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Paradigm Shift Ebook: Update Your Life

Update your programming, update your life
Dear reader
In this ebook you will discover the reason why we do the things
we do even though we don’t want to do them, why we don’t
do the things we actually want to do and how to change that.
You will also discover:
• What controls every move you make.
• What a paradigms is.
• What do paradigms do and affect.
• What the guiding force in your life is.
• Why you don’t get the results you want.
• What you need to do to change your results.
• Why so many people fail at reaching their goals.
• How to properly set a goal you really really want.
• How goals are achieved.
• Which mistake you should never ever make.
• What the five most common paradigms are that affect the
outcome of your life.
• How to determine what your paradigm is.
• How to change your paradigm.
• What role beliefs play.
Chapter 1
Paradigms – what are they? Is it a buzzword for the information age? It very well may be,
but it’s one you seriously need to consider. Because if you’re like most people, paradigms
are controlling everything you do.
Paradigms are a multitude of habits that guide every move you make. They affect the
way you eat, the way you walk, even the way you talk. They govern your communication,
your work habits, your successes and your failures.
For the most part, your paradigms didn’t originate with you. They’re the accumulated
inheritance of other people’s habits, opinions and belief systems. Yet they remain the
guiding force in YOUR life.
Negative and faulty paradigms are why ninety-some percent of the people keep getting
the same results, year in and year out.
What about you? Is success slipping through your fingers? Do you feel like you are doing
all the right things to achieve your goals and get to where you want to be in life, but still
can’t seem to get there? Do you see people with more money, more success, more
happiness than you have and think:
“What am I doing wrong?” I can tell you right now that the problem isn’t you. It’s your
If you want to change your results – really change them, forever – shifting your paradigms
is the only way to do it. When that shift happens, everything becomes different….just like
In order to replace an old paradigm that doesn’t serve you (i.e., “I’ve never been able to
make more than $ 40.000 a year), you must lay a new paradigm over that old one, ensuring
that it’s sealed from “leaking through” again. When you understand how to lay this floor, so
to speak, you will expose yourself to a brand new world of power, possibility and promise
Think of the areas in your life that money affects. Imagine shifting your paradigm there to
substantially increase your income before year’s end.
Or maybe you have difficulty meeting people. Altering that paradigm so that it’s easy and
enjoyable to meet people could have an incredible impact on your life.
These are just two examples of hundreds of paradigm shifts that could be done in your life
Remember: there will be no permanent change in your life until the paradigm has
been changed.
Choose one or two limiting ideas that are a part of your paradigm and replace them with
ideas that represent freedom to you. Consciously keep those new thoughts in your head, and
act as if those thoughts are already embedded in the foundation of your life.
Before you know it, your life will begin to change – dramatically!
People tend to underestimate the power of their paradigms.
They think using their willpower is enough to change habits they have had all of their life.
We see evidence of it all the time:
A man decides to get in shape. He forces himself to go to the gym five days a week, run three
miles on the weekend, and eat smaller portions. Then, his boss gives him a big project. He
immediately puts most of his attention into his work and stops going to the gym. He works
longer hours and soon starts eating a lot of junk food to reduce stress.
A woman wants to feel better about herself. She starts getting up early a few days a week to
read and do yoga. And she makes sure she looks good from head to toe each time she
leaves the house. She gives up after a couple of weeks because “it’s not working and she
has too many other things to do.”
To ignore the power of paradigms to influence your judgment is to put yourself at risk when
exploring the future. Your future will look much the same as the past until you understand the
power of your paradigms and what it takes to change them.
To get started, let’s look at what Buckminster Fuller said:
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new
model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
So, when it comes to paradigms, what is the existing model?
• It’s succumbing to the mental programming that you have inherited
• It’s allowing the power of your mind to use you instead of choosing to use it.
• It’s accepting superficial thought, which is trivial, commonplace, “outside in” thinking, as the
Here’s how you build a new model:
• Study the Great Laws of Life often, and make an effort each day to do some deep thinking,
which engages your higher faculties and is associated with the understanding of those
• Form a clear and definite idea (image) of what you want to be, do, and have, and hold that
image in your mind.
• Act as if you are already the person you want to be ( strive to be on the outside what you
want to be on the inside).
If we had been taught to develop our higher faculties in the first place (rather than letting our
physical sense control our thinking), we would understand how and why all things are
Choose one or two limiting ideas that are part of your paradigm and , through study , replace
them with ideas that represent freedom to you. Consciously keep these new ideas in your
mind, and act as if those ideas were already embedded in the foundation of your life.
