See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Proposal Design Procedure and Preliminary Simulation of Turbo Expander for Small Size (2?10 kW) Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Article · November 2014 DOI: 10.1115/IMECE2014-36130 CITATION READS 1 581 2 authors, including: Roberto Capata Sapienza University of Rome 94 PUBLICATIONS 778 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Optimization of ORC systems for small scale applications View project ORC design View project All content following this page was uploaded by Roberto Capata on 09 May 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering Conference & Exposition, IMECE2014 November 14-20, 2014, Montreal, Canada IMECE2014-36130 PROPOSAL DESIGN PROCEDURE AND PRELIMINARY SIMULATION OF TURBO EXPANDER FOR SMALL SIZE (2-10 KW) ORGANIC RANKINE CYCLE (ORC) Roberto Capata Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Roma “Sapienza” Roma, Italy ABSTRACT Currently, one of the leading technologies for the "energy recovery" adopting a Rankine cycle (ORC) with organic fluids. ORC system operates like a conventional Rankine cycle, but instead of steam/water, uses an organic fluid. This change allows to convert low temperature heat and generate, where required, electricity. A large amount of studies were carried out to identify the most suitable fluids, system parameters and the various configurations. In reality, most ORC systems are designed and manufactured for recovery of thermal energy from various sources but at “large power rating” (exhaust gas turbines, internal combustion engines, geothermal sources, large melting furnaces, biomass, solar, etc.) from where it is possible to produce electric energy (30kW ÷ 300kW), but for the application of this system for small nominal power, as well as the exhaust gases of internal combustion engines (car sedan or town, ships, etc.) or smaller heat exchangers, there are very few applications. The aim of this work is to design a turbo-expander that meets system requirements: low pressure, small size, low mass flow rates. The Expander must be adaptable to a small ORC system utilizing gas of a diesel engine or small gas turbine to produce 2-10 kW of electricity. The temperature and pressure of the exhaust gases, in this case study (400-600° C and at a pressure of 2 bar), imposes a limit on the use of an organic fluid and on the net power that can be produced. In addition to water, organic fluids such as CO2, R134a and R245fa have been considered. Once the fluid has been chosen Gustavo Hernandez Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Roma “Sapienza” Roma, Italy operating, the turbine characteristics (dimensions, temperature, input and output pressure ratio, etc.) have been calculated and an attempt to find the "nearly-optimal" has been carried out. The detailed design of radial Expander is presented and discussed. An initial thermo-mechanical performance study is carried out to verify structural tension and possible displacement. Next step of the research here proposed will be the CFD simulation to improve or modify the chosen blade profile. INTRODUCTION The Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) converts thermal energy to mechanical shaft power. The benefit of ORC systems is that they recover useful energy, often as electrical output, from lowenergy sources such as the low-pressure steam associated with steam-driven turbines for electricity generation [1,2,3,4,5]. The efficiency of an ORC is typically between 10 and 20%, depending on temperature levels and availability of a suitably matched fluid [1.2]. The properties of the chosen working fluid have a significant impact on the performance of the ORC cycle. Appropriate thermodynamic properties can result in higher cycle performance and low costs. The ideal organic working fluid should have the following general characteristics [1,8, 13]: High molecular weight; Low enthalpy; High critical pressure and temperature, to allow engine operating temperature to absorb all the heat available up to that temperature; Low operating pressure, to avoid explosion or rupture and avoid negative impact on the reliability of the cycle; Small specific volume, in its gaseous state, to avoid the need of large and costly turbines, evaporators, and condensers; Higher pressure inside condenser to prevent air inflow into the system; Low heat latency; Non-flammable, corrosive or toxic characteristics; Low environmental impact. The principal component of the ORC system is the expander. There are different types: Scroll, Vane, Piston, Screw and Turbine. Most of ORC systems have been developed with scroll and vane type, thanks to their better efficiency and low cost, but researches are made to improve the turbo-expander [1,3,5]. The aim of