Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 DESIGN REPORT MECHANICAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR GNL-LINE-3 EPCS SILOS CAPACITY - 150MT TAG NOS. L3-S-101/102/103/104/105 1 0 Rev Design Code : IS: 9178, PART-I,II,III, IS:875, IS:1893 , Pressure Vessel Handbook by Dennis R Moss, Pressure Vessels Hand Book By Eugene F. Megesy (Buthod) Client : JPFL (Div. :- Global Nonwovens) Consultant : Mott Macdonald 22.06.21 16.06.21 Date LM LM Prepd. By Page 1 of 45 SB SB Chkd. By JIT JIT Appd. By Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 NOTATIONS bo = Minor Dimension of the Outlet, m do = Diameter of the Opening of Hopper, m lo d = = = Diameter of a Circular Cylinder, that is, dia. of Vertical Portion of Storage System, Width of Rectangular or Square Cylinder, m Height of Cylinder, m Coefficient, m = 0 for Wedge Hopper m = 1 for Conical Hopper Distance from the axis of symmetry, m Bulk Density of the Soild, kg/m3 Area of horizontal section of a cylinder, m2 Diameter of hopper, width of a hopper, m Unconfined yield force of bulk solid, kgf Hydraulic Radius = A/U Perimeter of the Cross-Section of the Stored Material, m Shearing Force, kgf Janssen's Pressure Line Depth of the Fill in the Cylinder, m Frictional stress on the bin wall, kgf/m2 = Shear Cell Area (Cross Sectional area of the Test Sample), m h m = = r w A B F R U S J Z1 = = = = = = = = = = th = tw As Rt ƒƒ, ƒƒ1 = = Pn = P ntr Pt Pr = Flow Factor of a Channel (Hopper) Initial pressure on a hopper wall at the vertex, kgf/m2 = P nt1 V = FF O P nt Radius of Curvature at Transition = = = = P n1 Frictional stress on the hopper wall, kgf/m2 V Major Consolidating force, kgf Major Force in a dome or a pipe (bulk Material under flow), kgf V = Flow Function of Bulk Material F Instantaneous flow function of bulk solid Time Flow Function of Bulk solid stored for a period ' t ' before delivery starts V V FF FF t Major Dimension of the Outlet or Length of the Opening (Slot Length), m = = = = = Pressure normal to hopper or cylinder wall, kgf/m2 Peak Pressure at the Transition, kgf/m2 Initial pressure on a hopper wall at the Transition, kgf/m2 Radial pressure on a hopper wall at the Transition, kgf/m2 Peak Pressure at an Effective Transition, kgf/m2 Non-dimensional vertical force acting within a bulk solid at the level of the = transition due to radial stresses in the hopper Vertical force developed in cylinder walls due to wall friction, kgf Pressure normal to cylinder wall, kgf/m2 EUL WUL θ θc = = = = due to stresses in the cylinder, kgf Effective Yield locus of the flow of bulk solid Wall Yield locus of the flow of bulk soilds for a particular hopper wall Hopper Slope measured from Vertical, Deg (°) Conical Hopper slope measured from Vertical, Deg (°) θ' H (θ) f G (f) = = = = = Slope of Flow Channel with respect to vertical, Deg (°) A Function depending on θ Kinematic angle of Internal friction of Bulk Solid, Deg (°) A Function depending on f Effective angle of Wall Friction of Bulk Soild on the walls of the bin, Deg (°) Pw = Qc = Ph θp d = Total Vertical force acting within the Bulk Solid at the level of transition Plane flow