Do that and you will build a new model that makes your existing paradigm (or part of it)
obsolete. And, before you know it, your life will begin to change – dramatically.
Chapter 2
What I’m about to say might surprise you…
If you set a goal PROPERLY, you WILL get what you want. Always
Regardless of your limiting paradigms.
The reason so many people fail at reaching their goals is they’re setting them the wrong
way. They’re not going after things that are more compelling than their paradigms.
Let me explain by way of an example and a definition that has stood the test of time.
Would you trade your life for a Ferrari?
Of course not.
What about a fabulous house? I doubt it.
I ask because we trade our lives for our goals. And most peoples goals aren’t even all that
exciting to them. They’re going after things they already know or think they can do.
Look at it this way…
In 1951, Earl Nightingale said, “Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”
Let’s take a closer look at what that really means…
Progressive is not up and down or back en forth. Progressive is continually moving in an
upward or forward direction. As long as you are going after a goal you don’t already know
how to achieve, you are progressing.
Now, realization means making something you’ve imagined real or a fact. And worthy means
valuable, commendable, or worthwhile.
That brings us to the last word in Earl’s powerful definition – ideal.
In the book As a Man Thinketh, James Allen said an ideal is an idea that we have fallen in
love with.
So another way of putting Earl’s definition is…
Success is continually moving toward making a worthwhile idea you’re in love with real, or a
That means you should set goals that you are in love with. Goals that inspire you. Goals that
bring the best of you to the surface.
That’s how you….
Make limiting paradigms a non-factor
I’d like for you to stop for a moment and take a look at what you do each day. Paradigms
generally control everything you do.
Well, I want to be in control of what I do, and I’m guessing you do too. So let’s break the grip
our limiting paradigms have on our lives.
Let’s begin by asking ourselves….
Why am I spending my days the way I do?
Answer: My paradigms.
How can I start doing exactly what I want to do with the one life I’ve got?
And the answer is…
Setting a goal you really, really want!
Because paradigms are the ONLY roadblocks between you and your goals, so you need
a goal that is bigger and more exiting than your paradigms.
How do you come up with a goal like that?
You use the three stages of creation: Fantasy, Theory, Fact.
Build a magnificent fantasy.
Everything in our manmade world started with a fantasy. From the clothes on your back to
your phone to Google, they all started as an idea in someone’s mind. So whether you want to
create a thriving business, build your dream home, or become a scratch golfer, start by
building a fantasy of what you want.
Take a weekend, go somewhere and sit under a tree. Ask yourself, “What do I really, really
want?” And let your mind go there.
Don’t try to figure anything out. It doesn’t matter what it costs. It doesn’t matter what
resources you need. Let your imagination run wild, with no restrictions.
I often ask people in their 60’s or 70’s what their goal is, and they’ll say they’re too old to set
I ask them what they would want to do if they were in their 30’s, and then tell them that’s the
goal they need to set.
That’s because age, gender, money and resources have absolutely nothing to do with this.
And you want to know something else? What you have done in the past has nothing to do
with it either.
I’m talking about setting a goal you REALLY want, and
then I’m going to show you how to get the paradigms out
of the way.
Two questions you must answer before moving on.
Now that you have your fantasy, you must turn it into theory.
In this context, a theory is an idea you’re starting to give serious thought to. It’s consciously
thinking about your fantasy – what it would be like to be, do or have it.
However, before you can turn your theory into a goal, you have to answer two questions:
1. Am I able to do this?
2. Am I willing to do this?
The answer to the first question is always yes, because according to science and theology,
You and I have infinite potential. No one, not even the most erudite scientist alive, knows the
limits of what we’re capable of.
So it’s the second question that can really hang you up…
You have to decide if you are willing to do what it takes to achieve your fantasy. Are you
willing to give up some of the things you like to do? Are you willing to feel uncomfortable or
experience pain? Are you willing to pay the price?
When you answer yes to both questions, your theory immediately turns into a goal. Your next
step is to internalize it – let it move into your subconscious mind by adding emotion to it.
The moment you internalize it, by Law, the goal begins to move into form. It’s called the
Transmutation of Energy.
You see, when energy flows into your consciousness, it has no form. However, you give it
form by building the image of what you want in your mind. When you internalize the image, it
alters your vibration, which causes you to act differently. It also sets up an attractive force that
brings to you EVERYTHING you need – people, money, resources, everything you need – to
manifest the goal.
