Available online at www.sciencedirect.com annals of NUCLEAR ENERGY Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (2008) 627–635 www.elsevier.com/locate/anucene Fracture mechanical evaluation of an in-vessel melt retention scenario M. Abendroth *, H.G. Willschütz, E. Altstadt Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Bautzner Landstrasse 128, 01328 Dresden, Germany Received 14 June 2007; accepted 6 August 2007 Available online 24 September 2007 Abstract This paper presents methods to compute J-integral values for cracks in two- and three-dimensional thermo-mechanical loaded structures using the finite element code ANSYS. The developed methods are used to evaluate the behavior of a crack on the outside of an emergency cooled reactor pressure vessel (RPV) during a severe core melt down accident. It will be shown, that water cooling of the outer surface of a RPV during a core melt down accident can prevent vessel failure due to creep and ductile rupture. Further on, we present J-integral values for an assumed crack at the outside of the lower plenum of the RPV, at its most stressed location for an emergency cooling (thermal shock) scenario. Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The J-integral concept is widely known and used as a tool to predict brittle and ductile fracture due to instable or stable crack growth. A comprehensive study about the two- and three-dimensional evaluation of the J-integral under the presence of thermal fields and body loads is given by Shih et al. (1986). But it is still a challenging task to compute reliable J-integral values especially for threedimensional cracks in real structures using finite element codes. A useful source which describes some of the computation difficulties of the J-integral is a report written by Brocks and Schneider (2001). The main computing problem, especially in the threedimensional case, is the integration of the field equations. The integration volume is represented by finite elements which should have a suitable shape and position to the crack front for the integration. Then the integration is in fact a summation of the requested values about all integration points of all elements inside the integration volume. For such computations the finite element mesh has to fit * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: M.Abendroth@fzd.de (M. Abendroth), H.G.Willschuetz@fzd.de (H.G. Willschütz), E.Altstadt@fzd.de (E. Altstadt). URL: www.fzd.de (M. Abendroth). 0306-4549/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.anucene.2007.08.007 not only to the needs for computing the boundary value problem but also the needs for the J-integral computation. Making those meshes is often difficult and therefore time consuming. The finite element code ANSYS provides some useful path-commands, which allow a quite simple area or volume integration over basic geometrical shapes. These shapes are not bound on the topology of the finite element mesh. The mesh independent J-integral computation was developed to analyze cracks in RPVs. In our special case we assume a severe accident, where the main cooling of the reactor has failed, which can cause a core dry out and a subsequent core melt down, as happened in the TMI-2 accident (Rempe et al., 1994). Contrary to the TMI-scenario we assume no internal cooling at all, therefore the molten parts of the core will form a melt pool in the lower plenum of the RPV with internal heat sources due to the decay of radioactive isotopes. The temperature in the melt pool can reach 3000 K and cause melting of the inner surface of the RPV. Where the RPV wall exceeds temperatures of ca. 850 K it begins to creep and can fail due to ductile rupture if the external cooling cannot be established early enough. One strategy to prevent vessel failure is an emergency cooling with water on the outside of the vessel (external flooding). Depending on the flooding time, this can result 628 M. Abendroth et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (2008) 627–635 a sudden temperature drop (thermal shock) of the outer surface of the vessel, which induces high thermal strains and stresses. Those thermal shock phenomena were analyzed experimentally and numerically by different work groups (Bass et al., 1982; Bass and Bryson, 1983; Sievers and Höfler, 1986). Here, we present results for a Konvoi RPV. The data for the vessel