Advanced Listening and Speaking Kathy Gude NEW EDITION OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Acknowledgements Oxford New York Athens Auckland Bangkok Bogota Buenos Aires Calcutta Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Pans Sao Paulo Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto Warsaw The Publisher and author would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce photographs: and associated companies in Berlin Ibadan OXFORD and OXFORD ENGLISH are trade marks of Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 453425 1 © Oxford University Press 1999 First published 1999 Second impression 2000 No unauthorized photocopying Andes Press Agency/Carlos Reyes Manzo; Ardea/Jean Paul Ferrero, Jean Michel Labat, Joanna Van Gruisen, Tom Willock; Apple Macintosh; Artaud Freres - Editeurs; GIR34422 Dr Paul Gachet by Vincent Van Gogh (1853-90) lvlusoo d'Orsay, Paris/Giraudon/Bridgeman Art Library, London; Bntlsh Telecom; Sao Paolo, 1960, by Rene Burri/Magnum; Canary Wharf Management; Columbia/Irving Allen (Courtesy The Kobal Collection); Eye UblquitouslTony Brown.Cary Trotter; Howard Fried-Booth; Friends of Save-A-Can; The Guardian; Sally and Richard Greenhill; Lionel Hampton; Louis Hellman; Kobal Collection/Columbia; John Cleare Mountain Camera; Mary Evans Picture Library; Nintendo; Popperfoto; Graham Rawle from Graham Rawle's Wonder Book of Fun, paperback 1:6.99Nictor Gollancz; Rex/Sipa Press; Ross Parry Agency; Royal Doulton; Royal Society of British Sculptors/Stephen Duncan, Georgina Redfern, Paul Riley, Alan Waters; Sun Alliance; Swift/Richard White Advertising; Time Magazine; Top Flight Loft Conversions, Edward Woodman. Illustrations by: All riqhts reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical. photocopying, recording or otherwise, Without the prior written permission of Oxford University Press. Anna Brookes p. 88,15, Nicki Elson p. 58. Neil Gower p. 17,29.47, 56. 57, 62, 93, 95, Sharon Palent/Maqqie Mundy Agency p. 13, 112, Geo Parkin p 19, 22, 27, 59, Tim Slade p. 61, 110, Harry vennnq p. 23, 24, 24, 30 This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise CIrculated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a Similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. The Publisher and author would also like to thank all those who participated in the research and development of the book. In particular the following for their valuable advice: Caroline Coate. Sara Evans/Cultura Inglesa Copacabana. Angela ffrench, Diane Fleming, Rosalie Kerr, Ann Whitfield, Jennifer Whyte, Simon Williams. Origination by Blenheim Colour Ltd, Eynsrlam, Oxford Printed in Hong Kong THEEXAM LISTENING: CAE PAPER 4 Format The Listening Test COI1SIStS of 4 listening texts: Parts 1, 2, :3 and 4. These texts differ in lonqth and test listening skills through a variety of question types ego note-taking, sentence completion, multiple matchinq, Identifying statements speakers made, and multiple choice questions. Timing Tile Listening Test takes about 45 mmutos and contains between 30 and 40 questions. You hear Parts 1, 3 and twice, whereas you hoar Part 2 only once. What you have to do You have tune to read throuqh each task before you listen to tho recorded text. As you liston. you must wr.te your answers 011 a q.iostio.: paper thon !) transfer them to an answer sheet. You Will have tell minutes for this transferral at the elld of the test. What is being tested The Listening Test requires you to lister for both global and specific Information. Parts 1 and 2 test your umJerstandlng and application of specific Illformatiorl from the text. Part 3 tests your understanding of gist. attitude and directly stated information. Part 4 tests your understandinq of context. op.ruon, speaker Identity. etc. A note on spelling When writllig aoswers. you arc expecteeJ to spell correctly. [Jut you are not pcnafzed for the wronq spelllllg of a proper IIOUll If you write an acceptable alternative. How this book will help you The book gives you practice III listeninq to each other in class. to the teacher and to tile cassette recoroinqs. These recordings differ in lellgHl. I.e. from short sncpcts of conversation to longer talks and conversations. and tile speakers have a rallge of accents. all of which Will Ilelp to build your conuoeico III illterpretillg what you 110ar III the exam Itself. The book gives you useful advice ard practice for writing notes and processmo information willie you listen, ar d it helps you to decide what to listen for. ,1I1d to Illterpret meaning doponoont on Intollatlon. stress patterns. rhvthm. Juncture alKJ phonoloqv. Thoro am also manv differellt task types wnich prepare yOll for what vou rmoht find III the exam SPEAKING: CAE PAPER 5 Format Tho Speakinq Test is conducted by two examiners. one of whom acts as Assessor. the other as lnterlocutor iHle speakinq exanuner: You are examined in pairs. or occasior-ailv ill a qroup of three, snould there be an odd number of candidates III an examining session. The-e are 4 Parts In tile Speaking Test. In eacr of these Parts, you respond to Visual or spoken prompts which are desiqned to elicit different spoakinq skills. Timing The Test takes 15 minutes for a pair of candidates. produce connected speech. It refers to 'Illtemal COrH)rellCe', which conveys your ability to orqamze your sontonces usinq, c.q. llilk words. pronours. reterenco devices, to express yourself effectively and communicate your message A note on task achievement HlO attempt to complete the tasks is assesseel. not arr.vinq at a 'riqht ' answer Within tne time available. A note on pronunciation Examiners do not expect you to have a 'perfect' Engllsll accent' However. they do expect you to speak clearly and unarnbiqr.ouslv so that what you say IS easly LIIlClerstooej What you have to do In Part 1, you are given an opportunity to Interact socially. Part 2 gives each of you an individual tum of one minute (this is known as a long transactional turn). In Part 3. you take part in a problem-solving task together. In Part 4, the discussion related to Part 3 is widened and the examiner Joins in. What is being tested Throughout the test you are being assessed on your Grammar and Vocabulary, Discourse Management. Pronunciation and Interactive Communication. You are given a mark for each category, plus a mark for Global Achievement by the Interlocutor. A note on Discourse Management Tnis is your ability to combine your language and ideas to How this book will help you The book covers, in a systematic ano comprchousivo way, HlE) skills you need to listen and speak. and also to process allel exchange Information while you are doing so By tile Function Files you can develop an awareness of what an appropriate comment would be. and tlletl use It ill context This book helps you to handle prom.nciation features it.e stress. rhythm Juncture and phonoloqy) effectively, thus preventing allY breakdown In ccrnrnurcatio-i. Furthermore. successful task completion in the exam depends on your beillg able to produce the rrght kind of language III an appropriate way. The book helps you to do this by fOCUSlllg on register, SOCial Interaction, structure and vocabulary at each successive stage of the Speaking Test 3 CONTENTS iHE BOOK Aims The Modules are designed to help you acquire and practise in a systematic and comprehensive way the skills you need to do your best In both the Speaking and tile Listening Tests. Contents Advanced Llstenmg and Speaking (CAE) consists of 21 self-contained Modules which you can use either as a supplemmt to a course book or as part of a skills course. The 'stand-alone' Modules can be used in any order, depending on your individual needs and interests, apart from Module 1A Getting to know you, which is intended to be used at tile beginning of a course. Each Module is designed to take about 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the number of students in your class, and the number of activities you do. Organization There are six sets of Modules. For easy reference, the odd-numbered groups have particular (but not exclusive) focus on Paper 5, while the even-numbered sets focus on Paper 4. Each Module deals with one Part of these Papers. For example, Modules 1C/O and 3C/0 concentrate on Paper 5, Parts 3 and 4; Modules 2B and 4B concentrate on Paper 4 Part 2 Exam practice At the end of each Module in the first four sets, there is an exam-type exercise. The last two sets provide a bank of tasks for Papers 5 and 4 respectively, recycling the material in the first four sets. You can use the tasks in the bank either to supplement the activities in the earlier Modules, or for exam practice. Special features The first four sets of Modules (1 A to 40) are Interspersed with exam hints and Function File Cards containing expressions and phrases for you to analyse, then use while you are taking part in the speaking activities. The book at a glance Spotlight on Paper 5 Speaking Modules 1A, 1B, 1C/O Modules 3A, 3B, 3C/0 Task Bank Modules 5A, 5B, 5C/0 Spotlight on Paper 4 Listening Modules 2A, 2B, 2C, 20 Modules 4A, 4B, 4C, 40 Task Bank Modules 6A. 6B, 6C, 60 FUNCilON FILE INDEX Admitting that you might be mistaken Advising someone (not) to do something Agreement Asking if someone agrees Finding out if everyone agrees Arguing against Arguing for Asking someone to repeat something Certainty, possibility and improbability Choosing Commenting on something you know nothing about Comparing Correcting what is not accurate Describing location 4 20 32 54 21 63 62 52 43 60 21 55 35 13 Describing similarities and differences Disagreeing politely Feelings Explaining how you feel about something Giving yourself time to think Interpreting past ideas Linking contrasting ideas Opinions Asking for the opinion of others Giving your opinion Putting forward another point of view People Finding out about people Finding out if people know each other Introductions 13 19 56 49 44 49 16 16 33 8 6 7 Preferences Saying something is (in)appropriate Saying something is or isn't fashionable Saying you are interested Saying you aren't interested Saying you aren't sure Saying you'd like to Saying you'd rather not Speculating Speculating about what you hear Spelling Summing up Wishes and regrets 17 59 60 58 59 75 75 75 10 23 25 58 47 1 4 SPEAKING Module 1A Getting to know you Meeting and finding out about people, introductions, personal questions, vowel sounds, recognizing names. 6 Module 1B People and places Speculating, describing, word stress, comparing and contrasting. 10 Module 1C/O Jobs and training Exchanging opinions, expressing preferences, personal information, sound discrimination, reaching an agreement, developing the interaction. 16 2 LISTENING Module 2A Sorry, I didn't quite catch that! Coping with accents and background noise, making informed guesses, recognizing words, evaluating differences, spelling. 23 Module 2B Leisure activities and holidays 29 Making assumptions, word stress, interpreting and rephrasing information, giving advice, identifying recycled information, putting forward another point of view. Module 2C Mind over matter Interpreting unusual information, making notes while listening, listening for key information. 34 Module 20 Today's technology Interpreting visual information, interpreting attitudes, identifying speakers, sound discrimination, matching information to speakers, anticipating what you are going to hear. 38 3 Module 4A Achievements Listening for precise information, interpreting in depth, predicting, recognizing words in context, following a line of development. 66 Module 4B Survival Relating what you see to what you hear, evaluating arguments, identifying recycled information, spelling, variable word stress, saying how you feel. 71 Module 4C A question of gender Evaluating preconceptions, listening for facts and figures, interpreting information, using notes, matching sounds to spellings. 76 Module 40 Points of view Understanding different points of View, homophones, identifying speakers, identifying points speakers are making, spelling. 81 5 Module 3A What if...? Past and future: degrees of certainty, predicting, hypothesizing, word stress, expressing wishes and regrets. 43 Module 3B Yesterday and today Comparing and contrasting, describing differences in attitude, variable word stress, asking for clarification, asking if someone agrees. 48 Module 3C/0 Art and culture Expressing interest and taste, making a choice, arguing for and against, collaborating. 58 PAPER 5 TASK BANK Task bank 5A Six activities for Paper 5, Part 1 86 Task bank 5B Twelve activities for Paper 5, Part 2 88 Task bank 5C/0 Six activities for Paper 5, Parts 3 and 4 91 6 SPEAKING LISTENING PAPER 4 TASK BANK Task bank 6A Four activities for Paper 4, Part 1 96 Task bank 6B Four activities for Paper 4, Part 2 98 Task bank 6C Four activities for Paper 4, Part 3 100 Task bank 60 Four activities for Paper 4, Part 4 104 5 SPEAKING Getting to know you People and places Jobs and training Spotlight on Paper 5 Part 1 1.0 l!J Finding out if people know each other In groups of three or four take it in turns to find out if the other students knew each other before starting this course, If they did, find out how long they have known each other and where they first met. Before you start, refer to the Function File card, FINDING OUT IF PEOPLE KNOW EACH OTHER Which expressions sound too formal for this situation? Which expressions do you feel are the most appropriate? Questions //1/1'(' 1/011 1I11'llw/(!/'(',~ /)0 1/011 kuou: ('1/c!1 otlu-r: /11/1'(' 1/011 Ill'olw('1I int n ulu cct]? /)id 1/011 kuou: ('1/('/1 01111'1' h('/i)/'(, '/011 ! ('1/111(' 101111' ('II/ss ~ I/I/d 1/011 )11('/ ('(/('11 01111'1' cd th»: (,OIlI'I('!,~ 1/00l' lou!.!. I iii 1'1' 1/011 lcuouu ('1/1-{/ otltcr:' h('/i!/'(, 1/011 ist cnt 6 Replies \\ '1' 111('/ cru]! ollll'r/iu'lllI'/il'sl l irnrtothn]. '\'1"1'(' kuouu ('1/('11 (1IIII'r/()1' l uo I/I'I/I'I!, situr, 11'1' 11'1'1'1' 1/1 Ic!/ool !, \\ ·I'.fi rs! 11/1'1 /rI/I'1I u: ,\ '1'1/1/1'('11 '11wI'1I iut /'(Id,/('nl. Getting to know you 2.0 • Module 1A 0 Introducing yourself to others Informal and formal language Listen to three short conversations once and indicate their level of formality by choosing a number from 1 to 5, where 1 is very informal and 5 very formal. Conversation A Conversation B Conversation C Compare your answers with a partner, Did you agree? What made you decide on the level of formality? Who might the people in the conversations be? 2.1 lIJ Deciding on levels of formality Groupwork Remembering what you heard in 2.0, what would be appropriate introductions in these situations? sp('aking on the- t('lephon(' to a sl'nic(' ('ngin('('r who will call OIl \011 tomorrow to re-pair vou r washing machine:? ('nqniring about \'0111' flight ticke-ts to i\1'\\' York whic-h Ila\I' no! .urivc«] :3 h<'ing intIT\il,\\,('d lor a joh lJ\ souu-onc- YOIl lla\I' alr('al!l nil'! hril'fh -1- talking to glll'StS at a Iormal climu-r party .s nl('ding a frie-nd's II('W hovfric-nr] / girlfril'IHI () introdllcing vourxr-]! to a 11('\\' n('ighhollr Compare your decisions with those of another group, 2.2 lIJ Introducing other people Levels of formality INTRODUCING OTHER PEOPLE AND RESPONDING APPROPRIATELY Match the introductions with suitable responses, Which word is rarely used in spoken English but often in written Erlglish? Why is it used? Which expression sounds rather formal? Introductions Xlaria (11/(/ this is JAIl/is, .UII/'iI, .\lOl/tCI/O (I1/r! tlii: is IIl/j collc(lgl/c Louis Fcrrcuul, Cood niorniug / (Iftcr/wol/ / ('[CI/il/g, rill Dr, .\Jr, .UrI, su«, .Us, (11/{/ l icnulil lil« to introduce IjOI/ to IIl1j collcagu« Dr, .Ur, Sir». .Uiss, rill rill Responses llo« do IjOI/ ilo? u.n« f)c/igllt('(/ to uutl«: 'I'"!!' (IC(/1/ (I i 1/ tu I uc: Ili tIIIT(',' Good to SCC IjOII.' p/c(lscd to II/('('t uou ' .Us, Can you add any other introductions and responses to the lists? 7 Module 1A • Speaking The examiner will ask you to identify yourself usually by saying either 'You are ... 7' and waiting for you to supply the answer, or by asking 'Are you Maria / Louis ?' It is enough to say either Maria Manteno / Louis Ferrand in the first case, or to answer Yes, (that's right) in the second. 3.0 Write your full name and title, e.g. Miss or Ms Maria Manteno, Mr Louis Ferrand, on a piece of paper and place it on the desk in front of you so that the other students can see it. In small groups take it in turns to introduce each other in the following roles. Use appropriate expressions from the Function File card, a h c d c potential clie-nts to a hank m,ma~er .vour friends to .vour hrother / sister .\'(JUr familv .to .vour child's te-ache-r vourxe-lve-s as caudiclatcs to an e-xamine-r some husint-ss colleagucs to vour bmil~ n Talking about yourself Making notes Listen once to a man introducing himself to a group of people. As you listen try to remember and note down as many details as possible about what he says, then compare your notes with a partner's. Was the task challenging? Why? 3.1 Listening carefully and attentively to what is being said will help you to remember what you hear. Try this tip for concentration training: erase from your mind anything which could distract you, e.g. background noises, room temperature, personal problems, exam nerves, and focus your mind exclusively on the task you have to do. lIJ Finding out about your partner FINDING our xeour PEOPLE Which question might be considered an invasion of privacy? Would any of these questions be considered an Invasion of privacy in your country? What kinds of questions would be considered an invasion of privacy in your country? Add more questions of your own to the list \\'Iwre do '/011 (,ollwfi'olll.~ Are ,/olill/llrrinl / elll.!,IIgnl /I'illgle.~ '''1/(/1 arc YOllr ill leresis / 11O!JI)iel'.~ \\'1/(/1 do '/011 ellj()// doillg ill YOllrslwre time? WIII/ ar« '/011 I'llilli/ilig Ellglil'/l.~ yOIl 1/(/[;(' ([111/ ,1)W/'iltl'T([I'OIl fill' I'llilli/illg F:III!Ji,I/I.~ t». '''11111 do '/011 1'I/l(I,/ / dofl)rrlli[illg.~ I!OIL' muc]: Illolley do '/011 earn? '''h([1 do l/olillOpe 10 do ill thcjuturc:' Interactive skills Give the teacher the piece of paper with your name on it (written for 2.2 above). The teacher will pick out pairs of names at random. You have three or four minutes to find out as much as possible about your new partner. You could ask about their: • background. • interests. • reasons for studying English. 8 • career / studies. • plans for the future. Getting to know you 3.2 • Module 1A tIL Preparing a reference file of personal questions In groups of three or four, produce a reference file of personal questions which you could use to find out some information about your fellow students. Your teacher will check your file for appropriacy and accuracy. Being able to ask questions will help you in Part 1 of Paper 5. Personal questions How long have you lived here? Where do you work? 4.0 lIJ Improving your pronunciation A With a partner, read out the words below and comment on the differences in pronunciation and what might cause those differences. Don't worry if you don't recognize the words - some of them don't exist! Just try and guess their pronunciation. hat :2 hate :1 hatter -t hater lll't Ill'te lxttc-r lx-tc-r hit bitehitter bite-r hot hot« hotte-r hotel' hut hunIlilt !<' I' linte-r Take it in turns to read out one of the words in each line and see if your partner can recognize it. B Read out one word from the pairs in columns 1 and 2 below and see if your partner can identify which word you are saying. 1 ship hlip hip knit pitch rich ill miII is lin' 4.1 2 sheep hkep heap neat peach reach ee 1 n1('al ease lean' 0 Recognizing the names of people and places Sound discrimination Listen to six 'mini-conversations' and circle the names you hear on the tape. 1 Hurt :2 Wilt :3 Manton -t Grasslands o Lowland 6 Pond Hart "'elt Montou Cracelands Roland Bond What about your own name? 00 people have problems spelling it? Spell your own first name for the person sitting next to you then see if you can spell their first name and family name. 9 Module 1B • Speaking lfJ Remember, the second examiner, the Assessor, does not take part in the Speaking Test and is only introduced briefly to the candidates in Part 1. Exam practice: social interaction Divide into groups of four or five. (If there is an odd number of candidates for the speaking test it is necessary to have one group of three candidates.) Take the following roles. Allow three or four minutes for the interaction. Two (or three) students: candidates A and B (and C) One student: the 'talking' examiner (Interlocutor) One student: the 'listening' examiner (Assessor) \\'cleonl(' the candidates and introduc-e voursr-lf and vour col1eaglH'. Hespond appropriatel\'. C]]('ck tlu- ich-ut it , of'the candidates. Hcspond appropriateh. Ask candidates r-ithr-r to kll von aliont or to find out aliout the othe-r candidates, lkspond as appropriutc-. Clu-ck the- tinling. Interlocutor: , Candidates: In terloci ItOI': Canrlidatc-s: I ntc-rloci ItOI': Candidates: Assessor: , Now reverse roles with the two examiners taking on the roles of candidates. There are more Paper 5 Part 1 tasks in the Task bank on pages 86-88. Spotlight on Paper 5 Part 2 1.0 lfJ Speculating SPECULATING Which expression sounds too formal for an exam situation? Which sounds too off-hand and too Informal? What IS the meaning of might. could and must in these expressions? Add expressions of your own to the list. ... IIli:.!)11 / could / coul.l Icl'!l Iw) / 11/11.11 lu-» \\'1U) kuou;': sl/(' look: s; lil:« . look a« if II/('Ij arc, .. TlIClj / /II' / TlII'lj 01/('1'111/ 'I rIlII' 0111 II/(' })()Isillilitlj 11/(/1. Even if you haven't got a clue, don't keep silent. Have a verbal, not a mental, guess! You are not being examined on your ideas just your ability to express them In English. 10 The nine pictures opposite show three men as babies, teenagers and adults, but the pictures have been mixed up. In pairs or groups, decide which pictures might be of the same person. People and places • Module 1B Optional activity Brrng in photographs of yourselves as babies or young children, place them all together on a desk and see if you can guess which photograph belongs to whoml 1.1 lfJ Describing people Combine the words on the left with those on the right to make useful phrases for describing people. How many of them can you use to descrrbe the people in the pictures? I hllsll\ .J strai~llt :3 c-url. -I oval 'J a 111()ll.sta('lJ(' h ('IH'('ks c: )()IIIH! ros\ (' 110S(' C': huir II ('\('])]"()\\S () slim - turmd-up 'i halldl('bar Y \\1,11 10 of uu-duun ('\('S d hl1ild I"ac(' Iwi~ht lmil: 11 Module 1B • Speaking 1.2 In Part 2 of Paper 5, you will be asked to talk about something for one minute. Practising will help you realize how much talking you are able to do in this time. lfJ_ Talking for one minute Choose one set of pictures in 1.0 which you think are of the same person and describe them to a partner, explaining how the person has changed physically over the years. Say what kind of job you think the person might have now and what he might be like, e.g. easy-going, bad-tempered, organized, friendly. You can use your imagination and speculate. The Function File card in 1.0 will help you. You have about one minute for this. Your teacher Will tell you all when to start and finish. After you have finished see if your partner agrees with your opinion, then listen to your partner describing another person. 2.0 o Extracting information and drawing Find the suspect You will hear part of a radio news item about an armed robbery. As you listen to a description of someone wanted in connection with the crime, try to sketch an impression of the person in the empty box below. WANTED in connection with an armed robbery Compare your drawing with a partner's and decide together what the character of this person may be like and why the person might have become involved in this robbery in the first place. 12 People and places 2.1 • Module 1B _lIJ Describing location and spotting similarities and differences Bank interiors (Pairwork) Student A DESCRIBING LOCATION Which information would the examiner not be particularly interested In hearing? Why not? III IIIl' 1'1'1'/1 10/1/ bottom of IIII' pictur: ill Ihe 10/1 /Iwllo/ll righl- / lefi-IIII/ill corner 011 Ihe II·fi- / riglil-I/III/t/ sicl« ill IIIl' fij'regrollllll /llIIekgrollllll Ill'IJ ei'l/til/lI'lrn/imllllll' II:fi- / riglll-llI/lIIlsit/e riotu tic»! 10 .i1l~1 / II tuu, 10 t l«: riglll /Iefi 0( t/iredlilo/i/iolile Look at the picture on the right-hand side. It is the inside of the bank where the robbery mentioned in 2.0 took place and it has recently been modernized. Describe the layout and facilities to your partner, commenting on how you think the modernization has improved the interior of the bank. You can use some of the expressions on the Function File card to help you describe the bank. Student B DESCRIBING SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES Which expression(s) could also be followed by with? What other words could you add to replace those in brackets? COI/IJIII ret/ 10 ill contrast 10 similar / 1I11110S/ identical to sligldhl / eWII/lletely differel/tfrolll (110/ ) as (splleiolls) as less ( moclern, luxurious) tlutn ill II sinular position to / diffi:rellt positionjrom . . . ItIlS disllppellret/llltogetlzer Look at the picture on the left-hand side. It is a picture of the same bank, where the robbery took place, but the sketch was drawn before the bank was modernized. After your partner has finished describing the bank on the right-hand side, explain how your picture is similar or different using some of the expressions on the Function File card . 13 Module 1B • Speaking 2.2 0 Extracting recycled information The bank robbery mentioned in 2.0 Listen only once to a news bulletin describing the bank robbery Then and 2,1 and fill in the missing information on the crime report sheet. . groups small in s compare your answer ROBBERY AT THE NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK Locatio n of bank: Number of suspec ts: Time of robbery: Other custom ers saw a woman giving someth ing to Alarm raised by Amoun t stolen: Gang escape d in 2.3 3.0 Identifying word stress L!J aloud and try These groups of words appeared In the news bulletin. Read them to mark the stresses, tlJ(' \;,'ttiolla l S,i\ ill!..';S Itillk Then listen again to the tape and check your answers. - tlJ(' l xu i], l'l('rks I ,lIl :lIlll('d m\,lwJ'\ ,s('('llril\ Iiru: ·1 ,I :) t II(' ,J Illal'lliJw ,\.';IIIIS tluir ill't('J'III) ())] d(,li\('r\ (i l l«: s('('mi!\ \.';II:m!s L!J II i:c':ll St nr-t I lall k ~J a:c':1 '(;I\\il\ c.n III dl))lhll' \rl1()\\ lill('s II a I rulli« \\ard('11 12 a parkill!..'; til'kl'! Describing, comparing and contrasting Before and after an explosion 14 S l lu- alanll hllttoJI People and places • Module 1B Look at the two pictures of a city centre before and after an explosion. In pairs, discuss what the city centre looked like the morning before and the morning after the explosion. 3.1 Reporting an event in the news l!J In the same pairs, prepare a one-minute news Item about the explosion to be read out on the radio, You could Include: • \\liat is not \('( kuown. • \\klt is tllollglit to Ila\(' Ilapp(·II(·(!. (',g. a gas I(·ak. • \\110 \\as / • \\llat \\as / • \\liat \\as di,srJlpkd \\('1'1' \\'('J'(' iujurr-t]. sillasllt'd or sllatkn·d, Now read out your news Item paying attention to the timing of the item, and the strong and weak stresses on the words you use. l!J Exam practice: describe, speculate and identify Identity parade On pages 113 and 124 there are two sets of people taking part in an Identity parade to see if members of the public can identify the thieves, a man and a woman, in a robbery they witnessed. Student A Look at the set of pictures on page 113. Choose one man and one woman from each set and describe them in as much detail as possible, saying why you think these two people must be the ones you saw committing the crime. You have one minute to do this. Student B Look at the set of pictures on page 124. They are the same as your partner's but they are In a different order. Listen carefully to your partner's descriptions and decide which two people your partner described. There are more Paper 5 Part 2 tasks in the Task bank on pages 88-91. 15 Module 1C/O • Speaking Spotlight on Paper 5 Parts 3 and 4 1.0 tIJ Exchanging opinions Too young or too old? Work through the Function File cards before doing the activity opposite. GIVING YOUR OPINION Which expression sounds rather rude and off-hand and suggests that you have nothing else to say? Which expresses a very strong opinion? III Illy 0/iillioll / cicu:. C(,/lI'mll'jIJ!cakillg, I think . Pcrsollally, Ilwu'li 'I llle{aililesl idea about / no/II'I 111'1' . To nuj iniiu] . rdillsl like 10 say. AsIaI' as rill ('OII('ITlied. rill quit« couviucr«! tliat . Til III' quite 1101I1'S1 / [raul: .. I{ljOIl ask II/I' , ASKING FOR THE OPINION OF OTHERS Which expression is often used when addressing a group of people in a more formal situation. e.g, a meeting? Which expressions are often used when addressing an individual in a more formal situation, e.q a Tv interview with a politician? Which expressions are more suitable for an informal exchange of ideas? \Fhal / HOlC al)(ml ucn::' \FoIIM 'l'!" care 10 ('II II 1/1Ii'1iI Oil . Alllj conunrnts? \FoIIM ylill agree icitli iliat? \Fhal arc uour cicics 011., ..~ \FIUlt's 1j()lIr0J!il/ioll.~ \F1U1t do yOIl think: .. ~ 16 Jobs and training You must, of course, state your own point of view but you will also be given credit for inviting your fellow candidates to express their views and encouraging them to make a contribution when they remain silent. 1.1 • Module 1C/O In small groups discuss which of these jobs could be done more successfully by someone in the 20-30 age range or an older person and why. Refer to the Function File cards. Appoint one person to make a note of the group's opinions and when you have finished, compare your ideas with those of another group. dolitc"c· r L Q ~ lIJ Expressing personal preferences In pairs ask your partners which of the jobs in the pictures above they would prefer and why. Refer to this Function File card to reply. EXPRESSING PREFERENCES Which expression sounds as if It is simply contrasting one thing with another but is actually denoting a very strong preference? Which expression is more colloquial and would be used in an informal conversation? I'd nuic[: rat licr (do) tlutn . I could IICUT do / hc hilt I'd rCI/IlI/ Clliol/ . Thcre's 110 comparison het u.ccn ... and .. I'd prefcr . . . to .. I'd !Jefl/r liapnicr doillg. . than . Cice me ... I/IlIf time' 17 Module 1C/O • Speaking 2.0 _lIJ Asking about personal details When you go for an interview or apply for a job you may be asked some questions about yourself, your qualifications and experience. You are sometimes asked to produce a Curriculum Vitae (CV) outlining this information. Use the simplified CV below to ask a partner questions which may be asked in an interview. Make brief notes about your partner. First name(s): Date of birth: Family name: Address: Education: Qualifications: Experience: Interests / hobbies: Tell the class two things which you found interesting about your partner. 2.1 0 Listening for facts and figures Now listen to a radio programme about a man who, as a teenager, was a genius. Fill in the missing details and answer the questions about him. Sometimes information for an answer appears at a later stage on the tape or clarifies what has been said earlier. Pencil in what you hear first, then listen carefully a second time to check your original answer. Name: Dr Siiuou \lar!ow Age: :3:2 At present: Assistant profe-ssor of ( [ ) at the Univorsitv of (:2) 197H (;ailll'd (:3) All\anc('([ Ll'\el passl's at 197H-19H 1 Studir«] H) Essex Univrrsitv at 19IH-19H6 Doctor.itt: in (.'5) at Oxlorc! 19H6 Afte-r completing doctorate we-nt to ((-j) Thinks pcople should Ill' ullo-vcd to spl'l'ializl' in SUhjl'l'tS the\ (7) \Veakness: :\ot H'IY good at (H) What prompted Simon's decision to move in 1986? How do you know? How does he keep in touch with his friends? 2.2 lIJ Sound discrimination The left-hand words in each pair below all appeared in the interview in 2.1. In pairs, take it in turns to read out one pair of words paying particular attention to the pronunciation and word stress, then discuss the differences in meaning. 1 :2 :3 -l rcwards drain ~>dge recalling .'5 pure 18 rewords grain hedge recdiling poor (-j 7 S 9 10 yague hdiej' rcjl~l'ted resist mail \'ogue lll'lil -vrdejel'ted persist nail Jobs and training 2.3 Listen carefully to the context. A clear idea of the context of what you are listening to and who might be speaking will help you to make a reasoned guess as to any ambiguous words or information. 3.0 o • Module 1C/O Sound discrimination Listen to a conversation between a father and his son. Each sentence of their conversation contains one of the words in 2.2 opposite. As you listen to them talking, circle the word you hear. l!J Disagreeing politely DISAGREEING POLITELY Which expressions sound as If they are being used to dismiss the other person's point of view? Which expressions are more diplomatic? rlIITI' 1IIIIIj Iii' SOIIlI' truth ill lc!wlljOllllllj lnit dOIl'lljolllllillk iis 1J10rC (/ (jlu'.\'fio}l (~r. YOII 11/11.11 You do not have to agree with your fellow-candidates all the time. In fact you will be able to make a fuller contribution to the speaking test if you have some different ideas of your own to express. However, it is not a good idea to indulge in an over-heated argument: most examiners do not want to hear a violent disagreement, which could be embarrassing! So try to be polite and friendly at all times! '..J IWjokillg.' l lal«: Ijollrlloilll l ntt tlutts 1101 II/{' Inllj [SI'I' it. YI'I. lnit dOIl'lljOIl tliiul: tliat . [SI'I' lelwi/joll 1111'1111 but rill 11011/11/11 icnuiuri-c! t li«! . Trn«. hut rlill/li'l/id [ diwl/.!,rI'I' YOII 1'1111 'I Iw si-riou:' .uitl, i Prrluu.». liut l cau 'I I/{'III Illillkillg . tlutt . Look at these various methods of learning and training and in groups of four discuss which you consider to be the most and the least effective ways of learning or training to do something. Two students should put forward arguments for the options on the top and the other two for those on the bottom. Refer to the Function File cards on page 16 as well as the one above. 19 Module 1C/O • Speaking 3.1 l!J Admitting that you might be mistaken ADMITTING fHAf YOU MIGHf BE MISfAKEN Which expression sounds rather defeatist and is used to end an argument? Which expression IS very colloquial and rather grudgingly concedes that the other person has a point? Which expressions are used to suggest that you might possibly have made a mistake? Which expression admits quite freely that you were wrong? I lu/lll1'l 11wlI,C!.111 0(., ill tliat IClIff- Fllirl'lIolll.!/l.' Come 10 tliiu]; ofil 'jOIl /IIil.!/ll 1)(' riglll. 'l'"! uin' I IIIIISI rulrn)! ii« 11'111' thnt ' ,\11 rigl11 ~ IIII}i}lOII' 'joll'rl' riglll. rOil '1'1' (111 it I' rid I I, or cou I'll'. Take the roles you took in 30, but this time tell your partners that you have been persuaded by their arguments and say why, 3.2 l!J Discussion UNEMPLOYED FIGURES RISE AGAIN Here's how we solve the unemployment problem! \ rh,\' arc so Il1an." people without work nowadavs? \\'hat can we do uhout it'~ In small groups discuss the newspaper headlines and the questions below. You have four to five minutes to reach agreement. Refer to the Function File cards opposite, Appoint a 'secretary' to makes notes on the group's opinions. Remember to invite the other members of the group to have a turn if they remain silent or have not had the opportunity to make a contribution to the conversation. You might consider: • • • • • • • • 20 the t\pes or jobs availahl«. mode-rn me-thods of production. part-time and shift work. training / ('c!llcation gin'n to \ollng people', retraining gin'n to older pcople, the school-lr-aving agf'. the agf' of retirement. numhc-rs or people ill the world. Jobs and training If your mind goes blank, don't be an empty-headed candidate! Start talking about people or situations you are familiar with, opinions in books or articles you have read, or discuss what you have talked about in class, However, remember what you say must be spontaneous and relevant to the discussion, It must not appear to be a prepared speech' • Module 1C/O COMMENTING ON SOMETHING YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT Which expression could suggest that you are about to criticize someone or something? Which expressions sound off-hand and fail to develop the Interaction? What effect does usmq expressions like these have on the person you are talking to? Why is it a good thing to make an effort to develop the interaction even if you have no opinions on the subject? Aet/utllij. 1 rio II 'I 1/(/1'(' 1lIl/l.fini-I/(/llrI cxpcricucc oj'. ,, lnu. Sca rch II u:' l'c!"Sollal!/j. 1'1'('//('1'('1' lu«! IIII/jillillg 10 rio / [uul icn] liul« 10 rio icitli . , , hili, 11/(/1'(' II silcakillg suspicion 11/(/1 , IIau'II'1 a elIIC,' II's mllwrrlifficilil tosin, lnit l uoultl ill/(/gilll', FINDING OUT IF EVERYONE AGREES Which expression sounds rather dismissive and very informal? Which sounds rather formal for this kind of discussion? Which expressions could be used diplomatically to draw a discussion to a close? So 1('(' 'J"(' agJ"(,('(1Oil , 11 looks as iflcc al! agJ"('I' tlutt , (.'(///1 I al« , it 11/(/1 (T(TIjOIlC agrccs 11/(/1, .\rc ICC all ill Ilg/TCIIICIlI ," 11 uoul«! IljJj}('llr tliat ICC arc ill COllljiletc a,gJ"('cllwlIl, \LH II/(/I's 11/(/1 IIICII,' "'c Iljij}('ar 10 agrcc Oil , Each group's secretary can now report back to the class on the group's decisions, 21 Module 1C/O • Speaking Exam practice l!J The right person for the right job Part 3 Look at the five photographs of people who are trying to find a job. Their personal interests are illustrated in the thought bubbles. Read the brief notes about them and in small groups decide what kind of Job you think would suit these people and why. Take three to four minutes then report your conclusions to the rest of the class. sc!J()()II('an'r 110 e"alll qllal ificatioll 110 joh ('''peri('lIc(' :3 \111i\,(TSit~· 110 dl'gn'(' joh (',,!)('ri('l1c(' ('as:,'-g()illg no univc-rsitv degn·(· ollice skills willin«,'-0 to work Iou«;-, hours 4 uuivr-rsitv degree tlm«- children IllIahle to work unsocial hours .s good administrative- skills hard worke-r recellth ll1ad(' rc-dunrlnnt Part 4 At this point the examiner will join the discussion, asking questions like these. In the same groups discuss the questions. Whv do sonu- people find joh interviews so terrif\ing'? \\'hat do \UU thin k e-mplovers are looking for when thc-v inte-rvie-w people'? \\'hat advice would von gin' to someone going {(H' their first joh inte-rvie-w:' \\'hat advice would von gin' to someone who has just biled a joh inte-rvie-w:' There are more Paper 5 Part 3 and 4 tasks in the Task bank on pages 91-95. 22 LISTENING A Sorry, I didn't quite catch that! Leisure activities and holidays Mind over matter o Today's technology Spotlight on Paper 4 Part 1 1.0 n Identifying background sounds SPECULATING ABOUT WHAT YOU HEAR What words or phrases would you use to follow the first three expressions? Could you add some alternative expressions to this list? It souiul« . II sounds like. It SOII/U/S (IS if. . I e(//I'I uuti«: 0111 iclia! il is. It coul«! UTlj lull II!' / coultlnt j!ossilil/j /)(' . IHml'lil '" You will not need to identify background sounds in the exam but they can sometimes be useful clues when trying to put what you hear into a context ", Listen to ten background sounds and, in groups, suggest where you might hear them. ") .5 6 I 9 10 23 Module 2A • Listening 1.1 n Coping with voices against background sounds. You will hear six people talking over some background sounds. In groups, decide who might be speaking, what the background sound is, where the person might be and what might have happened or might be happening. Try to use some of the expressions on the Function File card in 1.0. Speaker Sound Place Situation 1 2 3 4 5 (j 2.0 Try not to be put off by accents. They are used in the exam only because not everyone speaks English with the same accent. You will almost certainly be exposed to a variety of accents in the exam but they are never unintelligible and you will never be asked to identify them! 2.1 n Coping with accents You will hear five speakers with different accents. As you listen, try to match the speakers' accents with the nationalities below. There are some clues in what the speakers are saying to help you! Then compare your answers with a partner's. a Aiuc-ricau h Auxtrali.m e E1Iglish d Scottish l' Irish Speaker I Speakt'r .f Speaker 2 Speaker ;) Spl'aker :3 n Making a logical guess about context Listen to five speakers and try to work out what they might be talking about. Make some brief notes in the spaces below. o 24 g South African f \"eIsh Sorry, I didn't quite catch that: • Module 2A Which key words helped you to guess the context? 1 2 .s _ 3.0 O. Keeping an open mind about what you hear FINDING our xeour CORREcr SPELLING Which expressions would you use to decide with a partner whether these words are spelt correctly or not? a h c d c f conscie-nce()(,llditC'd professional vau M0"(' ,-' CI11 harras 11]( -nt cr comparnhlc h c!ccic'\c' ucuinmodation h .i courte-ous gllarantee k we-the-r I husnc-ss III 11 feasihle .ux-ustomc-d /fOIC do I/Oll sjic!! '[air', yOll kuoic. 'hlont!'? Do Arc 1/011 S})C!! '... ' Ici!1I OIlC 'c' or tico:' tlure IICO 'I's ill '.. '',) Haec I sjicll this corrcctli]? Could 1/011 jilmsc clu-e]: 1111/ ')iellillg Is '... ' sjicli ICi! 1/ 'ic' or 'ci '.',) or· ' ,) You will hear twelve words on tape, As you listen, write them in the spaces below. There are two ways, if not more, of spelling the words! e.g. fare (payment to travel) fair (not raining, blond, just, entertainment with stalls and rides) 'Have I got the right fare?' 1 2 25 Module 2A • Listening .J _ 9 10 II 12 Now compare your answers with those of a partner and decide what the words mean. 3.1 lIJ Recognizing words Read out the words below and in pairs decide whether they follow any common spelling patterns. You may need to refer back to exercise 4.0 on page 9. Although no exercise in Paper 4 tests spelling alone, spelling is taken into consideration in the marking of the paper as a wrong spelling can interfere with communication. You may have to use your knowledge of spelling rules to make a logical guess about how to spell a word. I rat rate' :2 write writtt-n :3 cOllc('it ]w!i(,\(, -+ tltrollglt nlllglt \horollgll ,S kIlO\\kdg('ahl(' n'('('i\'ahk Ilo\i('('ahk fi elf ekes / ])('!ief heli('fs ,. potato potatoes / piallo piallos [» fn l'nillg ~) ("l'('('d nist 10 qu.un-l (!'JaITell(,d II acaclr-mv accouuuodatiou 12 mil« milt'ag(' Give other examples which follow each of the patterns. 4.0 o Interpreting information correctly You will hear a news item from local radio then you will hear the item again split into ten short extracts. The notes, jotted down while the writer was listening to the news item, are incorrect as the writer has misheard what the speaker said. Listen carefully to the complete news item first, then to each extract and try to correct the notes. 1 :2 :3 -t Ronald Broom .. 190(i . .. five 191[» ... teas. '. . owned black ta,is ... proper tea .. (i (lise 1osu re . . . guess right .. ,. [» .. , the grand four ... free storage ... down-and-out 9 . untaxed . 10 . fC'lTV across. its some f~\re ... 'J 26 Sorry, I didn't quite catch that: 4.1 l!J • Module 2A Evaluating differences A This is a picture of the kind of shop mentioned In 4.0. Describe either the right or the left side of the picture to a partner. B Now join with another pair and discuss the positive and / or negative aspects of a shop like the one above, of present-day supermarkets and of open-air markets. You might consider: • the type of service. • prices. • choice of goods. • time available for shopping. • location of shop / market. Allow three or four minutes. Appoint one member of the group to take notes. When you have finished, report your decisions to the rest of the class. 27 Module 2A • Listening n Exam practice: sentence completion You will hear a news story about a man who made newspaper headlines because of his metal detector. As you listen, complete the sentences. If you don't recognize some of the words you need, try to guess the spelling! You will hear the recording twice. 1\1 r Lawson works as a ( I ) Ilis discovcrv had bill 1l1H!('IlTtt-d sin('(' l Ie- storc-d liis t rc-uxu rc- ill (:21 i:j) The discovc-rv was nlade on (-i) After his disc()\er\" he ilnlll('diateh (5) , , If he does not coinplv with the n'quest of tIl(' allthoriti('s, II(' fact's (ii) Mr Lawson found the tre-asure whil« searching for lost (7) He will not rccein' compensation for objec-ts 1](' did not hi in S( 'It (s) He thinks that in future people with nu-tal (lett-dors Illigllt 1)(' ull\villing to (9) In the last few years mctal-ddel'ting has n'sultt-d ill the handing in of ( 1()) Duvid Curnev thinks that l)('ople who make these disc()\('ries should he (1 I) Perhaps now we should think about changing (1:2) There are more Paper 4 Part 1 tasks in the Task bank on pages 96-98. 