Uploaded by Lenssie Banta-ao

Teaching Profession Portfolio: Values & Philosophies

Northwestern Visayan Colleges
Portfolio Workbook
Educ.10- The Teaching Profession
Submitted by:
Lenssie A. Banta-ao
1. What are the core related values of being a human? Make a narrative of at
least 500 words.
There are a lot of duties that comes with being human. Not only to yourself,
but also to the people around you, to the country in which you live, and so on
and forth. In life, human values are so vital that people are and should be willing
to do practically everything to live up to their values. The goal values or the
ultimate values that humans strive to achieve, practice, and live with are honesty,
love, happiness and integrity.
So let’s talk more about the values of human. There are a lot of core
human values that we all share. Passion is one pf them. Your passion for doing
something you truly enjoy. Your commitment to it is so genuine. Because you are
so passionate about it, you will devote all of your time and effort to it. One of the
human values is to be passionate about what you really want to do. Next is your
being creative and rational thinking. Humans and animals are both gifted with
the ability to think, which is the most unique and valuable mental activity. The way
we humans think and act differs from the way animals think and act. This is the
thinking process, which begins with a problem and concludes solution. Thinking
as a whole involves adapting one’s self to the physical and social world around
us. Creative thinking finds a way around an issue by taking a completely
alternative approach, while rational thinking tries to solve it by facing it head-on.
Rational thinking helps in the easy execution of creative ideas, where as creative
thinking enhances fresh ideas. Both creative and rational thinking are necessary.
Next let’s talk about the self-worth or the self-esteem. The understanding that you
are valuable human being who is deserving of affection is known as a self-worth.
On the other side, self-esteem refers to how confident you are in yourself and your
capability to face difficulties, solve issues, and interact with the world successfully.
The degree to which you feel loveable, valuable, deserving, and confident in your
talent is determined by the combination of these concepts. A positive self-esteem
and a healthy feeling of self-worth have a significant impact on how we live our
lives. Your decisions, as well as how you view others and the world, are influenced
by your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about yourself. And lastly I will talk about
the freedom and equality. One of the most important values is that of equality
and freedom. The principles of equality and freedom are important, and they are
present in our lives on a daily basis. We naturally assume that being free is
preferable than not being free, and in some circumstances, we don’t consider
equality to be a significant factor in our decision making process. These have
aided in the development of the society we know today. In the absence of them,
the country would be unfairly treating others. What it means to be a member of
society has been formed by these two values.
I know being human takes a lot of responsibilities to us. However, enjoying
our life and living our life to the utmost but knowing our boundaries at the same
time. This will give us a happy life. Sometimes we commit wrong decisions. But the
only thing we could do about that is to learn from it. We can’t undo what’s done.
Still, our mistake molded us and opened the opportunity for us to learn and grow.
That makes us human.
1. What are the seven philosophies of education? Explain briefly each
philosophy and make a narrative of at least 500 words.
There are seven philosophies in education. Which is the first is Essentialism,
next is Progressivism, Perennialism, Existentialism, Behaviorism, Linguistic
Philosophy, and lastly Constructivism. So now, let’s talk about it.
For the first philosophy in education which is the Essentialism, it is a teaching
concept that emphasizes the learning of basic abilities. The mind should be
trained according to this idea. Students are promoted to the next level or grade
if they are taught a series of increasingly harder topics. The subjects are organized
in a chronological order to provide a thorough understanding of the present. They
are focused on the material world’s and culture historical context. Today’s public
school is common with essentialism. Students are expected to take notes during
lectures, which are the primary method by which lectures conveys knowledge.
Practice worksheets or hands-on projects are given to the students, and the
learning information covered throughout the process is then assessed. For a
semester or a year, the students follow the same daily routine. The second is the
Progressivism, the students are engaged in learning. In order to build social skills
like cooperation and understanding for the others point of view, the students
interact with one another. In addition, in the classroom, students address
challenges that are similar to those they would face in their daily lives. Education,
according to progressivist, should be a continuous process of growth rather than
just a preparation for adulthood. Next is Perennialism, the ideas that have existed
for the centuries should be the focus of education. In their opinion, the ideas are
just as relevant and important today as they were when they were written. The
urge that students learn by reading and evaluating the works of the greatest
philosophers and authors of history’s greatest thinkers. Next is Existentialism, in
education, the existentialism is a teaching process that focuses the student’s right
to choose their own future. Students are not guided by a higher power, according
to the existentialist educator. As a result, they urge all students to take
responsibility for their own lives and find their own lives and find their own purpose
in them. Reinforcement are the most common kind of behaviorism’s influence or
schooling. When students do well, they are rewarded for their efforts, but when
they do poorly, they are not rewarded for their efforts. The loss of incentive
function as a negative reinforcement when they want to do better in order to
obtain the reward back. The behaviorist approach to learning relies heavily on
this mix of incentives and repetition. Punishment, or stimuli designed to discourage
bad behavior, can also be applied, but they’re usually more about disciplining
the students than the academic itself. Next is Linguistic Philosophy, most or all
philosophical problems, according to linguistic philosophy, can be solve or
eliminated by paying more attention to language, either by changing it or by
better understanding the language we use now. And lastly the Constructivism,
the concept of constructivism states that rather than passively absorbing
information, learners construct knowledge. Students create their own
representations and incorporate new information onto their pre-existing
knowledge when they interact with the world and reflect on it.
