Uploaded by Maxine Joy Jose

ACT 2 (Finals)

Activity 2: Types of Communication in the Workplace
Direction: Suppose that you landed a job in your field of discipline after graduation, think about
various communication processes that you may encounter in your workplace. Complete the table
below related to each type of communication.
What types of
communication did
you involve within
your workplace?
What problems occur
with this type of
communication in
your workplace?
Why do you think
that some problems
What suggestions do
you have that could
prevent or reduce
The Accountants might
encounter problems in
hearing such jargon
terms that are kind of
similar when being
spoken, and that might
cause some
Because there might
be possible hearing
problems on the
Accountants, or they
might be too focused
on doing their own
Be attentive to
whoever that certain
Accountant is talking in
front of you. Also, be
accurate when
pronouncing certain
accounting terms that
might confuse other
We usually look into
lots of professional
presentations such as
graphs that explain the
business’ financial
condition and we might
typographical errors
and/or even digital
Because there might
be some errors that
include misspelling,
misleading data
information, and
problems in internet
connection that might
occur and fail to
transmit the data to the
Always do some
critical review and
critical examination of
the data given to us to
ensure that our works
will not be bothered in
case some
Accountants do written
messages whether it is
a form of digital and/or
traditional. They might
encounter poorly
constructed sentences
that might lead into
communication failures.
Because there are
some Accountants
who were too busy to
notice their mistakes
especially in forming
sentences and/or
delivering the exact
Be able to doublecheck the content of
the message/s you are
going to send to
someone especially if
it contains information
that are essential to
the work.
(part 1 of 2)
What types of
What problems occur
Why do you think
What suggestions do
communication did
you involve within
your workplace?
with this type of
communication in
your workplace?
that some problems
you have that could
prevent or reduce
We need to engage in
meetings whether inperson or even online
to talk about important
matters in the
workplace and it might
result into confusion
and miscommunication
caused by the unclear
tone, pitch and/or
volume of the voice.
Because in accounting Always mind the words
world, Accountants
of choice that we are
need to update each
going to say. I am
other from time to time suggesting to use the
since our works are
professional choices of
interrelated with each words and voice tones,
pitch and volume.
There are some times
that Accountants were
too busy to respond in
a verbal manner so
they are now using boy
gestures as a way of
communicating and
sometimes, this builds
miscommunication to
one another.
Because they view the
other types of
communication as
‘waste of time’ on
doing the work so they
are resorting to the
non-verbal cues
Always be clear when
giving someone or
receiving from
someone the nonverbal cues to not
confuse each other.
(part 2 of 2)