28 Leisure activities and holidays • Module 28 Spotlight on Paper 4 Part 2 1.0 lfJ Asking for and expressing opinions In groups of three or four try to name these various activities then check your answers with the key on page 147. Find out a if the students In your group have ever tried any of these activities and whether they enjoyed them. b which of the activities they would really like to try and why. c which of the activities they would absolutely detest doing and why. 1.1 Inthe exam you will have time to read through the notes for the task before you listen to the tape. Use the time to read the instructions and notes carefully so that you are well-prepared for what you are goingto hear and what you have to do. n Listening for information which is repeated Listen to some young people talking about leisure activities. They say the same thing more than once but in a different way, e.g. by using the same words in a different context or different words in the same context, or saying the same thing later. This is called recycling information. As you listen to the speakers, put a tick (.I) beside the activities from 1.0 which are mentioned. 1.2 lfJ Speculating Look at the grid below and guess what missing information you will need to supply and what the headings A-O will be. Do not write too much in the gaps inthe note-taking task - about oneto three words. The space will tell you roughly how much you are expectedto write. You may need to rephrase your information slightly to fit a different context, e.g. 'He is a second-year university student.' He is in his / the second year at university. A B C D 1.[ ! BinllillglJalll ., I: I a se-ssion Plio)\(' (2) £:3 a day Plio)\(' cluriu«t-v (-1-) Bristol UI (()) Selld (I) BinI \\arclliw,: .. ) C:lil11hing (9) .J Southport II) "I f:2..50 a class \\'ritC'ili \\'ritc ill 29 Module 26 • Listening 1.3 o Extracting and filling in missing information Listen to the tape and fill in the missing information in the table in 1.2. Listen only once - all the information you need is recycled in some way. 1 .4 ifJ Making assumptions based on listening material Try to answer the following questions about the programme you heard in 1.3. Listen again to the programme If you wish. a b c d 2.0 Who do you think the programme is aimed at? What style of language does the programme adopt? What do you think the presenters look like? What kind of people might they be? 0 Identifying word stress in new vocabulary You will hear ten phrases connected with travel and holidays. As you listen, write the phrases in the spaces below. The first is done for you . . ) (1 I ~) !O Identifying word stress helps you to understand what is being said - and using word stress correctly yourself will make what you say more easily understood! Listen again and mark the stresses on the words you have written down, e.g. a package h6liday, then read them aloud. 30 Leisure activities and holidays 2.1 • Module 28 0 Identifying repeated information Listen to a radio advert for a half-price bargain holiday break being offered by a national newspaper. Tick the words and phrases below every time you hear them mentioned or referred to in some way. a two nights' holiday for the price of one b tokens c the Da ily Te!egmIJ!1 d between August l-l- and Septelll bcr fi e collector cards f you can take a(hantage of this offer twice Compare the number of ticks you made with a partner. Which references appeared the most often? Why were these ones repeated so often? 2.2 l!J Discussing how something is organized Using the words and phrases in 2,1 discuss briefly with a partner how the bargain break operates. Allow yourselves about two minutes. 3.0 0 Identifying paraphrases Listen to a short extract from the introduction to a travel programme and, as you listen, note down the three phrases which have the same meaning as the following expressions. They are not in the same order as they appear on the tapel a n-ullv ('Iliming vourse-ll b using your own me-nus of transport c lilrgetting about vour i-vc-rvdnv worries 3.1 0 Interpreting and rephrasing information Read through the multiple choice questions and the clues which are given to help you focus on the relevant information for the right and wrong answers. I \ "hat is the diffen'nce between 'luggns' and 'tuggns"~ A 'Luggers' are caravanur-rx whereas 'tuggers' are motorc.uuv.m I WI'S, B 'Luggers' are motorcaruvanners whereas 'tugg(TS' are caruvuunc-rs. C 'Luggers' and 'tuggers' think there is YeTY little difft'n'nc(' he-twe-e-n them. Clues: listen for are kiuncn as tlici] luu:« a lcorrlfiJr it :2 The programme suggests that caravannc-rs A outnumber motorcaravanncrs, B dislike motorcaravanners. C tolerate motorcaravanners. Clues: listen for icell ill the minoritu Oil good terms a trace (!{ IIIlCaSe 31 Module 28 • Listening :3 Potential buyers should ask themselves whether A it would be cheaper to hire a vehicle. B the vchiolc would be too small for camping. C the vehicle would he too big for evervdav lise. Clue-s: listen for for (//) experimeutal falllil!f car it leill lieI'd to he iceckcvu] -l- The luggers' motto could he: .-\ retire earlv and travel, B ignore the discomfort and travel. C travr-l in comfort. Clues: listen for Hick [cnkin» iclu: u.liilc licillg ill licconu- ([CclistOllied to If you don't recognize a word, don't panic! The word is often explained in a different way later in the listening material and unusual vocabulary items are not tested. 3.2 Then listen to someone talking on the same radio programme as you heard in 3.0 about people who own motorcaravans and choose the answer, either A, 8 or C, which best expresses what the speaker is saying. You will probably need to listen to the tape twice. t!J Advising someone (not) to do something and putting forward another point of view Pairwork Student A Your partner wants to buy a motorcaravan but you do not like motorcaravans. Basing your advice on what you heard in 3.1, advise your partner not to buy one. Before you begin, refer to this Function File card and discuss your answers to the questions with other Student As. ADVISING SOMEONE (Nor) ro DO SOMETHING Which expression sounds too impersonal and too formal for this situation? Which expression sounds very familiar and somewhat offensive? Which expression sounds very colloquial and suggests some irritation on the part of the speaker? Which expression implies that the listener has not been doing the right thing up to this point? How would you complete the sentence I'd certainly recommend . . . ? Can you think of any other expressions to add to the list? If! I'd iu.oultlnt ) . better (IIOt) . 011 110 account sl/Ould 'l'"! .. You'd he cm;:,y (IIOt) to . tccrt: !fOil, YOII'd ""Iy Oil earth don't you .. I thin]: you'd he icell a(h'ised to . . . I'd certainlu recomuiend . It's high time !Iou . . . 32 Leisure activities and holidays • Module 2B Student B You are very interested in buying a motorcaravan but your partner doesn't like them, Explain to your partner what you think about motorcaravans and say why you think your partner might be wrong about them. Before you begin, refer to this Function File card and discuss your answers to the questions with other Student Bs. PUTTING FORWARD ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW Which expressions sound like insults? Can you add any other expressions to the list? Ycs, hut 011 tlrc ol!/('r luuul, tlon 't you think iliat . BUI 10 look at itfnJlII another point oft:iClC. Look, uobodi] ill tlicir righl mind tcoul«}tliiu]: tlia! . Sun'llj you (,(/11'1 rcalli] [nlici:«, BUI icoultln'! you (/gree tliat . :J :J Exam practice: sentence completion You will hear part of a radio programme which suggests what tourists from all over the world think about each other. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences with an appropriate word or short phrase. Listen very carefully as you will hear this recording ONCE only. Some German tourists rise carlv to reserve a (1) All nations have their own ideas about (2) The Germans think manv Dutch tourists (:3) The Spaniards think the Dutch and Belgians are not very good at driving (4) French tourists in other countries never seem to enjoy (,S) In restaurants the British never (r-i)_ The Italians love to visit (7) __ The Americans make a big effort to be (8) The Japanese are never seen without (9) _ It seems as if the whole world is slowly becoming (1()) There are more Paper 4 Part 2 tasks in the Task bank on pages 98-100. 33 Module 2C • Listening Spotlight on Paper 4 Part 3 1.0 n Listening for unusual information Memory mapping Although the listening passage may be about something you are not very familiar with, and the task may look rather complicated at first sight, do not panic I There will always be enough information on the tape and on your answer sheet for you to understand what it is about and do what is expected of you. Listen to someone talking about memory mapping and complete the sentences. The capital letters in 2-8 are the first letters of words in lists of information which are often difficult to remember. There is onlv wit]: tl«: Il'lkrs ( I) . 0111' xvorc! ill the cliction.n-,. l)('<fi11nillu ~ ~ TIl(' le-tte-rs HOYGBI\' hclp IlS ]"('1111'1111)('1' tlu- (:2) S1\IIIEO help l1S rcmc-mlx-r tl](' (:3) CA:\T help IlS n-uu-mhc-r tlu- (-+) \\'I.\I:\\II]('lp lIS n-uu-ml x-r t hc- (5) III tIl(' COmcr nminds IlS wlu-r« (h) is. Oil the EqLAtOH rc-miucls lIS \\1]('1'(' ,) IS. 131' n'lllillds us or two c-ountrie-s witliout (,,,) A SII('('I'SSI'tI1 aid to 11\('11l0]"\ Illappillg ah\a\s has a slroll,g (~J) 1.1 n Making notes while you listen Memory mapping Practise writing as you hear the information, but at the same time keep listening to what comes next. If you hesitate, you may miss vital information for the next question. Practise in your own language by trying to take notes from the news on the radio or TV using a kind of 'shorthand' or note form of your own. You will soon learn how to do it quite quickly! Listen to the tape again and note down the words that the capital letters in 1.0 can stand for. Try to write down as much as you can without having to stop the tape. I HOYCBI\' = :) S\IIIEO= -+ \\1\1:\\1 ;) 131' = :3 C:\:\T = lfJ Design your own mnemonlcs 1.2 In small groups can you make up mnemonics for the items below? the countrie-s of Xorth-West Africa: Algeria. Xlorocco Tunisia h the countries of the \\'hite :\ilt,: Eh"Vt. Sncl.m. Ugallda a Can you think of mnemonics in English for other things you find difficult to remember? 34 Mind over matter 2.0 o • Module 2C Listening for key information You will hear someone talking to an author about two of her books. Try to work out what the important or key words are to help you focus on what to listen for as you read throughstatementsor multiple choiceoptions. A Before you listen read the statements carefully and notice how the important information in 1-4 is highlighted in bold. What words would you highlight In 5-77 Dr-hornhx first book hi~hli~hts the cliffen~nces ]wtw('ell til(' wav youn~ and old people speak. .J D(~horah"s second book n-minds lIS how ('as\ it is lor communication 10 break down. :3 The question-and-answer teclilliquc prevents us Iroin aplwarilll2; too vague. -t Men often ask too man~ personal questions, 'J The Britisl: ;In' 1 " ' 1 " , ;" ·.1)110s first 1l'111l('. () \;, u, <I,i,"11 1"'I'sollal IJll('stioIIS, )"11 SlrlllJlcl ,11IakS(' \()III" ()II IISIIII' "I spl'akil'l2; can'fulk. B Now listen for the information targeted in bold and decide whether the speaker makes these statements or not. 2.1 l!J Correcting what is not accurate In pairs correct the statements in 2.0 which are not accurate, using expressions on this Function File card. CORRECTiNG WHAT is NOT ACCURATE Which expression sounds abrupt and rude? Which expression sounds too formal? ,\I"!II(/{{Ij. 1/11I(1 1101 111Ii!1' rig/II, SII rl'{l/ 1111I(1 not righl. c mlillisll.' I dOli 'I thin]: 1111I(1' correct. is it:' 'J'/III(S (/1i'w{1I11' Iu/ill"!, il \- I'.wcth/ II/{' O}I}IOli!l', ForgieI' IIII' i(l cont rtulict 1/011.111I1 , 3.0 0 Listening for key information in multiple choice questions A You will hear part of a radio programme about how to communicate with people. Before you listen, read through the multiple choice questions. The key information in 1 and 2 is highlighted in bold, Highlight what you consider to be the key information in 3 and 4. I Couvorsatiou is a tool use-cl hv A men and women for the same purpose. B women to maintain a relationship. C men to create connections hetwccn people. D men and women to create a sense of communitv. 35 Module 2C • Listening 2. \Vhen a cake shop owne-r asked her male manager to do something, lw A forgot all ahout doing it. B refused to do it. C decided he hadn't time to do it. D quarrelled with her about doing it. ,3 \\'hen a mother asked her adult son, who had a full-time- joh, to contribute to the household expenses, what dicl h« do') A Ill' rented a pial'(' of his own. BIll' n-luctuntlv agn'l'd to pa\ rent. c: lIe prdl'IHll'lllll' had not hl'ard her. I) I Ie kft the matte-r open. 4 \Vhat is tl](' dilfen'm'e lx-twet-n girls' and hovs conve-rsational shks? A Bovs gin' girls direct commands. B Cirls get their own wav 1)\ making suggestious. C Bms gin' each other options when deCiding what to do. \) Cirls an' mort- likelY . to 1)(' asslTtin' th.m hms. , B Now listen to the tape and put a pencil mark beside the most likely answer. Then, referring back to the Function File card in 2.1, tell a partner why you think the other options are not correct. When you have finished, listen to the tape again to check that your answers are correct. 3.1 lIJ A breakdown in communication The following two exchanges appeared on the tape in 3.0. What breakdown of communication took place? The book-keeper needs help with the invoicing. What do you think about helping her out? I think it would be fair for you to pay rent now. 3.2 OK. I'm leaving soon anyway. (1 Listening for key information in multiple choice questions A You will hear a continuation of the radio programme about how to communicate with people. Before you listen, read through the multiple choice questions below and highlight what you consider to be the key information in tr options. 1 How should the cake shop owner gin' orde-rs to the male enlplo\ee? A Insist that he helps with the invoicing, B Politely . tell him exactly . what she wants him to do. C Persuade him mer a period of time to do what she wants. D Ask him clircctlv wll\ he won't do what she asks. 36 Mind over matter • Module 2C :2 How should thc mother deal wit]: her son? A Insist that he honours her wishes. B Encourage him to be more honest with her. C Gin' him a deadline to produce the money. D Ask him directly when she can expect a contribution. B Listen to the tape and put a pencil mark beside the most likely answer, then, again using the Function File card in 2.1, tell a partner why you think the other options are not correct. Now listen again and check that you have chosen the right answer. O. Exam practice: multiple choice questions Listen to two people, Susan and Dave, talking about how to communicate with each other and, as you listen, choose the correct option from A, B, Cor D. You will hear the recording twice. (Remember, before you listen, read through the multiple choice questions and options. Highlight the key information to listen for and do not make your final choice of answer until you have heard the whole piece twice.) I \Vhat initial statement clot's Susan make about men's and women's spt'aking shles'~ A Both men and wunu-n 1I1ix 'business and 'personal' conve-rsation. B \YOllll'll think pe-rsonal c-onve-rsation lu-lpx \\'()Jlill~ re-lationships. (: Xl c-u think personal conve-rsation helps the-m to cOlldllct busine-ss. D Women think personal conversation inuppropriun- whe-n talking to me-n. :2 According to Susan. what should a woman who works with men try to do? A Ne-ve-r sociali:«: with colleagues after work. B Ke-e-p tlu- 'snwll talk' lor breaks at work. e: :\l'Il 'I' ask \,(T;' pe-rsonal questions. D Avoid ])('COlllilig iuvolvc«] with colleagues. :3 \Vhat mistake- did OIH' WOIII,lIl editor make? :\ S!I(' indnlgl'<l in too much 'small talk' with her f(~malc cmplovees. B She delegated too murh work to the other employees. e: She appointe-d another manager to run the office. D She underestimated the importance of the personal touch, 4 How did the woman editor rectifv her mistake? A SIH' decickd to re-cruit more male employees. B She took on mort' responsibility herself. C She modified a decision she had previously made. D She allowed the other employees longer breaks during the day . .5 \Vhat final comment docs Susan make? A Yon should get the balance right. B She doesn't know how to solve the problem easily. C \Ve would be better off separating the sexes. D Whatever vou do, you can't win. There are more Paper 4 Part 3 tasks in the Task bank on pages 100-104. 37 Module 20 • listening Spotlight on Paper 4 Part 4 1.0 L!J Finding out a partner's opinion Commenting on something you may know nothing about In pairs, ask your partner to think of one good and one bad point about video games, then, with the rest of the class, put a list of good and bad points on the board. 1.1 L!J Interpreting visual information In the same pairs as in 1.0, look at the three pie charts and try to explain what they are showing. How do you (I) Ior games r lias the pr'ice of new ganle,S the console or computer system you own (G) r I 1"('('1 1'lIllwille; I !l'(']1'1l1]will<fh reli arg('( 1 (2) \)\ tli(' mauul.uturc-r-, (l\(' (:3 ) I k('11'1l1 I)('ill" ,h rohl)('d 1)\ tli(' n uuml:« til n -rs .u«! tl)(' shop Its IlIad(' IIi(' 1('ss I t Ii i II k t l u- pril'('S an' (11 (}) ) I think tli('\ (.'5) Ye-s. a hit than I was How long, on average, do you playa game before it (10) Don't be put off by an unusual layout or format in an examination task, e.g. diagrams and charts. Keep calm and just work out what information is being asked for. vlor« th.m si'\ \\('('ks 47% !ktw( '( -u two Be-twe-e-n ( 11 38 and lour w('\,ks L('SSil:2 Today's technology 1.2 n • Module 20 Listening for specific information Facts and figures You will hear some young people answering questions about video games. As you listen, fill in the missing information in the charts in 1.1. Remember that you may have to rephrase some of the information you hear. Compare your answers with a partner. Which answers needed changing or putting into a different context? 2.0 n Interpreting attitudes The pros and cons of video games Listen to some people talking about video games and decide whether their statements indicate that they approve or disapprove of or are neutral towards the games by ticking (v') the appropriate box. Disapprove Approve Neulral 1 2 :l 4 :5 ---" (j 7 8 H 2.1 n Identifying speakers Making assumptions about identity The ability to make a logical assumption about identity will help you in Part 4 of Paper 4. Listen for clues like 'our games', 'my children', 'our patients', 'I can't stop', 'order replacements', which will help you to decide who the speaker might be. Remember - in the exam not all the alternatives are needed to answer the question! Now listen again and decide who might be making these statements. More than one option may be possible but here one of the options is not used at all. Parent Teenager Policeman Doctor Video manufacturer 1 2 - ._- :3 4 ,.. o s 7 8 scanned by aOgo\@argyre.ho 9 Which words helped you to guess the identity of the speakers? 39 Module 20 • Listening 2.2 J1 Sound discrimination Words which sound similar but have different meanings can be misleading in a listening test. It is important to be able to identify a word in a context. Read out the groups of words in the table below and guess which words (one from each group) you might hear when listening to some young people talking about their reactions to video games. 1 2 :3 .f ;) (i consu] strictlv viole-t C()]H lucte«] lightning burrow console sicklv violate conducive frightellillg harrow consultation thickly violent conductor fivhtinv (~ ,~ hO!TO\\" Now listen to the tape and circle the word in each group which you hear. The words appear in the order in which they occur on the tape. 2.3 o Matching information Attitudes of players When looking at a multiple matching exercise underline, either mentally or with a pencil, what you consider to be the key words in the options. This will reduce the memory load and help you to skim read all the options and identify the one you need. Remember also to read and listen to the instructions carefully both on your exam paper and on the tape. Read through the information below carefully then listen to a longer version of what you heard in 2.2 and match the information to the speaker. In this exercise each option is used just once, and there is only one option that is not used at all. You may have to listen twice. T\l'ill \!oOJ"(' [axpul Bhatti ~ I T\icholus Scott Khun Karam] .') a doc-snt talk to pcop!(' allY ilion' h gets bore-d at home c plays for half all hour d llt'gkcts home-work c n'cf'in'd the- ga1!1e as a pn-'s('llt f luvou ritr- ga1!1c is Stri-c-t Fighter 2 g borrows aggrcssin' ganws h plavs for up to fiye hours thinks S01!1C ga1!1es are boring j likes plming more than watchillg Tv' k docs [rome-work before pla:illg Which option is not used? 40 10 Today's technology • Module 20 til Anticipating what you are going to hear 3.0 Questionnaire Read through the possible answers to a questionnaire about watching TV. The questionnaire requires you to tick one answer for questions 2-7 and one or more for questions 1 and 8. In pairs, decide what the questions might be. a h c a klt-\i.,jOII a vide-o n'corder a sakllite dish d calil« T\' a not at all h ouc«: or twice: c fn'(!lwilth .) a h c Pause- [or a ruouu-nt just to what's OIL Stand with vour noxr- pwssed against th(, \\indO\\', \\'alk straight past. S('(' a grippillg h cOIlI!)('lling ilvourc- ill tl)(' IIIO()(! c: to 1)(' a\oid(,d ') ,') a Y(", h :\0. I'll think ahout it. c Mal«: it uliout 1.:.')00.000 .u«] a h e Billg vour friellds unc! ask if \ Oil call go round .u«] wakll with tl)('III, Cd (Hit a hook or switch Oil the radio, F(TI as if the world has ellded, ') ~ I a T\' has kil1ed the art of' cunvr-rsatiou. h [uclicious T\' \iewillg can 1)(' and ('Ilkrtaillillg, c Pe-ople- shoulcl l«: quie-t wlu-n the- T\"s OIL ') a h c eating reading taking e-xercise 41 Module 20 • Listening 3.1 o Listening for specific information Questions Remember, if you find it difficult to write notes as you listen, develop a kind of 'shorthand' abbreviations you will be able to understand when you look at your notes again, for example ... = because of, ~ = leading to, f = female, m = male, smth = something, srnb = somebody. 3.2 Listen to the questions for the questionnaire in 3.0 and makes notes in the spaces provided above. As you are focusing on listening skills, you do not need to write a perfectly constructed sentence, just the key Information. You do, however, need to pay particular attention to spelling. How did the questions compare with yours? Evaluating the results L!J An addict or not? Do the questionnaire in 3.0. Choose the answer which best sums up your feelings and attitudes, then check your scores on the answers to the questionnaire on page 148 in the key and find out whether you really are an addict or notl Do you agree with the assessment? Why? Why not? o Exam practice: multiple matching You will hear various people talking about today's technology. You will hear the recording twice. The first time you hear the recording you should do task one. The second time, do task two. Listen carefully for the key words, like the ones highlighted in 2.1, which will give you clues as to identity and context. Task one Match the extracts as you hear them with the people listed A-H . In the exam you will only need five out of the eight options. Do not try to use them all just because they are there - though you must consider all the options when making your choice! .\ social worker I) pare-nt r : shop asxixtunt .J 1),tlldl'llt I: teacher " actor (; Iiliu producer Ii doc-tor Task two Match the extracts as you hear them with the technology listed A-H. A \ ideo films B TY (: radio j) \ ide-o games E lH'rsoual ste-reo F C( »upute-r G compact discs II I nobile phone- (i ~) 10 There are more Paper 4 Part 4 tasks in the Task bank on pages 104-107. 42 SPEAKING What if ... ? Yesterday and today Art and culture Spotlight on Paper 5 Part 1 1.0 lIJ Predictions about your own future ~----------------------~---_._-- TALKING ABOUT CERTAINTY, POSSIBILITY AND IMPROBABILITY Which expressions would you use to express near certainty. possibility or Improbability? What structures follow each of the expressions? Could you add any other expressions to the list? [ tloul)! 11'//('1//('1' . ['III houuc! 10 .. ,!.!.ood I'!/(II 1{'{' of. cloul»! iu inu iniuc! IrllII!lI)('I'I'/" 1//(/1 . [ .1!WIl/dll 'I /1i'11l riirisi-c! if. ['1II1I/lso/IlII'/lj coniincct! 1/1111. '['//('1'('\ /I'/"Ij ttut, ('//(I//('I' ofl 1//(11. Tluns Ii/ilir/lj '['//('1'1,'\ 110 In pairs, discuss this list of life events and, using the expressions on the Function File card, grade the events A, B or C, according to how likely it is that these things will happen to you. Life events • • • • • • • • • • have twins live to be 100 years old become a great-grandparent enjoy your job travel into outer space be made redundant become rich and famous live alone for a number of years be happy change your outlook on life A = almost certain B = possible C = improbable 43 Module 3A • Speaking 2.0 lfJ Past predictions about the future INTERPRETING PAST IDEAS Which expression sounds formal and rather impersonal? Can you add any expressions to the list? T!WII olnio/lslll tlw/lgllt cit u:« iioulc! / llligiit . 11 is n'I/lol/(/IJII' to I/SSII/III' tl/('II tl/(J/lglillifi' I L'II/I Id / IlIigllt . ,\jJjJI!rI'/ltlll tl/('II IUTI' icnnuuic! tcacl ut» uoulc! / coulcl .. Remember to stick to a more complex sentence structure (they thought cities would . . .), once you have started using it. Do not forget what you are saying and lapse into an inappropriate simple sentence structure (they think cities wil0 The examiner will be listening to see what level of vocabulary and grammar you are capable of using effectively. You don't want your use of the more complex structure to seem like a lucky guess! • tile h.lture' her 0' C 'tile tea" 44 1'rl's/lIIII/IJ/II tlut] ili/(/gill('(1 tml/lj)()l-t /I'()/lid / /Ifigllt .. These pictures were published many years ago. They show what people thought life would be like In the future, i.e. our 'today' (or even 'yesterday'!), and what it would be like in the more distant future, In pairs, taking each picture in turn, decide when the pictures might have been published and how they represent what people thought the future would be like. Use the expressions on the Function File card . What if. 2.1 .? • Module 3A l!J Comparing past predictions with future predictions In groups of three or four, discuss how the pictures in 2.0 compare with life as it IS today and think of ideas about what it might be like in the future. Discuss which ideas are or might be similar to, and which different from, the artists' impressions in 2.0. 3.0 0 Hypothesizing You will hear a radio presenter talking about a forthcoming radio programme called What if . . . ? Read through the statements below then, as you listen, decide whether the presenter makes the statements or not by writing Y (for yes) or N (for no) beside them. TI}(' prograllllilc is t]1(' last ill tl«- S(Tics. :) \\'1/111 if. ...'" is ahollt C\ClltS ill t]}(' futurc-. :3 It is all olltsid(' hroadcast. -t TI}(' prograllllll(' is spcclllatillg ahollt a milit.u-, rrivix . .) It is spcclllatilig ahollt a couul r. c'lIT\illg out a Ihn-at. (i It nu-ntions t])(' of IllId('J'('stiIlJatilig all oppourutx .stJ'('llgtli. 3.1 l!J Variable stress The words on the left all appeared on the tape in 3.0. They are stressed differently from the words on the right. Read them all aloud and mark the stresses. e.g. to present presence filial liu.ilit , I,islmica! I, i s[on (i (':t1I'lllat(,d cal('ll! :11011 ,) apl II ':lhpt ic: ''i )()cahps(' - 1'( .[: tI i:I[ i011 l"('I:lli<ll' -t c:lpahilih ('apahle .) ., Now use one word from each pair in a sentence of your partner. 3.2 OWII, spoken to a l!J Speculating about the past In groups of three, take it in turns to ask and answer one of the following questions using ... would have (done), if . . . had (done). I \\'hat ihapp('Il) ilt!«: H)(i2 Cuh.m missil« crisis itlTli'r) ovrr til(' (·dg(':~ .) \\hlt ihap!]('Il) i lt l«: LS (carn out : its tlmat to hOlllh t lu- So\id Illissi]c sit«) :3 \\hlt ihappclI) if sllhsC(ll}('llt n-tuli.u iou (t:lkc pla('ce Now ask and answer Similar questions about what would or wouldn't have happened in the past if . . . Remember, you need to talk about the opposite of what actually happened! -t m.mkinr] / invr-nt thc whe-e-l :) dinos.uu, / lx- wipcd out (i thc whole- lnuuun race- / hccome \"('gdariall I' pcnicilliu ,' be discoYen--'d .<., other .mimul« / dc\"(']op the- same illtelligellcc ,IS lnnuuu hcillgs 45 Module 3A • Speaking 4.0 L!J Speculating about the future What will you be doing in 20 years' time? Remember to reply saying what you'll be doing, where you'll be living, etc. This will show that you have listened carefully to the question and are capable of uSing more sophisticated language. 4.1 Tell a partner what you think you'll be doing in 20 years' time. Use some of the expressions on the Function File card on page 43. 0 Listening for specific information The picture below was used in an advertisement for a Life Insurance and Pensions company. The advertisement also appeared on the radio and TV Read through the notes below then, as you listen to the advertisement, fill in the missing information. Sun Alliance Life and Pensions (;Ollipall\ prolilise: sii'.('ahll' ( 1) ill \l'ar:?'O I O. On applicatiou lor qllotatiolL Cn'(' (::.) At tlJ(' start olpl.m: rn'l' l lvou (:3) (-I) l)ollllSl'S: dqH'lId on (5) COllipall\ prolilise: keep ahead or ((-j) 4.2 L!J Discussing effectiveness In small groups, decide: • \\,het]J('r the .ulvrrtisc-mc-nt is an l.fkcti\(' \\a\ or Sl,llillg peopll' likinsurance and persllading tlJ('111 to san' moucv lor tlJ(' lut t m-. • • \dwtlwr or not \011 would 1)(' interested in what the' COllipall\ is or!<Till.g allll \\11\', \\·hat \OU woulc! spend tIlt' lump Sll111 of moncx OIL Allow three or four minutes then report your decisions to the rest of the class, 46 What if ... ? 5.0 lJJ • Module 3A Expressing wishes and regrets EXPRESSING WISHES AND REGRETS Which constructions can be used after these expressions? Which seem to be the most expressive? Ifol//lf . I lcish . Ilou: I icis], . l lt«] I lcnouu uluu ua: goil/g to lunipcn. I. Interpreting artwork Decide what the people in the drawings might be wishing and why. Use the expressions on the Function File card. 47 Module 3B • Speaking 5.1 lIJ Talking about your own wishes and regrets In pairs, find out three things that your partner wishes: one referring to the past, one to the present and one to the future. lfJ_. Exam practice: asking questions Find a new partner. You have three or four minutes to find out some information about each other but you must ask for the information using full questions, e.g. How long have you been learning English? Student A Turn to page 108 and find out the answers to the information requested on the information card. Student B Turn to page 112 and find out the answers to the information requested on the information card. Now tell the class what you think is the most interesting thing about your partner. There are more Paper 5 Part 1 tasks in the Task bank on pages 86-88. Spotlight on Paper 5 Part 2 1.0 lIJ Describing and spotting the differences A French Town On your own, look at these two pictures of the French town Wissant and find two things which are the same and five things which are different. WISSANT Hier et Aujourd'hui 1'1.",> J, t 48 Yesterday and today 1.1 lfJ_ • Modul e 38 Linking contrasting ideas LINKING CONTRASTING IDEAS Which two expressions would be Inappropriate for linking contrast ing ideas when talking about two pictures? uhcrca s IL'lI ill' altlwllg h 17111 Oil tlic otlicr 1/(11111 //('1' I' 1'1 III'; ('SS Group work In pairs, tell another pair of studen ts what similarities and differen ces you found in 1.0, using the words and expressions above. 1.2 1fJ Giving yourself time to think GIVING YOURSELF TIME TO THINK Which of the last four expressions offer: • a logical explanation? • a possible explanation? Er . . . l tcoulds au tlutt . \v.t: I/O/C, II'! 11/1' SCI' . . . It's diffi{'f/I I tosm] .. I'.W('t{l/ . hilt. I ('(II/ 'I he .1'111'1' 17111 .. · .. 1//('1'1' lIIigl/f {W['(' {!I'I'II .. · .. 1//('1'1' ('(II/ '11/(/1'1' {WI'I/ . · .. tlur« nutst 1/(/1'1' been .. · .. tIIlTI' could lun:« 171'1'1/ .. You may need some time to think but don't waste time panicking in your own language! Think aloud in English. Using fillers can often give you the time you need. However, do not overuse them as the examiner might think you are at a loss for words permanently! In groups of three or four, allow yourselves three or four minute s to decide: • when the first picture was taken. • what has happen ed to the small town since the first picture- was t al«-u. Use the Function File card and think about: • the numbe r of inhabitants. • the existence of the war memorial. • changes in transport. • lifestyle of the people. Report back to another group on your decisions. 49 Module 3B • Speaking 2.0 lfJ Describing differences in attitudes Brighton Beach Look at the two pictures of people at the beach In pairs, decide what the time interval between the pictures might be, then prepare a one-minute comparison of the scenes pointing out the possible differences in the attitudes of the people in the pictures. Make brief notes to help you remember what you have prepared, if you wish, but remember that in the exam you will be expected to begin talking almost immediately. You could mention their attitudes towards and feelings about: • • ruodc-stv. s\1llhathil1,l; .uu] swimmillg. • • le-isure- activities, fushiou. Now give your one-minute talk (30 seconds each') to another pair of students without looking at any notes you may have made: 50 Yesterday and today 2.1 To help you with note-taking, listen to the news on the radio in your own language and practise jotting down all the relevant news in note form. When you have devised your own note-taking style, try listening to a similar broadcast in English. The news is good training for note-taking as it is packed with facts and figures, names and places, all of which are relevant. 0_ • Module 38 Listening for answers to questions You will hear someone talking on a radio programme about the seaside resort of Brighton as it used to be and as it is today. Read through the following questions then, as you listen, make notes to help you answer them.You may need to listen twice. What happencd in 1/,5:3') :2 \Vhat led to this 'c\(>n1' happcning') :3 What two things did Richurd Bussell advise- people to <10:) -+ \\'11" did he advise- thcm to do thiS:) .5 \VIn might his advice not be considcred a good thing !()(la\') fi What happcnccl in !f';,SO') 7 \\'h~' did this happen? S According to the- programmc. how is Brighton rcgarded !o<!a\') 2.2 lfJ Variable stress The words on the left all appeared on the tape. They are stressed differently from the words on the right. Read them all aloud and mark the stress. e.g. palace palatial inH'llll·d inve-ntor, <''\plain('<! (''\)lLulati()]1 hixturi« Ilisto!\ -+ pul ilir.uiou pnhlis)l :) alhallta,g('()]IS 'J ., ') .« l. aillages fi v.uious \arid\ I m ()l J<. rati 0 n nloderatl' S mavnc-t h Illa"I)('! ic ,h Use one word from each pair in a sentence of your own, spoken to a partner. 51 Module 3B • Speaking 3.0 lfJ Asking someone to repeat something POLITELY ASKING SOMEONE TO REPEAT SOMETHING Wlllcll expression would you use if a loud background noise Interfered with what the speaker was saying? Wllicll expression sounds very polite Indeed? Vvhich expressrons are more Informal? WllICl, expression could sound rather rude? 1'/11 ,101'1'11 I rlirlll 'I quit: cat clr tlurt , SO/'I'II -11111/1 ua« //11// il'!Jlill" SO/'I'II - ('{"tlrI'foll II/II //11/1 11'!.l/ill, j!/I'II'iI'," SOITlf-1 roulil « 'I luar 11'111//11011 sait], \\ '/111/ rlirl'loll 1111;''' COII/rI'loll 1'111.<;0 '_. !'I Pi'll I 1/11/1, jl/"IISI'." SOITiI l iu! 1'/11 110/1111'1' I II II rll'/'sloorl 1'01'1'1'1'//'1 -----_.----~ Luxury hotel (Groupwork for three students) Student A Descl'ibe the picture below, As you descnbe the picture, try to explain what 11IIght / could / must have happened to the hotel, Be ready to explain what you have said in a slightly different way if your partner does not seem to understand you. Students Band C At intervals Interrupt politely (without annoying your partner), pretending that you haven't heard or understood what your partner has said, Use the expressions on the Function File card, 52 Yesterday and today • Module 38 When you have finished, look at the picture below and suggest what might / could / must have happened to the train, Student B: describe the picture, Students A and C: interrupt politely to ask for clarification, Now change roles again Stucient C, describe the picture below SlKjcJcslirlg what miqht / could / must have happened to the ship, Students A and B, interrupt politely to ask for clarification 53 Module 3B • Speaking 3.1 .l!J Asking if someone agrees ASKING IF SOMEONE AGREES Which expression expects the listener to agree? Which expression sounds as if you are trying to persuade someone to agree with you? Which expression gives the impression that you do not believe what you are hearing? Do / "!ollid IjOIl agree icitl, . YOIl agree, tluu! uou: I IWI/(Ia ifijOIl icoulil agree. Do IjOIl rl'lllllj thin]: that." Do IjOIl go alollg icit h tliat? "'oIlMII't IjOIt .\'([lj that. J Sllrdljlfoll clun! think ilia! .. " See also Finding out if everyone agrees on page 21 . Groupwork Decide which of the following explanations for what happened in the pictures on pages 52 and 53 is the most likely. Take it in turns to ask the other students whether they agree with each statement or not. Use the expressions on the Function File card. 2 1'h('J"(:s lx-r-u un c-arthquu]«-. 1'1]('r('\ 1)('('n an accidc-nt. :1 It's a pllh]icih stunt. -l TII('J"(:s lx-c-u an e-xplosion. ,J Tlu-ns lx-c-n a Iirc-. () It's lIn(' to sahotag('. 3.2 o Interpreting attitudes Listen to some people talking about the hotel in the picture on page 52. As you listen, decide how they feel about what has happened. Which words best sum up the attitude of the speakers? A upsd 1 B angry C ('\cit(·d " ,J D not SOITY E puzzled F ,-'«uiltv . 5 G rc liey('(l II bored 54 Yesterday and today 4.0 tfJ • Module 36 Commenting on what you see Loft extension Look at the advertisement and individually make notes to prepare a one-minute description of the Smiths' house (the one on the left) and the attitudes and problems of the people living in it. Remember what is being tested in Part 2 is not just your ability to keep talking, but your ability to talk about what the examiner asks you to talk about. If you simply describe the picture and do not mention the attitudes and problems of those living there, you have failed to take up the opportunity to show what you can do. 4.1 Take it in turns to describe the house and the Smiths to a partner. Use the minute to include everything you prepared in your notes and do not waste time talking about something off the point. Your partner will time you and stop you, if necessary, after one minute. tfJ Comparing and contrasting COMPARING Which two expressions mean 'generally speakinq'? Which expression sounds rather rude and dismissive? Can you add any other expressions to the list? I(I/Ol/ ('olllj)llre . Oil 1/11' tcltol« . Youju«! 1'(/11'1 COII/j)I/i'('. , lju»t dOIl'1 SCI' /U!lC 1/01/ 1'(/1/ COI/II' COl/lj)(/i'('. ofnl.' There'« /10 comparison /)('IICI'cl/ . 131/ (I/ull(/rgc. Pairwork Discuss with a partner how the loft extension in the Jones's house has changed the appearance of the building and the quality of life of the people living in it. Use the expressions on the Function File card. How effective is the advert in persuading people to invest in a loft extension? Would you be persuaded by it? Why? 55 Module 38 • Speaking 4.2 l!J Explaining how you feel EXPLAINING HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT SOMETHING Which expressions are often used before making a personal 'confession'? Can you add any other expressions to the list? 'Fell, the thi//g is , , . TI/e reason is t liat .. Let /II(' explain ... 11011 sec. That's because . TIl('facf is . To 1)(' hones! . Personal experience Take one minute to tell a partner what you feel about where you live at the moment. Explain what you enjoy or sometimes find slightly annoying about living there and give your reasons. Use the expressions on the Function File card, Your partner will stop you after one minute. l!J Exam practice Urban sprawl Student A Look at the three drawings showing how one area of the countryside has changed over many years and describe to a partner what has happened and how the lives of the people living in this area have been affected by the development. Say whether you think the changes have been for the better or for the worse, Student 8 Listen to your partner's description and when they have finished, say whether you agree with their opinion. -=' 56 -r: Yesterday and today • Module 3B Farming - then and now Student B Look at the three drawings showing how a small farm has changed over the years and descnbe to a partner what has happened to it and how the lives of the people living In it have been affected by the changes. Say whether you think the changes have been for the better or for the worse. Student A Listen to your partner's description and when they have finished, say whether you agree with their opinion. ~-' There are more Paper 5 Part 2 tasks in the Task bank on pages 88-91. 57 Module 3C/D • Speaking Spotlight on Paper 5 Parts 3 and 4 1.0 l!J Collaborating and summing up SUMMING UP Which expression Implies two possibilities? Which expression might be used after rather a lengthy discussion? B(/siC(/!/Ij. it's (I (/lleltioll oflc/II'I/II'r. III luic]. . III (/ uonl, . .'10.11'//(/1 Icc'r!'Wl1lillg is. So. 10 SIIIII "!' . III 01/11'1' uonls.. In small groups decide what this picture might be advertising. Use the expressions on the Function File card to summarize what you decided, then tell another group what your decision was. 1.1 n Saying whether you are interested Work through the Function File cards, then listen to what the picture in 1.0 is advertising and say whether you are interested in what you hear or not. SAYING YOU ARE INTERESTED Which expression suggests that you are 'crazy' about something? Can you add any expressions to the list? Tin UTII /';'1'1'11 Oil . lfillrl ... ji/li'iIl(ltilig. Actll(//hj. tltl» IIJlie of. .. 1'1'(///'1 inti-rest» ln, (/ hit ofofil1/(/lic. 58 /III' Art and culture • Module 3C/D SAYING YOU AREN'T INTERESTED Which expression IS very informal? Which is rather abrupt and rude? Can you add any other expressions to the list? lfilld ... ratlur Imrillg . . iS1I'1 11111 kind url/lillg lit al]. I caut sml I line: mill gr('(/I interest ill . I ('0/1 Mil 'I care less about . 2.0 l!J Saying something is (in)appropriate A Choose two pictures and describe them to a partner so that they can identify them. B Decide together which men's and women's clothes illustrated above you think would be suitable for the occasions listed below, and say why, using the expressions on the Function File card. You may have some ideas of your own for suitable occasions for the clothes! a picni« outdoors a lorura] dinne-r a LlIIC\ dre-ss part\ a \\'l,ddill<f M a Iliki;lg trip workin«M ill all OI'fiC(' SAYING SOMETHING IS (IN)APPROPRIATE Which expression sounds very informal and rather dismissive? Which expressions would you use? Can you add any other expressions? I tliinl: this icoul«! he Ii)JpropriliteJ(lr. I{IJOII lure goillg to .. " 110/1 II/ighl / coulr! Isllli/lM, This looks toofimlllil / in{orll/lilfiir. I icouldu't he s('ell dcatl ill . This IW/llr/(11'1) he s/li/lihlefiJr. This icould he higldll illlipproprilite/or. 59 Module 3C/D • Speaking 2.1 lfJ Saying something is or isn't fashionable In small groups, discuss what is or isn't fashionable at the moment in your country, e,g, clothes, hairstyles, jewellery, shoes, then say whether you like or dislike the current fashions, Use expressions from the Function File card, SAYING SOMElHING IS OR ISN'T FASHIONABLE Which expression suggests that something is horribly old- fashioned? Which expression suggests that something is extremely popular? Which expressions are very Informal'? , is / lin' 11111111' m:.!,(' III IIII' IIiOIlI('IiI,' , uiul 0111 uitl: IIII' arl:' '" is i an: 'ill'l/lil,III1IiIl('j' , , , is / lin' II "l'"! iul cn:/ II IIfi/I!1 iOIlIt/ill', [(I' Irl'lIdll 10 I L'I'II I' , , , , 1//'(' 3.0 1'1'1I1111 t ntult]. Making a choice l!J Work through the Function File card then do the groupwork activities A and B, MAKING A CHOICE Which would not Impress the examiner, although It IS a perfectly valid comment to make'? Why not? Can you add any other expressions to the list? [dl'fillildll uoulilu '111'11'1'1 tlri: 0111' /)(,I'IIIr,(', .\/I/II)lIg/l 1IIi, (1/11' ,('('11/" " ii ucntltlu 'I, '/11,1 gll/I/{'ill:.!, 1111111'11I (1lIil'k/ll I'd gofil/', Th!« oui:« ccrt aiuh] II j)ol,i!iililll /)('('(11/1(' 'n,i. 1'('}'llIill/yll'ollldll 'I hI' III/I clioic« /)('('(//{I(' J)(jillildll tlu» 0111' National monument (Groupwork) A' Funds are available to build a new national monument in your country to commemorate a special occasion, Look at this list of suggested commemorations and decide what to commemorate, • • • • 60 a a a a LllllOllS writ.r 01' artist Ll,'ligiolls I('acl<-r gn'at polit ic-iuu national e-ve-nt \\hich cham;l'l\ history • ;1 gn'at .u-hu-vr-u u-ut • ;11I iuiportant hirt]: or w('elelillg • an iuvr-nt iou or elisl'{)\('!