Annota&ng a Text Tools Why Annotate? • Read with purpose & focus • Connect & engage with text • Help develop meaning & understanding • Prepare for discussion How to Annotate? Lots of ways! Make Connec&ons Text to Self à How does this relate to me? Text to Text à How does this relate to something else I’ve seen/read/heard? Text to World à How does this relate to real world events (past and present)? Ask Ques&ons • Confused? Not sure what something means? Or why it’s included? • Put a ? next to confusing parts • Jot down your ques&ons Make an Inference An inference is an educated guess based on 2 things: – What you’re reading (text clues) – What you already know outside the reading (schema) What can you infer from the reading? Make an educated guess or predic&on! Jot Down Comments/Thoughts as d a e r h u o y in n o g in o ? l ? g e d s i e a f What you re aking you r! be m g m n e i d m re rea l l ’ e u h t o s y How i t down so i e t i r W Note Significant Parts/What Stands Out • Highlight, underline, or * important info that stands out to you Careful not to go too overboard with this one! Whenever reading for class, always annotate!!