material are very detailed. We use a data base which includes temperature dependent stress–strain and creep behavior, thermal expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, specific heat, elastic modulus and density. In our special case creeping was not taken into account since the outer wall temperatures are below the creep temperature range. For the core melt an effective conduction convection model (ECCM) is used. It was developed by Bui (1998), Dinh and Nourgaliev (1997) and describes the heat transport in a core melt pool by anisotropic and inhomogeneous conduction. The finite element model of the lower head for evaluating the temperature field and the viscoplastic behavior of the RPV wall was developed by Willschütz and Altstadt (2002), Willschütz (2006), Willschütz et al. (2005a), Willschütz et al. (2005b), Willschütz et al. (2006). 2. J-integral evaluation The following formulations are valid for a hyper-elastic material, where the stresses rij are a function of a thermomechanical potential, which is the strain energy density W. oW rij ¼ ; ð1Þ oeij Z rij deij : ð2Þ W ¼ eij Here, rij denotes the stress tensor, eij the total strain tensor. The formulations can be used also for incremental theory of plasticity under the following conditions. Local unloading is not allowed, all loading paths in the stress space are supposed to remain radial so that the ratios of the principal stresses do not change in time (Brocks and Schneider, 2001). The integration path or the integration area should enclose the plastic zone. The crack faces are free of loadings and no body loads do exist. Since we are interested only in mode I crack growth, we define a local crack tip coordinate system, with the x1 axis pointing in crack extension direction as it is depicted in Fig. 1. Then we can simplify Eq. (3) into Z J 1 ¼ ðW d1j nj rij nj ui;1 ÞdC: ð4Þ C The J-integral can be computed also by using an area integral (Shih et al., 1986). Z J 1 ¼ ðrij ui;1 W d1j Þq1;j dA: ð5Þ A Here, qk is smooth vector function with the only nonzero component q1 r r T qk ¼ 1 ð6Þ ð1; 0; 0Þ ; q1 ¼ 1 ; r0 r0 where r denotes the radius away from the crack tip and r0 the radius of the circular integration area A. q1 at the crack tip can be interpreted as a virtual crack extension (VCE). Then, J1 is the released energy for a virtual unit length mode I crack extension. Under the restrictions given at the beginning of this section the value of J1 is independent of the path C or since we restrict the area to be circular J1 is independent of r0. To maintain this path independence under the presence of a thermal field a correction term is necessary (Shih et al., 1986; Bass et al., 1982; Bass and Bryson, 1983; Hellen, 1975). We assume an isotropic thermal expansion coefficient a for the RPV material. Then the complete equation for the J-integral becomes Z Z J 1 ¼ ðrij ui;1 W d1j Þq1;j dA þ rii ah;1 q1 dA: ð7Þ A A The temperature gradient is denoted by h,1, so the product with the thermal expansion coefficient gives the thermal strain gradient eth ;1 ¼ ah;1 . For the presence of body loads (gravity forces) or crack face loads (pressure) additional terms are necessary (see Shih et al., 1986). 2.1. Two-dimensional J-integral for thermally stressed bodies The J-integral in its path formulation is Z J k ¼ ðW djk nj rij nj ui;k ÞdC; ð3Þ C where djk denotes the Kronecker symbol, ui the displacement vector, ui,k the derivative of ui in direction of k and nj the outward pointing normal vector on the integration path C. In general, the integration path C includes the crack face parts C+ and C. Both parts must be considered only if there are loads (e.g. pressure) on the crack faces, which is not the case in our problem. Fig. 1. Two-dimensional integration path around a crack tip. M. Abendroth et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (2008) 627–635 629 2.2. Axisymmetric evaluation of the J-integral for thermally stressed bodies We define an axisymmetric coordinate system as shown in Fig. 2. The rotational symmetry axis is x2, x1 is the radial coordinate and x3 the angular coordinate. The mode I Jintegral for the axisymmetric case is then (Shih et al., 1986) Z 1 J1 ¼ ½ðrij ui;1 W d1j Þq1;j x1 þ ðr33 e33 W Þq1 þ rii ah;1 q1 x1 dA; R A ð8Þ R denotes the radial distance of the crack tip from the symmetry axis. The indices i and j range over the coordinates x1 and x2. Fig. 3. Three-dimensional integration path/area around a plane crack with a curved crack front. 