPa, Listed in Table UCS-23
图 UG-84.1M 对表 UCS-23中所列最小规定抗拉强度小于 655 MPa之碳钢和低合金钢全尺寸试样的夏比 V 型缺
Minimum specified yield
CV J-lb [Note (1)]
Maximum Nominal Thickness, mm 最大标称厚度,单位:mm
(a) Interpolation between yield strengths shown is permitted. 允许在所示降服强度之间进行插值。
(b) The minimum impact energy for one specimen shall not be less than 2/3 of the average energy required for three specimens. The average
impact energy value of the three specimens may be rounded to the nearest J. 一个试样的最小冲击吸收能不应小于三个试样所需平均吸收能的
2/3。 三个试样的平均冲击能量吸收值可四舍五入至最接近的焦耳值。
(c) Material produced and impact tested in accordance with SA-320, SA-333, SA-334, SA-350, SA-352, SA-420, impact tested SA/AS 1548 (L
impact designations), SA-437, SA-540 (except for materials produced under Table 2, Note 4 in SA-540), and SA-765 do not have to satisfy these
energy values. See UCS-66(g). 材料生产和冲击测试符合 SA-320、SA-333、SA-334、SA-350、SA-352、SA-420、冲击测试 SA/AS 1548 (L冲
击标识)、SA-437 、SA-540 (根据 SA-540 中表 2注释 4 所生产之材料除外)和 SA-765 不必满足这些能量吸收值,参见 UCS-66(g)。
(d) For materials having a specified minimum tensile strength of 655 MPa or more, see UG-84(c)(4)(-b). 最小规定抗拉强度为 655 MPa 或以
上之材料的允收准则参见 UG-84(c)(4)(-b)。
NOTE: 注释
(1) Average of three specimens. 三个试样的平均值。
(3) For material from which full size (10 mm × 10 mm) specimens cannot be obtained, either due to the material shape
or thickness, the specimens shall be either the largest possible standard subsize specimens obtainable or specimens of full material
nominal thickness which may be machined to remove surface irregularities. [The test temperature criteria of (5)(-b) below shall
apply for Table UCS-23 materials having a specified minimum tensile strength less than 95,000 psi (655 MPa) when the width
along the notch is less than 80% of the material nominal thickness.] Alternatively, such material may be reduced in thickness to
produce the largest possible Charpy subsize specimen. Toughness tests are not required where the maximum obtainable Charpy
specimen has a width along the notch less than 0.099 in. (2.5 mm). 对于由于材料形状或厚度而无法获得全尺寸 (10 mm × 10
mm)试样的材料而言,试样应为可能可获得的最大标准小尺寸试样,或为满足以下条件的全材料标称厚度的试样: 可以
进行机械加工以去除表面不规则处; [当沿缺口的宽度小于材料的标称厚度 80% 时,下文 (5)(-b) 的测试温度准则应适用
于表 UCS-23 中最小规定抗拉强度小于 95,000 psi (655 MPa) 之材料],或者,可以减小这种材料的厚度以产生尽可能大
的夏比小尺寸试样。 如果可获得的最大夏比试样沿缺口的宽度小于 0.099 in. (2.5 mm),则不需要进行韧性测试。
See below.见下文
Table UG-84.2 Charpy Impact Test Temperature Reduction Below Minimum Design Metal Temperature
表 UG-84.2 在比最低设计金属温度低多少 °F (°C)下试验时厚度与夏比冲击试验温度间的关系
Actual Material Thickness [See UG-84(c)(5)(-b)] or Charpy Impact Specimen Width Along the Notch [Note (1)] 实际材料
Thickness, in. (mm) 厚度,单位:in. (mm)
Temperature Reduction 比最低设计金属温度低多小°F (°C)
0.394 (fullsize standard bar) (10)
0 (0)
0.354 (9)
0 (0)
0.315 (8.00)
0 (0)
0.295 (3/4 size bar) (7.5)
5 (3)
0.276 (7)
8 (4)
0.262 (2/3 size bar) (6.7)
10 (6)
0.236 (6)
15 (8)
0.197 (1/2 size bar) (5.00)
20 (11)
0.158 (4)
30 (17)
0.131 (1/3 size bar) (3.3)
35 (19)
0.118 (3.00)
40 (22)
0.099 (1/4 size bar) (2.5)
50 (28)
GENERAL NOTE: For Table UCS-23 materials having a specified minimum tensile strength of less than 95,000 psi (655 MPa) when the
subsize charpy impact width is less than 80% of the material thickness. 总注释:对于表 UCS-23中所示材料而言,当小尺寸夏比冲击
试样宽度小于材料厚度的 80% 时,最小规定抗拉强度小于 95,000 psi (655 MPa)。
NOTE: 注释:
(1) Straight line interpolation for intermediate values is permitted. 允许对中间值进行线性插值。
(-a) Except for materials produced and impact tested in accordance with the requirements in the specifications listed
in General Note (c) of Figure UG-84.1 (Figure UG-84.1M), the applicable minimum energy requirement for all specimen sizes
for Table UCS-23 materials having a specified minimum tensile strength less than 95,000 psi (655 MPa) shall be that shown in
Figure UG-84.1 (Figure UG-84.1M), multiplied by the ratio of the actual specimen width along the notch to the width of a fullsize (10 mm × 10 mm) specimen, except as otherwise provided in (2)(-a) above. 除非上文 (2) (-a)中另有规定 ,否则除按照图
UG-84.1 (图 UG-84.1M)的总注释 (c)中所列规范要求进行生产和进行冲击测试之材料外,UCS-23 表中最小规定抗拉强度
小于 95,000 psi (655 MPa)之材料的所有试样尺寸的相应最低吸收能要求应如图 UG-84.1 (图 UG-84.1M)所示,再乘上沿
缺口之实际试样宽度与全尺寸 (10 mm × 10 mm)试样宽度的比值。
Table UG-84.3 Specifications for Impact Tested Materials in Various
Product Forms 表 UG-84.3 各种产品形式的冲击试验材料规范
Product Form 产品形式
Parts UCS and UHT
UCS 篇和 UHT 篇
Pipe 钢管
Tubes 管子
Forgings 锻件
Castings 铸件
Spec. No. 规范号
SA-20, S5
(-b) The applicable minimum lateral expansion
opposite the notch for all specimen sizes for Table
UCS-23 materials, having a specified minimum tensile
strength of 95,000 psi (655 MPa) or more, shall be as
required in UHT-6(a)(3) and UHT-6(a)(4). For UHT
materials, all requirements of UHT-6(a)(3) and UHT6(a)(4) shall apply. For Table UHA-23 materials, all
requirements of UHA-51 shall apply. 用于代表表
UCS-23中最小规定抗拉强度为 95,000 psi (655
MPa) 或更高之材料的所有试样尺寸,与凹口相对
的适用最小侧膨胀量应符合 UHT-6(a)(3) 和 UHT-
Bolting materials (and bars) 螺栓材料 (和棒材)
6(a)(4) 的要求 。 UHT-6(a)(3) 和 UHT-6(a)(4) 的所
Piping fittings管配件
有要求均适用于 UHT 材料。 UHA-51 的所有要求
均适用于表 UHA-23中所列材料。
For all Charpy impact tests the following test temperature criteria shall be observed: 所有夏比冲击试验应遵守以下
(-a) For Materials of Nominal Thickness Equal to or Greater Than 0.394 in. (10 mm). Where the largest obtainable
Charpy V-notch specimen has a width along the notch of at least 0.315 in. (8 mm), the Charpy test using such a specimen shall be
conducted at a temperature not warmer than the minimum design metal temperature. 34 Where the largest possible test specimen
has a width along the notch less than 0.315 in. (8 mm), the test shall be conducted at a temperature lower than the minimum
design metal temperature34 by the amount shown in Table UG-84.2 for that specimen width. [This latter requirement does not
apply when the option of (2)(-a) above is used.] 材料之标称厚度 ≥ 0.394 in. (10 mm)时。如果可得最大夏比 V 型缺口试样沿
缺口方向之宽度至少为 0.315 in. (8 mm)时,则相应夏比试验应在不高于最低设计金属温度之温度下进行。34 当最大可得
试样沿缺口之宽度小于0.315 in. (8 mm)时,则应在低于最低设计金属温度之温度下进行夏比试验,该所要降低之温度应
见表 UG-84.2 中针对该试样宽度的相应温度 [当采用上文 (2)(-a)中之选项时,则不适用于此一要求]。
(-b) For Materials of Nominal Thickness Less Than 0.394 in. (10 mm). Where the largest obtainable Charpy Vnotch specimen has a width along the notch of at least 80% of the material nominal thickness, the Charpy test of such a specimen
shall be conducted at a temperature not warmer than the minimum design metal temperature.34 对于标称厚度等于或大于 0.394
in. (10 mm)的材料而言,如果可获得的最大夏比 V 型缺口试样沿缺口的宽度至少为0.315 in. (8 mm)时,则采用此类试样
Where the largest possible test specimen has a width along the notch of less than 80% of the material
nominal thickness, the test, for Table UCS-23 materials having specified minimum tensile strength of less than 95,000
psi (655 MPa), shall be conducted at a temperature lower than the minimum design metal temperature34 by an amount
equal to the difference (referring to Table UG-84.2) between the temperature reduction corresponding to the actual
material thickness and the temperature reduction corresponding to the Charpy specimen width actually tested. [This
latter requirement does not apply when the option of (2)(-a) above is used.] For Table UCS-23 materials having a
specified minimum tensile strength of 95,000 psi (655 MPa) and over, for Table UHT-23 materials, and for Table
UHA-23 materials, the test shall be conducted at a temperature not warmer than the minimum design temperature. 如
果最大可得试样沿缺口的宽度小于 0.315 in. (8 mm)时,则应在低于最低设计金属温度34 的温度下进行测试,该
温度低于表 UG-84.2 中针对该试样宽度的所示量 [当采用上述 (2)(-a) 选项时,后一个要求不适用]。对于表
UCS-23、表 UHT-23 材料和表 UHA-23中所列最小规定抗拉强度为 95,000 psi (655 MPa) 及以上之材料,测试
(6) When the average value of the three specimens equals or exceeds the minimum value permitted for a single
specimen and the value for more than one specimen is below the required average value, or when the value for one specimen is
below the minimum value permitted for a single specimen, a retest of three additional specimens shall be made. The value for
each of these retest specimens shall equal or exceed the required average value. 当当三个试样的平均值等于或超过单个试样的
外重新进行三个试样的试验。 每个重新测试之试样的结果值应等于或超过所需的平均值。
When an erratic result is caused by a defective specimen or there is uncertainty in test procedure, a retest will be
allowed. When the option of (2)(-a) above is used for the initial test and the acceptance value of 75 ft-lbf (100 J) minimum
is not attained, retest using full size (10 mm × 10 mm) specimens will be allowed. 当由于试样缺陷或测试程序存在不确
定性而导致结果不稳定时,允许重新测试。 当上述 (2)(-a) 选项用于首次测试且未达到最小值 75 ft-lbf (100 J) 的允
收值时,则允许采用全尺寸 (10 mm × 10 mm) 试样重新进行测试 。
(d) Impact Tests of Material 材料的冲击试验
(1) Reports or certificates of impact tests by the material manufacturer will be acceptable evidence that the material
meets the requirements of this paragraph, provided the specimens comply with UCS-85, UHT-5, or UHT-81, as applicable. 材料
制造商的冲击测试报告或证书将成为材料满足本节要求的可接受证据,前提是试样符合所适用的 UCS-85、UHT-5 或
(2) The Manufacturer of the vessel may have impact tests made to prove the suitability of a material which the material
manufacturer has not impact tested provided the number of tests and the method of taking the test specimens shall be as specified
for the material manufacturer (see UG-85). 容器制造商可以进行冲击试验,以证明材料制造商未进行冲击试验之材料的适
用性,前提是试验次数和获取试样的方法应符合材料制造商的规定 ( 参见 UG-85)。。
(e) Procedural Requirements 冲击试验程序要求
(1) Product Form Procedural Requirements. When no procedural requirements are listed in the material specifications,
impact testing of each form of material shall comply with the applicable product form procedural requirements of the
specifications listed in Table UG-84.3. 产品形式之冲击程序要求。 当材料规范中未列出冲击程序要求时,每种形式材料的
冲击试验应符合表 UG-84.3 中所列规范中之相应产品形式的冲击程序要求。
Figure UG-84.5 HAZ Impact Specimen Removal 图 UG-84.5热影响区冲击试样的切取
Weld urface焊缝表面
Middle ½t
Root surface跟部
Weld metal焊缝金属
Base metal母材
(2) Small Parts. The Manufacturer of small parts, either cast or forged, may certify a lot of not more than 20 duplicate
parts by reporting the results of one set of impact specimens taken from one such part selected at random, provided the same
specification and heat of material and the same process of production, including heat treatment, were used for all of the lot. When
the part is too small to provide the three specimens of at least minimum size shown in Figure UG-84, no impact test need be
made. 小零部件。 小零部件 (无论是铸造还是锻造)之制造商可以通过报告从随机选取的一个此类零部件中所获取的一组
冲击试样的结果来证明不超过 20 个相同零部件,前提是材料具有相同的规格和炉号,并且 所有批次均采用相同的生产
工艺,包括热处理。 当零部件太小而无法提供图 UG-84 中所示至少最小尺寸的三个试样时,则无需进行冲击试验。
(3) Small Vessels. For small vessels in conformance with U-1(j), one set of impact specimens of the material may
represent 小容器。 对于符合 U-1(j) 的小型容器,一组材料的冲击试样可以代表用同一炉材料所建构之的所有容器,但不
超过 100 个容器或一热处理炉批,以较小者为准。
(f) Impact Testing of Welds 焊缝的冲击试验
(1) For steel vessels of welded construction the impact toughness of welds and heat-affected zones of procedure
qualification test plates and vessel impact test plates (production impact test plates) shall be determined as required herein. 凡属
于焊接结构之钢制容器,其工艺评定用试板和容器冲击试板 (生产冲击用试板)中之焊缝和热影响区的冲击韧性应按本节
(2) All test plates shall be subjected to heat treatment, including cooling rates and aggregate time at temperature or
temperatures as established by the Manufacturer for use in actual manufacture. Heat treatment requirements of UG-85, UCS-85,
UHT-81, and UHT-82 shall apply to the test plates except that the provisions of UCS-85(f) and UCS-85(g) are not applicable. 所
时间。 UG-85、UCS-85、UHT-81 和 UHT-82 的热处理要求应适用于试板,但 UCS-85(f) 和 UCS-85(g) 的规定不适用。
(g) Weld Impact Tests.焊缝冲击试验
(1) The impact specimens shall be full-sized or the largest subsize Charpy V-notch specimens that can be obtained from
the material to be tested. The specimens shall be oriented so that the notch is perpendicular to the surface of the material. Where
the maximum obtainable Charpy specimen has a width along the notch less than 0.099 in. (2.5 mm), impact tests are not required.
冲击试样应为全尺寸或可从待测材料中获得的最大小尺寸夏比 V 型缺口试样。 试样的取向应使缺口垂直于材料表面。
如果可获得的最大夏比试样沿缺口的宽度小于 0.099 in. (2.5 mm),则不需要进行冲击试验。
(2) Each set of weld metal specimens shall be tested using specimens taken transverse to the weld axis with the notch in
the weld metal. One face of the specimens shall be within 1/16 in. (1.5 mm) of the surface of the material, except that the
specimens may be located at any depth when the weld has been postweld heat treated. 焊缝金属均应以横切于焊缝轴线且缺口
位于焊缝金属上之试样组来进行测试。 试样的一个面应在距材料表面的 1/16 in. (1.5 mm)范围内,但当焊缝经过焊后热
(3) Each set of heat-affected zone specimens shall be tested using specimens taken transverse to the axis of the weld.
Specimens shall be of sufficient length to locate, after etching, the fusion line. 每组热影响区品应以横切于焊缝轴线的试样来
进行测试。 试样应有足够的长度以在蚀刻后定位熔合线。
(-a) When the material to be tested is less than 1 in. (25 mm) thick, the specimens shall be located at the depth that
maximizes the amount of the heat-affected zone across the notch centerline. When the material to be tested is 1 in. (25 mm)
thick or thicker, the centerline of the specimens shall be located between 1/2 and 1/4 of the material thickness below the surface
as shown in Figure UG-84.5. 当待测材料厚度小于 1 in. (25 mm)时,试样应位于使穿过缺口中心线之热影响区数量最大
化的深度。 当待测材料厚度为 1 in. (25 mm)或更厚时,试样的中心线应位于表面以下材料厚度的 1/2 至 1/4之间,如图
UG-84.5 所示。
(-b) The notch shall be normal to the material surface. Where the angle of the heat-affected zone is approximately
normal to the material surface, the notch centerline shall be approximately 0.04 in. (1 mm) from the fusion line. When the heataffected zone is at an angle to the material surface, the middle of the notch centerline shall be located approximately 0.08 in. (2
mm) from the fusion line as shown in Figure UG-84.6. 缺口应垂直于材料表面。 如图 UG-84.6 所示,当热影响区的角度
近似垂直于材料表面时,缺口中心线距熔合线应约为 0.04 in. (1 mm)。 当热影响区与材料表面成一定角度时,缺口中
心线的中间位置应距熔合线约 0.08 in. (2 mm)。
The test temperature for welds and heat-affected zones shall not be higher than required for the base materials. 焊缝
Impact values shall be at least as high as those required for the base materials. 冲击值应至少与对母材所要求的冲
(6) When qualifying a Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) for welding base metals having different impact testing
requirements and acceptance criteria, the following shall apply: 当对具有不同冲击试验要求和合格准则之焊接母材进行焊接
工艺说明书 (WPS) 评定时,应符合以下规定:
(-a) The weld metal impact test specimens shall meet the acceptance criteria for either base metal. 焊缝金属之冲击试样
(-b) When HAZ tests are required, separate impact test specimens shall be removed from the HAZ of each base metal that
requires impact testing, and those specimens shall meet the acceptance criteria applicable to the base metal from which they were
removed. 当需要进行热影响区测试时,应从需要进行冲击测试之每种母材的热影响区中切取出单独的冲击试样,并且这
(h) Impact Tests of Welding Procedure Qualifications 焊接工艺评定的冲击试验
(1) Welding Procedure Specifications shall be qualified with impact testing when required by UCS-67, UHT-82, or
UHA-51. 当 UCS-67、UHT-82 或 UHA-51 要求冲击试验工艺评定时,焊接工艺说明书应通过冲击测试来进行评定。
(2) When impact testing is required, the supplementary essential variables in Section IX, QW-250 and the following
shall apply: 当需要进行冲击测试时,应符合第 IX 卷 QW-250 中的辅助必要变量以及以下内容:
(-a) The weld metal and heat-affected zones of the procedure qualification test coupons shall be tested in accordance
with (g) above. 工艺评定试件的焊缝金属和热影响区应按照上述 (g) 进行测试。
(-b) To sample as much of the heat-affected zone as possible, use of a joint design where only one side of the joint is
beveled (i.e, a single-bevel or double-bevel groove weld) is recommended. See Figure UG-84.6. 为了尽可能多地对热影响区
进行取样,建议采用单边坡口的接头设计 (即一个单坡口或双斜槽焊缝),参见图 UG-84.6。
(-c) For vessels constructed to the rules of Part UCS, the test coupon material shall be in the same heattreatment
condition (as-rolled, normalized, quenched and tempered, etc.) before welding as the vessel to be constructed. The heattreatment condition shall be recorded on the PQR and specified on the WPS. This requirement does not apply to P-No. 1, Gr.
Nos. 1 and 2 materials except for SA-737 and SA-841. 对于按照 UCS 篇规则所建构之容器,其试件材料在焊接前应与要
建构之容器处于相同的热处理条件 (轧制、正火、淬火和回火等)。 热处理条件应记录在 PQR 上并在 WPS 上指定。
此要求不适用于 P-No.1中属于Gr-No. 1和Gr-No. 2之材料,但 SA-737和 SA-841除外。
(-d) The material used for the test coupon shall meet the minimum toughness requirements of (c)(4) for the thickest
material of the range of base material qualified by the procedure [see Figure UG-84.1 (Figure UG-84.1M)]. 试件材料应满足
(c)(4) 中经工艺规程评定认可的互生母材范围内最厚材料的最低韧性要求 [见图 UG-84.1 (图 UG-84.1M)]。
(i) Vessel (Production) Impact Test
Figure UG-84.6 Location of HAZ Specimen Removal
Plates 用于代表容器 (生产)的冲击试板
General. In addition to
Weld metal焊缝金属
the requirements of (h) above, impact
tests of welds and heat-affected zones
shall be made in accordance with (g)
above for each qualified welding
procedure used on each vessel or group of
vessels as defined in (3) below. The
vessel impact test plate shall be from one
of the heats of steel used for the vessel or
group of vessels. For Category A joints,
Heat-affected zone
the test plate shall, where practicable, be
welded as an extension to the end of a
production joint so that the test plate
weldment will represent as nearly as
practicable the quality and type of
welding in the vessel joint. For Category
Fusion lines
B joints that are welded using a different
welding procedure than used on Category
A joints, a test plate shall be welded under the production welding conditions used for the vessel, using the same type of
equipment and at the same location and using the same procedures as used for the joint, and it shall be welded concurrently with
图 UG-84.6 熱影響區之试样取樣位置
the production welds or as close to the start of production welding as practicable. 容器 (生产品)冲击试板的通则除上述 (h) 的
要求外,对于下文 (3) 中规用于于每个容器或容器组上之每份已评定合格的焊接工艺规程,还应按照上文 (g) 进行焊缝
和热影响区的冲击试验 。 容器冲击试板应取自用于容器或容器组的同一炉钢材。 对于 A 类接头,在可行的情况下,应
将试板作为生产接头末端的延伸段来进行焊接,以便试板焊件尽可能地体现容器接头中的焊接质量和类型。 对于使用
与 A 类接头不同之焊接工艺进行焊接的 B 类接头,应在容器所采用的生产焊接条件下、使用相同类型的设备、在相同
的位置并以相同的材料来焊接试板。 焊缝应与生产焊缝同时进行,或尽可能在接近生产焊缝开始时进行。
(2) When Required. Vessel (production) impact test plates shall be made for all joints for which impact tests are required
for the welding procedure by UCS-67, UHT-82, or UHA-51 (except where production test plates are specifically exempt by these
paragraphs). Test shall be made of the weld metal and/or heat-affected zone to the extent required by the procedure test (see UCS67 and UHA-51). 在需要的时候。 按 UCS-67、UHT-82 或 UHA-51 对焊接工艺之要求而要进行冲击试验的所有接头,均
应制作容器 (生产)冲击试板 (除非 UCS-67、UHT-82 或 UHA-51 明确免除了生产试板)。 应按该程序试验所要求的范围对
焊缝金属和/或热影响区进行测试 (参见 UCS-67 和 UHA-51)。
Number of Vessel Impact Test Plates Required 容器冲击试板的所需数量
(-a) For each vessel, one test plate shall be made for each welding procedure used for Category A and B joints,
unless the vessel is one of several as defined in (-b) or (-c) below. 对于每个容器而言,应为用于 A 类和 B 类接头的每种
焊接工艺制作一块试板,除非该容器是下文 (-b) 或 (-c) 中所定义的几种容器之一。
In addition, for Category A and B joints the following requirements shall apply: 此外,A 类和 B 类接头还应符合
(-1) If automatic, machine, or semiautomatic welding is performed, a test plate shall be made in each position
employed in the vessel welding. 如果进行自动、机器或半自动焊接时,在容器焊接中所用到的每一焊接位置都
(-2) If manual welding is also employed, a test plate shall be made in the flat position only, except if welding
is to be performed in other positions a test plate need be made in the vertical position only (where the major portions of
the layers of welds are deposited in the vertical upward direction). The vertically welded test plate will qualify the
manual welding in all positions. 如果也采用手工焊接,则应仅在平焊位置制作试板,除非在其他位置进行焊
接,仅在立焊位置制作试板 (其中大部分焊缝层在垂直向上的方向上沉积)。 垂直立焊试板将可做为所有手工
(-b) For several vessels or parts of vessels, a minimum of one test plate shall be made for each welding procedure
used for Category A and B joints, provided that all of the following requirements are met: 对于多个容器或容器零部件,A 类
和 B 类接头所用每种焊接方法至少应制作一块试板,前提是满足以下所有要求:
(-1) Welding is completed within any 3-month period at one location. 焊接在任意 3 个月内在一处完成。
(-2) The cumulative length of all joints welded by each welding procedure does not exceed 400 ft (120 m). 每
种焊接方法所焊制之所有接头的累积长度不超过 400 ft (120 m)。
(-3) Materials are of the same specification and grade. 材料规格、牌号相同。
(-4) The plate thicknesses of the vessels or parts of vessels do not vary by more than 1/4 in. (6 mm) or 25%,
whichever is greater. 容器或容器零部件的板厚度变化不超过 1/4 in. (6 mm)或 25%中之较大者。
(-5) The number of heat-affected-zone impact specimen sets to be removed and the locations of their removal
shall be as shown in Figure UG-84.5 and Table UG-84.6 for the largest plate thickness in the range specified in (-4).
热影响区冲击试样组的切取数量和切取位置应如图UG-84.5和表UG-84.6所示,以获得 (-4)中规定值域内的最
(-6) The additional requirements specified in (-a) shall be met. 应满足 (-a) 中所规定的附加要求。
(-c) For small vessels not exceeding the volume limitations defined in U-1(j) made from one heat of material
requiring impact tests, one welded test joint made from the same heat of material and welded with the same electrode and
the same welding procedure may represent one lot of 100 vessels or less, or each heat treatment furnace batch, whichever is
当由同一炉材料所制成的多 个小容器不超过U-1(j) 所规定之容积极限且要求进行冲击试验时,则由同炉号之材
料,相同焊条以及相同焊接工艺所焊制成的一块试样,可代表每批不超过 100 台容器或同一热处理炉批内所处理
的容器,取两数 中较小者。
(j) Rejection. If the vessel test plate fails to meet the impact requirements, the welds represented by the plate shall be
unacceptable. Reheat treatment and retesting or retesting only are permitted. 拒收。如果容器试板无法满足冲击要求,则该试
When plate specification heat treatments are not performed by the material manufacturer, they shall be performed by, or be under
the control of, the Manufacturer who shall then place the letters “MT” (denoting material treatment) following the letter “G”
(denoting green)" in the Mill plate marking (see SA-20) to indicate that the heat treatments required by the material specification
have been performed. The Manufacturer shall also document in accordance with UG-93(b) that the specified heat treatment has
been performed. 当板材所需热处理不是由材料制造商执行时,则应由制造商来执行或在制造商之管理下进行,然后制造
商应将轧机板标记中的字母“MT” (表示材料处理)置于字母“G” (表示經材料处理)” (参见 SA-20),以表明已执行材料规范
要求的热处理。制造商还应根据 UG-93(b) 记录已执行指定的热处理。
UCS-85, UHT-5(e), and UHT-81 provide requirements for heat treatment of test specimens. UCS-85、UHT-5(e) 和 UHT-81
(a) The inspection and testing of pressure vessels to be marked with the Certification Mark with the U Designator and the
testing of vessels to be marked with the Certification Mark with the UM Designator shall conform to the general requirements for
inspection and testing in the following paragraphs and, in addition, to the specific requirements for Inspection and Tests given in
the applicable Parts of Subsections B and C. 要压印认证标记和 U 标志符之压力容器的检验、试验以及要压印认证标记和
UM 标志符之容器的检验,应当符合以下各节有关检验和试验的通则,此外,还应符合 B 和 C 分卷之相应篇中所述检验
(b) The Manufacturer has the responsibility of assuring that the quality control, the detailed examinations, and the tests
required by this Division are performed. The Manufacturer shall perform his specified duties. See UG-92 and 10-15. Some, but
not all, of these responsibilities, which are defined in the applicable rules, are summarized as follows: 制造商有责任保证本卷所
要求的质量控制、详细检查和测试均已已保执行。 制造商应履行其所规定的职责,参见 UG-92 和 10-15。 适用规则中
所规定义的部分 (但不是全部)责任总结如下:
(1) the Certificate of Authorization from the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee authorizing the Manufacturer
to fabricate the class of vessel being constructed [UG-117(a)]; 制造商应在 ASME 锅炉和压力容器委员会所颁发之授权证书
授权范围内下从事容器的建造活动 [UG-117(a)];
the drawings and design calculations for the vessel or part [10-5 and 10-15(d)]; 容器或零部件的图纸和设计计算
[10-5 和 10-15(d)];
identification for all material used in the fabrication of the vessel or part (UG-93); 容器或零部件制造加工中所采
用之所有材料的标识 (UG-93);
securing Partial Data Reports [UG-120(c)]; 获得零部件数据报告[UG-120(c)];
(5) access for the Inspector in accordance with UG-92 and 10-15; 根据 UG-92 和 10-15 为检验师提供进出权限;
(6) examination of all materials before fabrication to make certain the materials meet the design thickness requirements,
to detect defects [UG-93(d)], and to make certain the materials are permitted by this Division (UG-4) and that traceability (UG77) to the material identification (UG-93) has been maintained; 在制造前检查所有材料,以确保材料符合设计厚度要求,检
测缺陷 [UG-93(d)],并确保材料符合本卷 (UG-4) 的规定,并并保持对材料标识(UG-93)的可追溯性(UG-77);
documentation of impact tests when such tests are required (UF-5, UCS-66, UHA-51, UHT-6, and ULT-5); 需要进
行此类测试时的冲击测试记录 (UF-5、UCS-66、UHA-51、UHT-6 和 ULT-5);
concurrence of the Inspector prior to any base metal repairs (UG-78 and UF-37); 在进行任何母材返修 (UG-78 和
(9) examination of the shell and head sections to confirm they have been properly formed to the specified shapes within
the permissible tolerances (UG-79, UG-80, UG-81, UF-27, and UF-29); 检查壳体和封头部截面,以确信它们已在所允许之公
差范围内正确成型为指定形状 (UG-79、UG-80、UG-81、UF-27 和 UF-29);
(10) qualification of the welding and/or brazing procedures before they are used in fabrication [UG-84(h), UW-28(b), and
UB-31];焊接和/或钎焊规程在用于制造加工之前应进行评定 [UG-84(h)、UW-28(b) 和 UB-31];
(11) qualification of welders and welding operators and brazers before using the welders or brazers in production work
(UW-29, UW-48, UB-32, and UB-43); 所雇用之焊工或钎焊工在投入生产工作前,对焊工、焊机操作员和钎焊工进行技能
检定 (UW-29、UW-48、UB-32 和 UB-43);
(12) examination of all parts prior to joining to make certain they have been properly fitted for welding or brazing and
that the surfaces to be joined have been cleaned and the alignment tolerances are maintained (UW-31, UW-32, UW-33, and UB17);
对准公差 (UW-31, UW-32, UW-33, and UB-17);
(13) examination of parts as fabrication progresses, for material marking (UG-94), that defects are not evident (UG-95),
and that dimensional geometries are maintained (UG-96 and UF-30); 在制造加工过程中检查零部件的材料标记 (UG-94)、缺
陷是否不明显 (UG-95)以及保持尺寸几何形状 (UG-96 和 UF-30);
(14) provision of controls to assure that all required heat treatments are performed (UW-2, UW-10, UG-85, UF-31, and
10-11); 提供管理措施以确保所有所需热处理均已被正确执行 (UW-2、UW-10、UG-85、UF-31 和 10-11);
(15) provision of records of nondestructive testing examinations performed on the vessel or vessel parts. This shall
include retaining the radiographic image if radiographic examinations are performed (UW-51, UW-52, and 10-10); 提供对容器
或容器零部件进行无损检测的记录。 这应包括在进行射线检测时的影像留存 (UW-51、UW-52 和 10-10);
(16) making the required hydrostatic or pneumatic test and having the required inspection performed during such test
(UG-99, UG-100, UG-101, and UW-50); 进行所需的液压或气压测试,并在测试期间进行所需的检验 (UG-99、UG-100、
UG-101 和 UW-50);
(17) applying the required stamping and/or nameplate to the vessel and making certain it is applied to proper vessel (UG116, UG-118, and UG-119); 将所需的印记和/或铭牌打印和固定在容器上,并确信其是被应用到相应的容器上 (UG-116、
UG-118 和 UG-119);
(18) preparing required Manufacturer’s Data Report and having it certified by the Inspector (UG-120); 出具所需的制造
商数据报告并有检验师签认 (UG-120);
(19) providing for retention of radiographs (UW-51), ultrasonic test reports (12-4), Manufacturer’s Data Reports (UG120), and other documents as required by this Division (10-13). 为射线底片 (UW-51)、超声波测试报告 (12-4)、制造商数据
报告 (UG-120)以及本卷所要求的其他文件 (10-13)提出保存规定。
(c) See below. 见下文
(1) The Inspector shall make all inspections specifically required of him plus such other inspections as he believes are
necessary to enable him to certify that all vessels which he authorizes to be stamped with the Certification Mark have been
designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of this Division. Some, but not all, of the required inspections and
verifications, which are defined in the applicable rules, are summarized as follows: 检验师应进行具体所需的所有检验以及他
认为必要的其他检查,以证明在他授权压下印认证标记之所有容器都是按照本卷之要求进行设计和建构的 。 适用规则
中所规定的部分 (但不是全部)所需检验和查证总结如下:
(-a) verifying that the Manufacturer has a valid Certificate of Authorization [UG-117(a)] and is working to a
Quality Control System [UG-117(e)]; 查证制造商拥有有效的授权证书 [UG-117(a)] 并致力于质量管理体系 [UG117(e)];
(-b) verifying that the applicable design calculations are available [U-2(b), U-2(c), 10-5, and 10-15(d)]; 查证相应设
计计算是否可用 [U-2(b)、U-2(c)、10-5和10-15(d)];
(-c) verifying that materials used in the construction of the vessel comply with the requirements of UG-4 through
UG-14 (UG-93); 查证用于建构容器之材料是否符合UG-4 至 UG-14 (UG-93) 的要求;
(-d) verifying that all welding and brazing procedures have been qualified (UW-28, UW-47, and UB-42); 查证所有
焊接和钎焊规程是否均已被评定认可 (UW-28、UW-47 和 UB-42);
(-e) verifying that all welders, welding operators, brazers, and brazing operators have been qualified (UW-29, UW48, and UB-43); 查证所有焊工、焊机操作员、钎焊工和钎机操作员是否均已获得其拟用技能资格 (UW-29、UW-48
和 UB-43);
(-f) verifying that the heat treatments, including PWHT, have been performed (UG-85, UW-10, UW-40, UW-49,
and UF-52); 查证热处理 (包括焊后热处理)是否已被正确执行 (UG-85、UW-10、UW-40、UW-49 和 UF-52);
(-g) verifying that material imperfections repaired by welding were acceptably repaired [ UG-78, UW-52(d)(2)(-c),
UF-37, and UF-47(c)]; 查证有缺陷材料是否得到了可接受的返修[UG-78、UW-52(d)(2)(-c)、UF-37 和 UF-47(c)];
(-h) verifying that weld defects were acceptably repaired [UW-51(a) and UW-52(c)]; 查证焊缝缺陷是否已得到可
接受的返修[UW-51(a) 和 UW-52(c)];
(-i) verifying that required nondestructive examinations, impact tests, and other tests have been performed and that
the results are acceptable (UG-84, UG-93, UW-50, UW-51, UW-52, and UB-44); 查证是否已进行所需的无损检查、冲
击测试和其他测试,并且结果是否可接受 (UG-84、UG-93、UW-50、UW-51、UW-52 和 UB-44 );
(-j) making a visual inspection of vessel to confirm that the material identification numbers have been properly
transferred (UG-77 and UG-94); 对容器进行目视检查,以确信材料识别号已正确转移 (UG-77 和 UG-94);
(-k) making a visual inspection of the vessel to confirm that there are no material or dimensional defects (UG-95,
UG-96, and UG-97); 对容器进行目视检验,以确信材不存在着表面陷或尺寸缺陷 (UG-95、UG-96 和 UG-97);
(-l) performing internal and external inspections and witnessing the hydrostatic or pneumatic tests (UG-96, UG-97,
UG-99, UG-100, and UG-101); 进行内部和外部检验并见证水压或气压测试 (UG-96、UG-97、UG-99、UG-100 和
(-m) verifying that the required marking is provided (UG-115) and that any nameplate has been attached to the
proper vessel查证是否提供了所需的标记 (UG-115) 以及是否已将任何铭牌固定相应容器上;
(-n) signing the Certificate of Inspection on the Manufacturer’s Data Report when the vessel, to the best of his
knowledge and belief, is in compliance with all the provisions of this Division. When the Inspector has certified by signing
the Manufacturer’s Data Report, this indicates acceptance by the Inspector. This acceptance does not imply assumption by
the Inspector of any of the responsibilities of the Manufacturer. 当据其所知和所信,确信容器已符合本卷的所有规定
时,签署制造商数据报告检验证书。 当检验师通过签署来认可制造商数据报告时,即表示检验师接受该容器;但
(2) When mass production of pressure vessels makes it impracticable for the Inspector to personally perform each of his
required duties,4 the Manufacturer, in collaboration with the Inspector, shall prepare an inspection and quality control procedure
setting forth, in complete detail, the method by which the requirements 4 of this Division will be maintained. This procedure shall
be developed, accepted, and implemented in accordance with Mandatory Appendix 35. 当压力容器的批量生产使得检验师无法
亲自履行其每项所需职责时 4, 制造商应与检验师合作制定检验和质量管理程序,详细说明如何确保本卷之相应要求均
能被实现。 4 将予以保留。 该程序应根据强制性附录 35 制定、接受和实施。
All references to Inspectors throughout this Division mean the Authorized Inspector as defined in this paragraph. All
inspections required by this Division of Section VIII shall be: 本卷中所有提及检验员均指本节中所定义的授权检验师。 第
VIII 卷所要求的所有检验应是:
(1) by an Inspector regularly employed by an ASME accredited Authorized Inspection Agency, as defined in ASME
QAI-1, except that 由 ASME 所认可之授权检验机构 (见 ASME QAI-1 中之定义)定期雇用的检验师进行,但以下情况除
外:inspections may be by the regularly employed user’s Inspector in the case of a User-Manufacturer that manufactures
pressure vessels exclusively for its own use and not for resale [see UG-116(a)(1)]. 对于仅生产自用压力容器而非转售压力容器
的制造商用户,可由该用户定期所雇佣的检验师来进行检验 [请参阅 UG-116(a)(1)]。
Except as permitted in (2) above, the Inspector shall not be in the employ of the Manufacturer. All Inspectors shall have
been qualified in accordance with ASME QAI-1. 除上述 (2) 所允许的情况外,检验师不应受雇于制造商。 所有检验师
均应具备 ASME QAI-1 规定的铨定。
In addition to the duties specified, the Inspector has the duty to monitor the Manufacturer’s Quality Control System as
required in Mandatory Appendix 10. 除了所规定的职责外,检验师还有义务按照强制性附录 10 的要求监控制造商的质量
The Manufacturer of the vessel shall arrange for the Inspector to have free access to such parts of all plants as are concerned with
the supply or manufacture of materials for the vessel, when so requested. The Inspector shall be permitted free access, at all times
while work on the vessel is being performed, to all parts of the Manufacturer’s shop that concern the construction of the vessel
and to the site of field erected vessels during the period of assembly and testing of the vessel. The Manufacturer shall keep the
Inspector informed of the progress of the work and shall notify him reasonably in advance when vessels will be ready for any
required tests or inspections. 当要求时,容器制造商应安排检验师自由参访与容器材料供应或制造加工有关的所有工厂。
器的现场。 制造商应随时向检验师通报工作进展情况,并应在容器准备进行任何所需测试或检查时应提前通知他。
(a) Except as otherwise provided in UG-4(b), UG-10, UG-11, or UG-15, requirements for acceptance of materials furnished
by the material manufacturer or material supplier in complete compliance with a material specification of Section II shall be as
除 UG-4(b)、UG-10、UG-11 或 UG-15 中另有规定外,完全符合第 II 册材料规范之材料制造商或材料供应商所提供之材
(1) For plates,7 the vessel Manufacturer shall ensure all requirements of the material specification, and all special
requirements of this Division, that are to be fulfilled by the materials manufacturer have been complied with. The Manufacturer
shall accomplish this by obtaining certificates of compliance or Material Test Reports. The Inspector shall determine if these
documents represent the material and meet the requirements of the material specification. 容器制造商应确保板材均已满足相应
规范的所有要求材料且应满足本卷所有特殊要求之制造商均遵守那些要求。 制造商应通过获得合格证书或材料测试报
告来实现这一点。 检验师应确认这些文件是否代表相应材料并满足材料规范的要求。
(-a) These documents shall include results of all required tests and examinations, evidence of compliance with the
material specifications, and additional requirements, as applicable. When the specification permits certain specific
requirements to be completed later, those incomplete items shall be noted on the material documentation. When these specific
requirements have been completed by someone other than the material manufacturer, this completion shall be documented
and attached to the material documentation. 这些文件应包括所有必需的测试和检查的结果、符合材料规范以及附加要
求 (如有时)的证据。 当规范允许稍后完成某些特定要求时,那些不完整的项目应在材料文件中注明。 当这些特定要
(-b) The vessel Manufacturer shall receive a copy of the test report or reports as prepared by the material
manufacturer, or by the material manufacturer and any subsequent processors responsible for the data, and shall maintain the
reports as part of the construction records. 容器制造商应收到由材料制造商或由材料制造商与任何负责数据之后续处理
For all other product forms 除上述(1)外之所有其他产品形式
(-a) the material shall be accepted by the Manufacturer as complying with the material specification if the material
specification provides for the marking of each piece with the specification designation, including the grade, type, and class, if
applicable, and each piece is so marked, or 如果材料规范规定用规范名称、等级、类型和级别 (如果有时)标记每件材
(-b) if a Material Test Report is supplied by a materials manufacturer, the materials manufacturer may transcribe
data produced by other organizations, provided he accepts responsibility for the accuracy and authenticity of the data 如果材
If the material specification does not provide for the marking of each piece as indicated in (2) above, the material
shall be accepted as complying with the material specification, provided the following requirements are met: 如果材料规范未规
定上述 (2)中所述的每件标记,则在满足以下要求的情况下,该材料应被视为符合材料规范:
(-a) Each bundle, lift, or shipping container is marked with the specification designation, including the grade, type,
and class if applicable by the material manufacturer or supplier. 材料制造商或供应商在每个捆包、每吊运包或每运输集
(-b) The handling and storage of the material by the vessel Manufacturer shall be documented in his Quality
Control System such that the Inspector can determine that it is the material identified in (-a) above. Traceability to specific
lot, order, or heat is not required. Traceability is required only to material specification and grade and type and class, if
applicable. 容器制造商对材料的装卸和储存应记录在其质量管理体系中,以便检验师可以确定其是按上述 (-a) 中所
确定的材料。 不需要对特定批次、订单或卢号的可追溯性, 仅需要对材料规范、等级、类型和等级 (如果有时)具有
(4) For pipe or tube where the length is not adequate for the complete marking in accordance with the material
specification or not provided in accordance with (3) above, the material shall be acceptable as complying with the material
specification, provided the following are met: 对于长度不足以按照材料规范进行完整标记或未按照上述 (3) 所提供的管管
(-a) a coded marking is applied to each piece of pipe or tube by the material manufacturer or material supplier; and
材料制造商或材料供应商在每根管材上标有简码标记; 和
(-b) the coded marking applied by the material manufacturer or material supplier is traceable to the specification
designation, including the grade, type, and class if applicable. 材料制造商或材料供应商所标注之简码标记可追溯到归案
号,包括等级、类型和类别 (如果有时)。
(b) Except as otherwise provided in UG-4(b), UG-10, UG-11, or UG-15, when some requirements of a material
specification of Section II have been completed by other than the material manufacturer [see UG-84(d) and UG-85], then the
vessel Manufacturer shall obtain supplementary material test reports or certificates of compliance and the Inspector shall examine
these documents and shall determine that they represent the material and meet the requirements of the material specification. 除非
UG-4(b)、UG-10、UG-11 或 UG-15 中另有规定,否则当第 II 册材料规范的某些要求已由材料制造商以外之其他组织完
成时 [参见 UG-84( d) 和 UG-85],则容器制造商应获得该额外材料测试报告或合格证,检验师应审查这些文件并确信它
(c) When requirements or provisions of this Division applicable to materials exceed or supplement the requirements of the
material specification of Section II (see UG-24, UG-84, and UG-85), then the vessel Manufacturer shall obtain supplementary
material test reports or certificates of compliance and the Inspector shall examine these documents and shall determine that they
represent the material and meet the requirements or provisions of this Division. 当本卷适用于材料的要求或规定超出第 II 册节
材料规范的要求或作为第 II 册节材料规范的补充要求 (参见 UG-24、UG-84 和 UG-85)时,容器制造商应获得该材料的补
(d) All materials to be used in constructing a pressure vessel shall be examined before fabrication for the purpose of
detecting, as far as possible, imperfections which would affect the safety of the vessel. 用于建造压力容器之所有材料均应在制
(1) Particular attention should be given to cut edges and other parts of rolled plate which would disclose the existence
of serious laminations, shearing cracks, and other imperfections. 应特别注意轧制板材的切割边缘和其他部位,因为这些部位
All materials that are to be tested in accordance with the requirements of UG-84 shall be inspected for surface
所有按照 UG-84 要求进行试验之材料均应检查表面是否存在着裂纹。
(3) When a pressure part is to be welded to a flat plate thicker than 1/2 in. (13 mm) to form a corner joint under the
provision of UW-13(e), the weld joint preparation in the flat plate shall be examined before welding as specified in (4) below by
either the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods. After welding, the peripheral edge of the flat plate and any exposed
surface of the weld joint preparation shall be reexamined by the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods as specified in (4)
below. When the plate is nonferromagnetic, only the liquid penetrant method shall be used. 当承压零部件与厚度大於 1/2 英寸
(13 毫米)的平板按 UW-13 (e)之规定形成角接接头时,应焊接之前按照下文 (4) 的规定采用磁粉或液渗透方法对平板中之
焊接坡口进行检测。 焊接后,平板的周边边缘和焊接坡口的任何暴露表面应按下纹 (4)的规定采用磁粉或液渗透方法重
(4) For Figure UW-13.2 the weld joint preparation and the peripheral edges of flat plate forming a corner joint shall be
examined as follows: 图 UW-13.2 所示形成角接接头之制备表面和平板材之围缘应按如下方式进行检查:
(-a) the weld edge preparation of typical weld joint preparations in the flat plate as shown in sketches (b), (c), (d),
(e-2), (f), and (n); 如图UW-13.2中草图 (b)、(c)、(d)、(e-2)、(f) 和 (n) 所示之平板材中的典型焊接接头制备表面;
(-b) the outside peripheral edge of the flat plate after welding as shown in sketches (a), (b), (c), and (d); 如图UW13.2中草图(a)、(b)、(c)和(d)所示焊接后之平板材外围边缘;
(-c) the outside peripheral edge of the flat plate after welding, as shown in sketches (e-1), (e-2), (f), and (g) if the
distance from the edge of the completed weld to the peripheral edge of the flat plate is less than the thickness of the flat plate
such as defined in UG-34(b); 完焊后如果平板的外周边缘到如图UW-13.2中草图(e-1)、(e-2)、(f)和(g)所示之平板周边
(-d) the inside peripheral surface of the flat plate after welding as shown in sketches (m) and (n); 完焊后检查如如
(-e) no examination is required on the flat plate as shown in sketches (h), (i), (j), (k), and (l). 不需要对如图UW13.2中草图 (h)、(i)、(j)、(k) 和 (l) 所示的平板进行检查
(e) The Inspector shall assure himself that the thickness and other dimensions of material comply with the requirements of
this Division. 检验师应确信材料的厚度和其他尺寸均符合本卷的要求。
(f) The Inspector shall satisfy himself that the inspection and marking requirements of UG-24 have been complied with for
those castings assigned a casting quality factor exceeding 80%. 检验师应确信铸件质量系数超过 80% 之铸件已符合 UG-24 的
The Inspector shall inspect materials used in the construction to see that they bear the identification required by the applicable
material specification, except as otherwise provided in UG-4(b), UG-10, UG-11, UG-15, or UG-93. Should the identifying marks
be obliterated or the material be divided into two or more parts, the marks shall be properly transferred by the Manufacturer as
provided in UG-77(a). See UG-85. 除非 UG-4(b)、UG-10、UG-11、UG-15 或 UG-15 中另有规定,否则检验师应检验施工
中所采用的材料,以确保它们具有相应材料规范所要求的标识。 93 如果识别标记被去除或材料被分成两件或多个件,
则制造商应按照 UG-77(a) 的规定正确转移标记;另参见 UG-85。
As fabrication progresses, all materials used in the construction shall be examined for imperfections that have been uncovered
during fabrication as well as to determine that the work has been done properly. 随着制造的进展,应检查施工中所采用的所有
(a) The Manufacturer shall examine the pressureretaining parts to make certain they conform to the prescribed shape and meet
the design thickness after forming. The Manufacturer of the vessel shall furnish accurately formed templates as required by the
Inspector for verification. See UG-80. 制造厂应对承压件进行检查,以确保其符合所规定的形状且成型后符合设计厚度。
容器制造商应按照检验师的要求提供准确成型的样板以供查证; 参见 UG-80。
(b) Before attaching nozzles, manhole frames, nozzle reinforcement and other appurtenances to the inside or outside of the
vessel they shall be examined to make certain they properly fit the vessel curvature. See UG-82. 在将管嘴、人孔框架、管嘴补
强件和其他附件连接到容器的内或外部之前,应对它们进行检查以确信它们与容器曲率已正确拟合。请参阅 UG-82。
(c) The Inspector shall satisfy himself that the above dimensional requirements have been met. This shall include making such
dimensional measurements as he considers necessary. 检验师应确信已满足上述尺寸要求。 这应包括进行他认为必要的尺寸
When conditions permit entry into the vessel, as complete an examination as possible shall be made before final closure.
(b) The Inspector shall make an external inspection of the completed vessel at the time of the final hydrostatic test or
pneumatic test. 检验师应在最终静水压试验或气压试验时对已完成容器进行外观检验。
(c) All welds, including the nozzle welds, of homogeneously lead-lined vessels shall be visually inspected on the inside prior
to application of lining. A visual examination of the lining shall be made after completion to ensure that there are no
imperfections which might impair the integrity of the lining and subject the vessel to corrosion effects. 均质铅衬里容器的所有
焊缝 (包括管嘴焊缝) 均应在施加衬里之前对内部进行目视检查。 完成后应对衬里进行目视检查,以确信不存在着可能
(a) The maximum allowable working pressure for a vessel is the maximum pressure permissible at the top of the vessel in its
normal operating position at the designated coincident temperature specified for that pressure. It is the least of the values found
for maximum allowable working pressure for any of the essential parts of the vessel by the principles given in (b) below, and
adjusted for any difference in static head that may exist between the part considered and the top of the vessel. (See 3-2.) 容器的
最大许用工作压力是指在为该压力所指定的重合温度下,处于正常操作位置之容器顶部所允许的最大压力。 它是容器
任何重要零部件根据下文 (b) 之原理所确定之最大许用工作压力的最小值,并针对所虑零部件和容器顶部之间可能存在
的静压头差异进行调整的 (参见 3-2)。
(b) The maximum allowable working pressure for a vessel part is the maximum internal or external pressure, including the
static head thereon, as determined by the rules and equations in this Division, together with the effect of any combination of
loadings listed in UG-22 that is likely to occur, for the designated coincident temperature, excluding any metal thickness specified
as corrosion allowance. See UG-25. 容器零部件的最大许用工作压力是最大内部或外部压力 (包括静压头),可按本卷中之
规则和方程来确定之,以及计入 UG-22 中所列任何载荷组合在所规定之重合温度下可能发生的影响,但不包括被指定
为腐蚀余量之任何金属厚度的这部分净载重; 参见 UG-25。
(c) Maximum allowable working pressures may be determined for more than one designated coincident temperature, using for
each temperature the applicable allowable stress value. See UG-151(e). 当指定操作温度多于一个时,可采用各温度下之相应
许用应力值来确定重合温度下的最大许用工作压力 [参见 UG-151(e)]。
(a) A hydrostatic test shall be conducted on all vessels after 所有容器应在以下情况后进行静水压试验:
(1) all fabrication has been completed, except for operations that could not be performed prior to the test, such as weld
end preparation [see U-1(e)(1)(-a)], and cosmetic grinding on the base material that does not reduce the actual thickness below the
design thickness; and 除了测试前无法执行的操作外,所有制造加工均已完成,例如焊接端准备 [参见 U-1(e)(1)(-a)] 以及
不将实际厚度减少到设计厚度以下的母材表面打磨 ; 和
all examinations have been performed, except those required after the test. 除测试后所要求的那些检查外,所有
The completed vessels, except those tested in accordance with the requirements of UG-100 and UG-101, shall have
satisfactorily passed the hydrostatic test prescribed in this paragraph. 除按照 UG-100 和 UG-101之要求所进行的那些
(b) Except as otherwise permitted in (a) above and 27-4, vessels designed for internal pressure shall be subjected to a
hydrostatic test pressure that at every point in the vessel is at least equal to 1.3 times the maximum allowable working pressure 35
multiplied by the lowest stress ratio (LSR) for the pressure-boundary materials of which the vessel is constructed. The stress ratio
for each pressure-boundary material is the ratio of the stress value S at its test temperature to the stress value S at its design
temperature (see UG-21). Bolting shall not be included in the determination of the LSR, except when 1.3 times the LSR
multiplied by the allowable stress of the bolt at its design temperature exceeds 90% of the bolt material specified minimum yield
strength at the test temperature. All loadings that may exist during this test shall be given consideration. The hydrostatic test
pressure reading shall be adjusted to account for any static head conditions depending on the difference in elevation between the
chamber being tested and the pressure gauge.
除非上文 (a) 和 强制性附录 27-4 另有允许,否则设计用于承受内压的容器应经受静水压试验压力,该压力在容器内的每
一点至少等于 1.3 倍之最大许用工作压力 35 再乘上的构成容器压力边界材料之最低压力比 (LSR)。 每种压力边界材料之
应力比是其测试温度下之应力值 S 与其在设计温度下之应力值 S 的比值 (参见 UG-21)。 螺栓不应包括在 LSR 的确定
中,除非 LSR 乘以螺栓在设计温度下之许用应力的 1.3 倍超过了螺栓材料在试验温度下之最小规定降服强度的 90%时才
应包括在 LSR 的确定中。 应计及本试验期间可能存在的所有载荷。 静水压试验压力读数应根据被测试舱室与压力表间
(c) A hydrostatic test based on a calculated pressure may be used by agreement between the user and the Manufacturer. The
hydrostatic test pressure at the top of the vessel shall be the minimum of the test pressures calculated by multiplying the basis for
calculated test pressure as defined in 3-2 for each pressure element by 1.3 and reducing this value by the hydrostatic head on that
element. When this pressure is used, the Inspector shall reserve the right to require the Manufacturer or the designer to furnish the
calculations used for determining the hydrostatic test pressure for any part of the vessel. 经用户和制造商同意,可以采用基于
计算压力的静水压试验。 容器顶部的静水压试验压力应为试验压力的最小值,计算方法是将每个压力组件按强制性附
录 3-2 中所定义之计算试验压力的基础乘以 1.3,然后将该值再减去作用在该组件上的静水头。 当采用此种压力时,检
(d) The requirements of (b) above represent the minimum standard hydrostatic test pressure required by this Division. The
requirements of (c) above represent a special test based on calculations. Any intermediate value of pressure may be used. This
Division does not specify an upper limit for hydrostatic test pressure. However, if the hydrostatic test pressure is allowed to
exceed, either intentionally or accidentally, the value determined as prescribed in (c) above to the degree that the vessel is
subjected to visible permanent distortion, the Inspector shall reserve the right to reject the vessel. 上述(b)的要求代表着本卷所要
求的最低标准静水压试验压力。 上述(c)的要求则代表着基于计算的特殊测试。 可以采用压力的任何中间值。 本卷没有
规定静水压试验压力的上限。 然而,如果有意或无意地允许静水压试验压力超过上述 (c)中的规定值,以致容器遭受明
显的永久变形时,检验师应有权拒收该容器 。
(e) Combination units [see UG-19(a) and UG-21] shall be tested by one of the following methods. Common elements of
chambers that are otherwise exempted per U-1(c)(2)(-f) r U-1(c)(2)(-g) shall be pressure tested in accordance with (1) or (2)
below. 组合装置 [参见 UG-19(a)和 UG-21]应通过以下方法之一来进行测试。 为 U-1(c)(2)(-f) r U-1(c)(2)(-g) 所豁免的腔室
公共单元应按照以下 (1) 或 (2) 来进行压力测试。
(1) Independent Pressure Chambers. Pressure chambers of combination units that have been designed to operate
independently shall be hydrostatically tested as separate vessels, that is, each chamber shall be tested without pressure in the
adjacent chamber. If the common elements of a combination unit are designed for a larger differential pressure than the higher
maximum allowable working pressure to be marked on the adjacent chambers, the hydrostatic test shall subject the common
elements to at least their design differential pressure times the LSR as in (b) above for the common elements as well as meet the
requirements of (b) or (c) above for each independent chamber. 独立受压舱室。 设计为独立运行之组合装置的受压舱室应
作为单独的容器来进行压试验,即每个受压舱室应在相邻受压舱室不存在着压力的情况下进行试验。 如果组合装置之
计压差乘上上述(b)中针对公共单元所确定的最低压力比 (LSR),且满足上述 (b) 或 (c) 对每个独立受压室的要求。
(2) Dependent Pressure Chambers. When pressure chambers of combination units have their common elements
designed for the maximum differential pressure that can possibly occur during startup, operation, and shutdown, and the
differential pressure is less than the higher pressure in the adjacent chambers, the common elements shall be subjected to a
hydrostatic test pressure of at least 1.3 times the differential pressure to be marked on the unit times the LSR as in (b) above for
the common elements. 非独立受压舱室。 当组合装置之受压舱室的公共单元设计用于启动、运行和停机时可能出现的
上所标记之压差的 1.3 倍再乘以上述(b)中针对该公共单元所确定的最低压力比 (LSR)。
Following the test of the common elements and their inspection as required by (g) below, the adjacent chambers shall
be hydrostatically tested simultaneously [see (b) or (c) above]. Care must be taken to limit the differential pressure between
the chambers to the pressure used when testing the common elements. 按照下文 (g) 之要求对公共单元进行测试和检查
后,相邻的受压舱室应同时进行静水压试验 [参见上面的 (b) 或 (c)]。 必须注意将受压舱室间之压差限制为测试公共
The vessel stamping and the vessel Data Report must describe the common elements and their limiting differential
pressure. See UG-116(j) and UG-120(b). 容器的印记和容器数据报告必须描述公共单元素及其极限压差; 参见 UG116(j) 和 UG-120(b)。
(f) Single-wall vessels and individual pressure chambers of combination units designed for vacuum only (MAWP less than or
equal to zero) shall be subjected to either 仅设计用于真空 (最大许用工作压力小于或等于零)的单壁容器和组合装置的单独
(1) an internal hydrostatic pressure test in accordance with UG-99, or a pneumatic pressure test in accordance with UG100. The applied test pressure shall be not less than 1.3 times the specified external design pressure; or 根据 UG-99 进行内部静
水压试验,或根据 UG-100 进行气压试验。所施加之试验压力不应小于所规定之外部设计压力的 1.3 倍; 或者
(2) a vacuum test conducted at the lowest value of specified absolute internal design pressure. In conjunction with the
vacuum test, a leak test shall be performed following a written procedure complying with the applicable technical requirements of
Section V, Article 10 for the leak test method and technique specified by the user. Leak testing personnel shall be qualified and
certified as required by Section V, Article 1, T-120(e). 在所规定的绝对内部设计压力之最低值下所进行的真空试验。 与真
空试验一起进行之泄漏试验应按照书面规程进行,前提是该书面规程要符合第 V 卷第 10 章中用户所指定之泄漏试验方
法和技术的适用技术要求。 泄漏测试人员应按第 V 卷第 1 章所 T-120(e) 之要求进行鉴定和签认。
(g) Following the application of the hydrostatic test pressure, an inspection shall be made of all joints and connections. This
inspection shall be made at a pressure not less than the test pressure divided by 1.3. Except for leakage that might occur at
temporary test closures for those openings intended for welded connections, leakage is not allowed at the time of the required
visual inspection. Leakage from temporary seals shall be directed away so as to avoid masking leaks from other joints.静水压试
验后,应将压降低到力不低于试验压力除以 1.3 的压力下对所有接头和连接处进行检查。 除用于临时封闭孔口之焊接连
接件处可发生泄漏外,在规定的目视检查时不允许出现泄漏。 临时密封件的泄漏应引流到足以避免掩盖其他接头之泄
The visual inspection of joints and connections for leaks at the test pressure divided by 1.3 may be waived, provided: 在所
需试验压力除以 1.3 之压力下,可放弃对容器进行目视检查,前提是:
a suitable gas leak test is applied; 进行了适当的气体泄漏检测;
substitution of the gas leak test is by agreement reached between Manufacturer and Inspector; 气体泄漏测试的替代
(3) all welded seams that will be hidden by assembly are given a visual examination for workmanship prior to assembly;
the vessel will not contain a “lethal” substance. 该容器不用于储存“致死”物质。
(h) Minimum Hydrostatic Test Temperature 最低静水压试验温度
Any liquid that is nonhazardous at any temperature may be used for the hydrostatic test if it is below its boiling
point. Combustible liquids having a flash point less than 110°F (43°C), such as petroleum distillates, may be used only for near
atmospheric temperature tests. 任何在任何温度下无危险的液体,如果低于其沸点,均可用于静水压试验。 闪点低于
110°F (43°C) 的可燃液体,例如石油馏出物,只能用于接近大气温度的测试。
For materials not covered in Part UCS, to minimize the risk of brittle fracture, the coldest metal temperature during
the hydrostatic test should be at least 30°F (17°C) warmer than the vessel MDMT and shall never be colder than the vessel
对于 UCS 篇中未涵盖的材料而言,为了最大限度地降低脆性断裂的风险,静水压试验期间的最冷金属温度应比容器至
少高 30°F (17°C),并且绝不能比容器的最小设计金属温度冷 。
For Part UCS materials, to minimize the risk of brittle fracture, the coldest metal temperature during the hydrostatic
test should be at least 30°F (17°C) warmer than one of the following, as applicable: 对于 UCS 篇中所涵盖材料而言,为了最大
限度地降低脆性断裂的风险,静水压试验期间的最冷金属温度应比以下其中一项(如适用者而定)至少高 30°F (17°C):
(-a) the MDMT marked on the nameplate when the requirements of UG-20(f) have been met. 当满足 UG-20(f) 的
(-b) the MDMT marked on the nameplate when the UCS-66(b) or UCS-66(i) coincident ratio has not been applied
to calculate the vessel MDMT. The allowable reduction in MDMT permitted by UCS-68(c) may be used when applicable.
当 UCS-66(b) 或 UCS-66(i) 当所述重合比尚未应用于计算容器最小设计金属温度冷时,為铭牌上所标记的最小设计金
属温度。 如果适用时,可以采用 UCS-68(c) 所允许的最小设计金属温度许用折减量。
(-c) the temperature determined either from Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M) or from impact testing when the
UCS-66(b) or UCS-66(i) coincident ratio has been applied to calculate the vessel MDMT. The allowable reduction in MDMT
permitted by UCS-68(c) may be used when applicable. 当 UCS-66(b) 或 UCS-66(i) 中所述重合比重合比应用于计算容器
最小设计金属温度时,則為根据图 UCS-66(图 UCS-66M)或冲击测试所确定的温度。 如果适用时,可以采用 UCS68(c) 所允许的最小设计金属温度许用折减量。
Further reduction in the coldest metal temperature during the hydrostatic test determined from (3)(-b) or (3)(-c)
may be achieved by following the rules in Figure UCS-66.2, with Step 3 modified as shown below. 根据 (3)(-b) 或 (3)(-c) 所确
定之静水压试验期间最冷金属温度的进一步降低可以通过遵循图 UCS-66.2 中的规则来实现,只是要将步骤 3 修改为如
(-a) Calculate 𝑡𝑟 for a pressure equal to the test pressure divided by 1.3 plus pressure due to hydrostatic head, using
the allowable stress given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1 for the material at the pressure test temperature. 采用第 II-D 卷第 1
子篇中所给出之材料在压力试验温度下的许用应力来计算等于试验压力除以 1.3再加上静压头压力后的压力𝑡𝑟 。
(-b) The value of c shall be zero. c 的值应为零。
(-c) The value of 𝑡𝑛 shall be one of the following, as applicable: 𝑡𝑛 的值应为以下值之一(按如下合者适用而
(-1) the nominal noncorroded thickness when Part UCL has not been applied 未施加如 UCL篇中所述耐蚀
(-2) the nominal thickness of the base material when UCL-23(a) or UCL-23(b) has been applied 当施加如
UCL-23(a) 或 UCL-23(b) 所述覆层时的基材标称厚度
(-3) a thickness defined in UCL-23(c) when UCL-23(c) has been applied 当施加如 UCL-23(c)所述覆层
时,UCL-23(c) 中所定义的厚度
The test pressure shall not be applied until the vessel and its contents are at about the same temperature. 在容器及
The metal temperature during the hydrostatic test need not exceed 120°F (48°C). If the test temperature exceeds
120°F (48°C), inspection of the vessel required by (g) should be delayed until the temperature is reduced to 120°F (48°C) or less.
静水压试验期间的金属温度不需要超过 120°F (48°C)。 如果测试温度超过 120°F (48°C)时,则 (g) 所要求的容器检查应
推迟到温度降至 120°F (48°C) 或更低后才进行。
CAUTION: A small liquid relief valve should be set to 11/3 times the test pressure for the pressure test system in case a
vessel, while under test, is warmed up materially with personnel absent. 注意:小型液体安全阀应设置为
压力测试系统之测试压力的 11/3 倍,以防容器在测试时因人员不在场时的大幅升温。
Vents shall be provided at all high points of the vessel in the position in which it is to be tested to purge possible air
pockets while the vessel is filling. 应在容器的所有高点处设置排气口,以在容器填充液体时可从排气口驱除可能存在的气
(j) Before applying pressure, the test equipment shall be examined to see that it is tight and that all lowpressure filling lines
and other appurtenances that should not be subjected to the test pressure have been disconnected. 在施加压力之前,应检查试验
(k) Painting and Coating 涂布
(1) Unless permitted by the user or his designated agent, pressure-retaining welds of vessels shall not be painted or
otherwise coated either internally or externally prior to the pressure test. [See UCI-99(b) and UCD-99(b).] 除非用户或其委托方
允许,否则容器的承压焊缝在压力试验前不应在内部或外部进行涂漆或其他涂层 [参见 UCI-99(b) 和 UCD-99(b)]。
(2) When painting or coating prior to the hydrostatic test is permitted, or when internal nonmetallic linings are to be
applied, the pressure-retaining welds shall first be leak tested in accordance with Section V, Article 10. Such a test may be waived
with the approval of the user or his designated agent. 当允许在静水压试验前进行涂漆或施加涂层时,或当采用内部非金属
衬里时,承压焊缝应首先按照第 V 卷第 10 章进行泄漏试验。当用户或其委托方经批准时,可免除此类试验 。
Vessels for lethal service [see UW-2(a)] 用于运行致死介质之容器 [请参阅 UW-2(a)]
(-a) shall not be painted or coated either internally or externally prior to the hydrostatic pressure test 在静水压试验
(-b) shall not be internally lined by mechanical or welded attachments prior to the hydrostatic pressure test unless the
requirements of UCL-51 are followed 除非遵循 UCL-51 的要求,否则在静水压试验之前不应采用衬机或焊接进行内衬
The requirements given in (1) and (2) do not apply to glass-lined vessels; see 27-4. (1) 和 (2) 中所给出的要求不适
用于搪玻璃容器,请参阅 27-4。
(l) Custom-designed flange assemblies, including modified standard flange assemblies where additional calculations are
required, within the geometric scope of this Division (see Mandatory Appendix 2 and UG-34) shall be tested with gaskets and
bolting that meet the following requirements: 客制化设计的法兰装配件,包括需要额外计算之修订后的标准法兰装配件,
在本卷的几何范围内(参见强制性附录 2 和 UG-34),应配套采用满足以下要求的垫片和螺栓来进行压力测试:
be assembled with 用如下所述垫片来进行组装
(-a) the identical gasket used for operation of the pressure vessel, or 采用与压力容器操作时所用垫圈相同的垫
(-b) a gasket with the same outside diameter, inside diameter, thickness, gasket factor (m), and minimum seating
stress (y) used in the flange design calculations. 采用与法兰设计计算中所用具有相同外径、内径、厚度、垫片系数 (m)
和最小压紧力 (y) 的垫片。
be assembled with bolting having identical allowable stress at room temperature as used in the design calculations.
The user or his/her designated agent may allow either or both requirements to be waived by including such a statement in
the General Notes section of Form U-DR-1 or Form U-DR-2, or equivalent. The use of test gaskets and bolting with properties
differing from those used in the design calculation does not necessarily verify the integrity of flanged joints. 用户或其委托方
可以放弃上述(1)或(2)中其中一项或两项要求,前提是要在表格 U-DR-1 或表格 U-DR-2之总注释或同等文件中注明此
UG-100 PNEUMATIC TEST36 (SEE UW-50) 气压测试 36 (请参阅 UW-50)
(a) Subject to the provisions of UG-99(a)(1) and UG-99(a)(2), a pneumatic test prescribed in this paragraph may be used in
lieu of the standard hydrostatic test prescribed in UG-99 for vessels: 根根据 UG-99(a)(1) 和 UG-99(a)(2) 的规定,本节所规定
之气压试验可用于代替 UG-99 中所规定的容器标准静水压力试验,前提是:
that are so designed and/or supported that they cannot safely be filled with water; 容器的设计和/或支撑使其无法
(2) not readily dried, that are to be used in services where traces of the testing liquid cannot be tolerated and the parts of
which have, where possible, been previously tested by hydrostatic pressure to the pressure required in UG-99. 凡容器内部不易
干燥,且用于不能容忍测试液体痕迹的工况中,并且其零部件 (如果可能的话)之前已经通过静水压力试验至 UG-99 中所
(b) Except for enameled vessels, for which the pneumatic test shall be at least equal to, but need not exceed, the maximum
allowable working pressure to be marked on the vessel, the pneumatic test pressure at every point in the vessel shall be at least
equal to 1.1 times the maximum allowable working pressure35 multiplied by the lowest stress ratio (LSR) for the pressureboundary materials of which the vessel is constructed. The stress ratio for each pressure-boundary material is the ratio of the
stress value S at its test temperature to the stress value S at its design temperature (see UG-21). Bolting shall not be included in the
determination of the LSR, except when 1.1 times the LSR multiplied by the allowable stress of the bolt at its design temperature
exceeds 90% of the bolt material specified minimum yield strength at the test temperature. All loadings that may exist during this
test shall be given consideration. In no case shall the pneumatic test pressure exceed 1.1 times the basis for the calculated test
pressure as defined in 3-2.
至少等于最大允许工作压力的 1.1 倍 35 乘上构成容器压力边界材料之最低应力比 (LSR)。 每种压力边界材料之应力比
是其测试温度下之应力值 S 与其设计温度下之应力值 S 的比值(参见 UG-21)。 螺栓不应包括在 LSR 的测定中,除非
LSR 乘以螺栓在设计温度下之许用应力的 1.1 倍超过了螺栓材料在试验温度下之最小规定降服强度的 90%。 应计及本试
验期间可能存在的所有载荷。 在任何情况下,气压试验压力均不应超过强制性附录 3-2 中所定义的计算试验压力基础的
1.1 倍。
(c) Minimum Pneumatic Test Temperature 最低气压测试温度
(1) For materials not covered in Part UCS, to minimize the risk of brittle fracture, the coldest metal temperature during
the pneumatic test shall be at least 30°F (17°C) warmer than the vessel MDMT. 为了最大限度地降低 UCS 篇中未涵盖材料的
脆性断裂风险,气压测试期间的最冷金属温度应比容器的最小设计金属温度至少要高出 30°F (17°C)。
(2) For Part UCS materials, to minimize the risk of brittle fracture, the coldest metal temperature d uring the pneumatic
test shall be at least 30°F (17°C) warmer than one of the following, as applicable: 为了最大限度地降低 UCS 篇中所述材料的
脆性断裂风险,气压测试期间的最冷金属温度应比以下其中一项至少高出 30°F (17°C)(按适用性而定):
(-a) the MDMT marked on the nameplate when the UCS-66(b) or UCS-66(i) coincident ratio has not been applied to
calculate the vessel MDMT. The allowable reduction in MDMT permitted by UCS-68(c) may be used when applicable.
当 UCS-66(b) 或 UCS-66(i) 重合比尚未用于计算容器的最小设计金属温度时,则为铭牌上所标记的最小设计金属温
度。 如果适用时,可以采用 UCS-68(c) 所允许的最小设计金属温度折减值。
(-b) the temperature determined either from Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M) or from impact testing when the
UCS-66(b) or UCS-66(i) coincident ratio has been applied to calculate the vessel MDMT. The allowable reduction in MDMT
permitted by UCS-68(c) may be used when applicable. 当应用 UCS-66(b) 或 UCS-66(i) 所述重合比来计算容器的最小设计
金属温度时,則為采用根据图 UCS-66(图 UCS-66M)或冲击测试所确定的温度。 如果适用时,可以使用 UCS-68(c)
(3) Further reduction in the coldest metal temperature during the pneumatic test determined from (2) may be achieved
by following the rules in Figure UCS-66.2, with Step 3 modified as shown below. 通过遵循图 UCS-66.2 中之规则,可以进一
步降低根据(2)在气压试验期间所确定的最冷金属温度的进一步降低,并对步骤 3 进行如下修正。
(-a) Calculate 𝑡𝑟 for a pressure equal to the test pressure divided by 1.1, using an allowable stress given in Section II,
Part D, Subpart 1 for the material at the pressure test temperature. 取第 II-D卷第 1 子篇中相应材料在压力试验温度下之许
用应力来计算等于试验压力除以 1.1后的压力𝑡𝑟
(-b) The value of c shall be zero. c 的值应为零。
(-c) The value of 𝑡𝑛 shall be one of the following: 𝑡𝑛 的值应为以下之一:
(-1) the nominal noncorroded thickness when Part UCL has not been applied 未施加如 UCL篇中所述耐蚀整
(-2) the nominal thickness of the base material when UCL-23(a) or UCL-23(b) has been applied 当施加如
UCL-23(a) 或 UCL-23(b) 所述覆层时的基材标称厚度
(-3) a thickness defined in UCL-23(c) when UCL-23(c) has been applied 当施加如 UCL-23(c)所述覆层时,为
UCL-23(c) 中所定义的厚度
(4) The metal temperature during the pneumatic test need not exceed 120°F (48°C). If the test temperature exceeds
120°F (48°C), inspection of the vessel should be delayed until the temperature is reduced to 120°F (48°C) or less. 气压测试期间
的金属温度不需要超过 120°F (48°C)。 如果测试温度超过 120°F (48°C),则应将容器检查应推迟到温度降至 120°F
(48°C) 或更低后才进行。
(d) Combination units [see UG-19(a) and UG-21] shall be tested by one of the following methods. Common elements of
chambers that are otherwise exempted per U-1(c)(2)(-f) and U-1(c)(2)(-g) shall be pressure tested in accordance with (1) or (2).
组合装置 [参见 UG-19(a)和 UG-21]应通过以下方法之一来进行压力测试。 为 U-1(c)(2)(-f) 和 U-1(c)(2)(-g) 所豁免的受压
舱室公共单元应按照 (1) 或 (2) 所述进行压力测试 。
(1) Independent Pressure Chambers. Pressure chambers of combination units that have been designed to operate
independently shall be pneumatically tested as separate vessels, which means that each chamber shall be tested without pressure
in the adjacent chamber. If the common elements of a combination unit are designed for a larger differential pressure than the
higher maximum allowable working pressure to be marked on the adjacent chambers, the pneumatic test shall subject the
common elements to at least their design differential pressure, corrected for temperature as in (b), as well as meet the
requirements of (b) for each independent chamber. 独立受压舱室。 设计成独立运行之组合装置的受压舱室应视为单独的容
器来进行气压测试,这意味着每个受压舱室应在相邻压力室没有压力的情况下进行测试。 如果组合装置之公共单元的
(b)中针对公共单元所确定的最低压力比 (LSR),且满足上述 (b) 对每个独立受压室的要求。
(2) Dependent Pressure Chambers. When pressure chambers of combination units have their common elements
designed for the maximum differential pressure that can possibly occur during startup, operation, and shutdown, and the
differential pressure is less than the higher pressure in the adjacent chambers, the common elements shall be subjected to a
pneumatic test pressure of at least 1.1 times the differential pressure to be marked on the unit, corrected for temperature as in (b).
非独立受压舱室。 当组合装置之受压舱室的公共单元设计用于启动、运行和停机时可能出现的最大压差,并且该压差
小于相邻公共单元中的较高压力时,公共单元应满足以下条件:气压试验压力至少为该装置上所标记之压差的 1.3 倍再
乘以上述(b)中针对该公共单元所确定的最低压力比 (LSR)。
Following the test of the common elements and their inspection as required by (e), the adjacent chambers shall be
pneumatically tested simultaneously [see (b)]. Care must be taken to limit the differential pressure between the chambers to the
pressure used when testing the common elements. 在按照(e) 之要求对公共单元进行试验和检查后,相邻受舱压室应同时
进行气压试验[请参阅如上 (b) 所述]。必须注意将受压舱室间的压差限制在测试公共单元时所采用的压力。
The vessel stamping and the vessel Data Report must describe the common elements and their limiting differential
pressure. See UG-116(j) and UG-120(b). 容器印记和容器数据报告必须描述公共单元及其极限压差,请参阅 UG-116(j) 和
(e) The pressure in the vessel shall be gradually increased to not more than one-half of the test pressure. Thereafter, the test
pressure shall be increased in steps of approximately one-tenth of the test pressure until the required test pressure has been
reached. Then the pressure shall be reduced to a value equal to the test pressure divided by 1.1 and held for a sufficient time to
permit inspection of the vessel. Any leaks that are present, except for leakage that might occur at temporary test closures for those
openings intended for welded connections, shall be corrected, and the vessel shall be retested. 容器内的压力应逐渐增加至不超
过试验压力的二分之一。 此后,试验压力应以大约为试验压力之 1/10 的步长增加,直至达到所需的试验压力。 然后压
力应降至等于试验压力除以 1.1 的值,并保持足够的时间以允许对容器进行检查。 除用于临时封闭孔口之焊接连接件处
The visual inspection of the vessel at the required test pressure divided by 1.1 may be waived, provided: 在所需试验压力除以
1.3 之压力下,可放弃对容器进行目视检查,前提是:
a suitable gas leak test is applied; 进进行了适当的气体泄漏检测;
substitution of the gas leak test is by agreement reached between Manufacturer and Inspector; 气体泄漏测试的替代
(3) all welded seams that will be hidden by assembly are given a visual examination for workmanship prior to assembly;
the vessel will not contain a “lethal” substance. 该容器不用于储存“致死”物质。
Painting and Coating 涂装
(1) Unless permitted by the user or his designated agent, pressure-retaining welds of vessels shall not be painted or
otherwise coated either internally or externally prior to the pneumatic pressure test. 除非用户或其委托方允许,否则在气压试
(2) When painting or coating prior to the pneumatic test is permitted, or when internal nonmetallic linings are to be
applied, the pressure-retaining welds shall first be leak tested in accordance with Section V, Article 10. Such a test may be waived
with the approval of the user or his designated agent. 当允许在气压试验前进行喷漆或涂层或当施加内部非金属衬里时时,
承压焊缝应首先按照第 V 卷第 10 章进行泄漏试验,此时,只要在用户或其委托方核准下则可放弃这种试验。
Vessels for lethal service [see UW-2(a)] 用于致死工况之容器[见 UW-2(a)]
(-a) shall not be painted or coated either internally or externally prior to the pneumatic pressure test 在气压试验之
(-b) shall not be internally lined by mechanical or welded attachments prior to the pneumatic pressure test unless the
requirements of UCL-51 are followed 除非符合 UCL-51 的要求,否则在气压试验之前不应在内部通过衬机施加衬里
(g) Custom-designed flange assemblies, including modified standard flange assemblies where additional calculations are
required, within the geometric scope of this Division (see Mandatory Appendix 2 and UG-34) shall be tested with gaskets and
bolting that meet the following requirements: 客制化设计的法兰装配件,包括需要额外计算之修订后的标准法兰装配件,
在本卷的几何范围内(参见强制性附录 2 和 UG-34),应配讨采用满足以下要求之垫片和螺栓来进行测试:
be assembled with 采用如下所述垫片来进行组装
(-a) the identical gasket used for operation of the pressure vessel, or 采用与压力容器操作时所用垫圈相同的垫
(-b) a gasket with the same outside diameter, inside diameter, thickness, gasket factor (m), and minimum seating
stress (y) used in the flange design calculations 采用与法兰设计计算中用具有相同外径、内径、厚度、垫片系数 (m) 和
最小压紧力 (y) 的垫片。
(2) be assembled with bolting having identical allowable stress at room temperature as used in the design calculations
The user or his/her designated agent may allow either or both requirements to be waived by including such a statement in the
General Notes section of Form U-DR-1 or Form U-DR-2, or equivalent. The use of test gaskets and bolting with properties
differing from those used in the design calculation does not necessarily verify the integrity of flanged joints. 用户或其委托方可
以放弃上述(1)或(2)中其中一项或两项要求,前提是要在表格 U-DR-1 或表格 U-DR-2之总注释或同等文件中注明此类声
(a) General 复核试验的通则
(1) The maximum allowable working pressure for vessels or vessel parts for which the strength cannot be computed
with a satisfactory assurance of accuracy (see U-2) shall be established in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph,
using one of the test procedures applicable to the type of loading and to the material used in construction. Production vessels or
vessel parts that utilize the results of a proof test shall comply with all applicable construction rules of the current edition and
applicable addenda of this Division. 凡强度难以准确计算强度之容器或容器零部件的最大许用工作压力,应根据本节之要
求并视载荷类型和施工中所用材料,采用适用于该容器或容器零部件的测试程序之一来确定之。 采用复核试验结果之
(-a) Consideration of the use of proof-tested construction specifications based on past editions of this Division and
documented in the original Proof Test Report requires that the Manufacturer determine whether or not there have been
subsequent revisions to this Division that apply and must be evaluated. This evaluation may void the Division acceptability of
establishing the vessel MAWP by proof testing (e.g., UCS-66, Part UHX, Mandatory Appendix 13, etc.). However, if
applicable revisions are found, and it is judged that a new proof test is not required, the Manufacturer, using Duplicate and
Similar Parts rules in (d) as guidelines, shall prepare a Supplement to the original Proof Test Report documenting any changes
to the construction requirements and to the Manufacturer’s Data Report. The following should be noted: 拟采用基于本卷过
后续修订,并且必须评价该施工说明书是否满足当前版本。 此评估可能会使通过本卷复核试验(例如 UCS-66、
UHX 篇、强制性附录 13 等)所建立之容器 MAWP无法被接受。 然而,如果发现所适用的修订,并且判断不需要进
充文件,补充文件中应记录对施工要求和制造商数据报告的任何变更。 宜注意以下事项:
(-1) The production vessel material need not be identical with that used for the original proof tested vessel, but
material equivalence must be confirmed and documented. 产品容器所用材料不必与用于原始复核试验容器的材料相
(-2) The MDMT established by current Division rules may be different from that originally assigned but must be
suitable for the nameplate MDMT marking coincident with the established MAWP. 按本卷当前版本中之规则所建立的
(-3) The Supplement to the original Proof Test Report shall be made available to the Inspector prior to the start of
construction. 原复核试验报告之补充文件应在施工开始前提交给检验师。
(2) Provision is made in these rules for two types of tests to determine the internal maximum allowable working
(-a) tests based on yielding of the part to be tested. These tests are limited to materials with a ratio of minimum
specified yield to minimum specified ultimate strength of 0.625 or less. 基于待测试零部件之降服强度的测试。 这些测试
仅限于最小规定降服强度与最小规定极限强度之比为 0.625 或更小的材料
(-b) tests based on bursting of the part. 基于该零部件爆裂的测试。
Safety of testing personnel should be given serious consideration when conducting proof tests, and particular care
should be taken during bursting tests in (m) below. 在进行复核试验时,宜考虑到试验人员的安全,特别是对下文 (m)所述
(4) The Code recognizes that Manufacturers may maintain control of proof test reports under different ownerships than
existed during the original application of the proof test. When a Manufacturer is acquired by a new owner(s), the proof test reports
may be used by the new owner(s) without retesting, provided all of the following are met: 本法规承认:制造商可以在与最初应
(-a) the new owner(s) takes responsibility for the proof tests; 新所有者对该份复核试验报告负责;
(-b) the Proof Test Reports reflect the name of the new owner(s); 复核试验报告中反映了新所有者的名称;
(-c) the Proof Test Reports indicate the actual test was performed by the former Manufacturer; 该复核试验报告指
(-d) the Proof Test Report(s) is acceptable to the Inspector of the new owner(s) as indicated by his/her signature on
the Manufacturer’s report of the test. 新所有者之检验师在前制造商测试报告上的签表明他可接受该复核试验报告。
(5) Manufacturers owned by the same entity may share proof testing report(s) when the following conditions are met:
(-a) Each Manufacturer maintain a Quality Control System (see Mandatory Appendix 10) that describes the effective
operational control and authority for technical implementation of shared Manufacturer’s proof testing reports, fabrication
drawings, and procedures for assembly of the vessel, when necessary. 每一制造商均保有质量管理体系(参见强制性附录
(-b) Fabrication drawings and welding, brazing and bolting procedures used by each Manufacturer are identical to
those used to produce the proof testing report(s) within the requirements stated in UG-101. 每一制造商所采用之制造图纸以
(-c) Each Manufacturer takes full responsibility for each shared proof testing report and documents this, indicating
the specific proof test performed by the original qualifying Manufacturer and the location where the proof test was performed.
(-d) Each Manufacturer submits the shared proof test report(s) to the Inspector for acceptance. 每一制造商将所共享
(-e) Welding and brazing procedures qualified to Section IX may be qualified at each Manufacturer’s location but
shall be identical, with respect to variables used, to the procedures used to weld or braze the proof-tested object for a shared
proof testing report. 符合第 IX卷之焊接和钎焊规程可以在每一制造商的所在处进行评定,但就所用变量而言,应与为
(-f) When the original qualifying Manufacturer no longer holds a valid ASME U Certificate of Authorization or has a
name change, the previously accepted shared Manufacturer’s proof testing report(s) remain valid. 当原先鉴定制造商不再持有
有效的 ASME U 授权证书或名称发生变更时,之前已被接受为新制造商所共享之复核试验报告仍然有效。
(b) The tests in these paragraphs may be used only for the purpose of establishing the maximum allowable working pressure
of those elements or component parts for which the thickness cannot be determined by means of the design rules given in this
Division. The maximum allowable working pressure of all other elements or component parts shall not be greater than that
determined by means of the applicable design rules. 这些段落中的试验只能用于确定那些厚度无法通过本节所给出之设计规
则来确定最大许用工作压力之组件或零部件。 所有其他组件或零部件的最大许用工作压力不应大于按适用设计规则所
Tests to establish the maximum allowable working pressure of vessels, or vessel parts, shall be witnessed by and be
acceptable to the Inspector, as indicated by his signature on the Manufacturer’s Proof Test Report. The report shall include
sufficient detail to describe the test, the instrumentation and the methods of calibration used, and the results obtained. The
report shall be made available to the Inspector for each application [see U-2(b) and UG-90(b)(2)]. 用于确定容器或容器零部
签名那样。 报告应包括足够的细节来描述该测试、所用仪器和校准方法以及获得的结果。 应用此类报告时都应提
交给检验师以供备查 [参见 U-2(b) 和 UG-90(b)(2)]。
(c) The vessel or vessel part for which the maximum allowable working pressure is to be established shall not previously have
been subjected to a pressure greater than 1.3 times the desired or anticipated maximum allowable working pressure, adjusted for
operating temperature as provided in (k) below. 为其设定最大许用工作压力之容器或容器零部件,其先前所承受之压力不
应大于所需或预期最大许用工作压力的 1.3 倍,并根据下纹 (k) 中所规定的工作温度进行调整。
(d) Duplicate and Similar Parts. When the maximum allowable working pressure of a vessel or vessel part has been
established by a proof test, duplicate parts, or geometrically similar parts, that meet all of the requirements in (1) or (2) below,
need not be proof tested but shall be given a hydrostatic pressure test in accordance with UG-99, or a pneumatic pressure test in
accordance with
UG-100, except as otherwise provided in UCI-101, and UCD-101. 相同和相似的零部件。 当容器或容器零部件的最大许用工
作压力已通过复核测试确定时,则满足以下 (1) 或 (2) 中所有要求的相同零部件或几何相似之零部件,无需进行复核测
试,除非 UCI-101 和 UCD-101 另有规定,否则应按照 UG-99 进行静水压试验,或按照 UG-100 进行气压试验。
(1) Duplicate Parts. All of the following requirements shall be met in order to qualify a part as a duplicate of the part
that had been proof tested: 相同的零部件。为使零部件被鉴定为是与经过复核测试之零部件的相同品,应满足以下所有要
(-a) same basic design configuration and type of construction; 具有相同的基本设计配置和结构类型;
(-b) the material of the duplicate part is either: 相同零部件之材料是如下之其中一种:
(-1) the same material specifications: 相同的材料规范:
(+a) alloy; 合金;
(+b) grade, class; 牌号;级别
(+c) type, form; 类型、型式;
(+d) heat treatment; or热处理;或者
(-2) the same or closely similar material when only the material specification, the alloy, grade, or form is
different, provided the material meets the following additional requirements: 相同或非常相似的材料(仅材料规格、合
(+a) has allowable stress in tension equal to or greater than the material used in the proof tested part at the
test temperature [see (k) below]; 所允许的拉伸应力等于或大于在测试温度下用于复核测试之零部件的材料 [参见下
文 (k)];
(+b) has the same P-Number (Section IX); 具有相同的 P-No. (请参阅第 IX 卷);
(+c) for carbon or low alloy steels (Part UCS), has the same or tougher material grouping in UCS-66,
Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M), and Notes; 在 UCS-66、图 UCS-66(图 UCS-66M)和注释中具有相同或更强度
之材料分组的碳钢或低合金钢(UCS 篇);
(-c) the nominal dimensions, diameter, or width and height, of the duplicate parts shall be the same, and the
corresponding nominal thicknesses shall be the same as those used in the proof test. The length shall not be longer than that
proof tested. 相同件的标称尺寸、直径或宽度和高度应相同,相应的标称厚度应与复核试验中所采用的相同,但长
(-d) heat treatment shall be the same as performed on the original part that was tested; 热处理应与复核测试中所用
(-e) the MAWP shall be calculated according to (e) below; 应根据以下 (e) 来计算最大许用工作压力;
(-f) when there are permissible deviations from the original part that was proof tested, a supplement to the original
Proof Test Report shall be prepared that states and evaluates each deviation. 当与经过复核证测试之原始零部件存在允许
(2) Geometrically Similar Parts. The maximum allowable working pressure for geometrically similar parts may be
established by a series of proof tests that uniformly cover the complete range of sizes, pressure, or other variables by interpolation
from smooth curves plotted from the results of the tests. 几何相似之零部件。 几何形状相似之零部件的最大许用工作压力可
(-a) Sufficient tests shall be performed to provide at least five data points that are at increments that are within 20%
to 30% of the range covered. 应进行充分的测试,以提供至少五个数据点,点与点间之增量在所覆盖范围的 20% 至
30% 范围内。
(-b) The curves shall be based on the lower bound of the test data. 应基于测试数据的较低值来绘制曲线。
(-c) Extrapolation is not permitted. 不允许外推。
(e) Proof test methods (l), (m), (n), and (o) below establish a pressure at which the test is terminated. The results of the test are
recorded in a Proof Test Report according to (b). 下文 (l)、(m)、(n) 和 (o) 的复核测试方法建立了终止测试的压力。 测试结
(1) The MAWP for the first duplicate part, as defined in (d), to be put into service, shall be calculated according to the
equations given in the proof test method applied. 将投入使用的第一个相同零部件(件(d)中之定义)的最大许用工作压
(2) The requirements for NDE are given in UG-24 and UW-12. Other requirements are based on thickness or material.
These apply to parts which are to be put into service. It is not necessary to examine the part actually tested. UG-24 和 UW-12 中
给出了适用于要投入使用之零部件的 NDE 要求。 其他要求是基于厚度或材料的,但没有必要检测实际用于复核测试的
For subsequent duplicate parts, the MAWP may be recalculated for a different extent of NDE in a supplement to the
original Proof Test Report. 后续的相同零部件可以在原始复核测试报告的补充文件中针对不同程度的 NDE 重新计算最大
The effect of the location of a weld joint may be evaluated and included in the Proof Test Report. 可以评估焊缝位
A retest shall be allowed on a duplicate vessel or vessel part if errors or irregularities are obvious in the test results. 如果
(g) In tests for determination of governing stresses, sufficient locations on the vessel shall be investigated to ensure that
measurements are taken at the most critical areas. As a check that the measurements are being taken on the most critical areas, the
Inspector may require a brittle coating to be applied on all areas of probable high stress concentrations in the test procedures given
in (n) and (o) below. The surfaces shall be suitably cleaned before the coating is applied in order to obtain satisfactory adhesion.
The technique shall be suited to the coating material. 在确定之配应力的试验中,应调查容器上足够的位置,以确保在最关
键的区域进行了测量。 为了检查在最关键区域所进行的测量,检验师可能要求按下文 (n) 和 (o) 中所给出的测试程序在
所有可能存在高应力集中的区域上涂覆脆性涂层。 涂装前应适当清理表面,以获得满意的附着力,涂装技术应适合此
NOTE: Strains should be measured as they apply to membrane stresses and to bending stresses within the range
covered by UG-23(c). 注:应测量适用于 UG-23(c) 范围内之薄膜应力和弯曲应力的应变。
(h) Application of Pressure. In the procedures given in (l), (n), and (o) below, the Displacement Measurement Test, the
hydrostatic pressure in the vessel or vessel part shall be increased gradually until approximately one-half the anticipated working
pressure is reached. Thereafter, the test pressure shall be increased in steps of approximately one-tenth or less of the anticipated
maximum allowable working pressure until the pressure required by the test procedure is reached. The pressure shall be held
stationary at the end of each increment for a sufficient time to allow the observations required by the test procedure to be made,
and shall be released to zero to permit determination of any permanent strain after any pressure increment that indicates an
increase in strain or displacement over the previous equal pressure increment. 施加压力。 在下文 (l)、(n) 和 (o) 所给出的位移
测量测试程序中,容器或容器零部件中的静水压力应逐渐增加,直至约达到预期工作压力的一半。 此后,试验压力应
以预期最大许用工作压力的大约十分之一或更少的步长增加,直到达到试验程序所需的压力。 压力应在每次增量结束
(i) Corrosion Allowance. The test procedures in this paragraph give the maximum allowable working pressure for the
thickness of material tested. The thickness of the pressure vessel that is to be proof tested should be the corroded thickness. When
this is not practical and when the thickness as tested includes extra thickness as provided in UG-25, the maximum allowable
working pressure at which the vessel shall be permitted to operate shall be determined by multiplying the maximum allowable
working pressure obtained from the test by the ratio 腐蚀余量。 本节中之测试程序给出了被测试材料厚度的最大许用工作压
力。 进行复核试验之压力容器的厚度应为腐蚀厚度。 当这不可行并且被测试厚度包括在 UG-25 中所规定的额外厚度
时,容器允许操作的最大许用工作压力应通过将测试所获得的最大许用工作压力乘以(𝑡 − 𝑐)𝑛 ⁄𝑡 𝑛 比值的乘积来确定之。
= allowance added for corrosion, erosion, and abrasion 针对腐蚀、侵蚀和磨损而增加的裕度
= 1 for curved surfaces such as parts of cylinders, spheres, cones with angle α ≤ 60 deg; for stayed surfaces
similar to those described in UW-19(b) and UW-19(c); and parts whose stress due to bending is ≤ 67% of
the total stress 对于弯曲表面 (例如角度 α ≤ 60 度的圆筒体、球体、圆锥体的部分)、与 UW-19(b)
和 UW-19(c) 中所述类似的被支撑表面以及弯曲应力 ≤ 总应力67%之零部件而言,n 取值为 1
= 2 for flat or nearly flat surfaces, such as flat sides, flanges, or cones with angle α > 60 deg (except for
stayed surfaces noted above) unless it can be shown that the stress due to bending at the limiting location
is <67% of the total stress 除非可以证明极限位置处因弯曲儿产生之应力 <67% 总应力,否则平或接
近平之表面 [例如角度 α > 60 度的平侧面、法兰或锥体(上述被支撑表面除外)]的 n取值为 2
= nominal thickness of the material at the weakest point最薄弱点处的材料标称厚度
Determination of Yield Strength and Tensile Strength 降服强度和抗拉强度的确定
(1) For proof tests based on yielding, (l), (n), or (o) below, the yield strength (or yield point for those materials which
exhibit that type of yield behavior indicated by a “sharp-kneed” portion of the stress–strain diagram) of the material in the part
tested shall be determined in accordance with the method prescribed in the applicable material specification. For proof tests based
on bursting [see (m) below], the tensile strength instead of the yield strength of the material in the part tested shall be similarly
determined. 对于基于下文 (l)、(n) 或 (o) 降服的复核测试,应根据相应材料规范中所规定之方法来测定被测零部件中材
料的降服强度 (或那些表现出由应力-应变图之“拐点”来表示降服行为之材料的降屈服点)。 对于基于爆裂的复核试验 [参
见下文 (m)],应类似地确定受测零部件中材料的抗拉强度而不是降服强度。
(2) Yield or tensile strength so determined shall be the average from three or four specimens cut from the part tested
after the test is completed. The specimens shall be cut from a location where the stress during the test has not exceeded the yield
strength. The specimens shall not be flame cut because this might affect the strength of the material. If yield or tensile strength is
not determined by test specimens from the pressure part tested, alternative methods are given in (l), (m), (n), and (o) below for
evaluation of proof test results to establish the maximum allowable working pressure. 如此所测定的降服强度或抗拉强度应为
试验完成后从被测零部件上所切下的三个或四个试样的平均值。 试样应从试验期间应力未超过降服强度的位置切取。
不应对试样进行火焰切割,因为这样可能会影响材料的强度。 如果降服强度或抗拉强度不是通过承压零部件的试样来
确定时,则下文 (l)、(m)、(n) 和 (o) 中给出了用于评估复核测试结果以确定最大许用值 工作压力的替代方法。
(3) When excess stock from the same piece of wrought material is available and has been given the same stress relieving
heat treatment as the pressure part, the test specimens may be cut from this excess stock. The specimen shall not be removed by
flame cutting or any other method involving sufficient heat to affect the properties of the specimen. When the sheet material is
used, test specimens obtained from another piece cut from the same coil of sheet used in the proof tested component meet the
requirements of this paragraph. 当有来自同一块锻造材料的多余坯料可用并且已进行与承压零部件相同的应力消除热处理
时,则可以从该多余坯料中切下试样。 不应通过火焰切取或任何其他涉及足够热量以至于会影响试样性能之方法来切
取试样。 当采用板材时,从复核测试零部件中所采用之同一卷板材上菱形切取满足本段要求的试样。
(k) Maximum Allowable Working Pressure at Higher Temperatures. The maximum allowable working pressure for vessels
and vessel parts that are to operate at temperatures at which the allowable stress value of the material is less than at the test
temperature shall be determined by the following formula: 较高温度下的最大许用工作压力。 在材料许用应力值小于试验温
𝑃𝑜 = 𝑃𝑡
= maximum allowable working pressure at the design temperature 设计温度下的最大许用工作压力
= maximum allowable working pressure at test temperature 测试温度下的最大许用工作压力
= maximum allowable stress value at the design temperature, as given in the tables referenced in UG-23
but not to exceed 𝑆2 设计温度下的最大许用应力值见 UG-23所引用之表格,但不超过 𝑆2
= maximum allowable stress value for the material used in the test at test temperature as given in the tables
referenced in UG-23 试验中所采用之材料在试验温度下的最大许用应力值见 UG-23所引用之表格
Brittle-Coating Test Procedure 脆性涂层测试程序
(1) Subject to the limitations of (a)(2)(-a) above, this procedure may be used only for vessels and vessel parts under
internal pressure, constructed of materials having a definitely determinable yield point (see SA-370, 13.1). The component parts
that require proof testing shall be coated with a brittle coating in accordance with (g) above. Pressure shall be applied in
accordance with (h) above. The parts being proof tested shall be examined between pressure increments for signs of yielding as
evidenced by flaking of the brittle coating, or by the appearance of strain lines. The application of pressure shall be stopped at the
first sign of yielding, or if desired, at some lower pressure. 因脆性涂层测试程序受限于上文 (a)(2)(-a)所述限制,因而本程序
仅适用于由具有明确可确定降服点之材料所制成且处于内部压力作用下的容器和容器零部件(参见 SA-370, 13.1)。 需
要复核试验之零部件应按照上述(g)的规定涂有脆性涂层,应按照上述 (h) 施加压力。 进行复核测试之零部件应在压
力增量之间检查降服迹象,如脆性涂层剥落或应变线出现降服迹象。 一旦出现降服迹象应停止施加压力,或者如果需
(2) The maximum allowable working pressure P in pounds persquare inch (MPa) at test temperature for parts tested
under this paragraph shall be computed by one of the following equations. 根据本段进行测试之零部件,应通过以下所述程序
之一来求取其在测试温度下的最大许用工作压力 P (单位为:lb (MPa)/in.2)。
(-a) If the average yield strength is determined in accordance with (j) above, 如果平均降服强度是根据上文 (j) 所
述确定时,则最大许用工作压力 P按下式计算
P = 0.5H
𝑆𝑦 𝑎𝑣𝑔
(-b) To eliminate the necessity of cutting tensile specimens and determining the actual yield strength of the material
under test, one of the following equations may be used to determine the maximum allowable working pressure: 为了消除
(-1) For carbon steel meeting an acceptable Code specification, with a specified minimum tensile strength of
not over 70,000 psi (480 MPa), 满足可接受法规规格且最小规定抗拉强度不超过 70,000 psi (480 MPa)之碳钢,可用
(U.S. Customary Units) 采用美国习惯单位时为
P = 0.5H(
𝑆𝜇 +5000
(SI Units) 采用SI 单位时为
P = 0.5H(
𝑆𝜇 +35
(-2) For any acceptable material listed in this Division, 本卷中所列任何可接受的材料可用下式来计算其最
P = 0.4H
= hydrostatic test pressure at which the test was stopped, psi (kPa) 试验停止时的静水压试
验压力,单位为:psi (kPa)
= specified minimum yield strength at room temperature, psi (kPa) 室温下的最小规定降服
强度,单位为:psi (kPa)
𝑆𝑦avg = actual average yield strength from test specimens at room temperature, psi (kPa) 试样在室
温下的实际平均降服强度,单位为:psi (kPa)
= specified minimum tensile strength at room temperature, psi (kPa) 室温下的最小规定抗
拉强度,单位为:psi (kPa)
When the formula in (-1) or (-2) above is used, the material in the pressure part shall have had no
appreciable cold working or other treatment that would tend to raise the yield strength above the normal. 当采用上述
(-1)或 (-2)之方程时,承压零部件中的材料不应鸠受明显的冷加工或其他会导致降服强度高于正常值的处理。
The maximum allowable working pressure at other temperatures shall be determined as provided in (k) above. 其他温度
下的最大许用工作压力应按上述 (k) 的规定确定。
(m) Bursting Test Procedure 爆裂测试程序
(1) This procedure may be used for vessels or vessel parts under internal pressure when constructed of any material
permitted to be used under the rules of this Division. The maximum allowable working pressure of any component part proof
tested by this method shall be established by a hydrostatic test to failure by rupture of a full-size sample of such pressure part. The
hydrostatic pressure at which rupture occurs shall be determined. Alternatively, the test may be stopped at any pressure before
rupture that will satisfy the requirements for the desired maximum allowable working pressure. 当以本节规则所允用之任何材
料制成时,本程序可用于处于内部压力下之容器或容器零部件。 通过本方进行复核试验之任何零部件的最大许用工作
压力应通过该成压零部件之全尺寸试样的破裂静水压试验来确定之。 应测定发生破裂时的静水压。 或者,可以在破裂
(2) The maximum allowable working pressure P in pounds per square inch (kilopascals) at test temperature for parts
tested under this paragraph shall be computed by one of the following equations: 对于根据本段进行测试之零部件而言,其在
测试温度下的最大允许工作压力 P (单位:lb/in.2 或 kPa) 应通过如下所述程序之一来求解之::
(-a) parts constructed of materials other than cast materials: 由铸造材料以外之材料所制成的零部件,可按下式
来求解其最大允许工作压力 P:
𝑆𝜇 𝐸
𝑆𝜇 𝑎𝑣𝑔
P= 𝑥(
𝑆𝜇 𝐸
) or P = 𝑥 (
(-b) parts constructed of cast iron — see UCI-101; parts constructed of cast ductile iron — see UCD-101; 由铸铁所
制成的零部件 — 参见 UCI-101;所制成的零部件 (参见 UCD-101),可按下式来求解其最大允许工作压力 P;
(-c) parts constructed of cast materials, except cast iron and ductile iron: 由铸铁和球墨铸铁以外之铸造材料所制
成的零部件,可按下式来求解其最大允许工作压力 P:
𝑆𝜇 𝐸
𝑆𝜇 𝑎𝑣𝑔
) or P =
𝑆𝜇 𝐸
= bursting test pressure, or hydrostatic test pressure at which the test was stopped 爆裂试验压
= efficiency of welded joint, if used (see Table UW-12) 如果有接头时的焊接接头系数; (请参阅
表 UW-12)
= casting quality factor as specified in UG-24 UG-24 中所规定的铸造质量因子
= specified minimum tensile strength at room temperature 室温下的最小规定抗拉强度
𝑆𝜇avg = average actual tensile strength of test specimens at room temperature, or the tensile strength
reported on the material test report when postweld heat treatment is not applied to the production
= maximum tensile strength of range of specification at room temperature室温下规格范围内的
The maximum allowable working pressure at other temperatures shall be determined as provided in (k) above. 应按上述
(n) Strain Measurement Test Procedure 应变测量的试验程序
(1) Subject to limitations of (a)(2)(-a) above, this procedure may be used for vessels or vessel parts under internal
pressure, constructed of any material permitted to be used under the rules of this Division. Strains shall be measured in the
direction of the maximum stress at the most highly stressed parts [see (g) above] by means of strain gages of any type capable of
indicating incremental strains to 0.00005 in./in. (0.005%). It is recommended that the gage length be such that the expected
maximum strain within the gage length does not exceed the expected average strain within the gage length by more than 10%.
