Uploaded by Alan Tran

UCI Vaping Lecture Notes: Dangers and Personal Experience

that come with it. I think the greatest takeaway is to not do drugs
While I was not friends with them, I used to be around a lot of people who vaped. I never once tried it because I knew the dangers
Opinion of Experience or what were the greatest take-aways from lecture
managed to come back from that and look good again
Final Approval
much older than his age, which allowed the ease of access. He got addicted fairly easily and this addiction led him to end up in the hospital. He
talked about how he lost a lot of weight and muscle, and he found it hard for him to function due to withdrawals. I found it inspiring that he
I remember my friends talking about the speaker and how he was extremely good-looking and muscular. When we first started listening to his
lecture, he started talking about the dangers of vaping. The most dangerous part of it seemed to be nicotine, a dangerous chemical stimulant
that is easy to get addicted to, which is also included in cigarettes. The speaker had a personal experience with vaping due to how he looked
Lecture Notes - Use back, if necessary
February 2020
Title of Lecture _________________________________________________________Name
of Speaker______________________Date_______________
4. If you find other sources please get prior approval before viewing.
3. Distinctive Voices at the Beckman Center of UCI offers a variety of free lectures in a wide variety of fields. It is highly encouraged that students attend at
least one live lecture. This venue is very nice as students can interact with the lectureres (there is always a nice dessert reception afterward too!) They also
have a youtube channel for past lectures.
2. We attend many lectures at UCI and various other venues. Please sign up for one!
1. Some teachers show taped lectures outside of the normal bell schedule (before or after school). If you are attending these lectures for extra credit then
you may NOT use the same lecture for your MERITS hours. A teacher signature is required as proof of attendance.
The lecture series provides an opportunity for students to attend/hear lectures given by scientists in a variety of fields. A total of 3 hours attendance of a
lecture series is required of MERITS students by their senior year.
Alan Tran
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