2.3. Three-dimensional evaluation of the J-integral for thermally stressed bodies Fig. 3 shows a three-dimensional plane crack with a curved crack front and the definition of a local crack tip coordinate system with the n1 axis pointing normal to the crack front in crack extension direction. The n2 axis is normal to crack faces and the n3 axis is tangential to the crack front. s is the local crack front coordinate. There are two J-integral formulations for the threedimensional case. The first one (Brocks and Schneider, 2001; Amestoy et al., 1987) is a combination of a path and an area integral Z Z o J 1 ðsÞ ¼ ðW d1j nj rij nj ui;1 ÞdC ðWn3 ri3 n3 ui;1 ÞdA C AðCÞ on3 Z þ rii ah;1 dA: ð9Þ Fig. 4. Three-dimensional integration volume around a plane crack with a curved crack front. 1 J 1 ðsÞ ¼ Da Z ðrij ui;1 W d1j Þq1;j dV þ V Z rii ah;1 q1 dV : V ð10Þ AðCÞ A second (VCE) formulation (Shih et al., 1986) uses a three-dimensional function for qk and a volumetric integration domain, as it is depicted in Fig. 4. In both formulations the indices i, j and k range over the coordinates n1, n2 and n3. In Eq. (10) q1 is a function of n3 and the radial distance from the crack tip r, q2 = q3 = 0. r q1 ðn3 ; rÞ ¼ ð1 4n23 Þ 1 ð11Þ r0 The integration domain is a cylindrical volume with a length ds and a radius r0. The resulting virtual crack front extension is a plane parabolic shaped area with the size Z þds 2 Da ¼ q1 ðn3 ; r ¼ 0Þdn3 ð12Þ ds 2 2.4. Area and volume integration using ANSYS Fig. 2. Two-dimensional integration area around a crack tip for an axisymmetrical problem. The finite element code ANSYS supports line integration along defined paths. In two dimensions the area integration is approximated by a summation of n line integrals along Ci, which are multiplied by the width of the ring segments wi (see Fig. 5). The width of the integration rings wi is in our case a constant value. It could be useful, especially for finite element meshes, which show a strong refining towards the crack tip, to choose an 630 M. Abendroth et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (2008) 627–635 5 8 ds1 ¼ ds3 ¼ ds; ds2 ¼ ds 9 rffiffi9ffi 3 nð1;3Þ ¼ ; nð2Þ ¼ 0 5 ð17Þ ð18Þ In three dimensions three area integrals at different n3 positions are computed, multiplied by the weights dsj and added together. This integration along n3 is similar to a one-dimensional Gaussian integration scheme. The positions nj and the weights dsj are given in the Eqs. (17) and (18). The depth of the cylindrical integration volume ds should be equal or smaller than the element size along the crack front. Fig. 5. Different integration paths for area integration with ANSYS. increasing width away from the crack tip. Then, the width of the innermost and outermost integration ring should fit the smallest and biggest finite elements located inside the integration region. Z n Z X ðÞdA ¼ ðÞdCi wi ð13Þ A Z ðÞdV ¼ V i¼1 Ci j¼1 i¼1 m X n Z X ri ¼ ði 0:5Þ wi ¼ r0 n r0 n ðÞdCij wi dsj ð14Þ Cij ð15Þ ð16Þ 3. Finite element models for the thermo shock analysis 3.1. Axisymmetric model of the RPV without a crack Fig. 6 shows the axisymmetric FE-model of a Konvoi RPV with a melt pool in the lower plenum. Since the study is focused on the bottom head of the vessel, the coolant inand outlet nozzles, the holes for the control rods and all screw connections are not included in the FE-model. For the vessel 4-node structural elements are used. The element size is constant in tangential direction of the lower head but varies in radial direction to the wall, to be capable reproducing the expected high temperature and stress gradients. For modeling the liquid melt pool the same 4-node structural elements are used. The material data of the melt Fig. 6. Finite element model of the RPV with a melt pool. The line indicated with P defines a path trough the RPV wall, which is used to map results on it. M. Abendroth et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (2008) 627–635 are taken from Willschütz (2006), Willschütz et al. (2005a). The melt pool has different layers, each represented by different material data, to account for the inhomogeneous heat transfer inside the melt pool. During the solution the melt pool elements can change their material state depending on the temperature distribution