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JHS Foundation Day Activities & Guidelines

Bayugan City, 8502 CARAGA Philippines
Telefax (085) 231-2150
These are the proposed activities for the 57th Founding Anniversary of the school this
coming September 19-22, 2023.
1. Contest
- Mass Dance (Modern)
 Retro Dance
 Vocal Duet
 Spoken Word Poetry
2. Sports (composite)
- Volleyball (men and women)
- Basketball
3. Mind Games
These are the following teams for the different presentation and contests except for the
Sports event.
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Apple green
Golden yellow
Grade 10
Navy Blue
Prepared by:
JHS Teacher In-Charge
Asst. Principal for Non Academic Affairs
BED Principal
Each team is guided with the following guidelines for the three-day Founding Anniversary of the school.
1. Each student will be allowed to have dual entry in all types of events (mass dance, litmus,
sports, and mind games), but not three or more.
In any contest, failure to follow one guideline will demerit the team score by 1 point.
All students must be present in all event during the Founding Anniversary celebration, except
for night events which do not require their attendance.
An attendance sheet shall be secured by each adviser (through the class monitor) morning
and afternoon for the three-day celebration except on the afternoon of the third day.
Attendance sheets will be from the JHS TIC.
Monetary expenses will only be for the purchase of the team t-shirt which will vary depending
on the type of the shirts (plain color).
Snacks and the like will not be in a form of contribution by the students and parents, thus, it
is the initiative of the advisers to think of ways to support their players and performers.
1. The mass dance contest (specifically modern dance) is open to all Junior High School students at
Agusan Del Sur College, Inc.
2. The members of the group may consist of all males or females, or any combination thereof.
3. Each team will consist of 50-80 performers (including the props men).
4. The team is allowed to have a remix music for 5 to 7 minutes.
5. The participants should submit the music to the committee one week before the presentation.
6. Small props are allowed as long as they will not delay the performance or harm the group or the
7. Strictly no pyro techniques are allowed, like fire, hazardous materials, and the like, that could
harm the performers and the audience and disrupt the performance.
8. Props men should also be members of the same grade level.
9. No private or outside trainers are allowed. Participants should be trained by their teachers and
selected students from the same grade level.
10. The costume should be the color of the team.
 Grade 7 – Apple Green
 Grade 8 – Golden Yellow
 Grade 9 – Pink
 Grade 10 – Navy Blue
A. Performance
 Spacing Formations
 Execution Showmanship
 Projection Stabilization and Variety of Routines
 Entertainment Value and Crowd Appeal
B. Choreography & Originality
 Dance Arrangements & Concept
 Incorporating Unique and Original/Creative Moves
C. Theme and Music
 Musicality
 Beat Techniques
 Timing
 Synchronization
 Moves Related to the Music
D. Overall Appearance/ Audience Impact
Retro Modern Dance
1. The contest is open to all junior high school students at Agusan del Sur College, Inc.
2. Each group shall be composed of a minimum of 8 dancers up to a maximum of 15 dancers.
Members of the groups may be composed of all males or females, or any combination thereof.
3. Each group will have their own specific retro era as the theme.
 Grade 7: 1970s
 Grade 8: 1990s
 Grade 9: 1960s
 Garde 10: 1980s
4. No outsiders or professional dancers should be part of the group. Automatic disqualification in
the contest if the group fails to follow.
5. Groups must submit the music of their choice; no live bands or musicians are allowed. It should
be submitted one week prior to the event. There should be a backup copy in case the submitted
music fails to play.
6. Music should be wholesome and lively and must not contain any subliminal, sexually suggestive,
or vulgar lyrics or language.
7. The music must be at least three (3) minutes long but not more than six (6) minutes.
8. The use of small props will be allowed as long as it does not cause any delay in the program or
harm the performance of other groups. Props such as oil, confetti, pyrotechnic gadgets, smoke
generators or combustible material, broken glass, live animals, sharp objects, and the like are
9. Choreography should not be vulgar and must not contain any subliminal or sexually suggestive
10. Attire may include accessories such as hats, caps, gloves, scarves, jewelry, etc. Removing pieces
of clothing during the performance is allowed, provided that it is not offensive or out of character.
