WORK ETHIC CAMP NEBRAEKN PROCEDURE USE OF PERMANENT LOGS AND INSTITUTIONAL INSPECTIONS Good Life, Great Mission NUMBER 203.O1.O19 REVISION DATE DEPT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES May31,2022 PAGE IofS STATEMENT OF AVAILABILITY Official Distribution EFFECTIVE REVISED: REVISED: REVISED: REVISED: REVISED: REVISED: REVIEWED: REVISED: REVISED: REVIEWED REVISED: May 24,2002 October 25,2013 November 24,2014 September 30, 2015 September 30, 2016 December 31, 2016 September 30,2017 September 30, 2018 December 31,2019 July 31 ,2020 March 1,2021 May 31 ,2022 SUMMARY OF REVISION/REVIEW Changed Shift Supervisor Pass-On Log to Master Log and Master Log to Central Control Log throughout. APPROVED PAMELA MO , WARDEN WORK ETHIC CAMP WORK ETHIC CAMP NEBRAEKA PROCEDURE USE OF PERMANENT LOGS AND INSTITUTIONAL INSPECTIONS Good Life. Great Mission DEPT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES REVISION DATE NUMBER PAGE May31,2022 203.01.Or9 2of I STATEM ENT OF AVAILABI LITY Official Distribution PURPOSE To establish the use of permanent logs and to provide a comprehensive and formalized plan for security inspections which will cover every part of the Work Ethic Camp (WEC) at least once weekly, and in some areas, daily. POLICY Systematic security inspections of all areas of the facility and the recording of routine, emergency, and unusual incidents in shift reports and logs are integral parts of an effective security program. To achieve this, line supervisory team member patrols all areas of the facility daily, including holidays, and weekends, and submit daily wriften reports to the Shift Supervisors and the Security Administrator. All security devices are inspected at least weekly, and written reports of any security devices needing repair or maintenance are submitted. APPL!CABILITY This Procedure is applicable to all divisions/departments/offices and will be maintained by the Security Administrator. PROCEDURE \-/ LOGS All logs are official documents. Logs shall be maintained that record emergency situations, unusual incidents, changes in offender/inmate count, and other pertinent information. These logs shall be considered confidential, and no offender will be permitted to read any institutional log or have access to any electronic log. Occasionally, entries may need to be made out of chronological order due to oversights or emergency situations. Such entries must be annotated as "late entries". Logbooks shall be maintained in the following areas: Shift Supervisor's Office, Central Control, and Housing Unit Workstation. Completed logbooks shall be turned into the Security Administrator's office and shall be retained as directed by the Forms Retention Committee. Logbooks will be controlled and utilized in the following manner: A. Shift Supervisor Master Log This log shall be, updated and maintained by Shift Supervisors and the Security Administrator. The door to the Shift Supervisor's Office shall be shut and locked if supervisors are not present in the office. All important information shall be communicated to the Shift Supervisor in the Shift Supervisor's office, for entry into the Shift Supervisor Master Log. 1 Each Shift Supervisor is responsible for making the appropriate log entries. This responsibility shall not be delegated. The logbook is an official document. Logbooks may be used as evidence during court proceedings and, therefore, should be thorough and complete. All entries shall include date and signature of the person making the entry. lf errors are made on any entry, single line crossing out the error with initials. Correction then logged. At no time shall any entries in a logbook be altered. The Shift Supervisor Master Log shall contain, but is not limited to, the following: a b Any changes in policies, orders, or regulations occurring during that particular shift. Any changes in inmate's behavior. \./ WORK ETHIC CAMP NEBRASKA Good Life. Great Mission DEPT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES PROCEDURE USE OF PERMANENT LOGS AND INSTITUTIONAL INSPECTIONS NUMBER 203.Or.O19 REVISION DATE May31,20.22 PAGE 3of8 STATEMENT OF AVAILABILITY Official Distribution c d. e. f. g. h. 2. Emergencies, serious incidents, and/or anything that happens that is out of the ordinary or unusual (including problems involving security equipment, operations, or physical plant). Any