The strain gages and the method of attachment shall be shown by test to be reliable and the results documented for a range of
strain values that is at least 50% higher than expected, when used with the material surface finish and configuration being
considered. [See (e) above.] 除上述 (a)(2)(-a) 的限制外,本程序可用于内部压力下由本节规则允许使用的任何材料制成的
容器或容器部件。 应使用能够指示增量应变至 0.00005 in./in. (0.005%)之任何类型的应变计在最高应力部分的最大应力
方向上测量应变 [参见上述 (g)]。 所建议之标距长度应能确保标距长度内之预期最大应变不会超过标距长度内预期平均
应变的 10% 以上。当材料表面光洁度和配置是测试的关键因素时,应变计和连接方法应通过测试来证明其是可靠的,
并记录比预期高至少 50% 的应变值范围的结果 [参见上文(e)]。
(2) Pressure shall be applied as provided in (h) above. After each increment of pressure has been applied, readings of the
strain gages and the hydrostatic pressure shall be taken and recorded. The pressure shall be released and any permanent strain at
each gage shall be determined after any pressure increment that indicates an increase in strain for this increment over the previous
equal pressure increment. Only one application of each increment of pressure is required. 应按上述 (h) 的规定施加压力。 每次
加时,则应释放压力,并且每个压力计的任何永久应变在任何压力增量后确定。 每次压力增量仅需施加一次。
(3) Two curves of strain against test pressure shall be plotted for each gage line as the test progresses, one showing the
strain under pressure and one showing the permanent strain when the pressure is removed. The test may be discontinued when the
test pressure reaches the value H which will, by the formula, justify the desired working pressure, but shall not exceed the
pressure at which the plotted points for the most highly strained gage line reaches the value given below for the material used: 随
应变。 当试验压力达到 H 值时,可以中止试验,H 值可通过如下 (4)所给出之方程来证明所需的工作压力是合理的,但
(-a) 0.2% permanent strain for aluminum-base and nickel-base alloys; 铝基和镍基合金之永久应变达到 0.2%
(-b) 0.2% permanent strain for carbon low alloy and high alloy steels; 碳低合金钢和高合金钢之永久应变达到
0.2% 时的压力;
(-c) 0.5% strain under pressure for copper-base alloys. 铜基合金之永久应变达到 0.5% 时的压力。
The maximum allowable working pressure P in pounds per square inch (kilopascals) at test temperature for parts
tested under this paragraph shall be computed by one of the following equations: 根据本段进行测试之零部件,其在测试温度
下的最大许用工作压力 P (lb/in.2, kPa) 应通过以下所述程序之一来确认之:
(-a) If the average yield strength is determined in accordance with (j) above, 如果平均降服强度是根据上文 (j)
P = 0.5H(
𝑆𝑦 avg
(-b) If the actual average yield strength is not determined by test specimens, 如果实际平均降服强度不是用试样
P = 0.4H
= hydrostatic test pressure at which the test was stopped in accordance with (3) above根据上述
(3) 停止试验时的静水压试验压力
= specified minimum yield strength at room temperature室温下的最小规定降服强度
𝑆𝑦avg = actual average yield strength from test specimens at room temperature试样在室温下的实际平
The maximum allowable working pressure at other temperatures shall be determined as provided in (k) above. 其他温度
下的最大许用工作压力应按上述 (k) 中的规定来确定之。
(o) Displacement Measurement Test Procedure 爆裂测试中的位移测量程序
(1) Subject to the limitations of (a)(2)(-a) above, this procedure may be used only for vessels and vessel parts under
internal pressure, constructed of materials having a definitely determinable yield point (see SA-370, 13.1). Displacement shall be
measured at the most highly stressed parts [see (g) above] by means of measuring devices of any type capable of measuring to
0.001 in. (0.02 mm). The displacement may be measured between two diametrically opposed reference points in a symmetrical
structure, or between a reference point and a fixed base point. Pressure shall be applied as provided in (h) above. 由于受到上述
(a)(2)(-a) 的限制,因而本程序仅适用于由具有明确可确定降服点之材料制成且处于内部压力作用下的容器和容器零部件
(参见 SA-370, 13.1)。 应采用能够测量到 0.001 in. (0.02 mm)之任何类型的测量装置来测定应力最大之零部件 [参见上
文 (g)] 的位移。 可以测量对称结构中两个直径相对之参考点间的位移,或者测量参考点和固定基点间的位移。 应按上
述 (h) 的规定施加压力。
(2) After each increment of pressure has been applied, readings of the displacement and hydrostatic test pressure shall be
taken and recorded. The pressure shall be released and any permanent displacement shall be determined after any pressure
increment that indicates an increase in measured displacement for this increment over the previous equal pressure increment. Only
one application of each increment is required. Care must be taken to assure that the readings represent only displacements of the
parts on which measurements are being made and do not include any slip of the measuring devices or any movement of the fixed
base points or of the pressure part as a whole. 每次施加压力增量后,应读取并记录位移和静水压试验压力的读数。 在任何
压力增量表明该增量下所测得之位移比之前同压力增量有所增加时,则应排放压力并测定任何永久位移。 每个增量仅
需施加一次。 必须注意确保读数仅代表进行测量之该零部件的位移,而不包括测量装置的任何滑动或固定基点或整个
(3) Two curves of displacement against test pressure shall be plotted for each reference point as the test progresses, one
showing the displacement under pressure and one showing the permanent displacement when the pressure is removed. The
application of pressure shall be stopped when it is evident that the curve through the points representing displacement under
pressure has deviated from a straight line. 随着试验的进行,应为每个参考点绘制两条相对于试验压力的位移曲线,一条显
示压力下的位移,另一条显示泄除压力时的永久位移。 当通过表示压力下位移点之曲线明显偏离直线时,即应停止施
(4) The pressure coincident with the proportional limit of the material shall be determined by noting the pressure at
which the curve representing displacement under pressure deviates from a straight line. The pressure at the proportional limit may
be checked from the curve of permanent displacement by locating the point where the permanent displacement begins to increase
regularly with further increases in pressure. Permanent deformation at the beginning of the curve that results from the equalization
of stresses and irregularities in the material may be disregarded. 材料比例极限下之重合压力应通过记录表示压力下之位移的
曲线偏离直线时的压力来确定。 通过定位永久位移随着压力的进一步增加而开始有规律地增加之该点,可以从永久位
移曲线核查比例极限处的压力。 曲线起始处因应力均衡和材料不规则性而产生的永久变形可以忽略不计。
(5) The maximum allowable working pressure P in pounds per square inch (kilopascals) at test temperature for parts
tested under this paragraph shall be computed by one of the following equations. 对于根据本节进行测试之零部件而言,其在
测试温度下的最大许用工作压力 P (以 lb/in.2 或 kPa 为单位) 应通过以下所述程序之一来确认之::
(-a) If the average yield strength is determined in accordance with (j) above, 如果平均降服强度是根据上文 (j) 所
述确定时,则,则按下式来求解最大许用工作压力 P
P = 0.5H(
𝑆𝑦 avg
(-b) To eliminate the necessity of cutting tensile specimens and determining the actual yield strength of the material
under test, one of the following equations may be used to determine the maximum allowable working pressure. 为消除切
取拉伸试样和确定被测材料之实际降服强度的必要性,可用下述之一来计算最大许用工作压力 P:
(-1) For carbon steel, meeting an acceptable Code specification, with a specified minimum tensile
strength of not over 70,000 psi (480 MPa), 满足可接受法规规格且最小规定抗拉强度不超过 70,000 psi (480
MPa)之碳钢,可用下述来计算其最大许用工作压力 P:
(U.S. Customary Units) 采用美国习惯单位时为
P = 0.5H(
𝑆𝜇 +5000
(SI Units) 采用SI 单位时为
P = 0.5H(
𝑆𝜇 +355
(-2) For any acceptable material listed in this Division, 本卷所列任何可接受之材料可用下式来计算
其最大许用工作压力 P:
P = 0.4H
= hydrostatic test pressure coincident with the proportional limit of the weakest element of the
component part tested 与被测零部件中强度最弱零部之比例极限一致的静水压试验压力
= specified minimum yield strength at room temperature 室温下的最小规定降服强度
Sy avg = actual average yield strength from test specimens at room temperature 试样在室温下的实
Sμ = specified minimum tensile strength at room temperature 在室温下的最小规定抗拉强度
When the formula in (-1) or (-2) above is used, the material in the pressure part shall have had no
appreciable cold working or other treatment that would tend to raise the yield strength above the normal. The
maximum allowable working pressure at other temperatures shall be determined as provided in (k) above. 当采
度高于正常值的处理。 其他温度下的最大许用工作压力则应按上述(k)的规定来确定之。
(p) Procedure for Vessels Having Chambers of Special Shape Subject to Collapse 具有特殊形状且易坍塌受压舱室之容器
(1) Pressure chambers of vessels, portions of which have a shape other than that of a complete circular cylinder or
formed head, and also jackets of cylindrical vessels which extend over only a portion of the circumference, which are not fully
staybolted as required by UG-28(i), shall withstand without excessive deformation a hydrostatic test of not less than three times
the desired maximum allowable working pressure. 容器受压舱室之部分形状不同于完整的圆筒体或成型封头,以及仅在圆
筒形容器之一部分圆周上延伸的夹套,其未按照 UG-28(i) 的要求用拉撑螺栓完全拉撑时,它们应能承受不少于所需最
The maximum allowable working pressure at other temperatures shall be determined as provided in (k) above. 其他
温度下的最大许用工作压力应按上述 (k) 中的规定来确定之。
UG-102 TEST GAGES 试验仪表
(a) An indicating gage shall be connected directly to the vessel or with a pressure line that does not include intermediate
valves. If the indicating gage is not readily visible to the operator controlling the pressure applied, an additional indicating gage
shall be provided where it will be visible to the operator throughout the duration of the test. For large vessels, it is recommended
that a recording gage be used in addition to indicating gages. 一个表盘式压力表应直接连接到容器或通过不包括中间阀的压
力管线连接到容器。 如果控制施加压力之操作员不容易看到该表盘式压力表时,则应在整个测试期间操作员可见的地
方提供额外的表盘式压力表。 对于大型容器,除了采用表盘式压力表外还建议使用记录型仪表。。
(b) Dial indicating pressure gages used in testing shall be graduated over a range of about double the intended maximum test
pressure, but in no case shall the range be less than 1 1/2 nor more than 4 times that pressure. Digital reading pressure gages having
a wider range of pressure may be used, provided the readings give the same or greater degree of accuracy as obtained with dial
pressure gages. 测试中所用表盘式压力表的刻度范围应约为预期最大测试压力的两倍,但在任何情况下,该范围不应小
于预期最大测试压力的 1.5 倍,也不大于预期最大测试压力的 4 倍。 可以采用具有更宽压力范围的数字读数压力表,只
(c) All gages shall be calibrated against a standard dead-weight tester or a calibrated master gage. Gages shall be recalibrated
at any time that there is reason to believe that they are in error. 所有仪表均应根据标准自重测试仪或已校准标准量具进行校
正。 如果有理由相信仪表有错误,则应随时重新校定该仪表。
Where magnetic particle examination is prescribed in this Division it shall be done in accordance with Mandatory Appendix 6.
Where liquid penetrant examination is prescribed it shall be done in accordance with Mandatory Appendix 8. 如果本卷中规定了
磁粉检测,则应按照强制性附录 6 进行。如果规定了液渗透检验,则应按照强制性附录 8 进行。
UG-115. GENERAL 标记和报告的通则
(a) The marking and certification of all pressure vessels built under this Division shall comply with the requirements of the
following paragraphs and in addition with the requirements for Marking and Reports given in the applicable Parts of Subsections
B and C. 根据本节所建构之所有压力容器的标志和证书应符合以下段落的要求,此外还应符合 B 和 C 分卷之适用篇中针
(b) The units of measurement used in Manufacturer’s Data Reports, Manufacturer’s Certificates of Compliance (UG-120),
and capacity certification of pressure relief devices, and in marking or stamping pressure vessels, pressure vessel parts, and
pressure relief devices, required by this Division, shall be either U.S. Customary units, SI, or any local customary units. See U-4.
本卷所要求的制造商数据报告、制造商合格证书 (UG-120) 和泄压装置排放量证书以及压力容器、压力容器零零部件和
泄压装置的标记或压印中所采用之测量单位 应为美国习惯单位、SI 单位或任何当地习惯单位, 参见 U-4。
(a) Each pressure vessel shall be marked with the following: 每个压力容器应标有下列标记:
See below. 见下文。
Figure UG-116 Official Certification Mark to Denote the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Standard图
UG-116 表示美国机械工程师学会标准的官方认证标记
(-a) the official Certification Mark with the U Designator
shown in Figure UG-116, sketch (a) on vessels inspected in
accordance with the requirements in UG-90 through UG-97
(when inspected by a user’s Inspector as provided in UG-91, the
word USER shall be marked above the Certification Mark); or凡
按照 UG-90 至 UG-97 中之要求进行检验之容器上要带有如图
UG-116中草图 (a) 所示 U 标志符的官方认证标记,(当由用
户检验师按照 UG-91 中的规定进行检验时,“USER”一词应标注在认证标记上方); 或者
(-b) the official Certification Mark with the UM Designator shown in Figure UG-116, sketch (b) on vessels
constructed in accordance with the provisions in U-1(j); or
凡按照 U-1(j) 之规定所建构之容器上要带有如图 UG-116中草图 (b) 所示 UM 标志符之官方认证标记; 或者
(-c) the official Certification Mark with the PRT VIII-1 Designator shown in Figure UG-116, sketch (c) on parts
[see (h)] 如图 UG-116中草图 (c) 所示带有 PRT VIII-1 标志符之官方认证标记的零部件上[参见 (h)]
name of the Manufacturer of the pressure vessel preceded by the words “certified by” 压力容器制造商名称前面带
maximum allowable working pressure10,35 (internal or external37)
at temperature 在
(内部或外部 )为:
(4) minimum design metal temperature
at maximum allowable working pressure10
Manufacturer’s serial number 制造商的序列号
year built 建造年份
the maximum designed steaming capacity for vessels in accordance with U-1(g)(1) 符合 U-1(g)(1) 之容器的最大设
(b) See below. 见下文。
(1) The type of construction used for the vessel shall be indicated directly under the Certification Mark by applying the
appropriate designators and letter(s) as follows: 容器所用结构类型应将如下相应代号和字母应直接标明在认证标记下方:
Letter(s) 字母
Type of Construction结构类型
Tensile enhanced by heat treat (see UHT-115) 通过热处理增强抗拉强度(见UHT-115)
Layered (see ULW-115) 多层 (见ULW-115)
Low temperature (see ULT-115) 低温(见ULT-115)
Graphite (see UIG-116) 石墨(见UIG-116)
Cold stretched (see Mandatory Appendix 44, 44-7) 冷拉伸(见强制性附录44,44-7)
Acrylic shell压克力壳体
Vessels embodying a combination of types of construction shall be marked to indicate all of the types of construction
used. 体现多种结构类型组合之容器应标明所采用到的所有结构类型。
(c) When a vessel is intended for special service and the special requirements have been complied with [see UG-120(d)], the
appropriate lettering shall be applied as listed below: 当容器要用于以下所述特殊用途且已满足特殊要求时[请参阅 UG120(d)],应在容器上压印以下相应字母:
Special Service特殊用途
Lethal service致死场合
Unfired steam boiler非直接受火之蒸汽锅炉
Letter(s) 字母
Direct firing直接受火
This lettering shall be separated by a hyphen and applied after the lettering of (b) above. 该相应字母应以连字符 "–"分
隔并压印在上文 (b) 所述字母之后。
(d) The maximum allowable working pressure and temperature to be indicated on vessels embodying a combination of types
of construction and material shall be based on the most restrictive detail of construction and material used. 具有多种结构和材料
(e) When radiographic or ultrasonic examination has been performed on a vessel in accordance with UW-11, marking shall be
applied under the Certification Mark as follows: 当按照 UW-11 对容器进行射线或超声波检测时,应在认证标记下压印如下
(1) “RT 1” when all pressure-retaining butt welds, other than Category B and C butt welds associated with nozzles
and communicating chambers that neither exceed NPS 10 (DN 250) nor 1 1/8 in. (29 mm) wall thickness [except as required by
UHT-57(a)], satisfy the full radiography requirements of UW-11(a) for their full length; full radiography of the above exempted
Category B and C butt welds, if performed, may be recorded on the Manufacturer’s Data Report; or 对于所有壁厚既不超过 NPS
10 (DN 250) 也不超过 11/8 in. (29 mm) [但 UHT-57(a) 之要求除外] 且全长满足 UW-11(a) 对射线检测之全部要求的承压对
接焊缝(与管嘴和连通室相关之 B 类和 C 类对接焊缝除外),则标记为“RT 1” ; 如果上述豁免了 B 类和 C 类对接焊缝
进行全射线检测时,也可记录在制造商的数据报告中; 或者
(2) “RT 2” when the complete vessel satisfies the requirements of UW-11(a)(5) and when the spot radiography
requirements of UW-11(a)(5)(-b) have been applied; or 当完成容器满足 UW-11(a)(5) 的要求并且进行了 UW-11(a)(5)(-b) 的
抽样射线检测要求时,则标记为“RT 2”; 或者
“RT 3” when the complete vessel satisfies the spot radiography requirements of UW-11(b); or 当完成容器为满足
UW-11(b) 之抽样射线照相要求而进行 RT 时,则标记为“RT 3”; 或者
(4) “RT 4” when only part of the complete vessel has satisfied the radiographic requirements of UW-11(a) or where
none of the markings “RT 1,” “RT 2,” or “RT 3” are applicable. 当完成容器只有一部分满足 UW-11(a) 的射线检测要求或标
记为“RT 1”、“RT 2”或“RT 3”均不适用时,则标记为“RT 4”。
The extent of radiography and the applicable joint efficiencies shall be noted on the Manufacturer’s Data Report. 射线照
See below. 见下文。
(1) The letters HT shall be applied under the Designators when the complete vessel has been postweld heat treated as
provided in UW-10. 当完成容器已按照 UW-10 的规定进行了焊后热处理时,应在标志符下加注 HT 字母。
(2) The letters PHT shall be applied under the Designators when only part of the complete vessel has been postweld heat
treated as provided in UW-10. 当完成容器仅有一部分按照 UW-10 之规定进行焊后热处理时,应在标志符下加注 PHT 字
The extent of the postweld heat treatment shall be noted on the Manufacturer’s Data Report. 焊后热处理的范围应
(g) The Manufacturer shall have a valid Certificate of Authorization, and, with the acceptance of the Inspector, shall apply the
Certification Mark to the vessel, which, together with the final certification [see U-1(j) and UG-120], shall indicate that all
requirements of this Division have been met. 制造商应持有有效的授权证书,并在检验师的接受情况下,将证标标志压印在
容器上,证标标志连同最后签属的证书[见 U-1(j) 和 UG-120 ]应代表着本卷的所有要求均已得到满足。
(1) Except as provided in (2) below, the Certification Mark shall be applied after the hydrostatic test or pneumatic test.
应在静水压试验或气试验后方能压印证标标志,但如下(2) 之规定除外。
(2) The Certification Mark may be preapplied to a nameplate. The nameplate may be attached to the vessel after the final
fabrication and examination sequence but before the hydrostatic tests or pneumatic test, provided the procedure for sequence of
stamping is described in the Manufacturer’s accepted Quality Control System. 认证标记可预先压印在铭牌上,只要该压印工
(h) See below. 见下文。
(1) Parts of vessels for which Partial Data Reports are required in UG-120(c) shall be marked by the parts Manufacturer,
with a nameplate or stamping, with the following: 按 UG-120(c)之要求提供零部件数据报告表之容器零部件应由组件制造商
(-a) the official Certification Mark with, as applicable, either 官方认证标记连同如下适用者之一
(-1) the U Designator shown in Figure UG-116, sketch (a) above the word “PART”
在字母“PART”上标注如图UG-116 草图(a)所示的“U”标志符;
(-2) the PRT VIII-1 Designator shown in Figure UG-116, sketch (c) 如图UG-116草图(c)所示的” PRT
VIII-1” 标志符
(-b) name of the Manufacturer of the part of the pressure vessel preceded by the words “certified by”; 在“认证者”
(-c) the Manufacturer’s serial number. 制造商的序列号。
When stamping with the Certification Mark with the PRT VIII-1 Designator, the word "PART" may be eliminated
from the stamping. 当加印带有 PRT VIII-1 标志符的认证标记时,“PART”一词可以从印记中删除。
Parts may be stamped with the Certification Mark without being pressure tested prior to shipment. If testing was not
performed, this shall be indicated in the Remarks section of the U-2 and U-2A Manufacturer’s Partial Data Reports (see
Nonmandatory Appendix W, Forms U-2 and U-2A). 零部件可在装运前不进行压力测试而压印认证标记。 如果未进行
测试,则应在 U-2 和 U-2A 制造商零部件数据报告的备注部分中注明(参见非强制性附录 W中之表格 U-2 和 U2A)。
This requirement does not apply to such items as handhole covers, manhole covers and their accessories. [See (k)
below.] 本要求不适用于手孔盖、人孔盖及它们的附件等物项 [参见下文(k)]。
(2) As an alternative to nameplates or stamping, parts 5 in. O.D. and under may be marked with an identification
acceptable to the Inspector and traceable to the Form U-2 or Form U-2A Manufacturer’s Partial Data Report. Such marking shall
be of a type that will remain visible until the parts are installed. The Certification Mark is not required. 作为铭牌或压印之替代
方案的是:外径 ≤ 5 in. 之零部件可标有检验师可接受的标识,并可追溯到表格 U-2 或表格 U-2A 制造商零部件数据报
告。 此类不需要认证标记之替代标记 应是在零部件安装之前保持可见的类型。
(3) No accessory or part of a pressure vessel may be marked “ASME” or “ASME Std.” unless so specified in this
Division. 除非本卷另有规定,否则压力容器的任何附件或零部件均不得标有“ASME”或“ASME标准”。
(4) A nameplate furnished with the Certification Mark on prefabricated or preformed parts may be removed from the
completed pressure vessel if all of the following conditions are satisfied: 同时满足下列条件的预制件或预成型件上有认证标
(-a) The nameplate interferes with further fabrication or service. 铭牌干扰了进一步的制造加工或服役。
(-b) The Manufacturer of the completed vessel has agreement from the Authorized Inspector to remove the
(-c) The removal of the nameplate shall be noted in the “Remarks” section of the vessel Manufacturer's Data
(-d) The removed nameplate shall be destroyed. 被取下之铭牌应予以销毁。
(i) All required markings shall be located in a conspicuous place on the vessel, preferably near a manhole or handhole (see
所有所需标记应位于容器上的显眼位置,最好靠近人孔或手孔(见 M-3)。
Combination Units 组合装置
(1) Those chambers included within the scope of this Division shall be marked. The marking shall include the name of
each chamber (e.g., process chamber, jacket, tubes, channel) and its corresponding data. The markings shall be grouped in one
location on the combination unit or applied to each individual chamber. Each detachable chamber shall be marked to identify it
with the combination unit. When required, the marking shall include the following: 属于本卷范围之受压舱室应予以标记。 标
记应包括每个舱室(例如,制程舱、夹套、管道、通道)的名称及其相应的数据。 标记应集中在组合装置上的一个位
置或压印在每个单独的舱室。 每个可拆卸舱室均应进行标记,以便与组合装置进行识别。必要时,标记应包括以下讯
(-a) for differential pressure design, the maximum differential design pressure for each common element and the
name of the higher pressure chamber [see UG-19(a)(2)] 采用差压设计时,标记每个公共单元件的最大设计压差和较高
压力之舱室的名称 [参见UG-19(a)(2)]
(-b) for mean metal temperature design, the maximum mean metal design temperature for each common element
[see UG-19(a)(3)]. 采用平均金属温度设计时,标记每个公共单元的最大平均金属设计温度 [参见 UG-19(a)(3)]。
(-c) for a common element adjacent to a chamber not included within the scope of this Division, the common
element design conditions from that chamber 对不属于本卷范围内且与舱室相邻之公共单元标记该舱室之公共单元的
(2) It is recommended that the design conditions for those chambers not included within the scope of this Division be
marked on the combination unit. The markings may be on the applicable chamber or grouped as described in (1), provided they
are not included in the markings covered by the Certification Mark. 对于不属于本卷范围之腔室,建议在组合装置上标注其
设计条件。 这些标记可以位于相应仓室上或按 (1) 中所述进行分组,前提是它们不包含在认证标记所涵盖的标记中。
(k) Removable pressure parts shall be permanently marked in a manner to identify them with the vessel or chamber of which
they form a part. This does not apply to manhole covers, handhole covers, and their accessory parts, provided the marking
requirements of UG-11 are met. 可拆卸受压部件应具有永久标记,以便将其与其所属容器或腔室进行识别。 这不适用于
人孔盖、手孔盖及其附件,因为它们只要具有满足 UG-11 的标记要求即可。
(a) A Certificate of Authorization to use the Certification Mark with the U, UM, or PRT VIII-1 Designator shown in Figure
UG-116 will be granted by the Society pursuant to the provisions of the following paragraphs. Stamps for applying the
Certification Mark shall be obtained from the Society. For those items to be marked with the UM Designator, a Certified
Individual meeting the current requirements of ASME QAI-1 shall provide oversight to ensure that each use of the UM
Designator is in accordance with the requirements of this Division. In addition, each use of the UM Designator is to be
documented on the Certificate of Compliance (Form U-3, U-3A, or U-3P). 采用如图 UG-116 所示带有 U、UM 或 PRT VIII-1
标志符之认证标记的授权证书将由本协会根据以下段落的规定授予。 认证标记钢印应从协会获得。 那些标有 UM 标志
符之物项应由满足 ASME QAI-1 当前要求之认证个人进行监督,以确保 UM 标志符的每次使用都符合本卷的要求。 此
外,UM 标志符的每次使用均应记录在合格证明书中(表格 U-3、U-3A 或 U-3P)上。
Requirements for the Certified Individual (CI). The CI shall 对认证个人 (CI) 的要求。 该认证个人应为
(-a) be qualified in accordance with ASME CA-1 and the requirements of this Division 符合 ASME CA-1 要求和
(-b) have the following qualifications as a minimum: 认证个人应至少具备以下资格:
(-1) knowledge of the requirements of this Division for the application of the Certification Mark with the
appropriate designator; 了解本卷关于带有相应标志符之认证标记的要求;
(-2) knowledge of the Manufacturer’s or Assembler’s quality program; 了解制造商或装配商的质量大纲;
(-3) training commensurate with the scope, complexity, or special nature of the activities to which oversight is
to be provided. 受过与监督活动的范围、复杂性或特殊性质相称的培训。
(-c) have a record, maintained and certified by the Manufacturer or Assembler, containing objective evidence of the
qualifications of the CI and the training program provided. 拥有由制造商或组装商保有和签认的记录,其中包含认证
Duties of the Certified Individual (CI). The CI shall 认证个人(CI)的职责如下:
(-a) verify that each item to which the Certification Mark is applied meets all applicable requirements of this
(-b) sign the appropriate Certificate of Compliance/Conformance (Form U-3, U-3A, or U-3P) as appropriate prior to
release of control of the item. 在放行受控物项之前,酌情签署相应的合规/合格证书(表格 U-3、U-3A 或 U-3P)。
Certificate of Compliance/Conformance (Form U-3, U-3A, U-3P) 合规/合格证书 (请参阅表格 U-3、U-3A、U-
(-a) The appropriate Certificate of Conformance shall be filled out by the Manufacturer or Assembler and signed by
the Certified Individual. 相应合格证明书应由制造商或装配商填写并由认证个人签署。
(-b) The Manufacturer’s or Assembler’s written quality control program shall include requirements for completion
of Certificates of Conformance forms and retention by the Manufacturer or Assembler for a minimum of 5 yr. 制造商或装
配商的书面质量管理大纲应包括填写合格证明书表格并由制造商或装配商至少保存 5 年的要求。
(b) Application for Certificate of Authorization. Any organization desiring a Certificate of Authorization shall apply to ASME
in accordance with the certification process of ASME CA-1. Authorization to use Certification Marks maybe granted, renewed,
suspended, or withdrawn as specified in ASME CA-1. Applicants for a UM Certificate of Authorization must already hold an S or
U Certificate. 授权证书申请。 任何需要授权证书之组织应按照 ASME CA-1 的认证流程向 ASME 提出申请。 根据
ASME CA-1 的规定,可以授予、更新、暂停或撤销使用认证标记的授权。 UM 授权证书的申请人必须已持有 S 或 U 证
(c) Issuance of Authorization. Certificate of Authorization shall be issued in accordance with ASME CA-1 (see
www.asme.org/shop/certification-accreditation). 授权的颁发。 应根据 ASME CA-1 的《Conformity Assessment Requirements
合格评定要求》来颁发授权证书(参见 www.asme.org/shop/certification-accreditation)。
(d) Designated Oversight.The Manufacturer shall comply with the requirements of ASME CA-1 for designated oversight by
use of an Authorized Inspection Agency or Certified Individual, as applicable. 指定监督。制造商应遵守 ASME CA-1 关于雇
(e) Quality Control System. Any Manufacturer holding or applying for a Certificate of Authorization shall demonstrate a
quality control program that meets the requirements of ASME CA-1 and establishes that all Code requirements, including
material, design, fabrication, examination (by the Manufacturer), inspection of vessel and vessel parts (by the Authorized
Inspector or Certified Individual, as applicable), pressure testing, and certification, will be met. The Quality Control System shall
be in accordance with the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 10. 质量管理体系。任何持有或申请授权证书之制造商应展
示符合 ASME CA-1 要求的质量控制大纲,并确定所有规范要求,包括材料、设计、制造加工、由制造商所执行之检
查、由授权检查员或持证个人 (当雇用时)对容器和容器组件的检验、压力测试和出具证书都相应地获得满足。质量管理
(f) Evaluation of the Quality Control System. The issuance or renewal of a Certificate of Authorization is based upon ASME's
evaluation and approval of the Quality Control System, and shall be in accordance with ASME CA-1. Before issuance or renewal
of a Certificate of Authorization for use of the U, UM, or PRT VIII-1 Designator, the Manufacturer’s facilities and organization
are subject to a joint review by a representative of the Authorized Inspection Agency and an individual certified as an ASME
designee who is selected by the concerned legal jurisdiction. 质量管理体系的评估。 授权证书的颁发或更新是基于 ASME 对
质量管理体系是否符合 ASME CA-1 之规定的评估和批准。 在颁发或续签使用 U、UM 或 PRT VIII-1 标志符的授权证书
之前,制造商的设施和组织须接受授权检验机构代表、ASME 认证个人和由相关司法管辖区所选定之指派人员的联合审
Certificates of Authorization are valid for the period given in ASME CA-1. UM Certificates are valid for 1 yr, but
reviews after the first and second years of each 3-yr period are performed by the Authorized Inspection Agency only and shall
include at a minimum an Authorized Inspector Supervisor. 在 ASME CA-1 规定了授权证书的有效期限。 UM 证书的有
效期为 1 年,但每 3 年期的第一年和第二年之后的审核仅由授权检验机构执行,并且至少应包括一名授权检验督
Any changes made to the Quality Control System shall be made and accepted in accordance with the requirements
specified in ASME CA-1. For Manufacturers of mass-produced pressure vessels,38 acceptance of these changes by the ASME
designee is also required. 对质量管理体系所做的任何变更均应按照 ASME CA-1 中所规定之要求进行和接受。 对于批
量生产压力容器之制造商来说,38 还需要 ASME 指派人员接受这些变更。
Figure UG-118 Form of Stamping图 UG-118 冲压钢印之格式
[see Note (1)请参阅注(1)]
Certified by认证者
(Name of Manufacturer制造商商之商号)
at在 (temperature温度)
Max. allowable working pressure (internal) [see Note (4)]
最大许用操作内压 [请参阅注(4)]
U, UM, or PRT VIII-1
[see Note (2) 请参阅注(21)]
at在 (temperature温度)
Max. allowable working pressure (external) [if specified, see Notes (4) and (5)]如果指定
{Letters denoting construction type
[see Note (3)] 表示建筑类型的字母 [请参阅
注 (3)]}
at在 (pressure压力)
Min. design metal temperature最小设计金属温度
Manufacturer’s serial number制造商出场号
Year built建造年分
GENERAL NOTE: Information within parentheses, brackets, or braces is not part of the required marking. Phrases identifying data may be
abbreviated; minimum abbreviations shall be MAWP, MDMT, S/N, FV, and year, respectively. See ASME PTB-4 for sample Nameplate markings. 总
注释:圆括号、方括号或大括号内之信息不属于所需标记的一部分。 识别数据的短语可以缩写; 最小缩写应分别为 MAWP、MDMT、
S/N、FV 和year。 有关铭牌标记示例,请参阅 ASME PTB-4。
NOTES: 注释:
(1) “USER” shall be included when the vessel is inspected by a user’s Inspector as provided in UG-91. 当容器按照 UG-91 之规定由用户所雇
用之检验师进行检验时,应包括“USER” 一词。
(2) See UG-116(a)(1)(-a), UG-116(a)(1)(-b), and UG-116(a)(1)(-c).
(3) See UG-116(b)(1), UG-116(c), UG-116(e), UG-116(f), and UG-116(h)(1)(-a).
(4) For cases where the MAWP (internal) and MAWP (external) values have the same designated coincident temperature, the values may be
combined on a single line as follows: 对于具有相同指定重合温度下之 MAWP(内部)和 MAWP(外部)值得情况,这些值可以按如下方式
𝑃𝑖𝑛𝑡 ⁄𝐹𝑉 (𝑝𝑠𝑖) 𝑎𝑡 𝑇𝑒𝑚𝑝 (oC)
(5) The maximum allowable working pressure (external) is required only when specified as a design condition. 仅当指定为设计条件时才需要
For those areas where there is no jurisdiction or where a jurisdiction does not choose to select an ASME designee to
review a vessel or vessel parts Manufacturer’s facility, that function shall be performed by an ASME designee selected by
ASME. Where the jurisdiction is the Manufacturer’s Inspection Agency, the joint review and joint report shall be made by the
jurisdiction and an ASME designee selected by ASME. 对于没有司法管辖区或司法管辖区不选派 ASME 指定人员来审
查容器或容器零部件制造商设施的地区,该职能应由 ASME 所选定之 ASME 指定人员来执行。 如果司法管辖区是
制造商检验机构,则应由该司法管辖区和 ASME 所选定之 ASME 指定人员来进行联合审查和联合报告。
(g) Code Construction Before Receipt of Certificate ofAuthorization. When used to demonstrate his Quality Control System, a
Manufacturer may start fabricating Code items before receipt of a Certificate of Authorization to use a Certification Mark under
the conditions specified in ASME CA-1. 收到授权证书之前的法规建造。 当法规物项用于演示其质量管理体系时,制造商
可以在收到授权证书之前开始制造加该法规物项,以便在 ASME CA-1 所指定之条件下使用认证标记。
(a) The required marking shall be applied to the vessel by one of the following methods: 所需标记应通过以下方法之一附
nameplate as provided in UG-119 按 UG-119 之规定所提供的铭牌
stamped directly on the vessel under the following conditions: 在下列情况下可直接在容器上打上钢印::
(-a) Unless the requirements of (-b) or (-c) are met, such stamping shall not be used on vessels constructed of steel
plates less than 1/4 in. (6 mm) thick or of nonferrous plates less than 1/2 in. (13 mm) thick but may be used on vessels
constructed of thicker plates. 除非满足 (-b) 或 (-c) 的要求,否则此类压印不应用于由厚度小于 1/4 in. (6 mm)的钢板
或厚度小于 1/2 in. (13 mm)的有色金属板所建构之容器,但可用于由较厚板材所制成的容器。
(-b) For Ferrous Materials采用铁基材料时
(-1) The materials shall be limited to P-No. 1, Group Nos. 1 and 2. 铁基材料应限为属于 P-No. 1中之G-No.
1和G-No. 2的材料。
(-2) The minimum nominal plate thickness shall be 0.1875 in. (5 mm), or the minimum nominal pipe wall
thickness shall be 0.154 in. (4 mm). 最小标称板厚度应为0.1875 in. (5 mm),或最小标称管壁厚度应为 0.154 in. (4
(-3) The minimum design metal temperature shall be no colder than −20°F (−29°C). 最低设计金属温度不应
低于-20°F (-29°C)。
(-c) For Nonferrous Materials 采用有色金属材料时
(-1) The materials shall be limited to aluminum as follows: SB-209 alloys 3003, 5083, 5454, and 6061; SB241 alloys 3003, 5083, 5086, 5454, 6061, and 6063; and SB-247 alloys 3003, 5083, and 6061. 材料仅限于属于以下铝和
铝合金的材料:SB-209 合金 3003、5083、5454 和 6061; SB-241 合金 3003、5083、5086、5454、6061 和 6063;
以及 SB-247 合金 3003、5083 和 6061。
(-2) The minimum nominal plate thickness shall be 0.249 in. (6.30 mm), or the minimum nominal pipe
thickness shall be 0.133 in. (3.38 mm).最小标称板厚度或最小标称管厚度应分别为 0.249 in. (6.30 mm)和0.133 in.
(3.38 mm)。
electrochemically etched, including the Certification Mark, directly on the vessel under the following conditions: 在
(-a) The electrochemically etched marking is acceptable to the user as indicated in the User’s Design Requirements
per Nonmandatory Appendix KK, or equivalent. 当用户指定按照符合非强制性附录 KK 或同等文件之用户设计要求进
(-b) The material of construction shall be limited to high alloy steels and nonferrous materials. 用于制造容器之材
(-c) The process controls for electrochemical etching shall be described in the Quality Control System and shall be
acceptable to the Authorized Inspector. The process controls shall be established so that it can be demonstrated that the
characters will be at least 0.004 in. (0.102 mm) deep. 电化学蚀刻的过程控制应在质量管理体系中描述,并应被授权检
验师所接受。所制定的过程控制应能演示深度至少为0.004 in. (0.102 mm)的字符。
(-d) The external vessel-surface condition where electrochemical etching is acceptable shall be clean, uncoated,
and unpainted. 可接受电化学蚀刻之容器,其蚀刻区域之外表面应清洁、无涂层和无油漆。
(-e) The electrochemical etching shall not result in any detrimental effect to the materials of the vessel. 电化学蚀
(b) Stamped or electrochemically etched letters and figures shall be in characters not less than 5/16 in. (8 mm) high. The
character size may be reduced as shown in the following table for small diameter vessels with space limitations: 压印或电化学蚀
刻的字母和图形的字符高度不应小于 5/16 in. (8 mm)。对于空间有限之小直径容器而言,字符大小可按如下表所示减
Nominal Outside Vessel Diameter容器标称外径
Min. 最小, in. (mm)
Max. 最大, in. (mm)
Character Size Min.最小字符大小, in. (mm)
>3-1/2 (>89)
3-1/2 (89)
4-1/2 (114)
6-5/8 (168)
1/8 (3)
3/16 (5)
(c) Stamping or electrochemical etching shall be arranged substantially as shown in Figure UG-118 when space permits and
shall be located in a conspicuous place on the vessel [see UG-116(i)]. 在空间允许的情况下,压印或电化学蚀刻标记的布置应
大致如图 UG-118 所示,并应位于容器的显眼处[请参阅 UG-116(i)]。
(a) Nameplates shall be used on vessels except when markings are directly applied in accordance with UG-118. Nameplates
shall be metal suitable for the intended service and shall bear the markings called for in UG-116. The marking arrangement shall
be substantially as shown in Figure UG-118. Required nameplates shall be located in a conspicuous place on the vessel. 除非根据
UG-118 直接打上标记,否则应在容器上使用铭牌。 铭牌应为适合预期用途的金属材质,并应带有 UG-116 中所要求的
标记。 标记布置应大致如图 UG-118 所示。 所需铭牌应位于相应容器上的显眼处。
(b) The nameplate thickness shall be sufficient to resist distortion due to the application of the marking and to be compatible
with the method of attachment. The nameplate nominal thickness shall not be less than 0.020 in. 铭牌的厚度应足以抵抗由于标
记的施加而造成的变形,并与连接方法兼容。 铭牌之标称厚度不应小于 0.020 in.。
(c) Nameplates shall have permanent, legible markings produced by either casting, etching, embossing, debossing, stamping,
engraving, or laser annealing. 铭牌应具有通过铸造、蚀刻、浮雕、模压、冲压、雕刻或激光退火产生的永久清晰的标记。
(1) The required markings on a nameplate shall be in characters not less than 5/32 in. (4 mm) high, except that characters
for pressure relief device markings may be smaller. 铭牌上所需标记的字符高度应不小于 5/32 in. (4 mm),但泄压装置上所标
(2) Characters produced by processes other than laser annealing shall be either indented or raised at least 0.004 in.
(0.10 mm). 通过激光退火以外之工艺所产生的字符应凹进或凸起至少 0.004 in. (0.10 mm)。
Laser annealing is allowed only on stainless steel and aluminum. 仅允许对不锈钢和铝进行激光退火。
(4) No coating that obscures the laser annealing marking shall be allowed. 不允许有遮挡激光退火标记的涂层。
(5) The Certification Mark shall be stamped on the nameplate unless process controls for mechanical etching or laser
annealing by the Manufacturer of the certified vessel have been described in the accepted Quality Control System and approved
by the Authorized Inspector. 认证标记应印在铭牌上,除非已认证容器制造商对机械蚀刻或激光退火之工序控制已在可接
(d) The nameplate may be marked before it is affixed to the vessel, in which case the Manufacturer shall ensure that the
nameplate with the correct marking has been applied to the proper vessel, and the Inspector shall satisfy himself that this has been
done. 铭牌可以在粘贴到容器上之前进行标记,在这种情况下,制造商应确保带有正确标记之铭牌已应用于正确的容
(e) The nameplate shall be attached to the vessel or to a pad, bracket, or structure that is welded, brazed, soldered, or attached
with mechanical fasteners directly to the vessel. Mechanical fasteners shall be of a material and design that is compatible with the
vessel, bracket materials, and the vessel service. After installation of the pad, bracket, or structure, the heads of the fasteners shall
be welded, brazed, or soldered to the pad, bracket, or structure that supports the nameplate. The nameplate shall be located within
30 in. (760 mm) of the vessel. Removal shall require the willful destruction of the nameplate, or its attachment system. (See M-3.)
机械紧固件的材料和设计应与容器、支架材料和容器工況兼容。 襯板、支架或结构安装完毕后,应將紧固件之头部以
焊接、钎焊或锡焊與支撑铭牌的襯板、支架或结构焊接再一起。 铭牌與应位于距容器 30 in. (760 mm)的距离以内。 拆
除时应故意破坏铭牌或其附着系统 (参见 M-3)。
(1) Nameplates may be attached either by welding, brazing, or soldering.可以通过焊接、铜焊或锡焊来固定铭牌。
(2) Nameplates may be attached by tamper-resistant mechanical fasteners of suitable metal construction. 可以通过难以
(3) Nameplates may be attached with pressuresensitive acrylic adhesive systems provided that, in addition to the
requirements of this paragraph, those of Mandatory Appendix 18 are met. 可以用压敏丙烯酸粘合剂系统來粘贴铭牌,前提是
除了本節的要求外,还要满足强制性附录 18 的要求。
(f) An additional nameplate in accordance with (a) through (d) may be installed on the skirt, supports, jacket, or other
permanent attachment to a vessel. All data on the additional plate, including the Certification Mark with the Designator, shall be
as required for the mandatory nameplate. The marking need not be witnessed by the Inspector. The additional nameplate shall be
marked: 符合(a)至(d)之附加铭牌可以安装在裙座、支架、夾套或容器的其他永久附件上。 附加铭牌上的所有数
据,包括带有標誌符的认证标记,均应主铭牌一致。 标记无需由檢驗師见证。 該附加铭牌应标记有:“DUPLICATE 副”
(g) When a nameplate is employed, the Manufacturer’s name or identifying trademark, and vessel serial number (or National
Board Number, if applicable,) may also be marked directly on the vessel in close proximity to the nameplate attachment. The
marking shall be of a visible permanent type that is not detrimental to the vessel, and its location shall be indicated on the Data
Report. 当当使用铭牌时,制造商的名称或识别商标以及容器序列号(或国家委员会编号,如果制造商有註冊時)也可
以直接标记在靠近铭牌附件的容器上。 标记应为对容器无害的可见永久性类型,且其位置应在数据报告上标明。
(1) If the thickness limitations of UG-118 preclude marking directly on the vessel shell or heads, it may be applied to the
skirt, supports, jacket, or other permanent attachment to the vessel. 如果因 UG-118 的厚度限制致使无法直接在容器壳体或封
(a) A Data Report shall be filled out on Form U-1, U-1A, or U-1P by the Manufacturer and shall be signed by the
Manufacturer and the Inspector for each pressure vessel marked with the Certification Mark with the U Designator. 制造商应為
为每个标有认证标记(带 U 标志符)的压力容器按 U-1、U-1A 或 U-1P 樣表填写数据报告,并应由制造商和檢驗師签署。
(1) Same day production of vessels may be reported on a single Form, provided all of the following requirements are
(-a) vessels must be identical; 容器必须相同;
(-b) vessels must be manufactured for stock or for the same user or his designated agent; 所制造之容器必须是作为
(-c) serial numbers must be in uninterrupted sequence; and 序列号必须是连续的;且
(-d) the Manufacturer’s written Quality Control System includes procedures to control the development,
distribution, and retention of the Data Reports. 制造商的书面质量管理体系應包括管理数据报告的制定、分发和保存的
(2) For guidance in preparing the Manufacturer's Data Report Forms, see Nonmandatory Appendix W. Horizontal
spacing for information on each line may be altered as necessary. All information must be addressed; however, footnotes
described in the “Remarks” block are acceptable, e.g., for multiple cases of “none” or “not applicable.” 有关准备制造商数据报
告表的指导,请参阅非强制性附录 W。每信息行的水平间距可根据需要进行調整。 所有信息都必须得到满足; 但是,
(3) The Manufacturer shall 制造商应进到以下職責
(-a) furnish a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report to the user and, upon request, to the Inspector: 向用户提供制
(-b) submit a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report to the appropriate enforcement authority in the jurisdiction in
which the vessel is to be installed, where required by law; 根据法律要求,向容器安装所在司法管辖区的相应执法机构提
(-c) keep a copy of the Manufacturer’s Data Report on file in a safe repository for at least 3 years. 将制造商数据报
告知副本在安全的贮藏所中至少保存 3 年。
In lieu of (-c) above, the vessel may be registered and the Data Report filed with the National Board of Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 1055 Crupper Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43229. Where acceptable to the appropriate enforcement
authority in the jurisdiction in which the vessel is to be installed, the vessel may be registered and the Data Report filed with
the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors in lieu of (-b) above. 可作為上述 (-c)之代替作法是:容器可在
国家锅炉和压力容器检验委员会(地址:1055 Crupper Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43229)进行登记并將数据报告提交
給 NBBI。 如果要安装容器,则可以向国家锅炉和压力容器检验委员会注册该容器并向国家锅炉和压力容器检验委
员会提交数据报告,以代替上述 (-b)。
(4) A Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance on Form U-3, U-3A, or U-3P shall be completed and signed by the
Manufacturer for each pressure vessel marked with the Certification Mark with the UM Designator. This Certificate shall be
maintained by the Manufacturer for 5 years and a copy made available upon request, or the vessel may be registered and the Data
Report filed with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 1055 Crupper Avenue, Columbus, OH 43229.
Where acceptable to the appropriate enforcement authority in the jurisdiction in which the vessel is to be installed, the vessel may
be registered and the Data Report filed with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. Identical vessels up to 1
day’s production may be recorded on a single Certificate of Compliance. 制造商应為每个标有认证标记 (带 UM 標誌符)的压
力容器按 U-3、U-3A 或 U-3P 樣表填写并签署制造商合格证明书。 该证书应由制造商保存 5 年,并根据要求提供副本,
或者容器可以向国家锅炉和压力容器检验委员会(地址:1055 Crupper Avenue, Columbus, OH 43229)进行注册并將数据
报告提交給。 如果容器安装所在司法管辖区的适当执法机构可以接受,则可以向国家锅炉和压力容器检验委员会注册
容器并向 NBBI 提交数据报告。 當天所生产之相同容器可以记录在一份合格证明书上。
(b) Combination Units 组合装置
(1) Those chambers included within the scope of this Division shall be described on the same Data Report. This includes
the following, as applicable: 包含在本卷范围内的那些受壓舱室应在同一份数据报告中进行描述。 这包括以下适用時的内
(-a) for differential pressure design, the maximum differential design pressure for each common element and the
name of the higher pressure chamber [see UG-19(a)(2)] 采用差压设计时,每个公共单元之最大设计压差和具有較高压
(-b) for mean metal temperature design, the maximum mean metal design temperature for each common element
[see UG-19(a)(3)] 采用平均金属温度设计时,每个公共单元之最大平均金属设计温度[参见 UG-19(a)(3)]
(-c) for a common element adjacent to a chamber not included within the scope of this Division, the common
element design conditions from that chamber 对于与不属于本卷范围内且與受壓舱室相邻的公共单元,该受壓舱室之公
(2) It is recommended that those chambers not included within the scope of this Division be described in the “Remarks”
section of the Data Report. 建议在数据报告之“备注”欄中描述不属于本卷范围的受壓舱室。
(3) For a fixed tubesheet heat exchanger, Nonmandatory Appendix W, Form U-5 shall be filled out with the information
required by UHX-19.3.2, signed by the Manufacturer and Inspector, and included with the Manufacturer’s Data Report. 应按非强
制性附录 W 樣表 U-5 填写 UHX-19.3.2 對固定管板式换热器的要求信息,并由制造商和检验员共同签署,然后附在制造
(c) Partial Data Reports 零部件数据报告
(1) Data Reports to document the construction activities of pressure vessel parts requiring inspection under this Division
that are furnished by a parts Manufacturer other than the Manufacturer responsible for the completed vessel shall be executed on
the applicable Partial Data Report, Form U-2 or Form U-2A, by the parts Manufacturer and his Inspector in accordance with the
requirements of this Division. The Manufacturer's Partial Data Report shall be forwarded, in duplicate, to the Manufacturer of the
completed vessel [see U-2(b)]. Form U-2A may be used for this purpose, provided all the applicable information is recorded on
this Form; otherwise Form U-2 shall be used. These Partial Data Reports, together with his own inspection, shall be the final
Inspector’s authority to witness the application of a Certification Mark to the vessel [see UG-90(c)]. When Form U-2 or Form U2A is used, it shall be attached to the associated Form U-1, U-1A, or U-1P by the Manufacturer of the vessel to be marked with
the Certification Mark. Manufacturers and Assemblers of parts who do not perform or assume any design responsibility for the
parts they manufacture shall identify on the Partial Data Report the organization responsible for the design of the part. As is
applicable in (-a), a parts Manufacturer that performs no design function shall state under “Remarks,” “User Specified Part, No
Design Performed.” 记录需要根据本卷进行检验之压力容器零部件的製造活动是由负责完成容器之該制造商以外的零部
件制造商所提供時,則該零部件制造商及其检验師应按照本卷之要求出具如 U-2 或 U-2A 樣表所示的数据报告。 零部件
制造商之零部件数据报告应一式两份转发给成品容器制造商 [参见 U-2(b)]。樣表 U-2A 可用于此目的,前提是所有适用
信息均记录在此樣表上; 否则应使用樣表 U-2。 这些零部件数据报告连同檢驗師自己的检驗,应成为檢驗師见证容器
壓印认证标记的最终职权 [参见 UG-90(c)]。 当採用樣表 U-2 或樣表 U-2A 时,負責标记认证标记之容器制造商应将其附
加到相关表格 U-1、U-1A 或 U-1P 上。 不对由其所制造之零部件执行或承担任何设计责任的零部件制造商和装配商应在
零部件数据报告上标识负责零部件设计的组织。 如 (-a) 中所述,不执行设计功能之零部件制造商应在“备注”欄中注明
(-a) Data Reports for those parts of a pressure vessel which are furnished by a parts Manufacturer to the user of an
existing Code vessel as replacement or repair parts shall be executed on Form U-2 or Form U-2A by the parts Manufacturer
and his Inspector in accordance with the requirements of this Division. A copy of the parts Manufacturer’s Partial Data
Report shall be furnished to the user or his designated agent and maintained in accordance with (a) above. 零部件制造商向
樣表 U-2 或樣表 U-2A出具数据报告 。 应向用户或其委託方提供制造商零部件数据报告的副本,并根据上述 (a) 进
(-b) The parts Manufacturer shall indicate under “Remarks” the extent he has performed any or all of the design
functions. When the parts Manufacturer performs only a portion of the design, he shall state which portions of the design he
performed. 該零部件制造商应在“备注”欄中注明尤其执行部分或全部设计功能的範圍。 当該零部件制造商仅执行设
(-c) Same day production of vessel parts may be reported on a single Form U-2 or Form U-2A, provided all of the
following are met: 当日所生产容器零部件可以在单一表格 U-2 或表格 U-2A 上报告,前提是满足以下所有条件:
(-1) vessel parts shall be identical; 应为相同的容器零部件;
(-2) Manufacturer’s serial numbers must be in uninterrupted sequence; and 制造商的序列号必须是连续的;
(-3) The Manufacturer’s written Quality Control System includes procedures to control the development,
distribution, and retention of the Partial Data Reports. 制造商的书面质量管理体系包括了零部件数据报告的提出、分
(-d) For guidance in preparing Partial Data Reports, see Nonmandatory Appendix W. 有关如何编写零部件数据报
告的指南,请参阅非强制性附录 W。
(-e) Manufacturers with multiple locations under the operational control of a single organization 39, each location
with its own Certificate of Authorization, may transfer welded or brazed pressure vessel parts, or completely welded pressure
vessels that have not been pressure tested or received final inspection, from one location to another without Partial Data
Reports, provided the Quality Control System describes the method of identification, transfer, and receipt of the parts. These
methods shall include the following requirements: 在单一组织39的运营管理下拥有多个地点的制造商且每个地点都有自
容器 ,从一个地点转移到另一个地点,而无需出具零部件数据报告,前提是质量管理體统描述了零部件的识别、转
移和接收方法。 这些方法应包括以下要求:
(-1) Identification requirements shall include details of the specific marking to be applied. Identification shall
be on each part and shall be legible, permanent, and not detrimental to the part. 识别要求应包括所要壓印之具體标记的
详细信息。 每个零部件上均应有标识,且标识应清晰、永久且不会对零部件造成损害。
(-2) The Certificate Holder shall have a transmittal form that is included with each transfer. It shall list all
items with corresponding identification number, with indication that the items do not contain the Certification Mark. This
form shall be signed by the Certificate Holder. 持证者应有一份在每次转場中的所需转场单。 应列出所有具有相应识
别号的物項,并注明不包含认证标记的物項。 该转场单应由持证者签署。。
(-3) The receiving location shall inspect each item upon receipt. 接收场地应对所接收之每个零部件进行检
(-4) The Manufacturer of the completed vessel shall retain all transfer forms as part of the vessel records; see
Mandatory Appendix 10, 10-13. 完成容器之該制造商应對作为容器记录一部分之转场单進行; 参见强制性附录 10
(-f) For cases in which a Manufacturer has multiple locations that include both shop and field locations, and the field
assembly of a vessel is completed by one Manufacturer’s location that is different from the part Manufacturer’s location(s),
the name of the Manufacturer responsible for field assembly shall be shown on Line 1 of the Manufacturer’s Data Report.
The Manufacturer responsible for field assembly shall complete and sign both the Shop and Field portions of the
Manufacturer’s Data Report. 如果制造商拥有多个地点,包括车间地点和现场地点,并且容器的现场组装是由不同於
零部件制造商地点的另一个制造商地点所完成的,则负责现场组装之制造商的商號应显示在制造商数据报告的第 1
行中。 负责现场组装之制造商应填写并签署制造商数据报告的车间部分和现场部分。
(2) A Manufacturer with multiple locations, each holding its own Certificate of Authorization, may transfer pressure
vessel parts from one of its locations to another without Partial Data Reports, provided the Quality Control System describes the
method of identification, transfer, and receipt of the parts. For cases in which a Manufacturer has multiple locations that include
both shop and field locations, and the field assembly of the vessel is completed by one Manufacturer’s location that is different
from the part Manufacturer’s location(s), the name of the Manufacturer responsible for field assembly shall be shown on Line 1 of
the Manufacturer’s Data Report. The Manufacturer responsible for field assembly shall complete and sign both the Shop and
Field portions of the Manufacturer’s Data Report. 拥有多个地点每个地点都持有自己之授权证书的制造商,可以将压力容器
方法。 如果制造商拥有多个地点,包括车间和现场地点,并且容器的现场组装由不同零部件制造商地点的另一个該制
造商地点完成時,则负责现场装配之制造商的商號应显示在制造商数据报告的第 1 行。 负责现场装配之制造商应填写
(d) This Division, in paragraphs such as UW-2, UF-1, UF-32(b), UB-1, UB-22, UCS-66, UNF-56, UHA-51, UCL-27, and
UHT-6, establishes special requirements to qualify a vessel for certain “special services.” (Paragraphs, such as UW-2, prohibit
certain types of construction or materials in some special services.) The special services to which special requirements are
applicable are classified as follows: 本卷在 UW-2、UF-1、UF-32(b)、UB-1、UB-22、UCS-66、UNF-56、UHA-51、UCL27 和 UHT-6 等段落中规定了使使容器有资格获得某些“特殊用途”的具體要求(諸如 UW-2 等段落禁止在某些特殊用途
(1) lethal service [for example, see UW-2(a)]; 致死工况[例子请参阅 UW-2(a)];
(2) services below certain temperatures (for example, see UW-2(b), UCS-65, UHA-51, and UHT-6); 低于特定温度的
工况 (例子请参阅 UW-2(b)、UCS-65、UHA-51 和 UHT-6);
(3) unfired steam boiler [for example, see UW-2(c)]; 非直接受火的蒸汽锅炉[例子请参阅 UW-2(c)]。
(4) direct firing [for example, see UW-2(d)]. 直接受火[例子请参阅 UW-2(d)]。
When a vessel is intended for such special services, the special service and the paragraphs of special requirements complied
with shall be indicated on the Data Reports. 当容器拟用於此类特殊用途时,应在数据报告中注明特殊用途和符合相
(e) Pressure-retaining covers and their attaching bolting and nuts shall be listed in the Remarks section of the Manufacturer’s
Data Report or on an attached Form U-4 when required. The minimum information shall include the material specification,
material grade, size, and thread designation. 承压盖及其连接螺栓和螺母应在制造商数据报告告之备注栏中列出,或当要求
时,在所附的 U-4 表格上列出。所列信息应至少包括材料规范、材料等级、尺寸和螺纹代号。
(f) An unfired steam boiler, referenced in U-1(g)(1), shall have its maximum designed steaming capacity recorded in the
“Remarks” section of the Data Report. U-1(g)(1) 中所述非受火锅炉之最大设计蒸汽容量应记录在数据报告表的“备注”栏
(g) For sample forms and guidance in their preparation, see Nonmandatory Appendix W. 有关样表及其编写指南,请参阅
非强制性附录 W。
In the 2021 Edition of Division 1, pressure relief device requirements were transferred from UG-125 through UG-140 to Section
XIII, and the remaining Division 1 overpressure protection requirements were restructured within UG-150 through UG-156. A
complete crossreference list of the changes between the 2019 and 2021 Editions is available in Nonmandatory Appendix PP of the
2021 Edition.
在 VIII-1 卷 2021 版中,已从 UG-125 到 UG-140之泄压装置要求转移到第 XIII 卷,其余 VIII-1 卷过压保护要求在 UG150 到 UG-156 内进行了重组。 2021 年版之非强制性附录 PP 提供了 2019 年版和 2021 年版间之变更的完整交叉引用列
(a) UG-150 through UG-155 provide the acceptable methods and requirements for overpressure protection for pressure
vessels constructed to the requirements of this Division. Acceptable methods include pressure relief devices, open flow paths, and
overpressure protection by system design. It establishes the type, quantity and settings of acceptable pressure relief devices and
relieving capacity requirements including maximum allowed relieving pressures. Unless otherwise specified, the required
pressure relief devices shall be constructed, capacity certified, and bear the ASME Certification Mark in accordance with Section
XIII. UG-156 provides requirements for installation of pressure relief devices. UG-150 至 UG-155 为按照本卷要求所建造之压
力容器提供了可接受的超压保护方法和要求。 可接受的方法包括泄压装置、开型流路和系统设计的过压保护。 它规定
了可接受泄压装置的类型、数量和设置以及排放量要求,包括最大许用排放压力。 除非另有规定,所需泄压装置应根
据第 XIII 卷进行构造、容量鉴定并带有 ASME 认证标记。另, UG-156 還规定了泄压装置的安装要求。
(b) Other than unfired steam boilers, all pressure vessels within the scope of this Division, regardless of size or pressure, shall
be provided with overpressure protection in accordance with the requirements of UG-150 through UG-156. 本卷范围内之所有压
力容器,无论其尺寸或压力如何,均应按照 UG-150 至 UG-156 的要求提供超压保护,但非直接受火蒸汽锅炉外。
(c) Unfired steam boilers shall be provided with pressure relief devices in accordance with the requirements of UG-150
through UG-156. 非直接受火蒸汽锅炉应按照 UG-150~UG-156 的要求配备泄压装置。
(d) Unfired steam boilers shall be equipped with pressure relief devices required by Section I to the extent that they are
applicable to the service of the particular installation. 只要非直接受火蒸汽锅炉适用于特定装置的工作,則非直接受火蒸汽
锅炉应配备符合第 I 卷所要求的泄压装置
(e) Pressure relief devices for vessels that are to operate completely filled with liquid shall be designed for liquid service. 运
(f) Unless otherwise defined in this Division, the definitions relating to pressure relief devices in Section XIII shall apply.
除非本卷另有规定,否则应符合第 XIII 册中有关泄压装置的规定。
(a) It is the user’s or his designated agent’s responsibility to determine the required relief rate, to size and select the device,
and to design the relief system. 用户或其委托方有责任确定所需的泄放速率、确定设备尺寸和选定设备以及设计泄压系
(b) It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the required overpressure protection system is properly installed prior to
initial operation. 用户有责任确保在首次操作之前已正确安装了所需的超压保护系统。
(c) If a pressure relief device(s) is to be installed, it is the responsibility of the user or his/her designated agent to size and
select the pressure relief device(s) based on its intended service. Intended service considerations shall include, but not necessarily
be limited to, the following: 如果要安装泄压装置,则用户或其委托方有责任根据装泄压装置之预期用途来确定泄压装置
的尺寸和选择。 预期用途之考虑因素应包括但不一定限于以下内容:
(1) normal operating and upset conditions 正常操作和异常条件
(2) fluids 流体
(3) fluid phases 流体相
(d) The overpressure protection system need not be supplied by the vessel Manufacturer. 超压保护系统不需要由容器制造
(e) If a pressure vessel is provided with more than one MAWP per UG-98(c) or para. 22-5, it is the user's responsibility to
provide overpressure protection per this Division for the vessel operation corresponding to each of the MAWPs and coincident
如果压力容器按照 UG-98(c) 或強制性附錄 22-5 配备了一个以上的 MAWP 時,則用户有责任根据本卷之规定为在每个
MAWP 和重合合温度下操作之容器提供超压保护。
(a) It is the user’s or his/her designated agent’s responsibility to identify all potential overpressure scenarios and the method
of overpressure protection used to mitigate each scenario. 用户或其委托方有责任识别所有潜在的超压情况以及用于缓解每
(b) The aggregate capacity of the pressure relief devices connected to any vessel or system of vessels for the release of a
liquid, air, steam, or other vapor shall be sufficient to carry off the maximum quantity that can be generated or supplied to the
attached equipment without permitting a rise in pressure within the vessel of more than that specified in UG-153. 连接到任何容
器或容器系统且用于排放液体、空气、蒸汽或其他蒸气之泄压装置的总容量应足以在不允许容器内压力上升超过 UG153 规定的情况下排出可产生或供应给附属设备的最大量。
(c) Vessels connected together by a system of adequate piping not containing valves that can isolate any vessel, and those
containing valves in compliance with Section XIII Nonmandatory Appendix B, may be considered as one unit in figuring the
required relieving capacity of pressure relief devices to be furnished. 通过不包含可隔离任何容器之阀门的适当管道系统连接
在一起的容器,以及包含符合第 XIII 卷非强制性附录 B 之阀门的容器,在计算所要配备之泄压装置所需的泄放能力
时,可被视为一个单元 。
(d) Heat exchangers and similar vessels shall be protected with a pressure relief device of sufficient capacity to avoid
overpressure in case of an internal failure. 热交换器和类似容器应採用足够容量的泄压装置进行保护,以避免内部失效时出
(e) The rated pressure-relieving capacity of a pressure relief valve for other than steam, water, or air shall be determined by
the method of conversion given in Section XIII, Mandatory Appendix IV. 用於蒸汽、水或空气以外之介質的泄压阀额定排放
量应按第 XIII 卷强制性附录 IV 中所给出的换算方法來确定之。
(f) The relieving capacity of a pressure relief device for compressible fluids may be prorated at any relieving pressure greater
than 1.10p , as permitted under UG-153, by applying a multiplier to the official relieving capacity as follows: 根据 UG-153 的允
许,用於可压缩流体之泄压装置的排放量可以在大于 1.10p 的任何排放压力下按比例分配,其方法是将官方排放量乘以
(U.S. Customary Units) 采用美国习惯单位时为
(SI Units) 采用SI 单位时为
P = relieving pressure排放压力, psig (kPa gage)
p = set pressure 标定压力, psig (kPa gage)
For steam pressures above 1,500 psig (10 MPa gage), the above multiplier is not applicable. For steam valves with relieving
pressures greater than 1,500 psig (10 MPa gage) and less than or equal to 3,200 psig (22.1 MPa gage), the capacity at relieving
pressures greater than 1.10p shall be determined using the equation for steam and the correction factor for high pressure steam in
Section XIII, with the permitted absolute relieving pressure and the coefficient K for that valve design. 上述乘数不适用
蒸汽压力高于 1,500 psig(10 MPa 表压)的情况。 对于排放压力大于 1,500 psig(10 MPa 表压)且小于或等于 3,200
psig(22.1 MPa 表压)的蒸汽阀而言,則应採用具有许用绝对排放压力和该阀门设计系数 K之第 XIII 卷 中的汽
方程和高压蒸汽校正系数来确定排放压力大于 1.10p 时的排放量。
(a) Other than unfired steam boilers, when a pressure relief device is provided, it shall prevent the pressure from rising more
than 10% or 3 psi (20 kPa), whichever is greater, above the maximum allowable working pressure, except as permitted in (1) and
(2) and UG-154(c). [See UG-155 for pressure settings.] 除非直接受火蒸汽锅炉外,当设有泄压装置时,应防止压力上升超
过最大许用工作压力 10% 或 3 psi (20 kPa) (取较大者),但 (1) 和 (2) 以及 UG-154(c)中所允许的情况除外 ;[另请参见
UG-155 的调定压力]。
(1) When multiple pressure relief devices are provided and set in accordance with UG-155(a), they shall prevent the
pressure from rising more than 16% or 4 psi (30 kPa), whichever is greater, above the maximum allowable working pressure. 当
按照 UG-155(a) 提供和设置多个泄压装置时,它们应防止压力上升超过最大允许工作压力 16% 或 4 psi (30 kPa)(取较大
(2) When a pressure vessel can be exposed to fire or other unexpected sources of external heat, the pressure relief
device(s) shall be capable of preventing the pressure from rising more than 21% above the maximum allowable working pressure.
Supplemental pressure relief devices shall be installed to protect against this source of excessive pressure if the pressure relief
devices used to satisfy the capacity requirements of (a) and (1) above have insufficient capacity to provide the required protection.
See Nonmandatory Appendix MM, M-13 for cases where the metal temperature due to fire or other sources of external heat can
cause vessel failure prior to reaching the MAWP. 当压力容器可能與火焰或其他意外的外部热源接觸时,泄压装置应能够防
止压力上升超过最大许用工作压力的 21%。 如果用于满足上述 (a) 和 (1) 之容量要求的泄压装置没有足够的排放量来提
供所需的保护,则应安装附加泄压装置以防止这种过压源。参见非强制性附录 MM、M-13 以了解由火焰或其他外来热
源使金属温度在容器达到最大许用工作压力 (MAWP)之前就导致容器失效的情况。
Pressure relief devices, intended primarily for protection against exposure of a pressure vessel to fire or other unexpected
sources of external heat installed on vessels having no permanent supply connection and used for storage at ambient temperatures
of nonrefrigerated liquefied compressed gases,40 are excluded from the requirements of (1) and (2), provided 安装在环境温度下
(-a) the pressure relief devices are capable of preventing the pressure from rising more than 20% above the
maximum allowable working pressure of the vessels 泄压装置能够防止压力上升超过容器最大许用工作压力的 20%
(-b) the set pressure marked on these devices do not exceed the maximum allowable working pressure of the vessels
(-c) the vessels have sufficient ullage to avoid a liquid-full condition 容器有足够的空间以避免发生充满液体的情
(-d) the maximum allowable working pressure of the vessels on which these pressure relief devices are installed is
greater than the vapor pressure of the stored liquefied compressed gas at the maximum anticipated temperature 41 that the
gas will reach under atmospheric conditions 安装这些泄压装置之容器的最大许用工作压力大于所储存之液化压缩气
(-e) pressure relief valves used to satisfy these provisions also comply with the requirements of UG-155(e); Section
XIII, 3.9(e)(5)(-a); and Section XIII, Table 9.7.2-1 for fire. 用于满足这些规定之泄压阀也要符合 UG-155(e) 的要求;
對受火容器之要求見第 XIII卷 3.9(e)(5)(-a)小段和第 XIII卷表 9.7.2-1 。
(b) For vessels that use overpressure protection by system design, the overpressure limits shall be per UG-154(e). 通过系统设
计采用超压保护之容器,其超压限值应符合 UG-154(e) 的规定。
(c) The aggregate capacity of the open flow paths, or vents, shall be sufficient to prevent overpressure in excess of those
specified in (a). When the MAWP is 15 psi (105 kPa) or less, in no case shall the pressure be allowed to rise more than 21%
above the MAWP.
开型流路或排放口的总容量应足以防止超压超过 (a) 中的规定值。 当 MAWP 为 15 psi (105 kPa) 或更低时,則在任何情
况下都不允许压力升高超过 MAWP 的 21%。
Protection against overpressure shall be provided by pressure relief devices, open flow paths, or system design or a combination
thereof in accordance with this paragraph. 应通过泄压装置、开型流路或系统设计或其组合來提供符合本节的超压保护。
(a) Pressure Relief Valves 泄压阀
(1) Pressure relief valves bearing the ASME Certification Mark with the UV Designator in accordance with Section XIII
may be used. Pressure relief valves shall be of the direct spring-loaded or pilot-operated type. 可以使用符合第 XIII 卷之规定且
带有 UV 標誌符之 ASME 认证标记的泄压阀。 泄压阀应为弹簧直接加载型或先导式泄压阀。
(2) Pressure relief valves certified for a steam discharging capacity under the provisions of Section I and bearing the
ASME Certification Mark with the V Designator for safety valves may be used on pressure vessels constructed to this Division.
The rated capacity in terms of other fluids shall be determined by the method of conversion given in Section XIII, Mandatory
Appendix IV. (See
Section XIII, 9.2.3.) 根据第 I 卷之规定进行蒸汽排放量鑒定并带有ASME 认证标记和 V 安全阀標誌符之泄压阀可用于按
本卷建造的压力容器。 其他流体的额定容量应按第 XIII卷强制性附录 IV 中所给出之换算方法來确定之(参见第第 XIII
卷 9.2.3)。
(b) Nonreclosing Pressure Relief Devices 非重闭式泄压装置
(1) Rupture disks bearing the ASME Certification Mark with the UD Designator in accordance with Section XIII may
be used as the sole pressure-relieving device for overpressure protection. 符合第 XIII 卷且带有 ASME 认证标记和 UD 標誌符
NOTE: When rupture disk devices are used, it is recommended that the design pressure of the vessel be sufficiently
above the intended operating pressure to provide sufficient margin between operating pressure and rupture disk bursting
pressure to prevent premature failure of the rupture disk due to fatigue or creep. 注:当採用爆破片装置时,建议容器
Application of rupture disk devices to liquid service should be carefully evaluated to ensure that the design of the
rupture disk device and the dynamic energy of the system on which it is installed will result in sufficient opening of
the rupture disk. 宜仔细评估爆破片装置在液体工況中的应用,以确保爆破片装置的设计和安装该装置之系统
(2) A breaking pin device bearing the ASME Certification Mark with the UD Designator in accordance with Section
XIII may be used as the sole pressure-relieving device for overpressure protection 符合第 XIII 卷且带有 ASME 认证标记和 UD
(3) Spring-Loaded Nonreclosing Pressure Relief Device 弹簧加载非重闭式泄压装置
(-a) A spring-loaded nonreclosing pressure relief device, pressure actuated by means that permit the spring-loaded
portion of the device to open at the specified set pressure and remain open until manually reset, may be used. 可使用弹簧
(-b) The calculated capacity rating of a springloaded nonreclosing pressure relief device shall not exceed a value
based on the applicable theoretical formula (see Section XIII, for the various media, multiplied by: K = coefficient
= 0.62. The area A (square inches) in the theoretical formula shall be the flow area through the minimum opening of the
spring-loaded nonreclosing pressure relief device. 弹簧加载非重闭式泄压装置的计算额定排量不应超过基于各种介质
之相应理论公式 (请参阅第 XIII 册的计得值乘上系数K (K = 0.62)后的值。理论公式中的面积 A (in.2)应为通
(-c) In lieu of the method of capacity rating in (-b), a Manufacturer may have the capacity of a spring-loaded
nonreclosing pressure relief device design certified in general accordance with the procedures of Section XIII, Part 9, as
applicable. 可作為上述 (-b) 所述额定容量方法之代替方法是:制造商可以根据所适用的第 XIII 卷第 9 篇的方法來
对弹簧加载非重合式泄压装置的设计容量进行鑒定 。
(c) Combination of Devices 设备的组合
(1) The following combinations of devices may be used, provided they meet the requirements of Section XIII, Part 8:
只要以下设备组合满足第 XIII 卷第 8 篇的要求即可採用它們:
(-a) a rupture disk device installed between a pressure relief valve and the vessel 安装在泄压阀和容器之间的爆破
(-b) a rupture disk device installed on the outlet side of a pressure relief valve that is opened by direct action of the
pressure in the vessel 安装在泄压阀出口侧之爆破片装置,其通过容器内压力的直接作用而打开
(-c) ) a breaking pin device installed between a pressure relief valve and the vessel 安装在泄压阀和容器之间的折
(2) A breaking pin device shall not be installed on the outlet side of a pressure relief valve that is opened by direct action
of the pressure in the vessel. 如果泄压阀是由容器内压力直接作用而打开時,則在泄压阀出口侧不应安装折断销装置。
(3) Spring-loaded nonreclosing pressure relief devices may not be used in combination with any other pressure relief
NOTE: Use of nonreclosing pressure relief devices of some types may be advisable on vessels containing substances that
may render a pressure relief valve inoperative, such as where a loss of valuable material by leakage should be avoided or
where contamination of the atmosphere by leakage of noxious fluids must be avoided. The use of rupture disk devices may
also be advisable when very rapid rates of pressure rise may be encountered. 注:对于含有可能导致泄压阀失效之物质
体而污染大气的情况。 当可能遇到非常快的压力上升速率时,也建议採用爆破片装置。
(d) Open Flow Paths 开型流道
(1) Flow paths or vents, open directly or indirectly to the atmosphere may be used as the sole pressure relieving device
on a vessel. 直接或间接通向大气之流道或排放口可用作容器上的唯一泄压装置。
(2) The calculated capacity of any pressure relief system may be determined by analyzing the total system resistance to
flow. This analysis shall take into consideration the flow resistance of the piping and piping components including the exit nozzle
on the vessels, elbows, tees, reducers, and valves. The calculation shall be made using accepted engineering practices for
determining fluid flow through piping systems. This calculated relieving capacity shall be multiplied by a factor of 0.90 or less to
allow for uncertainties inherent in this method. 任何泄压系统的计算容量可以通过分析总系统支流阻来确定之。 這種分析
应計及管道和管道元件的流阻,包括容器上的出口管嘴、弯头、三通、变径管和阀门。 应採用公认的工程做法來进行
计算,以确定流经管道系统的流体流量。 所计算出的排放量应乘上 0.90 或更小的系数,以計及到该方法的固有不确定
(e) Overpressure Protection by System Design 通过系统设计的超压保护
Overpressure protection by system design in accordance with Section XIII, Part 13 is permitted. 允许按照第 XIII 卷第 13 篇的
(1) For vessels with overpressure protection by system design where the pressure is self-limited at or below the vessel
MAWP, (see Section XIII, 13.2), there shall be no credible overpressure scenario in which the pressure exceeds the maximum
allowable working pressure (MAWP) of the pressurized equipment at the coincident temperature. 通过系统设计而具有超压保
护且在等於或小於 MAWP 下进行自限之压力容器(参见第 XIII 卷 13.2 條款),不应存在著压力超过被加压设备在加压
设备在重合温度下之最大许用工作压力 (MAWP) 的可信超压情况 。
(2) For vessels with overpressure protection by system design where the pressure is not self-limited at or below the
vessel MAWP, (see Section XIII, 13.3), there shall be no credible overpressure scenario in which the pressure exceeds 116% of
the MAWP times the ratio of the allowable stress value at the temperature of the overpressure scenario to the allowable stress
value at the vessel design temperature. The overpressure limit shall not exceed the vessel test pressure. 通过系统设计而具有超
压保护且在等於或小於 MAWP 下进行自限之压力容器(参见第 XIII 卷 13.3 條款),不应存在著压力超过 MAWP 乘上
最大许用工作压力之 116% 的可信超压情况。 超压场景温度下的许用应力值与容器设计温度下的许用应力值之比。 超
(a) When a single pressure relief device is used, the set pressure marked on the device shall not exceed the maximum
allowable working pressure of the vessel. When the required capacity is provided in more than one pressure relief device, only
one pressure relief device need be set at or below the maximum allowable working pressure, and the additional pressure relief
devices may be set to open at higher pressures but in no case at a pressure higher than 105% of the maximum allowable working
pressure, except as provided in (b). 当採用单个泄压装置时,装置上鎖标注的调定压力不应超过容器的最大许用工作压
力。 当所需容量由多个泄压装置提供时,僅需将一个泄压装置调定为等于或低于最大许用工作压力即可,并且其他泄
压装置可以调定为在更高压力下打开,但在任何情况下调定压力都不能达到最大许用工作压力的 105%,但(b) 中所规定
(b) For pressure relief devices permitted in UG-153(a)(2) as protection against excessive pressure caused by exposure to fire
or other sources of external heat, the device marked set pressure shall not exceed 110% of the maximum allowable working
pressure of the vessel. If such a pressure relief device is used to meet the requirements of both UG-153(a) and UG-153(a)(2), the
device marked set pressure shall not be over the maximum allowable working pressure. UG-153(a)(2) 中所许用之泄压装置可作
的 110%。 如果使用这种泄压装置同时满足 UG-153(a)和 UG-153(a)(2)的要求,则該装置所标注的调定压力不应超过容
(c) The pressure relief device set pressure shall include the effects of static head and constant back pressure. 泄压装置之调
(d) The set pressure tolerance for pressure relief valves shall not exceed ±2 psi (15 kPa) for pressures up to and including 70
psi (500 kPa) and ±3% for pressures above 70 psi (500 kPa), except as covered in (e). 对于压力达到并包括 70 psi (500 kPa) 的
压力,泄压阀的调定压力容差不應超过 ±2 psi (15 kPa),當压力高于 70 psi (500 kPa) 時,則调定压力容差不應超过
±3%,但 (e) 中所规定的情况除外。
(e) The set pressure tolerance of pressure relief valves which comply with UG-153(a)(3) shall be within −0%, +10%. 符合
UG-153(a)(3) 之减压阀,其调定压力容差应在 -0%、+10% 以内。
(f) The burst pressure tolerance for rupture disk devices at the specified disk temperature shall not exceed ±2 psi (15 kPa) of
marked burst pressure up to and including 40 psi (300 kPa) and ±5% of marked burst pressure above 40 psi (300 kPa). 爆破片装
置在所规定之膜片温度下的爆破压力容差不应為:1. 当調定爆破压力 ≤ 40 psi (300 kPa)時,不应超过調定爆破压力的 ±2
psi (15 kPa),2. 当調定爆破压力 > 40 psi (300 kPa)时,則不应超过調定爆破压力的±5%。
(g) The set pressure tolerance for breaking pin device s shall not exceed ±2 psi (15 kPa) of marked set pressure up to and
including 40 psi (300 kPa) and ±5% of marked set pressures above 40 psi (300 kPa) at specified pin temperature. 在所规定的温
度下,斷裂销装置的調定压力容差不应為:1. 当标定断裂压力 ≤ 40 psi (300 kPa)时,不应超过調定断裂压力的 ±2 psi (15
kPa),2. 当調定断裂压力 > 40 psi (300 kPa)时,則不应超过調定断裂压力的±5%。
(h) The tolerance of spring-loaded nonreclosing pressure relief valves opening point shall not exceed ±5% .弹簧加载非重
(a) Pressure relief devices shall be constructed, located, and installed so that they are readily accessible for testing, inspection,
replacement, and repair and so that they cannot be readily rendered inoperative (see Nonmandatory Appendix M). 泄压装置的製
造、定位和安装应便于进行测试、检验、更换和维修,并且不会轻易失效 (请参阅非强制性附录 M)。
(b) The pressure relief devices required in UG-150(b) and UG-150(c) need not be installed directly on a pressure vessel when
either of the following conditions apply: 当满足以下任一条件时,UG-150(b) 和 UG-150(c) 中所要求的泄压装置无需直接安
(1) The source of pressure is external to the vessel and is under such positive control that the pressure in the vessel
cannot exceed the maximum allowable working pressure at the operating temperature except as permitted in UG-153(a) (see UG98), or under the conditions set forth in Nonmandatory Appendix M 压力源位于容器外部并且受到严格控制以使得容器内之
压力無法超过工作温度下之最大许用工作压力,但 UG-153(a)(参见 UG-98)所允许或符合非强制性附录 M 所 规定之
(2) There are no intervening stop valves between the vessel and the pressure relief device or devices, except as permitted
under UG-156(b)(6) 容器和泄压装置之间没有中间截止阀,但 UG-156(b)(6) 所允许者除外
NOTE: Pressure-reducing valves and similar mechanical or electrical control instruments, except for pilot-operated pressure
relief valves as permitted in UG-154(a), are not considered as sufficiently positive in action to prevent excess pressures
from being developed. 注:减压阀和类似的机械或电气控制仪表(UG-154(a)中所许用之先导式泄压阀除外)不
(c) Pressure relief devices intended for relief of compressible fluids shall be connected to the vessel in the vapor space above
any contained liquid or to piping connected to the vapor space in the vessel which is to be protected. Pressure relief devices
intended for relief of liquids shall be connected below the liquid level. Alternative connection locations are permitted, depending
on the potential vessel overpressure scenarios and the type of relief device selected, provided the requirements of UG-151(b) and
UG-153(a) are met.擬用于排放可压缩流体之泄压装置应连接至容器内任何所含有液体上方的蒸汽空间,或连接至与受保
护容器内之蒸汽空间相连的管道。 用于排放液体之泄压装置应连接在液面以下。如满足 UG-151(b) 和 UG-153(a)的要
(d) The opening through all pipe, fittings, and nonreclosing pressure relief devices (if installed) between a pressure vessel and
its pressure relief valve shall have at least the area of the pressure relief valve inlet. The characteristics of this upstream system
shall be such that the pressure drop will not reduce the relieving capacity below that required or adversely affect the proper
operation of the pressure relief valve. 压力容器与其泄压阀之间的所有管道、配件和非重闭式泄压装置(如果有安装時)的
开口应至少具有泄压阀的入口面积。 该上游系统的特性应确保压降不会将排放量降低至低于所需值或对泄压阀的正常
(e) The opening in the vessel wall shall be designed to provide unobstructed flow between the vessel and its pressure relief
device (see Nonmandatory Appendix M). 容器壁上的开孔应设计成在容器与其泄压装置之间提供畅通无阻的流动(参见非
强制性附录 M)。
(f) When two or more required pressure relief devices are placed on one connection, the inlet internal cross sectional area of
this connection shall be either sized to avoid restricting flow to the pressure relief devices or made at least equal to the combined
inlet areas of the safety devices connected to it. The flow characteristics of the upstream system shall satisfy the requirements of
(d) and (e) (see Nonmandatory Appendix M). 当两个或多个所需泄压装置安装在一个连接件上时,该连接件的入口内横截
面积的大小应避免限制流向泄压装置的流量,或至少等于连接至该连接件之各安全装置的入口面积總合。 上游系统的
流量特性应满足(d)和(e)的要求(见非强制性附录 M)。
(g) There shall be no intervening stop valves between the vessel and its pressure relief device or devices, or between the
pressure relief device or devices and the point of discharge, except 容器与其泄压装置之间,或泄压装置与排放点之间不應设
(1) when these stop valves are so constructed or positively controlled that the closing of the maximum number of block
valves possible at one time will not reduce the pressure-relieving capacity provided by the unaffected pressure relief devices
below the required relieving capacity, or 当这些截止阀的构造或明确控制使得一次关闭最大数量之截止阀时,不会将未受
(2) under conditions set forth in Section XIII, Nonmandatory Appendix B 符合第 XIII 卷非强制性附录 B 所规定的条
(h) The pressure relief devices on all vessels shall be so installed that their proper functioning will not be hindered by the
nature of the vessel’s contents. 所有容器上之泄压装置的安装应使其正常运行不会受到容器内容物性质的阻碍。
(i) Discharge lines from pressure relief devices shall be designed to facilitate drainage or shall be fitted with drains to prevent
liquid from lodging in the discharge side of the pressure relief device, and such lines shall lead to a safe place of discharge. The
size of the discharge lines shall be such that any pressure that may exist or develop will not reduce the relieving capacity of the
pressure relief devices below that required to properly protect the vessel, or adversely affect the proper operation of the pressure
relief devices [see Nonmandatory Appendix M and Section XIII, 3.2.2(a)]. 泄压装置的排放管线应设计成便于排水,或应安装
排水管,以防止液体滞留在泄压装置的排放侧,且此类管线应通向安全的排放地点。 排放管线的尺寸应确保可能存在
利影响 [参见非强制性附录 M 和第 XIII 卷中 3.2.2(a)小段]。
(j) For rupture disks that are marked with only a lot number in accordance with Section XIII, 4.7.2, following the installation
of the disk, the metal tag shall be sealed to the installation in a manner that will prevent removal of the disk without breaking the
seal. The seal shall identify the organization responsible for performing the installation. 对于根据第 XIII 卷 4.7.2 节仅标记批号
B 分卷 与压力容器制造方法有关的要求
UW-1 SCOPE 适用范围
The rules in Part UW are applicable to pressure vessels and vessel parts that are fabricated by welding and shall be used in
conjunction with the general requirements in Subsection A, and with the specific requirements in Subsection C that pertain to the
class of material used. UW 篇中之规则适用于通过焊接所制造之压力容器和容器零部件,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中
之通用要求以及 C 分卷中与所用材料类别有关之具体要求并且这些规则还应使用。
When vessels are to contain lethal42 substances, either liquid or gaseous, all butt-welded joints shall be fully
radiographed in accordance with UW-51, except for butt welds subject to the provisions of (2) and (3) below and UW-11(a)(4),
and butt welds in stiffening rings designed under the rules of UG-29. ERW pipe or tube is not permitted to be used as a shell or
nozzle in lethal service applications. When fabricated of carbon or low alloy steel, such vessels shall be postweld heat treated in
accordance with Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11, unless otherwise exempted by Table UCS-56-1, General Note (b)(3).
When a vessel is to contain fluids of such a nature that a very small amount mixed or unmixed with air is dangerous to life when
inhaled, it shall be the responsibility of the user and/or his designated agent to determine if it is lethal. If determined as lethal, the
user and/or his designated agent [see U-2(a)] shall so advise the designer and/or Manufacturer. It shall be the responsibility of the
Manufacturer to comply with the applicable Code provisions (see UCI-2 and UCD-2). 当容器盛装无论是液态还是气态之致命
42 物质时,所有对接焊缝均应按照 UW-51 进行 100% 射线照相,但符合以下 (2) 和 (3) 以及 UW-11(a)(4)规定的对接焊
缝,以及根据 UG-29 之规则所设计之加劲环中的对接焊缝除外 。 ERW 管材不允许用作致命应用服务中之壳体或管
嘴。 当容器由碳钢或低合金钢制造时应按照表 UCS-56-1 至 UCS-56-11 进行焊后热处理,除非表 UCS-56-1 中总注释
(b)(3 ) 另有规定。 当容器所盛装之液体性质极少量与空气混合或未混合时,且在吸入后就会危及生命时,则用户和/或
其委托方有责任确认该液体是否会致命, 如果确定会致命,则用户和/或其委托方 [参见 U-2(a)] 应通知设计者和/或制造
商,此时制造商有责任遵守所适用之规范的规定(参见 UCI-2 和 UCD-2)。
The joints of various categories (see UW-3) shall be as follows: 各类接头 (请参阅 UW-3)应符合下列所述:
(-a) Except for welded tubes and pipes internal to heat exchanger shells, all joints of Category A shall be Type No.
(1) of Table UW-12. 除焊制管材和换热器壳体内部的管材外,所有 A 类接头应为表 UW-12 的第 (1) 型接头。
(-b) All Category B and C joints shall be Type No. (1) or No. (2) of Table UW-12. 所有 B 类和 C 类接头应为表
UW-12 中的 (1) 型或 (2) 型接头。
(-c) Category C joints for lap joint stub ends shall be as follows: 搭接短颈法兰的 C 类接头搭接短颈法兰
(-1) The finished stub end shall be attached to its adjacent shell with a Type No. (1) or Type No. (2) joint of
Table UW-12. The finished stub end can be made from a forging or can be machined from plate material. [See UW13(h).]
成品短颈法兰应采用表 UW-12 中的(1) 型或 (2) 型接头接头连接至与其相邻之壳体。 成品短颈法兰可以由锻件
制成,也可以由板材加工而成; [参见 UW-13(h)]。
(-2) The lap joint stub end shall be fabricated as follows: 搭接短颈法兰之焊颈端应按如下方式制作:
(+a) The weld is made in two steps as shown in Figure UW-13.5. 如图 UW-13.5 所示,分为两个步骤进
(+b) Before making weld No. 2, weld No. 1 is examined by full radiography in accordance with UW-51,
regardless of size. The weld and fusion between the weld buildup and neck is examined by ultrasonics in accordance
with Mandatory Appendix 12. 在进行焊缝 2之前,无论焊缝 1的尺寸如何都按 UW-51进行100%的射线检测。根
据强制性附录 12 对焊堆和焊颈部间之焊缝与熔合线进行超声波检测。
(+c) Weld No. 2 is examined by full radiography in accordance with UW-51. 按照 UW-51对焊缝 2进行
(-3) The finished stub end may either conform to ASME B16.9 dimensional requirements or be made to a nonstandard size, provided all requirements of this Division are met. 成品短颈法兰既可制成符合 ASME B16.9 要求的尺
(-d) All joints of Category D shall be full penetration welds extending through the entire thickness of the vessel wall
or nozzle wall. 所有 D 类接头应为熔透整个容器壁度或管嘴壁厚的全渗透焊缝。
(2) Radiographic examination of the welded seam in exchanger tubes and pipes, to a material specification permitted by
this Division, which are butt welded without the addition of filler metal may be waived, provided the tube or pipe is totally
enclosed within a shell of a vessel which meets the requirements of (a). 符合本卷许用材料规范之交换器用管材中的焊缝如过
(3) If only one side of a heat exchanger contains a lethal substance, the other side need not be built to the rules for a
vessel in lethal service if: 如果热交换器仅有一侧含有致命物质,则另一侧无需按照致命工况容器的规则进行建造,前提
(-a) exchanger tubes are seamless; or 交换器用管是无缝的; 或者
(-b) exchanger tubes conform to a tube specification permitted by this Division, are butt welded without addition of
filler metal, and receive in lieu of full radiography all of the following nondestructive testing and examination: 交换器用管
(-1) hydrotest in accordance with the applicable specification; 根据适用规范进行静水压试验;
(-2) pneumatic test under water in accordance with the applicable material specification, or if not specified, in
accordance with SA-688; 根据所适用之材料规范进行水下气压测试,或者如果没有指定时,则根据 SA-688第小段所述来水下气压测试;
(-3) ultrasonic or nondestructive electric examination of sufficient sensitivity to detect surface calibration
notches in any direction in accordance with SA-450, Section 25. 根据 SA-450 第 25 节超的规定,进行具有足够灵敏
No improvement in longitudinal joint efficiency is permitted because of the additional nondestructive tests. 不
(4) All elements of a combination vessel in contact with a lethal substance shall be constructed to the rules for lethal
When vessels are to operate below certain temperatures designated by Part UCS (see UCS-68), or impact tests of the
material or weld metal are required by Part UHA, the joints of various categories (see UW-3) shall be as follows: 当容器在 UCS
篇(参见 UCS-68)所指定的特定温度以下运行,或者 UHA 篇要求对材料或焊缝金属进行冲击试验时,则各种类别之接
头(参见 UW-3)应符合如下所述:
(1) All joints of Category A shall be Type No. (1) of Table UW-12 except that for austenitic chromium–nickel stainless
steel Types 304, 304L, 316, 316L, 321, and 347, which satisfy the requirements of UHA-51(f), Type No. (2) joints may be used.
除满足 UHA -51(f)所要求的奥氏体铬镍不锈钢 304、304L、316、316L、321 和 347 型可以采用 (2) 型接头外,所有 A 类
接头应为表 UW-12 的第 (1) 型接头。
All joints of Category B shall be Type No. (1) or No. (2) of Table UW-12. 所有 B 类接头应为表 UW-12 的第 (1)
型或第 (2) 型接头。
All joints of Category C shall be full penetration welds extending through the entire section at the joint. 所有 C 类接
(4) All joints of Category D shall be full penetration welds extending through the entire thickness of the vessel wall or
nozzle wall except that partial penetration welds may be used between materials listed in Table UHA-23 as follows: 所有 D 类接
头应为熔透整个容器壁厚或管嘴壁厚的全渗透焊缝,但表 UHA-23 所列材料在以下情况下可为部分渗透焊缝,:
(-a) for materials shown in UHA-51(d)(1)(-a) and UHA-51(d)(2)(-a) at minimum design metal temperatures
(MDMTs) of −320°F (−196°C) and warmer; 对于 UHA-51(d)(1)(-a) 和 UHA-51(d)(2)(-a) 中所述最小设计金属温度≥ 320°F (196°C)之材料;
(-b) for materials shown in UHA-51(d)(1)(-b) and UHA-51(d)(2)(-b) at MDMTs of −50°F (−45°C) and warmer.
对于 UHA-51(d)(1)(-b) 和 UHA-51(d)(2)(-b) 中所述最小设计金属温度 ≥ -50°F (-45°C)之材料。
Unfired steam boilers with design pressures exceeding 50 psi (343 kPa)shall satisfy all of the following requirements:
当设计压力超过 50 psi (343 kPa) 之非直接受火蒸汽锅炉应满足以下所有要求:
(1) All joints of Category A (see UW-3) shall be in accordance with Type No. (1) of Table UW-12, and all joints in
Category B shall be in accordance with Type No. (1) or No. (2) of Table UW-12. 所有 A 类接头(见 UW-3)应为符合表 UW12 的(1)型接头,所有 B 类接头应为表 UW-12 的(1)型或(2)型接头。
(2) All butt-welded joints shall be fully radiographed except under the provisions of UW-11(a)(4) and except for ERW
pipe weld seams. When using ERW pipe as the shell of an unfired steam boiler, its thickness shall not exceed ½ in. (13 mm), its
diameter shall not exceed 24 in. (DN 600), and the ERW weld shall be completed using high frequency (HFI) welding. 除了 UW11(a)(4) 的规定和 ERW 管中之焊缝外,所有对接焊缝均应进行 100%的射线检测。 当以 ERW 管作为非直接受火蒸汽锅
炉之壳体时,其厚度不应超过 24 in. (DN 600),且其直径不应超过 224 in. (DN 600),,并且 ERW 管中之焊缝应是以高频
( HFI)焊接所焊成的。
When fabricated of carbon or low-alloy steel, such vessels shall be postweld heat treated. 当容器是由碳钢或低合金
(4) See also U-1(g)(1), UG-16(b), and UG-150(d). 另请参见 U-1(g)(1)、UG-16(b) 和 UG-150(d)的规定。
Pressure vessels or parts subject to direct firing [see U-1(h)] may be constructed in accordance with all applicable rules
of this Division and shall meet the following requirements: 直接受火之压力容器或零部件 [见 U-1(h)] 可以按照本卷之所有适
(1) All welded joints in Category A (see UW-3) shall be in accordance with Type No. (1) of Table UW-12, and all
welded joints in Category B, when the thickness exceeds 5/8 in. (16 mm), shall be in accordance with Type No. (1) or No. (2) of
Table UW-12. No welded joints of Type No. (3) of Table UW-12 are permitted for either Category A or B joints in any thickness.
所有 A 类焊接接头 (请参阅 UW-3)应为符合表 UW-12 的 (1)型接头,且厚度大于 5/8 in. (16 mm)之所有 B 类焊接接头应
为符合表 UW-12 的 (1)型或号 (2)型接头。于任何厚度的 A 类或 B 类接头均不允许采用表 UW-12 中的 (3)型焊接接头。
(2) When the thickness at welded joints exceeds 5/8 in. (16 mm) for carbon (P No. 1) steels and for all thicknesses for
low alloy steels (other than P-No. 1 steels), postweld heat treatment is required. For all other material and in any thickness, the
requirements for postweld heat treatment shall be in conformance with the applicable Subsections of this Division. See also U1(h), UG-16(b), and UCS-56. 当碳钢 (P-No. 1 ) 和所有厚度之低合金钢 (P-No. 1 钢除外)之焊接接头处的厚度大于 5/8 in.