11. Appropriate clothing should be worn throughout the competition.
12. The decision of the members of the board of judges is final and irrevocable.
E. Performance
 Stage
 Spacing Formations
 Execution Showmanship
 Projection Stabilization and Variety of Routines
 Entertainment Value and Crowd Appeal
F. Choreography & Originality
 Dance Arrangements & Concept
 Incorporating Unique and Original/Creative Moves
G. Theme and Music
 Musicality
 Beat Techniques
 Timing
 Synchronization
 Moves Related to the Music
H. Costume and Audience Impact
Vocal Duet
1. The contest is open to all junior high school students at Agusan del Sur College, Inc.
2. Each grade level will select a representative for the said contest.
3. The contestants may be both males and females, or male and female.
4. Contestants can choose any song, either English or Filipino.
5. The contestants should finish the whole duration of the song.
6. Contestants must provide their accompaniment as an MP3 file. No cellphone or tablet shall be
7. The contestants should submit the music to the committee one week before the presentation.
8. The clothes to be worn must be casual.
9. The decision of the members of the board of judges is final and irrevocable.
A. Vocal
 Vocal Technique – Tone quality, breath support, intonation,
diction, and articulation.
 Rhythm and Tempo – Voice in relation to music.
 Timing – How coordinated the singer in his/her performance
in regards to syncing of vocals and interaction on performance area.
 Harmony – How the harmonies have been arranged and
executed, difficulty, and creative.
B. Expression
 Performance – How well the performer is able to express the
meaning and mood of the song.
 Match – How well the voices and personalities match in relation
to the song performed.
C. Showmanship
 Show Design – Music selection, effective use of stage or
performance area, outfit, and style.
Spoken Word Poetry
1. The contest is open to all junior high school students at Agusan del Sur College, Inc.
2. Each grade level must have one representative.
3. The spoken word poetry piece must be an original composition. It could be written in Filipino or
English, but not in Taglish.
4. The contestant must compose his or her own free-verse poem or a rhyme poem about an
interesting topic of their choice.
5. The contestant must memorize the piece and deliver it within a minimum of three minutes (3)
and a maximum of five minutes (5).
6. Sounds, whether instrumental or musical, are allowed to complement the delivery. No deduction
shall be made if the contestant opts not to have a musical background.
7. The clothes to be worn must be casual.
8. The decision of the members of the board of judges is final and irrevocable.
A. Message/Content
 The piece has a powerful and meaningful message to the
B. Delivery and Performance
 The spoken piece as delivered from the heart.
 Connection to the audience as established from the start.
 Facial expression, hand and body gestures emphasized the
different elements of the performance.
 Audience’s attention and interest were captured and sustained
throughout the delivery.
 Enunciation is clear. Audience can understand what is being spoken.
 Words are pronounced distinctly and correctly. Does not stutter
nor stammer.
C. Originality
 The piece must be an original composition by the contestant.
D. Overall Impact
 The student’s physical presence, voice and articulation,
dramatic appropriateness, and evidence of understanding all
seem on target and unified to breathe life into the piece.
1. Divide the participants into 2 batches for round 1, there will be 2 pairs for each grade level.
Batch 1
Grade 7 – Pair 1
Grade 8 – Pair 1
Grade 9 – Pair 1
Grade 10 – Pair 1
Batch 2
Grade 7 – Pair 2
Grade 8 – Pair 2
Grade 9 – Pair 2
Grade 10 – Pair 2
2. Ensure that each pair consists of two individuals from the same Grade level for JHS students.
3. Facilitators will provide each pair with a set of tangram pieces. A tangram set usually includes
seven geometric shapes: five triangles, one square, and one parallelogram.
