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Automated Robotic and Network Connectivity Systems for Self-Driving Technology by Martin Groener (research article)

Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice 11(2), 2019
pp. 36–42, ISSN 1948-9137, eISSN 2162-2752
Automated Robotic and Network Connectivity Systems
for Self-Driving Vehicle Technology
Martin Groener
The Center for Innovative Data-driven
Smart Urban Ecosystems, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
ABSTRACT. Employing recent research results covering automated robotic and
network connectivity systems for self-driving vehicle technology, and building my
argument by drawing on data collected from Abraham et al. (2017), ANSYS, Atomik
Research, Capgemini Research Institute, Charles Koch Institute, CivicScience,
eMarketer, Ipsos, McKinsey, Schoettle & Sivak (2014), and Statista, I performed
analyses and made estimates regarding most popular activities to pursue with time
saved in an autonomous car (%), attitudes toward the safety of self-driving cars (%),
and the awareness of autonomous vehicles (%). Structural equation modeling was
used to analyze the collected data.
Keywords: network connectivity system; autonomous vehicle; safety; risk
How to cite: Groener, Martin (2019). “Automated Robotic and Network Connectivity Systems
for Self-Driving Vehicle Technology,” Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice
11(2): 36–42. doi:10.22381/CRLSJ11220195
Received 14 May 2019 • Received in revised form 10 October 2019
Accepted 14 October 2019 • Available online 15 November 2019
1. Introduction
Artificially intelligent autonomous vehicles will pave the way for breakthrough modes of transport mobility. (Joh, 2019) Using cutting-edge sensors
and embedded devices, connected and self-driving cars will offer a riskless
travel mode by putting an end to human driving errors, in addition to more
reliable and more adequate routes for passengers, constituting an important
progress with regard to sustainable development. (Chehri and Mouftah, 2019)
In order for self-driving cars to become satisfactorily assimilated, the social
interactions encompassing them should be thoroughly regulated. (Strömberg
et al., 2018)
2. Conceptual Framework and Literature Review
Accelerated connectivity integrated into autonomous driving functions present
a significant challenge to the massive socioeconomic advantages (Balica,
2018; Grossman, 2018; Kirby et al., 2018; Lăzăroiu et al., 2017; Popescu,
2017) provided by connected and autonomous vehicles. (Sheehan et al., 2019)
The objects and spaces that constitute automation systems are elaborate and
inconclusive. An ostensibly consonant automated object (e.g. the self-driving
car) may eventually be much less stable. (Bissell, 2018) The imaginable new
insecurities which autonomous vehicle driving behavior may display are
designed as decisional boundaries, as artificial driving intelligence will
require specific decisional capacities (De Gregorio Hurtado, 2017; Hayes
and Jandrić, 2017; Kral et al., 2018; Popescu et al., 2017; Popescu et al.,
2018), especially in the limitation to interpret and identify the driving setting
in relation to human values and moral grasp. (Cunneen et al., 2019)
3. Methodology and Empirical Analysis
Building my argument by drawing on data collected from Abraham et al.
(2017), ANSYS, Atomik Research, Capgemini Research Institute, Charles
Koch Institute, CivicScience, eMarketer, Ipsos, McKinsey, Schoettle & Sivak
(2014), and Statista, I performed analyses and made estimates regarding
most popular activities to pursue with time saved in an autonomous car (%),
attitudes toward the safety of self-driving cars (%), and the awareness of
autonomous vehicles (%). Structural equation modeling was used to analyze
the collected data.
4. Results and Discussion
As autonomous vehicles can determine new standards of safety undetectable
by human drivers, malware clusters may catalyze unconventional patterns of
convenience, mobility, and economic and sustainable imbalance throughout
urban areas. (Vassallo and Manaugh, 2018) Insofar as autonomous vehicles
systems are steadily networked, the massive volume of necessitated and
produced data will turn out to be too excessive and intricate for humans to
handle, and cutting-edge degrees of automation suitable for processing huge
quantities of data instantaneously will be required, but human supervision
over such systems will decrease. (Slaughter, 2018) Self-driving cars will be
equipped with high tech that is cognizant of their external setting and that
can keep track of the condition of the driver to monitor his/her capability of
taking up control again. (Mounce and Nelson, 2019) Likely software vulnerabilities in autonomous vehicles may subject users to sudden and at times
detrimental remote interference. (Joh, 2019) (Tables 1–10)
Table 1 Which of the following are you most comfortable with? (%)
Autonomous train
Autonomous car
Autonomous airplane
Autonomous boat
Sources: ANSYS; Atomik Research; my survey among 5,200 individuals conducted April 2019.