(16 mm)时,均须进行焊后热处理。对于所有其他材料和任何厚度的焊后热处理则应符合本卷相应分卷的要求,另请参
阅 U-1(h)、UG-16(b) 和 UCS-56。
(3) The user, his designated agent, or the Manufacturer of the vessel shall make available to the Inspector the
calculations used to determine the design temperature of the vessel. The provisions of UG-20 shall apply except that pressure
parts in vessel areas having joints other than Type Nos. (1) and (2) of Table UW-12, subject to direct radiation and/or the products
of combustion, shall be designed for temperatures not less than the maximum surface metal temperatures expected under
operating conditions. 用户、用户委托方或容器制造商应向授权检验师应向检验师提供用于确认容器设计温度且符合 UG20 之规定的计算结果,但容器区域中具有除表 UW-12 类型 (1) 和 (2) 以外的接头、受到直接受辐射和/或燃烧产物影响
The term “Category” as used herein defines the location of a joint in a vessel, but not the type of joint. The “Categories”
established by this paragraph are for use elsewhere in this Division in specifying special requirements regarding joint type and
degree of inspection for certain
Figure UW-3 Illustration of Welded Joint Locations Typical of Categories A, B, C, and
welded pressure joints. Since these
special requirements, which are
D 图 UW-3 A、B、C 和 D 类焊接接头的典型位置示意图
based on service, material, and
thickness, do not apply to every
welded joint, only those joints to
which special requirements apply
are included in the categories. The
special requirements will apply to
joints of a given category only when
specifically so stated. The joints
included in each category are
designated as Category A, B, C, and
D joints below. Figure UW-3
illustrates typical joint locations
included in each category. Welded
joints not defined by the category
designations include but are not limited to Figure 5-1, sketches (a), (c), and (d) corner joints; Figure 9-5 jacket-closure-toshell
welds; and Figure 26-13 fillet welds. Unless limited elsewhere in this Division, the UW-9(a) permissible weld joint types may be
used with welded joints that are not assigned a category. 本文所用术语 “分类”定义了接头在容器中的位置,但不定义接头的
类型。 本节所建立的 “类别”适用于本卷相关章节,用于规定有关某些乘压焊接接头的接头类型和检查程度的特殊要
求。 由于这些基于用途、材料和厚度的特殊要求并不适用于每个焊接接头,因此只有那些适用特殊要求的接头才包含
在这些类别中。 仅当明确说明时,特殊要求才适用于给定类别的接头。 下文将每个类别中所涉接头指定为 A、B、C 和
D 类接头。 图 UW-3 显示了每种类别中所涉典型接头的位置。 未按类别名称定义之焊接接头包括但不限于图 5-1中草图
(a)、(c) 和 (d) 所示的角接接头、图 9-5 所示的夹套-封闭-壳体焊缝和图26-13 所示的填角焊缝。 除非本卷相关章节另有
限制,否则 UW-9(a) 所许用之焊接接头类型可以与未指定类别之焊接接头一起使用。
(a) Category A. Longitudinal and spiral welded joints within the main shell, communicating chambers, 43 transitions in
diameter, or nozzles; any welded joint within a sphere, within a formed or flat head, or within the side plates 44 of a flat-sided
vessel; any butt-welded joint within a flat tubesheet; circumferential welded joints connecting hemispherical heads to main shells,
to transitions in diameters, to nozzles, or to communicating chambers. 43 A 类焊接接头。主壳体、连通室 43、 变径段或管嘴上
之纵向和螺旋焊接接头;球壳、成型封头或扁平封头或箱形容器之侧板 44 上之任何焊接接头;平管板之任何焊接接头;
将半球形封头连接到主壳体、变径段、管嘴或连通室之环向焊接接头均属于 A 类焊接接头。 43
(b) Category B. Circumferential welded joints within the main shell, communicating chambers, 43 nozzles, or transitions in
diameter including joints between the transition and a cylinder at either the large or small end; circumferential welded joints
connecting formed heads other than hemispherical to main shells, to transitions in diameter, to nozzles, or to communicating
chambers.43 Circumferential welded joints are butt joints if the half-apex angle, α, is equal to or less than 30 deg and angle joints
when α is greater than 30 deg. (See Figure UW-3.) B 类焊接接头。主壳体、连通室 43、 管嘴或变径段上之环向焊接接头,
包括过渡段大端或小端与圆筒形壳体间的接头均属于 B 类焊接接头;将非半球形成型封头连接到主壳体、变径段、管嘴
或连通室 43 之环向焊接接头,以及当半顶角 α ≤ 30o 时之环向对接接头,α 大于 30o 时之角接接头 (见图 UW-3) 亦属于 B
(c) Category C. Welded joints connecting flanges, lap joint stub ends, tubesheets, diffusion welded plate packs, or flat heads
to main shell, to formed heads, to transitions in diameter, to nozzles, or to communicating chambers43 any welded joint
connecting one side plate44 to another side plate of a flat-sided vessel. C 类焊接接头。用于将法兰、搭接短焊颈法兰、管板、
之其中一侧板与另一侧板连接在一起之任何焊接接头均属于 C 类焊接接头。
(d) Category D. Welded joints connecting communicating chambers43 or nozzles to main shells, to spheres, to transitions in
diameter, to heads, or to flat-sided vessels, and those joints connecting nozzles to communicating chambers 43 (for nozzles at the
small end of a transition in diameter, see Category B). D 类焊接接头。用于将连通室或管嘴连接到主壳体、球壳、变径段、
封头或箱形容器之焊接接头,以及将管嘴连接到连通室的接头均属于 D 类焊接接头 (但,位于直径过渡小端之管嘴的接
头属于 B 类接头)。
(a) Pressure Parts. Materials used in the construction of welded pressure vessels shall comply with the requirements for
materials given in UG-4 through UG-15, and shall be proven of weldable quality. Satisfactory qualification of the welding
procedure under Section IX is considered as proof. 承压零部件。 用于制造焊接压力容器之材料应符合 UG-4 至 UG-15 中所
给出的材料要求,并应证明该材料具有可焊接的质量。 根据第 IX 卷对焊接方法的合格评定可被视为具有可焊性的佐证
(b) Nonpressure Parts. Materials used for nonpressure parts that are welded to the pressure vessel shall be proven of
weldable quality as described below. 非承压零部件。 用于焊接到压力容器之非承压零部件的材料应证明其具有如下所述
(1) For material identified in accordance with UG-10, UG-11, UG-15, or UG-93, satisfactory qualification of the
welding procedure under Section IX is considered as proof of weldable quality. 第 IX 卷中焊接工艺的合格鉴定被视为按 UG10、UG-11、UG-15 或 UG-93 进行识别之材料具可焊接质量的佐证文件。
(2) For materials not identifiable in accordance with UG-10, UG-11, UG-15, or UG-93, but identifiable as to nominal
chemical analysis and mechanical properties, P-Number under Section IX, Table QW/QB-422, or to a material specification not
permitted in this Division, satisfactory qualification of the welding procedure under Section IX is considered as proof of weldable
quality. For materials identified by P-Numbers, the provisions of Section IX, Table QW/QB-422 may be followed for welding
procedure qualification. The welding procedure need only be qualified once for a given nominal chemical analysis and
mechanical properties or material specification not permitted in this Division. 当无法根据 UG-10、UG-11、UG-15 或 UG-93
进行识别,但可以根据标称化学分析和机械性能进行识别时,请采用第 IX 卷表 QW/QB-422 中的 P-No.,或本卷不允许
之材料规格可通过第 IX 卷中焊接规程的合格评定来取得其具有可焊接质量的证明。 用 P-No.进行标识之材料可遵循第
IX 卷表 QW/QB-422 的规定进行焊接规程评定。 对于本卷不允许之给定标称化学分析和机械性能或材料规格而言,焊
(3) Materials that cannot be identified are to be considered as unassigned material and qualified per the requirements of
Section IX. 无法辨认之材料将被视为未指定 P -No. 之材料并可按第 IX 卷之要求评定认可的材料。
Two materials of different specifications may be joined by welding provided the requirements of Section IX are met.两
种不同规格之材料,只要它们在焊接时所遵循之 WPS 满足第 IX 卷的要求,则可依据该份 WPS 进行连接。
(d) Materials joined by the electroslag and electrogas welding processes shall be limited to ferritic steels and the following
austenitic steels which are welded to produce a ferrite containing weld metal: SA-240 Types 304, 304L, 316, and 316L; SA-182
F304, F304L, F316, and F316L; SA-351 CF3, CF3A, CF3M, CF8, CF8A, and CF8M. 通过电渣焊和电气焊工艺所连接之材料
应仅限于铁素体钢和焊后之焊缝金属中含铁素体的以下奥氏体钢:SA-240 304、304L、316 和 316L ; SA-182 F304、
F304L、F316 和 F316L; SA-351 CF3、CF3A、CF3M、CF8、CF8A 和 CF8M。
Welding of SA-841 by the electroslag or electrogas welding process is prohibited. 禁止以电渣或电气焊工艺来对 SA-
841 进行焊接。
(f) Materials joined by the inertia and continuous drive friction welding processes shall be limited to materials assigned PNumbers in Section IX and shall not include rimmed or semikilled steel. 通过惯性和连续驱动摩擦焊接方法所连接之材料应
仅限于在第 IX 卷中已指定 P-No.的材料,但不应包括沸腾钢和半镇静钢。
The Manufacturer is responsible for the selection of welding consumables and welding processes. These nonmandatory guidelines
for welding material selections are intended to achieve suitable vessel performance for the intended service conditions, but may
not be appropriate for every condition in the absence of specific technical reasons to do otherwise. The user or his designated
agent should inform the Manufacturer when a specific filler metal selection is necessary to achieve satisfactory vessel
performance for the intended service conditions. 制造商负责选择焊接材料和焊接工艺。 这些焊接材料选择的非强制性指南
旨在实现预期使用条件下合适的容器性能,但在没有具体技术原因的情况下,可能并不适合每种情况。 当需要选择特
(a) The tensile strength of the weld should equal or exceed that of the base metals to be joined. When base metals of
different strengths are to be joined by welding, the tensile strength of the weld metal should equal or exceed that of the weaker of
the two base metals. 焊缝的抗拉强度应等于或超过待连接母材的抗拉强度。 当不同强度之母材通过焊接连接时,焊缝金
(b) When considerations such as corrosion resistance, toughness, or fatigue resistance require selecting welding
consumables or processes that produce weld joints of a lesser strength than either of the base metals, the strength of the resulting
joint should be reviewed and the design adjusted as appropriate for the intended service conditions. 当当耐蚀性、韧性或抗疲劳
度,并根据预期使用条件调整设计 。
(c) When welding materials of like composition, the nominal composition of the weld metal should be analogous to the
nominal composition of the base metal, except when creep or corrosion performance is an overriding consideration. 当焊接具有
(d) When welding materials of different nominal composition, the nominal composition of the weld metal should be
analogous to one of the base metals, or be of an acceptable alternative composition. 当焊接不同标称成分之材料时,焊缝金属
(e) When joining nonferrous base metals, filler metal selections should follow the recommendations of the manufacturer of
the nonferrous metal or applicable industry associations. 连接有色母材时,焊料的选择应遵循有色金属制造商或适用行业协
Figure UW-9-1 Butt Welding of Plates of Unequal Thickness 图UW-9-1 不等厚板材的对接焊
Taper either inside or
(a) ℓ ≥ 3y, where ℓ is the required length of taper and y is the offset between the adjacent surfaces of abutting sections. ℓ ≥ 3y,
(b) Length of required taper, ℓ, may include the width of the weld. 所需削斜长度 ℓ可包含焊缝宽度
(c) In all cases, ℓ shall be not less than 3y. 在所有情况下,ℓ都不应小于3y
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the design of pressure vessels and vessel parts that are fabricated by
welding and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Design in Subsection A, and with the specific
requirements for Design in Subsection C that pertain to the class of material used. 以下各节中之规则专门适用于通过焊接所制
造而成之压力容器和容器零部件的设计,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中的设计通用要求以及 C 分卷中针对所用材料类
(a) Permissible Types. The types of welded joints permitted for Category A, B, C, and D joints are listed in Table UW-12,
together with the limiting plate thickness permitted for each type. Other types of welded joints are specifically allowed in this
Subsection. Only butt-type joints may be used with the permitted welding processes in UW-27 that include the application of
pressure. 许用类型。 表 UW-12 列出了 A、B、C 和 D 类接头的许用焊接接头类型以及每种类型所允许的受限板厚。 本
分卷特别允许采用其他类型的焊接接头。 仅对接型接头可用于 UW-27 中包括施加压力的许用焊接方法。
(b) Welding Grooves. The dimensions and shape of the edges to be joined shall be such as to permit complete fusion and
complete joint penetration. Qualification of the welding procedure, as required in UW-28, is acceptable as proof that the welding
groove is satisfactory. 坡口焊。 待连接边缘之尺寸和形状应可全熔合和全渗透。 按照 UW-28 的要求,焊接规程的评定可
Tapered Transitions 削斜过渡
(1) A tapered transition having a length not less than three times the offset between the adjacent surfaces of abutting
sections, as shown in Figure UW-9-1, shall be provided at joints between sections that differ in thickness by more than one-fourth
of the thickness of the thinner section, or by more than 1/8 in. (3 mm), whichever is less. The transition may be formed by any
process that will provide a uniform taper. When the transition is formed by removing material from the thicker section, the
minimum thickness of that section, after the material is removed, shall not be less than that required by UG-23(c). When the
transition is formed by adding additional weld metal beyond what would otherwise be the edge of the weld, such additional weld
metal buildup shall be subject to the requirements of UW-42. The butt weld may be partly or entirely in the tapered section or
adjacent to it. This paragraph also applies when there is a reduction in thickness within a spherical shell or cylindrical shell course
and to a taper at a Category A joint within a formed head. Provisions for tapers at circumferential, butt welded joints connecting
formed heads to main shells are contained in UW-13. 如图 UW-9-1 所示,在厚度差大于较薄截面之厚度四分之一或超过 1/8
in. (3 mm) (取两值之较小者)时,截面间的接缝处应设置长度不小于与对接截面相邻之表面间错边量之三倍的削斜过渡
段。该过渡段可以通过提供一致斜度的任何工艺形成。 当通过去除较厚截面之材料来形成过渡时,去除材料后之该截
面的最小厚度不应小于 UG-23(c) 的要求。 当通过在焊缝边缘之外添加额外的焊缝金属来形成过渡时,此类额外的焊缝
金属堆积应符合 UW-42 的要求。 对接焊缝可以部分或全部位于削斜过渡段中或与其相邻。 当在球壳或筒节内以及成型
封头内之 A 类接头处进行厚度削薄时,也应符合本节的要求。 UW-13 中包含了将成型封头连接到主壳体之周向对接焊
(2) The centerline of a butt weld attaching a component (flange, pipe, etc.) to a thickened neck nozzle that has a taper
transition angle, α, less than 71.5 deg shall be located a minimum of 1.5𝑡𝑛 from the taper (see Figure UW-9-2), where 𝑡𝑛 is the
nominal thickness of the nozzle wall at the butt weld. 将组件(法兰、钢管等)连接至削斜过渡角 α 小于 71.5 度的焊颈加厚
管嘴的对接焊缝中心线与削斜过渡间之距离应至少为 1.5𝑡𝑛 (见图 UW-9-2),此处 𝑡𝑛 是对接焊缝处管嘴壁的公称厚度。
Except when the longitudinal joints are
Figure UW-9-2 Butt Welding of Components to Thickened Neck
radiographed 4 in. (100 mm) each side of each
Nozzles图 UW-9-2 将组件连接到焊颈部加厚之管嘴的对接焊
circumferential welded intersection, vessels made up of two
or more courses shall have the centers of the welded
Flange, pipe, cap, or other
longitudinal joints of adjacent courses staggered or
separated by a distance of at least five times the thickness of
the thicker plate. 除非要对纵向接头在与每个环向焊缝交
叉点的每侧 4 in. (100 mm)处进行射线检测,否则由两个
接头的中心错开或间隔至少为较厚板厚度的 5 倍。
Lap Joints. For lapped joints, the surface
overlap shall be not less than four times the thickness of the
inner plate except as otherwise provided for heads in UW-
of butt weld
13. 搭接接头。搭接接头之搭接面宽度应不小于内板厚
度的 4 倍,除非 UW-13 中对封头另有规定。
(f) Welded Joints Subject to Bending Stresses. Except
where specific details are permitted in other paragraphs,
fillet welds shall be added where necessary to reduce stress
concentration. Corner joints, with fillet welds only, shall not
be used unless the plates forming the corner are properly
Thickened neck
supported independently of such welds. (See UW-18.) 承受弯曲应力的焊接接头。 除非其他段落中所允许的具体细节,否
则应在必要时添饰面面填角焊缝以减少应力集中。 不应采用仅采用填角焊缝的角接接头,除非形成该角接接头之板材
得到不取决于此类焊缝的适当支撑(参见 UW-18)。
(g) Minimum Weld Sizes. Sizing of fillet and partial penetration welds shall take into consideration the loading conditions in
UG-22 but shall not be less than the minimum sizes specified elsewhere in this Division. 最小焊缝尺寸。填角焊缝和部分熔透
焊缝的尺寸应顾及 UG-22 中的载荷条件,但不应小于本卷相关章节所规定的最小尺寸。
Figure UW-9-3 Butt Welding With One Plate Edge Offset 图 UW-9-3 单板偏置的对接焊
2-1/2t maximum, 1t minimum
Bevel optional开槽
Simulated head contour
Simulated head contour
Avoid sharp break避免急弯
Depth of offset偏置深度 = 𝑡1
As desired根据实际需求而定
1-1/2t minimum
(h) Offset Joints. Shell courses may be joined to one another or to a dished head by butt welds having one plate offset as
shown in Figure UW-9-3. The weld bead may be deposited on the inside of the vessel only when the weld is accessible for
inspection after the vessel is completed. The offset shall be smooth and symmetrical and shall not be machined or otherwise
reduced in thickness through the conical portion of the offset. The thickness of the shaded area may be less than the required
thickness of the offset component when acting solely as a backing strip for the weld joint. There shall be a uniform force fit with
the mating section at the root of the weld. 折弯偏置接头。 图 UW-9-3 所示,筒节可以通过具有单板折弯偏置的对接焊缝彼
此连接或连接到碟形封头如。 仅当容器完工后焊缝可供检验时,焊道才可以沉积在容器内部。 该折弯偏置段应光滑且
对称,并且不应通过机加工或以其他方式通过偏置的圆锥形部减少厚度。 当单独用作焊缝的背衬条时,图 UW-9-3 所示
阴影区域的厚度可能小具有该折弯偏置段之组件的所需厚度。 焊缝根部的配合段应具有一致的配合力。
Definitions 定义
t = nominal thickness of offset shell or head in Figure UW-9-3. 图 UW-9-3 中折弯偏置之壳体或封头的标称厚度
𝑡1 = nominal thickness of shell or head attached to offset in Figure UW-9-3. 连接到图 UW-9-3 中折弯偏置接头之
Should the offset contain a longitudinal joint, the following shall apply: 如果折弯偏置接头包含纵向接缝时,宜符
(-a) The longitudinal weld within the area of the offset shall be ground substantially flush with the parent metal
prior to the offsetting operation. 在折弯偏置操作之前,在待折弯成偏置接头区域内之纵向焊缝应打磨至与母材大体
(-b) The longitudinal weld from the edge of the plate through the offset shall be examined by either the magnetic
particle or liquid penetrant method after the offsetting operation. Cracks and crack-like defects are unacceptable and shall
be repaired or removed. 折弯偏置操作后,从板边缘到所折弯偏置之纵向焊缝应采用磁粉或液渗透方法进行检测。
For joints connecting hemispherical heads to shells, the following shall apply: 用于将半球形封头连接到壳体上之
(-a) t or 𝑡1 = 3/8 in. (10 mm) maximum. t 或𝑡1 之最大厚度等于3/8 in. (10 mm)
(-b) Maximum difference in thickness between t or 𝑡1 = 3/32 in. (2.5 mm). 封头和壳体之t 或 𝒕𝟏 间的最大厚度差异
为3/8 in. (10 mm)
(-c) Use of Figure UW-9-3 for joints connecting hemispherical heads to shells shall be noted in the “Remarks”
section of the Manufacturer’s Data Report. 如图 UW-9-3所示,用于将半球形封头连接到壳体上之接头应在制造商数
(4) For joints connecting other dished heads to shells, the distance between the shell edge that is not offset and the
tangent of the head knuckle shall be not less than 3t. 其他锥形封头与壳体之连接处,无偏折弯偏置之壳体边缘与封头转角区
之切线间的距离不应小于 3t。
Pressure vessels and pressure vessel parts shall be postweld heat treated as prescribed in UW-40 when postweld heat treatment is
required in the applicable part of Subsection C. 当C 分卷之适用篇要求进行焊后热处理时,则压力容器和零部件应按照
UW-40 的规定进行焊后热处理。
Full Radiography. The following welded joints shall be examined radiographically for their full length in the manner
prescribed in UW-51: 100%射线检测。以下焊接接头应按照 UW-51 所规定的方式进行 100%射线检测:
all butt welds in the shell and heads of vessels used to contain lethal substances [see UW-2(a)]; 用于盛装致死物质
之容器的壳体和封头中的所有对接焊缝 [见 UW-2(a)];
(2) all butt welds in the shell and heads of vessels in which the nominal thickness [see (g) below] at the welded joint
exceeds 11/2 in. (38 mm), or exceeds the lesser thicknesses prescribed in UCS-57, UNF-57, UHA-33, UCL-35, or UCL-36 for the
materials covered therein, or as otherwise prescribed in UHT-57, ULW-51, ULW-52(d), ULW-54, or ULT-57; 容器壳体和封头
中之所有对接焊缝,其焊接接头处的标称厚度[参见下文 (g)] 超过 1/2 in. (38 mm),或超过 UCS-57、UNF-57、UHA-33、
UCL-35 或 UCL-36 中对所涵盖之材料所规定的较小厚度,或 UHT-57、ULW-51、ULW-52(d)、ULW-54 或 ULT-57 中另
all butt welds in the shell and heads of unfired steam boilers having design pressures 具有如下设计压力之非直接
(-a) exceeding 50 psi (350 kPa) [see UW-2(c)]; 设计压力超过50 psi (350 kPa) [见 UW-2(c)];
(-b) not exceeding 50 psi (350 kPa) [see UW-2(c)] but with nominal thickness at the welded joint exceeding the
thickness specified in (2) above; 设计压力不超过 50 psi (350 kPa) [请参阅 UW-2(c)], 但焊接接头之标称厚度大于上
述 (2) 所规定之厚度;
(4) all butt welds in nozzles, communicating chambers, etc., with the nominal thickness at the welded joint that exceeds
the thickness in (2) above or attached to the shell or heads of vessels under (1)or (3) above that are required to be fully
radiographed; however, except as required by UHT-57(a), Category B and C butt welds in nozzles and communicating chambers
that neither exceed NPS 10 (DN 250) nor 1 1/8 in. (29 mm) wall thickness do not require any radiographic examination; 管嘴、连
所述容器壳体或封头上且需要进行 100%射线检测的所有对接焊缝;当标称直径既不超过不超过 NPS 10 (DN 250) 而壁
厚也不超过 11/8 in. in. (29 mm)之管嘴和连通室中的 B 类和 C 类对接焊缝不要求射线检测,但 UHT-57(a)之要求除外;
all Category A and D butt welds in the shell and heads of vessels where the design of the joint or part is based on a
joint efficiency permitted by UW-12(a), in which case: 容器壳体和封头中之所有 A 类和 D 类对接焊缝,而该容器壳体和封
头中之此类接头或零部件设计是基于 UW-12(a) 所允许之接头效率,在这种情况下,接头应满足如下规定:
(-a) Category A and B welds connecting the shell or heads of vessels shall be of Type No. (1) or Type No. (2) of
Table UW-12; 连接容器壳体或封头之 A 类和 B 类焊缝应为表 UW-12 的 (1) 型或第 (2) 型接头;
(-b) Category B or C butt welds [but not including those in nozzles and communicating chambers except as required
in (4) above] which intersect the Category A butt welds in the shell or heads of vessels or connect seamless vessel shell or
heads shall, as a minimum, meet the requirements for spot radiography in accordance with UW-52. Spot radiographs
required by this paragraph shall not be used to satisfy the spot radiography rules as applied to any other weld increment. 与
容器壳体或封头中之A 类对接焊缝相交或与用于连接无缝容器壳体或封头之对接焊缝相交之B 类或 C 类对接焊缝
[但不包括管嘴和连通室中的对接焊缝,除非上述 (4) 中有要求者] 应至少满足 UW-52 中抽样射线检测的要求。 本
(6) all butt welds joined by electrogas welding with any single pass greater than 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) and all butt welds
joined by electroslag welding; 采用电气焊和电渣进行连接且焊接过过程中之任何单焊道大于 11/2 in. (38 mm)的所有对接焊
all Category A welds in a tubesheet shall be of Type (1) of Table UW-12; 管板上之所有 A 类焊缝应为表 UW-12
(8) exemptions from radiographic examination for certain welds in nozzles and communicating chambers as described in
(2), (4), and (5) above take precedence over the radiographic requirements of Subsection C of this Division. 上文(2)、(4) 和 (5)
所述管嘴和连通室中某些焊缝可豁免射线检测的规则优先于本卷 C 分卷的射线检测要求。
(b) Spot Radiography. Except when spot radiography is required for Category B or C butt welds by (a)(5)(-b) above, buttwelded joints made in accordance with Type No. (1) or (2) of Table UW-12 which are not required to be fully radiographed by (a)
above, may be examined by spot radiography. Spot radiography shall be in accordance with UW-52. If spot radiography is
specified for the entire vessel, radiographic examination is not required of Category B and C butt welds in nozzles and
communicating chambers that exceed neither NPS 10 (DN 250) nor 1 1/8 in. (29 mm) wall thickness. 抽样射线检测。 除上述
(a)(5)(-b) 要求对 B 类或 C 类对接焊缝进行抽样射线检测外,按照表 UW-12 之类型 (1) 或 (2) 所焊成之对接焊缝, 如果
是上述 (a) 不要求进行 100%射线检测之焊缝,应按 UW-52 之规定来进行抽样射线检测。 如果指定对整个容器进行抽样
射线检测,则无需对壁厚既不超过 NPS 10 (DN 250)又不超过 11/8 in. (29 mm)之管嘴和连通室中之 B 类和 C 类对接焊缝
NOTE: This requirement specifies spot radiography for butt welds of Type No. (1) or No. (2) that are used in a vessel, but
does not preclude the use of fillet and/or corner welds permitted by other paragraphs, such as for nozzle and manhole
attachments, welded stays, flat heads, etc., which need not be spot radiographed. 注:本要求规定了容器中所用(1)型或
No Radiography. Except as required in (a) above, no radiographic examination of welded joints is required when the
vessel or vessel part is designed for external pressure only, or when the joint design complies with UW-12(c). 0% 射线检测。 除
上述 (a) 中的要求外,当容器或容器零部件仅设计用于承受外部压力时,或当接头设计符合 UW-12(c) 时,则不需要对
(d) Electrogas welds in ferritic materials with any single pass greater than 1 1/2 in. (38 mm) and electroslag welds in ferritic
materials shall be ultrasonically examined throughout their entire length in accordance with the requirements of Mandatory
Appendix 12. This ultrasonic examination shall be done following the grain refining (austenitizing) heat treatment or postweld
heat treatment.
铁素体材料中任何单道大于 11/2 in. (38 mm)的气电焊焊缝和铁素体材料中的电渣焊焊缝应根据强制性附录 12 的要求在其
全长度上进行超声波检测。应晶粒细化(奥氏体化)热处理或焊后热处理之后材进行超声波检测 。
(e) In addition to the requirements in (a) and (b) above, all welds made by the electron beam or laser beam process shall be
ultrasonically examined for their entire length in accordance with the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 12. Ultrasonic
examination may be waived if the following conditions are met: 除上述(a)和(b)中的要求外,所有采用电子束或激光束
工艺制成的焊缝均应按照强制性附录 12 的要求进行全长度超声波检测,但满足以下条件之此类焊缝可免除超声波检
The nominal thickness at the welded joint does not exceed 1/4 in. (6 mm). 焊接接头处之标称厚度不超过 1/4 in. (6
(2) For ferromagnetic materials, the welds are either examined by the magnetic particle examination technique in
accordance with Mandatory Appendix 6 or examined by the liquid penetrant examination technique in accordance with
Mandatory Appendix 8.
铁磁材料中之焊缝要么按照强制性附录 6 采用磁粉探伤技术进行检测,要么按照强制性附录 8 采用液透检验技术进行检
For nonferromagnetic materials, the welds are examined by the liquid penetrant examination technique in accordance
with Mandatory Appendix 8. 非铁磁材料中之焊缝按照强制性附录 8 采用液渗透检测技术进行检测。
(f) When radiography is required for a welded joint in accordance with (a) and (b) above, and the weld is made by the
inertia and continuous drive friction welding processes, the welded joints shall also be ultrasonically examined for their entire
length in accordance with Mandatory Appendix 12. 当按照上述(a)和(b)之要求对焊接接头进行射线检测,并且焊接是
通过惯性和连续驱动摩擦焊接工艺进行时,该焊接接头还应按照强制性附录 12 对全长度进行超声波检测 。
(g) For radiographic and ultrasonic examination of butt welds, the definition of nominal thickness at the welded joint under
consideration shall be the nominal thickness of the thinner of the two parts joined. Nominal thickness is defined in 3-2. 用于对接
标称厚度之定义见强制性附录 3-2 。
Table UW-12 gives the joint efficiencies, E, to be used in the equations of this Division for welded joints. Except as required by
UW-11(a)(5), a joint efficiency depends only on the type of joint and on the extent of examination of the joint and does not
depend on the extent of examination of any other joint. The user or his designated agent [see U-2(a)] shall establish the type of
joint and the extent of examination when the rules of this Division do not mandate specific requirements. Rules for determining
the applicability of the efficiencies are found in the various paragraphs covering design equations [for example, see UG-24(a) and
UG-27]. For further guidance, see Nonmandatory Appendix L. 表 UW-12 给出了本卷焊接接头方程中所采用的接头系数 E。
除 UW-11(a)(5) 的要求外,接头系数仅取决于该接头的类型和无损检测程度,而与任何其他接头的无损检测程度无关。
当本卷规则没有明确要求时,用户或其指委托方 [参见U-2(a)]应确定接头类型和无损检测程度。 确定接头系数适用性的
规则可在涉及设计方程的各个段落中找到 [例如 UG-24(a) 和 UG-27中所出之设计方程]。 如需进一步指引则请参阅非强
制性附录 L。
(a) A value of E not greater than that given in column (a) of Table UW-12 shall be used in the design calculations for fully
radiographed butt joints [see UW-11(a)], except that when the requirements of UW-11(a)(5) are not met, a value of E not greater
than that given in column (b) of Table UW-12 shall be used. 在 100%射线检测对接接头的设计计算中,应取不大于表 UW12 中 (a) 栏所给出的 E 值 [参见 UW-11(a)],若无法满足 UW-11(a)(5)的要求时,则应取不大于表 UW-12 中 (b) 栏所给出
(b) A value of E not greater than that given in column (b) of Table UW-12 shall be used in the design calculations for spot
radiographed butt-welded joints [see UW-11(b)]. 在进行抽样射线检测之对接焊缝的设计计算中,应取不大于表 UW-12 中
(b) 栏中所给出的 E 值 [参见 UW-11(b)]。
(c) A value of E not greater than that given in column (c) of Table UW-12 shall be used in the design calculations for
welded joints that are neither fully radiographed nor spot radiographed [see UW-11(c)]. 对于既没有 100% 射线检测也没有抽
样射线检测之焊接接头而言,在设计计算中应取不大于表 UW-12 中(c) 栏所给出的 E 值 [参见 UW-11(c)]。
(d) Seamless vessel sections or heads shall be considered equivalent to welded parts of the same geometry in which all
Category A welds are Type No. 1. For calculations involving circumferential stress in seamless vessel sections or for thickness of
seamless heads, E = 1.0 when the spot radiography requirements of UW-11(a)(5)(-b) are met. E = 0.85 when the spot radiography
requirements of UW-11(a)(5)(-b) are not met, or when the Category A or B welds connecting seamless vessel sections or heads
are Type No. 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 of Table UW-12. 无缝容器筒节或封头应被视为等效于具有相同几何形状之制零部件,且筒节
或封头中之所有 A 类焊缝均为 1 型时,则对于涉及无缝容器筒节中的环向应力或无缝封头厚度的计算,且当抽样射线
检测满足 UW-11(a)(5)(-b) 的射线检测要求时,则 E 取值为 1.0 ; 当抽样射线检测不满足 UW-11(a)(5)(-b) 的要求时,或
者当连接无缝容器筒节或封头的 A 类或 B 类焊缝为表 UW-12 中的 3、4、5 、6 或 8 型时,E 取值为 0.85。
(e) Welded pipe or tubing shall be treated in the same manner as seamless, but with allowable tensile stress taken from the
welded product values of the stress tables, and the requirements of (d) applied. 焊制管材应以与无缝的相同方式处理,但许用
拉伸应力取自应力表中符合 (d) 之要求的焊制产品许用拉伸应力值。
(f) A value of E not greater than 0.80 may be used in the equations of this Division for joints completed by any of the
permitted welding processes in UW-27 that include the application of pressure, except for electric resistance welding, provided
the welding process used is permitted by the rules in the applicable parts of Subsection C for the material being welded. The
quality of such welds used in vessels or parts of vessels shall be proved as follows: Test specimens shall be representative of the
production welding on each vessel. They may be removed from the shell itself or from a prolongation of the shell including the
longitudinal joint, or, in the case of vessels not containing a longitudinal joint, from a test plate of the same material and thickness
as the vessel and welded in accordance with the same procedure. One reducedsection tension test and two side-bend tests shall be
made in accordance with, and shall meet the requirements of Section IX, QW-150 and QW-160. 对于通过 UW-27 中任何许用
焊接方法(包括施加压力,但电阻焊除外)所焊制成之接头,本卷方程中可以取不大于 0.80 的 E 值,前提是所用焊接
方法是 C 分卷适用篇对被焊接材料之规则所许用的焊接方法。 容器或容器零部件中所用此类焊缝的质量应按如下方式
证实: 试样应代表每个容器上的生产焊缝,试样可以从壳体本身或包括纵向接缝之壳体延长段上取下,或者,在容器
不包含纵向接缝的情况下,从与容器相同材料和厚度之试板上按照用同样的程序取下。 应按照第 IX 卷 QW-150 和 QW160 的要求进行一次缩截面拉伸试验和两次侧弯试验,且结果应满足第 IX 卷 QW-150 和 QW-160 的要求。
Table UW-12 Maximum Allowable Joint Efñciencies for Welded Joints 表 UW-12 焊接接头之最大许用接头系数
Extent of Radiographic or Ultrasonic
Examination 射线或超声波的检测程度
[Note (1)], [Note (2)], [Note (3)]
No. 接
Joint Description接头型式说明
Butt joints welded from both sides, or from one side only without a
permanent backing strip, that are verified as having achieved full
Joint (a) Full100% (b) Spot 抽
Category 射线检测 样射线检测
接头类别 [Note (4)]
[Note (5)]
A, B, C,
and D
(c) None无
penetration and fusion as required by UW-35. 从两侧焊接之对接
达到 UW-35 所要求之全熔透和全熔合。
Butt joints welded from one side only with a permanent backing strip
that achieves full penetration and fusion as required by UW-35. 仅
从一侧焊接且带有永久背衬条之对接接头,经验证已达到 UW-
For circumferential butt joints with one plate offset, the nominal thickness A, B, C,
shall not exceed 5/8 in. (16 mm). See UW-9(h) and Figure UW-9-3
and D
对于带有单板折弯偏移之环向对接接头,标称厚度不应超过 5/8
in. (16 mm), 参见 UW-9(h) 和图 UW-9-3。
35 所要求的全熔透和全熔合。
Butt joints welded from one side only without a permanent backing strip Circumferential butt joints only, not over 5/8 in. (16 mm) thick and not
A, B, and
that cannot be verified as having achieved full penetration and
over 24 in. (600 mm) outside diameter厚度不超过 5/8 in. (16 mm)、 C
fusion as required by UW-35. 仅从一侧焊接且无永久性背衬条之
外径不超过 24 in. (600 mm) 之环向对接接头
对接接头,无法验证是否已实现 UW-35 所要求的全熔透和全熔
Double full fillet lap joint that meets the requirements of UW-36. 符合 Longitudinal joints not over 3/8 in. (10 mm) thick 纵向接缝厚度不超过
UW-36 所要求的双边满填角搭接接头。
B and C
Circumferential joints not over 5/8 in. (16 mm) thick 环向接缝厚度不超 [Note (6)]
过 5/8 in. (16 mm)
(a) Circumferential joints [Note (7)] for attachment of heads not over 24 B
in. (600 mm) outside diameter to shells not over 1/2 in. (13 mm) thick
meets the requirements of UW-36. 带塞焊之单面满填角搭接接头
用于将外径不超过 24 in. (600 mm)之封头连接到厚度不超过 11/2
除应符合 UW-17 的要求外,还应符合 UW-36 的要求。
in. (13 mm) 之壳体上的环向接头[注(7)]
(b) Circumferential joints for the attachment to shells of jackets not over
5/8in. (16 mm) in nominal thickness where the distance from the center
of the plug weld to the edge o f the plate is not less than 1-1/2 times the
Single full fillet lap joints with plug welds conforming to UW-17 that
diameter of the hole for the plug. 用于连接夹套壳体之环向接头的公
称厚度不超过 5/8in. (16 mm) ,其中塞焊缝中心到板边缘之距离不
小于塞孔直径的 1.5倍。
For the attachment of heads convex to pressure to shells not over 5/8in.
A and B
(16 mm) required thickness, only with use of fillet weld on inside of
requirements of UW-36 符合 UW-36 之要求的单边满填角搭接接
shell; or用于将凸面受压之封头连接到到所需厚度不超过 5/8in. (16
头 (无塞焊)
mm) 之壳体上的填角焊缝,且仅在壳体内侧施焊该填角焊缝时; A and B
Single full fillet lap joints without plug welds that meets the
Table UW-12 Maximum Allowable Joint Efñciencies for Welded Joints 表 UW-12 焊接接头之最大许用接头系数
Extent of Radiographic or Ultrasonic
Examination 射线或超声波的检测程度
[Note (1)], [Note (2)], [Note (3)]
No. 接
Joint Description接头型式说明
Joint (a) Full100% (b) Spot 抽
Category 射线检测 样射线检测
接头类别 [Note (4)]
[Note (5)]
(c) None无
for attachment of heads having pressure on either side, to shells not over
24 in. (600 mm) inside diameter and not over 1/4 in. (6 m m) required
thickness with fillet weld on outside of head flange only用于将两侧均
承受压力之封头连接到内径不超过24 in. (600 mm)且所需厚度不超
过1/4 in. (6 m m)之壳体的填角焊缝,仅在封头法兰外侧焊该填角
Corner joints, full penetration, partial penetration, and/or fillet welded
Angle joints锐角接头
As limited by Figure UW-13.2 and Figure UW-16.1受图 UW-13.2 和图 C and D
[Note (8)]
UW-16.1 所限制
Design per U-2(g) for Category B and C joints B 类和 C 类接头按U-2(g) B, C, and
GENERAL NOTE: E = 1.00 for butt joints in compression. 总注释:受压缩之对接接头的 E 取值为1.00。
NOTES: 注释:
Some welding processes require ultrasonic examination in addition to radiographic examination, and other processes require ultrasonic examination in lieu of radiographic examination. Sec UW-11 for some
additional requirements and limitations that may apply. 有些焊接工艺除了射线检测外还需要超声波检测,而其他工艺则需要以超声波检测来代替射线检测。 见 UW-11 以了解一些可能适用的附加要求
Joint efficiency assignment rules of UW-12(d) and UW-12(e) shall be considered and may further reduce the joint efficiencies to be used in the required thickness calculations. 应考虑 UW-12(d) 和 UW-12(e) 的
The rules of UW-12(f) may be used in lieu of the rules of this Table at the Manufacturer's option. 制造商可选用 UW-12(f) 的规则来取替本表的规则。
See UW-12(a) and UW-51.
See UW-12(b) and UW-52.
For Type No. 4 Category C joint, limitation not applicable for bolted flange connections. C 类4 型接头不适用于螺栓法兰连接。
Joints attaching hemispherical heads to shells are excluded. 不包括将半球形封头连接到壳体上之接头。
There is no joint efficiency E in the design equations of this Division for Category C and D corner joints. When needed, a value of E not greater than 1.00 may be used. 本卷C类和D类角接接头之设计方程中没
有接头系数 E。 当需要时,可取不大于1.00的E值。
Definitions 定义
𝑡ℎ = nominal thickness of head封头的标称厚度
𝑡𝑝 = minimum distance from outside surface of flat head to edge of weld preparation measured as shown in Figure UW13.2 按图 UW-13.2 所示从扁平封头外表面到焊道制备边缘所测定的最小距离
𝑡𝑠 = nominal thickness of shell壳体的标称厚度。
(See UG-27, UG-28, UG-32, UG-34, and other paragraphs for additional definitions. 请参阅 UG-27、UG-28、UG-32、
UG-34 和其他章节以了解其他定义)
See below. 见下文
(1) Ellipsoidal, torispherical, and other types of formed heads shall be attached to the shell with a butt weld, or as illustrated
in the applicable Figure UW-13.1, sketches (a), (b), (c), and (d). The construction shown in sketch (e) may also be used for end heads
when the thickness of the shell section of the vessel does not exceed 5 / 8 in. (16 mm) [see also (c) below]. Limitations relative to the
use of these attachments shall be as given in the sketches and related notes and in Table UW-12. Figure UW-13.1, sketches (f), (g),
and (h) are examples of attachment methods which are not permissible. 椭圆形、准球形和其他类型之成型封头应通过对接焊缝连
接到壳体上,或如图 UW-13.1 中如适用之草图 (a)、(b)、(c) 和 (d) 所示。 当容器壳体截面之厚度不超过 5 /8 in. (16 mm)时,
则草图 (e) 中所示结构也可用于端头 [另见下纹 (c)]。 与使用这些连接方法相关的限制见草图和相关注释以及表 UW-12 中给
出的使用限制。 图 UW-13.1 中的草图 (f)、(g) 和 (h) 是不允许应用之连接方法的示例。
(2) Formed heads, concave or convex to the pressure, shall have a skirt length not less than that shown in Figure UW-13.1,
using the applicable sketch. Heads that are fitted inside or over a shell shall have a driving fit before welding. 凹面或凸面承压之成
型封头的直边段长度不应小于图 UW-13.1 中适用草图所示长度。 安装在壳体内部或壳体上方之封头应在焊接前进行打入配
(3) A tapered transition having a length not less than three times the offset between the adjacent surfaces of abutting sections
as shown in Figure UW-13.1, sketches (i) and (j) shall be provided at joints between formed heads and shells that differ in thickness
by more than one-fourth the thickness of the thinner section or by more than 1/8 in. (3 mm), whichever is less. When a taper is required
on any formed head thicker than the shell and intended for butt-welded attachment [Figure UW-13.1, sketches (k) and (l)], the skirt
shall be long enough so that the required length of taper does not extend beyond the tangent line. When the transition is formed by
removing material from the thicker section, the minimum thickness of that section, after the material is removed, shall not be less than
that required by UG-23(c). When the transition is formed by adding additional weld metal beyond what would otherwise be the edge
of the weld, such additional weld metal buildup shall be subject to the requirements of UW-42. The centerline misalignment between
shell and head shall be no greater than one-half the difference between the actual shell and head thickness, as illustrated in Figure
UW-13.1, sketches (i), (j), (k), and (l). 如图 UW-13.1 中草图 (i) 和 (j) 所示,当成型封头和壳体间之接缝处之厚度差超过较薄截
面厚度的四分之一或超过 1/8 in. (3 mm) (取较小者)时,则应设置削斜长度不小于对接截面之相邻表面间之偏移量三倍的削斜
过渡度段。 当任何比壳体厚之成型封头需要削斜并用于对焊连接时 [图 UW-13.1 中草图 (k) 和 (l)],则其直边段裙边应足够
长,以便所需的削斜长度不会超出切线。 当通过从较厚截面削斜材料以形成过渡时,削斜材料后之该截面的最小厚度不应
小于 UG-23(c) 的要求。 当通过在焊缝边缘之外添加额外的焊缝金属来形成过渡时,此类额外焊缝金属的沉积应符合 UW-42
的要求。如图 UW-13.1 中草图 (i)、(j)、(k) 和 (l) 所示 , 壳体和封头间之中心线偏差不应大于实际壳体和封头厚度差值的二
Non-butt-welded bolting flanges shall be attached to formed heads as illustrated in Figure 1-6. 应以如图 1-6 所示方式
See below. 见下文
(1) Intermediate heads, without limit to thickness, of the type shown in Figure UW-13.1, sketch (e) may be used for all types
of vessels provided that the outside diameter of the head skirt is a close fit inside the overlapping ends of the adjacent length of
cylinder. 图 UW-13.1 中草图 (e) 所示类型的不限厚度中间封头,可用于所有类型的容器,前提是此类中间封头之直边段外径
(2) The butt weld and fillet weld shall be designed to take shear based on 1 1/2 times the maximum differential pressure that
can exist. The allowable stress value for the butt weld shall be 70% of the stress value for the vessel material and that of the fillet 55%.
The area of the butt weld in shear is the width at the root of the weld times the length of weld. The area of the fillet weld is the
minimum leg dimension times the length of weld. The fillet weld may be omitted if the construction precludes access to make the
weld, and the vessel is in noncorrosive service. 对接焊缝和填角焊缝的设计应能够承受基于可能存在着之最大压差 1.5 倍的剪切
力。 对接焊缝的许用应力值为容器材料应力值的 70%,而填角焊缝的许用应力值为容器材料应力值的 55%。 对接焊缝的剪
切面积是焊缝根部的宽度乘以焊缝长度,而填角焊缝的面积是最小焊脚尺寸乘以焊缝长度。 如果结构不允许进行焊缝,并
(d) The requirements for the attachment of welded unstayed flat heads to shells are given in UG-34 and in (e) and (f) hereunder.
UG-34 以及下文 (e) 和 (f) 中给出了无焊接牵条所拉称之扁平封头与壳体的连接要求。
(e) When shells, heads, or other pressure parts are welded to a forged or rolled plate to form a corner joint, as in Figure UW13.2, the joint shall meet the following requirements [see also UG-93(d)(3)]: 当将壳体、封头或其他承压零部件焊接到锻造或轧制
板上以形成如图 UW-13.2 所示之角接接头时,则该角接接头应满足以下要求 [另见 UG-93(d)(3)] :
(1) On the cross section through the welded joint, the line of fusion between the weld metal and the forged or rolled plate
being attached shall be projected on planes both parallel to and perpendicular to the surface of the plate being attached, in order to
determine the dimensions a and b, respectively (see Figure UW-13.2). 在在焊接接头的横截面上,焊缝金属与所附锻造或轧制板
间之熔合线应投影在平行于和垂直于所附板之表面的平面上,以测定分别为 a 和 b 的尺寸 (见图 UW-13.2)。
Figure UW-13.1 Heads Attached to Shells 图 UW-13.1 连接到壳体之封头
For ellipsoidal heads — minimum 2th but not less
than 1/2 in. (13 mm)
Tangent line
Minimum 2ts
For other heads — minimum 2th + 1/2 in. (13 mm)
Minimum 1.3ts
Minimum 1.3ts
Minimum 3th + 1/2 in. (13 mm) but not less
than 1 in. (25 mm
Minimum 3th + 1/2 in. (13 mm) but not less
than 1 in. (25 mm)
(a) Single Fillet Lap Weld单边填角搭接焊缝
For ellipsoidal heads — minimum 2𝑡h but not less than 1/2 in. (13
mm) 对于椭圆形封头 — 至小為2t_h 但不小于 1/2 in. (13
For ellipsoidal heads — minimum 2𝑡h but
not less than 1/2 in. (13 mm) 对于椭圆形
Tangent line
For other heads — minimum
封头 — 至小為 2𝑡h 但不小于 1/2 in. (13
2th + 1/2 in. (13 mm) 对于其
他封头 — 至小為 2th + 1/2
Plug weld
For other heads — minimum 2𝑡h + 1/2 in.
in. (13 mm)
(13 mm) 对于其他封头 — 至小為2𝑡h +
Minimum 𝑡s
1/2 in. (13 mm)
Tangent line
Minimum 𝑡s
Minimum 𝑡s
Not less than d
Minimum 3d
Minimum 4𝑡s or 4𝑡h , whichever is
less 至少為4𝑡s 或4𝑡h 中之較小值
(b) Double Fillet Lap Weld双边填角搭接焊缝
Minimum 3𝑡h + 1/2 in. (13
mm) but not less than 1
in. (25 mm
(c) Single Fillet Lap Weld With Plug Welds
Figure UW-13.1 Heads Attached to Shells 图 UW-13.1 连接到壳体之封头
Tangent line
Tangent line
For ellipsoidal heads — minimum 2th but not less
h but not less than 1 in. (25 mm)
than Minimum
1/2 in. (13 3t
至少為3th但不小於1 in. (25 mm)
For other heads — minimum 2th + 1/2 in. (13 mm)
Tangent point
Minimum 1.3ts
2𝑡h minimum至少為2𝑡h
1/2 in. (13 mm) minimum
(d) Single Fillet Lap Weld单边填角搭接焊缝
Minimum 1.3ts
Minimum 𝑡s
Minimum 1.3𝑡s
Taper optional
1/2 in. (13 mm) but not less
消斜過渡可有可無 Minimum 3th + Minimum
than 1 in. (25 mm)
(f-1) Not Permissible不允许
Need not exceed 1 in. (25 mm)
2tsin. (25 mm)
Minimum 3th + 1/2 in. (13 mm) but not less
Butt weld
than 1 in. (25Seal
mmor fillet weld 密
15 deg – 20 deg
[Note (1)
(e) Intermediate Head中间封头[See Notes (2) and (3)]
(g) Not Permissible不允许
(f-2) Not Permissible
(h) Not Permissible不允许
For flange rings of bolted flanged connections, as shown in Figure UW-13.2, sketches (m) and (n), the sum of a and b
shall be not less than three times the nominal wall thickness of the abutting pressure part. 用于螺栓法兰连接的法兰环,如图 UW13.2 简图(m)和(n)所示的 a 和 b 之和应不小于邻接受压部零部件之公称壁厚的 3 倍。
Thinner part
Thinner part
Figure UW-13.1 Heads Attached to Shells (Cont'd) 图 UW-13.1 连接到壳体之封头(续)
Tangent line切线
(i) [See Notes (4) and (5)]
(j) [See Notes (4) and (5)]
Thinner part
Thinner part
Tangent line切线
(k) [See Notes (5) and (6)]
(l) [See Notes (5) and (6)]
GENERAL NOTE: See Table UW-12 for limitations. 总注释:请参阅表 UW-12 以了解相关限制因素。
(1) See UW-13(c)(2).
(2) Butt weld and fillet weld, if used, shall be designed to take shear at 1-1/2 times the differential pressure than can exist. 如果使用对接焊缝
和填角焊缝时,其设计应能承受既有压差 1.5 倍的剪切力。
(3) 𝑡𝑠1 and 𝑡𝑠2 may be different. 𝑡𝑠1 和𝑡𝑠2 可能不同。
(4) In all cases, the projected length of taper, ℓ, shall be not less than 3y. 在所有情况下,削斜段的投影长度 ℓ 不应小于 3y。
(5) Length of required taper, ℓ, may include the width of the weld. The shell plate centerline may be on either side of the head plate centerline.
所需削斜长度 ℓ 可能包括焊缝宽度。 壳板中心线可位在 head plate 中心线的任一侧。
(6) In all cases, ℓ shall be not less than 3y when 𝑡ℎ exceeds 𝑡𝑠 . Minimum length of skirt is 3𝑡ℎ but need not exceed 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) except
when necessary to provide required length of taper. When 𝑡ℎ is equal to or less than 1.25𝑡𝑠 , length of skirt shall be sufficient for any
required taper.
在所有情况下,当𝑡ℎ 大于𝑡𝑠 时,ℓ 不应小于 3y。 直边段之的最小长度为 3𝑡ℎ ,但不需要大于 1-1/2 in. (38 mm),除非需要提供所
需的削斜长度。 当𝑡ℎ ≤ 1.25𝑡𝑠 时,直边段之长度应足以满足任何所需的最小削斜长度。
(3) For other components, the sum a and b shall be not less than two times the nominal wall thickness of the abutting
pressure part unless the provisions of (f) are satisfied. Examples of such components are flat heads, tubesheets with or without a
projection having holes for a bolted connection, and the side plates of a rectangular vessel. 除非满足(f)的规定,否则其他零部件的
a 和 b 之和应不小于邻接承压零部件之公称壁厚的两倍。。此类组件的示例是扁平封头、带或不带螺栓连接孔延长段之管
Other dimensions at the joint shall be in accordance with details as shown in Figure UW-13.2. 接头处之其他尺寸应符
合图 UW-13.2 所示详图。
(5) Joint details that have a dimension through the joint less than the thickness of the shell, head or other pressure part, or
that provide attachment eccentric thereto, are not permissible. See Figure UW-13.2, sketches (o), (p), and (q). 不允许贯穿接头的尺
寸小于壳体、封头或其他承压零部件的厚度,或者提供偏心附件的接合详图 [参见图 UW-13.2 中的草图 (o)、(p) 和 (q)]。
(f) When a multipass corner weld joint is constructed in accordance with Figure UW-13.2, sketch (r) or sketch (s), all rules in
the Code pertaining to welded joints shall apply except that the requirement “a + b not less than 2𝑡𝑠 ” of (e)(3) shall be replaced with
the following requirements: 当多道填角焊缝按照图 UW-13.2 中草图 (r) 或草图 (s) 构造时,均应符合本法规中有关焊接接头的
所有规则,但应替换为以下要求之 (e)(3) 中对 “a + b 不小于 2𝑡𝑠 ”之要求除外:
Figure UW-13.2 Attachment of Pressure Parts to Flat Plates to Form a Corner Joint
图 UW-13.2 将承压零部件连接到平板上以形成角接接头的图例
a + b not less than
2𝑡𝑠 (b = 0)
𝑡𝑤 not less than ts b
not less than 2𝑡𝑠
a + b not less than 2𝑡𝑠 (b = 0)
𝑡w not less than 𝑡s , and 𝑡𝑝 not
less than the smaller of 𝑡𝑠
or 1/4 in. (6 mm)
a + b not less than 2𝑡𝑠 (b = 0)
a not less than 𝑡𝑠 , and 𝑡𝑝 not
less than the smaller of 𝑡𝑠
or 1/4 in. (6 mm)
Backing strip may
be used
a + b not less than 2𝑡𝑠 (b = 0)
a not less than 𝑡𝑠 , and 𝑡𝑝 not
less than the smaller of 𝑡𝑠
or 1/4 in. (6 mm)
a + b not less than
2𝑡𝑠 (b = 0)
a + b not less than
a not less than 2𝑡𝑠
Figure UW-13.2 Attachment of Pressure Parts to Flat Plates to Form a Corner Joint
图 UW-13.2 将承压零部件连接到平板上以形成角接接头的图例
This weld metal may be deposited
before completing the joint此区段中之
a + b not less than 2𝑡𝑠 (b = 0)
𝑎1 not less than 0.5𝑎2 , not greater
than 2𝑎2
a + b not less than 2𝑡𝑠 , b = 0
is permissible
Typical Unstayed Flat Heads, Tubesheets Without a Bolting Flange, and Side Plates of Rectangular Vessels [See Note (1)]
矩形容器中无拉称扁平封头、不带螺栓法兰管板和侧板的典型图示 [参见注 (1)]
Backing strip
may be used可
This weld metal may
be deposited before
completing the joint此
a = 𝑎1 + 𝑎2 , 𝑎1 not
less than 0.5𝑎2 not
greater than 2𝑎2
Typical Tubesheets With a Bolting Flange
(1) A sample corner weld joint shall be prepared to qualify the weld procedure, and a sample corner weld joint shall be
prepared to qualify each welder or welding operator. The Manufacturer shall prepare the sample corner weld joint with nominal
thickness and configuration matching that to be employed with the following tolerances: 应应制备角接焊接接头试件来进行焊接工
艺评定,并应制备角接焊接接头试件来检定每位焊工或焊机操作员的资格。 制造商应制备标称厚度和构造与所采用之构造
(-a) The sample thinner plate shall match the thickness of the production thinner plate within ±1/4 in. (±6 mm).
试样较薄板应与生产较薄板之厚度匹配,误差范围应在 ±1/4 in. (±6 mm)内。
Figure UW-13.2 Attachment of Pressure Parts to Flat Plates to Form a Corner Joint (Cont'd)
图 UW-13.2 将承压零部件连接到平板上以形成角接接头的图例(续)
a not less than 3𝑡𝑛 ; c not less
than 𝑡𝑛 or 𝑡𝑥 , whichever is less
a not less than 3𝑡𝑛 ; c not less
than 𝑡𝑛 or 𝑡𝑥 , whichever is less
𝑡𝑝 not less than the smallest of
𝑡𝑛 , 𝑡𝑥 , or 1/4 in. (6 mm)
Backing strip may be
removed after welding
Backing strip may be used if joint
is not welded from both sides 如果
Typical Bolted Flange Connections [See Note (2)] 螺栓法兰连接件的典型图例 [参见注释 (2)]
Not welded不焊接
θ = 45 deg min.
Z Direction
Typical Nonpermissible Corner Joints不允许采用之斜接接头的典型图例
Construction line for 𝑎2 and
θ 𝑎2 和θ的构造线
Weld preparation焊缝开槽
Line of fusion熔合线
𝑎2 /𝑡𝑠 Not Less
Positive penetration but need
not exceed 1/8 in. (3 mm) 需
滲透但不需超过1/8 in. (3
(r) Details for One Member Beveled仅一构件开槽时的开槽详图[See Note (3)]
(-b) The sample thicker plate shall be at least 1.5 times the thickness of the sample thinner plate. 较厚板试样应至少
为较薄板之试样厚度的 1.5 倍。
The sample shall be sectioned, polished, and etched to clearly delineate the line of fusion. Acceptability shall be
determined by measurements of the line of fusion for use in the calculations for compliance with Figure UW-13.2, sketch (r)
or sketch (s). The sample shall be free from slag, cracks, and lack of fusion. A sample corner weld shall be prepared for each
P-Number, except that a sample prepared to qualify a joint made from material with a given value for K [see (4)] may be used
to qualify a joint made from material having an equal or higher value for K but not vice versa. 应对试件进行切片、抛光和
蚀刻,以清晰地显露出出熔合线。 可接受性应通过测量熔合线来确定,以用于计算是否符合图 UW-13.2中草图 (r)
或草图 (s)。 试样应无夹渣、裂纹和未熔合。 应为每种 P-No.材料制备一件角接焊接接头试件,但为评定由具有给定
K 值之材料所制成之接头而制备之试件 [见 (4)] 可用于评定由具有相同 K 值或更高的 K 值之材料所制成的接头,但
Figure UW-13.2 Attachment of Pressure Parts to Flat Plates to Form a Corner Joint (Cont'd)
图 UW-13.2 承压零部件连接到平板所形成的角接接头型式 (续)
Construction line for 𝑎2
and θ 𝑎2 和θ的构造线
θ = 45 deg min.
Weld preparation焊缝开槽
Line of fusion熔合线
Min. 𝑎2 /𝑡𝑠
for α Not
Less Than
15 deg
Min 𝑎2 /𝑡𝑠
for α Not
Less Than
30 deg
Min 𝑎2 /𝑡𝑠
for α Not
Less Than
45 deg
Positive penetration but
need not exceed 1/8 in. (3
mm) 需滲透但不需超过1/8
in. (3 mm)
Z Direction
See sketch (r) above for table with values of K and 𝑎2 /𝑡𝑠 请参阅如上草图 (r),以了解 K
和𝑎2 /𝑡𝑠 的表列值
(s) Details for Both Members Beveled两构件的开槽详图[See Note (3)]
a + b not less than 2𝑡𝑠 ; c not less than 0.7𝑡𝑠 or 1.4𝑡𝑟 , whichever is less. This note does not apply to sketches (r) and (s). a+b不少于2𝑡𝑠 ; c 不小
于 0.7𝑡𝑠 或 1𝑡𝑟 .4 (取两者之较小值)。本注释不适用于草图 (r) 和 (s)。
𝑡𝑠 and 𝑡𝑟 are as defined in UG-34(b). 𝑡𝑠 和𝑡𝑟 之定义见 UG-34(b)。
Dimension b is produced by the weld preparation and shall be verified after fit up and before welding. 焊缝开槽时所形成之尺寸 b 应在装配后
(1) For unstayed flat heads, see also UG-34. 无拉称扁平封头,另见 UG-34。
(2) c, 𝑡𝑛 , and 𝑡𝑥 are as defined in Mandatory Appendix 2, 2-3.. c、𝑡𝑛 和𝑡𝑥 之定义见强制性附录 2-3。
(3) Interpolation of α and K is permitted. 允许对 α 和 K 进行插值。
(2) This sample corner weld joint is an addition to the Welding Procedure Specification Qualification and the Welder and
Welding Operator Performance Qualification requirements of Section IX. The following essential variables apply for both the
procedure and performance qualification, in addition to those of Section IX: 此种角接接头试件是对第 IX 卷《焊接工艺规程评
定》和《焊工和焊机操作员技能检定》之要求的补充。焊接工艺规程评定以及焊工和焊机操作员技能检定时除要符合第 IX
(-a) a change in the nominal size of the electrode or electrodes used and listed in the PQR; 所用和PQR 中所列焊线
(-b) a change in the qualified root gap exceeding ±1/16 in. (±1.5 mm); 已评定认可之根部间隙的变化超过 ±1/16 in.
(±1.5 mm);
(-c) addition or deletion of nonmetallic retainers or refractory metals retainers; 增设或取消非金属背衬带或难熔金属
(-d) a change in the SFA specification filler metal classification or to a weld metal or filler metal composition not
covered in the specifications; 改变 SFA 规范之焊材分类号或改变为非 SFA 规范所涵盖之钎焊料或焊材的化学成分;
(-e) the addition of welding positions other than those qualified; 增加已认可以外的焊接位置;
(-f) for fill passes, a change in amperage exceeding ±25 amp, change in voltage exceeding ±3 V; 改变用于填充焊道
(-g) a change in contact tube to work distance exceeding 1/4 in. (6 mm); 导电管到工件间之距离变化超过 ±1/4 in. (6
(-h) a change from single electrode to multiple electrodes, or vice versa; 从单电极改变为多电极,反之亦然;
(-i) a change in the electrode spacing; 电极间距的变化;
(-j) a change from manual or semiautomatic to machine or automatic welding or vice versa. 从手动或半自动焊接到
(1) After production welding, the back side of the weld shall be subjected to a visual examination to ensure that complete
fusion and penetration have been achieved in the root, except where visual examination is locally prevented by an internal member
covering the weld. 产品焊接后,应对焊缝背面进行目视检查,以确保在根部已实现全熔合和全熔透,但在局部内部构件挡住
(3) K, the ratio of through-thickness (Z direction) tensile strength to the specified minimum tensile strength, shall be taken as
0.6. Higher values for K, but not higher than 1.0, may be used if through-thickness tensile strength is determined in accordance with
Specification SA-770. The test results, including the UTS in addition to the reduction in area, shall be reported on the Material Test
Report, in addition to the information required by Specification SA-20 when the testing in accordance with Specification SA-770 is
performed by the material manufacturer. If the testing is performed by the vessel Manufacturer, the test result shall be reported on the
Manufacturer’s Data Report. See UG-93(b) and UG-93(c). 全厚度 (Z 方向)之抗拉强度与最小规定抗拉强度间之比值 K 取 0.6。
如果全厚度抗拉强度是根据 SA-770 规范确定时,则可采用更高的 K 值,但不高于 1.0。当材料是由制造商按照 SA-770 规范
进行测试时,除了 SA-20 规范所要求的数据外,还应将断面缩减率和包括 UTS 之试验结果记人材料试验报告。如试验是容
器制造商进行时,测试结果应列人制造商数据报告表中,见 UG-93(b) 和 UG-93(c)。
The maximum value of 𝑡𝑠 [see Figure UW-13.2, sketch (r) or sketch (s)] shall be limited to 3 in. (75 mm). 𝑡𝑠 的最大值
[参见图 UW-13.2 中草图 (r) 或草图 (s)] 应限制在 3 in. (75 mm)内。
(5) Both members may be beveled as shown in Figure UW-13.2, sketch (s). When the bevel angle, α, is large enough to
satisfy the (e)(3) requirements, these alternative rules do not apply. When the bevel angle, α, results in weld fusion dimensions that do
not satisfy the (e)(3) requirement that a + b is not less than 𝑡𝑠 s, the following shall be satisfied: 两个构件都可如图 UW-13.2 草图所
示进行开槽。当坡口角度 (α) 大到足以满足 (e)(3) 要求时,此选用规则不适用。当坡口角度 (α)导致焊缝熔合尺寸无法满足
(e)(3)中对 "a+b 不小于𝑡𝑠 "的要求时,则应满足以下条件:
(-a) The angle α shall be equal to or greater than 15 deg. 角度 (α)应 ≥ 15o。
(-b) The dimension 𝑎2 shall be measured from the projected surface of the plate being attached as shown in Figure
UW-13.2, sketch (s). 从连接板之投影面按图 UW-13.2中草图 (s) 所示而测定的𝑎2 尺寸 。
(-c) The angle β shall be equal to or greater than 15 deg. 角度 (β) 应 ≥ 15o。
(-d) When 𝑎2 /𝑡𝑠 is equal to or exceeds the value corresponding to the K shown in the table in Figure UW-13.2, sketch
(s), the requirements in (1) and (2) need not be satisfied. When 𝑎2 /𝑡𝑠 is less than this value, all other requirements of (f) shall be
satisfied. 当 𝑎2 /𝑡𝑠 ≥ 图 UW-13.2 中表 (s) 所示相应K值时,则不需要满足 (1) 和 (2) 中的要求。当𝑎2 /𝑡𝑠 小于该对应值时,则
应满足 (f)的所有其他要求。
(g) When used, the hub of a tubesheet or flat head shall have minimum dimensions in accordance with Figure UW-13.3 and
shall meet the following requirements: 当管板或扁平封头具有轮毂时,则该轮毂应具有符合图 UW-13.3 所示的最小尺寸,并
Figure UW-13.3 Typical Pressure Parts With Butt-Welded Hubs 图 UW-13.3 带对接焊轮毂的典型承压零部件
Tension test specimen
Tension test
e is not less than 𝑡𝑠 nor less
than the required thickness
for a flat head or tubesheet
(a) Refer to Figure UG-34, sketch (b-2) for dimensional requirements. 尺寸要求参见图 UG-34中草图 (b-2)。
(b) Not permissible if machined from rolled plate unless in accordance with Mandatory Appendix 20. See UW-13(g). 除非符合强制性附录
20,否则不允许以轧制板材加工而成,参见 UW-13(g)。
(c) Tension test specimen may be located inside or outside the hub. 拉伸试样可位于该轮毂之内侧或外侧。
(1) h is the greater of 3/4 in. (19 mm) or 1.5/𝑡𝑠 , but need not exceed 2 in. (50 mm). h 为 3/4 in. (19 mm) 或 1.5/𝑡𝑠 中的较大值,但不必超过
2 in. (50 mm)。
(1) When the hub is integrally forged with the tubesheet or flat head, or is machined from a forging, the hub shall have the
minimum tensile strength and elongation specified for the material, measured in the direction parallel to the axis of the vessel. Proof of
this shall be furnished by a tension test specimen (subsize if necessary) taken in this direction and as close to the hub as practical.45
长率应具有材料所规定的最小抗拉强度和伸长率。 应通过沿该方向并尽可能靠近轮毂之拉伸试样(如有必要时可采用小尺
Figure UW-13.4 Nozzle Necks Attached to Piping of Lesser Wall Thickness
图 UW-13.4 连接到较小壁厚管道的管嘴焊颈部
1/4 in. min. (6 mm)
1/4 in. min. (6 mm)
30 deg max.
18.5 deg max.; 14
deg min.
18.5 deg max.; 14
deg min.
30 deg max.
30 deg max.
3/8 in. (10 mm) min.
1/4 in. (6 mm) min. radius
(1) As defined in UG-40. 𝑡𝑛 shall not be less than the thickness required by UG-45. 定义见 UG-40。𝑡𝑛 不应小于 UG-45 所要求的厚度。
(2) Weld bevel is shown for illustration only. 所示焊接坡口仅用于示意。
(3) 𝑡1 is not less than the greater of 𝑡1 不小于以下之较大值
(a) 0.8𝑡𝑟𝑛 , where 𝑡𝑟𝑛 = required thickness of seamless nozzle wall . 0.8𝑡𝑟𝑛 ,此处𝑡𝑟𝑛 = 无缝管嘴壁所需厚度
(b) minimum wall thickness of connecting pipe 连接管的最小壁厚
When the hub is machined from plate, the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 20 shall be met. 当轮毂是由板材加工
而成时,应满足强制性附录 20 的要求。
When the hub of a lap joint stub end is machined from plate with the hub length in the through thickness direction of the
plate, the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 20 shall be met. 当搭接短之轮毂是由板材加工而成且该轮毂长度是沿板厚方向加
工时,则应满足强制性附录 20 的要求。
(i) In the case of nozzle necks which attach to piping [see U-1(e)(1)(-a)] of a lesser wall thickness, a tapered transition from the
weld end of the nozzle may be provided to match the piping thickness although that thickness is less than otherwise required by the
rules of this Division. This tapered transition shall meet the limitations as shown in Figure UW-13.4. 如果管嘴焊颈连接到壁厚较薄
之管道上时[参见 U-1(e)(1)(-a)],则可以提供从管嘴焊接端开始的削斜过渡以匹配管道厚度,尽管该厚度小于本卷规则的其
他要求。 该削斜过渡应满足如图 UW-13.4 所示的限制。
Figure UW-13.5 Fabricated Lap Joint Stub Ends
for Lethal Service 图 UW-13.5 用于致命工况的预
Any type of opening that meets the requirements for reinforcement given in
UG-37 or UG-39 may be located in a welded joint. 满足 UG-37 或 UG-39 中
Weld No. 1
Weld No. 2
(a) Single openings meeting the requirements given in UG-36(c)(3)
may be located in head-to-shell or Category B or C butt-welded joints,
provided the weld meets the radiographic requirements in UW-51 for a length
equal to three times the diameter of the opening with the center of the hole at
midlength. Defects that are completely removed in cutting the hole shall not
be considered in judging the acceptability of the weld. 满足 UG-36(c)(3) 中
所给出之要求的单孔可以位于封头与壳体或 B 类或 C 类对接焊接头中,
3/8 in. (10 mm)
前提是该焊缝要满足 UW-51 中的射线检测要求,且检测长度要等于该
开口直径的三倍,而开孔的中心位于长度中点。 在判断焊缝的可接受性时不应计入在切孔时可完全去除的缺陷。
(b) In addition to meeting the radiographic requirements of (b) above, when multiple openings meeting the requirements given
in UG-36(c)(3) are in line in a head-to-shell or Category B or C butt-welded joint, the requirements of UG-53 shall be met or the
openings shall be reinforced in accordance with UG-37 through UG-42. 除满足上述(b)的射线照相要求外,当满足 UG-36(c)(3)中
所给出之要求的多个开孔在封头与壳体或 B 或 C 类对接焊接头中排列时,还应满足 UG-53 的要求,或应按照 UG-37 至 UG42 对开口进行补强。
(c) Except when the adjacent butt weld satisfies the requirement for radiography in (b) above, the edge of openings in solid plate
meeting the requirements of UG-36(c)(3) shall not be placed closer than 1/2 in. (13 mm) from the edge of a Category A, B, or C weld
for material 11/2 in. (38 mm) thick or less. 除非相邻对接焊缝满足上述 (b) 的射线检测要求,否则在满足 UG-36(c)(3)之要求的之
单层板材 [厚度 ≤ 111/2 in. (38 mm)]上的开孔,其边缘距 A、B 或 C 类焊缝边缘的距离不应小于 1/2 in. (13 mm)。
(d) Nozzles, other connections, and their reinforcements may be attached to pressure vessels by welding. Sufficient welding
shall be provided on either side of the line through the center of the opening parallel to the longitudinal axis of the shell to develop the
strength of the reinforcing parts as prescribed in UG-41 through shear or tension in the weld, whichever is applicable. The strength of
groove welds shall be based on the area subjected to shear or to tension. The strength of fillet welds shall be based on the area
subjected to shear (computed on the minimum leg dimension). The inside diameter of a fillet weld shall be used in figuring its length.
管嘴、其他连接件及其补强件可以通过焊接连接至压力容器。 应在平行于壳体纵轴之开孔中心线的两侧提供足够的焊接,
以使通过焊缝中之剪切或拉伸(以适用者为准)来提高 UG-41 中所规定的补强零部件的强度 。 坡口焊缝的强度应基于承受
剪切或拉伸的面积;填角焊缝的强度应基于承受剪切的面积(根据最小焊脚尺寸计算),而 填角焊缝的内径则应用于计算
Strength calculations for nozzle attachment welds for pressure loading are not required for the following: 在下列情况下,
(1) Figure UW-16.1, sketches (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f-1), (f-2), (f-3), (f-4), (g), (x-1), (y-1), and (z-1), and all the sketches in
Figures UHT-18.1 and UHT-18.2 图 UW-16.1 中草图 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f-1), (f-2), (f-3), (f-4), (g)、(x-1)、(y-1) 和 (z-1),以及
图 UHT-18.1 和 UHT-18.2 中所有草图所示的管嘴连接焊缝
openings that are exempt from the reinforcement requirements by UG-36(c)(3) 按 UG-36(c)(3) 之要求不需要补强的
(3) openings designed in accordance with the rules for ligaments in UG-53 根据 UG-53 之孔间隙规则所设计的开孔
The allowable stress values for groove and fillet welds in percentages of stress values for the vessel material, which are used
with UG-41 calculations, are as follows: 用于 UG-41 计算之坡口焊缝和填角焊缝的许用应力值(以容器材料应力值的百分比表
groove-weld tension, 74% 坡口焊缝的许用抗拉应力值取容器材料许用应力值的 74%
groove-weld shear, 60% 坡口焊缝的许用抗剪应力值取容器材料许用应力值的 60%
fillet-weld shear, 49% 填角焊缝的许用抗剪应力值取容器材料许用应力值的 49%
NOTE: These values are obtained by combining the following factors: 87 1/2% for combined end and side loading, 80% for shear strength, and the
applicable joint efficiency factors. 注:这些值是通过组合以下因素而获得的:端部和侧项组合载荷为 87.5%,剪切强度为 80%,以及所适用
General 通则
(1) The terms: nozzles, connections, reinforcements, necks, tubes, fittings, pads, and other similar terms used in this
paragraph define essentially the same type construction and form a Category D weld joint between the nozzle (or other term) and the
shell, head, etc., as defined in UW-3(d). 本节中所用术语:管嘴、接头、补强件、焊颈部、管子、管配件、衬垫和其他类似术
语定义了基本相同类型的结构,但在管嘴 (或其他术语)、壳体与封头间所形成的 D 类焊接接头的定义解说则请参见 UW3(d)。
The location and minimum size of attachment welds for nozzles and other connections shall conform to the
requirements of this paragraph in addition to the strength calculations required in UW-15. 除了 UW-15 中所要求的强度计算外,管
Symbols. The symbols used in this paragraph and in Figures UW-16.1 and UW-16.2 are defined as follows: 符号。本节和
图 UW-16.1 和 UW-16.2 中所用符号的定义如下所述:
= outside diameter of neck or tube attached by welding on inside of vessel shell only 仅通过焊接连接在
= radial clearance between hole in vessel wall and outside diameter of nozzle neck or tube 容器壁上的开
= minimum inside corner radius, the lesser of 1/4t or 1/8 in. (3 mm) 最小内拐角半径,取 1/4t 或 1/8 in.
(3 mm) 中的较小值
Radius = 1/8 in. (3 mm) minimum blend radius 最小倒园转接半径,取1/8 in. (3 mm)
= nominal thickness of vessel shell or head, 容器壳体或封头之标称厚度
𝑡1 or 𝑡2 = not less than the smaller of 1/4 in. (6 mm) or 0.7𝑡min 不小于1/4 in. (6 mm)或0.7𝑡min 中的较小者
= not less than the smaller of 1/4 in. (6 mm) or 0.7𝑡min (inside corner welds may be further limited by a
lesser length of projection of the nozzle wall beyond the inside face of the vessel wall) 不小于1/4 in. (6
mm) 或 0.7𝑡min 中的较小者(内角接焊缝可能进一步受到管嘴壁突出到容器壁内表面外之较小长
= thickness of reinforcing plate, as defined in UG-40 如 UG-40 中所定义的补强板厚度
= the smaller of 3/4 in. (19 mm) or the thickness of the thinner of the parts joined by a fillet, single-bevel,
or single-J weld 取值为3/4 in. (19 mm) 或取值为填角焊缝、单坡口或单 J 焊缝所连接之零部件中
= nominal thickness of nozzle wall 管嘴壁的标称厚度
= dimension of attachment welds (fillet, singlebevel, or single-J), measured as shown in Figure UW-16.1
按图 UW-16.1所测定的连接焊缝尺寸 (填角焊缝、单坡口焊缝或单 J焊缝)
(c) Necks Attached by a Full Penetration Weld. Necks abutting a vessel wall shall be attached by a full penetration groove weld.
See Figure UW-16.1, sketches (a) and (b) for examples. Necks inserted through the vessel wall may be attached by a full penetration
groove weld. See Figure UW-16.1, sketches (c), (d), and (e). When complete joint penetration cannot be verified by visual inspection
or other means permitted in this Division, backing strips or equivalent shall be used with full penetration welds deposited from one
side. 通过全熔透焊缝所连接的焊颈部。 紧靠容器壁之焊颈部应采用全熔透坡口焊缝连接,有关示例请参见图 UW-16.1 中草
图 (a) 和草图 (b)。 插入容器壁之焊颈部可以通过全熔透坡口焊进行连接,有关示例请参见图 UW-16.1 中草图 (c)、(d) 和
(e)。 当通过目视检查或本卷所允许之其他方法无法核验焊缝是否为全熔透时,应采用背衬条或等效材料,以从一侧进行熔
Figure UW-16.2 Some Acceptable Types of Small Standard Fittings
图 UW-16.2 几种可接受的小型标准配件类型
Any angle
Shape square cylindrical or
𝑡𝑓 (typical)
9 mm (3/8 in.) max
Maximum opening 最
大开孔(see UW16(f)(3)(-a)<-2) or
GENERAL NOTE: See UW-16(f) for limitations.总注释:局限性见 UW-16(f)
If additional reinforcement is required, it shall be provided as integral reinforcement as described in (1) below, or by the
addition of separate reinforcement elements (plates) attached by welding as described in (2) below. 如果需要额外的补强,则应
按下文 (1) 中所述作成整体式补强,或按下文 (2) 中所述通过焊接来分别连接各补强组件(板)。
(3) Integral reinforcement is that reinforcement provided in the form of extended or thickened necks, thickened shell
plates, forging type inserts, or weld buildup which is an integral part of the shell or nozzle wall and, where required, is attached by full
penetration welds. See Figure UW-16.1, sketches (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f-1), (f-2), (f-3), (f-4), (g), (x-1), (y-1), and (z-1) for examples
of nozzles with integral reinforcement where the F factor in Figure UG-37 may be used. 整整体式补强是指加长或加厚的焊颈部、
进行连接。图 UW-16.1 中草图 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f-1), (f-2), (f-3), (f-4) , (g), (x-1), (y-1), 和 (z-1) 所示为带有整体补强并可采
用图 UG-37 中所给出之 F 系数的管嘴示例。
Backing strip,if used, may be removed after welding如焊接
Figure UW-16.1 Some Acceptable Types of Welded
Nozzles and Other Connections to Shells, Heads, etc.
图 UW-16.1 将管嘴和其他连接件焊接到壳体、封头上的几种可接受类型。
Full Penetration Weld With
Integral Reinforcement整体
式补强件的全渗透焊缝 (See
UW-16 (c)(1) and Note (1)
Separate Reinforcement Plates Added所增添的个别补强板 [See UW-16(c)(2)])
Backing strip, if used,may be removed after
Full Penetration Welds to Which Separate Reinforcement Plates May Be Added可增添之个别补强板的全渗透焊缝[See UW-16(c)(2)
and Note (1)]
Weld to pad焊到補
t3 + t4 ≤ 0.2t; but not
greater than 1/4 in.
(6 mm)
For sketches (f-1) through (f-4), see Note
(1). For sketch (f-3), see Note (2).
t1 + t2 ≥ 11/4tmin.
t1 and t2 each shall not be less than the smaller of 1/4
in. (6 mm) or 0.7tmin.
Figure UW-16.1 Some Acceptable Types of Welded Nozzles and Other Connections to Shells, Heads, etc.
图 UW-16.1 将管嘴和其他连接件焊接到壳体、封头上的几种可接受类型。
Notes follow on last page of this Figure
Weld to pad焊到
1/16 in. (1.5
mm) recess
Typical Tube Connections典型的管接头
(When used for other than square, round, or oval headers, round off corners当用于方形、圆形或椭圆形以外之集管时. 棱角应倒圆角)
(v-1) [See Note (3)]
(v-2) [See Note (3)]
(w-2) [See Note (3)]
(w-1) [See Note (3)]
Either method of attachment is satisfactory
Figure UW-16.1 Some Acceptable Types of Welded Nozzles and Other Connections to Shells, Heads, etc.
图 UW-16.1 将管嘴和其他连接件焊接到壳体、封头上的几种可接受类型。
[See Notes (1) and (4)]
𝑡1 + 𝑡2 ≥1-1/4𝑡min
[See Notes (1) and (4)]
[See Notes (1) and (4)]
𝑡1 or 𝑡2 not less than the smaller of 1/4 in. (6 mm) or 0.7𝑡min
(bb) [See Note (4)]
(aa) [See Note (4)]
(1) Sketches (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f-1) through (f-4), (g), (x-1), (y-1), and (z-1) are examples of nozzles with integral reinforcement. 草图 (a)、(b)、
(c)、(d)、(e)、(f-1) 到 (f-4)、(g)、(x-1)、(y-1) 和 (z-1) 是带有整体式补强件的管嘴示例。
(2) Where the term Radius appears, provide a 1/8 in. (3 mm) minimum blend radius. 在出现“半径”一词的地方,请提供 1/8 in. (3 mm)的最小倒园转
(3) For sketches (v-1) through (w-2): 如下(a)~(b)为用于草图 (v-1) ~ (w-2)的注解:
(a) For applications where there are no external loads, G = 1/8 in. (3 mm) max. 不存在着外部载荷时,G的最大值为1/8 in. (3 mm)。
(b)With external loads 当存在着外部载荷时,G 按如下取值
G = 0.005 for 𝐷𝑜 ≤ 1 in. (25 mm); G = 0.010 for 1 in. (25 mm) < 𝐷𝑜 ≤ 4 in. (100 mm); G = 0.015 for 4 in. (100 mm) < 𝐷𝑜 ≤ 65/8 in. (170 mm)
(4) For NPS 3 (DN 80) and smaller, see exemptions in UW-16(f)(2). 管径 ≤ NPS 3 (DN 80) 时,请参阅 UW-16(f)(2) 中的豁免。
(4) Separate reinforcement elements (plates) may be added to the outside surface of the shell wall, the inside surface of the
shell wall, or to both surfaces of the shell wall. When this is done, the nozzle and reinforcement is no longer considered a nozzle with
integral reinforcement and the F factor in UG-37(a) shall be F = 1.0. Figure UW-16.1, sketches (a-1), (a-2), and (a-3) depict various
applications of reinforcement elements added to sketch (a). Any of these applications of reinforcement elements may be used with
necks of the types shown in Figure UW-16.1, sketches (b), (c), (d), and (e) or any other integral reinforcement types listed in (1)
above. The reinforcement plates shall be attached by welds at the outer edge of the plate, and at the nozzle neck periphery or inner
edge of the plate if no nozzle neck is adjacent to the plate. 各加强组件(板)可以被添加到壳体壁的外表面、壳体壁的内表面、或
同时添加到壳体壁的内/外表面。 完成此操作后,管嘴和补强件不再被视为具有整体式补强件的管嘴,并且 UG-37(a) 中的 F
系数应取值为 1.0。 图 UW-16.1 中草图 (a-1)、(a-2) 和 (a-3) 描述了添加到草图 (a) 中之补强组件的各种应用。 补强组件的任
何这些应用都可以与图 UW-16.1 中草图 (b)、(c)、(d) 和 (e) 中所示类型的焊颈部或上述 (1) 中所列出之任何其他整体式补强
类型一起使用。 补强板应通过沿着该补强板之外边缘的焊缝来进行连接,如果没有管嘴焊颈与补强板相邻,则应在管嘴焊
(-a) The weld at the outer edge of the reinforcement plate shall be a continuous fillet weld with a minimum throat
dimension of 1/2𝑡min . 补强板外缘之焊缝应为最小焊缝尺寸为1/2𝑡min 之连续填角焊缝。
(-b) The weld at the inner edge of the reinforcement plate which does not abut a nozzle neck shall be a continuous
fillet weld with a minimum throat dimension1/2𝑡min [see Figure UW-16.1, sketches (a 2) and (a 3)]. 补强板内边缘处不邻
接管嘴焊颈部的焊缝应为最小喉深尺寸为 1/2𝑡min 的连续填角焊缝 [见图 UW-16.1中草图 (a 2) 和 (a 3)]。
(-c) The weld at the inner edge of the reinforcement plate when the reinforcement plate is full penetration welded
to the nozzle neck shall be a continuous fillet weld with a minimum throat dimension of 𝑡c [see Figure UW-16.1, sketches
(a-1) and (a-3)]. 当补强板以全熔透焊接到管嘴焊颈部时,则该补强板内边缘处的焊缝应为最小喉深尺寸为𝑡c 的连续
填角焊缝 [见图 UW-16.1中草图(a- 1)和(a-3)]。
(-d) The weld at the inner edge of the reinforcement plate when the reinforcement plate is not full penetration
welded to the nozzle neck shall be a continuous fillet weld with a minimum throat dimension of 𝑡w = 0.7𝑡min [see Figure
UW-16.1, sketch (h)]. 当补强板以非全熔透焊缝连接到嘴焊颈部时,则该补强板内边缘处的焊缝应为最小喉深尺寸
𝑡w 为 0.7𝑡min 的连续填角焊缝 [见图 UW -16.1中草图(h)]。
Neck Attached by Fillet or Partial Penetration Welds 通过填角焊缝或部分熔透焊所缝连接之焊颈部
(1) Necks inserted into or through the vessel wall may be attached by fillet or partial penetration welds, one on each
face of the vessel wall. The welds may be any desired combination of fillet, single‐bevel, and single‐J welds. The dimensions t1 and t2
in each weld shall be not less than the smaller of 1/4 in. (6 mm) or 0.7𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 , and their sum shall be not less than 1 1/4𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 . See Figure
UW-16.1, sketches (i), (j), (k), and (l). 参见图 UW-16.1 中草图 (i)、(j)、(k) 和 (l),可知插入或穿过容器壁且在容器壁之每一面
上各一个的焊颈部可通过填角焊缝或部分溶透焊缝连接到容器壁上。 焊缝可以是填角焊缝、单坡口焊缝和单 J 形焊缝的任
何所需组合。 每个焊缝的𝑡1 或 𝑡2 尺寸应不小于 1/4 in. (6 mm)或 0.7𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 中的较小者,并且它们的总和应不小于 11/4𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 。
If additional reinforcement is required, it may be provided in the form of extended or thickened necks, thickened
shell plates, forgings, and/or separate reinforcement elements (plates) attached by welding. Weld requirements shall be the
same as given in (c)(2) above, except as follows. The welds attaching the neck to the vessel wall or to the reinforcement
plate shall consist of one of the following: 如果需要额外的补强件,可以以加长或加厚的颈部、加厚的壳体板、锻件
和/或通过焊接连接的各补强组件(板)的形式来提供补强。 焊接要求应与上纹 (c)(2) 中所给出的相同,但以下情
况除外。 将颈部连接到容器壁或补强板上的焊缝应由以下之一组成:
(-a) single‐bevel or single‐J weld in each reinforcement plate. The dimension 𝑡w of each weld shall be not less
than 0.7𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 . See Figure UW-16.1, sketches (q) and (r). 每参见图 UW-16.1中草图所示:块补强板上所采用之全熔
透坡口焊缝,壳体板所采用之填角焊缝、单坡口焊缝或单 J 焊缝,它们的焊缝尺寸 𝑡w 不小于 0.7𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛
(-b) a full penetration groove weld in each reinforcement plate, and a fillet, single-bevel, or single-J weld with a
weld dimension 𝑡w not less than 0.7𝑡min in the shell plate. See Figure UW-16.1, sketch (s). 每块补强板上的全渗透坡口焊
缝以及壳板上的填角焊缝、单坡口焊缝或单 J 焊缝,其焊缝喉深 (𝑡w ) 不应小于 0.7𝑡min ,参见图 UW-16.1中草图。
(2) Nozzle necks, flared necks, and studding outlet type flanges may be attached by fillet welds or partial penetration welds
between the outside diameter or the attachment and the outside surface of the shell and at the inside of the opening in the shell. The
throat dimension of the outer attachment weld shall not be less than 1/2𝑡min . The dimension 𝑡w of the weld at the inside of the shell
cutout shall not be less than 0.7𝑡min . See Figure UW-16.1, sketches (m), (n), (o), and (p-1). Studding outlet-type flanges may also be
attached by full penetration welds as shown in Figure UW-16.1, sketch (p-2). 参见图 UW-16.1 中草图 (m)、(n)、(o) 和 (p-1)所示管
孔的内侧处。 外部连接焊缝的焊缝尺寸不应小于 1/2𝑡min 。 壳体切口内侧焊缝尺寸𝑡w 不应小于 0.7𝑡min 。 也可以通过如图
UW-16.1 中草图 (p-2) 所示之全熔透焊缝来连接螺柱出口型法兰。
(e) Necks and Tubes Up to and Including NPS 6 (DN 150) Attached From One Side Only. Necks and tubes not exceeding NPS 6
(DN 150) may be attached from one side only on either the outside or inside surface of the vessel. 仅从一侧连接且外径 ≤ NPS 6
(DN 150) 之焊颈和管子。不超过 NPS 6 (DN 150) 之颈部和管道仅能从一侧连接到容器的外表面或内表面。
(1) The depth of the welding groove or the throat of the fillet weld shall be at least equal to 11/4𝑡min . The radial clearance
between the vessel hole and the nozzle outside diameter at the unwelded side shall not exceed the tolerances given in Figure UW-16.1,
sketches (v-1), (v-2), (w-1), and (w-2). When welded from the outside only, the neck or tube shall extend to be at least flush to the
inside surface of the vessel wall. Such attachments shall satisfy the rules for reinforcement of openings, except that no material in the
nozzle neck shall be counted as reinforcement. 填角焊缝的喉深或坡口焊的坡口深度应至少等𝑡min 的 11/4 倍。未焊接侧之容器开
孔与管嘴外径间的径向间隙不应超过图 UW-16.1 中草图 (v-1)、(v-2)、(w-1) 和 (w-2) 中所给出的公差。当仅从外侧焊接时,
(2) As an alternative to (1) above, when the neck or tube is attached from the outside only, a welding groove shall be cut
into the surface to a depth of not less than 𝑡𝑛 on the longitudinal axis of the opening. It is recommended that a recess 1/16 in. (1.5 mm)
deep be provided at the bottom of the groove, in which to center the nozzle. The dimension 𝑡w of the attachment weld shall be not less
than 𝑡𝑛 nor less than 1/4 in. (6 mm). See Figure UW-16.1, sketches (t) and (u). 可作为上述 (1) 的替代方案的是:当颈部或管子仅从
外部连接时,应在集管表面切出一个沿开口纵轴且深度不小于𝑡n 的焊接坡口,建议在该坡口底部设置一个 1/16 in. (1.5 mm)
深的凹槽座,以使管嘴居中。连接焊缝的喉深 (𝑡w ) 既不应小于𝑡n 也不小于 1/4 in. (6 mm),参见图 UW-16.1 中草图 (t) 和 (u)
Table UW-16.1 Minimum Thickness Requirements for Fittings
表 UW-16.1 管配件的最小厚度要求
(f) Standard Fittings: ASME/ANSI or Manufacturer’s
Standard. The attachment of standard fittings shall meet the
following requirements; see (g) for the attachment of bolting
1/8 (6)
1/4 (8)
3/8 (10)
1/2 (15)
3/4 (20)
1 (25)
1-1/4 (32)
1-1/2 (40)
2 (50)
2-1/2 (65)
3 (80)
GENERAL NOTE: For fittings having a specified outside diameter not
equal to the outside diameter of an equivalent standard NPS (DN) size, the
NPS (DN) size chosen from the table shall be one having an equivalent
pads: 符合 ASME/ANSI 标准或制造商标准之标准管配件。
见下文 (g):
(1) Except as provided in (2) through (6) below,
fittings shall be attached by 除下文(2)至(6)之规定外,
outside diameter larger than the fitting’s outside diameter. 总注释:对于指
定外径不等于等效标准 NPS (DN) 尺寸外径之管配件,从表中所选用
(-a) two fillet or partial penetration welds, one on
each face of the vessel wall; and the minimum weld dimensions
shall be as shown in Figure UW-16.1, sketches (x), (y), (z), and
(aa); or 容器壁之每个面上各一个之配件应采用双边焊填角
的 NPS (DN) 尺寸应为等效外径大于管件外径的尺寸 。
焊缝或部分熔透焊缝连接到容器壁; 最小焊缝尺寸应如图
UW-16.1草图(x)、(y)、(z)和 (aa)所示; 或者为
(-b) full penetration groove weld [see UW-16(c)] 采用全熔透坡口焊缝 [参见 UW-16(c)]
Fittings not exceeding NPS 3 (DN 80) shown on Figure UW-16.1, sketches (x), (y), (z), (aa), and (bb) may be attached
by welds that are exempt from size requirements with the following limitations: 图 UW-16.1 中草图 (x)、(y)、(z)、(aa) 和 (bb) 所
示不超过 NPS 3 (DN 80) 之管配件只要符合如下限制因素的要求,则该连接焊缝可免除尺寸要求:
(-a) UW-15(a) requirements shall be satisfied for UG-22 loadings. UG-22 所述载荷应满足 UW-15(a) 的要求。
(-b) For partial penetration welds or fillet welds, 𝑡1 or 𝑡2 shall not be less than the smaller of 3/32 in. (2.5 mm) or 0.7𝑡min .
部分渗透焊缝或填角焊缝的𝑡1 或 𝑡2 尺寸不应小于 3/32 in. (2.5 mm) 或 0.7𝑡min 中的较小者。
See below. 见下文
(-a) Fittings not exceeding NPS 3 (DN 80), as shown in Figure UW-16.2, may be attached to vessels that are not subject
to rapid fluctuations in pressure by a fillet weld deposited from the outside only without additional reinforcement other than is
inherent in the fitting and its attachment to the vessel wall provided all of the following conditions are met 如图 UW-16.2 所
示:不超过 NPS 3 (DN 80)之管配件可通过仅从外部进行沉积之填角焊缝连接到不受压力快速波动影响的容器上,而
(-1) maximum vessel wall thickness of 3/8 in. (10 mm); 最大容器壁厚为3/8 in. (10 mm);
(-2) the maximum size of the opening in the vessel is limited to the outside diameter of the attached pipe plus 3/4 in.
(19 mm), but not greater than one-half of the vessel inside diameter; 容器开孔的最大尺寸限于所附管道外径加上 /4 in. (19
(-3) the attachment weld throat shall be the greater of the following: 连接焊缝之喉深应为以下两者中的较大者:
(+a) the minimum nozzle neck thickness required by UG-45 for the same nominal size connection; or
UG-45 对具有相同标称尺寸之接头所要求的最小管嘴颈部厚度;或者
(+b) that necessary to satisfy the requirements of UW-18 for the applicable loadings of UG-22.
满足 UW-18 对 UG-22 适用载荷之要求所必需的焊缝喉深。
(-4) the typical fitting dimension 𝑡𝑓 as shown in Figure UW-16.2, sketch (p) shall be sufficient to accommodate a
weld leg which will provide a weld throat dimension as required in (-3) above. 如图 UW-16.2中草图 (p) 所示的典型装配尺
寸 (𝑡𝑓 ) 应具有足够的焊缝脚长以达到上述 (-3)所要求的焊缝喉深。
(-5) The openings shall meet the requirements provided in UG-36(c)(3)(-c) and UG-36(c)(3)(-d). 开孔应满足 UG36(c)(3)(-c) 和 UG-36(c)(3)(-d) 中所规定的要求。
(-6) In lieu of the thickness requirements in UG-45, the minimum wall thickness for fittings shall not be less than
that shown in Table UW-16.1 plus the thickness added for corrosion allowance. 可作为UG-45中之厚度要求的代替要求
(-b) If the opening does not meet the requirements of (-a)(-5) or exceeds the requirements of (-a)(-2) above or (5)(-d)
below in any direction, or is greater than one-half the vessel inside diameter, the part of the vessel affected shall be subjected to
a proof test as required in UG-36(a)(2), or the opening shall be reinforced in accordance with UG-37 and the nozzle or other
connection attached, using a suitable detail in Figure UW-16.1, if welded. In satisfying the rules for reinforcement of openings,
no material in the nozzle neck shall be counted as reinforcement. 如果开孔在任何方向上均不符合 (-a)(-5) 的要求或超过上
述 (-a)(-2) 或以下 (5)(-d) 的要求,或大于容器内径的50%时,则受影响的容器部位应按照 UG-36(a)(2) 的要求进行复核
试验,或开孔应按 UG-37 的规定进行补强,且当管嘴或其他连接件采用焊接时,应以图 UW-16.1 中的适当细节来进
(4) Fittings not exceeding NPS 3 (DN 80) may be attached by a fillet groove weld from the outside only as shown in
Figure UW-16.1, sketch (bb). The groove weld 𝑡𝑤 shall not be less than the thickness of Schedule 160 pipe (ASME B36.10M) for the
nearest equivalent pipe size. [For fittings smaller than NPS ½ (DN 15), use Schedule 160 taken from Table 8 of ASME B16.11.]
不超过 NPS 3 (DN 80)之管配件只能如图 UW-16.1 中草图 (bb) 所示那样,用带饰面填角焊之坡口焊从外侧进行连接。坡口焊
缝尺寸 (𝑡𝑤 )不应小于 ASME B36.10M 附表中所示最接近之等效管道尺寸且管规号为 160 的厚度, [小于 NPS ½ (DN 15) 之管
配件,其𝑡𝑤 值则取至 ASME B16.11 表 8 所示管规号为 160 的厚度]。
(5) Flange-type fittings not exceeding NPS 2 (DN 50), with some acceptable types such as those shown in Figure UW16.2, may be attached without additional reinforcement other than that in the fitting and its attachment to the vessel wall. The
construction satisfies the requirements of this Division without further calculation or proof test as permitted in UG-36(c)(3) provided
all of the following conditions are met: 如图 UW-16.2 中所示那些不超过 NPS 2 (DN 50) 的可接受法兰型管配件,除管配件固有
计算或按 UG-36(c)(3)进行复核试验即可满足本卷的要求:
(-a) Maximum vessel wall thickness shall not exceed 3/8 in. (10 mm). 最大容器壁厚不应超过3/8 in. (10 mm)。
(-b) Maximum design pressure shall not exceed 350 psi (2.5 MPa). 最大设计压力不应超过 350 psi (2.5 MPa)。
(-c) Minimum fillet leg 𝑡𝑓 is 3/32 in. (2.45 mm). 填角焊之最小脚长𝑡𝑓 为3/32 in. (2.45 mm)。
(-d) The finished opening, defined as the hole in the vessel wall, shall not exceed the outside diameter of the nominal
pipe size plus 3/4 in. (19 mm). 定义为容器壁上之开孔的成品开孔不应大于标称管外径加上3/4 in. (19 mm)的和。
(6) Fittings conforming to Figure UW-16.2, sketch (k) not exceeding NPS 3 (DN 80) may be attached by a single fillet
weld on the inside of the vessel only, provided the criteria of Figure UW-16.1, sketch (w) and (e)(1) are met. 符合图 UW-16.2 草图
(k) 且不超过 NPS 3 (DN 80) 之管配件可仅通过容器内部的单边焊填角焊进行连接,前提是要满足图 UW-16.1 中草图 (w) 和
(e)(1) 的所示规定。
(g) Bolting Pads: Manufacturer’s Standard. The attachment of standard bolting pads shall meet the following requirements:
(1) Except as provided for in (2) and (3), bolting pads shall be attached by a full penetration groove weld or by two fillet or
partial penetration welds, one on each face of the vessel wall. The minimum weld dimensions shall be as shown in Figure UW-16.1,
sketches (p), (x), (y), (z), and (aa). 除如下 (2) 和 (3) 中所规定之情况外,应通过全熔透坡口焊或双边焊填角焊缝或部分熔透焊
来连接容器壁每个面上各一个的螺固衬垫。最小焊缝尺寸应如图 UW-16.1 中草图 (p)、(x)、(y)、(z) 和 (aa) 所示。
(2) Bolting pads as shown in Figure UW-16.3, sketches (a) and (b) may be attached to vessels by a fillet weld deposited
from the outside only with the following limitations: 图 UW-16.3 中草图 (a) 和 (b) 所示的螺固衬垫可通过从容器壁外侧进行熔填
(-a) The maximum vessel wall thickness is 3/8 in. (10 mm), and the bolting pad outside the diameter is not greater than
43/4 in. (120 mm). 最大容器壁厚为3/8 in. (10 mm),且螺固衬垫之外径不大于4-3/4 in. (120 mm)。
(-b) The maximum size of the opening in the vessel is limited to the following: 容器上的最大开孔尺寸限为以下:
(-1) 43/4 in. (120 mm) for bolting pads that are installed through wall; see Figure UW-16.3, sketch (a) 最小管嘴颈
(-2) 1/4 in. (6 mm) less than the bolting pad diameter for those that are attached to the outside of the vessel; see
Figure UW-16.3, sketch (b) 连接到容器外表面上之螺固衬垫的直径小于1/4 in. (6 mm);见图 UW-16.3中草图 (b)
(-c) The attachment weld throat shall be the greatest of the following: 用于连接之焊缝喉深应为以下的最大值:
(-1) the minimum nozzle neck thickness required by UG-45 for the same nominal size connection管嘴焊颈部之最
(-2) 1.0𝑡min
(-3) that necessary to satisfy the requirements of UW-18 for the applicable loadings of UG-22 满足 UW-18 对 UG22 适用载荷之要求所必需的焊缝喉深
(-d) The typical bolting pad dimension, 𝑡𝑓 , as shown in Figure UW-16.3, sketch (a), shall be sufficient to accommodate
a weld leg that will provide a weld throat dimension. 如图 UW-16.3中草图 (a) 所示,典型螺固衬垫的尺寸 (𝑡𝑓 ) 应足以容纳
Figure UW-16.3 Some Acceptable Types of Small Bolting Pads
图 UW-16.3 几种可接受的小螺固衬垫类型
(-e) In satisfying the rules for
reinforcement of openings, no material
in the bolting pad shall be counted as
reinforcement. 在满足开孔补强规则的
If the opening
exceeds the requirements of (2)(-b)
above, or is greater than one-half the
vessel inside diameter, the part of the
vessel affected shall be subjected to a
proof test as required in UG-36(a)(2), or
the opening shall be reinforced in
accordance with UG-37 and the nozzle
or other connection attached, using a
suitable detail in Figure UW-16.1, if
Maximum Opening最大开孔
GENERAL NOTE: See UW-16(g)(2) for limitations. 总注释:局限性见 UW-16(g)(2)
welded. 如果开孔超过上述(2)(-b)的要
求,或大于容器内径的一半时,则受影响的容器部位应按 UG-36(a)(2)的要求进行复核试验,或者该开孔应按照 UG-37 进行
补强,且当管嘴或其他连接件采用焊接时,应以图 UW-16.1 中的适当细节来进行连接。
(h) The minimum throat dimensions of fillet welds defined in Figure UW-16.1 shall be maintained around the circumference of
the attachment, except as provided below. 除以下规定外,在沿着连接件圆周周围施焊之填角焊缝应保有图 UW-16.1 中所规定
(1) For nozzles attached to shells as shown in Figure UW-16.1, sketches (a) through (e), the fillet weld leg dimensions that
meets the minimum throat dimensions shall be calculated for the equivalent thickness nozzle attached perpendicular to the surface of a
flat head with thickness equal to the shell thickness. 当管嘴按图 UW-16.1 中草图 (a) 至 (e) 所示连接到壳体上时,应针对垂直于
(2) The fillet weld leg dimensions along the shell and nozzle need not exceed the calculated fillet weld leg dimension.