upcoming events. Any admissions or discharges from the McCook Community Hospital. Anything that would be of special interest to the other Shifts. Any new admissions from the Court. Any other information pertinent to the operation of the facility. Examples of information that must be logged without fail include, but are not limited to: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. Fights. Assaults. Arson. Serious incidents between inmates and team members. Use of Force actions. Escapes and escape attemPts. Medicalemergencies. Suicides or suicide attemPts. Lost or missing keys, tools, or security equipment. Lighting checks (quarterlY). Fires and fire alarms. Group or gang activity by inmate. Discovery of significant contraband. Any suspected or rumored disruptive actions by inmate(s). Severe weather. Work stoppages or sit-downs. Riots or mutinies. Bomb threats. Severe property damage. PREA reports/notifications. 3 Shift Supervisors shalltake special care to ensure that all shift log entries are complete. When making shift logbook entries, Supervisors shall also avoid references to reports such as, "see incident report", or "see accident report". Entries must contain enough information that reading other reports is unnecessary. 4. All reports, logs, records, forms, and official documents of any kind, if not electronic, must be typewritten or made out in permanent black or blue ink. Pencil entries or erasable ink entries ire not permissible except where otherwise directed by the appropriate authorities. Shift Supervisors shall ensure that all such documents prepared by them, or prepared by team members under their supervision, conform to this rule. WORK ETHIC CAMP NEBRASKA PROCEDURE USE OF PERMANENT LOGS AND INSTITUTIONAL INSPECTIONS Good Life. Great Mission NUMBER 203.OI.O19 REVISION DATE DEPT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES May31,2022 PAGE 4otB STATEMENT OF AVAILABILITY Official Distribution B. CentralControl Logbook 1 2. A Central Control Logbook shall be maintained at the Central Control. All entries shall be dated and contain the signature by the person making the entry. This Log is a permanent record of facility activity and significant events. Central Control Logbook entries shall contain the following information: a. b. c. d. e. 3. The following information shall be logged on the log at the Central Control a. b. c. d. e. t. g. h. i. j. k. t. m n. o. p. q. C. Date. Time. Remarks. Count total of inmates at WEC. Name of team member logging the entry The Central Control Officer shall log on duty. The time and inmate/inmate total count shall be logged when formal counts are cleared. Also, that the Radio Call Sign was ERT (Emergency Response Team) calls shall be logged. used. \./ Alltransfers shall be logged. All admissions shall be logged. Alldischarges shall be logged. Alltravelorders shall be logged. Allemergencies shall be logged. Fire alarms shall be logged. i. ii. iii. Time of alarm. Time alarm silenced. Time alarm cleared. Emergency lighting checks shall be logged. Emergency generator checks shall be logged. All visitor tours shall be logged. Any approved, non-team member entries into the CentralControl shall be logged (i.e., maintenance, repairs, etc. ) All Community Hospital Officer call-ins shall be logged. State vehicles check in/check out. Emergency crews entering the facility. Severe Weather Housing Unit Log The Housing Unit logs shall contain information regarding inmate behavior and unit operation. This log will be updated and maintained by the Housing Unit Corporals. The log will be kept in the Housing Unit Workstation. The Workstation shall be locked at all times. \-/ WORK ETHIC CAMP NEBRNSKA PROCEDURE USE OF PERMANENT LOGS AND INSTITUTIONAL INSPECT!ONS Good Life. Great Mission DEPT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES REVISION DATE NUMBER PAGE May31,20.22 203.Or.Or9 5of8 STATEMENT OF AVAILABILITY Official Distribution Housing Unit Logs shallcontain: 1. 