the paper is to present or propose a possible design procedure to develop a typical turboexpander, to cover the gap at small scale and power range. A research of small ORC systems (between 5 kW and 30 kW) and “micro expander” has been carried out. Generally, all ORC systems are designed for industrial applications, where the amount of energy produced from industrial processes is greater than 30 kW. Most of the problems of such small scale systems derive from the economic reasons and feasibility and technological limitations. Some models are available with different features [2,12]. Making a comparison with these applications available, we set the maximum rotation speed of the rotor n = 33000 rpm (about 3500 rad/s). As already mentioned, the main properties of ORC systems is the use of organic fluids instead of water/steam normally used in the Rankine cycle; but it is not unusual to find water as working fluid. As a result, the systems are called RC as well (because of their reduced size). The ORC system applications are many; in reality they are commonly used on: biomass power plants; geothermal plants; solar thermal power stations. The most application developed for an ORC system is the so-called "waste heat recovery" [1,3,4,5, 12,13]. The term "waste heat recovery" may be used to describe the use of any heat rejected to the environment generally. The ORC system is an interesting option for heat recovery in the temperature range between 150° C to 200º C, especially if no other use for the waste heat is available on the site. Our goal is to fill the gap for this range at low nominal power rating, studying and realizing an ORC energy recovery system (1÷15 kW) compact enough to be suitable for vehicular applications. 1. THE ORC RECOVERY ENERGY SYSTEM 1.1 ORC system overview An Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is similar to a conventional steam power plant, with the exception of the working fluid, an organic, high molecular mass fluid with a liquid-vapor phase change, or boiling point, occurring at a lower temperature than the water-steam phase change. The low-temperature heat is converted into useful work that can itself be converted into electricity [1,3,4,5]. The fluid selection depends on the temperatures of both the thermal source and thermal sink. The ORC systems generates electricity using very low-T heat sources (800-400 K). The layout of the proposed plant in this work is represented in figure 1. Figure 1: Layout with R-134a It is a closed cycle plant composed by four (4) elementary process: S3-S4 Compression on a Pump: liquid working fluid is pressurized by a feed pump. S4-S1 Vaporization on a Boiler: liquid working fluid absorbs thermal energy and vaporizes into vapor state. The heat exchange from the heat carrier fluid to the working fluid is completed via evaporators. S1-S2 Expansion on Expander: power producing process. The heat energy of the working fluid is converted to the mechanical energy by an expander; then, an alternator (not represented) converts the mechanical energy into electricity. S2-S3 Condensation on Condenser: heatrejecting process. The vapor fluid condenses into liquid state. 2. THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF THE ORC 2.1 Simulations This simulation is aimed at a detailed study of the cycle sensitivity to the different process parameters variations: a sensitivity analysis provides a very useful information and suggestions, before performing an optimization procedure. We will descrive the following simulation: Operating fluid: R134a organic fluid. Case: ORC plant, R134a, with at least Pnet = 2 kW, thermal source: Diesel ICE Data and design constraints As it has been repeatedly pointed out, the main objective of this paper is to study the feasibility of an ORC, which recovers energy from the heat contained in the exhaust gas of a diesel engine [1,5,9], usually adopted by commercial passenger sedans (typical 1400 cc Ford engine), to produce electricity. The engine specifications are known and all exhaust gas data are available [1]: mass flow rate [kg/s]; temperature [K]; pressure [Pa]; composition. For the cooling process, water at 288K and 200 kPa is chosen for this initial approach (the water is the most common and available fluid in almost every system). At the moment, the water side process and configuration and devices do not concern to this study. As general rule, low pressure levels are maintained to avoid possible explosions or breaking material fails. On the other hand, this allow to use less resistant and more economic materials in the manufacture of the system. Low temperature levels are maintained lower than 353 K, for the same reason previously explained. The mass flow rate of process fluid must not exceed 0.5 kg/s (design constraint); the