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Computer History: Lecture Notes on Computer Skills

Computer Skills
Lecture 1
Lecture Notes
Computer Skills: History of the Computer
Computer – an electronic machine that can store, organize, and find information, and
control other machines.
- “Com” (together) + “putare” (to think, to reckon) = “computer”
- Was previously used to indicate a person who did calculations. à the first
computers were people.
§ It was a job title, for those who performed the repetitive calculations
required to compute things such as money, navigational tables, etc.
What is a computer for?
- The first computers were sorts of devices which helped in doing calculations.
- They helped....
§ Reduce working memory load.
§ Perform the tasks that were becoming more and more complex.
§ Store information in the long term.
à The first Computing machines and the mathematical advancements that bring us to
today’s computers.
1. Abacus
- It was thought to be developed in China, however there is evidence of more ancient
abacus by the Babylonians, ancient Greeks, and Romans.
§ Allows grouping of numbers
§ It is still widely used.
2. The Antikythera machine
- The first example of an analog computing machine
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Computer Skills
Lecture 1
Used by the Greeks to predict astronomical phenomena such as eclipses, moon
phases, sun and planetary positions.
3. The Astrolabe
- Sophisticated handheld devices used for astronomical calculations.
- Used for several centuries in Europe, prior to the development of the telescope in
the 17th Century.
4. The Napier’s bones.
- Developed by John Napier (1550-1617)
§ Napier invented logarithms à a technology which allowed for
multiplications to be performed via addition.
5. Pascaline
- Developed by Blaise Pascal in 1642 as a tool for his father, who was a tax collector.
- It was an addition tool (it could only add) made of gears.
- This didn’t sell since it was not accurate, and too expensive.
6. Poleni’s Calculator
- A calculator developed by Giovanni Poleni (1683-1761), based on a pinwheel system.
- The device could automatically perform multiplications.
7. The Babbage’s Analytical Engine
- Developed by Charles Babbage (1791-1871)
§ Mathematician, engineer, philosopher and inventor
§ He originated the concept and designed the programmable computer.
- A device that could calculate values of polynomial functions.
- The engine was supposed to rely on punch-cards and include sequence control and
loop features.
§ Punch-cards – a card organized in different columns, each containing
positions for holes, and each position corresponding to a specific
• Originally created to represent the ornamental motif to be
reproduced on tissues.
§ Sequence control structure – the property of a program to contain
and be able to implement a series of commands sequentially.
§ Loop – a sequence of instructions in a program which loops allowing
the program to return to a given instruction.
- Sadly, never completed.
Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)
- Created the first algorithm for the (theoretical) Babbage engine.
Computer Skills
Lecture 1
Lecture Notes
Algorithm – a sequence of instructions or rules that tells a computer
how to solve a problem.
She earned her spot in history as the first computer programmer à she recognized
the importance of looping leading her to create the first algorithm.
George Boole – 185-1864
- English mathematician
- Worked on binary logic (Boolean algebra) which constituted as an important step
towards the development of modern computers.
§ Refers to a branch of mathematics where variables are logical values
(0-1), and operators are logical operators (OR, AND, NOT).
Herman Hollerith – 1860-1929
- Created a machine in 1889 which stored and retrieved information by using punchcards à this was the first type of read and write technology. The tool “read’ function
relied on electrical circuits which were in close proximity of the card holes.
§ With this machine he won a prize from the U.S. census Bureau in 1890
- Built the company; “Tabulating Machine Company” which then became
“International Business Machines” in 1924 à IBM
§ In 1944 built Mark 1 à The IBA Automatic Sequence Controlled
Calculator (ASCC) created for Harvard University
The Colossus Mark 1 & 2
- Widely acknowledge as among the first programable electric computers and were
used at Bletchley Park to decode German codes (1943-1944)
- Coincidently this is where the term bug originated, when in Sept. 9th, 1945 a moth
entered one of the relays of the Harvard Mark 2 jamming the computer.