A teacher would be able to see and analyze from their students’ point of view
if they studied philosophy. Teachers would be able to know how students view
their behaviors in addition to learning why they behave in a certain way.
2. Explain teaching as a vocation, mission, and profession. Make a narrative
of at least 500 words.
Teaching is a highly profession that involves a great deal of responsibility and
obligation to students. Teachers inspire and motivate students to take impart life
stages as well as teach and transfer knowledge. They continue to work to build
students’ self-esteem and guide them in the correct direction. Many teachers
have committed their entire lives to empowering their students and helping them
become better and more successful individuals in their lives. Now, let’s talk about
teaching as a vocation, mission and profession.
First is teaching as a vocation, because of one’s commitment to providing a highquality learning environment for their students. Inside and outside the classroom,
a teacher spends the majority of his or her time educating. Even when he or she
returns home, teaching is always on his or her mind since he or she has to prepare
the next day for the activities for his or her students. Every individual is intended to
be a leader in his or her profession. I can say that teaching is simple, but it isn’t as
simple as teaching morality and preparing people for the future. Although
anyone can be a teacher, being an excellent teacher necessitates someone
who is passionate about teaching and dedicated to it. Next is teaching as a
mission, everything we teach and do with or students has a purpose for us as
teachers. It’s simple because we’re teachers with a mission, to make each of our
students successful, with the necessary skills and knowledge, as well as a
complete human being for society. We are expected to educate our students
and attend to their needs. In this world, we are expected to make a significance
difference. We want to see a world that is better. And also for the future. A
teacher’s main goal or mission is simple. Its goal is to make a positive effect in the
lives of teenagers. It’s all about making a difference. Where in the individual can
benefits from it. It makes a positive impact on the world. And lastly let’s talk about
teaching as a profession, the first thing we need to understand about teaching
as a profession is that it is about motivating and inspiring students to reach their
full potential. To inspire and empower their students to achieve great things and
be good human beings, the greatest teachers of all the time have dedicated
their lives to it. The increased burden by molding the future generations fall on
teachers’ shoulders. Students frequently look up to their teachers and are
motivated by what they say and do. Teachers have a chance to make a
difference in the lives of others. You will have the unique opportunity to lead a
group of people in the right way as a teacher. It doesn’t have to be a lot of
money. You can instill them a sense of responsibility and common sense as a
As a teacher our job is not for our personal gain. We teach not for our self. We
teach for the public interest. And we dedicate our service for others.
3. Describe a global teacher in the context of global education. Make a
narrative of at least 500 words.
Education has changed drastically over the years. With the introduction of
digital media, it has become more interactive. Artificial intelligence and
augmented reality, for example, are bringing a new dimension to teaching.
So global teacher in the context of global education. Let’s know first, what
is global teacher? A global teacher is a teacher who incorporates
multiculturalism, social issues and many more into their curriculum. The teachers
broaden the scope of their viewpoint beyond the normal boundaries of the local
classroom as students learn about diversity and how they fit into the global
society. Teachers are expanding their approaches to education as the world
becomes more interconnected. Global education is now used not just in the
classroom, but also on social media platforms, where students are exposed to a
broad and diverse population of views and culture. Global learning is about
facilitating educational experiences that allow students to appreciate diverse
perspectives, comprehend their connections to the larger world, effectively
communicate and collaborate across cultures and countries and use disciplinary
and integrative knowledge to explore and act on issues that affect them and the
larger world. Global learning should not be considered optional or nice to have
subject that only a few students can take, nor should it be consigned to a fun
project in the finals week of school. Students’ intellectual development is helped
by learning from and with the world, but their social- emotional development is
also supported. Global teachers help the student to foster self- awareness of one’s
own identity, culture, and beliefs, as well as social awareness, such as empathy,
perspective-taking, appreciating diversity and respecting others, as well as
relationship- building skills with the variety of people and groups through effective
communication and collaboration. Teacher plays a critical influence in the lives
of students. As a teacher, it is your responsibility to bring out the best in your
students and inspire them to achieve greatness. Students are seen as the nation’s
and humanity’s future, and a teacher is seen as a trustworthy guide for their
development. Teachers are responsible for creating a students’ future, making
him or her a better human being, in addition to guiding them in academics and
extracurricular activities. A teacher inculcates in students’ information, good
values, tradition, modern day issues, and solutions to them. Students benefit from
having an excellent teacher. Every day, our world becomes more
interconnected. The students no longer compete just on a national level. People
can learn about the connections between their own lives and the lives of people
all over the world through global education. It improves knowledge of the
economic, cultural, political, and environmental factors that influences our life.
Global teachers assist students in developing their skills, attitudes, and values that
enable people to collaborate affect change and take charges of their own life.
Global education can help students develop holistically in terms of
their academic, social, and emotional development. Teachers, schools, have a
part in leading global projects that transform classroom and schools into global
4. Discuss the concept of multiculturalism and the multicultural education.
Make a narrative of at least 500 words.
