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Reading & Writing Skills: Patterns of Written Texts

Reading and Writing Skills
Quarter 1- Week 1
Grade/Score: __________________
Year and Section: ___________________________________
LEARNING COMPETENCY/IES: Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines
LEARNING OBJECTIVE/S: 1. Identify common patterns of development used in written works.
2. Differentiate patterns of written texts across disciplines.
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When writing, we use different strategies to develop ideas.
This paragraph follows a chronological order of writing. It uses transition words such as first, then, soon, after, suddenly,
etc., to maintain coherence and show movement. In telling a story, it employs action words like verbs and adverbs, and
phrases that signal time to make the text more engaging to the readers. Transitional devices include first, then, soon, after,
and suddenly.
Example: He came and delivered the speech. Then he left the arena right after the last line. His constituents followed him eventually.
In this pattern, transitional words are used to indicate location. Details referring to physical aspects like how the subject
looks, sounds, feels, smells, or even tastes like are the ingredients of this method development. Observations need to be
specific to encourage imaginative thinking. Transitional devices include sensory language.
Example: As the sun sets towards the western horizon, the sky portrays a perfect masterpiece. It is brimming with the colors
of the spectrum in shades of red and blue.
A paragraph using this pattern can develop texts in varied ways. A term is defined, its class, and its specific details. You
can define by characteristics, function, what it is not, and what it is similar to, such as origins or effect. It can be scientific
or subjective. Transitional devices include scientific/subjective.
Example: You say that someone is magniloquent when he uses extravagant words in writing.
This sort of text utilizes detailed illustrations for clarification. It can be in the form of a story, an anecdote, a quotation, or
a statistic. Transitional devices include words for illustration.
Example: It is very important to stay healthy. Eating the right food for your heart can help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Common examples of food that can keep your heart are black beans, salmon, tuna, fresh herbs, and the like.
Comparison and Contrast
A paragraph that shows comparison and contrast answers how the subjects are the same or not. Comparison examines how
subjects are similar, while contrast emphasizes how subjects are different. For comparison, it uses signal words like
similarly, in the same way, likewise, in like manner, in a similar fashion, etc. Contrast uses signal words such as yet,
nevertheless, nonetheless, after all, but though, otherwise, on the other hand, notwithstanding, etc.
Example: They say identical twins are similar in almost everything. However, this is not true. No one is truly the same. We
are designed to be unique in our way.
Cause and Effect
This technique explores why things happen and what happens as a result. Words that show effect are, for this reason, it
follows, as a result, as a consequence, thus, therefore, etc. Transitional devices include because, since, is due to, is caused
by, for this reason, it follows, as a result, and so.
Example: When water droplets join together, it becomes heavy. This is caused by the rise and cool of water vapor, which
forms clouds in the sky. As a result, there will be rain.
Process Analysis
It describes how things work, involving a series of steps in chronological ordering. Transitional expressions such as first,
second, then, and finally are used. Transitional devices include first, second, then, and finally.
Example: How can you develop yourself? First, you must learn good habits. Start by waking early in the morning to set the
mood of the day. Second, spend time in prayer and meditation. Third, establish discipline. Make a checklist of your goals.
You can even make a weekly plan. Lastly, monitor your growth. If you fail at some point, try to recover by focusing on
improving your weaknesses and building your strengths.
Division and Classification
A single subject is targeted and broken down into components. Items are being grouped into categories based on the features they
share. In division, a category is divided into subcategories, while in classification, the writer develops criteria in the subcategories
based on their relationship. The writer who uses this pattern must have a strong sense of purpose.
Example: There are various types of learners. They can usually be classified as either "The Average Joe," "The Slacker," or "The
Eager Beaver." Average Joe usually studies well for exams and shows up in class. On the other hand, the Slacker misses a class
and can be easily identified as always using headphones wherever he goes. On a different scale, the Eager Beaver comes to class,
nods his head, always in-class discussion, and stays after class.
A problem is being presented and a solution. Why it has become a problem is also discussed, leading to a conclusion highlighting
the connection between the problem and solution. Transitional devices include the answer, challenge, need, difficulty, dilemma,
enigma, improve, indicate, issue, plan a need, problem, propose, remedied, resolve, respond to, solve, and suggest.
Example: Poverty is a word to beat. The whole world thrives on getting rid of this seemingly irresistible dilemma. All around the
globe, the government, together with the private sectors and other agencies, unite to improve society's condition, most especially
the far-flung areas. Leaders from different countries gather in this weeklong forum to discuss resolutions and plans for action.
This method involves facts that make the paragraph more convincing. In giving illustrations, signal words are used, such as first,
next, last, etc. In answering oppositions, words such as, of course, some may say, nevertheless, and on the other hand. When you
draw generalizations, words like therefore, hence, consequently, and thus are used.
Example: Let us all get rid of apathy! First off, it is a poison to the soul. Also, it is not beneficial to relationships. Let us learn to
sympathize with others and love genuinely. Life is something to celebrate. Spend every day thinking about how you can help
those who are in need. Of course, you are a blessing!
ASSESSMENT Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer
1. Which of the following patterns uses action words that move the story?
A. Description
C. Narration
B. Exemplification
D. Process Analysis
2. As mentioned, the definition can be developed in several ways. Which one is NOT a method of definition?
A. by example
C. by its origins
B. by purpose
D. by what it is similar to
3. "I have been so good to my sister these days; ___________, she never tried to quarrel me. Choose the transitional device that best
matches this sentence.
A. however
C. otherwise
B. in like manner
D. though
4. "Although Instagram and Tumblr have significant similarities; they also have striking differences." Which pattern of development is
being used in this sentence?
A. Comparison and Contrast
C. Persuasion
B. Narration
D. Problem-Solution
5. Anica teaches her friend Carla, how to change her YouTube thumbnail. Which strategy is used in this situation?
A. Description
C. Persuasion
B. Exemplification
D. Process analysis
6. "Freedom is a concept that needs to be understood." Choose one pattern that best matches this sentence.
A. Definition
C. Exemplification
B. Description
D. Process Analysis
7. This pattern provides details on the idea by using a sensory or spatial pattern.
A. Definition B. Description C. Narration D. Persuasion
8. Choose one pattern from the choices that best match the thesis statement. "Teeth bleaching can be done in five simple steps."
A. Comparison and contrast
C. Persuasion
B. Narration
D. Process analysis
9. In developing this paragraph, the writer creates a general statement and a topic sentence with more examples.
A. Classification
C. Division
B. Description
D. Exemplification
10. It refers to words that send a signal to the readers, leading them to identify each development pattern.
A. Adverbs
C. Static words
B. Linking verbs
D. Transitional expressions
11. Which pattern of development involves specific observations?
A. Description
C. Narration
B. Exemplification D. Problem-solution
12. What is the main purpose of exemplification?
A. express ideas nicely
C. discuss an issue
B. provides clarification
D. offer solutions
13. Why is process analysis essential in developing ideas?
A. It discusses a series of steps and methods.
B. It is used in the decision-making process.
C. It helps determine any textual evidences.
D. It formulates conclusions to some things.
14. What is the difference between comparison and contrast?
A. Comparison utilizes illustration while contrast develops categories.
B. Comparison examines similarities while contrast emphasizes differences.
C. Comparison leads to conclusion while contrast involves facts and issues.
D. Comparison grouped categories while contrast explores new things.
15. What makes process analysis and persuasion similar?
A. It shows method, steps or procedures.
B. It does not use any transitional devices.
C. It utilizes detailed illustrations for clarification.
D. It refers to physical aspects and development.
Prepared by:
Rose Anne I. Capadeso
Teacher I