FANNING O’QUV DASTURI (SILLABUS) Akademik Daraja Fan kodi EngHis M 306 History of the English language Ta’lim yo`nalishi Semestr Modulning davomiyligi ECTS: 5 Tayyorladi Bakalavr Fan nomi Kredit hajmi (1 kredit = 30 soat) Ajratilgan akademik soat hajmi 150 60 (aud) 90 (must) Talabalarni erkin qabul qilish kuni Xorijiy til va adabiyoti: ingliz tili 6-semestr 16 hafta TIU Payshanba-juma, 15.00 – 17.00 Kurs haqida Umumiy ma’lumot (Course Description) Fan bo’yicha talabaning bilimi, ko’nikmasi va malakasiga qo’yilgan talablar Mazkur fanni o’rganish davomida talaba: - Ingliz tilining tarixi va undagi yirik to’rt davr hamda ularda sodir bo’lgan ahamiyatli lingvistik hodisalarni o’rganadi. - Qadimgi, o’rta, yangi va hozirgi ingliz tili fonetikasi, morfologiyasi, sintaksisi va leksikasidagi farqlar bilan tanishadi. - Egallagan bilim va hosil qilgan tushunchalarini topshiriqlar davomida guruhdoshlari bilan bo’lishadi. - Gapirish va yozish mahoratini ijodiy vazifalar mobaynida oshiradi. Fanga ajratilgan soatlar. Fanga ajratilgan umumiy soatlar hajmi 180 akademik soat bo`lib, shundan auditoriya mashg`ulotlari 72 soatni, mustaqil ta’lim 108 soatni tashkil etadi. Auditoriya mashg`ulotlarida jami 72 soat (ma’ruza, amaliy/seminar, laboratoriya) fan mavzulari o`qitiladi va oralik, yakuniy imtihonlar uchun 2 soatdan jami 4 soat vaqt ajratilgan. Fanni o’zlashtirish va mustaqil o’qib-o’rganish uchun asosiy adabiyotlar ro’yxati: 1. Gelderen, E., V. (2006). A History of the English Language. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN 90 272 3236 9. 2. Baugh, A. C., & Cable, T. (2002). A History of the English Language. London, The UK: Routledge. ISBN 0-203-99463-9. 1 Week and Topic 1. Introduction 2. Chapter 1. The English language 3. The origins and history of English 4. Chapter 2. English Spelling, Sounds, and Grammar Reading before class Introduction to the subject o Course preview o Introduction to the materials o Types of weekly assignments and their descriptions English o The Indo-European Family of Present Languages (Baugh, pp. 20-30) and Futureo The importance of English (Baugh, o The future of English pp. 3-6) o English as a world language o External and internal influences to the language o Overview of periods of English. See o Class discussion and exercises (Gelderen, p.10) o Why English spelling is irregular?o o Phonetic Alphabet o Phonetics and sound change o Some grammatical terminology 5. Spelling day 6. Chapter 3. Before Old English o o o o 7. Before Old English 8. Chapter 4. Old English Lesson content o o o 1. Spelling Bee: Group competitions. See ult-spelling-bee 2. Chain Spelling. See Origins of language Earliest writings Indo-European to Germanic: Sound changes Indo-European to Germanic: Changes in morphology and syntax Reconstruction methods Politics and reconstruction Exercises 1-3 (Gelderen, pp.44) Old o Sources and spelling English o Old English Sounds (Gelderen,o Old English Grammar pp.47-56) Home assignment No due task No due task No due task No due task No due task Open book exam 1: Bring the notes, books and answer the questions in a given time. Upload to HEMIS! No due task No due task 2 9. Old English morphology and syntax 10. Old English lexicon and dialects 11. Chapter 5. From Old to Middle English 12. From Old to Middle English 13. PROJECT 1 14. PROJECT 1 o Old English Morphology o Old English Syntax o Discussion: Film trailer “Beowulf”. See =DLukQJO5SH8 o Old English Lexicon o Old English Dialects o MODERN, MIDDLE & OLD ENGLISH (The Lord's Prayer). See o Celtic loans o Latin loans Analysis of an extract from “Beowulf” No due task No due task o o o Groups 13 Scandinavian influence No due task French influence Other languages Project 1. Poster presentation. o TO BE PRESENTED IN CLASS In groups, select one period of the English language. Using creativity, prepare a poster illustrating the main aspects of the period and present it in class. Think of an activity (e.g. crossword, chart of words in that period, Q&A cards, etc.) to check the audience’s comprehension after presenting your poster. o While Group 1 present, other groups observe, take notes, and give feedback. Teacher assesses based on your feedback. Groups 4- Project 1. Poster presentation. TO BE PRESENTED IN CLASS 6 15 Mid-term 16. Chapter 6: Middle English o Texts and Spelling o Middle English Sounds o Middle English Morphology Open book exam 2: Bring the notes, books and answer the questions in a given time. Upload to HEMIS! 