Multiculturalism is term that explains how a society interacts with
cultural diversity. Multiculturalism expresses the belief that society is
enriched by preserving, respecting, and even inspiring cultural diversity. It is
based on the underlying assumption that people often very different
cultures can coexist peacefully.
Multiculturalism is a term used in political philosophy to describe how
societies design official policies dealing with fair treatment of different
cultures. People of various races, ethnicities, and nations live in the same
community in multicultural society. People in multicultural societies keeps,
pass down, celebrate, and share their distinctive cultural ways of life,
languages, art, customs and behaviors. To achieve a high level of cultural
diversity multiculturalism is important. When people from many races,
nationalities, beliefs, ethnicities, and philosophies come together to form a
community, they are said to be diverse. A truly varied society is one that
values and respect it’s citizens’ diverse cultural background. Various
cultural, race, and ethnic groups are seen much in today’s countries,
workplaces, and schools. Communities build trust, respect, and
understanding across all cultures by recognizing and learning about these
various groups. Different backgrounds, skills, experiences, and fresh way of
thinking that come with cultural diversity benefit communities and
organizations in all circumstances. And when it comes to multicultural
education, is a movement for fairness, social justice, and democracy as
well as a philosophy and technique to school reform. Multicultural
education experts stress various components and cultural groups.
Multicultural education aims to restructure schools so that all students have
the knowledge, attitudes, and abilities necessary to function in an
ethnically and racially diverse country and world. Multicultural education
aims to promote educational equity for people of various racial, ethnic,
cultural, and socioeconomic groups, as well as to enable their involvement
as critical and reflective citizens in a national civic cultures that is inclusive.
The purpose of multicultural education is to fight for improved learning
opportunities, particularly for individuals who are marginalized because of
their skin color or where they are from. Multicultural education’s purpose is
to promote debate and discussion on issue such as educational,
economic, and social equality. Multicultural education attempts to provide
equitable educational opportunities to all students, from language barriers
to social skills, conduct to discipline, and classroom involvement to
academic performances. It is also a series of teaching practices designed
to assist a teacher in removing barriers in a multicultural classroom. It also
aids teachers in responding to and resolving challenges experienced by a
variety of students. A multicultural classroom supports all students and
encourages young minds to learn together, regardless of social class, race,
gender, or religion. It also advocates transparency and non-discrimination
in the acceptance of various cultural identities in a class. It enables the
students to recognize both cultural and physical distinction. It also fosters a
sense of belonging among peer.
As a result, a multicultural teacher embraces diversity, recognize
negative, and is always aware of the cultural identities of all students. This
increases connection and enhances communication skills while fostering
some friendships.
5. Discuss the multiple dimensions of Gender Equality in Education. Make a
narrative of at least 500 words.
Human existence is full with controversial problem, yet the discussion
continues to hold more impact than others. Despite the fact that gender
discrimination and inequality have been mentioned numerous times, the
outcomes show that gender injustice continues to exist around the world.
To be specific, gender prejudice manifests itself in the field of education.
Gender equality in education means that both boys and girls will
have equal opportunity to exercise their human rights and participate to
and focus on economic, moral, religious, and political growth. Now let’s
talk about the four main dimensions of gender equality. The first is the
Equality of Access, equality access to education refers to the ability for
anybody, regardless of class, gender, race, or mental or physical disability,
to have equal access to education. Crucially valuable in today’s classroom
as fairness is, equality is also required to ensure that students’ receive the
same basic level of attention, resources, and opportunity. Equality in
education is essential for students to have the same opportunity to begin
with favorable educational outcomes, and fairness aids in ensuring that
those equal opportunities are adjusted to allow place for students who may
require additional assistance and attention. Every student is given
equitable access to all components of the educational process, including
learning facilities, schools, classrooms, resources, and extracurricular and
curricular programs. This lead to equal educational opportunities, which
means that each students has the same resources, opportunity and
treatment. Next is Equality in the learning process, equality says that every
student, regardless of where they came from, should have equal access to
high-quality education. It also necessitates that all students, regardless of
their circumstances, abilities, or experiences, be treated the same way and
objectives. Both girls and boys receive equal treatment and attention, as
well as equal learning opportunities. This also implies that all students should
be exposed to stereotype-free and gender neutral teaching techniques
and materials. Both girls and boys should be able to study, explore, and
develop their abilities. Next is Equality of education outcome, equality of
outcome fills some of the gaps that equality of opportunity leaves behind.
It assumes that material success isn’t something that only the deserving is
entitled to, but rather something that should be fairly, given that no two
people start from the same place. On the basis of their individual talent and
work, both girls and boys have equal possibilities to reach the desired result.
That diplomas should not be differentiated depending on gender. And
lastly the Equality of external result, when men and women have equal
status, access to products and resources, and the able to contribute to,
engage in, and gain from economic, social, cultural, and political activities,
external results are equal. Men and women with comparable qualifications
and experience on an equal basis.
Every student, regardless of gender, religion, or beliefs, has the right
to learn. In learning, there should be no bias. We all want to learn, and that
is our life’s goal. Feel free to learn and make new friends.
