Channel in OWC THE ATMOSPHERE Absorption and scattering of light by particles present in the atmosphere is a complex process involving Mie scattering and nonselective scattering by large particles (such as fog, haze, rain) and Rayleigh scattering by smaller particles. i. Absorption—This takes place when there is an interaction between the propagating photons and molecules (present in the atmosphere) along its path. A photon is absorbed when the quantum state of a molecule is excited to a higher energy level. ii. Scattering—This results in angular redistribution of the optical field with and without wavelength modification. The scattering effect depends on the radius rp of the particles (fog, aerosol) encountered during propagation. One way of describing this is to consider the size parameter the scattering process is classified as Rayleigh scattering[60]; scattering Mie Scattering Mie scattering occurs when the particle size (aerosol) is comparable to the beam size from sub-micrometer to a few tens of micrometers; In the atmosphere, aerosols differ in distribution, components, and profile concentration,therefore influencing the interactions with the propagating optical beam in the forms of absorption and scattering The largest concentration of aerosols is normally located at 1–2 km immediately above the earth’s surface, and they are classified based on the following models: • Maritime model: in the proximity of or over the sea and ocean surfaces, and typically consist of salt particles in aggregation with water droplets. • Rural model: over land with aerosol compositions consisting of dust and other particles mixed with water droplets. The aerosol composition, density, and its particle size distribution will vary with land composition, vegetation, weather, and seasonal climate variations. • Urban model: man-made aerosols, produced by industry. • Desert model: mainly airborne dust particles with concentration mainly depending on the wind speed. The diffraction-limited beam spreading/geometric loss in dB is thus given by Ar is the receiver effective aperture areas To characterize the attenuation of optical signal propagating through a medium, a term called “specific attenuation” is used which means attenuation per unit length expressed in dB/km and is given as show schematically this effect as well as the variations (amplitude, frequency, etc.) of the received signal. The beam deviates when the heterogeneities are large compared to the beam cross section and the beam is widened when heterogeneities are small. A mixture of heterogeneities results in scintillation In general, the refractive index of the atmosphere at any point r in space can be expressed as sum of the average and the fluctuating terms, i.e., where P’ the atmospheric pressure in mbar, and T’ the temperature of the atmosphere in Kelvin. The structure function for refractive index Depending on the size of turbulent eddy and transmitter beam size, three types of atmospheric turbulence effects are observed: The signal after demodulation can be written as System model for optical wave propagation in atmospheric turbulence. The Lognormal model is considered and found that it has weak turbulence condition if long propagation path is considered6. There is another model, K-distribution7 which has strong turbulence condition. The Negative exponential has been proposed and shown that it has very strong turbulence condition because its PDF (Probability Density Function) gives appropriate results in negative region8. There are some other models based on doubly stochastic theory8 like Gamma-gamma, Malaga distributionwhich works under weak to strong turbulence conditions. Impact of various atmospheric effects on optical wireless communication