And once your goal moves into form, it becomes a fact. A realization.
How goals are achieved – 1,2,3
Let’s summarize how you achieve a goal that overrides your paradigm:
1. Create a fantasy
2. Turn it into a theory, and decide if you are ale and willing to do it.
3. Internalize the idea until it moves into form.
And what have you given up in the progress?
Your old paradigm!
You see, when you got emotionally involved with (internalize) the new image, you replaced
the old paradigm with your image and it becomes the new paradigm.
Never, ever make this mistake…
When you’re about to achieve your goal, there’s one more thing you should absolutely do…
Set another goal!
Many people get so jazzed up by reaching their goal that they don’t set another one.
Don’t do that! You should ALWAYS have a goal. Something that, as Bob would like to say,
really winds your stem.
Because that’s how you continue to grow. And it’s how your life, and the lives of everyone
around you, keep getting better and better and better.
Chapter 3
I have a paradigm.
So do you.
To continue to grow, though, we must lead ourselves outside of our paradigms
The following are five common, but often subtle, paradigms that affect the outcome of our
lives. Take a look to see which ones might be shaping your life.
Paradigm 1: Everything is fine.
Life isn’t a struggle, but it’s not anything to write home about either. You’ve accepted that this
is the best you’re going to get in life. Maybe because you’ve settled or you feel you don’t
deserve more.
Or perhaps you just haven’t invested the time to think about what you truly want. Without a
goal to pull you forward, you’ve resigned yourself to the status quo.
This paradigm is pervasive; however, it is subtly different for everyone. So don’t automatically
push it aside if, at first blush, you don’t think it applies to you. Sit with it for a while to see if
anything comes up.
Here’s a Breakthrough Perspective: I am happy, but not satisfied.
Just like a seed in the ground wants more sunlight, nutrients and water, we all have a natural
desire to grow and evolve.
The law of our being is to know more, to do more and to be more. Each time we achieve
something another desire for even greater good develops naturally – if we allow it to.
As you’ll see in just a minute, adopting a new perspective is about telling your truth. In this
case, it’s acknowledging that you’re actually not satisfied with “good enough.” You want an
extraordinary life; you want more for yourself and the world.
Paradigm 2: I’ve reached my income limit.
You reached a particular financial position and no matter how hard you work or what you do,
your income pretty much stays the same. You feel stuck and can’t figure out how to get over
this financial hurdle.
Here’s a Breakthrough Perspective: I am excited about my financial future.
You can earn more money than you’ve earned or ever dreamed of. However, you can’t do it
by talking about it, thinking or feeling there’s a ceiling on your income.
Dwelling on your stagnated income only brings more stagnation. The Universe responds to
what you believe.
Increased income can only come from right and positive thinking, and well conceived and
properly executed plans.
Start by getting a sheet of paper and writing down all the negative beliefs you have about
money and your ability to earn more of it. Then, let those beliefs go by shredding or burning
the paper.
Re-direct your mind to develop a prosperity consciousness, and the money you desire will be
Paradigm 3: My best days are behind me.
Many people, particularly in their 40’s and beyond, feel they’ve already accomplished what
they can, and there is not enough time left for them to start a new career, relationship,
improve their health, or accumulate money.
This belief system will hit home for you if, on some level, you have given up on your goals.
You may have a “why bother” kind of attitude.
Here’s a Breakthrough Perspective: My best years are yet to come.
In The 100- Year Lifestyle, Dr. Eric Plasker says that your body has the hardware to live 100
years and beyond.
If you knew you would live to 100, how would you change your life? Would you still feel
you’ve accomplished everything you can?
Our lifespan is increasing all the time. Expect to be prosperous, happy and healthy for 100
years and beyond. Adopting this new perspective does nothing but good for your life today
and in the years to come.
Bob Proctor is nearly 86 years old, and he has huge goals and more energy than many 30year-olds.
And he doe’sn’t plan to slow down anytime soon.
So if you feel like your best days are behind you, stop wasting your life and get back in the
game. Get ready for your next big thing!
Paradigm 4: I am unlovable.
You feel lonely and believe you’ll never find a loving partner. You might think that if you had
someone who loved you, your life would be a lot better.
Or maybe you’re very outgoing and have a great sense of humor, but inside you’re sad
and lonely because you secretly feel you’re unlovable. You might go in and out of
relationships because you often settle for the first person who shows interest.