(3) For radial nozzles when the outside diameter of the nozzle approaches tangency with the shell, the fillet weld shall be
smoothly transitioned into the full penetration weld. 当径向管嘴之外径几乎与壳体相切时,应平滑过渡为全焊透焊缝。
(4) For nonradial and tangential nozzles where the angle between the nozzle and shell is too large or too small to make a
fillet weld or when the nozzle approaches tangency with the shell, the fillet weld shall be smoothly transitioned into the fullpenetration weld. 如果非径向和切向喷嘴与壳体间之角度太大或太小而无法形成填角焊缝,或者当喷嘴与壳体接近相切时,
(a) Plug welds may be used in lap joints, in reinforcements around openings and in nonpressure structural attachments. They
shall be properly spaced to carry their proportion of the load, but shall not be considered to take more than 30% of the total load to be
transmitted. 塞焊缝可用于搭接接头、开孔周围的补强件和非承压结构的连接。开孔间应具有合宜间距以使各塞焊缝能成比
例地承载其载荷,但不应被认为它们足以承受超过所要传递之总载荷的 30%。
(b) Plug weld holes shall have a diameter not less than t + 1/4 in. (6 mm) and not more than 2t + 1/4 in. (6 mm), where t is the
thickness in inches of the plate or attached part in which the hole is made. 塞孔之孔径不应小于 t + 1/4 in. (6 mm) 且不应大于 2t +
1/4 in. (6 mm),此处 t 是板厚或塞孔所连接之组件的厚度,以 in. 为单位。
(c) Plug weld holes shall be completely filled with weld metal when the thickness of the plate, or attached part, in which the
weld is made is 5/16 in. (8 mm) or less; for thicker plates or attached parts the holes shall be filled to a depth of at least half the plate
thickness or 5/16 of the hole diameter, whichever is larger, but in no case less than 5 / 16 in. (8 mm). 当待塞焊之板材或连接件的厚度
≤ 5/16 in. (8 mm)时,塞孔应完全填满焊缝金属;对于较厚之板材或连接件,塞孔的填充深度应至少为板厚的 50%或孔径之
5/16 倍中的较大者,但在任何情况下均不应小于 5 /16 in. (8 mm)。
The allowable working load on a plug weld in either shear or tension shall be computed by the following formula: 应按如下
(U.S. Customary Units) 当采用美国习惯单位时为
(SI Units) 当采用SI 单位时为
where 式中运算符之定义如下所述
= the bottom diameter of the hole in which the weld is made 进行焊接之塞孔的底部直径
= total allowable working load on the plug weld 作用在塞焊缝上的总许用操作载荷
= maximum allowable stress value for the material in which the weld is made (see UG-23) 被焊材料的最大许用
应力值 (见 UG-23)
(a) Fillet welds may be employed as strength welds for pressure parts within the limitations given elsewhere in this Division.
Particular care shall be taken in the layout of joints in which fillet welds are to be used in order to assure complete fusion at the root of
the fillet. 填角焊缝可用作承压零部件的传力焊缝,但要在本卷相关章节所给出的限制范围内。应特别注意填角焊缝的接头布
(b) Corner or tee joints may be made with fillet welds provided the plates are properly supported independently of such welds,
except that independent supports are not required for joints used for the purposes enumerated in UG-55. 角接或 T 形接头可采用填
角焊缝,前提是板材具有不依赖此类焊缝的合宜支撑,但用于 UG-55 中所列用途且不需要独立支撑之接头除外。
Figures UW-13.1 and UW-13.2 show several construction details that are not permissible. 图 UW-13.1 和 UW-13.2 图显示
(d) Unless the sizing basis is given elsewhere in this Division, the maximum allowable load on fillet welds shall equal the
product of the weld area (based on minimum leg dimension), the maximum allowable stress value in tension of the material being
welded, and a joint efficiency of 55%. 除非在本卷相关章节给出了尺寸基准,否则填角焊缝上的最大许用许载荷应等于焊缝面
积 (基于最小脚长的尺寸)、被焊材料之最最大许用拉伸应力值以及接头系数为 55%等三者的乘积。
Figure UW-19.1 Typical Forms of Welded Staybolts图 UW19.1 焊接拉紧螺栓的典型型式
Round anchor block
Complete penetration
Diameter used to
satisfy UG-50用於
Round anchor block
Diameter used to
satisfy UG-50
Legend: 图说
t = nominal thickness of the thinner stayed plate 较薄被拉撑板的标称厚度
Welded-in staybolts shall meet the following requirements: 焊接拉紧螺栓应符合下列要求:
(1) the arrangement shall substantially conform to one of those illustrated in Figure UW-19.1; 焊接拉紧螺栓的布置应应
基本上符合图 UW-19.1 中所示布置之一;
(2) the required thickness of the plate shall not exceed 11/2 in. (38 mm), except for Figure UW-19.1, sketches (e), (g), and
(h). For plate thicknesses greater than 3/4 in. (19 mm), the staybolt pitch shall not exceed the smaller of 20 in. (500 mm) or the
limits established in UG-47(f). 所要求之板厚度不应超过 11/2 in. (38 mm),但图 UW-19.1 中草图 (e)、(g) 和 (h) 所示结构除
外。当板厚度大于 3/4 in. (19 mm)时,板厚度取超过 20 in. (500 mm)或 UG-47(f) 中所规定之限值中的较小者。
the provisions of UG-47 and UG-49 shall be followed; and 应遵循 UG-47 和 UG-49 的规定; 以及
(4) the required area of the staybolt shall be determined in accordance with the requirements in UG-50. 应按 UG-50 的要
Welded stays, substantially as shown in Figure UW-19.2, may be used to stay jacketed pressure vessels provided: 大致如图
UW-19.2 所示之焊接焊接牵条可用于拉撑夹套式压力容器,前提是:
(1) the pressure does not exceed 300 psi (2 MPa); 压力不超过 300 psi (2 MPa);
(2) the required thickness of the plate does not exceed 1/2 in. (13 mm); 板材的所需厚度不超过 1/2 in. (13 mm);
(3) the size of the fillet welds is not less than the plate thickness; 填角焊缝之尺寸不小于板厚;
(4) the inside welds are properly inspected before the closing plates are attached; 在安装封板之前,适当检查内侧焊
(5) the allowable load on the fillet welds is computed in accordance with UW-18(d); 按 UW-18(d)之规定计算填角焊缝
Figure UW-19.2 Use of Plug and Slot Welds for Staying Plates
图 UW-19.2 采用塞焊和槽焊进行连接的撑板
the maximum diameter or width of the hole in
the plate does not exceed 11/4 in. (32 mm); 板上之拉撑孔的最
大直径或宽度不超过 1-1/4 in. (32 mm);
the welders are qualified under the rules of
Section IX; 焊工已按第 IX 卷之规则取得所需技能资格;
the maximum spacing of stays is determined by
the formula in UG-47(a), using C = 2.1 if either plate is not
over 7/16 in. (11 mm) thick, C = 2.2 if both plates are over 7/16
in. (11 mm) thick. 按 UG-47(a) 中所给出之方程来确定牵条
的最大间距,如果任一板材的厚度不超过 77/16 in. (11
Min. width stay
plate = d
mm) ,则 C 取值为 2.1;如果两块板材的厚度都超过 7/16
in. (11 mm),则 C 取值为 2.2 。
Welded stayed construction, as shown in Figure
UW-19.2 or consisting of a dimpled or embossed plate welded
to another like plate or to a plain plate, may be used, provided
撑板最小宽度 = d
可以采用如图 UW-19.2 所示的焊接拉称结构,或者采用由
(1) the welded attachment is made by fillet welds around holes or slots as shown in Figure UW-19.2 or if the thickness of
the plate having the hole or slot is 1 /2 in. (12 mm) or less, and the hole is 1 in. (25 mm) or less in diameter, the holes may be
completely filled with weld metal. The allowable load on the weld shall equal the product of the thickness of the plate having the
hole or slot, the circumference or perimeter of the hole or slot, the allowable stress value in tension of the weaker of the materials
being joined and a joint efficiency of 55%. 焊接连接是通过如图 UW-19.2 所示沿塞孔或槽孔周围进行沉积之角焊缝来实现
的,或者如果具有塞孔或槽孔之板材厚度为 1 /2 in. (12 mm)或更小,并且孔直径为 1 in. (25 mm)或更小时,则塞孔或槽
孔可以完全被焊缝金属所填满。 焊缝上的许用载荷应等于具有塞孔或槽孔之板材的厚度、塞孔或槽孔的周长、被连接
材料中较弱材料之许用抗拉应力值和 55%接头系数的乘积 。
(2) the maximum allowable working pressure of the dimpled or embossed components is established in accordance with
the requirements of UG-101. The joint efficiency, E, used in UG-101 to calculate the MAWP of the dimpled panel shall be taken
as 0.80. This proof test may be carried out on a representative panel. If a representative panel is used, it shall be rectangular in
shape and at least 5 pitches in each direction, but not less than 24 in. (600 mm) in either direction. The representative panel shall
utilize the same weld details as will be used in the final construction. 按 UG-101 的要求确定该波纹或压花组件的最大许用工
作压力。 UG-101 中用于计算波纹板 MAWP 之接头系数 E 应取值为 0.80。复核试验可以在具有代表性的试板上进行。
如果使用代表性试板,其形状应为矩形,每个方向至少有 5 个节距,但任一方向不小于 24 in. (600 mm)。代表性试板应
(3) the plain plate, if used, shall meet the requirements for braced and stayed surfaces. 如果采用平钢板,则应满足被斜
(d) The welds need not be radiographed, nor need they be postweld heat treated unless the vessel or vessel part in which they
occur is required to be postweld heat treated. 用于拉称结构之焊缝无需进行射线照相,也无需进行焊后热处理,除非焊缝所在
UW-20.1 Scope. These rules provide a basis for establishing tube-to-tubesheet joint strength. 适用范围。 这些规则为建立管子与
UW-20.1.1 General. 通则
(a) Tubes used in the construction of heat exchangers or similar apparatus may be considered to act as stays, which support
or contribute to the strength of the tube-sheets in which they are engaged. Tube-to-tubesheet joints shall be capable of transferring the
applied tube loads. The design of tube-to-tubesheet joints depends on the type of joint, degree of examination, and shear load tests, if
performed. 用于热交换器或类似设备之构造中的管子可被认为充当拉称,其用于支撑它们所接合之管板或有助于它们所接合
之管板的强度。 管子管板之接头应能够传递所施加的管载荷。 管子与管板之接头的设计取决于接头类型、检测程度和剪切
Table UW-20.1 Efficiencies系数, 𝒇𝒓
Joint Type
Description说明 [Note (1)]
Welded only, total weld size (0.7𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎g ) ≥ t 仅涉及焊接之总焊缝尺寸 (0.7𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎g ) (4)
Welded only, total weld size (0.7𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎g ) < t 仅涉及焊接时总焊缝尺寸 (0.7𝑎𝑓 +
𝑎g ) < t
Brazed, examined已检测之钎焊缝
Brazed, not fully examined钎焊,非100% 检测
𝑓𝑟,𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡 [Note (2)]
𝑓𝑟,𝑁𝑜 𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡
Welded, total weld size (0.7𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎g ) ≥ t , and expanded焊接 + 胀接之焊缝总尺寸
(0.7𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎g ) ≥ t
Welded, total weld size (0.7𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎g ) < t , and expanded, enhanced with two or more (3) (7) (8) (9) (10)
grooves焊接 + 在具有两个或多个增强型凹槽之中胀管的总焊缝尺寸 (𝑎𝑓 +
𝑎g ) < t
Welded, total weld size (0.7𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎g ) < t , and expanded, enhanced with single groove (3) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(7) (8) (9) (10)
Expanded, enhanced with two or more grooves在具有两个或多个增强型凹槽管孔中
(7) (8) (9) (10)
(7) (8)
焊接 + 在具有一个增强型凹槽之管孔中胀管的总焊缝尺寸 (0.7𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎g ) < t
Welded, total weld size (0.7𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎g ) < t , and expanded, not enhanced 焊接 + 在不具 (3) (7) (8)
有增强型凹槽之管孔中胀管的焊缝总尺寸 (0.7af + a_g ) < t ,
焊接 + 在不具有增强型凹槽之管孔中胀管的焊缝总尺寸 (0.7𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎g ) < t ,
Expanded, enhanced with single groove在具有增强型单凹槽之管孔中的胀管
Expanded, not enhanced在不具有增强型凹槽之管孔中的胀管
GENERAL NOTE: The joint efficiencies listed in this table apply only to allowable loads and do not indicate the degree of joint leak tightness. 总注
(1) For joint types involving more than one fastening method, the sequence used in the joint description does not necessarily indicate the order in
which the operations are performed. 对于涉及一种以上紧固方法的接头类型而言,接头描述中顺序不一定表示执行操作的顺序。
The use of the 𝑓𝑟,𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡 factor requires qualification in accordance with UW-20.4.3 and UW-20.4.4. 使用𝑓𝑟,𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡 系数时需要根据 UW-20.4.3 和
UW-20.4.4 进行鉴定。
(3) The value of 𝑓𝑟,𝑛𝑜 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 applies only to material combinations as provided for under Section IX. For material combinations not provided for under
Section IX, 𝑓𝑟 shall be determined by test in accordance with UW-20.4.3 and UW-20.4.4. 𝒇𝒓,𝒏𝒐 𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕的值仅适用于第 IX 卷有指定成分的材料。 对于第
IX卷中未指定成分之材料,则应根据 UW-20.4.3 和 UW-20.4.4 通过试验来确定 𝑓𝑟 的值。
𝑓𝑟,𝑛𝑜 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 is not permitted for welded only joint types in accordance with UW-20.4.3, refer to UW-20.4.2. 𝐟𝐫,𝐧𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 不允许用于符合UW-20.4.3且
(5) A value of 1.00 for 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 or 0.80 for 𝑓𝑟,𝑛𝑜 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 can be applied only to joints in which visual examination assures that the brazing filler metal has
penetrated the entire joint [see UB-14(a)] and the depth of penetration is not less than 3 times the nominal thickness of the tube wall. 值为 1.0之𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 和
值为 0.80之𝑓𝑟,𝑛𝑜 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 仅适用于通过目视检查来确保钎焊料已渗透整个接头并且渗透深度不小于管壁公称厚度之3倍的接头 [参见 UB-14(a)]。
(6) A value of 0.50 for 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 or 0.40 for 𝑓𝑟,𝑛𝑜 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 shall be used for joints in which visual examination will not provide proof that the brazing filler
metal has penetrated the entire joint [see UB-14(b)]. 对于目视检查无法证明钎焊料已渗透整个接头之那些接头而言,应将 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 取值为 0.50 或将
𝑓𝑟,𝑛𝑜 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 取值为 0.40 [参见 UB-14(b)] 。
If 𝑑𝑜 /(do − 2t ) is less than 1.05 or greater than 1.410, 𝑓𝑟 shall be determined by test in accordance with UW-20.4.3 and UW-20.4.4. 如果𝑑𝑜 /(do
− 2t ) 小于 1.05 或大于 1.410时,则𝑓𝑟 应根据 UW-20.4.3 和 UW-20.4.4 的规定通过试验来确定之。
(8) If the nominal pitch (center-to-center distance of adjacent tube holes) is less than 𝑑𝑜 + 2t , 𝑓𝑟 shall be determined by test in accordance with
UW-20.4.3 and UW-20.4.4. 如果标称节距(相邻管孔中心距)小于𝑑𝑜 + 2t时,则𝑓𝑟 应根据 UW-20.4.3 和 UW-20.4.4 的规定通过试验来确定之。
(9) The Manufacturer may use other means to enhance the strength of expanded joints, provided, however, that the joints are tested in accordance
with UW-20.4.3 and UW-20.4.4. 制造商可以采用其他方法来增强胀接接头的强度,但前提是接头要按 UW-20.4.3 和 UW-20.4.4 的规定来进行测
(10) For explosive and hydraulic expansion, grooves shall be a minimum of 1.1 [(𝑑𝑜 − t )t ]0.5 wide. For explosively or hydraulically expanded
joints with single grooves meeting this requirement, 𝑓𝑟 for joint type f may be used in lieu of that for joint type g, and 𝑓𝑟 for joint type i may be used in
lieu of that for joint type j, as applicable. 当采用爆炸和液压胀接时,凹槽的宽度至少应为1.1 [(𝑑𝑜 − t )t ]0.5。当单凹槽爆炸接头或液压胀接接头符
合本要求时,则接头类型 f 的𝑓𝑟 可以用于取代接头类型 g 的接头类型,接头类型 i 的𝑓𝑟 可以用于取代接头类型 j 的接头类型 。
Tube-to-tubesheet joints, except as exempted in (c) and (d) below, shall have their strength determined by either UW-
20.3 or UW-20.4. 除下列 (c) 和 (d) 中所豁免的情况外,应按 UW-20.3 或 UW-20.4 来确定管子与管板之接头强度。
Back-face welded joints, such as shown in Division 2, Figure 4.18.2(d) are not covered. 如第 VIII-2卷图 4.18.2(d) 中所
Determination of tube-to-tubesheet joint strength is not mandatory for U-tube construction. 不强制一定要确定U 型管结
(e) Some combinations of tube and tubesheet materials, when welded, result in welded joints having lower ductility than
required in the material specifications. Appropriate tube-to-tubesheet joint geometry, welding method, and/or heat treatment shall be
used with these materials to minimize this effect. 管材和管板材料的某些组合在焊接时会导致焊接接头的延展性低于材料规范
中的要求。 这些材料应采用合宜的管子与管板接头几何形状、焊接方法和/或热处理,以尽量减少这种影响。
(f) In the selection of joint type, consideration shall be given to the mean metal temperature of the joint at operating
temperatures and differential thermal expansion of the tube and tubesheet that may affect the joint integrity. The following provisions
apply for establishing maximum operating temperature for tube-to-tubesheet joints: 在选用接头类型时,应考虑接头在工作温度下
的平均金属温度以及可能影响接头完整性的管子和管板的热膨胀差。 以下规定适用于确定管子与管板接头的最高工作温
(1) Tube-to-tubesheet joints where the maximum allowable axial load is controlled by the weld shall be limited to the
maximum temperature for which there are allowable stresses for the tube or tubesheet material in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1,
Table 1A or Table 1B. Tube-to-tubesheet joints in this category are any of the following: 最大许用轴向载荷由焊缝所支配的管
子与管板接头应限制在第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A 或表1B中管材或管板材料之许用应力的最高温度。此类别中的管子与管
(-a) Those with or without expansion having full strength welds or partial strength welds designed in accordance
with UW-20.3. 具有或不具有按 UW-20.3 所设计之全强度焊缝或部分强度焊缝的胀接。
(-b) Those welded and expanded joints specified in Table UW-20.1, joint types f, g, and h, where the maximum
allowable axial load is determined in accordance with UW-20.4 and is controlled by the weld (𝑓𝑟𝑒 = 𝑓𝑟(ℎ) ). 表 UW-20.1 中接
头类型 f、g 和 h所规定的焊接 + 胀接接头的最大允许轴向载荷是根据 UW-20.4 来确定的并由焊缝(𝑓𝑟𝑒 = 𝑓𝑟(ℎ) )所支配
(-c) Those welded-only or welded and expanded joints specified in Table UW-20.1, joint types a, b, and e, where
the maximum allowable load is determined in accordance with UW-20.4. 表 UW-20.1 中指定为a、b 和 e接头类型所规定的
仅涉及焊接之接头或焊接 + 胀接接头,其最大允许载荷是根据 UW-20.4 来确定的。
(2) Tube-to-tubesheet joints made by brazing specified in Table UW-20.1, joint types c and d, shall be limited to
temperatures in conformance with the requirements of Part UB. 通过表 UW-20.1 中接头类型 c 和 d之规定以钎焊制成的管子
与管板接头,应限用于符合 UB 篇所要求之温度。
(3) Tube-to-tubesheet joints where the maximum allowable axial load is determined in accordance with UW-20.4
considering friction only as specified in Table UW-20.1, joint types i, j, and k, or is controlled by friction in a welded and
expanded joint as specified in Table UW-20.1, joint types f, g, h (when 𝑓𝑟𝑒 = 𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑟 𝑓𝑦 𝑓𝑇 ) shall be limited to temperatures as
determined by the following: 最大许用轴向载荷根据 UW-20.4 所确定的管子与管板接头,仅计入表 UW-20.1 中指定为 i、j
和 k接头类型所规定的摩擦力,或者是由表UW-201中表 UW-20.1 中指定为f、g、h(当 𝑓𝑟𝑒 = 𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑟 𝑓𝑦 𝑓𝑇 时)接头类型所规
定之焊接 + 胀接接头中之摩擦力所支配的,应限用于由以下所确定的温度范围内:
(-a) The operating temperature of the tube-totubesheet joint shall be within the tube and tubesheet timeindependent properties of Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A or Table 1B. 管子与管板接头之工作温度应在第 II-D 卷第
1 子篇表 1A 或表 1B中管子和管板之特性不取决于时间的范围内。
(-b) The maximum operating temperature is based on the interface pressure that exists between the tube and
tubesheet and may be determined by either method below. 最高工作温度是基于存在于管子与管板间之界面压力,并且可
(-1) The maximum operating temperature is limited such that the interface pressure due to expanding the
tube at joint fabrication plus the interface pressure due to differential thermal expansion, (PO + PT ), does not exceed 58%
of the smaller of the tube or tubesheet yield strength (see UG-23) at the operating temperature. When PT < 0, where due to
differential thermal expansion the tube expands less than the tubesheet, the maximum operating temperature is limited such
that factor 𝑓𝑇 remains of sufficient magnitude for the design loads. The interface pressure due to expanding the tube at
fabrication or the interface pressure due to differential thermal expansion may be determined analytically or
experimentally. 由于最大工作温度受到限制,从而使得接头制造时因胀接管材而产生的界面压力加上热膨胀差异所
引起的界面压力 (PO + PT ) 不超过管材或管板在工作温度下之较小降服强度的 58% (参见 UG-23)。 当 PT < 0
f T 。 由于在制造时因胀管而导致的界面压力或由于不同的热膨胀而导致的界面压力可以通过分析或实验来确定
(-2) The maximum operating temperature may be determined by shear load tests described in UW-20.4.3.
Two sets of specimens shall be tested. The first set shall be tested at the proposed operating temperature. The second set
shall be tested at room temperature after heat soaking at the proposed operating temperature for 24 hr. The proposed
operating temperature is acceptable if the provisions of UW-20.4.5 are satisfied. 可通过 UW-20.4.3 中所述剪切载荷测试
来确定最高工作温度。 应测试两组试样,第一组应在所建议的工作温度下进行测试, 第二组应在所建议的工作温
度下热浸 24 小时后在室温下进行测试。 如果满足 UW-20.4.5 的规定,则所建议的工作温度是可以接受的。
(g) The Manufacturer shall prepare written procedures for joints that are expanded (whether welded and expanded or
expanded only) for joint strength (see Nonmandatory Appendix HH). The Manufacturer shall establish the variables that affect joint
repeatability in these procedures. The procedures shall provide detailed descriptions or sketches of enhancements, such as grooves,
serrations, threads, and coarse machining profiles. The Manufacturer shall make these written procedures available to the Authorized
Inspector. 制造商应为胀接接头(无论是焊接加膨胀还是仅膨胀)编写书面程序,以用于确保接头强度(参见非强制性附录
HH)。 制造商应在这些程序中建立影响接头重复性的变量。 程序应提供增强功能的详细描述或草图,例如凹槽、锯齿形突
起、螺纹和粗加工轮廓。 制造商应向授权检验师提供这些书面规程。
UW-20.1.2 Definitions. 定义
brazed-only joint: a tube-to-tubesheet joint that is made by brazing the end of the tube to the tubesheet. Brazed-only joints are
subject to rules and service restrictions of Part UB. 仅涉及钎焊之接头:通过将管端部钎焊至管板而形成的管子与管板接头。 仅
涉及钎焊之接头须遵守 UB 篇分支规则和工况限制。
expanded joint: a tube-to-tubesheet joint produced by applying an expanding force inside the portion of the tube to be engaged
in the tubesheet in a manner that produces a determinable allowable axial joint load. The expanding force shall be set to values
necessary to effect sufficient residual interface pressure between the tube and hole for joint strength. 胀管接头:通过在与管板啮合
之管端部内施加膨胀力而产生的管子与管板接头,其方式产生可测定的许用轴向接头载荷。 扩径力应设置为在管子与管孔
full strength weld: a full strength tube-to-tubesheet weld is one in which the design strength is equal to or greater than the axial
tube strength, 𝐹𝑡 . When the weld in a tubeto-tubesheet joint meets the requirements of UW-20.3.2, it is a full-strength weld, and the
joint does not require qualification by shear load testing. Such a weld also provides tube joint leak tightness. 全强度焊缝:全强度管
子与管板焊缝是指管子之设计强度等于或大于其轴向强度 𝐹𝑡 的焊缝。 当管子与管板之接头中的焊缝满足UW-20.3.2的要求
时,则该焊缝就是全强度焊缝,并且该接头不需要通过剪切载荷试验来进行评定。 这种焊缝还提供了管接头的密封性。
partial strength weld: a partial strength weld is one in which the design strength is based on the mechanical and thermal axial
tube loads (in either direction) that are determined from the actual design conditions. The maximum allowable axial load of this weld
may be determined in accordance with UW-20.3 or UW-20.4. When the weld meets the requirements of UW-20.3, the joint does not
require qualification by shear load testing. Such a weld also provides tube joint leak tightness. 部分强度焊缝:部分强度焊缝是基于
根据实际设计条件所确定的机械和热轴向管载荷(任一方向)来推定设计强度的一种焊缝, 而该焊缝的最大允许轴向载荷
可按UW-20.3或UW-20.4来确定之。 当焊缝满足UW-20.3的要求时,接头不需要通过剪切载荷试验进行评定。 这种焊焊缝提
seal weld: a tube-to-tubesheet seal weld is one used to supplement an expanded tube joint to ensure leak tightness. Its size has
not been determined based on axial tube loading. 密封焊缝:管子与管板之密封焊缝是用于补充胀管接头以确保密封性的一种焊
缝。 其尺寸未根据轴向管载荷确定。
tube hole enhancement: a groove or other modification of the tube hole surface that increases the allowable axial joint load
welded-and-expanded joint: a tube-to-tubesheet joint that is made by both welding and expanding. 焊接+胀接之接头:通过
welded-only joint: a tube-to-tubesheet joint that is made by welding the end of the tube to the tubesheet. 仅涉及焊接之接头:
UW-20.2 Nomenclature. 术语集
= length of the combined weld(s) measured parallel to the longitudinal axis of the tube at its outside diameter. For fillet
only welds, 𝑎𝑐 = 𝑎𝑓 For groove only welds, 𝑎𝑐 = 𝑎𝑔 . These dimensions are illustrated in Figures UW-20.1 and UW-20.2.
平行于管外径且沿纵轴所测定的焊缝组合长度。 当接头仅涉及填角焊缝时,𝑎𝑐 = 𝑎𝑓 。 另当接头仅涉及坡口焊缝
时,𝑎𝑐 = 𝑎𝑔 。 这些尺寸见图 UW-20.1 和 UW-20.2 所示。
= fillet weld leg. For unequal leg fillets, 𝑎𝑓 shall be the size of the smaller of the two legs. 填角焊缝之焊脚。 对于不等边
焊脚之填角焊缝而言,𝑎𝑓 应为两焊脚中较小者的尺寸。
= depth of groove weld. Depth can be achieved by chamfer or nonchamfer groove. 坡口焊缝深度。 该深度可以通过削
= minimum required length of the weld(s) under consideration 拟计算焊缝的所需最小长度
= tube cross-sectional area 管横截面积
= nominal tube inside diameter 标称管内径
= nominal tube outside diameter 标称管外径
= modulus of elasticity for tubesheet material at T 管板材料在 T 时的弹性模量
= modulus of elasticity for tube material at T 管材在 T 时的弹性模量
= design strength, but not greater than 𝐹t 设计强度,但不大于𝐹t
= ratio of the design strength to the tube strength 设计强度与管材强度之比值
= factor for the length of the expanded portion of the tube 管子之胀接部分的长度系数
= fillet weld strength, but not greater than 𝐹t 填角焊缝强度,但不大于𝐹t
= ratio of the fillet weld strength to the design strength 填角焊缝强度与设计强度之比值
= groove weld strength, but not greater than 𝐹t 坡口焊缝强度,但不大于𝐹t
= ratio of the groove weld strength to the design strength 坡口焊缝强度与设计强度之比值
= factor to define the efficiency of joint, set equal to the value of 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 or 𝑓𝑟,𝑛𝑜 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 用于定义接头效率的系数,设置为等于
𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 或 𝑓𝑟,𝑛𝑜 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 的值
= factor to define efficiency of joint established by shear load test. Equal to the value calculated from results of test in
accordance with UW-20.4.4 or as tabulated in Table UW-20.1, whichever is less, except as permitted in UW-
用于定义通过剪切载荷测试而为接头效率所建立的系数。 等于根据 UW-20.4.4 或表 UW-20.1 中之测试结果所计算
出之各值中的较小者,但UW- 所允许者除外。
𝑓𝑟,𝑛𝑜 𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡
= factor to define efficiency of joint without shear load test in accordance with Table UW-20.1 接头在不按表 UW-20.1进
= factor for the overall efficiency of welded and expanded joints. Larger of the efficiency of the welded alone and net
efficiency of the welded and expanded joint 焊接 + 胀接之接头整体效率的系数。取仅涉及焊接的效率与焊接+胀接
= axial tube strength 轴向管强度
= factor to account for the increase or decrease of tube joint strength due to radial differential thermal expansion at the
tube-to-tubesheet joint. Acceptable values of 𝑓𝑇 may range from 0 to greater than 1. When the 𝑓𝑇 value is negative, it shall
be set to 0. 由于管子与管板接头处的径向差异热膨胀而导致管接头强度增加或减少的系数。 𝑓𝑇 的可接受值范围为
0 到大于 1。当 𝑓𝑇 值为负时,应设置为 0。
= weld strength factor 焊缝强度系数
= factor for differences in the mechanical properties of tubesheet and tube materials 管板和管材之机械性能差异的系数
= tube load factor管载荷系数
= 1.0 for loads due to pressure-induced axial forces对于由压力所引起之轴向力而产生的载荷而言,k取值为1.0
= 1.0 for loads due to thermally induced or pressure plus thermally induced axial forces on welded-only joints where the
thickness through the weld throat (0.7af + 𝑎𝑔 ) is less than the nominal tube wall thickness t 对于仅涉及焊接之接头上的
热感应载荷或压力加上热感应轴向力,且当焊喉喉深尺寸(0.7af + 𝑎𝑔 )小于标称管壁厚度t时,k取值为1.0
= 2.0 for loads due to thermally induced or pressure plus thermally induced axial forces on all other tube-to-tubesheet joints
= length of the expanded portion of the tube胀管段的长度
= maximum allowable axial load in either direction on the tube-to-tubesheet joint 管子与管板接头在任一方向上的最大
= axial load at which failure of the test specimens occur 试样发生失效时的轴向载荷
= lowest axial load at which failure occurs at operating temperature 在工作温度下发生失效时的最低轴向载荷
= lowest axial load at which failure of heatsoaked specimen tested at room temperature occurs 室温下所测试之热浸试在
= tube expanding pressure 胀管压力
= interface pressure between the tube and tubesheet that remains after expanding the tube at fabrication. This pressure may
be established analytically or experimentally but shall consider the effect of change in material strength at operating
temperature. 制造时胀管后残存于管子和管板间的之界面压力。 该压力可以通过分析或实验来确定之,但在分析
= interface pressure between the tube and tubesheet due to differential thermal growth. This pressure may be established
analytically or experimentally. 由于热生长差异而导致管子和管板之间的界面压力。 可以通过分析或实验来建立此
= mean tube radius平均管半径
= tube outside radius 管子的外半径
= allowable stress for the tube material at design temperature. For a welded tube or pipe, use the allowable stress for the
equivalent seamless product. When the allowable stress for the equivalent seamless product is not available, divide the
allowable stress of the welded product by 0.85. 设计温度下管材的许用应力。焊制管材应采用等效无缝产品的许用
应力。 当无法获得等效无缝产品之许用应力时,可将焊制产品的许用应力除以0.85。
= tensile strength for the tube material from the material test report 材料测试报告中的管材抗拉强度
= allowable stress of the material to which the tube is welded. See UW-20.5(d). 被焊管子之材材料的许用应力,参见
= tensile strength for tube material at operating temperature taken from Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table U 管材在工作
温度下取自第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 U的拉伸强度
= tensile strength for tube material at room temperature taken from Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table U 管材在室温下取
自第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 U的拉伸强度
= allowable stress in weld 焊缝之许用应力
= yield strength for tubesheet material at tube-sheet design temperature, T (see UG-23) 管板材料在管板设计温度 T 下的
降服强度(参见 UG-23)
= yield strength for tube material at tubesheet design temperature, T (see UG-23) 管材在管板设计温度 T 下的降服强度
参见 UG-23)
= tubesheet design temperature 管板设计温度
= nominal tube wall thickness标称管壁厚度
= ambient temperature环境温度
= mean coefficient of thermal expansion of tubesheet material at T 管板材料在 T 处的平均热膨胀系数
= mean coefficient of thermal expansion of tube material at T 管材在 T 处料的平均热膨胀系数
UW-20.3 Joint Strength by Calculation. 通过计算之接头强度
UW-20.3.1 Scope. These rules provide a basis for establishing weld sizes and allowable joint loads by calculation for full strength
and partial strength tube-to- tubesheet welds. These rules apply to welded only joints and welded and expanded joints in which the
strength of the expansion is not considered. These rules cover the welds shown in Figure UW-20.1. 适用范围。 这些规则为通过计
算全强度和部分强度之管子与管板焊缝提供了用于确定焊缝尺寸和许用接头载荷的基础。 这些规则适用于仅涉及焊接之接
头以及不考虑胀接强度之焊接+胀管之接头。 这些规则涵盖图 UW-20.1 所示的焊缝。
Figure UW-20.1 Tube-to-Tubesheet Joints Acceptable to Determine Joint Strength by Calculation
图 UW-20.1 可以通过计算来确定接头强度的管子与管板接头
Chamfer of groove to achieve 𝑎𝑔
Clad material (if present)
typical 达到𝑎𝑔 的典型坡口斜面
Face-Fillet Weld 饰面填角焊缝 (a)
Groove Weld坡口焊缝 (b)
Combination Face-Fillet and Groove where: 𝒂𝒄 = 𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎𝑔 and 𝑎𝑓 =
Combination Face-Fillet and Groove where: 𝒂𝒄 = 𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎𝑔 and 𝑎𝑓 ≠
𝑎𝑔 饰面填角焊缝 + 坡口之组合,图示中:𝒂𝒄 = 𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎𝑔 且𝑎𝑓 = 𝑎𝑔
𝑎𝑔 饰面填角焊缝 + 坡口之组合,图示中:𝒂𝒄 = 𝑎𝑓 + 𝑎𝑔 和 𝑎𝑓 ≠ 𝑎𝑔
ac = 𝑎𝑔 + 𝑎𝑓 (with fillet weld 𝑎𝑓 ) 具有達到𝑎𝑓 之
Fill in excess of ac is
optional 超過ac之填角焊缝
填角焊缝時,ac = 𝑎𝑔 + 𝑎𝑓
時,ac = 𝑎𝑔
Inset Fillet Weld where: 𝑎𝑓 ≤ t 𝑎𝑓 ≤ t之内嵌角焊缝
Combination Inset Fillet and Groove where: 𝒂𝒄 = 𝑎𝑔 + 𝑎𝑓 and 𝑎𝑓 ≤
t 内嵌角焊缝+坡口之组合,图示中:𝒂𝒄 = 𝑎𝑔 + 𝑎𝑓 且𝑎𝑓 ≤ t
UW-20.3.2 Full Strength Welds. Full-strength welds shown in Figure UW-20.1 shall conform to the following requirements:
全强度焊缝。 图UW-20.1所示全强度焊缝应符合下列要求:
The size of a full-strength weld shall be determined in accordance with UW-20.3.4.应符合按 UW-20.3.4 之规定所
(b) The maximum allowable axial load in either direction on a tube-to-tubesheet joint with a full-strength weld shall be
= k𝐹𝑡 . 当管子与管板之接头采用全强度焊缝时,则接头在任一方向的最大许用轴向载荷应为 𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑡 = k𝐹𝑡 。
UW-20.3.3 Partial Strength Welds. Partialstrength welds shown in Figure UW-20.1 shall conform to the following
requirements: 部分强度焊缝。 图 UW-20.1 所示部分强度焊缝应符合下列要求:
The size of a partial-strength weld shall be determined in accordance UW-20.3.4. 应根据 UW-20.3.4 之规则来确定
(b) The maximum allowable axial load in either direction on a tube-to-tubesheet joint with a partial-strength weld shall
be 𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑡 = k (𝐹𝑓 + 𝐹𝑔 ), but not greater than k𝐹𝑡 . 当管子与管板之接头采用部分度焊缝时,则接头上任一方向的最大许用轴向载荷
应为 𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑡 = k (𝐹𝑓 + 𝐹𝑔 ),但不大于 k𝐹𝑡 。
UW-20.3.4 Weld Size Design Equations. 用于确定焊缝尺寸之设计方程
The size of tube-to-tubesheet strength welds shown in Figure UW-20.1 shall conform to the following
requirements: 图 UW-20.1 所示管子与管板之强度焊缝尺寸应符合下列要求:
For fillet welds shown in sketch (a) 图 UW-20.1中草图 (a) 所示填角焊缝之强度焊缝尺寸按如所述来确定
(-a) calculate the minimum required length of the fillet weld leg 按下式来计算角焊缝的所需最小长度
𝑎𝑟 = √(0.75𝑑𝑜 )2 + 2.73(𝑑𝑜 − 𝑡)𝑓𝑤 𝑓𝑑 − 0.75𝑑𝑜
(-b) for full strength welds, 𝑎𝑓 ≥ max(𝑎𝑟 , 1.4t ) 对于全强度焊缝而言,𝑎𝑓 ≥ max(𝑎𝑟 , 1.4t )
(-c) for partial strength welds, 𝑎𝑓 ≥ 𝑎𝑟 对于部分强度焊缝而言,af ≥ ar
For groove welds shown in sketch (b) 图 UW-20.1中草图 (b) 所示填坡口焊缝之强度焊缝尺寸按如所述来
(-a) calculate the minimum required length of the groove weld leg 按下式来计算坡口焊腿的所需最小长度
𝑎𝑟 = √(0.75𝑑𝑜 )2 + 1.76𝑡(𝑑𝑜 − 𝑡)𝑓𝑤 𝑓𝑑 − 0.75𝑑𝑜
(-b) for full strength welds, 𝑎𝑔 ≥ max(𝑎𝑟 , t ) 对于全强度焊缝而言,𝑎𝑔 ≥ max(𝑎𝑟 , t )
Figure UW-20.2 Some Acceptable Types of Tube-to-Tubesheet Welds
图 UW-20.2 管子与管板中几种可接受的焊接类型
Chamfer or groove to achieve 𝑎g
typical削角或开槽以达到 𝑎g
NOTES: 注释:
Sketches (a) through (d) show some acceptable weld geometries where thickness through the weld throat may be sized ≥ t . 草图
(a) 到 (d) 显示了中焊喉的喉深尺寸可能 ≥ t的几种可接受焊接几何形状。
Sketches (e) through (i) show some acceptable weld geometries where thickness through the weld throat is less than t . 草图 (e)
到 (i) 显示了焊喉的喉深尺寸小于 t 的几种可接受焊接几何形状。
(3) For these geometries where weld length cannot be established by dimensions prior to weld, dimension 𝒂𝒄 shall be verified during
WPS qualification per Section, IX, QW-193 and design strength shall be calculated in accordance with UW-20.4. 对于焊缝长度无法通过
焊前尺寸来确定的几何形状,尺寸𝒂𝒄 应在 WPS 评定期间按第 IX卷QW-193进行核验,而设计强度则应按UW-20.4 之规定来进行
Figure UW-20.3 Typical Test Fixtures for Expanded or Welded Tube-to-Tubesheet Joints
图 UW-20.3 用于管子与管板之接头为胀管或焊接时的典型测试夹具
Test apparatus plunger to apply
Test block测试块
Test block support测试块支座
Stiffening ring加劲环
Sectional grips对剖夹具
Alternate Arrangement for Nonweldable
Hydraulic Method液压法
Test block测试块
Snap ring止动环
O-ring (typical)
Test block测试块
Snap ring止动环
(-c) for partial strength welds, 𝑎𝑔 ≥ 𝑎𝑟 对于部分强度焊缝而言,𝑎𝑔 ≥ 𝑎𝑟
For combined groove and fillet welds shown in sketch (c), where 𝑎𝑓 = 𝑎g 对于草图 (c) 所示坡口焊+填角焊之
组合而言,𝑎𝑓 = 𝑎g
(-a) calculate the minimum required length of the combined weld legs按下式来计算组合焊腿的所需最小长
𝑎𝑟 = 2 [√(0.75𝑑𝑜 )2 + 1.07𝑡(𝑑𝑜 − 𝑡)𝑓𝑤 𝑓𝑑 ] − 0.75𝑑𝑜
(-b) for full strength welds, 𝒂𝒄 ≥ max[𝑎𝑟 , 1.2t ] 对于全强度焊缝而言,𝒂𝒄 ≥ max[𝑎𝑟 , 1.2t ]
(-c) for partial strength welds, 𝒂𝒄 ≥ 𝑎𝑟 对于部分强度焊缝而言,𝒂𝒄 ≥ 𝑎𝑟
(-d) calculate 𝑎𝑓 and 𝑎𝑔 按如下所示方程来计算𝑎𝑓 和 𝑎𝑔 的值
For combined groove and fillet welds shown in sketch (d), where 𝑎𝑓 is not equal to 𝑎𝑔 对于草图 (d) 所示坡口
焊 + 填角焊缝之组合而言,其 𝑎𝑓 不等于𝑎𝑔
(-a) choose 𝑎𝑔 and calculate the minimum required length of the fillet weld leg 选择 𝑎𝑔 并计算填角焊缝的所
𝑎𝑟 = √(0.75𝑑𝑜 )2 + 2.73𝑡(𝑑𝑜 − 𝑡)𝑓𝑤 𝑓𝑑 𝑓𝑓 − 0.75𝑑𝑜
(-b) for full strength welds, 𝑎𝑐 ≥ max[(𝑎𝑟 + 𝑎𝑔 ), (1.4t – 0.4𝑎𝑔 )] 对于全强度焊缝而言,𝑎𝑐 ≥ max[(𝑎𝑟 + 𝑎𝑔 ),
(1.4t – 0.4𝑎𝑔 )]
(-c) for partial strength welds, 𝑎𝑐 ≥ (𝑎𝑟 + 𝑎𝑔 ) 对于部分强度焊缝而言,𝑎𝑐 ≥ (𝑎𝑟 + 𝑎𝑔 )
(-d) calculate 𝑎𝑓 按下式来计算 𝑎𝑓 的值
For inset fillet welds shown in sketch (e) 对于草图 (e) 所示之嵌入式填角焊缝
(-a) calculate the minimum required length of the fillet weld leg 下式来计算嵌入式填角焊缝的所需最小长度
𝑎𝑟 = 0.75𝑑𝑜 − √(0.75𝑑𝑜 )2 + 2.73𝑡(𝑑𝑜 − 𝑡)𝑓𝑤 𝑓𝑑
(-b) full strength welds are not possible with this configuration 此种构造不可能实现全强度焊接
(-c) for partial strength welds, t ≥ 𝑎𝑓 ≥ 𝑎𝑟 . If 𝑎𝑟 > t , joint load cannot be calculated in accordance with this
section. See UW-20.4. 对于部分强度焊缝而言,t ≥ 𝑎𝑓 ≥ 𝑎𝑟 。 若 a𝑎𝑟 > t 时,则不能按照本节之规则来计算节点荷载;
参见 UW-20.4。
For combined groove and inset fillet welds shown in sketch (f) 草图 (f) 所示坡口焊 + 嵌入式填角之组合可按
如下所述来确定坡口焊脚𝑎𝑟 、全强度焊缝焊脚 𝑎𝑐 和部分强度焊缝焊脚ac
(-a) choose af and calculate the minimum required length of the groove weld leg 选择𝑎𝑓 并计算坡口焊腿所需
𝑎𝑟 = √(0.75𝑑𝑜 )2 + 1.76𝑡(𝑑𝑜 − 𝑡)𝑓𝑤 𝑓𝑑 𝑓𝑓 − 0.75𝑑𝑜
(-b) for full strength welds, 𝑎𝑐 ≥ max[(𝑎𝑟 + 𝑎𝑓 ), (t + 0.3𝑎𝑓 )] 对于全强度焊缝而言,𝑎𝑐 ≥ max[(𝑎𝑟 + 𝑎𝑓 ), (t +
0.3𝑎𝑓 )]
(-c) for partial strength welds, 𝑎𝑐 ≥ (𝑎𝑟 + 𝑎𝑓 ) 对于部分强度焊缝而言,𝑎𝑐 ≥ (𝑎𝑟 + 𝑎𝑓 )
Weld strength factors used in (a) above shall be calculated using the following equations: 应按如下方程来计算上
述 (a) 中所采用之焊接强度系数:
= 1.0 for full strength welds 全强度焊缝之 𝑓𝑑 取值为1.0
= 𝐹𝑑 /𝐹𝑡 for partial strength welds 对于部分强度焊缝而言,𝑓𝑑 = 𝐹𝑑 /𝐹𝑡
= min[0.55π𝑎𝑓 (d o + 0.67𝑎𝑓 ) 𝑆𝑤 , 𝐹𝑡 ] for face fillet welds as shown in Figure UW-20.1, sketches (a), (c), and
(d) 对于如图 UW-20.1 中草图 (a)、(c) 和 (d) 所示之饰面填角焊缝而言,𝐹𝑓 = min[0.55π𝑎𝑓 (d o +
0.67𝑎𝑓 ) 𝑆𝑤 , 𝐹𝑡 ]
= min[0.55π𝑎𝑓 (𝑑𝑜 − 0.67𝑎𝑓 ) 𝑆𝑤 , 𝐹𝑡 ] for inset fillet welds as shown in Figure UW-20.1, sketches (e) and (f)
对于如图 UW-20.1 中草图 (e) 和 (f) 所示之内嵌角焊缝而言,𝐹𝑓 = min[0.55πaf (do − 0.67af )Sw , F t ]
= min[0.85π𝑎𝑔 (𝑑𝑜 + 0.67ag ) 𝑆𝑤 , 𝐹𝑡 ]
= πt (𝑑𝑜 − t )S
= min(S , 𝑆𝑡 )
UW-20.4 Joint Strength by Factors. 按系数划分的接头强度
UW-20.4.1 Scope. These rules provide a basis for establishing allowable joint loads using strength factors. Some acceptable
geometries and combinations of brazed, welded, and mechanical joints are described in Table UW-20.1. Some acceptable types of
welded joints are illustrated in Figure UW-20.2. 适用范围。 这些规则为采用强度系数所建立的许用接头载荷提供了基础。 表
UW-20.1 中给出了几种可接受的钎焊、焊接和机械接头的几何形状和组合。几种可接受的焊接接头类型如图 UW-20.2 所
(a) Geometries, including variations in tube pitch, fastening methods, and combinations of fastening methods not described
or shown may be used provided qualification tests have been conducted and applied in compliance with the procedures set forth in
UW-20.4.3 and UW-20.4.4. 如果已按照 UW-20.4.3 和 UW-20.4.4 中所规定之规程进行并应用了评定测试时,则可以采用未描
述或未示出的几何形状,包括管间距的变化、紧固方法以及各式紧固方法的组合 。
(b) Materials for welded or brazed tube-to-tubesheet joints that do not meet the requirements of UW-5 or UB-5, but in all
other respects meet the requirements of this division, may be used if qualification tests of the tube-to-tubesheet joint have been
conducted and applied in compliance with the procedures set forth in UW-20.4.3 and UW-20.4.4. 只要用于管子与管板接头焊接或
UW-20.4.2 Maximum Axial Loads 最大轴向载荷
(a) The maximum allowable axial load in either direction on tube-to-tubesheet joints shall be determined in accordance with
the following: 应按如下所来确定作用在管子与管板接头之任一方向上的最大许用轴向载荷:
For joint types a, b, c, d, and e 当接头类型属于 a、b、c、d 和 e类型时,可按下式来计算最大许用轴向载荷
𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑘𝐴𝑡 𝑆𝑓𝑟
For joint types f, g, and h 当接头类型属于 f、g 和 h类型时
𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑚𝑖𝑛(𝑘𝐴𝑡 𝑆𝑓𝑟𝑒 , 𝑘𝐴𝑡 𝑆)
For joint types i, j, and k 当接头类型属于 i、j 和 k类型时
𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑚𝑖𝑛(𝑘𝐴𝑐 𝑆𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑟 𝑓𝑦 𝑓𝑇 , 𝑘𝐴𝑡 𝑆)
where 式中
At = π(𝑑𝑜 − t )t
= min[(l /𝑑𝑜 ), 1.0] for tube joints made with expanded tubes in tube holes without enhancement 当在管孔中采
用不具有增强功能之胀管所制成的管接头时,𝑓𝑒 = min[(l /𝑑𝑜 ), 1.0]
= 1.0 for tube joints made with expanded tubes in tube holes with enhancement 当在管孔中采用具有增强功能
之胀管所制成的管接头时,𝑓𝑒 = 1.0
= max[(𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑟 𝑓𝑦 𝑓𝑇 ), 𝑓𝑟(ℎ) ]
𝑓𝑟(ℎ) = 0.70 when established by shear load test per UW-20.4.4 根据 UW-20.4.4 通过剪切载荷测试来确定最大许
用轴向载荷时,𝑓𝑟(ℎ) = 0.70
= 0.50 without shear load test未根据 UW-20.4.4 通过剪切载荷测试来确定最大许用轴向载荷时,𝑓𝑟(ℎ)
= min[(Sy /Sy, t ), 1.0] for expanded joints. When 𝑓y < 0.60, qualification of joint by shear load test is required
胀管接头之𝑓𝑦 取值为 min[(Sy /Sy, t ), 1.0]。 当𝑓𝑦 < 0.60时,胀管接头需通过剪切载荷试验评定
= max[0,
𝑃𝑜 +𝑃𝑇
(b) Po, PT may be established experimentally or analytically. The following equations may be used to calculate 𝑃𝑜 and PT:
𝑃𝑜 和𝑃𝑇 可以通过实验或分析来建立。 以下等式可用于计算Po和 𝑃𝑇 :
𝑃𝑒 = 𝑆𝑦,𝑡
𝑃𝑇 =
𝑡+𝑟𝑜 (
(1.954 − 1.384
𝑃𝑜 = 𝑃𝑒 [1 − ( 𝑜) ] −
𝐸 [𝛼 𝑑 (𝑇−𝑇𝑎 )−𝛼𝑑𝑜 (𝑇−𝑇𝑎0 )]
𝑑𝑜 𝑡 𝑡 𝑜
( 𝑜 −𝑅𝑚 )+𝑅𝑚 (2.9 𝑡 −0.3)
𝑅𝑚 = 𝑟𝑜 −
√3 𝑦,𝑡
UW-20.4.3 Shear Load Test剪切载荷测试
UW- Flaws in the specimen may affect results. If any test specimen develops flaws, the retest provisions of UW20.4.3.11 below shall govern. 试样中的缺陷可能会影响测试结果。 如果任何试样出现缺陷,则应遵循以下 UW- 的规
UW- If any test specimen fails because of mechanical reasons, such as failure of testing equipment or improper
specimen preparation, it may be discarded, and another specimen taken from the same heat. 如果任何试样由于机械原因(例如测试
UW- The shear load test subjects a full- size specimen of the tube joint under examination to a measured load
sufficient to cause failure. In general, the testing equipment and methods are given in ASTM E8. Additional fixtures for shear load
testing of tube-to- tubesheet joints are shown in Figure UW-20.3. 剪切载荷试验使受检管接头之全尺寸试样承受足以导致失效的
可测载荷。 一般来说,ASTM E8中给出了测试设备和方法。 用于管与管板接头剪切载荷测试的附加夹具如图 UW-20.3 所
UW- The test block simulating the tube-sheet may be circular, square, or rectangular in shape, essentially in general
conformity with the tube pitch geometry. The test assembly shall consist of an array of tubes such that the tube to be tested is in the
geometric center of the array and surrounded by at least one row of adjacent tubes. The test block shall extend a distance of at least
one tubesheet ligament beyond the edge of the peripheral tubes in the assembly. 模拟管板的试块形状可以是基本上具有与管节距
几何形状基本相一致的圆形、正方形或矩形。 测试组装件应由管阵列组成,待测试管子位于阵列的几何中心,并被至少一
排相邻管所包围。 试块应延伸出该组装件中之外围管边缘至少有一个管孔桥桥的距离。
UW- All tubes in the test block array shall be from the same heat and shall be installed using identical procedures.
(a) The finished thickness of the test block may be less but not greater than the tubesheet it represents. For expanded
joints, made with or without welding, the expanded area of the tubes in the test block may be less but not greater than that for the
production joint to be qualified. 试块的最终厚度可以小于但不大于它所代表的管板。 不管接头是否为焊接 + 胀管,试块中之
(b) The length of the tube used for testing the tube joint need only be sufficient to suit the test apparatus. The length
of the tubes adjacent to the tube joint to be tested shall not be less than the thickness of the test block to be qualified. 用于测试之管
接头的管长只需足以适用于测试设备即可。 与待测管接头相邻之管长不应小于已评定认可之试块厚度。
UW- The procedure used to prepare the tube-to-tubesheet joints in the test specimens shall be the same as used for
production. 用于制备试样中管子与管板之接头的程序应与生产中所用程序相同。
UW- The tube-to-tubesheet joint specimens shall be loaded until mechanical failure of the joint or tube occurs. The
essential requirement is that the load be transmitted axially. 管子与管板之接头试样应加载直至该接头或管子发生力学破坏为
止。 基本要求是载荷是轴向传递。
UW- Any speed of testing may be used, provided load readings can be determined accurately. 可以采用能准确确定
UW- The reading from the testing device shall be such that the applied load required to produce mechanical failure
of the tube-to-tubesheet joint can be determined. 测试装置的读数应能够确定产生管子与管板之接头发生力学破坏时所需的施加
UW- For determining 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 for joint types listed in Table UW-20.1, a minimum of three specimens shall constitute a
test. The value of 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 shall be calculated in accordance with UW-20.4.4 using the lowest value of 𝐿𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 . In no case shall the value of
𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 using a three specimen test exceed the value of 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 t given in Table UW-20.1. If the value of 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 so determined is less than the
value for 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 given in Table UW-20.1, retesting may be performed in accordance with UW-, or a new three specimen test
may be performed using a new joint configuration or fabrication procedure. All previous test data shall be rejected. To use a value of
𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 greater than the value given in Table UW-20.1, a nine- specimen test shall be performed in accordance with UW-
在用于确定表 UW-20.1 中所列接头类型之𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 值的试验中,应至少采用由三个试样所构成的一个试验组。 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 的值应根据
UW-20.4.4 采用 L test 的最低值来进行计算。 在任何情况下,使用三个试样进行测试的𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 值均不应超过表 UW-20.1 中所给
出的𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 值。 如果如此确定的𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 值小于表 UW-20.1 中所给出的𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 值,则可按照 UW- 进行重新测试,或者可采用
3 个 采用新的接头配置或制造程序的试样来进行新的测试。 所有先前的测试数据均应被拒绝。当要使用大于表 UW-20.1 中
所给出的𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 值时,则应根据 UW- 进行九个试样的测试。
UW- For joint types not listed in Table UW-20.1, to increase the value of 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 for joint types listed in Table UW20.1, or to retest joint types listed in Table UW-20.1, the tests to determine 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 shall conform to the following:若要将表 UW-20.1 中
未列出之接头类型增列到表 UW-20.1 中所列接头类型之𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 值中,或重新测试表 UW-20.1 中所列接头类型时,则用于确定
𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 的测试应符合以下规定:
(a) A minimum of nine specimens from a single tube shall be tested. Additional tests of specimens from the same
tube are permitted, provided all test data are used in the determination of 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 . If a change in the joint design or its manufacturing
procedure is necessary to meet the desired characteristics, complete testing of the modified joint shall be performed. 用于测试的
至少九个试样应取自同一根管子。 允许对取自同一根管子之试样进行额外的测试,前提是所有测试数据都用于确定
𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 。
(b) In determining the value of 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 , the mean value of 𝐿𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 shall be determined and the standard deviation, sigma,
about the mean shall be calculated. The value of𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 shall be calculated using the value of 𝐿𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 corresponding to −2sigma , using
the applicable equation in UW-20.4.4. In no case shall 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 exceed 1.0. 在确定 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 的值时,应确定𝐿𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡的平均值,并计算平均
值的标准偏差 sigma。应采用对应于 -2sigma 的 L test 值并带入UW-20.4.4 中的适用方程来计算 f r, test 的值 。 在任何情
况下,在确定 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 的值时,应确定 L test 的平均值,并计算平均值的标准偏差 sigma。应采用对应于 -2sigma 的𝐿𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 值并
带入UW-20.4.4 中的适用方程来计算 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 的值 。 在任何情况下,𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 均不应超过 1.0。的值均不应超过 1.0。
UW- Once shear load tests have been successfully completed for a tube-to-tubesheet joint design, the Manufacturer
that produced the test specimen may use the calculated 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 for any production tube-totubesheet joint design that the Manufacturer
produces having the same geometry, material nominal composition, specified ultimate tensile strength, and fabrication procedure used
for the shear load test specimen. The fabrication procedure shall contain or reference the test qualification information required by
NONMANDATORY APPENDIX HH-5.2 and/or Section IX, QW-202.6, as applicable. 一旦成功完成管子与管板之接头设计的剪
切载荷试验,制备试样之制造商可以将所计算出之 f r,test 来进行由制造商所生产且具有相与剪切载荷试样相同的几何形
状、材料标称成分、所规定的极限拉伸强度和制造工序之任何产品中管子与管板的接头设计。 制造程序应包含或参考非强
制性附录 HH-5.2 和/或第 IX 卷QW-202.6(如适用性而定)所要求的测试合格性信息。
UW-20.4.4 Acceptance Standards for Joint Efficiency Factor Determined by Test 通过测试而确定之接合效率系数合格准
UW- The value of 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 determined by testing shall be calculated as follows: 通过试验而确定的𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 值应按如下所
For joint types a, b, c, d, and e 当接头类型属于 a、b、c、d 和 e类型时,应按下式来计算𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 的值
𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 =
For joint types f, g, h, i, j, and k当接头类型属于 f、g、h、i、j 和 k类型时,应按下式来计算𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 的值
𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 =
𝐴𝑡 𝑆𝑇𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑦
UW- The value of 𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 shall be used for 𝑓𝑟 in the equation for 𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑡 . 应将𝑓𝑟,𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 的值用于UW-20.4.2 (a)(1)用于计
算 𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑡 之方程中的𝑓𝑟 。
UW-20.4.5 Acceptance Standards for Proposed Operating Temperatures Determined by Test. The proposed operating
conditions shall be acceptable if both of the following conditions are satisfied: 通过测试而确定之建议工作温度的合格准则。 如果
满足以下两个条件,则 所建议的操作条件是可以接受的:
𝐿1(𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡) ≥ 𝐴𝑡 𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑦 𝑆𝑇 (𝑆𝑢 ⁄𝑆𝑢𝑎 )
𝐿2(𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡) ≥ 𝐴𝑏 𝑓𝑒 𝑓𝑦 𝑆𝑇
UW-20.5 Clad Tubesheets 复合管板
(a) Tube-to-tubesheet welds in the cladding of either integral or weld metal overlay clad tubesheets may be considered
strength welds (full or partial), provided the welds meet the design requirements of UW-20. In addition, when the strength welds are
to be made in the clad material of integral clad tubesheets, the integral clad material to be used for tubesheets shall meet the
requirements in (1) and (2) for any combination of clad and base materials. The shear strength test and ultrasonic examination
specified in (1) and (2) are not required for weld metal overlay clad tubesheets. 整体或堆焊金属堆焊管板之包层中管子与管板之焊
缝可被视为强度焊缝(全强度或部分强度),前提是焊缝要满足 UW-20 的设计要求。 此外,此外,当在整体式复合管板的
求。 焊缝金属堆焊复合管板不需进行如下(1)和(2)所规定的剪切强度试验和超声波检测。
(1) Integral clad material shall be shear strength tested in accordance with SA-263. One shear test shall be made on each
integral clad plate or forging and the results shall be reported on the material test report. 整体式复合材料应根据 SA-263 进行剪切
强度测试。 每块整体式复合板或锻件应进行一次剪切试验,且试验结果应记录在材料试验报告中。
(2) Integral clad material shall be ultrasonically examined for bond integrity in accordance with SA-578, including
Supplementary Requirement S1, and shall meet the acceptance criteria given in SA-263 for Quality Level Class 1. 应根据 SA-578
(包括补充要求 S1)对整体式合材料的键结完整性进行超声波检测,并应满足 SA-263 中对 1 级质量等级所给出的合格准
When the design calculations for clad tubesheets are based on the total thickness including the cladding, the clad material
shall meet any additional requirements specified in Part UCL. 当复合管板之设计计算是基于包括包层的总厚度时,则该复合材
料应满足 UCL 篇中所规定的任何附加要求。
(c) When tubesheets are constructed using linings, or integral cladding that does not meet the requirements of (a)(1) and (a)(2),
the strength of the tube-to-tubesheet joint shall not be dependent upon the connection between the tubes and the lining or integral
cladding, as applicable. 当管板通过采用不满足(a)(1)和(a)(2)之要求的衬里或整体包层所制造而成时,管子与管板
(d) When the tubes are strength welded (full or partial) to integral or weld metal overlay clad tubesheets, St shall be the
allowable stress value of the integral cladding or the wrought material whose chemistry most closely approximates that of the weld
metal overlay cladding. The thickness of the integral or weld metal clad overlay material shall be sufficient to prevent any of the
strength weld from extending into the base material. 当管子已强度焊接(全部或部分)连接到整体或焊缝金属复合堆焊管板上
时,则 St应为整体堆焊层或化学成分最接近于焊缝金属复合堆焊层之化学成分之锻制材料的许用应力值。 整体或焊缝金属
符合ASME B16.5 之承插法兰和滑套法兰的焊缝
ASME B16.5 socket weld flanges shall be welded using an external fillet weld. See Figure UW-21, sketch (4). 符合 ASME
B16.5 之承插焊法兰应采用如图 UW-21 中草图(4)所示从外侧进行沉积之填角焊缝来进行焊接。
(b) ASME B16.5 slip-on flanges shall be welded using an internal and an external weld. See Figure UW-21, sketches (1), (2),
and (3). 符合 ASME B16.5 之滑套法兰应采用如图 UW-21 中草图 (1)、(2) 和 (3)所示可从内/外侧进行沉积之填角焊缝来进行
Nomenclature 术语集
𝑡𝑛 = nominal thickness of the shell or nozzle 壳体或管嘴的标称厚度
𝑋min = the lesser of 1.4𝑡𝑛 or the thickness of the hub 1.4𝑡𝑛 或焊颈部厚度中的较小者
When ASME B16.5 slip-on flanges are shown to comply with all the requirements provided in Mandatory Appendix 2 of
this Division, the weld sizes in Mandatory Appendix 2 may be used as an alternative to the requirements in (b). 当 ASME B16.5 滑套
法兰符合本卷强制性附录 2 中所规定之所有要求时,则强制性附录 2 中之焊缝尺寸可以替代上述(b) 的要求。
(a) The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the fabrication of pressure vessels and vessel parts that are
fabricated by welding and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Fabrication in Subsection A, and with the
specific requirements for Fabrication in Subsection C that pertain to the class of material used. 以下各節中之规则专门适用于通过
焊接所制造而成之压力容器和容器零部件的制造加工,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷的制造通用要求以及 C 分卷中与所用材
(b) Each Manufacturer or parts Manufacturer shall be responsible for the quality of the welding done by his organization and
shall conduct tests not only of the welding procedure to determine its suitability to ensure welds that will meet the required tests, but
also of the welders and welding operators to determine their ability to apply the procedure properly. 每一制造商或零部件制造商应
(c) No production welding shall be undertaken until after the welding procedures which are to be used have been qualified. Only
welders and welding operators who are qualified in accordance with Section IX shall be used in production.所要采用之焊接工艺在
被认可之前,不应进行生产焊接,且 生产中仅能雇用符合第 IX 卷所规定之资格的焊工和焊机操作员。
(d) The Manufacturer (Certificate Holder) may engage individuals by contract or agreement for their services as welders 46 at the
shop location shown on the Certificate of Authorization and at field sites (if allowed by the Certificate of Authorization) for the
construction of pressure vessels or vessel parts, provided all of the following conditions are met: 制造商(持证者)可以通过合同或
协议聘请用于建造压力容器或容器零部件 之个人作为焊工 46,以在授权证书上所示车间地点和现场(如果授权证书允许)
(1) All Code construction shall be the responsibility of the Manufacturer. 所有法规建造均应由制造商负责。
(2) All welding shall be performed in accordance with the Manufacturer’s welding procedure specifications in accordance
with the requirements of Section IX. 照制造商均应按符合第 IX 卷之要求的焊接工艺说明书来进行所有焊接。
(3) All welders shall be qualified by the Manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of Section IX. 所有焊工均应
由制造商根据第 IX IX 卷之要求进行技能检定。
Figure UW-21 Welds of Socket Weld Flanges to Nozzle Neck
图 UW-21 将承插焊法兰连接焊接到管嘴焊颈的图例
1.5 mm (1/16 in.)
approximate gap
before welding焊接
mm (1/16 in.)
The minimum weld
imension shall be the lesser
of 𝑡𝑛 or 1/4 in. (6 mm). 最小
焊缝尺寸应为 𝑡𝑛 或 1/4 in.
(6 mm)中的较小者。
(4) The Manufacturer’s Quality Control System shall include as a minimum: 制造商的质量管理体系应至少包括:
(-a) a requirement for complete and exclusive administrative and technical supervision of all welders by the
Manufacturer; 制造商对所有焊工进行全面且专有的管理和技术监督的要求;
(-b) evidence of the Manufacturer’s authority to assign and remove welders at his discretion without involvement of
any other organization; 制造商有权在不涉及任何其他组织的情况下自行决定指派和解雇焊工的根据;
(-c) a requirement for assignment of welder identification symbols; 指定焊工识别符号的要求;
(-d) evidence that this program has been accepted by the Manufacturer’s Authorized Inspection Agency which
provides the inspection service. 证明该大纲已被提供检验服务之制造商授权检验机构所接受的凭证。
(5) The Manufacturer shall be responsible for Code compliance of the vessel or part, including Certification Mark
stamping and providing Data Report Forms properly executed and countersigned by the Inspector. 制造商应负责容器或零部件
The welding processes that may be used in the construction of vessels under this Part of this Division are limited to those listed in
Section IX, Article II with the following additional restrictions: 本卷本篇所规定的容器建造中可能使用到之焊接方法仅限于第 IX
卷第 II章条中所列且符合下列附加限制的焊接方法:
(a) Other than pressure inherent to the welding processes, no mechanical pressure or blows shall be applied except as permitted
for peening in UW-39. 除了焊接工艺所固有的压力外,不得施加机械压力或敲击,除非是 UW-39 中所允许的锤击。
(b) Arc stud welding and resistance stud welding may be used only for non-pressure-bearing attachments having a loador nonload-carrying function, except for material listed in Table UHT-23, provided that, in the case of ferrous materials, the heat treatment
requirements of UCS-56 are complied with and the requirements of UW-28(b) and UW-29(a) are met prior to start of production
welding. Studs shall be limited to 1 in. (25 mm) diameter maximum for round studs and an equivalent cross-sectional area for studs
with other shapes. 电弧螺柱焊和电阻螺柱焊仅可用于具有非承载功能的非承压附件,但表 UHT-23 中所列材料除外,前提是
铁质材料 在开始生产焊接之前应符合 UCS-56 的热处理要求,并还应满足 UW-28(b) 和 UW-29(a) 的要求。 圆形螺柱的最大
直径应限为 in. (25 mm);而其他形状的螺柱横截面积应具有等效于圆形螺柱的横截面积。
(c) The electroslag welding process may be used for butt welds only in ferritic steels and austenitic stainless steels of types listed
in UW-5(d), provided the requirements of UW-11(a)(6) and UW-11(d) are satisfied. [See UW-5(e).] 电渣焊工艺仅可用于 UW-5(d)
所列类型之铁素体钢和奥氏体不锈钢的对接焊缝,前提是要满足 UW-11(a)(6) 和 UW-11(d)的要求[参见 UW-5(e)]。
(d) The electrogas welding process may be used for butt welds only in ferritic steels and austenitic stainless steels of types listed
in UW-5(d), provided the requirements of UW-11(a)(6) are satisfied. When a single pass is greater than 11/2 in. (38 mm) in ferritic
materials, the joint shall be given a grain refining (austenitizing) heat treatment. [See UW-5(e).] 气电焊工艺仅可用于 UW-5(d) 所列
类型之铁素体钢和奥氏体不锈钢的对接焊缝,前提是要满足 UW-11(a)(6) 的要求。 当铁素体材料中之单道次焊道大于 11/2 in.
(38 mm)时,则接头应进行晶粒细化(奥氏体化)热处理 [参见 UW-5(e)]。
(e) Welding processes accepted under Section IX Code Cases shall not be used unless those Code Cases are explicitly accepted
by this Division. 除非本卷明确接受的那些规范案例,否则不应使用为第 IX 卷规范案例所接受的焊接方法。
(a) Each welding procedure used in joining pressure parts to pressure parts or joining pressure parts to loadcarrying nonpressure
parts, such as all permanent or temporary clips and lugs to pressure parts, shall be recorded in detail by the Manufacturer and qualified
in accordance with the rules of Section IX. 用于将承压零部件连接到承压零部件件或将诸如承载而非承压之所有永久或临时钢
夹和凸耳连接到承压零部件的每一焊接规程,应由制造商详细记录,并根据第 IX 卷之规则进行评定。
Tube-to-tubesheet welding shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX, QW-193 or QW-200. 管子对管板的焊接应按
照第 IX 卷 QW-193 或 QW-200 进行评定。
(c) The procedure used in welding non-pressurebearing attachments which have essentially no loadcarrying function (such as
extended heat transfer surfaces, insulation support pins, etc.), to pressure parts shall meet the following requirements. 用于基本上不
(1) When the welding process is manual, machine, or semiautomatic, procedure qualification is required in accordance
with Section IX. 当焊接方式为手工、机器或半自动时,则需要根据第 IX 卷来进行工艺规程评定。
(2) When the welding is any automatic welding process performed in accordance with a Welding Procedure Specification
(in compliance with Section IX as far as applicable), procedure qualification testing is not required. 当焊接是根据焊接工艺规程
说明书(尽可能符合第 IX 卷)执行的任何自动焊接方式时,则不需要进行工艺规程评定测试。
(d) Welding of all test coupons shall be conducted by the Manufacturer. Testing of all test coupons shall be the responsibility of
the Manufacturer. Alternatively, AWS Standard Welding Procedure Specifications that have been accepted by Section IX may be
used provided they meet all other requirements of this Division. Qualification of a welding procedure by one Manufacturer shall not
qualify that procedure for any other Manufacturer except as otherwise provided in Section IX, QG-106. 所有试件的焊接应由制造商
执行。 所有试件的测试应由制造商负责。 或者,可以使用已被第 IX 卷所接受的 AWS 标准焊接工艺规程说明书,前提是它
们要满足本卷的所有其他要求。 除非第 IX 卷 QG-106 中另有规定,否则由某一制造商对焊接工艺规程所进行的评定不应作
Welding procedures qualified in accordance with the simultaneous procedure qualification rules of Section IX, QG-106.4
are permitted by this Division. 本卷允许按照第 IX卷 QG-106.4 同步规程评定规则进行评定的焊接规程。
The welders and welding operators used in welding pressure parts and in joining load-carrying nonpressure parts
(attachments) to pressure parts shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX. 执行将承压零部件以及将承载而非承压之零部件
(附件)连接到承压零部件的焊工和焊机操作工应根据第 IX 卷对拟用技能资格进行检定。
(1) The qualification test for welding operators of machine welding equipment shall be performed on a separate test plate
prior to the start of welding or on the first workpiece. 僅負責操作焊机设备之焊机操作人员应在焊接开始前在单独的试板上
(2) When stud welding is used to attach loadcarrying studs, a production stud weld test of each welder or welding operator
shall be performed on a separate test plate or tube prior to the start of welding on each work shift. This weld test shall consist of
five studs, welded and tested by the bend or torque stud weld testing procedure described in Section IX. 当使用螺柱焊来连接承
该焊接测试应由五个螺柱组成并焊接完成后,通过第 IX 卷中所述弯曲或扭矩螺柱焊接测试程序来进行测试。
(b) The welders and welding operators used in welding non-pressure-bearing attachments, which have essentially no loadcarrying function (such as extended heat transfer surfaces, insulation support pins, etc.), to pressure parts shall comply with the
following: 将基本上不具有承载功能之非承压附件(如扩展传热面、保温支钉等)焊接到承压部零部件上的焊工和焊机操作
(1) When the welding process is manual, machine, or semiautomatic, qualification in accordance with Section IX is
required. 当焊接方式是手工、机器或半自动时,焊工和焊机操作人员均需按第 IX 卷卷进行检定
(2) When welding is done by any automatic welding process, performance qualification testing is not required. 当通过任
(3) When stud welding is used, a production stud weld test, appropriate to the end use application requirements, shall be
specified by the Manufacturer and carried out on a separate test plate or tube at the start of each shift. 当使用螺柱焊时,制造商
Each welder and welding operator shall be assigned an identifying number, letter, or symbol by the manufacturer which shall
be used to identify the work of that welder or welding operator in accordance with UW-37(f). 制造商应为每位焊工和焊接操作员制
定一个识别号码、字母或符号,以用于根据 UW-37(f) 识别由该焊工或焊机操作员所完成的工作。
(d) The Manufacturer shall maintain a record of the welders and welding operators showing the date and result of tests and the
identification mark assigned to each. These records shall be maintained in accordance with Section IX. 制造商应按照第 IX 卷之规定
(e) Welding of all test coupons shall be conducted by the Manufacturer. Testing of all test coupons shall be the responsibility of
the Manufacturer. A performance qualification test conducted by one Manufacturer shall not qualify a welder or welding operator to
do work for any other Manufacturer except as provided in Section IX, QG-106. 所有试件的焊接应由制造商执行。制造商负责对
所有试件进行测试。所有试件的焊接应由制造商进行。 所有试件的测试应由制造商负责。 由某一个制造商所进行的技能检
定测试不应用作为任何其他制造商操作之该焊工或焊机操作员的认可凭证,但符合第 IX 卷 QG-106 之规定者除外。
It is recommended that no welding of any kind be done when the temperature of the base metal is lower than 0°F (−20°C). At
temperatures between 32°F (0°C) and 0°F (−20°C), the surface of all areas within 3 in. (75 mm) of the point where a weld is to be
started should be heated to a temperature at least warm to the hand [estimated to be above 60°F (15°C)] before welding is started. It is
recommended also that no welding be done when surfaces are wet or covered with ice, when snow is falling on the surfaces to be
welded, or during periods of high wind, unless the welders or welding operators and the work are properly protected. 建议当母材温
度低于 0°F (−20°C) 时不要进行任何类型的焊接。 在 32°F (0°C) 和 0°F (−20°C) 之间的温度下,在开始焊接之前,距离焊接
起弧点3 in. (75 mm)以内之所有区域的表面应加热至手感温度至少要温暖 [估计高于 60°F (15°C)]。 还建议不要在表面潮湿或
When plates are shaped by oxygen or arc cutting, the edges to be welded shall be uniform and smooth and shall be freed of
all loose scale and slag accumulations before welding (see UG-76 and UCS-5). 当板材采用氧气或电弧切割成形时,待焊接的边缘
应均匀、光滑,并在焊接前清除所有松散的氧化皮和熔渣堆积物(参见 UG-76 和 UCS-5)。
Plates that are being welded shall be fitted, aligned, and retained in position during the welding operation. 待焊接板材应在
(c) Bars, jacks, clamps, tack welds, or other appropriate means may be used to hold the edges of parts in alignment. Tack welds
used to secure alignment shall either be removed completely when they have served their purpose, or their stopping and starting ends
shall be properly prepared by grinding or other suitable means so that they may be satisfactorily incorporated into the final weld. Tack
welds, whether removed or left in place, shall be made using a fillet weld or butt weld procedure qualified in accordance with Section
IX. Tack welds to be left in place shall be made by welders qualified in accordance with Section IX, and shall be examined visually
for defects, and if found to be defective shall be removed. 棒材、千斤顶、夹具、点焊或其他所适用之装置可用于将零部件的边
进行适当处理,以便它们可以令人满意地融入最终焊缝中。 点焊,无论是移除还是留在原处,都应采用符合第 IX 卷之规定
的瑱角焊或对接焊工艺进行。保留在原处之点焊应由符合第 IX 卷规定的合格焊工进进行行点焊,并应目视检查是否有缺
Table UW-33
Customary Units美国习惯单位
Joint Category接头类型
Section Thickness截面厚度, in.
Up to 1/2, incl.
Over 1/2 to 3/4, incl.
Over 3/4 to 1-1/2, incl.
Over 1-1/2 to 2, incl.
Over 2
A A类接头的调准允差
1/8 in.
1/8 in.
1/8 in.
Lesser of 1/16t or 3/8 in.
B, C, and D
3/16 in.
Lesser of 1/8t or 3/4 in.
SI Units SI单位
Joint Category接头类型
Section Thickness截面厚度, mm
Up to 13, incl.
Over 13 to 19, incl.
3 mm
B, C, and D B、C和D类接头的调准允差
Provided that the
work is done under the
provisions of U-2(b), it is
not necessary that a subcontractor making such tack welds for a vessel or parts manufacturer be a holder of a Code Certificate of
Over 19 to 38, incl.
Over 38 to 51, incl.
Over 51
3 mm
3 mm
Lesser of 1/16t or 10 mm
5 mm
Lesser of 1/8t or 19 mm
Authorization. The requirements of UW-26(d) do not apply to such tack welds. 如果点焊工作是根据 U-2(b) 之规定完成的,则
为容器或零部件制造商进行此类点焊之分包商不必持有法规授权证书。 UW-26(d) 的要求不适用于此类点焊。
(d) The edges of butt joints shall be held during welding so that the tolerances of UW-33 are not exceeded in the completed
joint. When fitted girth joints have deviations exceeding the permitted tolerances, the head or shell ring, whichever is out-of-true, shall
be reformed until the errors are within the limits specified. Where fillet welds are used, the lapped plates shall fit closely and be kept
in contact during welding. 焊接期间应夹持对接接头的边缘,以便完成后之接头不会超过 UW-33 的允差。 当所装配的环向焊
缝的偏差超过允差时,应对封头或壳环(无论哪一个不真实)进行整修,直到误差在所规定的限度内。 当使用填角焊缝
(e) When joining two parts by the inertia and continuous drive friction welding processes, one of the two parts must be held in a
fixed position and the other part rotated. The two faces to be joined must be essentially symmetrical with respect to the axis of
rotation. Some of the basic types of applicable joints are solid round to solid round, tube to tube, solid round to tube, solid round to
plate, and tube to plate. 当通过惯性和连续驱动摩擦焊接工艺来连接两个零部件时,则两个零部件之一必须夹持在固定位置,
而另一个零部件则旋转。 待连接之两个面必须相对于旋转轴线对称。 适用接头的一些基本类型是实蕊圆棒对实蕊圆棒、管
(a) The surfaces to be welded shall be clean and free of scale, rust, oil, grease, slag, detrimental oxides, and other deleterious
foreign material. The method and extent of cleaning should be determined based on the material to be welded and the contaminants to
be removed. When weld metal is to be deposited over a previously welded surface, all slag shall be removed by a roughing tool,
chisel, chipping hammer, or other suitable means so as to prevent inclusion of impurities in the weld metal. 待焊表面应清洁且无氧
化皮、铁锈、油、油脂、熔渣、有害氧化物和其他有害异物。 清理的方法和程度应根据待焊材料和所要去除的污染物来决
定。 当焊缝金属要沉积在先前已焊接之表面上时,应使用粗加工工具、凿子、凿锤或其他合适的方法清除所有熔渣,,以
Cast surfaces to be welded shall be machined, chipped, or ground to remove foundry scale and to expose sound metal. 待焊
(c) The requirements in (a) and (b) above are not intended to apply to any process of welding by which proper fusion and
penetration are otherwise obtained and by which the weld remains free from defects. 上述 (a) 和 (b) 中的要求不适用于通过其他方
(d) Alignment of sections at edges to be butt welded shall be such that the maximum offset is not greater than the applicable
amount for the welded joint category (see UW-3) under consideration, as listed in Table UW-33. The section thickness t is the
nominal thickness of the thinner section at the joint. 待对接焊边缘处之截面的对准应使最大错位量不大于表 UW-33 中所列所用
焊接接头类别(参见 UW-3)的适用量。 截面厚度 t 是接头处具有较薄截面者的标称厚度。
(e) Any offset within the allowable tolerance provided above shall be faired at a three to one taper over the width of the finished
weld, or if necessary, by adding additional weld metal beyond what would otherwise be the edge of the weld. Such additional weld
metal buildup shall be subject to the requirements of UW-42. 上上述允差范围内的任何错位均应在成品焊缝宽度上以三比一的斜
度进行修整,或者如有必要时,在焊缝边缘之外沉积额外的焊缝金属。 这种额外焊缝金属的堆积应符合 UW-42 的要求。
Spin-holes are permitted within heads or segments thereof to facilitate forming. Spin-holes not exceeding the size limitations of UG36(c)(3)(-a) may be closed with a full-penetration weld using either a welded plug or weld metal. The weld and plug shall be no
thinner than the head material adjacent to the spin-hole. 封头或其区段内允许有旋压孔以利于成型。 不超过 UG-36(c)(3)(-a) 尺寸
限度之旋压孔可以使用焊接塞头或焊接金属通过全焊透焊接来予以封闭。 焊缝和塞头不应比靠近旋压孔的封头材料薄。
The finished weld shall be examined47 and shall meet the acceptance requirements of Mandatory Appendix 6 or Mandatory
Appendix 8 of this Division. Radiographic examination, if required by UW-11(a), and additional inspections, if required by the
material specification, shall be performed. 应对成品焊缝进行应符合本卷强制性附录 6 或强制性附录 8 之合格要求的磁粉检测4
或液渗透检测47。 如果成品焊缝是符合 UW-11(a) 中所要求的焊缝,则应进行射线检测;如果材料规范有其他要求,则应进
This weld is a butt weld, but it is not categorized. It shall not be considered in establishing the joint efficiency of any part of the head
or of the head-to-shell weld. 如果焊缝是未分类之对接焊缝时,则在确定封头任何部位或封头与壳体焊缝之接头系数时不应考
(a) Butt-welded joints shall have complete penetration and full fusion. 对焊接头应为全焊透和全熔合。
(b) As-welded surfaces are permitted; however, the surface of welds shall be sufficiently free from coarse ripples, grooves,
overlaps, and abrupt ridges and valleys to permit proper interpretation of radiographic and other required nondestructive examinations.
If there is a question regarding the surface condition of the weld when interpreting a radiographic image, the image shall be compared
to the actual weld surface for determination of acceptability. 允许焊接表维持焊态态;然而,焊缝表面应充分没有粗糙的波纹、
沟纹、焊瘤以及陡峭的隆起线和凹处,以便能够正确解释射线检测和其他所需的无损检测。 如果在解释射线图像时对焊缝
(c) A reduction in thickness due to the welding process, which includes undercut, is acceptable provided all of the following
conditions are met: 由于焊接工艺(包括咬边)而导致的厚度减薄是可以接受的,前提是满足以下所有条件:
(1) The reduction in thickness shall not reduce the material of the adjoining surfaces below the design thickness at any
point. 所减薄之厚度不应使相邻表面之材料在任何点处之厚度低于设计厚度。
(2) The reduction in thickness shall not exceed 1/32 in. (1 mm) or 10% of the nominal thickness of the adjoining surface,
whichever is less.48 厚度减薄量不应超过 1/32 in. (1 mm)或相邻表面之标称厚度的 10%,取较小者。48
(d) When a single-welded butt joint is made by using a backing strip which is left in place [Type No. (2) of Table UW-12], the
requirement for reinforcement applies only to the side opposite the backing strip. 当从单边进行焊接之对接接头是以表 UW-12 中
(e) To assure that the butt welded joints are completely filled so that the surface of the weld metal at any point does not fall
below the surface of the adjoining base materials,49 weld metal may be added as reinforcement on each face of the weld. The thickness
of the weld reinforcement on each face shall not exceed the following: 为了确保对接焊缝能完全被填满,以便任何点处之焊缝金
属表面都不会低于相邻母材的表面,49 可以在焊缝的每个面上沉积焊缝金属作为焊缝余高材料 。 每面焊缝余高的厚度不应
Customary Units美国习惯单位
Material Nominal Thickness 材料的
标称厚度, in.
Maximum Reinforcement最大余髙, in.
Category B and C Butt Welds
D 和 C 类对接焊缝
Less than 3/32
3/32 to 3/16, incl.
Over 3/16 to 1/2, incl.
Over 1/2 to 1, incl.
Over 1 to 2, incl.
Over 2 to 3, incl.
Over 3 to 4, incl.
Over 4 to 5, incl.
Over 5
Other Welds其他焊缝
SI Units SI单位
Material Nominal Thickness, mm
Less than 2.4
2.4 to 4.8, incl.
Over 4.8 to 13, incl.
Over 13 to 25, incl.
Over 25 to 51, incl.
Over 51 to 76, incl.
Over 76 to 102, incl.
Over 102 to 127, incl.
Over 127
Maximum Reinforcement, mm
Category B and C Butt Welds
Other Welds
In making fillet welds, the weld metal shall be deposited in such a way that fusion into the base metal at the root of the weld is
secured. The reduction of the thickness of the base metal due to the welding process at the edges of the fillet weld, which includes
undercut, shall meet the same requirements as for butt welds [see UW-35(c)]. 在进行填角焊缝时,焊缝金属的沉积方式应能确保
焊缝根部熔合到母材金属中。 由于填角焊缝边缘因焊接方法(包括咬边)而导致的母材厚度减薄应满足与对接焊缝相同的
要求[参见 UW-35(c)]。
The reverse side of double-welded joints shall be prepared by chipping, grinding, or melting out, so as to secure sound metal
at the base of weld metal first deposited, before applying weld metal from the reverse side. 双面焊接接头的背面应通过铲、磨或气
(b) The requirements in (a) above are not intended to apply to any process of welding by which proper fusion and penetration
are otherwise obtained and by which the base of the weld remains free from defects. 上述 (a)的要求不适用于以其他方式获得适当
(c) If the welding is stopped for any reason, extra care shall be taken in restarting to get the required penetration and fusion. For
submerged arc welding, chipping out a groove in the crater is recommended. 如果焊接因任何原因而被停止,在重新启焊时应格
(d) Where single-welded joints are used, particular care shall be taken in aligning and separating the components to be joined so
that there will be complete penetration and fusion at the bottom of the joint for its full length. 当采用单边焊接之接头时,应特别注
In welding plug welds, a fillet around the bottom of the hole shall be deposited first. 在进行塞焊时,应首先沿塞孔底部周
Welder and Welding Operator Identification 焊工和焊机操作工的识别
(1) Each welder and welding operator shall stamp the identifying number, letter, or symbol assigned by the Manufacturer,
on or adjacent to and at intervals of not more than 3 ft (1 m) along the welds which he makes in steel plates 1/4 in. (6 mm) and over
in thickness and in nonferrous plates 1/2 in. (13 mm) and over in thickness; or a record shall be kept by the Manufacturer of
welders and welding operators employed on each joint which shall be available to the Inspector. For identifying welds on vessels
in which the wall thickness is less than 1/4 in. (6 mm) for steel material and less than 1/2 in. (13 mm) for nonferrous material,
suitable stencil or other surface markings shall be used; or a record shall be kept by the Manufacturer of welders and welding
operators employed on each joint which shall be available to the Inspector; or a stamp may be used provided the vessel part is not
deformed and the following additional requirements are met: 对于由厚度 ≥ 1/4 in. (6 mm)之钢板及厚度 ≥ 1/2 in. (13 mm)之有
色金属板所组配成之接头,每位焊工和焊机操作员都应将制造商指定给其之识别号、字母或符号以不超过 3 ft (1 m) 的
该记录应可供检验师查阅。对于用壁厚小于 1/4 in. (6 mm)之钢材和壁厚小于 1/2 in. (13 mm)之有色金属材料所制成之容器
(-a) for ferrous materials: 采用黑色金属材料时:
(-1) the materials shall be limited to P-No. 1 Gr. Nos. 1 and 2; 材料应仅限为 P-No. 1中的Gr.-Nos.1和2;
(-2) the minimum nominal plate thickness shall be 3/16 in. (5 mm), or the minimum nominal pipe wall thickness
shall be 0.154 in. (3.91 mm); 最小标称板厚应为3/16 in. (5 mm),或最小标称管壁厚度应为 0.154 in. (3.91 mm);
(-3) the minimum design metal temperature shall be no colder than −20°F (−29°C); 最低设计金属温度不应低
于-20°F (-29°C);
(-b) for nonferrous materials: 采用有色金属材料时:
(-1) the materials shall be limited to aluminum as follows: SB-209 Alloys 3003, 5083, 5454, and 6061; SB-241
Alloys 3003, 5083, 5086, 5454, 6061, and 6063; and SB-247 Alloys 3003, 5083, and 6061; 材料应仅限为以下铝合金:
SB-209 合金 3003、5083、5454 和 6061; SB-241 合金 3003、5083、5086、5454、6061 和 6063;和 SB-247 合金
3003、5083 和 6061;
(-2) the minimum nominal plate thickness shall be 0.249 in. (6.32 mm), or the minimum nominal pipe thickness
shall be 0.133 in. (3.37 mm). 最小标称板厚度应为 0.249 in. (6.32 mm),或最小标称管壁厚应为 0.133 in. (3.37 mm)。
(2) When a multiple number of permanent nonpressure part load bearing attachment welds, nonloadbearing welds such as
stud welds, or special welds such as tube-to-tubesheet welds are made on a vessel, the Manufacturer need not identify the welder
or welding operator that welded each individual joint provided: 当在容器上进行用于连接多个永久性非承压零部件的承载焊
(-a) the Manufacturer’s Quality Control System includes a procedure that will identify the welders or welding
operators that made such welds on each vessel so that the Inspector can verify that the welders or welding operators were all
properly qualified; 制造商的质量管理体系包括一个可用于识别在每容器上进行此类焊接之焊工或焊机操作员,以便检
(-b) the welds in each category are all of the same type and configuration and are welded with the same welding
procedure specification. 每一类别之焊缝均具有相同的类型和构造,并采用相同的焊接工艺规程说明书进行焊接。
(3) Permanent identification of welders or welding operators making tack welds that become part of the final pressure weld
is not required provided the Manufacturer’s Quality Control System includes a procedure to permit the Inspector to verify that
such tack welds were made by qualified welders or welding operators. 如果制造商的质量管理体系包括允许检验师核验此类
(g) The welded joint between two members joined by the inertia and continuous drive friction welding processes shall be a full
penetration weld. Visual examination of the as-welded flash roll of each weld shall be made as an in-process check. The weld upset
shall meet the specified amount within ±10%. The flash shall be removed to sound metal. 通过惯性和连续驱动摩擦焊接方法所连
(h) Capacitor discharge welding may be used for welding temporary attachments and permanent nonstructural attachments
without postweld heat treatment, provided the following requirements are met: 只要满足以下要求,则电容放电焊可用于焊接无需
(1) A welding procedure specification shall be prepared in accordance with Section IX, insofar as possible describing the
capacitor discharge equipment, the combination of materials to be joined, and the technique of application. Qualification of the
welding procedure is not required. 应按第 IX 卷制定焊接工艺规程说明书,且该规程说明书中宜尽可能描述电容器放电之
(2) The energy output shall be limited to 125 W-sec. 所输出之能量应限制在 125 W-sec。
Defects, such as cracks, pinholes, and incomplete fusion, detected visually or by the hydrostatic or pneumatic test or by the
examinations prescribed in UW-11 shall be removed by mechanical means or by thermal gouging processes, after which the joint shall
be rewelded [see UW-40(e)]. 通过目视或静水压或气压试验或 UW-11 所规定之检测而发现的缺陷 (如裂纹、针孔和不完全焊
透) 应通过机械方法或热气刨工艺去除,然后对该接头进行返修 [请参阅 UW-40(e)]。
(a) Weld metal and heat-affected zones may be peened by manual, electric, or pneumatic means when it is deemed necessary or
helpful to control distortion, to relieve residual stresses, or to improve the quality of the weld. Peening shall not be used on the initial
(root) layer of weld metal nor on the final (face) layer unless the weld is subsequently postweld heat treated. In no case, however, is
peening to be performed in lieu of any postweld heat treatment required by these rules. 当认为有必要或有助于控制变形、消除残
行焊后热处理,否则锤击不应用于焊缝金属之打底 (根部)层或最终 (面层)层。然而,在任何情况下,锤击都不能代替本卷中
(b) Controlled shot peening and other similar methods which are intended only to enhance surface properties of the vessel or
vessel parts shall be performed after any nondestructive examinations and pressure tests required by these rules. 仅旨在提高容器或
(a) The operation of postweld heat treatment shall be performed in accordance with the requirements given in the applicable Part
in Subsection C using one of the following procedures. In the procedures that follow, the soak band is defined as the volume of metal
required to meet or exceed the minimum PWHT temperatures listed in Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11. As a minimum, the soak
band shall contain the weld, heat-affected zone, and a portion of base metal adjacent to the weld being heat treated. The minimum
width of this volume is the widest width of weld plus 1t or 2 in. (50 mm), whichever is less, on each side or end of the weld. The term
t is the nominal thickness as defined in (f) below. For additional detailed recommendations regarding implementation and
performance of these procedures, refer to Welding Research Council (WRC) Bulletin 452, June 2000, “Recommended Practices for
Local Heating of Welds in Pressure Vessels.” 焊后热处理操作应按照 C 分卷中适用篇的要求,采用以下程序之一进行。 在如
下程序中,均加热带定义为满足或超过表 UCS-56-1 至 UCS-56-11 中所列最低 PWHT 温度所需的金属体积。 加热热带至少
应包含焊缝、热影响区以及与热处理焊缝相邻之母材部分。 该体积的最小宽度是焊缝每侧或焊缝端之最宽宽度加上 1t 或 2
in. (50 mm)中之较小者。 术语 t 是下文 (f) 中所定义的标称厚度。 有关这些程序的实施和执行的其他详细建议,请参阅焊接
研究委员会 (WRC) 于 2000 年 6 月所发布之 452 公报 《压力容器焊缝局部加热的推荐做法》。
(1) heating the vessel as a whole in an enclosed furnace. This procedure is preferable and should be used whenever
practicable. 在密闭炉中将容器整体加热是最可取的作法,因此只要可行宜采用此种热处理工艺。
(2) heating the vessel in more than one heat in a furnace, provided the overlap of the heated sections of the vessel is at least
5 ft (1.5 m). When this procedure is used, the portion outside of the furnace shall be shielded so that the temperature gradient is
not harmful. The cross section where the vessel projects from the furnace shall not intersect a nozzle or other structural
discontinuity. 容器可分段在炉中对各分段逐次加热,前提是容器各加热段至少有 5 ft (1.5 m)的重迭长度。当采用这种做
(3) heating of shell sections and/or portions of vessels to postweld heat treat longitudinal joints or complicated welded
details before joining to make the completed vessel. When the vessel is required to be postweld heat treated, and it is not
practicable to postweld heat treat the completed vessel as a whole or in two or more heats as provided in (2) above, any
circumferential joints not previously postweld heat treated may be thereafter locally postweld heat treated by heating such joints
by any appropriate means that will assure the required uniformity. For such local heating, the soak band shall extend around the
full circumference. The portion outside the soak band shall be protected so that the temperature gradient is not harmful. This
procedure may also be used to postweld heat treat portions of new vessels after repairs. 为制成完整的容器,在焊接前对筒节和
/或容器段上之纵向接头或复杂焊接节点进行焊后热处理。当容器需要进行焊后热处理时,如上文 (2) 所述,对整个已完
(4) heating the vessel internally by any appropriate means and with adequate indicating and recording temperature devices
to aid in the control and maintenance of a uniform distribution of temperature in the vessel wall. Previous to this operation, the
vessel should be fully enclosed with insulating material, or the permanent insulation may be installed provided it is suitable for the
required temperature. In this procedure the internal pressure should be kept as low as practicable, but shall not exceed 50% of the
maximum allowable working pressure at the highest metal temperature expected during the postweld heat treatment period.
匀分布。 在此操作之前,应保温材料完全包裹住容器,或者在所需适合温度的情况下可以安装永久保温装置, 在此程
序中,内部压力应保持尽可能低,但不应超过焊后热处理期间预期最高金属温度下之最大许用工作压力的 50%。
(5) heating a circumferential band containing nozzles or other welded attachments that require postweld heat treatment in
such a manner that the entire band shall be brought up uniformly to the required temperature and held for the specified time.