\ • tl«- ('IIe1 nluu I'ra Art and culture • Module 3C/D ~ Y-arious suggestions for what kind of monument it should be have been put forward. Decide what kind of monument you would like to erect and where you would erect it. You can use the designs and suggestions below to help you or you can suggest something different. 61 Module 3C/D • Speaking 3.1 lIJ Arguing for and against Divide into groups of four to six. Half of each group will be Team A, and the other half Team B. You are going to argue about this statement. ALL JIISITS TO M(JSE()MS AN~ MON{)MOITSSHOUL/) B{ -- rKEEl Team A You agree with the statement. Each member of the team must speak for 30 seconds, and should prepare to put forward a different argument in favour of the statement to Team B. First, look at the Function File card together. ARGUING FOR Which expression suggests you are approving someone else's proposal? Which expression conveys less than enthusiastic support? I CIII/'l 1'1'(' IIIIIII//ill!.!, I/!.!,I/il/sl . ['11/ It/ljill'/ inj(llol/roj'. lrl ccrtaiuh] giU' ... IIlIlslIjJjwrl. It icould II/II/.;C \'CI/SC 10. Tlurc« 1/ 10110/)(' .w/ilijill' .. Allow yourselves two or three minutes to prepare what you are going to say. These ideas might help you: • culture for all • 1l101l('\' availuhle • educational • importance or our heritagc 62 Art and culture • Module 3C/D Team B You disagree with the statement. Each member of the team must speak for 30 seconds, and should prepare to put forward a different argument against the statement to Team A. First, look at the Function File card together. ARGUING AGAINST Which expression sounds very informal? Which expression sounds rather formal? Can you add any other expressions to the list? TIIII(s rOil all tcn] ILI'!I . . . liu! caut !}ossihh/ Its alisolu!« WII/ . 111111. I/OI/SCI/S!' 10 WII/ tliat . rill tlcac! IIgllil/st . [ 1'1'11/11/ coulclut ml/i!ol/c . Allow yourselves two or three minutes to prepare what you are going to say. These ideas might help you: • If you can't think of anything to say, relate the statement to the situation in your own country and say whether it works or not! who will pm • It'cS miuimal • • 1I11lSCIIIIIS ill [iu.mci.i] dil'ficllltil's COllc('ssiolls available- lor stlldcllts alld xc-uinr citii'.l'JIS When everyone is ready, Team A should argue their case, then Team B can reply with theirs. No one should interrupt while someone is speaking! Which group stated its case most convincingly? Now repeat the procedure with Team B agreeing With and Team A disagreeing with this statement. ~" ALL WORKS i'ART SHOULD BE RETURNED to the .~ GOVERNMENT PI {he COUNTRY THEY CAME F~OM Team B,agree with the statement. These ideas might help you: • art is part of national heritagc • works of art lose the-ir impact outside tlnir original c-nviruuuu-ut • onlv state call alhml pmper protr-ction • c-ulture- helongs to the people, not just thc wcaltll\ Team A, disagree with the statement. These Ideas might help you: • • • • no funds uvailahl« to re-purchase corrupt state- could misuse pri\'ilpgp owners not prepare-cl to sell suggestion undemocratic Which group stated its case most convincingly? 63 Modul e 3C/D • Speaking 4.0 l!J Collaborating and reporting Spot the forger y what the Look at the two pictures of Van Gogh's Or Paul Gachet and decide of art. work genuine the is think you which and differences between them are l torqerv a is Only one is genuine, the other find the right R8POrt your decisions to another group. Did you agree? You can answer on page 150 1 4.1 0 Listening for statements the speakers make a police A You will hear a news item on the radio in which a reporter and they make ion discuss the DUring l. scanda art an ing commissaire are discuss are made nts comme which Indicate 12, to 1 ns questio various comments. For writing by ssaire. Corrrni the by made are by the reporter and which . R (for the reporter) C (for the Cornrnissaire) or N (for neither), I \Ir alld \Iro.; \'~lIl I)l'll Bl'r~l'll li\l'd ratlll'r gLlIlllh ill tl«- !in'lldl l·olilltn sidl'. Till' (:Olllill issain' dOllhts \\lll'tlll 'r till' loot i,o.; ]'('l'()\('] 'ahll'. ,J :1 Tlll']'(' lrasut lx-cn ~1I1 art seallda llih' tllis Iln' t\\O dl'l'adl's . Tlll' fon';lTil 's .ur- 1I0t Oil sho\\ lor tlll' p]'('ss to Sl'l', ,) Thl' pidlln' s \\i1l1ll' .unt iour-cl. () SOIlIl' of tlll' picture s .ir« \\'orth a lot of 1I1011l'\, 64 Art and culture • Module 3C/D I \ 'an 0<:-'11 Bergell sold III i:t11: , of the f()rgcrit-'s ill Ce-rmunv. Police ,lITcskd hill! at home. \:! Local people SCl\\'!ittle of .\Ir \'an Den Bcrgen. I() Van Den Bergen will spend at least three H~ars in prison. II Art collectors can noxv hrc-athe- a sigh of'rclief' 12 Van Di-u Bergen migltt not Ill' allowed to paint in prisoll. i) S Analyse your success or failure. Look at the tapescript on page 135 and compare the script with the reformulated statements. What helped you to recognize the statements the speakers made? 4.2 lIJ Arguing for and against Optional speaking activity (Groupwork) In groups of four or five argue for and against the following statement. It makes no dilfewllC'e if'a work of art is a forger\ - it's still a work of art 1 You can refer back to the Function File cards in 3.1 if you wish. You may interrupt each other but do so politely! l!J Even if you personally don't like anyof the alternatives provided, lookfor something which attracts or interests you slightly about one of them. Inthis way you can give the examiner a wider sample of language for assessment. Exam practice Art scholarship (Groupwork) Look at the pictures of sculptures by local artists. Talk about what the artists might be trying to express in their work, then decide which sculptor should win a scholarship worth $30,000 to go and study anywhere in the world for a year. Take three or four minutes to discuss and decide. Now discuss these questions. "'ltat makr-x a work of art Iumous or expl'nsiH'::> 2 \ VI 1\ do people eolll'ct works of are :3 \VIt". is an artist's life often a \l'r\. di/Ticnlt one:J 4 How can we Itelp \Ollng artists to realize the-ir potentiaP There are more Paper 5 Parts 3 and 4 tasks in the Task bank on pages 91-95. 65 LISTENING Achievements B Survival A question of gender Points of view Spotlight on Paper 4 Part 1 1.0 0 Justifying selection what they You will hear four people talking about inventions. Write down n'. inventio little st 'greate consider to be the Creat little invent ions ·7 ..,) t and why? Which of these 'little inventions' do you consider to be the greates What other 'great little inventions' would you add to the list? 1.1 Don't waste time agonizing over spelling! Write your answer in pencil quickly, check it on the second listening, then make your final decision about spelling as you transfer your answers to the answer sheet, or the OMR (Optical Mark Reader) as it is called. o Listening for more preci se information below then, as You will hear a talk about an inventor. Read through the notes you listen, fill in the missing information. A bright spark: Joseph Wilson Swan Born: (1) Die-d: (2) Aged 1:3 started work as (:3) 18-Hi qualifie d as a (-±) Compa nv also ruanufacturc-r] (3) _ H:l62 patente d a nu-thod of (6) _ __ _ 186.2m arriecl( 7) 1871 married (8l- _ __ 66 _ _ _ Achievements • Module 4A 1\ umber of children: (9) Began to sturlv (10) . I Wi9 in public presented the (11) 11)1)1 !cmned a comlxlll\' called The (12) 11)1):3 Swan lormc«] a partnership with (1:3) In his lifetime he recehed manv (1-1) 1.2 Understanding the implications of what you hear, rather than just listening to the words spoken, will help you to take in what is being said and to focus on the 'Information you need to listen for to complete the tasks in the exam, l!J Interpreting in more depth what you hear Pairwork Discuss answers to the following questions about the talk in 1,1, You may need to listen to the tape again, but not all the information needed to answer the questions appears explicitly on the tape and there may be more than one possible answer, 1 \\'here do \OU think 1](' nlight han' me-t his first wik'~ ::) \\'11\ do vou think II(' c-vc-utuallv uuuric-r] he-r siste-r:' (sl'\eral possihl(' answers I]('re') :3 \\'11\ was the allllil'lll'e in "'('wcastll' 'Ltscinatl'd"J -1 Ilow did Sw.m help Edison? S \\'11\ is Edison's u.uuc- more- well-kllown than Swan's'J () \\'hat kind or recognition, hesides a knighthood, nligllt S\\:lll Ila\(' n'l'('i\('d') Compare your answers with another pair of students, 2.0 0 Listening for missing information You will hear someone talking about a book award, Read through the following notes then, as you listen, fill in the missing information, Book award Title of award: (I) Awarded lor books which peopk (2) To 1)(' shortlistc-d, hooks must make rc-udr-rs want to (:3) Compe-tition jllllgl'd h\ people who read onlv (-1) Prizewinner to 1)(' announced (.'5) Can you explain what the title of the award means? 67 Module 4A • Listening 2.1 rl Listening for a storyline You will hear someone talking about two of the books shortlisted for the prize mentioned in 2.0. Read through the following summaries of the books then, as you listen, fill in the missing information. A simple plan \\'hile tr:ing to escape Irom a ( 1) which (:2) (4) . tlm'l' uu-n find a pl.u«- . a pilot who is (:3) in a hag. Tl11'\ deeidl' to (,'j) the scheme- re-sults in one- or tIll' characters lJl'ing ((1) hu t The hook has lJl'en <kserilJl'd as an original (';") Night shall overtake us Four schoolgirls xwr-ar tllat tl11'\ wi]] alwa\s U.;) will soon fael' tIll' horror or tIll' (~)) will Ill' turne-d (10) to ( 11) , Tlll'\ , ill wlliel, t lu-ir h\I'S , Aurora first eanlpai,gns Jill' till' rigllt auc] tlll'll ]ll'COIlII'S (12) II's a saga or tragl,<k uun-st ruiuc-d passioll and (1:3) . TIll' realler is const.mtlv \\'olld<Tillg \\ho willlJl' tIll' first to (14) 2.2 l!J Making a choice Which novel in 2.1 would you prefer to read? Which do you think might win the prize? Give reasons for your answer. 3.0 l!J Coping with fame What would be the positive and negative aspects of being well-known or famous? How would you feel if you were well-known or famous? 3.1 o Predicting quickly what something is about A You will hear someone being interviewed. Before listening to the interview, read through the following questions. In the exam you can usually predict, to a certain extent, what you are going to hear by reading through the task questions carefully. This will make you more confident about the listening task and help you to focus on the answers to the task questions. 68 I \\'ho is going to lw illtn',i<'\\eIP :2 \ Vhat was his pn'\iOllS ,ioh') :3 \\'hat is hc about to hl'coul(") 4 What is hc liuullv descrilied as:) Achievements • Module 4A B Now, as you listen to the interview, make brief notes to help you answer the questions. 3.2 Remember, the statements made will not repeat word for word what the speakers say on the tape. You should be looking for the information on the tape expressed in a different way. In addition, the comments the speakers do not make might look plausible as you read through them. You will have to listen very carefully to decide whether they were actually made or not. 3.3 o Listening for statements the speakers make Read through the statements below then listen to the rest of the programme mentioned in 3.1. During the interview various comments are made. Indicate which comments are being made by 8am and which by the interviewer by writing 8 (for 8am) I (for the interviewer) or N (for neither) 1 Sams writing care('J" hegan at univc-rsitv. ') C<'ttillg the- nove-l accepted lor publication was not a prohlc-m. :3 Sanl eni()\H! his modcllim; assign111cnts in Europe. -t Salll's Iliodellilig success was nuuu-di.rt«. .'5 Sam could have- carru«] 011 heing a modr-]. (i Sam's written a storv about the [utun-. 7 The 1l10<!('Ilillg worlr] has llli.Ul~· adY<llltages. i) Sum has Iric-ucls in high places. S) Saill's future- looks hright. o Recognizing words in context Often the words you hear on tape are confusing. You might mistakenly hear the wrong word (hair instead of hare), the wrong pronunciation (dim instead of din), or the wrong stress and pronunciation (harmful instead of half full). However, the context will usually help you to identify most of the words you hear. You will hear ten shorter comments similar to those you heard in the interview in 3.2. However, the speakers use one inappropriate word in each comment. Write down the inappropriate word, then try to supply the appropriate one. (i :) I ., .) .J 4.0 lO 0 Understanding and remembering longer pieces of information Listen to the introduction to a radio programme called The Power of The Press. As you listen, make a note of the question the lady in the Midlands asks. You may need to listen twice. Before you hear the results of the investigation, what do you think the answer is going to be? 69 Module 4A • Listening 4.1 It is useful to be ableto match information you hearon tape with similar information in the task questions. This will helpyou follow the lineof development in the listening extract and identify statements speakers make. o Following a line of development You will hear the rest of Peter Rainer's report. The following points were all made but they are in the wrong order. Read through the points carefully, then, as you listen, arrange them in their order of appearance on the tape. Write the numbers 1-8 beside the points as they are mentioned. The first three are done for you. A TIl(' Times received more correspondence uhout poor children than it had ahout any other issue. 13 Reports of the death of a young hoy in care appean,d in t lu- lIewspapers. C Social Se-rvice-s dcpartnwnts were set up. D Laclv Alle-n made the puhlic aware of tlu- unsatisbl'ton arrangt'mt'llts ma<1t' Cor childre-n in can'. 1 F: Childn-ux dtopartmellts came into IWillg. F Lath- Allen pointe-d out that society 'looked down Oil' lH'('th childrell. 2 C The gOHTnment se-t IlP a committe-e- to ill\l'stigate tIll' pligllt of orphalled childrell. H Lath- Allen <1t'nlaIH!t'd a pulilic c-nquir-,. :3 Compare your answers with those of another student. 4.2 l!J Discussing Groupwork Discuss the following questions. Allow four or five minutes, then compare your decisions with those of another group. I \\'hat are the diCkn'Jl('es hetween a tabloid lH'\\'spapt'r, tlu- 'glltkr' pn'ss and a quality lH'wspapn') :) \\'hy do newspapers usual]. ooutaiu ilion' 'had' thun 'good' II('WS itt'llIs') :3 How rar do von think lwwspapers iulluc-uc-c- what l)('opk thillkr Exam practice: gap-fill You will hear a radio presenter and an airline employee talking about language courses for the cabin staff of an airline company, For questions 1-10 complete the missing information with a\1 appropriate word or short phrase. You will hear the recording twice, Crew are not taught the (I) __ used in some grammar hooks. Instructors use (2, ) __ to teach the cre-w foreign languages. Lessons might take place in a (:3) of part of an aircraft or a restaurant (4) Today the airline ernplovs more (.5) than it did previously, The language trainers are extremely (6) Bill Brown became (7)__ "_ six years ago, Language classes are targeted mainly at (8) Provision is also made for (9) On a special (l 0) __ crew, crew. _ crew can trv out one of the courses, There are more Paper 4 Part 1 tasks in the Task bank on pages 96-98, 70 Survival • Module 48 Spotlight on Paper 4 Part 2 1.0 lfJ _ Interpreting artwork Pairwork Decide what point the picture might be making and whether it is making it successfully. Compare your decisions with those of another pair of students. 1.1 n Relating what you see to what you hear You will hear three speakers talking about the environment. They all make at least two of the points A to I. Read through the points then, as you listen, decide which points each speaker makes. No point is made twice and one point is not made at all. Listen only once. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker :3 I .J ;) Points made A Othe-r things more- important than the c-uvironuu-ut B Cut consumption of' natural rt-xounx-s c: Covr-rnmr-nt lacking in policies D Attitude'S of tho«: involvr«] unsvmpatlu-tic E Problem a sensitive o Ill' F Not much time left C :'\'0 action to date H New projects should he c-nvironmr-ut-frir-ndlv I Future success rp]ics on solar power 1.2lfJ Evaluating the opinions of others Groupwork Decide which speaker you identify with most. Report back to another group giving reasons for your opinions. 71 Module 4B • listening 2.0 Don't be tempted to answer questions using prior knowledge or by guessing only. The answer must match the information on the tape - it might be what you think or it might be something completely different! o Identifying information which is repeated in some way You will hear a radio programme about different ways to beat stress. Read through the notes then, as you listen, fill in the missing information. You will hear the recording only once. Stressbusters Ac-rohic (',\cITis(' usuallv lilah,s Tlu- Ak-xundc-r Tr-chuiquc- is \011 ( ]1 \CI\ use-ful wln-u (2) S\lIlptOlliS arc COlll1(Ttrod. He-laxation tapcs arc oltc-n pn'scrilH'd lor \(T\ (:3) ])OId 1)(> put ofT \oga 2.1 As you read through a list of options, identify the key words and try to match them to what you hear on the tape. l» t11(' thought of (--!-) o Identifying pros (arguments for) and cons (arguments against) A Read through the list of pros relating to the Stressbusters, then, as you listen, match the points you hear to the four different ways of 'busting' stress. One point is not made. You will hear the recording only once. Aerobic exercise Pros .\ lu-lps hack alld xliouldr-r prohll>llls B 110 agl' limits C l'aS' to orgalli/I' Alexander Techriique " .) Hclaxation lapes j) 110 sp('cial l'ljllipllll'llt 11('('(lcd E III('('(S \1>111' s]H'ciallll'I'ds F h'I'j1s \011 fit (; \011 clout hall' to ]H' 'good at it" II (h>ap I \OU Illakl' I"ril'lId.' Yo~a B Now read through the list of cons. Then, as you listen, match the points made to the four different ways of 'busting' stress. Again, one point is not needed. You will hear the recording only once. Aerobic exercise COliS .\ docs 1I0t lnur-Iit \Olllig pcopll' 2 Alexander Technique Relaxation tapes ,S (1 Yoga I 72 B lIccds a scril'.' 01"]1 'SSOliS C ill\oll(>s a lot 01" I·f!()rt ]) call ]H' hori II g E high risk of' iujurx F not active- l'lll>llgll (; L\lllih- Illah> lun 01" \011 II oftCli clillicult to fit into vour routiuc- I 110 inunc-rliutc- ]H'lIdits Survival n 2.2 Modul e 48 • Spelling words you hear Listen to ten words which appeared on the tape in 2,0 and 2,1 and see if you can spell them correctly, 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 Check your spellings then use the words in a sentence of your own to show that you understand their meaning, n 3.0 Identifying information which is recycled in some way You will hear someone talking about North American mountain lions, Read through the notes, then, as you listen, complete the missing informa tion, You will hear the recording only once, Earth watch and the North Ameri can mount ain lions II' q)11 COllI<' into clos(' coutac-t wit l: a '\ortII ,\lll<'rie all mouutu in lion. \011 shollid (I) US galli(' agellcie s knoxv (2) Eartlnc at ch startc-cl tl](' liun. ill I ~)7:?, (:3) Our auu 01' Eartlnc otc], is to lllldersr alid wlwt af'l('ds til<' I-() .-artl). F',(/rl!IIU1lc!1 is a \q,ICOIII(' challge E"rl!IIU 1lr-!/ Oil lroru (5) will take \'011 to tlu- (fi) To [oin the- part\', \'011 lIeed to 1)(' (7) 3.1 l!J Identifying what you hear The left-hand words all appeared on the tape in 3,0, Read them aloud together with the right-hand words and mark the strong and weak stresse s, Not all the words are stressed differently! persecl lted 2 hum.m P<' rse-cu tion - Iauuliur Llillilia ril\ hII IIIan itv S couuu« rcial COllllli('J'('(' U cO]lIpal1\' eOllipan ioll ,0 ,) direct (adp direct (n'rb) -( orv.miz ed ,-" organiz ation 10 aCC0111 modatio u .ucouu n O( late 'J project s (noun) project s (verb) 11 real real it\ (i scientif ic scientis t 12 ii I formati oi I ill f()]'f 11 Now use one of the words from each pair in a sentence of your own, 73 Module 48 • Listening t Discussing 3.2 Groupwork Decide what the positive and negative aspects of a holiday with Earthwatch might be and whether you would like to go on this type of holiday or not. 4.0 n Identifying information which is recycled in some way Re-enacting a battle scene Listen to an announcer speaking at an open-air re-enactment of a battle and decide whether the following statements are made by the announcer. Write either Y (for yes) or N (for no) next to each statement. Listen only once. I TIJ(' Soc-it-tv is COllllll('lI1oratillg a hattlc- which took plaC(' lJ('tW('('ll r('llow COlli 1trvmc -n. :2 The e-xact site or tlH' liattl« is unkno-vu. :3 The hatt l« decided what kin«] or g()\('rlllIH'llt tIl(' couut rv was to ha\('. -f This is on« or the most .uuhitious or t lu- Sol'il't\'s n'-('llal'tIlH'llls. ,'5 There are other c-utc-rtainuu-ntx a\ailah](, at this ('\('llt. (-j TIl(' crowd are all W('arillg COStll11H'S or tlJ(' period. 7 SOIll(' of those lll'"ohrd ill t l u- figlltillg arc \\'()1l1('11. S Sp('l'tators S('('lll to 1)(' buuclud togd]H'r ill OIl(' an'a. 4.1 lIJ Describing a re-enactment Pairwork Student A Look at the photograph from a programme for the Sealed Knot Society on page 113 and describe the scene which is being re-enacted. You have one minute to do this. Do not show your picture to your partner. Student 8 Look at the photograph on page 124. It is similar to the one your partner is goin~ to describe. As you listen to your partner describing their photograph, see if you can find two things which are the same' and two things which are different in your picture. When your partner has finished, talk about the similarities and differences. 4.2 Saying you'd rather not / you aren't sure / you'd like to lIJ Simulation (Groupwork) Student A You are about to become a member of the Sealed Knot Society but your friends are not very enthusiastic about joining. Try to persuade them to join. You could mention these points: • the e-xc-itc-uuut. • travel. • • • 74 raising 11100le~' +<)1' charitv. making friends. learning ahout history. Survival • Module 48 Other students You have been invited by Student A to become a member of the Sealed Knot Society. Using the expressions on the Function File cards, say whether you'd like to or not and give your reasons. SAYING YOU'D RATHER NOT Which sentences express the most reluctance? Which sentence offers an excuse? Add expressions of your own to the list. 'Fell, I'd rather 1I0t, ifyoll don't mind. I don't rcallyfccl it's IJ/Y kiiul ofthillg. YOll call count IIIC out! It SCCIJ/S a strallgc sort ofthillg to do, if110ll ask nu. Actllally, I don't rcalli] think I couldjuu! the tinu. SAYING YOU AREN'T SURE Which expressions suggest that the speaker might never get round to making a decision? Can you add any expressions of your own? HIIIIII. 'Fell, . I'd liacc to tliiul: abou! it. rill ill tico minds about it rcalli]. I can't nutl:« u p nnj niuu], Tin uot altogctlll'rsllre I'd CI!joy it. SAYING YOU'D LIKE TO Which sentence sounds too enthusiastic? Which sounds as if the speaker is slightly less keen on the idea? Can you add any other expressions? That sounds a grcat idea. I think I IJ/ight lie able to icork IIp SOIlIC eutli usiasui [or the itlca. Can't thin]: of(llIytllillg I'd like better. Necer ill Illy icildest dreams did I ilJ/agille I'd . 75 Module 4C • Listening o Exam practice: gap-fill Listen to a presenter on the radio talking about the Sealed Knot Society and for questions 1-8 complete the sentences. Listen very carefully as you will hear the recording ONCE only. historv. Our- oj'its The founder of the Sealed Knot had studied (1) in the- chil war. The Sealed Knot has aims is to interest (:2) than auv other European Re-enac'tmcnt Society. nu-n J1)(, rs. There are. [rowc-vc-r. no H) cach vc-ur. Some of t!Jcir profits arc giH'n to difkrellt (.'5) Tlw Socie-tv is uhl« to attract ((i) if ash'd. The Socic-tv is prepared to attl'lId (,) The Society conjlll'cs up tIll' past to 1]('1p tlu- (S) There are more Paper 4 Part 2 tasks In the Task bank on pages 98-100. Spotlight on Paper 4 Part 3 1.0 l!J Collaborating Female / Male preconceptions 00 you consider that women and girls have different personalities from men and boys? In groups of three list two attributes you feel are more characteristically female, and two male, then compare your lists with another group. 1.1 0 Listening for specific details You will hear a list of five attributes. As you listen, fill in the missing information. awarellcss of ( 1) (:2) ahilitv skills thinkin g (-!) rClllclllhcring 76 (:J) A question of gender 1.2 • Module 4C l!J Expressing personal opinions In the same groups as for 1.0, decide which of the attributes In the list in 1.1 you regard as being more charactenstically female or male. 2.0 l!J Testing preconceptions Test the opinions you expressed In 1.0 and 1.2 with these qender-sensitive questions Allow yourselves about five minutes. o Which two figures below are identical to the figure in the square? 2 4 3 o Study the objects in group A for one minute and cover it up. Then look at group B and put an X through the figures not in the original array. Score one point for each item correctly crossed out and subtract one point for each item incorrectly crossed out. B A In [i111j il 'Vi ii ?:: II 4 ~\j ~ li\l E) :f?' l:;l1 I Name as many synonyms for the following words as you can in three minutes: clear dark strong wild 77 Module 4C • Listening 2.1 0 Listening for facts and figures Listen to the official results of the gender sensitive questions and complete the missing information. 1 Numbers (a) (b) same % of women and (c) . ._ rj( of men scored corrt-ctlv. The perfect score: (d) An'rage score lor wome-n: (e) An'rage score lor men: (f) AH'rage score for women: (g) A\erage score fill' men: (h) per word per word What is your reaction to the results? Are you surprised / interested / sceptical / reassured? Explain why. 2.2 0 Evaluating preconceptions and selecting Female versus male You will hear seven statements on tape. Listen to them carefully, and write down three of them which might be based on the results of the gender-sensitive questions in 2.0. Compare your choices with the rest of the class. 3.0 l!J. Trying to decipher notes The following notes were made while listening to two statements about perception. Can you reconstruct them so that they make sense? Statement 1 M better at think :3 dimens, Foss. '.' hunting. req. orient. when look. prey. Statement 2 F better at rernemb. locat. Poss. '.' forag. food. When look loor] must rememb. unconnec. items. 3.1 0: Comparing notes Cover the notes you read in 3.0. You will hear the two statements which were made about perception. Listen to them twice, and, as you listen, take notes. When you have finished, compare your notes with those you tried to decipher in 3.0. 78 A question of gender • Module 4C Statement 1 _ You may not understandthe precise meaning of a word or know how to spell it, but may know what it means in context. Usethe word you know (remember instead of recaln if it conveyswhat you want to say. Statement :2 Now, without looking at your notes or statements, try to express in your own words what the speakers are saying. 3.2 lIJ Expressing personal opinions In small groups, decide whether you think there is any truth in the statements in 3.1. Be ready to give reasons for your opinions. 4.0 You may know something about the subject, but you must indicate only the comments the speakers make. o Identifying comments the speakers make You will hear a scientist and a radio reporter on an educational programme talking about male and female differences in animal species. During the interview they make various comments. For questions 1-16 indicate which comments are being expressed by Sally, the scientist, and which are expressed by Martin, the reporter, by writing S (for Sally) M (for Martin) or N (for neither). You will hear the recording twice. turtle whiptail lizard jacana bird cichlid \ \'e humans expect the animal world to l)('h<l\e as we- do. ') Turtle eggs arc laid in the sand. :3 Onlv female turtle-s are hatched in sunnv places. -+ After hatching. male anc] female turtle-s s(~ek shmh pl.uc-x. .') The-re- arc no male lizards. 6 Fertilization of the lizards' eggs takes placl' just hd<)re hatclling. 7 Whiptails are related to prehistoric crt-ature-s. S \Vhiptails retain some of the habits of their ancestors. H Fr-rnale- jacana birds eat more f<)()d than males. 10 i\lale jacanas huild the nests. 11 [acanu eggs take a long time to hatch. 1:2 Fe-mule jacanas often have more than Oflr-' partner. 1:3 There a;-e three different st-'xes in the cichlicl species. 1cl The female cichlicl is less hrightIY coloured than the male. 1.3 Most people learn about these fish at school. 16 Some of these fish can change their colour. 79 Module 4C • Listening 5.0 Correct spelling is important in Paper 4 but you will not lose marks for spelling a proper noun incorrectly if it is an acceptable variation, e.g. Hurst, Hearst, Hirst. o Matching sounds to spellings You will hear 14 words read out on tape. (These words will appear later in the exam practice.) As you listen, write down the words you hear. The last two words are people's names! 6 II 2 7 12 4 9 14 5 10 Compare your list of words with a partner's. If they do not match, e.g. genes / jeans / Jean's, check in the tapescript on page 138 to see if you have the correct spellings of the words, then find out what the words mean. o Exam practice: identifying comments You will hear part of a discussion on a radio programme in which two teachers, Mary and David, are discussing making sense of the differences between women and men. During the discussion they make various comments. For questions 1 to g, indicate which comments are being expressed by Mary and which by David by writing M (for Mary) D (for David) or N (for neither) You will hear the recording twice. 1 :2 :3 4 Teachers expect hovs to make a grL'ater contribution than girls in class. Girls arc hdtn at expressing their opinions in a classroom situation. Cirls do hotter in maths when there arc no bovs present. It seems that then' is no fundamental diff('n'nce lx-twc-c-n male and female brains . .J A real difference hetween male and femak abilities poses proble-ms lor the educationalists. fi Americans hav« take-n male / f(~male differences into account in their primal:' school curriculum. I I did souu- research into male and female roles in different cOlmtries. S Studies which prow' that there arc no male / female diflerences ran']: make the headlines. 9 The answer to our problems lies in our genetic make-up. There are more Paper 4 Part 3 tasks in the Task bank on pages 100-104. 80 Points of view • Module 40 Spotlight on Paper 4 Part 4 1.0 0 Identifying attitudes You will hear three speakers. Decide which is expressing the attitudes below. Disbelief Boredom Pleasure Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 What helped you to make your decision? 1.1 0 Recognizing degrees of certainty You will hear six statements. Decide which speakers sound fairly certain and which sound less certain. Fairlv certain Lcss certain Spcakcr 1 Speaker 2 Speakcr :3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Speaker 6 What helped you to decide? 1.2 l!J Checking to make sure you are right Pairwork Take it in turns to ask your partner questions 1 to 10, using question tags. Express your certainty or uncertainty by using either a falling or a rising intonation in the question tag and see if your partner can recognize which you are expressing. You want to check that: :2 :3 -1 ,S 6 '7 S 9 10 vour partne-r has s(~en a recent film. the post has arrive-d. the weather !()recast for today was good. the manager left a message. inflation will come down. :'our partner wants to come to the dance. ;:our partner agrees wit]: you. the joumov will take about three hours. Brazil won the "'orlel Cup in 199-1. \egallS cat meat. 81 Module 40 • Listening 2.0D- Listening for different points of view You will hear five different people talking on a TV 'phone-in' about TV programmes broadcast on that channel. As you listen decide what type of programme the speakers are talking about, what their reaction to it was and why they reacted in this way. Some of the information has been filled in already. You may need to listen twice. Type of programme Reaction Reasons for reaction Speaker I a series on sport (I) (2) Speaker 2 (:3) delighted / fascinated hy the (-t ) subject Speaker :3 (,0)) (6) wrong place, awful we-athe-r, not temptl'dll\ the {()od Speaker 4 (7) not amused / angry (I)) Speaker 5 the we-athe-r fore-cast (\-:l) (! ()) 2.1 lIJ Recalling what points the speakers made The following expressions were used by the five different speakers in 2.0. Can you remember what points they were making? Try to complete the sentences using words and expressions of your own. (They may be different from what you heard on the tape.) When you have finished, listen again and check your answers. Speaker I As if wr: didn't han' e])ough ... ' Isut it ahoul time TV ch.mucls ... ? Speaker 2 ~Iay I co])gratulatl' ~'ou 0]) . . . '~ Manv thanks lor what I consider to Ill' . I Speaker 3 I just had to ring and say It's not mv idea of lim ... ' Speaker 4 How you can possihlv call ... heats nil'. For one thing, and Ior another ... I Speaker 5 Is there anv chance of us ... ;J You'd think that with all this ... they'd he ... 82 Points of view rr 3.0 • Module 40 Identifying the points the speaker is making Before you listen to the tape, read through the multiple choice questions, Speakcr I ] Aeeonjill~ to tIl(' first speake'L lust Ili~ht the west of :) the couut rv su!kn'd A 'icatt<'rcd sl'O\\'I'rs, B gall' Iorcx- wiutls. II c wan ts to :\ elleonra~(' peopk to help otlnrs ill dilTicliltie'i, 13 warn pcople of worse- conditious to COllI(', C request lH-'lp from the 1'lll('r~eUe\ SIT\iCI''i, C Sl'\('n' f1oodill~, Spcakcr 2 ,) ,) -+ TIl(' sl'I'oll(l spl'aker is IlOpiug to A n-c-ruit sc-uio:: IIJaua~I'IlI('llt c-ouxultuuts. B alhlTtise COllrSI'S ill hmuau n'sourCl'S. raise IIlOII('\ to fillallcl' husilless course-s. c: She invite-s anvonc- \\'110 llIi~llt :\ vixit her, B writ« to II('L C phone- her. 1)(' ill!l'IT'itl'd to Speaker :J ;) TIl(' third slH'akiT is su~gl''itillg that certain chur.utc-rs h She also sug~I'sts that ir \OU an' tllillkillg or SI'I'illg till' ill classicalll,\tllolo~\ JI('W opl'ra at the C:lassie Tluatrr-. A wI'n' all-powI'rr,il ill tll{'ir ti uu. A \OU woulr] 1)(' lxttc-r orr s!<l\illg .rt 1101111', B 11;1\1' littll' r<'11'\aIICl' nowaclavs. B \OU should hook 1l0W to a\oid disappoiutllll'llt. C \Oll should listr-u to t lu- CD first. C \VI'r<' I '\I)('rts at Ila\i,gatioll, Spcakcr 4 I' TIl{' lourt l: sj)('aki'r is Sllggl'Still,g \\a\s or A Il{'lpill,g j)('opl,' to hrillg up cllildrell, B OCl'llp\ill~ tIl{' cllildn'll wlu-n tlu-vrc- not at xchool. c: filldillg a hohln whk-h will help \'OII to n-lax. .') But she warns amOJI(' tlliuking or takillg thi,'i lip liial :\ adults 11('I'd a licI'llcI', B vou nc-rc] to 1)(' a IlI{'JIJ!H'r ora chill, c: it \VOId appeal to tl'I'Jla,gl'rs, Spcukc r 5 ~) that til{' late- (;I'o!f \IcC/III'I'1l he~all llis can'I'r writill~ plavs ror T\', ]0 I Ie alkisl's 1'\IT\OII(' :\ not to Jiliss \IcC)lIl'I'1l nTUIlS Oil T\', B wrotr: uliout peopll' II(' kllew persollalIY. C had trml'lIl'l1 all ove-r the- world, C to read our- of \IcC)ul'I'1l 's pla\s. TIll' finl, sj)('aker :\ S:I\S B to ~o .uul sel' a \IcC/ll('l'lI pla\ at til(' tluut r«. You will hear five different speakers on the radio, As you listen, choose the correct option A, B or C, 83 Module 40 • Listening 3.1 l!J Thinking of similar sounds (homophones) These words all appeared on the tape in 3.0. Try to think of another word with the same pronunciation but a different spelling and meaning for each one. nio ,-' ht :2 days ., .) great -t roll' I so <.; I1l acl« ~) rights ]0 nc-xv .j Ior II (-j hours 1:2 seen died 0 Identifying speakers 4.0 You will hear various people speaking about different topics. Listen to the tape once and match the extracts 1-5 with the people. Remember that in the exam you will have to choose five out of eight options (A to H). .\ a nr.urir-c! p('rSOIl B a politician c: a sc-ie-ntist I) a (('ac!l('r 1 .J ., E a motlu-r .) F all ast rnuuut c: -t a xtuclc-ut ;) II a ellstonl('r 1 a doc-tor 0 Identifying the points the speakers are making 4.1 Listen again to the same people and match the extracts with the points the speakers are making. Remember, you only need to choose five l .\ sllgg('sting a n'nl('(h B apportioning hl.uuc- c: ass('ssing the ('l'Il'l'!S o{" a p('rsonal h.rliit I) listing the- !H'ndits E sngg('sting ,I re-ason lor a Cdl in standards F ('Inphasizillg tIl('« of compdition r: (':-;pressing rc-sc-rvationx aliout who takes rc-spnusihilit. II I 84 criticizing the- olde-r gl'nl'ration 1 .J ., .) -t .s Points of view 4.2 • Module 40 0 Making a logical guess about spelling Listen to 12 words which appeared on the tape in 4.0 and 4.1 and see if you can spell them correctly. ~ I ~) 10 11 .J 1:2 Which spelling rules do they conform to, if any? You may want to look back to the spelling rules on pages 9 and 26. o Exam practice: multiple matching You will hear various people talking about life. You will hear the recording twice. Task one For questions 1-5, match the extracts as you hear them with the people A-H. A car u]('chauic B coulpnter operator C taxi drive-r )) cleane-r I :2 :3 E cashier F train drive-r -t (; police officer :) II TV repairer Task two For questions 6-10, match the extracts as you hear them with the attitudes towards life A-H, A accepts responsibility B takes life' se-riouslv C looks f) Oil the bright side () ";' couldn't care less E thinks it's great to be alivr: F gets depressed G is a 'loner' S 9 10 H thinks life's all a joke There are more Paper 4 Part 4 tasks In the Task bank on pages 104-107. 85 SPEAKING Paper 5 Task bank Make notes as you hear relevant information in these Part 1 tasks. This will help you in the note-taking part of the listening paper. 1 l!J. School days Finding out about personal experience (Pairwork) Find out the following information about your partner. • • • • what kind of nursery / primary / secondary school they went / go to what kind of memories they have of primary or secondary school and why how relevant what they learned at school was to what they are doing today how they feel the time at school could have been improved Now tell the class the most interesting piece of information about your partner. 2 l!J Simulation Job application (Pairwork) Student A You are interested in working abroad and have heard about a vacancy for an English Language Adviser in another country but employed by a university in Wales. Phone the personnel officer at the Welsh university and find out: • • • • • • where the job is based. what salary is offered. what the job involves. what qualifications you need. what experience you need. how long the appointment lasts. When you have finished, you can compare your notes with the actual job advertisement. Student B Your instructions are on page 108. 3 l!J Simulation Insurance policy (Pairwork) Student A You are going on holiday and want to arrange holiday insurance cover but you are worried about the small print in the policy. Find out from the insurance broker exactly what is on offer. 86 Activities for Paper 5 Part 1 • Task bank 5A You want to know: • what type of insurance the policy offers. • what the premiums are for (a) children under two. (b) other children. (c) adults. (d) a vehicle. • what the breakdown and recovery premium for a vehicle covers. • what compensation you would receive for (a) medical expenses. (b) loss of or damage to luggage. • whether you are insured if the company goes bankrupt. When you have finished, you can compare your notes with the original policy. Student B Your instructions are on page 109. 4 l!J Simulation Mail order query (Pairwork) Student A You work for a mail order firm selling compact discs (CDs). Talk to an irritated customer who has ordered three free promotional CDs which have not arrived. Be as patient and polite as possible. You need to find out and make a note of: • • • • • • the name of the customer. the address and postcode of the customer. whether the customer signed the order form. the reference numbers of the CDs. the title of the CDs and the artists' names. whether any payment was sent with the order, e.g. cash, cheque. Student B Your instructions are on page 110. 5 l!J Simulation Holiday villa (Pairwork) Student A Someone has recommended the Villa Rosa, in the Mediterranean area, as a good place for you to rent for a holiday and has given you the name of the owner. You are interested but before you make a decision, you need to talk to the owner and make a note of the following: • • • • • • • • where the villa is. how many people it sleeps. what kind of building it is. how much it will cost per week in July. whether there is a swimming pool. what facilities are available in the area. whether you will need a car. any other information relevant to your needs. When you have finished, compare your notes with the advert for the villa. Student B Your instructions are on page 111. 87 Task bank 58 • Speaking 6 lIJ Simulation Leisure activity enquiry (Pairwork) Student A You are on noliday with a group of young people. You have heard about a new leisure activfty and are interested in going to celebrate someone's birthday. Phone the information desk and find out and make a note of the following: • • • • what kind of activity it is. whether it's safe. when it's open. whether you can book in advance. • how much it costs. • whether they organize birthday parties. • what age groups it is suitable for. • how many people it can accommodate. • how you get there from the railway station. When you have finished, compare your notes with the actual advert for the activity. Student 8 Your instructions are on page 112. These activities are meant to take about one minute for the student who does the main task and about 20 seconds for the follow-up comments from the other student. The shared activities, however, will take longer, as each student should have the opportunity to speak for about one minute. All activities can be used again with different partners or by reversing roles. 1 lIJ Describe and match Possible suspects (Pairwork) Student A Look at the photofit pictures on page 114 of people suspected of having been involved in a crime. Unfortunately they have been muddled up. Choose two halves which you think go together then describe them to a partner. Student 8 Look at the same pictures as your partner and see if you can identify which picture your partner is describing. Reverse roles and repeat the procedure until you have described all the people. 2 lIJ Describe, compare and speculate Climbing (Pairwork) Student A Look at the pictures on page 126. Compare and contrast the climbers and their equipment, saying what you think might motivate people to climb mountains. Student 8 Look at the same set of pictures. When your partner has finished, say which climbers you think had the more difficult task. 88 Activities for Paper 5 Part 2 • Task bank 5B 3 lfJ .Describe and hypothesize Colourful events (Shared activity for three students) Look at the pictures on page 115. Choose one of the pictures in the set. It is not necessary to hide your picture from your partners. Take a minute each to describe your picture as fully as possible and suggest what the people are doing and what they might be celebrating. Then see if you agree with your partner's interpretations of their pictures and decide which event would interest you most. 4 lfJ Describe and spot the differences Ball control (Shared activity for two students) Look at the pictures on page 116 and page 125. Take a minute each and describe your pictures as fully as possible to one another. Do not let your partner see your picture. When you have finished, see if, together, you can find ten differences between the two pictures. This may take considerably longer than a minute: 5 lIJ Describe and evaluate Modern sculpture (Pairwork) Student A Look at the picture of the sculpture on page 116. Describe your picture as fully as possible and say who you think this type of sculpture might appeal to. Do not let your partner see your picture. Student B Look at the picture on page 125. Do not let your partner see your picture. Listen carefully to your partner and find one thing which is the same in both your pictures and one thing which is different and say whether you agree with your partner's opinion about the sculpture. Now compare pictures and see how accurate you were! 6 lIJ Describe and hypothesize Outdoor entertainment (Pairwork) Student A Look at the picture on page 117. Describe the street scene and the people in it and suggest who they are and what they might be doing there. Do not let your partner see your picture. Student B Look at the picture on page 126. Do not let your partner see your picture. Listen carefully to your partner's description of a similar picture and see if you can spot two things which are different and two things which are the same in your two pictures. Now compare pictures and see how accurate you were! 7l!J Describe and speculate Building development (Pairwork) Student A Look at the pictures on page 118. Describe these three pictures of different stages in a development project and suggest what the building might now be used for. 89 Task bank 58 • Speaking Student 8 Look at the same pictures as your partner. Say whether you agree with your partner's suggestion about what the building might be used for. Suggest what other type of building could have been built on that particular site. 8 l!J Select, describe and speculate Street market (Pairwork) Student A Look at the pictures on page 119. Choose one picture from the set of three and describe it as fully as possible to your partner and say what kind of market you think this is and where it might be. Student 8 Look at the same set of pictures as your partner. Listen carefully to what your partner says and decide which picture they are describing and whether you agree about the type and location of the market. 