3 17. Middle English 18. Revision workshop 19. Chapter 7: Early Modern English 20. Early Modern English 21. Chapter 8: Modern English 22. Some Regional and Register Varieties 23. Periods revision 24. Chapter 9: English around the World 25. PROJECT 2 o Middle English Syntax o Middle English Word Formation o Middle English Dialects Revision of Weeks 1-7 content o Printing, Literacy, and Texts o Early Modern English Spelling and Sounds o Early Modern English Morphology Early Modern English Syntax o The Early Modern English Lexicon. Attitudes towards a Standard o Regional and Register Varieties o Editorial and Authorship Issues. o Conclusion o o Exercises (Gelderen,p.191) o External History and Sources o Modern English Spelling and Sounds o Modern English Morphology o Modern English Syntax o Modern dialects in England o Slang, jargon, colloquial language Exercises (Gelderen, p. 234) o o o o o o o Video discussion Activities for revision External History and Sources Kachru’s Circle Spelling and Sounds Grammar The Lexicons of the World Englishes o English-influenced Pidgins and Creoles Consequences of the o Spread of English o Exercises (Gelderen, p.274) Groups 1- Project 2. Multimodality group 3 presentation. Kachru (1985) makes a distinction between inner, outer, and expanding circle with respect to International English. In four No due task No due task In your own way, paraphrase quotes by Shakespeare or explain the moral. Handouts on TO BE UPLOADED TO HEMIS Deadline: 23:00 pm, Friday No due task Open book exam 3: Bring the notes, books and answer the questions in a given time. Upload to HEMIS! No due task Writing: In your own words, explain the differences among the following terms: World Englishes, Global English, English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), and English as an International Language (EIL). TO BE PRESENTED IN CLASS 4 groups, choose one variety, research some reliable sources and websites, and present that particular English in your group. E.g. Spanish English. Add audiovisuals or activities (e.g. board game). o While Group 1 present, other groups observe, take notes, and give feedback. Teacher assesses based on your feedback. 26. PROJECT 2 Groups 4- Project 2. Multimodality group 6 presentation. 27. Present o Present Differentiation of 1) Differentia Vocabulary British and tion of o American Words in General American Vocabular English English: y (Baugh, o American English and World o Vocabulary pp. 373English (Baugh, pp. 381-383) 2) 375) o Webster’s Influence on Pronunciation American Pronunciation o Movie extracts discussion 28. 1) British (Baugh, o British accents map dialects pp. 354o Article on 2) American 367) accents-anddialects/articles/lexicalvariation-across-the-uk o Lexical variation in British English. Materials on o American accents map o Article on o 29. Revision o Kahoot quiz, Jeopardy Q&A workshop TO BE PRESENTED IN CLASS Open book exam 4: Bring the notes, books and answer the questions in a given time. Upload to HEMIS! Watch the assigned film extracts/videos and identify if it is American or British English based on the vocabu-lary used in speakers’ speech. Suggested film (as a sample): No due task 5 o 30. final exam - FANNI BAHOLASH MEZONI VA REJASI Attendance, Arriving on Time and In-Class Participation 10% - Weekly Assignments: Quiz, Writings (Analysis, Explanation, 10% hhh Paraphrasing), Graphic Organizers (Timeline, Table, Fishbone diagram) - Open book exams 20% - Midterm exam 30% - Final exam 30% Talabalar bilimini baholash mezoni № Nazorat turlari Izoh Ball O‘tkazilish vaqti (boshlanishi – tugashi) Joriy baholash 1. Attendance 2. Weekly assignments 3. Open book exams Attendance, Arriving on Time and InClass Participation Quiz Writings (Analysis, Explanation, Paraphrasing) Graphic Organizers (Timeline, Table, Fishbone diagram) 20 Project 1. Poster presentation. Select one period of the English language. Prepare a poster illustrating its main aspects and present it in class. Add an interactive activity to check the audience’s comprehension. Project 2. Multimodality presentation. Choose one variety of English based on Kachru’s (1985) inner, outer, and expanding circle. Research some reliable sources, and present with your group. Add audio-visuals or activities. 