Except as modified in this paragraph below, the soak band shall extend around the entire vessel, and shall include the nozzle or
welded attachment. The circumferential soak band width may be varied away from the nozzle or attachment weld requiring
PWHT, provided the required soak band around the nozzle or attachment weld is heated to the required temperature and held for
the required time. As an alternative to varying the soak band width, the temperature within the circumferential band away from
the nozzle or attachment may be varied and need not reach the required temperature, provided the required soak band around the
nozzle or attachment weld is heated to the required temperature, held for the required time, and the temperature gradient is not
harmful throughout the heating and cooling cycle. The portion of the vessel outside of the circumferential soak band shall be
protected so that the temperature gradient is not harmful. This procedure may also be used to postweld heat treat portions of
vessels after repairs. 对包含管嘴或其他需要焊后热处理之焊接附件的圆周带进行加热,整个加热带应均匀地升温至所需
温度并保持所规定之时间。 除以下段落中经修改过之规定外,加热带应以围绕着整个容器之式进行缠绕,并应包括管
嘴或焊接附件。 周向加热带之宽度可以与需要 PWHT 之管嘴或附件焊缝不同,只要将管嘴或附件焊缝周围所需的加热
带加热到所需温度并保持所需时间即可。 可作为改变加热带宽度的替代方法是:可以改变远离管嘴或附件之周向加热
带内的温度,并且不需要达到所需的温度,只要管嘴或附件焊缝周围所需的加热带被加热到所需的温度 ,保持所需的
时间,并且温度梯度在整个加热和冷却循环中不会有害即可。 应保护容器在周像加热带之外的部分,以使温度梯度不
会产生有害影响。 此程序还可用于容器返修部分的焊后热处理。
(6) heating the circumferential joints of pipe or tubing by any appropriate means using a soak band that extends around the
entire circumference. The portion outside the soak band shall be protected so that the temperature gradient is not harmful. The
proximity to the shell increases thermal restraint, and the designer should provide adequate length to permit heat treatment
without harmful gradients at the nozzle attachment or heat a full circumferential band around the shell, including the nozzle. 采采
度产生有害影响。 由于靠近壳体会增加热约束,所以设计者应提供足够的长度,以便在管嘴附件处进行热处理时或者
(7) heating a local area around nozzles or welded attachments in the larger radius sections of a double curvature head or a
spherical shell or head in such a manner that the area is brought up uniformly to the required temperature and held for the
specified time. The soak band shall include the nozzle or welded attachment. The soak band shall include a circle that extends
beyond the edges of the attachment weld in all directions by a minimum of t or 2 in. (50 mm), whichever is less. The portion of
the vessel outside of the soak band shall be protected so that the temperature gradient is not harmful. 对双曲率封头或球壳或封
间。 加热带应涵盖管嘴或焊接附件。 加热带应包括在所有方向上延伸超出连接焊缝边缘至少 t 或 2 in. (50 mm)中较小者
的一整圈加热带。 应保护加热带之外的容器部分,以使温度梯度不会产生有害影响。
(8) heating of other configurations. Local area heating of other configurations such as “spots” or “bulls eye” local heating
not addressed in (1) through (7) above is permitted, provided that other measures (based upon sufficiently similar, documented
experience or evaluation) are taken that consider the effect of thermal gradients, all significant structural discontinuities (such as
nozzles, attachments, head to shell junctures), and any mechanical loads which may be present during PWHT. The portion of the
vessel or component outside the soak band shall be protected so that the temperature gradient is not harmful. 其他构型的加热。
允许上述 (1) 至 (7) 中未提及之其他构型的局部区域加热,例如“点”或“牛眼”局部加热,前提是要采取其他措施(基于足
够相似的、有记录的经验或评估):已 顾及热梯度的影响、所有显着的结构不连续性(例如馆嘴、附件、封头与壳体
接合处)以及焊后热处理期间可能出现的任何机械载荷。 应保护加热带外的容器或零部件部分,以使温度梯度不会产
(b) The temperatures and rates of heating and cooling to be used in postweld heat treatment of vessels constructed of materials
for which postweld heat treatment may be required are given in UCS-56, UHT-56, UNF-56, and UHA-32. UCS-56、UHT-56、
UNF-56 和 UHA-32 中给出了由可能需要焊后热处理之材料所制成之容器的焊后热处理中所采用的焊后热处理温度以及加热
(c) The minimum temperature for postweld heat treatment given in Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11, Table UHT-56, and
Tables UHA-32-1 through UHA-32-7, and in UNF-56, shall be the minimum temperature of the plate material of the shell or head of
any vessel. Where more than one pressure vessel or pressure vessel part are postweld heat treated in one furnace charge,
thermocouples shall be placed on vessels at the bottom, center, and top of the charge, or in other zones of possible temperature
variation so that the temperature indicated shall be true temperature for all vessels or parts in those zones. 50 表 UCS-56-1 至 UCS-5611、表 UHT-56、表 UHA-32-1 至 UHA-32-7 以及 UNF-56 中所给出之焊后热处理最低温度应为任何容器壳体或封头之板材
的最低焊后热处理温度。 如果在一个炉进料中对多个压力容器或压力容器零部件进行焊后热处理时,则热电偶应放置在炉
(d) It is recognized that some postweld heat treatments may have detrimental effects on the properties of some materials. When
pressure parts of two different P-Numbers are joined by welding, engineering judgment shall be applied when selecting the postweld
heat treatment temperature and holding time to produce material properties suitable for the intended service. Alternatives such as
welding with buttering as described in Section IX, QW-283 may be considered. 如果需要焊后热处理时,则应在 静水压力试验之
前和任何焊接返修之后才焊后热处理进行,但 UCS-56(f) 所允许者除非。 允许在焊后热处理之前进行预静水压力试验以揭
(e) Postweld heat treatment, when required, shall be done before the hydrostatic test and after any welded repairs except as
permitted by UCS-56(f). A preliminary hydrostatic test to reveal leaks prior to postweld heat treatment is permissible. 若需焊后热处
理,焊后热处理应在静水压试验之前和任何焊接返修之后进行,但 UCS-56(f) 允许者的除外。允许在焊后热处理之前进行预
(f) The term nominal thickness as used in Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11, UCS-56.1, UHA-32-1 through UHA-32-7, and
UHT-56, is the thickness of the welded joint as defined below. For pressure vessels or parts of pressure vessels being postweld heat
treated in a furnace charge, it is the greatest weld thickness for all weld types as defined in (1) through (6) below in any vessel or
vessel part that has not previously been postweld heat treated. 表 UCS-56-1 至 UCS-56-11、UCS-56.1、UHA-32-1 至 UHA-32-7 和
UHT-56 中所用术语 "标称厚度"是以下所定义的焊接接头厚度 。 对于在炉料中进行焊后热处理之压力容器或压力容器零部
件而言,对于先前未进行过焊后热处理之任何容器或容器零部件而言,它是以下面 (1) 至 (6) 中所定义之所有焊缝类型的最
(1) When the welded joint connects parts of the same thickness, using a full penetration buttweld, the nominal thickness is
the total depth of the weld exclusive of any permitted weld reinforcement. 当焊接接头采用全熔透对接焊来连接具有相同厚度
(2) For groove welds, the nominal thickness is the depth of the groove. For singleor double-sided groove welds, the
nominal thickness is the total depth of the groove. 坡口焊缝之标称厚度是坡口的深度。 对于单边焊和或边焊坡口焊缝而
(3) For fillet welds, the nominal thickness is the throat dimension. If a fillet weld is used in conjunction with a groove
weld, the nominal thickness is the depth of the groove or the throat dimension, whichever is greater. 填角焊缝之标称厚度是喉
深尺寸。 如果填角焊缝与坡口焊缝结合使用,则标称厚度为坡口深度或焊喉尺寸中之较大者。
(4) For stud welds, the nominal thickness shall be the diameter of the stud 螺柱焊缝之标称厚度应为螺柱的直径。
(5) When a welded joint connects parts of unequal thicknesses, the nominal thickness shall be the following: 当焊接接头
(-a) the thinner of two adjacent butt-welded parts including head to shell connections 两个相邻对接焊零部件中较薄
(-b) the thickness of the shell or the fillet weld, whichever is greater, in connections to intermediate heads of the type
shown in Figure UW-13.1, sketch (e); 取与图 UW-13.1中草图 (e) 所示类型的中间封头连接之壳体厚度或填角焊缝睺深
(-c) the thickness of the shell in connections to tubesheets, flat heads, covers, flanges (except for welded parts depicted
in Figure 2-4, sketch (7), where the thickness of the weld shall govern), or similar constructions; 连接到图 UW-13.1 中草图
(e) 所示类型的中间封头时,为壳体或填角焊缝之厚度,以较大者为准;
(-d) in Figures UW-16.1 and UW-16.2, the thickness of the weld across the nozzle neck or shell or head or reinforcing
pad or attachment fillet weld, whichever is the greater; 与管板、扁平封头、盖版、法兰连接之壳体的厚度(但以以焊缝
厚度为准之图 2-4中草图 (7) 中所示的焊接零部件除外)或类似结构 ;
(-e) the thickness of the nozzle neck at the joint in nozzle neck to flange connections; 管嘴颈与法兰之接头处的管嘴
(-f) the thickness of the weld at the point of attachment when a nonpressure part is welded to a pressure part; 当非承
(-g) the thickness of the tube in tube-to-tubesheet connections. 管子与管板之连接处的管子厚度。
(-h) the thickness of the weld metal overlay when weld metal overlay is the only welding applied. 当堆焊金属是唯一
(6) For repairs, the nominal thickness is the depth of the repair weld. 返修标称厚度是返复焊缝的深度。
(7) The thickness of the head, shell, nozzle neck, or other parts as used in (1) through (6) above shall be the wall thickness
of the part at the welded joint under consideration. For plate material, the thickness as shown on the Material Test Report or
material Certificate of Compliance before forming may be used, at the Manufacturer’s option, in lieu of measuring the wall
thickness at the welded joint. 上述(1)至(6)中所采用的封头、壳体、管嘴焊颈部或其他零部件的厚度应为在它们之接
接头处的零部件壁厚。 对于板材而言,制造商可以选择使用成型前材料测试报告或材料符合证明上所示厚度来代替测
Welded joints may be examined by sectioning when agreed to by user and Manufacturer, but this examination shall not be considered
a substitute for spot radiographic examination. This type of examination has no effect on the joint factors in Table UW-12. The
method of closing the hole by welding is subject to acceptance by the Inspector. Some acceptable methods are given in Nonmandatory
Appendix K. 当用户和制造商同意时,可以对接焊接接头进行切片检查,但这种检查不应被视为可替代抽样射线检测。 此类
检测对表UW-12中的接头系数没有影响。 以焊接来封闭切取试样后所遗留孔洞的方法须经检验师的同意。 非强制性附录 K
(a) Construction in which deposits of weld metal are applied to the surface of base metal for the purpose of restoring the
thickness of the base metal for strength consideration; or modifying the configuration of weld joints in order to provide the tapered
transition requirements of UW-9(c) and UW-33(b) shall be performed in accordance with the rules in (b) and (c). 将焊缝金属沉积到
母材表面的结构,其目的是为了强度而用于恢复母材金属的厚度; 或修改焊接接头的配置以提供 UW-9(c) 和 UW-33(b) 的
渐缩过渡要求,且此种渐缩堆焊应按 (b) 和 (c) 中的规则进行。
(b) Procedure Qualification. A groove welding procedure qualification in accordance with provisions of Section IX shall be
performed for the thickness of weld metal deposited, prior to production welding. 艺规程评定。 在生产焊接之前,应根据第 IX 卷
Examination Requirements 检测要求
(1) All weld metal buildup shall be examined over the full surface of the deposit by either magnetic particle examination to
the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 6, or by liquid penetrant examination to the requirements of Mandatory Appendix 8.
所有此类表面堆焊焊缝金属层的整个熔敷表面上应按照强制性附录 6 的要求进行磁粉检测,或者按照强制性附录 8 的要
(2) When such surface weld metal buildup is used in welded joints which require full or spot radiographic examination, the
weld metal buildup shall be included in the examination. 当这种表面堆焊焊缝金属层用于需要全面或抽样射线检测的焊接接
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the inspection and testing of pressure vessels and vessel parts that are
fabricated by welding and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Inspection and Tests in Subsection A, and
with the specific requirements for Inspection and Tests in Subsection C that pertain to the class of material used. [For tests on
reinforcing plates, see UG-37(g).] 以下各节中之规定规则专门适用于以焊接所制成之压力容器和容器零部件的检验和试验,并
且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中有关检验和试验的通用要求以及 C 分卷中与所用材料类别有关之检验和试验的具体要求配套合
使用 [用于补强板的测试,参见 UG-37(g)]。
The Inspector shall assure himself that the welding procedure employed in the construction of a vessel has been qualified under the
provisions of Section IX. The Manufacturer shall submit evidence to the Inspector that the requirements have been met. 检查员应确
(a) The Manufacturer shall certify that the welding on a vessel has been done only by welders and welding operators who have
been qualified under the requirements of Section IX and the Inspector shall assure himself that only qualified welders and welding
operators have been used. 制造商应证明在容器上所进行之焊接仅由具有第 IX 卷所要求之资格的焊工和焊机操作员完成,检
(b) The Manufacturer shall make available to the Inspector the record of the qualification tests of each welder and welding
operator. The Inspector shall have the right at any time to call for and witness tests of the welding procedure or of the ability of any
welder and welding operator. 制造商应向检验师提供每位焊工和焊机操作员的技能检定记录。 检验师有权随时要求并见证对
The Inspector shall satisfy himself that all postweld heat treatment has been correctly performed and that the temperature readings
conform to the requirements. 检验师应确信所有焊后热处理均已正确执行且温度读数符合要求,以代表其对最终结果的承认。
On welded pressure vessels to be pneumatically tested in accordance with UG-100, the full length of the following welds
shall be examined47 before the pneumatic test is performed, for the purpose of detecting cracks: 按照 UG-100 进行气动试压的焊制
压力容器,在在进行气压试验之前应对以下焊缝的全长进行检测 47,以检测是否存在着裂纹:
(1) all welds around openings 开孔周围的所有焊缝
(2) all attachment welds having a throat thickness greater than 1/4 in. (6 mm), including welds attaching nonpressure parts
to pressure parts 喉深大于 1/4 in. (6 mm)的所有连接焊缝,包括将非承压零部件连接到承压零部件的焊缝
(b) The weld joint examination requirements given in (a) may be waived when the maximum allowable working pressure of the
vessel is no greater than 500 psi (3.5 MPa) and the following applicable requirement is met: 当容器的最大许用工作压力不大于 500
psi (3.5 MPa) 并且满足以下适用要求时,则可免除 (a) 中所给出的焊接接头检测要求:
(1) For Part UCS materials, the governing thickness as defined in UCS-66(a) shall be limited to a maximum governing
thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm) for materials assigned to Curve A, and 1 in. (25 mm) for materials assigned to Curve B, C, or D in
Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M). 对于 UCS 篇所许用之材料而言,UCS-66(a) 中所定义的控制厚度应为归类为图 UCS66M 中曲线 A 之材料的最大控制厚度 [1/2 in. (13 mm)],或应为归类为图 UCS-66M 中图 UCS-66M 中曲线 B、C 或 D 之
材料的最大控制厚度 [1 in. (25 mm)]。
(2) For austenitic chromium–nickel stainless steels 304, 304L, 316, 316L, 321, and 347 in Part UHA, the maximum
nominal material thickness shall be 3/4 in. (19 mm). UHA 篇中有关奥氏体铬镍不锈钢材料(304、304L、316、316L、321 和
347) 的最大标称厚度应为 3/4 in. (19 mm)。
(3) For aluminum, aluminum alloy 3000 series, aluminum alloy 5000 series, and aluminum alloy 6061-T6 in Part UNF, the
maximum nominal material thickness shall be 1 in. (25 mm). 在 UNF 篇中有关铝、铝合金 3000 系列、铝合金 5000 系列和铝
合金 6061-T6 等材料的最大标称厚度应为 1 in. (25 mm)。
All welded joints to be radiographed shall be examined in accordance with Section V, Article 2, except as specified below.
所有要进行射线检测的已完焊接头除应满足以下规定外,还应按照第 V 册第 2 章之规定进行射线检测。
(1) A complete set of radiographic images and examination records, as described in Section V, Article 2, for each vessel or
vessel part shall be retained by the Manufacturer, as follows: 制造商应如第 V 册第 2 章所述,并按如下规定为每台容器或每
(-a) radiographic images until the Manufacturer’s Data Report has been signed by the Inspector 射线检测图像应保存
(-b) examination records as required by this Division (10-13) 保存本卷所要求的检测记录 (10-13)
(2) Demonstration of acceptable density on radiographic films and the ability to see the prescribed image quality indicator
(IQI) image and the specified hole or the designated wire of a wire IQI shall be considered satisfactory evidence of compliance
with Section V, Article 2. 底片上可接受的黑度以及能够看到所规定之孔洞形或线型像质计 (IQI) 图像应被视为符合第 V
册第 2 章的充分证据。
(3) The requirements of Section V, Article 2, T-274.2, are to be used only as a guide for film-based radiography. 第 V 册
第 2 章 T-274.2 的要求仅用作基于底片之射线检测的导则。
(4) As an alternative to the radiographic examination requirements above, all welds in which the thinner of the members
joined is 1/4 in. (6 mm) thick and greater may be examined using the ultrasonic (UT) method specified by UW-53(b) or UW-53(c).
当所有连接构件中较薄者之厚度 ≥ 1/4 in. (6 mm),其连接焊缝都可采用 UW-53(b) 或 UW-53(c) 所规定的超声波 (UT)检
(b) Indications revealed by radiography within a weld that exceed the following criteria are unacceptable and therefore are
defects. Defects shall be repaired as provided in UW-38, and the repaired area shall be reexamined. In lieu of reexamination by
radiography, the repaired weld may be ultrasonically examined in accordance with Mandatory Appendix 12 at the Manufacturer’s
option. For material thicknesses in excess of 1 in. (25 mm), the concurrence of the user shall be obtained. This ultrasonic examination
shall be noted under Remarks on the Manufacturer’s Data Report Form: 射线底片所显示之焊缝内的迹像只要超过以下合格准则
则是不可接受的缺陷。缺陷应按 UW-38 规定进行返修,并对该返修区域进行复测。制造商可以根据强制性附录 12 对返修后
之焊缝选择超声波检测来取代上述以射线检测所进行的复测,但当材料厚度大于 1 in. (25 mm)时,这种替代应征得用户的同
意。若采用超声波检测时,制造商应在其数据报告表的备注栏中注明如下哪些焊缝的返修是以 UT 代替 RT 来进行复测的:
(1) any indication characterized as a crack or zone of incomplete fusion or penetration; 任何以裂纹或未焊透或不完全渗
(2) any other elongated indication on the radiograph which has length greater than: 显示在射线底片上的迹像长度大于:
/4 in. (6 mm) for t up to 3/4 in. (19 mm)
当t ≤ 3/4 in. (19 mm)时,长度大于 1/4 in. (6 mm)之迹像
/3t for t from 3/4 in. (19 mm) to 21/4 in. (57 mm)
当 t ≥ 3/4 in. (19 mm) 但 ≤ 2-1/4 in. (57 mm)时,长度大于1/3t之迹像
(-c) 3/4 in. (19 mm) for t over 21/4 in. (57 mm)
当t > 21/4 in. (57 mm)时,长度大于3/4 in. (19 mm) 之迹像
where 此处
t = the thickness of the weld excluding any allowable reinforcement. For a butt weld joining two members having different
thicknesses at the weld, t is the thinner of these two thicknesses. If a full penetration weld includes a fillet weld, the
thickness of the throat of the fillet shall be included in t. t 表示焊缝厚度,不包括任何所允许的焊缝余高。对于在
焊缝处连接具有不同厚度之两个构件的对接焊缝,则 t 是这两个厚度中的较薄者。如果全渗透焊缝包括填角焊
缝,则该填角焊缝之喉深应计人到 t 中。
(3) any group of aligned indications that have an aggregate length greater than t in a length of 12t, except when the
distance between the successive imperfections exceeds 6L where L is the length of the longest imperfection in the group;
任何一群成一直线分布之迹象,在 12t 长度内之累计长度大于 t,但相邻缺陷间之距离超过 6L 者除外,此处 L 是指各迹
(4) rounded indications in excess of that specified by the acceptance standards given in Mandatory Appendix 4.
大于强制性附录 4 中所规定之合格准则的圆形指示。
NOTE: Spot radiographing of a welded joint is recognized as an effective inspection tool. The spot radiography rules are also
considered to be an aid to quality control. Spot radiographs made directly after a welder or an operator has completed a unit of weld
proves that the work is or is not being done in accordance with a satisfactory procedure. If the work is unsatisfactory, corrective
steps can then be taken to improve the welding in the subsequent units, which unquestionably will improve the weld quality. Spot
radiography in accordance with these rules will not ensure a fabrication product of predetermined quality level throughout. It must
be realized that an accepted vessel under these spot radiography rules may still contain defects which might be disclosed on further
examination. If all radiographically disclosed weld defects must be eliminated from a vessel, then 100% radiography must be
employed. 注:焊接接头的抽样射线检测被认为是一种有效的检测工具。 抽样射线检测规则也被认为有助于质量控制。 焊
工或操作员完成一个焊接单元后直接拍摄的抽样射线底片可以证明工作是否按照令人满意之程序进行。 如果工作不令人满
意,则可以采取纠正措施来改进后续单元的焊接,这无疑会提高焊接质量。 根据这些规则所进行的抽样射线检测不能确保
制造产品始终达到所预定的质量水平。 必须认识到,根据这些抽样射线检测规则所接受的容器仍可能包含缺陷,这些缺陷
可能在进一步检测时被发现。 如果必须从容器中消除所有可能的焊接缺陷,则必须采用 100% 射线检测。
Butt-welded joints that are to be spot radiographed shall be examined locally as provided herein. 待需要进行抽样射线检测
Minimum Extent of Spot Radiographic Examination 抽样射线检测的最小程度
(1) One spot shall be examined on each vessel for each 50 ft (15 m) increment of weld or fraction thereof for which a joint
efficiency from column (b) of Table UW-12 is selected. However, for identical vessels or parts, each with less than 50 ft (15 m) of
weld for which a joint efficiency from column (b) of Table UW-12 is selected, 50 ft (15 m) increments of weld may be
represented by one spot examination. 每对于要检测之每一增量焊缝,应拍摄足够数量的抽样射线照片来检测每位焊工或焊
机操作员的焊接质量。 在由两为或多位焊工或焊接操作员在一个接头中或在双边焊对接接头之两侧进行多层焊时,一
(2) For each increment of weld to be examined, a sufficient number of spot radiographs shall be taken to examine the
welding of each welder or welding operator. Under conditions where two or more welders or welding operators make weld layers
in a joint, or on the two sides of a double-welded butt joint, one spot may represent the work of all welders or welding operators.
每一抽样检测应在待检测焊缝增量完成后尽快进行。 抽样检测的位置应由检验师在待检测之焊接增量完成后选择,除
(3) Each spot examination shall be made as soon as practicable after completion of the increment of weld to be examined.
The location of the spot shall be chosen by the Inspector after completion of the increment of welding to be examined, except that
when the Inspector has been notified in advance and cannot be present or otherwise make the selection, the Manufacturer may
exercise his own judgment in selecting the spots. 在待检焊缝之增量一旦达到则应尽快进行抽检。抽样点的位置应在完成待
(4) Radiographs required at specific locations to satisfy the rules of other paragraphs, such as UW-9(d), UW-11(a)(5)(-b),
and UW-14(b), shall not be used to satisfy the requirements for spot radiography. 为满足其他段落(例如 UW-9(d)、UW11(a)(5)(-b) 和 UW-14(b) 的规则而要求用于特定位置的射线检测不应用于满足抽样射线检测的要求。
(c) Standards for Spot Radiographic Examination. Spot examination by radiography shall be made in accordance with the
technique prescribed in UW-51(a). The minimum length of spot radiograph shall be 6 in. (150 mm). Spot radiographs may be retained
or be discarded by the Manufacturer after acceptance of the vessel by the Inspector. The acceptability of welds examined by spot
radiography shall be judged by the following standards: 抽样射线检测标准。 应根据 UW-51(a) 所规定的技术进行射线检测抽
测。 用于抽测之射线比片的最小长度应为 6 in. (150 mm)。 在检验师接受容器后,制造商可以保存或丢弃抽样射线底片。
(1) Welds in which indications are characterized as cracks or zones of incomplete fusion or penetration shall be
unacceptable. 出现裂纹或未熔合或未熔透区域的焊缝是不可接受的。
(2) Welds having indications characterized as slag inclusions or cavities are unacceptable when the indication length
exceeds 2/3t , where t is defined as shown in UW-51(b)(2). For all thicknesses, indications less than 1/4 in. (6 mm) are acceptable,
and indications greater than 3/4 in. (19 mm) are unacceptable. Multiple aligned indications meeting these acceptance criteria are
acceptable when the sum of their longest dimensions indications does not exceed t within a length of 6t (or proportionally for
radiographs shorter than 6t), and when the longest length L for each indication is separated by a distance not less than 3L from
adjacent indications. 当夹渣或气孔缺陷的长度超过 2/3t 时是不可接受的,此处 t 的定义见 UW-51(b)(2) 。 对于所有厚度
而,小于 1/4 in. (6 mm) 的指示是可接受的,大于 3/4 in. (19 mm)的指示则是不可接受的。 当最长尺寸指示的总和在 6t
长度内不超过 t(当射线底片所示最长尺寸指示之总和短于 6t 时则按比例计算),并且上述每一指示之最长长度 L 距相
邻指示不少于 3L 时,则满足上述那些合格准则且排成一直线之多个指示是可接受的 。
(3) Rounded indications are not a factor in the acceptability of welds not required to be fully radiographed. 当焊缝不要求
进行 100% 射线检检测时,圆形指示不是此类焊缝之可接受性的一个因素。
Evaluation and Retests 判片和复验
(4) When a spot, radiographed as required in (b)(1) or (b)(2) above, is acceptable in accordance with (c)(1) and (c)(2)
above, the entire weld increment represented by this radiograph is acceptable. 当按上述 (b)(1) 或 (b)(2) 之要求进行射线检测的
抽测点并按上述 (c)(1) 和 (c)(2) 被判为可接受时,由该抽测点所表示的整个焊缝增量射线检测是可以接受的。
(5) When a spot, radiographed as required in (b)(1) or (b)(2) above, has been examined and the radiograph discloses
welding which does not comply with the minimum quality requirements of (c)(1) or (c)(2) above, two additional spots shall be
radiographically examined in the same weld increment at locations away from the original spot. The locations of these additional
spots shall be determined by the Inspector or fabricator as provided for the original spot examination in (b)(3) above. 当按照上述
(b)(1) 或 (b)(2) 之要求对某个抽测点进行射线检测后,若射线底片显示焊缝不符合上述 (c)(1) 或 (c)(2) 的最低质量要求
时,则应在远离原抽测点的同一焊缝增量中对另外两个抽测点进行射线检测。 这些附加抽测点的位置应由检验师或制
造商根据上述 (b)(3) 中的原抽测方式选定。
(-a) If the two additional spots examined show welding which meets the minimum quality requirements of (c)(1) and
(c)(2) above, the entire weld increment represented by the three radiographs is acceptable provided the defects disclosed by
the first of the three radiographs are removed and the area repaired by welding. The weld repaired area shall be
radiographically examined in accordance with the foregoing requirements of UW-52. 如果所检测的两个附加抽测点显示焊
接满足上述 (c)(1) 和 (c)(2) 的最低质量要求,则由三张射线底片所表示的整个焊接增量是可接受的,由这三张射线
底片中之第一张射线底片所发现的焊缝缺陷应予以铲除,并通过焊接返修该区域。 焊缝修补区域应按UW-52之上述
(-b) If either of the two additional spots examined shows welding which does not comply with the minimum quality
requirements of (c)(1) or (c)(2) above, the entire increment of weld represented shall be rejected. The entire rejected weld
shall be removed and the joint shall be rewelded or, at the fabricator’s option, the entire increment of weld represented shall
be completely radiographed and only defects need be corrected. 如果所检测的两个附加抽测中的任何一个显示焊缝不符
合上述 (c)(1) 或 (c)(2) 的最低质量要求,则所代表的整个焊缝增量应被拒收。 整个被拒收之焊缝应被判废,且应重
新焊接接头,或者根据制造商的选择,对所表示的整个焊缝增量进行100% 射线照相,并仅仅需对有缺陷部位进行
(-c) Repair welding shall be performed using a qualified procedure and in a manner acceptable to the Inspector. The
rewelded joint, or the weld repaired areas, shall be spot radiographically examined at one location in accordance with the
foregoing requirements of UW-52. 补焊应采用已评定合格之规程并以检验师可接受的方式进行。 重焊接头或焊补区域
应按照 UW-52 的前述要求在一个位置进行抽测点射线检测。
Ultrasonic examination of welded joints whose joint efficiency is not determined by ultrasonic examinations may be
performed and evaluated in accordance with Mandatory Appendix 12. 对于不是以超声波检测来决定接头系数的那些焊接接头而
言,可按照强制性附录 12 进行超声波检测和判定。
(b) Ultrasonic examination of welds per UW-51(a)(4) shall be performed and evaluated in accordance with the requirements of
Section VIII, Division 2, 7.5.5. 按 UW-51(a)(4) 执行备选超声波检测之焊缝应按第 VIII-2 卷 7.5.5 之要求进行检测和判定。
(c) Phased array manual raster ultrasonic examinations may be used to establish the joint efficiency of the final closure seam of
a pressure vessel whose construction, geometric configuration, or accessibility prohibits obtaining interpretable radiographs in
accordance with UW-51(a) and the ultrasonic examination requirements of (b) when all of the following conditions are met:
当压力容器的结构、几何配置或可接近性禁止根据 UW-51(a) 要求获得可解释的射线照片和按 (b)进行的超声检测时,只要
(1) The absence of suitable radiographic or ultrasonic examination equipment shall not be considered acceptable
justification for using these provisions. 缺少适当的射线检测或超声波检测设备不应被视为可采用相控阵手动光栅超声检测
(2) The examination shall be performed in accordance with a written procedure conforming to the requirements of Section
V, Article 4, Mandatory Appendices IV and V, applying phased array manual raster ultrasonic examination techniques with a
linear array. 应当按照符合第 V 卷第 4 章 强制性附录 IV 和 V 之要求的书面规程以线阵相控阵手动光栅超声检测技术来进
(3) The examination procedure shall be qualified as set forth in Section V, Article 1, T-150(d) and Section V, Article 4,
Mandatory Appendix IX. 检测规程应符合第 V 卷第 1 章 T-150(d)以及第 V 卷第 4 章强制性附录 IX 的规定。
(4) Contractor qualification records of certified personnel shall be reviewed and approved by the Manufacturer and
maintained by their employer. 对 NDE 人员进行核证的承包商执照记录应由制造商进行审查和批准,并由其雇主保存。
(5) Only qualified UT personnel trained in the use of the equipment who have either participated in the procedure
qualification or have successfully passed a performance demonstration as set forth in T-150(a) shall conduct production scans.
只有接受过设备使用培训并与与过规程评定或已成功通过 T-150(a) 中所规定之技能演示的合格 UT 人员才能进行生产扫
(6) The examination shall employ a scanner having data acquisition, encoding, and analysis abilities. 检测时应采用具有
(7) An initial straight beam material examination for reflectors that could interfere with the angle beam examination shall
be performed manually (see Section V, Article 4, T-472). 对于可能干扰斜束检测之反射体,在初始直束材料检测时应手动进
行 (请参阅第 V 册第 4 章之 T-472)。
(8) For material thickness greater than 8 in. (200 mm), the area to be examined shall include the volume of the weld plus 2
in. (50 mm) on each side of the weld. 对于厚度大于 8 in. (200 mm)之材料而言,所要检测之区域应包括焊缝体积加上焊缝
每侧 2 in. (50 mm)的体积。
(9) For material thickness 8 in. (200 mm) or less, the area to be examined shall include the volume of the weld plus the
lesser of 1 in. (25 mm) or t on each side of the weld. Alternatively, the area to be examined may be reduced to include the actual
heat-affected zone (HAZ) plus 1/4 in. (6 mm) of base material beyond the heat-affected zone on each side of the weld, provided
the following requirements are met: 当材料厚度≤ 8 8 in. (200 mm)时,所要检测之区域应包括焊缝体积加上焊缝每侧 1 in.
(25 mm)或 t 中的较小值。或者,只要满足如下条件,则可将所要检测之区域缩小到包括实际热影响区 (HAZ) 加上距焊
缝每侧热影响区之外的 1/4 in. (6 mm)母材:
(-a) The extent of the weld HAZ is measured and documented during the weld qualification process. 在焊接评定过程
(-b) The ultrasonic transducer positioning is controlled using a reference mark (paint or low-stress stamp adjacent to
the weld) or other means that ensure that the actual HAZ plus an additional 1/4 in. (6 mm) of base metal is examined. 使用参
/4 in. (6 mm)母材都可被检测到。
(10) Calibration of the examination system shall be performed in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section V,
Article 4, T-460. 检测系统的校准应按照第 V 卷第 4 章 T-460 的适用要求进行。
(11) Flaw sizing shall be in accordance with Section VIII, Division 2, 缺陷应按第 VIII-2 卷 条款的规定进
(12) Flaw evaluation and acceptance shall be in accordance with Section VIII, Division 2, 缺陷的评估和判据应符
合 VIII -2 卷 条款的相关规定。
A maximum weld joint efficiency of E = 1.0 may be assigned to final closure seams that are found to be acceptable
following these examination rules. An entry shall be included in the Remarks section of the Manufacturer’s Data Report that
states “Ultrasonic examination of the vessel closure seam was performed under the rules of (c). 按照这些检测规则发现最终封
闭焊缝是可接受时,则其最大焊接接头效率E 取1.0。制造商数据报告的备注栏中应包含一条用于说明“已根据 (c) 的规则
Personnel performing nondestructive examinations in accordance with UW-51, UW-52, or UW-53 shall be qualified and certified in
accordance with the requirements of Section V, Article 1, T-120(e), T-120(f), T-120(g), T-120(i), T-120(j), or T-120(k), as applicable.
根据 UW-51、UW-52 或 UW-53 执行无损检测之人员应根据第 V 卷第 1 章中所适用的-T120(e)、T-120(f)、 T-120(g)、T120(i)、T-120(j) 或 T-120(k) 获得相应资格和证书。
(a) Production diffusion-welded joints shall be examined in the following sequence: 产品中之扩散焊接头应按以下顺序进
Liquid penetrant examination shall be performed on external surfaces of the diffusion-welded plate pack in
accordance with Mandatory Appendix 8. 应按照强制性附录 8 对扩散焊板组的外表面进行液渗透检测。
(-a) When machining is performed, the examination shall be performed after machining. 进行机械加工时,应在机
(-b) Diffusion-welded joints shall be exempt from liquid penetrant examination in areas where channels are open to
the surface of the diffusion-welded plate pack. This exclusion also includes a border around the open channel area smaller than 5
times the channel height. 在通道通向扩散焊接板组表面的区域,扩散焊接头应免于进行液渗透检测。 此排除还包括开路
通道区域周围小于通道高度 5 倍的边界。
(2) Ultrasonic examination of areas within T /2 of external attachment welds on the endplate shall be performed in
accordance with UW-53(a), where T is the thickness of the attachment. 终板上外部附件焊缝 T/2 范围内的区域应按照 UW-53(a)
进行超声波检hk4,此处 T 是该附件的厚度。
The provisions for marking and reports, UG-115 through UG-120, shall apply without supplement to welded pressure vessels.
UG-115 至 UG-120对标记和报告的规定应可以在无需其他补充要求下直接适用于焊制压力容器。
UF-1 SCOPE适用范围
The rules in Part UF are applicable to forged pressure vessels without longitudinal joints, including their component parts that are
fabricated of carbon and low alloy steels or of high alloy steels within the limitations of Part UHA. These rules shall be used in
conjunction with the applicable requirements in Subsection A, and with the specific requirements in Subsection C that pertain to the
respective classes of all materials used. UF篇中之规则适用于无纵向接头的锻制压力容器,包括在 UHA篇限制内由碳钢和低合
金钢或高合金钢所制成的其零部件,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中的适用要求以及 C 分卷中与所用所有材料各自类别相关
Materials used in the construction of forged pressure vessels shall comply with the requirements for materials given in UG-4
through UG-14, except as specifically limited or extended in (b) and (c) below, and in UF-6. 锻制压力容器所用材料应符合 UG-4 ~
UG-14 中有关材料的要求,但符合下文 (b) 和 (c) 以及 UF-6 中之具体限制或其附加要求者除外。
(b) The heat analysis of forgings to be fabricated by welding shall not exceed carbon 0.35%. However, when the welding
involves only minor nonpressure attachments as limited in UF-32, seal welding of threaded connections as permitted in UF-43, or
repairs as limited by UF-37, the carbon content shall not exceed 0.50% by heat analysis. When by heat analysis the carbon analysis
exceeds 0.50% no welding is permitted. 焊制锻件的热分析含碳量不应超过 0.35%。 然而,当焊接仅涉及 UF-32 所限制的小型
非承压附件、UF-43 所允许的螺纹连接密封焊接或 UF-37 所限制的返修时,通过热分析的碳含量不应超过 0.50%。 当通过
热分析,碳分析超过 0.50%时,不允许进行焊接。
(c) SA-372 materials that are subjected to liquid quench and temper heat treatment and that have a specified minimum tensile
strength exceeding 95 ksi (655 MPa) may be subjected to accelerated cooling or may be quenched and tempered to attain their
specified minimum properties provided 经过液淬火 + 回火热处理且最小规定拉伸强度超过 95 ksi (655 MPa) 的 SA-372 材料可
进行加速冷却或淬火 + 回火以获得其规定的最低性能,前提是:
(1) after heat treatment, inspection for injurious defects shall be performed according to UF-31(b)(1); 热处理后,按 UF31(b)(1)检测是否存在着有害缺陷;
(2) tensile strength shall not be greater than 20,000 psi (140 MPa) above their specified minimum tensile strength. 抗拉强
度不应比最小规定抗拉强度高 20,000 psi (140 MPa)。
(d) For vessels constructed of SA-372 Grade J, Class 110 or Grade L material, transverse impact tests shall be made at the
minimum allowable temperature in accordance with Part UHT of this Division, except in no case shall the test temperature be higher
than −20°F (−29°C). Certification is required. An ultrasonic examination shall be made in accordance with UF-55. 对于由 SA-372 J
类 110 级或 L 类材料所制造之容器,应根据本卷 UHT 篇在最低许用温度下进行横向冲击试验,但在任何情况下之试验温度
均不应高于 -20 °F (−29°C),且须出具在和温度下进行试验及结果的证明书。 应按照 UF-55 进行超声波检测。
All materials subject to stress due to pressure shall conform to one of the specifications given in Section II and limited to those listed
in Tables UCS-23 and UHA-23 for forgings or to plates, and seamless pipe and tube when such material is further processed by a
forging operation. 所有因压力而承受应力之材料应符合第 II 册中所给出的规范之一,并仅限于表 UCS-23 和 UHA-23 中所列
Materials and rules of construction to be applied in the manufacture of forged steel corrugating and pressure rolls used in machinery
for producing corrugated paper are covered in Section II, Part A, SA-649. II-A卷 A-649 介绍了用于生产瓦楞纸机械中锻钢瓦楞辊
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to vessels or main sections of vessels that are forged from ingots, slabs,
billets, plate, pipe, or tubes, and shall be used to supplement the requirements for design which are applicable, as given in UG-16
through UG-55, and those given in UCS-16 through UCS-67, and UHA-20 through UHA-34. Sections of vessels may be joined by
any method permitted in the several Parts of this Division except as limited in UF-5(b) and UF-5(c). 以下各节中之规则特别适用于
由钢锭、板坯、钢坯、板材、锻造而成之容器或容器的主筒段,并且应用于补充诸如 UG-16 到 UG-55,以及 UCS-16 到
UCS-67 和 UHA-20 到 UHA-34 中所给出的那些所适用之设计要求。 除 UF-5(b) 和 UF-5(c) 中的限制外,容器各筒段可以通
Vessels constructed of SA-372 Grade A, B, C, or D; Grade E, Class 55, 65, or 70; Grade F, Class 55, 65, or 70; Grade G, Class 55,
65, or 70; Grade H, Class 55, 65, or 70; Grade J, Class 55, 65, 70, or 110; Grade L; or Grade M, Class A or B must be of streamlined
design, and stress raisers, such as abrupt changes in section, shall be minimized. Openings in vessels constructed of liquid quenched
and tempered materials, other than austenitic steel, shall be reinforced in accordance with UG-37; UG-36(c)(3) shall not apply.
由 SA-372等级为 A、B、C 或 D ;等级为 E ,55、65 或 70 ;等级为 F 的 55、65 或 70 纲;等级为 G 的55 、65 或 70 纲;
等级为 H 的 55、65 或 70 纲;等级为 J 的55、65、70 或 110 纲;等级为 L级、M 级、A 或 B 之材料所制成的容器必须采用
流线型设计,应力集中源(例如截面的突然变化)应最小化。 由液淬火 + 回火材料(奥氏体钢除外)所制成之容器中的开
孔应按照 UG-37 进行补强,而不是按UG-36(c)(3)来进行补强。
The nominal wall thickness of the cylindrical shell of vessels constructed of SA-372 Grade J, Class 110 shall not exceed 2 in. (50
mm). 采用 SA-372等级为 J 的 110 钢所制成之容器的圆筒形壳体的标称壁厚不应超过 2 in. (50 mm)。
(e) The minimum required thickness of forged heads shall be computed using the equations of UG-32. When heads are made
separate from the body forging they may be attached by any method permitted in the several Parts of this Division except as limited in
UF-5(b) and UF-5(c). 应采用 UG-32 中所给出方程来计算锻造封头所需的最小厚度。 当封头与主壳段分开锻造时,除了 UF5(b) 和 UF-5(c) 中的限制外,则可通过本卷几篇中所许用之任何方法来进行连接。
(f) The juncture of a forged conical head with the body shall be a knuckle, the inside radius of which shall be not less than 6%
of the internal diameter of the vessel. The thickness at the knuckle shall be not less than that of the cylinder and shall be faired into
that of the head at the base of the cone. 锻造锥形封头与本体之连接处应有内半径不应小于容器内径之 6%的转角过渡。 转角过
(g) Except for the 3t requirements in UG-32(i) the design of the head shall comply with the applicable provisions of UG-32,
UG-33, UG-34, and 1-6. 除 UG-32(i) 中的 3t 要求外,封头的设计应符合 UG-32、UG-33、UG-34 和 1-6 的适用规定。
Provision shall be made for corrosion in accordance with the requirements in UG-25. 应根据 UG-25 的要求作出腐蚀规定。
The rules in the following paragraphs supplement the applicable requirements for fabrication given in UG-75 through UG-84 and
UCS-79. For high alloy steel forged vessels, the applicable paragraphs of Part UHA shall also apply. 以下各节中之规则补充了 UG75 至 UG-84 和 UCS-79 中所给出的适用制造要求。 对于高合金钢锻造容器,UHA 篇的适用段落也应遵循。
The inner surface of the body shall be true-to-round to the degree that the maximum difference between any two diameters at 90
deg to each other, determined for any critical cross section, does not exceed 1% of the mean diameter at that section. Chip marks and
minor depressions in the inner surface may be filled by welding to meet these tolerances when the welding is done as permitted in UF32. 筒节的内表面应达到真圆,以使任何圆度误差最大之横截面所确定的任何两个直径间彼此成 90 度的最大差值不超过该
截面之平均直径的1%; 当按照 UF-32 所许用之方式进行焊接时,为满足这些公差,可以通过焊接来填补内表面的削片压痕
(h) If out-of-roundness exceeds the limit in (a) and the condition cannot be corrected, the forging shall be rejected except that if
the out-of-roundness does not exceed 3%, the forging may be certified for a lower pressure in the formula: 如果不圆度超过 (a) 中的
限值并且无法矫正此该情况时,则该锻件应被拒收,,除非不圆度不超过 3%,根据以下方程鉴定为在较低压力下使用之锻
Reduced Pressure折减压力 𝑃′ = 𝑃′ = (𝑆𝑏 )
and in which且式中𝑆𝑏 由可式给出
𝑆𝑏 =
1.5𝑃𝑅1 𝑡(𝐷1 −𝐷2 )
𝑡 .+3 𝑅1 𝑅𝑎
𝐷1 , 𝐷2 = the inside diameters maximum and minimum, respectively, as measured for the critical section, and for one
additional section in each direction therefrom at a distance not exceeding 0.2𝐷2 . The average of the three
readings for 𝐷1 and 𝐷2 , respectively, shall be inserted in the formula. 分别针对圆度误差最大截面并在其
两侧距离不超过 0.2𝐷2 的截面处所测定之内径最大值和最小值。𝐷1 和 𝐷2 的三次读数的平均值应分别
This definition is meaningless because how do you determine 0.2𝐷2 before determining the minimum value
of 𝐷2 ? -- annotation
= modulus of elasticity of material at design temperature材料在设计温度下的弹性模量
= maximum allowable working pressure for forging meeting the requirements of (a) 满足(a)要求之锻件的最
= average inside radius at critical section 圆度误差最大之截面的平均内半径
= 1/4 (𝐷1 + 𝐷2 )
= average radius to middle of shell wall at critical section 圆度误差最大之截面中径到真圆壳壁中径的平均
= 1/4 (𝐷1 + 𝐷2 ) + t/2
= design stress value, psi (kPa), at metal service temperature 金属在操作温度下的设计应力值,单位:psi
= bending stress at metal service temperature 金属在操作温度下的弯曲应力
= the average (mean) thickness平均厚度
(1) Use 𝑝′ = P when 𝑆𝑏 is less than 0.25S. 当𝑆𝑏 小于 0.25S 时𝑝′ 取值为 P。
(2) In all measurements, correct for corrosion allowance if specified. 在所有测量中若有腐蚀规定,则应按腐蚀裕量进行修正。
Forged heads shall be made either by closing in extensions of the body of such shape and dimensions as may be required to produce
the final form desired, or by separate forgings [see UF-13(a)].应通过将筒体延伸段收口至所需的最终形状和尺寸之方式来制成锻
制封头,或者通过单独锻件制造加工来制成该锻制封头 [请参阅 UF-13(a)]。
Forged heads shall be as true as it is practicable to make them to the shape shown on the design drawings. Any deviations therefrom
shall merge smoothly into the general shape of the head and shall not evidence a decrease of strength for the sections as required by
the equations for design. 锻制封头应尽可能与设计图纸所示形状完全吻合。任何与设计图纸的偏差应平滑地融入到该封头的
Forgings are permitted to have small areas thinner than required if the adjacent areas surrounding each have sufficient thickness to
provide the necessary reinforcement according to the rules for reinforcement in UG-40. 如果每个锻件周围的相邻区域具有足够的
厚度以根据 UG-40 中的加固规则提供必要的加固,则允许锻件具有比要求更薄的小区域。
Normalized or Annealed Material 正火或退火材料
(1) After all forging is completed, each vessel or forged part fabricated without welding shall be heat treated in accordance
with the applicable material specification. When defects are repaired by welding, subsequent heat treatment may be necessary in
accordance with UF-37(b). 所有锻造完成后,每个容器或未经焊接所制成之锻造零零部件应根据相应材料规范进行热处
理,并当用焊接来返修缺陷时,可能需要根据 UF-37(b) 进行后续热处理。
(2) Vessels fabricated by welding of forged parts requiring heat treatment shall be heat treated in accordance with the
applicable material specification as follows: 由需要热处理之锻件所焊制成之容器应根据相应材料规范在如下情况下进行热
(-a) after all welding is completed; or 完成所有焊接后;或者
(-b) prior to welding, followed by postweld heat treatment of the finished weld in accordance with UW-40; 在焊接前
按应材料规范进行热处理,然后按照 UW-40 对已完焊之焊缝进行焊后热处理;
(-c) when the welding involves only minor nonpressure attachments to vessels having carbon content exceeding
0.35% but not exceeding 0.50% by ladle analysis, requirements of UF-32(b) shall govern. 当焊接仅涉及将小型非承压附件
连接到容器,且该容器通过钢包分析所得碳含量超过 0.35% 但不超过 0.50%时,则应以 UF-32(b) 之要求为准。
In the case of austenitic steels, the heat treatment procedures followed shall be in accordance with UHA-32. 奥氏体钢所
遵循之热处理程序应符合 UHA-32 的规定。
(b) Liquid Quenched SA-372. Vessels fabricated from SA-372 forging material to be liquid quenched and tempered shall be
subjected to this heat treatment in accordance with the applicable material specifications after the completion of all forging, welding
of nonpressure attachments as permitted by UF-32, and repair welding as limited by UF-37. Seal welding of threaded connections, as
permitted in UF-43, may be performed either before or after this heat treatment. 经液淬的 SA-372 材料。 由 SA-372 锻造材料所制
造且需要液淬 + 回火之容器,在完成所有锻造、UF-32 所允许的非承压附件之焊接和受 UF-37 限制之焊补后应根据相应材
料规范的规定进行热处理。在 UF-43 中所许用之螺纹连接件密封焊可以在热处理之前或之后进行。
(1) After final heat treatment, such vessels shall be examined for the presence of cracks on the outside surface of the shell
portion and on the inside surface where practicable. This examination shall be made by liquid penetrant when the material is
nonferromagnetic and by liquid penetrant or magnetic particle examination when the material is ferromagnetic. 最终热处理后,
(2) After final heat treatment, liquid quenched and tempered vessels, except as provided in (3) below, shall be subjected to
Brinell hardness tests in at least three different locations representing approximately the center and each end of the heat-treated
shell. The tests shall meet the following requirements: 最终热处理后,对于液淬+回火之容器而言,除下文 (3) 中所规定的情
The distance between adjacent test locations shall be not more than 5 ft (1.5 m). 相邻测试位置间的距离不应
超过 5 ft (1.5 m)。
(-b) A minimum of four hardness readings shall be taken at each location. 每个位置应至少读取四个硬度读数。
(-c) The average of the four readings (𝐻𝐵ave ) at each location shall be calculated and the range of all average values
shall not exceed 40 Brinell scale. 应计算每个位置之四个读数 (𝐻𝐵ave ) 的平均值,且所有平均值的值域不应超过 40
(-d) The specified minimum and maximum tensile strengths of SA-372 forging shall be converted to Brinell
hardness values a 𝐻𝐵min and 𝐻𝐵max , respectively, in accordance with ASME SA-370. 𝐻𝐵ave values shall be not less than
90% of 𝐻𝐵min and not more than 𝐻𝐵max . SA-372 锻件的最小规定抗拉强度和最大规定抗拉强度应按照 ASME SA-370
分别转换为布氏硬度值 (𝐻𝐵min 和 𝐻𝐵max )。转换后之𝐻𝐵ave 值应不小于𝐻𝐵min 的 90% 且不大于𝐻𝐵max 。
Other hardness testing methods, except superficial or micro hardness, may be used and converted to Brinell
numbers in accordance with ASME SA-370. Reheat treatment is permitted if the hardness test results do not meet the
above requirements 可采用除表面硬度或显微硬度以外的其他硬度测试方法,并根据 ASME SA-370 转换为布氏硬
(3) For vessels which are integrally forged, having an overall length less than 5 ft (1.5 m) and a nominal thickness not
exceeding 1/2 in. (13 mm), the requirements of (2) above may be modified by taking a minimum of two hardness readings at each
end of the vessel. These four hardness readings shall satisfy the requirements of (2) above as if the four hardnesses were
applicable to one section. 对于总长度短于 5 ft (1.5 m)且标称厚度不超过 1/2 in. (13 mm)之整体式锻制容器而言,可将上述
(2) 之要求修改为:在容器的每一端至少有两个硬度读数,这四个硬度读数应满足上述 (2)对在一个截面上之四个读数的
(c) Non-Heat-Treated Material. Postweld heat treatment of vessels fabricated by welding of forged parts not requiring heat
treatment shall meet with the requirements of UCS-56. 非热处理材料。用不需要热处理锻件所焊制之容器,其焊后热处理应符
合 UCS-56 的要求。
(a) All welding used in connection with the fabrication of forged vessels or components shall comply with the applicable
requirements of Parts UW, UCS, and UHA and UF-5(b) except as modified in (b) and (c) below. Procedure qualification in
accordance with Section IX shall be performed with the heat treatment condition of the base metal and weld metal as in UF-31 as
contemplated for the actual work. 除经下述(b)和 (c) 修改者外,凡与锻制容器或锻制零部件之制造加工有关的所有焊接均应符
合符合 UW 篇以及 UCS、UHA 和 UF-5(b) 的适用要求。焊接工艺规程在按 IX 卷进行评定时应根据实际操作中所拟用之母
材和 UF-31 中所述焊缝金属之热处理条件来进行评定。
(b) When the carbon content of the material exceeds 0.35% by ladle analysis, the vessel or part shall be fabricated without
welding of any kind, except for repairs [see UF-37(b)], for seal welding of threaded connections as permitted in UF-43, and for minor
nonpressure attachments. Minor nonpressure attachments shall be joined by fillet welds of not over 1/4 in. (6 mm) throat dimensions.
Such welding shall be allowed under the following conditions: 当材料通过熔炼分析的碳含量超过 0.35% 时,除返修焊接[见 UF37(b)] 、UF-43 所许用之螺纹连接件密封焊和小型非承压附件的焊接外,容器或零部件应在不进行任何焊接的情况下制造。
在下列条件下,小型非承压附件应采用喉深不超过 1/4 in. (6 mm)之填角焊缝进行连接:
(1) The suitability of the electrode and procedure shall be established by making a groove weld specimen as shown in
Section IX, Figure QW-461.2 in material of the same analysis and of thickness in conformance with Section IX, QW-451. The
specimen before welding shall be in the same condition of heat treatment as the work it represents, and after welding the specimen
shall be subjected to heat treatment equivalent to that contemplated for the work. Tensile and bend tests, as shown in Section IX,
Figures QW-462.1(a) through QW-462.1(e) and Figures QW-462.2 and QW-462.3(a), shall be made. These tests shall meet the
requirements of Section IX, QW-150 and QW-160. The radius of the mandrel used in the guided bend test shall be as follows:
应通过符合第 IX 卷图 QW-451 所示拟用焊接位置和 QW-461.2 的试样规定,用相同成分和厚度之坡口试样来确定所用焊
热处理。试样应分别进行如第 IX 卷图 QW-462.1(a) 至 QW-462.1(e) 和图 QW-462.2 和 QW-462.3(a) 所示的拉伸和弯曲试
验,且这些测试结果应符合第 IX 卷 QW-150 和 QW-160 的要求。导向弯曲试验中所用心轴半径应符合如下所示尺寸:
Specimen Thickness试样厚度
Radius of Mandrel心轴半径, B [Note (1)]
Radius of Die下模之半径, D Note (1)]
3/8 in. (10 mm)
1/2 in. (38 mm)
1-11/16 in. (42 mm)
4-1/3t + 1/16 in. (1.5 mm)
Corresponds to dimensions B and D in Section IX, Figure QW-466.1, and other dimensions to be in proportion. 对应于第 IX 卷 QW-466.1 的
尺寸 B 和 D,其余尺寸按比例推算。
Any cutting and gouging processes used in the repair work shall be included as part of the procedure
qualification. 返修操作中所用任何切割和气刨工艺都应作为工艺规程评定的一部分。
(2) Welders shall be qualified for fillet welding specified by making and testing a specimen in accordance with Section IX,
QW-180 and Figure QW-462.4(b). Welders shall be qualified for repair welding by making a test plate in accordance with Section
IX, Figure QW-461.3 from which the bend tests outlined in Section IX, QW-452 shall be made. The electrode used in making
these tests shall be of the same classification number as that specified in the procedure. The material for these tests can be carbon
steel plate or pipe provided the test specimens are preheated, welded and postheated in accordance with the procedure
specification for the type of electrode involved. 焊工应通过按照第 IX 卷 QW-180 和图 QW-462.4(b) 制作和试样来获得填角
焊的技能检定资格。 焊工应通过按照第 IX 卷图 QW-461.3 制作试板并根据该试板进行第 IX 卷 QW-452 中所述的弯曲测
试来获得返修焊接的技能资格。 用于进行这些测试的焊材应具有与规程中所指定的相同分类号。 这些被测试材料可以
(3) The finished weld shall be postweld heat treated or given a further heat treatment as required by the applicable material
specification. The types of welding permitted in (b) shall be performed prior to final heat treatment except for seal welding of
threaded openings which may be performed either before or after final heat treatment. 成品焊缝应根据相应材料规范的要求进
行焊后热处理或进一步热处理。 (b) 中所允许的焊接类型应在最终热处理之前进行,但螺纹开孔的密封焊接除外,该密
(4) The finished welds shall be examined after postweld heat treatment by liquid penetrant when the material is
nonferromagnetic and by liquid penetrant or magnetic particle examination using the prod method when the material is
ferromagnetic. 焊后热处理后,当材料为非铁磁性时,应采用液渗透剂对成品焊缝进行检测;当材料为铁磁性时,则应采
(c) The following requirements shall be used to qualify welding procedure and welder performance for seal welding of threaded
connections in seamless forged pressure vessels of SA-372 Grades A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and J materials: 用 SA-372 中等级 A、
B、C、D、E、F、G、H 和 J 之材料所制成的无缝锻制压力容器中之螺纹连接密封焊,所用焊接工艺规程和从事密封焊之焊
(1) The suitability of the welding procedure, including electrode, and the welder performance shall be established by
making a seal weld in the welding position to be used for the actual work and in a full-size prototype of the vessel neck, including
at least some portion of the integrally forged head, conforming to the requirements of UF-43 and the same geometry, thickness,
vessel material type, threaded-plug material type, and heat treatment as that for the production vessel it represents.焊接工艺规程
(包括焊材) 和焊工技能的适用性应通过在实际工作中所采用之焊接位置和容器焊圈以及至少包括符合 UF-43 要求之部分
(2) The seal weld in the prototype at the threaded connection of the neck and plug shall be cross sectioned to provide four
macro-test specimens taken 90 deg apart. 原型中之焊颈部和管塞螺纹连接处的密封焊缝应进行切片,以提供四个彼此间隔
90 度的宏观试样。
(3) One face of each cross section shall be smoothed and etched with suitable etchant (see Section IX, QW-470) to give a
clear definition of the weld metal and heat-affected zone. Visual examination of the cross sections of the weld metal and heataffected zone shall show complete fusion and freedom from cracks. 每一切片的其中一个面应光滑并用合适蚀刻剂进行蚀刻
(参见第 IX 卷 QW-470),以明确界定焊缝金属区和热影响区。焊缝金属和热影响区的横截面目视检时应显示为全熔透且
(4) All production welding shall be done in accordance with the procedure qualification of (1) above, including the preheat
and the electrode of the same classification as that specified in the procedure, and with welders qualified using that procedure.
所有生产焊接均应按照上述(1) 已认可工艺规程进行,包括规程中所规定的预热和同类别焊材,并由采用该规程的合格
(5) Seal welding of threaded connections may be performed either before or after final heat treatment. 螺纹连接件之密封
(6) The finished weld shall be examined by liquid penetrant or magnetic particle examination using the prod method.
(a) Surface defects, such as chip marks, blemishes, or other irregularities, shall be removed by grinding or machining and the
surface exposed shall be blended smoothly into the adjacent area where sufficient wall thickness permits thin areas in compliance with
the requirements of UF-30. 诸如削片压痕、瑕疵或其他不规则之表面缺陷应通过研磨或机加工去除,外露面应平滑地过渡到
相邻区域,该过渡段应具有足够厚度以满足 UF-30 对减薄区的要求。
(b) Thinning to remove imperfections beyond those permitted in UF-30 may be repaired by welding only after acceptance by the
Inspector. Defects shall be removed to sound metal as shown by acid etch or any other suitable method of examination. The welding
shall be as outlined below. 为消除 UF-30 所允许之缺陷以外的缺陷而进行的减薄处理,只有在检验师同意后才能通过焊接进
行返修。 应通过酸蚀刻或任何其他合适的检查方法来消除缺陷,从而获得质量健全的金属。 焊接应符合下所述。
(1) Material Having Carbon Content of 0.35% or Less (by Ladle Analysis) 熔炼分析之碳含量≤ 0.35% 的材料
(-a) The welding procedure and welders shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX. 焊接工艺规程和焊工应分
别按第 IX 卷进行评定和技能检定。
(-b) Postweld heat treatment after welding shall be governed as follows. 应按以下所述决定是否需要在返修后进行
(-1) All welding shall be postweld heat treated if UCS-56 requires postweld heat treatment, for all thicknesses
of material of the analysis being used. 如果在 UCS-56中要求对该熔炼分析批之材料进行焊后热处理时,则由该批
(-2) Fillet welds need not be postweld heat treated unless required by (-1) above or unless the fillet welds
exceed the limits given in UCS-56. 除符合上述 (-1) 要求之填角焊缝或超过 UCS-56 中所述限度之填角焊缝需进行
(-3) Repair welding shall be postweld heat treated when required by (-1) above or if it exceeds 6 in.2 (4 000
mm2) at any spot or if the maximum depth exceeds 1/4 in. (6 mm). 任何焊补面积超过 6 in.2 (4 000 mm2)或最大返修深
度超过 1/4 in. (6 mm) 时,只要符合上述 (-1) 之要求,则该此返修区域应进行焊后热处理。
(-c) Repair welding shall be radiographed if the maximum depth exceeds 3/8 in. (10 mm). Repair welds 3/8 in. (10 mm)
and under in depth which exceed 6 in. (4 000 mm2) at any spot and those made in materials requiring postweld heat treatment
shall be examined by radiographing, magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination, or any alternative method suitable for
revealing cracks. 如果最大返修深度超过 3/8 英寸 (10 毫米),则应对该返修区进行射线照相。由需要焊后热处理之材
料所装配成之接头焊缝,当其任何返修深度≥ 3/8 in. (10 mm)且返修面积超过6 in.2 (4 000 mm2)时,应对返修后之该区
(-d) For liquid quenched and tempered steels, other than austenitic steels, welding repairs shall be in accordance with
(3). 除奥氏体钢外,其余调质钢的焊补应按照下文 (3)所述进行。
(2) Material Having Carbon Content Over 0.35% (by Ladle Analysis) 熔炼分析之碳含量超过 0.35% 的材料
(-a) Welding repairs shall conform with UF-32(b) except that if the maximum weld depth exceeds 1/4 in. (6 mm),
radiography, in addition to magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination, shall be used. 焊接返修应符合 UF-32(b) 的规
定,但最大焊接返修深度如果超过 1/4 in. (6 mm)时,则除了需进行磁粉或液渗透检测外,还应进行射线检测。
(-b) For liquid quenched and tempered steels, other than austenitic steel, welding repair shall be in accordance with (3)
below. 除奥氏体钢以外的调质钢,它们的焊接返修应按照下文 (3)所述进行。
(3) Welding repairs of materials which are to be or have been liquid quenched and tempered, regardless of depth or area of
repairs, shall have the repaired area radiographed and examined by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination. 对需要进
The repair of welds of forgings having carbon content not exceeding 0.35% by ladle analysis shall follow the requirements of UW-38.
熔炼分析之含碳量不超过 0.35% 之锻件的焊缝返修应符合 UW-38 的要求。
THICKENED HEADS ON VESSELS 容器上之整体锻造焊圈和加厚封头与螺纹管嘴的连
Threaded openings, over NPS 3 (DN 80), but not exceeding the smaller of one-half of the vessel diameter or NPS 8, may be used in
the heads of vessels having integrally forged heads and necks that are so shaped and thickened as to provide a center opening, which
shall meet the rules governing openings and reinforcements contained elsewhere in the Code. Length of thread shall be calculated for
the opening design, but shall not be less than shown in Table UG-43. Threaded connections employing straight threads shall provide
for mechanical seating of the assembly by a shoulder or similar means. When seal welding is employed in the installation of a
threaded nozzle, the work shall be performed and inspected in the shop of the vessel manufacturer. Seal welding shall comply with
UF-32. NPS 3 (DN 80) 以上但不超过容器直径50%或 NPS 8 中之较小值的螺孔可用于具有整体锻制封头和焊颈之容器封头
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the inspection and testing of forged vessels and their component parts.
These rules shall be used to supplement the applicable requirements for inspection and tests given throughout this Part and in UG-90
through UG-102. All forged vessels shall be examined as manufacture proceeds, to assure freedom from loose scale, gouges or
grooves, and cracks or seams that are visible. After fabrication has passed the machining stage, the vessel body shall be measured at
suitable intervals along its length to get a record of variations in wall thickness, and the nozzles for connecting piping and other
important details shall be checked for conformity to the design dimensions. 以下各节中之规则专门适用于锻制容器及其零部件的
检验和测试。 这些规则应作为本篇以及 UG-90 至 UG-102 中有关检查和测试之适用要求的补充规定。 所有锻制容器均应在
Surfaces which are not to be machined shall be carefully inspected for visible defects such as seams, laps, or folds. On surfaces to be
machined the inspection shall be made after machining. Regions from which defective material has been removed shall be inspected
after removal and again after any necessary repair. 不需机加工之表面应仔细检验是否存在着可见缺陷,例如线缝、焊瘤或褶
曲。 待机加工表面应在机加工后进行检验。需去除有缺陷材料之该区域应在去除后进行检验,并在进行所必要的返修后再
When welding is used in the fabrication of parts forgings completed elsewhere, the parts forging manufacturer shall furnish a
Form U-2 Partial Data Report. 当在别处完成制造之锻件中采用焊接时,则该锻件制造商应按 U-2 样表提供零部件数据报告。
(b) All parts forgings completed elsewhere shall be marked with the manufacturer’s name and the forging identification,
including material designation. Should identifying marks be obliterated in the fabrication process, and for small parts, other means of
identification shall be used. The forging manufacturer shall furnish reports of chemical and mechanical properties of the material and
certification that each forging conforms to all requirements of Part UF. 在别处完成制造之所有锻件应标有制造商名称和锻件标识
(包括材料名称)。 如果小零部件之识别标记在制造过程中被抹掉时,则应使用其他识别方法进行标记。 锻件制造商应提供
材料的化学成分和机械性能报告以及每个锻件符合 UF 篇所有要求的证明书。
(c) Parts forgings furnished as material for which parts Data Reports are not required need not be inspected at the plant of the
forging manufacturer, but the manufacturer shall furnish a report of the extent and location of any repairs together with certification
that they were made in accordance with all other requirements of UF-37 and UF-38. If desired, welding repairs of such forgings may
be made, inspected, and tested at the shop of the pressure vessel manufacturer. 作为不需要零部件数据报告知材料提供的锻制零部
件无需在锻件制造商的工厂进行检验,但制造商应提供任何返修的范围和位置的报告以及返修证明书,以证明返是按 UF-37
和 UF-38 之所有其他要求进行的 。 如果需要,可以在压力容器制造商的车间对此类锻件进行焊补、检验和测试。。
The Inspector shall check the provisions made for heat treatment to assure himself that the heat treatment is carried out in accordance
with provisions of UF-31 and UF-32. He shall also assure himself that postweld heat treatment is done after repair welding when
required under the rules of UF-37. 检验师员应核查热处理规定,以确信热处理是按照 UF-31 和 UF-32 之规定进行的。当补焊
后之区域按 UF-37 之规则要进行焊后热处理时,当UF-37之规则要求补焊后之该区域需进行焊后热处理时。他还应确信补焊
When test specimens are to be taken under the applicable specification, the Inspector shall be allowed to witness the selection, place
the identifying stamping on them, and witness the testing of these specimens. 当根据所适用之规范来制备试样时,应允许检验师
Tests and retests shall be made in accordance with the requirements of the material specification. 应按照材料规范的要求进行测试
(a) For vessels constructed of SA-372 Grade J, Class 110 material, the completed vessel after heat treatment shall be examined
ultrasonically in accordance with SA-388. The reference specimen shall have the same nominal thickness, composition, and heat
treatment as the vessel it represents. Angle beam examination shall be calibrated with a notch of a depth equal to 5% of the nominal
section thickness, a length of approximately 1 in. (25 mm), and a width not greater than twice its depth. 对于由 SA-372 等级为 J 的
110 钢材料所制造之容器而言,热处理后的成品容器应按照 SA-388 进行超声波检测。 比较试样应与其所代表之容器具有相
同的标称厚度、成分和热处理。斜束应采用深度等于标称截面厚度 5%、长度约为 1 in. (25 mm)且宽度不大于其深度两倍之
(b) A vessel is unacceptable if examination results show one or more imperfections which produce indications exceeding in
amplitude the indication from the calibrated notch. Round bottom surface imperfections, such as pits, scores, and conditioned areas,
producing indications exceeding the amplitude of the calibrated notch shall be acceptable if the thickness below the indication is not
less than the design wall thickness of the vessel, and its sides are faired to a ratio of not less than three to one. 如果检测结果显示一
或多个振幅超过校准槽口之振幅的缺陷,则该容器是不可接受的。当圆底表面缺陷 (如凹坑、刻痕和修整区域) 产生超过校
The rules of UG-115 through UG-120 shall apply to forged vessels as far as practicable. Vessels constructed of liquid quenched and
tempered material, other than austenitic steels, shall be marked on the thickened head, unless a nameplate is used. UG-115 至 UG-120
的规则应尽可能适用于锻造容器。 除非采用铭牌,否则由液淬火 + 回火材料(奥氏体钢除外)所制成之容器应在加厚封头
FABRICATED BY BRAZING UB 篇 对用钎焊所焊制成之压力容器的要求
UB-1 SCOPE适用范围
(a) The rules in Part UB are applicable to pressure vessels and parts thereof that are fabricated by brazing and shall be used in
conjunction with the general requirements in Subsection A, and with the specific requirements in Subsection C that pertain to the class
of material used. UB 篇中之规则适用于通过钎焊而制造之压力容器及其零部件,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中之通用要求以
及 C 分卷中与材料类别有关之具体要求配套使用
(b) Definition. The term brazing as used in Part UB is defined as a group of welding processes that produce coalescence of
materials by heating them to the brazing temperature in the presence of a filler metal having liquidus above 840°F (450°C) and below
the solidus of the base metal. The filler metal is distributed between the closely fitted surfaces of the joint by capillary attraction.
定义。 UB 篇中所用术语“钎焊”被定义为通过在液相线高于 840°F (450°C) 且低于母材固相线之钎焊料的存在下将材料加热
(c) Specific brazing processes which are permitted for use under this Division are classified by method of heating as follows:
(1) torch brazing 火炬钎焊
(2) furnace brazing 炉内钎焊
(3) induction brazing 感应钎焊
(4) electrical resistance brazing 电阻钎焊
(5) dip brazing — salt and flux bath 浸沾钎焊 — 盐浴和焊剂浴
Operating temperature is dependent on the brazing filler metal as well as on the base metals being joined. The maximum allowable
operating temperatures for the brazing filler metals are shown in Table UB-2. 操作温度取决于钎焊料以及待连接母材。钎焊料的
最高许用操作温度见表 UB-2。
Brazed vessels shall not be used for services as follows: 钎焊容器不应用于以下工况:
lethal services as defined in UW-2(a) UW-2(a) 中所定义的致死工况
unfired steam boilers [see U-1(g)(1)] 非直接受火蒸汽锅炉 [请参阅 U-1(g)(1)]
direct firing [see UW-2(d)] 直接受火 [请参阅 UW-2(d)]
(a) Materials used in the construction of pressure vessels and parts thereof by brazing shall conform to the specifications in
Section II and shall be limited to those materials for which allowable stress values have been assigned in the tables referenced by UG23. 用于通过钎焊所制承之压力容器及其零部件的材料应符合第 II 册中的规范,并应限于 UG-23 所引用之表格中已规定许
(b) Combinations of dissimilar metals may be joined by brazing provided they meet the qualification requirements of Section
IX, and the additional requirements of UB-12 when applicable. 异种金属的组合可以通过钎焊连接,只要它们满足第 IX 卷的评
定要求以及 UB-12 的适用附加要求。
Table UB-2 Maximum Design Temperatures for Brazing Filler Metal 表 UB-2 钎焊料的最高设计温度
Filler Metal
Column 1第一栏
Temperature, °F (°C), Below Which Section IX
Column 2第二栏
Temperature Range, °F (°C), Requiring Section IX and
Tests Only Are Required 设计温度低于以下温度
Additional Tests 设计温度在以下所示值域内时,钎焊工艺
300 (150)
400 (200)
400 (200)
400 (200)
300 (150)
300–350 (150–180)
400–500 (200–260)
400–500 (200–260)
400–650 (200–340)
300–350 (150–180)
1,200 (650)
800 (430)
250 (120)
1,200–1,500 (650–815)
800–900 (430–480)
250275 (120135)
The selection of the brazing filler metal for a specific application shall depend upon its suitability for the base metals being joined and
the intended service. Satisfactory qualification of the brazing procedure under Section IX and when necessary based on design
temperature, with the additional requirements of this Section, is considered proof of the suitability of the filler metal. Brazing with
brazing filler metals other than those listed in Section II, Part C, SFA-5.8 shall be separately qualified for both procedure and
performance qualification in accordance with Section IX and when necessary with the additional requirements of this Section.
为特定用途选用钎焊料时应取决于其对所要连接之母材和预期用途的适用性。根据第 IX 卷以及在必要时根据设计温度以及
本卷的附加要求,对钎焊工艺程序的评定认可被可认为是钎焊料合适用性的证明。当采用非第 II -C 卷 SFA-5.8 中所列钎焊
料来进行钎焊时,应根据第 IX 卷以及在必要时按照本卷之附加要求分别进行工艺规程评定和技能检定。
Suitable fluxes or atmospheres or combinations of fluxes and atmospheres shall be used to prevent oxidation of the brazing filler metal
and the surfaces to be joined. Satisfactory qualification of the brazing procedure under Section IX and when necessary based on
design temperature, with the additional requirements of this Section, is considered proof of the suitability of the flux and/or
atmosphere. 应采用合适的钎剂或气氛或钎剂与气氛的组合来防止钎焊料和待连接表面的氧化。根据第 IX 卷以及在必要时根
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to pressure vessels and parts thereof that are fabricated by brazing and shall
be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Design in Subsection A, and the specific requirements for Design in
Subsection C that pertain to the class of material used. 以下各节中之规则专门适用于在制造加工过程中仅通过钎焊进行接头连接
的压力容器及其零部件,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中有相设计之通用要求以及 C 分卷中属于该所用材料类别之设计的具
It is the responsibility of the Manufacturer to determine from suitable tests or from experience that the specific brazing filler metal
selected can produce a joint which will have adequate strength at design temperature. The strength of the brazed joint shall not be less
than the strength of the base metal, or the weaker of two base metals in the case of dissimilar metal joints. 制造商有责任从合宜的测
Satisfactory qualification of the brazing procedure in accordance with Section IX, Part QB is considered evidence of the adequacy of
the base materials, the brazing filler metal, the flux and/or atmosphere, and other variables of the procedure. 根据第 IX 卷QB 篇对钎
RANGE SHOWN IN COLUMN 2 OF TABLE UB-2 在表 UB-2 第 2 栏所示设计温度范围内
For design temperatures in the range shown in Column 2 of Table UB-2, tests in addition to those in UB-11 are required. These tests
shall be considered a part of the qualification procedure. For such design temperatures, two tension tests on production type joints are
required, one at the design temperature, T , and one at 1.05T . Neither of these production type joints shall fail in the braze metal.
对于表 UB-2 第 2 栏所示范围内的设计温度,除了 UB-11 中的测试外,还需要进行如下测试: 对于这样的设计温度,需要
对产品接头类型进行两次拉伸测试,一项在设计温度 T 下进行,另一项在 1.05T 下进行。 这些产品接头类型的测试结果均
Provision shall be made for corrosion in accordance with the requirements in UG-25. 应按照 UG-25 的要求对腐蚀作出规
Corrosion of the brazing filler metal and galvanic action between the brazing filler metal and the base metals shall be
considered in selecting the brazing filler metal. 在选用钎焊料时,应考虑到钎焊料的耐蚀性和钎焊料与母材之间的电蚀作用。
(c) The plate thickness in excess of that computed for a seamless vessel taking into account the applicable loadings in UG-22
may be taken as allowance for corrosion in vessels that have longitudinal joints of double-strap butt joint construction. Additional
corrosion allowance shall be provided when needed, particularly on the inner buttstraps. 板厚超过按 UG-22 中之适用载荷所计算出
(d) The rules in this Part are not intended to apply to brazing used for the attachment of linings of corrosion resistant material
that are not counted on to carry load. 本篇中之各条款不适用于用钎焊来连接的非承载耐蚀衬里。
(a) The joint efficiency factor to be used in the appropriate design equations of pressure vessels and parts thereof shall be 1.0 for
joints in which visual examination assures that the brazing filler metal has penetrated the entire joint [see Figure UB-14, sketch (a)].
如目视检查确认钎焊已渗透到整个接头,则用于压力容器及其零部件之适用设计方程中所采用的钎焊接头系数应取值为 1.0
[见图 UB-14 中草图 (a)]。
(b) The joint efficiency factor to be used in the appropriate design equations of pressure vessels and parts thereof shall be 0.5 for
joints in which visual examination will not provide proof that the brazing filler metal has penetrated the entire joint. [see Figure UB14, sketch (b); UB-15(b) and UB-15(c).] 如目视检查无法证明钎焊料已渗透到整个接头,则用于压力容器及其零部件之适用设
计方程中所采用的钎焊接头系数应取值为 0.5 [见图 UB-14 中草图 (b); UB-15(b) 和 UB-15(c)]。
(c) The appropriate joint efficiency factor to be used in design equations for seamless flat heads and seamless formed heads,
excluding seamless hemispherical heads, is 1.0. The appropriate joint efficiency factor to be used in design equations for
circumferential stress in seamless cylindrical or conical shells is 1.0. 用于无缝扁平封头和无缝成型封头 (不包括无缝半球形封头)
之设计方程中所采用的钎焊接头系数应取值为 1.0。用于无缝圆筒或圆锥壳体中之环向应力的设计方程中所采用的钎焊接头
系数应取值为 1.0。
(a) The design shall provide for the application of the brazing filler metal as part of the design of the joint. Where practicable,
the brazing filler metal shall be applied in such a manner that it will flow into the joint or be distributed across the joint and produce
visible evidence that it has penetrated the joint. 设计时应将所填加之钎焊料视为接头设计的一部分。在可行的情况下,钎焊料
Brazing filler metal ring
preplaced here钎料环预先
Brazing filler metal preplaced or
manually applied here钎料预置或
Brazing filler metal manually
applied here钎料以手工填置
Brazing filler metal preplaced in
form of钎料预置形式.
(a) powder plus binder粉加
(b) ring环形
(c) clad sheet复合薄板
(d) shim stock塞片
Figure UB-14 Examples of Filler Metal Application 图 UB-14 钎焊料的填加示例
Brazing filler metal ring
preplaced here 钎料环预先放
Brazing filler metal preplaced or
manually applied here 在此处
Brazing filler metal manually
applied here 以手工將钎料施
Brazing filler metal preplacedin
form of钎料之预置形式:
(a) powder plus binder
(b) ring钎料環
(c) clad sheet复合薄板
(d) shim stock填隙片
(a) [See Note (1)]
(b) [See Note (2)]
(1) A 1.0 factor may be used in design. 设计时,钎焊接头系数可取1.0
(2) A 0.5 factor may be used in design. 设计时,钎焊接头系数可取0.5
(b) Manual Application. The manual application of the brazing filler metal by face feeding to a joint should be from the one side
only. Visual observation of the other side of the joint will then show if the required penetration of the joint by the filler metal has been
obtained. If the side opposite to the filler metal application cannot be visually examined, as is the case with socket type joints in pipe
and tubing (blind joint), a joint efficiency factor of 0.5 shall be used in design of this joint as provided in UB-14(b). 手工填料。仅能
从一侧通过表面送料将钎焊料以手工施加到接头上。 然后,目视观察接头的另一侧是否显示已达到钎焊料对接头的所需渗
透。 如果与钎焊料之施加相对侧无法目视检查(如管材中的承插式接头(盲接头)的情况) 时则在设计该接头时所采用之接
头效率系数应按 UB- 14(b) 之规定取值为 0.5。
(c) Preplaced Brazing Filler Metal. The brazing filler metal may be preplaced in the form of slugs, powder, rings, strip,
cladding, spraying or other means. After brazing, the brazing filler metal should be visible on both sides of the joint. If the brazing
filler metal is preplaced within a blind joint in such a manner that it penetrates the major portion of the joint during brazing and
appears at the visible side of the joint, a joint efficiency factor of 1.0 may be used in the design of the joint. If the brazing filler metal
is preplaced on the outside or near the outside of a blind joint, and the other side cannot be inspected to ascertain complete
penetration, then a joint efficiency factor of 0.5 shall be used in the design of the joint as provided in UB-14(b). Figure UB-14
illustrates a few examples of this rule. 预置钎焊料。钎焊料可用嵌条、粉末、环状、带状、包覆、 喷涂或其他方式预置。钎焊
接头的可见侧,则接头设计中所采用之接头效率系数可取值为 1.0。如果钎焊料预先放置在盲接头的外侧或靠近外侧,而另
一侧无法检查是否渗透整个盲接头时,则接头设计中所采用之接头效率系数应按 UB-14(b)的规定取值为 0.5。图 UB-14 给出
(a) Some permissible types of brazed joints are shown in Figure UB-16. For any type of joint, the strength of the brazed section
shall exceed that of the base metal portion of the test specimen in the qualification tension tests provided for in Section IX, QB-150.
Lap joints shall have a sufficient overlap to provide a higher strength in the brazed joint than in the base metal. 种所许用之钎焊接头
类型如图 UB-16 所示。 对于任何类型的接头,钎焊截面的强度应超过第 IX 卷 QB-150 中所规定之评定拉伸试验中试样母材
截面的强度。 搭接接头应具有足够的搭接量,以提供比母材更高的钎焊接头强度。
(b) The nominal thickness of base material used with lap joints tested using the test fixture shown in Section IX, Figure QB462.1(e) shall not exceed 1/2 in. (13 mm). There is no thickness limitation when specimens are tested without the test fixture shown in
Section IX, Figure QB-462.1(e). 采用第 IX 卷图 QB-462.1(e) 中所示测试夹具进行测试之搭接接头,其所用母材的标称厚度不
应超过 1/2 in. (13 mm))。若不采用第 IX 卷图 QB-462.1(e) 中所示试验夹具来进行试验时,则试样厚度不受限制。
(d) Scarf Joint楔接接头
(a) Simple Lap Joint简支搭接接头
(b) Straight Butt Joint方形槽焊
(e) Butt Lap Joint互搭接头
(f) Rabbet Joint槽舌接头
(c) Tee Joint T形接头
Figure UB-16 Some Acceptable Types of Brazed Joint几种可
(g) Strapped Butt Joint有搭板的对接接头
Table UB-17 Recommended Joint Clearances at Brazing Temperature
Brazing Filler Metal钎焊料
Clearance间隙, in. (mm) [Note (1)]
0.006–0.010 (0.15–0.25) for laps less than or equal to 1/4 in. (6 mm)
接搭长度小于或等于 1/4 in. (6 mm)时接头间隙取值为0.006–
0.010 (0.15–0.25)
0.010–0.025 (0.25–0.64) for laps greater than 1/4 in. (6 mm)接搭长
度 11/4 in. (6 mm)时接头间隙取值为 0.010–0.025 (0.25–0.64)
0.001–0.005 (0.02–0.13)
0.002–0.005 (0.05–0.13)
0.002–0.005 (0.05–0.13)
0.000–0.002 (0.05–0.13) [Note (2)]
00010005 (002013)
The joint clearance shall be kept
sufficiently small so that the filler metal
will be distributed by capillary attraction.
Since the strength of a brazed joint tends
to decrease as the joint clearance used is
increased, the clearances for the assembly
of joints in pressure vessels or parts
thereof shall be within the tolerances set
up by the joint design and as used for the
corresponding qualification specimens
made in accordance with Section IX and
UB-12 where applicable. 应保持足够小
(1) In the case of round or tubular members, clearance on the radius is intended.对于圆形或管
(2) For maximum strength, use the smallest possible clearance. 为获得最大强度值,请采用
第IX 卷UB-12 之规定)所制备之相应评
NOTE: For guidance, see Table UB-17 which gives recommended joint clearances at brazing temperature for various types of brazing filler metal.
Brazing alloys will exhibit maximum unit strength if clearances are maintained within these limits. 注:有关指导请参见表 UB-17,该表给出了
A joint brazing procedure shall be developed for each different type of joint of a brazed assembly. A recommended form for recording
the brazing procedure is shown in Section IX, Form QB-482. If more than one joint occurs in a brazed assembly, the brazing sequence
shall be specified on the drawing or in instructions accompanying the drawing. If welding and brazing are to be done on the same
assembly, the welding shall precede the brazing unless it is determined that the heat of welding will not adversely affect the braze
previously made. 应为钎焊件之每种不同接头类型制定接头钎焊工艺规程。推荐作为钎焊工艺规程平定记录之样表见第 IX 卷
中之表格 QB-482。如果在一个钎焊件中出现多个接头,钎焊顺序应在图纸或附图说明中规定。如果要在同一组件上进行焊
Openings for nozzles and other connections shall be far enough away from any main brazed joint so that the joint and the
opening reinforcement plates do not interfere with one another. 管嘴和其他连接件之开孔应远离任何主要的钎焊接头,以便接头
(b) Openings for pipe connections in vessels having brazed joints may be made by inserting pipe couplings, not exceeding NPS
3 (DN 80), or similar devices in the shell or heads and securing them by welding, without necessitating the application of the
restrictive stamping provisions of UG-116, provided the welding is performed by welders who have been qualified under the
provisions of Section IX for the welding position and type of joint used. Such attachments shall conform to the rules for welded
connections in UW-15 and UW-16. 具有钎焊接头之容器中的管道连接开孔的管道连接开口可通过在壳体或封头中插入不超过
NPS 3 (DN 80) 之管接头或类似装置并通过焊接将它们固定在壳体或封头上来形成,而不需要执行 UG-116 中对压印的限制
性规定,前提是焊接是要由按第 IX 卷关于焊接位置和所用接头类型之规定获得技能资格之焊工来进行焊接。此类附件应符
合 UW-15 和 UW-16 中的焊接连接规则。
Nozzles may be integral or attached to the vessel by any of the methods provided for in UG-43. 管嘴可以是整体的,也可
以通过 UG-43 中所规定的任何方法连接到容器上。
(b) For nozzle fittings having a bolting flange and an integral flange for brazing, the thickness of the flange attached to the
pressure vessel shall not be less than the thickness of the neck of the fitting. 将具有螺栓法兰和钎焊整体法兰之管嘴配件连接到压
Connections, such as saddle type fittings and fittings inserted into openings formed by outward flanging of the vessel wall, in sizes not
exceeding NPS 3 (DN 80), may be attached to pressure vessels by lap joints of brazed construction. Sufficient brazing shall be
provided on either side of the line through the center of the opening parallel to the longitudinal axis of the shell to develop the strength
of the reinforcement as prescribed in UG-41 through shear in the brazing. 尺寸不超过 NPS 3 (DN 80)之连接件 (例如鞍形配件和插
入容器壁且向外翻边而形成之开口中的配件),可以通过钎焊结构的搭接接头连接到压力容器。 应在平行于壳体纵轴之开口
中心线两侧提供足够的钎焊,以便通过钎焊中的剪切来增强 UG-41 中所规定的补强强度。
Impact tests shall be made of the brazed joints in pressure vessels and parts thereof fabricated from materials for which impact tests
are required in Subsection C. The tests shall be made in accordance with UG-84 except that terms referring to welding shall be
interpreted as referring to brazing. 应对由 C 分卷中之要求进行冲击试验之材所料所制成的压力容器及其零部件中的钎焊接头
应按照 UG-84 进行冲击试验,但涉及术语 "焊接" 时应解释为涉及钎焊。
(a) The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the fabrication of pressure vessels and parts thereof that are
fabricated by brazing and shall be used in conjunction with the requirements for Fabrication in Subsection A, and with the specific
requirements for Fabrication in Subsection C that pertain to the class of material used. 以下各节中之规则专门适用于通过钎所制成
之压力容器及其零部件的制造加工,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中的制造加工要求以及 C 分卷中与所用材料类别有关的制
造加工具体要求配套使用 。
(b) Each manufacturer or contractor shall be responsible for the quality of the brazing done by his organization and shall conduct
tests not only of the brazing procedure to determine its suitability to ensure brazes which will meet the required tests, but also of the
brazers and brazing operators to determine their ability to apply the procedure properly. 每一制造商或承包商应对其组织所进行的
(c) No production work shall be undertaken until both the brazing procedure and the brazers or brazing operators have been
qualified. 在钎焊规程和钎焊工或钎机操作人员均合格之前,不应进行生产工作。
(d) The Manufacturer (Certificate Holder) may engage individuals by contract or agreement for their services as brazers at the
shop location shown on the Certificate of Authorization and at field sites (if allowed by the Certificate of Authorization) for the
construction of pressure vessels or vessel parts, provided all the following conditions are met: 制造商(持证者)可以通过合同或协
(1) All Code construction shall be the responsibility of the Manufacturer. 所有法规范建造均由制造商负责。
(2) All brazing shall be performed in accordance with the Manufacturer’s Brazing Procedure Specifications which have
been qualified by the Manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of Section IX. 所有钎焊均应按照制造商的钎焊规程说
明书进行,且该说明书已由制造商根据第 IX 卷的要求进行了评定。
(3) All brazers shall be qualified by the Manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of Section IX. 所有钎焊工均应
由制造商按照第 IX 卷之要求进行并成功通过了所需的技能检定。
(4) The Manufacturer’s Quality Control System shall include as a minimum: 制造商的质量管理体系应至少包括如下内
(-a) a requirement for complete and exclusive administrative and technical supervision of all brazers by the
Manufacturer; 制造商应提出对所有钎焊工进行全面、专属之行政管理和技术监督的要求;
(-b) evidence of the Manufacturer’s authority to assign and remove brazers at his discretion without the involvement
of any other organization; 制造商应提出:有权在不涉及任何其他组织的情况下自行决定指派和辞退钎焊工的陈述;
(-c) a requirement for assignment of brazer identification symbols; 指定钎焊工识别号的要求;
(-d) evidence that this program has been accepted by the Manufacturer’s Authorized Inspection Agency which
provides the inspection service. 该大纲已被提供检验服务之制造商授权检验机构所认可的证据。
(5) The Manufacturer shall be responsible for Code compliance of the vessel or part, including Certification Mark
stamping and providing completed Data Report Forms. 制造商应以加盖认证标记及出具完整的数据报告表来作为其对容器
(a) Each procedure of brazing that is to be followed in construction shall be recorded in detail by the Manufacturer. Each
brazing procedure shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX and when necessary determined by design temperature, with the
additional requirements of this Section. 制造商应详细记录建造中所要遵循之每份钎焊工艺规程。当要求按设计温度来限定每
份钎焊工艺规程的适用性时,每份钎焊工艺规程应按第 IX 卷及本卷的附加要求进行评定。
(b) The procedure used in brazing pressure parts and in joining load-carrying nonpressure parts, such as all permanent or
temporary clips and lugs, to pressure parts shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX. 用于将承压零部件以及将诸如承载而非
承压之所有永久或临时钢夹和凸耳连接到承压零部件连接到承压零部件时所采用的钎焊规程应根据第 IX 节进行评定。
(c) The procedure used in brazing nonpressurebearing attachments which have essentially no loadcarrying function (such as
extended heat transfer surfaces, insulation support pins, etc.) to pressure parts shall meet the following requirements: 将基本上不具
(1) When the brazing process is manual, machine, or semiautomatic, procedure qualification is required in accordance with
Section IX. 当钎焊方式为手工、机器或半自动时,则需要根据第 IX 卷来进行工艺规程评定。
(2) When the brazing is any automatic brazing process performed in accordance with a Brazing Procedure Specification (in
compliance with Section IX as far as applicable), procedure qualification testing is not required. 当钎焊是根据焊接工艺规程说
明书(尽可能符合第 IX 卷)执行的任何自动焊接方式时,则不需要进行工艺规程评定测试。
(d) Brazing of all test coupons shall be conducted by the Manufacturer. Testing of all test coupons shall be the responsibility of
the Manufacturer. Qualification of a brazing procedure by one Manufacturer shall not qualify that procedure for any other
Manufacturer, except as provided in Section IX, QG-106. 所有试件的钎焊应由制造商执行。 所有试件的测试应由制造商负责。
除非符合第 IX 卷 QG-106 中之规定,否则由某一制造商对钎焊工艺规程所进行的评定不应作为任何其他制造商之钎焊工艺
(a) The brazers and brazing operators used in brazing pressure parts and in joining load-carrying nonpressure parts (attachments)
to pressure parts shall be qualified in accordance with Section IX. The qualification test for brazing operators of machine brazing
equipment shall be performed on a separate test plate prior to the start of brazing or on the first workpiece. 负责将承压零部件以及将
承载而非承压之零部件(附件)连接到承压零部件的钎焊工和钎机操作员应根据第 IX 卷对拟用技能资格进行检定。仅负责
(b) The brazers and brazing operators used in brazing non-pressure-bearing attachments, which have essentially no load-carrying
function (such as extended heat transfer surfaces, insulation support pins, etc.), to pressure parts shall comply with the following: 负责
(1) When the brazing process is manual, machine, or semiautomatic, qualification in accordance with Section IX is
required. 当钎焊方式是手工、机器或半自动时,钎焊工和钎机操作员均需按第 IX 卷进行检定
(2) When brazing is done by any automatic brazing process, performance qualification testing is not required.
Each brazer or brazing operator shall be assigned an identifying number, letter, or symbol by the Manufacturer which shall
be used to identify the work of that brazer or brazing operator in accordance with UW-37(f). 制造商应为每个钎焊工或钎焊操作员
指定一个识别号码、字母或符号,以用于根据 UW-37(f) 识别由该钎焊工或钎焊操作员所完成的工作。
(d) The Manufacturer shall maintain a record of the brazers and brazing operators showing the date and result of tests and the
identification mark assigned to each. These records shall be maintained in accordance with Section IX. 制造商应按照第 IX 卷之规定
(e) Brazing of all test coupons shall be conducted by the Manufacturer. Testing of all test coupons shall be the responsibility of
the Manufacturer. A performance qualification test conducted by one Manufacturer shall not qualify a brazer or brazing operator to do
work for any other Manufacturer. 所有试件的焊接应由制造商执行。制造商负责对所有试件进行测试。由某一个制造商所进行
Buttstraps shall be formed to the curvature of the shell with which they are to be used. 对接搭板的形状应符合其使用时壳
(b) When the buttstraps of a longitudinal joint do not extend the full length of a shell section, the abutting edges of the shell plate
may be brazed provided the length of the braze between the end of the buttstraps and the edge of the head or adjoining shell plate is
not greater than four times the shell plate thickness. When so constructed, the restrictive stamping provisions of UG-116 shall not
apply provided the brazing is performed by brazers who have been qualified under the provisions of Section IX for the welding
position and type of joint used. The welds shall be completed before brazing is begun. 当纵向接头之对接搭板没有延伸到壳体截面
板厚度的四倍。 当如此构造时,如果钎焊是由根据第 IX 卷关于焊接位置和所用接头类型之规定获得相应技能资格之钎焊工
所进行的,则 UG-116 的限制性冲压规定不应适用。 焊接应在钎焊开始前完成。
The surfaces to be brazed shall be clean and free from grease, paint, oxides, scale and foreign matter of any kind. Any chemical or
mechanical cleaning method may be used that will provide a surface suitable for brazing. 待钎焊之表面应清洁且无油脂、油漆、氧
The clearances between surfaces to be brazed shall be maintained within the tolerances provided for by the joint design and used in
the qualifying procedure. If greater tolerances are to be used in production, the joint must be requalified for those greater tolerances.
The control of tolerances required may be obtained by using spot welding, crimping, or other means which will not interfere with the
quality of the braze. If such means are employed in production, they must also be employed in qualification of procedure, brazer, and
operator. 钎焊表面之间的间隙应保持在接头设计所规定的公差范围内,并在规程评定应有此间隙变量。 如果在生产中要采
用更大的公差,则必须对具有更大公差之接头重新进行评定。 所需公差的控制可以通过使用点焊、卷边或其他不会影响钎
焊质量的方法来实现。 如果在生产中使用这些手段,则还必须在规程、钎焊工和、钎机操作员的评 (检)定中使用它们。
Brazed joints shall be thoroughly cleaned of flux residue by any suitable means after brazing and prior to inspection. 51 Other
postbrazing operations such as thermal treatments shall be performed in accordance with the qualified procedure. 钎焊后和检查前,
应通过任何适当的方式彻底清除钎焊接头上的助焊剂残留物。51 其他钎焊后处理 (如热处理) 应按照已认可规程进行。
Brazed joints which have been found to be defective may be rebrazed, where feasible, after thorough cleaning, and by employing the
same brazing procedure used for the original braze. See UB-44. If a different brazing procedure is employed, i.e., torch repair of
furnace brazed parts, a repair brazing procedure shall be established and qualified. 在可行的情况下,在彻底清洁后,并采用与原
钎焊相同的钎焊规程对发现有缺陷的钎焊接头进行重新钎焊, 参见 UB-44。 如果采用不同的钎焊规程,即炉钎焊零部件的
When a repair brazing procedure is established, it shall meet Section IX and other conditions set forth in this Section. 当建立钎焊
规程时,应满足第 IX 卷和本卷中所规定的其他条件。
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the inspection and testing of pressure vessels and parts thereof that are
fabricated by brazing and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Inspection and Tests in Subsection A and
with the specific requirements for Inspection and Tests in Subsection C that pertain to the class of material used. 以下各节中之规则
专门适用于已钎焊所焊成的压力容器及其零部件的检验和试验,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中有关检验和试验的通用要求
以及 C 分卷中与所用材料类别之检验和试验有关的具体要求配套使用。
The Manufacturer shall submit the vessel or other pressure parts for inspection at such stages of the work as may be designated by the
Inspector. 制造商应在检验师所指定的工作阶段提交容器或其他承压零部件进行检验。
The Inspector shall assure himself that the brazing procedure for each type of joint being produced is qualified in accordance with the
requirements of Section IX and when necessary the additional requirements of this Section. He shall satisfy himself that each joint has
been fabricated in accordance with the procedure. Where there is evidence of consistent poor quality, the Inspector shall have the right
at any time to call for and witness tests of the brazing procedure. 检验师应确保用于生产之每种接头类型的钎焊工艺规程均符合
第 IX卷的要求,必要时还应符合本卷的附加要求。检验师还应确保每个接头都是按照相应钎焊工艺规程完焊的。如果有证
(a) The manufacturer shall certify that the brazing on a vessel or part thereof has been done by brazers or brazing operators who
are qualified under the requirements of Section IX and the Inspector shall assure himself that only qualified brazers or brazing
operators have been used. 制造商应保证容器或其零部件上的钎焊是由符合第 IX 卷要求之钎焊工或钎机操作员所完成的,并
(b) The manufacturer shall make available to the Inspector the record of the qualification tests of each brazer and brazing
operator. The Inspector shall have the right at any time to call for and witness tests of the ability of a brazer or brazing operator.
(a) Where possible, the Inspector shall visually inspect both sides of each brazed joint after flux residue removal. Where it is not
possible to inspect one side of a brazed joint (blind joint), the Inspector shall check the design to determine that the proper joint factor
has been employed, unless he can assure himself that the brazing filler metal has been preplaced in such a manner that it satisfies UB15(b) and UB-15(c). 在可能的情况下,检验师应在清除助钎剂残留物后对每一钎焊接头之两侧进行目视检查。如果无法检验
钎焊接头 (另如盲接头)的另一侧时,则检验师应核查设计以确定是否采用了正确的接头系数,除非他能确信钎焊料已 其用
满足 UB-15(b)和 UB-15(c)的方式预先填置在该接头中。
(b) There shall be evidence that the brazing filler metal has penetrated the joint. In a butt braze there shall be no concavity. The
braze may be repaired or rebrazed. 应有迹象表明钎焊料已渗入接头。在对接钎焊中不应有凹陷。钎焊可返修或重新钎焊该接
The presence of a crack in the brazing filler metal shall be cause for rejection. Dye penetrant inspection may be used if
desired. The braze may be repaired or rebrazed. See UB-37. 钎焊填充金属中若存在着裂纹时应为导致拒收的理由。如果需要,
可用染料渗透剂来进行检测。钎焊可返修或重新钎焊该接头,请参阅 UB-37。
(d) The presence of a crack in the base metal adjacent to a braze shall be cause for rejection even if the crack is filled with
brazing alloy. Such cracking shall not be repaired. 与钎焊接头相邻之母材中若存在着裂纹时,即使是用钎焊合金填充了该裂
Pinholes or open defects in the braze shall be cause for rejection. The joint may be rebrazed. 在钎焊接头上的可见针孔或外
(f) Rough fillets, particularly those with a convex appearance, are cause for rejection. Such joints may be repaired or rebrazed.
Certain brazed joints regardless of their service temperatures may be exempt from the additional mechanical testing of this Section
providing that the design application does not assume any benefit from the brazed joint strength. It shall, however, meet the
requirements of those qualification tests required by Section IX of the Code. 某些钎焊接头无论其工作温度如何,只要在设计应用
中假定了钎焊接头不具任何强度帮助,且钎焊接头满足了本法规第 IX 卷所要求的那些评定测试要求时,则可免于本卷所规
The provisions for marking and reports given in UG-115 through UG-120 shall apply without supplement to brazed pressure vessels
and parts thereof. UG-115 ~ UG-120 中关于标记和报告的规定可在无需补充任何要求下即足以适用于钎焊压力容器及其零部
C 分卷 与材料类别有关的要求
UCS 篇 对由碳钢和低合金钢所制成之压力容器的要求
The rules in Part UCS are applicable to pressure vessels and vessel parts that are constructed of carbon and low alloy steels and shall
be used in conjunction with the general requirements in Subsection A, and with the specific requirements in Subsection B that pertain
to the method of fabrication used. UCS 篇中之规则适用于由碳钢和低合金钢所制承之压力容器和容器零部件,并且这些规则还
应与 A 分卷中的通用要求以及 B分卷中与所用制造加工有关的具体要求配套使用 。
All carbon and low alloy steel material subject to stress due to pressure shall conform to one of the Specifications given in
Section II and shall be limited to those listed in Table UCS-23 except as otherwise provided in UG-10 and UG-11. 所有因压力而承
受应力之碳钢和低合金钢材料应符合第 II 册中给出的规范之一,并应限于表 UCS-23 中所列出的那些规范,但UG-10 和
(b) In addition to the requirements of UG-4(a), backing strips which remain in place need not conform to a material
specification permitted by this Division if all of the following are met: 除 UG-4(a) 的要求外,只要满足以下所有条件,则保留在
(1) The specification maximum composition limits or certificate values for the backing strip material shall not exceed
those of the material specification for the pressure part to which it is attached. 背衬带材料之规范的最大成分限值或证书值不应超
Either of the following requirements shall be met:满足下列条件之一:
(-a) The backing strip base metal, and its associated HAZ, and the weld metal shall be impact tested in accordance
with UG-84 at the MDMT shown on the nameplate with a butt weld test specimen to the pressure part material or to a material
with the same P-No. and Group No. as the pressure part. 应根据UG-84的规定,在铭牌上所示MDMT条件下,并以承压零
(-b) The material is assigned to Curve A and is exempt from impact testing at the MDMT shown on the nameplate
by Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M) alone [i.e., MDMT reduction per Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M)] is not
permitted], and both of the following apply: 该材料被指定到曲线 A,并且在铭牌上按图UCS-66(图UCS-66M)所示的
MDMT处可免于进行冲击测试 [即,不允许根据图 UCS-66.1(图 UCS-66.1M) 折减 MDMT 66.1M)] ],并且同时要满足
(-1) The backing strip material specification minimum tensile strength shall not exceed that of the pressure
part material specification. 背衬带材料规范之最小抗拉强度不应超过承压件材料规范之最小抗拉强度。
(-2) The backing strip material specification minimum percent elongation shall be at least equal to that for the
pressure part material specification. 背衬带材料规格的最小伸长百分比应至少等于受压部件材料规格的最小伸长百
Carbon or low alloy steel having a carbon content of more than 0.35% by heat analysis shall not be used in welded
construction or be shaped by oxygen cutting (except as provided in Part UF in this Division). 热分析碳含量超过 0.35% 之碳钢或低
合金钢不应用于焊接结构或通过氧切割成型(本卷 UF 篇另有规定者除外)。
Small parts used under the provisions of UG-11(a)(2) in welded construction shall be of good weldable quality. 根据 UG-
11(a)(2) 的规定,在焊接结构中所使用的小零部件应具有良好的焊接质量。
(a) Approved specifications for carbon and low alloy steel plates are given in Table UCS-23. A tabulation of allowable stress
values at different temperatures are given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A (see UG-5). 表 UCS-23 给出了已核准的碳钢板
和低合金钢板规范。 不同温度下的许用应力值列表见第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A(参见 UG-5)。
(b) Steel plates conforming to A-36, SA/ CSA-G40.21 38W; SA/IS 2062 Grades E250A, E250BR, E250B0, and E250C; and
SA-283 Grades C and D may be used for pressure parts in pressure vessels provided all of the following requirements are met:
符合 A-36、SA/CSA-G40.21 38W 、SA/IS 2062 Grades E250A, E250BR, E250B0和 E250C、和 SA-283 Gr.C 和 Gr.D之钢板可
用作压力容器中的承压零部件,前提是要满足以下所有要求 :
(1) The vessels are not used to contain lethal substances, either liquid or gaseous. 容器不用于盛装致死物质 (无论是液
(2) The material is not used in the construction of unfired steam boilers [see U-1(g)(1)]. 此类材料不用于制造非直接受
火蒸汽锅炉[参见 U-1(g)(1)]。
(3) With the exception of flanges, flat bolted covers, and stiffening rings, the thickness of plates on which strength
welding is applied does not exceed 5/8 in. (16 mm). 除法兰、螺栓连接平盖板和加劲环外,采用强度焊接之钢板的厚度不超过
5/8 in. (16 mm)。
(4) Except for local heating, such as cutting and welding, heating of SA-841 above 1,200°F (649°C) during fabrication is
prohibited. 除切割和焊接等局部加热外,在制造加工过程中禁止将 SA-841 加热至 1,200°F (649°C) 以上。
Approved specifications for forgings of carbon and low alloy steel are given in Table UCS-23. A tabulation of allowable stress
values at different temperatures are given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A (see UG-6). 表 UCS-23 给出了碳钢和低合金钢
锻件的已核准规范。 不同温度下的许用应力值列表见第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A(参见 UG-6)。
Approved specifications for castings of carbon and low alloy steel are given in Table UCS-23. A tabulation of allowable stress
values at different temperatures are given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A. These stress values are to be multiplied by the
casting quality factors of UG-24. Castings that are to be welded shall be of weldable grade. 表 UCS-23 给出了碳钢和低合金钢铸件
的已核准规范。 第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A列出了不同温度下的许用应力值。 这些应力值应乘以 UG-24 的铸件质量系数。 需
Approved specifications for pipe and tubes of carbon and low alloy steel are given in Table UCS-23. A tabulation of allowable stress
values of the materials from which the pipe or tubes are manufactured are given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A. Net
allowable stress values for pipe or tubes of welded manufacture are given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A. 表 UCS-23 给出
了碳钢和低合金钢管的已核准规范。第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A中给出了用于制造各类管材之材料的许用应力值列表和各类焊
(a) Approved specifications for bolt materials of carbon steel and low alloy steel are given in Table UCS-23. A tabulation of
allowable stress values at different temperatures (see UG-12) are given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 3. 碳钢和低合金钢螺栓
材料的已核准规范见表 UCS-23。 不同温度下的许用应力值列表(参见 UG-12)见第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 3。
(b) Nonferrous and high alloy steel bolts, studs, and nuts may be used provided they are suitable for the application. They shall
conform to the requirements of Part UNF or UHA, as applicable. 可以使用有色金属和高合金钢螺栓、螺柱和螺母,只要它们适于
该应用。 它们应符UNF 篇或 UHA 篇的适用要求。
(a) Except as otherwise provided in (b)(4) below, materials for nuts shall conform to SA-194, SA-563, or to the requirements for
nuts in the specification for the bolting material with which they are to be used. Nuts of special design, such as wing nuts, may be
made of any suitable wrought material listed in Table UCS-23 or Table UHA-23 and shall be either: hot or cold forged; or machined
from hot-forged, hot-rolled, or cold-drawn bars. Washers may be made from any suitable material listed in Table UCS-23 and Table
UHA-23. 除非下文 (b)(4) 另有规定,否则螺母材料应符合 SA-194、SA-563 或与其相应之螺栓材料规范中对螺母的要求 。
特殊设计之螺母 (例如蝶形螺母) 可以由表 UCS-23 或表 UHA-23 中所列出的任何合适的锻造材料制成,并且应为: 热锻或
冷锻; 或由热锻、热轧或冷拔棒材加工而成。华司可以由表UCS-23和表UHA-23中所列出之任何合适材料制成。
Materials for nuts and washers shall be selected as follows: 螺母和华司的材料应按如下所述选择:
Carbon steel nuts and carbon steel washers may be used with carbon steel bolts or studs. 碳钢螺母和碳钢华司可与
Carbon or alloy steel nuts and carbon or alloy steel washers of approximately the same hardness as the nuts may be
used with alloy steel bolts or studs for metal temperatures not exceeding 900°F (480°C). 金属温度不超过 900°F (480°C)之碳钢或合
金钢螺母和碳钢或合金钢华司 (与螺母硬度大致相同)可与合金钢螺栓或螺柱配用。
Alloy steel nuts shall be used with alloy steel studs or bolts for metal temperatures exceeding 900°F (480°C).
