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Biology & Chemistry Notes: Respiration, Atomic Structure, Plant Classification

aerobic respiration in plants = glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water (+ energy)
anaerobic respiration in plants = Glucose → ethanol + carbon dioxide + energy
aerobic respiration in animals = glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
anaerobic respiration in animals = Glucose → Lactic acid
The atomic structure refers to the structure of an atom comprising a nucleus (centre) in which the protons (positively charged) and neutrons (neutral) are present. The negatively charged particles called electrons revolve around the centre of the nucleus.
1. porifera. sponges
2. coelentrates. hydra (assignment)
*use note for refernce of the kingdoms*
3,4,5 are worms, but not the same
4 and 5 are different from 3. Theyre flat eg tapeworm & liver flukes
coelum?? = cavity *a*coelum = no cavity
nematodes are different from flat worms, platyhelmids? they have no cavities. nematodes have a partial cavity, theyre the round worms. annelids are advanced worms, like earthworms
5. molluscs are the snails
6. arthropods
- class insecta (insects) > grasshopper, housefly, mosquito:
only 3 pairs of legs.
- class arachnids (spiders): 4 pairs of legs
- class crustaceans(seafood) prawn, crab. more than 4 pairs of legs
- myriapoda. centipedes and millipedes. they are divided into segments. centipedes are poisonous, while millepedes aren't
millepedes have 2 pairs of limbs to a segment, while centipedes have only a pair.
7. echinodermate (starfish)
8. vertebrates
class of vertebrates
- fish / aves??
- amphibians. amphi- is dual. can survive in land and water
- reptiles. dry skin and scales. advanced to living on land
- birds. feathers
- mammals. hair
h/w: [differentiate all the classes
warm and cold blodded
heart chambers, heart structure
its phyla:
- thallophyta: aquatic
lowest form of plants
uni and multicellular
they survive in water bodies cuz they dont have modified roots. they need water molecules to carry out photosynthesis
these are the algea
they give the sea blue or red color.
examples: spyrogira(multicellular), chlamydomonas(unicellular) ****compare these two
*chlorophyll traps solar energy. chlorophyll is housed in the organelle chloroplast.
*only plants can convert solar to chemical energy cus of the chloroplasts.
- bryophyta:
they arent really aquatic but they have to stay in a moist place. this is because they also can't carry out photosynthesis() cuz theyre vascular bundles arent developed
examples: mosses and liverwarts
- tracheophyta:
they have the vascular bundles
they are advanced
they conduct water and all that stuff so they can be found in dry places
subdivisions of tracheophyta(not class), sub-phyla:
- pteridophyta
- spermatophyta
the difference between these two is one(spermatophyta) can produce seeds and the other(pteridophyta) cant. In biology a seed is called sperm.
spermatophyta is further divided into:
- class angiosperms (give us monocot and dicot)
- class gymnosperms
class activity: whats the difference?
Angiosperms are Seed producing flowering plants whose seeds are enclosed within an ovary. Gymnospems are Seed producing non-flowering plants whose seeds are enclosed. Archegoina are absent. The female gametophyte contains archegonia.
The biggest difference between gymnosperm and angiosperms lies in their seeds. Gymnosperm seeds are typically formed in unisexual cones and are known as “naked” seeds since they lack the protective cover angiosperms provide their seeds.
Angiosperms, are also known as flowering plants and having seeds enclosed within their fruit. Whereas gymnosperms have no flowers or fruits and have naked seeds
gymnosperm examples: conifers(the christmas tree!!), pines
***cotyledon, duct, and another one i forgot
- monocotyledonous plants cannot be slpit into two, while dicot plants can.
- monocot vascular bundles are randomly placed, while dicot are well arranged.
- monocot roots are fibrous while dicot roots are tap roots.
there is epigeal and hypogeal germination.
hypo- prefix talk about something in lower level
epi- talks about something above
- epigeal germination is where the seed planted comes above the soil. this occurs in. hypogeal germination is where the seed remains under the soil. most monocots carry out hypogeal, and dicots do epigeal. however there has been some controversy behind this cuz -dicots can undergo secondary growth, they make the big trees. they have something that can expand stems as they grow (check around 7 mins). monocots dont do that.
reticulate venation is the same as net venation
most cartiliginous = marine water(ocean, saltwater)
bony fish = rivers
*vascular bundles(i think) conduct water in some plants
-atoms can combine, in simple whole number ratios.
-every chemical reaction has to do with the combination and seperation of atoms/
the atomic model
billiard? ball model
john dalton's atomic model was thatt of a marble (1803)
jj thompson was the next scientist and he discovered things dalton didnt. he discovered in 1904 that the atom was mot the only particle, he discovered an electron. he also discovered that the atom was not a ball, it was embeded with negative charged particles. he called it a plum pudding model.
ernest rutherford discovered that the atom has a nucleus and that it has an orbit.
region(nucleus and orbit(a part of an atom)) and particle
in the nucleus there are two particles: protons and neutrons. and in the orbit(the shell, energy level) there are electrons.
important number:
- atomic number
- mass number
no of electrons = no of protons in a neutral atom
atoms are neutral, but there are certain things that make it not to be, making it a special particle.
the protons and neutrons contribute to the atomic mass cuz the electron mass is negligibale cuz its too small. 1.6 * 10^
assignment: what is the mass thadfd check 13 mins
mass no=A(above) atomic no=Z(below)
atomic number is the property of the atom of an element
- the proton makes up the atomic number of the element.
- the mass number is also called the nucleon? number. mass number is the proton and neutron (15mins). the mass number is the mass of the nucleus.
a neutral atom has 5 electrons
***** 1 min in 9:31 CHECK ******'