Table 2 Most popular activities to pursue with time saved in an autonomous car (%)
Read a book
Watch film/Listen to music
Eat & drink
Sources: ANSYS; Atomik Research; my survey among 5,200 individuals conducted April 2019.
Table 3 How concerned would you be about driving or riding
in a vehicle with self-driving technology? (%)
Very concerned
Moderately concerned
Slightly concerned
Not at all concerned
Sources: Schoettle & Sivak (2014); my survey among 5,200 individuals conducted April 2019.
Table 4 The advancement of electrical and electronic architecture
and digitalization of the car ecosystem increases attack surface
and leads to increasing cyberrisk (%)
Sensor spoofing: Access autonomous-drive functions, engine,
and brakes through vulnerability in sensors
Take over: Take over of safety-critical control units
such as engine control or brakes
Espionage: Listen to voices in cars
by misusing voice-recognition module
Physical access: Secure direct access to on-board diagnostics for
manipulation of vehicle data, engine characteristics, and tuning chips
Entertainment content: Access infotainment system
via Bluetooth, USB, or Wi-Fi
Telematics: Remotely unlock cargo doors through
vulnerability in external connectivity modules
Denial of service: Stop cars that rely on
back-end servers to provide data
Over the air: Access vehicle software though online updates
Unauthorized access: Access back-end vehicle services and user data
Data theft: Access car owner’s private information
via unsecure third party
Sources: McKinsey; my survey among 5,200 individuals conducted April 2019.
Table 5 How comfortable are you with self-driving vehicles? (%)
Very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Not comfortable at all
Sources: CivicScience; my survey among 5,200 individuals conducted April 2019.
Table 6 Attitudes toward the safety of self-driving cars (%)
Most drivers occasionally drive distracted
Worry that self-driving cars will struggle to adapt to
unusual road conditions such as weather, pedestrians, bikers or wild animals
Self-driving cars will make drivers pay less attention
to roads and will make driving more dangerous overall
Self-driving cars will remove a lot of human error
in driving and will make the roads safer
Self-driving cars will help make teenagers safer, more competent drivers
Would feel safer if I knew most cars on the road were self-driving
Sources: Charles Koch Institute; eMarketer; my survey among
5,200 individuals conducted April 2019.
Table 7 “How would consumers rate their overall level of trust for …” (%)
Consumer view
Executive view
A traditional automaker
to produce a self-driving car?
Electric vehicle companies
to produce a self-driving car?
A Silicon Valley tech company
to produce a self-driving car?
An academic institution
to produce a self-driving car?
An automotive supplier
to produce a self-driving car?
A new tech startup
to produce a self-driving car?
Sources: Capgemini Research Institute; my survey among
5,200 individuals conducted April 2019.
Table 8 How much do you agree or disagree that
self-driving cars will make driving… (%)
More relaxing
Friendlier to the environment
More economical
More enjoyable
More comfortable
Sources: Ipsos; my survey among 5,200 individuals conducted April 2019.
Table 9 Willingness to use automation in vehicles: What is the maximum level
of automation you would be comfortable with? (%)
No automation
Emergency only
Help driver
Partial autonomy
Full autonomy
Sources: Abraham et al. (2017); my survey among 5,200 individuals conducted April 2019.
Table 10 The awareness of autonomous vehicles (%)
Know what semi-autonomous means but know very little
Only heard of semi-autonomous vehicles and have no knowledge
Fully know what an autonomous vehicle is
Fully know what semi-autonomous means
Sources: Statista; my survey among 5,200 individuals conducted April 2019.
5. Conclusions and Implications
Connected and autonomous vehicle users can be dissimilar in their route
choice behavior relative to human-driven vehicle users, bringing about hybrid
traffic flows that may considerably swerve from the standard human-driven
vehicle traffic pattern. (Wang et al., 2019) Networked autonomous vehicle
systems may modify the parameters and volume of mobility for various social
groups, alter the structuring of urban areas, redesign the kinds of power
individuals are caused to undergo, refashion how human life is assessed in
particular sectors of society, and can reinforce distinct axes of social disparity.
(Bissell et al., 2018)
The interviews were conducted online and data were weighted by five variables (age,
race/ethnicity, gender, education, and geographic region) using the Census Bureau’s
American Community Survey to reflect reliably and accurately the demographic
composition of the United States. The precision of the online polls was measured
using a Bayesian credibility interval.
This paper was supported by Grant GE-1863248 from the Artificially Intelligent
Algorithmic Systems Research Unit, Westminster, CO.
Author Contributions
The author confirms being the sole contributor of this work and approved it for
Conflict of Interest Statement
The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of
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