Washers, if used, shall be of alloy steel equivalent to the nut material. 合金钢螺母应与金属温度超过 900°F (480°C) 之合金钢螺柱
或螺栓配用。 华司 (如果采用时)应选用与螺母材料相同的合金钢。
Nonferrous nuts and washers may be used with ferrous bolts and studs provided they are suitable for the application.
Consideration shall be given to the differences in thermal expansion and possible corrosion resulting from the combination of
dissimilar metals. Nonferrous nuts and washers shall conform to the requirements of UNF-13. 有色金属螺母和华司可与铁质螺栓和
螺柱配用,前提是它们要适合使用条件。 应计及不同金属组合所引起的热膨胀差异和可能的腐蚀。 有色金属螺母和华司应
符合 UNF-13 的要求。
(c) Nuts shall be semifinished, chamfered, and trimmed. Nuts shall be threaded to Class 2B or finer tolerances according to
ASME B1.1. For use with flanges conforming to the standards listed in UG-44(a), nuts shall conform at least to the dimensions given
in ASME B18.2.2 for Heavy Series nuts. For use with connections designed in accordance with the rules in Mandatory Appendix 2,
nuts may be of the ANSI Heavy Series, or they may be of other dimensions as permitted in (d) below. 螺母应为半光制、倒角和配
平。 螺母的螺纹应符合 ASME B1.1 的 2B 级或更细公差。用于与符合 UG-44(a) 所列标准之法兰一起使用之螺母应至少符合
ASME B18.2.2 中针对重型系列螺母所给出的尺寸。 为了与按强制性附录 2 中之规则所设计的连接件一起使用,螺母可以是
ANSI 重型系列,也可以是如下 (d) 中所允许的其他尺寸。
(d) Nuts of special design or of dimensions other than ANSI Heavy Series may be used provided their strength is equal to that of
the bolting, giving due consideration to bolt hole clearance, bearing area, thread form and class of fit, thread shear, and radial thrust
from threads [see U-2(g)]. 可以采用特殊设计或非 ANSI 重型系列尺寸之螺母,前提是它们的强度等于螺栓的强度,并适当计
及螺栓孔间隙、承载面积、螺纹牙形和配合等级、螺纹剪切力、 和来自螺纹的径向推力 [见 U-2(g)]。
(a) Approved specifications for bar and shape materials of carbon steel are given in Table UCS-23. A tabulation of allowable
stress values at different temperatures are given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A. 表 UCS-23 给出了碳钢棒材和型材的已
核准规范。第 II-D卷第 1 子篇表 1A 中给出了棒材和型材在不同温度下的表列许用应力值。
Bolt materials as described in UCS-10 may be used as bar materials. UCS-10 中所述螺栓材料可用作棒材。
Parts made from bars, on which welding is done, shall be of material for which a P-Number for procedure qualification is
given in Section IX, Table QW/QB-422 (see UW-5). 由棒材所焊制成之零部件,其材料应为第 IX 卷表 QW/QB-422 中针对规程
评所给出的 P-No.(参见 UW-5)。
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the design of pressure vessels and vessel parts that are constructed of
carbon and low alloy steel and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Design in Subsection A and with the
specific requirements for Design in Subsection B that pertain to the method of fabrication used. 以下节中之规则特别适用于由碳钢
和低合金钢所制成的压力容器和容器组件的设计,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中有关设计的通用要求和 B分卷中与所用制
造加工方法有关的特殊设计要求配套使用 。
When radiographic examination is required for buttwelded joints by UCS-57, Category A and B joints (see UW-3) shall be of Type
No. (1) or No. (2) of Table UW-12. 当 UCS-57 要求对焊接头进行射线检测时,则A 类和 B 类接头 (见 UW-3) 应为表 UW-12 中
的第 (1)或第 (2)类接头。
Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 3 for bolting and Table 1A for other materials give the maximum allowable stress values at the
temperature indicated for materials conforming to the specifications listed therein. 53 Values may be interpolated for intermediate
temperatures. (See UG-23.) For vessels designed to operate at a temperature below −20°F (−29°C), the allowable stress values to be
used in design shall not exceed those given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A or Table 3 for 100°F (40°C). 第 II-D 卷分第 1
子篇中用于螺栓连接的表 3 和用于其他材料的表 1A 给出了符合其中所列规范之材料在指定温度下的最大许用应力值。53 可
以为中间温度进行插值 (参见 UG-23)。对于设计在低于 −20°F (−29°C) 之温度下运行的容器而言,设计中所用许用应力值不
应超过第 II -D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A 或表 3 中针对 100°F (40°C)时的给出值。
(a) Shells of pressure vessels may be made from seamless pipe or tubing listed in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A,
provided the material of the pipe is manufactured by the open-hearth, basic oxygen, or electric- furnace process. 压力容器之壳体可
以由第 II -D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A 中所列无缝管材制成,前提是无缝管材是由平炉、碱性氧气或电炉工艺所制成的 。
(b) Shells of pressure vessels may be made from electric resistance-welded pipe or tubing listed in Section II, Part D, Subpart
1, Table 1A in nominal diameters up to 30 in. (750 mm)provided the material is manufactured by the open-hearth, basic oxygen, or
electric-furnace process [see UG-16(d)]. 压力容器的壳体可以由第 II -D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A 中所列标称直径最大为 330 in. (750
mm)之电阻焊钢管或电阻焊管道制成,前提是该材料是由平炉、碱性氧气或电炉工艺所制成的 [参见 UG-16(d)]。
(a) Cylindrical and spherical shells under external pressure shall be designed by the rules in UG-28, using the applicable
figures in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 and the temperature limits of UG-20(c). 外压作用下之圆筒形和球形壳体应按 UG-28 中的
规则并配套第 II -D 卷第 3 子篇中适用数据和 UG-20(c) 的应用温度范围来进行设计。
(b) Corrugated shells subject to external pressure may be used in pressure vessels in accordance with Section I, PFT-19.
根据第 I卷 PFT-19的规定,可在压力容器中采用承受外部压力的波纹壳体。
Table UCS-23 Carbon and Low Alloy Steel 表 UCS-23 碳钢和低合金钢
Spec. No.
Spec. No.
E/A, E/B, S/A, S/B
A, B, C
A, B
A, C
FR, F1, F2, F3V, F3VCb, F5, F5a, F9,
F11 Cl. 1 & 2, F12 Cl. 1 & 2, F21,
F22 Cl. 1 & 3, F22V, F91
B5, B7, B7M, B16
A, B, D, E, F
A, B, C
T1, T1a, T1b
A-1, C
T2, T5, T5b, T5c, T9, T11, T12, T17,
T21, T22, T91
Spec. No.
1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9
1, 3, 6, 7, 9
P1, P2, P5, P5b, P5c, P9, P11, P12,
P15, P21, P22, P91
F1, F3V, F3VCb, F5, F5A, F9, F11 Cl.
2 & 3, F12, F21 Cl. 1 & 3, F22 Cl. 1
& 3, F22V, F91
LF1, LF2, LF3, LF5, LF9
LCB, LC1, LC2, LC3
FP1, FP2, FP5, FP9, FP11, FP12,
FP21, FP22
A; B; C; D; E Cl. 55, 65, & 70; F Cl.
65, & 70; G Cl. 55, 65, & 70; H Cl.
55, 65, & 70; J Cl. 55, 65, 70, &
110; L; M Cl. 85 & 100
2, 5, 11, 12, 21, 22, 91
A, B, C, D, E, F, G
WPL 3, WPL 6, WPL 9
1, 2
B4B, B4C
B Cl. 4, C Cl. 4a, D Cl. 4a, E Cl. 4a
A2, B2, C2
4037, 4042, 4140, 4340, 5137M,
A, B, C
45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70
B, C
A, B, C
B11, B22
21V, 22V, 23V
A Cl. 1, B Cl. 2
PT430, PT460, PT490
38W, 44W, 50W
C12, C5, WC1, WC4, WC5, WC6,
WPB, WPC, WPR, WP1, WP5, WP9, SA-487
WP11 Cl. 1, WP12 Cl. 1, WP22
Cl. 1
T1, T1a, T1b
1, 2, 3, 4
C, D
A, B, C
A, B
A, B, C, D
A, B
L7, L7A, L7M, L43
1 Cl. A & B, 2 Cl. A & B, 4 Cl. A, 8 Cl. SA/EN
1, 1A, 2 Cl. 1, 2 Cl. 2, 3 Cl. 1, 3 Cl. 2, 10028-2
3V, 3VCb, 4N Cl. 3, 22 Cl. 3
60, 65, 70
55, 60, 65, 70
A Cl. 1 & 2, B Cl. 1 & 2, C Cl. 1 & 2, 10216-2
Cl. 2, E Cl. 1 & 2
Cl. 1, 2, & 3
B21, B22, B23, B24, B24V
SA/GB 713
1, 1A, 2 Cl. 1, 2 Cl. 2, 3 Cl. 1, 3 Cl. 2, SA/IS 2062
3V, 3VCb, 22 Cl. 3, 22V
P235GH, P265GH, P295GH,
P355GH, 13CrMo4–5,
P235GH, P265GH, 16Mo3,
13CrMo4–5, 10CrMo9–10
P280GH, P305GH, 13CrMo4–5,
E250A, E250BR, E250B0, E250C
[Note (1)]
GENERAL NOTE: Maximum allowable stress values in tension for the materials listed in the above table are contained in Section II, Part D,
Subpart 1 (see UG-23). 总注释:上表所列材料的最大许用拉伸应力值件在第 II-D卷第 1 子篇(参见 UG-23)。
NOTE: 注释:
(1) Refer to General Note (e)(3) in Figures UCS-66 and UCS-66M with regard to the normalized rolling condition for plates (products). 有关
板材(产品)的正火轧制条件,请参阅图 UCS-66 和 UCS-66M 中总注释 (e)(3)。
Rules covering the design of stiffening rings are given in UG-29. UG-29 中给出了有关加劲环的设计规则。
Rules covering the attachment of stiffening rings are given in UG-30. UG-30 中给出了有关加劲环环的连接规则。
Ellipsoidal, torispherical, hemispherical, and conical heads having pressure on the convex side (minus heads) shall be designed by
the rules of UG-33, using the applicable figures in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3. 当椭圆形、准球形、半球形和圆形封头之凸面 (负
凸面)受压时,它们应根据 UG-33 的规则并配套第 II -D 卷第 3 子篇中之适用数据来进行设计。
(a) Before applying the detailed requirements and exemptions in these paragraphs, satisfactory weld procedure qualifications
of the procedures to be used shall be performed in accordance with all the essential variables of Section IX including conditions of
postweld heat treatment or lack of postweld heat treatment and including other restrictions listed below. 在应用这些段落中的详细要
求和豁免之前,应根按 IX 卷的所有必要变量 (包括需要焊后热处理或不需要焊后热处理的条件) 以及如下所列其他限制来获
Except as otherwise specifically provided in the notes to Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11 and Table UCS-56.1, all
welds in pressure vessels or pressure vessel parts shall be given a postweld heat treatment at a temperature not less than specified
in those Tables when the nominal thickness, as defined in UW-40(f), including corrosion allowance, exceeds the limits in those
Tables. The exemptions provided in Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11 or Table UCS-56.1 are not permitted when postweld
heat treatment is a service requirement as set forth in UCS-68, when welding ferritic materials greater than 1/8 in. (3 mm) thick
with the electron beam welding process, or when welding P-No. 3, P-No. 4, P-Nos. 5A, 5B, and 5C, P-No. 10, and P-No. 15E
materials of any thickness using the inertia and continuous drive friction welding processes. Electroslag welds in ferritic materials
over 11/2 in. (38 mm) thickness at the joint shall be given a grain refining (austenitizing) heat treatment. Electrogas welds in ferritic
materials with any single pass greater than 11/2 in. (38 mm) shall be given a grain refining (austenitizing) heat treatment. For P-No.
1 materials only, the heating and cooling rate restrictions of (d)(2) and (d)(5) below do not apply when the heat treatment
following welding is in the austenitizing range. 除非表 UCS-56-1 至表 UCS-56-11 和表 UCS-56.1 的注释中另有具体规定者
外,否则当压力容器或压力容器零部件的所有焊缝按UW-40(f) 中所定义的标称厚度 (包括腐蚀余量) 超过上述表中之限值
时,均应在不低于所规定之温度下进行焊后热处理。以下情况不允许引用表 UCS-56-1 至表 UCS-56-11 或表 UCS-56.1 中
的豁免条件:(1) 当焊后热处理是 UCS-68 中所规定的工况要求且用电子束焊接工艺来焊接厚度大于1/8 in. (3 mm)之铁素
体材料时,(2) 用惯性和连续驱动摩擦焊接工艺来焊接P-No. 3, P-No. 4, P-Nos. 5A、5B 和 5C,P-No. 10,和 P-No.15E 任
何厚度的材料时。(3) 电渣焊焊接接头处之厚度大于11/2 in. (38 mm)且应进行晶粒细化 (奥氏体化)热处理之铁素体材料
时, (4) 用气电焊所沉积之任何单道大于之11/2 in. (38 mm)且应进行晶粒细化 (奥氏体化)热处理之铁素体材料;当焊后热
处理温度在奥氏体化温度值域内时,下文 (d)(2) 和 (d)(5) 的加热和冷却速率限制不适用于 P-No.1 材料。
Table UCS-56-1 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels —
P-No. 1 表 UCS-56-1 对属于P-No. 1之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal Thickness [See UW-40(f)]
标称厚度在基准温度下的最短持温时间 [参见 UW-40(f)]
Normal Holding Temperature, °F
(°C), Minimum 标称最低持温温
Material 材料
P-No. 1 Gr.
Nos. 1, 2, 3
度,单位:°F (°C)
1,100 (595)
Up to 2 in. (50 mm)当标称厚度 ≤ 2
in. (50 mm)时
1 hr/in. (25 mm), 15 min minimum
1 hr/in. (25 mm),但最少持温 15
Gr. No. 4
Over 2 in. to 5 in. (50 mm to 125 mm)
2 in. (50 mm) < 标称厚度 ≤ 5 in. (125 mm)时
2 hr plus 15 min for each additional inch (25 mm) over 2 in. (50
mm) 标称厚度超过2 in. (50 mm)后的最短持温时间为2 小时
另加上每增量 1 inch (25 mm) 的所需15 min
(a) When it is impractical to postweld heat treat at the temperature specified in this Table, it is permissible to carry out the postweld heat treatment at
lower temperatures for longer periods of time in accordance with Table UCS-56.1. 当在本表所规定之温度下进行焊后热处理是不可行时,允
许根据表 UCS-56.1 在较低温度下进行较长时间的焊后热处理。
(b) Postweld heat treatment is mandatory under the following conditions: 在下列情况下,焊后热处理是强制性:
(1) for welded joints over 11/2 in. (38 mm) nominal thickness; 当焊接接头之标称厚度大于11/2 in. (38 mm)时;
(2) for welded joints over 11/4 in. (32 mm) nominal thickness through 11/2 in. (38 mm) nominal thickness unless preheat is applied at a
minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) during welding. This preheat need not be applied to SA-841 Grades A and B, provided that the carbon
content and carbon equivalent (CE) for the plate material, by heat analysis, do not exceed 0.14% and 0.40%, respectively, where 标称厚度大于
11/4 in. (32 mm)但小于或等于11/4 in. (32 mm)之焊接接头,除非在焊接过程中以 200°F (95°C)之最低温度进行预热,否则必须进行焊后热
处理。 这种预热不适用于热分析之碳含量和碳当量 (CE)分别不超过 0.14% 和 0.40%的 SA-841 Gr. A 和Gr. B 板材,此处所树碳当量可
(3) for welded joints of all thicknesses if required by UW-2, except postweld heat treatment is not mandatory under the conditions specified
below: UW-2所要求的所有厚度的焊接接头除非在以下所规定的条件下,焊后热处理才不是强制性要求。否则都须进行焊后热处理:
(a) for groove welds not over 1/2 in. (13 mm) size and fillet welds with a throat not over 1/2 in. (13 mm) that attach nozzle connections that
have a finished inside diameter not greater than 2 in. (50 mm), provided the connections do not form ligaments that require an increase in shell or
head thickness, and preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) is applied; 当用于连至成品内径不大于2 in. (50 mm)之管喷连接件上
坡口焊缝尺寸或填角焊之喉深均 ≤ 1/2 in. (13 mm),前提是类连接件不会形成需要增加壳体或封头厚度的孔桥,并且预热温度不低于
200°F (95°C);
(b) for groove welds not over 1/2 in. (13 mm) in size or fillet welds with a throat thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less that attach tubes to a
tubesheet when the tube diameter does not exceed 2 in. (50 mm). A preheat of 200°F (95°C) minimum must be applied when the carbon content
of the tubesheet exceeds 0.22%. 直径不超过2 in. (50 mm)且带尺寸不超过 1/2 in. (13 mm)之坡口焊缝或带喉深 ≤ 1/2 in. (13 mm)之填角焊缝
的管子。 当管板的碳含量超过 0.22% 时,则必须至少预热到 200°F (95°C)。
(c) for groove welds not over 1/2 in. (13 mm) in size or fillet welds with a throat thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less used for attaching
nonpressure parts to pressure parts. When the thickness of the pressure part exceeds 11/4 in. (32 mm), preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F
(95°C) shall be applied prior to welding each pass; 用于将非承压零部件连接到承压零部件之坡口焊缝尺寸或填角焊之喉深均 ≤ 1/2 in. (13
mm)。 当承压零部件的厚度大于11/4 in. (32 mm)时,应在每道次焊接之前至少预热到 200°F (95°C);
(d) for studs welded to pressure parts, provided preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) is applied when the thickness of the
pressure part exceeds 11/4 in. (32 mm); 仅当螺柱以焊接连接到厚度大于 11/4 in. (32 mm)之承压零部件上且至少预热到 200°F (95°C)时,则
(e) for hard-facing weld metal overlay, corrosion resistant weld metal overlay, or for welds attaching corrosion resistant applied linings (see
UCL-34), provided that when the thickness of the pressure part exceeds 1 1/4 in. (32 mm), a preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C)
shall be applied and maintained during application of the first weld layer. 对于将硬面焊缝金属堆焊层、耐蚀焊缝金属堆焊层沉积在承压零
部件上,或用于将耐腐衬里(见 UCL-34)连接到承压力零部件之焊缝而言,只要厚度大于1/4 in. (32 mm)且最低预热为 200°F (95°C) ,并
(c) NA = not applicable不适用
The materials in Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11 are listed in accordance with Section IX P-Number material
groupings of Section IX, Table QW/QB-422 and also listed in Table UCS-23. When there is a conflict in P-Number or Group
Number, the numbers in Section IX govern. 表 UCS-56-1 至表 UCS-56-11 中所示材料是根据第 IX卷表 QW/QB-422 的P-No.
材料分组所列出的,同时也列于表 UCS-23 中。 当P-No.或 G-No.发生冲突时,应以第 IX 卷中的编号为准。
Table UCS-56-2 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels — P-No. 3
表 UCS-56-2 对属于P-No. 3之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal Thickness [See UW-40(f)]
Normal Holding Temperature, °F
标称厚度在基准温度下的最短持温时间 [参见 UW-40(f)]
Up to 2 in. (50 mm)
Over 2 in. to 5 in. (50 mm to 125 mm)
(°C), Minimum 标称最低持温温
Material 材料
度,单位:°F (°C)
P-No. 3 Gr.
1,100 (595)
Nos. 1, 2, 3
当标称厚度 ≤ 2 in. (50 mm)时
1 hr/in. (25 mm), 15 min minimum
2 in. (50 mm) < 标称厚度 ≤ 5 in. (125 mm)时
2 hr plus 15 min for each additional inch (25 mm) over 2 in. (50
1 hr/in. (25 mm),但最少持温 15 分
mm) 标称厚度超过2 in. (50 mm)后的最短持温时间为2 小
时另加上每增量 1 inch (25 mm) 的所需15 min
(a) When it is impractical to postweld heat treat at the temperatures specified in this Table, it is permissible to carry out the postweld heat treatment
at lower temperatures for longer periods of time in accordance with Table UCS-56.1. 当在本表所规定之温度下进行焊后热处理是不可行
时,允许根据表 UCS-56.1 在较低温度下进行较长时间的焊后热处理。
(b) Postweld heat treatment is mandatory on P-No. 3 Gr. No. 3 material in all thicknesses. 属于P-No. 3 中Gr. No. 3之材料 (所有厚度)都必须进行
(c) Except for the exemptions in General Note (d), postweld heat treatment is mandatory under the following conditions: 除非为总注释 (d) 所豁免
(1) on P-No. 3 Gr. No. 1 and P-No. 3 Gr. No. 2 over 5/8 in. (16 mm) nominal thickness. For these materials, postweld heat treatment is
mandatory on material up to and including 5/8 in. (16 mm) nominal thickness unless the deposited weld metal thickness qualified without
postweld heat treatment in the welding procedure qualification test coupon is equal to or greater than the deposited weld metal thickness in the
production weld. 属于P-No. 3中的 Gr-No. 1 和Gr-No. 2且标称厚度大于5/8 in. (16 mm)之材料。 当这些材料之标称厚度不超过5/8 in. (16
mm)时,则焊后热处理是强制性要求,除非在焊接工艺评定用试件中未经焊后热处理的熔敷金属厚度等于或大于 生产焊缝中所要沉积
(2) on material in all thicknesses if required by UW-2. 在符合 UW-2《使用限制》要求之所有厚度的材料上的焊接。
(d) For welding connections and attachments to pressure parts, postweld heat treatment is not mandatory under the conditions specified below:
在下列规定的条件下, 将连接件和附属件连接到承压零部件的焊接,其焊后热处理不是强制性要求:
(1) for attaching to pressure parts that have a specified maximum carbon content of not more than 0.25% (SA material specification carbon
content, except when further limited by the purchaser to a value within the specification limits) or nonpressure parts with groove welds not over
/2 in. (13 mm) in size or fillet welds that have a throat thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less, provided preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F
(95°C) is applied; 用于连接最大规定碳含量不超过 0.25% (SA 材料规范的碳含量,除非买方进一步限制为规范范围内的某一值)之承压
零部件或非承压零部件的坡口焊缝 [尺寸超过1/2 in. (13 mm)] 或填角焊缝 [喉深 ≤ 1/2 in. (13 mm)],只要至少预热到 200°F (95°C),则焊
(2) for circumferential butt welds in pipe or tube where the pipe or tube have both a nominal wall thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less and a
specified maximum carbon content of not more than 0.25% (SA material specification carbon content, except when further limited by the
purchaser to a value within the specification limits); 当管材之标称壁厚 ≤ 1/2 in. (13 mm)且最大规定碳含量不超过 0.25% (SA 材料规范的
(3) for studs welded to pressure parts that have a specified maximum carbon content of not more than 0.25% (SA material specification
carbon content, except when further limited by the purchaser to a value within the specification limits), provided preheat to a minimum
temperature of 200°F (95°C) is applied; 只要至少预热至200°F (95°C) ,则对于将螺柱连接到最大规定碳含量不超过 0.25% (SA 材料规范
(4) for hard-facing weld metal overlay, corrosion resistant weld metal overlay, or for welds attaching corrosion resistant applied linings (see
UCL-34), provided that when welded to pressure parts that have a specified maximum carbon content of not more than 0.25% (SA material
specification carbon content, except when further limited by the purchaser to a value within the specification limits), a preheat to a minimum
temperature of 200°F (95°C) shall be applied and maintained during application of the first weld layer. 对于将硬面焊缝金属堆焊层、耐蚀焊
缝金属堆焊层沉积在承压零部件上,或用于将耐腐衬里连接到承压零部件之焊缝(见 UCL-34)而言,只要该承压零部件之最大规定碳含
量不超过0.25% (SA 材料规范之碳含量,除非买方进一步限制在规格范围内的某一值),最低预热温度为 200°F (95°C),并在沉积第一
(5) for tubes or pressure-retaining handhole and inspection plugs or fittings that are secured by mechanical means (tube expansion, shoulder
construction, machine threads, etc.) and seal welded, provided the seal weld has a throat thickness of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or less, and preheat to a
minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) is applied when the thickness of either part exceeds 5/8 in. (16 mm). 对于通过机械方式 (胀管、用于支
撑的凸出结构、机制螺纹等)固定并施加密封焊之管子或承压手孔和检查用堵头或配件而言,只要密封焊缝之喉深 ≤ 3/8 in. (10 mm),
并且当任一零部件之厚度大于5/8 in. (16 mm)且至少预热至 200°F (95°C)时,则密封焊后之焊后热处理不是强制性要求。
(b) Except where prohibited in Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11, holding temperatures and/or holding times in excess of
the minimum values given in Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11 may be used. Intermediate postweld heat treatments need not
conform to the requirements of Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11. The holding time at temperature as specified in Tables UCS56-1 through UCS-56-11 need not be continuous. It may be an accumulation of time of multiple postweld heat treatment cycles.
除非为表 UCS-56-1 至 UCS-56-11中所禁止之场合,否则持温温度和/或持温时间可采用超过表 UCS-56-1 至表 UCS-56-11 中
所给出的最小值. 中间焊后热处理不需要符合表 UCS-56-1 到表 UCS-56-11 的要求。 在表 UCS-56-1 至表 UCS-56-11 中所规
定之温度下的持温时间不必是连续的, 它可以是多个焊后热处理循环的累计时间。
(c) When pressure parts of two different P-Number groups are joined by welding, engineering judgment shall be applied when
selecting the postweld heat treatment temperature and holding time to produce material properties suitable for the intended service.
Alternatives such as welding with buttering as described in Section IX, QW-283 may be considered. When nonpressure parts are
welded to pressure parts, the postweld heat treatment temperature of the pressure part shall control. 当两个不同 P-No.组的承压零部
IX 卷 QW-283 中所预堆边堆边焊接可做为上述的替代方案。非承压零部件与承压零部件相焊时,应控制承压件的焊后热处
(d) The operation of postweld heat treatment shall be carried out by one of the procedures given in UW-40 in accordance with
the following requirements: 焊后热处理的操作应按 UW-40 中所给出的程序之一并按照以下要求进行:
Table UCS-56-3 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels — P-No. 4
表 UCS-56-3 对属于P-No. 4之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal Thickness [See UW-40(f)] 标称厚度在基准温度下
Normal Holding Temperature, °F
(°C), Minimum 标称最低持温温
Material 材料
度,单位:°F (°C)
P-No. 4 Gr.
1,200 (650)
Nos. 1, 2
Up to 5 in. (1250 mm)
的最短持温时间 [参见 UW-40(f)]
Over 5 in. (125 mm)
当标称厚度 ≤ 5 in. (125 mm)时
1 hr/in. (25 mm), 15 min minimum
1 hr/in. (25 mm),但最少持温 15 分钟
当标称厚度标称厚度 > 5 in. (125 mm)
5 hr plus 15 min for each additional inch (25 mm) over 5 in. (125
mm) 标称厚度超过25 in. (125 mm))后的最短持温时间为5
小时另加上每增量 1 inch (25 mm) 的所需15 min
(a) Except for exemptions in General Note (b), postweld heat treatment is mandatory under the following conditions: 除非为总注释 (b)所豁免,否则
(1) on material of all thicknesses if required by UW-2; 在符合 UW-2《SERVICE RESTRICTIONS使用限制》要求之所有厚度的材料上的焊
(2) on all other P-No. 4 Gr. Nos. 1 and 2 materials. 在所有其他P-No. 4 中Gr-No. 1和Gr-No. 2之材料上的焊接。
(b) Postweld heat treatment is not mandatory under the conditions specified below: 在下列所规定之条件下,焊后热处理不是强制性要求:
(1) for circumferential butt welds in pipe or tube of P-No. 4 materials where the pipe or tubes comply with all of the following conditions: 当管材
符合以下所有条件时,则属于P-No. 4 之管材中的环向对接焊缝,其焊后热处理不是强制性要求:
a maximum nominal thickness of 5/8 in. (16 mm); 最大标称厚度为 5/8 in. (16 mm);
a maximum specified carbon content of not more than 0.15% (SA material specification carbon content, except when further limited by
the purchaser to a value within the specification limits);最大规定碳含量不超过 0.15% (SA 材料规范的碳含量,除非买方进一步限制为规范范围内的
(c) a minimum preheat of 250°F (120°C).最低预热温度为 250°F (120°C)。
(2) for P-No. 4 pipe or tube materials meeting the requirements of (1)(a) and (1)(b) above, having nonpressure attachments fillet welded to them,
provided: 符合上述 (1)(a) 和 (1)(b) 要求的P-No. 4管材与非承压附属件间之填角焊只要满足以下条件,则焊后热处理不是强制性要求:
the fillet welds have a maximum throat thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm); 填角焊缝的最大喉深为1/2 in. (13 mm)时;
(b) a minimum preheat temperature of 250°F (120°C) is applied. 最低预热温度为 250°F (120°C)时。
(3) for P-No. 4 pipe or tube materials meeting the requirements of (1)(a) and (1)(b) above, having studs welded to them, a minimum preheat
temperature of 250°F (120°C) is applied. 满足上述 (1)(a) 和 (1)(b) 要求的P-No. 4管材与螺柱之焊接,只要最低预热温度为 250°F (120°C)时,则焊后
(4) for P-No. 4 pipe or tube materials meeting the requirements of (1)(a) and (1)(b) above, having extended heat absorbing fins electrically
resistance welded to them, provided: 符合上述 (1)(a) 和 (1)(b) 要求的P-No. 4管材与扩展吸热翅片间的电阻焊接,只要满足以下条件,则焊后热处
the fins have a maximum thickness of 1/8 in. (3 mm); 翅片的最大厚度为1/8 in. (3 mm);
prior to using the welding procedure, the Manufacturer shall demonstrate that the heat-affected zone does not encroach upon the
minimum pipe or tube wall thickness. 在应用此类焊接规程之前,制造商应进行演示以证明热影响区不会蚕食最小管材壁厚。
(5) for tubes or pressure-retaining handhole and inspection plugs or fittings that are secured by mechanical means (tube expansion, shoulder
construction, machine threads, etc.) and seal welded, provided the seal weld has a throat thickness of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or less, and preheat to a minimum
temperature of 250°F (120°C) is applied when the thickness of either part exceeds 5/8 in. (16 mm). 对于通过机械方式 (胀管、用于支撑的凸出结构、机
制螺纹等)固定并施加密封焊之管子或承压手孔和检查用堵头或配件而言,只要密封焊缝之喉深 ≤ 3/8 in. (10 mm),并且当任一零部件之厚度大于
5/8 in. (16 mm)且至少预热至 200°F (95°C)时,则密封焊后之焊后热处理不是强制性要求。
(1) The temperature of the furnace shall not exceed 800°F (425°C) at the time the vessel or part is placed in it.
将容器或零部件放入炉中时,炉温不应超过 800°F (425°C)。
(2) Above 800°F (425°C), the rate54 of heating shall be not more than 400°F/hr (222°C/h) divided by the maximum metal
thickness of the shell or head material in inches, but in no case more than 400°F/hr (222°C/h). During the heating period there shall
not be a greater variation in temperature throughout the portion of the vessel being heated than 250°F (140°C) within any 15 ft (4.6 m)
interval. For tube-to-tubesheet welds, when postweld heat treatment is performed with no other components, the heating rate 54 above
800°F (425°C) shall not exceed 250°/hr (140°C/h) regardless of thickness. 在 800°F (425°C) 以上之加热速率54 不应超过400°F/hr
(222°C/h)除以壳体或封头材料之最大金属厚度 (以 in. 为单位),但,在任何情况下绝不应超过400°F/hr (222°C/h)。 在加热期
间,在任何15 ft (4.6 m)间隔内,整个被加热容器段的温度变化不应超过 250°F (140°C)。 当管子与管板之焊缝不与其他零部
件一起进行焊后热处理时,则无论厚度如何,在 800°F (425°C)以上之加热速率54 都不应超过 250°/hr (140°C/h)。
(3) The vessel or vessel part shall be held at or above the temperature specified in Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11
or Table UCS-56.1 for the period of time specified in the Tables. During the holding period, there shall not be a greater difference
than 150°F (83°C) between the highest and lowest temperature throughout the portion of the vessel being heated, except where the
range is further limited in Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11. 容器或容器零部件应持温在或持温在高于表 UCS-56-1 至表
UCS-56-11 或表 UCS-56.1 中所规定的温度,持温时间为表中所规定的时间段。 在持温期间,整个被加热容器段的最高温度
和最低温度间的差异不应大于 150°F (83°C),除非差异范围在表 UCS-56-1至表 UCS-56-11 中有给初进一步限度值 。
(4) During the heating and holding periods, the furnace atmosphere shall be so controlled as to avoid excessive oxidation
of the surface of the vessel. The furnace shall be of such design as to prevent direct impingement of the flame on the vessel. 在加热和
持温期间,应控制炉内气氛,以避免容器表面发生过度氧化。 炉子的设计应能防止火焰直接喷烧到容器。
(5) Above 800°F (425°C), cooling shall be done in a closed furnace or cooling chamber at a rate 54 not greater than
500°F/hr (280°C/h) divided by the maximum metal thickness of the shell or head material in inches, but in no case more than 500°F/hr
(280°C/h). At temperatures above 800°F (425°C), temperature variations within the heated portion during the cooling phase shall not
be greater than 250°F (140°C) within any 15 ft (4.6 m) interval. From 800°F (425°C), the vessel may be cooled in still air. For tubeto-tubesheet welds, when postweld heat treatment is performed with no other components, the cooling rate 54 above 800°F (425°C)
shall not exceed 250°F/hr (140°C/h) regardless of thickness. 高于 800°F (425°C) 时,应在密闭的炉或冷却室中以不大于 500°F/hr
(280°C/h) 除以壳体材料或封头材料之最大金属厚度 (以 in. 为单位)的速率 54 进行冷却,但在任何情况下绝不应超过 500°F/hr
(280°C/h)。 在高于 800°F (425°C) 的温度下,冷却期间,被加热段内的温度变化在任何15 ft (4.6 m) 间隔内不应大于250°F
(140°C)。 从 800°F (425°C) 开始,容器可以在静止空气中冷却。当管子与管板之焊缝焊后热处理不与其他零部件一起进行
时,则无论厚度如何,800°F (425°C)以上的冷却速率 54 都不应超过250°F/hr (140°C/h)。
Table UCS-56-4 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels — P-Nos. 5A, 5B,
and 5C 表 UCS-56-4 对属于P-Nos. 5A、5B 和 5C之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal Thickness [See UW-40(f)] 标称厚度在基准
Normal Holding Temperature, °F
(°C), Minimum 标称最低持温温
Material 材料
度,单位:°F (°C)
P-Nos. 5A, 5B Gr. 1,250 (675)
No. 1, and 5C Gr.
No. 1
温度下的最短持温时间 [参见 UW-40(f)]
Up to 5 in. (Up to 125 mm)
Over 5 in. (125 mm)
标称厚度≤ 5 in. (125 mm)时
1 hr/in. (25 mm), 15 min minimum
1 hr/in. (25 mm),但最少持温 15 分钟
当标称厚度> 5 in. (125 mm) 时
5 hr plus 15 min for each additional inch (25 mm) over 5 in.
(125 mm) 标称厚度超过5 in. (125 mm))后的最短持温
时间为5 小时另加上每增量 1 inch (25 mm) 的所需15
Except for exemptions in General Notes (b) and (d), postweld heat treatment is mandatory under all conditions. 除非为总注释(b) 和 (d)所豁
Postweld heat treatment is not mandatory under the following conditions: 在下列情况下,焊后热处理不是强制性要求:
for circumferential butt welds in pipe or tube where the pipe or tubes comply with all of the following conditions: 只要管材符合以下所
a maximum specified chromium content of 3.00%; 最大规定铬含量为 3.00%;
a maximum nominal thickness of 5/8 in. (16 mm); 最大标称厚度为5/8 in. (16 mm);
a maximum specified carbon content of not more than 0.15% (SA material specification carbon content, except when further limited
by the purchaser to a value within the specification limits); 最大规定碳含量不超过 0.15% (SA 材料规范的碳含量,除非买方进一步限制为规范范围内
(d) a minimum preheat of 300°F (150°C) is applied. 至少预热到 300°F (150°C)。
for pipe or tube materials meeting the requirements of (1)(a), (1)(b), and (1)(c) having nonpressure attachments fillet welded to them,
provided: 符合 (1)(a)、(1)(b) 和 (1)(c) 要求之管材与非承压附属件间之填角焊只要满足以下条件,则焊后热处理不是强制性要求:
the fillet welds have a maximum throat thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm); 填角焊缝的最大喉深为1/2 in. (13 mm);
(b) a minimum preheat temperature of 300°F (150°C) is applied. 最低预热温度为 300°F (150°C)。
for pipe or tube materials meeting the requirements of (1)(a), (1)(b), and (1)(c) having studs welded to them, provided a minimum preheat
temperature of 300°F (150°C) is applied. 满足 (1)(a)、(1)(b) 和 (1)(c) 要求之管材与螺柱间之焊缝只要焊接其期间之最低预热温度为 300°F
(150 °C) ,则焊后热处理不是强制性要求。
(4) for pipe or tube materials meeting the requirements of (1)(a) and (1)(b) above, having extended heat absorbing fins electrically resistance
welded to them, provided: 满足上述 (1)(a) 和 (1)(b) 要求之管材与擃展吸热翅片间之电阻焊只要满足以下条件,则焊后热处理不是强制性要求:
the fins have a maximum thickness of 1/8 in. (3 mm); 翅片的最大厚度为 1/8 in. (3 mm);
prior to using the welding procedure, the Manufacturer shall demonstrate that the heat-affected zone does not encroach upon the
minimum pipe or tube wall thickness. 在应用此类焊接规程之前,制造商应进行演示以证明热影响区不会蚕食最小管材壁厚。
(5) for tubes or pressure-retaining handhole and inspection plugs or fittings in P-No. 5A materials with a specified maximum chromium
content of 6% that are secured by mechanical means (tube expansion, shoulder construction, machine threads, etc.) and seal welded, provided the seal weld
has a throat thickness of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or less, and preheat to a minimum temperature of 300°F (150°C) is applied when the thickness of either part exceeds
/8 in. (16 mm). 对于采用最大规定含量为 6% 之P-No. 5A 材料制成且通过机械方式 (胀管、用于支撑的凸出结构、机制螺纹等)固定并施加密封焊
之管材或承压手孔和检查用堵头或配件而言,只要满足以下要求,则密封焊后的焊后热处理不是强制性要求,(1) 密封焊缝之喉深 ≤ 3/8 in. (10
mm),且 (2) 当任一零部件之厚度大于5/8 in. (16 mm)时至少预热至 300°F (150°C)。
(c) When it is impractical to postweld heat P-Nos. 5A, 5B Gr. No. 1, and 5C Gr. No. 1 materials at the temperature specified in this Table, it is
permissible to perform the postweld heat treatment at 1,200°F (650°C) minimum provided that, for material up to 2 in. (50 mm) nominal thickness, the
holding time is increased to the greater of 4 hr minimum or 4 hr/in. (25 mm) of thickness; for thickness over 2 in. (50 mm), the specified holding times are
multiplied by 4. The requirements of UCS-85 must be accommodated in this reduction in postweld heat treatment. 当属于P-No. 5A, P-No. 5B 中 G-No. 1
和P-No. 5C 中 G-No. 1之材料在本表所规定之温度下进行焊后热处理是不可行时,允许在最低为 1,200°F (650°C) 之温度下进行焊后热处理,前提
是对于标称厚度不超过2 in. (50 mm)之材料的持温时间要增加到至少为 4 小时或 4 hr/in. (25 mm)中的较大者; 对于厚度大于 2 in. (50 mm)之材料
的持温时间为表中所规定之持温时间乘以 4。焊后热处理中的这种降低温度必须满足UCS-85的要求。
(d) Postweld heat treatment is not mandatory for attaching bare-wire thermocouples by capacitor discharge welding or electric resistance welding,
provided 通过电容放电焊接或电阻焊接连接裸热电偶线时,只要满足以下条件则焊后热处理不是强制性要求
the requirements of UCS-56(g) are met 满足UCS-56(g)的要求
the maximum carbon content of the base material is restricted to 0.15% 母材的最大含碳量限值为 0.15%
the minimum wall thickness is 0.20 in. (5 mm) 最小壁厚达 0.20 in. (5 mm)
Except as permitted in (f) below, vessels or parts of vessels that have been postweld heat treated in accordance with the
requirements of this paragraph shall again be postweld heat treated after welded repairs have been made. 除非是下文 (f) 中所允许的
(c) Weld repairs to P-No. 1 Group Nos. 1, 2, and 3 materials and to P-No. 3 Group Nos. 1, 2, and 3 materials and to the weld
metals used to join these materials may be made after the final PWHT but prior to the final hydrostatic test, without additional PWHT,
provided that PWHT is not required as a service requirement in accordance with UW-2(a), except for the exemptions in Tables UCS56-1 through UCS-56-11, or as a service requirement in accordance with UCS-68. The welded repairs shall meet the requirements of
(1) through (6) below. These requirements do not apply when the welded repairs are minor restorations of the material surface, such as
those required after removal of construction fixtures, and provided that the surface is not exposed to the vessel contents. 对属于 P-No.
1中 G-No. 1、G-No. 2 和 G-No.3 组之材料和属于 P-No. 3中G-No. 1、G-No. 2 和G-No. 3 组之材料以及用于连接这些材料之焊
缝金属可以在最终 PWHT 之后但在最终静水压试验之前进行焊接返修,而无需额外进行 PWHT,前提是除表UCS-56-1至
UCS-56-11中的豁免规定外,UCS-68对运行要求不要求PWHT。 焊补应满足以下 (1)至 (6)的要求。 这些要求不适用于材料
Table UCS-56-5 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels — P-No. 9A
表 UCS-56-5 对对属于P-No. 9A之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Normal Holding Temperature, °F (°C), Minimum
Material 材料
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal Thickness [See UW-
标称最低持温温度,单位:°F (°C)
40(f)] 标称厚度在基准温度下的最短持温时间 [参见 UW-40(f)]
1 hr minimum, plus 15 min for each additional inch (25 mm) over 1 in. (25 mm) 至少 1
P-No. 9A Gr. No.
1,100 (595)
小时,但标标称厚度超过1 in. (25 mm)后的最短持温时间为1 小时另加上每增量
1 inch (25 mm) 的所需15 min
(a) When it is impractical to postweld heat treat at the temperature specified in this Table, it is permissible to carry out the postweld heat treatment at
lower temperatures [1,000°F (540°C) minimum] for longer periods of time in accordance with Table UCS-56.1. 当在本表所规定之温度下进行焊
后热处理是不可行时,允许按表 UCS-56.1采用较低温度 [最低 1,000°F (540°C)] 下进行较长时间的焊后热处理。
(b) Except for exemptions in General Note (c), postweld heat treatment is mandatory under the following conditions: 除非为总注释 (c) 所豁免,否则
(1) on material over 5/8 in. (16 mm) nominal thickness. For material up to and including 5/8 in. (16 mm) nominal thickness, postweld heat
treatment is mandatory unless the deposited weld metal thickness qualified without postweld heat treatment in the welding procedure qualification
Table UCS-56-5 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels — P-No. 9A
表 UCS-56-5 对对属于P-No. 9A之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
test coupon is equal to or greater than the deposited weld metal thickness in the production weld. 在标称厚度大于 5/8 in. (16 mm)之材料上的焊
接。材料标称厚度不超过 5/8 in. (16 mm)时,除非在焊接工艺评定用试件中未经焊后热处理的熔敷金属厚度等于或大于生产焊缝中所要
(2) on material of all thicknesses if required by UW-2. 在符合 UW-2《使用限制》要求之材料 (所有厚度)上的焊接;
(c) Postweld heat treatment is not mandatory under conditions specified below: 在以下所规定之条件下,焊后热处理不是强制性要求:
(1) for circumferential butt welds in pipe or tubes where the pipe or tubes comply with all the following conditions: 满足以下所有条件之管材
(a) a maximum nominal outside diameter of 4 in. (100 mm) (DN 100); 最大标称外径为 4 in. (100 mm) (DN 100);
(b) a maximum thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm); 最大厚度为1/2 in. (13 mm);
(c) a maximum specified carbon content of not more than 0.15% (SA material specification carbon content, except when further limited by the
purchaser to a value within the specification limits); 最大规定碳含量不超过 0.15% (SA 材料规范的碳含量,除非买方进一步限制为规范范围
(d) a minimum preheat of 250°F (120°C). 最低预热温度为 250°F (120°C)。
(2) for pipe or tube materials meeting the requirements of (1)(a), (1)(b), and (1)(c) above, having attachments fillet welded to them, provided:
满足上述 (1)(a)、(1)(b) 和 (1)(c) 要求之管料与附属件间之填角焊缝,只要满足以下条件,则焊后热处理不是强制性要求:
(a) the fillet welds have a throat thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less; 填角焊缝之喉深 ≤ 1/2 in. (13 mm);
(b) the material is preheated to 250°F (120°C) minimum. A lower preheating temperature may be used, provided specifically controlled
procedures necessary to produce sound welded joints are used. Such procedures shall include but shall not be limited to the following: 材料至少预
热至 250°F (120°C)。 可以采用较低的预热温度,前提是要采用能产生良好焊接接头所需的专门控制程序。 此类程序应包括但不限于以
(-1) The throat thickness of fillet welds shall be 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less. 填角焊缝之喉深应 ≤ 1/2 in. (13 mm)。
(-2) The maximum continuous length of fillet welds shall be not over 4 in. (100 mm). 填焊缝的最大连续长度不应超过 4 in. (100 mm)。
(-3) The thickness of the test plate used in making the welding procedure qualification of Section IX shall not be less than that of the
material to be welded. 按第 IX 卷进行焊接工艺评定之试板厚度不应小于拟焊材料的厚度。
(3) for attaching nonpressure parts to pressure parts with groove welds not over 1/2 in. (13 mm) in size or fillet welds that have a throat thickness
of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less, provided preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) is applied; 用于将非承压零部件连接到承压零部件之坡
口焊缝的尺寸不超过1/2 in. (13 mm)或喉深 ≤ 1/2 in. (13 mm)之填角焊缝,前提是最低预热温度为 200°F (95°C);
(4) for studs welded to pressure parts, provided preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) is applied; 用于将螺柱焊接到承压零部件
的焊缝,前提是最低预热温度为 200°F (95°C);
(5) for hard-facing weld metal overlay, corrosion resistant weld metal overlay, or for welds attaching corrosion resistant applied linings (see
UCL-34), provided that a preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) shall be applied and maintained during application of the first weld
layer. 将硬面焊缝金属堆焊层、耐蚀焊缝金属堆焊层沉积在工件上,或用于将耐蚀衬里 (参见 UCL-34)连接到工件基材上之焊缝,只要
预热至最低 200°F (95°C) 的温度,并在沉积第一堆焊层之过程中保持该预热温度时,则在它们沉积完成后之焊后热处理不是强制性要
(d) When the heating rate is less than 50°F/hr (28°C/h) between 800°F (425°C) and the holding temperature, the additional 15 min/in. (25 mm) holding
time is not required. Additionally, where the Manufacturer can provide evidence that the minimum temperature has been achieved throughout the
thickness, the additional 15 min/in. (25 mm) holding time is not required. 当在 800°F (425°C) 与持温温度之间的加热速率小于 50°F/hr (28°C/h)
时,不要求额外的 15 min/in. (25 mm) 持温时间。 此外,如果制造商可以提供证据来证明整个厚度已达到最低温度,则不要求额外的 15
min/in. (25 mm) 持温时间。
The Manufacturer shall give prior notification of the repair to the user or to his designated agent and shall not proceed
until acceptance has been obtained. Such repairs shall be recorded on the Data Report. 制造商应事先将返修作业通知用户或其委托
方,并在获得许可后方可进行返修。 此类返修应记录在数据报告中。
(2) The total repair depth shall not exceed 11/2 in. (38 mm) for P-No. 1 Group Nos. 1, 2, and 3 materials and 5/8 in. (16
mm) for P-No. 3 Group Nos. 1, 2, and 3 materials. The total depth of a weld repair shall be taken as the sum of the depths for repairs
made from both sides of a weld at a given location. 属于P-No. 1 中G-No. 1、G-No. 2 和G-No. 3 之材料的总返修深度不应超过11/2
in. (38 mm);属于P-No. 3中 G-No. 1、G-No.2 和G-No. 3 之材料的总返修深度不应超过5/8 in. (16 mm)。 焊补的总深度应取焊
Table UCS-56-6 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels
— P-No. 9B 表 UCS-56-6 对属于 P-No. 9B之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Material 材料
Normal Holding Temperature, °F (°C), Minimum Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal Thickness [See UW-40(f)] 标
标称最低持温温度,单位:°F (°C)
称厚度在基准温度下的最短持温时间 [参见 UW-40(f)]
Table UCS-56-6 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels
— P-No. 9B 表 UCS-56-6 对属于 P-No. 9B之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
1 hr minimum, plus 15 min/in. (25 mm) for thickness over 1 in. (25 mm)
P-No. 9B Gr. No.
1,100 (595)
至少 1 小时,但标标称厚度超过1 in. (25 mm)后的最短持温时间为1 小时另加上每
增量 1 inch (25 mm) 的所需15 min
(a) When it is impractical to postweld heat treat at the temperatures specified in this Table, it is permissible to carry out the postweld heat treatment at
lower temperatures [1,000°F (540°C) minimum] for longer periods of time in accordance with Table UCS-56.1. 当在本表所规定之温度下进行焊
后热处理是不可行时,允许按表 UCS-56.1在较低温度 [最低为 1,000°F (540°C)] 下进行较长时间的焊后热处理。
(b) The holding temperature for postweld heat treatment shall not exceed 1,175°F (635°C). 焊后热处理的持温温度不应超过 1,175°F (635°C)。
(c) Except for exemptions in General Note (d), postweld heat treatment is mandatory under the following conditions: 除非为总注释 (d) 所豁免,否则
(1) on material over 5/8 in. (16 mm) nominal thickness. For material up to and including 5/8 in. (16 mm) nominal thickness, postweld heat
treatment is mandatory unless the deposited weld metal thickness qualified without postweld heat treatment in the welding procedure qualification
test coupon is equal to or greater than the deposited weld metal thickness in the production weld. 在标称厚度大于 5/8 in. (16 mm)之材料上的焊
接。材料标称厚度不超过 5/8 in. (16 mm)时,除非在焊接工艺评定用试件中未经焊后热处理的熔敷金属厚度等于或大于生产焊缝中所要熔
(2) on material of all thicknesses if required by UW-2. 在符合 UW-2《使用限制》要求之所有厚度的材料上的焊接;
(d) Postweld heat treatment is not mandatory under the conditions specified below: 在以下所规定之条件下,焊后热处理不是强制性要求:
(1) for attaching nonpressure parts to pressure parts with groove welds not over 1/2 in. (13 mm) in size or fillet welds that have a throat thickness
of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less, provided preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) is applied; 用于将非承压零部件连接到承压零部件之坡口
焊缝的尺寸不超过1/2 in. (13 mm)或喉深 ≤ 1/2 in. (13 mm)之填角焊缝,前提是最低预热温度为 200°F (95°C);
(2) for studs welded to pressure parts, provided preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) is applied; 用于将螺柱焊接到承压零部件的
焊缝,前提是最低预热温度为 200°F (95°C);
(3) for hard-facing weld metal overlay, corrosion resistant weld metal overlay, or for welds attaching corrosion resistant applied linings (see UCL34), provided that a preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) shall be applied and maintained during application of the first weld layer.
当将硬面焊缝金属堆焊层、耐蚀焊缝金属堆焊层沉积在工件上,或用于将耐蚀衬里 (参见 UCL-34)连接到工件基材上之焊缝,只要预热至
最低 200°F (95°C) 的温度,并在沉积第一堆焊层之过程中保持 该预热温度时,则在它们沉积完成后之焊后热处理不是强制性要求。
(e) When the heating rate is less than 50°F/hr (28°C/h) between 800°F (425°C) and the holding temperature, the additional 15 min/in. (25 mm) holding
time is not required. Additionally, where the Manufacturer can provide evidence that the minimum temperature has been achieved throughout the
thickness, the additional 15 min/in. (25 mm) holding time is not required. 当在 800°F (425°C) 和持温温度间的加热速率小于 50°F/hr (28°C/h)
时,不要求额外的 15 min/in. (25 mm) 持温时间。 此外,如果制造商可以提供证据以证明整个厚度已达到最低温度,则不要求额外的 15
min/in. (25 mm) 持温时间。
After removal of the defect, the groove shall be examined, using either the magnetic particle or the liquid penetrant
examination methods, in accordance with Mandatory Appendix 6 for MT and Mandatory Appendix 8 for PT. 去除缺陷后,应根据
强制性附录 6 (MT)和强制性附录 8 (PT)的规定用磁粉或液体渗透方法对该坡口进行检测。
(4) In addition to the requirements of Section IX for qualification of Welding Procedure Specifications for groove welds,
the following requirements shall apply: 除应满足第 IX卷对坡口焊之焊接工艺规程说明书的评定要求外,还应满足以下要求:
(-a) The weld metal shall be deposited by one or more of the following processes: 焊缝接金属应通过以下一或多种
(-1) shielded metal-arc process using lowhydrogen electrodes with a maximum bead width of 4 times the
electrode core diameter. 采用低氢电条的金属被覆电弧焊,其最大焊道宽度为焊条芯径的 4 倍。
(-2) gas tungsten-arc process with a maximum bead width of 1/2 in. (13 mm). 最大焊道宽度为1/2 in. (13 mm)
(-3)) gas metal-arc process with a maximum bead width of 1/2 in. (13 mm). When flux-cored filler materials
are used, they shall be low hydrogen. 最大焊道宽度为 1/2 in. (13 mm)的气体遮护金属弧焊。 当采用药芯焊材时,它们
(-4) submerged-arc proce s using lowhydrogen consumables. 采用低氢耗材的潜弧焊。
(-5) plasma-arc process with a maximum bead width of 1/2 in. (13 mm). 最大焊道宽度为1/2 in. (13 mm)的等
The low-hydrogen electrodes, filler materials, and consumables shall be properly conditioned in accordance
with Section II, Part C. 低氢电条、焊材和消耗品应根据第 II -C 册进行适当的含湿量调节。
(-b) For P-No. 1 Group Nos. 1, 2, and 3 materials, the repair area shall be preheated and maintained at a minimum
temperature of 200°F (95°C) during welding. 在焊接过程中属于 P-No. 1 中 G-No. 1、G-No. 2 和G-No. 3 之材料的返返修区
域应预热并至少持温在 200°F (95°C) 。
(-c) For P-No. 3 Group Nos. 1, 2, and 3 materials, the repair weld method shall be limited to the half bead weld repair
and weld temper bead reinforcement technique. The repair area shall be preheated and maintained at a minimum temperature of
350°F (175°C) during welding. The maximum interpass temperature shall be 450°F (230°C). The initial layer of weld metal
shall be deposited over the entire area using 1/8 in. (3 mm) maximum diameter electrodes. Approximately one-half the thickness
of this layer shall be removed by grinding before depositing subsequent layers. The subsequent weld layers shall be deposited
using 5/32 in. (4 mm) maximum diameter electrodes in such a manner as to assure tempering of the prior weld beads and their
heat-affected zones. A final temper bead weld shall be applied to a level above the surface being repaired without contacting the
base material but close enough to the edge of the underlying weld bead to assure tempering of the base material heat-affected
zone. After completing all welding, the repair area shall be maintained at a temperature of 400°F to 500°F (205°C to 260°C) for
a minimum period of 4 hr. The final temper bead reinforcement layer shall be removed substantially flush with the surface of the
base material. 用于属于 P-No. 3中 G-No. 1、G-No. 2、 G-No.3之材料的焊补方法应限为打底焊道磨除一半厚度 + 回火焊
道的补焊技术。 在焊接过程中,返修区域应预热并保持在 350°F (175°C) 的最低温度。 最高道间温度应为 450°F
(230°C)。 打底焊缝金属层应采用最大直径为1/8 in. (3 mm)之焊条进行沉积。 在沉积后续层之前,应通过研磨去除该层
厚度的大约一半。 随后的焊层应采用最大直径为5/32 in. (4 mm)的焊条进行堆焊,以确保对先前的焊道及其热影响区进
行回火处理。 最终回火焊道应施加到被返修表面上方且不触及母材,但应足够靠近下方焊缝的边缘,以确保能对母材
热影响区进行回火处理。 完成所有焊接后,返修区域的温度应保持在 400°F 至 500°F (205°C 至 260°C)并至少持温 4 小
时。 最终回火道余高层应以与母材表面基本上齐平的方式去除。
Table UCS-56-7 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels — P-No. 10A
表 UCS-56-7 对属于P-No. 10A之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Normal Holding Temperature, °F (°C), Minimum Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal Thickness [See UW-40(f)] 标
Material 材料
标称最低持温温度,单位:°F (°C)
P-No. 10A Gr.
No. 1
1,100 (595)
称厚度在基准温度下的最短持温时间 [参见 UW-40(f)]
1 hr minimum, plus 15 min/in. (25 mm) for thickness over 1 in. (25 mm)
至少 1 小时,但标但标标称厚度超过1 in. (25 mm)后的最短持温时间为1 小时另加上
每增量 1 inch (25 mm) 的所需15 min
(a) See below. 见下文。
(1) When it is impractical to postweld heat treat at the temperature specified in this Table, it is permissible to carry out the postweld heat
treatment at lower temperatures for longer periods of time in accordance with Table UCS-56.1. 当在本表所规定之温度下进行焊后热处理是不
可行时,允许按表 UCS-56.1 在较低温度下进行较长时间的焊后热处理。
(2) Consideration should be given for possible embrittlement of materials containing up to 0.15% vanadium when postweld heat treating at the
minimum temperature and at lower temperature for longer holding times. 宜考虑到含钒量达0.15%之材料在最低温度和较低温度下进行较长持
(b) Except for exemptions in General Note (c), postweld heat treatment is mandatory under the following conditions: 除非为总注释 (c) 所豁免,否则
(1) on all thicknesses of SA-487 Class 1Q material; 在所有厚度之 SA-487的1Q 级材料上的焊接;
(2) on all other P-No. 10A materials over 5/8 in. (16 mm) nominal thickness. For these materials up to and including 5/8 in. (16 mm) nominal
thickness, postweld heat treatment is mandatory unless the deposited weld metal thickness qualified without postweld heat treatment in the welding
procedure qualification test coupon is equal to or greater than the deposited weld metal thickness in the production weld. 在所有其他 P-No. 10A
且标称厚度大于 5/8 in. (16 mm) 之材料上的焊接。除非在焊接工艺评定用试件中未经焊后热处理之熔敷金属厚度等于或大于生产焊缝中
所要熔敷的焊缝金属厚度,否则焊后热处理对于 对于标称厚度不超过 5/8 in. (16 mm) 的这些材料也是强制性的。
(3) on material of all thicknesses if required by UW-2. 在符合 UW-2《SERVICE RESTRICTIONS使用限制》要求之所有厚度的材料上的
(c) Postweld heat treatment is not mandatory under the conditions specified below: 在下列所规定之条件下,焊后热处理不是强制性的:
(1) for attaching to pressure parts that have a specified maximum carbon content of not more than 0.25% (SA material specification carbon
content, except when further limited by the purchaser to a value within the specification limits) or nonpressure parts with groove weld not over 1/2
in. (13 mm) in size or fillet welds having a throat thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less, provided preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C)
is applied; 用于连接指定最大碳含量不超过 0.25% (SA 材料规范的碳含量,除非买方进一步限制为规范范围内的某一值)之承压零部件或
非承压零部件的坡口焊缝 [尺寸超过1/2 in. (13 mm)] 或填角焊缝 [喉深 ≤ 1/2 in. (13 mm)],只要至少预热到 200°F (95°C),则焊后热处理
(2) for circumferential butt welds in pipes or tube where the pipe or tube has both a nominal wall thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less and a
specified maximum carbon content of not more than 0.25% (SA material specification carbon content, except when further limited by purchaser to
a value within the specification limits), provided preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) is applied; 当钢管或管子之标称壁厚 ≤ 1/2
in. (13 mm)且最大规定碳含量不超过 0.25% (SA 材料规范的碳含量,除非买方进一步限制在规范范围内的限值)时,钢管或管子圆周之对
接焊焊缝后的焊后热处理不是强制性的,前提是最低预热温度为 200°F (95°C);
(3) for studs welded to pressure parts that have a specified maximum carbon content of not more than 0.25% (SA material specification carbon
content, except when further limited by purchaser to a value within the specification limits), provided preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F
(95°C) is applied; 只要至少预热至200°F (95°C) ,则用于将螺柱连接到指定最大碳含量不超过 0.25% (SA 材料规范的碳含量,除非买方进
(4) for hard-facing weld metal overlay, corrosion resistant weld metal overlay, or for welds attaching corrosion resistant applied linings (see
UCL-34), provided that when welded to pressure parts that have a specified maximum carbon content of not more than 0.25% (SA material
specification carbon content, except when further limited by the purchaser to a value within the specification limits), a preheat to a minimum
temperature of 200°F (95°C) shall be applied and maintained during application of the first weld layer. 对于将硬面焊缝金属堆焊层、耐蚀焊缝
金属堆焊层沉积在承压零部件上,或用于将耐腐衬里与该用于连接到承压零部件之焊缝 (见 UCL-34)而言,只要该承压零部件最大规定
碳含量不超过的时 0.25% (SA 材料规范之碳含量,除非买方进一步限制在规格范围内的某一值)、预热至最低 200°F (95°C) 的温度,并在
沉积第一堆焊层之过程中保持 该预热温度时,则在它们沉积完成后之焊后热处理不是强制性要求。
(d) When the heating rate is less than 50°F/hr (28°C/h) between 800°F (425°C) and the holding temperature, the additional 15 min/in. (25 mm) holding
time is not required. Additionally, where the Manufacturer can provide evidence that the minimum temperature has been achieved throughout the
thickness, the additional 15 min/in. (25 mm) holding time is not required. 当在 800°F (425°C) 和持温温度间的加热速率小于 50°F/hr (28°C/h)
时,不要求额外的 15 min/in. (25 mm) 持温时间。 此外,如果制造商可以提供证据以证明整个厚度已达到最低温度,则不要求额外的 15
min/in. (25 mm) 持温时间。
(5) After the finished repair weld has reached ambient temperature, it shall be inspected using the same nondestructive
examination that was used in (3) above, except that for P-No. 3, Group No. 3 materials, the examination shall be made after the
material has been at ambient temperature for a minimum period of 48 hr to determine the presence of possible delayed cracking of the
weld. If the examination is by the magnetic particle method, only the alternating current yoke type is acceptable. In addition, welded
repairs greater than 3/8 in. (10 mm) deep in materials and in welds that are required to be radiographed by the rules of this Division,
shall be radiographically examined to the requirements of UW-51. 完焊之返修焊缝在达到环境温度后,应采用与上述 (3) 中相同
的无损检测方法进行检测,但属于 P-No. 3中 G-No. 3之材料除外。应在材料处于环境温度下至少 48 小时后才进行检测,以
确认是否存着在可能的焊缝延迟开裂。 如果采用磁粉法检测技术时,则仅能采用交流磁轭法。 此外,材料中深度大于3/8
in. (10 mm)的焊补且按本卷规则要求进行射线检测之焊缝,应按 UW-51 的要求进行射线检测。
(6) The vessel shall be hydrostatically tested after making the welded repair.容器在进行焊补后应进行静水压试验。
(d) Capacitor discharge or electric resistance welding may be used for attaching bare-wire thermocouples, without subsequent
postweld heat treatment, provided the energy output for welding is limited to 125 W-sec max. and any requirements specified in the
applicable notes as found in Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS-56-11 shall apply. A welding procedure specification shall be prepared,
and the content shall describe, as a minimum, the capacitor discharge equipment, the combination of materials to be joined, and the
technique of application. Qualification of the welding procedure is not required. 电容器放电或电阻焊可用于连接裸热电偶线,而
无需后续的焊后热处理,前提是焊接最大输出能量限为 125 W-sec,且要符合表 UCS-56-1 至 UCS-56-11之适用注释中所规
Table UCS-56-8 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels — P-No. 10B
表 UCS-56-8 对属于 P-No. 10B之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Normal Holding Temperature, °F (°C),
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal Thickness [See UW-40(f)] 标
Material 材料 Minimum 标称最低持温温度,单位:°F (°C)
称厚度在基准温度下的最短持温时间 [参见 UW-40(f)]
1 hr minimum, plus 15 min/in. (25 mm) for thickness over 1 in. (25 mm) 至少 1 小时,但但
P-No. 10C Gr.
No. 1
标标称厚度超过1 in. (25 mm)后的最短持温时间为1 小时另加上每增量 1 inch (25
1,000 (540)
mm) 的所需15 min
Postweld heat treatment is mandatory for P-No. 10B materials for all thicknesses. 属于P-No. 10B之材料,不管其厚度如何,焊后热处
When the heating rate is less than 50°F/hr (28°C/h) between 800°F (425°C) and the holding temperature, the additional 15 min/in. (25
mm) holding time is not required. Additionally, where the Manufacturer can provide evidence that the minimum temperature has been
achieved throughout the thickness, the additional 15 min/in. (25 mm) holding time is not required. 当在 800°F (425°C) 和持温温度间的
加热速率小于 50°F/hr (28°C/h) 时,不要求额外的 15 min/in. (25 mm) 持温时间。 此外,如果制造商可以提供以证据以证明整个
厚度已达到最低温度,则不要求额外的 15 min/in. (25 mm) 持温时间。
Table UCS-56-9 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels — P-No. 10C
表 UCS-56-9 对属于 P-No. 10C之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Normal Holding Temperature, °F (°C), Minimum
标称最低持温温度,单位:°F (°C)
P-No. 10C 1,000 (540)
Gr. No. 1
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal Thickness [See UW-40(f)] 标称厚
度在基准温度下的最短持温时间 [参见 UW-40(f)]
1 hr minimum, plus 15 min/in. (25 mm) for thickness over 1 in. (25 mm) 至少 1 小时,但但标
标称厚度超过1 in. (25 mm)后的最短持温时间为1 小时另加上每增量 1 inch (25 mm) 的所
需15 min
(a) When it is impractical to postweld heat treat at the temperatures specified in this Table, it is permissible to carry out the postweld heat treatment at
lower temperatures for longer periods of time in accordance with Table UCS-56.1. 当在本表所规定之温度下进行焊后热处理是不可行时,允许根据表
UCS-56.1 在较低温度下进行较长时间的焊后热处理。
(b) Except for exemptions in General Note (c), postweld heat treatment is mandatory under the following conditions: 除非为 总注释 (c) 所豁免,否
(1) for material over 11/2 in. (38 mm) nominal thickness. Postweld heat treatment is mandatory on materials over 11/4 in. (32 mm) nominal
thickness through 11/2 in. (38 mm) nominal thickness unless preheat is applied at a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) during welding. 在标称厚度
大于11/2 in. (38 mm)之材料。在标称厚度大于11/2 in. (38 mm)但 ≤ 11/2 in. (38 mm)之材料上的焊接必须进行焊后热处理,除非在焊接过程中在
最低温度为 200°F (95°C) 下进行预热。
(2) on material of all thicknesses if required by UW-2. 在符合 UW-2《SERVICE RESTRICTIONS使用限制》要求之所有厚度的材料上的焊
(c) Postweld heat treatment is not mandatory under the conditions specified below: 在下列所规定之条件下,焊后热处理不是强制性的:
(1) for groove welds not over 1/2 in. (13 mm) in size and fillet welds with throat not over 1/2 in. (13 mm) that attach nozzle connections that have a
finished inside diameter not greater than 2 in. (50 mm), provided the connections do not form ligaments that require an increase in shell or head thickness
and preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) is applied; 当用于连至成品内径不大于2 in. (50 mm)之管喷连接件上之坡口焊缝尺寸或填角
焊之喉深均 ≤ 1/2 in. (13 mm),前提是类连接件不会形成需要增加壳体或封头厚度的孔桥,并且预热温度不低于 200°F (95°C);
(2) for groove welds not over 1/2 in. (13 mm) in size or fillet welds having throat thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less used for attaching nonpressure
parts to pressure parts and preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) is applied when the thickness of the pressure part exceeds 11/4 in. (32 mm);
(3) for studs welded to pressure parts, provided preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) is applied when the thickness of the pressure
part exceeds 11/4 in. (32 mm); 用于将非承压零部件连接到厚度大于 11/4 英寸 (32 毫米)之承压零部件之坡口焊缝尺寸或填角焊之喉深均 ≤ 1/2 in.
(13 mm)起预热温度至少为 200°F (95°C),则焊后热处理才不是强制性要求;
(4) for hard-facing weld metal overlay, corrosion resistant weld metal overlay, or for welds attaching corrosion resistant applied linings (see UCL34), provided that when the thickness of the pressure part exceeds 1 1/4 in. (32 mm), a preheat to a minimum temperature of 200°F (95°C) shall be applied
and maintained during application of the first weld layer. 对于将硬面焊缝金属堆焊层、耐蚀焊缝金属堆焊层沉积在承压零部件上,或用于将耐腐
衬里(见 UCL-34)与用于该连接到承压零部件之焊缝而言,只要厚度大于1/4 in. (32 mm)且最低预热为 200°F (95°C) ,并在沉积第一堆焊层之过
(d) When the heating rate is less than 50°F/hr (28°C/h) between 800°F (425°C) and the holding temperature, the additional 15 min/in. (25 mm) holding
time is not required. Additionally, where the Manufacturer can provide evidence that the minimum temperature has been achieved throughout the thickness,
the additional 15 min/in. (25 mm) holding time is not required. 当在 800°F (425°C) 和持温温度间的加热速率小于 50°F/hr (28°C/h) 时,不要求额外的
15 min/in. (25 mm) 持温时间。 此外,如果制造商可以提供证据以证明整个厚度已达到最低温度,则不要求额外的 15 min/in. (25 mm) 持温时间。
Table UCS-56-11 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels — P-No. 15E
表 UCS-56-11 对属于P-No. 15E之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Minimum Holding Temperature
Maximum Holding
最低持温温度, °F (°C) [Note
度, °F (°C)
(1)] and [Note (2)]
P-No. 15E
1,300 (705)
[Note (3)] and [Note (4)]
Group No. 1
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Weld Thickness (Nominal) 标
称焊缝厚度在基准温度下的最短持温时间 [参见 UW-40(f)]
Up to 5 in. (125 mm)
Over 5 in. (125 mm)
1 hr/in. (2 min/mm), 30 min
5 hr plus 15 min for each additional inch (25
minimum 1 hr/in. (2 min/mm),,
mm) over 5 in. (125 mm) 称焊缝厚度大
但最少 30 分钟
于5 in. (125 mm)后的最短持温时间为5
hr 另加上每增量 1 inch (25 mm) 的所需
15 min
(a) Postweld heat treatment is not mandatory for electric resistance welds used to attach extended heat-absorbing fins to pipe and tube materials,
provided the following requirements are met: 只要满足以下要求,则对于用于将扩展吸热翅片连接到管材之电阻焊的焊后热处理不是强制性
a maximum pipe or tube size of NPS 4 (DN 100) 最大管材尺寸为 NPS 4 (DN 100)
a maximum specified carbon content (SA material specification carbon content, except when further limited by the Purchaser to a value
within the specification limits) of not more than 0.15%不超过 0.15% 的最大指定碳含量 (SA 材料规范的碳含量,除非买方进一步限制为规格范
Table UCS-56-11 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels — P-No. 15E
表 UCS-56-11 对属于P-No. 15E之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Minimum Holding Temperature
最低持温温度, °F (°C) [Note
(1)] and [Note (2)]
Maximum Holding
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Weld Thickness (Nominal) 标
称焊缝厚度在基准温度下的最短持温时间 [参见 UW-40(f)]
Up to 5 in. (125 mm)
Over 5 in. (125 mm)
度, °F (°C)
a maximum fin thickness of 1/8 in. (3 mm) 最大翅片厚度为1/8 in. (3 mm)
prior to using the welding procedure, the Manufacturer shall demonstrate that the heat-affected zone does not encroach upon the
minimum wall thickness在应用此类焊接规程之前,制造商应进行演示以证明热影响区不会蚕食最小管材壁厚。
(b) Postweld heat treatment is not mandatory for attaching bare-wire thermocouples by capacitor discharge welding or electric resistance welding,
the requirements of UCS-56(g) are met满足UCS-56(g)的要求
the maximum carbon content of the base material is restricted to 0.15%母材最大含碳量限值为 0.15%
the minimum wall thickness is 0.20 in. (5 mm) 最小壁厚达 0.20 in. (5 mm)
NOTES: :注释:
If the nominal weld thickness is ≤0.5 in. (13 mm), the minimum holding temperature is 1,250°F (675°C). 如果标称焊缝厚度 ≤ 0.5 in. (13
mm),则最低持持温度为 1,250°F (675°C)
(2) For dissimilar metal welds (i.e., welds made between a P-No. 15E Group No. 1 and another lower chromium ferritic, austenitic, or nickelbased steel), if filler metal chromium content is less than 3.0% or if the filler metal is nickel-based or austenitic, the minimum holding temperature shall
be 1,300°F (705°C). 如果用于异种金属焊缝 (即 P-No. 15E中 Gr-No. 1 与另一种低铬铁素体、奥氏体或镍基钢之间的焊缝)之熔填金属铬含量小
于 3.0%,或者如果熔填金属为镍基或奥氏体,则最低持温温度应为 1,300°F (705°C)。
(3) For welds made with matching Grade 91 filler metal (e.g., AWS A.5.5 E90xx-B91, ISO EN CrMo91), the maximum holding temperature
shall be determined as follows: 对于以匹配之 91 级熔填金属 (例如 AWS A.5.5 E90xx-B91、ISO EN CrMo91)所焊成之焊缝,其最高持温温度应
(a) If the Ni + Mn content of the filler metal is less than or equal to 1.0%, the maximum PWHT temperature shall be 1,455°F (790°C).
如果熔填金属的 Ni + Mn 含量小于或等于 1.0%,则最高 PWHT 温度应为 1,455°F (790°C)。
(b) If the Ni + Mn content of the filler metal is greater than 1.0% but less than or equal to 1.2%, the maximum PWHT temperature shall be
1,435°F (780°C).如果熔填金属的 Ni + Mn 含量大于 1.0% 但小于或等于 1.2%,则最大 PWHT 温度应为 1,435°F (780°C)。
(c) If the Ni + Mn content of the filler metal is greater than 1.2%, the maximum PWHT temperature shall be at least 20°F (10°C) below the
lower critical transformation temperature (Ac1) as determined by measurement of that temperature for the specific heat (or heats) of filler metal to be
used in accordance with ASTM A1033; in such case the following additional restrictions will apply: 如果熔填金属的 Ni + Mn 含量大于 1.2%,则最
高 PWHT 温度应至少比通过测量所确定的下临界转变温度 (Ac1) 低 20°F (10°C),该温度是根据 ASTM A1033在几个特定温度下为熔填金属
所绘制出之应变 温度曲线中所得出的下临界转变温度 (Ac1); 在这种情况下,以下附加限制将适用:
(1) The Ac1 temperature of the filler metal as measured in accordance with ASTM A1033 shall be included in the Manufacturer’s
Construction Records. 根据 ASTM A1033 对熔填金属所测定的下临界转变温度 (Ac1)温度应包含在制造商的施工记录中。
(2) The maximum operating temperature for any vessel constructed using filler metal with a Ni + Mn content in excess of 1.2% shall
be 975°F (525°C). 用 Ni + Mn 含量超过 1.2% 之熔填金属所焊制成的任何容器,其最高操作温度应为 975°F (525°C)。
The lower transformation temperature for matching filler material is affected by alloy content, primarily the total of Ni + Mn. The
maximum holding temperature has been set to avoid heat treatment in the intercritical zone. 匹配熔填金属的下转变温度受合金含量的影响,主要是
受 Ni + Mn 之总量所影响。 所以设置了最高保温温度是为避免在临界区进行热处理。
(d) If multiple welds made with matching Grade 91 filler metal in a pressure part or pressure vessel are to be postweld heat treated at the
same time, the maximum PWHT temperature shall be determined based on the weld with the highest Ni + Mn content. 如果承压零部件或承压容器中
的多条焊缝是采用匹配的 91 级熔填金属进行沉积同时进行焊后热处理时,则应根据 Ni + Mn 含量最高的焊缝来确定最高 PWHT 温度。
(4) If a portion of the component is heated above the heat treatment temperature allowed above, one of the following actions shall be performed:
The component in its entirety must be renormalized and tempered. 整个组件必须重新正火和回火。
If the maximum holding temperature in Note (3)(b) above is exceeded, but does not exceed 1,470°F (800°C), the weld metal shall be
removed and replaced. 如果超过了上述注释 (3)(b) 中的最高持持温度,但不超过 1,470°F (800°C)时,则应铲除并重新沉积焊缝金属。
(c) The portion of the component heated above 1,470°F (800°C) and at least 3 in. (75 mm) on either side of the overheated zone must be
replaced. 加热到 1,470°F (800°C) 以上且过热区两侧至少 3 in. (75 mm)的组件部分必须切除并更换相应材料。
(d) The allowable stress shall be that for Grade 9 material (i.e., SA-213-T9, SA-335-P9, or equivalent product specification) at the design
temperature, provided that the portion of the component heated to a temperature greater than that allowed above is reheat treated within the temperature
range specified above. To apply the provisions of this paragraph, the Manufacturer shall have qualified a WPS with representative test specimens that
accurately simulate the thermal history of the production part. Specifically, the qualification specimens shall first be heat treated at a similar temperature
for a similar time that violates the maximum holding temperature limit and then shall receive a final heat treatment for the required time within the
temperature range specified by this Table. The use of this provision shall be noted in the Manufacturer’s Data Report. 当组件的部分被加热到超过上
述允许温度的更高温度时,只要随后在上述所规定之温度范围内进行再热处理,则该组件之允许应力应为等级 9之材料 (即 SA-213-T9、SA-
Table UCS-56-11 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels — P-No. 15E
表 UCS-56-11 对属于P-No. 15E之碳钢和低合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Maximum Holding
Minimum Holding Temperature
最低持温温度, °F (°C) [Note
(1)] and [Note (2)]
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Weld Thickness (Nominal) 标
称焊缝厚度在基准温度下的最短持温时间 [参见 UW-40(f)]
Up to 5 in. (125 mm)
Over 5 in. (125 mm)
度, °F (°C)
335-P9 或等效产品规格)在设计温度下的应力。 为应用本段的规定,制造商应采用能够准确模拟生产组件之热经历史的代表性试样来对 WPS
进行评定。 具体而言,评定用试样应首先在超过最大持温温度限值的类似温度下进行类似持温时间的热处理,然后应在本表所规定之温度
范围内按所要求的持温时间进行最终热处理。 此条款的使用应在制造商的数据报告中注明。
Table UCS-56.1 Alternative Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements
for Carbon and Low Alloy Steels 表UCS-56.1 对碳钢和低合金钢的另
Decrease in Temperature Below
Minimum Specified
Temperature, °F (°C) 低于最低规
≤50 (≤28)
100 (56)
150 (83)
200 (111)
Minimum Holding Time [Note (1)] at
Decreased Temperature, hr 降低温度后
的最短持温时间 [注 (1)],单位:小
Nominal Thickness Above Which
Butt-Welded Joints Shall Be Fully
GENERAL NOTE: Applicable only when permitted in Tables UCS-56-1 through
UCS-56-11. 总注解:仅适用于表 UCS-56-1 至 UCS-56-11 中所允许的情况。
NOTES: :注释:
(1) Minimum holding time for 1 in. (25 mm) thickness or less. Add 15 min
per inch (25 mm) of thickness for thicknesses greater than 1 in. (25 mm). 此为厚度
≤ 1 in. (25 mm)的最短持温时间。当厚度大于1 in. (25mm)后,每1 in. (25 mm)增
量的最短持温时间为表列时间再加上 15 分钟。
Table UCS-57 Thickness Above Which Full
Radiographic Examination of Butt-Welded Joints Is
Mandatory表UCS-57 对焊接头之厚度大于表中所
These lower postweld heat treatment temperatures permitted only for P-
No. 1 Gr. Nos. 1 and 2 materials. 这些较低的焊后热处理温度仅适用于 P-No. 1中
Radiographed, in. (mm) 超过表中
P-No. and Group No.
Classification of Material按P-
11/4 (32)
/4 (19)
5/ (16)
0 (0)
0 (0)
0 (0)
0 (0)
5/ (16)
/8 (16)
/4 (19)
5/ (16)
5/ (16)
No. 和G-No. 分类之材料
1 Gr. 1, 2, 3
3 Gr. 1, 2, 3
4 Gr. 1, 2
5A Gr. 1, 2
5B Gr. 1
5C Gr. 1
15E, Gr. 1
9A Gr. 1
9B Gr. 1
10A Gr. 1
10B Gr. 1
10C Gr. 1
G-No. 1 和G-No. 2的材料。
In addition to the requirements of UW-11, complete radiographic examination is required for each buttwelded joint at which the
thinner of the plate or vessel wall thicknesses at the welded joint exceeds the thickness limit above which full radiography is required
in Table UCS-57. 除了 UW-11 的要求外,如果焊接接头处之板材或容器壁厚较薄者超过表 UCS-57 中所要求的 100%射线检
UCS-65 SCOPE适用范围
The following paragraphs contain requirements for vessels and vessel parts constructed of carbon and low alloy steels with respect to
minimum design metal temperatures. 以下各节包含了对由碳钢和低合金钢所建造之容器和容器零部件的最低设计金属温度要
(a) Unless exempted by the rules of UG-20(f) or other rules of this Division, Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M) shall be used to
establish impact testing exemptions for steels listed in Part UCS. When Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M) is used, impact testing is
required for a combination of minimum design metal temperature (see UG-20) and governing thickness (as defined below) that is
below the curve assigned to the subject material. If a minimum design metal temperature and governing thickness combination is on
or above the curve, impact testing is not required by the rules of this Division, except as required by (j) below and UCS-67(a)(3) for
weld metal. Components, such as shells, heads, nozzles, manways, reinforcing pads, stiffening rings, flanges, tubesheets, flat cover
plates, backing strips which remain in place, and attachments that are essential to the structural integrity of the vessel when welded to
pressure-retaining components, shall be treated as separate components. Each component shall be evaluated for impact test
requirements based on its individual material classification, governing thickness as defined in (1) and (2) below, and the minimum
design metal temperature. 除非为UG-20(f) 之规则或本卷其他规则所豁免,应以图 UCS-66 (图 UCS-66M)来确定UCS 篇所列钢
材是否可豁免除冲击测试。 当应用图 UCS-66 (图 UCS-66M)时,如果最低设计金属温度 (参见 UG-20)和管控厚度 (定义如下)
之组合的交叉点落在指定给该相应材料之曲线的下方时则表示需要进行冲击测试; 按本卷规则之规定,如果最低设计金属
温度和管控厚度之组合的交叉点落在曲线上或曲线上方,则不要求进行冲击测试,但以下 (j) 和 UCS-67(a)(3) 对焊缝金属的
要求除外。 诸如壳体、封头、管嘴、人孔、补强垫、补强环、法兰、管板、平盖板、保持在位之背衬带,以及焊接到对容
器结构完整性至关重要之承压组件上之附件等零部件,应被视为单独的组件。 应根据其单独的材料分类、下文 (1) 和 (2) 中
The following governing thickness definitions apply when using Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M): 当运用图 UCS-
66 (图 UCS-66M)时,管控厚度之定义如下所述:
(-a) Excluding castings, the governing thickness 𝒕𝒈 of a welded part is as follows: 不包括铸件之焊接件的管控厚度
𝒕𝒈 如下所述:
(-1) for butt joints except those in flat heads and tubesheets, the nominal thickness of the thickest welded joint
[see Figure UCS-66.3, sketch (a)]. 对于扁平封头和管板以外之对接接头而言,它们的管控厚度为该焊接接头中最厚件的
标称厚度 [见图 UCS-66.3,草图 (a)]。
(-2) for corner, fillet, or lap-welded joints, including attachments as defined above, the thinner of the two parts
joined. 对于填角焊、角接焊或搭焊接头,包括上述所定义的附属件,它们的管控厚度为所要连接之两相邻零部件中较
(-3) for flat heads or tubesheets, the larger of (-2) above or the flat component thickness divided by 4. 扁平封头
和管板之管控厚度为如上 (-2)或扁平元组件厚度除以 4中的较大者。
(-4) for welded assemblies comprised of more than two components (e.g., nozzle-to-shell joint with reinforcing
pad), the governing thickness and permissible minimum design metal temperature of each of the individual welded joints of
the assembly shall be determined, and the warmest of the minimum design metal temperatures shall be used as the permissible
minimum design metal temperature of the welded assembly. [See Figure UCS-66.3, sketch (b).] 对于由两个以上组件所组成
的焊接组装件 (例如,带补强之管嘴嘴与壳体之接头)而言,应确定该组件之每一单独焊接接头的管控厚度和许用最低
设计金属温度, 最低设计金属温度中的最高温度应用作该焊接组装件的许用最低设计金属温度 [参见图 UCS-66.3,
草图 (b)]。
(-5) if the governing thickness at any welded joint exceeds 4 in. (100 mm) and the minimum design metal
temperature is colder than 120°F (50°C), impact tested material shall be used. 如果任何焊接接头处之管控制厚度大于 4 in.
(100 mm)并且最低设计金属温度低于 120°F (50°C)时,则应采用经过冲击测试的材料。
(-b) The governing thickness of a casting shall be its largest nominal thickness. 铸件之管控厚度应为其最大标称厚
(-c) The governing thickness of flat nonwelded parts, such as bolted flanges, tubesheets, and flat heads, is the flat
component thickness divided by 4. 非焊制零部件 (例如用螺栓连接之法兰、管板和扁平封头)的管控厚度为该扁平组件厚度
除以 4后的数据。
(-d) The governing thickness of a nonwelded dished head [see Figure 1-6, sketch (c)] is the greater of the flat flange
thickness divided by 4 or the minimum thickness of the dished portion. 非焊制蝶形封头的管控厚度 [见图 1-6,草图 (c)] 是平
法兰厚度除以 4 或蝶形部位之最小厚度中的较大者。
(-e) If the governing thickness of the nonwelded part exceeds 6 in. (150 mm) and the minimum design metal
temperature is colder than 120°F (50°C), impact tested material shall be used. 如果非焊制件之管控厚度大于 6 in. (150 mm)并
且最低设计金属温度低于 120°F (50°C)时,则应使用经过冲击测试的材料。
Examples of the governing thickness for some typical vessel details are shown in Figure UCS-66.3. 几种典型容器细
节之管控厚度的示例如图 UCS-66.3 所示。
NOTE: The use of provisions in UCS-66 which waive the requirements for impact testing does not provide assurance that all test results for
these materials would satisfy the impact energy requirements of UG-84 if tested. 注意:使用 UCS-66 中免除冲击测试要求之规定并不能
保证这些材料的所有测试结果在测试时都将满足 UG-84 的冲击能的要求。
When the coincident ratio defined in Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M) is less than one, Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS66.1M) provides a basis for the use of components made of Part UCS materials to have a colder MDMT than that derived from (a)
above without impact testing. Use of Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M) is not permitted for bolts and nuts. For pressure vessel
attachments that are exposed to tensile stresses from internal pressure (e.g., nozzle reinforcement pads, horizontal vessel saddle
attachments, and stiffening rings), the coincident ratio shall be that of the shell or head to which each component is attached.
当图 UCS-66.1 (图 UCS-66.1M)中所定义的重合比小于 1时,图 UCS-66.1 (图 UCS-66.1M)为使用由 UCS篇材料所制成之组件
在不进行冲击试验的情况下具有比上述(a) 未经冲击测试所得出之MDMT更冷的MDMT提供了依据,但图 UCS-66.1 (图
UCS-66.1M)不适用于螺栓和螺母。 对于承受来自内部压力之抗伸应力的压力容器附件 (例如,管嘴补强垫、卧式容器鞍座
See below. 见下文。
(-a) For such components, and for a MDMT of −55°F (−48°C) and warmer, the MDMT without impact testing
determined in (a) above for the given material and thickness may be reduced as determined from Figure UCS-66.2. If the resulting
temperature is colder than the required MDMT, impact testing of the material is not required. 上文 (a) 中针对MDMT ≥ −55°F
(−48°C)之给定材料和厚度而确定为无须冲击测试之此类组件可根据图UCS-66.2来降低 MDMT。 如果所产生的温度低于
所要求的 MDMT,则不需要对材料进行冲击测试。
(-b) Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M) may also be used for components not stressed in general primary
membrane tensile stress, such as flat heads, covers, tubesheets, and flanges. The MDMT of these components without impact
testing as determined in (a) or (c) may be reduced as determined from Figure UCS-66.2. The ratio used in Step 3 of Figure UCS66.2 shall be the ratio of maximum design pressure at the MDMT to the maximum allowable pressure (MAP) of the component at
the MDMT. If the resulting temperature is colder than the required MDMT, impact testing of the material is not required, provided
the MDMT is not colder than −55°F (−48°C). 图 UCS-66.1 (图 UCS-66.1M)也可以用于不承受一次总薄膜拉应力的组件 (诸
扁平平封头、盖板、管板和法兰)。 当按 (a)或 (c) 确定免做冲击测试之组件的 MDMT也可按图 UCS-66.2 予以降低。 图
UCS-66.2 之步骤 3 中所采用的比直应是所述组件在 MDMT 处之最大设计压力与 MDMT 处之最大允许压力 (MAP) 的比
值。 如果所得温度低于所需的 MDMT,则不需要对材料进行冲击测试,前提是 MDMT 不低于 −55°F (−48°C)。
Minimum Design Metal Temperature最低设计金属温度, ºC
Figure UCS-66M Impact Test Exemption Curves图 UCS-66M 冲击试验豁免曲线
Impact testing required要进行冲击试验
管控制厚度,单位:mm [焊接结构的最大管控制厚度限为100 mm]
Figure UCS-66M Impact Test Exemption Curves图 UCS-66M 冲击试验豁免曲线
Tabular values for this figure are provided in Table UCS-66. 此图的表格值见表 UCS-66 。
See UCS-66(a). 参见 UCS-66(a)。
For bolting and nuts, the following impact test exemption temperatures shall apply: 在下列温度温度下,螺栓和螺母可豁免于冲
L7, L7A, L7M
直径,单位:in. (mm)
Up to 4 (100), incl.
Up to 21/2 in. (64), incl.
Over 21/2 (64) to 7 (175), incl.
Up to 21/2 (64), incl.
Up to 7 (175), incl.
Up to 21/2 (64), incl.
可豁免冲击试验之温度,单位:°F (°C)
−20 (−30)
−55 (−48)
−40 (−40)
−55 (−48)
−20 (−30)
−20 (−30)
Up to 1 (25), incl.
B4B, B4C
参见图 UG-84.1中通用性注释 (c)
−20 (−30)
0 (−18)
+20 (−7)
B21 Cl. All
Up to 3 (75), incl.
B22 Cl. 3
Up to 4 (100), incl.
Impact test required需做冲击试验
B23 Cl. 1, 2
B23 Cl. 3, 4
B23 Cl. 3, 4
Up to 6 (150), incl.
Over 6 (150) to 91/2 (240), incl.
Impact test required需做冲击试验
See Figure UG-84.1, General Note (c)
B23 Cl. 5
Up to 8 (200), incl.
参见图 UG-84.1中通用性注释 (c)
B23 Cl. 5
Over 8 (200) to 91/2 (240), incl.
Impact test required需做冲击试验
B24 Cl. 1
Up to 6 (150), incl.
参见图 UG-84.1中通用性注释 (c)
B24 Cl. 1
Over 6 (150) to 8 (200), incl.
Impact test required需做冲击试验
B24 Cl. 2
Up to 7 (175), incl.
参见图 UG-84.1中通用性注释 (c)
B24 Cl. 2
Over 7 (175) to 91/2 (240), incl.
Impact test required需做冲击试验
B24 Cl. 3, 4
Up to 8 (200), incl.
参见图 UG-84.1中通用性注释 (c)
B24 Cl. 3, 4
Over 8 (200) to 91/2 (240), incl.
参见图 UG-84.1中通用性注释 (c)
B24 Cl. 5
Up to 91/2 (240), incl.
参见图 UG-84.1中通用性注释 (c)
B24V Cl. 3
参见图 UG-84.1中通用性注释 (c)
(13) to 11/2 (38)
Up to 4 (100), incl.
Up to 4 (100), incl.
All diameters
参见图 UG-84.1中通用性注释 (c)
参见图 UG-84.1中通用性注释 (c)
−20 (−30)
Impact test required需做冲击试验
Impact test required需做冲击试验
2, 2H, 2HM, 3, 4, 7, 7M, and 16
可豁免冲击试验之温度,单位:°F (°C)
−55 (−48)
−55 (−48)
When no class or grade is shown, all classes or grades are included. 如果未显示类别号或牌号,则包括所有类别号或牌号。
The following shall apply to all material assignment notes: 以下为适用于所有材料的作业说明:
(1) Cooling rates faster than those obtained by cooling in air, followed by tempering, as permitted by the material
specification, are considered to be equivalent to normalizing or normalizing and tempering heat treatments. 在材料规范所允许的情况
下,比空冷快的随后回火冷却速度,被认为等同于正火或正火 + 回火热处理。
(2) Fine grain practice is defined as the procedure necessary to obtain a fine austenitic grain size as described in SA-20.
细晶粒技为获得 SA-20 中所述的细奥氏体晶粒尺寸所需的工艺。
Normalized rolling condition is not considered as being equivalent to normalizing.正火轧制状态不等同于正火。
Castings not listed in Notes (1) and (2) below shall be impact tested. 如下注释(1) 和 (2) 中未列出的铸件应进行冲击试验。
NOTES: :注释:
(1) Curve A applies to the following: 曲线 A 适用于以下材料:
(a) all carbon and all low alloy steel plates, structural shapes, and bars not listed in Curves B, C, and D below 未列于以下曲线
B、C 和 D 中之所有碳钢和所有低合金钢板、结构型材和棒材
(b) SA-216 Grades WCB and WCC if normalized and tempered or water-quenched and tempered; SA-217 Grade WC6 if
normalized and tempered or water-quenched and tempered SA-216 中经正火 + 回火或 水淬+回火处理的牌号WCB 和
WCC;SA-217 中经正火 + 回火或 水淬+回火之牌号 WC6
Figure UCS-66M Impact Test Exemption Curves图 UCS-66M 冲击试验豁免曲线
(c) A/SA-105 forged flanges supplied in the as-forged condition 以锻造状态供应的 A/SA-105 锻造法兰
(d) SA/IS 2062 Grades E250A, E250BR, E250B0, and E250C supplied in the normalized rolling condition. 在正火轧制态下供货
的SA/IS 2062 牌号 E250A、E250BR、E250B0 和 E250C。
(2) Curve B applies to the following: 曲线 B 适用于以下材料:
(a) see below: 见下文:
A/SA-105 forged flanges produced to fine grain practice and normalized, normalized and tempered, or quenched and tempered
after forging 按细晶粒技术生产并在锻造后经正火、正火+回火或淬火+回火处理之A/SA-105 锻造法兰
SA-216 Grade WCA if normalized and tempered or water-quenched and tempered SA-216中经正火+回火或 水淬+回火的牌号
SA-216 Grades WCB and WCC for thicknesses not exceeding 2 in. (50 mm) , if produced to fine grain practice and waterquenched and tempered SA-216中厚度不超过2 in. (50 mm)并按照细晶粒技术生产且进行水淬+回火处理的牌号 WCB
SA-217 Grade WC9 if normalized and tempered SA-217中经正火+回火处理的牌号 WC9
SA-285 Grades A and B
SA-414 Grade A
SA-515 Grade 60
SA-516 Grades 65 and 70 if not normalized SA-516中未经正常化处理的牌号 65 和 70
SA-612 if not normalized未经正常化处理的SA-612 高强度PVQ钢板
SA-662 Grade B if not normalized SA-662中未经正常化处理的牌号 B
SA/EN 10028-2 Grades P235GH, P265GH, P295GH, and P355GH as rolled 以轧制态供应之SA/EN 10028-2牌号 P235GH、
P265GH、P295GH 和 P355GH
SA/AS 1548 Grades PT430NR and PT460NR
SA/GB 713 Grade Q345R if not normalized 未经正常化处理的SA/GB 713 牌号 Q345R
(b) except for cast steels, all materials of Curve A, if produced to fine grain practice and normalized, normalized and tempered, or
liquid quenched and tempered as permitted in the material specification, and not listed in Curves C and D below 除铸钢外,归类
为曲线 A 的所有材料,如果按照材料规范中所允许的细晶粒技术生产并经正火、正火+回火或液淬 + 回火处理,则未列
在如下的曲线 C 和 D 中
(c) all pipe, fittings, forgings and tubing not listed for Curves C and D below 未在下列C 和 D曲线中列出的所有管道、配件、锻件
(d) parts permitted under UG-11 even when fabricated from plate that otherwise would be assigned to a different curve UG-11 所许用
之零部件,即使是由指定为不同曲线之板材所制造的零部件仍属于B 曲线
(3) Curve C applies to the following: 曲线 C 适用于以下材料:
(a) see below: 见下文:
SA-182 Grades F21 and F22 if normalized and tempered SA-182中经正火+回火处理的牌号 F21 和 F22
SA-302 Grades C and D
SA-336 F21 and F22 if normalized and tempered, or liquid quenched and tempered SA-336中经正火+回火处理或经液淬+回
火处理的牌号 F21 和 F22
SA-387 Grades 21 and 22 if normalized and tempered, or liquid quenched and tempered SA-387中经经正火+回火处理或经液
淬+回火处理的牌号 21和 22
SA-516 Grades 55 and 60 if not normalized SA-516 6中未经正常化处理之牌号 55 和 60
SA-533 Types B and C Class 1
SA-662 Grade A
SA/EN 10028-2 Grade 10CrMo9–10 if normalized and tempered SA/EN 10028-2中未经正常化+回火处理之牌号10CrMo9–10
(b) all materials listed in Notes 2(a) and 2(c) for Curve B if produced to fine grain practice and normalized, normalized and tempered,
or liquid quenched and tempered as permitted in the material specification, and not listed for Curve D below 曲线 B 的注释 2(a)
和 2(c) 中所列出之所有材料如按细晶粒技术生产并经正火、正火+回火,或材料规范所允许的液淬+回火,则不列入如下
曲线 D
(4) Curve D applies to the following: 曲线 D 适用于以下材料:
SA-299 if normalized SA-508 Grade 1 经正常化处理之SA-299 《压力容器用碳锰硅钢板标准规范》
SA-516 if normalized or quenched and tempered 经正火或调质处理之SA-516
SA-524 Classes 1 and 2
SA-537 Classes 1, 2, and 3
SA-612 if normalized 经正常化处理之SA-612
Figure UCS-66M Impact Test Exemption Curves图 UCS-66M 冲击试验豁免曲线
SA-662 if normalized 经正常化处理之SA-662
SA-738 Grade A
SA-738 Grade A with Cb and V deliberately added in accordance with the provisions of the material specification, not colder than
−20°F (−29°C) 根据材料规范的规定有意掺入 Cb 和 V且最低使用温度不低于 −20°F (−29°C)之SA-738《中、低温压力容
器用热处理的碳锰硅钢板 》中的牌号 A
SA-738 Grade B not colder than −20°F (−29°C) SA/AS 1548 Grades PT430N and PT460N 在不低于 −20°F (−29°C)下使用之SA738《中、低温压力容器用热处理的碳锰硅钢板 》中的牌号 B
SA/EN 10028-2 Grades P235GH, P265GH, P295GH, and P355GH if normalized 经正常化处理之之SA/EN 10028-2中的牌号
P235GH、P265GH、P295GH 和 P355GH
SA/EN 10028-3 Grade P275NH
SA/GB 713 Grade Q345R if normalized 经正常化处理之SA/GB 713中的牌号 Q345R
Table UCS-66 Tabular Values for Figure UCS-66 and Figure UCS-66M
表 UCS-66 图 UCS-66 和图 UCS-66M 的表格值
Customary Units美国惯用单位制
曲线 A, °F
曲线 B, °F
曲线 C, °F
SI Units国际单位制
曲线 D, °F
曲线 A, °C
曲线 B, °C
曲线 C, °C
曲线 D, °C
Table UCS-66 Tabular Values for Figure UCS-66 and Figure UCS-66M
表 UCS-66 图 UCS-66 和图 UCS-66M 的表格值
Customary Units美国惯用单位制
SI Units国际单位制
Figure UCS-66.1M Reduction in Minimum Design Metal Temperature Without Impact Testing
Ratio: tr𝐸 ∗/(𝑡𝑛 – c) [Note
图 UCS-66.1M 最低设计金属温度在不进行冲击测试时的降低值
See UCS-66(b)(3) when ratios are 0.35 and smaller
当比值 ≤ 0.35时请参见UCS-66(b)(3)
ºC [Note (2)]
c = corrosion allowance, mm 腐蚀余量,单位:mm
𝐸 ∗ = as defined in Figure UCS-66.2, Note (3) 见图 UCS-66.2注 (3)之定义
𝑡𝑛 = nominal thickness of the component under consideration before corrosion allowance is deducted, mm 拟计算组件在扣除腐蚀余量前的标称厚
度 ,单位:mm
𝑡r = required thickness of the component under consideration in the corroded condition for all applicable loadings [Figure UCS-66.2, Note (2)], based on
the applicable joint efficiency E [Figure UCS-66.2, Note (3)], mm 接头在所有可能施加载荷及所考虑之腐蚀条件下 [图 UCS-66.2,注释
(2)] ,按所适用之接头效率 E [图 UCS-66.2,注释 (3)]而得出的所需厚度,单位:mm
NOTES: :注释:
(1) Alternative Ratio = 𝑆 ∗ 𝐸 ∗ divided by the product of the maximum allowable stress value from Table UCS-23 times E , where 𝑆 ∗ is the applied
general primary membrane tensile stress and E and 𝐸 ∗ are as defined in Figure UCS-66.2, Note (3) 交替比 = 𝑆 ∗ 𝐸 ∗ 除以表 UCS-23 中的最大许用应力
值再乘以 E 的乘积,其中𝑆 ∗ 是所施加的一次总薄膜拉应力,E 和𝐸 ∗ 之定义见图 UCS-66.2注 (3)
(2) See UCS-66(b). 请参阅 UCS-66(b)。
Figure UCS-66.2 Diagram of UCS-66 Rules for Determining Lowest Minimum Design Metal
Temperature (MDMT) Without Impact Testing 图 UCS-66.2 无需冲击测试即可确定最低设计金属温度
(MDMT) 的 UCS-66 规则图
Establish nominal thickness [Note (1)] of welded parts, nonwelded parts, and attachments under consideration both
before and after corrosion allowance is deducted (𝑡𝑛 and 𝑡𝑛 – c, respectively), and other pertinent data applicable to the
nominal thickness, such as: 在扣除腐蚀余量 (分别为𝑡𝑛 和𝑡𝑛 – c)之前和之后,拟用焊接件、非焊接件和附属件的
标称厚度 [注 (1)],以及适用于标称厚度的其他相关数据,例如 :
All applicable loadings [Note (2)] and coincident minimum design metal temperature (MDMT) 所施加之所有载荷[注
(2)] 和重合的最低设计金属温度 (MDMT)
Step 1
Materials of construction建造资料
E = joint efficiency [Note (3)] 接头系数 [注 (3)]
𝑡𝑛 = nominal noncorroded thickness [Note (1)], in. (mm) 标称未腐蚀厚度 [注 (1)],单位:in. (mm)
𝑡r = required thickness in corroded condition for all applicable loadings [Note (2)], based on the applicable joint
efficiency [Note (3)], in. (mm) 在所施加之所有载荷 [注 (2)] 及腐蚀条件下按所适用之接头系数 [注 (3)]]
而得出的所需厚度,单位:in. (mm)
Applicable curve(s) of Figure UCS-66 图 UCS-66 的适用曲线
c = corrosion allowance, in. (mm) 腐蚀余量,单位:in. (mm)
Step 2
Select MDMT from Figure UCS-66 [Note (4)] for each nominal noncorroded
governing thickness [Note (5)]. 按每一标称非腐蚀态下之管控厚度 [注 (5)] 从图
UCS-66 [注 (4)] 选择相应的MDMT。
Step 3
Determine Ratio: 确定比值:
𝑡𝑓 𝐸 ∗
𝑡𝑛 −𝑐
[Notes (3), (6), (7), and (8)]
Step 4
Using Ratio from Step 3 to enter ordinate of Figure UCS-66.1,
determine reduction in Step 2 MDMT [Note (9)]. 将步骤 3 中所
得出之比值输入图 UCS-66.1 的纵坐标,以确定步骤 2
MDMT 中的降低值 [注 (9)]。
Step 5
Determine adjusted MDMT for governing thickness under
consideration. 确定调整后的 MDMT 以用于获得拟用工件
Step 6
Repeat for all governing thicknesses [Note (5)] and take warmest value as the lowest
allowable MDMT to be marked on nameplate for the zone under consideration
[Note (9)]. See UG-116. 重复确定所有管控厚度 [注 (5)],并取擬計算区域的最
暖值作为标记在铭牌上之最低许用 MDMT [注 (9)],参见 UG-116。
NOTES: 注释:
(1) For pipe where a mill undertolerance is allowed by the material specification, the thickness after mill undertolerance has been deducted
shall be taken as the noncorroded nominal thickness 𝑡𝑛 for determination of the MDMT to be stamped on the nameplate. Likewise, for formed
heads, the minimum specified thickness after forming shall be used as 𝑡𝑛 . 对于材料规范允许有轧制负偏差之管材而言,应以减去轧制负偏
差后之厚度来作为未腐蚀标称厚度tn,以用于确定铭牌上所要压印的MDMT。 同样,对于成型封头,成型后的最小规定厚度应用作
t n。
(2) Loadings, including those listed in UG-22, which result in general primary membrane tensile stress at the coincident MDMT. 会导致
在重合的 MDMT 处产生一次总薄膜拉应力的载荷 (包括 UG-22 中所列出之载荷)。
(3) E is the joint efficiency (Table UW-12) used in the calculation of 𝑡r ; 𝐸 ∗ has a value equal to E except that 𝐸 ∗ shall not be less than 0.80.