6. Explain the core values and competence of global education. Make a
narrative at least 500 words.
We are already expecting a large number of new teacher. And, as our
world becomes more interconnected, new teachers are being called upon to
meet and encourage the development of globally- minded kinds.
Many recent discussions in education circles have focused on teacher
training institutions and the teaching professions, including numerous debates
over licensure and credentialing. This prompted us to speak with educators and
their students about what global competence means to them, as well as whether
the process of credentialing new teachers reflects the realities of today’s
classrooms. So now, let’s tackle some core values and competencies for global
education. Peace education activities promote information, skills, and attitudes
that will aid people in preventing conflict, peacefully resolving conflicts, and
creating peaceful societal conditions. Peace education emphasizes nonviolence
and social justice as core values. Peace education initiatives assist educators in
teaching the next generation to better understand and address issues that
threaten the rule of law, as well as preparing students to be the next generation
of leaders in establishing a more equitable society. Peace education is a key
component in preventing armed conflict and violence, as well as saving lives and
freeing limited resources for social needs. Next is affirmation of others, by teaching
students to be supportive of one another, affirmation of others is used to build a
positive and supportive environment. Affirmations create an environment where
acknowledging and affirming positive behaviors, attitudes, and deeds is the
norm. Other people’s affirmation can influence a student’s attitude and
behavior. Cultural integrity, children do not inherit integrity or the traits, associated
with it, such as honesty, honor, respect, authenticity, social responsibility, and the
bravery to standup for what they believe is right. It comes through a process of
culture socialization, which includes impacts from all aspects of student’s
upbringing. Students learn these values and behaviors from adult role models and
peers in their schools, and in particular, through an understanding of academic
integrity. Integrity lessons in the classroom helps students apply similar principles to
other aspects of their lives. Critical thinking, critical thinking is a major idea in
educational reforms that call for schools to place a greater emphasis on abilities
that are applicable across all subjects’ areas and that students may use
throughout their life in all educational, career, and civic situation. Educator use
the word critical thinking to define processes of learning, reasoning, and analysis
that go beyond memory and recall of facts and information. Critical thinking
happens when students analyze, evaluate, interpret, or synthesize information
and apply creative thought to build an argument, solve a problem, or reach a
conclusion in its most basic form. And lastly let’s talk about mediation,
imagination, knowledge of the process, great communication skills, and the
capacity to put judgement aside and avoid prescription are all required to be an
effective mediator. Our emotional lives are intertwined with our imagination,
which are intertwined with our minds. As a result, emotional learning is strongly
intertwined to imaginative learning.
Students can freely learn, and the teachers will always guide them.
Teachers are the one who is molding their students to become a better person
for what career they have chosen. They will always support and root for you.
7. Define peace education and explain briefly its key themes. Make a
narrative of at least 500 words.
Peace grows in the form of education in world when acts of violence fill our
social media feeds and there is a presence of suffering and hurt all around us.
People of all ages can benefit from peace education.
As children get older, they develop their own distinct worldwide and learn
how to interact with others. Learning about peace is a great thing for students to
develop peaceful attitudes on the world around them. Our world will benefit now
and in the future if we can provide students with skills they need to be human
beings who develop healthy relationships and solve problems in ways that respect
the inherent dignity of others. Now, let’s talk about the key theme of peace
education. First is Upholding Human Dignity, is the human dignity at its most
fundamental level, is the belief that everyone has a unique value based purely
on their humanity. It has nothing to do with social class, race, gender, religion, or
ability, and everything to do with the fact that they are human. Individuals can
be respected and valued if human dignity is recognized. It’s in the best interest of
the entire world. The world would be much better, more peaceful place if
everyone’s rights were respected and everyone had equal opportunities to
prosper. Next is Challenging Prejudice and Building Tolerance, schools must teach
students to appreciate various cultures and respect cultural diversity rather than
accept negative propaganda about the different other. Tolerance education is
a viable alternative. Within societies, intolerance has resulted in violence,
terrorism, and prejudice. Tolerance education will contribute in the protection of
human rights and the saving of lights. Next is promoting Non-violence, it is a
concept of life’s wholeness that is even more profound than this all-encompassing
violence. It is a force that is neither violent nor passive in its pursuit of
transformation, justice, and the well-being of all. It’s a strong tool for confronting
and conquering violence without turning to violence, as well as for creatively
altering and resolving conflict developing just and peaceful alternatives. Next is
Challenging War System, one of the reason for the importance of human family
unity is that it is one strategy to avoid war. Peace should begin at home; peace
can only be achieved if we are all united. To date, tactics for opposing war system
have been one way of fostering peace in all of us, in the same manner that it is
by then to tackle any future war systems. Next is Sharing the Earth’s Resources, it
is a resource center that argues for sustainable management of natural resources
such as oil and water in the interest of global public, as well as universal access
to necessary goods and services such as staple food, appropriate shelter, and
primary health care. And lastly Resolving and Transforming Conflicts, by not
fighting but understanding leads to peace. Conflict would be greatly reduced if
people simply understood each other. So, the next time you’re in a disagreement,
consider the other person’s point of view before speaking.
