INTRODUCTION TO REACT NATIVE WHAT IS REACT NATIVE? ▰ React native is a framework for building native Apps for iOS and Android using JavaScript ▰ If you are familiar with JavaScript, you can use your skills to develop real native Apps for iOS and Android ▰ The React Native Apps are truly native; they are not web Apps that look like a mobile App ▰ In React Native, you don’t need to know iOS or Android programming unless you want to build a very complex App that targets directly with the native API of the platform 1 WHAT IS REACT NATIVE? JavaScript ▰ A lot of companies these today prefer to build their Apps using react native; because they don’t need to hire two different developers maintaining two different code bases—one for Android and one for iOS 2 APPS BUILT IN REACT NATIVE? 3 WAYS TO BUILD REACT NATIVE APP Expo CLI React Native CLI 4 Expo ▰ Expo is a set of tools and a framework that sits on top of react native and hides a lot of complexity from us ▰ Expo makes react native development way faster and easier 5 REACT NATIVE CLI ▰ The other option that we can develop a react native app is by using CLI command-line ▰ The process is more suitable for people who have a solid background with Android and iOS development ▰ If you don’t have a prior knowledge about developing Android and iOS, Expo is very good way to begin with 6 1 Installing Prerequisite REACT NATIVE 7 Installing Node Install Node.js Check Node Version Check npm Node helps you to run JavaScript on your computer. It’s recommended that you are running node version 12 or higher. Node also installs npm; which is node package manager. Node -v Npm is a repository code that other people have worked on. To check run the command (npm –v) 8 2 Setting up the Development Environment REACT NATIVE 9 Setting up the Environment Install Expo CLI Globally Go to the directory you want to install your project Run the below command Example: npm install -g expo-cli C:\Users\PC\ReacNative Projects Create Project run the following commands to create a new React Native project called "AwesomeProject": expo init MyApp cd AwesomeProject npm start # you can also use: expo star 11 Open Project with VS-Code ▰ After creating the project you can use the command below to open in visual studio code C:\Users\PC\ReacNative Projects\MyApp> code . 6 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 13 VS-Code Extensions 7 Unrestricting Expo ▰ Run the command below to unrestrict the expo Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted 15