For castings, use quality factor or joint efficiency, E , whichever governs design. E 是计算𝑡r 时所采用的接头系数 (表 UW-12);𝐸 ∗ 的值等于
Figure UCS-66.2 Diagram of UCS-66 Rules for Determining Lowest Minimum Design Metal
Temperature (MDMT) Without Impact Testing 图 UCS-66.2 无需冲击测试即可确定最低设计金属温度
(MDMT) 的 UCS-66 规则图
E,但𝐸 不应小于 0.80。 对于铸件而言,采用质量系数或接头效率 E,这取决何者控制着设计。
(4) The construction of Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M) is such that the MDMT so selected is considered to occur coincidentally with
an applied general primary membrane tensile stress at the maximum allowable stress value in tension from Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table
1A. Tabular values for Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M) are shown in Table UCS-66. 图 UCS-66 (图 UCS-66M)的构造使得如此选择的
MDMT 被认为与在第 II-D 卷 第 1 篇表 1A之最大允许应力应力值下所施加的一次总薄膜拉应力同时发生。 图 UCS-66 (图 UCS-66M)
的表格值见表 UCS-66。
(5) See UCS-66(a)(1)(-a), (a)(1)(-b), and (a)(1)(-c) for definitions of governing thickness. 有关管控厚度的定义,请参阅 UCS-66(a)(1)(a)、(a)(1)(-b) 和 (a)(1)(-c)。
(6) Alternatively, a Ratio of 𝑆 ∗ 𝐸 ∗ divided by the product of the maximum allowable stress value in tension from Section II, Part D, Subpart
1, Table 1A times E may be used, where 𝑆 ∗ is the applied general primary membrane tensile stress and E and 𝐸 ∗ are as defined in Note (3). 比
值的另一种算法是:𝑆 ∗ 𝐸 ∗ 除以第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A 中之最大允许应力值再乘上 E的乘积(译注:即比值=𝑆 ∗ 𝐸 ∗/SE),其中𝑆 ∗ 是
所产生之一次总薄膜拉应力, E 和𝐸 ∗ 之定义见注 (3)。
(7) For UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) and UCS-66(i)(2), a ratio of the maximum design pressure at the MDMT to the maximum allowable pressure
(MAP) at the MDMT shall be used. The MAP is defined as the highest permissible pressure as determined by the design equations for a
component using the nominal thickness less corrosion allowance and the maximum allowable stress value from the Section II, Part D, Subpart
1, Table 1A at the MDMT. For ferritic steel flanges defined in UCS-66(c), the flange rating at the warmer of the MDMT or 100°F (38°C) may
be used as the MAP. 对于 UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) 和 UCS-66(i)(2)而言,应取 MDMT 处之最大设计压力与 MDMT 处之最大允许压力 (MAP)
的比值。 MAP 被定义为,由将标称厚度减去腐蚀余量的厚度和第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A 中在MDMT处之最大允许应力值带入该组件
之设计方程而确定的最高许用压力。 对于 UCS-66(c) 中定义的铁素体钢法兰而言,MDMT 或 100°F (38°C) 中之较高温度下的法兰额
定值可用作 MAP
(8) For reductions in MDMT up to and including 40°F (22°C), the reduction can be determined by: reduction in MDMT = (1 − Ratio)
100°F (56°C). 当MDMT的 降低值 ≤ 40°F (22°C)时,可通过MDMT 降低值 = (1 − 比值) 乘以 40°F (22°C)的方式来确定之。
(9) A colder MDMT may be obtained by selective use of impact tested materials as appropriate to the need (see UG-84). See also UCS68(c). 可根据实际需求,选用经过冲击测试之材料来获得更低的 MDMT (参见 UG-84); 另见 UCS-68(c)。
(-c) In lieu of using (-b) above, the MDMT determined in (a) may be reduced for a flange attached by welding, by the
same reduction as determined in (-a) above for the neck or shell to which the flange is attached. 对于通过焊接来进行连接之法兰
而言,可通过降低 (a) 中所确定之 MDMT来作为上述 (-b)的另一另选用方法 ,其降低值与上述 (-a) 中针对法兰所要连接
NOTE: The gasket seating condition need not be considered when determining the temperature reduction for flanges. 注:在确定法兰
(-d) Longitudinal stress in the vessel due to netsection bending that results in general primary membrane tensile stress
(e.g., due to wind or earthquake in a vertical vessel, at mid-span and in the plane of the saddles of a saddle-supported horizontal
vessel) shall be considered when calculating the coincident ratio in Figure UCS-66.2, Step 3 [see Figure UCS-66.2, Note (2)].
在计算图 UCS-66.2 步骤 3 中的重合比时应顾及由净截面弯曲而导致容器中之纵向应力进而产生一次总膜拉应力 (例如,
由于作用在立式容器上或卧式容器支撑鞍座中跨处和在鞍座平面中的风载荷或地震而产生之应立) [见图 UCS-66.2,注
For minimum design metal temperatures colder than −55°F (−48°C), impact testing is required for all materials, except
as allowed in (3) below and in UCS-68(c). 当最低设计金属温度低于 −55°F (−48°C) 的,所有材料都需要进行冲击测试,但以下
(3) 和 UCS-68(c) 中所允许者除外。
(3) When the minimum design metal temperature is colder than −55°F (−48°C) and no colder than −155°F (−105°C), and
the coincident ratio defined in Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M) is less than or equal to 0.35, impact testing is not required. 当最
低设计金属温度低于 −55°F (−48°C) 但不低于 −155°F (−105°C) 且图 UCS-66.1 中所定义的重合比 (图 UCS -66.1M) ≤ 0.35时,
Impact testing is not required for the following types of ferritic steel flanges: 下列类型的铁素体钢法兰不需要进行冲击试
ASME B16.5, ASME B16.47, and long weld neck forged flanges: 符合ASME B16.5、ASME B16.47之长焊颈锻造
(-a) when produced to fine-grain practice and supplied in the heat-treated condition (normalized, normalized and
tempered, or quenched and tempered after forging) and used at design temperatures not colder than –20°F (–29°C). A
certification statement on a Material Test Report or certificate of compliance attesting to production to fine grain practice is
sufficient. 当如上 (1)所述长焊颈锻造法兰是按细晶粒技术生产并以热处理态 (正火、正火和回火,或锻造后淬火和回火)
供货且用于设计温度不低于 –20°F (–29°C) 之工况下使用时,则该长焊颈锻造法兰只要具有材料测试报告上的认证声明
(-b) when supplied in the as-forged condition and used at design temperatures not colder than 0°F (–18°C). 当以锻态
供应并在不低于 0°F (–18°C) 之设计温度下使用时。
Long weld neck flanges are defined as forged nozzles meeting the dimensional requirements of a flanged fitting given
in ASME B16.5 but having a straight hub/neck. The inside diameter of the neck shall not be less than the nominal pipe size of
the flange, and the outside diameter of the hub/neck shall not exceed the hub diameter specified in ASME B16.5. 长焊颈法兰被
定义为满足 ASME B16.5 中针对法兰配件所给出之尺寸要求但具有直套壳/焊颈部的锻造管嘴,切该焊颈部的内径不应
小于法兰的公称管道尺寸,套壳/焊颈部的外径不应超过ASME B16.5中所规定的套壳直径。
(2) SA-216 GR WCB split loose cast flanges used at minimum design metal temperatures not colder than −20°F (−29°C)
when 在如下条件,符合SA-216 牌号 WCB之对开活套铸造法兰不应在比−20°F (−29°C) 更冷之最低设计金属温度下使用
(-a) their outside diameter and bolting dimensions comply with either ASME B16.5 Class 150 or Class 300
它们的外径和螺栓尺寸符合 ASME B16.5 牌号150 或牌号 300的规定
the flange thickness is not greater than either ASME B16.5 Class 150 or Class 300, respectively 法兰厚度分别
不大于 ASME B16.5 牌号150 或牌号 300的规定厚度
No impact testing is required for Part UCS materials 0.10 in. (2.5 mm) in thickness and thinner, but such exempted Part UCS
materials shall not be used at design metal temperatures colder than −55°F (−48°C). For vessels or components made from NPS 4 (DN
100) or smaller tubes or pipe of P-No. 1 materials, the following exemptions from impact testing are also permitted as a function of
the material specified minimum yield strength (SMYS) for metal temperatures of −155°F (−105°C) and warmer: UCS篇中厚度 ≤0.10
in. (2.5 mm)之材料不需要进行冲击测试,但被此类豁免的 UCS 篇材料不应在比-55°F (-48°C)更冷之设计金属温度下使用 ;
在金属温度不低于−155°F (−105°C) 下 , 只要材料厚度与最小规定降服强度 (SMYS)之关系满足下表,则允许免做冲击试
最小规定降服强度 (SMYS), ksi (MPa)
20 to 35 (140 to 240)
36 to 45 (250 to 310)
46 (320) and higher
Thickness厚度, in. (mm)
0.237 (6.0)
0.125 (3.2)
0.10 (2.5)
The material manufacturer’s identification marking required by the material specification shall not be stamped on plate
material less than 1/4 in. (6 mm) in thickness unless the following requirements are met. 除非满足以下要求,否则材料规范所要求
的材料制造商识别标记不应印在厚度小于1/4 in. (6 mm)的板材上。
(1) The materials shall be limited to P-No. 1 Gr. Nos. 1 and 2. 材料应限为 P-No. 1 中G-No. 1和G-No. 2材料 。
(2) The minimum nominal plate thickness shall be 3/16 in. (5 mm), or the minimum nominal pipe wall thickness shall be
0.154 in. (3.91 mm). 最小标称板厚应为 3/16 in. (5 mm),或最小标称管壁厚度应为 0.154 in. (3.91 mm)。
(3) The minimum design metal temperature shall be no colder than −20°F (−29°C). 最低设计金属温度不应低于 −20°F
Figure UCS-66.3 Some Typical Vessel Details Showing the Governing Thicknesses as Defined in UCS-66
图 UCS-66.3 显示 UCS-66 中所定义之控制厚度的几种典型容器细节
Section x-x
𝐭 𝐠𝟐 = 𝒕𝑨 (seamless) or 𝒕𝐁 (welded)
(a) Butt Welded Components 对接焊组件
Figure UCS-66.3 Some Typical Vessel Details Showing the Governing Thicknesses as Defined in UCS-66
图 UCS-66.3 显示 UCS-66 中所定义之控制厚度的几种典型容器细节
𝐭 𝐠𝟏 = the thinner of
𝒕𝑨 or𝒕𝐁
𝐭 𝐠𝟐 = the thinner
of 𝒕𝐁 or 𝒕𝐂
𝐭 𝐠𝟑 = the thinner of
𝒕𝑨 or 𝒕𝐁
(b) Welded Connection With Reinforcement Plate Added具有补强板的焊接连接件
The governing thickness of ○,A is the greater of 𝑡𝑔1 or 𝑡𝑔2
The governing thickness of ○,B is the greater of 𝑡𝑔2.
(c) Bolted Flat Head or Tubesheet and Flange
(d) Integral Flat Head or Tubesheet
Section x-x
The governing thickness of ○,A is the greater of 𝒕𝒈𝟏 or 𝒕𝒈𝟐
The governing thickness of ○,B is the greater of 𝒕𝒈𝟐 .
(e) Flat Head or Tubesheet Forming a Corner Joint With Cylinder扁平封头或管板与筒体所形成的角接接头
Figure UCS-66.3 Some Typical Vessel Details Showing the Governing Thicknesses as Defined in UCS-66
图 UCS-66.3 显示 UCS-66 中所定义之控制厚度的几种典型容器细节
𝒕𝒈𝟐 = thinner of tA or tB
Section Y-Y
The governing thickness of ○,A is the greater of 𝒕𝒈𝟏 or 𝒕𝒈𝟐
The governing thickness of ○,B is the greater of 𝒕𝒈𝟐 or 𝒕𝒈𝟑 .
(f) Two Flat Plates With a Corner Joint两个带角接接头的平板材
Pressure part
Pressure part
𝐭 𝐠𝟏 = 𝒕𝑨 或𝒕𝑪 的较薄者
𝐭 𝐠𝟏 = 𝒕𝑨 或𝒕𝐁 的较薄者
(g) Welded Attachments as Defined in UCS-66(a) UCS-66(a) 所中定义的焊制附
(h) Integrally Reinforced Welded Connection整体补强之焊接连接件
(a) Using 𝒕𝒈𝟏 , 𝐭𝐠𝟐, and 𝐭𝐠𝟑, determine the warmest MDMT and use that as the permissible MDMT for the welded assembly. 用𝒕𝒈𝟏 , 𝒕𝒈𝟐 和𝒕𝒈𝟑 所确
定的最高 MDMT,并将其用作焊接件的许用MDMT。
(b) 𝒕𝒈 = governing thickness of the welded joint as defined in UCS-66. 𝒕𝒈 等于UCS-66 中所定义的焊接接头管控厚度。
Materials, other than bolting materials, having a specified minimum yield strength greater than 65 ksi (450 MPa) shall be
impact tested. However, they may be used at temperatures colder than the minimum design metal temperature as limited in (1) and (2)
below. 除螺栓材料外,最小规定降服强度大于 65 ksi (450 MPa)之材料应进行冲击试验。 但是,它们可以在低于如下 (1) 和
(2) 中所限制之最低设计金属温度的温度下使用。
(1) When the coincident ratio defined in Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M) is 0.35 or less, the corresponding minimum
design metal temperature shall not be colder than –155°F (–104°C). 当图 UCS-66.1 (图 UCS-66.1M)中所定义的重合比 ≤ 0.35时,
所相应的最低设计金属温度不应低于 –155°F (–104°C)。
(2) When the coincident ratio defined in Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M) is greater than 0.35, the corresponding
minimum design metal temperature shall not be colder than the impact test temperature less the allowable temperature reduction
permitted in Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M) and shall in no case be colder than –155°F (–104°C). 当图UCS-66.1 (图UCS66.1M)所定义之重合比大于0.35时,所相应的最低设计金属温度不应低于冲击试验温度减去图UCS-66.1 (图 UCS-66.1M)所允
许之降温度低值,并且在任何情况下都不应低于 –155°F (–104°C)。
(g) Materials produced and impact tested in accordance with the requirements of the specifications listed in Figure UG-84.1
(Figure UG-84.1M), General Note (c), are exempt from impact testing by the rules of this Division at minimum design metal
temperatures not more than 5°F (3°C) colder than the test temperature required by the specification. 按图 UG-84.1 (图 UG-84.1M)总
注释 (c) 中所列规范之要求生产和进行冲击测试之材料,在最低设计时可免除本卷规则的冲击测试,前提是金属温度不比该
规范所要求之测试温度低5°F (3°C)。
(h) No impact testing is required for metal backing strips which remain in place made of materials assigned to Curve A of Figure
UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M) in thicknesses not exceeding 1/4 in. (6 mm) when the minimum design metal temperature is −20°F
(−29°C) or warmer. 当由归属为图 UCS-66 (图 UCS-66M)中曲线 A 之材料制成保留在位且厚度不超过 1/4 in. (6 mm)之金属背
衬带的最低设计金属温度 ≥ −20°F (−29°C) 时,则该金属背衬带不需要进行冲击测试。
(i) For components made of Part UCS materials that are impact tested, Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M) provides a basis
for the use of these components at an MDMT colder than the impact test temperature. For pressure vessel attachments that are
exposed to tensile stresses from internal pressure (e.g., nozzle reinforcement pads, horizontal vessel saddle attachments, and stiffening
rings), the coincident ratio shall be that of the shell or head to which each component is attached. 由UCS篇且须经冲击试验之材料
所制成的组件,图 UCS-66.1 (图 UCS-66.1M)为在低于冲击试验温度之 MDMT 下采用这些组件提供了基础。 对于因部压力
而承受拉伸应力之压力容器附属件 (例如,管嘴补强垫、卧式容器鞍座附属件和加劲环)而言,该压力容器附属件之重合比应
(1) For such components, the MDMT shall not be colder than the impact test temperature less the allowable temperature
reduction as determined from Figure UCS-66.2. 此类组件之MDMT 不应低于冲击试验温度减去按图 UCS-66.2 所确定允温降值
(2) Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M) may also be used for components not stressed in general primary membrane
tensile stress, such as flat heads, covers, tubesheets, and flanges. The MDMT shall not be colder than the impact test temperature less
the allowable temperature reduction as determined from Figure UCS-66.2. The ratio used in Step 3 of Figure UCS-66.2 shall be the
ratio of maximum design pressure at the MDMT to the maximum allowable pressure (MAP) of the component at the MDMT.
图UCS-66.1 (图UCS-66.1M)也可用于不承受一次总薄膜拉应力之组件,如扁平封头、端盖、管板、法兰等。 MDMT 不应低
于冲击试验温度减去按图 UCS-66.2所确定的允温降值的温度值。 图 UCS-66.2 步骤 3 中所采使之比值应是 MDMT 处之最大
设计压力与组件在MDMT 处之最大允许压力 (MAP) 的比值。
(3) In lieu of using (2) above, the MDMT for a flange attached by welding shall not be colder than the impact test
temperature less the allowable temperature reduction as determined in (1) above for the neck or shell to which the flange is attached.
可作为上述 (2)的备选方法的是:通过焊接所连接之法兰的 MDMT 不应低于冲击试验温度减去上述 (1) 中为法兰所要连接之
The requirements of (b)(1)(-d) shall be met. 应满足 (b)(1)(-d) 的要求。
The MDMT adjustment as determined in (1) above may be used for impact tested welding procedures or production
welds. 在上述 (1) 中所确定的 MDMT调整可用于焊接规程或生产焊缝冲的冲击测试。
The MDMT for the component shall not be colder than −155°F (−105°C). 该组件之 MDMT不应低于 −155°F
(j) When the base metal is exempt from impact testing by (g) above or by Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M), Curve C or Curve
D, −20°F (−29°C) is the coldest MDMT to be assigned for welded components that do not meet the requirements of UCS-67(a)(3).
当母材按上述 (g) 或图 UCS-66 (图 UCS-66M)之曲线 C 或曲线 D 可免除冲击测试时,则不符合 UCS-67(a)(3) 要求之焊接件的
最低 MDMT为-20°F (-29°C)。
Except as exempted in UG-20(f), UCS-66, and UCS-68, the welding procedure qualification shall include impact tests of the weld
metal and heat-affected zones (HAZ) in accordance with UG-84 when required by the following provisions. The minimum design
metal temperature (MDMT) used below shall be either the MDMT stamped on the nameplate or the exemption temperature of the
welded component before applying the temperature reduction permitted by UCS-66(b) or UCS-68(c). 除非是UG-20(f)、UCS-66 和
UCS-68 中所豁免的情况,否则当以下条款要求十,焊接工艺规程应按 UG-84之要求对焊缝金属和热影响区 (HAZ) 进行冲击
试验。 如下所用最低设计金属温度 (MDMT) 应是印在铭牌上的 MDMT 或者是焊接组件仔采用 UCS-66(b) 或 UCS-68(c) 所允
(a) Welds made with filler metal shall be deposited using welding procedures qualified with impact testing in accordance with
UG-84 when any of the following apply: 以焊料焊成之焊缝,在满足下列任何条件时,应采用符合 UG-84 冲击试验评定过的焊
(1) when either base metal is required to be impact tested by the rules of this Division; or 当任一母材根据本卷规则要求
要进行冲击试验之时; 或者
(2) when the thickness of any individual weld pass exceeds 1/2 in. (13 mm) and the MDMT is colder than 70°F (21°C); or
当任何单一焊道的厚度大于 1/2 in. (13 mm)并且 MDMT 温度低于 70°F (21°C)时; 或者
(3) when joining base metals exempt from impact testing by UCS-66(g) or Figure UCS-66 ( Figure UCS-66M), Curve C
or D and the MDMT is colder than −20°F (−29°C) but not colder than –55°F (–48°C). Qualification of the welding procedure with
impact testing is not required when no individual weld pass in the production weld exceeds 1/4 in. (6 mm) in thickness; and each heat
of filler metal or combination of heat of filler metal and lot of flux has been classified by their manufacturer through impact testing per
the applicable SFA specification at a temperature not warmer than the MDMT. Additional testing beyond the scope of the SFA
specification may be performed by the filler metal or flux manufacturer to expand their classification for a broader range of
temperatures; or 当母材之MDMT 温度低于 −20°F (−29°C) 但不低于 –55°F (–48°C)时,则该母材之连接免于进行 UCS-66(g)
或图 UCS-66 (图 UCS-66M)衷C 或 D曲线所示的冲击测试。 当生产焊缝中没有任一单独焊道的厚度大于 1/4 in. (6 mm)时,
则不需要通过冲击测试来对,前提是每焊料之热炉或焊料热炉与焊剂批次之组合均已由其制造商根据相应 SFA 规范在不高
于 MDMT 的温度下进行冲击测试并进行分类。 焊料或焊剂制造商可能会进行超出 SFA 规范范围的额外测试,以将其分类
扩展到更宽的温度范围; 或者
(4) when joining base metals exempt from impact testing by UCS-66(g) and the MDMT is colder than –55°F (–48°C).
当连接免于通过 UCS-66(g) 进行冲击测试且 MDMT 温度低于 –55°F (–48°C) 的母材时。
(b) Except for welds made as part of the material specification, welds in Part UCS materials made without filler metal shall be
completed using welding procedures qualified with impact testing any of the following conditions apply: 除非是作为材料规范之一
部分所焊制之焊缝,否则以下任何条件下,UCS 篇材料中未施加焊料之焊缝应遵循已成功通过冲击试验评定之焊接规程进
when either base metal is required to be impact tested by the rules of this Division; or 当任一母材按本卷规则之要
求要进行冲击试验时; 或者
the thickness at the weld exceeds 1/2 in. (13 mm) regardless of the MDMT; or 当未施加焊料之焊缝处的厚度大于
1/2 in. (13 mm)时,无论 MDMT是多少都应遵循已成功通过冲击试验评定之焊接规程进行沉积; 或者
when the thickness at the weld exceeds 5/16 in. (8 mm) and the MDMT is colder than 50°F (10°C); or 当未施加焊料
之焊缝处的厚度大于 5/16 in. (8 mm)且 MDMT 温度低于 50°F (10°C)时,则都应遵循已成功通过冲击试验评定之焊接规程进
行沉积; 或者
(4) when joining base metals exempt from impact testing by UCS-66(g) and the MDMT is colder than –55°F (–48°C).
当所要连接之之母材无需进行 UCS-66(g) 冲击测试,且 MDMT 温度低于 –55°F (–48°C)时。
UCS-68 DESIGN55 设计55
Welded joints shall comply with UW-2(b) when the minimum design metal temperature is colder than −55°F (−48°C),
unless the coincident ratio defined in Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M) is less than 0.35. 当最低设计金属温度低于 −55°F
(−48°C) 时,焊接接头应符合 UW-2(b),但图 UCS-66.1 (图 UCS-66.1M)中所定义的重合比小于 0.35者除外。
(b) Welded joints shall be postweld heat treated in accordance with the requirements of UW-40 when required by other rules
of this Division. When the minimum design metal temperature is colder than −55°F (−48°C), and the coincident ratio defined in
Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M) is 0.35 or greater, postweld heat treatment is required, except that this requirement does not
apply to the following welded joints, in vessels or vessel parts fabricated of P-No. 1 materials that are impact tested at the MDMT or
colder in accordance with UG-84. The minimum average energy requirement for base metals and weldments shall be 25 ft-lb (34 J)
instead of the values shown in Figure UG-84.1 (Figure UG-84.1M: 当本卷其他规则有要求时,焊接接头应按照 UW-40 的要求进
行焊后热处理。 当最低设计金属温度低于 −55°F (−48°C),并且图 UCS-66.1 (图 UCS-66.1M)中所定义的重合比 ≥ 0.35时,需
要进行焊后热处理,但此要求不适用于由 P-No. 1且根据 UG-84 在 MDMT 或更低之温度条件下进行冲击测试之材料所制造
的容器或容器零部件中的以下焊接接头,此时, 母材和焊制零部件的最低平均冲击吸收能应为25 ft-lb (34 J),而不是图 UG84.1 (图 UG-84.1M)中所示的值:
(1) Type 1 Category A and B joints, not including cone-to-cylinder junctions, which have been 100% radiographed.
Category A and B joints attaching sections of unequal thickness shall have a transition with a slope not exceeding 3:1. A 类和 B 类的
1型接头,但不包括已进行照 100% 射线检测的锥体与圆筒体的接头。 连接不等厚截面的A 类和 B 类接头应有坡度不超过
3:1 的过渡。
the following welds: 下列焊缝:
(-a) fillet welds having leg dimensions not exceeding 3/8 in. (10 mm) attaching lightly loaded attachments, provided
the attachment material and the attachment weld meet requirements of UCS-66 and UCS-67. “Lightly loaded attachment,” for
this application, is defined as an attachment for which the stress in the attachment weld does not exceed 25% of the allowable
stress. 用于连接轻载附属件之填角焊缝,其焊脚尺寸不超过 3/8 in. (10 mm),前提是附属件之材料和该附属件焊缝满足
UCS-66 和 UCS-67 的要求。 对于此应用,“轻载附属件”定义为附属件焊缝中之应力不超过许用应力的 25%。
(-b) seal welds defined in UW-20.2(c). UW-20.2(c) 中所定义的密封焊缝。
All such welds as described in (-a) and (-b) shall be examined by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination in
accordance with Mandatory Appendix 6 or Mandatory Appendix 8. (-a) 和 (-b) 中所述之所有此类焊缝应按强制性附录 6
或强制性附录 8 进行磁粉或液体渗透检验。
(c) If postweld heat treating of a pressure-retaining weld is performed when it is not otherwise a requirement of this
Division, a 30°F (17°C) reduction in impact testing exemption temperature may be given to the minimum permissible temperature
from Figure UCS-66 (Figure UCS-66M) for P-No. 1 materials. The resulting exemption temperature may be colder than −55°F
(−48°C) when the PWHT exemption in (b) is applicable. 如果在本卷其他规则没有对承压焊缝要求进行焊后热处理的时,则可以
将图 UCS-66 (图 UCS-66M)对 P-No. 1 材料之冲击试验豁免温度降低 30°F (17°C) 至最低许用温度 。 当 (b) 中的 PWHT 豁免
规则适用时,所得出之豁免温度降低值可降低至比 −55°F (−48°C)还低的温度。
(d) The allowable stress values to be used in design at the minimum design metal temperature shall not exceed those given in
Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 3 for bolting and Table 1A for other materials for temperatures of 100°F (38°C).
在最低设计金属温度下用于设计的许用应力值不应超过第 II-D 侧第 1 子篇表 3 中针对连接螺栓之表 3 和表 1A 中针对 100°F
( 38℃)温度下之其他材料的给出值。
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the fabrication of pressure vessels and vessel parts that are constructed of
carbon and low alloy steel and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Fabrication in Subsection A, and with
the specific requirements for Fabrication in Subsection B that pertain to the method of fabrication used. 以下节中之规则专门适用于
由碳钢和低合金钢所制承的压力容器和容器零部件的制造,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中有关制造加工的通用要求以及 A
(a) The following provisions shall apply in addition to the general rules for forming given in UG-79. 除了 UG-79 中所给出的
(b) Carbon and low alloy steel plates shall not be formed cold by blows. 碳钢和低合金钢板不应采用冷吹塑成形。
(c) Carbon and low alloy steel plates may be formed by blows at a forging temperature provided the blows do not objectionably
deform the plate and it is subsequently postweld heat treated. 碳和低合金钢板可以在锻造温度下捶打成型,前提是捶打不会使低
(d) Except as addressed in (e) and for materials exempted below, the cold-formed areas of vessel shell sections, heads, and
other pressure parts shall be heat treated if the resulting extreme fiber elongation determined in accordance with Table UG-79-1
exceeds 5% from the supplied condition. Heat treatment shall be applied in accordance with UCS-56, except that alternative heating
and cooling rates and hold times may be applied to formed pipe and tube having a nominal thickness of 1/4 in. (6 mm) or less when the
heat treatment method is demonstrated to achieve a thorough heating of the pipe or tube. 除(e)中提到的以及为下面所豁免的材料
外,如果根据表 UG-79-1 所确定最终的纤维伸长率超过供应条款的 5%时,则容器壳体段、封头和其他承压零部件的冷成型
区域应进行热处理 。 热处理应按照 UCS-56 进行,但热处理时,可对公称厚度为 1/4 in. (6 mm)或更小之成型管材采用替代
(1) Cold-formed and bent P-No. 1 pipe and tube material having a nominal thickness not greater than 3/4 in. (19 mm)
does not require post-forming heat treatment. 当冷压和冷弯成型之 P-No. 1 管材的标称厚度不大于 3/4 in. (19 mm)时,则不需要
(2) For P-No. 1, Group Nos. 1 and 2 materials other than those addressed by (1), post-forming heat treatment is required
when the extreme fiber elongation exceeds 40% or if the extreme fiber elongation exceeds 5% and any of the following conditions
exist: 对于属于 P-No. 1中G-No. 1和G-No.2之材料而言,除(1)所述以外,当纤维极限伸长率超过 40%或纤维极限伸长率超过
(-a) The vessel will contain lethal liquid or gaseous substances (see UW-2). 用于盛装致死液体或气体物质之容器
(见 UW-2)。
(-b) The material is not exempt from impact testing by the rules of this Division, or impact testing is required by the
material specification. 根据本卷规则,不能免除冲击试验或材料规范要求进行冲击试验之材料。
(-c) The nominal thickness of the part before cold forming exceeds 5/8 in. (16 mm). 零部件在冷成型前的标称厚度
大于5/8 in. (16 mm)。
(-d) The reduction by cold forming from the nominal thickness is more than 10% at any location where the extreme
fiber elongation exceeds 5%. 冷成型后之极限纤维伸长率超过 5% 的任何位置致使标称厚度减薄超过 10%。
(-e) The temperature of the material during forming is in the range of 250°F to 900°F (120°C to 480°C). 材料在成型
过程中的温度楚于 250°F ~ 900°F (120°C ~ 480°C)之间。
(3) Cold-formed or bent P-Nos. 3 through 5C pipe and tube materials having an outside diameter not greater than 4 1/2 in.
(114 mm) and a nominal thickness not greater than 1/2 in. (13 mm) do not require a post-forming heat treatment. 冷成型或冷弯曲之
P-No. 3 至P-No. 5C 之管材的外径不大于41/2 in. (114 mm)且标称壁厚不大于1/2 in. (13 mm)时,则不需要进行成型后热处理。
The extreme fiber elongation shall be determined by the equations in Table UG-79-1.应按表 UG-79-1 中所给出之方程来
(e) Forming of Creep-Strength-Enhanced Ferritic Steels (P-No. 15E Materials). The cold-formed areas of vessel shell sections,
heads, and other pressure boundary parts of the creep-strength-enhanced ferritic steels shall be heat treated as listed in Table UCS-791. Cold forming is defined as any forming that is performed at a temperature below 1,300°F (705°C) and produces permanent strain in
the material. Hot forming is defined as any forming that is performed at or above a temperature of 1,300°F (705°C) and produces
permanent strain in the material. Forming strains (extreme fiber elongations) shall be calculated using the equations of Table UG-791. 蠕变强度增强型铁素体钢 (P-No. 15E 材料)的成型。 蠕变强度增强型铁素体钢之容器壳体段、封头和其他承压边界零部分
的冷成型区域应按表 UCS-79-1 所列进行热处理。 冷成型定义为在低于 1,300°F (705°C) 的温度下进行并在材料中产生永久
应变的任何成型。 热成型定义为在 1,300°F (705°C) 或以上之温度下进行并在材料中产生永久应变的任何成型。 应采用表
UG-79-1 的方程来计算成型应变(极限纤维伸长率)。
(1) When the forming strains cannot be calculated as shown in Table UG-79-1, the Manufacturer shall have the
responsibility to determine the maximum forming strain. 当无法按表 UG-79-1 计算成型应变时,制造商有责任确定最大成型应
(2) For cold-formed flares, swages, or upsets in tubing and pipe, normalizing and tempering in accordance with Note (1) of
Table UCS-79-1 shall apply, regardless of the amount of strain. 对于管材中的冷型喇叭口、型锻或锻粗,无论应变大小如何,均
应按照表 UCS-79-1 注释 (1) 进行正火 + 回火。
(3) For any hot-formed product form, normalizing and tempering in accordance with Note (1) of Table UCS-79-1 shall
apply, regardless of the amount of strain. 任何热成型产品形式,无论其应变量如何,都应根据表 UCS-79-1之注释 (1) 进行正火
+ 回火。
(f) When vessel shell sections, heads, and other pressure boundary parts of carbon and low alloy steel are cold formed by other
than the Manufacturer of the vessel, the required certification for the part shall indicate if the part has been heat treated per the
requirements of UCS-79. 当碳钢和低合金钢的容器壳段、封头和其他承压边界零部件是由容器制造商以外之组织进行冷成型
时,该零部件所需的证书应表明该零部件是否已按照 UCS-79 的要求进行了热处理。
The following provisions shall apply in addition to, or as exceptions to the general rules for heat treatment given in UG-85.
以下规定应作为 UG-85 中所给出之热处理通用规则的补充或例外情况。
(b) Heat treatment as used in this section shall include all thermal treatments of the material during fabrication exceeding
900°F (480°C), except as exempted below. 本卷中所采用之热处理应包括制造加工过程中所有超过 900°F (480°C) 的材料热处
(c) The material used in the vessel shall be represented by test specimens subjected to the same heat treatments as during
fabrication, except as provided in (e), (f), (g), (h), and (i). The test specimens shall be prepared as follows: 除(e)、(f)、(g)、(h) 和(i)
The kind and number of tests and test results shall be as required by the material specification. 试验的种类、次数和
(2) The vessel Manufacturer shall specify the temperature, time, and cooling rates to be applied during fabrication,
except as permitted in (h). 容器制造商应规定制造加工过程中所采用的温度、持温时间和冷却速率,但(h) 中允许者的除外。
(3) Material from which the specimens are prepared shall be heated at the specified temperature within ±15°F (8°C).
用于制备试样之材料应在±15°F (8°C) 范围内的规定温度下进行加热。
(4) The total time at temperature shall be at least 80% of the total time at temperature applied during fabrication and may
be performed in a single cycle. 处于规定温度下的总持温时间应至少为制造过程中在该规定温度下总持温时间的 80%,并且可
(d) Thermal treatment of material is not intended to include such local heating as thermal cutting, preheating, welding, torch
brazing, or heating below the lower transformation temperature of tubing and pipe for bending or sizing. 材料的热处理不包括局部
(e) Standard nonwelded items described in UG-11(c) and UG-11(d) that are subjected to postweld heat treatment with the
vessel or vessel part during fabrication do not require test specimens prepared with the fabrication heat treatment as otherwise required
in (c) and UG-85. UG-11(c)和UG-11(d)中所述标准非焊制物品在制造加工过程中与容器或容器零部件一起进行焊后热处理
时,则不需要按照在(c)和UG-85中之其他要求对试样进行制造加工中采所用的热处理 。
(f) Materials conforming to one of the specifications listed in P-No. 1 Group Nos. 1 and 2 of Section IX, Table QW/QB-422
and all carbon and low alloy steels used in the annealed condition as permitted by the material specification are exempt from the
requirements of (c) above when the heat treatment during fabrication is limited to postweld heat treatment at temperatures below the
lower transformation temperature of the steel. This exemption does not apply to SA-841. 当制造期间仅涉及在低于钢材之下转变温
度的温度下进行焊后热处理时,凡符合第 IX 卷表 QW/QB-422 P-No. 1 第 1 组和第 2 组以中所列规范之一的材料,及材料规
范允许在退火状态下使用的所有碳钢和低合金钢,则可免除上述 (c) 的要求,但此豁免不适用于 SA-841《通过热机械控制工
艺 (TMCP) 生产的压力容器用钢板的标准规范》。
(g) Materials listed in Section IX, Table QW/QB-422 as P-No. 1 Group No. 3 and P-No. 3 Group Nos. 1 and 2 that are
certified in accordance with (c) above from test specimens subjected to the PWHT requirements of Tables UCS-56-1 through UCS56-11 need not be recertified if subjected to the alternate PWHT conditions permitted by Table UCS-56.1. 第 IX 卷表 QW/QB-422
中列为 P-No 1第 3 组和 P-No. 3第 1 组、第 2 组之材料,如果所许用之替代 PWHT 条件已按上述 (c) 从符合表 UCS-56-1 至
表 UCS-56-11 之PWHT 要求的试样中获得验证,则无需重新按表 UCS-56.1来进行验证 。
(h) The simulation of cooling rates for test specimens from nonimpact tested materials 3 in. and under in thickness is not
required for heat treatments below the lower transformation temperature. 对于用厚度小于 3 in. 且未经冲击试验之材料中所制备出
(i) All prior heat treatments applied at temperatures colder than a final heat treatment that fully austenitizes the material are
not required to be included in the test specimens. 当所有使材料全奥氏体化之最终热处理温度是在比所有先前热处理还低之温度
Table UCS-79-1 Post-Cold-Forming Strain Limits and Heat Treatment Requirements for P-No. 15E Materials
表 UCS-79-1 对P-No. 15E材料在冷成型后的应变极限和热处理要求
Limitations in Lower Temperature Range
Limitations in Higher Temperature
For Design
For Design Temperature设计温度
But Less Than or
Equal to
UNS Number
And Forming
>5 to
And Forming
Required Heat Treatment When Design
Temperature and Forming Strain Limits
Are Exceeded超过设计温度和成型应
Normalize and temper正火 + 回火
[Note (1)]
>5 to
Post-forming heat treatment成型后热处
理 [Note (2)], [Note (3)], and [Note (4)]
GENERAL NOTE: The limits shown are for cylinders formed from plates, spherical or dished heads formed from plate, and tube and pipe bends. The
forming strain limits tabulated above shall be divided by 2 if the equation, from Table UG-79-1, for double-curvature products such as heads, is applied. 总
注释:所示限度适用于适用于由板所承形的圆筒体、球形封头或碟形封头以及管子和弯管。 如果采用表 UG-79-1 中针对于双曲率产品 (如封头)
所给出的等式时,则上表中的成型应变限度应除以 2。
(1) Normalization and tempering shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the base material specification and shall not be performed
locally. Either the material shall be heat treated in its entirety, or the cold-strained area (including the transition to the unstrained portion) shall be cut away
from the balance of the component and heat treated separately, or replaced.应按母材规范之要求进行正火+回火处理,且不应进行局部正火+回火处理。
(2) Post-forming heat treatments shall be performed at 1,350°F to 1,435°F (730°C to 780°C) for 1 hr/in. (1 h/25 mm) or 30 min, minimum.
Alternatively, a normalization and temper in accordance with the requirements in the base metal specification may be performed. 成型后热处理应在
1,350°F 至 1,435°F (730°C 至 780°C)下按 1 hr/in. (1 h/25 mm)或至少 30 分钟进行持温。 或者,可以根据母材规范中的要求进行正火+回火处理。
(3) For materials with greater than 5% strain but less than or equal to 25% strain with design temperatures less than or equal to 1,115°F (600°C), if a
portion of the component is heated above the heat treatment temperature allowed in [Note (2)], one of the following actions shall be performed: 对于应变大
于 5% 但小于或等于 25% 且设计温度小于或等于 1,115°F (600°C) 之材料而言,如果组件的一部分被加热到高于[注(2)]所允许的热处理温度时,则
(a) The component in its entirety shall be renormalized and tempered. 整个组件应重新进行正火+回火处理。
(b) The allowable stress shall be that for Grade 9 material (i.e., SA-213 T9, SA-335 P9, or equivalent product specification) at the design
temperature, provided that portion of the component that was heated to a temperature exceeding the maximum holding temperature is subjected to a final heat
treatment within the temperature range and for the time required in [Note (2)]. The use of this provision shall be noted on the Manufacturer's Data Report. 该
材料之许用应力应为牌号 9 之材料 (即 SA-213 T9、SA-335 P9 或等效产品规范)在设计温度下的许用应力,前提是被加热到超过最高持温温度之
该组件部处在 [注 (2)] 中所要求的温度范围内和时间内进行最终热处理。采用此一条款时应在制造商的数据报告中注明。
(4) If a longitudinal weld is made to a portion of the material that is cold strained, that portion shall be normalized and tempered, prior to or following
welding. This normalizing and tempering shall not be performed locally. 如果对冷应变材料的某一部位进行纵向焊接,则该部位应在焊接之前或之后
进行正火+回火处理。 不应局部进行这种正火+回火处理。
The provisions for inspection and testing in Subsections A and B shall apply without supplement to vessels constructed of carbon and
low alloy steels. A 和 B 分卷中的检验和测试规定应可在无需增加任何额外的补充条款下直接适用于由碳钢和低合金钢所制造
The provisions for marking and reports in UG-115 through UG-120 shall apply without supplement to pressure vessels constructed of
carbon and low alloy steels. UG-115 至 UG-120 中的标记和报告规定应无需增加任何额外的补充条款直接适用于由碳钢和低合
See Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-100. 参见第 II-D 卷非强制性附录 A中A-100条款。
See Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-200. 有关碳钢的蠕变断裂性能参见第 II-D 卷非强制性附录 A中A-200
(a) Vessels or components may be operated at temperatures colder than the MDMT stamped on the nameplate, provided the
provisions of UCS-66, UCS-67, and UCS-68 are met when using the reduced (colder) operating temperature as the MDMT, but in no
case shall the operating temperature be colder than −155°F (−105°C). 容器或零部件可以在比标记铭牌上之 MDMT 更低的温度下
运行,前提是当采用已降低(更低)之工作温度作为 MDMT 时要满足 UCS-66、UCS-67 和 UCS-68 的规定 ,但在任何情况
下工作温度均不应低于−155°F (−105°C)。
(b) As an alternative to (a) above, for vessels or components whose thicknesses are based on pressure loading only, the
coincident operating temperature may be as cold as the MDMT stamped on the nameplate less the allowable temperature reduction as
determined from Figure UCS-66.2. The ratio used in Step 3 of Figure UCS-66.2 shall be the ratio of maximum pressure at the
coincident operating temperature to the MAWP of the vessel at the stamped MDMT, but in no case shall the operating temperature be
colder than −155°F (−105°C). 可作为上述 (a)之替代方案的是:对于厚度仅基于压力载荷的容器或零部件,重合操作温度可能
与印在铭牌上的 MDMT减去从图 UCS -66.2 所确定之许用温降值一样冷。 图 UCS-66.2 步骤 3 中所采用之比值应是重合操作
温度下之最大压力与加盖 MDMT时容器之 MAWP 的比值,但在任何情况下,操作温度都不应低于 −155°F ( −105°C)。
NOTE: One common usage of the exemptions in (a) and (b) is for vessels in which the internal pressure is dependent on the vapor
pressure of the contents (e.g., vessels in refrigeration or hydrocarbon processing plants with operating systems that do not permit
immediate repressurization). For such services, the primary thickness calculations (shell and head) are normally made for the
maximum design pressure coincident with the design temperature (MDMT). The ratio of required thickness to nominal thickness as
defined in Figure UCS-66.2, Step 3, for the design condition is then calculated. Thickness calculations are also made for other
expected pressures at coincident temperature, along with the ΔT difference from the MDMT at design pressure, and the thickness ratio
defined in Step 3 of Figure UCS-66.2. The ratio/ΔT points are then plotted on Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M). Ratio/ΔT points
that are on or below the Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M) curve are acceptable, but in no case may the operating temperature be
colder than −155°F (−104°C). See also ASME PTB-4–2012, example 3.3. Comparison of pressure–temperature or stress–temperature
coincident ratios may also be used as noted in Figure UCS-66.1 (Figure UCS-66.1M). 注:为(a) 和 (b) 中所豁免的一种常见用法是
用于内部压力取决于介质之汽化压力的容器 (例如,制冷或碳氢化合物加工厂中其操作系统不允许立即再加压的容器)。 对
于此类操作,主要厚度计算(壳体和封头)通常针对与设计温度 (MDMT) 一致的最大设计压力进行。 然后计算设计条件下
所需厚度与标称厚度的比值(如图 UCS-66.2 第 3 步中定义)。 还对重和温度下的其他预期压力、设计压力下与 MDMT 的
ΔT 差以及图 UCS-66.2 步骤 3 中定义的厚度比进行厚度计算。 然后将比值/ΔT 点绘制在图 UCS-66.1 上(图 UCS-66.1M)。
落在图 UCS-66.1(图 UCS-66.1M)曲线上或下方的比值/ΔT 点是可接受的,但在任何情况下,工作温度都不得低于 −155°F
(−104°C);另请参见 ASME PTB-4–2012中之示例 3.3。。如图 UCS-66.1(图 UCS-66.1M)所示,也可以使用压力-温度或应
The rules in Part UNF are applicable to pressure vessels and vessel parts that are constructed of nonferrous materials and shall be
used in conjunction with the general requirements in Subsection A, and with the specific requirements in Subsection B that pertain to
the method of fabrication used. UNF 篇中之规则适用于由有色金属材料所制成之压力容器和容器零部件,并且这些规则还应与
A 分卷中的通用要求以及 B 分卷中与所用制造方法有关的具体要求配套使用。
Some of the uses of nonferrous materials are to resist corrosion, to facilitate cleaning of vessels for processing foods, to provide
strength or scaling-resistance at high temperatures, and to provide toughness at low temperatures. 有色金属材料的用途是:抗腐
Specific chemical compositions, heat-treatment procedures, fabrication requirements, and supplementary tests may be required to
assure that the vessel will be in its most favorable condition for the intended service. This is particularly true for vessels subject to
severe corrosion. These rules do not indicate the selection of nonferrous material suitable for the intended service or the amount of the
corrosion allowance to be provided. It is recommended that users assure themselves by appropriate tests, or otherwise, that the
nonferrous material selected will be suitable for the intended service both with respect to corrosion and to retention of satisfactory
mechanical properties during the desired service life, taking into account any heating or heat treatment that might be performed during
fabrication. See also Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-400. 可能需要具体的化学成分、热处理程序、制造要求和
额外测试来确保容器在预期工况能处于最有利状态,这对于遭受严重腐蚀之容器尤其重要。 这些规则不指明适合预期工况
之有色金属材料的选择或所要提供的腐蚀余量额度。 建议用户通过适当的测试或其他方式向自己保证所选用之有色金属材
造过程中可能进行的热处理。 另请参见第 II -D 卷非强制性附录 A中A-400条款。
(a) All nonferrous materials subject to stress due to pressure shall conform to one of the specifications given in Section II and
shall be limited to those listed in Tables UNF-23.1 through UNF-23.5 except as otherwise provided in UG-10 and UG-11. 所有因压
力而承受应力之有色金属材料应符合第 II 册中所给出规范之一,并应限于表 UNF-23.1 至表 UNF-23.5 中所列出的规范,但
UG-10 和 UG-11 中另有规定者除外。
(b) Nonmandatory Appendix UNF-A of this Division of Section VIII and the paragraph entitled Basis of Purchase and the
appendix of the applicable material specification contain information relative to the fabricating characteristics of the material. They
are intended to help the manufacturer in ordering the correct material, and in fabricating it, and to help the producer to select the
material best able to fulfill the requirements of the fabricating procedures to be used. 第 VIII册之本卷中的非强制性附录 UNF-A 和
标题为《购买基础》之该段落和适用材料规范之附录包含了与材料之制造特性有关的信息。 它们旨在帮助制造商订购和制
Table UNF-23.1 Nonferrous Metals — Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Products
表 UNF-23.1 有色金属 — 铝及铝合金制品
A02040, A03560, A24430
A02040, A03560
Alclad 3003, 3004, 6061; A91060, A91100, A93003, A93004, SB-241
A95052, A95083, A95086, A95154, A95254, A95454,
A95456, A95652, A96061
Alclad 3003; A91060, A93003, A95052, A95154, A96061, SB-247
A92014, A92024, A96061
A91060, A91100, A92024, A93003, A95083, A95086,
A95154, A95454, A95456, A96061, A96063
Alclad 3003; A91060, A93003, A95052, A95454, A96061
Alclad 3003; A91060, A91100, A93003, A95052, A95083,
A95086, A95454, A95456, A96061, A96063
A92014, A93003, A95083, A96061
A95083, A95086, A95456
GENERAL NOTE: Maximum allowable stress values in tension for the materials listed in the above table are contained in Section II, Part D,
Subpart 1 (see UG-23). 总注解:上表所列材料的最大允许抗拉应力值包含在第 IID册第 1 子篇 (参见 UG-23)中。
Approved specifications for nonferrous plates are given in Tables UNF-23.1 through UNF-23.5. A tabulation of allowable stress
values at different temperatures is given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1B (see UG-5). 表 UNF-23.1 至表 UNF-23.5 中给出
了有色金属板的许用规范。 第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇之表 1B 中给出了有色金属板在不同温度下的许用应力值列表 (参见 UG-5)。
Approved specifications for nonferrous forgings are given in Tables UNF-23.1 through UNF-23.5. A tabulation of allowable stress
values at different temperatures is given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1B (see UG-6). 表 UNF-23.1 至表 UNF-23.5 中给出
了有色金属锻件的许用规范。 第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇之表 1B 中给出了有色金属锻件在不同温度下的许用应力值列表 (参见 UG6)。
Approved specifications for nonferrous castings are given in Tables UNF-23.1 through UNF-23.5. A tabulation of allowable stress
values at different temperatures is given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1B. These stress values are to be multiplied by the
casting quality factors of UG-24. Castings that are to be welded shall be of a weldable grade. 表 UNF-23.1 至表 UNF-23.5 中给出了
有色金属铸件的许用规范。 第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇之表 1B 中给出了有色金属铸件在不同温度下的许用应力值列表。 这些应力
值要乘以 UG-24 中的铸件质量系数。 用于焊接之有色金属铸件应为可焊接等级。
Table UNF-23.2 Nonferrous Metals — Copper and Copper Alloys表 UNF-23.2 有色金属 — 铜和铜合金
C10200, C12000, C12200
C10200, C11000
C10200, C12000, C12200, C14200
C65100, C65500, C66100
C10200, C12000, C12200, C14200, C19200, C23000,
C28000, C44300, C44400, C44500, C60800, C68700,
C70400, C70600, C70620, C71000, C71500, C71520, SB-466
C95200, C95400, C95820
C61400, C62300, C63000, C64200
C10200, C10400, C10500, C10700, C11000, C12200,
C36500, C44300, C44400, C44500, C46400, C46500,
C61400, C63000, C70600, C70620, C71500, C71520
C37700, C64200, C70620, C71520
C12200, C44300, C44400, C44500, C70600, C70620,
C71000, C71500, C71520
C10200, C12000, C12200, C14200, C19200, C23000,
C44300, C44400, C44500, C60800, C68700, C70600,
C70620, C71000, C71500, C71520
C70600, C70620, C71000, C71500, C71520
C70600, C70620
C12200, C19400, C23000, C44300, C44400, C44500,
C68700, C70400, C70600, C70620, C71500, C71520
C92200, C93700, C97600
C70600, C70620, C71500, C71520
GENERAL NOTE: Maximum allowable stress values in tension for the materials listed in the above table are contained in Section II, Part D,
Subpart 1 (see UG-23). 总注解:表中所列材料的最大允许抗拉应力值见第 II-D卷第 1 子篇(参见 UG-23)。
(a) Approved specifications for bolt materials are given in Tables UNF-23.1 through UNF-23.5. A tabulation of allowable
stress values at different temperatures is given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 3. 表 UNF-23.1 至表 UNF-23.5 中给出了螺栓
材料的许用规范。第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇之表 3 中给出了螺栓材料在不同温度下的许用应力值列表。
(b) When bolts are machined from heat treated, hot rolled, or cold worked material and are not subsequently hot worked or
annealed, the allowable stress values in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 3 to be used in design shall be based on the condition of
the material selected. 当有螺栓是由经热处理之热轧或冷加工之材料加工而成且随后未进行热加工或退火时,则设计时所采用
的第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇之表 3 中的许用应力值应根据所选材料的条件而定
(c) When bolts are fabricated by hot-heading, the allowable stress values for annealed material in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1,
Table 3 shall apply unless the manufacturer can furnish adequate control data to show that the tensile properties of hot rolled bars or
hot finished forgings are being met, in which case the allowable stress values for the material in the hot finished condition may be
used. 当螺栓通过热镦而制承时,则应采用第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 3 中针对退火材料所给出的许用应力值,除非制造商能提供
(d) When bolts are fabricated by cold heading, the allowable stress values for annealed material in Section II, Part D, Subpart
1, Table 3 shall apply unless the manufacturer can furnish adequate control data to show that higher design stresses, as agreed upon,
may be used. In no case shall such stresses exceed the allowable stress values given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 3 for cold
worked bar stock. 当螺栓是通过冷镦制造而成时,则应采用第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 3 中针对退火材料所给出的许用应力值,除
II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 3 中针对相应冷加工棒材所给出的许用应力值。
(e) Ferrous bolts, studs, and nuts may be used provided they are suitable for the application. They shall conform to the
requirements of UCS-10 and UCS-11. 可以采用适用于使用条件的钢制螺栓、螺柱和螺母,前提是它们应符合 UCS-10 和 UCS11 的要求。
Nuts and washers may be made from any suitable material listed in Tables UNF-23.1 through UNF-23.5. Nuts may be of any
dimension or shape provided their strength is equal to that of the bolting, giving due consideration to bolt hole clearance, bearing area,
thread form and class of fit, thread shear, and radial thrust from threads [see U-2(g)]. 螺母和华司可以由表 UNF-23.1 至由 UNF23.5 中所列出之任何合适材料制成。 只要螺母的强度等于螺栓的强度,并已适当考虑到螺栓孔间隙、支承面积、螺纹形式
和配合等级、螺纹剪切力和螺纹的径向推力 [见 U-2 (G)],则螺母可以是任何尺寸或形状。
Rods, bars and shapes shall conform to one of the specifications in Tables UNF-23.1 through UNF-23.5. 杆材、棒材和型材应符合
表 UNF-23.1 至表 UNF-23.5 中所示规范之一。
(a) Other materials, either ferrous or nonferrous, may be used for parts of vessels provided that they are suitable for the
purpose intended. 无论是黑色金属还是有色金属之其他材料,只要适用于预期用途,都可用作容器零部件之材料。
(b) The user shall satisfy himself that the coupling of dissimilar metals will have no harmful effect on the corrosion rate or
service life of the vessel for the service intended. 用户应确信不同金属的连接不会对在预期工况下使用之容器的腐蚀速率或使用
(c) Other materials used in conjunction with nonferrous metals shall meet the requirements given for those materials in other
parts of this Division. 与有色金属一起使用的其他材料应满足本卷其他条款对这些材料的要求。
Table UNF-23.3 Nonferrous Metals — Nickel, Cobalt, and High Nickel Alloys
表 UNF-23.3 有色金属 — 镍、钴和高镍合金
Spec. No.
SA-249 SA-351
SA-494 SB-127
SB-160 SB-161
N08904 J94651
N26022, N30002, N30012 N04400
N02200, N02201
N02200, N02201 N02200, N02201
Spec. No.
N02200, N02201, N04400, N06025, N06600, N06601,
N08120, N08801, N08800, N08810,
N08811, N08825
N04400, N04405
N06025, N06045, N06600, N06601, N06617,
N06025, N06045, N06600, N06601, N06617,
N06025, N06045, N06600, N06601, N06617,
N10001, N10629, N10665, N10675
N10001, N10629, N10665, N10675
N02200, N02201, N04400, N06002, N06007,
N06022, N06030, N06035, N06045, N06059, N06200,
N06210, N06230, N06455, N06600, N06625, N06985,
N08020, N08031, N08120, N08330, N08367, N08800,
N08825, N10001, N10003, N10242, N10276, N10362,
N10665, N10675, N12160, R20033
N08120, N08801, N08800, N08810, N08811 N08120,
N08800, N08810, N08811
N08120, N08800, N08810, N08811 N08825
N08825 N08825
N10003, N10242
N06002, N06230, N12160, R30556 N06625
N06022, N06030, N06035, N06045, N06059, N06200,
N06686, N08020, N08031, N08367, N10276, N10362,
N10629, N10665, N10675,
N08020 N08020 N08020 N08020 N08330
N08120, N08800, N08810
N08120, N08800, N08810, N08811 N06025, N06045,
N06025, N06045, N06600 N08330
N08330 N08330
SB-637 SB649 SB-668
SB-672 SB673 SB-674
SB-675 SB676 SB-677
SB-688 SB690 SB-691
SB-704 SB705 SB-709
SB-710 SB729 SB-804
SB-815 SB818 SF-468
SB-407 SB-408
SB-409 SB-423
SB-424 SB-425
SB-434 SB-435
SB-443 SB-444
SB-463 SB-464
SB-468 SB-473
SB-511 SB-514
SB-515 SB-516
SB-517 SB-525
SB-535 SB-536
SB-581 SB582
N04400, N06022, N06025, N06035, N06045, N06059,
N06200, N06210, N06230, N06600, N06617, N06625,
N06686, N08031, N08120, N08367, N08800, N08810,
N08811, N08825, N10242, N10276, N10362, N10629,
N10675, N12160, R20033
N06002, N06230, N12160, R30556
N10003, N10242
N06022, N06030, N06035, N06059, N06200,
N06210, N06455, N06686, N10276, N10362
N06022, N06059, N06035, N06200, N06210,
N06455, N06686, N10276, N10362
N06007, N06030, N06975, N06985, N08031 N06007,
N06030, N06975, N06985
N06002, N06007, N06022, N06030, N06035, N06059,
N06200, N06230, N06455, N06686, N06975, N06985,
N06210, N08031, N08320, N10001, N10242, N10276,
N10362, N10629,
N10665, N10675, N12160, R20033, R30556
N06002, N06007, N06022, N06030, N06035, N06059,
N06200, N06210, N06230 N06455, N06617, N06686,
N06975, N06985, N08031, N08320, N10001, N10242,
N10276, N10362, N10629, N10665, N10675, N12160,
N08031, N08925, R20033
N06002, N06007, N06022, N06030, N06035,
N06059, N06200, N06210, N06230, N06455, N06617,
N06686, N06975, N06985, N08031, N08320, N10001,
N10242, N10276, N10362, N10629, N10665, N10675,
N12160, R20033,
N07718, N07750 N08925, R20033 N08028
N08354, N08925 N08354, N08925 N08367
N08904, N08925 N08367
N08367 N08367
N06625, N08825 N06625, N08825 N08028
N08330 N08020 N08367 R31233 R31233 N05500 N05500
GENERAL NOTE: Maximum allowable stress values in tension for the materials listed in the above table are contained in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1
(see UG-23). 总注解:表中所列材料的最大允许抗拉应力值见第 II-D卷第 1 子篇(参见 UG-23)。
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the design of pressure vessels and vessel parts of nonferrous materials and
shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Design in Subsection A, and with the specific requirements for Design
in Subsection B that pertain to the method of fabrication used. 以下各节中之规则特别适用于设计由有色金属材料所构成之压力
容器和容器零部件,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中有关设计的通用要求以及 B 分卷中与所用制造方法有关的具体设计要求
配套使用 。
(a) For vessels constructed of titanium or zirconium and their alloys, all Category A and B joints shall be of Type No. (1) or
No. (2) of Table UW-12. 由钛或锆及其合金所制成之容器中的所有 A 类和 B 类接头均应为表 UW-12 的第 (1) 类或第 (2) 类接
(b) Titanium or zirconium and their alloys shall not be welded to other materials. 钛或锆及其合金不应与其他材料焊接。
(c) For vessels constructed of UNS N06625, all Category A and B joints shall be Type No. (1) or No. (2) of Table UW-12. All
Category C and D joints shall be Type No. (1) or No. (2) of Table UW-12 when the design temperature is 1,000°F (540°C) or higher.
由 UNS N06625 所制成之容器中的所有 A 类和 B 类接头应为表 UW-12 中的第 (1) 类接头或第 (2) 类接头。 当设计温度 ≥
1,000°F (540°C) 时,所有 C 类和 D 类接头应为表 UW-12 中的第 (1) 类接头或第 (2) 类接头。
(d) For vessels constructed of UNS N12160, the nominal thickness of the base material at the weld shall not exceed 0.5 in. (13
mm). When welding is performed with filler metal of the same nominal composition as the base metal, only GMAW or GTAW
processes are allowed and the nominal weld deposit thickness shall not exceed 0.5 in. (13 mm). 由 UNS N12160所制成之容器中的
焊缝处母材标称厚度不应超过0.5 in. (13 mm)。 当采用与母材具有相同标称成分之焊料料进行焊接时,仅允许采用 GMAW
或 GTAW 工艺,并且所沉积之标称焊缝厚度不应超过0.5 in. (13 mm)。
Table UNF-23.4 Nonferrous Metals — Titanium and Titanium Alloys 表 UNF-23.4 有色金属 — 钛和钛合金
R50250, R50400, R50550, R52250, R52252, R52254, R52400,
R52402, R52404, R53400, R54250, R56320, R56323
R50250, R50400, R50550, R52400, R52402, R52404, R53400,
R54250, R56320, R56323
R50250, R50400, R50550, R52400, R52402, R52404, R53400,
R54250, R56323
R50250, R50400, R50550, R52400, R52404, R53400, R54250,
SB-367 R50400, R50550, R52400, R54250
SB-381 R50250, R50400, R50550, R52400, R52402, R52404, R53400,
R54250, R56323
SB-861 R50250, R50400, R50550, R52400, R52402, R52404, R53400,
R54250, R56320, R56323
SB-862 R50250, R50400, R50550, R52400, R52402, R52404, R53400,
R54250, R56320, R56323
GENERAL NOTE: Maximum allowable stress values in tension for the materials listed in the above table are contained in Section II, Part D, Subpart
1 (see UG-23). 总注解:表中所列材料的最大允许抗拉应力值见第 II-D卷第 1 子篇 (参见 UG-23)。
(e) For vessels constructed of UNS N06230 and UNS N06210 and when welding is performed with filler metal of the same
nominal composition as the base metal, only GMAW or GTAW processes are allowed. For applications using UNS N06230 above
1,650°F (900°C), welding shall be limited to the GTAW and GMAW welding processes using SFA-5.14, ERNiCrWMo-1.
由 UNS N06230 和 UNS N06210所制成之容器中的焊缝是采用与母材具有相同标称成分之焊料料进行焊接时,仅允许采用
GMAW 或 GTAW 工艺。 当在 1,650°F (900°C) 以上之温度下运行之容器是采用UNS为N06230之因康乃尔合金 (Inconel alloy)
制成时,则焊接应限于采用 SFA-5.14中ERNiCrWMo-1焊料的 GTAW 和 GMAW 焊接工艺。
(f) For vessels constructed of UNS R31233 during weld procedure qualification testing, when using a matching filler metal
composition, the minimum specified tensile strength of the weld metal shall be 120 ksi (828 MPa). Longitudinal bend tests are
permitted per Section IX, QW-160. 对于由 UNS R31233 所制成之容器而言,在焊接工艺规程评定测试期间当采用成分匹配之
焊料时,焊缝金属的最小规定抗拉强度应为 120 ksi (828 MPa)。 根据第 IX卷QW-160之规定,允许进行纵向弯曲测试。
(g) For vessels constructed of UNS N08354, GTAW process with ERNiCrMo filler metals with greater than 12% Mo shall be
used when welding this material to itself. 对于由 UNS N08354 所制成之容器而言,当将该材料焊接到自身时,应采用含有大于
12% Mo 之 ERNiCrMo 焊料的 GTAW 工艺。
(a) Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 3 for bolting and Table 1B for other materials give the maximum allowable stress values
at the temperatures indicated for materials conforming to the specifications listed therein. Values may be interpolated for intermediate
temperatures (see UG-23). For vessels designed to operate at a temperature colder than −20°F (−29°C), the allowable stress values to
be used in design shall not exceed those given for temperatures of −20°F to 100°F (−29°C to 38°C). 第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇的表 3 (螺栓
连接)和表 1B (其他材料)给出了符合其中所列规范之材料在指定温度下的最大许用应力值。 可以为中间温度进行插值 (参见
UG-23)。 对于设计在低于 −20°F (−29°C)之温度下运行的容器,在其设计中所用许用应力值不应超过−20°F至 100°F (−29°C
至 38°C)下所给出的许用应力值。
(b) Shells of pressure vessels may be made from welded pipe or tubing listed in Tables UNF-23.1, UNF-23.2, UNF-23.3, UNF23.4, and UNF-23.5. 压力容器之壳体可以由表 UNF-23.1、表UNF-23.2、表UNF-23.3、表UNF-23.4 和表 UNF-23.5 中所列出的
(c) When welding or brazing is to be done on material having increased tensile strength produced by hot or cold working, the
allowable stress value for the material in the annealed condition shall be used for joint design. One-piece heads and seamless shells
may be designed on the basis of the actual temper of the material. 当对通过热加工或冷加工而提高抗拉强度之材料进行焊接或钎
焊时,应采用该材料在退火状态下的许用应力值进行接头设计。 整体式封头和无缝壳体可根据材料的实际回火状态来进行
(d) When welding or brazing is to be done on material having increased tensile strength produced by heat treatment, the
allowable stress value for the material in the annealed condition shall be used for the joint design unless the stress values for welded
construction are given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1B or Table 3 or unless the finished construction is subjected to the same
heat treatment as that which produced the temper in the “as- received” material, provided the welded joint and the base metal are
similarly affected by the heat treatment. 当对通过热处理而提高抗拉强度之材料进行焊接或钎焊时,接头设计应采用该材料在
退火状态下的许用应力值,除非在第 II-D册第 1 子篇表 1B 或表 3 给出了焊接结构的应力值,或者除非成品结构经过与“供
Cylindrical and spherical shells under external pressure shall be designed by the rules in UG-28, using the applicable figures in
Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 and the temperature limits of UG-20(c). 外压作用下之圆筒形壳体和球形壳体应采用第 II-D 卷第 3
子篇中的适用数据和 UG-20(c) 的应用温度范围并按照 UG-28 中的规则并来进行设计。
Rules covering the design and attachment of stiffening rings are given in UG-29 and UG-30. UG-29 和 UG-30 中给出了有关加劲环
Ellipsoidal, torispherical, hemispherical, and conical heads having pressure on the convex side (minus heads) shall be designed by the
rules of UG-33, using the applicable figures in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3. 凸面受压之椭圆形、准球形、半球形和圆锥形封头
(负封头),应根据 UG-33 的规则并配套第 II-D 卷第 3 子篇中的适用数据来进行设计。
Postweld heat treatment of nonferrous materials is not normally necessary nor desirable. 有色金属材料的焊后热处理通
(b) Except as in (c) and (d) below, no postweld heat treatment shall be performed except by agreement between the user and
the Manufacturer. The temperature, time and method of heat treatment shall be covered by agreement. 除下文 (c) 和 (d) 中的情况
外,除非用户与制造商达成协议,否则不应进行焊后热处理。 热处理的温度、时间和方法由双方协议确定。
Table UNF-23.5 Nonferrous Metals — Zirconium 表
UNF-23.5有色金属 — 锆
R60702, R60705
R60702, R60705
R60702, R60705
R60702, R60705
R60702, R60705
R60702, R60705
GENERAL NOTE: Maximum allowable stress values in tension for the materials listed in the above
table are contained in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1 (see UG-23). 总注解:表中所列材料的最大许用
抗拉应力值见在第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇 (参见 UG-23)。
(c) Within 14 days after welding, all products of zirconium Grade R60705 shall be heat treated at 1,000°F to 1,100°F (540°C
to 595°C) for a minimum of 1 hr for thicknesses up to 1 in. (25 mm) plus 1/2 hr for each additional inch of thickness. Above 800°F
(425°C), cooling shall be done in a closed furnace or cooling chamber at a rate not greater than 500°F/hr (278°C/h) divided by the
maximum metal thickness of the shell or head material in inches but in no case more than 500°F/hr (278°C/h). From 800°F (425°C),
the vessel may be cooled in still air. For tube-to-tubesheet welds, when postweld heat treatment is performed with no other
components, the cooling rate54 above 800°F (425°C) shall not exceed 250°F/hr (140°/h) regardless of thickness. 在焊接后的 14 天
内,所有厚度最大为1 in. (25 mm) 且等级为 R60705 之锆产品应在 1,000°F 至 1,100°F (540°C 至 595°C)的温度下热处理至少 1
小时,每增加1 in.厚度另加 1/2 小时。 高于 800°F (425°C)时,应在封闭的炉内或冷却室中进行冷却,冷却速度不超过
500°F/hr (278°C/h)除以壳体或封头材料之最大金属厚度 (单位:英寸),但在任何情况下都不应超过 500°F/hr (278°C/h)。 从
800°F (425°C) 开始,容器可以在静止空气中冷却。 当管子对管板之焊缝不与其他零部件一起进行焊后热处理时,无论管子
与管板厚度如何,在800°F (425°C)以上的冷却速率 54 不应超过 250°F/hr (140°/h)。
Postweld Heat Treatment of UNS Nos. N08800, N08810, and N08811 Alloys UNS 号为 N08800、N08810 和 N08811 之
(1) Pressure boundary welds and welds to pressure boundaries in vessels with design temperatures above 1,000°F
(540°C) fabricated from UNS No. N08800 (Alloy 800), UNS No. N08810 (Alloy 800H), and UNS No. N08811 (Alloy 800HT) shall
be postweld heat treated. The postweld heat treatment shall consist of heating to a minimum temperature of 1,625°F (885°C) for 1 1/2
hr for thicknesses up to 1 in. (25 mm), and for 1 1/2 hr + 1 hr/in. of thickness for thicknesses in excess of 1 in. (25 mm). Cooling and
heating rates shall be by agreement between the user or his designated agent and the Manufacturer. As an alternative, solution
annealing in accordance with the material specification is acceptable. Postweld heat treatment of tube-to-tubesheet and expansion
bellows attachment welds is neither required nor prohibited. 压力边界焊缝和由 UNS 编号为 N08800(合金 800)、 N08810(合
金 800H)和 N08811(合金 800HT)所制成且设计温度高于 1,000°F (540°C) 之容器中的压力边界焊缝应进行焊后热处理。
包括焊后热处理应包括加热至1625°F(885°C)的最低温度,厚度不超过 1 in. (25 mm)时持温时间为11/2 小时, 厚度超过 1
in. (25 mm)的厚度,其持温时间为 11/2 hr + 1 hr/in. 。 冷却速率和加热速率应由用户或其指定代理与制造商达成协议。可作
为上述之替代方法是:,根据材料规范进行固溶化退火也是可以接受的。 既不要求也不禁止对管子与管板和膨胀波纹管之
(2) Except as permitted in (3) below, vessels or parts of vessels that have been postweld heat treated in accordance with
the requirements of this paragraph shall again be postweld heat treated after welded repairs have been made. 除非为下述(3)所允许的
(3) Weld repairs to the weld metal and heat-affected zone in welds joining these materials may be made after the final
PWHT, but prior to the final hydrostatic test, without additional PWHT. The weld repairs shall meet the requirements of (-a) through
(-d) below. 可以在最终 PWHT 之后但在最终静水压试验之前对连接这些材料之焊缝金属和热影响区进行焊补,而无需额外
的 PWHT,前提是焊补应满足以下 (-a) 至 (-d) 的要求。
(-a) The Manufacturer shall give prior notification of the repair to the user or to his designated agent and shall not
proceed until acceptance has been obtained. 返修之前制造商应事先通知用户或其委托方,并且在获得接受之前不应进行
(-b) The total repair depth shall not exceed 1/2 in. (13 mm) or 30% of the material thickness, whichever is less. The
total depth of a weld repair shall be taken as the sum of the depths for repairs made from both sides of a weld at a given location.
总返修深度不应超过 1/2 in. (13 mm) 或材料厚度的 30%中的较小者。 焊缝的总返修深度度应为给定位置焊缝两侧之返
(-c) After removal of the defect, the groove shall be examined. The weld repair area must also be examined. The
liquid penetrant examination method, in accordance with Mandatory Appendix 8, shall be used. 去除缺陷后应采用符合强制性
附录 8 之液渗透检测方法对坡口及焊缝返修区域进行检测 。
(-d) The vessel shall be hydrostatically tested after making the welded repair. 容器在焊补后应进行静水压试验。
(e) Postweld heat treatment of UNS R31233 is required prior to cold forming when the cold forming bend radius at the weld is
less than 4 times the thickness of the component. Postweld treatment shall consist of annealing at 2,050°F (1 121°C) immediately
followed by water quenching. 当UNS号为 R31233钢材中之焊缝处的冷成型弯曲半径小于组件厚度的 4 倍时,则需要在冷成型
之前进行焊后热处理。 焊后处理应包括在 2,050°F (1121°C) 下的退火,然后立即进行水淬。
(a) Vessels or parts of vessels constructed of nonferrous materials shall be radiographed in accordance with the requirements
of UW-11. 由有色金属材料所制成容器或容器零部件应按照 UW-11 的要求进行射线检测。
(b) In addition, for vessels constructed of titanium or zirconium and their alloys, all Category A and B joints shall be fully
radiographed in accordance with UW-51. 此外,对于由钛或锆及其合金所制成之容器中的所有 A 类和 B 类接头均应按照 UW51 进行100% 射线检测。
(c) Welded butt joints in vessels constructed of materials listed in Table UNF-23.3, with the exception of alloys 200 (UNS No.
N02200), 201 (UNS No. N02201), 400 (UNS No. N04400), 401 (UNS No. N04401), and 600 (UNS No. N06600), shall be examined
radiographically for their full length as prescribed in UW-51 when the thinner of the plate or vessel wall thicknesses at the welded
joint exceeds 3/8 in. (10 mm). 由表 UNF-23.3 所列材料所制成之容器中的焊接对接接头, 当焊接接头处的板材或容器壁厚之较
薄者超过 3/8 in. (10 mm) 时,应按照UW-51之规定对其全长进行射线检测,但合金 200(UNS 编号 N02200)、201(UNS
编号 N02201)、400(UNS 编号 N04400)、401(UNS 编号 N04400)、401(UNS 编号)除外。
(d) Where a defect is removed and welding repair is not necessary, care shall be taken to contour notches or corners. The
contoured surface shall then be reinspected by the same means originally used for locating the defect to be sure it has been completely
removed. 如果缺陷已被移除且不需要焊接返修时,则应注意缺口或拐角的外形。 然后应采用最初用于定位缺陷的相同方法
(a) All welds, both groove and fillet, in vessels constructed of materials covered by UNS N06625 (for Grade 2 only in SB443, SB-444, and SB-446), UNS N10001, and UNS N10665 shall be examined for the detection of cracks by the liquid penetrant
method. This examination shall be made following heat treatment if heat treatment is performed. All cracks shall be removed by
grinding, or grinding and filing. Where a defect is removed and welding repair is not necessary, care shall be taken to contour notches
or corners. The contoured surface shall then be reinspected by the same means originally used for locating the defect to be sure it has
been completely removed. 由 UNS号为 N06625(仅适用于 SB-443、SB-444 和 SB-446 中的 2 级)、UNS N10001 和 N10665
材料所制成之容器中的所有焊缝 (包括坡口焊缝和填角焊缝)均应采用液渗透法来检测是否存在着裂纹。 如果进行热处理,
则应在热处理后才进行此项检测。 所有裂纹均应通过打磨或打磨加锉削来予以去除。 如果缺陷已去除并且无需进行焊接返
修时,则应注意修整缺口或拐角的轮廓。 然后应以最初用于定位缺陷的相同方法重新检测该轮廓表面,以确保缺陷已被完
All joints in vessels constructed of titanium or zirconium and their alloys shall be examined by the liquid penetrant
method of Mandatory Appendix 8. 由钛或锆及其合金所制成之容器中的所有接头应采用强制性附录 8 的液渗透法进行检测。
(c) Welded joints in vessels or parts of vessels, constructed of materials listed in Table UNF-23.3, with the exception of
alloys 200 (UNS No. N02200), 201 (UNS No. N02201), 400 (UNS No. N04400), 405 (UNS No. N04405), and 600 (UNS No.
N06600), shall be examined by the liquid penetrant method when they are not required to be fully radiographed. 由表 UNF-23.3 所列
材料所制成之容器或容器零部件的焊接接头,当它们不需要100% 射线照相时,则应采用液渗透方法进行检测,但合金 200
(UNS号 N02200)、201 (UNS号 N02201)、400 (UNS 号 N04400)、405 (UNS号N04405), 和 600 (UNS号N06600)除外。
(d) Laser and resistance-welded lap joints are exempt from liquid penetrant examination requirements of (a), (b), and (c)
above. 采用激光焊接和电阻焊接之搭接接头可免除上述 (a)、(b) 和 (c) 的液渗透检测要求。
The materials listed in Tables UNF-23.1 through UNF-23.5, together with deposited weld metal within the range of composition for
material in that Table, do not undergo a marked drop in impact resistance at subzero temperature. Therefore, no additional
requirements are specified for wrought aluminum alloys when they are used at temperatures down to −452°F (−269°C); for copper
and copper alloys, nickel and nickel alloys, and cast aluminum alloys when they are used at temperatures down to −325°F (−198°C);
and for titanium or zirconium and their alloys used at temperatures down to −75°F (−59°C). The materials listed in Tables UNF-23.1
through UNF-23.5 may be used at lower temperatures than those specified herein and for other weld metal compositions, provided the
user satisfies himself by suitable test results such as determinations of tensile elongation and sharp- notch tensile strength (compared
to unnotched tensile strength) that the material has suitable ductility at the design temperature. 表 UNF-23.1 至 UNF-23.5 中所列材
料,以及该表中材料成分范围内的熔敷焊缝金属,在零度以下之温度下的冲击强度不会明显下降。 因此,当缎铝合金在低
至-452°F(-269°C)的温度下使用时,没有规定额外的要求;对于在低至-325°F (-198°C) 的温度下使用铜和铜合金、镍和镍
合金以及铸铝合金,以及适用于温度低至-75°F (-59°C) 的钛或锆及其合金,也没有规定额外的要求。 表 UNF-23.1 至 UNF23.5 中所列出之材料和材料成分范围内之其他焊缝金属可以在比本文所规定之温度更低的温度下使用,前提是用户对通过
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the fabrication of pressure vessels and vessel parts that are constructed of
nonferrous materials and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Fabrication in Subsection A, and with the
specific requirements for Fabrication in Subsection B that pertain to the method of fabrication used. 以下各节中之规则特别适用于
由有色金属材料所制成的压力容器和容器零部件的制造,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中有关制造的通用要求以及 B 分卷中
The following provisions shall apply in addition to the general rules for forming given in UG-79: 除了 UG-79 中给出的通用成型规
(a) The selected thickness of material shall be such that the forming processes will not reduce the thickness of the material at
any point below the minimum value required by the design computation. 所选用之材料厚度应足以确保成型过程不会使材料在任
(b) Relatively small local bulges and buckles may be removed from formed parts for shells and heads by hammering or by
local heating and hammering. For limiting temperatures see Nonmandatory Appendix UNF-A. 可以通过锤击或通过局部加热 + 锤
击从壳体和封头的成型部件上去除相对较小的局部凸起和弯曲。有关极限温度之讯息请参阅非强制性附录 UNF-A。
(c) A shell section that has been formed by rolling may be brought true-to-round for its entire length by pressing, rolling, or
hammering. 通过滚压成型之壳体段可以通过压制、滚压或锤击对其整个长度进行整圆。
Welding of titanium or zirconium and their alloys is to be by the gas-shielded tungsten arc process, the gas- shielded metal arc
(consumable-electrode) process, the plasma arc welding process, the electron beam process, the laser beam process, or the resistance
welding process, meeting the requirements of Section IX or Mandatory Appendix 17 of this Division, whichever is applicable. 钛或锆
及其合金的焊接应采用满足本第 IX 卷或强制性附录 17(以适用者为准)之要求的气体遮护钨弧焊工艺、自耗性电极的气体
STRAINING 由于应变而对制造后热处理的要求
(a) The following rules shall apply in addition to general rules for forming given in UNF-77. 除 UNF-77 中所给出的通用成型
(1) If the following conditions prevail, the cold formed areas of pressure-retaining components manufactured of austenitic
alloys shall be solution annealed by heating at the temperatures given in Table UNF-79 for 20 min/in. (20 min/25 mm) of thickness
followed by rapid cooling: 如果满足以下条件,由奥氏体合金所制造之承压组件的冷成型区域应在表 UNF-79 中所给出之温度
下应持温20 min/in. (20 min/25 mm)以进行固溶退火,然后快速冷却:
(-a) the finishing-forming temperature is below the minimum heat-treating temperature given in Table UNF-79; and
最终成型温度低于表 UNF-79 中所给出的最低热处理温度; 以及
(-b) the design metal temperature and the forming strains exceed the limits shown in Table UNF-79. 设计金属温度
和成型应变超过表 UNF-79 中所示极限。
(2) Forming strains shall be determined by the equations in Table UG-79-1. 应按表 UG-79-1 中所给出之方程来确定成
(b) When forming strains cannot be calculated as shown in (a) above, the Manufacturer shall have the responsibility to
determine the maximum forming strain. For flares, swages, or upsets, heat treatment in accordance with Table UNF-79 shall apply,
regardless of the amount of strain. 当无法按上述 (a) 所述计算成型应变时,制造商应负责确定最大成型应变。 对于扩口、型锻
或镦粗而言,无论应变大小如何都应根据表 UNF-79 进行热处理。
Table UNF-79 Postfabrication Strain Limits and Required Heat Treatment
表 UNF-79 制造加工后应变极限和所需的热处理
Limitation in Lower Temperature Range 较低温度范围的使
Limitations in Higher Temperature Range
For Design Temperature, °F (°C) 设
Minimum Heat Treatment
Temperature, °F (°C), When
Design Temperature and
Forming Strain Limits Are
计温度,单位:°F (°C)
For Design
But Less Than or And Forming Strains Temperature, °F (°C), And Forming Strain Exceeded超过设计温度和成形
Equal To但小于或 Exceeding, %成型应 Exceeding设计温度[°F Exceeding成型应变超
(°C))] 高于
[Note (1)], [Note (2)]
1,000 (540)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
2,025 (1 105)
1,075 (580)
1,075 (580)
1,100 (595)
1,075 (580)
1,100 (595)
1,075 (580)
1,075 (580)
1,000 (540)
1,000 (540)
1,075 (580)
1,100 (595)
1,100 (595)
1,100 (595)
1,100 (595)
1,100 (595)
1,100 (595)
1,050 (565)
1,050 (565)
1,100 (595)
1,250 (675)
1,200 (650)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,400 (760)
1,200 (650)
1,200 (650)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,200 (650)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,200 (650)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,400 (760)
1,200 (650)
1,200 (650)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,200 (650)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
2,050 (1 120)
2,200 (1 205)
2,150 (1 175)
2,050 (1 120)
2,200 (1 205)
1,900 (1 040)
1,900 (1 040)
2,100 (1 150)
2,000 (1 095)
1,900 (1 040)
2,175 (1 190)
1,900 (1 040)
1,800 (980)
2,050 (1 120)
2,100 (1 150)
2,150 (1 175)
2,050 (1 120)
1,950 (1 065)
2,150 (1 175)
The limits shown are for cylinders formed from plates, spherical or dished heads formed from plate, and tube and pipe bends. 所示限值适用于
(b) When the forming strains cannot be calculated as shown in UNF-79(a), the forming strain limits shall be half those tabulated in this Table [see
UNF-79(b)]. 当无法按 UNF-79(a) 所述计算成型应变时,成型应变极限应为本表所列数值的一半 [参见 UNF-79(b)]。
NOTES: 注释:
Rate of cooling from heat-treatment temperature is not subject to specific control limits. 从热处理温度开始的冷却速率不受规定控制值所限
The temperature indicated is the minimum furnace set point, and load temperatures as much as 25°F (15°C) below the set temperature are
acceptable. 所示温度为炉子的最低设定温,低于设定温度 25°F (15°C)之装载温度是可以接受的。
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the inspection and testing of pressure vessels and vessel parts that are
constructed of nonferrous materials and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Inspection Tests in Subsection
A, and with the specific requirements for Inspection and Tests in Subsection B that pertain to the method of fabrication used. 以下各
节中之规则特别适用于由有色金属材料所制成之压力容器和容器零部件的检验和试验,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中有关
设检验试验的通用要求以及 B 分卷中与所用制造方法有关之检验和测试的具体要求配套使用。
If the filler metal is radiographically similar56 to the base metal, the image quality indicator may be placed adjacent to the weld;
otherwise it shall be placed on the deposited weld metal. 如果熔填金属的射线照透特征与母材相似56,则像质计可放置在焊缝附
近; 否则应放置在所沉积的焊缝金属上。
If a vessel of welded titanium or zirconium and their alloys construction incorporates joints of Category A or B as described in UW-3,
a production test plate of the same specification, grade, and thickness shall be made of sufficient size to provide at least one face and
one root bend specimen or two side bend specimens dependent upon plate thickness. Where longitudinal joints are involved, the test
plate shall be attached to one end of the longitudinal joint and welded continuously with the joint. Where circumferential joints only
are involved, the test plate need not be attached but shall be welded along with the joint and each welder or welding operator shall
deposit weld metal in the test plate at the location and proportional to that deposited in the production weld. Test plates shall represent
each welding process or combination of processes or a change from machine to manual or vice versa. At least one test plate is required
for each vessel provided not over 100 ft of Category A or B joints are involved. An additional test plate, meeting the same
requirements as outlined above, shall be made for each additional 100 ft of Category A or B joints involved. The bend specimens shall
be prepared and tested in accordance with Section IX, QW-160. Failure of either bend specimen constitutes rejection of the weld.
如果由钛或锆及其合金所焊制之容器包含 UW-3 中所述 A 类或 B 类接头,则应以相同的规范、等级和厚度之材料来制作生
产试板,试板之尺寸应足以提供至少一个面弯和一个根弯试样或两个侧弯试样 (取决于板厚度)。 涉及纵向接头时,试板应
贴在纵向接头的一端,并与接头一起焊接。 如果仅涉及,则试板无需连接在环向接头的一端,但应与接头一起焊接,每位
合或从机器到手工的变化,反之亦然。 如果所涉及的 A 类或 B 类接头不超过 100 英尺,则每台容器至少需要一个试板。如
果所涉及的 A 类或 B 类接头过 100 英尺,则每增加 100 英尺时均应根据第 IX 卷 QW-160 制备一块额外的弯曲试样,以满足
与上述相同的要求。 任何一个弯曲试样的失败都是构成构该焊缝不合格的理由。
The provisions for marking and reports in UG-115 through UG-120 shall apply without supplement to pressure vessels constructed of
nonferrous materials. UG-115 至 UG-120 中的标记和报告规定可在无需增加任何额外的补充条款下直接适用于由有色金属材
This Appendix summarizes the major properties and fabricating techniques suitable for the nonferrous materials. 本附录总结了适用
The nonferrous materials can be formed and fabricated into a variety of types of assemblies with the same types of fabricating
equipment as are used for steel. The details of some fabricating procedures vary among the several nonferrous materials and differ
from those used for steel because of differences in the inherent mechanical properties of these materials. Detailed information
regarding procedures best suited to the several metals may be obtained from the literature of the material producers, and from other
reliable sources such as the latest editions of handbooks issued by the American Welding Society and the American Society for
Metals. 有色金属材料可以使用与用于钢材成形相同类型的制造设备成型和制造加工成各种类型的组装件。 一些制造程序的
细节在几种有色金属材料之间有所不同,并且由于这些材料固有的机械性能差异而不同于用于钢的制造加工程序。 有关最
The specified mechanical properties, as listed in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 1B and 3, show a wide range of strengths. The
maximum allowable stress values show a correspondingly wide range and a variable relationship to service temperature. The
maximum temperature listed for any material is the temperature above which that material is not customarily used. Section II, Part D,
Subpart 2, Table PRD provides Poisson’s ratios and densities for ferrous and nonferrous materials. 如第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 1B 和表
3 中所列,所规定之机械性能显示了较宽的强度。 最大许用应力值显示出相应的宽范围和与操作温度的可变关系。 为任何
材料所列出的最高温度是该材料通常不使用的温度。第 II-D 卷第 2 子篇表 PRD 给出了黑色金属和有色金属材料的泊松比和
See Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-410. 参见第 II-D 卷非强制性附录 A中A-410条款。
See Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-420. 参见第 II-D 卷非强制性附录 A中A-420条款。
See Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-430. 参见见第 II-D 卷非强制性附录 A中A-430条款。
In general, nonferrous materials cannot be cut by the conventional oxyacetylene cutting equipment commonly used for steel. They
may be melted and cut by oxyacetylene, powder cutting carbon arc, oxygen arc, and other means. When such thermal means for
cutting are employed a shallow contaminated area adjacent to the cut results. This contamination should be removed by grinding,
machining, or other mechanical means after thermal cutting and prior to use or further fabrication by welding. 一般来说,有色金属
材料不能用通常用于钢材的传统氧乙炔切割设备来切割。 它们可以通过氧乙炔、粉末切割碳弧、氧弧和其他方式熔化和切
割。 当采用这种用于切割的热装置时,会在邻近切口附近近产生浅污染区域。 在热切割之后、使用前或通过焊接进一步制
The nonferrous materials can be machined with properly sharpened tools of high-speed steel or cemented- carbide tools. A coolant is
necessary and should be used copiously. In general, the tools should have more side and top rake than required for cutting steel and
the edges should be keen and smooth. Comparatively high speeds and fine feeds give best results. Information can be obtained from
the material producers and the Metals Handbook for conditions to give optimum results. 有色金属材料可以用具有合适锋利刀刃之
高速钢刀具或硬质合金刀来进行加工。 切削应大量使用冷却剂。 一般来说,工具的侧倾角和顶倾角应该比用于切割钢材所
需的更大,并且边缘应该锋利光滑。 相对较高的速度和精细进给可提供最佳效果。 可以从材料生产商和《金属手册》中获
The commonly used gas processes for welding aluminum-base materials employ oxyhydrogen or oxyacetylene flames whereas only
the latter produces sufficient heat for welding the copper-base and nickel-base alloys. For the aluminum, nickel and cupro-nickel
alloys a neutral to slightly reducing flame should be used, whereas for copper base materials the flame should be neutral to slightly
oxidizing. A suitable flux, applied to the welding rod and the work, shall be used except that no flux is required for nickel. Boron-free
and phosphorus-free fluxes are required for nickel–copper alloy and for nickel–chromium–iron alloy. Residual deposits of flux shall
be removed. 用于焊接铝基材料的常用气体工艺是采用氢氧火焰或氧乙炔火焰,而只有氧乙炔火焰才能产生足够的热量来焊
接铜基和镍基合金。铝、镍和铜镍合金应采用中性至轻微的还原火焰,而铜基材料则应采用中性至轻微氧化性火焰。 应采
用适用于焊条和工件的焊剂,但镍不需要焊剂,而镍铜合金和镍铬铁合金则需要无硼和无磷的焊剂。 焊后应清除所残留的
Metal arc welds can be made with standard dc equipment using reversed polarity (electrode-positive) and coated electrodes. A slightly
greater included angle in butt welds for adequate manipulation of the electrode is required. 可以通过采用涂覆焊条及具有反极性
(电极正极)的标准直流设备来进行金属电弧焊。 对接焊缝中的坡口角度要稍大一些,以便于焊条操作。
Both the consumable and nonconsumable electrode processes are particularly advantageous for use with the nonferrous materials. Best
results are obtained through the use of special filler metals. 消耗性和非消耗性电极工艺有色金属材料的使用都特别有利。 通过
Electric resistance welding, which includes spot, line or seam, and butt or flash welding, can be used with the nonferrous materials.
Proper equipment and technique are required for making satisfactory welds. 有色金属材料可采用电阻焊,包括点焊、线焊或缝焊
See Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-440. 参见第 II-D 卷非强制性附录 A中A-440条款。
(a) Aluminum. See Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-451. 铝。 参见第 II-D 卷非强制性附录 A中A-451条
(b) Nickel. See Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-452. 镍。 参见第 II-D 卷非强制性附录 A中A-452条款。
Titanium or Zirconium. See Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-453. 钛或锆。 参见第 II-D 卷非强制性附
录 A中A-453条款。
The rules in Part UHA are applicable to pressure vessels and vessel parts that are constructed of high alloy steel and shall be used in
conjunction with the general requirements in Subsection A, and with the specific requirements in Subsection B that pertain to the
method of fabrication used. UHA 篇中之规则适用于由高合金钢所制成之压力容器和容器零部件,并且这些规则还应与 A分卷
中的通用要求以及 B 分卷中有关所用制造方法之具体要求配套使用。
Some of the uses of high alloy steel are to resist corrosion, to avoid contamination of contents with iron, to facilitate cleaning of
vessels for processing foods, to provide strength or scaling resistance at high temperatures, and to provide impact resistance at low
temperatures. 高合金钢的一些用途是抗腐蚀、避免铁对物料造成污染、便于食品加工容器的清洁、在高温下提供强度或抗垢
Specific chemical compositions, heat treatment procedures, fabrication requirements, and supplementary tests may be required to
assure that the vessel will be in its most favorable condition for the intended service. This is particularly true for vessels subject to
severe corrosion. These rules do not indicate the selection of an alloy suitable for the intended service or the amount of the corrosion
allowance to be provided. 可能需要具体的化学成分、热处理规程、制造加工要求和补充测试,以确保容器处于最有利于的预
期工况状态,这对于遭受严重腐蚀之容器尤其重要。 这些规则并不表明选择适合预期用途的合金或要所要提供的腐蚀余
It is recommended that users assure themselves by appropriate tests, or otherwise, that the high alloy steel selected and its heat
treatment during fabrication will be suitable for the intended service both with respect to corrosion resistance and to retention of
satisfactory mechanical properties during the desired service life. (See Nonmandatory Appendix UHA-A, Suggestions on the
Selection and Treatment of Austenitic Chromium–Nickel Steels.) 建议用户通过适当的测试或其他方式确保所选用之高合金钢及
性能;(有关奥氏体铬镍钢的选用和处理的建议请参见非强制性附录 UHA-A)。
(a) Approved specifications for castings of high alloy steel are given in Table UHA-23. A tabulation of allowable stress values
at different temperatures is given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 3 for bolting and Table 1A for other materials. These stress
values are to be multiplied by the casting quality factors of UG-24. Castings that are to be welded shall be of weldable grade.
