Student Timeline Rubric Name:________________________ Due: _____/______/2023 Standard 6.1: Multi-tier timelines showing relationships between people and events. Guidelines Creativity 8 Creatively and neatly designed using colors and multiple media (markers, 6 Creatively and neatly designed using colors. 4 Designed using colors. 2 Timeline is messy with few colors. 0 Timeline is incomplete. There are 8 or There are 6 more events events listed. listed. (At (At least least 4 on three on each side of each end of the Multithe multitiered tiered Timeline) timeline) Timeline starts Timeline with student starts with birth year, and student birth ends at the year, and present. ends at the Events are present. spaced out Events are logically mostly spaced out logically All events are Most events labeled neatly are labeled and in neatly and in chronological chronological order. order. There are 4 events listed. (At least 2 on each end of the multitiered timeline) There are two events listed. (At least one on each end of the multitiered timeline) Timeline has inconsistent start points Timeline contains under two events, nothing on one side of the timeline. Timeline isn’t completed Some events Many events are labeled are not and in labeled nor chronological in order. chronological order. Events are not listed pencils, student artwork, photographs, printed computer graphics, etc.) Information Information Pt.2 Organization Timeline is turned in on time: 3 extra points Total Number of Points: ______/35 Points Timeline starts with student birth year, and ends at the present. Events are spaced out inconsistently