2. Any changes in policies, orders or regulations occurring during a shift. Emergency or serious incidents, such as: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. D. Changes in inmate behavior. Serious incidents between inmates, or inmates and team members. medical emergencies. Current count information (i.e., admissions and discharges to/from unit and internal changes in living location) Problems involving operations or physical plant (i.e., laundry, sanitation, noise level warnings). Problems with security equipment. Any other information pertinent to the Housing Unit, including Housing Unit Team members on duty. Supervisory Review of Logbooks The Shift Supervisor shall review all logbooks once per shift. The Shift Supervisor shall document this review in the logbooks to include his/her name, ranUtitle, date and time of the review. This entry shall be made in Red ink. II. INSPECTIONS Visual inspections are used where lighting is adequate to check for safety, sanitation, and security within the WEC. Team members shall be alert and check for the following: . o o o o r o Any evidence of tampering or weakness. Cluttered and dirty areas. Unaccounted for and/or unmarked tools in any area. Fire/Safety hazards. Unlocked or open doors. Escapeparaphernalia. Mechanical or security devices which are broken or malfunctioning. Flashlights shall be used for inspections of areas such as plumbing tunnels, or other darkened areas Flashlights should also be used by team members on the Third Shift. A. lnspection Of lnmate Living Quarters 1 lnspection of all inmates living quarters shall be made daily. Team members who are performing the inspections will utilize the Spot lnspection Sheets (Attachments 1), and these inspection sheets will be turned in to the Security Administrator/designee. lnmates who have received a "Poor" rating for sanitation three times may be referred to the IDC or UDC. WORK ETHIC CAMP NEBRATKA PROCEDURE USE OF PERMANENT LOGS AND INSTITUTIONAL !NSPECT!ONS Good Life, Great Mission NUMBER 203.Or.O19 REVISION DATE DEPT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES May31,20.22 PAGE 6of8 STATEMENT OF AVAILABILIW Official Distribution B. Administrative Weekly lnspections The Warden, Assistant Warden, Security Administrator, and Unit Manager shall make a general inspection of the facility. These Administrators must tour the facility weekly and sign the Logs in the following areas: 1. CentralControl 2. 3. Kitchen/Dining Hall Admissions Medical/Programs Workstation Warehouse/Laundry Maintenance Northeast Sally port 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Any discrepancies noted during the tour shall be immediately reported to the team member in charge of the area for correction. C. \-/ Security Device lnspection The Security Administrator/designee shall inspect all security devices weekly and document the inspection on a Weekly Security Device lnspection Check Sheet (Attachment 2). This inspector shall report in writing all items and equipment needing repair. Any hazards deemed to be of an emergency nature by the lnspector, or Shift Supervisor, shall be immediately corrected. The lnspector shall ensure any major hazards reported are corrected immediately. lnspection Forms shall be retained as required by the Forms Retention Committee. D. lnspection of Areas Outside the Living Units All areas of the WEC must be subject to regular and random inspections. Frequently, contraband (i.e., weapons, tools, ingredients for making alcoholic beverages, drugs, and escape equipment) are found in areas other than Housing Units. All areas of the facility shall be inspected daily. 1 The Housing Unit, Rover and Yard Corporal shall check the areas listed on the appropriate Corporal Check List (Attachment Supervisor/Lieutenant for review. 3). This report shall be forwarded to the Shift 2 Shift Supervisors shall check the areas listed on the appropriate Shift Supervisor Daily Facility lnspection Check Sheet (Attachment 4). These reports shall be forwarded to the Security Administrator for review. 3 Selected team members shall be responsible for making weekly inspections of designated areas of the facility and grounds. The Weekly Safety, Sanitation and Maintenance Evaluation form (Attachment 5) shall be used to report any problems. This report shall be forwarded to the Supervisor of the effected area for corrective action. The area supervisor will note corrective actions taken on the report and forward SpecialisUFacility Maintenance Leader. it to the Safety and Sanitation \-/' WORK ETHIC CAMP NEBRASKA PROCEDURE USE OF PERMANENT LOGS AND INSTITUTIONAL !NSPECTIONS Good Life. Great Mission NUMBER 203.Or.O19 REVISION DATE DEPT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES May3l,2O22 PAGE TotB STATEMENT OF AVAILABILITY Official Distribution 4. Lighting inspections shall be performed by the Security Administrator /designee. The Security Administrator shall initiate corrective action. A copy of all lighting and emergency lighting inspections shall be forwarded to the Maintenance Department. 