in the pool. The melt pool elements are connected to the vessel via contact elements, which allow heat transfer from the melt to the vessel wall. Additionally, radiation elements are used to consider the heat radiation inside the vessel (see Fig. 7). The melting of the vessel wall is modelled within the temperature dependent material data. If an element reaches the material liquidus temperature, the strength properties are set to almost zero values and the thermal properties change to those of liquid metal. The external cooling is modeled by a temperature dependent heat transfer function at the outside of the vessel. Here, we use the Nukijama-curve (Nukijama, 1934), which characterizes the heat transfer from a heated horizontal plane to an upper water layer. The heat flux depends on the temperature difference between outer vessel surface and surrounding water. The water is assumed to have a temperature of 373 K. Since the elements (solid182) do not allow direct thermal–mechanical coupling, a sequentially coupled simulation is performed (Willschütz et al., 2006). The simulation is split up into predefined time steps. For each time step a transient thermal solution is obtained. The subsequent mechanical solution uses the spatial temperature field as a body load to compute the thermal strain field and the resulting stress field. The next time step starts with another thermal solution with the state at the end of the former time step as starting conditions. This time splitting is necessary to account for the deformation due to the thermal strains and the phase changes, which occur in the melt. The phase changes are modeled by switching between dif- 106 5 . q [W/m2] 10 4 10 103 I 102 0 10 II III 1 10 ΔT [K] IV 10 2 3 631 ferent material models. Table 1 shows the boundary and starting conditions for the simulation. 3.2. Axisymmetric model of the RPV with a circumferential crack A second axisymmetric model contains a circumferential crack at the most stressed location at the outside of the model (see Fig. 8). The solution strategy is the same as described in the subsection above. Additional postprocessing is done using the formulas from Sections 2.2 and 2.4 to compute the J-integral. 3.3. 3D submodel with a semi elliptical surface crack Since a circumferential crack as described in Section 3.2 is very unlikely, a three-dimensional submodel with a semi elliptical surface crack has been developed. The location of the submodel is indicated in Fig. 9. The displacements for the cut boundaries and the temperature field are taken Table 1 Initial and boundary conditions for the simulation Initial conditions for the thermal solution Homogeneous wall temperature Homogeneous melt temperature h0wall ¼ 600 K h0melt ¼ 3000 K Boundary conditions for the thermal solution Total heat generation in the melt at t = 0 Heat radiation emission coefficient Heat flux to external water (flooded) Heat convection to the containment (not flooded) q_ 0gen ¼ 1 MW=m3 e = 0.75 _ qðhÞ, Nukijama-curve a = 10 W/m2 K s Tbulk = 323 K Boundary conditions for the structural solution Temperature field Internal pressure External displacements (symmetry) hmech(x, t) = htherm(x, t) p = 2.5 MPa ux(x = 0) = 0 ANSYS 10.0 HFLU PLOT NO. 1 -460161 -409539 -358918 -308296 -257674 -207053 -156431 -105809 -55188 -4566 TEMP PLOT NO. 1 87.893 424.794 761.695 1099 1435 1772 2109 2446 2783 3120 10 Fig. 7. (left) Heat flux over temperature difference between vessel surface and surrounding water (Nukijama-curve (Nukijama, 1934)). I – convective boiling, II – stable, III – instable bubble boiling, IV – film boiling (pure radiation), (right) heat flux (arrows) and temperature distribution (colored contours) for the lower head of the RPV. 632 M. Abendroth et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (2008) 627–635 ANSYS 10.0 S1 PLOT NO. 1 -.710E+08 .947E+08 .260E+09 .426E+09 .592E+09 .757E+09 .923E+09 .109E+10 .125E+10 .142E+10 ANSYS 10.0 S1 PLOT NO. 1 -.710E+08 .947E+08 .260E+09 .426E+09 .592E+09 .757E+09 .923E+09 .109E+10 .125E+10 .142E+10 Fig. 8. Maximum principal stress (Pa) for the axisymmetric model of the RPV with an circumferential surface crack. Y Z X ANSYS 10.0 SEQV PLOT NO. 1 422193 .733E+08 .146E+09 .219E+09 .292E+09 .365E+09 .437E+09 .510E+09 .583E+09 .656E+09 ANSYS 10.0 TEMP PLOT NO. 1 452.771 755.019 1057 1360 1662 1964 2266 2569 2871 3173 Z Y X Fig. 9. (left) Temperature field for the 2D axisymmetric model and (right) 3D submodel with the semi elliptical surface crack and resulting equivalent stress (Pa) distribution. 