use of big fluid tanks, which increases the size of the entire plant, is so avoided. If it is possible, during the design procedure, we try to respect the limit the rotational velocity to 30000 rpm (about 3500 rad/s). Table 1: Thermal Source Main Data DIESEL: 0.15 Mass flow rate [kg/s]: 845 Exhausts temperature [K]: 200 Pressure [Pa]: CO=0.041; Average Composition: CO2=2.74; (per cent by volume) O2=17.14, CxHy = < 0.03 2.2 Process simulation with PRO/II® To analyze the ORC plant performance a steady state simulation of the plant has been performed, with the PRO/II® Process Simulator. The software has been developed by InvensysTM and runs in an interactive Windows-based GUI environment. This steady-state simulator performs rigorous mass and energy balances for a wide range of processes. 3. THE PLANT LAYOUT AND SIMULATIONS RESULTS Once the system configuration has been chosen, the simulation was carried out. In these preliminary simulations all the elements have been studied and investigated, to analyze their range of use. Once the “quasi-optimal” operating conditions have been set, the system was assembled and then simulated. This first part was very important, because it allowed to set and fix some operating parameters for each component, fundamental requirements for the subsequent sensitivity analysis. The COMPONENTS parameters set are: Expander: outlet pressure adiabatic efficiency estimated outlet temperature. Figure 2: Expander properties selection Condenser: hot products temperature (outlet temperature of the working fluid) Pump: outlet pressure efficiency. Figure 3: Pump properties selection Boiler: cold products temperature temperature of the working fluid). (outlet On the other hand, by analyzing the various incoming and outgoing flows and the stream connections, from adopted components, the following parameter set has been set. Turbine Inlet (S1): temperature; pressure; mass flow rate; fluid composition. Exhaust gas (S7): temperature; pressure; mass flow rate; composition Cooling water (S6): temperature; pressure; mass flow rate. Hereafter, the results, of one of the several simulations carried out, are reported. The value of the nominal power was done vary from 1 up to 15 kW. The table provides all the operating parameters of the system. At the moment cannot be performed reviews or comparisons with experimental or actual operating data: in fact, at this range, there are no operating systems, but only prototypes or test benches. A sort of evaluation by simulating the same system with other codes was carried out. This comparison is not shown, because the authors believe that the attention can be shifted on the simulation and not to the project of turbo-expander The ORC simulations for the working fluids (R-134a) are presented in Table 2. Table 2: ORC with R-134a fluid and Pnet = 3 kW Inlet gas mass flowrate Inlet gas pressure Inlet gas temperature Outlet gas pressure R-134a mass flowrate R-134a T at boiler inlet R-134a T at expander inlet R-134a T at expander outlet R-134a T at condenser outlet R-134a pressure at boiler inlet R-134a pressure at expander inlet R-134a pressure at expander outlet R-134a pressure at condenser outlet Power output Power adsorbed by pump [kg/s] [kPa] [K] [kPa] [kg/s] [K] [K] [K] [K] [kPa] [kPa] [kPa] [kPa] [kW] [kW] 4. PRELIMINARY EXPANDER OF DESIGN 0.15 200 845 200 0.38 307 333 315 307 1500 1500 950 950 3.3 0.3 THE Once the energy recovery system thermodynamic feasibility has been checked, the next step was to start to design the expander. In this work it is shown the general procedure to design a 90° IFR (InwardFlow Radial) turbine. The whole design is based on the ROHLIK’s procedure for a radial turbine design [14]. The reasons of this choice depend on the fact that the procedure defined by Rohlik, is one of the most detailed and described. By interviewing with various manufacturers (GE, Siemens, Green Turbine, etc.), they have confirmed, as far as possible, the use of this procedure. In addition, we always remember, that in this field, the screw and scroll expander have been used. Few papers describe the use or how to design a radial stages for a steam expander. Our target is to study the feasibility of this design procedure. 4.1 ROHLIK’s Work Adopting Rohlik [14] analytic studies on radial centripetal turbines performance, optimal geometry for different applications has been calculated, each one identified by characteristic parameter called “specific speed” (Ωs). Ωs 2 On this losses: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ∗ ∗ ∗ 1 ∗ ∗ ∗ (1) The goal of this procedure is to obtain maximum efficiency from each family of turbines analyzed and tested. Consequently the “quasi-optimal” configuration of the impeller. 