5. Daily Check Lists shall be completed by each team member upon assuming his/her post. These logs shall be maintained on a daily basis. ln addition to the documenting the Officers' inspections for safety, sanitations, inmate count, security, water leaks, fire hazards, etc., they shall serve as documentation of a count of all keys, and that the team member has read and understood all Post Orders. Presently, two (2) forms serve as Daily Post lnspections, they are: a. b. 6. III. Daily Central Control Check List (Attachment 6). Corporal Checklist (Attachment 3). First and Second Shift team members will complete a Weekly Search Roster (Attachment 7). Third shift team members shall complete a Third Shift Weekly Search Roster (Attachment 8) when common areas of the facility are searched. These areas include, but are not limited to, classrooms, warehouse, kitchen, restrooms, Admissions, and mechanical rooms. PERIMETER INSPECTIONS A. At least once per shift, designated team member shall inspect the perimeter of the facility. This inspection shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Perimeter fence (including razor wire and painted fence ties). 2. All gates and locks. 3. All exterior windows and doors. 4. Access covers 5. North and West parking lot, to include ensuring allvehicles are secured. 6. Ensuring all lights are operational (during hours of darkness). 7. B Building exterior. REFERENCES l. STATUTORY REFERENCES: None stated. II. POLICY: A. Policy 203.01, Security and Control. WORK ETHIC CAMP NEBRASKA Good Life Great Mission DEPT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES PROCEDURE USE OF PERMANENT LOGS AND INSTITUTIONAL INSPECTIONS REVISION DATE NUMBER PAGE May31,2o22 203.01.OI9 8of8 STATEM ENT OF AVAI LABI L!ry Official Distribution ilt. ATTACHMENTS: A. B C. D. E. F. G. H. IV Spot lnspections Dorms (Attachment 1). Weekly Security Device lnspection Check List (Attachment 2). Corporal Check List (Attachment 3). Shift Supervisor Daily Facility lnspection Check Sheet (Attachment 4). Weekly Safety Sanitation and Maintenance Evaluation (Attachment 5). Daily Control Center Check List (Attachment 6). 1$ & 2nd Shift Weekly Search Roster (Attachment 7). Third Shift Weekly Search Roster (Attachment 8). AMERTCAN CORRECTTONAL ASSOCTATTON (ACA) A. STANDARDS '\-/ Performance Based Standards for Adult Community Residential Services (ACRS) (4th edition): 4-ACRS-2A-09. \-/ Spot lnsPections 1 ed nters ls inks/M not overfil Clean Closet: *Clean and ucket on the Gloset: neat *T on the floor "Noth Room neat *Floor clean down 1 1 cleaned Clean *Clean and floor on Linen *Blankets neat "Towels neat on the Room neat *Floor clean clean down .a *Floors out em *Counter cleaned clean {3(}0 830 n out "Counter clean 030 7 i Any rror clean clean suggestions, com or 1 Spot lnspections Date 830 l(xlo t2m 1&m 153 tg30 2130 Discrepancies / €t4fl S i$Rture .TciletslUrinals cteaned *SinksiMirrorsiCounters *Fioors sweptlrncpped "Trash nct ovefiied *Showers Clean Mop Closet: -Ciean and I D.,^t.^. "Nctllng on the ficor' Linen Ooset: *BIankets neat *Towels neat *Nothing on the floor Laundry Room: *Mattresses/Pillows neat *Floor swept 'Window clean Floors: *Swept clean of dirUoaper *Fans wiped down :P" Doqq 1030 1afm ,3: Bathroom/Showare *ToiletsiUrinals flocrs *Trash 1530 1930 21W cieaned swepUrncppeO not overfilled "Showers Ciean [UIop Closet: qt ru *Mop Bucket empty _l!!othing on the floor Linen Cioset: *Blankets neat neat on the floor i \./ Room: *Mattresses/Pillows neat *Floor swept *llJindow clean Floors: *Swept clean of Cir*,ipaper' *Fans wrpeC do'rn 'E" Dorm 830 Bathroom/Showers *Toilets/Urinals *S in 1030 1?Og ,l ltrl 1530 ,lo?n ,4'.tn Elggiepancies, Staff Signa- cleaned ks/M irrors/Counters *Trash not overfilled *Showers Clean Mop Closet: *l"loan anri araanizaA on the floor *Blankets neat "Towels neat *Nothing on the floor Launciry Room: *iv'l attresses/P iliows neat swept *VVindow ciean *Fioor Flocrs -Swept clean of drrtJpaper *Fans v,riped Cown Trrrn rn to ihe Warden Darlv \-/ NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WORK ETHIC CAMP INSPECTIONS COMPLETED FOR THE WEEK OF: L:;r,:r-:*";.:-, d ffiii$i., ..". !'