4. Results 4.1. Axisymmetric model of the RPV without a crack 100 with flooding without flooding 90 remaining vessel wall thickness [%] from the solution of the model described in Section 3.1. Since the transient temperature field is already known from the axisymmetric solution, only the mechanical solution has to be obtained. The two methods described in the Section 2.3 and the 3D-integration from Section 2.4 are used to compute the J-integral along the three-dimensional crack front. 80 70 60 50 40 30 If an external flooding of the vessel can not be established, a large part of the inner wall of the lower head of the RPV will melt. The remaining wall thickness would be below 25% of the original thickness, as can bee seen in Fig. 10. The symbols in this plot indicate the time steps of the computation. The steps in the diagrams occur from the post processing. As remaining wall all elements are counted with a temperature below the material liquidus temperature. Each step corresponds to an element boundary. The remaining wall reaches temperatures where the material will creep rapidly and fail due to ductile rupture. The time to failure depends strongly on the material creep 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 time [hours] Fig. 10. Remaining RPV wall thickness for the cooled and the uncooled scenario without consideration of the mechanical response. properties as reported in Willschütz (2006), Willschütz et al. (2006). If a vessel flooding can be established, only 35% of the wall will melt (see Fig. 10). At the outside of the remaining wall the temperatures are below the creep temperature of M. Abendroth et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (2008) 627–635 wall surface and after 100 s (see Fig. 12) it reaches magnitudes above the critical JIc, which means that ductile crack growth will occur. However, the assumption of a circumferential crack is rather unrealistic. Therefore in the next subsection we assume a semi elliptical surface crack. 4.3. 3D submodel with a semi elliptical surface crack The crack considered here has a depth of a = 15 mm and a depth/width ratio of a/c = 0.3. Fig. 13 shows the equivalent stress around the crack front. As expected we find a stress concentration at the crack tip. Fig. 14 shows the J-integral values computed with the two methods outlined in Section 2.3. In general, we have a similar run of the curves as for the axisymmetric crack but the maximum values do not exceed the critical JIc value. The J-integral values increase for larger angular positions of u but do not vary much for angular positions of u > 30. The differences 500 400 J1 [N/mm] the material. The assumed inner pressure of 25 bar does not cause stresses above the ultimate tensile strength. For the given scenario a flooded vessel will not fail. In the following we concentrate on the cooled (flooded) scenario. The cooling water is assumed to surround the whole vessel from the beginning t = 0 s. A possible slow flooding with an in time increasing water level is not considered here. On the left side of Fig. 11 the temperature distribution through the vessel along the path P is plotted for different times. At the beginning the inner wall temperature is equal to the melt temperature and we see a very inhomogeneous temperature field and a temperature gradient decreasing in time. But if we concentrate on the outer surface (x = 149 mm), we find a temperature gradient rising with time, with its maximum around at 3600 s. This temperature gradient causes the large magnitudes of the hoop stress and ry stress (tangential to the RPV wall, in meridian direction) at the outside of the vessel, which is shown on the right side of Fig. 11. The complementary ry-compression stresses are found in the middle of the RPV wall. The value of these compression stresses decrease towards the inner wall surface, where the material looses its stress carrying capacity (strength) due to the high temperatures, which are close to or above the melting point of the RPV material. The largest stress values are found in a region where the vessel has a weld line, which are known as typical (or most likely) locations for cracks. Therefore, further investigations are necessary. 