Healthy conflict resolution should be normalized and integrated into
mainstream education, Peace education is vital for everyone, but it is especially
crucial for youngsters who are still forming their identities and ideals. When we
teach students to be peaceful, we are providing them with the opportunity to be
a positive model for the adult’s in their lives.
8. What are the characteristics of human rights, Make a narrative of at least
500 words.
Human Rights are usually considered to be the rights that every human
being has. Human rights emphasizes that every human being has the freedom to
practice his or her human rights regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion,
political, or other opinions, national, or social origin, property, birth, or other
So now let’s discuss the different characteristics of human rights. The first is
the Inherent, human rights are inherent in the sense that they are not provided by
anyone or any authority. Human Rights do not have to be purchased, gained, or
inherited; they are simply belong to human. Individuals have intrinsic human rights.
Next is the Fundamental, human rights are essential right since man’s life and
dignity would be meaningless without them. Economic, social, and cultural rights
are among the fundamental rights. The right to labor and social security, as well
as the right to education, are example of these. Equality is also protected by the
constitution. Next is the Fundamental, human rights are inalienable; no one has
the authority to deprive another of them for any reason. People have human
rights even if their countries law do not recognize them or if they are abused- for
example, slaves have rights even though infringed when slavery is practiced.
Human rights are inalienable because they cannot be taken away from a free
person without justification. They can’t be given away or forfeited, either. Next is
the Imprescriptible, human rights are not prescriptive and cannot be lost just
because a person fails to use or assert them over a period of time. The next
characteristic is Indivisible, all human beings are entitled to freedom, security, and
adequate living standards in order to live in dignity. Human rights are inextricably
linked. Human rights cannot be split in any way. Even if other rights have previously
been exercised, they cannot be denied. Next is the Universal, Human rights are
universal in scope and apply to everyone, regardless of their origin, status, or
situation, or where they live. Human rights cannot be enforced regardless of a
country’s borders. Human rights apply to all people regardless of their race,
gender, religion, political, or other beliefs, national or socioeconomic origin.
Human rights are universal, and we are all born free and equal in dignity and
rights. And lastly the Interdependent, human rights are interconnected because
they cannot be realized or exercised without the realization of the others. This
implies that several human rights are inextricably linked and cannot be
considered in isolation. The exercise of one right is contingent on the exercise of
many others, and no one right is more vital than the others.
Furthermore, human rights protect a country’s citizen’s interests. If you’re a
human person, you’re likely to have human rights. They will aid in providing you
with a happy and prosperous existence. Human rights are essential for ensuring
that all people, are treated equitably. They are, in fact, necessary for a quality of
living around the world no matter who you are
11.1 Discuss the different rights and protection of a child. Make a narrative of at
least 500 words.
When it comes to providing appropriate healthcare, great education, and
a bright future for Filipino children, the Philippines still has a long way to go. The
key to giving Filipino children the greatest possible start in life is to educate oneself
about their rights.
Let’s discuss the different rights and protection of a child. The first one is the
Republic Act No. 7610 Special Protection of Children Against Abuse and
Discrimination Act, under the RA 7610, when a child is subjected to Child
Prostitution, and other sexual abuse, child trafficking, obscene publications and
indecent shows, or other acts of neglects and abuse, cruelty or exploitation, as
well as other conditions harmful to the child’s development, it is considered crime.
Although these rules have flaws, as previously state, they nonetheless provide a
high level of safety for children in a nurturing setting. Next is Republic Act No. 8980
An Act Promulgating a Comprehensive Policy and a National System for Early
Childhood Care and Development Providing Funds Therefore and for other
Purposes, the ECCD Act, also known as the Children’s Rights to Survival,
Development, and Special Protection Act, defines the rights of children with full
recognition of the nature of childhood and its unique needs, as well as to support
parents in their roles as primary caregivers and first teachers. This focuses on child’s
whole development in relation to their unique demands and socio-cultural
context. It will encourage the provision of complementary and integrative health,
nutrition, early childhood education, sanitation, and cultural activities. Next is AntiSexual Harassment Act of 1995, anyone who instructs or causes another to
conduct any of sexual harassment as defined above, or who assist in the
commission of such an act by another without which it would not have been
committed, is also liable under this Act. The rules and regulations issued under this
subsection must include, among other things, recommendations on suitable
workplace and educational or training facility decorum. Next is the Republic Act
No. 10157, An Act Institutionalizing the Kindergarten Education into the Basic
Education System and Appropriating Funds Therefor, kindergarten education
attempts to use developmentally appropriate and culturally sensitive techniques
to make education responsive to the needs, circumstances, and diversity of
learners, school, and communities. The implementing rules and regulations further
state hat at the kindergarten level in public schools, the learners mother language
will be the principal medium of instruction for teaching and learning. Exceptions
will be allowed if the kindergarten students have a different mother tongue than
the instructor or if the teacher does not speak the student’s mother tongue.
Children are one of society’s most vulnerable groups. They are readily
convinced to commit things or be exposed to situations where they are greatly
and likely to be threatened because of their young age. The consequences of
child exploitation do not go away just because the harmful act or conditions are
no longer present. The abuse that these children are subjected to has a significant
psychological and physical impact on the youngster life.
