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Early American Civilizations: Aztec, Maya, Inca

Civilizations of
the Americas
The Aztec, Maya and Inca
• Aztec: Central Mexico, 1300-1521 AD
• Maya: Southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras,
2600 BC- 1500 AD
• Inca: Peru, 1400-1533 AD
The Aztec
The Aztec government was similar to a monarchy
where an Emperor or King was the primary ruler.
They called their ruler the Huey Tlatoani. The
Huey Tlatoani was the ultimate power in the
They felt that their ruler was appointed by the
gods and had the divine right to rule.
When an emperor died, the new emperor was
chosen by a group of high-ranking nobles.
The Maya
The Maya civilization
consisted of many citystates.
Each city-state had its
own independent
Each city-state was
ruled by a king.
The Maya believed that
their king was given
the right to rule by the
They believed that the
king worked as an
intermediary between
the people and the
The leaders of the
Maya were called the
"halach uinic" or
"ahaw", meaning
"lord" or "ruler".
The Inca
The Inca government
was called the
It was a monarchy ruled
by a single leader called
the Sapa Inca.
The emperor or king of
the Inca Empire was
called the Sapa Inca,
which means "sole
The Aztec
The concept of ‘god’ in Aztec society is referred to
as ‘Teotl’ in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztec.
They were a polytheistic society, which means they
had many gods and each god represented different
important parts of the world for Aztec people.
The Maya
The Maya were polytheistic.
Maya gods were greatly the gods of nature,
including the gods of the sun and of Venus
and the Maize god (maize, or corn, was
their most important crop).
Their religious practices included festivals
and rituals to honor their gods.
The Inca
The religion of the Inca was closely tied into the everyday life of
the Inca as well as with their government.
They believed that their ruler was part god himself.
The Inca believed that their gods occupied three different realms:
1) the sky or Hanan
2) the inner earth or Uku
Pacha, and
3) the outer earth or Cay
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The Aztec
There were different social classes within Aztec society.
The king was called the Huey Tlatcani and he was very powerful.
Just below the emperor, who ruled the capital Tenochtitlan, were the
rulers of the other city-states.
Below the Tecuhtli were the pipiltin or the nobles.
There was a special class of Aztec merchants called pochteca.
The common people in Aztec society were called the macehualtin.
At the bottom of Aztec society were the slaves.
The Maya
The Caste System
The upper caste was composed of rulers, nobles
and priests.
The middle caste were businessmen, merchants
and soldiers.
The lower caste was made up of farmers and
The Inca
• Inca society was based on a strictly
organized class structure. There
were three broad classes:
• The Emperor and his immediate
• nobles,
• and commoners.
• Throughout Inca society, people who
were “Inca by blood” – those whose
families were originally from Cuzco –
held higher status than non-Incas.
The Aztec
Macuahuitl which was a wooden club having sharp pieces of
volcanic glass
Canoes which made transportation through streams and rivers
Did not craft roads since they didn’t have chariots, but dug
many small canals
Steam baths and herbs in medicine
Base 20 number system
Aquaducts for fresh water in Tenochtitlan
Calendars for tracking religious festivals
The Maya
Weapons and Tools made of stone, obsidian, and chert
Filtration system for drinking water
Created roads and canals
Raised fields alongside rivers
Had running water pressure, that could have been used in
Astrological advancements and an observatory
Crafted canoes for canal travel
The Inca
• Suspension bridges over rivers and
• Surgery- trephination- used to remove
bone fragments from an injured skull
• The Inca played flutes, seashell horns,
rattles, drums, and panpipes.
• The Inca did not have a written
language. Instead they used an
ingenious substitute: the knotted sets of
strings called quipis.
The Aztec
Three crops formed the staples of the
Aztec diet: maize, or corn, beans and
These 3 crops together were known as
”The Three Sisters” to the Aztecs as they
helped each other grow
Also grew: tomatoes, avocados, chili
peppers, limes, onions, amaranth,
peanuts, sweet potatoes and jimacas.
Used a Terrace System to grow crops
The Maya
• Introduced Irrigation Canals due to
living in the Wet Lands
• Used terraces for drainage
• Mostly relied on Maize
• Other notable staples included
beans, squash, and chile peppers
• Would use Maize to make things like
tortillas that were preservable
The Inca
The size of a Families’
farmland depended on the
size of the family to be self
Crops cultivated across the
Inca Empire included maize,
coca, beans, grains,
potatoes, sweet potatoes,
ulluco, oca, mashwa, pepper,
tomatoes, peanuts, cashews,
squash, cucumber, quinoa,
gourd, cotton, talwi, carob,
chirimoya, lúcuma, guayabo,
and avocado.
Livestock was primarily llama
and alpaca herds.
Created Terraces in Circular