We warmly welcome all pupils back to school! Parent and pupil guide for September reopening 2020 The Royal way and the ‘new normal’ We aim to keep all pupils and staff as safe as possible whilst at school. Our lives have all changed a little and we need to adapt some ways we do things at school. The following slides will outline some of the changes we have made to make school as safe and normal as possible, in line with the latest government guidance. Risk Assessment • A full risk assessment has been conducted for all pupils and staff in conjunction with Wolverhampton Local Authority and our independent health and safety consultant. • Details of our risk assessment will be shared verbally with all pupils during form time on their first day back in September. Social distancing • As we are a relatively small school pupils will be placed into the following year group bubbles: – – – – – – YR, Y1, Y2, Y3, and Y4 Year 5 and 6 Year 7 and 8 Year 9 and 10 Year 11 Year 12 and 13 • Pupils must keep apart and avoid mixing with other pupils not in their bubble, but we understand this is more difficult for younger pupils. • Pupils should always respect each other’s personal space and hygiene. Primary School social time • Year groups must locate in the following spaces during social times (before school, break, lunch) Dry weather Wet weather Year R Reception play area Reception classrooms Year 1 Primary playground Dining room Year 2 Primary playground Dining room Year 3 MUGA Primary Hall Year 4 MUGA Primary Hall Year 5 & 6 Back playground Rogers classrooms Senior School social time • Year groups must locate in the following spaces during social times (before school, break, lunch) Dry weather Wet weather Year 7 Back playground Theatre Year 8 Back playground Vic Hall & Maths 5-7 Year 9 Table tennis quad or astro Maths rooms 1-4 Year 10 Theatre quad or astro MFL 1-3 & Wellbeing Hub Year 11 Dining room area and back field Computing 1&2, History 1&2 Year 12 & 13 Hub & Library Hub & Library Senior year group zones Hand washing • Pupils will be asked to wash hands upon entering school and regularly throughout the day. • Hand sanitiser is available at the front entrance, pupil entrance, dining hall and Sports Centre and other loactions throughout the site. • YR, Y3 and Y4 will use their allocated toilets to wash hands. • Y1/2 will use the trough in the primary playground. • Y5-Y8 will use the trough in the senior back playground. • Y9-13 will use their allocated toilets to wash hands and additional trough by laundry gate. PPE • PPE is personal protective equipment such as face masks and gloves. • The government guidance is that PPE is not required in schools as we have other measures in place to keep pupils and staff safe. • If pupils wish to wear a mask they can, but this should be non-decorative and there may be circumstances where it may be asked to remove it for communication purposes. • If pupils are travelling to school via public transport, please remove your face mask before entering the school and place in a protective plastic bag inside your school bag. Uniform • Pupils should attend school in full school uniform. • On PE/Swimming/Games days pupils should attend in full school PE kit including school tracksuit bottoms and school hoody. • Changing rooms will be reserved for swimming lessons and Period 7 use only to reduce the mixing of bubbles. • There is no need for further arrangements other than normal personal hygiene and washing of clothes following a day in school. • Sixth Formers should wear business dress. Uniform reminders • Plain black leather, polishable shoes should be worn. • Jewellery is restricted to one watch only (not a smart watch). • Facial piercings, all earrings, false nails (nails should be short and unpolished), excessive make-up, extreme hairstyles including unnatural dyes, skin fades and tramlines, are not permitted. Illness • Pupils should not attend school if they have any symptoms. • Pupils should also self-isolate at home if someone in the household has a confirmed case of Covid-19 or is showing symptoms. • Parents should inform school of suspected symptoms or self-isolation asap. • If pupils develop symptoms at school, they will be isolated in the medical centre/ground floor primary office until they can be collected. • Further government advice on coronavirus can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus Remote learning • • • • Where pupils are unable to attend due to self-isolation teachers will provide work for them to complete at home. Primary School pupils should use Satchel One (Show my homework) and teachers will also email work as necessary. Senior School pupils should use Satchel One (Show my homework) where homework