Perhaps you believe you’re unlovable because you are overweight, and the number on the
scale determines your value as a human being. You might think nobody wants to be
burdened by someone with your size.
Here’s a Breakthrough Perspective: I love myself, and that love comes back to me
You have the freedom to feel any way you want about yourself. So why do you want to belittle
If you feel unlovable in any way, create a new image of yourself and become emotionally
involved with that image by, as often as possible, thinking and FEELING what it would be like
to be that person.
Your subconscious mind can’t distinguish between what’s real and what’s imaginary, so get
very clear about the image you want of yourself.
As you go through your day focus only on what you want (love, happiness, health). Also,
develop a new way of speaking to yourself and others. Otherwise, you will sabotage yourself
with negative self-image dialogue.
Paradigm 5: I need the world’s approval.
Whenever you want to do something new, you look outside of yourself for validation.
You seek approval, appreciation, acknowledgement and guidance from your employer, coworkers, friends, clients or parents. Or you look at conditions and circumstances to prove that
you’re on the right path.
This paradigm is often hard to see because most of us naturally sell our abilities short. Take
an honest look at your life to see if you need outside approval before going for goals or taking
on new things.
Here’s a Breakthrough Perspective: Spirit guides me at all times.
Religious texts tell us that we were created in God’s image, and we are “a little lower than the
So if you think your desires aren’t important, or you have an image in your mind of yourself
as doomed to fail, that’s a false idea and you must let it go.
When you have a strong desire to do, create or express something, that longing is divine
discontent. It’s Spirit calling you. And if you answer the call, you will be guided and assured of
What happens when you change your perspective?
What do you see when you look at the illustration on the right?
At first you might see a young lady. However, if you shift your perspective, you’ll see an old
Whatever you perceive to be true about the illustration (i.e., it’s a young lady or an old
woman) affects how you think, feel and respond to it.
That’s the power of accepting a new perspective of your paradigm.
Chapter 4
Did you know that, despite their best efforts, more than 90 percent of the population keeps
getting the same results, year in and year out? This is as true for students in school as it is for
people in business.
If there is an improvement, it’s typically minimal – not nearly enough to make a substantial
difference in their lifestyle.
What’s holding these hard-working people back?
One thing - their paradigms.
What is a paradigm?
A paradigm can be likened to a program that has been installed in your subconscious mind. It
is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over your habitual behavior.
When you think about it, virtually ALL of your behavior is habitual. When you get up in the
morning and go to bed at night, you follow a routine. And the way you eat, exercise, work,
relax and the time you wake up and go to sleep are all habits.
Now let’s look at some other aspects of your life that your paradigm has enormous influence
over. It controls your…
-Use of time
-Ability to earn money
The paradigm puts a box around each and everyone of those areas, and no matter how hard
you try, you can’t knock down the walls until you change the mental program.
How is it formed?
Although everyone has a paradigm, most of us don’t create it ourselves. We inherited it
through our genetic and environmental conditioning.
You were programmed, for example, by your parent’s and ancestor’s DNA, as well as many
of their beliefs – going back for generations.
And that’s not all…
Pretty much everything you were exposed to as a young child also became part of your
You see, when you were a child, whatever happened around you went right into your
subconscious mind because you had no ability to reject anything. Any ideas that you were
exposed to over and over again were like seeds being planted in fertile soil. They took root
and became part of the paradigm that controls every aspect of your life.
Now here’s the kicker…
We’re not taught about paradigms in school. So here we are, 20… 30… 40… 60 years later
living the same way we were programmed as little kids.
How to determine what your paradigm is.
The best way to identify your paradigm is to look at your current results. So I encourage you
to take a few moments to picture your life and consider the following questions…
• Does your day begin with purpose and gratitude?
• Do you move through your day with laser focus or are you easily distracted, unable to finish
• What’s the most money you have ever made in a year?
• Are you living the way you really want to live? If not, why not?
Answering these and similar questions will help you zero in on your paradigm, and identify
what’s controlling the results you are getting in your life.
How do you change a paradigm?
You can’t change your paradigm with self-will alone. In fact, there are only two ways to do it.
One is an emotional; impact. That is when something hits you so hard that your life will never
be the same. It’s usually of a negative nature, but it can also be something that is positive.
The second way is to change the paradigm the same way it was formed – through repetition
of ideas. It is exposing yourself to a new idea over and over again with the goal of replacing
an old belief(s) that is in your subconscious mind.
