Uploaded by Zach Paasch

Engineering Dynamics Problem: Rotating Links Analysis

Problem #1
Problem 2
(from Meriam, J. and Kraige, L. Engineering Mechanics: Volume 2 Dynamics, John Wiley and Sons,
Publishers, 1986)
The two links shown in the figure rotate about pin C and O respectively. Upper case X and Y represent
the axes of a fixed coordinate frame N. Lower case x and y represent the axes of a rotating coordinate
frame M attached to the OD link. Pin A is fixed on link CA and is confined to move in a slot in link OD. At
this instant:  = 135, link OD is rotating about point O with a constant angular velocity  = -2 rad./sec,
and the link CA is parallel to the X axis in the N frame.
N, M1, and M2 are right-handed coordinate frames. N has unit vectors î and ĵ . M1 has unit vectors ê x1
and ê y1 . M2 has unit vectors ê x 2 and ê y 2 . All lengths are measured in millimeters and all velocities are
in mm/sec. C has coordinates (-450,-225) mm. A has coordinates (-225,-225) mm. This means CA =
NOTE: M1 rotates clockwise. This is a different direction then in Homework #3, however, it agrees with
the solution you were given for Homework #3.
a) Using the analytical vector method shown in class find
a P and  M 2 / N . (hint: write an
expression for a P using M1 and for a P using M2, then equate the two expressions)
b) Find a P .
c) (853 only) Verify your answers found in part a and b using a graphical vector method. (hint: Draw an
expression for a P using M1 and for a P using M2, then equate the two expressions. Do it just like
part a) only draw each term.) (A scale of 1"  2545[ mm / s 2 ] is suggested)