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NYU Arts & Humanities Major Reps Fall 2023

Arts & Humanities Major Representatives
Hi from the A&H Committee! The seven of us will be serving as your major reps for the fall (Interactive Media and Art/Art
History reps to be determined!). We understand it is an unprecedented and stressful summer, and that many of you may have
major-specific / academic questions. Feel free to reach out to us at any point over email or Facebook Messenger, and be sure
to check out our bios below!
Aathma Dious
Literature & Creative Writing
Lenah Ankliss
Legal Studies
Sreerag Jyothish
Everett Pruett
Arab Crossroads Studies
Anushka Upadhyay
Matthew Tan
Philosophy, Film & New Media
Ian Hoyt
Arts & Humanities Major Representatives
Hi! Iʼm Aathma! Iʼm a senior majoring in Literature & Creative Writing with a
minor in Film. You will find me writing or reading across random spots on
campus. I love books, poetry, fantasy plots, exploring cities, trying different
cuisines, chocolate, painting, and campus cats.
Iʼve taken classes, across Literature/Creative Writing, Theatre, Film and
Visual Arts so far. I also spend a lot of time in the Arts Center either
watching performances or participating in events such as Rooftop
Rhythms, UAEʼs first open mic, where I regularly perform Slam Poetry
Aathma Dious
Literature & Creative Writing
(come join us!) I studied away one and a “half” semesters in New York. Feel
free to reach out with any and all questions!
I am a senior majoring in Arab Crossroads Studies with minors in
Arabic and African Studies. Iʼve taken classes throughout the ACS
and Arabic departments, in addition to SRPP and History courses.
My “study away” was in New York.
In my free time I work on building a Bronze Age Boat, meander
around campus aimlessly, inform people of the existence of ACS, and
go to the city to eat. I would love to answer any and all questions you
have, be it on ACS (what is it, why is it named that, is it useful, what's
the point, etc.), the Arabic department, or anything else!
Everett Pruett
Arab Crossroads Studies
Arts & Humanities Major Representatives
Iʼm a senior majoring in Film and Philosophy (though in an ideal world, I
would major in everything). Filmmaking is what consistently gets me up in
the mornings. I dabble in creative writing, and spend more time browsing
camera gear videos on Youtube than I should.
In my down time, I play squash, participate in Attitude Hip Hop, and
meditate. I welcome any conversations regarding both my majors, my
favorite courses at NYUAD in general, as well as any of my interests! And
feel free to reach out to me about NYUʼs “hidden” study away site in
Matthew Tan
Philosophy, Film & New Media
Havana. I loved my documentary film semester in Cuba and welcome any
and all questions about it!
Hi! Iʼm a senior currently pursuing a double major in Theater and Social
Research & Public Policy! I was born and raised in Nepal and Iʼve been
involved in theater projects in New York, Abu Dhabi and Kathmandu. Iʼm
deeply influenced by my studio training with the Atlantic Acting School in New
York and my experience from working intermittently over a period of two
years with KathaGhera, a self-sustaining and socially aware theater collective
in Kathmandu. Beyond theater, Iʼve also worked with UN Women and various
other organizations in Nepal to further the cause of gender equality. I am
currently starting my joint-capstone (still canʼt believe Iʼm not a first year?!?!)
which explores methods of devising workshops based on participatory theater
for women facing sexual violence in Nepal.
Other than that-- I love dancing, Bollywood movie nights and getting myself
into food eating competitions I know I will lose. Iʼd be more than happy to help
answer any questions you have about my majors, my study away semesters in
Madrid and New York, how life on campus (or off-campus) is and how I
convinced my South Asian parents to let me pursue an arts major!
Anushka Upadhyay
Arts & Humanities Major Representatives
Lenah Ankliss
Legal Studies
Hi, Iʼm Lenah a senior majoring in Legal Studies and SRPP from Adelaide, Australia. My interests
surround public health and post-graduation, I hope to enter the realm of diplomacy and
international development.
After much deliberation, I choose to add Legal studies to my major. This was made easier by the
encouragement of the wonderful Legal department we have at NYUAD. Iʼve taken classes across a
range of jurisdictions and complimented my realms of interests by taking a bunch of political
science courses, two of them based in Washington D.C and New York.
I chose to study away in London and Ghana (I changed my study choice 4 times!) The time I spent
in Accra turned out to be one of my favorite experiences. I was able to tangible see the gaps in
foreign aid, made a bunch of new friends, and I had a plentiful amount of adventures. Please reach
out with any questions you have. Rest assured that, although possibilities seem vast and
overwhelming, you also have access to immense support and access to a wonderful community.
Arts & Humanities Major Representatives
Iʼm a rising senior (thatʼs 4th year, quite confused as to why we keep using the
other names, but hey) majoring in Music and Theater. My core training is in
music production, singer/songwriting and sound design. This has expanded to
so many things over my time at NYUAD, going into theater (making?),
filmmaking, cinematography and graphic design. My study away semesters
were in Berlin and NYC, and I had very introspective/inspiring semesters there.
I find myself constantly switching between interests/pursuits, and while this
felt destabilizing at first, over my time at NYUAD Iʼve found through many
Sreerag Jyothish
artists/makers that there are realistic pathways to pursue such a way of
making too. So please feel free to reach out about any of these things/more!
Iʼm a senior majoring in History, with minors in Political Science, Arab
Crossroads, and Peace Studies. Much of my work relates to
hydrodiplomacy and collective memory. Save a semester in Buenos
Aires, Iʼve spent the last three years taking all the Social Science and
Humanities courses I can manage.
Beyond returning as History rep, Iʼm also The Gazelle Satire Columnist,
Track and Field athlete, and the founder of a burgeoning haircut
business. If my experience or interests seem relevant to you, please
reach out! Iʼll do my best to answer any questions you have, academic
or otherwise.
Ian Hoyt