assignments will be posted as usual and Microsoft Teams where lesson resources will be provided. In the event of a local lockdown alternative provision will be made to ensure pupils continue to learn at home. Primary School lessons • All classrooms have been reorganised, so pupils face the front where possible and unnecessary furniture has been removed. • Windows and doors will remain open as much as possible to allow good circulation of air. • A teacher zone will be in place at the front of every classroom. Pupils should keep clear of this zone to enable teachers to keep their social distance. • Pupils must sit in their designated seating plan seat. • Tissues will be available in each classroom encouraging ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’. • Each pupil will be provided with their own pencil, blue and red pen, ruler. • Other items will be shared in a small group and cleaned regularly. Senior School lessons • • • • • • • • • • To enable the continued use of specialist rooms for curriculum delivery, pupils will move classrooms around the site as usual. All classrooms have been reorganised, so pupils face the front where possible and unnecessary furniture has been removed. Windows and doors will remain open as much as possible to allow good circulation of air. A teacher zone will be in place at the front of every classroom. Pupils should keep clear of this zone to enable teachers to keep their social distance. Pupils must sit in their designated seating plan seat. Upon entrance to the room pupils will stand behind their designated seat as usual. Teachers will spray the tables and chairs and pupils will wipe their own desk and chair with disposable blue roll. Teachers will wipe the door handles before and after each class arrives. Tissues will be available in each classroom encouraging ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’. Pupils cannot borrow equipment so should come prepared with their own pencil case. Senior School equipment In addition to our Royal ‘5’ a day equipment (pencil case, blue/black pen, red pen, pencil, ruler) pupils must bring additional equipment for their own use: • Coloured pencils • Highlighters • Sharpener • Eraser • Scissors (round-ended) • Glue • Scientific calculator (Casio FX-991EX) It is vital that all students have a bag/rucksack big enough for their exercise books. They will be bringing their books home every night and must remember to bring the correct ones back in the morning. Pupils are also welcome to bring their own hand sanitiser. Sports equipment • Sports equipment will be cleaned after each use. • Contact sports will be avoided as per government guidance. • To enable efficient use of lesson time and reduce the need for constant cleaning of changing rooms between lessons pupils should come in full PE kit, including tracksuit bottoms, when they have PE or Games. • Changing rooms will be reserved for use when pupils have swimming lessons and period 7 activities after which cleaning can take place at the end of the school day. Music provision • As per government guidance there will be: – no singing, – no playing of wind or brass instruments, – no chanting, – no shouting. • All other music provision will continue including instrumental lessons. • We hope to resume our full music provision once guidance allows. • Please contact Miss L Simmonds, Director of Music, for any information regarding music lessons. lsimmonds@theroyal.school Movement around site • We have a one-way system in operation, pupils must follow the signs showing which direction to walk. • Where one way is not possible there is tape on the floor and pupils should keep to the left and walk in single file. Primary one-way system Senior one-way system Toilets • Pupils should not be leaving a lesson to go to the toilet. • During lunch and break, toilets will be allocated to year groups as follows: Primary Senior YR – Reception toilets lower ground floor First floor – Years 7&8 Y1 – Portacabin toilets Y2 – Toilets at top of main staircase Ground floor – Years 9-11 Y3 – Toilets above reception Y4 – Dining room toilets Y5 & Y6 – Toilets in Rogers Sixth Form – Dining hall The school day • We are not changing the arrival time of the school day because pupils arrive over a long period of time from 8.00am. • We ask pupils to use the following entrances and exits: – YR to Y4 – Any entrance (Penn Road, Lyndhurst Road, Claremont Road) – Y5 to Y8 – Back playground gate on Goldthorn Road – Y9 to Y11 – Laundry gate on Goldthorn Road – Y12 and Y13 – Front entrance • Primary pupils will be dismissed at the end of the day from: – YR – Reception classrooms at 3.25pm – Y1-4 – Primary playground Y1/2 at 3.30pm and Y3/4 3.35pm – Y5-6 – Senior