. ']"tffiY-ttr*l "Y"*'gdffi; ffi,fP.ffi : Administration Radios Central Control TAC Alert Test Security Storage Closet Telephone Switchboards Search Room TELECOR Maintenance PA System Mechanical Rooms Door Control Panels Lobby/Dining Yellow Portable Security Lights (Total of 6) Admissions Fire Extinguishers Medical Door Locks Classrooms Cameras lly port Windows Work Station Perimeter Lighting Dorms Yard Gates, Fencing, Barbed Wire Equipment Closet (C17 4) ERT Kits Warehouse All Restraints Equipment Yard Search Kits Digital Camcorders (located at Central Control and Work Station) Force Cell Move Equip COMMENTS: List observations, discrepancies, corrective actions take INSPECTED BY: REVIEWED BY: REVISED: 11114/16 ep Nebraska Department of Corrections Work Ethic Camp Gorporal Chec klist \-/ Date: shift: A&BDormChecks C,D&EDormChecks lnitials Fire exits and Equipment Laundry Rooms Janitor Closets Living/Common Areas Laundry Rooms Janitor Closets Living/Common Areas Showers/Restrooms Activity Areas All Doors Secured Windows lnspected Showers/Restrooms Activity Areas All Doors Secured Windows lnspected Corporal Signature Gorporal Signature Additional Checks I AdditionalGhecks 2 lnitials Laundry Yard Perimeter Fence Parking Lot AllVehicles Secure Lighting lnspection Sidewalks Cleared Sewqge Grinder lnitials Classrooms Lobby/Dining Room Kitchen Mechanical Room Maintenance Front Entrance Adm inistration Offices Warehouse Windows lnspe4lqn All Doors Secured P.T. Pad Cleared lnitials Fire exits and Equipment \-, Admissions/Property Medical Restrooms in "A" Buildl4g_ Janitor Closets in "A" Building Staff Lounge Sally Port Zone Porter Carts Corporal Signature Corporal Signature Comments / Corrective action taken LieutenanUDesignee \./ Secu rity Administrator/Designee Revsed 06i24/201 3 FoMard to Security Administrator WORK ETHIC CAMP Shift Supervisor Daily Facility !nspection Check Sheet Date shift Area Check Area Sanitation Medical State Vehicles / Parking Lots Admissions / Property Northeast Sally port Training Classrooms / Programs Administration Day Rooms / Classroom Central Control / Sec. Closet A-Dorm Maintenance Area B-Dorm Kitchen C-Dorm Dining Hall D-Dorm Warehouse E-Dorm Laundry Fire Exits Chemical Cage / lnventory Yard / Access Covers CERT Cage C-Building Mechanical Room Maintenance Storage Grounds Aviewed AllLog N/A Books Check Sanitation N/A All Doors Secure List Discharges / lntakes, Comments, Problem Areas, lncidents and Suggestions: Ending Count Beoinnino Count Number of Pat Searches Completed by Shift PREA Concerns YES / NO (lf yes submit report to PCM) Number of BunULocker Searches by Shift Supervisor Observation of Staff Searches: Yes / No Concerns Area: LieutenanUDesignee Number of Staff Searches Observed Signature: l Reviewed by Security Administrator / Designee \NITATION: Check for orderliness; check for proper$ control, completion of floors, windows, and bathrooms. LOG BOOKS: Check for clear writing, information, and if it is upto-date. Supervisor Observed Searches: Check at least weekly As of 121312019 bm NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONAL SERVICES WEEKLY SAFETY, SANITATION AND MAINTENANCE EVALUATION TO: SAFETYANDSANITATIONSPECIALIST FROM: AREA REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE WEEK OF SUBJEGT WEEKLY INSPECTION DATE INSPEGTED: OF AREA NUMBER 1. SECTION ONE: INSPECTION CHECKLIST ITEM ITEM TO BE INSPECTED # 2 ls the fire evacuation plan posted in a permanent manner, in a readily available location, is it legible? Are fire extinguishers located as directed by the fire evacuation plan, properly cnarge( good mechanical condition? 3 Are fire alarm components properly maintained? Do they show signs of tampering? 1 5 Are fire exit paths clear of debris, fumishings, decorations, and similar items whidr could hamper fire exit? Are lighted exit signs operational? \Men the test button is pushed on the Emergency Lights clo they operate properly? 6 Are proper, approved trash receptacles available and used? 7 Are flammable, caustic, toxic, or combustible materials present? Are they being used and controlled IAW MSDS and AR 'l l 1 .06? I Are all heat producing devices properly authorized? ln good wod<ing order? 