§ Bug – an error or flaw either in the machine or the program
WW2 and Computers
Z1, Z2, Z3, and Z4
- In 1936-1940 engineer Konrad Erst Otto Zuse (1910-1995), which were digital (relaybased) programmable computers.
Commented [u1]: Flashcards stop here
Computer Skills
Lecture 1
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- Computer developed by the Germans; Enigma was able to generate a constantly
changing code that was impossible for the code breakers to decipher in a timely
- Developed by Alan Turning, it was a tool used to decipher German codes made by
The Turning Test
A ‘game’ in which the objective is for the interrogator to determine which of the
other two is a) the person, b) the machine.
§ There are three players: 1. A person, 2. A machine, 3. An interrogator.
Turning believed that if the person could not tell the machine apart from the person
after a reasonable amount of time, the machine was somewhat intelligent.
§ Computers are able to learn and master specific tasks, however,
struggle to maintain a conversation as they lack the consciousness
humans have to do so.
à Completely Automated Public Turning Test To Tell Computer and Humans
A program that protects websites from bots by generating and grading tests that
humans can pass but current computer programs cannot.
John von Neumann (1903-1957)
- Another important computer science figure at the time
- Contributed to several discoveries in the fields of Physics and Mathematics
- Contributed to the Manhattan Project during the war.
ENIAC Computer
à Electronic Numerical Integrator AND Computer
- The first “general purpose” (programable to solve any problem) electric computer.
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Computer Skills
Lecture 1
Used for Von Neumann’s project working on the hydrogen bomb.
Von Neumann Architecture
- Computers built on the von Neumann model divide the computer hardware into four
subsystems: memory, arithmetic logic unit, control unit, and input/output.
- States that the program must be stored in the memory.
§ This is different from the architecture of early computers, where the
memory only stored the data.
- The memory of modern computers hosts both a program and its corresponding data
à data memory is stored as binary patterns.
§ Sequence of 0s and 1s
Grace Murray Hopper (1906-1992)
- Developed the first complier while working at the Remington Rand corporation of
the UNIVAC 1
§ Complier – a program that transforms a first computer language into
a second one.
- UNIVAC 1 à First commercial between 1951-1958, 47 UNIVAC 1 computers were
IBM 701 Electronic Data Processing Machine
- 1953 – IBM 701 EDPM Computer IBM enters the market with its first large scale
electronic computer
§ 19 computers were delivered.
Integrated Circuit
- 1958 – Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments & Robert Noyce at Fairchild semiconductor
independently invest the first integrated circuits of “the chip”.
§ Jack Kilby received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the
integrated circuit.
- Integrated circuit – chip/microchip à a very small piece of the computer, containing
extremely small electronic circuits and devices (e.g., transistors)
- Transistors – a semiconductor often integrated in the chip – that allows the inputstorage-output of data in a computer.
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Computer Skills
Lecture 1
Moore Law
- The law states that the number of transistors on the microchip will double every two
years à Meaning that the chips performance will as well.
- Computers increase in power and shrink in size; a new class of machines has
emerged roughly every ten years.
GUI: Graphical User Interface
- User Interface (UI) is a space where the human-machine interaction occurs.
- GUI is a graphical interface including buttons and icons allowing communication with
the machine.
- The development of advanced GUI has led to increased computers usability.
Microsoft Corporation
- Founded in 1975 in the U.S. by Bill Gates and Paul Allen
- In many periods it has dominated the personal computer operating system market.
- Developed the MS-DOS and then the Windows operating systems, which were
spread all over the world.
- Founded in the 1976 in U.S. b Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne.
- It is one of the biggest technology companies in the world.
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Computer Skills
Lecture 1
Produced Mac and iPhones.
Computers respond to increasingly complex human needs.
§ E.g., complex calculations and storing large amount of data.
Computers rely on fundamental discoveries in mathematics and physics (chips)
Computers size reduction and GUIs make computers accessible worldwide.