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Marketing Reading List: Textbooks & Journal Articles

Reading List
The following textbooks provide good coverage of the relevant Marketing topics, and all
are available via the library in either hard copy or e-book versions. Please note that library
provision in any format does not equate to personal unlimited access to a textbook and
so you may prefer to obtain your own copy of one of them. The relevant chapters to read
from Armstrong et al. (2019) are highlighted in the weekly reading list below. If you are
using a different textbook, you should read the equivalent topical chapters in whichever
text you are using.
Recommended textbooks:
Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C., He, H. and Kotler, P. T., (2019), Principles of Marketing, 8th
European Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, UK. Available as an E-Book
Baines, P., Fill, C., Rosengren, S. and Antonetti, P., (2022), Marketing, 6th edition, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, UK.
Jobber, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., (2020), Principles and practice of marketing, 9th edition,
McGraw-Hill Education Ltd, London.
Keller, D. K. L. and Kotler, P., (2016), Marketing management, 15th Edition, Pearson
Education, Harlow, UK. Available as an E-Book
There is also supplementary reading material (mostly journal articles) listed on a week-byweek basis. The material expands, elaborates, or focuses on specific topics covered in the
module. This material can be accessed via the module’s online reading list through
Moodle. Alternatively, it can be accessed through NUsearch via the University Library
website or Moodle.
Suggested Reading
The book chapter(s) listed below should be consulted before each lecture in preparation for
that session. The supplementary reading material should be read after the lecture to expand
your knowledge and understanding of specific topics.
Session 1: What is Marketing?
Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C., He, H. and Kotler, P. T., (2019), Principles of Marketing, 8th
European Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, UK. Chapter 1.
Further Reading:
Jackson, G. and Ahuja, V., (2016), Dawn of the digital age and the evolution of the
marketing mix, Journal of direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, 17(3), pp.170-186.
Levitt, T., (2004), Marketing myopia, Harvard Business Review, Vol.82(7), pp.138-149.
Shaw, E.H. and Jones, D.B., (2005) A history of schools of marketing thought, Marketing
Theory, 5(3), 239-81.
Sunil, G., (2020), Are you really innovating around your customers’ needs?, Harvard
Business Review Digital Articles, 10th January, pp.2-5.
Wilkie, W. L. and Moore, E. S., (2011), Expanding our understanding of marketing in
society, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40, 53-73.
Session 2: The Marketing Environment
Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C., He, H. and Kotler, P. T., (2019), Principles of Marketing, 8th
European Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, UK. Chapter 3.
Further Reading:
Porter, M., (2008), The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy, Harvard Business
Review, 79, pp.79-93.
Day, G.S., and Schoemaker, P.J.H., (2020), How Vigilant Companies Gain an Edge in
Turbulent Times, MIT Sloan Management Review, 61(2), pp.57-64.
Loxton, M., Truskett, R., Scarf, B., Sindone, L., Baldry, G. and Zhao, Y., (2020),
Consumer Behaviour during Crises: Preliminary Research on How Coronavirus Has
Manifested Consumer Panic Buying, Herd Mentality, Changing Discretionary Spending
and the Role of the Media in Influencing Behaviour, Journal of Risk and Financial
Management, 13(8), pp.1-21.
Dobbs, R., Remes, J., and Woetzel, J., (2016), Emerging Demographics Are the New
Emerging Markets, Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 7/13/2016, pp.2-4.
Session 3: Consumer Behaviour
Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C., He, H. and Kotler, P. T., (2019), Principles of Marketing, 8th
European Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, UK. Chapter 5.
Further Reading:
Belk, R. W., (2013), “Extended self in a digital world”, Journal of Consumer Research, 40
(3), 477-500.
Darley, W.K., Blankson, C. and Luethge, D.J. (2010), “Toward an Integrated Framework
for Online Consumer Behavior and Decision Making Process: A Review”, Psychology and
Marketing, 27(2), 94–116.
Mittal, B., (2006), “I, Me, And Mine – How Products Become Consumers’ Extended
Selves”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5(6), 550-562.
Sheth, J. N., Newman, B. I. and Gross, B. L., (1991), Why we buy what we buy: a
theory of consumption values, Journal of business research, 22(2), 159-70.
Session 4: Strategic Marketing & Planning
Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C., He, H. and Kotler, P. T., (2019), Principles of Marketing, 8th
European Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, UK. Chapters 2 & 18.
Further Reading:
Day, G. S. and Wensley, R., (1988), Assessing advantage: a framework for diagnosing
competitive superiority, Journal of Marketing, 52(2), April, 1-20.