10.1 Relate the impact of the professionalization of teaching on your future life as
a full-fledged professional teacher. Make a narrative of at least 250 words.
Every teacher devotes their life to teaching for a reason that are as unique
to them as any other aspect of their life. And I think choosing this career is the best
plan that I ever made.
One of my reasons for becoming a teacher is to make a significant
contribution to my society. Teaching is one of the most direct ways to have an
influence, and if you’re motivated by a desire to help others, it’s an invaluable
gift. And, as a future teacher, I want to educate or influence the youth on matters
of life. I want them to be able to completely express their thoughts, ideas, and
abilities. I want them to express their true selves. What they wanted to be. The idea
of teaching them in an environment where they will love your lessons. Seeing them
be able to learn while also being happy. And I believe that is the genuine
meaning of a professional teacher for me. Teachers are involved in much more
than just teaching, and their influence reaches far beyond the classroom. We are
more than just simply an educator as a teacher; we are a mentor, confidant, and
a friend to our students. One of most popular motivations for becoming a teacher
is to make a difference in as many student’s lives as possible.
And I believe that as a professional teacher, any teacher can provide
intellectual knowledge, but a good teacher understands how to connect with
students. How to make them friends, and how to help them grow and learn.
10.2 What is the realizations about the teaching profession after you studies the
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers? Make a narrative at least 250 words.
The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers strives to improve public
school teacher’s social and economic position in basic education, as well as their
living and working conditions, employment, opportunities, and career possibilities.
This is a huge benefit to the teachers. To be able to take advantage of
greater opportunities. Where programs for the promotion and improvement of
well-being and improvement of the well-being and financial condition of public
school teacher are included. The right of a teacher to work in an environment
that allows them to express academic freedom in the performance of their
professional duties. As a result, teachers are free to utilize whichever teaching style
they believe is the best for their students. Teachers are an essential piece of
society, and I can’t picture a world without them. They are without a doubt, one
of the most powerful and important advocates for educational equity, access,
and quality, as well as the key to long term global growth. Teachers are
responsible for nurturing and shaping the future of their students as well as the
society. That’s why this act is crucial to public school teachers. It protects the rights
of teachers, such as tenure, academic freedom, tax relief, and other privileges.
To be protected from abuses, every teacher should be familiar with and
comprehend the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, as these serves as their
guide to their profession and contain their rights, privileges, and benefits.
11. Discuss the legal base of the teacher’s authority, responsibilities and
accountabilities inside and outside the school premises. Make a narrative
of at least 500 words.
Within the educational setting, a teacher plays a variety of roles. A teacher must
be a critic, disciplinarian, motivator, role model, and adviser in the classroom. A
teacher’s employment might, however, grow to encompass responsibilities
outside of the school.
Many teachers take on roles outside of the school to help students form
some positive relationships for other reasons. A coach, it could be a tutor, and
counselor some of the roles that a teacher can play outside the school.
Counselors are employed by most schools to address non-instructional difficulties
and problems that affect a student’s academic success. Many teachers, on the
other hand, end up acting as counselor to their students. This is typically due to
the fact that a student feels more at ease confiding in a teacher with whom they
already have a relationship than with the school counselor. Teacher may be the
first to notice a student’s condition because they deal with students on a daily
basis. Many schools now pay teachers for after-schooling tutoring as a result of
the growing emphasis on school satisfying minimal state and federal
performances standards. Teachers may offer to tutor the students after the class
to augment their income or to provide additional teaching to help their students
pass standardize test. After-school tutoring improves student’s chances of success
while simultaneously improving the student performances in the class. Teachers
are held accountable in today’s world. They are continually held accountable
for their student’s performances. As a result, teachers are continuously under
pressure because their teaching talents are related based on how their students
perform. Because it is a teacher’s obligation to educate the students, it is also the
responsibility of the teacher to be well educated. When instructed by a welleducated and well-trained teacher, students achieve more and grow faster.
Today, we are constantly boosting the expectations for students while
simultaneously decreasing the standards for the teachers in our school systems.
We don’t be able to fully address the issues hurting our students unless we address
the issue affecting teacher education, institution, teacher training, and teacher’s
accountability. However, being a teacher entails much more than simply carrying
out lesson plans. Teaching is a complex profession that frequently goes outside
the classroom.
Teacher must act as parental figures, mentors, and counselors, in addition
to ensuring that students achieve academic achievement. The roles that a
teacher can play practically limitless.
12.1 Discuss how should a professional teacher conduct himself/herself properly.
Make a narrative of at least 250 words.
When it comes to teaching, there is no single way to achieve this goal;
instead, there are over a million diverse techniques. Teaching is a journey that will
give you with several opportunities to learn.