表 UHA-23 给出了所许用的高合金钢铸件规范。 第 II -D 卷第 1 子篇表 和表 1A中分别列出了螺栓连接件和其他材料在不同
温度下的许用应力值。 这些应力值应乘以 UG-24 的铸件质量系数。 需要焊接的铸件应为可焊级。
(b) Cast high alloy steel flanges and fittings complying with ASME B16.5 shall be used within the ratings assigned in these
standards. 符合 ASME B16.5 的高合金钢铸造法兰和管配件应在这些标准所规定之额定值内使用。
(a) All materials subject to stress due to pressure shall conform to one of the specifications given in Section II, and shall be
limited to those listed in Table UHA-23 except as otherwise provided in (b) and UG-4. 除非 (b) 和 UG-4 中另有规定,所有因压力
而承受到应力之材料应符合第 II 册中所给出的规范之一,并应限于表 UHA-23 中所列出的材料。
(b) The specifications listed in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Tables 1A and 3 do not use a uniform system for designating the
Grade number of materials that have approximately the same range of chemical composition. To provide a uniform system of
reference, these tables include a column of UNS (Unified Numbering System) numbers assigned to identify the various alloy
compositions. When these particular UNS numbers were assigned, the familiar AISI type numbers for stainless steels were
incorporated into the designation. These type numbers are used in the rules of Part UHA whenever reference is made to materials of
approximately the same chemical composition that are furnished under more than one approved specification or in more than one
product form. 第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 1A 和表 3中所列出之规范并未采用采用统一数字编号系统来指定具有大致相同化学成分
范围之材料的等级编号。 为了提供统一的参考系统,这些表包含一列 UNS(采用统一数字编号系统)编号,以用于识别各
种合金成分。 当指定这些特定的 UNS 编号时,大家所熟悉的不锈钢 AISI 类型编号也被纳入到该番号中。 每当提及根据一
项以上许用规范或以一种以上之产品形式来提供化学成分大致相同的材料时,UHA 篇之规则中都会以型号来表示。
(a) Approved specifications for bolt materials of carbon steel and low alloy steel are listed in Table UCS-23 and of high alloy
steel in Table UHA-23. A tabulation of allowable stress values at different temperatures (see UG-12) is given in Section II, Part D,
Subpart 1, Table 3. 碳钢和低合金钢螺栓材料的许用规范列于表 UCS-23,高合金钢螺栓材料的许用规范列于表 UHA-23。 第
II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 3 中给出了不同温度下的许用应力表列值 (参见 UG-12)。
(b) Nonferrous bolts, studs, and nuts may be used provided they are suitable for the application. They shall conform to the
requirements of Part UNF. 可以采用适合应用的有色金属螺栓、螺柱和螺母,前提是它们应符合 UNF 篇的要求
Nuts and washers shall conform to the requirements in UCS-11. 螺母和华司应符合 UCS-11 的要求。
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the design of pressure vessels and vessel parts that are constructed of
high alloy steel and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Design in Subsection A, and with the specific
requirements for Design in Subsection B that pertain to the method of fabrication used. 以下各节中之规则特别适用于由高合金钢
所制成之压力容器和容器零部件的设计,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中有关设计之通用要求和 B 小节分卷有关所用制造方
When radiographic examination is required for buttwelded joints by UHA-33, Category A and B joints (see UW-3) shall be of
Type Nos. (1) and (2) of Table UW-12. 当 UHA-33 要求对焊接头进行射线检测时,则A 类和 B 类接头 (见 UW-3)应为表 UW12 中的第 (1) 和 (2) 类。
(a) Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 3 for bolting and Table 1A for other materials give the maximum allowable stress
values at the temperatures indicated for the materials conforming to the specifications listed therein. Values may be interpolated for
intermediate temperatures (see UG-23). 第 II-D 卷第 1 子篇表 3 (螺栓连接)和表 1A (其他材料)给出了符合其中所列规范之材料
在所规定之温度下的最大许用应力值。 可以对中间温度进行插值 (参见 UG-23)。
Shells of pressure vessels may be made from welded pipe or tubing listed in Table UHA-23. 可以用表 UHA-23 中所列
(c) For vessels designed to operate at a temperature below −20°F (−30°C), the allowable stress values to be used in design
shall not exceed those given in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A or Table 3 for temperatures of −20°F to 100°F (−30°C to
40°C). 对于设计用于在低于 −20°F (−30°C) 之温度下运行的容器而言,设计中所采用之许用应力值不应超过第 II-D 卷第 1 子
篇表 1A 或 表 3 针对 −20°F 至 100°F (−30°C 至 40°C)之温度所给出的数值。
Cylindrical and spherical shells under external pressure shall be designed by the rules in UG-28, using the applicable figures in
Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 and the temperature limits of UG-20(c). 承受外压之圆筒形壳体和球形壳体应根据 UG-28 中的规则
并配套第 II -D 卷第 3 子篇中之适用数据和 UG-20(c) 的应用温度范围来进行设计。
Rules covering the design of stiffening rings are given in UG-29. UG-29 中给出了有关加劲环的设计规则。
Rules covering the attachment of stiffening rings are given in UG-30. UG-30 中给出了有关加劲环的连接规则。
Ellipsoidal, torispherical, hemispherical, and conical heads, having pressure on the convex side (minus heads), shall be designed
by the rules of UG-33, using the applicable figures in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3. 凸面受压之椭圆形、准球形、半球形和圆锥形
封头 (负封头)应根据 UG-33 的规则并配套第 II -D 卷第 3 子篇中之适用数据来进行设计。
(a) Before applying the detailed requirements and exemptions in these paragraphs, satisfactory weld procedure qualifications of
the procedures to be used shall be performed in accordance with all the essential variables of Section IX including conditions of
postweld heat treatment or lack of postweld heat treatment and including other restrictions listed below. Welds in pressure vessels or
pressure vessel parts shall be given a postweld heat treatment at a temperature not less than specified in Tables UHA-32-1 through
UHA-32-7 when the nominal thickness, as defined in UW-40(f), including corrosion allowance, exceeds the limits in the Notes to
Tables UHA-32-1 through UHA-32-7. The exemptions provided for in the Notes to Tables UHA-32-1 through UHA-32-7 are not
permitted when welding ferritic materials greater than 1/8 in. (3 mm) thick with the electron beam welding process, or when welding
P-Nos. 6 and 7 (except for Type 405 and Type 410S) materials of any thickness using the inertia and continuous drive friction welding
processes. The materials in Tables UHA-32-1 through UHA-32-7 are listed in accordance with the Section IX P-Number material
groupings of Section IX, Table QW/QB-422 and are also listed in Table UHA-23. 在在应用本节中的详细要求和豁免之前,应根
据第 IX卷的所有必要变量 (包有或无焊后热处理的条件)以及包括以下所列出的其他限制条件来对所用规程序进行令人满意
的焊接工艺规成评定。当包括腐蚀余量之标称厚度(如 UW-40(f) 中定义)超出表 UHA-32-1 至 UHA-32-7 注释中的限度
时,压力容器或压力容器零部件中之焊缝应在不低于表 UHA-32-1 至 UHA-32-7 所规定的温度下进行焊后热处理。 当采用电
子束焊接工艺焊接厚度大于 1/8 in. (3 mm) 之铁素体材料时,则表 UHA-32-1 至 UHA-32-7 注释中所规定的豁免条件将不适用
此类焊缝。 使用惯性和连续驱动摩擦焊接工艺可用于焊接任何厚度的P-No. 6 和 7之材料(但405 型和 410S 型除外)。 表
UHA-32-1 至 UHA-32-7 中之材料是根据第 IX卷表 QW/QB-422 的P-No.材料分组列出的,并且也在表 UHA-23 中列出。
(b) Holding temperatures and/or holding times in excess of the minimum values given in Tables UHA-32-1 through UHA-32-7
may be used. The holding time at temperature as specified in Tables UHA-32-1 through UHA-32-7 need not be continuous. It may be
an accumulation of time of multiple postweld heat treat cycles. Long time exposure to postweld heat treatment temperatures may
cause sigma phase formation (see Nonmandatory Appendix UHA-A). 可以使用超过表 UHA-32-1 至 UHA-32-7 中所给出的最低持
温温度和/或持温时间。 表 UHA-32-1 至 UHA-32-7 中所规定之温度下的持温时间不必是连续的。 它可能是多个焊后热处理
循环之持温时间累计。 长时间暴露在焊后热处理温度下可能会产生σ 相组织(参见非强制性附录 UHA-A)。
(c) When pressure parts of two different P-Number groups are joined by welding, engineering judgment shall be applied when
selecting the postweld heat treatment temperature and holding time to produce material properties suitable for the intended service.
Alternatives such as welding with buttering as described in Section IX, QW-283 may be considered. When nonpressure parts are
welded to pressure parts, the postweld heat treatment temperature of the pressure part shall control. Ferritic steel parts, when used in
conjunction with austenitic chromium–nickel stainless steel parts or austenitic/ferritic duplex steel, shall not be subjected to the
solution heat treatment described in Nonmandatory Appendix UHA-A. 当通过焊接来连接两个不同 P-No.之承压零部件时,在选
择焊后热处理温度和持温时间时应运用工程判断,以产生适合于预期用途的材料性能。 可以考虑采用诸如第 IX 卷 QW-283
中所述的预堆边焊接来作为替代方案。 非承压零部件与承压零部件焊接时,应以承压零部件的焊后热处理温度要求作为控
制基准。 铁素体钢零部件与奥氏体铬镍不锈钢零部件或奥氏体/铁素体双相钢零部件连接时,不应进行非强制性附录 UHA-
A 中所述的固溶化热处理。
(d) The operation of postweld heat treatment shall be carried out by one of the procedures given in UW-40 in accordance with
the requirements of UCS-56(d) except as modified by the Notes to Tables UHA-32-1 through UHA-32-7. 除非表 UHA-32-1 至
UHA-32-7 之注释中另有所修改者,否则应根据 UCS-56(d) 的要求并通过 UW-40 中给出的程序之一来进行焊后热处理操
(e) Vessels or parts of vessels that have been postweld heat treated in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph shall
again be postweld heat treated after repairs have been made. 已按照本要求进行过焊后热处理之容器或容器零部件在返修后应再
Table UHA-23 High Alloy Steel 表 UHA-23 高合金钢
F904L FXM-19 FXM-11 F304 SA-213
F304L F304H F304LN F45
F310MoLN F44
F58 F316 F316L F316H F317
F317L F51 F73 F321 F321H
F66 F60
F53 F55 F347 F347H F348
F348H F54
F6a Cl. 1 & 2 FXM-27Cb
B8MNA Cl. 1A B8T Cl. 1 & 2
B8C Cl. 1 & 2
B8S, B8SA B8 Cl. 1 & 2
B8NA Cl. 1A
B8P Cl. 1 & 2
B8M Cl. 1 & 2, B8M2 Cl. 2B
XM-19 TP304 TP304L
… TP304N TP304LN
… TP309S TP309H TP309Cb
… TP310S TP310H TP310Cb
TP316 TP316L TP316H
TP321 TP321H TP347
TP347H TP347LN TP348
TP348H XM-15
201-1, 201-2
XM-19 XM-29 301
S40500 S40910
S40920 S40930
S41000 S41008
S42900 S43000
S43932 S44400
S44626 S44627
S44635 S44660
N08904 S20910
S24000 S30400
S30403 S30409
S30451 S30453
S30815 S30908
S30909 S30940
S31008 S31009
S31040 S31050
S31254 S31266
S31277 S31600
S31603 S31609
S31651 S31700
S31703 S31725
S32053 S32100
S32109 S34700
S34709 S34800
S34809 S38100
S38815 S40500
S40800 S40900
S41000 S42900
S43000 S43035
S43036 S44400
S44600 S44626
S44627 S44635
S44660 S44700
XM-33 XM-27
TPXM-19 TPXM-29 TP304
TP304L TP304H TP304N
… TP309S TP309H
TP309Cb TP310S TP310H
TP316 TP316L TP316H
TP316N TP317 TP317L
TP321 TP321H TP347
TP347H TP348 TP348H
TP409 TP410 TP429 TP430
TP439 TP430Ti
TP446-1, TP446-2 XM-33
Table UHA-23High Alloy Steel 表 UHA-23 高合金钢(续)
B8F Cl. 1, B8FA Cl. 1A
B8 Cl. 1 & 2, B8A Cl. SA-451
B8M Cl. 1 & 2, B8MA SA-453
Cl. 1A
B8T Cl. 1 & 2, B8TA
Cl. 1A
B8C Cl. 1 & 2, B8CA
201-1, 201-2
651 Cl. A & B
660 Cl. A & B
Table UHA-23 High Alloy Steel (Cont'd) 表 UHA-23 高合金钢(续)
TP310S TP310Cb
F310 F316 F316L
F316H F316N F321
F321H F347 F347H
F348 F348H
[Note (1)]
TP309Cb TP310S
F304 F304L F304H
40, 50
SA/JIS G4303 …
SUS304 SUS304L
SUS310S SUS316
SUS316L SUS321
SUS347 SUS405
GENERAL NOTE: Maximum allowable stress values in tension for the materials listed in the above table are contained in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1
(see UG-23). 总注解:上表所列材料之最大许用抗拉应力值见第 II -D 卷第1子篇 (参见 UG-23)。
NOTE: 注解:
(1) For the rules of this Part and for Mandatory Appendix 44, SA/EN 10028-7 materials shall be considered as SA-240 materials with the
following corresponding grades: 在本卷的规则和强制性附录 44中,SA/EN 10028-7 材料应被视为具有以下相应等级的 SA-240 材
X2CrNi18–9 shall be considered as Type 304L. X2CrNi18–9 应视为 304L 型。
X2CrNiMo17–12–2 shall be considered as Type 316L. X2CrNiMo17–12–2 应视为 316L 型。
X2CrNiMoN17–11–2 and X2CrNiMoN17–13–3 shall be considered as Type 316LN. X2CrNiMoN17–11–2 和 X2CrNiMoN17–13–3
应视为 316LN 型。
X2CrNiN18–10 shall be considered as Type 304LN. X2CrNiN18–10 应视为 304LN 型。
X5CrNi18–10 shall be considered as Type 304. X5CrNi18–10 应视为 304 型。
X5CrNiMo17–12–2 shall be considered as Type 316. X5CrNiMo17–12–2 应视为 316 型。
X5CrNiN19–9 shall be considered as Type 304N. X5CrNiN19–9 应视为 304N 型。
X6CrNiTi18–10shall be considered as Type 321. X6CrNiTi18–10 应视为 321 型。
Table UHA-32-1 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for High Alloy Steels — P-No. 6
表 UHA-23-1 对属于P-No. 6之高合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal Thickness [See UHA-32(d)]
Normal Holding Temperature,
°F (°C), Minimum标称最低持温温度,
单位:°F (°C)
P-No. 6 Gr. Nos. 1, 2, 3
1,400 (760)
如下标称厚度在标称温度下的最短保持时间 [参见 UHA-32(d)]
Up to 2 in. (50 mm)
Over 2 in. (50 mm)
标称厚度≤ 2 in. (50 mm)
标称厚度大于2 in. (50 mm)
1 hr/in. (25 mm), 15 min minimum
2 hr plus 15 min for each additional inch (25 mm)
1 hr/in. (25 mm),但最少 15 分钟
over 2 in. (50 mm) 标称厚度超过2 in. (50 mm)
后的最短持温时间为2 小时另加上每增量1
inch (25 mm) 的所需15 min
Postweld heat treatment is not required when conditions (1) through (4) below are met. 当满足下列条件 (1) 至 (4) 时,不需要进行焊后热处
vessels are constructed of Type 410 material for SA-182 Grade F6a, SA-268, and SA-479由 SA-182 Grade F6a,、SA-268 和 SA-479 的
410 型材料所制成的容器
vessels have a carbon content not exceeding 0.08 %容器之碳含量不超过0.08%
vessels are welded with electrodes that produce用焊材焊接以产生如下焊缝的容器
(a) an austenitic chromium-nickel weld deposit, or奥氏体铬-镍熔敷焊缝,或者
(b) a non-air-hardening nickel-chromium-iron weld deposit 非气硬镍-铬-铁熔敷焊缝
vessels have a nominal thickness 具有以下所述公称厚度之容器
(a) not exceeding 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 不超过 3/8 in. (10 mm)或
(b) exceeding 3/8 in. (10 mm) but not greater than 11/2 in. (38 mm) for full-penetration welds in butt joints when在符合下列 (-1)和(-2)之
情况下,对接接头中公称厚度超过 3/8 in. (10 mm)但不大于11/2 in. (38 mm)的全熔透焊缝
(-1) a preheat of 450°F (230°C) is maintained during welding and焊接期间保持 450°F (230°C) 的预热,并且
(-2) the joints are completely radiographed 该接头进行了100% 的射线检测
Postweld heat treatment shall be performed as prescribed in UW-40 and UCS-56(e). 焊后热处理应按照 UW-40 和 UCS-56(e) 的规定进行。
Table UHA-32-2 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for High Alloy Steels — P-No. 7
表 UHA-23-2 对属于P-No. 7之高合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Normal Holding Temperature,
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal Thickness [See UHA-32(d)] 如
°F (°C), Minimum标称最低持温温度,单
下标称厚度在标称温度下的最短保持时间 [参见 UHA-32(d)]
位:°F (°C)
Up to 2 in. (50 mm)
P-No. 7 Gr. Nos. 1, 2
Over 2 in. (50 mm)
标称厚度≤ 2 in. (50 mm)
1 hr/in. (25 mm), 15 min minimum
1,350 (730)
1 hr/in. (25 mm),但最少 15 分钟
标称厚度大于2 in. (50 mm)
2 hr plus 15 min for each additional inch (25 mm)
over 2 in. (50 mm) 标称厚度超过2 in. (50 mm)
后的最短持温时间为2 小时另加上每增量1
inch (25 mm) 的所需15 min
(a) .Postweld heat treatment is not required when conditions (1) through (4) below are met. 当满足下列条件 (1) 至 (4) 时,不需要进行焊后热处
(1) vessels are constructed of SA-1010 UNS S41003 Type 405 or Type 410S materials for SA-240 and SA-268 由 SA-182 Grade F6a,、SA-268
和 SA-479 的 410 型材料所制成的容器
(2) vessels have a carbon content not exceeding 0.08%容器之碳含量不超过0.08%
(3) vessels are welded with electrodes that produce用焊材焊接以产生如下焊缝的容器
(a) an austenitic-chromium-nickel weld deposit or奥氏体铬-镍熔敷焊缝,或者
(b) a non-air-hardening nickel-chromium-iron weld deposit非气硬镍-铬-铁熔敷焊缝
(4) vessels have a nominal thickness具有以下所述公称厚度之容器
(a) not exceeding 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 不超过 3/8 in. (10 mm)或
(b) exceeding 3/8 in. (10 mm) but not greater than 11/2 in. (38 mm) for full-penetration welds in butt joints when在符合下列 (-1)和(-2)之情
况下,对接接头中公称厚度超过 3/8 in. (10 mm)但不大于11/2 in. (38 mm)的全熔透焊缝
(-1) a preheat of 450°F (230°C) is maintained during welding and焊接期间保持 450°F (230°C) 的预热,并且
(-2) the joints are completely radiographed 该接头进行了100% 的射线检测
(5) Postweld heat treatment shall be performed as prescribed in UW-40 and UCS-56(e) except that the cooling rate shall be a maximum of
100°F/hr (56°C/h) in the range above 1,200°F (650°C) after which the cooling rate shall be sufficiently rapid to prevent embrittlement. 焊后热处理应按照
UW-40 和 UCS-56(e) 的规定进行,但在 1,200° 以上温度值预内最大冷却速率应为 100°F/hr (56°C/h) F (650°C),之后冷却速度应足够快以防止脆
(b) Postweld heat treatment is not required for vessels constructed of Grade TP XM-8 material for SA-268 and SA-479 or of Grade TP 18Cr–2Mo for
SA-240 and SA-268. 用SA-268 和 SA-479中牌号为 TP XM-8之材料或用 SA-240 和 SA-268 中牌号为TP 18Cr–2Mo 所制造的容器不需要焊后热处理。
(c) The following alloys are exempt from PWHT: UNS S40910, S40920, S40930, S40935, S40936, S40945, S40975, S40977, S43035,
S43036, S43932, and S43940. 以下合金免于进行焊后热处理:UNS S40910、S40920、S40930、S40935、S40936、S40945、S40975、S40977、
S43035、S43036、S43932 和 S43940。
Table UHA-32-3 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for High Alloy Steels — P-No. 8
表 UHA-23-3 对属于P-No. 8之高合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Normal Holding Temperature,
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal
°F (°C), Minimum标称最低持温温度,单 Thickness [See UHA-32(d)] 如下标称厚度在标称温度下的最短
P-No. 8 Gr. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4
位:°F (°C)
保持时间 [参见 UHA-32(d)]
(a) Postweld heat treatment is neither required nor prohibited for joints between austenitic stainless steels of the P-No. 8 group. See
Nonmandatory Appendix UHA-A. 对属于P-No. 8之奥氏体不锈钢间之接头既不求求也不禁止进行焊后热处理。 参见非强制
性附录 UHA-A。
(b) If postweld heat treatment is performed for P-No. 8 materials, the Manufacturer shall consider the steps necessary to avoid
embrittlement, sensitization, and the precipitation of deleterious phases. See Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-207
through A-210. 如果要对属于P-No. 8之材料进行焊后热处理时,制造商应考虑到如何避免脆化、敏化和析出有害相的必要
步骤。 参见第 II-D册非强制性附录 A中A-207 至 A-210条款。
The requirements for radiographing prescribed in UW-11, UW-51, and UW-52 shall apply in high alloy vessels, except
as provided in (b) below. (See UHA-21.) UW-11、UW-51 和 UW-52 中所规定的射线检测要求应适用于高合金容器,但以下
(b) 中规定的除外 (参见 UHA-21)。
Butt-welded joints in vessels constructed of materials conforming to Type 405 welded with straight chromium
electrodes, and to Types 410, 429, and 430 welded with any electrode, shall be radiographed in all thicknesses. The final radiographs
of all straight chromium ferritic welds including major repairs to these welds shall be made after postweld heat treatment has been
performed. 由符合 405 型纯铬焊材焊接的和由符合 410、429 和 430 型任之何焊条焊材所焊制之容器中的所有厚度之对接焊
缝均应进行射线检测。 所有纯铬铁素体焊缝(包括对这些焊缝的较大返修)的最终射线检测应在焊后热处理完成后才进
Butt-welded joints in vessels constructed of austenitic chromium–nickel stainless steels which are radiographed because
of the thickness requirements of UW-11, or for lesser thicknesses where the joint efficiency reflects the credit for radiographic
examination of Table UW-12, shall be radiographed following post heating if such is performed. 由奥氏体铬镍不锈钢所制成之容器
中的对接焊缝,由于 UW-11 的厚度要求而进行射线检测,或者对于小于UW-11要求进行射线检测之厚度,只要对者中较小
厚度也进行了射线检测,则接头系数应按表 UW-12中的射线检测程度取直, 如果进行后热,则应在后热后进才行射线检
Table UHA-32-4 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for High Alloy Steels — P-No. 10H
表 UHA-23-4 对属于P-No. 10H之高合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Normal Holding Temperature,
P-No. 10H Gr. No. 1
°F (°C), Minimum标称最低持温温度,
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal Thickness [See
单位:°F (°C)
UHA-32(d)] 如下标称厚度在标称温度下的最短保持时间 [参见 UHA-32(d)]
GENERAL NOTE: For the austenitic-ferritic wrought or cast duplex stainless steels listed below, postweld heat treatment is neither required nor
prohibited, but any heat treatment applied shall be performed as listed below and followed by liquid quenching or rapid cooling by other means:
Postweld Heat Treatment Temperature焊后热处理温度, °F (°C)
S31200, S31803, and S32550
S32900 (0.08 max. C)
2,050 min. (1 120 min.)
2,010 min. (1 100 min.)
1,900 min. (1 040 min.)
1,870−2,010 (1 020−1 100)
1,785−1,875 (975−1 025)
1,870 min. (1 020 min.)
1,800−1,975 (980−1 080)
1,870−2,010 (1 020−1 100)
1,800 min. (980 min.)
1,880−2,060 (1 025−1 125)
2,010−2,085 (1 100−1 140)
1,725−1,775 (940−970)
1,825−1,875 (995−1 025)
1,925−2,100 (1 050−1 150)
Table UHA-32-5 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for High Alloy Steels — P-No. 10I
表 UHA-23-5 对属于P-No. 10I之高合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Normal Holding Temperature,
°F (°C), Minimum标称最低持温温度, Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal Thickness [See
P-No. 10I Gr. No. 1
单位:°F (°C)
1,350 (730)
UHA-32(d)] 如下标称厚度在标称温度下的最短保持时间 [参见 UHA-32(d)]
1 hr/in. (25 mm), 15 min minimum
1 hr/in. (25 mm),但最少 15 分钟
(a) Postweld heat treatment shall be performed as prescribed in UW-40 and UCS-56(e) except that the cooling rate shall be a maximum of
100°F/hr (56°C/h) in the range above 1,200°F (650°C) after which the cooling rate shall be rapid to prevent embrittlement. 应按照 UW-40
和 UCS-56(e) 的规定x96进行焊后热处理,但冷却速率在 1,200° 以上的温度范围内最大应为 100°F/hr (56°C/h) F (650°C), 之后应
(b) Postweld heat treatment is neither required nor prohibited for a thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less. 当厚度 ≤ 11/2 in. (13 mm) 时,既要求
(c) For Alloy S44635, the rules for ferritic chromium stainless steel shall apply, except that postweld heat treatment is neither prohibited nor
required. If heat treatment is performed after forming or welding, it shall be performed at 1,850°F (1010°C) minimum followed by rapid
cooling to below 800°F (430°C). 除既不禁止也不要求进行焊后热处理外,铁素体铬不锈钢之规则应适用于合金 S44635。 如果在成
型或焊接后进行热处理,则应在最低 1,850°F (1010°C) 下进行,然后快速冷却至 800°F (430°C) 以下。
Table UHA-32-6 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for High Alloy Steels — P-No. 10K
表 UHA-23-6 对属于P-No. 10K之高合金钢的焊后热处理要求
P-No. 10K Gr. No. 1
Normal Holding Temperature,
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal
°F (°C), Minimum标称最低持温温度,单
Thickness [See UHA-32(d)] 如下标称厚度在标称温度下的最短
位:°F (°C)
保持时间 [参见 UHA-32(d)]
GENERAL NOTE: For Alloy S44660, the rules for ferritic chromium stainless steel shall apply, except that postweld heat treatment is
neither required nor prohibited. If heat treatment is performed after forming or welding, it shall be performed at 1,500°F to 1,950°F
(816°C to 1 066°C) for a period not to exceed 10 min followed by rapid cooling. 总注解:铁素体铬不锈钢之规则应适用于合金
S44660,但既不要求也不禁止焊后热处理。 如果在成型或焊接后进行热处理,则应在 1,500°F 至 1,950°F (816°C 至 1066°C)的温
度下进行不超过 10 分钟的池温时间,然后快速冷却。
Table UHA-32-7 Postweld Heat Treatment Requirements for High Alloy Steels — P-No. 45
表 UHA-23-7 对属于P-No. 45之高合金钢的焊后热处理要求
Normal Holding Temperature,
Minimum Holding Time at Normal Temperature for Nominal
°F (°C), Minimum标称最低持温温度,单 Thickness [See UHA-32(d)] 如下标称厚度在标称温度下的最短保
位:°F (°C)
持时间 [参见 UHA-32(d)]
P-No. 45
(a) Postweld heat treatment is neither required nor prohibited for joints between austenitic stainless steels of the P-No. 45 group, but any
heat treatment applied shall be performed as listed below and followed by liquid quenching or rapid cooling by other means: 属于PNo. 45之奥氏体不锈钢间的接头既不要求也不禁止焊后热处理 ,但任何热处理应按以下所列进行,然后进行液淬或或通过
Postweld Heat Treatment Temperature焊后热处理温度, °F (°C)
2,085−2,318 (1 140−1 170)
(b) If postweld heat treatment is performed for P-No. 45 materials, the Manufacturer shall consider the steps necessary to avoid
embrittlement, sensitization, and the precipitation of deleterious phases. See Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-207
through A-210. 如果要对属于 P-No. 45 之材料进行焊后热处理 ,责制造商应考虑如何避免脆化、敏化和析出有害相的必要
步骤,这可参见第 II-D 卷非强制性附录 A中A-207 至 A-210条款。
All austenitic chromium–nickel alloy steel and austenitic/ferritic duplex steel welds, both groove and fillet, that exceed a nominal
size of 3/4 in. (19 mm), as defined in UW-40(f), and all martensitic chromium steel welds shall be examined for the detection of cracks
by the liquid penetrant method. This examination shall be made following heat treatment if heat treatment is performed. All cracks
shall be eliminated. 所有奥氏体铬镍合金钢和奥氏体/铁素体双相钢焊缝 (包括坡口和填角焊缝)以及所有马氏体铬钢焊缝,当
其焊缝公称尺寸超过 UW-40(f) 中所规定的 3/4 in. (19 mm)则,应采用液渗透法来检测是否存在着裂纹。 如果进行热处理,
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the fabrication of pressure vessels and vessel parts that are constructed of
high alloy steel and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Fabrication in Subsection A, and with the specific
requirements for Fabrication in Subsection B that pertain to the method of fabrication used. 以下各节中之规则特别适用于由高合
金钢所制成之压力容器和容器零部件的制造加工,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中有关制造的通用要求和 B 分卷中与所用制
造加工方法有关之具体要求配套使用 。
Welds that are exposed to the corrosive action of the contents of the vessel should have a resistance to corrosion that is not
substantially less than that of the base metal. The use of filler metal that will deposit weld metal with practically the same composition
as the material joined is recommended. When the manufacturer is of the opinion that a physically better joint can be made by
departure from these limits, filler metal of a different composition may be used provided the strength of the weld metal at the
operating temperature is not appreciably less than that of the high alloy material to be welded, and the user is satisfied that its
resistance to corrosion is satisfactory for the intended service. The columbium content of weld metal shall not exceed 1.00%, except
that ENiCrMo-3, ERNiCrMo-3, and ENiCrMo-12 weld filler metal made to SFA-5.11 and SFA-5.14 may be used to weld S31254,
S31603, S31703, S31725, and S31726 to a maximum design temperature of 900°F (482°C). 暴露于容器内容物腐蚀作用之焊缝的
耐蚀性应不明显低于母材金属的耐蚀性。 建议采用与所要连接枝材料几乎相同成分之焊料。 当制造商认为通过偏离这些限
被焊高合金材料的强度。 并且用户对其耐蚀性能满足预期用途感到满意。焊缝金属的铌含量不应超过 1.00%,但当最高设
计温度为 900°F (482°C)的 S31254、S31603、S31703、S31725 和 S31726 材料是以按 SFA-5.11 和 SFA-5.14 制造的 ENiCrMo3、ERNiCrMo-3 和 ENiCrMo-12 之焊料来进行焊接时除外。
Table UHA-44 Postfabrication Strain Limits and Required Heat Treatment
表 UHA-44 制造加工后应变限制和所需的热处理
Limitations in Lower Temperature Range
UNS Number
S20100 heads
S20100 all others
S20100 heads
S20100 all others
S20153 heads
S20153 all others
S20400 heads
S20400 all others
For Design Temperature设计温度, °F (°C)
But Less Than or Equal to And Forming Strains Exceeding
1,075 (580)
1,075 (580)
1,075 (580)
1,075 (580)
1,075 (580)
1,075 (580)
1,075 (580)
1,075 (580)
1,075 (580)
1,075 (580)
1,000 (540)
1,000 (540)
1,000 (540)
1,000 (540)
1,000 (540)
1,000 (540)
1,000 (540)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
成且型应变超标, %
15 [Note (3)]
15 [Note (3)]
Minimum Heat-Treatment Temperature, °F (°C), When
Design Temperature and Forming Strain Limits Are
Limitations in Higher Temperature Range较高温度范围的限制
For Design Temperature, °F (°C),
And Forming Strains Exceeding Exceeded当设计温度和成形应变极限超过范围时的最
Exceeding设计温度超标,单位:°F (°C)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
1,250 (675)
且成型应变超标, %
低热处理温度 [Note (1)] and [Note (2)]
1,950 (1 065)
1,950 (1 065)
1,950 (1 065)
1,950 (1 065)
1,950 (1 065)
1,950 (1 065)
1,950 (1 065)
1,950 (1 065)
1,900 (1 040)
1,900 (1 040)
1,900 (1 040)
1,900 (1 040)
2,000 (1 095)
2,000 (1 095)
2,000 (1 095)
1,900 (1 040)
1,900 (1 040)
1,900 (1 040)
1,900 (1 040)
2,000 (1 095)
1,900 (1 040)
2,000 (1 095)
1,900 (1 040)
1,900 (1 040)
2,000 (1 095)
(a) The limits shown are for cylinders formed from plates, spherical or dished heads formed from plate, and tube and pipe bends. 所示限值适用于由板材所制成的圆筒体、球形或碟形封头以及管子和弯管。
(b) When the forming strains cannot be calculated as shown in UHA-44(a), the forming strain limits shall be half those tabulated in this Table [see UHA-44(b)]. 当无法按UHA-44(a) 中所示计算成形应变时,则成形应变限值
应为本表中所列出之数值的一半 [参见 UHA-44(b)]。
NOTES: 注释:
Rate of cooling from heat-treatment temperature is not subject to specific control limits. 从热处理温度开始的冷却速率不受所规定之控制限值的限制。
While minimum heat-treatment temperatures are specified, it is recommended that the heat-treatment temperature range be limited to 150°F (85°C) above that minimum [250°F (140°C) for 347, 347H, 347LN, 348, and
348H]. 虽然规定了最低热处理温度,但建议将热处理温度范围限制为比该最低温度 150°F (85°C) [对于347、347H 、347LN、348 和 348H为高出 250°F (140°C) ]。
For simple bends of tubes or pipes whose outside diameter is less than 3.5 in. (88 mm), this limit is 20%. 对于外径小于 3.5 in. (88 mm)之管材的简单弯管而言,该成型应变超标百分比之限值为 20%。
STRAINING 由于应变而对制造加工后热处理的要求
The following rules shall apply in addition to general rules for forming given in UHA-40. 除了 UHA-40 中给出的通用成
(1) If the following conditions prevail, the cold formed areas of pressure-retaining components manufactured of
austenitic alloys shall be solution annealed by heating at the temperatures given in Table UHA-44 for 20 min/in. (20 min/25 mm) of
thickness followed by rapid cooling: 如果满足以下条件,则由奥氏体合金所制成之承压零部件的冷成型区域应通过在表 UHA44 中所给出之热处理温度下以每 in. (25 mm)持温20 min之方式进行固溶退火,然后快速冷却:
(-a) the finishing-forming temperature is below the minimum heat-treating temperature given in Table UHA-44; and
(-b) the design metal temperature and the forming strains exceed the limits shown in Table UHA-44. 设计金属温度
和成型应变超过表 UHA-44 中所示的限值。
Forming strains shall be determined by the equations in Table UG-79-1. 应按表 UG-79-1 中所给出之方程来确定成
(b) When forming strains cannot be calculated as shown in (a) above, the Manufacturer shall have the responsibility to
determine the maximum forming strain. For flares, swages, or upsets, heat treatment in accordance with Table UHA-44 shall apply,
regardless of the amount of strain. 当无法按照上述 (a) 计算成型应变时,制造商有责任确定最大成型应变。 对于扩口、型锻或
镦粗,无论应变大小如何,都应根据表 UHA-44 进行热处理。
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the inspection and testing of pressure vessels and vessel parts that are
constructed of high alloy steel and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Inspection and Tests in Subsection
A, and with the specific requirements for Inspection and Tests in Subsection B that pertain to the method of fabrication used. 以下各
节中之规则专门适用于由高合金钢所制成之压力容器及容器零部件的检验和试验,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中有关检验
和试验的通用要求以及 B 分卷中与所用制造方法有关的检验验和测试要求配套使用。
Impact tests, as prescribed in (a), shall be performed on materials listed in Table UHA-23 for all combinations of materials and
minimum design metal temperatures (MDMTs) except as exempted in (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), or (i). Impact testing is required for UNS
S17400 materials. Impact tests are not required where the maximum obtainable Charpy specimen has a width along the notch less than
0.099 in. (2.5 mm). As an alternative method to impact tests, ASTM E1820 𝐽𝐼𝐶 tests are allowed when the MDMT is colder than
−320°F (−196°C). See Figures JJ-1.2-1 through JJ-1.2-5 for flowchart illustrations of impact testing requirements.,应对表 UHA-23
中列出的所有材料组合和最低设计金属温度 (MDMT) 的材料进行 (a) 中所规定的冲击试验,但(d)、(e)、(f) 、 (g)、(h)或(i)中
所豁免的情况除外。 UNS S17400 材料需要进行冲击测试。 如果可获得的最大夏比试样沿缺口的宽度小于 0.099 in. (2.5 mm)
时,则不需要进行冲击试验。 可作为冲击测试之替代方法的是:当 MDMT 温度低于 -320°F (-196°C) 时,允许进行 ASTM
E1820 𝐽𝐼𝐶 测试。 有关冲击测试要求的流程,请参阅非强制性JJ 中的图 JJ-1.2-1 至图 JJ-1.2-5。
Required Impact Testing o f Base Metal, Heat-Affected Zones, and Weld Metal 母材、热影响区和焊缝金属的所需冲击
(1) Impact test shall be made from sets of three specimens. A set shall be tested from the base metal, a set shall be tested
from the heat-affected zone (HAZ), and a set shall be tested from the weld metal. Specimens shall be subjected to the same thermal
treatments57 as the part or vessel that the specimens represent. Test procedures, size, location, and orientation of the specimens shall be
the same as required in UG-84. 冲击试验应由三个试样所组成的试样组进行。 第一组应取自母材,第二组应取自热影响区
(HAZ) ,第三应取自焊缝金属。 试样应经受与由该试样所代表之零部件或容器相同的热处理57。 试样的测试程序、尺寸、
位置和取向应与 UG-84 中的要求相同。
(2) When the MDMT is −320°F (−196°C) and warmer, impact tests shall be performed at the MDMT or colder, and the
following requirements shall be met: 当 MDMT 为-320°F (-196°C)和更高温度时,应在 MDMT 或更冷条件下进行冲击试验,并
(-a) Each of the three specimens tested in each set shall have a lateral expansion opposite the notch not less than
0.015 in. (0.38 mm) for MDMTs of −320°F (−196°C) and warmer. 当MDMT ≥ −320°F (−196°C) 时 ,每试样组中所测试的
三个试样中的每一个在缺口对面的侧膨胀量都不应小于0.015 in. (0.38 mm)。
(-b) When the MDMT is −320°F (−196°C) and warmer, and the value of lateral expansion for one specimen of a set
is less than 0.015 in. (0.38 mm) but not less than 0.010 in. (0.25 mm), a retest of three additional specimens may be made, each
of which must equal or exceed 0.015 in. (0.38 mm). Such a retest shall be permitted only when the average value of the three
specimens equals or exceeds 0.015 in. (0.38 mm). If the required values are not obtained in the retest or if the values in the initial
test are less than minimum required for retest, the material may be reheat treated. After reheat treatment, new sets of specimens
shall be made and retested; all specimens must meet the lateral expansion value of 0.015 in. minimum. 当 MDMT ≥ −320°F
(−196°C)时,且当一个试样组中一个试样的侧向膨胀量小于 0.015 in. (0.38 mm) 但不小于 0.010 in. (0.25 mm)时,且当这
三个试样之平均值 ≥ 0.015 in. (0.38 mm)时,才允许重新测试三个额外的试样,重新测试之每个试样都必须 ≥ 0.015 in.
(0.38 mm)。 如果在重新测试中没有获得所要求的值,或者如果初始测试中的值小于重新测试所需的最小值,则可以对
材料进行重新热处理。 在再热处理后,应制备新的试样组并重新试验,且所有新的试样都必须满足最小0.015 in. 的侧
(3) When the MDMT is colder than −320°F (−196°C), production welding processes shall be limited to shielded metal
arc welding (SMAW), flux cored arc welding (FCAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), submerged arc welding (SAW), plasma arc
welding (PAW), and gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). Each heat, lot, or batch of filler metal and filler metal/flux combination shall
be pre-use tested as required by (f)(4)(-a) through (f)(4)(-c). Exemption from pre-use testing as allowed by (f)(4)(-d) and (f)(4)(-e) is
not applicable. Toughness testing shall be performed as specified in (-a) or (-b) below, as appropriate. 当 MDMT 温度低于 −320°F
(−196°C) 时,用于生产之焊接方法应限为保护金属电弧焊 (SMAW)、药芯电弧焊 (FCAW)、熔化极气体保护焊 (GMAW)、
浅弧焊 (SAW)、等离子弧焊 (PAW) 和钨极气体保护焊 (GTAW)。 每炉号、每批号或每批次焊料和焊料/焊剂组合都应按照
(f)(4)(-a) 至 (f)(4)(-c) 的要求进行使用前测试。 (f)(4)(-d) 和 (f)(4)(-e) 允许豁免的使用前测试不适用MDMT 温度低于 −320°F
(−196°C)之高合金钢材料。 应酌情按照以下 (-a) 或 (-b) 中的适用规定进行韧性测试。
(-a) If using Type 316L weld filler metal, or Type 308L filler metal welded with the GTAW, FCAW, or GMAW
process 如果GTAW、FCAW 或 GMAW 工艺采用 316L 型焊材或采用308L 型焊材时
Figure UHA-51-1 Weld Metal Delta Ferrite Content 图 UHA-51-1 焊缝金属的 δ铁素体含量
Creq = Cr + Mo + 0.7 Nb
(a) The actual nitrogen content is preferred. If this is not available, the following applicable nitrogen value shall be used: 实际含氮
量是优选。 如果实际氮含量不可得,则应采用以下所适用的含氮量:
GMAW welds — 0.08%, except that when self-shielding flux cored electrodes are used — 0.12%
GMAW 焊缝 — 0.08%,但采用自遮护药芯焊条时为0.12%
(2) Welds made using other processes — 0.06%.以使用其他焊接方法所焊成的焊缝为 0.06%。
(b) This diagram is identical to the WRC-1992 Diagram, except that the solidification mode lines have been removed for ease of
use. 除了为了便于使用而被删除的凝固模式线外,此图表基本上与 WRC-1992 图表相同。
(-1) weld metal deposited from each heat of Type 316L filler metal shall have a Ferrite Number (FN) not
greater than 10, and a weld metal deposited from each heat of Type 308L filler metal shall have a FN in the range of 4 to 14,
as measured by a ferritescope or magna gauge calibrated in accordance with AWS A4.2, or as determined by applying the
chemical composition from the test weld to Figure UHA-51-1 316L 型填充金属每炉熔敷的焊缝金属的铁素体值 (FN) 不
应大于 10,308L 型填充金属每炉熔敷的焊缝金属的 FN 范围应为 4 至 14,通过根据 AWS A4.2 校准过之肥粒田铁
含量测定仪或马格纳;仪来进行测量,或按图 UHA-51-1 及测试焊缝的化学成分来确定之
(-2) impact tests shall be conducted at −320°F (−196°C) on three sets of three specimens: one set from the base
metal, one set from the weld metal, and one set from the HAZ 应在 -320°F (-196°C) 下对三个试样组 (每组由三个试样组
(-3) each of the three specimens from each test set shall have a lateral expansion opposite the notch not less
than 0.021 in. (0.53 mm) 每个测试组的三个试样中的每一个的缺口对面的侧向膨胀量都应不小于 0.021 in. (0.53 mm)
When the qualifying conditions of (-a) cannot be met 当无法满足 (-a) 的合格条件时:
(-1) weld metal deposited from each heat or lot of austenitic stainless steel filler metal used in production shall
have a FN not greater than the FN determined for the test weld. 从生产中由每炉号或每批号之奥氏体不锈钢焊料所沉积
的焊缝金属的 FN 不应大于由试验焊缝所测得的 FN。
(-2) impact tests shall be conducted at −320°F (−196°C) on a set of three specimens from the base metal. Each
of three specimens shall have a lateral expansion opposite the notch not less than 0.021 in. (0.53 mm). 应在 −320°F (−196°
C) 下对一组三个取自母材的试样进行冲击试验。 三个试样中的每一个的缺口对面的侧向膨胀量都不应小于 0.021
in. (0.53 mm)。
(-3) ASTM E1820 𝐽𝐼𝐶 tests shall be conducted on two sets of two specimens, one set from the HAZ, one set
from the weld metal, at a test temperature no warmer than MDMT. The HAZ specimen orientation shall be T-L. A 𝐾𝐼𝐶 (J)
value of not less than 120 ksi√𝑖𝑛. (132 Mpa√𝑚) is required for all specimens tested. 应按ASTM E1820且不高于 MDMT之
测试温度下对由两个试样组成一组的两试样组进行𝐽𝐼𝐶 断裂韧性试验,且所有被测试之试样的𝐾𝐼𝐶 C(J)值都须不小于
120 ksi√𝑖𝑛. (132 Mpa√𝑚);第一组取自热影响区,的二组取自焊缝金属, HAZ 试样取向应为 T-L。。
(-c) When the required Charpy impact test specimens do not meet the lateral expansion requirements in (-a)(-3) or
(-b)(-2), ASTM E1820 𝐽𝐼𝐶 tests shall be conducted on an additional set of two specimens representing the failed set of impact
test specimens at a test temperature no warmer than MDMT. The specimen orientation for the base metal and HAZ shall be TL. A 𝐾𝐼𝐶 (J) value of not less than 120 ksi√𝑖𝑛. (132 Mpa√𝑚) is required for all specimens tested. 当所需的夏比冲击试样不
满足 (-a)(-3) 或 (-b)(-2) 中的侧向膨胀要求时,则应另取一组代表在不高于 MDMT之测试温度下失效的该冲击测试组
之试样的两个试样以按ASTM E1820进行𝐽𝐼𝐶 断裂韧性试验,且所有被测试之试样的𝐾𝐼𝐶 (J)值都须不小于120 ksi√𝑖𝑛.
(132 Mpa√𝑚) 。 母材和 HAZ 的试样取向应为 T-L。
(b) Required Impact Testing for Welding Procedure Qualifications. For welded construction, the Welding Procedure
Qualification shall include impact tests of welds in accordance with UG-84(h) and with the requirements of (a), when any of the
components58 of the welded joint are required to be impact tested by the rules of this Division. 焊接工艺规程评定所要求的冲击试
验。 对于焊接结构而言,当焊接接头之任何组件 58需要按本卷规则进行冲击试验时,焊接工艺规程评定应包括按 UG-84(h)
和 (a)之要求所进行的焊缝冲击试验 。
(c) Required Impact Testing When Thermal Treatments Are Performed. Impact tests are required at the test temperature in
accordance with (a) but not warmer than 70°F (20°C) whenever thermal treatments57 within the temperature ranges listed for the
following materials are applied: 进行热处理时所要求的冲击测试。 只要在以下材料所列的温度范围内进行热处理57,就需要在
符合 (a) 但不高于 70°F (20°C)的试验温度下进行冲击试验:
(1) austenitic stainless steels thermally treated at temperatures between 900°F (480°C) and 1650°F (900°C); however,
Types 304, 304L, 316, and 316L that are thermally treated at temperatures between 900°F (480°C) and 1,300°F (705°C) are
exempt from impact testing provided the MDMT is −20°F (−29°C) or warmer and vessel (production) impact tests of the
thermally treated weld metal are performed for Category A and B joints; 在 900°F (480°C) 和 1650°F (900°C) 间之温度下进行
热处理的奥氏体不锈钢; 然而,在900°F (480°C)至1300°F (705°C) 之间进行热处理的304、304L、316和316L型不需要进
行冲击试验,前提是MDMT ≥ −20°F (−29°C),并且对经热处理之A类和B类接头的焊缝金属进行了成品容器的冲击试验;
austenitic-ferritic duplex stainless steels thermally treated at temperatures between 600°F (315°C) and 1,750°F (955°
C); 在 600°F (315°C) ~ 1,750°F (955°C) 间之温度下进行热处理的奥氏体-铁素体双相不锈钢;
(3) ferritic chromium stainless steels thermally treated at temperatures between 800°F (425°C) and 1,350°F (730°C);
在 800°F (425°C) ~ 1,350°F (730°C) 间之温度下进行热处理的铬基铁素体不锈钢;
(4) martensitic chromium stainless steels thermally treated at temperatures between 800°F (425°C) and 1,350°F (730°C).
在 800°F (425°C) ~ 1,350°F (730°C) 间之温度下进行热处理的铬基马氏体不锈钢。
(d) Exemptions from Impact Testing for Base Metals and HAZs. Impact testing is not required for Table UHA-23 base metals
for the following combinations of base metals and HAZs (if welded) and MDMTs, except as modified in (c): 母材和热影响区之冲击
试验的豁免。 表 UHA-23 中列出了以下母材和 HAZ (如果焊接时)和 MDMT 之组合下不需要进行冲击测试的母材,但经 (c)
for austenitic chromium–nickel stainless steels as follows: 符合如下所述之奥氏体铬镍不锈钢:
(-a) having a carbon content not exceeding 0.10% at MDMTs of −320°F (−196°C) and warmer; 碳含量不超过
0.10%且MDMT ≥ −320°F (−196°C)的奥氏体铬镍不锈钢;
(-b) having carbon content exceeding 0.10% at MDMTs of −55°F (−48°C) and warmer; 碳含量超过 0.10%且
MDMT ≥ −55°F (−48°C) 的奥氏体铬镍不锈钢;
(-c) for castings at MDMTs of −20°F (−29°C) and warmer; 在 −20°F (−29°C)和更高温度之 MDMT 下所使用的铸
for austenitic chromium–manganese–nickel stainless steels (200 series) as follows: 符合如下所述之奥氏体铬-锰-镍
不锈钢 (200 系列):
(-a) having a carbon content not exceeding 0.10% at MDMTs of −320°F (−196°C) and warmer; 碳含量不超过
0.10%且MDMT ≥ −320°F (−196°C)的奥氏体铬-锰-镍不锈钢 (200 系列)
(-b) having a carbon content exceeding 0.10% at MDMTs of −55°F (−48°C) and warmer; 碳含量超过 0.10%且
MDMT ≥ −55°F (−48°C)之奥氏体铬-锰-镍不锈钢 (200 系列)
(-c) for castings at MDMTs of −20°F (−29°C) and warmer; MDMT ≥ −20°F (−29°C)之奥氏体铬-锰-镍不锈钢铸
for the following steels in all product forms at MDMTs of −20°F (−29°C) and warmer: 由MDMT ≥ −20°F (−29°C)
(-a) austenitic ferritic duplex steels with a nominal material thickness of 3/8 in. (10 mm) and thinner; 标称材料厚度
为3/8 in. (10 mm)和更薄的奥氏体铁素体双相钢;
(-b) ferritic chromium stainless steels with a nominal material thickness of 1/8 in. (3 mm) and thinner; 标称材料厚度
为1/8 in. (3 mm)和更薄的铬基铁素体不锈钢;
(-c) martensitic chromium stainless steels with a nominal material thickness of 1/4 in. (6 mm) and thinner. 标称材料
厚度为1/4 in. (6 mm)和更薄的铬基马氏体不锈钢。
for SA-453 Grade 660, Classes A and B at MDMTs of −320°F (−196°C) and warmer. 所采用之SA-453 牌号660中
之类别A 和类别 B的MDMT ≥ −320°F (−196°C)
The nominal thickness of plates and pipes as defined in Mandatory Appendix 3 shall be used for determining the
nominal material thickness for toughness requirements. For other product forms, the nominal material thickness shall be
determined as follows: 强制性附录 3 中规定了板材和管材之标称厚度应作为在确定韧性要求时的标称材料厚度。 对于其
castings: maximum thickness between two cast coincidental surfaces 铸件:两铸件重合表面间的最大厚度
hollow cylindrical forgings: maximum radial thickness 中空圆筒形锻件:最大径向厚度
disk forgings: maximum thickness, including the length of an integral hub if a hub is present 圆盘锻件:最大
weld neck flanges: the larger of the thickness of the flange ring or the neck 对焊法兰:法兰环厚度或焊颈部
Carbon content as used in (1) and (2) above is as specified by the purchaser and must be within the limits of the
material specification. 上述 (1) 和 (2) 中所用碳含量由购买者指定,并且必须在材料规范的限制范围内。
Exemptions from Impact Testing for Welding 冲击试验的豁免
Procedure Qualifications. For Welding Procedure Qualifications, impact testing is not required for the following
combinations of weld metals and MDMTs except as modified in (c): 规程评定。以下焊缝金属和 MDMT 的组合不需要对焊接工艺
规程评定进行冲击测试,但经 (c)修改者除外:
(1) for austenitic chromium–nickel stainless steel base materials having a carbon content not exceeding 0.10% welded
without the addition of filler metal, at MDMTs of −155°F (−104°C) and warmer; MDMT ≥ −155°F (−104°C)且碳含量不超过
(2) for austenitic weld metal: 奥氏体焊缝金属:
(-a) having a carbon content not exceeding 0.10% and produced with filler metals conforming to SFA-5.4, SFA5.9, SFA-5.11, SFA-5.14, and SFA-5.22 at MDMTs of −155°F (−104°C) and warmer; 采用符合 SFA-5.4、SFA-5.9、SFA5.11、SFA-5.14 和 SFA-5.2之焊料焊出碳含量不超过 0.10%且MDMT ≥ −155°F (−104°C)的奥氏体焊缝金属;
(-b) having a carbon content exceeding 0.10% and produced with filler metals conforming to SFA-5.4, SFA-5.9,
SFA-5.11, SFA-5.14, and SFA-5.22 at MDMTs of −55°F (−48°C) and warmer; 用符合SFA-5.4、SFA-5.9、SFA-5.11、SFA5.14和SFA-5.22标准之焊料焊出碳含量超过0.10%且MDMT ≥ -−55°F (−48°C)之奥氏体焊缝金属,;
(3) for the following weld metal, when the base metal of similar chemistry is exempt as stated in (d)(3), then the weld
metal shall also be exempt at MDMTs of −20°F (−29°C) and warmer: 对于以下焊缝金属而言,当类似化学成分之母材如
(d)(3) 所述可豁免冲击测试时,则此类焊缝金属在MDMT ≥ −20°F (−29°C) 下也应豁免于冲击测试:
(-a) austenitic ferritic duplex steels; 奥氏体铁素体双相钢;
(-b) ferritic chromium stainless steels; 铬基铁素体不锈钢;
(-c) martensitic chromium stainless steels. 铬基马氏体不锈钢。
Carbon content as used in (2) above is for weld metal produced with the addition of filler metal. 上述 (2) 中所用碳
(f) Required Impact Testing for Austenitic Stainless Steel Welding Consumables With MDMTs Colder Than −155°F
(−104°C). For production welds at MDMTs colder than −155°F (−104°C), all of the following conditions shall be satisfied:
MDMT 温度低于 −155°F (−104°C) 之奥氏体不锈钢焊料的所需冲击测试。MDMT低于 −155°F (−104°C)的生产焊接应满足以
(1) The welding processes are limited to SMAW, SAW, FCAW, GMAW, GTAW, and PAW. 焊接方法仅限为
(2) The applicable Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs) are supported by Procedure Qualification Records
(PQRs) with impact testing in accordance with the requirements of (a) or when the applicable PQR is exempted from impact
testing by other provisions of this Division. 所适用之焊接工艺规范 (WPS)要有相应工艺评定记录 (PQR)作为作证文件,并
根据 (a) 的要求记录冲击测试结果,或者当根据本册之其他规定免除冲击测试时,则相应PQR不需记录冲击测试结果 。
(3) The weld metal (produced with or without filler metal) has a carbon content not exceeding 0.10%, except when
using ER310 or SFA-5.4 E310-15 or E310-16.由添加或不添加焊料所焊成之焊缝金属的碳含量不超过0.10%,但以 ER310
或 SFA-5.4 E310-15 或 E310-16 焊材所沉积之焊缝金属除外。
(4) The weld metal is produced by filler metal conforming to SFA-5.4, SFA-5.9, SFA-5.11, SFA-5.14, and SFA-5.22
as modified below. 焊缝金属是由符合经以下修改过之 SFA-5.4、SFA-5.9、SFA-5.11、SFA-5.14 和 SFA-5.22 焊料所焊成
(-a) Each heat and/or lot of welding consumables to be used in production welding with the SMAW and
GMAW processes shall be pre-use tested by conducting impact tests in accordance with the requirements of (a). Test coupons
shall be prepared in accordance with Section II, Part C, SFA-5.4, A9.3.5 utilizing the WPS to be used in production welding.
应根据 (a) 的要求通过进行冲击试验来对SAW和GMAW工艺生产焊接中所用每一炉号和/或每批焊料进行使用前试验。
应根据第 II-C 卷 SFA-5.4中A9.3.5的规定,利用生产焊接中所要采用之 WPS来制备试件。
(-b) Each heat of filler metal and batch of flux combination to be used in production welding with the SAW
process shall be pre-use tested by conducting impact tests in accordance with the requirements of (a). Test coupons shall be
prepared in accordance with Section II, Part C, SFA-5.4, A9.3.5 utilizing the WPS to be used in production welding.应根据 (a)
的要求进行冲击试验来对用于 SAW 工艺生产焊接的每一炉炉号之焊料和每一批焊剂的组合进行使用前测试。 应根据
第 II-C 卷 SFA-5.4中A9.3.5的规定,利用生产焊接中所要采用之 WPS来制备试件。
Combining more than one welding process or more than one heat or lot of welding filler metals into a
single test coupon is unacceptable. Pre-use testing in accordance with the requirements of (a) may be conducted by the welding
consumable manufacturer, provided mill test reports are furnished with the consumables. 将一种以上之焊接方法或一种以上
之炉号和批次的焊料组合到一个试件中是不可接受的。 焊接材料制造商可以根据 (a) 的要求进行使用前测试,前提是
(-d) When procedure qualification impact testing is performed in accordance with UG-84(h) at the MDMT or
colder using the same manufacturer brand and type of filler metal, pre-use testing is not required for each heat of ENiCrFe-2,
ENiCrFe-3, ENiCrMo-3, ENiCrMo-4, ENiCrMo-6, ERNiCr-3, ERNiCrMo-3, ERNiCrMo-4, SFA-5.4 E310-15 or SFA-5.4
E310-16. 当按照 UG-84(h) 在 MDMT 或更冷条件下采用相同制造商品牌和类型之焊料来进行规程评定冲击测试时,只
要焊接时是采用下列焊料时则无须按每炉和每批进行冲击试验: ENiCrFe-2 、ENiCrFe-3、ENiCrMo-3、ENiCrMo-4、
ENiCrMo-6、ERNiCr-3、ERNiCrMo-3、ERNiCrMo-4、SFA-5.4 E310-15 或 SFA-5.4 E310-16。
When procedure qualification impact testing is performed in accordance with UG-84(h) at the MDMT or
colder, pre-use testing is not required for each heat of ER308L, ER316L, and ER310 used with the GTAW or PAW welding
processes. 当按照 UG-84(h) 在 MDMT 或更冷条件下进行工艺规程评定冲击试验时,只要GTAW 或 PAW 焊接时是采用
下列焊料时则无须按每炉和每批进行冲击试验: ER308L、ER316L 和 ER310。
(g) Exemption From Impact Testing Because of Low Stress. Impact testing of materials listed in Table UHA-23 is not required,
except as modified by (c), for vessels when the coincident ratio of design stress 59 in tension to allowable tensile stress is less than 0.35.
This exemption also applies to the welding procedures and production welds for the component. 由于应力低而可免除冲击测试的情
况。 当拉伸设计应力59与许用拉伸应力的重合比小于0.35时,则不需要对表UHA-23中用于容器之材料进行冲击试验,除非
经(c)修改。 此豁免也适用于零部件的焊接规程和生产焊缝。
Vessel (Production) Impact Tests 容器 (产品)冲击试验
(1) For welded construction of duplex stainless steels, ferritic stainless steels, and martensitic stainless steels, vessel
(production) impact tests in accordance with UG-84(i) are required if the Weld Procedure Qualification requires impact testing,
unless otherwise exempted by the rules of this Division. 如果要求对用于由双相不锈钢、铁素体不锈钢和马氏体不锈钢所焊
制成之结构的焊接工艺规程评定进行冲击试验时,则需要根据 UG-84(i) 之规定对容器 (产品)进行冲击试验,但本卷规则
(2) For welded construction of austenitic stainless steels, vessel (production) impact tests in accordance with UG-84(i)
are required unless exempted in (-a) and (-b) below. 由奥氏体不锈钢焊制成之结构需要根据 UG-84(i) 之规定对容器 (产品)进
行冲击试验,但为以下 (-a) 和 (-b) 中所豁免者除外。
(-a) At MDMTs of −155°F (−104°C) and warmer, vessel (production) impact tests are exempted provided that
the impact test exemption requirements for the applicable Weld Procedure Qualification in (e) are satisfied.
当MDMT ≥ -155°F (-104°C)时,只要满足 (e) 中相应焊接规程评定的冲击测试豁免要求,则可豁免容器 (产品)的冲击试
(-b) At MDMTs colder than −155°F (−104°C) but not colder than −320°F (−196°C), vessel (production) impact
tests are exempted provided that the preuse test requirements in (f) are satisfied. 当MDMT低于 −155°F (−104°C) 但不低于
−320°F (−196°C)的 MDMT时,可豁免容器 (产品)的冲击试验,前提是要满足 (f)中的使用前测试要求。
(-c) At MDMTs colder than −320°F (−196°C), vessel (production) impact tests or ASTM E1820 𝐽𝐼𝐶 tests shall be
conducted in accordance with (a)(3). 当MDMT低于−320°F (−196°C) 时,容器 (产品)的冲击试验或 ASTM E1820的𝐽𝐼𝐶 断裂
韧性试验应根据 (a)(3) 进行。
(i) Vessel (Production) Impact Tests for Autogenous Welds in Austenitic Stainless Steels. For autogenous welds (welded
without filler metal) in austenitic stainless steels, vessel (production) impact tests are not required when both of the following
conditions are satisfied: 具有奥氏体不锈钢自熔焊缝的容器 (产品)冲击试验。 当奥氏体不锈钢中之自熔焊缝 (无焊料焊接)同时
满足以下两个条件时,则无须对容器 (产品)进行冲击试验:
(1) The material is solution annealed after welding. 材料在焊后经固溶化退火处理。
(2) The MDMT is not colder than −320°F (−196°C). MDMT不低于 −320°F (−196°C)。
(a) For welded vessels constructed of Type 405 material which are not postweld heat treated, welded test plates shall be made
to include material from each melt of plate steel used in the vessel. Plates from two different melts may be welded together and be
represented by a single test plate. 用于代表由未经焊后热处理之 405 型材料所制成之焊制容器的焊接试板组,应包乖容器中所
(b) From each welded test plate there shall be taken two face-bend test specimens as prescribed in Section IX, Figure QW462.3(a) or Figure QW-462.3(b), as applicable; these shall meet the requirements of Section IX, QW-160. 根据第 IX 卷图 QW462.3(a) 或图 QW-462.3(b) 的规定,从每块焊接试板上应取两个满足第 IX 卷QW-160 之要求的面弯试样。
The provisions for marking and reports in UG-115 through UG-120 shall apply without supplement to vessels constructed of high
alloy steels. UUG-115 至 UG-120 中的标记和报告规定可在无需增加任何额外的补充条款下就可直接适用于由高合金钢容器
CHROMIUM STEELS 非强制性附录 UHA-A 如何选用和加工奥氏体铬
The selection of the proper metal composition to resist a given corrosive medium and the choice of the proper heat treatment and
surface preparation of the material selected are not within the scope of this Division. Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A
discusses some of the factors that should be considered in arriving at a proper selection. 如何选择正确的金属成分以抵抗给定的腐
蚀介质,以及如何选择正确的热处理和所选材料的表面处理不在本卷的适用范围内。 第 II-D卷非强制性附录 A 讨论了在做
The difference between the coefficients of expansion of the base material and the weld should receive careful consideration before
undertaking the welding of ferritic type stainless steels with austenitic electrodes for services involving severe temperature conditions,
particularly those of a cyclic nature. 当用于涉及恶劣温度条件之工况,特别是在那些周期性工况下以奥氏体焊条焊接铁素体不
It is recommended that the user of austenitic chromium–nickel steel vessels in corrosive service consider the following additional
fabrication test. 建议在腐蚀环境下运用之奥氏体铬镍钢容器的用户考虑进行以下附加工艺试验。
A welded guided-bend test specimen should be made as prescribed in Section IX, QW-161.2 from one of the heats of material
used in the shell. The test plate should be welded by the procedure used in the longitudinal joints of the vessel and should be heat
treated using the same temperature cycle as used for the vessel. The operations on the test plate should be such as to duplicate as
closely as possible the physical conditions of the material in the vessel itself. 宜按照第 IX 卷QW-161.2 的规定,从壳体所用的一
种材料来制备导向弯曲试验试样。 试板宜按容器纵向接头中所采用之规程进行焊接,并宜使用与容器相同的温度循环进行
Grind and polish the specimen and immerse it for not less than 72 hr in a boiling solution consisting of 47 ml concentrated sulfuric
acid and 13 g of crystalline copper sulfate (CuSO4 · 5H2O) per liter of water. Then bend the specimen so as to produce an elongation
of not less than 20% at a section in the base metal 1/4 in. (6 mm) from the edge of the weld. The metal shall show no sign of
disintegration after bending. 将试样研磨抛光,并在每升水中含有47毫升浓硫酸和13克结晶硫酸铜(CuSO4·5H2O)的沸腾溶
液中浸泡不少于72小时。 然后弯曲试样,以便在距焊缝边缘 1/4 in. (6 mm)的母材部位处产生不小于 20% 的伸长率。 弯曲后
Relaxation cracking60 can occur in P-No. 8 materials not only in cold-formed areas but also in welds where highlevel residual
tensile stress exists. Unless one or more of the following conditions are satisfied, PWHT at the temperature listed in Table UHA-44
for the specific material grade may be advisable to avoid relaxation cracking: P-No. 8 材料不仅可能会在冷成型区域发生弛豫开
裂,而且也可能会具有高残余拉应力之焊缝发生弛豫开裂。 除非满足以下一或多个条件,否则建议在表 UHA-44 中所列出
之特定材料等级温度下进行焊后热处理 (PWHT),以避免发生弛豫开裂:
The design temperature does not exceed 1,000°F (540°C). 设计温度不超过 1,000°F (540°C)。
The welding is limited to the following (singularly or in combination): 焊接仅限于以下情况(单一或组合):
(1) circumferential butt welds in pressure parts with a nominal base metal thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less at the
weld. 承压零部件中母材标称厚度 ≤ 1/2 in. (13 mm)的环向对接焊缝。
(2) circumferential fillet welds with a throat thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less, and combination groove and fillet
welds with a weld thickness of 1/2 in. (13 mm) or less. 焊喉深度 ≤ 1/2 in. (13 mm)的环向填角焊缝,以及焊缝厚度≤ 1/2 in. (13
mm)的坡口 + 填角焊缝的组合。
(3) attaching extended heat-absorbing fins to pipe and tube materials by electric resistance welding, provided the
following requirements are met: 通过电阻焊将外伸吸热翅片连接在管材上,但须满足以下要求:
(-a) a maximum pipe or tube size of NPS 4 (DN 100) 最大管材规格为NPS 4 (DN 100)
(-b) a maximum specified carbon content (SA material specification carbon content, except when further limited
by the purchaser to a value within the specification limits) of not more that 0.15% 最大规定碳含量不超过 0.15% (SA 材料
(-c) a maximum fin thickness of 1/8 in. (3 mm) 翅片之最大厚度为1/8 in. (3 mm)
In addition, prior to using the welding procedure, the Manufacturer shall demonstrate that the heat-affected zone does
not encroach upon the minimum wall thickness. 此外,在应用此类焊接规程之前,制造商应进行演示以证明热影响区不会
(4) attaching non-load-carrying studs not exceeding 1/2 in. (13 mm) in diameter when using an automatic arc stud
welding or automatic resistance stud welding process. 用自动电弧螺柱焊或自动电阻螺柱焊工艺来连接直径不超过1/2 in. (13 mm)
attaching bare-wire thermocouples by capacitor discharge welding or electric resistance welding under the
requirements of UCS-56(g) with a nominal base metal thickness not less than 0.2 in. (5 mm). 根据 UCS-56(g) 的要求,将裸热电偶
线连接到标称厚度不小于0.2 in. (5 mm)之母材上的电容放电焊接或电阻焊接 。
UCI 篇 对由铸铁所制成之压力容器的要求
UCI-1 SCOPE 适用范围
The rules in Part UCI are applicable to pressure vessels and vessel parts that are constructed of cast iron, cast nodular iron having
an elongation of less than 15% in 2 in. (50 mm), or of cast dual metal (see UCI-23 and UCI-29) except standard pressure parts covered
by UG-11(b), and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements in Subsection A insofar as these requirements are
applicable to cast material. UCI 篇中之规则适用于由铸铁或具有在标定距离2 in. (50 mm)内之伸长率小于 15% 的可锻铸铁或由
双金属铸造制成之压力容器和容器零部件 (参见 UCI-23 和 UCI-29),但为 UG-11(b) 所涵盖之标准承压力零部件除外,并且
本篇之这些规则还应与 A 分卷 通用要求中适用于铸造材料的相应条款配套使用。
Cast iron vessels shall not be used for services as follows: 铸铁容器不应用于下列工况:
to contain lethal61 or flammable substances, either liquid or gaseous 用于储存液态或气态的致死物质 61 或易燃物质
for unfired steam boilers [see U-1(g)(1)] 非直接受火的蒸汽锅炉 [见 U-1(g)(1)]
for direct firing [see UW-2(d)] 直接受火之压力容器 [见 UW-2(d)]
The design pressure for vessels and vessel parts constructed of any of the classes of cast iron listed in Table UCI-23 shall
not exceed the following values except as provided in (b) and (c) below: 由表 UCI-23 中所列出任何类别之铸铁所制成的容器和容
器零部件的设计压力不应超过以下值,但以下 (b) 和 (c) 中另有规定者的除外:
(1) 160 psi (1.1 MPa) at temperatures not greater than 450°F (230°C) for vessels containing gases, steam, or other
vapors;用于盛装气体、水蒸汽或其他蒸气的容器,温度不超过 450°F (230°C) 时为 160 psi (1.1 MPa);;
160 psi (1.1 MPa) at temperatures not greater than 375°F (190°C) for vessels containing liquids;用于盛装液体之容
器,温度不超过 375°F (190°C) 时为 160 psi (1.1 MPa);
(3) 250 psi (1.7 MPa) for liquids at temperatures less than their boiling point at design pressure, but in no case at
temperatures exceeding 120°F (50°C); 对于温度低于其在设计压力下之沸点的液体而言为 250 psi (1.7 MPa),但在任何情况下
温度都不超过 120°F (50°C);
(4) 300 psi (2 MPa) at temperatures not greater than 450°F (230°C) for bolted heads, covers, or closures that do not form
a major component of the pressure vessel. 不构成压力容器主要零部件之螺栓连接封头、盖板或封闭件在温度不高于 450°F
(230°C) 时为 300 psi (2 MPa)。
(b) Vessels and vessel parts constructed of stress relieved material conforming to Classes 40 through 60 of SA-278 may be
used for design pressures up to 250 psi (1.7 MPa) at temperatures up to 650°F (345°C), provided the distribution of metal in the
pressure-containing walls of the casting is shown to be approximately uniform. 由符合 SA-278 Class 40 至Class 60 且经应力消除之
材料所制成的容器和容器零部件可用于设计压力高达 250 psi (1.7 MPa)、温度高达 650°F (345°C) 的工况,前提是金属在铸件
Table UCI-23 Maximum Allowable Stress Values in Tension for Cast Iron
表 UCI-23 铸铁的最大许用抗拉应力值
Maximum Allowable Stress, ksi (MPa), for
Metal Temperature Not Exceeding金属温度
单位:ksi (MPa)
450°F (230°C) and 650°F (345°C) 金属
Specified Min. Tensile
Strength最小规定抗拉 Colder 金属温度≤ 450°
Spec. No. 规范号
Class 等级
(Grade 3-2510)
强度, ksi (MPa)
20 (138)
20 (138)
25 (172)
30 (207)
35 (241)
40 (276)
45 (310)
50 (345)
50 (345)
55 (379)
60 (414)
80 (552)
16 (110)
20 (138)
24 (165)
28 (193)
F (230°C)
2.0 (13.8)
2.0 (13.8)
2.5 (17.2)
3.0 (20.7)
3.5 (24.1)
4.0 (27.6)
4.5 (31.0)
5.0 (34.5)
5.0 (34.5)
5.5 (37.9)
6.0 (41.4)
8.0 (55.2)
1.6 (11.0)
2.0 (13.8)
2.4 (16.5)
2.8 (19.3)
4.0 (27.6)
4.5 (31.0)
5.0 (34.5)
5.0 (34.5)
5.5 (37.9)
6.0 (41.4)
Ext. Press. Chart
Figure No. [Note (1)]
(1) Figure CI-1 is contained in Section II, Part D, Subpart 3. 图 CI-1 包含在第 II-D册第 3 子篇中。
Vessels and vessel parts constructed of stress relieved material conforming to SA-476 may be used for design pressures up
to 250 psi (1.7 MPa) at temperatures up to 450°F (230°C). 由符合 SA-476且经应力消除之材料所制成的容器和容器零部件可用于
设计压力高达 250 psi (1.7 MPa)、温度高达 450°F (230°C) 的工况。
(d) Cast iron flanges and flanged fittings conforming to ASME B16.1, Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes
125 and 250, may be used in whole or in part of a pressure vessel for pressures not exceeding the American National Standard ratings
at temperatures not exceeding 450°F (230°C). 符合 ASME B16.1《铸铁管法兰和法兰配件》125 磅级和 250 磅级的铸铁法兰和
法兰配件只要在温度不超过 450°F (230°C)下之额定值不超过美国国家标准额定值,则可作为压力容器的整体或部分使用。
All cast iron material subject to stress due to pressure shall conform to one of the specifications given in Section II and shall be
limited to those listed in Table UCI-23 except as otherwise provided in UG-11. 所有因压力而承受应力之铸铁材料均应符合第 II
册中所给出的规范之一,并应限为表 UCI-23 中所列出的规范,但UG-11 中另有规定者除外。
The requirements for bolts, nuts, and washers shall be the same as for carbon and low alloy steels in UCS-10 and UCS-11.
螺栓、螺母和华司的要求应与 UCS-10 和 UCS-11 中对碳钢和低合金钢的要求相同。
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the design of pressure vessels and pressure vessel parts of cast iron and
shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Design in Subsection A, insofar as these requirements are applicable to
cast materials. For components for which the Code provides no design rules, the provisions of UG-19(b) and UG-19(c) apply. If a
proof test is performed, the rules of UCI-101 apply. 以下各节中之规则特别适用于铸铁压力容器和铸铁压力容器零部件的设计,
并且这些规则还应与 A分卷有关设计之通用要求中适用于铸造材料之要求配套使用。UG-19(b) 和 UG-19(c) 的规定适用于本
法规未提供设计规则之零部件,如果执行验证行测试,则该验证行测试应符合UCD-101 的规则。
(a) Table UCI-23 gives the maximum allowable stress values in tension at the temperatures indicated for castings conforming
to the specifications listed therein. For dual metal cylinders conforming to SA-667 or SA-748, the maximum calculated stress,
including all applicable loadings of UG-22, shall not exceed the allowable stress given in Table UCI-23 computed on the basis of the
gray cast iron thickness of the cylinder. 表 UCI-23 给出了符合其中所列规范之铸件在规定温度下的最大许用抗拉应力值。 对于
符合 SA-667 或 SA-748 的双层金属圆筒而言,在将UG-22 之所有适用载荷包括在内并按灰口铸铁圆筒厚度所计算出的最大
计算应力不应超过表 UCI-23 中的许用应力。
(b) The maximum allowable stress value in bending shall be 1 1/2 times that permitted in tension, and the maximum allowable
stress value in compression shall be two times that permitted in tension. 弯曲时的最大许用应力值应为受拉时的1.5倍,压缩时的
最大许用应力值应为受拉时的2 倍。
Cylindrical and spherical shells under external pressure shall be designed by the rules in UG-28, using the applicable figures in
Section II, Part D, Subpart 3 and the temperature limits of UG-20(c). 外压作用下之圆筒形壳体和球形壳体应采用第 II-D 卷第 3
子篇中之适用数据和 UG-20(c)的应用温度范围并配套 UG-28 中的规则来进行设计。
The minimum wall thickness of dual metal cylinders conforming to SA-667 or SA-748 shall be 5 in. (125 mm), and the outside
diameter of such cylinders shall not exceed 36 in. (900 mm). 符合 SA-667 或 SA-748 之双层金属圆筒的最小壁厚应为 5 in. (125
mm),且此类圆筒的外径不应超过 36 in. (900 mm)。
Heads with pressure on the concave side (plus heads) shall be designed in accordance with the equations in UG-32 using the
maximum allowable stress value in tension. 凹面承压之封头 (正封头)应采用最大许用抗拉应力值并按 UG-32 中所给出之方程来
The thickness of heads with pressure on the convex side (minus heads) shall not be less than the thickness required in UCI-32 for
plus heads under the same pressure nor less than 0.01 times the inside diameter of the head skirt. 凸面承压之封头 (负封头)的厚度不
(a) Circular cast iron spherically shaped heads with bolting flanges, similar to Figure 1-6, sketches (b), (c), and (d), shall be
designed in accordance with the provisions in 1-6, except that corners and fillets shall comply with the requirements of UCI-37.
类似于图 1-6中草图 (b)、(c) 和 (d)所示之带螺栓法兰的圆球形铸铁封头应按照 1-6 中的规定进行设计,但应符合 UCI-37 之
要求的拐角和圆角除外 。
(b) Circular cast iron spherically shaped heads with bolting flanges other than those described in (a) above shall be designed in
accordance with the following requirements. 除上述(a)项所述以外的带有螺栓法兰之铸铁圆球形封头应按照以下要求进行设
The head thickness shall be determined in accordance with the requirements in UG-32. 应按UG-32的要求来确定封
The spherical and knuckle radii shall conform to the requirements in UG-32. 封头之球面半径及其过渡区半径应符
合UG-32 的要求。
Cast iron flanges and flanged fittings conforming to ASME B16.1 [see UG-44(a)(1)] may be used in whole or in part
of a pressure vessel for pressures not exceeding American National Standard ratings at temperatures not exceeding 450°F (232°C).
Other flanges may be designed in accordance with the provisions of Mandatory Appendix 2 using the allowable stress values in
bending. 符合 ASME B16.1的铸铁法兰和法兰配件只要在温度不超过 450°F (230°C)下之额定值不超过美国国家标准额定值,
(a) The dimensional requirements in UG-36 through UG-46 are applicable to cast iron and shall be used in the design of
openings and reinforcements in pressure vessels and pressure vessel parts which are cast integrally with the vessel or vessel part. In no
case shall the thickness of the reinforcement, including the nominal thickness of the vessel wall, exceed twice the nominal thickness of
the vessel wall. UG-36 至 UG-46 中的尺寸要求适用于铸铁,并应适用于与容器或容器零部件整体铸造之压力容器和压力容器
零部件的开孔和补强件的设计。 在任何情况下,补强件的厚度(包括容器壁的标称厚度)均不应超过容器壁标称厚度的两
(b) Cast iron flanges, nozzles, and openings shall not be attached to steel or nonferrous pressure vessels or pressure parts by
welding or brazing, nor shall they be considered to contribute strength to the vessel or part. 铸铁法兰、管嘴和开孔不应通过焊接或
A liberal radius shall be provided at projecting edges and in reentrant corners in accordance with good foundry practice. Abrupt
changes in surface contour and in wall thickness at junctures shall be avoided. Fillets shall conform to the following. 根据良好的铸造
实践,应在突出边缘和凹角处尽可能提供足够大的半径。 应避免接合处之表面轮廓和壁厚有突然变化。圆角应符合以下要
Fillets forming the transition between the pressurecontaining walls and integral attachments, such as brackets, lugs, supports,
nozzles, flanges, and bosses, shall have a radius not less than one-half the thickness of the pressure-containing wall adjacent to the
attachment. 在承压壁和整体附件 (如托架、突耳、支架、管嘴、法兰和凸台) 之间形成过渡的圆角,其半径应不小于与附件
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the fabrication of pressure vessels and vessel parts of cast iron and shall be
used in conjunction with the general requirements for Fabrication in Subsection A insofar as these requirements are applicable to cast
materials. 以下各节中之规则特别适用于铸铁压力容器和铸铁容器部部件的制造,并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中适用于铸造
Table UCI-78.1
Table UCI-78.2
Minimum Thickness of Repaired
NPS 管塞或同等产品
小厚度,单位:in. (mm)
7/ (11)
/2 (13)
21/ (17)
3/ (19)
13/ (21)
7/ (22)
15/ (24)
1 (25)
Minimum Radius of Curvature of Cylinder or
Section, in. (mm) 返修截面的最
NPS Plug or Equivalent
NPS Plug or Equivalent
Cone, in. (mm) 圆筒或圆锥的最小曲率半
NPS 管塞或同等产品
径,单位:in. (mm)
16 (14)
11/ (17)
11/16 (27)
11/4 (32)
2 (50)
21/2 (64)
4 (100)
51/4 (134)
81/8 (207)
Imperfections that permit leakage in cast iron materials may be repaired by using threaded plugs provided: 铸铁材料中允
(1) the vessel or vessel parts are to operate within the limits of UCI-3(a) or UCI-3(b); 容器或容器零部件应运行在 UCI3(a) 或 UCI-3(b) 的限制范围内;
(2) no welding is performed; 未进行过焊接;
(3) the diameter of the plug shall not exceed the diameter of a standard NPS 2 pipe plug; 管塞的直径不应超过标准管塞
(NPS 2)的直径;
(4) the plugs, where practical, shall conform in all dimensions to standard NPS pipe plugs, and in addition they shall have
full thread engagement corresponding to the thickness of the repaired section. (See Table UCI-78.1.) Where a tapered plug is
impractical because of excess wall thickness in terms of plug diameter and coincident thread engagement, other types of plugs may be
used provided both full thread engagement and effective sealing against pressure are obtained. Where possible, the ends of the plug
should be ground smooth after installation to conform to the inside and outside contours of the walls of the pressure vessel or pressure
part; 在可行的情况下,管塞的所有尺寸都应符合标准 NPS 管塞,此外,管塞应具有与返修部位之厚度相对应的全螺纹啮合
(见表 UCI-78.1)。 如果锥形螺纹塞由于管塞直径和螺纹啮合壁厚过大而不实用时,则可采用其他类型的管塞,前提是要能获
得全螺纹啮合和有效的压力密封。 在可能的情况下,管塞的端部在安装后宜磨光,以符合压力容器或承压零部件壁的内外
(5) the material from which the plug is manufactured shall conform in all respects to the material specification which
applies to the pressure vessel or pressure vessel part; 用于制造塞子之材料应与压力容器或压力容器零部件的材料规范全面相符
(6) the machined surface of the drilled or bored hole before tapping shall be free from visible defects and the adjacent
metal shown to be sound by radiographic examination; 在攻丝前,钻孔或镗孔的机加工表面应无可见缺陷,且相邻金属经射线
(7) the thickness of any repaired section in relation to the size of plug used shall not be less than that given in Table UCI78.1; 与所用管塞尺寸有关之任何返修部分的厚度不应小于表 UCI-78.1 中的给出值;
(8) the minimum radius of curvature of repaired sections of cylinders or cones in relation to the size of plug used shall not
be less than that given in Table UCI-78.2; 与所用管塞尺寸有关之圆筒体或圆锥体之返修部分的最小曲率半径不应小于表 UCI78.2 中的给出值;
(9) the ligament efficiency between any two adjacent plugs shall not be less than 80% where 任意两个相邻管塞间按下
式得出之孔带系数不应低于 80%,
𝑑 +𝑑
𝑝−( 1 2 )
where 式中所用符号之定义如下所述
𝑑1 , 𝑑2
= respective diameters of the two plugs under consideration 拟用两个管塞的各自直径
= ligament efficiency 孔带系数
= distance between plug centers 两管塞间之中心距
(10) the pressure vessel or pressure vessel part meets the standard hydrostatic test prescribed in UCI-99. 压力容器或压力
(b) Surface imperfections, such as undue roughness, which do not permit leakage in cast iron materials may be repaired using
driven plugs, provided: 铸铁材料不允许有产生泄漏的表面缺陷 (例如过度粗糙),该产生泄漏之表面缺陷可用打入塞来进行返
the vessel or vessel parts operate within the limits of UCI-3(a)(1), UCI-3(a)(2), or UCI-3(a)(4); 容器或容器零部件
在 UCI-3(a)(1)、UCI-3(a)(2) 或 UCI-3(a)(4) 的限制范围内运行;
no welding is performed; 未进行过焊接;
the material from which the plug is manufactured conforms in all respects to the material specification which applies
to the pressure vessel or pressure vessel part; 用于制造该打入塞之材料在全面符合压力容器或压力容器零部件的材料规范;
(4) the depth of the plug is not greater than 20% of the thickness of the section and its diameter is not greater than the
larger of 3/8 in. (10 mm) or 20% of the thickness of the section; 该打入塞的打入深度不大于截面厚度的 20%,其直径不大于3/8
in. (10 mm)或截面厚度的 20%中之较大者;
the pressure vessel or pressure vessel part meets the standard hydrostatic test prescribed in UCI-99. 是符合UCI-99所
(c) Surface imperfections, such as undue roughness, which do not permit leakage in cast iron vessels that are to operate under
the limits of UCI-3(a)(3) may be repaired under (a) or (b) above or by welding. Where welding is used, the weld and the metal
adjacent to it shall be examined by either the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method and shown to be free of linear indications.
在 UCI-3(a)(3) 之限制下运行的铸铁容器中不允许存在着产生泄漏的表面缺陷 (例如过度粗糙度),此类表面缺陷可以按上述
(a) 或 (b) 进行返修,或者通过焊接进行焊补。 在使用焊补的情况下,应使用磁粉或液渗透方法来检测焊缝和与焊缝邻之金
The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to the inspection and testing of pressure vessels and vessel parts of cast
iron and shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements for Inspection and Tests in Subsection A insofar as these
requirements are applicable to cast material. 以下各节中之规则特别适用于铸铁压力容器和铸铁容器零部件的检验和测试,并且
这些规则还应与 A 分卷中那些适用于铸造材料之检验和测试的通用要求配套使用。
(a) Cast iron pressure vessels shall be hydrostatically tested by the method prescribed in UG-99 except that the test pressure
shall be two times the maximum allowable working pressure to be marked on the vessel for maximum allowable working pressures
greater than 30 psi (200 kPa) and 21/2 times the maximum allowable working pressure but not to exceed 60 psi (400 kPa) for
maximum allowable working pressure under 30 psi (200 kPa). 铸铁压力容器应按 UG-99 中所规定的方法进行静水压试验,但当
最大许用工作压力大于30 psi (200 kPa)时,试验压力应为容器上所标记之最大许用工作压力的两倍,另当最大许用工作压力
低于 30 psi (200 kPa)时,则试验压力应为最大许用工作压力的2.5倍,但不超过 60 psi (400 kPa)。
(b) Cast iron pressure vessels and cast iron pressure vessel parts shall not be painted or otherwise coated either internally or
externally prior to the hydrostatic pressure test. 铸铁压力容器和铸铁承压容器零部件在静水压试验前不应在其内部或外部涂漆
(a) The maximum allowable working pressure of identical cast iron vessels or vessel parts, based on testing one of them to
destruction, limited to the service conditions specified in UCI-3 and in accordance with UG-101(m) shall be 在UCI-3《压力-温度局
限性》 中所规定之使用条件内,最大许用工作压力之相同铸铁容器或铸铁容器零部件基于其中一台容器应按照下式所求出
之𝑃𝐵 值及UG-101(m)之规定进行破坏测试
𝑅𝐵 =
specified min.tensile strength最小规定抗拉强度
avg.tensile strength of test specimens试样的平均抗拉强度
= destruction test pressure 破坏试验之试验压力
= maximum allowable working pressure at operating temperatures listed in Table UCI-23 在表 UCI-23 中所列出
The principle of UG-101(c) shall be followed. 应遵循 UG-101(c) 的原则。
NOTE: It is assumed that failure will occur in bending. 注:假设在弯曲时会发生失效。
The value of the average tensile strength of test specimens in the foregoing equation shall be determined from the test
results of three test bars from the same ladle of iron as used in the part, or from three test specimens cut from the part. 上述方程中的
(c) All vessels or vessel parts of the same material, design, and construction, whose maximum allowable working pressure is
based on a test to destruction of a sample vessel in accordance with (a) above, shall be considered to have a design pressure equal to
the maximum allowable working pressure thus determined, except as limited by the rules of UCI-3, and shall be subjected to a
hydrostatic test pressure in conformity with the rules of UCI-99. 具有相同材料、设计和构造之所有容器或容器零部件,其最大
许用工作压力是基于根据上述 (a) 对样品容器所进行的破坏测试,应被视为其所具有之设计压力将等于经此而确定的最大许
用工作压力,但受 UCI-3之规则所限制者除外,且上述所有容器或容器零部件应经受符合 UCI-99 所规则的静水压试验压
The provisions for marking and reports in UG-115 through UG-120 shall apply without supplement to vessels constructed of cast
iron. UG-115 至 UG-120 中的标记和报告规定可以在无需增加任何补充要求下直接适用于铸铁容器。
UCL 篇 对由具有耐蚀整体覆层、焊缝金属堆焊层或施加衬里材料所构建之焊制压
UCL-1 SCOPE 适用范围
The rules in Part UCL are applicable to pressure vessels or vessel parts that are constructed of base material with corrosion resistant
integral or weld metal overlay cladding and to vessels and vessel parts that are fully or partially lined inside or outside with corrosion
resistant plate, sheet, or strip, attached by welding to the base plates before or after forming or to the shell, heads, and other parts
during or after assembly into the completed vessel.13 These rules shall be used in conjunction with the general requirements in
Subsection A and with the specific requirements in the applicable Parts of Subsection B. UCL 篇中之规则适用于由具有耐蚀整体
板、薄片、 或条带的压力容器或容器零部件,衬里是在成型之前或之后通过焊接连接到基板上的,或者在组装成完整容器
期间或之后通过焊接连接到壳体、封头和其他零部件上,13 并且这些规则还应与 A 分卷中的通用要求及B 分卷适用篇中之
Vessels and vessel parts of base material with corrosion resistant integral or weld metal overlay cladding construction shall be
fabricated by welding. Corrosion resistant linings may be attached by welding to vessels fabricated by any method of construction
permitted under the rules of this section. 具有耐蚀整体或焊缝金属堆焊结构之容器和容器零部件应通过焊接方法来进行制造。
Specific chemical compositions, heat treatment procedures, fabrication requirements, and supplementary tests may be required to
assure that the vessel will be suitable for the intended service. This is particularly true for vessels subject to severe corrosive
conditions, and also those vessels operating in a cyclic temperature service. These rules do not indicate the selection of an alloy
suitable for the intended service or the amount of the corrosion allowance to be provided. See also informative and nonmandatory
guidance regarding metallurgical phenomena in Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory Appendix A. 可能需要具体的化学成分、热处理
程序、制造加工要求和补充测试,以确保容器适用于预期工况。 这对于承受严重腐蚀条件之容器以及那些在循环温度工况
中运行之容器尤其重要。 这些规则不指明如何选择适合预期工况的合金或所要提供的腐蚀余量要有多少。 另见第 II-D 卷非
强制性附录 A 中有关冶金现象的信息性和非强制性指南。
It is recommended that users assure themselves by appropriate tests, or otherwise, that the alloy material selected and its heat
treatment during fabrication will be suitable for the intended service. 建议用户通过合宜的测试或其他方式向自己保证经其所选择
NOTE: Attention is called to the difficulties that have been experienced in welding materials differing greatly in chemical
composition. Mixtures of uncertain chemical composition and physical properties are produced at the line of fusion. Some of these
mixtures are brittle and may give rise to cracks during solidification or afterward. To avoid weld embrittlement, special care is
required in the selection of lining material and welding electrodes, and in the application of controls over the welding process and
other fabrication procedures. 注:请注意在焊接化学成分差异很大之材料时所遇到的困难。 熔合线处会产生化学成分和物理
性质不确定的混合物。 这些混合物中有些是脆性的并且可能在凝固期间或之后产生裂纹。 为避免焊缝脆化,因而在选择
The base materials used in the construction of clad vessels and of those having applied corrosion linings shall comply with the
requirements for materials given in UCS-5, UF-5, UHT-5, or ULW-5. 复合容器和带有耐蚀衬里之容器构造所用基材应符合 UCS5、UF-5、UHT-5 或 ULW-5 中给出的材料要求。
(a) Clad material used in constructions in which the design calculations are based on the total thickness including cladding [see
UCL-23(c)] shall conform to one of the following specifications: 结构中所采用之复合材料的设计计算是基于包括覆层在内的总
厚度[参见 UCL-23(c)],且所用包层材料应符合以下规范之一:
SA-263, Stainless Chromium Steel-Clad Plate符合SA-263的铬基不锈钢复合板
SA-264, Stainless Chromium–Nickel Steel-Clad Plate符合SA-264的铬镍不锈钢复合板
SA-265, Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloy-Clad Steel Plate符合SA-265的镍合金复合钢板及镍基合金复合钢板
In addition to the above, weld metal overlay cladding may be used as defined in this Part. 除上述之外,还可采用本篇
(b) Base material with corrosion resistant integral or weld metal overlay cladding used in constructions in which the design
calculations are based on the base material thickness, exclusive of the thickness of the cladding material, may consist of any base
material satisfying the requirements of UCL-10 and any metallic corrosion resistant integral or weld metal overlay cladding material
of weldable quality that in the judgment of the user is suitable for the intended service. 在设计计算基于基材厚度 (不包括复层材料
厚度)之结构中具有耐蚀整体或焊缝金属堆焊层的基材可以由满足 UCL-10 要求的任何基材所组成,以及用户判断适用于预
(c) Base material with corrosion resistant integral cladding in which any part of the cladding is included in the design
calculations, as permitted in UCL-23(c), shall show a minimum shear strength of 20,000 psi (140 MPa) when tested in the manner
described in the clad plate specification. One shear test shall be made on each such clad plate as rolled, and the results shall be
reported on the material test report. 如果为 UCL-23(c) 所允许,耐蚀整体覆层基材之复层材料的所有厚度都包括在设计计算
中,且在按复合板规范中所述方式进行测试时,应至少显示出 20,000 psi (140 MPa)的抗剪强度 。 对每块轧制复合板进行一
When the composite thickness of the clad material is 3/4 in. (19 mm) or less, and/or when the cladding metal thickness is
nominally 0.075 in. (1.9 mm) or less, the “Bond Strength” test, as described in SA-263, SA-264, or SA-265, may be used in lieu of
the bond “Shear Strength” test to fulfill the criteria for acceptable minimum shear strength, except that the bend test specimen shall
be 11/2 in. (38 mm) wide by not more than 3/4 in. (19 mm) in thickness and shall be bent, at room temperature, through an angle of
180 deg to the bend diameter provided for in the material specifications applicable to the backing metal. The results of the “Bond
Strength” test shall be reported on the material test report. 当覆层材料的复合厚度 ≤ 3/4 in. (19 mm),和/或当复层金属之标称
称厚度 ≤ 0.075 0.075 in. (1.9 mm)时,则如SA-263、SA-264 或 SA-265 中所述 “键结强度”测试可用来代替键结“剪切强度”
测试,以满足可接受的最小抗剪强度标准,但弯曲试样应为11/2 in. (38 mm)宽,厚度不超过3/4 in. (19 mm),并应在室温
下按适用于基底金属之该材料规范中所规定之弯曲直径进行 180 ͦ 弯曲。“键结强度”测试的结果应记录在材料测试报告
(d) A shear or bond strength test is not required for weld metal overlay cladding. 焊缝金属堆焊层不需要剪切或键结强度试
(e) When any part of the cladding thickness is specified as an allowance for corrosion, such added thickness shall be removed
before mill tension tests are made. When corrosion of the cladding is not expected, no part of the cladding need be removed before
testing, even though excess thickness seems to have been provided or is available as corrosion allowance. 当复层厚度的任何部分被
指定为腐蚀余量时,则在进行轧机拉伸试验之前应去除这些为腐蚀而增量的厚度。 当预计复层不会发生腐蚀时,则即使复
(f) Base material with corrosion-resistant integral cladding in which any part of the cladding is included in the design
calculations, as permitted in UCL-23(c), that is constructed of multiple cladding plates welded together prior to being bonded to the
base material shall have the cladding-alloy-to-cladding-alloy welding that is performed prior to bonding to the base material
当按UCL-23(c) 将具有耐蚀整体复层之基材上的任何复层部分都包括在设计计算中,且如果在与基材键结之前由多个复层板
performed by a Manufacturer holding a Certificate of Authorization. 由持有授权证书之制造商执行。
radiographically examined for its full length in the manner prescribed in UW-51. In place of radiographic
examination, welds may be ultrasonically examined for their full length (see UW-53). 按照 UW-51 中所规定之方式对其全长进行
射线检测。 可作为射线检测的代替检测方案是:可以对焊缝的全长进行超声波检测 (见 UW-53)。
be supplied with a Partial Data Report if that welding is not performed by the vessel Manufacturer. 如果焊接不是由
Material used for applied corrosion resistant lining may be any metallic material of weldable quality that in the judgment of the user is
suitable for the intended purpose. 用作耐蚀衬里之材料可以是经用户判断认为是适合于预期目的之任何可焊质量的金属材料。
(a) The rules in the following paragraphs apply specifically to pressure vessels and vessel parts constructed of base material
with corrosion resistant integral or weld metal overlay cladding and those having applied corrosion resistant linings and shall be used
in conjunction with the general requirements for Design in Subsection A, and with the specific requirements for Design in Subsection
B that pertain to the method of fabrication used. 以下各节中之规则特别适由具有耐腐蚀整体或焊缝金属堆焊层之基材所构成的
的压力容器和容器零部件,以及那些具有耐腐蚀衬里的压力容器和容器部零部件,并且这些规则还应与A 分卷中有关设计之
通用要求以及 B 分卷中与所用制造方法有关之具体设计要求配套使用。
(b) Minimum Thickness of Shells and Heads. The minimum thickness specified in UG-16(b) shall be the total thickness for clad
material with corrosion resistant integral or weld metal overlay cladding and the base-material thickness for applied-lining
construction. 壳体和封头的最小厚度。 UG-16(b) 中所规定的最小厚度应为具有耐蚀整体或焊缝金属堆焊层之护面材料的总厚
(a) Applied Corrosion Resistant Linings. The thickness of material used for applied lining shall not be included in the
computation for the required thickness of any lined vessel. The maximum allowable stress value shall be that given for the base
material in Table UCS-23, or UNF-23.施加耐蚀衬里。 用作内衬之材料厚度不应包括在任何内衬容器所需厚度的计算中。 最
大许用应力值应为表 UCS-23 或 UNF-23 中针对基材的给出值。
(b) Integrally Clad Material Without Credit for Full Cladding Thickness. Except as permitted in (c) below, design calculations
shall be based on the total thickness of the clad material less the specified nominal minimum thickness of cladding. A reasonable
excess thickness either of the actual cladding or of the same thickness of corrosion resistant weld metal may be included in the design
calculations as an equal thickness of base material. The maximum allowable stress value shall be that given for the base material
referenced in Table UCS-23, UF-6, or UHT-23 and listed in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A. 不计入整体复层厚度的整体覆
层材料。 除下文 (c) 中所允许的情况外,设计计算应基于复层材料的总厚度减去所规定之最小标称复合厚度后的值。实际复
层或相同厚度之耐蚀焊缝金属的合理过量厚度可以作为相同厚度之基材包括在设计计算中。最大容许应力值应为表UCS23、UF-6或UHT-23中所述基材的最大容许应力值,并列在第 II -D卷第 1 子篇表 1A 中。
(c) Base Material with Corrosion Resistant Integral or Weld Metal Overlay Cladding With Credit for Cladding Thickness.
When the base material with corrosion resistant integral cladding conforms to one of the specifications listed in UCL-11(a), or
consists of an acceptable base material with corrosion resistant weld metal overlay and the joints are completed by depositing
corrosion resisting weld metal over the weld in the base material to restore the cladding, the design calculations may be based on a
thickness equal to the nominal thickness of the base material plus 𝑆c /𝑆b times the nominal thickness of the cladding after any
allowance provided for corrosion has been deducted, where 计入复层厚度之整体耐腐蚀或焊缝金属堆焊层之基材。 当具有耐蚀
整体复层之基材符合 UCL-11(a) 中所列规范之一,或由具有耐蚀焊缝金属堆焊层的可接受基材所组成,并且通过在基材中之
焊缝上沉积耐蚀焊缝金属以恢复包层来完成接头时,则设计计算可基于等于基材之标称厚度加上𝑆𝑐 /𝑆𝑏 乘以包层基标称厚度
(在扣除任何为腐蚀所提供的余量后),𝑆𝑐 和 𝑆𝑏 之定义如下所述:
= maximum allowable stress value for the base material at the design temperature 基材在设计温度下的最大许用
= maximum allowable stress value for the integral cladding at the design temperature, or for corrosion resistant
weld metal overlay cladding, that of the wrought material whose chemistry most closely approximates that of the
cladding, at the design temperature 设计温度下整体复层或耐蚀焊缝金属堆焊层的最大许用应力值,它们的
Where 𝑆𝑐 is greater than 𝑆𝑏 , the multiplier 𝑆𝑐 /𝑆𝑏 shall be taken equal to unity. The maximum allowable stress value shall be
that given for the base material referenced in Table UCS-23, UF-6, or UHT-23 and listed in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1,
Table 1A. Vessels in which the cladding is included in the computation of required thickness shall not be constructed for
internal pressure under the provisions of Table UW-12, column (c). 当 𝑆𝑐 大于 Sb时,乘数 𝑆𝑐 /𝑆𝑏 应取值为 1。基材的最大许
用应力值应为表 UCS-23、表UF-6 或表 UHT-23 中退所用基材的给出值,并列在第 II -D卷第 1 子篇表 1A 中。 根据表
UW-12 第 (c) 栏的规定,要求在厚度计算中包含包层之容器不应用于承受内部压力。
The thickness of the corrosion resistant weld metal overlay cladding deposited by manual processes shall be verified by
electrical or mechanical means. One examination shall be made for every head, shell course, or any other pressure-retaining
component for each welding process used. The location of examinations shall be chosen by the Inspector except that, when the
Inspector has been duly notified in advance and cannot be present or otherwise make the selection, the fabricator may exercise
his own judgment in selecting the locations. 通过手工工艺所沉积之耐蚀焊缝金属堆焊层的厚度应通过电气或机械方式进
行核验。 应对以所用每种焊接工艺所焊成的每个封头、筒节或任何其他承压零部件进行一次检测。 检测点应由检验
(a) When the design calculations are based on the thickness of base material exclusive of lining or cladding thickness, the
maximum service metal temperature of the vessel shall be that allowed for the base material. 当设计计算是基于不包括衬里或复层
(b) When the design calculations are based on the full thickness of base material with corrosion resistant integral or weld metal
overlay cladding as permitted in UCL-23(c), the maximum service metal temperature shall be the lower of the values allowed for the
base material referenced in Table UCS-23, UF-6, or UHT-23 and listed in Section II, Part D, Subpart 1, Table 1A, or refer to UCL23(c) for corrosion resistant weld metal overlay cladding and the cladding material referenced in Table UHA-23 or Tables UNF-23.1
through UNF-23.5. 当设计计算基于具有 UCL-23(c) 所允许的耐蚀整体或焊缝金属堆焊层之基材的全厚度时,则最高使用金属
温度应为表 UCS-23、UF-6 或 UHT-23针对所用基材所给出并在第 II -D 卷第 1 子部分表 1A 中列出的允许值,或UCL-23(c)
中为耐蚀焊缝金属堆焊层所给出之允许值和表 UHA-23 或表 UNF-23.1 至 UNF-23.5为复层材料给出之允许值中的较低值。
(c) The use of corrosion resistant integral or weld metal overlay cladding or lining material of chromium-alloy stainless steel
with a chromium content of over 14% is not recommended for service metal temperatures above 800°F (425°C). 对于工作金属温度
高于 800°F (425°C) 的情况,不建议采用铬含量超过 14% 之铬合金不锈钢的耐蚀整体或焊缝金属堆焊或衬里材料。
(a) When corrosion or erosion of the cladding or lining material is expected, the cladding or lining thickness shall be increased
by an amount that in the judgment of the user will provide the desired service life. 当预计包层或衬里材料发生腐蚀或侵蚀时,包
(b) Telltale Holes. The requirements of UG-25(e) and UG-46(b) shall apply when telltale holes are used in clad or lined
vessels, except that such holes may extend to the cladding or lining. 信号孔。 当在具有覆层或内衬之容器中采用信号孔时,则应
符合 UG-25(e) 和 UG-46(b) 的要求,除非此类信号孔可延伸至覆层或内衬。
The thickness of shells or heads under external pressure shall satisfy the requirements of the Part of Subsection C applicable to the
base material. The cladding may be included in the design calculations for clad material to the extent provided in UCL-23(b) and
UCL-23(c). 外部压力作用下之壳体和封头的厚度应满足 C 篇中适用于所用基材的要求。 在 UCL-23(b) 和 UCL-23(c) 中所规