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Police Act 1861: Salient Features & BPR&D Overview

ACT 1861
Ms. S.P. Shreya
Teaching Assistant
Department of Criminology
Police Act 1861
• Chapter I deals with the extent and definitions
• Chapter II talks about organisation of the police
force. It includes the selection and terms of offices
of various police officers. This chapter takes into
consideration the scientific advancements which
have taken place and how they are useful foe the
police by mentioning the maintenance of forensic
laboratory and organisation of research
• Chapter III deals with State Security Commission
The State Security Commission would be under the
chairmanship of the Minister in charge of the
police, two members from the State Legislature,
one from the ruling party and the other from the
opposition; and four members to be nominated by
the Chief Minister after approval by the State
Legislature from amongst retired judges of the
public standing and eminence. The State Security
Commission is responsible for laying down broad
policy guidelines and directions for the performance
of various functions of the police and also for the
evaluation as well as keeping under review the
functioning of the police.
• Chapter IV of the Act talks about duties,
responsibilities and powers of the police
promoting and preserving public order,
investigating crimes, identifying problems and
situations that are likely to result in commission of
crimes, reducing opportunities for commission of
crimes through preventive patrolling and other
prescribed police measures, creating and maintaining
a feeling of security in the community, etc
• Chapter V of the new Act exclusively deals with the
disciplinary proceedings. Out right dismissal,
removal from service, reduction in rank, forfeiture
of approved service, reduction in pay, etc
• Chapter VI talks about police regulations
• Chapter VII deals with special measures for
maintenance of public order and security of state.
It basically deals with deployment of extra police
force as and when required.
• Chapter VIII is the smallest chapter of the Act, but nevertheless
it is very important. It says that the state government may
authorise the commissioner/ superintendent of police and
certain other officers to exercise the powers of the district
magistrate and executive magistrate under the code of
criminal procedure .It also talks about the powers of the police
under other Acts.
• Chapter IX deals with taking charge of unclaimed property and
further disposing it off
• Chapter X talks about offences and punishments. Sec.132 which
talks about prosecution of officers
• Chapter XI contains miscellaneous provisions. It contains 17
sections, all dealing with different issues. Sec.156, seems to be
the most important section of this chapter- any difficulty arises
in giving effect to the provisions of this Act the State
Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make
such provisions as appear it to be necessary or expedient for
removing the difficulty.
Bureau of Police Research and Development
Established by Ministry of Home Affairs on 28.08.1970 giving a
new orientation to then existing Police Research and Advisory
Council (1966)
• To take direct and active interest in the issues
• To promote a speedy and systematic study of the police
• To apply science and technology in the methods and
techniques used by police.
• Divisions- Research, Statistics and Publication, Developmentforensic science, Training, Correctional Administration
• National police mission
Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science (ICFS)- fullfledged academic institution for furthering studies in
Criminology and forensic science followed by Lok Nayak Jai
Prakash Narayan (LNJN), National Institute of Criminology and
Forensic Science
• National Crime Records Bureau in 1986
• Plan Scheme of BPR&D Planning Commission has
agreed to provide an amount of Rs.150.00 crore
for implementation of the following 04 schemes
to be implemented independently, for
strengthening of BPR&D during the 11th Five Year
1. Setting up of Central Police Training College
Rs.65.00 crore
2. Setting up of 2 Central Detective Training
Rs.50.00 crore
School and construction of BPR&D Hqrs
3. Training Intervention
Rs.25.00 Crore
4. R&D Project
Rs.10.00 crore
Thank you