Even if you’ve been in the classroom for years, you should aim to improve
your teaching every day. Be willing to change and adapt. There will always be
fresh thing to try and things to improve. Some of the most memorable teaching
moments occur when teacher embrace rather than resist change. Being a
professional teacher entails being knowledgeable and enthusiastic about one’s
materials, establishing a supportive and respectful classroom environment,
developing authentic relationship with and advocating for students, being
organized and planning ahead, remaining open to new ideas and continuing to
learn, appreciating diversity, and making difficult subject matter engaging and
understandable for students. You can enter the teaching profession by obtaining
the necessary training and certification, becoming a professional teacher entails
much more. Because being a professional entails upholding the highest ethical
standard, putting in your best effort both inside and outside the classroom, and
cultivating mutually respectful relationship. Even when you’re not teaching,
students and general public will perceive you as a teacher, so make sure you
represent your school profession well in your daily life. In every situation be
someone can respect.
So if you really want to be a good teacher, you should aim to be one; and
if you want to be a good teacher, make sure to act professionally.
12.2 Discuss dome basic laws on education. Make a narrative of at least 250
Education law represents the interest of many various parties in school,
including parents, students, the communities where the parents and students live,
and the school teachers.
In addition, education law serves vital national objectives. Education is one
of the most essential services provided by the government to individual residents,
and both federal and state laws have an impact on it. Here are some basic laws
on education. Let’s talk about the Education Act 1982, this act established and
maintained a comprehensive educational system. Section 2 states that this act
applies to and governs both formal and non-formal educational system in public
and private schools at all levels of the educational system. Regardless of sex, age,
creed, socioeconomic situation, physical and mental ailments, racial or ethnic
origin, political or other affiliation, the State shall encourage the right of every
individual to relevant quality education. Let’s also talk about the Magna Carta
Law or also known as a Republic Act No. 4670, it was created with the goal of
promoting and improving the well-being and financial standing of public school
teachers. The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers clarifies our understanding
of teachers rights. It protects the rights of teachers, such as term, academic
freedom, and other advantages. Some teachers may be un aware of this code’s
provision because it may not be discussed to them.
That’s why laws in educational system is very important. This may be a
simple law but this help both the teachers, students, and other people who may
get benefit from it.
13. Discuss the paradigm shift from a teacher-centered-learner to learnercentered environment. Make a narrative of at least 250 words.
When it comes to teaching their students, each teacher has their own
teaching approach. The important thing is that their students learn from them and
understand the lesson's purpose.
So now let's talk about the difference between the teacher-centeredlearner to learner-centered- environment. First is the teacher-centered-learner, in
the more traditional or conventional approach, the teacher takes on the role of
a classroom lecturer, giving material to students who are expected to passively
absorb the information. Being in a complete control reduces the chances that
students will overlook important information. So the class benefits from a focused
method of inquiry, planning, and preparation when a teacher accepts full
responsibility for instructing a group of students. Teachers are at ease in the
classroom and feel in command of the activity. Students are always aware of
where to direct their attention when it comes to the teacher. Between the
teacher and the students, as well as between the students themselves, education
becomes a more shared experience. Students learn to collaborate and
communicate in this environment. And when students can engage with one
another and actively participate in their own education, they are more interested
in learning. As part of the learning process, students learn to work independently
and communicate with others. Now let's talk about the learner-centeredenvironment, The teacher should establish techniques to reveal each learner's
knowledge, abilities, interests, attitudes, and beliefs in a learner-centered learning
environment. Students' conceptual grasp, or misunderstanding, of a subject is
founded on what they bring with them, including their social and cultural
traditions and experiences. The more transparent a student's reasoning becomes,
the better chance an instructor has of understanding and correcting the student's
mistakes. The instructor can improve on what the student already knows and can
do in this way.
Using these various teaching approaches, which are based on theories of
various teaching styles, will not only assist teachers in reaching their full capability,
but will also engage, motivate, and reach out to their students. As a result,
teachers employ a variety of teaching methods.
14. Discuss the importance of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
Make a narrative of at least 250 words.
Good quality education is an essential tool for achieving a more
sustainable world. Education helps us comprehend ourselves and others, as well
as our connections to the larger natural and social environment; this information
provides a solid foundation for developing respect.
Education for sustainable development or the ESD facilitates the
development of the knowledge, skills, understanding, values, and activities
necessary to build a world that is environmentally friendly, promotes social
fairness, and is economically viable. Environmental education, which aimed to
educate people's knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, and behaviors to care for
their environment, influenced the development of ESD. ESD's goal is to empower
individuals to make decisions and take activities that improve our quality of life
while also protecting the environment. It also strives to incorporate sustainable
development concepts into all elements and levels of education. The
understanding that ESD requires participation from a wide range of stakeholders,
including the government, private sector, civil society, non-governmental
organizations, and the general public. ESD strives to lead us toward adopting
behaviors and practices that will help us all to live a full existence without being
deprived of essential human needs, as well as a feeling of justice, responsibility,
discovery, and communication. While the primary focus is on environmental
issues, ESD also addresses social welfare, citizenship, peace, ethics, responsibility
in local and global contexts, democracy and governance, justice, human rights,
gender equality, corporate responsibility, natural resource management, and
biological diversity.
Certain features are widely acknowledged as essential for the successful
implementation of ESD, indicating the importance of both the learning process
and the educational outcomes.
15. Trace the development of the Philippine educational system from preSpanish era to the present. Make a narrative of at least 500 words.
