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Persuasive Appeals Worksheet: Logos, Ethos, Pathos

S e ll me
This Pen
f re e
A lesson in
Sell me this pen
A lesson in persuasive appeals
Writing/Speaking and Listening Guide
Created by Kelly Congrove
For All Day ELA Productions
©2016 All Day ELA. All rights reserved.
An individual classroom teacher who has purchased this Guide may
photocopy or print the materials in this publication for his/her classroom
use only. Use, storage, or reproduction by a part of or an entire school
system, by for-profit learning centers and like institutions, or for
commercial sale, is strictly prohibited. No part of this publication may be
posted, loaned, reproduced, transmitted, translated, or shared in any form
without the express written permission of the publisher. Created and
printed in the United States of America.
All Day E L A
Polished, practiced, and professional
©2016 All Day ELA Productions
Sell Me This Pen
Table of Contents
Sell Me This Pen
A Lesson in Persuasive Appeals
Writing/Speaking and Listening Guide
Rhetorical Appeals- Logos, Ethos, & Pathos..................................................4
Sell Me This Pen Worksheet.............................................................................5
All Day ELA Page...........................................................................................6
©2016 All Day ELA Productions
Sell Me This Pen
Rhetorical Appeals
Logos, Ethos, and Pathos
The goal of persuasive writing is to persuade to your
audience that your ideas are valid- or more valid than
someone else’s. Greek philosopher Aristotle divided the
art of persuasion into three appeals- Logos (Logical),
Ethos (Ethical), and Pathos (Emotional).
Logical: persuasion by the use of reasoning. The use
of logic to support a claim. Facts and statistics are used
to enhance a point. Giving reason is the heart of
persuasion, which could be why this was Aristotle’s
favorite appeal.
convincing by the character of the author. People tend to
believe people they respect. You need to convince the audience your
authority on the topic- Why should they believe YOU?
persuading by appealing to the reader’s emotions. The
emotional appeal can effectively be used to enhance a point. Use vivid
language, emotional language, and numerous sensory details.
The Commercial E f f e c t :
List commercials that reflect different appeals.
Logos Commercial:
Why is it logical?
Ethos Commercial:
Why is it ethical?
Pathos Commercial:
Why is it emotional?
©2016 All Day ELA Productions
Sell Me This Pen
Rhetorical Appeals
Sell me this pen
Directions: Try your best to sell the pen shown above. List three examples of the three
persuasive appeals and give reasoning that back your claims.
To sell my teacher this pen.
Logical Appeal:
Ethical Appeal:
Emotional Appeal:
©2016 All Day ELA Productions
Sell Me This Pen
All Day E L A
Polished, practiced, and professional
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All Day E L A Productions
©2016 All Day ELA Productions
Sell Me This Pen