VAL.ED.S2-HO3-SLRP FOR TRANSFER TEMPLATE 2023 PEAC JHS SUMMER INSET STANDARDS-BASED LEARNING RECOVERY PLAN (SLRP) TEMPLATE* (Transfer) SUBJECT: GRADE: QUARTER: TOPIC: TEACHER(S): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missed Standard and LCs Current Standard and LCs Existing Curricular Materials Stand Alone or Layered In Mastery Expectations & Skill Breakdown *Standards/LCs that merged (as stated in column 4) Rubric Focus Intervention or Remediation Strategies and Action Plan for Curricular Materials Timeline for Teaching What previous standard and LCs were missed or partially covered? What are the standard and learning competencies at the current grade level that build on the missed standard and LCs? How is the missed standard or partially covered standard and LCs addressed in existing curricular materials? Will the missed or partially covered standard and LCs stand alone in teaching, or can it be layered in with current gradelevel standard and LCs? If merged, state the merged LC. Mastery Expectations and Skill Breakdown *Standards/LCs that are stand alone (stated in column 1) What is the mastery expectation? Skills required to master the missed or partially covered standard and LCs merged with the current grade level standard and LCs? What rubric indicators closely align? What will be the focus indicators during assessment? What intervention or remediation strategies, action, resources and tools will be used to achieve mastery and the rubric indicators? (e.g. mini-lesson, interventions, RTI, core, flex-day, after school) What are the explicit and systematic procedures and how is scaffolding How will existing curricular materials be transferred, updated, or added to accomplish the intervention or remediation action and integrate the missed or partially covered standard and LCs? What resources are needed to check on students’ progress to mastery? What month, unit/module, and/or lessons will the missing or partially covered standard and LCs be covered? What is the time period for doing the actions and checking on results of assessment? What is the mastery expectation? Skills required to master the missed or partially covered standard and LCs that will be taught separately? 1 and differentiation done? How can technology be used to follow-up on or enhance student mastery? *adapted from National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET) 2 RUBRIC FOR SCORING CRITERIA: Performance Indicators 1 Emerging 2 Developing 3 Proficient 4 Distinguished 3 Transfer Goal: RUBRIC FOR PERFORMANCE TASK: Criteria Outstanding (4) Satisfactory (3) Developing (2) Beginning (1) SYSTEMATIC AND EXPLICIT INTERVENTION PROCEDURES WITH SCAFFOLDING AND DIFFERENTIATION: Write intervention procedures showing the following: a. learning targets b. Learn-Practice-Show design c. use of Tic-Tac-Toe d. use of Choice Boards e. use of Performance Task Playlist f. sample Student Self-Assessment g. sample Performance Task rubric 4 PERFORMANCE TASK IN GRASPS FORMAT: Merged LC Mastery Expectation Goal Role Audience Situation 5 Product Standard PERFORMANCE TASK SCENARIO: PERFORMANCE TASK PLAYLIST: SUBJECT GRADE LEVEL TOPIC : : : PERFORMANCE STANDARD : PERFORMANCE TASK SCENARIO : PERFORMANCE TASK OUTPUT : 6 DIRECTIONS Activity : Directions/Resource Choices/Content/Lin Output Date Completed Step 1: LEARN Step 2: PRACTICE Steps may vary… (Learn, Practice and Show) Step 3: CHECKPOINT Step 4: SHOW 7