4. Facilitators will explain the objective and rules of the activity, which is to recreate specific
shapes or figures using the tangram pieces within a minute.
5. Present the participants with series of challenges or puzzles that they need to solve using
their tangram pieces. For Round 1, there will be 5 challenges and extra 3 challenges for the tie
breaker, if needed.
6. Each pair collaborates to arrange the tangram pieces to form the desired shape or figure
within a given time limit.
7. Once a pair believes they have successfully recreated the shape, they can signal to the
facilitator or instructor.
8. The facilitator or instructor checks the accuracy of the shape created by the pair. If it
matches the intended shape, the pair receives a point to move on to the next challenge. If it
does not match, the pair can continue working until they achieve the correct shape until the
end of the given time.
9. The process continues with different challenges or puzzles until a predetermined number of
rounds or time limit is reached.
10. In Round 1, 2 pairs with highest score will proceed to Round 2 which has the same process
and instructions in the previous round.
11. At the end of Round 2, the pair with the highest number of correct figures in the final round
and have the shortest time consumed will be declared as First, Second, Third and Fourth placer
Boggle is a Hasbro word game that requires a 16-letter cube, a cube grid with a dome,
and a 3-minute sand timer. The standard mechanics of the game will be imposed.
1. The facilitator will provide the Boggle cubes and the timer.
2. There will be two sets of the game; and each set is composed of 3 games.
Round 1
Round 2
Set 1
Set 2
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Final Round
Set 1 top two
Set 2 top two
There will be two players per team/ grade level.
Players should bring their pencils and paper.
In each set, the 2 top scorers will then proceed to the next level which is the final round.
The winners/ top scorers will be determined by the total score they have gained from the
words they have created in the three games per set.
7. The player will play for three games per set before competing with the other two winners of
the other set.
8. The final round is also composed of three games where the scores will also be added to
determine the winners.
9. Players may write as many words as he/she can following the rules.
10. Words questioned by the other player/s must be checked using a dictionary by the facilitator.
11. Emphasis:
 The created words must be atleast 3 letters.
 Plural or any derived form of a word counts as separate points.
Example: “Goat & Goats” or “chew, chews & chewed”
 Players can write any word from the English Dictionary and use any form of tense.
Besides, players are also allowed to write words within another word. For example,
players can write 'water' and 'ate.' They will be counted as two different words.
 However, players cannot write proper nouns such as America or London, words in other
languages and abbreviations, heightened words, or contractions.
 During checking, after each player will say/show one word they have written, and all
the players who have written the same word must cut it out.
 That way, players will be left with only unmatched words, and no two players shall have
the same word.
 The point system of Boggle is as follows:
3 Letters = 1 point
4 Letters = 2 point
5 Letters = 3 points
6 Letters = 4 points
7 Letters = 5 points
8 (Or More) Letters = 10 points
 Neither the cubes nor the grid may be touched when the timer runs.
 Multiple meanings of the same word do not earn multiple credits.
 The same word a player finds in different areas of the grid may not be counted for
multiple credits.
 The "M" and the "W" have a line under them.
 The letter “Z” also has a line under it and should not be seen as the word “IN.”
 Common words tend to be found by more than one player. Therefore, if your words are
unique and unusual, they are more likely to earn you points.
1. There will be two players per grade level (1 male and 1 female) for Junior High School. The
tournament will be conducted in a round robin style. All the participants will play with the participants
from the different teams. All standard rules for the game apply. These are the highlights:
2. All players must be able to do the following:
 Properly move all of the chess pieces
 Understand pawn promotion.
 Understand rules for “advanced” moves: Castling and en passant capture (note: please
ask the organizer in case of any confusion about en passant rule )
 Understand Check and the ways to get out of check (move, block, capture)
 Understand Checkmate
 Understand the “touch-move” rule
 Understand 50 moves draw rule i.e. the game can be claimed drawn after 50 moves if
there are no pawn moves or no captures.