School back playground at 3.45pm • Pupils must not wait around on the street or Sports Centre and make their way straight home at the end of the day. The school day Timings for primary school lunch Year Group Lunch Sitting Reception Play Area Primary Playground MUGA Rec 11:30-12pm 12-12:45pm RJR Yr1 12-12:30pm 11:30-12pm 1KH Yr2 12:30-12:45pm Yr3 12:45-1pm 12-12:30pm Sandwiches/ Senior school Packed Lunch Playground 2ED 12:15-12:45pm 3CM 1-1:15pm Yr4 1-1:15pm 12:15-1pm 4CC Yr5 12:15-12:30pm 12:30-1:15pm Yr6 (first half dining room) 12:30-12:45pm (second half dining room) 12:45-1:15pm The school day Timings for years 7 and 8 Monday & Friday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Registration 8.30-9.00 8.30-9.00 Lesson 1 9.00-9.50 9.00-9.50 Break 9.50-10.10 9.50-10.10 Lesson 2 10.10 – 11.00 10.10 – 11.00 Lesson 3 11.00-11.50 11.00-11.50 Lunch 11.50-12.40 11.50-12.40 Lesson 4 12.40-13.30 12.40-13.30 PM registration 13.30-13.40 13.30-13.40 Lesson 5 13.40-14.30 13.40-14.30 Lesson 6 14.30-15.20 14.30-15.20 Break Home 15.20-15.25 Lesson 7 Homework club – limited space pre-booking essential. 15.25-16.25 The school day Timings for years 9 -13 Monday & Friday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Registration 8.30-9.00 8.30-9.00 Lesson 1 9.00-9.50 9.00-9.50 Lesson 2 9.50-10.40 9.50-10.40 Break 10.40 – 11.00 10.40 – 11.00 Lesson 3 11.00-11.50 11.00-11.50 Lesson 4 11.50-12.40 11.50-12.40 Lunch 12.40-13.30 12.40-13.30 PM registration 13.30-13.40 13.30-13.40 Lesson 5 13.40-14.30 13.40-14.30 Lesson 6 14.30-15.20 14.30-15.20 Break Home 15.20-15.25 Lesson 7 Homework club – limited space pre-booking essential. 15.25-16.25 Senior school tutor groups Senior school tutor groups have been reorganised into year groups to maintain ‘bubbles’ as per government guidance. We hope to return to the vertical tutor system as soon as guidance allows. Balmoral Buckingham Sandringham Windsor Year 7 C Johnson EN5 R Stephens EN1 R Smith EN2 I Pugh DT Year 8 M Perkins LAB1 O Hartill CO2 L Hillman MUS2 E Hutton LAB3 Year 9 C Tarplee LAB6 J Lawrence ART1 C Beason LAB2 Year 10 A Kumar MA7 L Brown MFL1 N Biddlecombe EN4 E Cox EN7 Year 11 P Hall CO1 J Pickering MFL2 L Cherrington GEO2 S Parker MA4 Year 12 P Brown MA1 A Takhar MA2 P Masunga MA3 R Bickley MFL3 Year 13 J Smith HIS1 R Edwards MA5 I Dawson HIS2 L Watson EN3 A Swift LAB5 Assemblies • Primary School assemblies will take place remotely via zoom on a weekly basis. • There will be no singing until government guidance allows. • Senior School assemblies will take place in the chapel, 3 pupils per pew, in year group bubbles. • House assemblies will take place remotely across the school so year group bubbles do not mix. Primary School break • Pupils are only permitted to bring healthy snacks such as fruit, with them each day. • Fruit should be brought in a plastic bag not a container. • No nuts are allowed on the school site. • Breaktimes will be staggered. • Pupils should bring their own filled water bottle with them each day, these can be refilled by teachers but must be taken home for washing each day. Senior School break • A limited range of snacks will be available in the dining hall. We recommend pupils bring healthy snacks such as fruit, with them each day. No nuts are allowed on the school site. • Please use the school app to top up your child’s account, the usual machine in senior school will not be in use due to hygiene reasons. • Water fountains will also not be in use so pupils should bring their own filled water bottle with them each day. • Y7,Y9,Y10 will queue at the normal entrance to the dining hall and eat in the first half of dining hall (to the right as they enter) • Y8,Y11-13 will queue at the side entrance to the dining hall near the tray carousel and eat in the second half of dining hall (to the left as they enter). Senior School lunch • Year groups must queue at the following times and entrances: – Y7 11.50 normal entrance, eat first half dining hall – Y8 12.00 side entrance, eat second half dining hall – Y9 12.40 normal entrance, eat first half dining hall – Y10 13.00 normal entrance, eat first half dining hall – Y11 12.50 side entrance, eat second half dining hall – Y12/13 not in lesson 4 12.10 normal entrance, eat first half dining hall – Y12/13 remainder – 13.10 side entrance, eat second half dining hall Wellbeing curriculum • Mental Health and wellbeing support will be provided through our tutorial and PSHE programmes. • Pupils will be reminded of our school values and high expectations during the first day back in September. Our behaviour for learning policy will operate as usual. • Pastoral support will be available through our form tutors, mentors, teaching assistants and leadership