633 300 200 100 4.2. Axisymmetric model of the RPV with circumferential crack 0 0 The only additional information obtained from this model is the stress intensity at the crack tip. The crack depth is a = 15 mm. The computed J-integral values rise very steeply during the temperature drop down of the outer 3500 500 300 200 1500 2400 3000 3600 after 1 sec. after 10 sec. after 100 sec. after 158 sec. after 1000 sec. after 3600 sec. after 36000 sec. 400 2000 1800 Fig. 12. Value of the J-integral over time computed with the method of Shih et al. (1986) for the axisymmetric model containing the circumferential surface crack. y-stress [MPa] temperature [K] 2500 1200 t [sec] after 1 sec. after 10 sec. after 100 sec. after 1000 sec. after 3600 sec. after 36000 sec. 3000 600 100 0 -100 1000 -200 500 -300 0 -400 0 20 40 60 80 100 x-coord [mm] 120 140 16 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 x-coord [mm] Fig. 11. (left) Temperature profile through the RPV wall along the path P for different times and (right) ry – stress tangential to the RPV wall along the path P for different times. 634 M. Abendroth et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (2008) 627–635 ANSYS 10.0 SEQV PLOT NO. 1 .184E+09 .233E+09 .282E+09 .331E+09 .380E+09 .430E+09 .479E+09 .528E+09 .577E+09 .626E+09 Z ANSYS 10.0 SEQV PLOT NO. 1 .184E+09 .233E+09 .282E+09 .331E+09 .380E+09 .430E+09 .479E+09 .528E+09 .577E+09 .626E+09 Z Y Y X X 130 130 120 120 110 110 100 100 90 90 80 80 J1 [N/mm] J1 [N/mm] Fig. 13. Equivalent stress (Pa) distribution around the semi elliptical surface crack; (left) view onto the symmetry plane where the deepest point of the crack is u = 90 and (right) view onto the outer surface u = 0. 70 60 50 3.75 deg 18.75 deg 33.75 deg 48.75 deg 86.25 deg J1c 40 30 20 10 70 60 50 3.75 deg 18.75 deg 33.75 deg 48.75 deg 86.25 deg J1c 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 t [sec] 0 250 500 750 t [sec] 1000 1250 1500 Fig. 14. Value of the J-integral over time for different positions along the crack front of the semi elliptical surface crack; (left) computed with Eq. (9) and (right) computed with Eq. (10). See Fig. 15 for the definition of the angular position u. Fig. 15. Elliptical crack front with coordinate s(u) and definition of ~ q which is in plane with the crack faces and normal to the crack front. between the both J-integral computation methods can be neglected. 5. Discussion The crack propagation behavior in the lower head of an externally cooled RPV during a core melt down accident was evaluated by finite element analysis. The J-integral was calculated for a simplified 2D axisymmetric analysis and with two methods for 3D analysis. In the 2D calculation a crack over the whole perimeter is assumed, whereas in the 3D calculations a more realistic semi elliptical crack with an aspect ratio of a/c = 0.3 was used. Consequently, in the 2D calculation the radial displacements are much higher than in the 3D case, where the crack is stabilized by the surrounding material. Therefore, the crack opening in the 2D calculation is approximately 10 times of that in the 3D calculation. In conclusion the J-integral is considerably overestimated by the simplified 2D axisymmetric crack model. The J-values obtained from the 3D crack model are about 20% below the critical value of JIc = 122 N/mm for the RPV steel. For the calculated scenario the semi elliptical surface crack would not propagate. However, this result does not guarantee that the RPV will not fail in other in vessel retention (IVR) scenarios. One uncertainty is the ablation model of the RPV wall. In the presented investigation is was assumed that the wall M. Abendroth et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (2008) 627–635 elements are eroded at the melting temperature of the steel. However, the METCOR experiments (Bechta et al., 2006) have shown that the steel ablation at the interface between corium and vessel steel is not only a thermal phenomenon. Corrosion processes and the formation of eutectics lead to the erosion of the vessel steel at temperatures that are significantly lower than the melting temperature of steel. Therefore, the remaining wall thickness could be lower than in the presented analysis, which could lead to higher J-values for the assumed crack. References Amestoy, N., Bui, H., Labbens, R., 1987. 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