Hopper slope measured from vertical, Deg (°) Page 2 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 d' dh = = Kinematic angle of wall friction between bulk solid and wall of bin, Deg (°) Angle of Friction between bulk soild and hopper wall, Deg (°) A Ar = = Cross-Section area of Bin, ft2 Area of Reinforcement required, in.2 As C.A. E F Fa ƒ hi = = = = = = = Cross-Section area of Strut, in.2 pv = G ( d ') μ λ σ Aa K1, K2 M N P pn ph Q Rh S T 1 ,T 1s T 2 ,T 2s G θ φ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Area of Reinforcement available, in.2 Corrosion Allowance, in. Joint Efficiency, 0.35-1.0 Summation of all vertical downward forces, lb Allowable Compressive Stress, psi Vertical Reaction at Support Points, lb depth of Contents to point of evaluation, ft Rankines Factors, ratio of Lateral to vertical pressure Overturning Moment, ft-lb No. of Supports Internal Pressure, psi Pressure normal to surface of Cone, psf Vertical Pressure of Contents, psf Horizontal Pressure on Bin Walls, psf Total Circumferential force, lb Hydraulic Radius of Bin, ft Allowable Tension Stress, psi Longitudinal Force, lb/ft = = = = = Circumferential Force, lb/ft Specific Gravity of Contents Angle of Repose of Contents, Degrees (°) Angle of Filling, Angle of Surcharge, Friction Angle. Equal to θ for free filling or 0 if filled flush, Degree Angle of Rupture, Degree Friction Coefficient, material on material Friction Coefficient, material on bin wall Height of filling peak, depth of emptying crater, ft a function of the area of shell that acts with strut to As W w WT = = = Total Weight of Bin Contents, lb Density of Contents, lb/ft3 Total Weight of Bin & Contents, lb WR = = D.L. + L.L. of roof plus applied loads, lb (include weight of any installed plant equipment) Weight of Shell and Lining (Cylindrical portion only), lb W + WC = Load caused by Vertical Pressure of Contents, lb, = pvπR2 β μ μ' Δh Cs = = = = A Function depending on d' Coefficient of Friction between the bulk solid and the cylinder wall Pressure Ratio, that is, Horizontal to Vertical Pressure Pressure, kgf/m2 Weights WC = WS = W2 = W1 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W C1 = = = = = Weight of Cone & Lining below Elevation under Consideration, lb Weight of Contents in cylindrical portion of bin, lb, = πR2HW Portion of Bin Contents carried by Bin Walls due to friction, lb, = W 2 - W 3 W 4+W R+W s W T - W C - W C1 Weight of Bin below point of supports plus total weight of contents, lb Weight of Contents in bottom, lb Page 3 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 DESIGN DATA 1 Design Code : 2 Material Stored : IS: 9178 (Part-I, II & III), IS:875-2002, IS:1893-2002, Pressure Vessel Design Manual by Dennis R Moss Pressure Vessel Hand Book By Eugene F. Megesy (Buthod) PP Granules 3 Type of Silo : Cylindrical,Top Conical, Bottom Conical Outlet 4 Material Storage Capacity : 150 T 5 Volumetric Capacity of Silo : 278.93 m^3 4 Inside Diameter, d : 5 Height of Cylindrical Shell h : 6 Height of Top Cone h3 7 Height of Bottom Circular Cone 4500 mm = 4.5 m 16000 mm = 16.0 m : 395 mm = 0.395 m h1 : 3900 mm = 3.900 m 8 Height of