9l!J Describe, compare and hypothesize Kitchens (Pairwork) Student A Look at the pictures on page 120. Describe the pictures of the two kitchens and compare what life must have been like and what it is like today for the person working in them. Student 8 Look at the same set of pictures as your partner. 00 you agree with what your partner said about the differences in working in the two types of kitchen? Why? 10 l!J Describe, hypothesize and evaluate Art forms (Shared activity for three students) Students A, 8 and C Look at the three pictures on page 121 . Choose one picture each and take a minute to describe it to your partners. Mention what form of art is on display, why it might have been created and what your personal opinion about it is. Do not hide your pictures from one another. When you have finished say whether you agree with your partners' opinions and decide which picture shows the type of art form you like best. 11 l!J Describe, speculate and identify People on the telephone (Pairwork) Student A Look at the set of eight pictures of someone talking on the telephone on page 122 and describe three of them to your partner, saying who you think the person might be talking to. Student 8 Look at the set of pictures on page 127. They are the same as your partner's but they are in a different order. Listen carefully to your partner's description then say which three your partner was describing. What made the task easy or difficult? 90 Activities for Paper 5 Parts 3/4 • Task bank 5C/D 12 lfJ Describe, evaluate and identify China figures (Palrwork) Student A Look at the set of seven pictures of china figures on page 123 and describe to your partner three of the figures, saying what might have inspired their maker to 'immortalize' them in china, Student B Look at the set of pictures on page 128, They are the same as your partner's but they are in a different order, Listen carefully to your partner's description then say which three your partner was describing, Appoint a different 'secretary' to take the minutes -In other words, make brief notes on your group decisions - for each point discussed In the activities below, Taking minutes IS an excellent way to improve your ability to write and listen at the same time, It will help you with the note-taking tasks in Paper 4 but remember, you must be able to decipher your own notes to report back to your fellow students I When two students are taking part, these activities should take three or four minutes for Part 3, plus another three or four minutes for the Part 4 further discussion, Extra time should be allowed for more students. Some activities will take longer than the time allowed In the exam but in this part of the speaking test you do not need to be so time-conscious as the examiner will stop you if you overrun I 1 lfJ Collaborating / Drawing conclusions / Expressing personal preferences Dangerous working environments (Groupwork for two or three students) Part 3 In groups of two or three, look at the pictures and decide: • • • • • what qualities you need for these different Jobs. which you think is the most dangerous, which person would earn the most money. who would have the greatest job satisfaction. which Jobs might well In future and what they might be replaced by. 91 Task bank 5C/D • Speaking Part 4 How have the roles of male and female changed in the work force over the last decade or so? What roles will men and women have in the work force in future? What kinds of jobs give the greatest satisfaction? What can be done to help people who are unemployed? 2 LIJ Debating TV should be banned (Groupwork for about five students) Two of you should argue the case for and two against the motion 'TV should be banned', One student acts as chairperson, Allow yourselves one minute each to express your arguments either for or against the motion, The chairperson will decide who puts forward the most convincing arguments and report back to the rest of the class, These ideas might help you, Arguments against • addictive • programmes too predictable • many programmes are rubbish • bad for the health • causes arguments about who watches what • kills conversation • advertising indoctrinates • many programmes unsuitable for those who watch them Arguments for • useful as background noise • variety of programmes, e.q. news, documentaries, soap operas, comedy, chat shows, sport, children's programmes, films, plays, travel programmes • programmes are educational • helps you unwind • prevents family arguments • keeps the family together as a unit • advertising informs • censorship prevents unsuitability 3 LIJ Describing / spotting the differences / reaching a conclusion Can competition (Groupwork for two or three students) Part 3 In groups of two or three, look at the drawings at the top of the next page and decide: • • • • • • what kind of competition this might be, what you have to do to win it. who it might be aimed at. what message the pictures are trying to put across, whether you think they are successful in getting their message across. whether you can spot the differences! Compare your decisions with those of another group. 92 Activities for Paper 5 Parts 3/4 • Task bank 5C/D Part 4 • What kind of prizes do you think might have been offered in the competition? • What other things do we needlessly waste In our modern world? • How can we educate people so that this type of wastage does not take place? • How can supermarkets and shops help us with this problem of wastage? • What will eventually happen if we take no notice at all of this problem? 4 lfJ Collaborating / selecting / reaching a conclusion Save the stadium (Groupwork for two or three students) You live near a stadium which was built for the last Olympic Games. Unfortunately it is losing money and in danger of being closed, unless it starts making a profit. Plan a series of events to bring in the crowds. Remember, you must raise as much money as possible I Part 3 In groups of two or three decide: • • • • • which three events suggested below would generate the biggest profits. which event you think would be the least popular. what you would charge for entry. what other entertainment or facilities you would provide, e.g. refreshments. what other activity you could suggest to raise money to save the stadium. Part 4 • What attracts you personally to organized events? • What problems have been caused by crowds at organized events? e.g football matches. • How can we control hundreds of people successfully? • What's the difference between attending a 'live' event and watching it on TV? • Name other reasons for trying to raise a lot of money. • What other ways can you think of to raise money for a worthy cause? 93 Task bank 5C/D • Speaking 5 l!J Collaborating / Matching / Expressing personal opinions Installation art (Groupwork for two or three students) Look at the pictures. Some people call them art, others a load of rubbish! Part 3 In groups of two or three decide: • which title would best fit each picture and why. • where these art forms might be displayed • what ordinary people would think of them. • how much you think it cost to produce them. • which you like best and least. Titles • Lapwing, redwing, fieldfare • This inability to escape • Sight unseen • Maid of the mist Part 4 • What kind of art do you like best? • Have there been any famous artists In your own country? Who? • If you were rich, would you sponsor a young but controversial artist? • How do you think computers can change the face of art? • Could you tell the difference between a reproduction and the 'real' thing? • What kind of a person do you think you have to be to become an artist? 94 Activities for Paper 5 Parts 3/4 • Task bank 5C/D 6 l!J Collaborating / selecting / reaching a conclusion Cheap city breaks (Groupwork for two or three students) You work for a company organizing package weekend breaks to many major cities in the world. Recently, you have been losing business and you need to present your holidays in a new, more attractive way. Part 3 In groups of two or three decide: • which four cities below would be the most popular with people from the country you are living in at the moment. • which four you could offer to your customers at a reasonable price. • how you would transport customers to the cities you have chosen. Remember you have to keep the cost down, yet save timel • what kind of accommodation you could offer customers in these cities. • what optional excursions you could offer customers. • how you would advertise or promote the holidays in order to generate more business. • how you would beat your competitors. ~ ? \i \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..-<. v 0('-' d 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ Rotrt e ey IZiO;j~~"~~~~Ql TOk J o Part 4 • What type of holidays are popular in your country? • Why do we sometimes come back from a holiday thinking we need another one? • What benefits do we get from visiting other countries for one or two weeks a year? • What unexpected problems do we sometimes encounter while on holiday? • Could you survive without an annual holiday? Why? 95 LISTENING Paper 4 Task bank 1 0 Sentence completion Brooklyn Center schools' programs You will hear part of a programme about America. As you listen, complete the sentences for questions 1-10 with an appropriate word or short phrase. (Notice the American spelling of centre and programmes.) You will hear the recording twice. Schools' programs Brooklvu Ce-nte-r Ii)], Urball Environnu-ut (BCllE) aims to he-lp chiklrr-u filld out uhout ( I ) S()]IIl' childn'll att('lldillg tIll' BC:U E han' n'l'('llth (:3) BCtJE prograllls arc quite- (-i) Prograilis assist participallts with 11l,1Il\ (,')) Teachns atn-ur] (()) Adult am! family auiliences (7) toms popular with adult alld Iamil-,: parti('s. Eve-nts alw<l\s han' a differellt is) After-schoo! programs ( ~J) (10) are part of the progralll. Compare your answers with a partner before checking them. 96 Activities for Paper 4 Part 1 2 n • Task bank 6A Sentence completion High-tech spy You will hear part of a programme about a high-tech traffic spy. As you listen, complete the sentences for questions 1-9 with an appropriate word or short phrase. You will hear the recording twice. The Automobile Club hopes the 'dirtiest' drivers will be exposed hv the ne-w (1) Completion of the project has taken (:2) The new technology was deYeloped in (:3) Identif~ing offending drivc-r-. now takes less than (4) Spe(3d cameras haye re-sulted in a huge reduction in (,5) In some areas traffic violations han' decreased In' (6) 10% of motorists form a hurdcore of (,) Next month, tests will be carried out (H) Highway patrols will lx- targeting (9) Compare your answers with those of a partner before checking them. 3 0 Sentence completion Artist's eye You will hear part of a programme in which a doctor expresses a medical opinion about artists. As you listen, complete the sentences for questions 1-10 with an appropriate word or short phrase. You will hear the recording twice. Artists who paint the world dilfc-rc-ntlv ma)' han' ( I ) If )'ou want to sec blue- clearly through brown sunglasses, extre1llel~ ~'Oll need to paint an (:2) The fact that Claude Mone-t suffered from cataracts is apparent in (:3) In later life minor cataracts affect H) Monet suffered from a form of the disease which turned thr- ('ye lens (5) In Monet's paintings of his garden, the whites arc (6) and the blues appear much (,l- In a fit of depression. Mone-t (8) He never painted (9) In 19:2:2 he complained that en'r~thing he saw looked (10) Three )'ears after having cataract surgerv, he (11) In small groups compare your answers before checking them. 97 Task bank 68 • Listening 4 0 Sentence completion Theme park You will hear someone talking about theme parks and offering an 'unofficial' guide for first-time visitors. As you listen, complete the sentences for questions 1-11, with an appropriate word or short phrase. You will hear the recording twice. Arrive before ninr- o'clock to avoid (1). It's worth bm'ing a ticket for (2). Allow about an hour for (:3) and The least awfnl gift shop is tilt' one (-!) Younger children will c-njov the (.5) You Ill'edn't (jlll'Ul' earl~ to see the (Ii) Small chikln-n will 1)(' terrified of ('/) The- best tiuu- to buy souve-nirs or gifts is (S) Taking a (8) san's you b\l\'ing one tI)('I'('. Huin does not affect (lO) Corupun-r] to Disnvv \ Vorlcl it's (11 ) Activities for Paper 4 Part 2 Material in this module focuses on extracting recycled information which is heard only once. However, an optional activity to give practice in note-taking could be carried out with a second listening. 1 0 Sentence completion City robbery You will hear a news report about some robbers whose pictures were captured on video. Complete the sentences for questions 1-9, using an appropriate word or short phrase. Listen very carefully as you will hear the recording ONCE only. Robbers appear on video The robbery occurred about a (1) The distance between the camera and the jeweller's shop was (2)__ . The robbers made their getaway in (.'3) Half an hour after the pictures were taken, the (-!) To avoid suspicion the men did not (.5) Commander Tucker thinks it will be possible to (6) 98 Activities for Paper 4 Part 2 • Task bank 6B Compared to the first suspect, the passenger was both (I) The colour of the vehicle was (8)_ A warning about the robbery was receiyed the (9) Compare your answers with those of a partner. 2 0. Sentence completion Museum visit You will hear a museum guide talking to a party of visitors to a museum. Complete the sentences for numbers 1-7, using an appropriate word or short phrase. Listen very carefully as you will hear the recording ONCE only. New muse-um portra~'s both (l ) Exhibits con'!' a historical period of (2) For cx-nturir-x the area has cujovt«l good (:3) Local industries were helped 1)\ e-xce-lle-nt me-ans of' (~) Dnrinv ,..,.vour \isit .yon 11IlTt some- (:5) All in-ins in the displm han' been (6) Displays m.ul« more: realistic 1)\ (I) In small groups, compare your answers before checking them in the key. 3 0 Note-taking Baltic cruise You will hear someone talking on a travel programme about a Baltic cruise. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences. Listen very carefully as you will hear the recording ONCE only. Stockho!Jn: The world's (I) Cruise-s mailable from Stor-kholm to (2) Crnises organized 1)\ (:3) Hotel in Stockholm situated H) (.5) availahl« on board the :\orthern Star Ior addit ional supplement. Flights depart (6) onlv, Sundav spent in (1)_ Free time for (8) .vIonda~ night (9)_ on board. Phone quoting (10)_- Compare your answers with a partner before checking them in the key. 99 Task bank 6C • Listening 4 () Sentence completion National Asthma Campaign Open Day You will hear the director of a charity, the National Asthma Campaign (NAC), welcoming participants and introducing speakers at an Open Day. For questions 1-9, complete the sentences. Listen very carefully as you will hear the recording ONCE only. Thc Opell Da\ is held c\cn ( 1) Those att(~nding call filld out more- about curre-nt (2) The NAC spent (3) than it did last \ ear. more Oil he]pillg those with astluna Onlv proje-cts which han' lx-c-n vc-ttc-cl an' consid(']'ed for a (-il People who han' hclped fight asthma ought to fl'('] (.S) Lucy \\'iggs is presenting tlu- first paper insteud of I(i) The first paper deals with childrc-u who sllnl'r lrom (/) The secolld paper rOCUS('S those li\illg in (9) 011 suffe-re-rs or «,.J) , part ic-ul.ulv With a partner, compare your answers before checking them in the key. 1 0 Multiple choice questions Hats You will hear Paul Offord, the Managing Director, being interviewed about his family hat-making business. For questions 1-6, choose the correct option from A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording twice. The conlpany has lx-c-n ill existence A lor more- than /,'5 vcars, B since the late 19HOs. C Ill!' the- last live- vourx. I) si IICC last vear. -i TIl(' cOIUpall\ fl,lt it was !l('c('ssan to A gin' hig discounts to wholesal('rs. B sell directly to rc-tuilc-rs. C open up hrancll('s ill other countrie-s. D close sonu- or the hrallches ill this c-ouut rv. 2 According to Paul. thr- compally currentlv makes A -iO,OOO straw hats a year. B 0111\ pallama hats. C hats Ior export only. D lnmdrrds of different stvles of hats. 'J :3 lit, feels the future or the panama hat is A uhsolutc-lv watertight. B somewhat uncx-rtain. C ruthe-r gloomy. D rr-asonablv secure. () Hr- thinks the main n-ason Ior tll(' COlllpaJl\"s succe-ss is A heing well-kllowlI ill the high stre-e-t. B munufacturing industrial lu-adwan-. C thc skill of its cruftsuu-u. D recent cuts in staff muulx-r», "'hat docs Pau] n'ganl as tlu- COlllpaJl\'S maiu prohlc-mr' A fillallcing the manulurt nrt- of tlu- Ilats B shipping hand-\\'()\('Il film' [rotu Ecuador C producing new shies lor hats D storillg hats he-lore- sellillg tlu-ru In small groups compare and justify your answers after listening once, then listen again and check to see if your first impressions were correct. 100 Activities for Paper 4 Part 3 • Task bank 6C 2 D Multiple choice questions Saving Australia You will hear a travel writer talking to someone she is going to write an article about. For questions 1-9, choose the correct option from A, B, Cor D. You will hear the recording twice. Ilow of tlw stntes fon-'sts hmp disappcawd mer the last cc-uturv? A 0\'('1' a 11I1Ildr('(1 6 How did the Australian owner feel about selling his property'? A dclighted B r-xcitec] C unwilling D upspt B uliont thrc«: hundred C half the original numbe-r D prohahIY millions :2 (low much rain falls at this timr- of vc-ar in tlnn'gion? i\ ahout tlur-c- inches B a r<'asollahk .uuount (: half as unu-h as England's anuual raiulul] () more- than London's unnuul rainfall :3 What clotllillg docs Cinclv cOllsilkr to hc tlumoxt sllitahle tilr her work:' A a T-shirt B watl'rp roo f..; C wd clotll('s D 110 clot hes -; \\'here did they slepp iuunediate-lv after hl1Y'ing th« property? A ill an old bnn house B out in the open C in a house- she helpecl to huik! () under th« shade of the trees S Cindy lx-lic-vc-s in liYing A somewhe-re- isolated, B somcwhr-rr- warm. C closc to other [iumau ]H'ings, D closc to plants and animals. D What has lx-come of the land'? A l ts cO\'cn,d ill t n-r:s . B It's a holiday comple-x, C It house-s several farms. D u s home- to 20 pcople. .~ \Vhat was Ciuclv« dn'anl~j A to go to Ellgland B to IH' sc-ll-xufficic-ut (: to live- Oil an isl.u«] () to Ila\(' childre-n ,5 (:illdy originallY trmrlled to Australia with ;\ an Ellglish tourist. B a partne-r lrou: A mc-ricn. C IJ('r two c-hildrc-u. () SOllll' people ill a COllllIIlIJH'. In pairs compare your answers after listening once, then listen again to see whether your first impressions were correct. 101 Task bank 6C • Listening 3 0 Two task types together Two-star chef For a really challenging task, try this activity with two different task types. If possible, listen once to answer each task type. Alternately, one half of the class could try task one, the other half task two, then you can see who does best! You will hear a food critic, Andrea, talking to a famous chef. A Multiple choice questloas For questions 1-9 choose the correct option from A, B, C or D. .J \\'hat is Marco Pierre well-known f()I<) ;\ sacking staff B Illaking staff f('('1 small C lwill,t.; ('Iltlllisiastie J) ])('illg the lx-st cher ill tlw couutrv (-) Ilow do('s II(' think his appearallce has changed til(' last ('ight n'ars? ;\ I l ix hair is !ollgn. B II is ('olllp!('\ion is less clear. C lie weigl" a lot IIlOI"('. J) I k W('ars dil'f('rent c-lotlu-s, 7 \\'hat is the code Jll' lin's b\,') A Ik B lie elk ]) I k 0\('1' . " ) t .J l Iow docs II(' usuallv tre-at his CIiStOIIl{'!'S Ill)wa(la\'s') A I Ic- throws 1l1<1I1\ out or his n-st.utrunt. B lie fights with numv of the-m. c: I k mukc-s jokes at tlu-iI' expellSe. J) I lr- Illakes the-m bligh, II e ask('d on.- rood critic to lean' A ill [rout or the- Illall's gllest. B wll('n II(' nu-t till' num in the hathrocnu. C without pa\illg his bill. J) ill the- Illiddle or lunc-h. The 'two-star' chcr spe-nt his childhood in A Leeds. B C11l']sea. C Knightsbridge. ]) Italv. f()I'gin's peopl(' who apologi/,('. criticizes people face to face. rorgin's and rorgds e\{·nthing. ne-ve-r speaks ill or unvliodv. S \ Vhat docs Ill' 1Je1i('\e:) A arrog;\llc(' is a negatin' ljllalih B arrogance creaks sllccess C greatness docs not Iollow success ]) arrogance is creatl'd hv greatness ~) \\'hat did Andrea think or the- uu-u] she had? A There was too much to cat. B It wasn't simple ('IHJllgJ1. C TIll' chers uhilitv had J)('('1l ('xagg('!'ated. J) SII(' had neve-r tas!l·d a nu-al like it. Ilow doc-s Ill' treat his kitehell stalf uowaclavs? I k bill lies tln-iu 11Il'!'cilessh. B I k h'eps rhe-in unde-r control. c: I lc: takes a(IYautage or t] u-u 1. J) I k shouts at tlu-ru unut-cc-ssarilv. ;\ In pairs, try to justify your answers before making your final decision. B Identify the comments the speakers make During the interview Andrea and Marco make various comments. For questions 1-13 indicate which comments are made by Andrea and which by Marco by writing A (for Andrea) M (for Marco) or N (for neither). 1 2 :3 4 102 Marco was originall~' an accountant. The .\Iichelin Guide awarded Marco stars when he was in his 20s. Marco has 'expanded' in marc wa~'s than onr-! Marco appears in the restaurant itself a few times a \\'et'k Activities for Paper 4 Part 3 • Task bank 6C .s Marco frightens some of the customers. 6 Customers no longer come looking for a fight. 7 Food critics often make personal attacks on chefs. 8 Rival chefs are considered enemies. 9 Marco has a slight regional accent. 10 Marco onlv employs strong people. 11 Marco doesn't let people forget what thev've done to him. 12 Marco is pleased with his success. 1:3 The next step for Marco is retirement. In small groups, compare your answers before checking them in the key. 4 0 Two task types together Touring holiday Here is another task with two different task types. If possible, listen once to answer each task type. Alternatively, one half of the class could try task one, the other half task two, then you can see who does better! You will hear someone talking to tourists travelling around Europe. A Multiple choice questions For questions 1-8 choose the correct option from A, B, CorD. Who would have preferred to stav in places longer? A .lal]('\· B (;an C Olin'r J) all three 2 Who wanted to sce Michclangclos Dacul again'~ A .lan('\ B Curv COlin'!' J) all three :3 \Vhat had (;an 1]('\('1' h('('n ahle to cat lx-fore coming to Europe? A cheese B apples C he-rbs J) whitt' chocolut« 4 \Vhat did [anov miss most about honu-? A cola B wine C icc J) McJ)onald's ,5 :'-iow .lam'\· thinks most Europe-ans an' A B C D 6 an nnfriendl~' lot of people. not interested in Ame-ric-ans. onlv . interested in nIOlH'\'. . pleasant, I]('lpfid people. "'hat reason is gin'n lor Anu-ric-ans spcnding onlv short holidavs in Emope'J A lack of monev B a desire to set' other continents C short vacations D lamilv connuitu }('nts at home- 7 I low did Carv and [unr-v prepare for their tripr' A Tlu-v honght gnide hooks lx-Iorr- tlu-v ldi. B They read gnidl' hooks on the plam-. C Tlu-v read as milch as possihk- about Europ«. D Tlu-v did not han' time to do amthing. H \Vhat did [ane-v find in Munic-h that she- coulrlnt find at home'? A souve-nir coffee spoons B clothes for older women C leather bags D crvstal In pairs, try to justify your choice before making your final decision. 103 Task bank 60 • Listening B Identify the comments the speakers make For questions 1-15 indicate which comments are made by Janey, which by Gary and which by Oliver by writing J (for Janey) G (for Gary) or 0 (for Oliver). Do not refer to your answers for Task A above! 1 2 :3 . J: .5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 I:3 1..J: 1.5 I got to know the real Europe. I wnuld li]«. to have spent longer in one- or two placcs. I'd like to scc France again . I was ahlc- to cat chocolate in Switzerland. It was disappointing to find food with chcmical additi\'('s. There's a world of difft>]'('lll'c hetween fresh herbs and dried hnhs. The thing I liked most was the icc cre-am. \\'e paid onlv one visit to \clcDonald's. The hotel stall wc-rt-n 't \'(']\. Iric-ncl]v. . Most Americuns lead a buxv lift" Time is nlOIT important than m01W\' to Europeans. \\'e just ate am! drank on the plane. It's diflicult to find nice souve-nir col'/t'(, spoons at houu-. I couldn't liuv amthing I)('cause t1](' shops we-re- closed. Europeans dont have- hig cars hecame the stl'('ds aren't wid« ('lHHlgh. In small groups check to see whether you have put the appropriate letter in the correct place. It's sometimes easy to know the answer but make a mistake with the task type. Which task did you find more challenging? Why? ACtiVities for Paper" Pan .. For this part of the exam you will hear the recording only once for each task. 1 0 Multiple matching Relationships You will hear various people talking about relationships. Task one For questions 1-5, match the extracts as you hear them with the people the speakers are referring to, listed A-H. A a colleague H an acquaintance- C afiance(e) D a grandparent E a boss F a best Friend G a son / daughter H a hils hand / \\1fe 1 2 :3 . J: .::J In small groups, compare your answers before going on to the next task. 104 Activities for Paper 4 Part 4 • Task bank 6C Task two For questions 6-10, match the extracts as you hear them with the attitudes of the speakers listed A-H. A resentful B furious C D E F frustrated pessimistic nostalgic affectionate C cheerful H resigned 6 i i) 9 10 In the same small groups, compare your answers before checking them. 20 Two task types at the same time Class distinction Divide the class into two groups. The first group can try task A and the second task B. See which group does better! A Multiple matching You will hear various people talking about class distinction. Task one For questions 1-5, match the extracts as you hear them with the people listed A-J. (There are more options than in the exam!) A B C D F: F C II I J financier Iwad of statea Iactorv worker an artist a singh- parent an industrialist au aristocrat an nmuurrir-r] mother a laudsc,llw gardeuer a compute-r consultant it it I ') ., .) -l- .5 This time, go straight into the next task without comparing your answers - as you would have to in the exam! Task two For questions 6-10, match the extracts as you hear them with the comments listed A-I. (There are more options than in the exam!) A B C D E F G II I The Lunily unit is under threat. There is no snobbe-rv . in this countrv, . MllIU and dad inte-rfere. I'm ahaid to meet people. I han' no social life. I regret not stud:ing more. \:1:' children go to a private school. A sophisticated accent is a drawback. You decide vour own luturc. () I i) 9 10 Now compare your answers for both tasks with those of a partner before checking them. 105 Task bank 60 • Listening B Multiple choice You will hear five different speakers. As you listen, choose the correct option A, B or C. Speaker 1 1 The first speaker attributes her own success to A her edncation. B her determination. e her npbringing. 2 She considers the most important thing in life to be A a stable familv life. B a satisf~ing job, C a comfortable existence. Speaker 2 ., The sccond speakcr wishes -l He now works A as an artist. B in a luctorv. e [or a film produce-r. .) A he hadn't stllllini art. B he had lx-c-n more talented. c: lit' hadn't Il'f't school so soon. Speaker :3 ,5 The third speaker spent her childhood A in Livi-rpoo]. B in tilt' sonth west. c: uwav [rom her parents. Speaker 4 I TIlt' lourth speaker savs that the most importuut thing about people is A what tlu-v do lor a li,·ing. B thc-i I' lumi [v backgronnd. c: what thov an' like. (i She wonld rcallv like to A help he-r mum and dad. B own aT\'. c: go out more. i) 11(' is sonu-tinn-s self-conscious uhout A the kind ofjob he- doc-s. B th« way he spe-aks. c: enkring a crowde-r] roonr. Speaker 5 9 The fifth speaker thinks problems in his countrv are can sed hv A the weakening of the Iamilv unit. B class distindion. c: people's fe'('lings of superiority. 3 0 ]0 !I(, sa~'s that having a title- nowadavs A gin's one: statns. B is proble-matic. c: brings mom-v and pri,'ilege. Multiple matching Food You will hear various people talking about food. Task one For questions 1-5, match the extracts as you hear them with the people A-H. A a food critic B a zoo-keeper C a fitness instructor o a marine biologist E a psvchiatrist F a book reviewer G an anthropologist H a reporter 1 ') :3 -l ,5 This time, go straight into the next task without a longer pause - as you would have to in the exam. 106 Activities for Paper 4 Part 4 • Task bank 60 Task two For questions 6-10, match the extracts as you hear them with the aspects of food the people are talking about, listed A-H. A a different type of diet B evolutionarv changes in eating habits 6 7 C eating disorders o the problems of over-indulgence E observing eating behaviour F the over-production of food G supply and demand H contaminated food supplies I) 9 10 Now compare your answers for both tasks with those of a partner before checking them. 4 f) Multiple matching Coping with the unexpected You will hear various people talking about unexpected things which happened to them. Task one For questions 1-5, match the extracts as you hear them with the places where these things happened, listed A-H. A B C D E F C II a cinema an aeroplane a restaurant a lift a rive-rbank a take-away cafe an underground train a stadinm 1 :2 3 4 .5 After listening once, compare your answers with those of a partner. Task two For questions 6-10, match the extracts as you hear them with the unexpected happenings listed A-H. A B C D E F G H a clumsv accident simulated realitv a physical injury a misunderstanding a disagreement a strange coincidence an electrical fault inclement weather (1 7 I) 9 10 Compare your answers with those of the same partner before checking them. 107 PAIRWORK Page 48 Exam Practice Student A -INFORMATION CARD • ]wi"ht • c-olour of en's • .uiv brothers / siste-rs • job cxperiellcc • luvouritc- {(lO<! • favourit« c-ntt-rtuiuuu-ut • greakst all dIi tion ,~ Page 86 Job application Student B You are the personnel officer at the University of Glamorgan in Wales. Someone wants to speak to you about a job abroad. You have the advertisement for the job in front of you. Answer the person's questions as politely and patiently as possible and give any other information which you feel will be useful. English Language Adviser BEIJING, CHINA Salary: £20,000 p.a inc. + benefits package We wish to appoint an experienced English Language Adviser to be seconded to an overseas study centre in Beijing, China. The overseas study centre is to establish a foundation year designed to raise the English Language study skills of students to enable them to study in an English-medium University. The postholder will be responsible for establishing the project. This will involve course design, planning and assisting teachertraining / development programmes. Candidates should hold an MA in Applied English Linguistics, or equivalent, and should possess a minimum of 6 years' relevant EFL experience. A knowledge of Mandarin would be a strong advantage. This appointment is initially for one year. 108 University of Glamorgan Appointments We operate a no smoking policy Application forms and further particulars may be obtained from: The Personnel Services Division University of Glamorgan Pontypridd, Mid Glamorgan CF37 1DL Telephone: 0443482021 (Direct Line - 24 hour service) Working towards equality of opportunity Pairwork Pages 86-87 Insurance policy Student B You are working on a commission basis for an insurance company and you have to do business to make money. Answer your client's questions as politely and patiently as possible and try to persuade your client that the policy is a good one. TRAVEL INSURANCE We consider Holiday Insurance to be essential if you are travelling abroad and believe that everyone should have at least Personal Insurance Cover. The Holiday Insurance schemes we offer have been arranged by Hamilton Barr Insurance Brokers Ltd., and are underwritten at Lloyds. A brief summary of the cover provided is outlined below, but, should you wish to see full details of cover, we will be pleased to send you a copy of the wording, on application. Otherwise, full details of cover will be sent to you with your confirmation invoice. Personal Insurance - summary of cover • • • • • • • • • • Personal accident - £5,000 Medical and other expenses - £250,000 Hospitalisation benefit - £ 10 per day (£300 in total) Cancellation and curtailment - £ 1,000 Travel delay - £ 100 Disruption of public transport - £200 Baggage - £750 Cash - £200 Public liability - £ 1,000,000 Legal expenses - £ 10,000 Vehicle breakdown and recovery insurance This insurance will enable you to continue your holiday if your car breaks down or is involved in an accident. Therefore, you may also like to consider this type of cover in order to minimise the extent to which your holiday could be disrupted. Please note that, in common with all other insurances of this type, this insurance does not cover the cost of repairs (other than emergency repairs, as mentioned above) and replacement parts. Premiums PERIOD Up to 5 days Up to 10 days Up to 18 days Additional weeks ADULTS £8.00 £10.00 £13.00 £3.00 CHILDREN £4.00 £5.00 £6.50 £1.50 VEHICLE £18.00 £23.00 £28.00 £5.00 • Infants under 2 years of age are insured free •• Vehicles must not be over 10 years of age 109 Pairwo rk Page 87 Mail order query Studen t B weeks ago and You ordered some free CDs from a mail order company a few of the order they have still not arrived. Fortunately you have kept a photocopy firm and tell form stating which CDs you ordered. Talk to an employee of the them what they need to know. Mr / Mrs / Miss/ Ms Address --------------------;p;::O=st=c::Od;:e~= (I am over 18) ::: f:::: Jc R. c.G++ T AWA Y T-HE N I 60 5159 110 S HIT S Pairwork Page 87 Holiday villa Student B You own a villa which you rent out to holidaymakers in the Mediterranean area. You are talking to a potential client who has not seen your advertisement for the villa. Answer the queries as patiently and politely as possible. Costa Blanca VILLA ROSA Accommodates 8 comfortably (4-6 in low season) Villa Rosa is a spacious old farmhouse which has been beautifully restored. Set in its own fenced garden of 2000 sq.m. surrounded by orange and lemon groves. Private pool. 1km from Ped reguer for supermarkets, services and medical centre, and 15 minutes to Javea and Denia for beaches etc. Accommodation: one double, three twin bedded bedrooms (one en-suite with own terrace), two other bathrooms and terraces. Large well furnished lounge, dining room, well fitted kitchen with microwave, magi-mix, fridge, freezer, etc. Utility room with washing machine. Barbecue and lots of garden furniture. Low season - the owners live in the villa during low season and make available a completely self-contained upper apartment (sleeping 4 - 6) at specially reduced rates. Tel: 0181 9284820 Property rental prices per week LOW SEASON * Oct - May MID SEASON June - Sept HIGH SEASON July - Aug Special reduced terms £500 £650 * Apartment only available during low season 111 Pairwork Page 88 Leisure complex enquiry Student B You work at the information desk at a leisure complex. Talk to a potential customer and answer their queries as patiently and politely as possible using the information in this leaflet. • A tremendous, safe, non-contact game bringing sophisticated laser technology to the masses, and played in a futuristic high-tech arena CHILDREN'S EVENTS Special events laid on for children's birthdays etc. Suitable for age 7 and over. Quasar really does make a birthday extra special! • Open until late, every night • Advance bookings taken or just turn up and join the next available game • General prices from £8 - £9 per person per half hour session. No extras! CORPORATE EVENTS Improve your team's performance. For a corporate event that will definitely be memorable, we can arrange total exclusivity with refreshments and light snacks, if required. • League action; weekly Top Gun prizes; individual and family membership schemes • 7 game formats to choose from. A 30 laser system featuring red and green beams We can accommodate exclusive bookings from 10 people to 150 or more. For any kind of party Quasar at Barnet provides stunning excitement. CHARITY EVENTS As a fund raiser, Quasar has few equals. We can sit down and work out a mutually acceptable formula. THE BARNET QUASAR CENTRE LYTTON ROAD, BARNET 'SERIOUS FUN' INFORMATION LINE 081 4400540. Page 48 Exam Practice Student B -INFORMATION CARD • place of hirth • wr-io h ht • present occupation • Iavonritc- actor / actress 112 • secret wish • favourite drink • reason Ior studYing English Pairwork ----- -------------------------Identity parade page 15 Describing a re-enactment page 74 113 Pairwork page 88 Possible suspects j j j 114 j j Pairwork Colourful events page 89 115 Pairwork Ball control page 89 Modern sculpture page 89 116 ---------------- -------- Pairwork Outdoor entertainment page 89 117 Pairwork .::...::-- - - - Building development pages 89-90 118 Pairwork Street market page 90 119 Pairwork Kitchens page 90 120 --------------------------- Pairwork Art forms page 90 I 11 .~ , . ~ .--- - 121 Pairwork People on the telephone page 90 A B c D E F 1~':'. ; • G 122 H Pairwork China Iigures page 91 E Pairwork Identity parade page 15 Describing a re-enactment page 74 124 Pairwork Ball control page 89 Modern sculpture page 89 125 Pairwork Outdoor entertainment page 89 Climbing page 88 126 Pairwork People on the telephone page 90 B c D • . 1:-··: " E F G H 127 Pairwork China figures page 91 B A c D I 128 'fie' .' TAPESCRIPTS Chi('a"o I'" n'llls a lIat Oil til(' ('d,,(' or Ill(' 1 SPEAKING «itv. "njm's t]«: clilll:lt" alld IISf" !,is ,j('('P to 2.0 2.0 page 7 A B=Mr Black, W=Miss Williams, S=Students Brill \11" .uu! I \I (}lIld lil« t(} illtrodll(,(' \(}II I,(}II, I() 111\ ('(}II('aC>:III' \Iiss \\illialllS, S 'II(}\\, do I(}II (f()'~ \V 110\1 d() I(}II d(}'~ 8 J=Jane, B=Barry, S=Students .J 11,,110, 1'111.1:[(1(' \\'atsoll :[("Ill,is is 1111 Barr: ('()lh'agIH' .I()I)('S. (;()()d 111{)rllil1~. S 11('110. B II(,II(), {Ilis {{'nIl. S011H' (l1"\,()11 ill fad I ]"('('()glli'l.(' OIl(' 1'111 gOIIl,g !(lr Illa\' kIIO\\' ttl(' aln'<Hkor [\YO race's I"rc)lll 11](' Tccllll()]()L,': I raIl last ."('ar. l'n' IH'('II 1":,,,I,illo' ill III(' ('(}II(,o(' ..... I'm III(' lasl I"m Il'al"s alld, III tl", \lal, I also rlill til(' (,011"",' ~Irallla gr()llp~ 'So if tlll:n' an' ,lilY !)l](ldillg adors or at'lr('ss('s Iliit tl)(,l"{, please sc(' lilt' ill til(' Im'ak l '\o\\', ii' 111('((' a((' aliI '1"('stioIS , 4.1 I , page 9 Alid \(lll!" ,Sllrllall](,'~ B '1'1((' lIall'" is Ilart, A :2 A \\"!I;lI \Vas tlH' Il,lIllt' a~aill. pl('<Ls(,'~ B \\'(,It, FI"allk \\'"It. :, A ,\lId 1'011'((' \lal'l B \"Lllt(}l!, A t)iJ. I('S, \"'111011. A Alld'tll(' add(('ssB I,t CI"a""Llllds Hoad, A II. CI"a('('lallds Hoad, ,) A \\'lial \las tiLl' '1:11111' ol'tll:llc(lIl1pam aft('I"II(){)J1. :\ pr(,JlIis{'.~. SIlt' \'-as llotit'{,d h:- S('\'('l"<d CIIS{(Jllwrs tIlt' s('('llrih', finll \\"('rt' lll<lkillg tJll'ir aftl'r·IH)()11 d"lill'l'I at':2,:311, til(' t,," 111('11 \I Ii II 1I:"llw('1I \\'aitillg ill til(' qlWIW prodllccd III<lC!lill(, ,~IIlIS al,,1 1'1I1"('"d Ill(' Sf'('mill "lIal"ds :",,1 til(' ('llSloII((,I"s 10 Ii,' I'a('('-dmlll 1111 tit;, Hllor \lliil" til('l 111:,,1(, 11,,,il" ('s('ap(' \\'itl, til(' (:j,),OIlIl ('asll. Balik stall ('II'II(lIalll I"ai,,'d tl", alarlll 1'"1 it \las tllO Iail', '1'1((' oall'; or tllI',,(, ILad ,tln'ad\ IILad('1I11 ill a ('al" pal""'~1 iG"galll IIlllsid" til(' 1':'Ilk. al,,1 dril('11 III lit" \10111:'" \1,1,0 I",d Im'liollsil ('111"1"",1 tI((' I,allk wit]: B Holalld ~"otors, A Holalld "Iotors'~ B Tliat's rigll!' A 1'011 did sal I'olld St 11'<'1 , didll't lOll') B I C['I't aiII11 'did, I'olld as ill dllck " A Yes, .\('/'1'1/ ,grade' :\ PdSS{'S ill ID7,~. \\,(,11, 110, dlild pro<!ii-.': sello()!'..) :2.:27, a g('llillS \\'1)('11 ."(lll w('r(' al 'I '1'1)('\ 11('\('1' tlH)llgld I \\'as ,g()illg til do allltl'ill" \lorllllll,il,' al pruu.uv S(,IIl'"!. TIl('l tl",""I,1 I \I'as a I,it la""I'. Bllt Ipl"m('d 1!l('111 \\T()tlg~ R I 11<l\'(' it Oil n'(,(lrd tlu! \\-III'1l \'011 g()1 vnnr A 1('11,1 rc-xullx til(' ('lIl1lp"tn I"cji'('il'd tl,i"", 'I TI,at\ I"i"lil' Tlr.« 11:,,1 til Iw dOIlI' a"aill iiI' Ilil1HP \1\ Illotlll'r \\'dS lilt' ()111' \\'110 vvnx 1I10S{ illlpn'.ss(:d. Sll<' said it was I(l\el." Il;l\'illg a S()11 \\1111 \\as sllell a pnlt!ig.' <llld sllf' (,()IJldll't wait til ll'1I ('I('I'IIHH II' R So. anlll'd '\\'illl 'y()llr asioilisililig l'I'sldts .'-()l1 'I dU1S(' R 'I H 'I Ess('\ 1I11i\1 'rsih )"S. IT, it I,ad all (,\(",II('lIt '''plitatilill I'or lIlatl,s alill COlllp"tillg, !>otl, 1I1'"ILi"IL I \\-allt('d t() Stl1d.' IC)J· Ill." dq!:l'(T , , I"Lt ann tlLal lOll 11I'lit til , "til O\I')I"d , , \\'Iwn' IIlIl did a dodorail' ill IIlall,s, ill, I ~J" I '~ Y(,s. Iliit ,,1"'11 I fillisll('d ill I~J,,,r; til(' 11111111'1 ol'l"rI'd to 11((' ill ,\IIl('I"i('ap,m"d ill'lHI,Ssi!>i" til I""sist. Still. I \lail'I, til(' d('!>al" Oil :\ traffic \\'ard('11. \dlu \\-,-LS \\Titing out a parkin~ ('dlleatioll \\'itll ,gr('at illll'l'('st. 1'111 agaillst ti('k"l \l1l('1I til(' ro!>lwI"s "'"11(' rtLllllill" IIllt IIftlw hallk al,,1 dmll' 1I11 ill till' car at lii,,1t sp""d, \I'as a!>l" til gill' po!ic(' a ddail,'d d"scrip(ilill of all tlll'l'I'rohhns, stll(h-illg a \\'id('r rall,\!(' or Sllhjl'ds, a,~aill. (j alii I'~ R \\',,11. sill(,(' lOll ('Ilil'II,d Ill(' n'('lInl !>lIoks wmu.m llad \lILO \1"11' ill tiLl'], al tiLl' linu: I)('('all'" sl((' \\rllt straight to til(' frollt of tIlt' qlll'llt'. ga\r S()11H'liJillg to h\o 111('11 \\-aitiIH.~ l1}('n', t]J('Il left iIlLIII"dial"II, .\IH,"1 tILI""(' IILillllll" Iall'r. jllSt as at I can n'II"'IIII)('r ,I']' ,sis, I think, ('I", si\ adlallc(,d 1('I(,lpasSf's \litl, grad{' :\. I kuo« plln' lll;ltll.s \\'dS 0111' or t lu-iu ,JIlIIII 1"111 1I0t <!oillg \'('1".'- w('IL voun l)(lt~ \\"(lldd \-011 sa\' tllat \01\ \\'1'1'1' a at :2,:27, Ilm'(' miuutr-x !>"I'oll' 11((' ro!>l)('n took pla('I', siLl' i, 1)('Ii"I"d to 11:,,(' IH'('II :111 a('('olllpli('(' 01'tiLl' "all" \11,0 atta('k",1 .u«! ro!>!>"d a ,,'('mill [iru: d(,lill'I"ilig 1I,J,OOO ill ('aslL to tiLl' (:()1l1PII{t'J" S.':sl<'lllS ('()llr.S(' ,,", ]\J {'tifl'red til(' \;atiollal Sa,-illgs Ballk ill h:illgstOIl (:llar1(,s Y()llJ\,~ un.l to IH' {('(lC!lillg ~d)ll lulorru.u iou slIhjl,(,1s im ohnl xvlu-u I talk"d 10 hiu: n'('('lIth. page 14 .urnnu] 2.:)() fllis page 8 (;()O<! lll{)nlill,~. )"111 1'\aIIIS pr()\'('d ('asi{'r tluu: n'('allill,~ llu alld \\"as \\'('arillg ]()Il,g dall.'~lillg ('arrill,gs alld Ilad a sllLal1 .Ii.uuor«! I"illg Oil tl)(' liulr fillg('I" or 1Ll'I" !"n I,,,,,,!. 2.2 M rill \Ial'l al,,1 II,is is .I(}IIII. S Ili l Iii 111('((,1 .J 11,,110, 3.0 or 'I'll{' :'<atiollal Sa,-illgs Ball\..: ill h:illgStol1 Iligll Stl""<'1 \las tl«: tal",,('t oluu .unu«! ro!>!)('n at C M=Mary, J=Jolln, S=Students ('\plor", 1111\1('11']', sailing tlimll"I,I,is ,,,I1:,,"'('d 1"1,,1 page 12 Lasl lIi,glit policl' isslH'd tliis d('scriptioll of a xvum.m !Ll'li('I"d to 11:,,(' IH'I'II illlohni ill all arlll('d ro!>l)('n ill a liigll stll'('t !>allk ill th" citl ' lI'stl'I"d,,, al'll"rII(H,", sl((' \la, xlnu. ill 1(('1" {\'"<'lIlies', Jlwdillll1 ll('i~IJL witl: lOllg, dark Ilair. sIlt' Ilad hi~ hhw (l~d'S .u«] \\as \\raring a !Ollg In']]('ll ('oat {:'Pl' nuu-kintoxl). .u«l ('arr:"illg a Iar",', !>Iack shoulde-r !>a", slH' Ilad lIat ,I"H" Oil 2.1 page 18 R=Reporter, M=Or Marlow R ,\cad""lic "~(,"))"""" has hroll"ltt its m\1l rC\I'artls for Dr Sill 1011 \Iarlm\', \I'ho ill HJ"r; joill"d thc trallsatlantic 'hraill draill', \0\1', at :3:2, and still sillglc. hc is ,\ssistallt I'rof(.ssor of \LttlwlIlatics al thc L nilcrsitl of 1I1\'S('1I'. II" I'd 1;"('11 I'IIIT(,d III sllldl al"Is I'd IIl'I(';'I,a\I' gilt am'lII"'lT, \\(' sl'llilid Id Iwopl,' sp"ciab,(' ill \lllat tl(('I'n' ,gllod at. R ,\Ild dll lOll still k,'('p ill tlillel, \\'itiL 111m l'I"i,,"t1s !>ack 1""I1(,'~ 'I C"rL,illh. I IISf' "" COlllp"tni",d "I"drolli" lIlail SlSti'IIL. alld I lisll'lI to til(' Bllt: 1 R '\lId (io lOll tllillk \011'11 ('1"1" ('11I1L(' !>a('k 10 EIlgla])(i'~ 'I ,H(('r 1011"'(' h""o SOli "'\I 1"'11' I'm a \l1,il" it I)('('olill's allilost as I,al"d 10 ('0111" !>a"k. 1'111 ]lot r('ally \cr.'- good at lllaking hi,\..( dccisiolls, 1('( tllillg' Itapp"" 10 11](" 129 Tapescripts 2.3 • Module 2A page 19 F=father, S=son F \\,,,11, vou kllo\\ \\llat tl(('\ ",,: liard work hrings ils 0\\'11 u'lulrr!:,,! S 1111111. I SllpIHlS(' tll('l'(' Illight IH' II gmill of truth ill \dlal \011 say. F Dont ludr: ... vou kllo\\ 1'111 right reullv' S Y('S~ r~l just 'u'(·oiliu:!. ill \l(ln"or at til;' S :'011 I)OO}" Do I (1"('1 tlu sar(,;L~~i(? ,\Il\"\\~\-. ifs not t1l;-lt . It's just Illai 1'111 Ilol;m(' I!w!ii'l(' ill \\'(lIllill' its ()\\II ;-;al...:('. I )011'1 look so r/"j"I'!