4.2 General Procedure First of all, we have to define the fluid’s states in it pass through the turbine (Figure 5): Then, we have to establish the initial assumptions made to start the design process: study, we considered five different types of stator losses, impeller losses, tip clearance losses (gap between impeller and the machine stationary walls in order to avoid friction losses), gas leakage on seals and kinetic energy losses at outlet. Then we calculate the efficiency of a different variety of operating turbines, characterized by a “Specific Speed (Ωs)” between 0.12 and 1.34. Figure 5: Turbine general scheme Figure 4: Distribution of Losses along Envelope of Maximum Total-to-Static Efficiency The specific speed value provides a general indication about the geometry of the turbine: at low values of this parameter is associated with relatively small areas of transition, while higher values are associated with larger areas of transition. In addition, this characteristic parameter can give an idea of maximum efficiency that is possible to reach. The outlet nozzle angle is taken as the optimal value determined by ROHLIK: 16°; The meridian diameter of the rotor outlet section to rotor inlet diameter ratio is: 0,49 (2); The rotor inlet beta angle is fixed at 90°, imposed by the material characteristics and gas temperature: 90° → 1; Rotor outlet 2 is assumed zero (axial flow at outlet) 90° → 0; Rotor outlet relative velocity at midspan (W2mid) is two times the rotor inlet relative 2 (3); velocity (W1), With these initial input, the “Spouting Velocity (CSP)” has been calculated. Assuming an initial R equal to 0.5, it is possible to calculate T1 and P1, that represent the inlet fluid conditions. Now, it is possible to find fluid density on state “1” (ρ1) and then Q1 Remembering the Euler work equation and neglecting the dynamic enthalpy, as an initial approach, the value of peripheral velocity U1 can be obtained: D2shroud = D2mid +b2; D2hub = D2mid – b2 ∙ → (4) Then U2hub and U2shroud: with U1, the rotor inlet diameter has so calculated: ∙ ∙ → (8) ; (9) (5) With 1 and from geometry of the velocity triangle (Figure 6) we obtain the rest of the kinematic parameters. Flow coefficients (ϕ) at outlet section can be computed. From geometrical considerations, it is possible to obtain the rest of the operative data for hub and shroud. After that, it is necessary to verify the principal limits that ROHLIK indicates on his work, that are: 0,4 ; 0,7 The ROHLIK’s specific velocity (equation proposed on Dixon’s book [16]) is: / 2,11 ∙ / ∙∗ (10) Figure 6: General inlet velocity triangle Where c0 is the spouting velocity and: Then the blade height, at inlet, is computed as: ∙ ∙ (6) ∙ Where is a blockage coefficient that considers the part of the area occupied by the blade. Once D1 is known, we compute D2mid from initial assumption, and then with and D2mid ,U2mid. From geometry is possible to determine the rest of the kinematic parameters at mid-span (figure 7) section. ∙ ; (11) This specific velocity is considered only as a “reference value”, to determine how effective our procedure is; in any case it is a key parameter on this study. The new reaction degree at mid-span is calculated and a second iteration is made, to adjust the parameters values. The number of blades for the rotor and stator are calculated as follows: ∙ ° 20 ∗ cot (12) 2 (13) For nozzle calculation we have assumed: ; 1,3 ; 0,85 (14) (15) where: 0,004 Figure 7: General Outlet Velocity Triangle And the blade height, at outlet, is computed as: ∙ ∙ ∙ The outlet hub and shroud diameter: (16) Finally, the value of α0 and velocity components of the fluid at nozzle inlet have been computed: ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ (17) (7) (18) 5. EXPANDER DESIGN RESULTS Using the procedure, briefly described, the main geometric parameters for the design of the expander impeller have been derived. The following results, are obtained after an accurate "optimization" (maybe it would be better to define it as iterative optimization process) of the results, by varying the initial parameters: Table 3: Expander design results Basic Thermodinamic Data 333 T0 [K] 1500 P0 [kPa] 0,0052 Q0 [m3/kg] 327 T1 [K] 1363 p1 [kPa] 0,0057 Q1 [m3/kg] 315 T2 [K] 950 p2 [kPa] 0,0085 Q2 [m3/kg] Rotor Geometry 0,041 D1 [m] 0,002 b1 [m] 0,020 D2mid [m] 0,006 b2 [m] 0.014 D2hub [m] 0,026 D2shroud [m] 13 Z rotor Velocity Triangles 42500 [rpm] 94,5 V1 [m/s] 26,0 W1 [m/s] 90,8 U1 [m/s] 16 1[°] 90 1 [°] 1 1 0,286 1 27,0 V2mid [m/s] 52,0 W2mid [m/s] 44,5 U2mid [m/s] 90 2mid [°] 31 2mid [°] 0 2mid 0,61 2mid 27,0 V2shroud [m/s] 63,6 W2shroud [m/s] 57,6 U2shroud [m/s] 90 2shroud [°] 25 2shroud [°] 0 2shroud 0,47 2shroud V2hub [m/s] W2hub [m/s] U2hub [m/s] 2hub [°] 2hub [°] 2hub 2hub Nozzle Geometry D1sta [m] D0 [m] b0 [m] α0 [°] V0 [m/s] Zstator 