From pre-Spanish periods to the present, education in the Philippines has
gone through numerous eras of growth. Education serves as the focus of the
administration's emphases/priorities in answering the requirements of society at
different times in our race's national struggle.
During the Spanish colonization, the pre-Spanish educational system
underwent significant improvements. The Spanish Missionaries took over as tribal
educators. Religion dominated education. It was reserved for the upper crust,
particularly during the early years of Spanish colonization. Primary education was
free, and Spanish was taught to all students. Education was poor, restricted, and
controlled throughout the time period. Then during the First Republic, following
Spain's defeat in the Spanish-American War, the Philippine Independence
Movement began, establishing the insurgent First Philippine Republic. The schools
that Spain had maintained for over three centuries were briefly closed, but then
reopened. Under the First Philippine Republic, the Malolos Constitution
demanded that public education be free and compulsory in all schools
throughout the country. The Philippine-American War, however, hampered its
progress. Then after that the American Period, The Americans were eager to
create seven schools with army troops teaching with army command-selected
materials and supplies around a year after securing Manila. In the same year,
1899, more schools opened, this time with 24 English-language teachers and 4500
students. The high school system was funded by provincial governments and also
included special educational institutions, schools of arts and trades, an
agricultural school, and commerce and marine institutes, which were established
in 1902 by the Philippine Commission. The during the Third Republic, President
Manuel Roxas issued Executive Order No. 94 in 1947, after the United States
abandoned all jurisdiction over the Philippines, renaming the Department of
Instruction to the Department of Education. The Bureau of Public and Private
Schools was in charge of regulating and supervising public and private schools
during this time. And to the Fourth Republic, Under Proclamation 1081, enacted
by President Ferdinand Marcos in 1972, the Department of Education became
the Department of Education and Culture. Then to the present, The Philippines'
previous basic education system consisted of a one-year preschool, a six-year
elementary school, and a four-year high school. Although public preschool,
elementary, and high school education are all free, the Philippine Constitution of
1987 only makes primary education compulsory. Senator Benigno Aquino III
declared his aim in 2010 to establish the K-12 basic education cycle, which would
bring the total number of years of compulsory schooling to thirteen. According to
him, this will provide everyone with an equal opportunity to thrive and obtain a
decent education and lucrative employment. Students may advance to a
technical education and skills development program after completing
secondary school, earning a certificate or diploma in one to three years,
depending on the skill. Students can also pursue a baccalaureate degree by
enrolling in higher education programs.
Before the Philippines gained total independence in 1946, the country's
education system was modeled after those of Spain and the United States, two
countries that colonized and ruled the country for nearly 300 years. The country's
educational system, on the other hand, has experienced ongoing transformation
since independence.
16. Discuss the principles of shared governance, responsibility inherent in the
different offices, and accountability and transparency in the performance
of functions and responsibilities.
Shared governance generates mutually reinforcing partnerships that foster
collaboration and leadership development while allowing for sensible, yet
creative, good governance. Philosophy, culture, management, economics, and
administration are all part of shared governance.
Within the perspective of our detailed explanations, such as legislation or
accreditation, the goal of this process is to strike a balance between efficiency
and effectiveness and equality and fairness. Data must be taken into account
and utilized. Shared governance assumes that those who may be affected by a
policy or process choice will be informed and that their input will affect
governance decisions. This also necessitates constant, dependable
communication that is both multidirectional and reciprocal, and is centered on
our shared goals of student achievement and institutional effectiveness. Now let's
talk about the responsibility inherent in the different offices, a responsibility or task
that you are needed or expected to be achieved; something you should do
because it is morally right, legally necessary reliability, and dependability. Many
aspects of work tasks, organizational norms, and privacy necessitate responsibility.
They're all a little different, but they still revolve around knowing and following rules
and taking responsibility for your actions. Frequently, your responsibilities as they
relate to you doing your job duties. Responsibility can be defined as how you
react to a certain circumstance. It is entirely up to you how you respond in any
given situation. The accountability part of responsibility implies that you accept
responsibility for the consequences of your decisions, either good or unpleasant.
Every day, you can practice responsibility by reflecting on your actions and
answers and accepting responsibility for the outcomes of your decisions, good or
bad. Being responsible isn't always easy or enjoyable. And now for the
accountability and transparency in the performance of function and
responsibilities, Transparency and accountability are essential for a contemporary
economy's efficient operation and the promotion of societal well-being. Many
powers are allocated to governmental authorities in most countries. The
delegators, that is, society at large, must be assured that this transfer of power is
not only successful, but also not abused. Transparency guarantees that
information is available to assess the work of the authorities and defend against
any potential abuse of power. In this way, transparency aids accountability,
meaning that authorities may be held accountable for their acts. Without
openness and accountability, trust between a government and those it controls
will be absent. As a result, there would be social unrest and an environment that
was not conducive to economic development. An organization must offer
accurate, thorough, and timely information about its activities and governance
to stakeholders in order to achieve transparency. Transparency makes
accountability possible.
Transparency and accountability work together to improve public
participation, improve government responsiveness, and strengthen and enrich
the democratic process.