Bottom Transition Cone h2 : NA = NA 9 Bottom Circular Cone Smaller Dia do : 312 mm = 0.312 m : 10.0° 10 Top Cone Slope Angle 11 Bottom Circular Cone Angle θc : 30.0° (Conical Hopper slope measured from Vertical, Deg (°) ) 12 Density of Material Stored w : 530 Kg/m3 13 Corrosion Allowance : 0.00 mm 14 Design Pressure : (+/-) 1500mmWC 15 Design Temperature : 16 Radiography : Nil 16 Joint Efficiency : 0.7 17 Maximum Wind Speed : 140 Km/Hr 18 Seismic Zone : III 19 Material of Construction a) Shell b) Bottom Cone c) Top Cone d) Nozzle Necks(Fabricated) e) Nozzle Necks (pipes) f) Nozzle Flanges (From Plate) g) Reinforcements h) Couplings (forged) i) Stiffeners j) Structutarls (Inside) k) Structutarls (Outside) l) Gaskets m) Fasteners : : : : : : : : : : : : : SA-240 Gr.304 SA-240 Gr.304 SA-240 Gr.304 SA-240 Gr.304 SA-312 TP 304 (SMLS) SA-240 Gr.304 SA-240 Gr.304 SA-182 F304 SA-240 Gr.304 SA-240 Gr.304 / SS304 M.S. to IS:2062 Gr.A E250 BR PTFE SS-304 5 °C Page 4 of 45 to = 65 °C 39.0 m/s Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 ASSUMPTIONS a) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) Bulk Material : Material to be Stored : Particle Size : Shape of Particles : Condition : Average Bulk Density : Moisture Content : Temperature : Period of Storage : Classification of Material as per IS-9178(Part-1) - Size-Fine 3mm & Under : - Flowability (Free Flowing) : - Abrasiveness (Non Abrasive) : -Other Characteristics : -Angle of Internal Friction f : - Angle of Wall Friction d : d (While Filling) : - Angle of Wall Friction d : d (While Emptying) : PP Granules 3 mm to 5 mm Rounded Non Abrasive Kg/m3 530 5% 65 °C 7 Days C 2 6 Not Known 60° 0.75φ 45° 0.60φ 36° (Assumed) (From Table-3 of IS:9178, Part-1 for Granular material >=0.2mm) (From Table-3 of IS:9178, Part-1 for Granular material >=0.2mm) - Angle of friction between bulk soild & Hopper Wall Friction dh (While Filling) : 34° dh (While Emptying) : 22° - Pressure Ratio l : (While Filling) - Pressure Ratio l : (While Emptying) -Coeff. of Friction Between the bulk solid & cylinder Wall m : m : b) Silo Wall i) Material of Construction ii) Finish of Wall : : : 0.50 (From Table-3 of IS:9178, Part-1 for Granular material >=0.2mm) 1.00 (From Table-3 of IS:9178, Part-1 for Granular material >=0.2mm) tan(d) =Pw/Ph 1.0 SA-240 Gr.304 Smooth & Passivated Page 5 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 VOLUMETRIC & STORAGE CAPACITY CALCULATIONS 1 Material Storage Capacity : 150 T = 150000 Kg 2 Inside Diameter, d : 4500 mm = 4.5 m 3 Height of Cylindrical Shell h : 16000 mm = 16 m 4 Height of Top Cone h3 : 395 mm = 0.395 m 5 Height of Bottom Circular Cone h1 3900 mm = 3.9 m 6 Bottom Circular Cone Smaller Dia do : 312 mm = 0.312 m 7 Top Cone Nozzle ID d1 : 312 mm = 0.31 m : 10.0° 8 Top Cone Slope Angle : 9 Bottom Circular Cone Angle θc : 30.0° (Conical Hopper slope measured from Vertical, Deg (°) ) 10 Density of Material Stored w : 530 Kg/m3 a) Shell Volume , V1 = = = 0.7854 x d^2 x h 0.7854x 4.5^2 x 16 254.47 m^3 b) Bottom Circular Cone Volume,V2 = = = p h1(d2+ ddo+do2) / 12 3.1416x 3.9 x (4.5^2 + 4.5 x 0.312 + 0.312^2) / 12 22.21 m^3 c) Top Circular