To get started, consciously choose a new belief that is aligned with the results you want and
the habits that will lead you to those results. Then impress that idea – by focusing on it,
visualizing it and repeating it with feeling – on your subconscious mind repetitively.
You must also consciously and deliberately replace “bad” habits with good habits. Otherwise,
you might form another bad habit to take the old habit’s place.
This information will delight you.
Changing just a small part of the old paradigm can make an enormous difference in the
results you enjoy in every area of your life.
But, make no mistake. You cannot change your life permanently until you change your
Regardless of how many times you have tried before, you CAN get far better results in your
life. However, it’s tough to do without professional help. If you’d like to turn your deepest
desires into lasting results, let us help you. It’s what we do best.
A paradigm doesn’t change by itself. You have to change it.
But where do you start?
It has often been said that whatever you believe, you are. So it will be well worth your time to
start becoming aware of and then examining your beliefs.
Think about this. Whatever you are in your life is a reflection of what you believe to be
possible for you in this world. So if you’re not upgrading your beliefs to match your current
and future goals, you’re going to remain stuck where you are.
Static beliefs make life’s journey far less fulfilling. Deepak Chopra says static belief is like a
microchip sending out the same signal over and over because that is how it was
programmed. The process is automatic. But, you always have the option of unplugging the
chip and changing the program.
So, as Bob suggests, start asking yourself some serious questions about your beliefs so you
can move toward your higher self.
How to change a belief.
To get started, think about what you believe about people who are your age, your gender, and
in your family. Consider if you believe your best days are ahead of you and how much money
you really believe you can make a year.
Where did those beliefs come from? Whop originated them? Is there any foundation for
Now, take one of the negative beliefs you identified, such as ‘When you reach my age, your
health starts to decline’, and write down what you’d like to believe. The new belief might be ‘I
will be vibrant and healthy until the day I die’.
What would it take to make this belief part of who you really are?
Start by creating an affirmation such as “I am so happy and grateful now that perfect health is
my divine right and I claim it now”. Repeat the affirmation frequently, getting emotionallyinvolved with the idea.
Then, when you find yourself feeling afraid of ill health, pause for a moment and ask yourself
this question: What feeling do I actually want?
No one would say they want to feel scared or hopeless. Yet, because of their paradigm, they
continue to inflict it over and over again.
But with awareness and repeated effort, you can begin to phase out those feelings – and the
belief that you’ll get sick – by telling yourself , “I don’t want to feel scared and helpless about
aging and my health. It is not doing me any good”. Then affirm what you do want, “I am so
happy and grateful now that perfect health is my divine right and I claim it now”. And take
action to reinforce the belief. Meditate and read something that promotes healthy aging , or
eat healthy food. Every time you remind yourself that sickness and disease do not have to be
part of your reality, you will be reinforcing your new belief. You are activating the new belief’s
power by engaging it with your positive emotions and behaviors.
Expectation creates a new reality.
Each of your beliefs is influenced by a bunch of different life experiences – good and bad.
When you take charge and start to build positive beliefs, you have the power to shift your
For example, when he was a broke aspiring actor, Jim Carrey would drive up Mullholland
Drive – home to some of the most exclusive and expensive homes in the world, park his car,
and say to himself, “I already have all of this. I just haven’t accessed it yet”.
He even wrote a check for ten million dollars for acting services rendered. He worked hard at
his craft, and not too many years later, he was actually paid ten million dollars for one of his
early movie roles.
Jim Carrey’s belief helped him move in the direction of his greatest dreams. And when you
begin to change your paradigm by choosing new beliefs, so will yours.
If you want similar results in your life, whether it is in the area of happiness, health, love,
wealth or any other area of your life, I strongly suggest you start by shifting your paradigms.
There is a seminar called the Paradigm Shift Seminar, it is NOT a motivational speaking
event. This is a Teaching Seminar where you will learn how to identify and shift your
paradigms in order to live a more productive and fulfilling life.
Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher will cover the depths of paradigms and how YOU can have
YOUR paradigm shift over the course of this two and a half day seminar.
You can attend this seminar in person or LIVESTREAM it to your personal computer, your
laptop, tablet or smart phone anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet
If you can’t make it on these dates don’t worry, when you register you also get access to the
14 day replay afterwards. This way you can still watch this magnificent teaching seminar from
anywhere in the world on the device you choose for 14 days.
You can then still benefit from the great information, extra bonuses and teaching you will
receive from this life changing event.
To read more about this empowering event simply click this link.