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Cybercrime Worksheet: Viruses, Hacking, and Laws

NAME_______ SECTION:____001__________
Activity #2
“Criminals in Cyberspace”
Video Questions
Write complete sentences for credit!
1. What is “Michelangelo”? ANS/ Where did it hit the hardest? It is a nickname for a computer virus. It is
described as a lowdown work of sabotage that could potentially wreck millions of computer programs and
is considered a threat all around the world region. Was found to hit hard in South Africa.
2. What was the Hitachi/Mitsubishi scandal mentioned in the video? ANS/ 13 employees of Hitachi and five
of Mistsubishi two of Japan’s biggest electronics firms. It was apparent computer crime was part of
growing trend. The FBI calling this one possibly the biggest case of industrial espionage in history, but
Japanese calling it a piece of political provocation Iaced with entrapment. Federal prosecutors say these
tapes show to Hitachi executives buying stolen Ibm computer parts and programs to keep their company
3. Who is Markus Hess? ANS/ A German hacker and computer programmer whose age mentioned in video to
be 28-years-old. Why was he significant? ANS/ He managed to hack into networks of military and
industrial computers based in the United States, Europe and East Asia, and sold the information to Soviet
KGB. His record shows the numbers of the U.S. military computers that he hacked into which equals to 400
4. What on the black market was more valuable than drugs? ANS/ Computer Chips found to be the biggest
hit during this time. Chips were targeted in big numbers. One of the most lucrative markets for stolen
chips is in Asia, in places like Hong Kong or Taiwan.
5. Who is David Lamacchia? ANS/ He is a junior at MIT and a computer whiz. LaMacchia used computers to
set up his own electronic bulletin board, where computers users pass messages. The government claims at
the time he allowed copies of $1 million worth of commercial software programs to be put on his bulletin
board where they could be copied for free. A process best described as burglarizing a software storoe and
then inviting everybody else in it.
6. What went wrong with the release of the DeScribe software program? ANS/ James Lennane found out
that the software program was hacked after he had received a phone call from a customer advising him
that the software is available worldwide on the internet, free of charge to anyone who wanted it. The
software was hacked by hackers, and as mentioned it was no way for it to be recovered.
7. What is the estimated loss from stolen Intellectual Property each year? ANS/ The total lost amount was
found to be approximately between $5 to $25 billion a year from the software industry alone.
8. What happened to the National Weather Service? ANS/ Over couple of months, using the internet, hackers
have managed to penetrate the US National Weather Service. The circumstances would’ve been disastrous
if it weren’t for the service’s backup system
9. What is “Innocent Images”? ANS/ It is described to be major investigation of computer kiddie porn which
was launched by the FBI following to the 10-year-old junior case. This launch led to at least 12 arrests and
raids on more than 120 homes nationwide.
10. What is the Communication Decency Act? ANS/ What year was it implemented? It was the first notable
attempt by the United States Congress to regulate pornographic material on the Internet. It was
implemented in 1996. Making it illegal to transmit so-called indecent material over the internet.
By submitting this assignment, I certify I have abided by all requirements of the GMU honor code. I certify that this is entirely my own work, no
unauthorized sources have been used, and all sources used have been properly cited.
NAME_______ SECTION:____001__________
Activity #2
11. Why did computer investigations start out as a federal duty? ANS/
12. What is CERT? What does it do? ANS/ Computer Emergency Response Team, it was founded by the US
government. It’s task is to help prevent break-ins on the internet by advising how to block them. And it’s a
taught job, where now it’s managed by Dain Gary.
13. Who is in charge of the internet? ANS/ There is no one known to be in charge of the internet.
14. What is the Information Warfare Center? ANS/ The capability to shut down entire nation-states, societies,
and economies, and it can inflict a new form of mass destruction
15. What computer related laws were added in 1996? ANS/ In fall of 1996 Congress acted to strengthen
federal laws governing computer crime, imposing criminal penalties for economic espionage and adding
electronic blackmail and other crimes to federal computer crime laws.
By submitting this assignment, I certify I have abided by all requirements of the GMU honor code. I certify that this is entirely my own work, no
unauthorized sources have been used, and all sources used have been properly cited.