Cone Volume, V3 = = = p h3(d2+ dd1+d122) / 12 3.1416 x 0.395 x (4.5^2 + 4.5 x 0.312 + 0.312^2) / 12 2.25 m^3 Total Volume of Silo = Total Volume of Silo Volume of Shell & Bottom Cone = = = = V1 + V2 + V3 254.47+ 22.21+ 2.25 278.93 m^3 254.47+ 22.21 = 276.68 m^3 Density of Material Stored , w = 530 Filling Percentage = 97.59% = = Vol. Capacity of Silo x Density of Material Stored x Filling Percentage 276.68 x 530 x 0.9759 143106 Kg = 143.11 T Nominal Capacity = 143 T (Rounded off) Nominal Capacity Considered = 143 T - For Design Purpose A) VOLUMETRIC CALCULATIONS Shell Volume + Bottom Circular Cone Volume + Top Circular Cone Volume B) STORAGE CAPACITY CALCULATIONS Total Weight of Material to be Stored = Kg/m3 Page 6 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 CHECKING ASSUMED DIMENSIONS OF SILO AS PER CODE REQUIREMENT 1 Inside Diameter, d : 4500 mm = 4.5 m 2 Height of Cylindrical Shell h : 16000 mm = 16 m 3 Height of Top Cone h3 : 395 mm = 0.395 m 4 Height of Bottom Circular Cone h1 : 3900 mm = 3.9 m 5 Bottom Circular Cone Smaller Dia do : 312 mm = 0.312 m 6 Top Cone Nozzle ID d1 312 mm = 0.312 m : 7 Top Cone Slope Angle : 10.0° 8 Bottom Circular Cone Angle θc : 30.0° (Conical Hopper slope measured from Vertical, Deg (°) ) 9 Density of Material Stored w 530 Kg/m3 : 10 Classification of Material as per IS-9178(Part-1) a) Size-Fine 3mm to 5mm : C b) Flowability (Sluggish) : Free Flowing c) Abrasiveness : Non Abrasive d) Other Characteristics : Not Known f e) Angle of Internal Friction : 60° d f) Angle of Wall Friction : 0.75f (While Filling) d : 45° Angle of Wall Friction d : 0.60φ d (While Emptying) : 36° g) Angle of friction between bulk soild & Hopper Wall Friction dh (While Filling) : 34° dh (While Emptying) : 22° h) Pressure Ratio l : 0.50 (While Filling) Pressure Ratio l : 1.00 (While Emptying) i) Coeff. of Friction Between the bulk solid & cylinder Wall tan(d) =Pw/Ph m : m : 1.0 (Assumed) (From Table-3 of IS:9178, Part-1 for Granular material >=0.2mm) (From Table-3 of IS:9178, Part-1 for Granular material >=0.2mm) (From Table-3 of IS:9178, Part-1 for Granular material >=0.2mm) (From Table-3 of IS:9178, Part-1 for Granular material >=0.2mm) Determimnation of Type of Material Flow pattern in Hoppers (Mass Flow or Funnel Flow ) In Bottom Circular Cone: a) Bottom Circular Cone Angle θc : 30.0° (Hopper Slope Angle) b) Angle of friction between bulk soild & Hopper Wall Friction dh : (While Filling) 34° dh : (While Emptying) 22° Refer Fig.C-7 of IS:9178 (Part-III) The Intersection of q & dh falls in Funnel Flow Region. Hence the Material Flow Pattern in Bottom Circular Cone is Funnel Flow & all the clauses, formulae for funnel flow shall be refered. Range of Conical & Plane Flow Refer Clause No.5.4 (a) & (b), Section-2 of IS:9178 (Part-III), The Silo Bottom Cone-Hopper Shape falls in two distinct group. a) Hopper having Circular outlet will have Conical Channel - Applies to Bottom Circular Cone in our case Hence, the Bottom Circular Cone, with Circular Outlet will have Conical Flow. Refer & apply all the formulae & figures in IS:9178(Part-III) with respect to Conical Flow on Bottom Circular Cone . Page 7 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 Calculate Flow Factor ff : Refer Fig.No.C-9 from IS:9178 (Part-III)) for Flow Factor for No Piping Kinematic Angle of Friction of Bulk Solid f = 60° Effective Angle of friction of Bulk Solid on the Wall = of the Bin, d 45° The Intersection of Kinematic Angle of Friction of Bulk Solid f & Effective Angle of friction of Bulk Solid on the Wall of the Bin, d is at friction Factor Value ff of 4.7 Therefore, ff = 4.7 >1.7 Since the Friction Flow Factor ff is greater than 1.7, the assumed values of Kinematic Angle of Friction of Bulk Solid f & Effective Angle of friction of Bulk Solid on the Wall of the Bin, d are OK a) b) Estimated Hopper Slope Angle qc For Bottom Circular Cone - with Conical Channel, d' =45° & d =45° i) Estimated ƒƒ (from Fig.C-13 of IS:9178 (Part-III)) : 2 ii) Estimated qc (from Fig.C-10 of IS:9178 (Part-III)) : 30° Estimation of Outlet Dimensions: ° ° I) For Bottom Circular Cone - with Conical Channel, d' =45 , d =45° & f =60 (Circular Outlet) i) Function G(f) : 7.5 (from Fig.C-11 of IS:9178 (Part-III)) i) H (q) (from Fig.C-12 of IS:9178 (Part-III)) : 2.45 ii) Estimated ƒƒ : 2 iii) Major Force in a dome or Pipe V : 315 Kg iv) Cross Sectonal Area at the level under consideration As = = As = v) Minimum Outlet Dimensions (Dia), 0.7854*d^2 0.7854 x 4.5 ^2 15.91 m^2 do = V . G (f) do = 315 x 7.5 / (15.91 x 530 ) do = 290.00 do = As . w 0.290 Provided Outlet Dia of Bottom Circular Cone = Hence OK d) m mm 0.312m = 312 mm > 290 mm Adopted Values for Design i) Bottom Circular Cone Smaller Dia do ii) Bottom Circular Cone Angle θc : : 312 mm = 30.0° (Conical Hopper slope measured from Vertical, Deg (°)) Page 8 of 45 0.312 m Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 Maximum Pressures : Cylindrical Shell: The maximum values of the horizontal pressures on the wall ( Ph ), the vertical pressure on the horizontal cross section of the stored material ( Pv ) and the vertical load transferred to the wall per unit area due to friction ( Pw ) shall be calculated as follows Name of Pressure During Filling During Emptying Maximum Pw WR WR Maximum Ph WR/μf WR/μe Maximum Pv WR/μf λf WR/μe λe Where, W= = Bulk density of the stored material Kg/m3 530 A= = Horizontal cross sectional area of the stored material at depth Z. m2 15.91 Z= = = Depth below the levelled surface of the maximum possible fill in the bin 4.0 m -Shell 1 12 m -Shell 2 U= = = Perimeter of the cross-section of the stored material at depth Z 14.14 m -Shell 1 14.14 m -Shell 2 R= = A/U 1.13 μf = 1.0 λf = 0.5 μe = 1.0 λe = 1.0 Name of Pressure During Filling During Emptying Maximum Pw 598.9 598.9 Maximum Ph 598.9 598.9 Maximum Pv 1197.8 598.9 Bottom Cone: Pv and Pw cannot be maximum at the same time. Hence for the design of hopper bottom, maximum Pv (during filling) should be considered and this value will be the maximum Pv at the particular depth multiplied by area of cross-section of bin. The maximum Pw (emptying) shall be calculated when the side walls are to be designed at a particular depth as: Pw = π DWR [ Z - Zoe (1 - e (-)Z/Zoe] Z/Z0 = (1 - e (-)Z/Zoe) = 0.5 0.393 (from