Moringa Seed Water Purification Research Summary

Chapter 5
Chapter 5 contains the research summary, conclusions and recommendations of the whole study. The
findings of the study without so much detailed information is written on the summary. Generalizations and other
interferences would be seen on the conclusion while the recommendations of the researchers to the beneficiaries of
this study can also be seen on this chapter. Generally, this chapter aims to cover-up the end result of the study.
1. The water turbidity as it is observed by the researchers, gradually became clearer as the dirt starts to
settle at the bottom of the container at around 2-3 hours after the stirring process was made. It is visibly observed by
the researchers that the dirt particles were the once settled at the very bottom of the container and is covered by the
white substances on top of it. Therefore, both the water samples had changes in their turbidity level. Hence, Variable
A is cloudier compared to Variable B which also had the faster time of dirt settlement.
2. Water samples were tested to know the changes towards the water turbidity and number of coliform unit.
As the researchers conducted their study, they have observed that the water turbidity changes rapidly as respect to
the amount of coagulating agent used on a certain treatment. The results of the Heterotrophic Plate Count Analysis
showed that untreated water contains a very high count of CFU/mL as the treated water results differ in each
variable. Results of Variable B contains reduced count of CFU/mL compared to the results of the other variable.
Therefore, the results proves that Moringa seeds can be a coagulant.
3. The Malunggay-purified-water as the researchers have conducted their study found out that their product
is not yet suitable for human consumption or as a safe drinking water. Hence, the product could still undergo further
studies and development to have the desirable results which is fitted for human drinking water. However, their end
product can be used commercially (i.e. laundry washing, dishwashing, carwash, etc).
1. The researchers therefore conclude that as the amount of Moringa seed to be used as a
coagulating agent is increased, the more chances it would be to produce a visibly clearer water product. The
filtration process also affect the changes in the turbidity of water as it helps in removing the foreign bodies resent on
the untreated water.
2. The researchers therefore conclude that as the level of turbidity changes, the coliform unit count also
differs. However, the results of the CFU/mL count differs as the amount of coagulant also differs. The more
Moringa seeds are used, the higher is the possibility to reduce the coliform unit count of the water.
3. The researchers therefore conclude that simple experimental methods are insufficient towards producing
a safe potable water. Nonetheless, the end product of this study is proposed for commercial purposes as further
studies shall be made to make a Malunggay-seed-purified-water that is safe for consumption.
Contains the recommendations of the researchers that is addressed to the concerns listed on the significance
of the study written on Chapter 1.
1. The researchers recommends that the process of filtration shall be developed in a much complex way to
ensure the rapid change in turbidity of the water.
2. ` Increasing the amount of the coagulating agent to be used also affects the end result so as the
researchers also recommends the careful selection of seeds to be used and to follow the recommended procedures to
produce the desirable outcome.
3. Further researches shall be made so as the development of filtering processes can be developed to
achieve the ideal product.
4. People living in rural and urban areas shall carefully select first which type of water shall be used as
different types of water (e.g. tap water, groundwater, rainwater, etc.) can highly affect with the amount of
coagulating agent to be used.
5. The researchers recommend that the household owners to select which seedpod is mature enough to be
used during the coagulation process.
6. Water station owners shall think of a more complex way in order to completely purify the process but
not disregarding that the aim of the project to use a natural coagulant.
7. The researches recommend that the bottled water manufacturers to come up with another study to
commercially introduce the use of Malunggay purified water as a drinking water.
8. The researchers highly recommend that the future researchers to seek further towards improving the
whole process stage and come up with a much complex way of water filtration to ensure the water will be safe for
human consumption someday.