20 Jami 20.02.2023 – 04.06.2023 20.02.2023 – 04.06.2023 20.02.2023 – 04.06.2023 40 Oraliq imtihon 6 Midterm exam Lessons 1-14 materials 30 Yakuniy imtihon 3. Final exam Lessons 1-29 materials 30 Jami Umumiy 16 hafta 60 100 Rubrics for Assessments Participation and Attendance Students are required to attend all courses since participation in classroom activities to attain a B2 level. Furthermore, students will get the opportunity to practice all of the class abilities and speak with one another. Participation in all activities, group discussions, group presentations, and assignments assigned by the instructor is required. Meets and Exceeds Partially meets standards Attempts standards Standards 7-6 points 5-0 points 10-8 points Consistently shows Consistently shows tenacity in Shows sporadic drive in the quest of determination in the search of the search of answers; uses answers and seldom employs answers; evaluates his or her several strategies to keep self strategies to keep self on track own level of involvement; on track. creates and employs a variety of tactics to keep self on track. Always ready to participate; Frequently participates Rarely participates during the class constantly answers to queries; willingly; often replies to time; rarely responds to the questions; gives intelligent point of questions; frequently rarely shares opinions. view. expresses ideas. Always speaks English in Often speaks English in group Rarely use English in group work, group work, pair work and an work, pair work and an pair work and an individual work. individual work. individual work. Consistently behaves Frequently acts appropriately Distracts others during the lesson; correctly during the procedure during the lesson; often most of the time absent; assignments of the lesson; always present, present; most of the tasks are are not on time. completes tasks on time. on time. Rubric for Graphic Organizers (Timeline, Table, Fishbone diagram) 5 4 3 2 Task achievement (Quality, Organization) Content/Facts/ Creativity (Includes valid inferences and The resources were of excellent quality. The presentation of the important topic(s) is wellselected. This demonstrates intellectual depth. The primary concept(s) is well The majority of the resources are of good quality, however some were from unreliable sources. There is some variability. Definite sections demonstrate intellectual depth. The selected A few of the materials are of excellent quality. Not enough materials or inadequate explanations. Substantial grasp of the topic, but not much insight. The rationale was Only demonstrates vague understanding. 7 claims from the course books) selected, and the depiction was learners provided effective; however, a detailed the description description of lacked clarity of how the selected understanding. depiction related Studentdemonstrated to the prescribed good critical and texts for that analytical abilities. week. Student demonstrated strong critical and analytical abilities. Rubric for Writings (Analysis, Explanation, Paraphrasing) 5 4 Accuracy of the content Uses wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy Majority of sentences are error free and uses complex structures Gives cohesion in a such way, skillfully manages paraphrasing and uses synonyms Gives logical ideas and information poorly written, and the performance demonstrated a lack of comprehension of the given materials. The graphic organizers and description are poorly designed. 