Appendix-A) Page 9 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 Pw = 102786.3363 Pressures on Bin walls, pv and ph. Vertical Pressure of Contents pv = = Horizontal Pressure on Silo Walls, ph = ph = 245.33 psf 1.71 psi 122.67 psf 0.86 psi Page 10 of 45 8466.749281 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 WEIGHT CALCULATIONS 1) Weight , W1 = W + Wc W = = = Total Weight of Silo Contents, lb or kg 143 T 143106 Kg WC = Weight of Cone & Lining below Elevation under Consideration, lb or kg W Weight of Bottom Circular Cone (Circular Outlet) d = Inside Diameter, Bottom Circular Cone Smaller Dia do : Bottom Circular Cone Incl. Angle : Height of Bottom Circular Cone h1 : Slant Height of Cone, l = Thickness of Bottom Circular Cone, tr = 4500 mm 312 mm 30.0° 3900 mm 4503 mm 8 mm = 4.50 m = 0.31 m (Conical Hopper slope measured from Vertical, Deg (°)) = 3.90 m = 4.51 m = 0.008 m (Assumed) 1.5708 x l x (d + d0) 1.5708 x 4.51 x (4.5 + 0.312 ) 34.09 m^2 Surface Area of Top Cone, S S S = = = Weight of Bottom Circ. Cone plate, Wc' = Surface area x Thickness x Density of material Wc' = 2140.9 Kg Wc' = Weight of Stiffeners 34.09 x 8 x 7.85 = Weight of Bottom Circular Cone 750.0 Kg Wc = Wc = Wc = 2140.852 + 750 2890.9 Kg 6373.3 lb 2) Weight of Contents in cylindrical portion of Silo, W2 = pi()*R^2*H*w W2 H w = = = Weight of Contents in cylindrical portion of Silo, lb or kg Height of Cylinder, ft or m Density of Contents, lb/ft3 or kg/m3 Where, H w Substituting Values, W2 W2 = = = = 52.5 ft = 3 33.10 lb/ft 3.1416 x 7.3818^2 x 52.5 x33.1 297483.40 lb = 16.0 m 3 530 kg/m 134936.1 kg 3) Load caused by Vertical Pressure of Contents, W3 = pv * PI() * R^2 W3 pv R Substituting Values, W3 W3 = = = Load caused by Vertical Pressure of Contents, lb or kg 245.33 psf 2250.0 mm = 7.4 ft = = 245.33 x 3.1416 x 7.39^2 3901814186 lb = 1769831700.0 kg 4) Portion of Silo Contents carried by Silo Walls due to friction, W4 = W2-W3 W4 = Portion of Silo Contents carried by Silo Walls due to friction, lb or kg W4 = 297483.4 - ( 3901814185.5 ) W4 = -3901516702.1 lb = Page 11 of 45 -1769696764 kg Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 5) D.L. + L.L. of roof plus applied loads, WR = D.L. + L.L. of roof plus applied loads, lb WR = 9668.7 lb lb = 4385.65 kg (Assuming Roof Thickness of 8.0mm) Weight of Roof : d = Inside Diameter, 4500 mm = 4.50 m Top Cone Nozzle ID, d1 = 312 mm = 0.31 m Top Cone Slope Angle, = 10.0° h3 = Height of Top Cone, 255 mm = 0.26 m Slant Height of Cone, l = 1475 mm = 1.48 m Thickness of Roof Plate, tr = 6 mm = 0.01 m (Assumed) = = = 1.5708 x l x (d + d1) 1.5708 x 1.48 x (4.5 + 0.312 ) 11.19 m^2 Surface Area of Top Cone, S S S Weight of Roof plate, W R' = Surface area x Thickness x Density of material W R' = 527.0 Kg W R' = 11.19 x 6 x 7.85 Other Structural Supports, Nozzles & additional Dead load on the Roof = 3558.6 Kg (Assumed) Live Load on the Roof LL = 300.0 Kg (Assumed) Total Weight of Roof with DL & LL, WR = 527.049 + 3558.6 + 300 4385.6 Kg 9668.7 lb WR = WR = 6) Weight of Shell (Cylindrical portion only), Inside Diameter, d = Height of Cylindrical Shell-1, Height of Cylindrical Shell-2, