Temperature Conversion Worksheet: Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin

Problem: John is a meteorologist who enjoys studying temperature conversions. One day, he decided to
challenge himself with a series of temperature conversions using the formulas provided below:
1. Convert 78 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) to degrees Celsius (°C).
2. Convert 25 degrees Celsius (°C) to Kelvin (K).
3. Convert 125 Kelvin (K) to degrees Fahrenheit (°F).
4. Convert -40 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) to Kelvin (K).
5. Convert 300 Kelvin (K) to degrees Celsius (°C).
Using the given formulas:
- 𝐶 = 5/9 (𝐹 − 32)
- 𝐹 = 9/5 (𝐶 + 32)
- 𝐾 = 𝐶 + 273.15
- 𝐶 = 𝐾 − 273.15
- 𝐹 = 9/5 𝐾 − 459.67
- 𝐾 = 5/9 (𝐹 + 459.67)
Can you help John solve these temperature conversion problems?