3 2 Uses only limited structures and attempts to complex sentences but it tends to be less accurate may not in paragraphs or is written inappropriately and repetitive Attempts sentence forms or does not write any sentences Does not organize sentences or ideas logically or has a little control of organizational features Fully addresses all Presents full Presents main Responds to Task response parts of the writing, developed relevant ideas the task in a gives extended and response, although some parts minimal way supportive ideas, sufficiently are not fully or or presents and develops fully. addresses all parts, repetitive. It is two or more It is uploaded on develops fully and uploaded after the ideas. It is not time to HEMIS. gives supportive deadline to HEMIS. uploaded on ideas. It is uploaded time to on time to HEMIS. HEMIS. Project work 1: Poster Presentation (in groups) Originality and Honesty (NO PLAGIARISM!) 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points Poster is presented in a convincing, consistent manner. Content is accurate. Includes all the Poster is presented in a convincing, consistent manner. Content is mostly accurate. All required Poster is presented in a convincing, consistent manner. Content is not so accurate. Some of Poster is presented in a convincing, consistent manner. Content may be accurate but read on 8 required elements. Presentation participants are well-prepared and organized. Presentation captures and maintains audience interest. elements are included. Participants are not all wellprepared and organized. Presentation captures and maintains audience interest, but not fully. the required elements are included. Presentation participants are not well prepared and organized. Presentation does not capture and maintain audience interest. paper. Several required elements are missing. Presentation participants are not well prepared and organized at all. Presentation does not capture and maintain audience interest. Project work 2: Multimodality Presentation (in groups) 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points PPT is perfectly designed. Participants show great public speaking skills. Ps speak clearly with appropriate vocabulary and information. More than one tools, audio-visuals are used. PPT is well-designed. Participants show good public speaking skills. Ps speak mostly clearly with appropriate vocabulary and information. Some errors occur. Audio-visuals are used. PPT is not so welldesigned. Participants show awful public speaking skills. Ps speak unclearly with appropriate vocabulary and information. Audiovisuals are not used effectively. PPT is poorly designed. Participants show awful public speaking skills. Ps speak unclearly with appropriate vocabulary and information. Could not deliver topic well. Audio-visuals are not used effectively. IMTIHONGA QO‘YILGAN TALAB VA KO‘RSATMALAR Talaba imtihon nazorati qoidalarini buzgan hollarda, mazkur fandan imtihon bali bekor qilinishi haqida ogohlantiriladi. 2. Komissiya a’zosi imtihon boshlanishini e’lon qilgunga qadar imtihon varag‘ini ochish ta’qiqlanadi. 3. Talaba uyali yoki boshqa aloqa vositalari, gadjetlarni o‘chirib, komissiya a’zosi ko‘rsatmasiga binoan o‘zidan uzoqlikda saqlashi shart. Kitob, manuskript, daftar va boshqa ko‘maklashuvchi materiallardan foydalanish mumkin emas. 4. Talabalar bir-biri bilan gaplashishi, imtihon varaqlarini ko‘rsatishi, ko‘chirtirishi, boshqalarni chalg‘itishi ma’n etiladi. 1. Oziq-ovqat va ichimliklarni auditoriyaga olib kirishi mumkin emas. Shifokor ko‘rsatmasiga binoan doridarmon, kichik idishdagi suv bundan mustasno. 6. Auditoriyadan ruxsatsiz chiqish mumkin emas. Xususan, imtihonning birinchi va oxirgi 10 minutida auditoriyadan chiqish ta’qiqlanadi. Talaba imtihon varaqasini muddatidan oldin topshirib chiqib ketgan holatda qayta auditoriyaga qo‘yilmaydi. 7. Komissiya a’zosi imtihon tugashini e’lon qilganidan so‘ng, talaba yozishni 5. 9 to‘xtatadi va imtihon varaqlari yig‘ilgunga qadar auditoriyani tark etmaydi. ECTS kredit ta’lim tizimi asosida baholash tavsifi Baho А+ А В+ В C+ C D F Foiz 90-100 80-89 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 50-59 0-49 Shkala 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1 0 Izoh: Talaba 0-49 oralig’ida o’zlashtirish ko’rsatkichiga va bir fandan 5 dars (10 juftlik) qoldirsa, o’qiyotgan semestrida mazkur fandan o’zlashtirmagan (fail) hisoblanadi. O’zlashtirilmagan fanlarni qayta o’zlashtirish uchun talaba o’rnatilgan tartibda fan o’qituvchisi tomonidan berilgan topshiriqlarni bajarishi zarur. Kafedra mudiri 10