 Understand 3 fold repetition rule. the game can be claimed drawn if the exact same
position is repeated thrice.
 No outside assistance during games is allowed.
 The Ranking of the winners shall be according to their corresponding of number of
wins accumulated.
1. The game shall be participated by JHS students of Agusan Del Sur College, Inc.
2. Each team is required to have one (1) participant.
3. Waiting time for the participants is 10 minutes. Failure to be on the venue during the alloted
time will forfeit the player.
4. The participants shall compete in three rounds.
5. Each participant is given one (1) minute to place the tiles accordingly. If he/she goes beyond the
given time, the participant shall not be allowed to place the tiles for that moment, missing the
chance to gain points.
6. The total accumulated scores of the participants in the three rounds shall determine their ranking
in the game.
7. Only words which are accepted in the dictionary that will be used by the facilitator shall be
8. Participants shall be given three chances to refer confusing words to the facilitator.
9. If the word/s is/are not accepted, three chances shall be given to the participant for each round
to come-up with a valid word. Beyond the given chances, deduction of points shall take effect
based on the total points in the tiles.
10. All the other standard game mechanics for scrabble will be applied during the game.
The participants must be a bonafide student of this institution.
The team must consist of 12-15 players.
Players are required to wear sports attire for basketball (with a surname and a 2-digit number)
Teams will be given 10 minutes call time before the schedule. Once the team cannot make it
within 10 minutes, they will be forfeited.
5. Venue for the basketball competition will be at the ADSCO gymnasium.
6. Tied standing of teams will be decided through their previous game.
7. Only five players per team on the court.
8. Players should wear proper playing attire for basketball. With the corresponding surname and
player number consisting of 2 digit numbers. More than 2 digit numbers entering the game
will fall into 1 free throw for the other team.
9. Score more than your opponent to win. To win the game, a team must score more field goals
than the other team. If the scores of both opponents is tied, a 3-minute additional overtime
with only 1 time out for each team will be given.
10. Score within the shot clock. Teams have a limited amount of time to shoot the ball during a
given possession. Teams are allowed 24 seconds of possession before they must shoot.
11. Dribbling advances the ball. Basketball players may only advance the ball by passing or
dribbling (bouncing the ball on the floor) as they move up and down the court.
12. The offense has five seconds to inbound the ball. After the offense scores a basket, the
opposing team receives possession of the ball
13. The offense must advance the ball. Once an offensive team advances the ball past the halfcourt line, the ball handler may not cross that line again, or a referee will award possession
of the ball to the opposing team.
14. Unsportsmanlike foul attempted by the players shall be given both players a 2-minute ban
from the game. In addition, 1 free-throw plus a ball position to the affronted team will be
15. Players are allowed to handle the ball for a maximum of eight seconds in the backcourt before
a violation is called. Players in all leagues are also not allowed to bring the ball back into the
backcourt once they have entered the frontcourt.
16. Illegal contact results in a foul. When a basketball player commits illegal physical contact
against an opposing player, the referees will call a personal foul.
17. The game is single round robin.
18. Referee decision is always final.
 JHS VOLLEYBALLL (Men and Women)
The participants must be bonafide JHS students of Agusan Del Sur College, Inc.
The team must consist of 10-12 players.
Teams are required to register their teams and its players before the tournament time.
Players are required to wear jersey (color team) with a number.
(Note: No team-colored shirt, No shoes, No play)
5. Teams will be given 15 minutes call time before the schedule. Failed to be at the game
venue within the alotted time will forfeit the team.
6. The venue for the volleyball competition will be at the school ground.
7. Tournament will be on a single round robin format.
8. Elimination round will have a 3-set match.
9. Finals will have 5-set match.
10. FIVB rules shall be applied throughout the tournament.
11. Competing teams are entitled to one timeout per set.
12. Each team will be given 3 minutes for warm-up activities before their first match.