McDonald, M., (2006), Strategic marketing planning: theory and practice, The Marketing
Review, 6(4), pp.375-418.
Van Alstyne, M. W., Parker, G. G. and Choudary, S. P., (2016), Pipelines, platforms, and
the new rules of strategy, Harvard Business Review, April, p.1.
Session 5: Principles of Marketing Assessment
No specific reading for this week.
Session 6: Research and Insight
Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C., He, H. and Kotler, P. T., (2019), Principles of Marketing, 8th
European Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, UK. Chapter 4.
Further Reading:
Erevelles, S., Fukawa, N. and Swayne, L., (2016), Big data consumer analytics and the
transformation of marketing, Journal of Business Research, 69(2), 897-904.
Kenny, G., (2019), Customer Surveys Are No Substitute for Actually Talking
to Customers, Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 1/17/2019, pp.2-5.
Kozinets, R. V., (2002), The field behind the screen: using netnography for marketing
research in online communities, Journal of Marketing Research, 39(1), 61-72.
Said, E., Macdonald, E. K., Wilson, H. N., and Marcos, J., (2015), How organisations
generate and use customer insight, Journal of Marketing Management, 31(9-10), 1158-79.
Session 7: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C., He, H. and Kotler, P. T., (2019), Principles of Marketing, 8th
European Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, UK. Chapter 7.
Further Reading:
Aljukhadar, M. and Senecal, S., (2011), ‘Segmenting the online consumer
market’, Marketing intelligence & planning, 29(4), pp. 421–435.
Yankelovich, D., and Meer, D., (2006), Rediscovering Market Segmentation, Harvard
Business Review, 84(2), pp.122-131.
Session 8: Products, Services and Innovation
Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C., He, H. and Kotler, P. T., (2019), Principles of Marketing, 8th
European Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, UK. Chapters 8 & 9.
Further Reading:
Moon Y., (2005), Break Free from the Product Life Cycle, Harvard Business Review,
83(5), 86-94.
Shankar V., Berry L.L. and Dotzel T., (2009), A Practical Guide to Combining Products and
Services, Harvard Business Review, 87(11), 94-99.
Simester, D., (2016), “Why Great New Products Fail”, MIT Sloan Management Review,
57 (3), 33-39.
Tynan, C.; McKechnie, S., (2009)., Experience Marketing: a review and
reassessment, Journal of Marketing Management - Special 25th anniversary edition,
25(5/6), 501-517.
Session 9: Pricing
Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C., He, H. and Kotler, P. T., (2019), Principles of Marketing, 8th
European Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, UK. Chapters 10 & 11.
Further Reading:
Gourville, J. and Soman, D., (2002), Pricing and the psychology of consumption, Harvard
Business Review, 80(9), 90-6.
Sahay, A., (2007), How Dynamic Pricing Leads to Higher Profits, MIT Sloan Management
Review, 48(4), pp.53-60.
Session 10: Marketing Channels
Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C., He, H. and Kotler, P. T., (2019), Principles of Marketing, 8th
European Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, UK. Chapters 12 & 13.
Further Reading:
Nunes, P. F. and Cespedes, F. V., (2003), The Customer has Escaped, Harvard Business
Review, 81(11), pp.96-105.
Gulati, R. and Garino, J., (2000), Getting the right mix of bricks and clicks, Harvard
Business Review, May/June, 78(3), pp.107-114.
Hughes T., (2006), New Channels / Old Channels: Customer Management and MultiChannels, European Journal of Marketing, 40(1/2), 113-129.
Mallapragada, G., Chandukala, S R and Liu, Q., (2016), Exploring the effects of ‘what’
(product) and ‘where’ (website) characteristics on online shopping behaviour, Journal of
Marketing, 80(2), 21-38.
Session 11: Marketing Communications
Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C., He, H. and Kotler, P. T. (2019) Principles of Marketing, 8th
European Edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, UK. Chapters 14, 15, 16 & 17.
Further Reading:
Mangold, W.G. and Faulds, D.F. (2009), Social media: the new hybrid element of the
promotion mix, Business Horizons, 537-365.
Bolton, R., Parasuraman, A., Hoefnagels, A., Migchels, N., Kabadayi, S., Gruber, T.,
Komarova Loureiro, Y., Solnet, D. (2013) Understanding Generation Y and their use
of social media: a review and research agenda, Journal of Service Management, 24
(3), 245-267.
Nunes, P. F. and Merrihue, J., (2007), The Continuing Power of Mass Advertising
MIT Sloan Management Review, 48(2), pp. 63-69.