('r/. You kllo\\ I cunt S nsi«! tC<lSillg ~d)ll~ \\'('11, \011\(' ""rlaill" hit illt' illt'n,1 1I11i1 Oil tilt' I(('ad page 23 \'ari()IIS 1.1 SOllllds: S('(' h'~,- UII pag{' l·-I-h. Aet!lall:' .''011 f'Hllll tIl(' [[Uill nlll\\-;l\ pllo!w \\'(,'1"(' ill all ('111('I",g('IW\' .) Ill'."! \\'Ilat (in hn\ Oil ."011 tllillk :-'-(lll"n' d()iIH.~ to Ill: Carr ·1 Tllis is a slaITaIiIIOIIIl('('II(('111. COldd .\lldn'\\ Sinclair p!(';L"i(' ('Olllt' to tIl{' ('llst(lIlWr st'lyict' d('sk ai lilt' frolll ol'llll' slon,'~ /\lld tlw (TO\n! arc ~()ill~ \\'ild Iwrt' - wit!1 (lllh tW(l Illillllt{'S ll'n to ,'2;(), () (;O'(lIl, ~O ()Il~ <;() alld I(,tt'li it H()\('r~ 2.0 page 24 I ask VUlt. Sh()(.. lill,~, En'll g()ill,g dO\\'11 tu ill(' S!l(lP~ !(lr half a pOlllld or Pric('s tlll's(' days, hlillt'r I(('ar" hr"aks illt' old pi,~,," hallkkll()\\ \\'kLt ., mil.-s. :3 Th« Bis,,11 \lagic broom must Ill' IIll(' of tlu Iliosl vcrvarile updght vacuum cleaners Oil til(' market today. It "an do ill seconds \\1I:lt it IIli~hl lak" \011' hours to do bv hand. ~ Th" societv Las h"I'n in the r"-d for si\ Illonths 11I1\\. and auditors sc" that ils financial Iuture looks insecure. .J I)ming om thn"'-d,,, trip 10 Holland. \OU will I«. take-n Oil a full-day excursion 10 lilt' Dutch bulb fields 10 vixi! lilt' world-Famous 3.0 i 1I11'all',J \\'(, SllOldd 11('\'('1'\'1' ,'2;OIH' ()f ~n'tlt :lIId I al\\a\s "" lilt' salll(' tllillg. It's prohah" Ii"" !i\ill~ :1I 1\'\"1It'n , "Is" 11111 11((' clililalt''s :';1111 "'11'- sllrf1.1llst a pit:, it's s\lch a IOllg \\a:' !(lr :'Ull Ellr()p('alls~ Ll\\'SOII /(JllIHIIJis trt'tl\llre. \\'Iliell lias page 26 r('lilaill(,d IIIU!'l' or It's" iIILH'{ sill('(' it \vas First reading pla,,('d 11,,']'(' all IllllS(' \I'ars ago. wllil" Ill' was .\ rl'lin'd g]'()"n. Holalld BI(H)IIl. \\as ord"n'd 11\ lo()kin'2; lin' ,,()JIll' LLrlll to()I", 'I'll(' lill<!. IIOIl(' a COllrt :rst('nlay to pay local COl11 It'il Ll\{'S of\\llidl \lr L'''ISOII \I ill 1)(' all 0\\ I,d io I"",p. is said 10 1)(' \lortll alHllII lIO IlIillillIlIH)III((1s !llil \lr La\\'S(lll Illa\ ()11h- n'('('i\{' Oil Ilis \illa~" sl,,)I" \lr Bloolll. ag('d Hh. \\as said \('st(']'d,,, ('\('Ilillg 10 1)(' d('\aslat",1 as Ilis sll0l' '1las 1)(,,,1; clos(,d sio,,(' IHSO. lIo\\"\n. it lias ,UHf :'Oll\'l' got to S('(' it /(11' \'ollrs('IP Sun'. it raillS hilt tllai's wi" il so ~r""111 A.lld Ih" S"('I(('I"\' - 10 It'll 11;1' trlltll. \\(,'r" IH'!t(']' ofT willlOlit 100 11I:1I1\' tomists. It \\oldd Oil" spoil \vhat llH·)t!wr llat'lIf(''s gi\'(lll l1S~ I "II('SS 1'('01'1(, II:" (' Illis \\'~'r{' ('oll\'iIlU,d ('(lIllJ)('llsali()1l lill' dltlS{' IH'('II I()\ill~" pn's"n"d as a lill((' "al'sld" oftl)(' fift i"s. \ Iagisl rat( 'S ill Lisk( 'an L Com\\all. Ill'ard Ihal \Ir Bloolll o\\"d !Jack-I,'\l's Oil Ilis sllol" TIlt' llll('()\rr('<! strall~" . id"a that w("r(' bilTlTer 'alld hetter thall t",-' all\()]ll' (,Is". I "all'l sal I()r Slll'(' ahollt h"lt"r, hilt higgcfr It SUIT is a hig ('011lit 1':' :ull'rc talkill"; ahollt hn". )011 Oil" r"alis<' 11011' wht'll :'Oll'J'(' dri\'illg fro!ll ('ast to \\TSt~ hig h~ a {{'alii Y{'st{'nLl\ ('\'('IJillg I'rol'"rl\ aod lilt' sIH)I'. ('sla!Jlislll'd h\ his failin ill !DO:2. I"" l'l'lllaill"d \irtllalk Iiolollclll'd sil((,(' ils "Ioslll'('. alld is slill iii 11\ ~as ligllt. ,-\Ilholl~h "Ios"d 10 tilt' !)]]i,lic. il ()('Cllp;('S tilt' ~rollod floor of \Ir BItHlIlI'S thn'('-ston'\ t()\\'lI hOlls". \11' B!OOIlI has n'hISt,d to disiliallt!(' it !H'llig('n'lrt Ill(H)(!: \"'1I< alld it's IlIlL'ir.· Second reading (J at'{,\I;ll'IJi(I~ists, \\·,110 lall'r ('altl(' t() {'\ca\a\(' tIl(' sit(', pn'1I1is{'s llad IH'l'll assess('d as a IIOll-dollH'Sti(' shop f,)r ~lhj('Cts Ill' dll,~ lip IliIIlSt·"·. \losl of il)(' o!li('('ts \\(T" adllalk L \11' La\\'SOII W;1.'; ill a To 1((' 1")ll<'sl. 1'111 \('IY "rms :U((1. Ilalliralh, disappoilll<'(1. It "nlaillh \\lllt'! ('IIt'(lIlra,~" 111('. or <illdH)(!\ (,1,,(, wit!1 a Illt'lal e1l'!('dol", 10 ('()Ill(' lill<\'anl'alld d('clar(' {lIlr disc()\{'ri('s ill R 1IIIIlrl'. I "all ft'1! \011 1 \\,' also lalk('d io I)a\id (:mll"\.prill"ipal tlrclltl('ol()~i"t lill' t!ll' .\111.'1('11111 ill tIl(' ar(,a, (; )(·s. ('('rlaill". \\'(' do s\lIlpallli/.(, willi vIr L,,,\SOII. \\,' killl\\ alH)111 :21)11 IJI'opl(' wi,,) art' Olllv 100 (kliglllt'd to ~o (1\(']' a li"ld willi Ilwir IIl<'tal dd"dors I,)r II.S. 'I'll<' fil"ls "all IJI' w,,11. :\ rdir"d grocn, Holalld Bloom. \\'as ord"n'd :') Bllt it's a !)('alltiflll cOlllltr: Ili"tori('al illlj)(lrLlIl('(\ alld was IIlad(' ou Ilis 1'111,1 - alld Ilis illSisl"Jll'(' Illal lit' ill!()rJll('c! tlli' nut lunil icx orllis rille! as SOOtl as ]](' dis{'()\('r('d it Illagistnlt('s Ila\'I' ()nl(,J'l'd pnlsl'Clltill1l. Ih" \illa~" as a IlilIS('IlIll. Y('stnda\ \Ir BI(HIIII said, Till \'('I"\' cross. It hasll't 1)('('1l us('d as a illst a!Jsolllit'I:' sia,'2;,u;{'rill,\2;. \\'(' ('stilliatl' tllat 1"'" I" a COlll't \ ('stl'rda\' 10 local COllllCil LL\l'S Oil his \'illage shop. .) \1 r BloOIII, ag"d H(i. \\'as said \ "stl'rda\ 'O\(T ill<' lasl d"cad(' Illor,' tllall :300,O(JO "\'l'llillg to he d,'\astatl'd as his shop lias !J('('1l closed sillc" 1').SO. :3 1100\'('\lT, it has 1""'11 100'illgk pr"s"n('(1 as a lime cap sui" of thc fifti"s. ~ \lagistrat"s ill Lisk"ard. Conl\\'aIL h"ard Ihat 'dr Bloom O\\'"d !Jack-tall's Oil his shop. particillar illlporlaIIC(' IJI'''''I IS< , it la\ !Jllri"d ill a fi,'ld \\llicll \\'asll'l ('\('11 cOIl.sid"r"d a lik,,1v .') The prcmis"s had !J""1l '''Sl'SS"r! as a 11011dOtII('stic propcrt\. () Th" shop. esta!Jlish"d !J\ his Lltlll'r ill 1,)0:2. has remaill"d \irtualh Ilntollch"r! sinc" its our 1111;S('1111IS, c1osur". - It is still lit I" gas light. 130 "'''\SOli. \\110 dis"()\('I'l'd lilt' Iloard willi Ilis 1IIt'Iai dl'l,'('lor alld Ilad 10 S"ool' III' Ili.s t r.-axurr- into "IIJHTlllarkd plastic hags, \vas d('\:,slakd \I luu \\1' lalLe'd 10 hiiu \I'skrd,,, "\"llill~. I )('spil(' Ilis pl('a t lrat hix dis"O\'('r)' is \11' La\\'soll t() IlarH! ('\('1'\ sillglt' o!li,'('t O\'I'r s!lillill~s and P{,ll(,('~ COIlH' 0\'('1' Sp(HlllS alld slatill's dalillg fro III All :3,';:). VII' 10 11ll' aIIIIHlrili('s or la,,(:111t' IHlSsi!Jilitl 01' l)('ca119' !H''s ('ollsid('rillg !H'qll{'athillg it intact to l'r'op!" ask \\hal it's lik" 10 Ii\(' dO\\ll IlIld"r .\ h()-war-old t.nmcr, (inli(· LawsolI, I"" «mlld IJiJIISl,)J":1IIgI11 ill a dil('IIIIII'l. Y,'skrda\. Ill' \\as ord"r"d h\ a c-ourt to Iialid ove-r Ilis Slllllililig lind last 111011111 (>I' tIIOlIS<lllc!" of\2;{)ld alld sih'('r cr iiux. !1J'(Jocll<'s, page 25 d('"iliiai. \\'" sl")llld\" k"pl 11ll' old pOIIl"ls. !)('tl('r - Exam practice page 28 R=Reporter, L=Ernie Lawson, G=David Gurney R :2 I magiu" laking 10 till' skies ami floating 4.0 tl](' 111otor\\';l'-. ,) ~()\nnlll,'nt Ila\" d""id"d to build Ihis 1(('\\ link mad. lInfair.' S, '(' k( '\' Oil I'ag" 1+7 sl)('akill~ lo \\I(('n' a f('\\ Iligllts an' slill 01H'ralillg. ,J page 24 nurscrtcs. hackgr()ll11d page 24 1'111 ]() )"stl'rd,,, \Ir Bioolil said. Till \(']'\ noss. It h.ixnt 1ll'''lIlls('d as a sll0l' «II' \('ars alld ii's ~"ntk across tilt' op"n onuntrvside in a wicker hasket - \(111 Sl'" [or miles and 2 LISTENING 1.0 intact to th(' \'illa~(' as a 1111ISI'1I111. work!' 1III"'lIl to SC"·. p"opl(' an' Ill'iu~ turfed out of the-ir homes - and all Ill'caus<' till' idl'<l t11at voun being F .S .-\ltholl~11 e1os"d 10 till' puhlic. it occllpi"s t11(' gmlllld floor of \Ir BloOIII's tlll'l'('-slor,,} town hou-.«. H \Ir Bloom It:,s n,lirs"d to disiliaull" it lxcun:«: lJ("s (,ollsidcrillg !H'({lwatllill,\2; it Possihl" kov \\ords urt: in bold. t1lill,!.!;~ UI,IFIIl' singers ill the 2.1 illollglll 01' ail illis liard \\'(1111 F ok .) P"opl" clont al\\a\s r"alise \\T\'" got the olde-st hm!,:ll:'!,:" ill Ellrope. Oh. the\ COlli" looking for mouutuins alld SCCllCT:', \\'c\-c got plent\ of that. mind vou' Bnt \\e\e ~ot a \"n old and ancient culturc-, alld SOl1l" of til(' h"sl ohjects\'!' \H'('ll iJrollglrt to 1IIIIS('1111IS h: 11(('lal-d"ft'l'till~ l'lltllllsiasts. Bllt tllis filld's 01' arcll<.u,()lugical sitl', Its till I<' \\" a"kl((I\II,'dg"d lilt' ""lit' 01 lilt' 11I)!>I1\ of IIldal d<'t"l'tillg alld said a propn 'thallk \011' to all thos" wllO 1(('11'to ('llri,," ()f ('OllrS(', tll(':' ollglJt to he "lItitkd to propn (,(lllljH'lIsalioll, too. Bllt the 1:1\\':s til<' 1.,,\ alld. \\'(,11. 111,,,1((' Illat's wllat \1,,'\(' r"allv ~ot to "llall~,,1 R -\1I official d('('isioll Oll t"" tn'asIJn' trov" is esp('('t"d SOliII' lilll(' ill til<' 11",1 J(,\\ days. Module 26 \V \\-ell, souu- sports ce-ntre-s II()\\' hall' their own climhing \\'all - \\'hieh me-ans 101l\C gllt a 6=80y, G=GIrI B YOII (','rlaillh woulrlut catel, Ill" pot-holillgI ("lid Ihillk' 01' 'llllll,ilig Ilion' It'rrif\illg than {willa til(' stuc-k IlIH!C!:unllllld, \\'()IHlcrill'g wlu-tlu-r \'~1l()1(' Oil 101' or lot's Ill' ,~()i'~,t!; to ('OllH' tlllllhlillg do-vn I,('ad l ~'r ... l)llll,~('(' j1l111pi[I,~~ stroll ~t1()II,~ n (,oo\..: ",i,o's tllat \'Oll\r G \\'I,al'o 1.3 Th(' IlIgg('rs an' \\('11 ill III(' miuoritv. wit]: Ilit 'at thc tilll;.. ther,,'s a e1;allce to hi;\(' a gll at loads or other ace sports thronzhout the<la\- including sailing. shootill,g and ski-ill,g. Both ('alill" arc ol'ficialh Oil good UTIIIS, I II It tl 1('1"< , is a trac(' of 1I11l'a'" ill IIIl' alliallc,', III til{' r-.ulv .l.rv.. . or IllotClr('ar<l\illlllillg. hack ill till' hOs,' tl".- Cur.r, all Cln]: wouldu! alloll tlw s(';LslI0n' 01\ a 'al'pcaralll'" is al'pt"lll'Lialt- .uu! does 1101 olf"lll! pulilir opinion, l lowcvor. 1)('leln'gd1ill,~ carri('d a\\'ay,IH1:rrs So tl,at's it lor tod.iv. For loads 111111'1' .utivitv tOIllO!T{)\\' is (lCrOllics! at ,),:m, \:011 f"r till",' addr('sscs \\" I'rDllli,,'d 2.0 2.1 M=Marl, W=Wornarl .\1 \\"'11, lod,,,'s I'rogr'lllllll<' is "lIlill,'d BOI"<'dolll HIISltTs~ Ifit's !lorillg ill C()rillL!;. or :(lIl'rC ell<'(,,,'d olf ill (:ll<'sllil"<', dOld d,'sl'air. \\'" n' arc athis('t! to ash t!WlIISI'h-('S SOliI(' 1j1]('sliollS ahollt ]10\\- t1H'\- arc ~oill,~ to 11SI' t lu-ir II II !1orcara\ all iH'!eJl'(' Illahill;2: tlu-ir ('I[()i('('. TIll'1I 1111" sl'''lIld I,il"l' ""(' ",,' all {',pCrilIH:1Ital \\(ThClld. page 30 S"I' k"1 Oll pagc 117, page 30 til(' \lotorcanl\aIlS an' "-('!cOIII('. pro\-id('d, ill \\ords 01111<' (:ar,,, all (:I,d, ('od(', thrir \'011. talkitl~! 'I'll(' Ill~}st ('\('itill.~ t1lill,~ ('\('1' <I'OIl(' I loxt ilit i.« hall']v "I"!SI'd 11011, for \li;1dl""" arc-a write- in for ddails, \:0 pre-vious l'\!1{'ri(']H'(' is 1J('('{'Ssar:-, sprill,~ join, and h.unu-c! tlWlll lrr nu t luir sit< 'so 1"'l'(1I111' a champioll! ~!iddl,'s(', sports id('<ls tutu: into BOJ"('dOlIl BllS{(TS about 100,000 r(',gistl'l'l'd 1(,llicll'S ill IIIl' t' K compar"d with \\(,11 ove-r hall a milliou 111g~(TS to thr- chu-cha-cha alld 1'011 muv ('11'11 cOlllpl", olll'rs hallroom dallcillg il'SSOllS oulv [2,,)0 a «-ssiou. so ilvou Iiv« ill tlu- ultc-ruoon \\'itll Ill:' d()~. (; 'o( \rr\, .u lvr-ul urouv. an' \-(111'~ r('cogniscd as a dill"1'I'1I1 Im'cd' '1'111'1 I,al(' a scalcd! YOIl can trv climbing on one of the actil'ill- da\"s at Southport Ctnt rr-. Thov cost onl. {16 ,; dal and. ulthoush [](j mal scr-m a doillg B Cor. ooh a lun.ui« \\olIid In th.u Did lOll lu-.n ah(;111 Illal c'"II'I(, \\ IloJIIIIl[)(,d olf a hrid.«: ill Auxtruli.r. I think, 10 c('lchrat<- t luir \\('d~ing, Tlll'l actu.rllv jlllllJ)(,d logdll<'r ' I ask \O1\!. lu: not OIl{' II)]' t!)('s(' iliad ,'s('al'ad('s, \11 id('a 01' c\('rci", is a uicr- '1'lid mine! that, III hc!. tlll'l 'n' l,apI"10 I", word lor tlu- caral,1I1 lot as wr-ll: 'tllggcrs, OIl \\;'it" ill tor ddaik And Iiu.illv. \\'h,' not joill a h.tllrooiu dallcillg tl"llll',J C"t illto' st,'p :md vonll h",,' a hall G Oil, ('0111<' '"I' It's 1101 th.u had~ ,\elllalh, it's 1101 r.-allv II,al dallg,'ro'is ii' lOll kllo\\ \\hat '-(ll]'rC d;litl,~. (:('rtaill1.\- 1\0 wor:«: t hun. sa: Tapescripts :-Ollr doorstep just \\-aiting to 1)(' mouutain page 29 1.1 • page 31 M=Marl, W=Wornarl \1 110\\ do '-Ol! EUIl'\- getting a\\-a\ I'nllli it all Ii)), IIair 1111' pri(',' 10'; mlldd lIorlll'alh palo '1'1", /JI/i{,/ 'j'(-II'I!,I"III'!' call Il('lp lIlli' To tak,' lip tllis TIll' first 11"('sli"ll is, \\ill il Ill' !Ill' ",," LII"i" car. 1IS,'d ",r s('I,,,,,llriI'S alill sl'''pl'illg as \\('11 as C'"ll'illg tril's.~ II's", it \\illll,,(,d I" Ill' slllal1. llot too tllirsl\- 11I1 fllc,1 <llld !o\\' ('lloll,g11 to ,~{'{ illto Sllj){'nll;;rhd <llld lllllllieipal car I'arks ' Bllt ""' H;ck J('lIkillS, \\1,,, ,.,.,i,.,.d al \.'ll" 11IJildillg lip ,; stc('1 cOllstrtwliOIl hll."iilWSS alld 11<'1"<' 10 rC"'II<' lOll \\illl loads ol'l,olidal adi,-ilit'S all ()\';'l" tilt, l'(lll11lIY! ,'\c!I'S;I" oU,'r or 1110 Iligllts' I,olt-I <.ll'l'Ollllllo<!atioll Jill' tll(' pric(' OIl{' at lll()]'(' II,all -i,)O sllp('!"h holt-Is, all lOll Ill,,'d 10 do ;s \\'lll'lI il ('lIl111'S III l'lI""i('s, ;lIli ('lIldd al\\a\S add ;ulOtll<'r strill~ to \'0111' h()\\ al)(1 take llP ('oll('el til(' 10k,'llS I'"hlisll('d ill III(' /J1/i1,/ alld his \\il,' Lillda "I'jlll a "'I1<II'a'" IlI'dl"<lI"" art'a. si{tin~ f(Hllll. '1'\.. \-it!c'o, air 'j'1'!I'I!,I"II!J!J 1)('11\"("'11 ,\llgllSI l-ilh 'llill ('(lIl{!itiollillg, hallJnH)lIl. hi!". lllicrO\\,;l\'(' alld It's hallg OIl targd Ie)]' Sllllillwr fllll! 11'\'011 "Ii\'(' ill Binllill,~llalll \(lIl eall.join till' ardH'IY. B';\\'III'1I1 "r..lll'l"I ('III", (Hll<'r 1I1l'lld)('rs illcllld(' til<' C(JllldIY's jllllior CII<llllpioIIS. Tll<'re arc at !('ast t\\'(; s('ssiolls ('acll \\'(Tk al)(1 or S"pl"llll)('r hIli alld alla('11 111<'111 10 s\,,'cial collcelor ('ards, \V \\'11('11 lOll hall' ,'oll,,(,lt-d sli/Ii('i"llt 10k"llS, \'011 ;ullllm'akL,sl ror I\\"(, pcopl,' for III(' pri,'" of it's ollIY \.:1 a tilll(' to Cll~llIC(' ~d)llr arlll! Plul!Ic al'l, 'r I !"11, 1I'IIIai d,"'sld 111I"11 IllIl lIl1. IIIl'1I tlll'l'(' aI'(' Ilion' tkUI IO() hin!"salwtllaries organised h: IIII' S'l('il'i1 1(1I'IIIl' l'rol(Tlilili lIr Birds, (;rah 1111I1I11I'r's ill IIII' 1'1Il1111' """k 'liid 1'"1 ("Ill 'I'll(' first ('ollcdor ('ard \\'as pllhlislll'd last Salmdal', Ih(' "'COlll! is pllhlisll('d ill tod,,,'s pll()'W dllrillg ollieI' Ilollrs~ DOII't lr:' pholling <lll."i\\'{'rillg lllacllilH' and lIild-liI,,1 :'(;\1 IId,gllt distllrh tl\{' Il'nlll\r ('\,cr !lad a \('arllill~ to he iSSII" o(tll(' /J1/i11/ 'j'1'!I'i!.I"II/J!', \V YOII Ill'" llS(' \"(Im coll"elor ('ard 'lill lillll' !)('I\\('(';I S"I);clld)('r til(' 1st alld \lal til(' :llst a 1IH'lllhcr o(a S\'II('llrolli/,('d S\\"illllilillg tcalll, Bristol has a S\·II~'llIUlli/.l'd pcopl('s, or din"l'l'lIth 1Illl1dll'r('d tokcllS alld stick tlIl'111 ill spac('s prlll'id('(1 Oil 101lr coll('ctor card, a gn'al cia:' Ollt at S\\'illdoll lell' oIlI:' \.::3, 'TIl{' lIlllsidc lIUi('(, IIlIllrs as IIII'I dmd I,al(' all lak(' ,,,h'llltag(' or tllis on,,!" a "'('01111 lilli", 1I(,\\,sl'a[,,'r. All lOll 1I",'d 10 do is collcel 1/'11 'I'('d d,'('r. lIal,'r IlIl"s alill ('1('11 lIltns, TI,al's S\\'illllllill,g c1llh, Tlln'l' of its IIII"lldll'rs lIa\(' ClIlI'I)('lcd ill till' O!l'llpics, For a IlIlId('sl 1(", alld a [17 '1111111al p"ss,'ssi";' "J"IIll'gr"lllills "Itlll'it" 1,,,,,,11,, t!JrO\\"ill~ tlwir tc)\\rls ()\('r dlTh dlairs allli poolsides ff(llil as carl: as -; o'clock ill tlw IJlllrllill,~ to stake tlwir ('!ailll~ \\'Ilat d" 11ll' (;Crt!l<IIIS tI,illk "I' "I Ill'r natiollaliti('s. t]JOll,gll·.) ;\Ild ('(1('11 of ('\rr:C)IJ(' (-1",0 l-:a('I'lIati'"1 lias its "\\'III'('rccpli,," ,,1'1111' otl)(,L alld. at tlw risk or ~('Il('rali/.ati{)ll, SOIlI(' Pc"pl,' tl'lId I" Ihillk "J" 11,(, DII!('I, as ,g""d s"lid "'I1,,\\'s: d"("'lIt alld lillassllillillg, Bllt 1\'111'11 11ll'I' Iliit \\'illIlIlIl till' allllilal "d",-rilltilill hilt lII1C(' Is IOUI' idea of halillg a hallicalillg all 10m In;lIhl,'s hchilld 1'011 alld tra\"(,lIillg arolilid IIIII],-r 10m O\\ll stcam,j If so, thc !\.Oll- Tiki h-iO addrc~scd ('III('llIp(, tll thc (lllll(llida\': SOIJI('\C' 1)('1'11 kIlCJ\\'11 to tal'd' c(;III'elor ('ards alld "lljo'" t\\"O short hr('aks, \\'lll'n'\"('r \"(111 d,'cide 'tl; go, \"(111'111)(' mn' of I'OII\(' "lIl till' "II" [!7 \\ill "'('1I1Iikc glilid ~'alll(' le~' IlIOIH'\,! '~:or IlIon' illJe)J'lllatio;1 scud a slall'l,,'d iS~'I:('fllaps, aC!li('\'illg IIH' rc\('rs("~ It's m'll-kll"\\11. ",,' illslalll'l', \\I,at l'e"I'I" Illillk ahol1t SOIII(' ol't!lt' C;(Tlllall {Ollrists tlH'.'\'{' lllt't ,,!,s('nati,,1IS call Ill' Illadl' aIH)II! 11'1,al \\" II,ill" of jelreigllers~ 3.0 prognulIlllt'. \\'{"1I gin' :'OIJ Ollr addrcss to pill" page 33 Is tOllriSll1 !(lruillU all {'\'{'Il ('!oser lillioll of" (sllhi,'d 10 illdilidllalllou,lsi alld n'lll<'llll)('r. ir \(111 coll('ct 20 tOkCllS lOll call fill hotl, a gloriolls tilll{,~ sllhscriptioll :'011 call joill t11<'1111 You call t1': it ."11\11' \\('\(' 1)('('OIIH' accilstolll('<! III at II{JlIW, R ;\~ t!w 11lggc'rs' Ill(lttll, tklt Illi\2;llt d()~ Exam practice Scpt;'lllh~'r htl, IIIl'j)I/i1,/ 'j'I'!('i!.I"III'!' \\ill pllhlisll (Ill(' 10k"11 ill ,'ael, ('01" of til(' call S('{' a Illl,g{' \'arid:' or hirds, as \\'ell as c('lltrallwatillg~ \\'c I\'alit !" "'" !11I' \\"rld I\'I,il(' lilillg ill 11ll' OIl(' al aliI or III<' I'arlicipatillg Iiolt-k I r lOll ('olllpl,''': holh III<' ('oll'Tlor ('ards, lOll call 1\1 EI"IT dal' rrolll AIIglLSI l-ith 1IIIId \!Olillal IlIlII" "i,lllclIiars '1I1d IlI'ad I(,r SlIillllllll, \\111'1'(' ~'Oll ('a;\ dailll t\\'() COIIS(Tllti\,(' lligl1ts' I)('d s('lIillg il. "II" a hill-J,I"\\I1 1I1l1l1('ll\'ill d,,1 II" page 31 'Illotorcar~l\"all lllight sllit yOll \"cr:" \\Tll! lI11 ,'lIllr "III"<'llIl'" latl'r, P[,.as(' dlln't !'Jrgd tll illcilldc IlIlII" addn',ss alld a slamp - lIit""llt it 3.1 1I("III""'lllahlc III "'1111 \(111 1111' illl"mutillll, Jnd\', o\"('r to :-011. R=Reporter, J=Rick Jenkins R \(otorcarm',lllllcrs arc knowll as 'lug,gcrs' in page 31 Ihe car,,,',m world - P"op],- \\-ho IlIg th"ir Iilillg qnarters arolilld \\'ith thcm, ThcI dOld d,'sl"'lId IIp''lI till' (;"l"Iliall alll"J,al IIIS, at till' start "J" tlll'ir l"llg j"l1 1"1 ll'l s"lllll. 11ll' (;el"1l1aIlS l'all't 1)('lil'II' h,,\\ sl,,"" '1I1alll DlIlI'll cars Irawl: till' 'Dlltch sllail's pal''':, as it'~ call('d, s" sl,,1\' is t1)(lir progn'ss S()II\('tiIJI('S~ And by tll(' tillH' tlwy, and t1H' J)clgialls, g('t to Spaill, it's a staltdillg Sl'allisl,j"k" tllat h"tl, llati"lIalili('s an' ,,1t!'11 ill('apable of llegotiating tl)(' IIHllllltaill roads or halldlillg th"ir cars "" till' st,','jl sl"p"s SCI llIlL_lIlliliar in their O\\"ll (,()lllltri('s~ The Frcnch an' s"lIll'tiIlJ('S tlll"lgl,t t" 1)(' ratlll'r prolld, as th"Y'I"<' ].""1\\11 t" Ill' a Iittl!' crilical 131 Tapescripts • Module 2C ahout the I()()(I ill th.- couutru-s thcI visit. After all. uoboclv cooks lx-ttr-r thau the };re11ehI The- British ha\(' a dllal n-putut ion. Ther" arc th" nastv dlarad"rs ill shorts \\ith n«l. pe"ling, Slillflllrllt skill all ove-r the-ir hodi"s, the-n ther,,'s th" gr"at IIlass or Hritixl: tra\(,lIers who arc IC" lOllg-sllffi:rill,\.; and 11('\'('1" \rry dc-monstrativo. .ind who sit th"r" cll('willg sacllv ove-r their f()()(1 wit hout {,()lllplaillill~ or gnll11hlill~ ahout <lllvliJillL!:. \\'i1('11 tl«: llaliallS \('lIlm,' I'ro 11 I ltalv. th,,\ "all he S('('II dri\iJl,e; ill s('arch of far-distant e:1TCIl places Oil III(' "dg" ,Ji' III(' Britisll Isles, It's \('" Iushiouuhlr: ill ltulv to "" thaI vouv. lx-rn to Scotlalld l S"ollalld's ahll'llSl I"'~'olll(' a slat lIS slilihol l Alld III(' AIII('riealls, \\1·11, ,I ,-\lthollgh the\ do St"'111 to I", ill a 11111'1'\.111('1 al\\als S("'1I1 10 Iincl tiuu- lor all allli"ahl,: cl,al. TII('\:r" g"lIeral" n'gard,'d as I)('illg 0l'ell alld h'i"lIdh-. d,'spit<' til(' fad IllaL a<.Tonline: to tll('lll, ('\'('r~,tiJiJlg is higger and !H'tt(,l" at ahva:'s IIOl1H'! :\s li,r II", .Ial'all('S(', 110 10m \\I'lIld 1)(' cOlllp"'I,' 1I1l!{'SS (,<lell llH'lldH'1" of til(' e:rollp Ilad a ('<lll]{'ra. The plll,lograpllS 111('\ lak,' II11 1St [illllllll(ln'ds or all II111 I.S '1'1"'11 111('\'go ha"k 1I(1lllei ()I)('{', \I()\\"('\rr, ,;atiollal distilldiolls ,strllck For the CS states bord"rillg Call ada trv this: '\\,,,11. I \Illst '\ot \Iis"'ac]' for \\'ashillgtoll, Idaho, Xloutuu«, :\orth Dakota, .md vl iunc-sot.i' III ract. the slogall is a good 1110tto lor all Il1 JIt-'1I10J 1ic-: uukcr». South Amcricas ilion' straightfillwanl. \lam 1'(,01'1" alrc.ulv kuo« that 'Colonihias ill t],c: Corne-r. \\'hil,' Eell;Hlor's Oil Ih" E'lilator ,and the- oulv twr: statl's withou! a eoastlill(, an' Bolivia .md Pa~'agl1a\- - alld \'011 could 119' lll()rt' British Pr-trokum ti) get ti,,:r,,1 t],e "'"11' ('nd,\lId tlt"1 ottr-n \\'alk aw.r, Irom the COlli "rsation Ila'ill~ "Ileard' "'1'\ dili(T('1I1 int.-r.u-tion-; Conside-r I],,,se t\\(1 t\vi"al ""lIl1pl,'s or cou [usiun: -\ wrnuun who O\\III'd a "aLt' sll0l' asked Il('r male- llJ,lllaL!;(']" to do SOIlIt'tllillg, alld 1)(' a,v;n'('d to do i!. Da\'s late-r it h.u lu: 111"'11 dill 1(', I!l'n''s \\hat th,: wom.m said: 'TIl(' "ook-keeper Il('eds 11('11' wit]: till' illloi"illg, \\'Ilal do lOll think allllllt }It'lpill,L; 1)('1' Ollt~' l lvouv: 1(,11",\'('d the argnllll'lIt so far. vonIl Iu 'I'll(' ""1I1 had said, '()!-.:', I" \\1,i,,11 II(' mraut. l'llli 01' lInwl11ollics, Th,,\"re I)('tt"r "iiI II,: .u«! oltc-u thun ill a big group, and tl,,'\ can I}(' 'O!-.:, \'11 think a"'"lt 11('11'II',g lur 0111: II" 1,,"1 tilollglil al xrut it .u«] de('id,·d Illat II(' «ouldu: spare til(' lilli", 'I'll(' owne-r w"s ups.-t: sll(' \('11 sll("d, wr-ll, gi"'11 hiu: sl)('";[i,, inst nnlioux. Bill appli.«l to alll snhj""t. But ill pLUlllill,g 11('\\- 1111)('1I10Ilics, t rv to u:«: a Stroll,g rhvthu: - 'Hieltard OfYork Caill"d Battks III \'aill'I",s laskd IH','aILS" it 1I""s \\,,11 alld it's got a strollg rhvtlu II, Tr, to [iud 1I)('III(,raltl" hut lllad lo,e:ic. :\S!;;)od 1l1lH';llOllic lllakes l('arllill\1; 1I11m' ('njmahl,' alld 111\1(,1, I",ss I'lII'g,'ttahlc' 2.0 page 35 I=intervlewer, D=Deborah Tannen I 011(' illlll",diale!l. ill II", \(111(1. ill III(' "loll",s, :\0\\ a \\-1l<lt lit' llad Iward \\'as a ,S11g,~t'slioll OIl(' II(' Ihollgl,l Ill' \\as I'ree 10 ]'('j",,!. Ld's taLt' .mot lur case, ,\ "'011"111 ;1S1,,'d Il('r a,h"t SOli, \\ho lil('d \\1111 11('r. Il,r 11('11' ",itl, ,'SI)('II,ses a\ter II(' IH'gall 10 work 1'1"1-11111(', \\(,,'ks !alt'r Ill' \\as adillg as il' 111('1 1",,111'1 spok"11 al HlIlt it, 'I'll(' \\-0111,111 llad askt'd llt'l" SO]I jc)r n'lll no" III Il('r first hook Yo" I"sl 'I ( I/I!e/'sl/l"r!, 1),o"lII'al, Tallllell ,'oll'''''lItralt's Oil til(' dini'n'II("'s l)('tll'l"'11 IIlal,' alld 1"'lIlale shies Ol'(,olll('rsalioll, 11I1)('r 1l,llo\\-lIp 'J'/1fI1"'\'", 111(1)('\ Ilk" Illis: "I II,ill" it \\0111.1 1)(' rail' Ii,r lOll 10 pal' n'lIt ]]()\\'.' lit, H'plit'(L -rIll I(';l\'illg SOOll all:'\\'a:'.' Tllt' \\'Oliiall \\'alk('t! ;l\\-a\, rnllli lIlt' {'(1I1\'('rsati()11 \\'/,"1 I ,\fm,,', sl)(' n'llIillds ILS t"'ll l\'t' dOIl"t 1i·,·lill\.'; \.';re,,11I n,li,·,,'d,'1\1I1 as lillll' l'asSl'd ,,1111 IHl r(,llt app('art'd. Iwr all,ger l'rllpt('d. III tIl(' I""" 10 look 10 0111' lI"arest alld dean'sl Ii,I' ('IISllillg (\llarn,1 it t'llltTg('d {ilat Il('r SOIl Ilad ('!"('aill. AIIIIOS{ as tllOlH.!;11 it \\'as all Oil<' COlllltiY. (,Ollllllllllicatioll LtilllJ'(', I )t'horah. \\-ollld Iward 1]('1' stalt'1I1('llt as all ()pilliUII, lllli a r('qllesl I'er],al's ill IIII' pasl \\,' 1,,1\,' "llItell('d Oil 10 til'" car(' to ('la!>oratt' great S~l1ll('l'H'SS is spr('adill,~ across tlu\ \\'orld, rrOlll rr():/,('II pizzas to tIl{' 1l1lin'l"sal (,Ol"llf'tto old ster{'ot:p{'S as a r()nll of J"(',l."\."\llrall(·('. It i('('- cUldd Oil \'011 t1Jis'~ lill' relli. 11,,1,,"/ "alked a\\al l'nllllllll'Ir illitlal D (:lTlaillh, I'or """II'Ic, I'ri"llIls "all 1I11slake ('t)JIH'J'.satiull f't't'lillg tllat III('· i<!('il oj' Ilis pa:'illg I}('. ill :lO I('ars' lilli", lIaliolial ""',raeterisli,,s \\'ill COIl('cnl I()r COlld('s('('llSiolL alld l)('opl(' :-011 I""" I;lluslll'd "llog"II}('r, Oil Iloli,L" alld "I 1111111'" A,,,I \\'1,'11 "lid "I' I)('illgjllSl '")(, ],ig lIalioll, Bill 110\\ IlI,rilig 11,,,1 \\ollid I}('I 111('1'1 al I'arti,'s, I'or """111'1,', ('all [illd 10m J{l'sl'arcll (11]('Sti()lIiIH.~ ()IT{'llsiH', \\'OIll('11 ill ]lllSiIH'SS illltl1l"opologists slul\\s Illat Ollt' or till' IIlosl 1.0 and 1.1 h: ps:'duJ]()gists. SOCill!()gists alld sit \Iat iOlls ('all app('ar \-ae;lH' I )('callSt' t ht': strikill.e; dir!lTt'I)('('S !)('t\\-I'('11 1.!;irls" ;ltltl IHl\< I"""ld adopl('d til(' "risk 'I'"'slioll-alld;1I1S\\"r shl,' d"",lop"d I" 1I11'II,jILSI as 111('11 sll I"s is 110\\ 1111'1 ask \\-Lal t!H': \\-all!. ':\t all call St't'1l1 distallt 10 pllr<IS(' tlwir pn,jc'l"I'llt'('S ;IS SII~gt'stioll."i, IHT'UI."\(' t!I(''' dOld rt'ali/.<' Ihal "'0111('11 ('sped til(' o('"asi'"lal sllll\' or 1IIIIIIall illll'n's!. II's all a IIlatllT or page 34 C( 111\t 'rsat i(lIIal sld('. I pn·llislori" periods alld 1"'01'1,' e,," all I)(' DEl', '1'1'11, Ih"re ar(' 'so IIlalll 1':1'111, ,-\III('riealls, Il,r ""lIl1l'l", lih' 10 gl'l a fis Oil ;, (\Ul "Olt m diwd a~t'S ~irls oll)('rsto dll art' IlUln' likel: appearillg to ~i\-(' (ltlll'r,"\ opliollS ill d('('idill,~ wll~tt to \\'llilt' ho:-s tt'lld to ~i\(' (',wll otlll'r d(). ('t)llllll<lll(ls. (:()lltrar:' to \\'klt :Ull Illi,~IJf illla,~ill(', plac{'s. n'!IwIldH'n,tI ('asih h\ Sl'lItt'lI('{'S 1l1ad{' lip fro II 1 a 1'1'111 Ilad 1)(,"11 raised Illil 11111 sl'illed, ,giH' liS all\' ilIon' l'\alllplt,s . 3.2 page 36 So, gi\"11 tlil'SI' dill''!'''III'I'S, 110\\ sl,ollid IIIl' "a"e lisl or Illitial Il'li<'rs, '1'111' lIord '1II1I('III1)\li,,' l"ls "Silllp'" d,.fillilioll: it's I,,'rsoll's first '''lIl1'', \\'I,ielt iSid pOllillar \\'itll Ih" Britisll. \\'hil"-\lIl('ri";IILS \\,1111 an'ld asked a pll1'ast" \('rs(' or sa:'illg d('sigll{'d ttl Iwlp :'011 '1'I('stiolis a"ollt Ih"III"'''''S I" a Britisll pro"""" \\'"lldld reel ,'ollili,rla"I" S;ll'illg, 'I !<-II' till' "ook-k""I",!, \\ill, till' i\l\oicillg todal: i\ n'l11t'llIlH'r SOIlIl'tllillg. It ('OJlWS fnllll th(' Cn'ck p('rSOIl lila:' aSSIlIII(' tllt':"r(' dowllrig!lt p()s,,\ihl(, s()lllti()11 ]1Ji.~IJt I(,r '1Ililldl'lIl'. alld ii's IIII' Oil" \\'Iml ill till' 1I11I'ri"lId", l)('t\\''I'1I Ill'r illdinTt stile allllllll' ilion' din'd sl\I,' tI,a!'.s IIvieal 01'111;'11, sill' Illiglil sal, "Sally 1I",'ds Ill'lp \\itll till' i\l\oi,.ing, I'd lik,' 101110 dictiollary to }H'gill.\\,itll JII!/. I n'l11t'JlliH'r 111\" '2;r,1I1dLltlwr t('l1ill,~ Ill(' tllat I So \"hat ,uh-ic(' \\'()\}Id \"()1I ,~i\r liS . ',) D (:('rtaill", th(' I)('st thil'l\.'; I'"l ('all do is to 1;'1'" "I\ie"'trll OJ')',;rk (;ail}('d B"tlles III \aill' \\'as all stalld I"i('k alld list"II, ,\ re('ordillg is pro"a"" OIl(' 01' III(' "cst \\;"S 10 1I111!erstalld \om "'I'll lerl,al stll,', ('as\, \\'a\' to J'<'lllt'lldH'r til(' spednllll ofco!ollrs ill ,~ rail'l!)()\\', (r('(L orange, \'('llo\\,. gr('t'Il, hltH', illdigo alld ,"iolt'll. . A g(')(HI JlllH'IlIOllic call pn)\-id{, a hasic strllctllrc 3.0 l()r 1carllill,~, alld cOllc{'ph alltl reasolls call Although IH' fitted anllll,,1 il. :\ortll AIII"riea. I()r ,'salllpl", is a cOlltil,,"t IllOSt p"op]" arc I'"lliliar witll. En'lI so, li'\\ peopl,' call n'II"'lId}('r \\'I,iell (;r"at I.ake is whi"h, Tn (w"sl to "ast): "Sliper \I;lll Ileips 1':nT\ Ch,e' ~ 1(lr lak"s SlIp,'rior. \li"higall. I Illnlli. Eri" alld Olltario, Alld il\ulI CA:\T 1'1'111"1111)('1' \\'hich CS statl's border' \!t'sieo, jllst n'I1"'IIII}('r C>\-:\-T 1(11' Cal;[ill'llia, AriZ'-lila, ,\,,\\, \!t'sieo alld Tesas, YOII call groall at the joke il'lOIl wish. bill \'CHI'lIm'ler (Irget th" onler! 132 ill page 35 it St'{'IIIS tiJ<y 111('11 "lIld \\"()JlWIl e;ro\\' lip til<' S"U1H' \\'(lr!(L lIO\\' th{'\· IIS(' lallglla~e - ill ,Iil'kr,,"t wa\'s alld for diff,:rellt !""P""S lilah,s il St 'I'll I that tl)(' 1\1'() s"ws an' talking at ('ross-p"'llOses, For 1\'t)Ill"lI, talk is tI)(' glll(, tltat holds r"latioll.Ships togl'lh"r: it er('alt's cOIIII('etillns 1)('1\"",," 1'('01'1(' alld a S('IIS(' 01' COllllllllllit\·. For l11('n, :,cti\'iti('s Itold n'lationships togl'lhlT: talk is IIseel to nel!;oliat(' th"ir position in a gronp and pn'St'IY(' ind('pelld"n('e, \\'ith allth"se sllop O\\'ll('r ,e;i\(' Ord(TS to llialt, ('I"plo:'('('sr silt' 1lt'lp 1]('1' Ollt {oela: 1)(' to fjllt! a ('()lllpnJlllis{' Is tllt'rt, all: ]"(',ISOII :011 (',lId~' TIll' 'I'd like lOll Ill' silollid sat ish Ill'r St'II.SI' or polit{'llt,,,\s. ,U'ltl sll('\ statillg tl](' 1"t'aSoli j()\·Il('r n'qll('st. slw's als() gi\'ill,\.!; llilll all ()pportullity to ('\pn's"\ llis rt'aSOll !(II"lIot (,(llllpl:-illg. if'tll('J'(' is a\l\, But. still iI's "lear tllal slll''s il'llillg Ililll wl,at to do, \lIthorit\ n,latiolls arc al'so illiporl;llit ill IIIl' eOIl\('rsatioll "etl\(" '11 till' II,Oti Il'r alld Ill'r adllit SOli, The IIloti Il'r Ii·lt tI,al as IIIl' par,.1I1 alld till' o\\'lll'r ol'tlll' IIIJllS", all sill' 1",,1 to do wa,s Illah' 11('1' \\'isill's LIIO\\lI alld Ill'r SOli wOllld cliltOIl);)ti,."lh li'l'l ol,lig('d 10 110110111' tlll'llI, Bill il' sill' kll('\\ til:,t IIIl'II oft.'l1 !llilll'sl!'1 Illisilllt'rprl'i indir('ct re'fllests, sll(' IIligll(\'" tried to "1111 till' di\'lTgeJlt cOJlccrns \\'()Jl1('11 alld JllCI) t:Vically COll\rrsatioll witll talk dilferenth \\'h(,11 the\ are tn'illg to aehie\e l'Ollllllitmt'Jlt to ad. SIl(' 1l1a·\· ]]()t"H' 1)('('11 1I('r SOIl h\ s{'('kill,g a 88 ~ '.111011"" .11"11 .I,lIl '\\011" .I'''!J0III Sl .I,HI ,)II!!! !1l1l1ll~\1:111 ,)Ill "S,Hlp 'I"I" \"1' \.I')\"\"I dj.IIS,'ol' "'ldlll1",' .lIl.1 '1"11',11''1 111 111'1 ·'I.lID ""111 ','"I1'D O"I'L\ \"Itl °1\1"'1 11 ,UOIII ,U" "'HI '11I"IUl! I'"" Sl , 1I11 II~ ')1[1 (>} Drqp.I(),).)\" p,l].)llpl[(),) \\,),\.[[IS\\,).1 S:O'[I!'P [1.I1~,)[ [ll).\ J,II,Ul~ <.;,)11[1::0' .r ,Jll.L "1(!';'11()11l 'l'[')l()~\ .uu ,)!lPl11 J.[[(),\\ uuuu \11-'1.11' Sl ()~ 'it:,! ,1I1 '°1'"''1111\ 'H[ 'I}I\\ \"Idll",) ll"'\ ,uo.!"l! '\1'lelll",) I ,',HI.!'HI ,HII 11"\"ltI 01 "'1111',1 .\1\ I \111 T';'~ (l) ,j\l?l! pl:p Jllll: [111]l1! ,lIIW?'l' 'll!.lIIlJ,\P.J .z: .I"III;;li l ,JlIlIHI1: "IlOq.W d DlI!.l,l.!.pIS.!O J,)l1l1l?J) I,)UIS q,)}l:(ll~ .Il~,n\ Sl S.I,q.W.lP'\,) " 1111()1['[!! Ill?.] ,1I11111 I'IS ,\,1. ,1I11 OII",ellkll'\III""rtlU,)el ,l1[l PlIl~ Ill,l\'l.ld ?;'11!1[1 )S.l!j 'll[l '",IIj,U ,'.1001\ li"" ·[()()(I·h :I"'" Y,j'! 'S'(,l.).\\ \!S {J} .lI[().! IIIO.q £"<: [[ [, )I\l\\().!.1()( [ S,)( Ilq, 11[[( lS Jllq W!jl 1(}:l! I!O I! ,1.[().I'HI ,lS!l,)I~.1(1 [[1~,) :P~l:S 11l)\ 'I')!!!\\ !.~ II''" 1I1l111l1 1110 11')( I ,1I1 11,)1I1\\ "'\1.1« "D"I\ "0,IS" "L\\1l 'II '1I0"S "'I'" I,ll., 111011"" .11"11" .LlIl '\\IlII" .1,1I[11l1l1 .I,lll ,Hll!J 11[llll[~\l~ll[ ,llp :\[d,u JlPq 'P[,)[()!\ ,)[[[ ')/lPl11 :l!'I[!,\l~ld '[I[!I\l f.ll()j> I j,lS[I()1[ ,liP 011!.I[l[) ,)J(llll I(l[ P .\Pjt! I I l,),l.l1 '(:S y,oz: I ::;.:..(: '''I d[L1 . . '[.lU.\\,llII(JI[ S!I[ .to.l ?l1[!.\nI PI()(P~ ll,l.1 68 8Be d <:" ~ ;d')lS ,1.\!SS,Uj)(l.q,U\I,HII, Uj\,) \l~,\\ ,)II sl,qsi;'lIl1(J'\,I() S'1[()![[!lIL "'11'1 ·"/i/l,I/'".\ ,l.idll,'; "'I 'IF,\\ \"Itl " 01' Il) '1""'\\ ,1I1 DIIIIII I'.I!) ,1I11 '11)(lIl'" 1111','./ ,1I111111 "1.I11),U ,UOO[\ ilL'\: 1'1"-,II"'\-lIIOI,' 1I.1I1.\\ d SeIOLPIN=!N '1IGN=aN 'JGjUGSGJd=d s~d!Josade.l • ,)I\l Sl~ P,)\O!dl[L,) SP,\\ 011\\ .I()PP,) 1Il~[[IO,\\ t: ,Jo ,IS!?,) ,)110 0(; 8lnpOV\J .I{) '111!11l [[P,) I ,1: 1 S 'S,l,\ . . . 1 ~,LI{I!l'W II! ll'II!l[l.Jo IHI!'[ S~IJl ,),)S 1Il~,) ll()'\ ,U,lIl,\\ ,)')lIlqSII! ,lI[~1I11')01~ ,1l11 ,).\~:O' It 0. \ 1'1"'1.) c."'ldllll",' ,1),1.1.1II1'.) \11" ,u. lIll ",II' 111\1 (I i d II 7'ill ~.\!j)' .I{) J[()!Id() ,)111 ,).\1~11 IIlII 11101111 ,1I1S i)II,I.\.'.I.I II' ',IIIlp .\\011 '11'1.\\ ''1\ S I[P,\\ Sllo.\\ {)!j\\ [,)[uo.v, .r.u 11° 1Il~[I[{)\\!? }[I()(P~ WII·\\ pll\-,' (I '11"1 IP~IIIS .[l~[[os.I,)d.,J() jllll{)IIlP ,11[1IL\\(lP ,H[OI sd1~q.[,Hl 'll'llql,lS 'I.I{)\\ l~ 1I! lI()ql~S,").\llo.) 11,1.\,1 .1° 1'"1'1 "'p .I"l ,',IIS"I' .1,111 ,'P'.I"I'01l1 I" ).Ill' i)l jl[(11 11'"1' \\'''1 "l ,'\1"1\'''" 1'"1' 11,'"1 1111\\ ''1-"'\\ '"1\\ 11111111'.\\" IIIlp 'IIIIIP I S ~,\ p.lI )!"l ~ [[[ ')(11 1l! ,1.1l~ S')P~111 ,U,ll[.\\ ,HIO .l() ·1l1,)[[[1I().1!.\[1,) P'lll~lI!I[[()P-,lP~[11 l~ [I! slln\\ ()q,\\ [1l~lIlo.\\ l~ O} "'ltllIlI",' ,11'.1 ','\10 IH'\ 1'1"°.\\ ,)')1\1'" 1"'1\\ 'os . \IPl.lI,)!).i" 1'"11 \11".1",',),)11, ",II11SII'I ,1I,"p l,llll'"0,) 01 11I,1Ip .I"l "1111"1)([ }I S"'I"III WII\\ '.PIIIl :,I'''P''?iol 7'illlli()·\\ .10.1 S!Sl~q ,JIll (I ')[l!.\o.HI "ls()(ldIlS I '11"\\ 'P"11 1I1, 1I1l 11.,,1\\),,'1 ,dlll'"Ol!"I'U r.J , lIll" ')\\ ,liP 11I1l'l" Dlllll") "'/ 11"11,'"1 lIo.~ S a ·11()!ll~\.I,),\[I(),) jl~I[()S,I.){.I , P Sl~ ,)\ln~?i 017 8Bed P..HIS '" ""\!.I0 ,liP 1111.1 011"'I"""1' ,Ill' Will 01' 01 Ii"" III '" 1""/ ,1I 1' '1[".\\ '.1,'11"1'\\"" ".1°,11')11") '[1'>'\\ jl:lll , ".I"./.J11' "'1\1' 'II.)1I10\\ I"II' '.1I,1I11 Wlp .\11.\\ .I'''I1'"I\ ""1) II".1° '"IlIJl',JlltlllI ,liP 'I?iIlO,1I1l JIIDII0'l1 \ll"'1.I j,II,'\"IIIII'.\ "',lS 110.\ jill! S ,q,lldl[L(),) (q Sl~1[ ')[ll JlllP }[[,)s,ud (I '1[1~l [Jl~[[LS' .l().l ,Hllq Oil ',\\{)[I:'-l [10.\ ])1[1: SS,)[[!S[l{1 \!tll [[,}lll().\\ lS()lll ',lI110II \1"11".1 ,1I1l 111 j,IS ,\.1. ,1111 III 1'"d,r."Ij'\IIIL'"""I.1,lIl" ,ll[l !I,).\!D PD' P,l.l(Jl~l](l[[[ '''/i/l,'//lI.\ "IIIIII\\\"ld "".) 11 1,'\ ,',II'.I"l! ,11(JSII(),) 0jJ/Uj/{!,\ lq:O!,1 :lIl P')llo.\\ P:1'lS S').)!J.j() lilt.! II,JlI[ 1I,),)S 'll~[P s'n 'Jlll?IHIIIIIl Sl~ ?'ill!I\lO[[ '(Ill '(lll 'Ol[ '0:'\ O,l[l!.\ Jl,)~Sl~ ,).\\ S,lI[[lGj (),lP!·\ llll ,\,l\.[IIS .III{) [I) lllq SIHIlIOS J 'S,)\lll~j)' \[I,)UI'" DIII\"ld 'I"I,)(I, ,1I1 ,'"l1j,l" 1I111(J[[[1~ ,1I1\,P Sl~ 'SS,Hl!SlItj 0l II,\\OP 6-, SJ8>i88dS=6-~S 'J8M8IAJGjUI=1 ?l1[~dd\.1 ,u,~ S.l,l.I[IPl'·.PI[ll~ll! \,HIl \\olJ ·\[lS.l!J :S\I()!lS,lllh ,1,1.[11l S.l,lls:l!llllO\ \"ld ,'"l PI 1."Il\\ 11111111 \111 "'"II,'"I11S '11".\\ a.\: .1,1I[l()ll[ S!1[\t[ ,1\1~j)' YJ.!..(: '''Ill' '" 1"".1 I '1\lll.Ij ,1I/l11"jIlL IS :S,)II,! ,IS,lIll DIIIlI" 1',1I1t1,U ,lI[1111 ,1I1i 11l'\\ ,'"IlI" '.1'''1' \111.1 1 \11"").)d,,, ', lIl1 l1l ,)\!J III dllllll\"ld I ",)(1111 1\ lIJl~,l(11 "1'1"1,[('.1" 11',) ,1111 ',lIl"I'I"I',' 1I''']'''.!,'\1I0,) 1""",.1,,,1 P"p 1,1.'.1 \.1I 1.1. , . "'I'!"().\I SII','.I '",dllll.lI."11 ',1,' - 11I,1Ip j.l.'.I.I"\ll"'l.I P"p 'DIIII II 1"')(1" ll"l 11 1\\ 11.1II1o.\\ P"11 " 111','"1 P"I\\ ·o\: i,ISI" 011 II 1l"11 111°'1" W'I"j )11"1"0,' "111'/' ,u" "Ido,"! '1'1)1.1\1 1""11 'IDliollll\ Jfll ,HII 1,[[,)·11~ S,lI11P:l!' ,llL!. "1:l!'1I01\} 'SIH!.)'I,),I.\\ S![!l :11Il" d '1111.1 ,U\,llil I'"" ,lIIIP:l!' ')1[1 'p,Ill.\\O \,l[llll~ql II1.QS\S ',lI[[ ?;'J[!?i,Il~'1'),l,)\(} ,1.1l~ S.l')F,q,u ,lip.!! Sl~ III \1"'111 ,UOIII ,U" "0'1 ' 1I 1l111ll! I'"" S.l , 1I11 S'l~!j ~/)~,(: \, 1I111"11\\ '1""111 1', 1I 11 11 1 \1j.l.'J!"c! '''I Ill. l:S '1)[ll~.l1~~ Ill!II:'J 'S"[-J!:l!' [[l~III S',l[[[1~0 (),l[l!.\\l:jd ,ll\.l, is\,HI!Sllq ~,[ ·.I~l~.1 SS,)[ .[() ,UOIII S! ,)j)'.Il~lJ') 'S',lOP ')I[S 11,11[.\\ s:l!'lI![[lll.ll~,llll(J\ d['ll[\')l[l ,lS[11:,). 11()\ .t().! ,JI[.L .10 "IIISIIIl,) '''Il.Uo Ill,"1l 11Ic!1'''11 ',)IIIl,?i ,IS,lI\1.I" ,),)1.1<1 ,1I1l J,lI\1, lIl\\ 1""1'" 1I, 1I 1l ,'.\\ ,h',lI!" ,u" 11I,1I1l.1" ,'"10' p".1 III ,I\ISII,)([\,' ,U\,lIll '[III1IlI,1I1l1' 1'\11'"11-'\ tS :1" '1111 11 1''' !!,j ,u, '"l "I'"" I '1"1"\"1' \1,)\,' \"Id I,IIS')('I' "'ltllIl"',' IIlI II! P,)j.)[I[l[[()') S\,J\.[[IS '\\').1,11[1 ()j 0[[!!>J(),),)\ P.I ~S HI 'j)'lI!J( I '" 11,1.1'1 '" IIlIl 111./ 1'"11 \1" \IIII"}.!,I,) 1'1"°\\ I LS I ,liP .!() ,ll[[{)S ),\\~, HI,)s!!J[o,IlIIIIO,) . Sl~. \\ 11l,U\' 11l'1"1I11 \, lIlli)II" 1','11l101l"I"\' 'o1[!JIl7'iU j.nq\\,l[I.L '()fl S'JlILl!.q\lll .I() ,l[[[()S ·SIHI,l!.q .[[l()\ [[() I :1'",!tI,u :',.'.1 I i\II'" U Ill, !IS :1''''' 1',,)I 1"1" I iII" I" IIl\ £S JlIlI ,1\!S\,).JD01~ 011![[[(l.),HI.Jl,1';.\1[[ Ill[!) J.lI()P :Oll!lp BS ,)II[l~D t: P,)\l~[d\')[[l ·,1:l!1:.").\1~ 111 I I ?ill()[\\()1[ Sl~\\ Jl,l:'-!Sl~ ,1.\\ [[()!lS,lILIJ fSP[ ,l'l!! S',lll[l~?;' ,1\~sS',u?;"jil~\[[1~ [l.\\() (1[()P S,I,\()11l 11I,111l!\ 11ll.\\\()I[S S',lll[l~:l! i'"" j)lI!lp.\tll~ .\l~S :Jl!l~S Y)() " seIOLPIN=!N 'Iedst!['=r 'LlIllJ>i=)IIIIGN=aN 'JGjUGSGJd=d 017 GBecl 'z pue 0"<: 'S'\,l,)\\ (),\\llll~[P ,1.I0[[[ .1,1,\,)\[ ·\I"!l~l.I,):) ,11[[(11[ l'I"-,lIl"\-11101,' 1I,1I1.\\ ~ 68 8Bed Sl 11,), c il'"" Ill' ',111011 Jill III, "II 0111 \"Itl Il.UI'I"I·) l.lI()P\[II!PP,),) I Pltl 'lll,lll[lI!PP,llll,) .1"III,II'.1 <1"'''1')'' ,HI Jl101111 ','"11'.0 ""I'I\ ''I() I 1~ Sl~ ,ll[[l~D IlJ(l.q ,\111:1\ P'!" "- 11,)( II II Iil'\\ "1·\1' ,1, lIl\.lII)('"1 Iljl"']"')')1' ·1I1' '11'),\\ S c,jl 11I1l'l" 01' ,111' 1"1' Jl'11.\\ c,oS a ·111"00,l.lll.l·1I 1 "1'"111 I" I" 1'''· lIl.1,lIl"j ,1Ilo?i 1''''1 .I,I\\otl )"IP '.I'H'I" 1'"11 I'i"') ,"\\ ,1I1' 1f·).1 '\'''IJ~ '.I'''IIil'\\\dtl'''I"1l ,U,,\\ ",)!!.Io '''11"1 1I,1I1111.\\ ,liP 1"111 ,DIIII'I"1I1.l .I",lIl 01 ""~'''I '''I' "'''1,\\ '.'1111) ),lIl1l'" 'l0r ,liP III "')'''1 \1"° I':"IS il" o I"II) 1\."0\ I'"" ,'111111111 i: "0 DIll''I '11"'\\ '.1:,1 S C,IIlII\lI·\\ '1."1"1' ,1I1'.l11'"\ ~,I),),',),lII' ,1I 1' I'll' 'S! ,)1[0 ,j,).\O Slll,l!lPl! .l,)j)1l1l0\ .Il1o.!o jlll?\\ \111 ,JI\I 1I,I,\!7'i Sl~,\\ ,HI Sl,qS'DI[It()\.l0 S[[{)!![!lll "'11'1 ·1l1"L'IIII., 1"d1lS '"11[11\\ \1lld" 01' ()l s'pln\\ ,HI Jl~'u .\.1,)\ t: S.,U,H!l ,),)S IlO.\. 'S,)lll1~j) ,lS,H!l ,\l~ld\')([lIl,)lI'\\ ,).\,) )llq ,llll!! ,HIl "'I'I I ,IS"",)'''I °1'""1" 1 \ 0111\"ld "lll I ,1.\: ,11()SIIIl,) 0l)ll'lll[!\ . 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I,'"1 jll'''I'' 11"1'\\ \"IV a '1".1""')'1lIS \1'''"' HJ\') ,1I1l1, lIlIIlSl" '\'''11 ',.I,)l l1cIIIIO,) ,"" 0) ",ul'l"I') tll'"I'\I"lll 011 ',)1111'0.1 11 01"1/11')').1 ",\\ .)llll~:O' ,Jlp :O'II~,\Plcl ~llqlP ~.II()P \l?ld ,HII 1,)[ \ll1"u '.11- ,)lll,,?i .)IjS"jll1lj "ljll'1?iIlIl'ljSllr I n "111'1' llOIJl',11l111111l1l0,).I" l'llIl" IIllul .I".I.I'IS 1l11110')'1\lllllhl.l '.1')\"ld ,)\1'I"dllll)') 1"1\1 '\\11I1' 11 11l 0111.\.1.1"" 11,).)'1 ,l\,'\\ '1,1.1",",).1 1","p·lIli .1I1.1 ') 'l\()q1nqlnnU! '11".1 .u \'''111'"'' d[.l1[\,llll·lSll1:,J. lID.\ JO.! pl:q I j,lSI!()1[ , 1I11 III ,HII Ill'\\ ,'"°1" ',1'''1' \1".1' \11""),,d,,) ',IIHlIl ,)\!) 01 clu .11'1 \"Id I """"1 1\' "I'",,'!',,)\\ , 1I11 DIIUIII' ,UOIII 1°1" Wid [ 1"'1 Sl:q 1I,l\,1 .\PIlL pun '.\,W.\l.ld .l!,)IP JO jDUq~,)\,) ,lqS \[')1[.\\ <:'<: 81180=a 'uesns=s "" ')(1 1'1"1l\\ 11'1\.1. is,l\,'' ,1I11 ,q"D.U;;,l' 1'[110 11' ,n\ llnp ?i'flqS,)j)j)[IS lOll [JI.J '[\()!lPI!l!S ~.[().\\ "'lll"1.l II'"I'1\II1',I"lpllIlIIOI '" 0"101"1"" ~()U - lIO!lPJ')POUI Dll~.\\()qs.!o [(oqs,)[]}J p lSlIj" '.11 '11"1111" '" 1''''1 '" '.1' ,\," jnl'l"o.\\ ['0\ i" 0'1"")1S lIl.\\-OIi " '.1 1 ',\11"'''''''1 ·oS ;lS,U,)~lq L8 GBed ')!llllnlLOJ .I" 1I0l11!-"1' III "" '" LII,lllll.u d.l,JjlllSlllI S a a:m::>eJd wex3 ."l' 01111111 'l,),llls.) ,lll' Jl''I,\\ jll')(I" jl,JlltI", IlSl" '.11 11ll! '1IIlI)l]O "" 1111'1 ~IIL\1D.I" ,ISII,l' ,liP III ')1111)(1 " "1\.1. ,C,·lII],·''I') II ).1,)(1\.) I "",) "'''1,\\, '1")'1'" '),'.1'101111 ,111' 11111 " \1'I"II'I\ 110.'"1 .IllI\I''''l.I 'lIlh'lIp II ,)\1'11, "''111.1''1',11, "" 0I1L\1D "I'I").Io.lllIll,) Tapescripts • Module 3A Krill 1I0t all th.u L,>(>II Oil pLl\illL'; with it lW(':llls(' I think SOIll{' of' tIH' galliC's arc horil,L';' Th,>\'I'(> al] ahollt fightillL';, and alter a while it's eas\ to pla\ thelll and L';l't a high score, 1011" \\'allted a "illtelldo 'calise I kit len out SO;Il,·tiIlIl'S I'd rather jllst he with Ill' I'riellds, A~'l'()nlillt!; to a hook hv ElI~(,ll(, F Provr-u:«: called '"idco Kul». \-i<!t'() ,~,-lllH'S ('IH'ol1ra,l.!;c p xcxixm, \-j()I('lllT ,L!)(! r.icixtu ill c1Jildrcll. TI,irll"'IH","'-old .Iaspal BI,aUi dis"gl'("'s, .J I d01l'1 t hinl, tI,al's right. TI,,·,'rc jllSt L';'"I1"S, tlu-vn- ,'\('ilillg, I dOll't thiuk unvou. Iwli,'\"s Ill:d tl,,·\ .m 11'1'" 10 lik-. I lil«: pla\illg tlll'llI 1"'(""1'" 11,,·\'1'(' IWUer 111:1I1 \\alchillg telk. P :\idHdas Scott, {'!t'\'('IL (l\\IIS a S('ga \l('~a l rriv«. \\I'id, III' I,ollgl,l lor l,illL,,·\I', Ni I pia:' Ill." Sl',ga lxtuu«: I get hon'd at houualld I like to ('IIl<'rlaill 111\,,·11'. I'd like to pla\ mor.- dllrill,g til(' \\{Tk hilt 111." nium cOlllrols IIII' lill'" I "all pla\, sill' dO"SIl'1 rcal" lik,· Ill:' St'ga 111<l(']liIH'. SIH' Iiall's til{' IIOis(' it llla]...:t's. P Ni all sC(,OI1(I-I","d - .uid dirt cheap', so th" kids clld lip s\\'appillg the-m witl: their Iric-nds. \\'11:' spr-nd monc-v going out to see sOllletbiug \\hcll a /(.\\, 1I1111lths late-r vou call see it ill vour 0\\'11 Iivinu room i.UI\" time- \THI like at the i)]'ess of a hutton:' ' , :j The kids arc- al1111mic Ltllati('s, Hut whe-n this 1"'\\' digital thillg first presellted itself \\'e wrr« all a hit sceptical ill the staff room at first. Didut real" he]ie\,' \011 ('ollld I'('('I'("'!I' the SI>I1l1d 01' a 1'1;11 orel"'sl'ra ill a muxi« roo II I ' , , .u«! with one- Slllall round ohjed' But 111"'11 \\'{' Il('ard tl«- rr-produrtion <n' \\('I'{' ahslllll!l''' ,,,"a/.,·,1. \\(' illllll,·dia!l'h got rid of our ('ass;·tl<' pla\ers and I'IIsll('d 'lilt to "'I"ip (IIlrsehcs wit l: t]1I' latcst ill Slllll1l1 t,'('IIIIO]O"" , -+ \\',·11. I sc,· a ]ot of pro hi,· III L'"lili,·s ill 111\ lin.: nlwor], alld 01'" (,['tll(' dil'fi('lIlti,'s \\,. lIoti('" is t t],,· e"lItre 01' Lunilv Ii/i· d''''Sld e,ist without tl«: lx», TIl(' tl,illg:s 111'\''1' s\\itl'llI'd olT alld till' \\]",1,· I'allli" sits glill'd to till' t],illg, ,""1,,,,1,,,," l'I'a]" talk~ to ,.,1('], "icllolas adlilits t\,;d pla\illg IIII' L';all"'s S()11Idill]('S distracts llilll l'nllil Ilis ()llH'!" all\' ll]{lJ"(', \:Cl!lO{h- (,Olllll11llli('at('s~ ,-\1](\ Ilottlt '\\'ork. ar!2;1111H'1It ahol1t \\'Ilo"s ,~oiJl~ to \\'atl'll \\'Ilal ~ \\,IIt'lI I ('OIIH' 11()11H' alld start pla:'iJlg. I('a\(' 111\ III,II11'\\ork t(lO lat,· alld tlll'll I S()1l]('til1I('S /tTllikt· tll;'f{' is l'{)I1\'('rsat'i()l1 it's lIslI<llh- illl , , ~('ll{'l"OJ1S Scll{'lllt'~ si.lyine;s iu our \-('IY . And juxt ]ook at till'''' mll"lerl'lI] olkrs: wl)(,11 \(111 app" lor a 'I"otatioll, voull n-cr-iv«, ('Olllp]"lI''' fre,' alld w ith ur ol>ligatioll \\'hats()('\'{'1". a traq'! .il.uu: dock: 011l'(' vou start plan a freT tt']('jlI]{)J1(' illIS\\'('ril1g !'llacllillc will l»: vour»: alld Iiuullv, ilvon sa\{' [:25 a Itlollth.·\,(lll"11 gd fr('{' \~'(Tk;'lld .urounuotlutiou ",r txvo 'at a l'oll'l 01\(1111' c!",i,',,' :\11 lOll ]"'" I"r :'OlJl" is iJ]"('akLlst alit! {'\'{'llill~ lIH'als, ('",I, E,('(//,,(o,. 1'1'1I111 ,Sill' ·\lliall("· is a withprofih Sa\'ill~S p1<111 wit]: l mill-iu ~lIar~lllt{'('S <lIlt! hOIlIl"'s dl'l"'lId('lIt Oil I'lItlll'(' pl'll[its, TIll' pl.m also prmid,·s Iili' ('m,'I' alld lias ,"I1(IIl1ati('alh illl'n'asil1~ cout rihut iou-, ",lliell \\'{' pnllllis(' ;vil1 ]lI'lp k,·,'I' \011 alll'ad ,,[' inllut iou. PllOll(' lIS 110\\ frt'l' ('\t('llsioJ] :'):'),) t(l "1('(' l'ollld 1)(' I ,ilH'S art' ()r ('Ilarg(' -- OIl W',;{)() ,,):2,S,~7:) !]{l\\' si/',('ahl(' ('<lsII Silill \'0111" ClP('11 \\('(']":da:s I'nllll q a,lIl. to ,,, p,lIl. (JII('" ,"'('('pl"'\. \\,·11 selld \011 1'1111 dl'lails 01'1111' plall, n'\'isill\2:. !lll" Itl\' first s{'(· (If('\<LItIS, \\'Ilat I n'al" 1I,·(·d(·d '\\'as a littl,· hal'kgnllllld IIlmil', lIotl,n,g tOil IlI'a\\, IIIlt th"11 I I'(·ali/.l'd that pl'al'lise Oil \Ollr I'ri"lIds, I dOli I lilld 111\ sell' t]\('I"(' \\'('rt' d()ilH!; it. SOllH' ol"tlll'e;allWS , ,) I starlt'd IIII' I,ahil last \ear \\']11'11 I \\'as silO\\' \'011 \j()l( 'lit 1110\'( 'S \\'llicll \'()II call dOIl't tlwre's 110 "art Id\ I'(-asou \\11\ \'011 slrouklnt he ('I'lehrating ill stvlr-. I,o\\'·\',·r '"ld wlu-n-vr-r VOII lib·, ,\II \(11, ],as;' to do is inve-st SOIlIl' ol'so,',r otll('r'llliJl,~s \\'ortll S\\'i{(']lin~ Oil 2.1 page 51 TIlt' slIhj('t't ()r 0111 nllllld-t!I('-('(lastliIH' s('ri(,s or l)('c()tllillg a,e;,'~~n'ssi\(' hilt S()]ll(' or Ill:' rri('I)(\s !()]', t(lO, do, TI,,'\ slarl ligl,lillg al"ltlll'\ Illillk tli,·\',.,· all\tl'illg ,·1,,· Oil till' 'IY, I(,r tI"'l IIlattn, hili S111111llt'r pnlgrallll1H'S tOlligl1l i,s (flat it's dif'/l'r(,llt \\'itll IlO \'isl1al il11a~('s, sOlltl1 (,OilSt'. l-higlltOII. \\'('11. :011 Illil\' or 111;1\ IHlt ill tilt, \'id('() ,~altlt', I dOll't 0\\'11 all\' aggn'ssi\'(' I'd }l{'\rr 1)('('11 Oll(' /()J' soap OP('LL or \\,Il('ll ,i2;alll('S lik(' lilat hilt I SOIIlt'tillWS 1;()!TCl\\ :'()ll\t' got to illla~ill(' til(' sdtill~ alld tlll'lIl. c!,aral'lt'rs \ollr,,·II', I \l'IIlIldllt 1)(' \\il]""lt it 3.1 t}( page 42 hllt' to drillk a pill! or it t() ('111"(' \ariOlls illl1t'ss{,s 3 SPEAKING t lut llligilt \'()Il \\'1"'1 do 'Oil Il'ilik ahollt lat" lIiglil ),~ralllll}{,s:.J \\'oliid \'"1 gi,,· 11[' \\al('I,illg T\' li,r III(' I'I'st ol'\IIII1'lil',· li,r [\OO,OOII',J (i \\'i,al do \'"1 do iI'''"I1'I<'le\isioll sl'l "(,;LSI'S to ,j hllldi(lll',J ";' \\'hid, ol'tlll'S<' ,lal<'III"lIls do \011 idelltil, Illosl \\'itll'~ S \\'1",1 do \011 (""11111011" do \\itll '"'" ('\" Oil III(' 1<·!<·\isioll',J Tick all\ \\I,i('l, a[,l'h, page 42 YOII jllS( \\oll!(hd lH'h('\'(' !Hl\\ lltally:'ol1llg ["'01'1(· ('0111" to III(' \\itl, Ilcarilig prohlelllS, \'{'IY oneil it's sOll\('thitl~ to do \\'ith \UlllllH' ('oll'trol - \'011 S{'{' tl}('\, \\"aIL aroulld ('\er\,\\'IlI're \\itll till'se ]lI'adpl"",,,s, t'YillL'; til slll,t tli'·IIIS,·h,·s olT I'rolll tlic rcsl III't]1(' wor]d ' TI,,','I'(' jllst askillg /(,r troll hi,· rca]h ill latn lil(ol It "'"I do 1110"" dalllagc thall IOlld disco lllusic! :2 \\'" (lrder IllaSSCS of thcse (.,,'1'\ \\rci<. Thc kids get tll('ir l'"ck('t 1l101l('\ ,,,;d thell h("ld 1,)1' til(' store, \Iilld ""I, th",',.,· Ilot 11('\\,1 Thc,'rc 134 1)(' I r{Jll!Jlill,~ II It '111 ~ 1<"" \ \'il I, loda\ 's I,igl, 1'011111 i,", "Ollllt lilT II s('ls s\\'itc!lt'd OIl ill tIlt' \\'indo\\'. \\'Ilat do d():J Exam practice plJhlicali(lll. tilt, ;ukal1tag('S ,,,h l){'ac!H's. II(' 11Ii,\2;llt :l 11',,," ('Oil'" aerm,s all (·I,·l'Iri('al sllo[' lIitl, T\' 1)1'( S('<lsi{l( .. or "'a \\atl'l', TIll' d,wlm iSI'lII,i,s pali'·III.s 11111 Oil" to illllll,,,,,,'II"'IIIS""('s ill IIII' ellilll wal<'r, prograllllllt':.J (,(Ilwat i()Jlal 1)(' a\\al.e 01' it. hilt Bngl,toll 'ill\elll<'d (1)(' S(IIII(,\\,llat dldliollS I)() \'011 O\\ll all\ Clr til(' /(lll()\\'ill\.