KAYA SWANN 1731838 2021/2022 Fall Term INT 3921 PEOPLE & ENVIRONMENT Homework Final Exam 3. The terms crowding and density are used interchangeably, but there is an accepted distinction between the two. Describe both. [40 Marks] While Density is based on measuring the number of person per unit of area,being an objective method of measuring,Crowding is a more subjective method of measuring,being based on individual experience while being within a group of other people. 4. Name the five dimensions that characterize a residence. [40 Marks] 1.Differentiated to Homogenous Differentiated type of residences include a variety of rooms,each for a different purpose.Homogenous residences,however, have much less number of rooms which can handle various functions. 2. Identity and Communality A Residence with Identity can be equipped according to the resident’s personal interests and needs.Communality is based on a common,cultural characteristics of the residence. 3. Communality and Noncommunality A whole family or an unrelated group of people can live in one residence,depending to their culture. 4. Openness versus Closedness While some residences keep barriers around their borders,some other residences do not have the particular necessity and remain open to other neighbors or visitors. 5.Permanent to Temporary Residences are usually permanent in industrialized societies,but in a less industrialized society,residences can change often. 5. What kind of a job does an acquisition wall do within a classroom? [20 Marks] The Acquisition Wall has the purpose of facilitating the student’s learning process of new subjects being thought in the class.The materials it contains is only about the new subjects or other relatively challenging subjects.