27 41,5 31,4 90 41 0 0,86 0,045 0,058 0,002 21 45,9 11 6. FIRST SIMULATION Once the procedure of impeller design have been completed, a drawing, both in 2D and 3D, was realized. The 3-D geometry of the turbine was created using a dedicated commercial software (ANSYS Blademodeler®) in which all the geometrical data is inserted. The variation of the beta angle () along the rotor was establish by a spline curve for every layer (mid, hub and shroud) that can be configured and modified in the program. The blade profile chosen for both, the rotor and stator, was a general NACA profile. A thermal stress, that varies depending Z coordinates (axial direction) has been applied. For the temperature trend, an equation, to achieve the maximum temperature at the inlet fluid section, and the minimum one at the outlet, has been used; it is shown here follows: T = TIN - z·(1000) (19) with z in millimeters. The results of the distribution of the thermal load is reported in figure 9. The last consideration is the material used. In this case a structural steel have been used, available in the software library, which corresponded to our hypothesis. Figure 7: 3D sketch for the expander stator and impeller Once the drawing has been completed, the mesh has been provided. The mesh is composed of 20179 triangular elements (as shown in figure 8) Figure 9: Thermal load distribution on the impeller. Figure 8: Impeller mesh Then, a first and preliminary thermo-structural simulation has been performed. In our case it was divided into three successive steps: simple structural stress, thermal stress and, finally, a global stress, sum of the previous ones. In details, the centrifugal stress has been obtained applying a rotational speed of 3500 rad/s, with the rotational axis coinciding with the inner cylindrical surface one. 6. DISCUSSIONS AND RESULTS As expected, the central part of the rotor is the most stressed part, due to the centrifugal forces combined with the thermal load. Finally, to determine if we are working in safely conditions, we compute the safety factor (as the yield stress of the material divided by maximum equivalent stress). Operating in this way, we obtain satisfactory results. The value so obtained is close to limit conditions, but still under the limit imposed by the material strength. The following figure illustrate the global stress and the displacement of the rotor. Figure 10: Maximum global stress Figure 12: Final global stress using safety factor CONCLUSIONS The objective of this work, as has been mentioned before, was to verify the feasibility of the system and to study the opportunity to make a turbo-expander for these low power rating (2-15 kW). The authors would like to emphasize this, precisely, "peculiarities" of their work: study and submit a design for a small turbo expander for ORC systems. This analysis was divided into several stages. A preliminary simulation of the ORC system performance by the PRO/II® software, varying the main operative parameters and considering the R134a, as working fluid. The design procedure of the radial expander has been completed under a set of specifications, derived by the previous simulations. In this procedure many others constraints has been added, always keeping in mind the main goal of the project: realize a compact waste energy recover systems, using an “ad hoc” studied and design turbo expander. Figure 11: Equivalent Von Mises stress Finally the main preliminary geometrical characteristics have been calculated, and a preliminary 3D geometry has been created. Consequently, at this moment, a thermo-structural analysis has been performed, using FEM methods. The analysis bring the authors to adopt the material and to verify, for this specific step of the design procedure, the structural resistance of the impeller. The future step will be the CFD analysis, to verify, and if necessary, modify the blade profile, to optimize the impeller efficiency. Once all simulations and expander design are completed, the final step will be to build a prototype and test it. NOMENCLATURE A area [m2] b Blade height [m] c velocity [Dixon reference] CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics D,d Diameter [m] ICE Internal Combustion Engine GUI Graphical User Interface n rotational speed [rpm] ORC Organic Rankine Cycle p Pressure [Pa] P Net power [W] Q Volumetric flow rate [m3/kg] Grade of reaction R U Blade speed [m/s] V Real fluid velocity [m/s] T Temperature [K] or [°C] W Relative fluid velocity [m/s] Z Number of blades Greek ψ ρ ω s angle [°] angle [°] Flow coefficient Stage Loading Density [kg/m3] Rotational speed [rpm] Rohlik specific speed Subscripts 1 inlet 2 outlet cond condenser REFERENCES [1] R. Capata, E. Sciubba, C. 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