(J Tick all\ \\'I'iell apl,h, ,) 110\\ 01'1"11 ill III(' past ,sis """ltll's 1,,1\(' lOll tllrlH'd d()\\'11 a social ('IH,!;ai2;('llH'llt I)('calls{' it ol"tlH' It l,apl"'I)('d ill 1-;"":,, \\111'11 a ("'I.taill Ill. Hid"'rd Hlls",11 "'plailll'd, ill a 110\\ I'islorie alld l\\'! I ela,slll'd \\ill, a Ll\lIl1ril<' l<'I"lisi'"1 "j<'\\,('! 3.0 il(kist, 'takitlg till' \\'a!('l"s' ill 111tld('ratiClll! page 45 (.J""'·II \'il'lmia ('lIl1ldll't stalld Briglll'"1. TIll' \1111110\\ 10 II'is Satlll'lla, Os I'rol(rallllll('s, TIll' filial hisluril'al l'('('OllStl'll('tioll olT,'n·d ill \\111/1 if. J is Oil Hadio -+ Oil Satlll'lla\ at -+ 1',111, ,,,"l is 11I1I1"('sli'"lah" till' IIlost c!'illillL'; 01' till' snies, \lilitan I'istoriall La\\T('II('(' Frl'l·dlll<1I1 alld llis Hllssiall (,OIl1llt'rpart\lItoll SlIirkm It'll c!lail'l "'" I (:I,rist0l'her-\lIdn'\\ \\'hat tI,,·\ tllillk \\'ollid 1",,(· Ilapl"'lll'd I",d t]1(' I q(i:2 (:lIhall lIIissile ('risis t,,(·It'I'(·d m.l'r til(' (·rlg,·, 1']lI'ir al'o""hl'til' \ isioll \\'Oilid I,a\(' 1""'11 LuIlI('llI'd had tl,,· l'S al'tlla]h ""ni,·d Ollt its tlm·al 10 hOlllh till' ,Sm il'l IIlissi'I,· silt·s, TIl(' 1II0St alarlllillg disc!oslll'(, is that t]1I' Sm'il't Illlc!ear ('al'ahilit\ \\as adlla]" ",r grealt'r thall \\"lShillgtOIl calelllalt'd alld that th,· SIl]lS",!II"lIt rl'taliatioll real" ('oll]d ]I<'\{' 1"'('11 "Ital. [l1l1l1edia((''' a!'tl'r this progralllllll', at ,~, W, \Iartill \\'aill\\Tighfs IIl1l'i\'alll'l] ahilit\ 4.1 110\\ si~llt of so 111,111: !)('opl/' Illillillg J'(l!llld 1]('1' IltlllH', IIII' ll",all'a\ili'>II.I"'rslI,,,I,·d IlI'r I" ,,·11 Ell rop('".s lliosl ('\ot il' St"l."id(' pal;l('t, ill I H:')() , Ilo\\'('\('r. BriglJt(lIl toda\' ITtllaills a 111agllt't to rr()111 aLlr \\,110 ,S{T tIl(' t(;\\'11 as (lilt' or filII' 3.2 page 54 I he' JI("'II 111'1'(' Sill(",lm'akla.s1 '" ("""" .sp(Tialll to ,SI'I' it al] as II disappears '"1'1' tl,,· e]il'l' It.s hl'lll'r 11"," a lillll, i.sld it',J ;\ real t I,ri II ~ :') It's illlpossihlt' to \a\' \\'itll ,ltl\ al'l'llraC\ ",actll ],ml IOIIL'; II,;' hllildillg IIi II 1'('llI'aill \talldill~. It defies all ('Il,'.!;ill('('rillg odds - it jllSt SI"'lIldll't II(' 1,,'1'" 110\\ 111I'1'(,"s illst 1'0 ']ogic 1I('IIilld it at all, ' :; \\'("fl' llllllth, I(s jllst a Iljt~IJtlllan'" \\'('\c rllll thc place /(,r t]1I' last It'll \ears page 46 dOld The :21 st ('ClltlllY is hardh ]ig],t \,>ars a\\'a\, IIa\1' \ 011 tholli!;ht \\,h('re \011 \\"ill (:('!c']natillg th" 11I'\\' 1I1illellilllll',' \\i'th a sizl'ahle I'ash ]1l111P SlIlIl. ]Ll\ahle ill thc \I'ar :2010, to spl'lld as \Oll choosl', Ill' all ,i2;n'al palal'(' kl]{)\\ \\,1](']"(, \\'{' ,",,1 WI' jllst go frolll Iwrt' - \V(' just dOll't k'Hl\\' \dut \ going 10 IJapp(,ll 1I0\\', -+ Yes, \\C\(' 1"'('11 sellillg '])isastl'l' Sirikes' T.shirts at [H"SO cacll. I .sIlPP0S<' .sOli'" peopll' ('(mid cal] it a hit II "'I'C"I""'\ , Bllt il""I\,Olll' Module 3C/D had Ill'(,ll killed or injurc«! \H' wouldut haH' don« it. It's hartlll('ss', ancl it's good ],usiucss l '5 1\(' still got all (11\ \\('ddiug photos Iroiu th« I'l'('('pliou W(' C \\'('11. thc local people clidnt see lniu \'('I'\' otton. II(, \\·as ocxusionullv spotted ridillg throllgh thc countrvsid.- had th('r(' a 1','\\' \H'cks ago- IiIlC ' , , , ('L OI} his assclJlhl:' alld 1\1)illg out certinc'ltcs 01' page 58 atJllospll('r(', A\ aila"l(' Oil el) ~dJlI. 1l11ISic SIHlJlll{'ar Oil tlu- 1l1alll('lpi('(',', 11ll' \\(lrst puuislnnr-ut \11' Yall aud ('assdk h'01l1 r(,l'('iH' could \)(' the 1)('11 B('rg('11 ,gO\'('nHlr's \'all ))(,Il 1)(,1",e;('IL ('\!H)s(·d till' Lillli of "ooks \011 ,juries Silllpl:- n'C()lllllH'IH!('{! tlu- Illosl "lll<'rtaillillg n',,,1 of till' \('ar'," \\'('11. l ]usl'ls Ollt 10 do E\('II ilion' crll('ial" , till' jlld~,'s \\Illl Sl,ll'('t IIIl' wiuur-r art' not liur.u-, pro/('ssioll;d,s, hut Illl'III!ll'rS of till' pulilir 4 LISTENING uuti! till' poli('(' til<' hi,g,g('sl .ut scandal pri/r-\\"illl)('r, III til(' uuuutinu, \\'11:' Ilot folio\\' till' ('\alllpl,' of om p'llll'l allli r('ad all sis page 66 sllllrtlisl"d till('s'" Oil tll(' progralllllll' toda\, \\'itllllill a dOII"t till' Ill'st Illillg ('\('1' im('lItl'd \\'as Tlli,s is til(' "igg('sl al'l s('alllial ol'its 1\ Ill' gralldlllotlHT SLUHlillg for \1()llrs kL\"{' ('{'rtificat('s I,", or tlllt!Wlllici(\'. !<'on.!;l'(!' or ('()llI"S('. ,J H Alld Illl\\ did \U'I ('011 II , 10 dis('()\n Illis gi,galllic f'rall<! ()!wrati()lI·..J \\'('11, ('III, I'lll Illl art ('oll('dor Iliit 1\(' alHlll1 paillliIH.~ ill tIl{' last ft,\\ d'l\s Ihall I did ill all 111\ Iii,,' \\'lll'll I gl'l Ill'opl,' \\110 r('ad lor pl('"slln', Lute-r tllis \rar \\r will .uuunnn:r: t lri-. \('ar\ ,,\('lllSi\('k ,U](! a g,u.~,~I(' ol'g('('s(' 1.0 like originals, tllt':' ,1 tIl(' ('](Ttric irOl1. I n'IIH'lldWI" 111\ \\'(,'r(' ,g()illg to talk ahollt two of" tll('lll. TIH' ot!)('rs "'ill app{'ar ill 11('\t \\-('('k's prograttlllH' \\'<trllling irons ill till' lin' 11ll'1I lil'tillg till' I'l'd hot tllillgs 2.1 page 68 10 pr('ss Ill'r lill(,1l tahl('dotll.s ' :\0 dllll"t alllllit it - till' ('1,,('(1';(' ligllt "Iilh, It Firsl ,,1',,11.,I n'\oliitiolli/,('d om \\,1101(' ",iSt('IIl'(' I ,(,d till' lam" \litdl('lL 'liid Ikir I'l\\-lif,' l'ri"llli LOlL ;;illllil" 1'11111 I" S"olt S(llilIL B{'atjn~ tlwir \\'a:' tllr()ugll a Sllo\\'drin, I LlId, atld \\a\ to all sorts Ol'illq"-O\('IlIl'lltS ill 11ll' '1IIalil\ StllI111l1(' IIp()11 til{' \\T('('klg(' of all air('raf't. III tilt' 01' Iii, '. ('o"kpit is a d('ad pilot alld 1)(,llillli I'illl is a dlll'l,'1 I \\"{lIt1d sa:- tIl(' S('\\"ill~ Illa('lliIH'. I l]lt'all. )"\(' ha~ ('lllltailling (l\rr n'ad all alllllitgiris St'\\illg I" ('alldh,liglil alld Ill'(ln illStilll'ls, tlll'\ ('l)(I('(ll't a 'l'll,Jprool' plall 10 S·' Illillillll. Agailisl I LlIJ!,'.s p(,rl(lissioll, 1'lIpllI Oil all (,\lli"itioll lor 111(' nJillillg tll('ir {':-{'sight doill,~ johs tllat ('all 1)(' k("'I' til(' Illlllll'\ pr('ss, 1'111l'l d()]l{' ill S(T()IHls \\-itll a llla('llili(', <jllil'l ILllil, d"St"'llds illto a spiral ,>I'I)('tra\al 'liid \(111 tak(' pllotos tlll'll. ,\I'ln til(' Irial. III(' pidm('s \\illlla\(' 10 Ill' d('str()\('d, Sa(1. iSl1'1 il:J H ove-rlook (,lljO\ r('adillg \ullrs('lI'." \I'ollhhd it Ill'gr('at if rI'IIIIII';II" c""i! /i('(/i!, 111'111'11 110 dOII],1 a"olll till' ililporlalll'(' ol'tlll' loot. IlIon' pri/('S'l<'lId to ]lr<'ciSl'k that. (:ollll;lissail'l'-prill('ipal -'l"lll-( :Lllld(' Holill lias l('an]! page 67 l l.rvr \-011 llotic('d 110\\ Ulall\' ('Oll\'('IJli()llal hook 'grippill~ 110\,('] \\-itll l"I'al pag('-Illrllillg qllalit:' al I('ast :2() \('ars, TIll' pidm('s 1101 ollh look e 2.0 lirushr-s. "amas and an ('aSt,11 IJ)()() I'"'gl'd Illasll'rpi('('l'S e 11(' \\'iIL Illl\\('\('L aha\s Ill' n'III"lllill'r('d as tlu- To g('( Oil till' sllmllisL a "ook lias to Ill''' R=Reporter, C=Commissaire-principal JeanClaude Rolin H ,\ ('aslll' ill rur.rl Fr'lll('l' \\as 11illIIl' 10 \11' alld hurst ill and ill 20 \"('ars. ]1\ till' tiun- 11(' di"d ill Il)I~, S\\'lll Ilad I'('('('i\('d m.ur, houours. illellldillg a kiliglilllllllli ill 1!J()4, ('\"'lltl",1 r('l'lISal or an IIr~"lIt r(''1n('st lor page 64 \Irs Iall(]l, S\\all'S illlpro\('lIll'lltS 10 I<:disoll's tllrllillg (>]ectrical ('I}(T,g:- int o ligllt, cOllld r('d('filljll,~ (']('drollic uutxir: ill a 1l]()(!('rJl classical Iil.uuont design pro\Td a Illlt~(' Sl1('('('SS, ("nd('r Fr('llch lu.v. tll(' m.rxiuuun S('ll(('Il('(' look at till' IIlas!('rpi('('(' [roru til(" world 01' IIIIISi(', \11 ",trad I'roll'l Edison. who«! o"taill('d till' P'Il<'ll( Ior a carhou uian who im('lll<'d tlll"lirst ('!'ri"i('lIt 11l('llllllll"r lnurdr.-ds 01' .uixiou« collcctor- t,;king alloth('r 'l,il'('f()1"111S' - DO miuutr-x ()r()r,~alli(' s()lIl\(lscap('s Tapescripts autlu-uticitv' for f(lrgillg artwork» is olll:' live- :'ears in jail. .u«l Ill' wont S('I'\(' morr- thun tlm'(' il Ill"s \\('II-I)('lla\('d, So whil« tli('I'l' lIla\ Ill' Aud 10llighl \\(' Ila\(' tlu: LIl,'s( Ill'\\S I"l' \011 4.1 his forger's ... 011 R a good liis hicH'le , hilt Ill' \\'as ol)\iOllSh much too hlls\ workillg oulv a I,'w \ards Iroiu wlu-n- th(' plac(' has just - litrrnllv - Lill('u into th(' s('a' Luckv ch:) 1.1 011 • Bllt \\llal il'II,,'\'d 1""'11 l'l'al:J \I'lut a],ollt Ill('ir Illar""1 \allll' [\I('II'J C \\'('11. IIll' (:('rlll'llIS Ila\(' sllgg('st,'d ;;()(l.()()() IIlar"', 1,111 II"Ll's ollk a n'SlT\(' pri('(', Bill \\Ill'11 IIlistrlist s('ts il" till' I n'('koll 11ll' po('kl'l \\atdl \\as tll('gn'al<'st IIIIl\'(I('r, Hol)('rt I !arris, \\110 "llm\s \\I"it il lak,'s thillg ('\('1' ill\('IIl<'d, Ikfillil<'''' to \\-ill tIl(' Tllllttlpill~ (;o()<! I{('ad '-\\\'ilnL am!>o(" Ila\l' I ll'('1 I Oil tilll(, ar;'j\rd'{lIl tIl(' S('('II«'; 1.1 II()\\ ('ollid "l'i,l\'(' it \\(,11 page 66 dl's('ril)('s tIl{' I)()(J" as a \\'(1I1 ld'arl' \('('ordillg III Holll'rL it's 'ori~ild 'llllllll'alitil'lifh \\,rilt('II', ,\lld III(' Ill'\( I,ook is Is:at(' Sallllllns, Xi"I,! sill, II ()'<'!'!lIk" Us 1,\ ' H So it (,(lliid \\('lIlla\(' 1ll'('11 , ..\S :'011 lila:' or Illa\ IIOt kIIO\\', .Ios{VII S\\'all was C a lot III'"'!' B(lt '" 110\\ did \011 ('Ollll' 10 dis('O\('r "Orll ill till' lIorth of Ellglalld ill 1,'>:2'>, 11(' 1('1\ F01lr E<!\\-anliall s('llool,girl.s s\\rar a hlood \'()\\' of" sc!I()()1 at l:~ alld lH'gall \\'ollill~ as all appr{'lltic(' l'l(,rllalfri('lIdsllip, BilL as tlll'\ illlll)('('IIIh- sllan' !Iii. \'('S, ill a c!H'1l1ist's sll()p lwl()n' Illo\'i!lg to ~{'\\'castle tlll'ir tln'atll.S oj" ]"(lIllall('(', I}(JllI' lIas \('{ /()rt'S('{'11 sprillgtiltH' lOll!" of <;{'r111<l1l:'. YOll sct' .\lr \'all ill I ,'>Hi \\lll'r(' 11('joilll'd \I'hit,,'s, till' firtll of Ilis (II(' lIigl'lll,an' of till' (:r('at Il'ar, \\'lli('11 \\'illlllril Dell Bt'rg<'11 sfarkt! s('lIillg pailltings I'lItlln' !>roth('r-ill-Ia\\', as a '1llalifi('d e11('lllist. tlll'ir \\mld IIpsid(' dO\\IL Kil'l I girl "'p('ri('II('('S a H C '" \\(,11 il al( I ll'g'l\ I \\'ith a l'atl'l'lli <l1l(1 ('('rtili('all's 01' alltlll'lIti('il\ 10 gall('ri('s alld (;('n;l,lIll'iti('s like S~) OIL 1'111 !lot allowed to <llldioIlIIOIIS('S ill lllajo!" BOIIIl, (:()IOglll' <l1l(1 tl'11 \011 wllat Illad(' tlll'lll slispiciollS ],111 till' I'llolograplli(' platr-s \\'l'n' "Iso lI"Ulld'll'tm('d 11\ th(' COlllP,Ul\ alld S\\'lll SOOII d,'\('lop('d a ""('II illl<'n'si ill th('s(', Tllis I(,d to his (h,\'(,lopllll'llt of "prodlldioll proC('SS I,", dn photographic plal"s ]()SS oj" ill1l0{'('11{,(', startill,g witl, .-\llrora a fil'f\ Irisll r('dlll'ad \\110 1)('('OIlIl'S a sldlrag('(l(', ('al'lpai~!)lill~ f(JI' tIl(' ri,glJt (Jl'\\(lll}('11 to \-O{{', lll{'11 fillds lilT ('allillg as a lillI'S<' ill til(' tn'll('ll('s, BilL ill tllis sau;a, on('rill~ a Iwa(k Itli\tllf/' or Iwroislll, (;,'rtllaIIS told liS 11ll' s('lll'r \\as Iisilig poslal alld ill ISh:', 11(' sllccl,('d('d ill pat('lltillg a addr('ss('s ill Orl("l\ls, \\llidl is \\,11\ tll(' COlllllwl\'ial process for carboll printing, tLIg('ck alld 111l\'('St rail I('d passi'lll, \\'1II I \\'ill "r('ak ill'lilin is haSt'd Ill'I'l', Th('r(' \\'('1'(' oth('\' III the sail\(' year, Ii(' got married to Frallc('s addr('ss('s ill Paris I'llt till'S(' \\('\',' jllst post- \\'hitr-, Bllt shc ""IS to di(' sis \('ars Iatn. alld ill till' SOI"1I1l1 \0\\ first'" Tllis II()\l,1 is a trillillpil 01' all fro II ts I hows wlll'r(' Ill' ('olild ('oll('d l<'ttl'rs or han' 1-'>71 hn sisl<'r I Iallllah !>('calll" Ilis \\'if,', lIe \\as 3.1 II Il'II I I'llwan!<-d, ,\ thc bth('r of S('\('ll childr('II, 1(.\\ 1IIl1iiths ago till' \\'liol(' Illl.sill('ss \\(lIlid ha\l' lak(,ll ag('s 10 c!<-ar Ill', \I('all\dlil(', S\Y,IlI'S \\'llrk 1ll00('d Oll to till' stu(h hilt Ilt'\\' Ellrolw,1I1 {lO!iC(' co-operatioll lIlcant of lig"t alld ('Iectricit\ alllL ],('I,m' a Lts('illalt'(( Illal om C('rtll'lll d(,[('(,(i\l' \\'as a],I" to audi"llc(' of 7()() ill :\c\\castl(' in ],'>7!J, Ill' op('rak willi lIS ill a 1,,\\ lioms alld \'all ])('11 Ikrg"11 was appn,Ill'lId('d In till' polic(' ill (;(TIII<lII\,. H !llId 110\; 11<1\(' till' lo('alp('opl(' takcll all this',J d('lIlOnstratr-d his ill\'elltioll, till' first clectric IlllllL Th" S\\'au Electric Lalllp COillpall\ \\as !,mn('d ill 1,<,S1. aud ill ],'>-'>:3 S\\'111joill('d \\'it!> Tholllas page 68 Oil our prograllllll{' tllis alt('nll)(Jll \\'{' \\r!('olll(' Salll era\', :\0\\, SalllllS('d to Ill' a tllP IlIal(' III()(I"1 hilt 1I0W, \\'itb (h(' pllhbcati'lll of Ilis Ilm,,1 lie(), Ill'\ \\'(,11 Oil llis \\'a:" to ]){'('oltlillg a top \\Titer too, Alld, \V(' call aSSlln' \Oll. 11('\ ll]()j'(' tllall jllSt a kllHlsOIlI(' ' Lice l 135 • Tapescripts 3.2 Module 4A () \\'1'11. I page 69 1=lnterviewer, S=Sam I '\1 ollh :27, tllis (:alllhrid"I' "radllal" has h"I'1I to (1)(,'\"1" l)('i"llts 01'(1)(' ,"o,lclli"~ proll'ssiol;, hut 110" Ilis si"hts aI''' St't Iirnrl. (Ill a SlI('('('S,'.;/"II] can'tT as it llo\rlist. 11(,\ lIot ('\adh- xturtiui; Oil tlJ(' t:;nl1llHl Hour. .-itlu-r. :\01 Illl··Salll tl)(' SIlSP""St' of s""di",, ill an IllIS(J!icit('<! 111~1I111s('rip{ alld \\'aitillg .m n IIIII 1,)1' rt'j"dioll. LC(), Ilis lirvt 111)\1,1 "as sl1al'l",d "l' slrai~llt awav. ]I("S llall<!.S(lIIH', [II additioll to tl,ar., ('I"lHlih' <llId klS ("lwrit'l){,{' oj top 11]()(I('Jlill,~ aJ'(l111H! tJ]('~l()I)(', so it IlIn"il:~II\ slliall .uu! Ilis St,lf-d"iJr('"atioll is ('IH!('arill;r uu.l .~alIL \\·('(tlllH' luunv. \\'as H'r.'-~()od to D 4.0 ('\'('11 t!:ot C(!II{UW!\ \\-('n' l()()kin~ rat]]('! ill 11)7'1. ('llIllpl"ll'k Irallsfonll,'d for till' tt., lisll'III'IS TIll' firsllillli"liI CIIIIII'S 1'0111 a I) 4.1 ()r;l \'011\'(' ('\('11 ~ot COIJl<lch ill tl](' \\'Ilit{, II(}tl.~('~ .-\n' \Olt t!:oiltt!: I() Illake \\Ilat :'(Hl'!"{' 1('<ll"llill~ fro;tl tll('111 tIlt, \llhj('{'[ or \lllir I]('\t 111']"(' \,di(lll :\irlilll' (';llJill (:,u>'I ,,1\ al IIII' 1111'"11'"1. 1'111 ai'J'aid. I \\",[1. [Id" as e;"il'l'ill" as \"llI' page 70 '1'1](' ('Oll\iltc(,d dlat \(JII\(' ,~ol a 1l<llldS(111H' ('anTI" ill frlliit (Jf .'(),I.·Tlla,d, ."011 f()r S l'{)lllin~, Salli. '1'1"",,, \011. 3.3 page 69 The inappropriate word IS in italiCS At 0111\- 27, lItis (:altlhl"id~(' t!:L.ldlla{(', ]1<lS "",,"10 IIII' \1'1'\ 11ie;1/\ of till' IIlm!l'lIill" !H'(lli.'ssi(111. SIIC('('SSl'ld can't']' a\ a ll()\'('lisl :) fiC(), [lis firsl II()\"I \\as SlIijijwd "I' slrai,,111 a\\'a\', tl](' .) Bllt ~1I\l'it(' al[ Ilis e;o"d li\ill", S,""" 1'''0 is 1I11'rl';flllh ",,,,11 and Ilis sclI~ d~pr~'l'ati()ll 136 \\{'J'(' li\ill~ ill local ;lIli!}(lrit.' \\('n' l)('ill~ l()ok('d \\('1'(', ;111<1 I . ~{'l}(Tati()llS ()llt or datI' is ("Ild('aritlg alld flltlll.'-. 11\\'11 111(' IllOSt Ilatllral \\'a.' p()s.sild(', art' ('\('1" 11\, Il('al"illg il (1;1\ ill SIIIT()lllldill,gS tklt ild(lr~llati\('. J't'Lt~I'd alld \\1", an' sa\ or all pas I "al';11 slall \Ii 'n' 1101 pari i,,"lar" 1I01"d f()r tlwit" lillgllisti(' 1<11('lI{\ Illil lllings Ila\I' dlall(~i'd e!ritsti('alh. \'010111\- an' 111('1"(' 111Ill'(' f()r{'i~1l Lll}l!,II,I:~C ~1)("lk('rs \\:i1llill tIl(' ,lirlillt' 111all ('\('1" l)('r(IJ't" Illlt 111(' IlllllrlH'I"S an' \\('('!..:. lll<lllks t() 11](' "l1lll1lSia,," (If 111l"lTI'\\S ;[1111 IIll' lall'lIl (If III<' 01'1'1""11'11. dl'slillll" III' forlllliall'lllallll)('IIIS""I'S.' sll<' lTili"is"d 1,,1\ill" slalf \\110 \\1 'IT .-\ 'fill' III<' IIIIISI pari 1I\1'1,\\orb,d, 1I11111'1'paid alill sill' also crili"is"d 1I'IId Illt'lll.s{'hrs III (T(';ltill~ ,111:'tllillt!: frOltl a 111(wk-IIP ill('t"{';ISill(!, \\(,(,k L\ Olt III Ll1lt!:lIa~(' Irailll'rs Bill Hrtl\\IL \\Ill) 111;lIlag('s tIll' LlIlgll;lgI' IlIlit, is pr(lild (11'\\1"" I",s 1)(,1'11 '11'''"l1ll'lislll'd ill till' si, \('ars Ill' I"IS 1)('1'11 ill IIIl' jol,. H Olll' prill"lpal ol'j,'l'ii\(' is 10 ll';[,,11 Olll' slHlrtllald ('rt'\\'S_ Illlt \\(' also II;t\(, I()llgll;ud C]"('\\'S \\110 <lrt' all\ioll\ to illlpnl\'(' tlwir skills tI)(' la"k I>!' n,(,o'~lIiSt'd alld \\(' fit 11]('111 ill as aIle! \\,11('11 \\'e ('all. traillillt!: ;llld ad{'l/Ilat(' iIISIHTtioll alld l,illlt!:lIag(' tr<lillill~-.s 1)(,(,(lIlll' S() popldal' illat sllpen-i\ioll. sl](' ('lld(,d IIp h\ ('allill/2: jill' it \\t' 11,1\(, I(J jllt!:~l(' ()Ilr pll"lic l'IIlI"in. ,\ sln'alll of II'iI I'I'S 1«I11I\\(,d ill 111'1' SllpporL 1('llt!:t1}{'llillg \\'aitill,g li\l.s. II(J\\'('\'('L jllsl o('('<lsi()llalh III Lll'!, till' "ditor "f 'J'I/(' illCn'aS(' 111'(, Illlllrl)('r of" sp('akers or a nlJII'S t\\ iCI' Iril'd to \\'t' \\';1\' tlJrOllgl1 C'\'('r- IJ<l\(' sp('('ific 11('('ds 10 "rille; IIII' COITI'spolldl'IIl'I' 10 all "lid. Till' particlIlar LI1I~llag{'. It's S()Il}{'tllillg \vC' take 1I1111i1,,-r ofl"tll'rs tl)(' ]1l'''SI1<'I''']' 1,,"1 n'('l'i\rd \\'as ,~r{'ater tllan !tll' all.' ot!}('r iSSI](' \('I\' 1'\1'1' d"alt \\itll ill (1)(' 'I"ll"rs' eO""1111 of till' days altn its Jl""liea(iol, tl)(' call1paie;1I i'"l",'st illto thl' d"ath of 1:3-\"ar-old D,,"is ()':\eill. Dellis I",d died at ("e "',lids of till' \'('IY !lUll \\'I]() \\'as SIlPPOS('<I t() urUIT . a ainTah "ahill III a lahll' ill a n,stalll',lIi1. [II III<' attrad"d ilion' iiltl'resl IlI'eaml' of Ihl' -+ III addilioll 1011"'1, Ill''' l,alilIStIlIlI', l'rJldill' alill "as "'I",ri"lIc,' "I' lop IIIIIlI"II;II~ arollnd 11'aillill,~ (Tlltn' is h;t\(,t! (Ill (l('(l'lirillg liYille;, hn'alltille;. I LSI ,1'111 ,~rasp (Ira lallgllag(' ill d,'s:'rilll'd III<' "ollililiollS slIlf"n'" I" IlIal(\ Si, 1I101ltl" lall-r, Lalh\III'1I 11",,11,1)('1'caSt' a"aill ill a pailiplill't \ih,,\(' ('1,ildr(,IJ'~,\ 1(,\\ ,l \\'<1.' alld llsill tr it 1}('\\Spapl'r. ,) Btlt ItO\\ llis .\i':!/IS are sd finlJ1: Oil arc karllillt; II,is 0111'. \ppan'"lh Oil -,"h IIII' 1:,111. I~JI·l. TI/(' Tillli'l pll"lislll'd a Il'ill'l' fnllil a cI'I'laill Lalh .\111'11 01' [lml\\llod. Tllis 11'llI'l I{ I{ fi"sl, ['111 (T('''' possihl", fnllil lill' ill Iifl,Ii!;I' sillialiolis. IllltrallH'(1. . S clas.snHllll t('('IIIJiqll('S, or tlwir 1]('\\ lall~lla~('s tIl(' \('1"." h(',st 1I1'"I<-I'iI'd n'" lolal" oil "Iaril\ 10 SlII'I'0r! 1111'111 alld an: d"sl'is('(ll" IIIIISI' Ilion' IH)\'('rJ ol Peter HailHT J"('p()ri.s , A '\lall\ Iligl'-I'()\\I'n'd 1'lIll1'lioll ill a litll,' \\llill' .. \lId I f(}rJtlllla is til(' salll('. )<'()I",e;('{ all.' illlag(' tllat II'anll lnuu hoob wit l: illiprohahl<' I'llraSt's. S!]{' \\('Ilt \ {'I'.' "alia" or si"lIific,ulth as a n'slill 01' a II'lll'r \\rilll'lI 10, cilildrt'll.' '"l1i (;"I'II1'UI. Sp;lllisli 111at 11](' ('n'\\ .u«: l{'arllill,~, 11](' or pll"lislll'd I", a lIaliollal ]1I'\\sl'aI1l'l"" alld 1I11\\'urtll\ (Jr {llll traditiollal ('an' uJ sl\[,' ... \olll"a\(,1111I' \\mld firsl "lass' \lId \(III'n' still \\11\ "1'111<'1'1' al,,)\(' 11)(' I'I'sl \\""'(1)('1' its Frt 'II'" I, 11(lllrs of\\'('ar: ]"('\H'liti(lIl, and e;1",lItllllar <jIICll<' 'repn's\i\(' \\'()Il (lll(' da\ ill [ , t() Il<l\t';l {,(llldtlrlahl(' lift, 111';11' Lul\ ()r ('\TIIL... l'Y('r ])(T11 (']I,UIt!:(,d ant'!' \)\ Y(lll111lalY a~('lIci('s \\'llicll III(H'LtI\'~ I kl}()\\- :()It'n' (dTt() ~l p Illie;ll! nur.iin illstitllti(lll,d C<ln', llr \\'IHI SlilL \Olt 0111.' 1]('('(\ tll page 70 P=Presenter, 8=BIII Brown R=Peter Rainer, A='Lady Allen' I{ \\" did, illdl'('d. COliII' "I' \\illl all ,"IS\\I'I' 10 \('1-: Exam practice ill IIII' \lidlallds. lias Iln: C()[lrs(' kll(l{'killt~ til(' Itlod('llill~ \\()dd Ilrns \HH)I" l'oui): (:( ulmut c1lile1n'll \\!}{l '~;L('tl(lIt.S p1'()fl'\\i(lll, crnn rl rv. ."iilll'(' our last pr()~rallllll(' our ."1"1111')' paris alld d\\illlilill" 1"I's, alill il" all 1'\I'I"da\ slon "I' 1111 "1"lIill,, 1«1". TI)('ir Irials ,""I'trih"laliolls, IllI'ir "llS alill dO\\IIS, 1'1111101 (fo()d l() IIH'. BilL \{lll kIHI\\, it'\;L Ilit d"parl II" 'Ills, l'I'I'ta;lIh nulil tI,,'\ \\'I'iT tak,," O\Tr I.v l lu: 11('\\- so('i,d S('f\-j('l'S d('parfll)('nh ill ill\'{'sti.~atill~ qlwsti{lIlS S('1I1 ill h.' ."(}IL tlu S;l\iOIII", it s;L\rd Ill(' f"rolll a p()ssihll' 1'111111'(' or it \\as carrier 1)('Ill'r III<' f<lc,, of (I!'ficial "llild "an' iu t his n'sl',lrc]]('t"s lla\'(' I)('l'll nut <lIlei So \\,llal'-.., \(1111" tlo\rl ahotll',J \\1,11, it's ,'all"d t-:C() alld [ 1'1 ,,,,tn I il as 111\ - faillili"s .u«! r"lati\I's. It n'portl'd ill IHHi alld II,d din'l,th (0 1111' IT,,alion rrf cilildrt'll's d"l,arlllll'lIls. TI)('St, ill tll(' page 69 Tl«: l'n:«. L di('('\. S j]{'ar vnuvr- P=Presenter, L=Listener P Coot! ('\,(,Ilillt!: ladil's <lJld~('lltl('lll('11 alld I,"hlisl)('d '110\(,1 al 11)(' first all"llipl. (';l-s(ail]('<! 'I(Tlk Illitl~S I~)-l::), 10 ill\"sti"all' III<' can' of "Iildrt'll 'd"pr;\"d olnonual hou« IiI'" wit]: tlu-ir own rc-xt Iron: ur vuu. or I I ('()Il\illl'('d .'-CHI\-(' ~ot a Ilallds(llll(' I,", 11",1 \\itl, 111\ Ilair Ltllill" 0111 alld 111\ Ene;lisll- (1)(' \\·llitl'IIIIII'I'. III \\'1,11. if it's as "rippille; a.S \ our lir-,t. 1'111 11"",ks tl"" "r"at iut ro. Bill [ \\as \\,,11. 111"1,,, lxuppo:« l wr-n! slrai"I,1 to 11)(' lop of tIl(' ;l]()(I('l1in~ tnT \\-idlOII! ('\('r d(lill!.2; all: S .-\Ild \\'('1l'OIIl(' 10 .urot lur .-clitiou ()j' '\1,,1 \\llal 11",,11' \011 'I"it tl)(' \\orld "I' Ilj(Hlt']lill!..(..J \\',,11. [ Slq'I'US" 11)(' rt'allrllill 01111<' 1I",lt"r is "y of liS poor lIi(lud\'~ to tll'(, stlldio, III<' roll"11 johs, alllll)('rt, I alii II()\\ \\itll a pr"ss. ,\11 this a"itatioll - Iare;I'h prolilptl'd that first ktt.r - \"1' n'spolls;"II' 1(", till' ~O\'(TllJl1{'llt ('stahlisllillg a C(lItlltlittc'(' ill nu-. S ,\nd \,(111'1'1' still \\a\ np (hnl' a"II\I' TI""lks, it's a 1,11'"sllrt' 10 1)(' iuvitr-r! ... .uul S tra"I'11\. Ilis dealll \\as \\idl'h rt'port"d in till' di",'\·. - 1'111 ;1"1 kllockill" tln I1I0dl'IIi II" uort] - it \\()old I", l'aS\ 1(1)(' "II\iOIlS of Ilis III"k. Bill d,'spil,' all his'((()(ld li\-il1~. Sal11\ own (',~() is ,llI'ep fan II ill till' eillnit"sidl' .md. alter tl«: SllppOSt' tlu r"al truth oftlu muttr-r is t "'itb Ill\ bail' hllill" out and 111\ Elldisllt('a-strflil/('(i t('('th, thillgs \\,('IT looking rather 1)(' al'tint!: as "is "falh"r' lIe had l",cl1 seilt I,,· his local 'lilthorit\ to li\l' \\ith a Lllilih on a n']ilol" ;111t! a llll oftlloll,e;llI kl.S ,gill\(' illti, tI)(' h"st' \\a\ (If l"II((lIille; it. \VI'",I' ('(111((' III' \\illl ;[ \\11]((1,',,'1'111 idl'a "all<'d "['aslt'rda\s. TIII'St, art' ,',actk \\llat tlll'\ ,,1\: jllSt ada> al((1 jllS( a lasl" i,l'\\llal ii's li!;I' 10 1)(' all air1i;j{' lallgll<lt!:(' stlldellt. Tastl'nla."s an' COlllplJlsllr.' f()r SOIIH' crt'\\'S Lilt tl)('.'\'(' aln'ad\ pro\(,d irn'sistihl,,1 P s(I,I"t's 1,,)\1' a "lmlT look at \\llal (1111' of tlll'SI' da\s I'litaiis . Module 48 1.1 page 71 1 111 this eountrv all\thillg Oil lour \I heels is still all uutackkd i,rol;klll '- .u«! a political hot potato! Too hot to handl.-' Tlu gO\'e]']]llwllt's adlllittl'd it cant build ('Ilollgh roads to a""olllllloe!at" all tl", vthicle-x !",opl" will aC'lllir" ill tl", Iuturr- but has 110 idl'as II<'" to, "I' "to, "I' , d"al with til<' siuuuiou. So what's happ"l",d') As a nsult till' IlIIlIgl'l f()]' hllilding II('W roads quite: silllph 1"'''11 I"" t rimuux] dowll. I me-an to sa:: - it's a que-stion of ItO actiou - 110 solutions! -) TIH' oulv \va\' to avoic] glohal "'<tnlling is lor till' ridl' \I'Orid to s<'t all ""11111'1,, hv cllttillg l'lSsil I'lIl,1 uxr: hv, \1,,11. I wouk] sa\ r"dllcillg it I" at I"ast ,')Oi;" I )(-\(,Iop,'rs, d,,'siglllTS uud pl.unu-r» clont displa\ IIIIIl'1 I IIl1d"rstalldillg or tl", nature- or lh" prohl.-m. \Iadll' th,'\ dont wan: to 1I11l1"rstalld It wouklut tab, a gl"l'at ' challge to slIg,t;{'st thaI. sa:', ('1"111, a 11('\\ hllddillg sll<lIddl", pill III' ollh il' it l'ollid slu)\v its illlpad Oil tIl<' ('II\'irOllllwllt- positi,'(' rall]('r t11~1I1 I]('gati\"(,- (Jr('()llrs('. TIH'll :, it \","ddlll' allow"d, Th" ('II\irollll"'lltall'risls t"lls liS that 1IIIIIIall sOl'id i"s, part i('1Ilal'h thos" ill tI", so-"all, 'd d"\"lop,,d \lorld, 11<1\,' IIl1d"l'\al'll'dtll<' ('11\ iroll 1I1l'lIt -jllSt 1I<lt appl'('('ial<'d it. il' \(1I1 lik", 1'11<'\\(' 1"lt IIlatl'l'ial "O!lSlIllIptioll h('!()n' ('ll\irOlllllt'lllal illh'grit: rllllllillg Ollt ,llHI \\,(,'n' or till]('! TIl<' tilll<'Sca]t' lel!' actioll is ddil;it"h SIl<'I'tl'lIillg, TI"'I"l"s 110 dOllht ahollt ill T\\,('II{\' Y{'ars ago ('ll\irOIIIlH'lltal disasl<'l' was pl"l'«(i('[('d ill 100 \,'al's' tilll", I,ast \'{'ar \\'{' \\'('n' ,e;i\('11 20 \rars togd (JIll" ad "o,gdll('r! 2.0 " So, ir,'Oll'n' !{,('Iillg tellst', t1Jis Ill(lrllillg goill"~'to do SOllldllill,~ ahotlt is based on lnodng or statiC' postures and 3.0 stn-tclu-s. SOllll' of which are aduuttcdlv rather complicated. But dout hl' put otfl» tl;ese se('llIillgl\' complicau-d postm"s - c\'('n caS\ sittillg and killg postures uri- inunr-nsr-]v 1)(,lIdil'ial ' YOII know whnt th,,\ ,,1\: il vou l'(lI11" to El('e with a '(ortl] ,\II"'l'i"al; inuuutaiu lion. dout rtlll awav. Attack' Thl'\ .ur- as pm\'('rflll as jagllal's and ha\'{' tl'dh as 10llg as \011I' littl« fillg"r hilt, il' \'{1lI .ut.u-k them. th,'\ aI''' hasicalh- I"l'Sp('l'lI',d, 2.1 thou~ht \I,,'d ill\'('sti~atc thest' Strcss!>lIstl'rs a little 11101'(' thorollghh - so \\'('\" prodll""d a list of pros and "OII.S for \(1I1. First: tlu- pros, As Ell' as .u-rohic- l'",rcis(' is l'olll'el'llcd, th" pros aI''' l'aS\ to id"lItil\-: it's ,'\tl"l'lIll'l\' easy to set "I' .u«! \0;1'11 find that it r"all\ do"s htTP \Oll fit. \\'it(1 th" A,I",alld"r Toclmiqur-. Oll('-lt;-olll' scssiOllS ,\!;iH' :UII the challcc to lIt'aJ with :'ollr individual pro!>I"IIIS, slll'h as I'Tliug \\',,11. \ll' l]{'IYOl1S, or iusouuria. Yon sl10111d he!lefit ill sl'H'ral dif!{'n'llt wuvs - actors and sill,~('rs. {(ll' inst.uio-, lISt' it to il;lprOH' "oil'(' d(,]i\rry - alld it's gl"l'at il'\'oll\" got a !>ad !>a"k or Slilkr fro III pains ill :-(llir sllollldeLs. I{"laxatioll tap"s l'(lIi1dlt'! 1)(' ,'asi,'I' to liS", TIIl'\'rc' illStallth a\aila!>l" allli. or l'OIlI'S", lIot at all (:xp('min,1 Y;lIl dOlt'! IIl'"d am sp,'('ial sort 01' kit, jllst a tal''' I"l'l'ord,,!'. \lllil'h IIIOSt or liS 1,,1\(' all\-\\a,,! \\'itll )'oga, :'011 it! \\"!,'n' Filldill,~ a tlll'l'ap\ tllat sllits \(1I11' t"",!"'l'alll'lt, lil','shl" allllllll<lgl'l 1I",'ds ('al'"l'liI plallllill,~1 ,\hO\(, all. stl'''SS l"l'Ii"l'slllllild 1)(' a tl'('at, so clloos<' SOlil<'t iJillg YOll'll {'lljO:'! First or all 'Il'ro!>il' ('wl'l'is<': its rolt' ill stl'''SS 1"l,li,,1' is to 1"l,I"as<' lIallll''''s tl'al'l"illiz"l's illto \'Ollr SVStl'1l1 cn'atill,~ a !{'{'lillg or \\"('II-hcill,~, \'(lIdl'pro!>ahh I'TI. sl,',,\, alld look I)('tk!'. YOII shollid ailll I,ll' at I"ast 15 Illiolllt's or at'ro!>il' ('WI'l'i", tltn,,, tillll'S "al'll \\'('"k allli \OIdlllotil''' all illlpI'O\'('IIIl'lIl ill h()\\ \'011 I(TI. sl,:('p alld look' '\"xt. tht' AI"""IlI,,1' T"d IIIi,!,"', whiell is a call start at all:' ,H~{', and d(lIl'l ha\(' to do it \\'('11 to 1'",,1 til(' 1)('IIl'fits, TIIl'I''''s 110 OIIl'-lIjllllamllip ill ('lass"s, alld all \(1I1 I]{'cd is loos('. slrt'tciJ\ c1()thill,~. B uumlxrs. If \'{1I1 'I"l , illll'I"l'St,'d, till' lI1<lSt dil'''l'l ",a\ 10 filld out al iout till' lions. is to joill rnu: ol'tlll' 111<111\ "'p"ditio!lS orgalliz"d I" Fnrtlncatrh. Sil"'(' jQ72, r:(/rIII1UII(-!1 lias IH'('1l ol"galli/,illg .uul supportillg scirut ilic t'\!wditiolls alld projects wit]: tlH' ann of 'ililpro"ill,g IIIH!I']"sLu}(!illg or tIl(' pl.uu-t , till' di\(Tsil\ or its inhuliilaut«. al,,1 till' prol'('S"'S tllat afl'"d ",llat tll<'\ "all 'tl", (Ilialil) 01' Iii" Oil ('art "', l'lld"l'sLII"lillg \lllat all('('ts tl,is '(I"alil\ 01 Iii," eall Ill' traIlSLtt(,d ililo tl)(' sllarp ('lid 01'''''0{(ll)rislIl - a logical step j(JI' tlll\-Ol}(' tin'd or fallliliar itill('rarll's alHI packag(' deals stnlllg to~t'flj('r In (,()lllllWl"cial tOllr {'O)llpalli{'s. (,olllpall\, It orga'lIiz,'s trips to till' Alhloll \Jolliltaills, Fi\(, "'p,'ditiolls to tl", ,\Ihioll \I<,,"]taills an' plalllll'd I'or tIlis \( 'al' at a ('ost or allllilt ~ I ,:,00 dollars 1'('1' 1)('I'S<1I1. ",llidl "0\ "LS /()od alld accollllll()<!alioll. :\{'{'ordillg to 1-:1/1'11111'1/11-1, till'S<' "n' 1"l',,1 "'Ill'''iti(lIlS 1I0t t'"II'S' tlll'l"l"S, llll'l"l"s II,Sllall\ a dO\\'ILsid," Aerobic (,\t'l"{'is{' carries a rairl:- iJigll risk of To.ioill till's(' ('\!H'diti(lIIS :-01111;1\(' to ()\"{'I" 2,"), or ha\"{' all: !>a"k or joilll prohl,,"IS, filld a'l'lalifi"d imtnll'lo!'. AI"1. altll<lIlgh tl,,' "\,,rt'is<' is IIsllalh all (,\(",II,,"t halalll'(' I"l' "lIlotiollal or IIll'lItal pl'''SSIll'''S, it's also a sll'''ss ill its<,1L II'\(111 I"l'alh Il""d to slo\l dO\l'Il, tl,,' ('xtl'a l'!'I"l't IlIa\ IIlak" \011 ll\('1'-tiwd, So, il'\("1 dOll't 1,'"llll'ttl'!', tl'\ :SOlllt'fiJill~ Illon' gt'llt'lt,. ' l:IlI"l'tllllall'h'. \I'itll th" ,\I""llId('1' T"dllli'l"" th" illitial (lIltla\ is high - \01l'1I11"l'l1 a l'OIll'S" or at I"ast 1O-1'51;'ssom, Bilt it's a lil"till"''s ill\"{'StllH'llt - al'tcl\\"anls or h\"(l :-()l] '11 0111:' S('SSiOllS a yt'ar. ..\1so, it n'{l'lire OIH' \\"(lId 1w \llltil 1)(' a 11I('IIIIll'1' 01'I-:I/I'IIIII'III!'!' IIIIl tIIl'\ 1,,,,(, sp""I,,1 1I1l'11I1)(,l'sl,ip I'"t"s 1(,1' Lllllili,'.s, Y(lIl """ o"t"ill fllrth('r illl{)J'ttlati(Jll 4.0 11\ \\Titillg to FflrllllulfdJ. page 74 (;ood af!(Tl)(}(lIL Iadit's alld ~('IJtI(,ttl('tl ;ltld \\(,1"(1I11" to till' s(,,,I,," j.;1I0t S(wid\'s 1''',,"al'llll('lIt or tl", fill,,1 ""ttl" 01'till' "i\il W"I' j()II~ht 1)('t\u'('l1 ri\'al gnlllps ill t1Jis COlllltl":'. 'I'll(' luttl{' took pla('(' ill tltis \'('1":' area :r")() ~d'ars a,~o toda\, all" I(,d to till' l'"rli'"I1<'lItal'\ S\St('11I tllat \I'" still II,,\(' 110\\ ,,,Ia\ S, To"a\'.s 1"l'-('lIal'lllll'lIt oltlll' l'i\il '''II' ""ttl(' prull;ises to IH' (jIll' ()r til(' Iliggcst alld IlUlSt arollild tl,,' firth I"ssoll that \oll'III"'gill to 1('('1 spITtaclllar t'\{'IILs tIl(' Soci(,t.\' lIas !Jefter, so it's Ilot all illllllt'diat(' \\'a:" or lllllocking "II", amllllli tl)(' "1"l'lIa, \(lIl'lIlill"" "llil"J'('II's t{'II."Ii(l!l, fllllfair. n.fn'Slltll('llt 111(ln' I{eh\atioll tap"s I,'ad \(1I1 thrclligh a series of you're an (>L ('1'. g('t~llp-alld-g() perSOIl, Hlli llla\ psyehologists oft,," prc's(']'iI)(' thes<' I"l' \'('IY allxiollS patit'lIts, Thl'\' call ]", IIsl'd as Oft"l1 as thl'c" tillll'S a da\' 1.,1' tht' first wt'ek. 1I0\\'e\cl' allxiolls they al"l:, patit'llts fine! that the ('wr"iscs rt'duce l'\'l'I'V,la\' str"ss, And last hilt 1I0't least, Yo~a, that alll'icnt disl'iphlle or lIIelltal alld ph\'sical ('",rei s" , which filld it too (jllid alld ill\l',ml-Iooking, astllllla, stalllllH'rillg, insolllilia alld IH'adaclH's, TIll'\'I''' also highh p('I's('('IIll'd,- or Ila\,' 1)(,,,11. For \"aI'S, tl"'\'\,, 1)('''11 shot at I" rall"lll'l's alld hllntl'!'s, I,iOIl'llIllItl)('I'S 1,,1\(' 1,,\',:II,'d olf 1"l'('('lltl" hilt l'S stall' galll" ag,,"ci,'s still kllO\\ trro littl(' ' aliout tluiu - c{'rtaillh- not ('llOllt!;ll to ruxurr tlu-ir survival ill tIll' E;c" of ("palldill,g 1IIIIIIail \Ild llO\\', !(lr tlH' COIlS, ..\s \\'itll ('\ ('r:-thillg, IllllScl(' reLl\illg alld hreathing C\(Tt'ises, Clinical post 111''', YOldll"al'll how to Eill illto a lIatmal. cas\, \va\, of Jllo\·ill,~. It's {'\tn'1I1el:' IIseflll W!JCII 1I1l:lItal :lIlll pll\sical S\lIIptOills al"l' dos<'1\' l'OIlIIl'd"d, S\'lllplolllS whil'h liel\t' tllis 1II,,"tal alld physil'al illtl'l'd"p,,"dl'IIC" aI''', iiII' "xalllplc, !'a"" E(/rlll1c(/f('!/ is illl\'tilill,g 11Ilt a ('(1I1111l{'r('lal t{lIll" :-011 Th" trollhl" \I'ith 1'"la,atioll tap"s is that it C<lll 1)(' dillicilit to ~d \011I' falllih- to tak" \ Oil S<TiollSh alld I"a\'{' \"(lIl :dOIl", Bor;'dolll eal; ('asih- sd il'l. so it's oft':1l Ill'ttl'!' to, to filld SOllll', ,'r. ;lifl('I"l'llt IIl1lSil' to e\cl'cise to, Alld, oh, ]", the \1,1\, \ Oil shoilid Ill'\,{'1' 1lS<' a tape \dl('1l ,fri\illg' ' , YOIl ""'\' filld it difficilit to fit Yoga illto \011I' daih lil';' patll'rtl, YOII, \011 IIl1lStfilld a l:IaSS, as hooks alld \idcos are ollh lISel'lll as a hack-III" lI' s:'st('1lI of n'-edll('atill,~ :"()l1r hn'atllillg and page 73 lloll-aggn 'ssi\'{' croutu n 'S~ page 72 A Illirting :'()IlLst'IL Ir:'oll'n' page 72 Tapescripts • 2.2 :2 :3 -l ,'5 page 73 thera[)\' tcmpcramellt hlldgct traIHl'lillizcrs musclc () pS\chologists I <lncient ,') IWllefil'ial Y loose 10 st I'ctel1\ ('\'('1" stag{'d, SL~lIs,{' atH!ltlll('ll '1'1", 11I('IIII)('l's "I'tl)(' S,,('i,,!\, all ill 17tll ('('lItlll'\' COStllllH'S, an' l'{J11Jillg 01lto 'til(' fi('ld at tllis 111{)1l1('llL if\"oJl (',lll Sl'{' tI 1('1 1I \'('1':', tll<'re. It's ('as\, to illltl,\!;il}(\ JO('lkillt!; at tIl(' ('OStlllllt'S till' parti('ipallts an' \\'('arillg, \\"Il,d til(' SC('III' Illigllf kl\'(' looked like ,dl tll<,sl' \(,,,I'S ago, YOII'lIprol"ll;" 1I0til'(' l'"tl)('I''' lot Ol'WO"I<'1I ill the lille-llp l'OllrS(\ ill tIHl.S(' da:'s \\'0111('11 didn't fight hilt if a 1I1;1I1 \U']"{' guiIH"~ to \var, it \I (lIdd ]ll' \('1' dilfil'lIlt 1,,1' Ilis \Iii" t" IlIak" a li,iIJg, so sh,.'woldd 1,,110\\ tl)(' soldi"l's ill tl", hop" or makillg a li\'illg I'rolll 1)('1' Imsl""I<I's pl1lllder alld wag(,s, From \I,here I'IIl sL,,"lillg, it S<'('1I1S tI,at till' l'rO\\'(] Oil 111\ I"ft al"l' a])(lIlt :20 d,'"p, 1'1"as" 1",,1 li",,' there 1lI00l' dO\\'II to th" otlll'r ('lid "I' tl)(' or ti, 137 Tapescripts • Module 4C fi"ld "h"r" tll('r" is Ill;LSS('S 01'spac" - ami voull 2.2 also gt'l a much I",tt"r vir-«: of th,' exciting Stlltterillg afl,'l'ls Iour time-x as munv girls as hovs. \[;'ll urc- lx-tt.-r at thillkillg ill thre-e- di II I<'IlS iOIlS , \lell possess all ahilit\ to 'read other pcopl(,'s hidd,," III0ti\'('s all(llll<'allillgs, \\'Olllell are lx-tn-r at l'l'IIIt'llJi",rillg appar,,"th- uuuroc-nv n-x. Exam practice page 76 TOILI\' "" liud oursckcs rivht ill tilt' heart of thc COlllltl'\ I"r a PCr!i>rtll;1I1C':]'" tilt, Scal"d Kllot Battl" 1{"-"lIat'lIIl"lIt S()('i,'!\, [ust ill caS(' vouv« ll"\,,r Il('ard 01' it th" S"al,,'-I ~lIot \\'as \(";lldcd ill lIlt, I9h()s, ill Wh," to I", ,'\ad, I" a disti"""isllt'd soldicr alld milit.uv hist ori.m who Ilad ",7rri,'d out ,,\t"llsi\'(' rt's"ar~'11 into tilt' ci\i1 w.u: its"lL Illd""d t lu- ol'j"d of tilt, Socic-tv wax prolllotillg 1"ll>lil' illl<,rt'si in. .mcl 11('1Il,(, puhlic sllpl"ll't lor rt'S('arell into. t] u- liixtorv of II", civi] w.u ill this c-ouut rv. Tilt, S,wit'l\ is I':mop','s largl'sl alld lliost ('\pt'rit'II('('d n'-('llal'tlll('llt s()('i(·t.", \\'jtb ove-r r-ul huxiaxti« 1I1t'lId,,'rs at its disposa\. :\Itllollgll participallts art' all alll;lt"lIrs Itl ur: , :lJ)()() ixuI a Sill,~I(' prCl!<'ssi()11al participallt atll()IH.~ tll('lIl), tll('\ 11;l\" a \\('altl, of "\I)('ri"llc,' a'ltl art' capal1l(' (ipllttill,'..!; (lll a wide rall,~(' of ('H'lltS. :\ portioll of all \("'s is allocale'd to til(' So"it'l\Os (:llarit\ FIIIII\. \\ l,i"l, is distril>lIt"d to dif'I''!'''1II "I,ariti"s Oil all allllllal I>asis, Otll('r profits ,go to\\ards til(' S,wi"t\ its"IL altlltlllgil participalits art' 1I0t paid, as sllt'IL Total cllarital>l,' C<l1llrilHltiollS an' Ij()\\' appr();lcllillg two Illillioll 1"IIIII,Ls, alld IlIall\ dil'\('n'lIt "I,ariti,'s 11;l\" 1>"IIt,lit,'d I'rolll tilt, Socit'l\'s a"l<\ iti,'s, So, if \011 !lTltlla( \Ollr ('\('11101' cll:lrilY lllight h(\IH'fit (;irls de\"lop a JarglT \ ocahul.uv. Bms oft,," ],cgill sp('abllg rarli«:: th.ui girLs, (;irls catch lip with hms whe-n tll<'\ ,,"tl'r s, 'C(lI]( larv sc-hool. 3.1 reL·ltill,\..!; to hllntin,\.!;. whic-h {'\cel at ]'('ll](,Il11){']"in\.!; t lu- lorut iou of random itellls, perl laps reflcctillg (,\,()Illtioll<.ll: pn'sslln' Oil \\"011\('11 who !t)]"a,\.!;cd lor tlH'ir /t)(Hl. 11I1COIII\{'dcd itc'ltlS, 4.0 page 79 llatlln' has ilIon' tllaIl Oll(' script~ ~\ot ('\rn 2.1 or SOII}(' of tl}(' cn'atlln's ",Ito illitahit tlJ(' 1"",tIL S \\',,11. <1111' of till' ilion' hizarn' caSl's illpoi"t is til(' tl1rtle, :\Illollg 1I10,'.;t rt'ptil('s. lllalcs are lit"rall\ iliad" ill tIll' skill,', \1 ,\lId 1,;1\\ do,'s tltat "'"11" al>ollt'~ S Er", tab' tIll' gl'lllh'l' <Ifa tmtl" hatcltlillg, 11\ chrolllOSOIll('S hilt \)\ Eg,gs d('\rlo{J ill llCSts I()catc,d ill S1I1l1l." an'as, wherc it's \\'anll alld toast.", gin' ris(' to 1"lllal('s, '\1 S<I I'ggs lJ('stl"d ill slta,k pIaCI'S \\'ill \i"ld a page 78 \\',,11. III<' allS\\,'r to '[III'stioll OIl<': IIlIlIiI",rs I alld :j \\'('IT til{' Salll{', III 11IIr le'sts -II "f\\'"I1I'11 alld fi-l'/c 01'1I1t'1I scor"d COITI'l'lh, 'I'll<' p,'r!i'l'l SC'-JI'(' Illl' 'I'lI'Stioll tml ",as :20 alld :\1 S 01lt ()f tllat scon' til{' ~l\era\..!;e /tll' \\'OllH'll \\'as }.') alld fill' 1111'11, 1:2, For 'I'"'stioll tim',,: tilt, \\Olllt'll h"at thc IllCIl again witll ·-l.1 S."1I01l."1l1S pe]" \\urd as against :2.:2 fi,r til<' III<'IL :\,,\\ I dOld kllm\ hm\ th"sc r"sllits Illigllt ('Olllpare \\'itll .''OlIr O\\'ll tests hilt 138 :\1 S .'j ('Iiulillatill\..!; (i 1I1Idl'rscoJ"('s - hal'lnl S coac]Jill.g hi/,ane }H'lla\-iollr n'IIH'111IH'riIH,!; I(H'ati(lIls. refrain hoost H Ilalllli"ap crop 01'1IIal"s' E.\adk - alltl it it call j1lst page 80 SIH'ci('s lIas two S{'\TS. /t)r {'\altlpl('. \lId {'\rll tll{'ir ori~ill IH'('('ssarih- c(lIl/tlnll to hll111,-1l1 S 5.0 \\llI'lI it do,'s, Il<'itll<'r tll<'ir 1lt'1I<l\iom 11m l,ahiLsl I \\"lIt alollg t;, talk to Salh J)a\i"s at tIlt, (:t'lltral Zoo to [illtl Ollt IIIOrt' ahollt tilt, page 76 Il()\\'('\'('r. SOIII(' ortll(' str;lllg(']" plH'IHlllH'lla. ,j \1 [111I1I;lII.S thillk tl,,,rt,'s 1I0thillg 1I10rt' lIatllraJ tk," IlIal"s alld 1"IIta!"s ill IlIlItllal pmsllit 01' til<' mg" to ]", frllithil alld 1lIlIltipk, Bllt tllillkillg ill tlln'(' diltll'llsi(lIlS, ,'j '~(;llllillt" 111<111' appears, I s, 'llsit i/.l'd ') hias S=Sally, M=Martin Ld's c()lIsidlT Ii)r a 1l1()1ll<'llt fi\r ('Ss('lltial doill~ \'0111' IHllIH'\\'ork Ila"('ld as 'Illickh nv.-rt to its loruur 1""" sl'\l 1 :\1 \\'1,11. Salk, th.inl, \011 I"r takillg liS tilrollgil TIIOSC \dlO~() s('arcllill~ It)r It)()(lltlllst f('('all cOlllpl,'.\ patt"l'Il.s I'JrIll<'d of appar,,"th \)('('11 eol<lmcd mali'S, palcr Ii'llI,tI"S, alld 1'""1,1,, IlIal"s that look .md act like 1"11""I'S, Till '1'" arc oulv a 1(,\\, ~('lllliJl(' Illal('s ill a Sdlool and. if <1111' i,l' tl It'SI, di"s, all .uuliilioux ",,,ak 1IIal" call Ch~1I1g{' its pall' colour ill all att('llIpt to prd,,"d it's h"I'OIlIl' its If .urot lu-r n'qllin;~ oriC'lltatill~ tit" t"IIII)('ratllrl' at \\,Lich it \\as illcllhatr-d' a\\'areIH'SS (ll' ('llll)ti()IlS, " IlIatll<'IIlati"al al,ilil\, ,) \('rld skills. Y()11 Ilan' \Oll',~ T],;,t's rigltt - \'O'" "all filld I,riglltl\ \\'OJll(,1l (11('111 klll)\\' .'()llr n'qllirclllt'llls. 'I'Ll': ahiliti,'s: tllrt,t' St'\('S~ S page 78 Irs d<'t('nllillcd IlOt 1.1 '\1 That's tit" one- \\'ltiel, I tlriul, , , , tllat ill somo varie-tie-s i"lIlal"s r"glliark jilt tluir dom"sti,,-mind,'d IIlat,'s alld s<'arclt lor othe-r availabh- lilah,s, isnt it~ S A],soilltl'k rigltt l AlIti Iinullv. tillIS" slrallg" cn-aturc«. cicltlids, \1 -Iolt \'''S, arrut thos" till' lisll thnt "<lIIIl' ill (lilt'sclf \\'hile pllrSllill~ pre.", "Iailll 10 n'-"lIad III(' past Oil 1)('I""fol'tl)(' flltlln'. or 'I,,'illg 11)(' pasl ali\,' ill aid of tilt' fllt"n,' as tllt,\ I"it iL alltl attrad til(' larg" good C;lI<.Sl'S allli til<' So"i<'l\ \\illlw II<'PI" t" alle'lld \0111' sp""ial "\('111. )"" ollk 1I<l\" to ask ' eggs and raisin~ til(' chicks. \lell ('.\(',,1 at tl,illkillg ill tim.,. dinuusiuux. TI,i" mavl«- clllc to anci.-nt ovolutionurv pn'ssl1rcs 'rrOll1 cro",ds wllo'll ,gllarall{{'{' tktt ."0111" ('\('Ilt is a Sl]{'{'{'SS, I ,aq,!;l' c]"o\\'ds lll<'~lll t110lT IIIOIH'." lell' dutie-s orJmildillg t]u- ne-xt. illcllhatillg tln- 1111C0I1I}('decl itC'111S. til(' al>ili!\ 01' III(' So"i"l\ to ,ira\\ larg" ,'!'o\\ds, please lei page 78 ""1\ (:(,llti,~rad(' cool('r. Iw fi\(, tI"gn','s \()\\', alloth'('r hizarr(' cas(' is till' \\I,iptailli/,ard, For S<lIlIC \aridi,'s of till'S<' Itzards tlten,'s 1I<1 SIlCIt tltillg as a hattl,' <Iftltc s"ws, AIt. \'('s, I n'IIIl'IIII",r tit at OlJ(', ,\11 of tlll'III an' t( '1II;I!,', ar,," 't tltc,~ ,-Iohsoilltck ' Bllt il; a SOlIlI'\\'ltat IlIlILSllal proc('ss, r'!J('\ prod Ill'" "ggs tltat Itatclt \\itlt<l"t CI'(,!, ],eillg I,:rtilizcd, YcL lll'callS<' tit,,\, e\(,hnl fro1ll lizards tltat COlli" ill two Sl'.\;'S, pairs of tlte sillglc-lllillded crcat"res \\'ill take tmILS plad'lIlh- prdelldillg to 1", mall" :\')\\', I tltillk \'(11l \WIT goillg to t"lIllS a],<llIt all 1IIIllSllal hi;'tI ne\t. ;{ "1IIIlOt lllisl<,b'II, UIt. 1111' Tit" jaealla, Y"s, I(olllal" jaealla birds llSlIalh- rule the roost Oll e\eIY sltore, Illarsh and ri'ce field \\'ltere these 100;g-legg"d creatures abollll(L T],e\-'re generalh- larger thall tit" Illal"s, \\'hic-h ;m' s'addled ;\'ith the III \\.I'II-hllltl,'d I I, '"l1pldi"d 1:2 ~('I}(,S I:) \Ina 11 J)a\itl Exam practice page 80 M=Mary, D=David :\1 \\',,11. I tl,illk tr-aclll'rs 1I1<l\ pia, a largl'r rol,' tllall !latlln' ill dil'/t']"('lltiatill,g I)('{W('('II tilt' S"WS, Sllldi,'s slll)\\ tl,at tlll'\ It'lld to Ll\'"lr !H)"S 1)\, callillg Oil tlwlll Ilion' Oneil ~lIld !ltLsllil;g tlll'lIl I,ankr D Bill sllrt'h '\1 JILSt a SI'I'OIl'!. Call I,o \I\ra alld J);l\id Sadkn, tlll'\ 'n'prol,'ssors of l'd'lt'atioll aL actllalk I "all't rt'IIII'IIt1",r I'\acth ",llI'rt,! all -\Ill{'ri~'all SOrt,' 111Ii\'t']"sit\. hllt can't rt'call \vllicil, I,al" 1'"lllli tllat girls do hl'lt,'r ",I Il'II t('a(~l}('rs an' \t'llsitil.(,t! to g('llt!('r hias alld n-l"raill fnllll sexist LUlglla,l!;e, lih(' til(' lIS(' 'Illall' to 1]}(',1I1 all of l1S. or I Ll\'illl!; sillgle-scx classes ill Illatlls alld SCi('IIC(' ('all also ho()st It'lIlalt, pcr/e)J"]ll(lIl('(' h('c~lIlse it ('lilllillat('S Ll\'OIIritislll alld IlIal" disapprmal of f"II1<d,' acl,i"\"IIIl'llt, D So il'ldlat \Oll'n' illlpkillg is trul' - alld I \.!;lH'SS \\·hat \'(llI'n' s;l\'illt!; is tllat till' SIIC('('SS or SlIt'II simpl,: "d II cat i'-l1l al r"forms (111) lllH!('rs('ort's tlH' hasic social issl](': gi\'('11 that tlll'n' 1I1<l\' Ill' r"al illllal,' dilfl'ITII''('s I",twc,," tht' s('-'\cs'. what are \\'(' ,l!;oiI IL!; to do about tht'lll~'; :\ ft'nwle a(h-alltage ill readill,g ('IIIOtiOIlS cOllld 1ll' illlt'rprl'l('(1 to IIl1'all that Illal,'s shollid I", harr"d frolll pS\'l'lliatr\' - or that thc\ IICC,jIlIOIT l'oael,illg, Or a IIlalc a,h-alllag,' ill lIlath c,"tld I", IISl',j to COli fill(' ~jr]s to COlllpositiollS alit! po('tr.' - or tilt' 6S~ '~lill~()P Ill,1 ll~q·\\ . scll:'1.1''<1 "[11.11 dll 11.110,1); ,).\11'1 ,\.lI[1 S.I,lj.)".I'''p '11,1.\\ ll~ P')\I()\I1~ II,"\II[ ],,~ "1" 1,1,,, 1,11",1 ',ldll,) i ,lI[1l'lIl:IIOl'1\,lIll pl.lO,1I ."111"°'1" ,'jl.LII II] SI 11,1.\1); '''11111,) SlSI11:lIl11.II'"'lU ,),)I\p" l S,)'I '''[J, S' ',),)[ "\,,c! III un.: I 1,1,).1 I "'''11 '11,)III1[ 11111 "I) IIj \.Ij 1 '''I\l'l\ '.I,IIUII,) '''PI"II[II.I lSi [I' '1'"ll1 t: I" II[j ,1111" 11 , 11I1Il-lJ"d '[-[11,11 I 1"[" '\11""1,'" 'SIII.III - S]II~\I,)\III 11111 )():O' ')·\1 ·'\lp:,J.[ '1[()SP,U 11~~.).){Is "IL\\()P .uu \.)'(;' ";,H)I) ').J!l SII()!Sl~.),)() 110 WIll pllljH; ell ').\PI[ I [IIlI,) [,1-)\,111,111" "Idll,"! 0' L' ,).\11'1]'1);1111 IlU" 1I00SSIIlU,)c! .I[,lIll 1',),)11 III[O\ ']IS[\ 11]1'",))11111(" .1,1)1'.11.1" IP1,1,qS ,lI[1 SILIIO "'1,11 11 11 1 I)[I!:) lSIlII[ 1111,\ ',U" 1111,\ 1'1° .I,},\,),IIII'I 'JII'I ,\.qlllll),) Slip III '1S'[II",) \')[[1 ,),III.!'''1 ,),I11,),IH l~ S,1I11111 .I0II',lIl!II,),)1I S]lI~ ,lI[1 Sd,l,l~ 11 iSl1l.l1l1l 'o[[!()P du Pll·) 0l 'o1l!()11 \IIP11S[[ I ,)\[11:,),)(! DII!SS.ud,lp .10 Illj I: I)[m P0.l II .\,1) 'S.\ll]lIIOIIII)(IIPS ,lI[1 ,},\[.\,1I1S 01 \\l III II] s" sslll t: 1" sl l1,l.Il:d ,)SO[LL ?;"I~qJ ,11111:-'; ')[1)\[1.)1:\:,) \()!j,\\ .\\{lll'l ,H\lll:,)\\PI,llllJ'lII!,)J()j!Ll ""\l~\\IP ')\1 ·llU~·1 Slip III ,U1dslI]1l11 S''''I' ',Upl,1I11 ,)[SS'T) ,1I1l]" '\'Ll.I/S '''/.I. II,l.ldll .1I,1I[ ,1111 ,11'-[ ,)ISIIIII s,'1)['"'!(1 98 86sd eouoard wex3 , [~' [ ,'~IId 1111 \, I~ ,I, 'S 98 86sd ~'V I 'Il() ,JILL t: tz: Il,ldo ',),)!,\.I,)S ,)I[o,\d .uiul..u .\\(lll ,H.'),\\ i,\\').1 1: 11lq ,HIIl?1I 01 'S!l[[[,)l WII·\\ - ,)7"il?I,),\O,) '1J1Il(JlI,) ,),W'[ l.lIp!P \J.\\.!! S\, ,11III 0(1!.! (1IO!ll~[[Olll~ ?;'[l![IP.I) r,IIO\ 1, [[OP '111111]11111[1'"1.[11 .I')Il,HI '''II)III1\\\lII['I'III,~ ,),),'.1 D'II!S~.l) r,')ljs ll~'\\ ''1()!' ,Jllll,l?;' 1. 110. \ \ ,HIS c: 1"11: !()(lIj.)S ll: "'';"";llq,)'llll IHI.lJl': pIli: (I()!p:.lIIP') \11·I.lPPI[') ./!,11[1 1l! 1",).I'lll]! Jl?).J~ 1: ,J'!,?) \.)[I.lj).[,lIl1,l .[!,HIl plqll(),) P[1[oqs SJ')l1~·\\ (J\ ( II 0 !)l ~ [ I () 111! ?;'II!S~.r) ~,'l'llll:.) 'SIl0!,I,lS ,)II()'\II1~ 01 ,),)IIl~POdlll! p~,u?;'.I{) S! ll~IJl ,)l1SS! ur: S! \I1,H[I,I?;l:1[l~I[1 S,),).II\(lS,U [11~11[[1I! '.\q)oJ. 'I (1l0!j1:1l0J!1! .I" IpIII,11I II SI"[ 1"IlIPS SS,III1S1[\1 \,'III'\S ,JILL ")J!I.! Jl~!.I,)01~(Il~II[ .I0![!.lS l~ ,IIl.l 0'1l~1(1!1~ LL (, 1 O'~ 2:8 86sd .10 ',lS.1110,) t: .Ill,l 'lI,UII ,11,11111"1 S')I"~ ,liP ,I.IiI.!')(1 dl,1I1 IS,III!),u 1'"11\[,1)"[1',1""111 S,),)I.\.I," pI( jl'.l.l?; 1: ,'~()II SI,)III1111I') ,\.1. ,HIIII 1111111" '\1l1qol t: Sl~ J111!:'P?,It!S SPOdS-[lO[[ I'"" S,)[(]IIL\IO SS,III'",1 'dll:) 1 ,1Ip'ljI,1I '1.1°\\ ')[I'I"d 1'"11 [I",U,IIIIIIIII,) ,1I1l [1l1"11I[ ,1,)[1-11,1-111\.) 1IIIId ,1111 "I II~ .1,1111".1 PIlI!)\\ Illn: . J(lit (11 )\111:111 du 'uos.r.«l jSllo!sspd Jillq,l(){.Is P~II()q1:1l IlO S,)!.I,lS 1: .l,l.l.J1IS (Jl 10 o ~III \ld(l1, III 1),ljS,U')III[ ,1I1 II()\ 1'1"1l[IS 'S,lIlp," l'l"l' II! Jill !\()Illll: .i.u 1111 ?ill ~ (!lOll 'i, < 1.1.)1 l! 1.IIS! ,111l~11[ l! ',\I')\(}[ us Sl~.\\ oliOS ,1SO!j,\\ 1!,HI[O\\ ,U,).\\\?i()lol\l\111 ,)!ssq,) II! SII,).[!S Jl~1I!0!.I1l ·(!(l!ll~(IU0.lll! ,I.)(IPIl.l p.lIl![d!,)S'!llllIl (11: ,1,IS OJ 11'~!P 1·),\.11:111.1.)(111\ u III l',ljS,U,)]11I SI\I""I\.I,)\,) 11111 1"[(lI,"'1 ,)[[1 'j'Z.'.'JtZ 1111 '\l:I' S,I[ 'SIII,I,lllll "III[SlII"!S,I,1.1I Sli 11,1\\ S\ d,III'I") 'o'I!'HI JlHlI[I!.