9 Are all plumbing, elec{rical, heating, cooling, and announcing systems working properly? 4 10 Do all dooc, windows, and other moveable items operate properly? Are any moving parts missing, broken, etc? 11 Are all mechanical devices operating as required? 12 Are all living and working areas properly cleaned? ls there dust, dirt, clutter, or similar items present? 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 N/A SEE OK BELOW Are floors swept and mopped daily? Are shower areas and toilet facilities cleaned and disinfected daily? ls frequent trash collection provided as required? Are dumpsters available? Are dumpsters at least 200 feet from building entrance? Are vermin and pess or evidence ofsuch present? lf problems exist are proper notifications being made? ls unauthorized food present? ls authorized food stored properly? ls the food handled Are all inmate accessible computers running appropriate applications? Does the network cable have an intacl port lock? Are all wall ports labeled "lnmate Use"? Are unused ports protected by a port lock? ls the first aid kid readily available, kept up to date, used items replaced? ls the CPR mask readily available to use? ls an alcohol sanitizer available for sterilization? Are stafi members cunent in training? Does any other safety, sanitation, or maintenance problem exist which is not covered by items 1 19? 2. SECTION TWO: COMMENTS, FINDINGS, AND EXPLANATIONS 3. SECTION THREE: CORRECTIVE ACTIONS LIST WORK ORDER NUMBERS FOR THOSE ITEMS NEEDING WORK ORDERS Distribution: Original - Area Representative Yellow - Division Head. Pink - Safety DCs-A-ssn-oo7 (rev 01/13) \-, WORK ETHIC CAMP Daily Central Control Checklist FIRST SH!fi SECOND SHIFT INITIAts AREACHECT(ED tNtTtAts AREACHECKED Accounted for al! Key Rings Accounted for all Key Rings Clean Countertops Clean Countertops Dump Trash Dump Trash lnventory Security Equipment lnventory Security Equipment Update / Prepare Count Update Sheets / Logged Review Log Book ln / togged !n Sweep/Vacuum Floor Sweep /Vacuum Floor CORPO CORPORAL SUPERVISO SUPERVISOR DATE- THIRD SHIFT Prepare Count Sheets Prepare Next Shift Paperwork Prepare Next Shift Paperwork Review Log Book / COMMENTS: !NtTtArs AREAGI{ECrcO Accounted for all Key Rings Clean Countertops Dump Trash Inventory Security Equipment Update / Prepare Count Sheets Prepare Next Shift Paperwork Review Log Book / Logged tn Sweep/Vacuum Floor CORPORA SUPERVISOR Security Administrator Forward to Security Administrator / Designee Revised L2123/2OL4 NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WORK ETHIC CAMP FIRST AND SECOND SHIFT WEEKTY SEARCH REPORT v SEARCHES COMPLETED FOR WEEK OF: **First shift will be nsible for a minimum of 10 searches. Second shift will be AREA (ROOM # ) DATE COMPLETED !NITIALS sible for a minimum of 10 searches.** CONTRABAND REMOVED YES SHlFT or NO st DORM "A" STORAGE (C156) 7 DORM "A" JANITOR CLOSET (C157) 1tt DORM "B" STORAGE (C163) Ltt DORM "B" RESTROOM Ltt DORM "C" STORAGE (C132B) 1 DORM "C" JANTTOR CLOSET (C132) 1tt DORM "D" STORAGE (C124) t st DORM "D" JANITOR CLOSET (C121) 1 DORM "E" STORAGE (C115) Ltt DORM "8" RESTROOM 1tt CORPORAL SIGNATURE CORPORAL SIGNATURE CORPORAL SIGNATURE CORPORAL SIGNATURE CORPORAL SIGNATURE CORPORAL SIGNATURE CORPORAL SIGNATURE CORPORAL SIGNATURE CORPORAL SIGNATURE LIEUTENANT/DESIGN EE This is to be turned in on Sunday night along with 2nd Shift papenvork to the Security Administrator Revised: 2ltL/2OL3 st \./ NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS WORK ETHIC CAMP THIRD SHIFT WEEKLY SEARCH ROSTER Searches Completed For The Week Of: Date Completed AITEA (Room #) Initials Contraband Rerlor,ed BUILDING C - North & South Commons Area BUILDING C - Middle Classrooms BUILDING C - Mechanical Room BUILDING B - Warehouse BUIDLING B - Laundr) (hcluding Bl03 & Bl04) Kitchen Area Dining / Lobby Area - av+ Classrooms - Al r4, nitor Closets Restrooms cl0r c102 - - Al9, Ar25,,q16l, AI sg nrzt, Ar6s, Al5l, A150, A177, cllg Ar54, A166, At64,A169, A170, A104, At05, Visiting Search Room / Lockers Admissions BUILDING A - Mechanical / Maintenance Room North Yard South Yard West Parking Lot North Parking Lot / Garden Road Crew Storage Area Maintenance Storage Area Corporal Signature Corporal Signature Corporal Signature Corporal Signature Lieutenant / Designee Signature Forward to Security Administrator Revised: 09/29/09 pb