team. Academic curriculum • We aim to return to our normal academic curriculum as quickly as possible. • Teachers have been busy adapting their programmes of study and schemes of work during the summer break to take into account the period school was closed. These new plans will be shared with parents and uploaded to the curriculum area of our school website in September. • Teachers will also be conducting some short baseline tests in September to check knowledge and understanding of work that was set during school closure. • This information will then be utilised to help teachers plan for the remainder of the school year to ensure any gaps in learning are closed. After school enrichment • In Primary School, after school care will be available. This should be booked in advance. • In Senior School, the period 7 enrichment programme will run from Tuesday-Thursday and is mandatory for Y7-Y11. • There will be a homework club available on Mondays which will need to be booked in advance. • Further details will be circulated before the start of term. Senior School assessment and feedback • Teachers will use a variety of strategies to test knowledge and understanding in lessons, which will be self-assessed by pupils. • Teachers will use a class feedback sheet, shared with all pupils, to indicate strengths and areas of development for each deep marked assignment. • Whole class verbal feedback will be provided. • Teachers will set assignments for pupils to check deep understanding and application of skills. These assignments will be completed on paper, deep marked by teachers and stuck into exercise books or assessment folders. • Senior school pupils will be expected to keep their exercise books at home and bring them in for their lessons each day. School trips • Non-residential school trips will be going ahead as usual when opportunities arise. • Trips will be planned in our year group bubbles. • Face masks do not need to be worn on school transport. • Residential trips are not permitted yet as per government guidance. • We actively encourage pupils to participate in trips to enhance their learning experience. Attendance • Pupils are expected to attend school as normal from September. • All pupils should be on the school site no later than 8.25am when the gates will be closed. • Absences and lateness will be pursued as normal. Transport • Please do not take public transport unless absolutely necessary. • Always wear a face mask when using public transport. • Please walk or ride your bike to school if you can. • Bike racks are available in Primary at the Claremont entrance and for Senior at the sports centre, please bring your own lock. At home • We expect pupils to be sensible about the choices they make outside of school. • Parents should supervise their children when on social media and ensure they only use sites they are legally allowed to access. • This includes following government guidance in relation to social distancing in order to reduce the spread of the virus. • In addition, we expect pupils to make wise choices regarding their use of social media. • For further advice please consult https://www.internetmatters.org/ad vice/ Visitors • We cannot accept visitors without appointments and we will be looking to hold as many meetings as possible virtually through Microsoft Teams and Zoom. This may also include parents’ evenings. • If you need to see a member of staff, appointments will be made before or after school. GCSE and A level exams • Pupils in Y11 and Y13 (Summer 2020) will have the opportunity to take exams in the Autumn Term. • If you wish to register for these exams, please speak to the relevant Subject Leader and Miss Zhang our exams officer who can be contacted on nz@theroyal.school Finally… • We are very glad to be welcoming all our pupils back but need everyone’s support to ensure all pupils and staff remain safe. • We hope you have found this guidance helpful and reassuring. • We wish you a relaxing and safe summer break. Further information • If you need to be in touch regarding your child returning to school, please see the useful contacts below: Primary Senior EYFS Phase Leader – Miss P Walters pwa@theroyal.school Head of Balmoral House – Mr P Benson pb@theroyal.school KS1 Phase Leader – Miss E Dempsey edempsey@theroyal. school Head of Buckingham House – Mr A Bagnall aba@theroyal.school Lower KS2 Phase Leader – Mr R Alder ral@theroyal.school Head of Sandringham House – Miss C Mulvey cmulvey@theroyal.sc hool Upper KS2 Phase Leader – Mr E Smith esm@theroyal.school Head of Windsor House – Mrs A Goodlad amg@theroyal.school A video showing some of the measures in place can be viewed here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vikUE4Ax3qw