\\ sl.I,!.wd 1)(11~ Sll(l\.ll~.) l;'lIqplll~1[ PII[IlUl: Dll!IIIIIl.! j?;'lI!TIl 1',1,)II,II'"" S,lIl1l,r '\IIIIl:).I'>:) ;"I1I)");L\lll \II"[.)')(!S,' l~ S.[l1(}!j ,HI IIII'I"II'IS i,II1II\IIII,HIIII[')IS-[l"" II,)[IS )111!p:.\.)[(J\.J().J \.1,,:01:1[1:111 ,U(IIS ,HI) .Ill 111W.1 ,Hll 1l11!SIl1~,) ,ly.lPI,IIIS p,H!II}! ISI);0lolll ,1I(I.l0 1111,1),IIH1 q.,,)d1lS .\[[1.11 t: 110 110.\ ')ll~I"11u?i[lo.) I ,\1:1\ Z. JO plq"lllnp.l0 S.[ll()!j ,J.\qll,),)SII{).) [l?.l,l\,)S - ,lSI') r;1I!qj.\.I,l,\,l pJ1.i(),1 S.{(}[!l~S 011!SSl~d '1',,111111 11 '111')1[\1:111 t ' ,1\,1 "ldll,,,1 [111\\ 1,,1\1"\111 IHI) I,I~ IIIIUlljl" I ',)([ OJ l()?;' ,)\Il()\ !lOr'lll 1[! - II()S.I,ld 1,111:,) I·IOS 011!(1'o'-\\1:.1 Ill: [I,l,ll! ,l\!Jl~ 7"ill!:o'lI!.lq 1I! P')I),),),),111S ,HlIllI1~.!?l'().ld ,HlJ.. '111 I p.qS.UJ1: )l1~1II" ,1,\l"11'1I11 (I:) 1'" (1);" \[111°1 , 1III'[1"I,1I 110.\ ,1\!0 P[110,) I ,1,)!·\IW lS,H\ ,JILL 'J,H\()d .If) ,10 ]S,U ,1Ip\'II','II[III1IS );II[,HI ,I" SlII"I'I",Il] ,liP z: I .I,l\O ,){[O,\lIy iP"') 110 Sr,),)![ dl,1I1 "I \.11 I 1"[" 1".1.1,1'''1,) \1I""S11 [11,1 ',)II[ \.un\\ l! 1,11 1,111:,) I lIlH ;11!l~'o'P ,llllq Plll: .nmi j,)JT[I[Il~.I?iO.ld p"",; \1l"').1 " I'"" - p,'[q[1S );11 [j1Il11.)SlIj ",HI II] .I,1]"S1l11,) J 111'1" .I()j s'III"'I1\1I1:I\ i",1I1I ,11111\ .10 ,~IO,lIP ,1I1,'1I,1?]" ,1~[1 ';1I11[1,)1I10S 'PI,ll clu ,11110,) 1111,\ "')[I,II\II'",),)ds,) '1'1.1011 ')!jIjIl,)[')S ,liP ,HI I. un.i ,1)) (ll(l!lP[[O}[I! ?;'IIHI1~J) r,l! (- SI '1'1.10,11 ,lIP ,I" 1'",1 ,11(1 1" 11 S,)I 'II" .1,11.1" '11,1,\\ \[1()~1l~[[1l11l! ?;'IIHI1?11 r:)\\ ~: 1.lq)l~q 'o?;' ·J,)1l')(1 P"l.\\ illO!Wll{}lll! 7"i1l!S!.!l ~,J! S! '?;[l!IlW.l JIl[1 Z. S,1I I ~o~ ,8 a6sd JlI()(J1: P()(lll·\q P,1I['Jl1~,ulll ,)lI().\IIV 's')1l~0 ,U,H,)S \lUII!,)'I()\II! l':jll,UI:d Plll~ ?;lr!l)()(lll ,).J(1I1[ .10 01[!II.lP.\\ r~ P,lllSS! lSII!' Sl~1j 'j:;-;'IHUI[I \1'.11:1 II lIT" 1':IIOql:,)ll/l') d[ll;'lI~llrld (ll()!jl~ll()lIl~ ?Jll~S~.l) j\1l1~')H ~: ')'''!.IOI,II\ ,1It.L '1',lpll[."'\,1 1I,',111\1''',1.I1'' ,I\llli \.)q()t! ,J\(lll\\ \).ll:d t: (1) 'U(I(}I,lI\1 i" Il [ Il' " ,1111.1" [111",111 ~IIII))I,U ,1111 "11".1"1111[[ illl',1 )l1?][IS" IljI\\ [1111 ","Ol"[ ~IIISLI! i\II""ll I IIIIII"IIIII"[ ';11[1I"1 II,II(I "'II! i\II'" 'll Z ,1Dl~1111~P pn,l.Ids,)p~.\\ pill: S"llll~q .I~,H\l DUqS.IIHI 'ISII()!.\l[() ,1111()S 'Sjll,l,ll:d p:,)!jd,),lS 111,1 jill!" .I() 'i,lt 0 .! ,lIli SIIl,)P~S,U IP,)(}I Sl~,UP ,HIIOS llf '.\p,HI(ud 01 ,Hl (lj SIII,),IS SII II,I,IS SI\,L '"!,1I1 SI[dlldlli S,I-III,1I1,,! 111111".1 'III .\'1 S.I,l\~.1 [[~ I[! 1l!1~.1 S1l01l1lQW),) 1'l0!11 lSF') ·?;'ll![l.ll~.\\ ')J1~?; .lIll ,1'0(11:11') prq-S[I qP\\ .I,Ij';IHll (HI ')(1\1~[[[ 1: [lO\ ?lU!.lq OJ ,lll[IIIP.10().Jd s!rp ldIU.LQll! ').\\ PIlI().) ,11111:;-,; ,lllOI\t!O[[Jl:.lj'; ,llll '[l,l.\\ ·,ll[Ol[d(}ll[r.lj';' ,llll (l) 88868d j';"[~'[,lJSH PI,Hls S~ ,1I[[q ![,)II[I[ (1°1 )l1l1~ ll,uJll~q·) ·[~,1I11 (lllll~,U .Llj';[!(ll (HI SII[,U1:t! ,ISI[I',),)(\ j';[!!lIP.l ~,[lo.\ lin III[IIII[ " '\.III JII, >.l ,1111 [II 11,(11) ,111I1-lJ.1" ISII I' ~: JlHll\?;'IIU.[I\l d[l .[,lIlJ.[I~d .1~,1I[1 P[ll? S,l\I,ISll[,l'[l , SlIIlII" 'p'" PIIII ~11I[1l1'-1I()~ .1,1111",111 ,1111.1" SlIIII]')[I',l.Id 1"1"dll,! ,1111 III ~1I11[, '1",1,11111'1111 7J'II!II,QSq pllP ,l')1:[d ,np .[,),\Il 111~ 111()(P~ 0'1I!.\OI1l S,l?;1:!.!.[1:ll[ ?;'I[~l)'U'\\ '01 [!.!Ol[S ,10 S,IS1~,) p,qr,l.ll SlllO.q pllP S.\\{).L[l~ Ji'lqqSl~1J ,)SO'P ?l'\l!1[')1l~,\\ 11,IUO ,l\.1 ,l.)!l,w.HI 11,\\U\[ [! llf '\\Oll!d 1\, III ,).1,1'11 PS) )IIO~lI.\.I,l·\~>1 r,lSl~,),U{).J ,)~l~.l\l,I,)l~ \111~,U l~ '011qp7"i Sll.l0 ,1,)I[l~'l') .\Ul~ ,U,ll[l SI ,1I11111(UJ S,l.I{)[!S Pll()1 Sl~ 1!j?;~ll ,IIP.l0 ,I!PP![[! ,Hll'l! S'll(l!I[()lll.Irlll[~ Sl~ SJlI![[OS .\\,l,l ,l.[l~ , 1I1~1\l s.n:,l\ ()~,: lSlq WIll _\I[llll.! ()S ')(Ill[~ ![,).I1~,lS,U ')~PJlI,I~,)S JO Pl,l!! II.\\() \111 I[~ SS,I.10(Ut! ,1.I(llll 1[.),1\ Sl~q "I ,1I1.1\,1.l 1[~l~}I[II(HII II! p,lSIl dq 01 j';'lI!.\.q .\S[Ll! os ,)J,l,\\ SlI"[I',)III1I,) ,1I1-1'1"()1I ,1""11- .1,1111"1111 ,1111 plln -\111111.1 1.IlS1~,\\ l! 'DII!l[l ,Hl() .IOL>-{ ',)111 S~l~,)q Sl,l"\1I1~lq IlId'\I',)III1)') "11\.".'.111 J'I);1I1 ]"'II','~.I,III1.) "III",I?],lllll,l.I.ISlI[II[llnlljlJ.l II ')I[;;I.III][I~'l.I" )l1,)(lIdlll,",II' ,1I111',I!"11 SIIII \~II"Il[I')''I ,),)IIdS lU" ,III[ ll1d\II"'1.I 11"11 '.1,)\,) SlIlIlpUISIIIIIII.1I' ~ 'V pue 0 i,I.[[I}Il.J .IP,)I [ ')1[1 I [~ S'lIIHI!.q .IO.J plO 'l,)lP.\\ '11!pJil: 11J,1I[l ,us OJ 1I[P,\\ 110.\ .I! .[0 ·Sl~ll[l~·[P ,\.1. S!I[ Y) .\IIP IL),h ,[,).\,)(1 ,),\.lHl\.1I ·,),)II,)~.I,)(I\,1 [l~I[OS.r,)(J s~1[ II[o.q r;lIl:.l(ls J1I[1I S.I,II,lII.lIIII,1 ,1j1',U,) "I SIIII 'LJr I','~I: 1',)[1' 11[1" '1I,1,III(PI\ 1.1",1:)[11 11['lS JS"III,U~ ,lIll sl-d!J::lsade.1 • 017 81 npOlAJ J"'p "I\L11 ,lIpII"')\I'I'SSlld "",) II()\ 1I1l1! 017 \.1,)"plO,10t1qdIII.1l1l1l jSOI[[ ')'l~,lo ,)110 Sl~ ,)~lU lSIIIII 'Pili II ''lIlL\l:.I\,j~IIS '''[1 ":,11 jl ]"[11 )11111'" III ,)\11[1 I - IIIl1.I ~IIUIIIIII ,1I11 111\[1111 III ,),I1:II"S l',lj.l,",)1' 1:.1" ')Ip]""[ '''[1111 ]")1l1 ,1,1l"l.l.Id oJ ?ltl!.\.lJ ,)llO,)lIlOS :;111!TpW.\\ UtlJ .10 e,)p~ ,\1lI 11111 s1' 11:'!1 PIlI ,1I[1"l1ul j,I1:c1y ',\[I:n III l')S S,II.1," 1"'11 '1]LII ":11 J 1',111IIIlddlls'l) , , , 11,),11 , .I,) , 1111'1 1"1" );IIU II] I''''! l s lI l' J \: ,,'os 'll'" dll ,111111,) Pllp S,I[I'"ls "I'I"llIlI.U \Unlll ,1111 ,l.l(JlI:O'! IJlIP ,),)II,).I,).l.PP.l0 l~,l.ll~ s.' '\')[1.1. 11~IIU,IIP lq?;!,1.\\l'l0'q Plll~ S.1.l"p~,,[,),wd J.[l~,)(( 178 86sd c,ll" pi S,),)II,U,IJI'I' 011 'SlIIIIls,llIl, ,1111,1"\1111 ,[,)IISIIII\II"'U 1,111"1' q,)~'1\\ IlIl!lrq()\,U P OllS()(HI·[(}!'PII[ 1: IL1,\~0 \l! j.l0qs ,l,)I[,l~,)S .l,l.\,l'\\0'lll~l\l :O[I~·\ldlll! ,1.I.ll{),\.11 (I 1',',I1:,lddllSiI' ,11I1I1I'U);lUd ,IIP.l" P,)[qll I"'u ,1I11 ;OOOZ SI[III\,ud ,1111 II! I".I"II",) IIIIIIIIIII \'11',,/11111111111 ,III 1',lIJ'Idlll" '''I 1I11,) ,UII,U,IJI'I' ,1111 'ji S,II[!)"I' \lllIIl)lI,)\,1 is' )1:O:O!:O 1),),).1 (}.I .! () ,) [:OJ)l~:O 1~ lJ! (: qn\\ ?111()11~ or; P.I SS,)ll~ I l"!" Sli 0l dtl S! ,),)!oq,) S,HI,)?l' .11Il I lOI[ ,11\l·,)lllll~11l01[~.\1~S,U,IIO\.P :SJI[,11[[,)~[1l~.U1: ')11,1,) ,l"!l~,\\ P[W ?;[[~'lP:,l.lq d(qS\[.II~I[I'0,J.[ S.I,U(ll[S \1"11" ,11 1,11 ,,1 '111"'''1 'll~ql [[,)[11 .I,HII" ),11""111 ,11111 )I 1I11\I'U II] "II I" II,),"I ,1.1\,1' '11'.1111\' \II'.IlI'I ')\11111" "'Idll,"] lqj';~ll ,ltp O"~ 0"£ 1.IIPj!\(l\\ ")P?1I1.),n: ,1.1U111 1111 II ,IIII', \,1111 '\~IIIIIIIII,),I) 1',1[~III1.1-II,'1I SlIIl ,I.[I~ SI',ll~llll1T' '01[qw,lll. :'0I!!\PS SI: Il,lj(lld) Sl~,\\ ,1,1.111\\ ~8 86sd P'1l[llS'U\./l1l1l(1,) ,Jlp ,10 lS,1.\\ ,llil ')1[1 Plll:\?";()l()lll[.),q P!l:S ,H\ liP pllq SlS!l",I!,)S 1[,)1['\\ P,q~,)\,l 1,)?1 (ll pll')l '''1',1111 ,11(1 "I'\I!.\\ C--','\\I"] ,I" 11111"\11' I"II\," ~1[,)~,)llP ,)Til (ll ,):O'II')[IPlj,) IS~ll!lIl'),l p,r/![l1~?J.[() ,I" ,)[1I1j II '''I III SI[.Hld'''I'[')[[I,1I '111111 ]'1~1I ,)[(!IIII"'I'"I,I-II,'1I II 'l,lIlS S,I,)II,l.I,IJI'I' ,)]""I1[,IO\I"IjS ,1111 SI S,) ,1111111 "'ldlll1:\,) .11I.1 '\'1.\\ 'S.1I1),"',1 1",IIIjI"') \'II'"dlllIS \I'\II')[1 .I1,IS1[ SI S,),)[['l.I,IJI'1' ,»)1'1111' ,I" IIII1SSIl,,,,1' ,11"[1" ,liP 'P"-I"I 'SIIIIIS[.),)I' 1",IIIjI'I-)\I')PI"IIII" ,UII ,)S,)lp 1)(11~ 'Sllnl[!(I1~ [l~.l[q[lL.1 ,1.I.,l,\\ pnp ?;'lq.\l~S \l1]lIlp.l,I\\SII" OJ ,1\11111',1 ~III1(11 '11,1,\\ J\i c,SIlp ')1"1 ,111 01' ,)[111 ,Ill] 1111(11) ,111.1 ,111111 '1I0[P',llII',1 1"llipS ,~'''"IL1(I ,10 ,).).)[(I.Ujll,),) ,lIP );1111""u );1I[~II[II\11 SII"IS 1"'1.1,)\ III a"')'l"Il"1 III'I-",dcll: .'\0'1 .101 ,lj"SII,)c!IIII1,) \p",UI" '1,),1.13') III 'SlIlI,)[.I,III[V ,,-\\ '11(11)1',)111") qll:\11 ,SP!?; 0lll! po.!.!') ,)JOIII :;1[I!lllld \'1 ,)11:S1l,)(ltUII,) III ,11'"111 ,HI 1'1"°,) III1ISU,11' Tapescripts • Task bank 6A :3 \\',,11. I nu-au. \011 cant take it sc-riouslv. call vlor« th.ur 1.111111 teachers ununal}, participate ill teachcr traillillg and dc\"lopll1cllt workxhup« jm''''lIted 11\ the Cellll'r's education staff. Thc stafllwlic\" that l-oth "'acllt'rs alld stlld,.lltS re,.,.il',. th,. gilts of ohscnatio!l and c!l\-inlllltH.'Tltal sr-uxitivit. whir]: lI'ililast th,.1II a liI"tilll<'. III addition til Sdllllllproc>;ralllS, BCl'E .ulult .uu] lunulv alldi"IICCS 11111I11)('r ove-r h,IIIIO pCT \rar. part"icipatill\.! ill \\-alkillg tours. llll" .u«l i)(lat trips, II'lIl'kS""pS aile! sClllillars, Eal'h S('(lS()ll of ('\rllts liaS a tlu-nr.-, SlICII as Ea»! IU,,')' \1 '1I11'r{;",,1I dlT"f,'!11I1I'1I1 ur IIII' illll'rilli \'Oll~ Y'"I'd get too lie-pressed' I al\\<l\s t rv to ~ee tl«. lunu. side of tl,illgs, Take 111\ joh, lor«. Bel\n'ell vou an.I uu. it's 1I0t ,'sacth --I- 111\ idea of Ill'a\"11. dri\illC>; peopl,' round all d';I'lolI,C>;, Hut lOll IlI'Tt all sorts. so it cant 1", had, call II~ To \)(' lrourxt , (',"(' Iw\rr \)('('1111111('11 of a sociali/"'!'. "eler 1""'11 \\llat lOll IlIic>;11t call 'al "'lSl'- ill till' l'oillpalllofotl,,:rs, TI,at's \\111 lh'eided 10 do what I do, I'lsl c>;il" Ill" a kt'dH)anl <llld a S('!"(Tll ~lll'd 1'111 ('(llltCllt - 111;1(''' Ilappi,'r \\'itll IIlaellllll'S tll<UI \\itll otlur people I '\1"lllIlIl,l, Ilappi,'r \\'itl, fic>;mes t luur wit h word,;; ~ ,') (',"(' ah\'<l\'s ]'('gar<!(·d life' as a sort ()r~ift Ld's LII';' it, 11'1 Il'I I lOll look at till' killd 01' \\nrld we- Ii\"(' ill, "Oil""!' ,~ot If) 1H'~rat({IJ1I()r \\'llll! "(111\(' g{)t~ i\r \\'()rk('{! iJanl- o{'/It" ,\lili/ltrI/ whil« den'l()pill\.! a carill,\.! c-uvironuu-nt louurlution. Faillilil's with childrell ac>;,'d lour thron«l. l--l ,"cars old and I kl}()\\ lillkl'rillC>; aholll \\illl ollll'r Iwopl,'-s 1"lliel,'s iSld "Ielhodl's "III' of "'a, SOliI(' Iwopl,'lllillk 1'111 Iliad lollal" Sl,el, a 'dirls' jo"l Bill lilli,' it. II'." 1]( '\'('1" 1)('('11 ill 111\ ll,l! 1'11<' to \\'isll I())' :l11:"lllill,g ttl()rt'~ Brookl'/II, Oil ,\I'tl'r-sclllllllprogralllS at IH TE pr()lidc Inn ('111"0] ill t'Jl\'inlllJlH'Jltal S(~( '11('('- pr(),~Ll1I1S. \,-1 iich illl'llldt' a '1'1((',,' altl'r-sr-lic'lll local s('])(){)\s alld parks. SIIIIIIII,'r 1><11 (:allll' prograllis occlIr at alld ill s(''"<'raJ dis;Hkallta,L!;('d an'its. 2 High-tech spy 5 PAPER 5 TASK BANK There are no tapescripts for Unit 5 page 97 \\'Ilat's illfra-n'd "111c>;n'l'lI all ()I('r'," 'I'll(' latl'st Ilic>;II-tl'c-Il Spll HIII,ill Slllitl, r"iHlrts 1111 \\111 till' ,-\lltlllllllJ,il,' (:hd, "allts pllliel' til ('\I~()S(' tIl(' dirlit'st drh-('I"s \\-jtb IH'\\- "gn'('ll' crack C<ltll{'ra'i to H 'I'll(' lllf!torillg ,gro1lp lias spellt hUJ :rars \\"()rkillg 01] tlds pr()j(Tt. ,dlie]) lIS('S illfra-n'd fllllws frOlll ill tlj{' StUll{' \\"il:" \'id(,(} Iwar alHHlt page 97 while- tryill,~ I() ("()Il\'illlT Itlys('lf that k"i I a t.rknt lor art.' I n'lllI'lId",r h,'illg pll'as,'d to he-ar that artists witl: poor col"m vision do sr',' .uicl paillt till' Imrld '1IIi'" dirt"rl'lIth. If jill' «x.uupl«. vou look at till' \\mld tlmlllc>;11 hrowu-tintrc] slllH,,daSS('s, \-(HI los{' ("010111' discr.minutiou. Y"II c-ant '",II t l u: dirt'T"IIl'" hd\\'("'11 pall' \l'II,,\\ and wliiu. till' "lllI's Iw('olll(\ llllHI(h- and vnu JI<l\r to p.uut a \'('1':-' viole-nt hllle to sr',' it cl. 'arh, Tl.i, is a I,'atllr" "ftlll' pailitillC>;s olCl.uid« vlou.-t. lllio I,ad ('atarads, 11ISiC>;llilil'allt I'atarads art,'d till' mujorit , nlux ill lutr-r Iii" hut "Ilk III a minnrit. of cas('s -do tIIl'S(\ lH'C()III(\ lar,u:e alld Ia,,: d{,IlS(' (:l](lll,~JI to r{'(lllin\ l nal nn-ul. III Ill(' type "I,,"d snlllT"d lroiu. till' I('IIS 1)('('''III''s lirownix]: rat Iur th.m "pa'jl)(', \s a r.sult ill till' lat<' pailltillgs \"011 call SIT llu: "Ilil('s !l('('(lIllillg morr- \'('lIow -a'ld tltt' ol llis ,u:ard('ll at (;i\(,rtl:- ill Fral]('{', hh]('s h('('(llllillU: progrcssi\(":' dark('r. slas]l('d s('\('ral C;lll\aS('S ill t!('spair alld-- l)('c<llls(' hridlt li\!llt \i('\\'('<! tJlnlll~11 a caLlrat'! l('llds 10 's"att'T', lik,' lic>;llt tllrf'llc>;JI a dirll \\il"llIIv, 1)(' al\\'<l\'s <l\(Ji<!{'d p<lilltin~ ill dirt,t'! ,'illldigltl. III al"t"'r til a l'ri"I,,1 ill 1\):2:2 \1(11)('1 \\rol,', '1111 po(Jr ('~d'si\!ltf Illa]..;t's Il[(' S('l' ('\('r:'t1llll,e; ill a "'""pl,'''' I,)c>;,' III('n'asillC>;h. 1)(' 1",,1 dilIiell1ll' n'CO\!lli/in~ p('()plt,-s raC('s. 11(' fill<llh- a,\!rt'('d (() Jla\l' calar;wt SlJrg(T:' ill I'J:2:l, ac>;;'d 11m'" ",,,rs 1",1(Jr(' Iii,s d""II, fro III "11, IlllIg dis('as(', (';lIl](']";LS call record lic('ll(T ]llllltlwrs. 4 Theme park It ('lallllS II". 11('\\ "'el'II"loc>;l, \\lli('11 lias P=Presellter, S=Sally Hoggart I' TIIl'II)(' p"rks ,'all 1)(' 1)('''"'11 III 111('1 (',," Ill' s('('()Jl(L C{Jlllpan'd P=Presellter, R=Pete Ralldal P 111 (l1lr .\/'ollud . \/1It' rin{ pl"ograllll1w tlds R c!l('l'k t'.\ll<l1lsl d"I"I"p('d 11\ sei"lltisls at Iklll"r l'lli"TSill l"lIl id"lilil\ "rt,'"d('rs ill I"ss til<lIl a third "I a Brooklyn Center schools' programs page 96 to to passill.~ \7"!licl('s 6 PAPER 4 TASK BANK Ir;l\rl tf) Brookkll, cit,' sired". It,C'lll}(J!Cl(T\ ('\'('llilllr \\'(, tlt)\\"11 Oil poll1lti01\ ill III lll\ t('('lIS_ "1')(H't l'''llIplailll'd at till' tilil" II,at III' 1"IIIIlII,is ()\\-1l \\-ork illcn'asill~2:l: dark all(lltllldd:'. 11(' ('\'('11 P=Presellter, R=Robill Smith, J=Johll Vallce P 3 Artist's eye page 98 11l'11. SII, as IIIl' 1",lid"l "'aSIlIISI,,,.ls III 1'('1 III', tu thn'!' lllilll!t('S for Salk Ilog,u:arl (dl('rs ;:ll ill,sid('!" ,'i e;llide to {'\istill~ \-id{'o ({'c1l1l(llo~:-. ~('tt'ill!2; tlw Y,'sl('nL" IIIl'lld",rs "I'tl". I Jcoparllll"lil "f Trallsjl<lI"1 \\('1'" illlit,.d I" \\atell tl". first ill a park. Oil a I,IISI das, :2'i,lIlIlIp""pl,' "1111'" 111rf1l1c>;11 tl)(' tlll'IIStll,'s, ,\1 p,'ak tillll'S, ii's pml,a"I" S('ri(,s or roadside' cl]('c]..;s llsin~ til(' call](']";l (Ill S lll(lSt (JIlt ol"Z('llilll To\\!'rs tlWtlH' IIIl' Bn:,khll (:"lller I,", l'I:!Jali 1':lIlirolllll"1I1. ("ar ('ltlissi(lIIS. I'"", Hal"lal r"ports: tklt a Illaj()rih an' SLlIldill,U: itl (II]('II('S. /\s ill I talk"d I" J,dlll \'a"e(', a sp"k,'sp('rs"ll I,ll' tlll'\llt"IIl"I,il,' <:11,1" ,Sp'Td ('allllTas Ii<",' dralll,lli('alil r('dll(,,'d a('('id(',1t 1"Il,ls ill lIr"all ''''l'id(,111 sp"ls: alld all hi\! tIH-'llw'parks_ \\'ailitl,e; .\(lllr !llnl is I): '1'111' Brookllll C",Ii,'r I,", l' r"all 1>:lllirollll":111. or tilt' IH:['I':,prid,'s Ilsr,lfoll its ahilit\' to ('llahlt' \-011 to dis('o\('t" .J 'llrhall (,()lllltl'\'~i(I{'-. ,~n'{'ll ('tLltl('l"iLS c()1l1d pro\(' just as SII{'{'('s,sfll] TIlt' B<:l:1< s"l,oolprog,.allis allract "',.,. :lll,1I1I1I ,,1,ildn'lI a I"ar, trolll"I'TI sel,o,d dislrict III Brookhll, al,,1 fro III all'",,.,. till' ill ('ll!()rt_'ill,L:; ('JI\-inllllIH'lltal tral"fi(" ]a\\'s. \\"II-sigllpo.skd sp('('d ('allll'r"s ad as a n'al dt't('IT('IIL \\itll SOIlj(' sib's n'portill,~ a --t-,~(A cit\. '1";(' cliildn'll rall~(' a,~(' pn'killd('r,~art('t1 tlln1w..(ll Ili\.!;h sdl()oL alld ]carll ill fn)ltl to carc ahollt tilt' ctl\inlllllH'llt parti('ipatiJl,~ ill o\rl" :10 dif!c'!"(,lll pr().'~rallls. O,,'r ill'lr of 11",s" cllildn'll an' of 1IIIIImill oriaill ,UH! illdlH!C nT('t!t illlllli,~rallts to ;\11~'ri'ca Till's(' I'rolll all "'"r till' \\orld, IlIliqlH' pr()~2/al11s Ie)" selmol classes an' illfllsr'd lIilll local 'lI"Ic>;lo!Jal"lIIirollll"'lltal Th('\" ill('orporalt' ,sllhjeds Oil tIll' ("(Jllt('llt. CIIiTiclIl,111I approprlait' to "ach c>;,'ad" 1"1,,1 drawll I'r01l1 scit'!l(,{', art. al"c!Jit('ctllJ'('. \'Oll dO-Id kl\-(' t() t!('cid(' \\'IJ('tlH'r :(;11 wallt to ~'"111" Till' c\lll"lIl"hil(' <:Illh partielliarh \\a"ts tl". p"liee t" targl'l \\llat il miLs till' 'c>;ross p"lIllkrs', that is t" a I,ard~cor(' ] lI'lr "I' 1I,,,t,,rists \\ IIlI an' adllalh r('sp"lIsihl(' I,ll' s<" IIlor(' tllall half tl". Ilatillllal t"tal "f car""11 1l1011()\iclc (,lllissions. "<'Xt 1Ill1l1th, p"h('(' 'lIld (,lIIimllllll'lltal alltlillriti('s ill Calif<Jrllia, \\'hl'n' 1"I"ls "I' car ()I\(H'rsliip are 1"'lY high. \\illl)(' testing illfra- lllatlH'1I1atics, lallgllag(' arts and social s{llelit,S, r('d rClllotc sensing (~qllipll]('nt alongside alld c",,,r tl", "road "JIIirolllllclltal slwdrJIlll Iwtw('('11 1(J,spoilt Ilatllr" alld thc stnldlll.,.s of II", cill', tlicir frcl'\\'''s, allo\\illg higli\\',,,, patrols to pick Ill' n'gl;lar oll(,lIdcrs I"r pros('cntion, 140 n'alll I Il'c>;il I to "Iliid III" Y'lIll" elll1dn'll II ill pmll<lhh II alit to "0111" I,aek illllil 11<",' tilill', 'Uili. I,"'l,) a I)('ad, 1'"1 LUI hll; a ti"kd lill' ti)(' Id!o\\illg dal, Bllt d, 'IT' 'asr' ill lraHie li"lat i"IIS, ('"I lilt i"ll ("aI's l'nllll ()lIr citi('s. R h: q a.lll._ :'(JII ~'all I,it "II till' hic>; rid,'s I (('fon' (1)(' 'II)('I)('S C<lltlt'rilS ('oldd pnl\'id(' aIL all ('qllall: "rt,'dil" dl'l"lT"lli \\'ltll"lil tl". 1I",'d t" "all h: Ell" til(' 111()S{ tilll('~C()llSII1tlill~ at'!i\'il~,l. 1)111, if' \(Jll C;1I1 ]"('acll tIll' car parks ha('k at tllis c11('''p rat<' IlIltiljllst h"I'II'" 11111 I,'all' tl)(' park, 'It's "lsII illlll<lrLlIlt til n'lasl sllIIl tl)(' c1,ildr"ll do\\-n ('IIOII!2;ll to lla\(' ;lll Il(Hlr or so H'stillg 'liid n'lasillC>; 1111 a 1a\\1!: tllis will h"ild "I' sital SLllllilia 1m tl", r"st IIf tl)(' ,1<11, For tllos(' OJ"\'()\l lookillg l(lr "III, ~(Jllj('IIJillg to till' gift ~llop ill tl)(' To\\('rs it",11 is III,;rc>;illalh I"ss 1""Tifi" ti,all tllo,,' olltsid('1 TIIlTl' is.1 firsl rat" 'lI,,1 \\,,11 SI1])(Tlisl'd illdllor 1']lildrl'll Os 1'1<11 <In'a, ,,,allahll' to pl'rsolls "p to II", age' 01 sis, Ollr ollsprillg aclml'd it alld \OllCOldd saf,'h Il'a\,' IOllrs thl'n' fill' all hom m so \\I,i],-\oll di,ic>;rowII- up thillgs. Task bank 68 <)ll<'lI('S start I,"' tlu- I'l'tn Hahhit ic" sho« all hom 1)('llm' (',wit Iltric,,-daih p"r!'>rTlIallCC, But tit" auclituriuru is so hig von could allllost ccrtaillh arrive- tc-u 1I1;1I11teS Itcl'"T tho 1)('r1'>rTlI'lIWl' a;,,1 still gl't ill, 'I'll<' I Iauutrcl l lou:«- is uuu-h too frightellillg lor Slllallcllildrcll, lfvours slt",,'s siglls 01' pallic tl"'rc is all l'scap" l"llcl, just !)('f'lH' \011 gl'l to tlu- rcal" scan hit ' ()II, alld I" tl,,: \\'a'.il',oll dont wunt to ("liT\' ,t;ifts'alld S()ll~('lli;'S .rroun.! wit]: '"OIL vou call 'ask Ior 11"'111 to 1)(' 1",ld lor \011 at'tl)(, ,',it, 'I'll(' ridt,s ('olltilllJ(' ill tIll' rain. 1I1Ill'sS its a :-\{'riolls <!()\\'IlIH)lIr, 1>1It q1lcues ar(, shortl'l". S(lll\rllir plastic P()]H'!IOS ('(lst L-L30. so hriJl~ vour OWIl raiuc-out iI'tl", ""'all,,,r looks had, 'Haill d,)(,sld mal«: 11",1 muc-h din,'n'Il"" to attc']Hlall(,(" SiIH'{' most IW()P](' arrallg{' t lu-ir trips cla."s or \\'(Tks ill (t(h-all<.T. \11 ill all. ZCllitl, T",\('rs is prl'll\ good, II" 1101 Disll'" \\'orld, 1",1 tl"'11 it dO"Sld "Iailll 1(1)(', '1I,,1 ii's a fair hil "ll<'a]','1', III Sllllllll('r \()1I call sLl\' f()r II l}(lllrS, \\llidl llIakes it ',,\('('11"111 \:"1)('1 white- to bloe, a \"n dccp hili", aod fitt"d wit]: H('gt'llt Tra\rl oH'('r Cfllis{'s fro 11 I onlv CS:37 lrnm faLs" r"gistration plates, A tip-off. rl«. oight bel,m', that a rohlx-rv SOIlIl'\\'lll'r" in tl«- cit\ \\as inuuiu.-ut. includ.-d d"seriptiolls of tllr"" sllSp"ds, hut polic" \\('r" unable- to sa" if tlte d('slTiptiollS g;,('n th« pr.-vious (',('ning m.itchccl thos" of thr t\\ll nnn ill tlu- 10IT\', ;\nd [inall;, sport. '1'1)(' EmOpl"lIl Clip th« ,3tll III' F"hntalY to the- Hitl, III' Ik''l'IIII)('r, 2 Museum visit page 99 Co()(1 altc-ruoon. ladi"s .uu! g"lItl"lIl<'o, It is wit]: gn1at p]('asllrc thal I \H'k'OIIl<' yon t(J our cit:"s 111'\\ \l11S"11I1I 01' lur luvtriul alld Lil«. 'I'll(' 1111lS('1l1l1 pro\-id(ls liS witl: <l 1111i(!lw historica] r""ord of industrial .u«] agriellitmal lif,' ill (1)(' ar"a - all in til(' lu-,ut ol'tll(' cil\' 11,'1"', "011'11 filld a \\olld"rhrl "ol],'('lioli 01';·ial alld a~ficll1tllfal h\~ol](ls. SOItH' dlllill~ ha"k :2110 ,('aI'S, \\,I,;"h rl'fl,'('t tl)(' Ilislon 01' om ar"a lI\'T'111(' last t\\ll ("'lItmil's, \lall\ ol'tll(' ",I,ibits 1"1\,, I)(','n n'stol'l'llto hrll \\IlIlilig o I'd" I'. 1'lIlil''l'l','nth, (1)(' an'a \\as dOlililiait'd I" il11agt'S \,'slcnLI\ 01'(1)(' Iwo 1l)(,1l1)('li,'\('d to 1"1\,, 1)("'11 'ill\oh,"( ill rollhing a i"\\(,II,,r" sll<l]' ill II", "iI, S('\'('II da\'s <l,gt). Bill Da\id TIl"kn, I"'ad oftl)(' lTilll<' s<11"1<1. "oll,'('d('(lt"'lt (1)(' \ id"o I'idlln's tak"l1 a \\,'('k a,go \\'l'I"{' !lot \'l'IY ('11'<lr. '1'1](' l',lIIWra \\'hidl pa'"Il'11. YOII d"p"rt Oil "Tlllirsda' Oil a ,.lllIi('" of fligl"s lr t StO('k]IO]III. \\']l('J"(' ,\011 w ill !ir: sta:'illg I(JI' 011(' lIigl" at till' Ilokl Sklla, t)1I Frit l.r, till' \I/S '\ortlll'rt1 Star \\ill sail at I(i,tlO hour«. B"fon' dockillg at St I'd"rshmg "t 17:)Ii OIl S"tmda', \l1l1'111"I\" tillll' to "lIim all till' f""iliti,'s till' '\,;rtlll'rt1 SIal' lias to orr; '1", Satmda\ aIIlISllIlIl,,\ lIigl"s \\illll(' sl"'111 Illo(Jn,t! ill St Pd('rshllr~. wll('n'. (lit Sllllda\, \l11l'1[ Ill' al>l" to "lIl1]'I,' till' d"Jigl"s IIIl' cil\ lias !() ()l'lt'l" as \'(JII \\'ill he I'rt'(, t{) do \Olll" {)Wll sigl ItS('t'illg traditiollS \\I'i,,11 an' aSSl)('iait'd \\'ith il. 'I'll(' ()11 \){)llda: :()ll dlvart l'nllll SI }Jt'!{'r."';\lllr,g al 1l1IlS(11l111\ siglJificallt coll{,cti(Jlls llrillg tllis lh.O() \l<)IIl"S ltll' :'0111' rl'fllrll j(lllrJl('\', TII('I"{,'s a lan'\\"II]'arl\ Oil ho"nl \\itll li\,' IIIIlSi", ()II ani\al "I Slo"kllollll 11I"t da\ at l:l,OO IIlIIII'S, \011 \\illll(' tr;lIlSf,'rr"d to till' 111Ilt'1 Sklla IIlIlil '"111 d,.]'artlll'l' Oil \\'{'d'll'sd,,\ Froltl ('ark lilllf'S. good C(lllllllllllicati(IIIS \\'itll tIl(' I )('{cdi\'l's n,jt';ls('<! til(' first \'ide() all illsidl' cahill, alHlard till' Hallic Lin: \I/S '\ort]IITIl Yot: I'all lI]'grad,' tllis til all olltsidl' tuliiu ifv ou "IIlHISI', Ior all additiollal agricllltllre. alld tIlt' rllra! illdllstrit's alld \\'orkillg alld static disp1a:-s. page 98 d"partillg 1111(' da\ 'a \\(','k. 1111 Tlllirsda\s 011 I\" lucludr-d ill till' Ikg,,"t Tra\l'1 pa"kagl' an: re-turn s('lll'dlll"d f1igllts l)('t\\I'''" Brilisll airports and "tll('kl'llllll: two lIigltts' twiu I)('d .uir! hr"akfast a('collIllIlHlatioll ill "{'lItral Slo,'kllllllIl, at till' ,-star Ilokl Sklla, localt'd rigllt ill till' Ill'arl ultlu citv: alld lour lIigl,ts' twin full hoard aCC()IIIIII{)(latio;1. has('d l1pOl1 two p{'opl(' sllarillg \\'illlH'rS . Il('rilag" hack to IiI'" \\itl, a I'ascillatillg bl"lId 01' City robbery Tapescripts • r"sl 01' til(" "ollntn 1,,1\,' I"d to ;lIdllStrial prosp"rit\ I'or til(' ar"a, 011,' "\;11111'1" "I' sll(,I, ()llr lill('s art' IH1\\ (JP('II 1'(11' additiollal COllllllllllicatiollS \\'as tl\{' H()JIl<lll foad. \\'<ltlillg ill!()rJllati()]1 ('()Il('('rllillg 1)()(lkillgS t'lt'. Fleas(' Stn'('l. \\I'iell pass"d Il('arl", 'I"ot" n''''n'lIc,' 1I111(11)('r DSOOB IjaU'r. callaIs C,Ulj(' to hrillg 1\('\\- pn)sp('rit:-. alld B('rti(' 11,,,IOs B f"r \\'! 1('1 I pIHlllill~. tlll'lI til(' rai"'a\s, \11111111\\ 111]'a" \1111 h"ck III .101111, \\'!HI',' Trallsporl is a stroug tllt'll](' \\'llic!1 will rt'l'llr \\ailill~ to ~i\(' :()11 tllal pllollt, Illllld)('l' hilt tllrllll,glllllll :'(lIlr \isit. ]"('111('1111)('1" !I](' n'!('l"t'Il('(' lllilltll('r ~r)I)()B . lilll)('d tl", 111"11 \\as alHIllt :200 Il",tr"s I'ro 11 I wl"'n' III<' rohl)('n look ]'Ia,'," ill Ltd i"sl :2IH) 1l)('ln's a\\'1\ froll' a I'ark"d lorn \\I'iclt (1)(' (;ooc! tr~lIlSport S:-SIt'ltIS ('I]('{lllr;l,~{'d !oca! rohlwrs Iall'r lls('d as a ,~('Ll\\'a:' \'(,llid(', 'I'll(' 11]('11 al](\ tIll' IIlIlS('IIIII has collt'ctiolls oj' llatiollal w('rt' also filllH'd \\rarillg 1}()()(ls as t1lt'y rail si,~llifi('alj(T frlllll 1l1all:' ()ftl]('s{', (;(J()d Illonlill~.ladi('s alld ~t'Il!I{'111('11. I itlll towards III(' lorn an"r till' rohl)('n, 'I'll(' ]'il'lllr"s a 1'," tilll('(1 al all; [ast Salmda\ jllsl "'til' all hom I)('I,)\'(, III(' rohh"n o''('lIrn,d, \\'illl"ss,'s Ila\(' ,',"dimll'd tl,al al SOIIlI' tillll' dmillg tllis Ilall'-IIlIIII'. tlll'\ ",\\ III(' 1\\0 1l1l'1l, witlllllll l,o,,,ls, 1"a\I' til(' lorn s"parait'h, d"lil)('rat,,1\ \\alkillg apart ill '''' atl"llIpl 10 a\oid Lo"allll'o]'I{" tllO, I"I\{' """llg,'d II;stolY "11l1 IIIl' d"Jigl""d III \\(,1"111111' \'"I III till' '\'\COs "11111,,,1 0]"'11 IJ,,\, Lacll s]'rillg, Illis 01"'11 IJ", I'rmid",s ,,,,,,7 SllSpicioll. illllllslri"s, "sl','('iall\ tillIS<' n,lait'd t" agri"ldlm,' 111IIS('1I111 \\·i11 illtrodllt'{' \Ul\ to t1H'S{' alld (JtlH'r IOl'al ""I, 'hril i,'S, '1'1)(' displa\s, \\itl, "II ilt'IIiS clIlI"d"d local", slll)\\ \\ltat locallif,' lIS"d to 1)(' lih', \Iall\ dis]'Ll\s III' III('al it"1I1S an' 'ill ('{lItt",!, alld sllll'\, id"llifi"ati,," of (1)(' sllsl"'('!s, (:'"I1I1",,"I,'r Tllckt'r 1)('li,'\('s til(' rohl)('rs an' dislilll'l ('1I01lgll to 1)(' id""tifi,,d, 'I'll(' first SIlSP''('1. \\ho got Ollt 01' 111l' dri\,'r's sid" 01' til(' Jorn, is alllllll " I'HII " illel)('s tall. alld \\'illlltl\"(, ,~n': allorak. \\itll Ilood, alld dark lrollS"rs, Th" pass""g'T was slilllllll'!'. alld sliglltl\ tall,,1'. alllllit ;, f')(lt 9 iliell"S, alld \\as \\('aring light-hi Ill' j"'lIlS and a hhl<' and \\I,itl' IlIotlkd jackl'l \\"ith a hood"d jogging top, ' 11'\'011 w"n' ill til(' ar"a, and sa\\ till' t\\U IIIl'n I"';\l' till' lorn at dil'I,'r,,"t tinll's, OIl<' walking abollt :jO lI)('t'n's in front of bis accolllplicc, "ollid yOIl pl,'aSl' contad til(' polic" Oil :>:>7 -il-H, Yom calls \\illlll' d",tlt with in tb" strid"st confid('llce, Accordillg to till' p"li"", th" lorn, st"leli ill tb" \Iidlallds last IIiOlitiL had 1"'1'11 r"paillt"d frolll I('anl 111(1rt' alHlllt tIlt' \\'tlrk fllat is ~()illg Olt. 1<,,' tllis lill'lIl1'ial ; I\l'!' [:2,,11,111111, a 'I"a,.tl'!' III' a Illillillll !"llllllls, Oil Itl<lc!JilH'r:' hrillgs thes{' displa:'s a!i\"(" \\'!Jatl'\"('r \-Ollr illtl'rest. \\"(' 110I){' was wl'arillg a s!att' trllslt't's. sllpporkrs illHI stall It) ('(lItlt' t{)~t'!lwr to sl"lIT till' SII"("'S,"'S III' '\.\(: r<'''''trl'll alld 10 ()m "'I)('('l<'d n's<'ar<,I, SI"'lIdillg Iksl'it" til(' 'Ilialil\ollll(' \id"o, \\I,iell al lirst 1)]~i1t. Ill' tl]{' ()ppUrlllllit:- !tll' Ulll' ITS('ardl {'()Illllliltt,{" ""' "'alllpl," a hlal'kslllitltOs f(lrg", \\III,,'hHiglttOs, prilll,'rOs alld cohhl,'rOs \\orksllllps, \\'orkillg \'i(l\\'ill,~ was tlHlllgllt to Ill' too illdistillct I()]' all sto<.lil:' 4 National Asthma Campaign Open Day pago 100 tilt' 1IIIIS('lllll s~)]ll{'tllillg !(l!' :·UII. \('al' is a sl<l~\2;('rilli.!. [2.1 Itlillioll. all ill(Tt'aS(' ()I I!lt' pn'\i()lIs fill,ll]('ial :'1'al' ~lIld W(' COlltilllH' to SP('IIc! 111(llT 1II(IIlt':' (lll Iwlpillg ilstlllllll slli'/<'r('rs SO. 1(lt's go and lllak(' ollr first jOllrJl(':' illto tlw tllall all: otllt'l" lHlIl-('()llllll('r('ial org~lIJi:l,ati{lIl ill past tllis (,Ollltln, allli Illat is ;III'IIIllillg IIII' 3 Baltic cruise page 99 ,\Itltollglt it 1I,'\"r lias \\011 (alldprold," I,,'\('r \\ill \\'illil till' till,', Sto('kilollli is a sl'l'iol!S "ollklld"r for 'Th" \\'orldOs "lost llt'alltihrl Capital', For it l'tTtaillh' is \\'itlt its "I,'gallt s"al'rollt framillg clear hili,' \\atl'rs, \\'IIlTl' I,ah' \Ldarcll IIlt,,'tS tit" Baltic S,'a, 1I111111TOIIS islallds skirt tit" shon's, IT,'atillg \\olldnflll palloralllas, Frolll Stllckholm, "Oil "all cntis" til till' Spl""dllllrs III' Tsal: Fein til(' Cr""l's '\\'illdm\ til til(' \\'"s!" !,nmd,'d ill th" "ark ].',th C('lltlln, Elegallt alld SllplTllleh' ])('alltifirl, ill'l1<'rial St. Fekrslmrg stands Oil 101 islands, Iink"d h, rinTs, canals alld hridg('s, ~()\{ 'n Iltlt'llt ~ '\"\(Ttlll'l{'ss,l)(' assllr"d tl'at 11l)\\('\('r 111111'11 JtIOll('\ is ;l\-ailahl(' j()r n's('arclL \\'t' will ('tllitillll<' ttl ad(l(,rt, to 0111' rigorolls stalldards wl]('11 it ('(JIII!'S to n's('a1'c]1 awards illlt! \\'ill Sllpp()rt Old: n'st'arc]1 \\·llidJ passes tlw rt'\i(I\\' pnJ<.'('ss - all) proj('('t !lot passing tltis sLlgt' ()f\'(,ltill,~ willllot 1)(' c()ll.sid{'r{'d It)r a n's('ar('11 award ,\s \\1' I)('ar tilda, or till' \\IIrk tllat I"IS 1)('''" "arri"d IIl1t I" S,'III1l' ol'tlll' Illost d"dimtl'd scientists ill tL(1 cOl1lltr:·. \\'(' call 1('('1 rightly pl'lllld - pl'lllld IIl'tl)(' cOlltril"ltioll \I'"lla\(' iliad,' ill till' figlll agailLSt astllllla, \l'itll all its 111111"111, sllcial alld [illallcial costs, So ]t't liS \\·{'kOlll(' tlJis }lltlrJliIH.(S s!wak('rs, 141 G17~ 'J,'''' ,).11' )'IDIJ \1'''' "\1 'j,)".I"1 OA\j P"),),,L, c,jllO ,!-,o,\\ I' !"I' 1'"\' J\: is')\I,1S.lII'' '1I L\\ ,),U" l~ .IO.! ?l'(I~~()()[ ,HIIP.) SJ,)lIIOlS11.) 11"1[.\\ S.\q) L\\ ')1"r" ,'\1"[\[I""L[(>I' I "'" '0:\ J\: i"""Il 'Il '110,; JO 1""JI"\[["")'11' ,U" ,'"'OS ,\[jU",mdd, c,I"'1l "'I"! S.I,"[(")SII,) '''[lOP ,W"II'"\' V "PI?)'!!, ,,[do,,<! '1'),),\\" S\"I' \IS 'S"j"IS 1"'1"1,1 ,HIlHlIIIIO,) P i\SIIlI\I""l'U)\" 110\ """1 pllil '[,)(l\.\\ Y ~,ll()_\ V il'\?l'!·,\\ S.:[!l~q "11').\\ c,"I11II'''Il" l\II''')(S\'1'' ',11100 :O'1I0[ .\111 P,)?;'lll~II') ,),-IlO\ .\1:\ q,)lIIII is.ll~,),\ 11[~~" lll),\ \llllo.\\ '~II() IX II [,lip S,)SS,).qs IIIIS q,)1l11l ()Ol lll~lli \/ 'P[O s.w,).\ III?";'!.) s~ Iluqlqlld,u\l\ 1\ ll~ 's':Z: .11:1" ')P~[I~) [[!I"'!')! 1\ 1: 111~'1 [In\\ 1[,)II,I.I,fl ,lS0I[,\\ '\.1\11110,) ,JIll II! .I'lI[,) ')'P~I(1 '\IlIO IIIO.!.! - .I')l1,H\ Il().\ :) ~1I1Ill.\ lS,)([ 1I"\ll 'SI ,'II 'lIllll"l'lIl,l.I SI'I,lo ",11'1'" \[[II.! \\011 Sl"II'"1'[ "11).1')1 ,)""() 'DIII[I'Ill\\1' ",II' ',l'o'Jl!.I(ISjll'o!II~ II! O,Ul~l\ '1,ll\:) W U,Ul?I\ I .I'" I,) .I"IS-O\\I "I PSl\ IS,II1 \111 "I""" I 11,111.\\ !alj:l JelS-OMl. f: is,',UIIIIIII'IIe: I" u: "["""" ll,)"/OP t: 01 ,HllOI[ s.P t: II! ,).1,111 ,)III 11,)Ill~J Plll~ P,)!)()u.\\ .i.uu r: ,1WI[ ,J,\\ 'I [,JlIl:.1 t: lwq ,Hilt),) (JI p'l\.lP1S '\\,l.l:O' S,),I.II')1[1 '}<Jll.lO il"llI J() ,\,J[[l~\ P \\Ull .i.n: ,1\\ SI1~111~11l~ ,1\,Jq,Jq ,"I'[ ,1.'11'''1 "I' ,'\\ ,l\!Wll '1>11\:) 's 1I1l~ Id ,J.[, I 1[, \\ '.\\Ul I 'I llO \ ,'\1"1 Sls,uol s.: 'P')S '''11,['' S,Ul'j.),1I1"0111"11 'S,"'-)\ 001 p,Ul:,)[,) ,1.1I lJ I t },)l~ lll.!,)(! "11"" PjHIl:·ql\ ,0, aBed e!leJlSnv 6u! Jle S I'"" DIII\,l.I",' ,1I[1,1" lSlllll 1"1' I '1'[11 "l 0) ""D'''I !)lIP ,l'ol~,\P~S ,111l.1O.! ,J11111~1[,r\,) II! ,lSIl()lllll.lP.I sp l[! ,/(q,),lS ,ll:D'lI!S lS,)j;j;!q ,)l\lll~t\ll,):D.I().l '.1.1I11111IlS .10 ?i1'!'1l ?ill!.\!! l? ~()ll II ill'" "II,)J,ll?q'" P')IH)J,) SP\\ o)\d""'1 0")\1"" s".\\ 'S"\\ .1,'"1.1"-1 ,1ILL :) c,]1 JiIIl,\[111 Slll,'[ll0.l" \11" """1"0\ 1"(1 J\: ;P S",\\ SlIIll"I[I\\""1 ,'\\ 's"I".\\ '11""S '\\",' III ,1.I,1I1 - S",\\ )' S,U,))' "I - "I'IS[[1I1 ",""1 ,10,),),,,,\ SlI[)\\'" ",\\ ",lI\.\\ 11"'''!.!o ,).),"'!" .101 DI1I1"0[ '''I"\,11'1'>l1l 1',',I.l)I'''1 " Ill' '''I''-')Slly SS().l,)l~ :O'lI!P!.! ,)J,l.\\ ,),\\ .I')~l~1 S.Il~,l,\ O.\\} '[1').\\ :) Il~,)!SSl:l') pill? .r ,1IJl!lIIl~,1l11 ,Hllll! pill: "\()Pl~II'»1 '\ll~q l~IIIPIlPd ,1l1!1l1l,1:D ,l() .l,I.llll,W,flIIlPlil lS,)D'j;'!q S,\.ljllll(),) ,HIl [I!}S ,1.I:1,\\ '.l,l\,l,\\UII 'I"'\"IS ')\"'1\\''.1 t: 111'1 "H '''[I O! du 1,''''-''>\\ \'''[11'"11''1 \11"1\ "'DII"II"'[" ,"II "" '!OOl S.I,UllJ,)1~.fll(I1:111 .\.lI\l0,lll .!,lilllllill l~ 'SOS(l] "1"[ ,)( II III [),'P" IS 1I1l"" I '" """",\ '''II u. "I. \ \ ,I ["",U() ["".1 ·.IOj,),l.l!(( DI[!?11~lIPI\ d ~ ;i)()~) II,)S!.! ,l.\Pq OJ S,l[l~S p,l'lp:j I is.ll~,I\ ,l\H II! SS,IlI!Slll[ .I(I,! 1",111'),)\') ""'''/,)\1''1 S,ll"'\\\"[ISPc! '''1.1. 'SII'>I;I "1"[ '''II "! S.I,I\O-,l'll~l IS.[!! Sl! ,11)pl11\11l~dlll()') ,lI[1 'Sll~'1 l~ l)lll~ swq l:IIlPllP t ! :DII!'IP111 S.[l~,I\ <;.'~ ,1,)1,1\ '(1.\\( l~ Jl ?;11!'ll~11 [. WIj Il~I[()! lH Jl?l] '11l))ll'll[! SjPlI S,IL)II[.I() ,I,Ullj'W.llllWII[ \[ "" '''II' ',ll'l'I"" 'II ,,'" [() Jl' SI''','' I IWlj ,1\PII .I!,llll (») I)?; SS,),),)[IS 'o11!1l')111!()\1~ UI \,ll[1 Sll){H!.I]')!jJ .l(),l ?i!q (HlJ ,\\0.1'0 1l1~lJ1 .I,lI[Jl~H [wr'" "['),'\\ l' SI"III 11(1)'" S"'Il"1I Il 'p"['\I" ',Ul'\\I"', lIl [1'U)Sl'I'"1 Sl SS,lII1SIII/ lIP\\ 11()!1r-':1~.1 .1110 p,lSl:,l.UII! ')\"l\\ I"!?,)lll ,I\CIj S.l,I\O . \1I1:dl[I(),) SPIII'IU" ,',I1'\\!Jl',lIl p'UISlII'"1 .Ill" ./0\111'1\ pIIIlO.Il~ S,Ullp~.I,)(!III,q S.\lln!IIl(),) lll,[('["l" DlIll"'[,)II' 'S,'[\IS "'''11''-[''1",11'"'''[ c,lI,1111"l\' I\: I'IDI,lIl ,1I[1 S",\\ Il I'"" ,- .I"I[,lI[S llli S,,\\ ,U,lI\.1. ',lIIU,\Ill~ III ,)S[l Ol[ Sl~,\\ ,\,)[[P.\ ,11[1 'JlI:D'lS II! ,J,\\ '110\ 'l"l"lJ, ,I ',U 1I11l[ ,II [I .1".1 DllI'[l'"I-l"11 III lS," I ,1111 [[" 110,\ lliH '0'» 1'"I1",l" "I "" l" S["'l'U P"[ll'"11"11',\ l~ ?'aw'p?ll[ ()llq S,)(lj;' [[lnll SS')I.!l~.1 ,uptl,,).1 lI,I,I,\\l,HI ,1S()(lq,) 01 Pl~11 ,J.\\ ',11)l~.l0qll,),) - :-",11\1\ 0'-,' IIIU.'.1 P,q.l()dlll! ,uqq 1[,l,\(l.\\-PI[PlI\IIIO ,ISII ApuO=~ 'AllILj:) epueJIV\J=1/II 'J8jUaS8Jd=d 1,1I1"I' ",\\ ',lIl.1l1l"II"1\ III II[DII",! 1"'\\ SI',',IS .!O SI"'[-""[ ''''1 1[1'\\ DIIIIII,,[d I),'I-"'IS ,,\\ '[[",\\ :) ot' P~lU) -')'!l?j (1,\\1 ,lIll "1["1 'II'"PI,,,IIIII),) ,I/!,J,\ ,JI/I/(' ,(,'/1,1\\ "'WI.! ,1I[I,I" I'''O['I')!'[ , 1I11 ,)J \,1I11 S\1'\\ \111"" III .10 .1,Hllllq 'SI!l~l1 ·.Il~q,\\ll.\,) l~ ·,\.1I1111ll?111~ 1111!,\tlq \! P[l1~ ''''p'.IISII" III 1,1111 ,1I1S "I"",'" ,1I11,10 ,1I11' 01 S! .r.uun.v, '·\1l!1I:) SP [II""" ISIIIII '''11 ,>\lU" S"I\IS,I" 1""'[ 1"'1.\\ 'S"[\IS PI""".!.I'I' Oll~' 01 ,',11'\\1>1',"[.1" "DI"'-' \111' IIIlU[ pl,',l,'.!.1'1' ou S)'\\ "I)lSlI"1 S,\I'"I:) I\: 7;IIIIO{ \.Il:,l,\ s,p \I mu 'Slll,)\! I),U')\",) ,),)II() 'S"I",\\ 'II""S\\", III ,I.lI l1" "["1\\ 111,1",\\ S\"IS [[Ill ,HII,[" ""I '1111"'Il\\'"11 ']S,U ,1I[1 ""J DIIl1"01I"'j.I"lS I'"" .I,lI'"I"'[ ,1I11"" 1','[II,lS "\\ '110,11 I'"),,DlU.IIl,) ,11[1·1O.III,I,H! ,IU \!II[ t: ,1'oIIP.1 .1110 ,l'll~lll U)\.I) ,).\\ '11').\\ "l 'S.I"[ll-lS ,'llll\\\lll'lq"Ul',I.l 0 1 'ISI\\ ,'\\ I"I" SII "I DIII'II"1 "".I"lJ.\ 1""'11 '["1',\ ['[" "" 1',1I[Sl[01l1"I' "\\ ;S-"'IS ,HII-"'I'".1 :) c,""I"II\ I"I' ,U,lI[\\ I"I\ I\: lSl'.d , .101\," l[() \, I "I >1" II II,'," I ""I ""l""",\ '''II '1DlIl"\I[p '1 11 ' 1' PIDI.I S,I"'I.1. ,. 'l~IIlPIlPd ,11 [I ,J'I!' I m: 11"'1\\ "1"",[., "11"'1""\\ I ;,',I. lIl\\\-"'\" DIII'II,\.I.",' 1"'111"[" ISiti "\\ 'S,'/.),1.I1 \"[1''1 , 1I11 i,',lI'"I1"'1 ,1I[11"'I'[,1I\\ 11I"'I"-':) 11l1~')Ulll?l'!s 1: ~r,\\ (lS(ll ,l\,l!l,lq I '''11.1 0 '\IP~lq:D!-'() Sl:\\ P 'S,),Ul Slq<!.\Jl:')Il,) 'IP'\\ 'I'III'[) J\: "[I'I" 111 pos l~ II! .l,llll,l'o()1 ,I\!! ')I<!o,)(I!)!ll~ SIPIII!IIP .m.i , ·S.IP,l,' ,}\q SIS,'\.IlIll sp '\\".' '["1"1 ,1I11.IP"1 '1"u",,,I",,,[1' V 08.1eV\J=1/II 'e8JpU\i=V GO, 8Bed ')(!l ,10.! S,'[l',\\ "'''['''I)SII" S,l.J.1) pll"[I'\\ 1"1" 'II,',U"I/ 1','",111) Sll~,).\ S~\I·Il~,)l' u II[nt.! ,\,1I1[() .nunu J(qq,)(hIlO,) ut: .\\(HI SI\lIIOll1 ,),UIP SII()IIIl~.1 ·1l11~:OU.Ul~ pm: IIS1:.1(1 ',JpILl 'Slllll(),),)l~ t: .10.ll[1l1 ':,1 '\ IIIlUI ,'"1"" '''IlI'''DII'''I')'' \\ '\[''lIl[''SlI\ <I ~ l( HI 11 I.,T,\\ '\111~dllll)') "I "" s,IIIS '11\\1'1' I" Dlllllll'[" ""D,HI \]1111:) '),,,,,1,, S[[1',1 '11,11',' 'S.I,)!I!!> lll() 011!,\\O.II\l Plll~ .I.I'~}S ?1I1ql~q!1111l'l .I().I 1)[1\ "['I1'"""lspI S" IlIpIII,U ""\\[" II.P)1'11I ,""ISS1' 01 'ISlI""[ '''11'[1111\\ II ,)(SS,'I-) 1)'''[Sl['I1'IS,' \1ll' S,lI[IO[,) .m.iv, 1,11"1' no.v "1"1\\" .1,'11\ :) 'SlHlqdl~S lI11~Id (q ,HII!} POO~-;' 1: \P lllH ·.ll~,),\· W\\ .I()\1,)!.11~\ ,j\\ IUIP - '[JlII'S \\", .11','\1° ,1I11l1 SIIIII\ ',),)11.1 .1,111 11.\\{){l :O'll!ll[l?,l.qs 1I~1~.I IIP,\\ plllli II! S,),)lI'\-',lll ?";'lI!"j!)()') Sl~\\ '''[/1''''1,,,,,,,11'"1' ',)("1'" \1" 11 " 1 ,lIt I 'I',I",U() S,I()().I(I.l,)W.\\ III Iinu .I" S,lIplll Ie: IIIIHllI I"D l! ,'01 ')111'.1) ')(11 ") :011l1['lS ""'''11',''\\ ']''''-'lS 'IJiIiI '''11 01 p,',1I1' DII'l[''',IO \,)([0" w.ur u 111':0'''1 p.\\ S! J1?,)\\ II(),\ :O'1I!'11,\.I,H,) Pl?)S 1: .10,.[ ·,1.1()11[ P II! 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I',ljsq ,1,)\,) 1[(1\ ,)\1'11 isqJ,lI1 ,11111)1l\' ,'\1"1"0\ 01' I'"V 'SS,)((W,u:O' S')'P~I(1 .\1~1!(11l1J I llltHIP·\\ 1'111'1 SJ')I"1I1 1011111',) ISllf I 'S,HIIL) ')')1 ',UIlS V r,SS,),).)IIS .I.)l.jl~ )I[e!II,'\,) ,'\\ ,)lllllll]V '7)III'!OO,) SI JJlljS ,1I1I1'"1' SJIO[II'",Hls 0] 7)111 \1"1 11l0[[1'\\ d0'ls ,\\(J.1.I1~'[ ~,\I'I"[1l1l1 I' S,)qll,) ,),)! j,IlII(J'\ '['Wl[ d!.ll W,l.I?'l' S.WI[I SS,lI[?; '\l~lllllIS l~ Il() ',)l(!.\\ .\.Il~lI[~.Id 1[.)l~,) 1I,\\OIl~ .I,Jl!l0 ~,SS,IIII",U7) S,\\OIlOJ 1"'1\\ I'"V i\"S IOIlIl!?,) I l"11.1. ~,\jll"llll'l ,1\1"11°(1 1\1 r,,\\OI! jll'"[" IUl")1 0] ,U,1I1 ,11111',) ,)\\ '001 S;l ,1111 V il",II11, UI1')1I 1\1 Il " O\ SII",)d'UIl:1 ]lIIl1l1? 1" I q!SJ,l.\!1It1 ')(1 1,lpl"O[IS 1 "'I\ISlIl"l ,)III1'S ,liP 1""1 '\",\\ .nun-, jou 01' I '111111''' OJ ,J\1"1 I I'"V 'S"]1'IO')()'1,l J,)IS'l01 \'lI',n\OlloJ dllOS ).111 II11 [ I',U :'1e!IIIIIIJI pll,) ,J.\\J! \l.lS!.lcl.IIlS ,\.1.)\ ,).1 .. ),\\ :l'111!00 dll )S,HI ,Jl[J Sl'.\\)1 )1"[J\l'S I Il,HI'\\ ,'I1?J,,7)7)I",' ,1I11",n:1 i"lc!o.lC]I"J"'I"II',\\ .\lI,ud ,U,\,ll[J 11,)\\ ' , , ,U",\\ 1l1,1I1I ,10 ,lIliOS ' , , I"Je!I,lIl 01' 1"'1\\ I'"V i,UIlJpl,) 1l1"Hhlll:! ',), JS o ' )II\! I'"" ,),)III\IP"U SI'.\\ j,1I1l ,n\ ,\]HllpJ,n,) t i' ),111,\111 ,10 11',Hll dJl?)S I,ljllli Ill\! "'Ie!o,)e!IOIl '\,HIIllII III 1',))S,U,))1l1 iSS,lll7) I S!1I1 ~ep!I04 6u!Jn0 .L SO, 86ed ')1'1'1l1-1"(\?'1 1'"1' ,)IU"OS I,uu,h, \'11),),\\011 0,1 'q"I1'I]"'IS'U,)Il,)-,)\lIO ,\q 1',),\\01101 'IH'I1?S .10 (l!l~PI\.) ,}'IOIIIS (U,)nq()l 1 J81\1.10=0 'i\JB8=~ '1i8UBr=r 'J8M8111J8jUI=1 '11')\\ f S!llI .\1[ P,q,),l.111 ')(11)(11~ 011!11.I()!lt ,JllllI~ ,u, lI 11 ,I\LU" I)IIO~ ""I[d l' 7)lll'IOII[S ,10 Jilp"IIIIII""Up S!II.Jo ino :O'II!.IllOd I i,\I'S ,\,II[J os .ro 'J,)]Sl'J )I 01' SJllOl Odlll,Jl o C,' lCIIlJII!l ,),)S 0) '17)lIOIl')\1I1',U S,\Pj) "I SI 0 - JlIOl Odlll'\L ,1I[J no S)SUllOI ,),1,1111 01 P')11''1 ]l1,lJ,)JjIp ,1c!OJII:'1 III "Ic!O'lC! ,1I1) .i.n: ,"'''I PllY i,)lj,),ll! os ,U,H\ £: i7)I101 \1']' II" Isq 1'1" 0\\ \IP"U l' 111\1'1' ,liP P"IS OJ I'"" J,)(IiIl,'I 1''''1 )I1\?,\\ r>Ul?,)!.I,HlIy 1I10.!J " d,','p ,\\011'1 I ',[,'1)1'1 \1,'\ I,UI 1 'IJII S"'1S ,\\011 1'"1' f~ l.llS! fllH )sllf lll?l[llll1?)JOc!IIll .uoru 1!',)Jq JI,)11l J"I'IS11Il,l S,)llll) 7)lllll,'c!O ,HO)S ,HI) )1' 1[llYI ',)ljSlp'L1,JJ1'Ill , .1,)\.) i')[[(\?') I ,UOI')(I]"I' I 1l1'1[J ,UOIlI ,\\O1l1 ,\11111'),1,1,) I )IHI 'I1')'\\ ]1 ,\\Oll'] 01 1(7) ",'.l ,\1?S uov PIP\\OlI ' , ',1:01 I '.\,)1l0IU ·.\<cHIOlli i'''" p,'"OplI'''[1' S"'1 S 1"",1 I ,\\011 ']")(,7) S,\l~"\\ll~ Sl~,\\ ,HIS ·Sl((')lllllj.ll~ .dl??l' 1l0qlU,Jl[,):O', , 1I1 S J")j"\IP0'lS p,lIp I"I"'lSII'! .vru - J'll]""1 ,\1"0 I 1'[(1' , , ,1,1[1".\\" J, lIl ,,\1"1 '(7) 011""1 ,,'!s 11\\111' :O'lI~\()lllm os iin-o uo, U,-Hj.\\ 01 ,1I11 0) inuuoclun Sl?,\\ JJ ',\lIl?,U ),ll]"p I 0 ll"ll ......' pH~,)( I SI ,'l)I"1 ,)11[(',) IUII(I ',\l?I'01 ,,7),11''1') Oil s,u'''LL ',uIIs[,)1 JII()\ p~ q,llIlll .nun 1JS!II~Lr-J. ',H,!ll[ .\\Oll~ Ilo.\\\()l1~ T pIll? ,JIll S!',""\\OI s7)IIII')"1 J1l()\ ,\\011'1 I, :1'1l'S 1'111' llllli 0) J,J\O )11,),\\ 1 I'"l? II[O[UIIl"'l ,1I1l 01 Uti' Of fS.-lIl:O' S!I{ .I(~J l),)l!l~.\\ I os "\ljl~lI()sJ,)d ,HII p,l'!"l?J1" S,\\,IL\,lJ Sill ',)IjU,) 1'001 l' Sl?,\\ ,1I1() 1\1 C,)lIOI!" ,111[(',1 )"'Il!JII'\\IIII!HIY iJ",n JSI?[ ]',lIl,)dll II ,),)[lIS j111'JIIl?jS,U ,1I1l 1I11UI ,lldo,)(l V Tapescripts • Task bank 6D :'\e\'er mind! 1\(' p"t it all Ixhind mc-. Look to the Iutun- - that's 111\ IIlottO I s and 10 [ rcallv didll't kuo« lu-r \I'IY well at all. \\'e liwd too lur apart to I'JrlIl all\'lastillg kine] of nlntionship. And sll(' \\as II"ite old whell she had 111\ mothe-r. Bllt sll(' \\'as a ~elltk sOIlL The kiuc! OiPITSOIl who IIlak('s \(111 'lolIg c!a\'S ~()ll(' 11\ ,,11('11 \011 think of Ill'!'. YOII know, snu-lls of bn',;d bakillg ill IIIl' m('11 - I,'elillgs of f,"' S{'(,llrit:·, IH,jllg safc. 2 Class distinction 1 and 3 Food page 106 1 and 6 Some girls arrive whe-n \\'e opell, do tlm-r- hours training on the trot and the-n wor], their nlnsc!I'S individuallv vvith \H'i~hts, Thc'\' drink wate-r hut von ne-ve-r 'scc thcll c'at all\tltil;g. Thc\"rc L\[Jl'1'adi\", dont c-at or ~IeI'P propc-rlv and 1'\I'lItnal" «nd np ill hospital. Thl'\ think thl'\ nnormal and voun- almormal' page 105 (i DOII't \"(HI <1\.;1\'(' tll<1t \'OIl"IT ill mouev and pri\'i1l'ge Illing happiness' And wt-. well. \H'. WI> haven't evactlv set a hapI)\' example in all this I It's not that e-asv ha\'ing a titl« in this da:" and age ~ «ont rol olvour owu Iii" alld \011 ('all do wllat \(111 want:' I didll'l 1"'1'11 s('111 10 pri\alt'sdillois .iud h.rv« (,lld('d "l' doillg Iloillillg wit l: tlll'ir 1i",1 l lwc- ('ollid afl,ml to sl'lld 011I" ('hildn'lI to a pri\al(' s('llooL v\'(' \\(lIdd, 11I11 it's ilion' illlporlallt tltat till' Ellllih lias a baLlIll'l'd 1'\isle'Il(,", 2 and 7 :3 and S I'd lik(' 10 1,,1\1' 1",(,11 all artist, \llli kllo\\, I)('((('r('d 111\ Sl'II' Alld I slill sl,,:lt'11 110\\, if 1'\1' got all IUllir to spare 11IIt I Ilil\"('ld got tilll(' to do all\ propl'r pailltillg alill drawi".~, \\'l'IL I I('ft s('llool slrai,~ltI awa\, I \\as a hit of a ",oll)('('aIlSl' TIll' ('l)\\'" IIlilk ""1\ lIot 1)(' Sarl' 10 drillk IlIlt. I"r 11ll' 1,ld('rh poplilat'ioll, till' l'olll",rts ofilollll' l)lltw('i~h IIIl' risks ill\o"nl. SI()\\'I\ till' ,'\'aCIll'l'S, all ('Idl'rh alld lIIost of tlll'lIl \\'OIII;'IL ar(' 1H',gillllillg to rdllrll to tIlt' ar(,a, \I()st sllppll'IIIl'lIt w('('kh d('li\'('ril's or I"od \\ith protlll('I' a'Hlli\I'stock rais('d Oil till' polilltl'd lalld, I \,-as hn)\Jt~llt lip ill a Erirh poor .nr:u. hut 1\1' Il('l'lI '1"ill' sllcct'ssfllL I l1s('d to d('si,\.!;11 gardells "lit lIO\\" ( 1"1111 a specialist s('l",i('{' ill (·()lllJHIU·rs. I c01lld lta\'(' I kuo«: ,e;()!W OIL :\(1\\' p{'op!t' whov« I (,~lId alTOI'd to r{'- ('d,lt'al,' 111\",11 I ,'art! aholll 1:7 all hom - ill E,l'! \(111 gl'l paid I" lilt' IlIilllllt' 01' til(' prolhlt'lillil li,"', If\oll're' fi\l' IlIilllltl'S lall', \llli Illiss li\'(' lllillllt{'S pa:'! :~ I was broll,~I'1 "l' ill till' sOlltl, \\'('sl bill 1'\(' li\'('d lill' si\ :rars. I (,(lltldld go ha('k. iI's 100 E,r f(lr IIIl' kid's Ettlll'r, 111\ t'\I,mballd, 10 Sl'" tlll'lll al \\'('('k('lIlls, -\Il\wa\, 111\ 11111111 alld dad 1""lldlr't Ill'lp- Ih('\ 1};1\('II't got f\vo pl'llilil'S to rilL togctl\('r, I 1H'\'{'r go Ollt - dlnd lik/' to Oil Illy OWIl, alld aIlV\\'1\, I I',"r't afl,ml to, I'd Iml' a '1'\' hilt v\'(' Ila\"('Il't ,\!;o! (J1\{', SlIppose l f('l'] hitter ill SOliit' wa\'s, rcalk, 1]('1'(' ill Li\'t'rpo()] el and H I d('al witl, a hmad ('mss-"'I'lioll of pl'opl,' alld arter I.~ \,('ars or so \\'olling, tilt' \'j('w \'011 jC)rJll of jll'opl;' is Ii,r lI,on' IIll'rito<Talic thail has('d Oil class: ",r I'\;ullpll', an' 111l'\ p('opl(' \'OII rcsp('cL trllst, filld illt('n'stillg'~ I ]elld IllO!H':' to Illl'dilllllsi/.t'd cOlllpallil's alld j)('opll' rlllllling thost' ar('!d "PI"T-lliddl(' ('lass, Bllt SOIIlI'lillil'S 1'111 ('lIlharras",d h\ till' wa\ I spl'ak, III a ro01l1 1'1111 of illdllstrialist~, I,", (,X';lIlpll" it ('all 1)(' a disad\'alltag(', It's Oftl'1I lake'li 11\ SOllll' as projecting a !c)ntl or arr(),~<ull'l'. .') and 10 I SllppOSl' Wl"re' thoH~ht of as sllohhish, alld th('r(' is a lot of tnlth ill that. BlIt it's a strollg l'1l'lIll'lIt of IIIIIIIall char'lct('r alld othl'l' eOlilltri('s ha\l' jllst as IlIlIeh sllohl)('n, Still. th(' prohkllls ill Ihi,s COlllltn an' 1101 l'I'alk to do \\ith class, [ do thillk Olll' ;,1' till' hasie tl;illgs that is \\TOllg 1I0W is tIll' Ilrl'akdowlI of thl' [lllli" , I'l'l'haps peop'" thillk the grass is gr('elll'r I']sewherc- 144 el and H iJlllllalls SOOIl !c)lIlld \\"(' \\"('1"(' at 0111' IllOSt l,rfj('il'lIt wlll'1I v\'(' op('ratl'd as a hlllltilig pa('k. III tllis \\"a\' W{' \\"('rt' ahle to turll 0111' attl'lltiOIl to hig,gl'r pn': - hl1t tilt' llH'at was too tOll,gll for ollr sliiall ja\\'s, \ \'" I'IIIe'n ,d till' I'pl HllIl' 0 I' t IH' 1II1Iliali ""1'1' sli('('(1 alld ('ooke'd III('at I)('('allll' ('as\ to COIISllllil', \\'l' atlaptl'd till' Ii"HI to Ot!l' (('('(II. .') and 1O \\'(, \\rJ"(' ('ager to ill\"('stigal{' alld pll(lt{)grapll till' Ii'l'dillg patlt'rns of till' I"l\ j,'lIdisl, hllt \\'1' Ell'l'd ",riolls prohl"lILs, TIll' '''Ii IIlals' appl 'ar alld disapp('ar 1I11pn'tlidahh ill till' \vatl'r. Stlllkilig tlll'lli ill lIatt!l'(' w,"dd 1)(' illipractical - alld, to add to om dill'1I11"'1. l!lost \\'(1Ir't ('at ill capti\'i1\, 4 Coping with the unexpected 1 and of inv.«!« till' 'roO!ll1 TIll' ,sp('cial ",rl'('ts we-reIantastic. YOIt r.-allv f,,1t as if' \'011 WI']'l' tIH,],l' with tlu-m. partk-ul.ul. wit l: this IH'W 'ail-nil ItIl!' sound tlu-v ha\'I' lHI\\'ada\'s, Am",a\ it was so realistie I \,()\\'(,d Lwould 1t1'\I'r take' "P till' sport, iftb,,!'s \\I,at it's r('alh Iikl'l Thn(' \\as this kind of indoor louut aiu. rigllt III'\t to om tabl(' - n'alk l)('atltifltL it \\'as l Altd 1'\I"Ythin~ \\as pnf,'eL a rl'al ('1'!I'bratiolt' (;oodlwss k!1l)\\S wh.rt it must Ila\(' l'OSt - till' Sl'niel' \\'as ulisolutr-lv SlIIll'rll, ha('k~roIIIHllllltsie pnfc.C'i - altd th.-u su.klc-nlv I kltoc'k('d ove-r a bo((I(', I \\as so l'llIl,arr"ss('d I didlr't know whe-reto p"t 11l\Sl'lf. I'ltl Itot jokiltg l I III'"rl\' ralt Oltt of tIll' pla('l' - Illlt tll('\ IIligllt "'1\1' tIHHI,~I,t I was tniltg to l's('apl' \\ithollt I'a\'iltg till' hill I 5 and 10 \\'1' and S 3 and S ThC':' \\'('IT SllO\\Cillg this S('('ll{' of SOIl}{'O!H' skiiltg, \\'e all had to pitt on sp('('i,,1 glassl's and thr-n. Slteld('llk, tlu- skiers S('I'III('d to, wc-l], sort el and H 2 ancl 7 SOl!l(' 1'1'01'''' "H'ar I" tlu-ir 1'(Tipl's morefrc<jIIl'lItk tliau tlll'\ do I", a11\' voluu«- of r('ligions tcst.uuc-ut or L",', Anti all ('ooks ha\'(' tlll'ir f"Hlilritl' \\'(lI'ks of r('f''!'I'II(''', ,\lor/all Cuisiiu: inav 1I0t filld itsl'lf Oil 1'\l'nhOlh's kittln-u slll:II' hut that is 1I0t to d(,II~' ils ;lIf1l1l'!Il'I', TIll' tlisill's an' IIHlrl, halall('('d, th,: Iluvours an' 1I1on' distillcti\(' alld till' tl'\tllr('s li~htl'r - tl,is is {'IHlllgh to Illake .\Ior/ern Cuj,\'!//(, tilt' gn'at('st coll('dioll 01' n'cip('s of till' ('1'lItlm' ,t!;() to a pri\<lt"(· scll<)o1. an C'nlC'rgelll'~, liuttou ill tlH's/' coutruptionx.' Lnckilv f'JI' ItS, h(' was ri~ht and te-n minutr-s later we e!llergl'd sa\(> and SOItIH!1 page 107 (i \\'1,11. I \\'as ilt th(' todd aC'iltalk \\'IIl'1t l'\l'IYthin~ startl'd shakiltg, Apparl'lttk \\'(:'d hit SOItIl' ' tllrlmll'!tl'I', ,\11\"''''', as I II};"II' Itl\ wa\ haek d()\"" th(' aisll''-I 1,:11 ami twisted ,;ltkll', I \\u,dd ha\'1' Iw('1t all ri~ht if I'd bl'e;, ilt 111\ s('at. I'ltl !lSl'd to this kiltd 1;1' thing as [ do a lot' of' tr",('llillg so it doesld bothlT mc at all - Imt it was heing 011 111:' ft'ct jllst at that \"('1':' rl)Oll1CIlL that's \\'Irat ,lid it' ;11\' 2 and 7 \\'e wn,' tra\l'lIing Itp to tbe fifth floor - [ dOll't like esealators, the\.'n' too slm\, so 1 al\\'ays look for all a!i<'mati\e i'f possible, AIt)",a\', w(':d alltlost ani\ed at thc -ith floor whell the thillg jltst stopped deacL Lnckik there \\cre f(lIlr of!lS allel soltH'body said, 'Don't \Hl'TY' Tlrer,,'s a]wa\'s \\'{' \u'n' Il<l\'illg satldwi('llt's allc! cakes - a Silllp](' sort of' Itll'al \\'led take'lt witll lIS - Iliit it was a :'()ll kIIO\\', slln SIJillill,~, hl'I's bltniltg, tbat killd of' tllillg, till' odd fislll'rJllalt \(,rtlll'r do\\ltstn'''lll lookiltg at ItS ill a ratlll'r disappro\'illg \Va: \\"(' \\"('r(' Illakillg too Illllt'll ltoiSl,1 Sltl!<hlh till' 11l'''\'('lIs op"lll'd alill dowlI it ('alltl', TIH' lo('als ItlllSt I"I\(' I,ad" fi('ld-da\' lH'alltihd da:. \\'atchillg liS IllllT\'illg lc)]" SIH'ItIT1 ANSWERKEY 3.0 1 SPEAKING 1.0 page 6 Finding out if people know each other /I"re 'I'"! III''' !}(','II illlmrl//('('(I." und 11'1' luucnt !)(,I'II iutrodnc.«! sound too lormul for this situatiou /I(/(!I/"" IIII'I 1'I11'!1 "I!II'I" SOlllllls r.itlu-r '1II'a\~' for this kind of ;lIleractioll. page 8 A lormul: I"\el 'j IISI' 01':\11" alld ,\Iiss, I ,('(III!d lil«: I" int rotluii' 1/"" I" and till' 1"lm'ssioll /I",,' rI" 1/"" rlo: ('OIlU'\l: possihl:" two c-x.uniucrs and two calldidall's. Bless Iunuul: 1<,\'(,1 :) I-J Ilse of first "'"IlI'S .u«! l.uuil. 1""Il('S, G""rI morlling alld c-outr-xt: jlossihl:' two ('XaJllill('rs alld two ealldidatl's. C inforruul. le\'('1 I 1:2 "'" of lirst n.uur-s ollh .uu! I!II'/'I'.' j c-ontrxt: I'0ssihh 1(,,", stlldellis. ur 2.1 page 7 2.2 page 7 Introdudn~ other people and "esponding; '/01/ ('01"/1.'-' llli~llt Sllggestl'd ('0111 hi IlatiOIlS: A rill M"ri" ,,"r1 I!tis is L,,"is. B /Ii 1111'1"1" (;""rI I" sl'e 1/"".' A Court //Iorning / (~fi('n/()(/II / (Tl'lIlni!,. rill J)I", :\11", ,\1I"S, ,\Iiss ,,"r1 / le,,"Ir1Ii/.;1' I" !lOll 1)(' to /IIY ('olin/gill' lllistak('s. this is dOlllll('d }wl{)f(' adding all {'IHline: hegiJlllillg with a \"O\H'l, tIH'n' is a short vowr-] souucl. I'.g, (('I'ill'lh'd, I{'III'I');III'II. rotten, nl1l1ji/l~. 111 olll,-S\lIah!e m)/'(Is \\1",1'1' till' Iasl eOllsoll,ult is Ilot dOllhl"d \\,1"," addillg all cllding lw,gillllin,1l: \\'jth a \"()\\'t'L tll<'n' is a IOllg s()lllHL c,g. I!Wkill:!., fLTitiJlil,.jokilJ;l.. page 9 1 IIart ,") Boland :2 \\'ell :3 \Ialltoll 6 Pond -+ (;racelalll!s a Il(',~ali\{' illlpr{'ssioll l Iowrvr-r. (,\tll1liJ){'!"s Ilsllalh ask for all iuu-rpn-t.uion of a pi('(IIJ'(' :11111 a Illore glollal descriplioll of photograpl" ,,,,,d ill~>art :2, ----~ Descrihing similaritu-s and differenee';--l {,ollll'lll'l'li ('IIIt1d Ill' follll\\(,d I" fril!1 2.2 ~ page 14 Loc.uion of hank: I(illgstoll Iligll Sln'l't Tillll' of robhen: :2.:l0 \:1I11tlH'r Sl1slwctS: ::; or Otlu-r (,llstollll'rS sa\\' a \\'(Jlliall ,L!;i\'iHL!; sOllll'lllillg to h\"{l 111('11 ill 1he' (jlH'II(' ,\111011111 sloll'lI: [I'j,OOI) .\lal'lll rai"'d 11\ I'allk stall Callg ('sl'ap('d 'ill ('ar dri\'('ll 2.3 BTl", \\urds ill ('ohlnlll I all ha\(' tl", \'Il\\,('] sOlllld ill. TllllSe ill ('011111111 tml ha\'(' Ii:!. 1;1<1:' ('I"('alt' olvour ahilih- ill tIl{' r-x.nuiutr» mind. :\ xilrnt I' 011 the end of a \\oJ'(1 of' 0111' s\'llahle cllding ill 0lH' c-onsouant 1I1ak{'s til(' '-()\;'{'\ I",fi)/'(, it 'sa\ its alpllabl'l Ilallll,' i.r-..-\, I. 0, l;. ('.,e:.!Wfl', til1l('.!u)j)('. IIIIf!." 111 Ill",-s\'llabll' words wlu-r« tl", last {ICO is not this kind of pre";S<' d,'sniptillll that I I' yOIl arc (,olllparill,L!; twr: pictures .uul l]{'('d to rxplaiu \Y!\('re pl'ople or ohil,(,!.s an', it is important III do tllis cllrr('('th, of' ('OIll'S!', I I' \'011 lilah, hel lei !II 101 IA/ le'/ li:1 lal/ hoi lill:1 hel lei iII 101 IAI '1'1", ,,'eo'lI! vowr! ill all li\I' \\ords is 1';1/, -+ lel/ li:1 lal/ hoi Ijll:1 '1'1", ,,'eIJlll! \0\\,,,1 in all Ii\(, \\ords is hI. 4.1 page13 {'\<llllilWrS arc lookill.L!; lill', :2 :) tllhillf!, appropdately introduc(' do page 9 '-0\\'('] !lOS(' CI'lIlillll'II'"s/i'Olli I!II' I{'fi- I ril!JiI-lliJlld sul« as it A '1'111' \'Il\\'(,1 sounds are: ('()11S()!l,1lIt Sllggestl'd t011l' 01'"'PI'l'SS;OIlS: I 1'>rIllal :2 li>rlllal :) less I(mllal -J I"" fonllal hilt willi first n.nuc-s 0111\ 'j illl(mllal (i inlormul 2.1 Finding out about people 4.0 2g/(' strai,e;ht hair / Describing location '1']", e-xamine-r \\ollid not I", ill!<'res!<'d ill kll()\yillg that S(lll}('thillg ill til(' pic-tun- \vas (,()Ilsid('f('d all ill~-asi()I'1 of priv.uv. page 7 hllSll\ ('\r!)J'o\\"S :3g curlv hair --kif ovul / rmuul Llc{' / {'\'{'S ,'5h roS\ c1"'eb hd xliu: huilr! ' ,e turne-d-up no'" 'ia Ilalldiebar mnusturluDj \\('1] lmilt IOi of nu-dnnu I",iglll page 8 HOle IIlIlCII 1/10//('1/ 2.0 11) clown. 3.1 page 11 1.1 Check the tapeseript (on page 1:291 to see ho«: much of tlu- information VOIl Illallaged to notedown corrcctlv. 'Cold listl'ning' like this can he dilficult heea,;se there is 110 s;,t task. 110 indication of what to liste-n lor. Also. the uu-morv load is high, it is difficult to n'Il"'III1)('r all tl", ddail alld t]ll're is not ('Illlllgli timr: to writ« it all 1 Il\ a \\Olililll page 14 n')ll!wn :2 a S('{'I'lrih nrlll ,) 1111' lligl, ,~tn',1't h:lllk j Iliaell;III' gl'IIIS ,') t]\('ir :dtenlllllli tll,I"IT\ () II\(' "'(''-II'il\ gllards -; I]\(' !"illk c1'-Tks ,~II\(' aLinll hl'tttoll 9 a g<,ta\\'a\ dr 10 d'-II,i>I" \1']]o\\·I'"es 11 a tr:dIic \\':lrIlell 1:2 a p,irkillg Ifckl't illl :trllH't! Ail", AI I"S, ,\Iiss B //"11' d" II"" d"." A //"11' d" If"" rat]lI'r f'mlla!. A rill AI"l"i" ,\1,,"101" 111111 litis is 1111/ ('(IlImgll" L,,"is 1'1'1"J'iJ1/(1. B //1'11". Ms is ran'lv Ilsed ill spokell Ellglish hilt it is oftell preli'rred as all a]tert/ati\'(' to ,\1I"S or Miss, which d"llotl' married or Sillgl,' status, IJeligltll'rll" 111"/.;1' 11""1" "(,I/""illlllllee souncls rather 1'>rIllal alld sOllll'what '!lower\" for genera] illtrodllctiolls alld I'l'SpOIlSes, a !')J']nal h ill!,mna] e less formal cI less f,mnal e less !imnal • • "" ;;..• Ii d"." or f'll'"sl'd I" II/{','I ,/"". J)l'lig!lll'Ill" IIW/.;I , 1/""1" 1iI',/""illlfl/lI'" is 1.0 1.0 page 10 Speeulatin~ 0111' CIIII'I mil' 0111 Giying your opinion 1 1/111'1'11 'I I!II'/r/illil'si idl'll illmlll . f'l'r"'"lrillj. Ihe J!ossihililfj Ihill sOllnds too !'mna!. II II'!/() /.;IIOICS." sOllnds abrupt and too inlimnal. lIIighl expresses probability I pOSSibility, page 16 sOlllllls rather I'III!I' a 111I IIff-halld '1I1d S1lg,g('sts ba\"(> uothing else to sa: :011 1'111 1{lIill' rO/llilll'l'rll!/ilI. . "'presses a \('ry stroug opinioll. ('ollid "'presses probabilil\' I eapabilit\·, /lllIst e'presses a lngieal e.splanation. Pictures of the same person are: )," C alll11 E, C anti F D, E and 11 145 Key • Module 2A 3.1 Asking for the opinion of others is ottr-n usc-cl 'Y!H'II addressing a g;'ollp of 1'''01']'' ill a mori- I(>nnal situation :\/111 C(lIJ/Jl/cJlfs.'.J c'.g. a llH't'tillg. H"oult! 'loll ('{/rl' to ('O/lIlJ/{'U{ Ull . Suggested allS\H'fS are gi\"('11 Ior eac!l c-xtruct ill . \11 righl - '1011 lein.' sounds rather d"fpatist and would bc llSl,d at th" "nd of an argnnwllt. tho orde-r: sp"akn, souu.]. pl:««. xit uatinu. I re-porter aircran tablll'; oil or lallding airport possibh- a xtril«: or disruption oJ'SI'I'Ii,"'s :? mot orist traffi« th« other p"rson has a point. [/'{lIln'l '1IIllI:!.I,' of COli/{' politi"iall. u.« abou! 10 tlnnl: \Vo"ld '10" IIgrl'l' «ut, 111111." 1I'IIII!"s '10111' 0l,;"io".o \\'/,111 do '10" iliiul: ..0 an' ilion' sllitahl" Ior all ill!(lI"Jt;,tl ('\ckUlg(' of idt'as. II in that IUUI- or it '1011 /!Iidll 1)(' riglll [ n/llsi aclmlt it's Ilo,,~ page 24 1.1 Admitting that you might be mistaken Fair ,'no"gll.' is colloquial am] "onc"dcs that \F/llil II;'" Ilo"r I'il'les 0". car" oltc-u usccl ",1]('11 add;'('ssill~ all iuclividual ill a more!()r111al sitllatioll' ('.g.. a T\" intr-rvir-«: wit]: a \1'/1111/ page 20 SIlIJIJOSl' uour« In;,' II"I! possihl:' a 1lIOlol\\'a: right, are all used to sll,L!;,gest car hrokr-u dO\lll that von might possiblv ha\c mad" a mistuk«. rOll'rl' ,) car owur-r (Illite rig]«. (~((,ollrs('. .u lmit« qllite car possibh a car park fn'(']:' that yOll wcn' \\Tong, car O"'lH'I' apprel){,lldillg 1.1 3.2 page 17 Exprc·ssing I' ...·fe'·enees TI/('n<~' aucl I/O ('O/lIJ)Ol'isO/I !WfIU'l'lI . sOIlI"ls lik,' a Silllpll' cout r.ixt hilt "'pITSSl'S a \rl":" strollg pr('!<'f('lllT. Civ.: /I/(' (11/11 tlnu:' is tllOn' colloqllial and wOllld Ill' llsed ill all iulnrma] (·oll\rrsatioll. 2.1 paqo 18 page 20 Commenting on something you know nothing about : (,{llltilllling tIl(' C{)IIH'rsatioll tlII1S showin« what tlll'\ "all do ill ElIl';lisll. It "o,"d also ol1"lId till' l;t]lI'r pl'LSOII' YOII IIll1St lak,' "I' "11'1'1 oppmtllllill ill .u: \IOIH':" proillpl('d SiIlHlIl"S decision to Ill0\'(' ill Iq,'ifi: till' iutc-rvirvvc-r said III' \\as part ofllll' 'hrain drain' -- til{' ('IIJigratioll or ill\{'lligellt inte-rvie-w situation to SilO'" tlH' r-x.uuiu.-r \dlat \011 "all ~Io. If till' e-xamine-r has askl'd \011 a ;l'lI'stioll. SOIlIl' n'spllllS" will I«. "'p"l'l"d.\ 'xlnn-clowu' strat,,~,\ not Ollis lilah,s ]iI" pl'ople to allotlwr ('011 II ! 1':' to ('al'II ilion' 1l101H': or gl'! a h"!t,,r joll - alII! Silllllll l,illlS"I!' said ·tlll' dilli"I"t !'"' till' 1'\<lIl1illl'r, it j,'opardiSl'.s 10m IIlOIl{':' orkred til 11](' ill AIIH'rie;l pn)\!'d l'klll('(IS of SllC('{'SS! illlpossih]" lo rt'sis!.' II" h"'I" ill 10111,11 witl, I'is fri,,"ds I" lISillg ,,-mail it'1"l'!rolli" IIlaill '"l1llislt'llillg to till' BB(: 2.2 ()\\-llIT So It looks flS if 11'1' fill fI.:!.rl" , IIwl . 2.3 CfllI page 19 n'wards :2 gritill :1 !H'dg(' ~ nToilillg :') poor (-) \agl](, - h(,li{'\,(' ,'i dej"cted 10 lIail 2.0 page 24 I" 2 I> 2.1 page 24 \n' ill (/Ur(,(,I/!l'III."..J to Oil ~!.!.n'(' \11 ,) :\11 COli 't IJI' ,,'l'l'lI/li,,' stlld,,,illg a!olH', Ill' witli a pri\'at(' t{'aeller; training witll a "Olllllll!<'L or practical ('\pni"llcI' ill th" workpla('(I: trainillg wi!h a small or large group of 1'''01']''' 111<'111 din"rt'llt jo"s. allIl0111\l'('lllt'llt sit\illg Ilia! a sllort IlCllida\ ill J )ollalld "il] ill"'"'-!" all "\('lIrsioll to SIT tL" hllll, [tlllip[ lil,I,Ls "llI'n' till' lIo\\('LS art' :\11 I ('ould IH' us{'d diplolllaticalis to dra\\ a disClIssioll to a cloSl'. ,~nl\\·ll. l'ossi"I" h'l "ords <lrt' III<1rk"d Oil till' t<lp('s"ril't Ull page t:;(), 2 LISTENING page 25 Finding oul ahout ('orrel'l spelling a a('('(lltlll}(Hlati(lIl HC()lIl1l11Hlatitlll h cOllSei"lll"''/ e 11I'1I"'it('(1 ,/ or !lI'lI"'itt"d d prul'('ssiollal ./ (' gall,L!;{' ./ 1.0 f (lIdli:1ITa."lIlt lit ('lllhanaSSllll'lIt g "Olllpar<lhll''/ 11 ~ d"",'ill' page 23 Speeulating about whal you hear + adj('diH', c.g. sound,' slr(IIJ:!.(' sO"/lIls like ~ nOlin, ".g. SO,,"r/1 like fI plfl"l' )'ollllds (IS ~f + s{'ntl'IlCl'. e.g, SOlll/d)· {IS ~f SOUl/d), SO}/U'O/ll' i 1'01lrt('OllS./ i k I~ .i g1Jarallt('(' ./ \\llI'tlll'r, \\"atlll'r ] h~ 11ILSilll'SS II aeclIStolll,'d ,/ "' I,'asihl" ,/ is f(/lkil/fl, These ar" thc sounds. 1'011 can llIak" \'Our 0\1'11 suggcstions about where yOll lnight h~'ar tlwlll. 1 ellgag"d tclephon" signa] 2 pn"ulllatic drill :3 Ia\l'n llll1\\pr cntting grass "' car brakes s(T"cdling .5 helico'pter 6 background chattpr at a parts' -;- Lms scrpallling at a rock COllccrt H \\"ashing lllachillc spinnil1~ q glass snwshing 10 a dog barking 146 trip ill a IlIll <lir "allooll. A finallcial nvort al)(Hlt a (,(Jlllpilll: alHlIJ! lo I p{'rsol1 '."I poillt or "it'\\", Th" IIII'!hods ill th" pictllr"s fill' cOllll'arisoll ar,,: <I ,L:;() hatlkrllpt. sOlllHI ratlH'l: il1slIlting alld disliliss th(' other All th" ot IlI'r I"pn 'ssiollS art' ilion' diplomat it'. ,,,II,,rt J(lI' ;Hhrrt lilr a 11t'\\' \;WlI1l11ICI{';1Ill'r \vllidl call do 3.0 jl/kill:.!..' alld Yo/{ .J prop{)s('(11I('\\ road. .) ,S page 19 Disagn'eing polilely I" {'\ictiol1 l"r()Jtl tl}{'ir IwltH's \)('('<lIIS(' ol"a I Iflk,,'if Ilwl /TITIIO'II' fI:!.n','s 111Ir! . ICt' 01/ .s . .\ I'rtllt'st allllllt 11I'ol'l" IlI'ilig 1111'1 'atl'lII'd \l'illl I Il'l,'n' (/gr('('r! 01/ . "\\ '(' (']J])('(lr tJlnl\\'ill,g it stick I()], tIl(' d(),12; to run an'T, IlI'ar" c1,i]dr('II's pialgrolllill .~ till' (hjiJ}·tI .\tlllIJ}el'd 1"'lIn/{,/,', f)idio/{{u"!. IJI' c1lildn'lI pialilll'; park sOllllds rat!){'r too fOl"lllal Ii)], tllis Stl:('SS or 11]('allill,L!; lilr ,111\ oftllt's(' "'onls, ('OIISlllt rOil IUllsl impnrtaut fooll""] IlIatl'l , h dog ()\\'IH'!" alld 11'1' illfonllal. killd or dis(,1IssiO!l. 3.0 !, lOtI> all no\\d Finding oul if everyone agrees (/f.!"n'l'/!!l'III. ('\c!lallg(' goods larg(' l"oothdl ,groulld \\'1'11. IlwI's Ilwl IIII'll.' Sllllllds ratlll'r disll,issil" tr\,Ol1 are 111lSl1re ahollt tIl<' pnlllllll('iatioll, word ~J r"sist lnlp It Icollid {{/'/}('flr Ilwl II'I' fin' ill ''()In/,11'f1' page 18 crackl" .u«! tOIlI' oJ' a pulilir- addn'ss SI'st"1I1 .) sports ('tl!T('SIHlIH!('llt .nnl I mul lu-mutic« :2 (:Ilic(l,gu :) -; (;rat!(' ',Y l lllatiis alld ('Olllplltill,g ,) Illatlls () AllIerica -; .ur: g()od at S ltlakillg hig d('cisiol\s {'lIlplo~d,{, at a larg(' st()r(' --J- allot lu-r "1111'10\('" is 11I'ing "all"d, possibil to ,'-,'('(/rell nu:' l lrnrnt {{ ,-I"I'.'SllIlI,,1 ofl-Iumduud hi] to d"l "lop till' iutc-r.utiou. This pn'I"lIls rillu-r Irmn tllief WIIO is sllpentlarkd or d(var11l}('llt S!()]"(' l luu:« {{ s,/{'{{king",s/'idon ilutt conld Sll,g,g('st that :'011 an' al iout to c-ritici.«: SOIlI('Oll(' or SOil It't1 lillg. stUd('llt d llfeakillg into llis car Thes" ar" till' possih],' sp"lIillgs of till' words Oil th" tap". CSI' a dictioll'UY to clll'"k till' lll"allillgs. t ('ciling / scalillg :3 tl'ar / til'r :? S('i/,(, / seas / s('('s -t roll / ro]" ,') storY / stor"y 6 lIa\\ / floor -;- kllow / 111' ,<; tl;nw / tll'rollgll q \H'ig!lt / \\ait III IlI'ar / I,art' II ,,!lOOSI' / eh,,\\'s 12 p"ar / pai r / par" Module 28 3.1 page 26 Ir'cl! /reu/ Silr'lIt 1': Oil th" "lid of a word IlIaK"S til(' v()\n'! ill lront souucl as it do"s ill th" a!phalwt, i.i-. 1('11 Ii:! /ai/ IJul Ijll:1 :2 Ira ttl /'ntJnl III '"I('-S\!lahlc worcls with a xliort vum,l SOIIlIl!. ,[Ull],!c' tlu- last «onsonunt !wfor(' addillg all cllding !WgiTlIlillg with a vowe-l. :j /konsi.t/ /bi'li.v/ I Iwl,)('(' F. vd1l'1I thr- xouuc] is '",e "\lTpt an"r C. Sci:« is all "\(,"ptiull tu tllis rlll"l 18ru:! /r.vl.' /'8.\1';>1 Tll('n' is 110 rule- I,", this 01lc! 5 /'nnlldi;>oll /nxi.vohl/ /'nJutISJol/ K""p til(' lina] wll('l1 addillg ,,"dings to klTp tlu- lsi or Icl/ SOlllllls Oil words "lIdillg ill C/': und Cl: ([;111"." till' "llIlillg Iwgills wit]: F. lor r n (i /c ll/ /elvz/ 10,'li:1/ /hr'li.Ix/ \\'11('11 a wunl "llIls ill l'. (,liang" tll('!" lu IF Iwli)('(, addillg ,'i. Iwli'I is all "\I"'plioll l - IpJ't~ttJol Ip;>'tett;>ut! Ipi:',cn;>ul Ipi:':cnJoz! S()11H' IHlllllS ('luHllg ill () add FS ill til(' pima! l iut Slllll(' ,illst add S. (:1111111111111v 1IS"d words assilllilakd into EIlglisl1 add F ...,· c.g. /JOf(/{u(',\', I"ss ('(lllllll(lll word;.; add S {'"g. 10 more- than I ove-r !300,OOO I three hundred thousand objects 11 thanked 1:2 the law' 1 !tiKing :2 pOIl\-t n 'KKing :j divillg --l hot air hal1oo11ill,e; ,~,,"hitc-\Yater canoeing t ou Llst-1I1OVillg t urhulr-ut rivtrs : () pllt-holillg 7 ],Ullg{T jUlllpillg (jll111pillg {rom a high plac{\ IIsllallv'· a l;ridge or ,; c-r.uu-. attach"d to all elastic roP" I' ,~ :Il']';,bi('s 1.1 l'!1/11 ('lldill,g an"r.\ hilt III(' sOlllld 1;/ n',!"ir"s 1111 C, 10 /'kwnr;>11 l'kvmr;>Idl 'I'll(' 11'l1"r V IIII1SI alwavs Ill' l'lll()\v'('[lllV ( p!IIS a v11m'!. III words of IlIlIn' tl,all 1111" svlIah!,', if III(' !asl svllahlr' "lids ill '""' vow;'lpllls L, ('.g. I':L, ,IL, 111('11 till' I, is dllllhl"d Iwl()('(, addilrg all ,,"di"g Ilt'gillllill,g \\'illl a \,()\\"(,L l'.g. riud/cd. fJ"flrl'l!iJli!,. 1I hk"cdJlllIl hknlll;>'delfn/ \lml wllrds (,Ildille;s to l!lahe til(' "lispr~)Jllllll'iati()IL It walling ('Il' and a\"{)id e.g. dYI' - dycilJ,<..!" luN'- I/(N'illi!. page 26 4.0 IWiO lini,'s -l ow,'d ha('k-ta,,"s ,j /) prop"rtv () its (']oslln' .... gas li,e;llt S til(' gnllllld lIoor tllnT-store: q illtat'l to \"('n' cross it's Ill1fair Exam practice page 28 LtrllH'r :2 (AI)) :lS:j :j (s"['''rtllarKI'I) plasti" hags -I !tis (lIwlII lalld 5 ili/'lI'Illt'd tilt' alltl,oriti"s () prOSl't'lltiOI\ - rarttl tll"ls S dig IIp D d""lan' t!t"ir disc'ov"ri"s to\\"IIIIOIlSl' 3.2 page 32 i -+ C C :j Ad"ising someone (not) to do something Oil I/O accouul should !/Oll. "i()llIHls too impersollal <lilt! too fOrJlla1. 'You'd /)(' cur::'!I!wl t., 'solll)(ls and SllIlll'w,l,at on,'nsiv,'. \('I"\' Luuiliur and 'sJlg,gcsts t t l u- speaker i"i irritutrd. pages 29 and 30 )""1 c: eonld "'"llp!l'l" till' SI'lIt"IIC'" I'd n'('(J/lII/If'//(! \\"itlL for (";Ullpl(', II/(' ('(~f;' ,\\('tivitv B FlalT ()}J}J()Si(f' flit' ti ucnu; or tluit 'l'"! ISI/Oflld) i!.(} In tlutt cnu (:os( ~- - - - - - Pllttingf~)~~~-,~(I,~nothe;point of view S/in-l,/,/oll 1'1/11'1 ''<'rtill/ I)('/il'l " ...c alld Look. I) For Iurtlnr inlunu.u io» ---- I .\r('h,,1'\ :2 anlT+ 1'.111. lIoI,od,/ ill I/lI'ir rig/II mitu] uouli] tlunl: tlut!.. .) Swiudou s()lIJ1d illSllltillg. .+ oHi",' IIIlIlrs (-) a;llllI<.d sllhscriptioJl 1 d"('K "I,air - sLllllp"d addn'sSl'i/ "IIH,llIp" ;, [I() a dav D Balln)(lIl'l dall('illg III \lidd!"Sl'\ 1.4 page 33 Exam practice ,'j S\'ll(']lrollis(,d S\\'illlllJiIl,g ,J ~ Oil 11j()lIlltaill roads sl()\\"h () (,olliplaill -;- S,,"tlalld U III (Ill(' 1latiClIl / a (';UIHTa :l driv" IItlll'r 1I:1lillllS (V"I'\') ,~tllt' !()()t! ,,, I'ri"lIdlv ()II{' {'()IIlltr\ / t!J(' SallH' page 30 SlIgg('st('d ,1lIS\\'{'rs a VClllllg p""p!" OIl s('!tollll,ll!idavs h ~'atdl\' and alllusing aHit<'ratioJ) alH! r11:"llJing. l'.g. I)·orilli!. ill eorilli!.. c!/('l',\'l'd (' (df ill CIIC,'.;/lin', 1.0 page 34 1 11111 ,ll;d ill!clrJllaL dlatt:", 't<'{'llagc' st:·](' lallgllag(', ,} ('o]ollrs fJftlJ(' raildH)\\ {'.g. (fCl' '\'jwrls Cn'at Lak,'s Ill' 'sllrtl, AIIlI'ri"a l'S stall's w!liel, !ronln \I"\ic'o .) l'S slaks !rmd"rillg (::I":lda () (:lIlclIl,[,ia \'O\IIW tn'lIdies - 'lc)II()\'~ trl'llds ill :j \UIIII{r \~'llat i': p('ople \dlu lih(' to faslliollahle, ('.g. ill activiti"s alld dotllt's d ,,"tl"lSiast;(' 'sporls' tv'P('s 2.0 I Bolalld B!O"III ,) % :2 A '1\'/,,/ Oil caril, clou 'I ,/O" . c' sllnnds ,,"!I",!nia! page 29 1.2 and 1.3 !H',gillilill,g ,,'itll tl\(' SOlllids /;It'k/ or /;)k/ arc slw!t ,\CC. hilI 'IUllli'lIlI/ is all "\('''ptillil. 1:2 Il11a,l/ /'l11aIi'd;1 K,'"p III(' lillal I': wlll'lI addillg page 31 1B 'II's Ilig/ilill/i' '/011 did: . . illlp!;"S tJ,;tl till' lH'gillS \\illl I. q IIk'si:dl 1I11'lIstl T!,,' sOlllld lsi is w,-itkll C 3.1 lixtcin-r lias not lxc-n doillg tlu: rig]Jt tllillg. Ig" tl,,') til I!wl,)('(' addillg .ur, til(' h tran'llill~ around und.-r :-0111' O\V1\ st('aJlI e leaving all V IIIll' troulilcx 1)('I,i1ld von unutiouc-d. S Ifr,u//'frall!]1 II'a Will'll "lids ill a ('OIlSIlIl/lItl pillS L page 31 a having a !rail pot-llOlill,g, hIlJlg('{' ,jllJllping and .u-rohic-x alT Ilia/Ill,\,. {,lIdillg Illdl'SS page 29 1.0 3.0 Key • page 30 a [':,('Ltg,' !tolidav ,) a (1""'-s!lar,, pr('p('rtv :j all is!alld crt'lisc' -+ a Ir:lrgaill Im'aK C) a th('1I1t' parK () a (,I'dtmal tom - a dlllp sit<;, a tc'lllrist trip 9 a f1\-drfvC' h(,!tdav 10 a rillllill trip 2.1 page 31 a :2 ti('Ks b,~ ti('Ks (' -+ ti('Ks d:2 ti('Ks " () ticks f:2 ticks A!! th" ill!'l1'lliatillll is wli'!T"d to sev'eral tilill'S hilt the illiportant infcl1'lllation vdlich it wants th" Iistl'lIn to r"""'III!r"r alld Ire attracted IlV' is r"peated 1II0st often ~ this is part of the scllillg technic!'l('. .... Ecuador ,~ a ('O'Lst!;llt' ~J rlivt 11111 1.1 page 34 1 Wl'lwnl (>1 )ol'k n'<L orallg(', I,", (;ilill('d Hill/In III I'ilill gn'{'II, I,]!){,. illdig() alld :rll()\\', viII!',t SlIlwr .Iltlll lId!", hiTI/ (J,II' I'or !aK"s SnpnillL \li('llig/lIl. IllIl'oli. I':ri,' :lIlt! Olltario :j Cali/iJrllia, c\riWII/l. 's,'w \!,'\i(,11 allt! Tnas -I II'('//. I.\/lisl .Yol .I/is/l'l/d 1m \\'as!lillgto", Idaho, \11I11t/llla. 'sortl, DaKllta, alltl \Jinllt'sllta .~ Brilisl, l'dro/""lIi 1,,1' Boliv ia /lIltll'araglla} ,J 1.2 page 34 possihle ,1llS\\rrS a \1;\'1' Iw('st to "'Lst) !r Sl:F or (Slllltil til lIortlll l!SF 147 Key • 2.0 Module 20 page 35 A Suggested ,lIls\\"('rs '5 The British are happier using a pcrsons B Encourage him to he 1110]'(' honest with her, e: Give him a deadline to prodllee the 111011('\'. first name. 6 Americans like I)('illg asked personal questions. 1'011 should analvse vour own stvle of speaki1lg caref1lJi\, . . - B ~ I :\0 7 Yes 2.1 Yes :l Yes -i:\o ,):\0 6 Yes Co.... ectcd statements It Iligl"iglils til(' dil'l"""lle('s l)('t\\'('('11 I/Ial<' alld li'lIlal(' stdl's (II' (,(lIl\rrsatioll. 1'.1('11 Sl'('111 dis!;,"t l)('callSl' tll('\ rail to realise tlu- Il('('d Ii,r '[uunau illlt',..'st' (I'J('StiolLS, :) '1'1)(' Ilrilisl, 1i'('1 Ililcollde,rtahle lLSill,g a jlt'rsoll's first nau«: straigllta\\-a\". 3.0 page 35 A Sll,e;g('s!t'd \\'ortls to IJi,\!;ldight ,) \\'11('11 a 1110111('1' asked II('J' adult SOil, ,,1,0 I,ad a [nll-f irur- jol" 10 eOlllrihlllt' to til(' 1"'"Sl,II(,]d ('sl)(,IlSl'\, "htt did II(' do:J :\ II<- moved illlo a plac(' or I,is 0"", Il II<- rel'J('lalllls ag,'eed to pay n-ut. (: II<- pretended IJ(' had not heard lur I) II,· len til(' mutter 01"'11, ,( \\'I,al is II", dil'l"""IlC(' Il('t"("'1l girl.s' '''I(I bovs couv.-rsutioual sl\'I,'s" /\ Boys gi\,(' ~i .. ls dinT! l'Ollllllands. Il Cit'ls gl'l tlJ('ir 0\\'11 "a\ I" making suggestions. C Boys gi\(' eaeh othet' options ,,1"'11 -iC 1.2 :31) ,) 3.1 page 36 III til(' first I) 2.0 page 39 I disapprm(' ~ disapprll\" :l al'prm(' ,I al'l'rll\(' ,J 1I1'IIlrai fi disappro\'l' , apl'rm,' <; disapprll\" ') al'l'rm,' 2.1 ('.\c!l;lIlg<' tlw s('('()IHI (,\l'iJ<.Ulg{' ('Illp!():"l'(, til(' lllotlwr aSSllIlH'S !l('r SOil lias agn'ed 10 pa\ as II(' "ill Ollis 1)(' Ihen' lill' a shorl lilll(" \\'I,ile the SOil lias Ill('n'ls ack1lo\\'ledg,·d 1]1(' Il,at slJ(' has a~ked I,illl alld 1,'('ls II(' has 1101 agreed to amll,i1lg, ",d page 36 A Sll,t!;,t!;(·s!(·d illl()rJlIatioll to higldi,~ht 1 Ilow sholl]d IIII' cake slll'p 0\\'111']' gi\'l' orders to till' IIlale "1111'111\ (.,,'J A Insist Ihat III' he]ps ,,'ith till' imoicillg, B Politelv telll,ill' ,'sadls \\'hat she \\'allts hilll 10 ;10, ' (: Persuad~' hilll mrr a period or tilll(' to do \\'hat she """lIs, 1) Ask Ililll dit'ectIY wh~' !II' won't do \dJat S]II' asks, ' Ilow sholl]d the IlIotlll'r deal "ith her SOIl'J A Insist that III' IlIlIIO]]]'S her ,,'ishes, l U'('ll<l1!:('r :; h'{'lI'H.!:('r () pan'llt ,~docto]' mauul.u-tun-r 7 "ide() H t('{'Il'H.!:('r \\'ords wlliell 111']1' id"lItil, 1\It' sp,·ak,'r.s I 1I1~/ childrru :2 YOlllli!.~T IJ(/Ii('uls / ))!lolo'\'l'J/silil'c l'jJi!"jJsy' l lil«: :3 sl~f1;Ti/l(;!. rnut slojJ ,3 on/I')" n'IJ/(f('('IIIl'lIls () ~/OIIlU.!.. j}('oIJ/{' / I / nllr III>IISI'. -; \\'" / 0/11' i!.II//I('\ /1/1,11' 1-!,ilrll'('1/ S 1I/,.,licl/l n's('(frCII I[,{,'I'(, 1-.-+ ,"5-() illrilill;!,"ds I)('i'll c(fl"ryill!-!. (llll ~J 1/ I}(JII;.!.!il / page 40 ,) slridls () !lotTO\\ ,l liol"lIt ,j eOlldlld"d I' l' I, ill all\ ordl'r ill illl\ ordt'l~ j ,S-IO h d i!. ill all\ order (1 is !lot llsedl 1.0 (iE 7\ pages 41 and 42 improbabilitv. I iloul)! uhctlu: illll"'o!,,",I,, rJJl alll]().sl ('tTlaili !Jll/IIU! II! f!UT("\, flfuir!!/ !.!,I!or! or f!/(~u'-\' '-/UlI/O' possil Ii(, //0 dou!JI ill uut muu] al ttlllsi ('( -rt.uu I" /jll'i,,'d i] pllssil,l,. lin "I"ol"/i'!J1 conrhurtl (I",{ , Tlurc» ",},'I littl.: "III/I/{'" 01 al tttost ('{'rtaill ill'l'rollalll(' I dOI/I,( II'I/{'{I/{'I + St'III"II"", ",i!., UIIIi'('()/II(' 1'/11 houucl 10 + inliuitivt. ('.g I)('('()/I/(' Tlurr» uj;'ir/~/ !.!,o(ld '-/UI/W(' of + ,~('1"lll}(L ("'~' n u: / /II.'IIW('I!/IIIII,l.!.. rlwu'"-\ Ill! dOIlI)1 iii /l1//lJliJ/(I'I'!/(/ls(!('I"IT 11/(/1 + S('llt('ll('('. ('.~. rll!w~'(!/I/(, 1-\!w/{/r!II'llw -\/lrjJ!'is('(/ iF I Iw('( IIJ/(' / 1)(,(,(/11/1' 1'/11 (t/)so/lIld.'l ('(llIl'il/('ed UIIIi''''I/1II' rlwrt,-s l'IT!! litt/i' (-IUI/l('(' t Sf'IlI<'I}('(', ('.g_ 11/(/1 + s('IlIc'll('(', ( .~. (~F + ,~('nlll(L ('.g_ Ji/f' page 44 Interpt'eting past ideas It is U'(/,\'o/luIJ/i' III (/SS/fJIII' I!/('~/ 111Ii/1!.!,!il IU;' 'l'o"ld / ,"idl{ , St,""ds I'orllial alill rallll'r ill'l)('rsolla!. Dat"s till' pidlJrl's \\I'n' pllhlislll'd', T,',"h'l' 1~J-+II Stn'!'! IS~J,) Cit\ I ')U:) page 45 3.2 page 42 1) ~:\l:\ 110\\' TO SCOHF I Score one lell' each ,) la) () (hi ~ 3.1 page 45 (al () (hi 1 h Score Olll' f(ll' each UB : Talking ahout ccrtuintv, possihility and 3.0 (hl.3 (hi 1 (hl.3 (hi () 'it: page 43 See tap,'seript Oil pag' , 1:).1, .3 (al 1 -i (al.3 ;3 (al () 6 (al ,J ,31) 3 SPEAKING 2.0 k 3.0 and 3,1 page 42 ~C3EL\ /II.'II)(,f'lJ//Iill!.!., page 40 (' S(' -' Sll,!2;,~('st('d (,Olllp!t'li(lIIS 1'1'111' polic('II"11I is 1101 lISed, jJf(fyill(;!. \\'orn- II'!uIIs(!("-(TII/(/1 ,~ \'id('o m.mufuctnn-r .11"0/1/ sholll~II)('~ill to I I/"'I/Id" '( Iii' ,1IlS\\rrS :2 doctor I pare-nt 2.3 agnTs to thi1lk ahollt Il('lpillg, 1101 to 11('11', I,"t the ('Illplm'('r assllll"'s Ihat Ill' has agn'ed to I,elp, till' \U1l page 39 SH~,~('st('d I cOlISole .3 figlltillg (Il ~ ripped off :3]l\ t]1I' rdaill'rs, -i ilion' or less lilir. ,3 are (""'aI" fi pili \'1)11 olf 7 :\01 at all'<; :\01 ]'('all\' 'J 1""'11 10 gl'ls horillg II lour to / all;! sis "reb, I ~ than l\So \\'I'lls, -\1IS\\'I'rs I, ~, :3, -i. fi. ~J, 10 .md 11 III'('ded l'lltlllgillg or plItting into a dillt'f('lIt ('Olltt'\!. 2,2 C Llll"ss all vour fri"lIIls an';" TV crazv as Exam practice ;).1. page 39 1 1',.,.] ahout pa\illg deciding wklt to do, ~ 148 page 37 ~C Girls an' mlll'e Iikelv to 1)(' asset'live !I,all h()\'s. . I Il ~ D 1 B ('xciii II:.!, B 3.2 ~ Exam practice lfi-21 voursr-lf 'ahollt \o'm socia] ]il'", -\lId l,o,,",S vour "I'('si~ghe ~~-~,3 YOII an' a T\' L",ati,', a l,i-I"eI, cOII(,I, polato, Dont \011 I,a\(' .ur, Iri('IIILs~ page 35 too [ormul. III B I B ;Jr(' III 1lit: Correcting what is not accurate 'U,1I1's IIlw,II/{" nthliis}:' sOllll(ls ubrupt and rud.-. F(J",~i{"(' II/(' {I'I coutracli«! !lOll but . SOlllHIs I) D Ask him directly when she call exped a contribution. ' fi-lO Do \'111I 1I111!(']'stalld wl,at vnur lillllil\ and / or friends la]king about all tfll' tillll,'~ 11-1:) Y'"I art' a reasollahls "rll-adjLlst('(! 1I11'1lI])('r of 0]]]' n'-ohses,,';! soeiets. " ,) Ie) () (e) () ,J (el (cl :3 (el .3 \nIAT YOUH SCORE .\IEA'\S ()-,3 Yonr alltipaths to tl']e\'ision is sOlne,,'hat e\treme' ] fill a] ~ I,ist(/rica] :3 apoca]<ptic -i eapahilit\ ;) (,l'tlla]1s' (i e(lkll";ted - rl'tali"ltioll (i lill:dit\ 1j fst(Jr~ ap()('alspsl' ('('pal ,I" adll,ilits cakll"',tioll rl'l"]iat,, Y Module 3B 3.2 page 49 1.2 page 45 I wh.u would \,a", happel\('d if the 1!¥i:2 Cuh.m misxil« nisis Ilad «,<'I"lnl ove-r the · 1111'1'1' cant 1",[(' 1,1'(''' · 11/1'1'1' iuust 1111['(' IWI'II \Vi~a; wouk! Ilal" hal'l"'''ed if Ihe US had earried ""I its thr.-at to hOI"h the Sm'i<'l :, \\'Ilat 1I01iid hal(' Ilal'l"'II,'d if "dlS"'l"""t r<'laliali'"1 Ilad take'li I'lace') ,+ \\'Ilal ","dd Iiale Ilapl"'II,'d ii' IIla"ki"d lr.idut ill\"IIl<'d tl\(' 11'1\(',.['0 ,J \\'I,al "'"lld l"I\"I"'I'I"',,ed iidiuusuurx luu lnI 11("'" lIil'ed ,,"l',) (i \\'I,alwo"ld I,al" Ilal'l"'II,'d if tl«: 11,1",1" 1111111<111 r.n«: kH! rClllaill('<! \"(',~dariall:J - \\'hal 1I01iid Ilal" Ilal'l'('II",1 ilpr-uicilliu hadut h.-c-n di,,'m"ln!'" S \\""tt wOlild Ilal" Ilal'll('",'d if ot lu-r .mim.rl« had d"I('I"I','d tl\(' ""11" ililellil':"lll'" as 1111111<111 I)('jll~s'.j page 46 5.0 a page 47 Exp"essing wishes and regn·ts I(ollllj I uisl! , l l ou: I uisl: ' c-an Iw 1"llmled I" tlu- I'ast I"'rti'd, ll«: I'ast Si"'I'I", (:;lllliIlIHllIS, coulc! hut lIO! uoulil. ('.g. t\1(' Past II""I! II'() id,,",' I didi 11'1 do / lUIS / 11'('1"('.: 1/'11 I doiu!.!,' 1(0111'1, , a"d 1IIIII' II";\!, lll()st {'\pr{'ssi\'('. 1'1", Bril':htoll Ikacllpil'illr" lI'as drall'll ill page 48 Silllilarili,'s: Ill(' ('IIIIITI, alld til(' t""11 1",11. Dif'I''!'('II('('S: II\(' [;1I"ls('al'e, IralTi(' Sil':IIS, /"hra ('f(lssill,g, car, \\'ar l11('IIHlrial. 1.1 page 49 \Va"s of linking eontntsting ideas 1I111"olll':l, / 1/I'1',.,.(I/I'le" 1I("dd II(' less al'l'''''l'rial" till' d"S<Tibill" til(' dilf,']'['"c,'s 11('111""'" III(' til" I'idllr('s, allho"gll tl\('I' e""ld both II(' IIwd 10 add illl'JI'lllatioll to whal has al]'['a,II 11("'" said, ".g. ''1'1",]'[, is a clllirell ill hotll l;idll],['S, altl",",,11 ii's diflicllit to S<'" wl\('II,,'r tl\(' chllrell l"lS cklll,,"d or lIot.' 4.2 rlld(' alld dislllissiv(' page 56 Explaining how you feel about something '("IJ<' I"I/"'I( / Till' [act is are "ftc" IlS('d i lH'!(l]"(' a pt'rs{)llal '('ClIJ!('ssiClII'. I~JII7 1.0 page 58 page 51 Sllgg('su'd ;U1S\\"{'rs Bril':lltOII ill\('lIll'd tl«- s<'aside. :2 \ dodor wrot« ahollt til(' ,uhalltag{'S of sea w.ur-r lor tl", I"'altll. .J Ellter til(' cold watr-r aod drillk a pillt of il. To ('III'<' illll"ss,'s. .J B,'('allS" tl", wulc-r IIlil':llt I", polhlt",1 fi 01""'11 \'il'ioria sold t!1(' Hmal I'uviliou. Sl", 1",1,'.1 Brigltloll .u«! tl,,: ['1'011 .Is "I' p""I'I" oear 111",1'<' sl", liv.«]. ,~ ,\s a "real pala(',' ,,1'1'1111. Summing up J)osi('(t/ly. it; 0 (I,u'sti/ll/ o( ulutlu-r , two I'0ssi],ilili,·s. i ,r.·,o, to S/iIJ/ "I) . 11Ii,!..!;IJt 1)(' l.l( '11!..!;t II.' dis(,llssiClII. 11."1('<1 illlp1it'~ ant'!" r.itlur a TIl(' pidll]"(' ix ;uh"('rti.sin!..!; 1IICld('1"1l 1111l,"li('. ".i!"('/()rJllS - ~)() Illilll1l('s or (Jr!..!;alli(' S(JllIlds('apt's rf'd('fil1iJl!..!; (,h'('!]"(lllic 1110d('fl1 classi('al .uul ii.-ut It is ;]lailal,I" 0" (:1) .uul e;]ss<'tt,'. page 51 111\"(,lltO!\ :2 "'I'Llill,'d "~plall""lioll ,) Ilisklric iou l,fst,1l'I 1'1'lhli;11 a(h-(1I1ta~('s a(h-al1L"i~( '( HIS () \-,lri{)\ls \arl('t, - II}(H!{'r,'ttioll llH'H!l'rah' ,I.) 111,i,~II<'t llla!.!;IH"til' 3.0 1.0 ~OllJld~ rat!l('r page 50 2.0 ,~ I)]",U' off it.' TI/{'rc',\}W (,OIIlJJrlri,<""OIl IJc!n'l'l';I' 1 It is jllst pOSSible th.u this k'PP("H"1. .. 111I'}'i' 1'Il"'( 11I1l'<' hccn . Smell this didld hapl"'1I · O;,'}'(' ""IS( 1111 l'< , lrccn . Sm,'11 tllis happ"IH'd · tlun- conld lun» lu-rn It is jllSt p",sibl,' that this hap]H'lled. ill\"(~llt{'d S<"'1I1 10 II(' tl,,' Ji'l (//IIlllIr;!.(' ',g{;I\{'rall~, ~p('akill~(. COIIIC .111('1'1' IIIIdlillll,('lw('lI. 2.2 1I1ilii is I'arl "f' a I'asl (',,,,,lili'"lal: I(II"'d or 111111 I n'II!i:I'd, I uoultl '"'11'11",1'" I,o"d'l 11/1' 1'1/1', i I'asl 1'<'11','('1 f I'asl (:olldili""al! page 55 Oil (I/(' Icl",Ii' oil,'!' a pOSSible "~I'lallatioll. I ('(lIdd ,,10 :5C Comparing 11/('1'(' lI,id'( 1",['1'1)('('11 . · (I"'!'I' could 1",['1' IWI'II. 2.1 I casll 1111111' S""1 :2 Iral('l alanll ('1m.].; :1 t('!qlllO!W allS\\rrillg lludlilH' -~ S<l\r £::2:1 IIIOllt I, ;, Iut urr: I'""fits (i inll.uion 4.1 page 54 :2E ,3.\+1) oflc-r 'I lo"ical e~plallatioll. 111 issi!{' sitl's'.J 4.1 rc: I Giving yourself time to think ('<I (t(' ''> :2 3.2 Key • Sa~'ing ~'(HI an' nol interested isnt III!! khu! o(t/lilll-!. ot oIl s()II1l<ls \('1'.' ;"I')]'("al. I ('/lIl/rllI"t ('(In' less ol)(llIt is r;]tIl<'r a],r"l'l a"d rt"le. page 52 2.0 Politd~' asking someone to repeat something S"I'I'Ij. I ('o"ld,,'( 1/('(/1' ,cllIl( '10" w,id. 111"'11 s()llH'thillg 1)J'('\('lltS YOll frolll Iwaring. 1'111 so '''I'J'Ij. IJIl( I'll' IIO( .s"I'(' III/III(,I'I(""d ('(11'1'1'('(1'1.' sOllllds 1('1'\ poli!" illd",'d. I I ill!()r1lla] alld ratll(']' dislllissiv('. 2.1 ({II tile rul-!.£' ot tIll' /lW/I/{,l/t.' . is / ore i.\ /01'(' ';11' tllis SlllJiI}/(T page 60 ~Iaking Asking if someone agrees tlllS\H'r a choiee DefiJ/itellf (Ilis !I('."". \\'II"ldll'l '1'"1 W/lllh(/i. .." sOlll"ls as if \()}] are tr:illg 'to pl'r~t1ad(' SOIlIt-"OI1C to agrc(' \\~ith tlu' r({I-!.(' (It tl/(' Jllo/l/('III:' Icitl, 1/11' "rk.' art' \'('IY illrOrJllal. 3.0 page 54 the 0/1 II'<'J/( 0"( IJIII ,cllII( did 'I"" \I"j.~ YOll agr£'t'. dOIl't !lOll ,'-' ('''peds Sllgg('sts that ~()lIl('tllillg is ('\11'('11)(']." poplliar. ('ollid sOlllld ratll('r md(' if '1'11111 lias stressed toololldk 3.1 isn't fashionahle is 1('1'\ "ld-LLslli()Jl<'d. is / ore illl{)rlllai. (II I"("IT"I'( 01' ICCIII olll reil/I tl/(' ork.' Sllgg('Sts s()tlldllillg SIII'J'I/- ('o"ld 'I"" 111'1 tl/ll( Ii;!.liill, JlII'Il\{'." SOI'J'l1 -I ,'o"ldll'( 1/('(/1' 'Cllll( '10" ,(/id Co"ld '10" 1'''/)('(/( 1/111(, 1)1i'11'1"~ I h(/(' page 60 Saying something is 1'111 "'"'J'Ij. I did,,'( 'I"it" l'Il(cl, 1/111( Surn/ - Ie/wI lUI.')' !{wl (Ig(/ill,'-' afC ilion' page 59 Saying something--Is (in)apl'ropl'iall' I rcoll/rllI't I)(' S('('/I rlC({r! ill, S()IItl<!S \'('1'\ illlI' \loltld "ot i"II'l'<'sS til<' ('\alllillf'r as it gi\-('~ .'-Oll \'('1'." littl(' opportllility , to shOl\ "Il 10m sp,'akill~ skills a"d til(' ('-,\arnillcr H:IY little to aS~t'SS .\'011 Oll. . I' "Oll. S"l'c!lI'jll" dll"'( (l,i,,1e I!I(/( . .." illlplies that ,,)}] do 1I0t ]H'lipl(' II hat '011 are hearing. 149 Key • Module 4A page 62 3.1 Ar~uin~ for I'd rertaiult] girl' . Illy ,\'/{pporf suggests you an- apprmillg xouu-out- ,,!s,,\ proposal to do sOIlH'tllill,!2;. I (,(lIl" ....,.1'(' (/II//tllillg (/;..!.oi/l.\'f. . convovs Jess f\t-~uin~ a/!;ainst rill rlcur! ([gail/sf informul. sOllllds ruthe-r S0111HIs \('1": page 67 I Thlllllpilig Cood I",ad :2 elljo:' reading / find elltt'rtaillill,L!; page 64 Tlu- gCJlllil](, pitt un: is ()JI tlH' ri~IJt. TIH' otlu-r pit'l un , !Ias Ill'''" "!,,t'lrollicalh 'rt'fil\("1'. TIll' lIa"kgrolllld lias 1""'11 "]lallg",1. Ilis hat is hluck alld Ill' lias loxt a l..u«}. \po!ogi,'s to Van Coglil 4.1 lx-Ior«. 2.0 lorm.rl. 4.0 :3 Th,,\ had neve-r s"ell all elcet]ie light 1m]], -I lie improved Edison« desigll lor a car],oll Iil.nur-nt lamp, 'J Edison was the first persoll to crealt' eledri" light .md ]ll' had ohtuiuc-d the p.rtrnt [or a carbon fil.uucnt lamp. fi I lonor.uv d"grees and prizes, th.ui t'lItlll"i,;sli,' S1lpport. I rt'll//,/,'O/llr!/I 'I anulon« 2 IIis first \\'if(. had died (mel he f,,]t louolv. lie f,,1l in Imp with SO]ll('OIl" who n']lIi;Hlcd him of his \\~ik, page 64 A III 2'\ :J( : 1<: ,.,'\ lOll I I '\ 121l (i'\ 7<: S'\ \J<: H l uloruuit ion \\'Ilicll ~a\'(' (']I]('S: ';t castle ill rural Fr.u«-« ,) 'till' lIigg,'sl al'l s"allda! I()r al !"ast 20 \,('aI'S '\\'!It'll I gt'l I'nlllissiolL I'!II)(II Oil all ,'sllilIilioll lor tlu: I'rt'SS,' '\11' \'all 1),01' Ikrg"11 starll'dst'llilig pailltillgs alld l'(Ttificatl's (If tllltl]('llticit: to ,gall('rics .uul .uution (;('rJll<lll eitil's like \l()llSCS ill lllajor B()llIL (:()]ogll(' . H 'th.- !oeal!ll'ol'l" didll'tst", hiu: \('1'\ oltr-u. lit' was ()('('asi()lIall~, spoftl'd ridill,g tllroll.gll 11](' ('()IIlJtr:'sic!(' OIl his "i,'\e!,' , 10 'tIl<' ruaxinuun St'lItl'IIC(' I()r !()rgillg artwork» is ollk !i\(, \ears ill jail. alld Ill' w(lIl'1 st'IY" Ilion' 111;111 tlm'(' ifill''' \\ell~ 1ll'lla\('d,' or IJI'oJilil/l'l/l. 2.1 page 68 or ,Ul 1:2 a IllILS{' 1:3 luroixu: page 69 2 I 3.3 page 69 t S) :) '\ (i '\ ,S ,S I :) slili/J/wd illslt'ad Of'"iIJIJi't! --I- !.!,/o!w illstead ()f i!,rnl'l' d"'/Ji!,' ilLSt,'ad of ill D COl/trwt,\, 2 till' el,'('tri" ligllt Illlih ,[ til,' I'o"kd \\'aleli 1.1 iIlStt',lll I IS2S 2 IUI,I :) all apprt'lItie,' -I a elI"lliist ,., Illakilig plllltngraplIic plat"s (i carholl prilltillg :- Fnul(,{'S (Frallsis) \\'hite, \\'IIilt'''sislt'r S Ilalllla(111 (\\'IIite) i1ll'rsist"rl U 7 10 !iglil alld eledri"it\ J J first electric !iglit "lIlh 12 S\\all Electri" Lalllp COlllpall\ I:) TlIolilas Edisoll / TOIlias Eddisoll (all\ ae("'ptahle spellillg "OIT('('tl 1-1 hOllol\rs 1.2 page 67 Possihle <lIIS\H'rS III tlie elI"]llist's \\IIen' Ill' \\'l)]l"d - slI" was Ilie el Il'llIist 's sislt'r. 150 \('fu!Jil' ('\('rl'ist, ,\!,'saliderT,'('I'lli'l{(t' IkLl\atioli tal"'s Yoga ,\ is 1101 I(('('dt'd, 2.2 page 69 4.1 II) S COllr.St' of t'\"(,lIls ('\"('1' IH'('l1 ('h,lIlg('d page 70 2 I" ., B :3 II () (; 7 E <: Exam practice 2(: II ')1) h(: 711')1" page 73 page 73 page 70 J illlprohah],' phrases 2 ]iI,'lik" sitllatiolls :3 mock~lIp -I tahle ,S forcig11 Ll.llguagc sp"akers () ta!ented 7 (the) language unit manager ,S shortiiall] 10 'Tastndas' 1'1111 a\\'<1\ (Jrgalli/ill,L!; l'\!H'dili(JHs ,') L'(lllllll('!'('ial t()llr !) !ollgilall] ('ollipalli('s page 73 I 1',"rs''('llt,'d pt'rs( TIlt i(l]J :2 Ill'lIlla]J 111I111{1l1ih din'('lia".j,! din"d tst'rlil ()rgalli/( 'd ,) pn').icds (1j()\111 ()rgaIJiz;tt i()ll :j (jll,'slioll: f las tIl(' IL 1..)(; '\I) ') 3.1 o!"c()/ltr{fc!.\' sigllifieallth as a r"sll!t of a ]dt('\' \\Tittl']I to, or pllhlislll'd hY, a lIatiollalll('\\spal"'l':J page 66 2( : II': (ill h \!"iOII \!olllltailLS - a 11(('llIlll'r ltd' Lilrl/li/illl'/') / {(I"lltlll'rs ]() l'iIrl'l'r illstl'ad of l'iIrrin 4.0 IF :)\ "I) 7B tJllalits or iiI(, 'I'ill' fi 1I'((~,I((illl'd illslt'ad of II'((~,I mill I'd - tl'orlr! illslt'ad of Icort! S Ilwrl((/, illslt'ad of /((omll 4 LISTENING I till' "I,'drie iroll page 72 :\ ,\"rolIie "\( 'wis,' \!",al((!er Tedllli'II((' Iklasatioll tal"'s 1 attack it) Hol ,) too litt !" alIolil \'i(.!.IIt.\' illstt'ad ()f.\'ii!,lls ,J :j tlI,' s,'wing IlIacililll' :) ,1I1\iOII;-; pati('llts I: urgt'llt page 66 f"el. s],'t'l' alld look ]ll'ttl'r It(('llta! alld 1'](\ sica! ,J 3.0 !wi(.!.llt.\' illSI('ad of 11i(.!.!I.\' 'J J)\ am s!ll'ak,'r. page 72 S"" taf'es"rif't Oil I'agt' 1:,7, Tlw"/"i//i,:,'/s call also I", sl',,!t IUII"//li//isl'l'\ or (1'I/1/1/"i/i,:,I'/S (US), ( :o!T{'d \\'on I.s n'(lllt'st I()r hrllslw,s, (,;lII\'as alld all ('as('I~' 1.0 2.0 B 2 a t0l' Iltal,' IlllH!"] t IlIon' t lrau juxt a IlalldsOIIH' I>le,' I '\ \J I SF Point I is 1I0t Iltad,' I is not 1I,'('dt'd, page 68 3.2 Speak"r 2 til 5]) hll Sp,'akl'r :1 Y()ga \tl\\ I Sail 1 Cra\ (or Crt'\) 12 '11ll' \\orst l"lllislllll"111 \II' \'all 1),01' Ikrg"11 ,'oldd r"""i\(' eOldd Ill' till' gO\"('rJlor's ('\"('lItllal n>J'llsal 11 \"ott' :3 a top write-r page 71 Speak"r 1 I<: 2Ej(; l"oll)l'li"atl'l1 ! dil'fie,dt) f''''(tlrt'S If hn-ak 11ll' (SO!"IIIII) 3.1 f('SOllHTS. 1.1 2.1 I sll()\\'l!rift ,J lias craslll'd / lias h""11 \\T",-\;,'e1 :) dead ~I IIIOIH'\ / ()\('r S,+ million 5 Lt",p t!ll' 11101\('\ fi (Ill'tra\('d alld! 1IIIIrd"n'd 7 wur], 01' art S Ill' I'riellds' ~) Creat \\'ar 10 IIpsid" dO\\'ll and 7.\ :) turn the page -I f"r plcasur« ,., !ater Iliis \'l'ar TIll' title IIll'aliS all e\("'ptiolla!h ""jmah]e hook to read, TllIlllllJill!'. is lLSed eo!hHjllialh to ]lleali !Jii!, page 71 1.0 Tile pic-tun- slI()\\S a 'n'e\'e]ed' e\dist alld xt r('sscs the i ruport.uu-r- of rcL'Y(,! i II,!.; I I latt 'rials .-1- \ h s"ielltifie ,'1 H ]() JJ I'rojt"ds (,,'rlI) scf( 'lIt isl Llilliliar Lllllili;'II'il\ COIlIIIJ('}'('ial ('(lIlllllt'r('(' ('(lIllpall: ('OJtlp{llli()l1 ac('olllll(()(Litio]1 a(,(,()llllllodatc n'al rdlits 1:2 ill!(lrJll,Hi()Jl 4.0 page 74 1) 2 , \ , Y -I) illl('lrJll ,.,) h '\ 7 '\ Ii Y Module 4C ~) alllH):illg; ".'" does not ]11 rtlnnill\'; (d'lIIhl,' 'II' page 74 4.2 Saying you'd rather not YOIl 1'([11 ('(/1/111 I//(' out' uud It '01'1 o(lllil/g 10 do, i(,/ol/ as]: uioxt )"C!lIl'LUH'(' to join. seeIJI,,"' a strtlllgt' "'press tlu- 1/11'. ,\cll/([II,/- J d01/'1 rl'llll,/II,il/k I ('ol/Id/il/d tl«: t inu: olTers all ('\('lIS(' for not j()illill~. 1.0 1.1 Bor.-dom Ple-asure- 2.0 I ,) or or or ,-\\('ra,~(' scon' lor 11It'11: 2.2 SC(lrcc! S\'110llYl11S !wr S.'-1101l."IIIS lwr word 5.0 ,) :\ :\ " ~ III ~ " I') :\ l :\ II :\ \1 ,) 12 \1 , :\ h :\ I",) \1 Ih S S"" tal'"s"ript Oil pa\';' , J:j,~, S"/I,ilionlcall also I/(' sp"lt scusii isrt], Exam practice ,) ~ q :\ \1 :\ " ,) 3.1 ill ltulv : .. \1 page 80 l :\ ,) D h D , :\ hour-, 4.0 J<: .utur.uc-. too "'"l1l'li"al<'d, rant I'<'h :m 21\ H ,)\ h\ IC 71\~,\ UI\ 111,\ page 84 I lIiglit o da\'s :3 ,~r{'at () page 80 1 \1 o page 83 ,) Ior 2, ,I .uu l ,), ~) page 89 it OIl ro],' page 78 I 1'.1 S ~ II S 1/('\('1' SI'"ak,'r I Sp"ak'T 2 Sp,'ah'r" SI'"akl'l' SI'"ak"r ,) wor«] page 79 4 Ball control D not satisfi(,d. or all,\2;r.' III 3.0 an' til(' x.uur: ;UH! ()-~(/i nu-n corn '('lk. 4.0 IIiE 5 PAPER ,5 TASK BANK ,/ fllllll\ ;UH! ,) \\'01111'11 ~tal<'II/(,lIts QC Sp,'akl'l' " :2 P('r!('('t St'tln': 20 /\\rragt' scon' 1(11' \\'(1I1}('11: [,~ \\rrag(' St'(ln' for 11]('11: I::? J \\rragt' scon' lor wouuu: -1.1 2.2 ')\ 11\ page 82 ]()('ali()lIs page 78 -11 (,ii, page 85 1'111111\, 11I11""h illls\\"I.,.,1 tl/(' '11/('stiollS, "\('I"I""h t'ri"d too liard 10 I/(' page 77 I ,/ ,/ frolll '1Ilaill") ~ it waxn! :) \"('dlal ., lllatllt'111atil'al :'.:lllll!H']"S ,/ ,/ si]lIila~ to - (,Olll('dy (illi;, '1'1](' alls\\'ers an' ,gi\('ll (Ill tIlt' <:tl.sst'I[(' as part "\(T"is" 2,1, \\I'icll 1,111(1\\\ 2.1 ,/ -~ \rr.'- L!:o{)d prO,!2yall 1lllt , Sp,'ah'r :j ,~ ('ooker:- prognllllltl(' (st't h disal'l'0illl<'d SI','ah'r ,~ ,~rllllll'" ill llllT(' dil1WI1Siolls 2.0 'illg'l«:, page 76 ('lllotioIIS I""" crrtu!n SI'"ak"r 2 " d""o IIH'II"U,\" hiogral'll\ "I' hiologist '. HII1,,']'t page 76 I militurv' 2 tIH'I'"hlie :j more- nu 'lldH'rs ,I I'mr,'ssi,,"al ""llariti,'s () lan;l' l'f()\Y( Is 1.1 Task Oil" IC 2E :l<: Task t\\O hC 7F ~II Sllggested aJls\\rrs Sp"ak"r 1 1 anger 2 1/('\ .mti-xportx J thin]: I I/Iidll Iii' ([1,1(' 10 uorl: 1/1''''1/1/' rutliu... .' lasn: /11/" th« ideo, Sll:fU(' st s tllat tlusl'"ak"r is sli\';llll\ I"ss k"""~'~1 tli(' id"a, - (cI,aril\) "\"lIts Exam practice Fuirl. ('"rtaill Saying you'd like to X'TIT in 1/1// uilclc»! dn-aius did J illl([gil/{' I'd. ,SOllllds too {'Iltlllisiastic. Exam practice th" old 1"r"ncll - Dislx-lio!' Sp"ak"r 1 Sp"ak"r 2 Sp"ak"r :j Sp"ak"r .+ ~p"ak"r ,) Sp,'ah'rh --- [ 1l1(',UI.S 'violr-n! or dalll<will,1.!; .utiou - page 81 Saying you aren't sure \\'1'11, rill iu 11('0 inintl« ([1"1111 it 1'1'11111/ 11'111/ 'I nutl«: 1/1' 1/1// nuiu], sll\,;g,'st that tlusp('ak('r 11Iigill 1]('\'('1' get ronnel to Illakillg a decisio1l. lH'I<Jr(' ]] irrc-sponsihl« «Iouhl« "r ]H,,'d,'d) ]2 mavhoiu (\(III1lligl,t 1)(' ahl" to gll('''- page 81 Speaker 1 Sp"ak"r 2 Sp"aker :j ('hallgt' Key • hlli\';llt dim' gratt' roll lour ours so ,,, Iliad" D riL!:hts 111 I H '\\ 11 di"d 12 S('{'ll j St '\\ SO\\ IIlaid \\Tift's kll"\\ ,h"d page 92 SCt'1](' page 84 21 :m .+1\,11 4.1 page 84 1D 2C 4.2 page 85 3E '+C)I\ I aid"d ('"d' pronouncr-cl 'id' idt,']' 'r' or 'd" 2 li\';ht\\'r'i\';lit (1I!H' \\'Ord - althm!"h calldidatl's \Hillld 1I0t 1)(' pCllaliz"d I"l' Pllt'Ullg a 11\1'1H'1l ill a "Olllpo1llHI mml of this killd! :3 limhs (silent 'h '( .+ rccharg"ahl" (',; Ileed"d afll'r 'g'( ,3 suoriug (onh one '1") \\Tcckill" (si'l"llt \\-') - hanllrlll~ollh olle T ill hdl \\hcn a compolllld) , S children's education i'll' apostrophe's" (j 3 Can competition 5 Installation art page 94 \Iaid "I' tl/{' Illist B This illilhil" t" ,'s""I)(' C Lap\\'illg,I'<',]\\'ilig fi"ldt:Irt, (tl/{'s" aI''' wild hirds) .I, D Sight lIrlSl'l'll 151 Key • Task bank 6A 6 PAPER 4 TASK BANK 1 Brooklyn Center schools' programs page 96 -I roblx-rv oC('lllTcd ,5 walk togethcr 6 idf'ntif~' the rohlx-rs 7 slimmer and taller S Idecpl'hhw 9 llight lx-forr- 1 Hats page 100 2 Museum visit L\ :lB page 99 1 industrial .md agricllitural / rural lifo '2 '200 I'ears / GIO cI'llturi,'s I (the I urban couul rvxidc- :3 COII11111111iC'atiolls :2 age· -l ,") h - truusport local people / cclebritics :~ illllll(\!;ratcd / ('llli,'2;rah'd ito AIIH.'rica) -l unique: ,'j sllhj('('ts U!I tl«: c-urricuhnu / c-nrrioulum Sllhjecls (i traillillg .md d"I('loplll"llt workshops coll"l'tl'd localil \yorking ma('hiIHT~; 3 Baltic cruise - walking S th"llll' o D EJl\'inlllllH'lItal and scienc(' " 10 SIIIlIIIII'r dal' C'llllpS 2 High-tech spy page 97 I ,\.2;1'<'('11 l',1I1H'raS .) h\'() / :l ,( S (i S D Iklll('r U llil ersill 0111' thi«! / a third / II:) ofa SI""ll,d a(,l'id"llt 1"I('ls IS 'I, gross polllltl'rs ill ( :alit('rJlia rq.;lIlar oll(']H\tTS :2 YCars 3 Artist's eye page 97 poor ('olour vixit »: :2 ,"jolt'lit hlur :3 his pailltill,e:s ~ til(' lllajority ux .~ l irownis]: (i IIIOll'I('llml 7 dark<:r ,'i slaslll'd sel('ral (';lll\'as{'s Dill din'd slLlllight !O fog,l,t; II di,'d or 4 Theme park page 98 I (tlll'i hllge 'I'II"II'S ,J till' follollillg dal ~ ,) (i ~ D 10 page 99 most \walltifi1l capital St Pl'tcrshmg H, '''I'll t Tr.ivt:I ill i~llI'lcit\ C"lltn' / ill (tll('lll('art of Itl\(,) cill OI'ltsid" cahills Oil Tlimsda\( s) St Pekrsburg vnur 0\\'11 si\.2;hts{'l'ing ia) LLH'II'I'liparh rcf'T"IlC" uumlx-r D;'j(HlB 4 National Asthma Campaign Open Day page 100 '2D -lB SD 2 Saving Australia 1C '21),)) -IB hB page 101 ;'jB 3 Two-star chef (iA 7B SI) 91\ page 102 A vl ultip]« cI\(lic" 'I'H'StioIIS ] B '2<: :m -JC )B hA 71) SB DD B It!ellti!, til(' COIlIlI\('llls til(' sp"ak"rs inal«: 1:\ '2,\ :j\ -1\1 "A h\l 7" k\i 91\ 10\1 ]1\1 l'2A 1:3\1 4 Touring holiday page 103 A \lllitiple choil'(' '!1\('stioIlS 1\ '2C :)I)IC :)1) ht: 7A kB B 1t!"llti!\ tlu 1'01l111\('lds til(' sj)('ak('l's lllak<' 1:\ '2Jl:\H: S:\ hi 7" SJ D:\ W(; i u: 1'2(; ll:\ l'lJ 1:)0 1 Relationships Taskol\(' Task 111'<1 IF hI" page 104 :l( : '21,: 7B I<: ~)( 'iA : "I) IOE :"('ar / spring ::2 n '."it 'ardl :l ['2,50,000/ a ,,,Iarkr of a million pounds ,~ n'SI'arch all'anl " proud () Dr Cr('golY StOlll'S ,;stliliia 'i I I','I('r l) tli;' oouut rvsid« i<" 2 Class distinction page 105 A \lliltipl"lllall'l,illg Task our- II '2t: :)1': Task t\\O hi 71" ,'il': IA DII sc: hB 7C lOA B \111Itipl<- ,.Jllli,'" I B '2\lt: ]OB IB "B 3 Food page 106 Task 0111' Task h\o j(' ::IF (i(' 7;\ \II 'ill 1<: DB SB DA "I) WI,: :j n 'still!.!; / r{'la\ill,g ,I " (i S ill till' TOII('rs / park litsl'lfl indoor (l'hildll'II'slplal area )'l'lI'r nahhit 11'(' SllIlIl thl' I LIIlIlll'd l lou«: wlu-u vou I,'al" ~) r.uncoat 10 atll'llIlalle, 'S II (aL,irhiticlll'apl'l' - City robbery \\'l't'k ago 152 page 98 :2 lOU uu-tns :3 a lorn 4 Coping with the unexpected Task 0111' Task 1\\0 IB (iC '21),\ 7<:'iB 1<' DA "I': lOll page 10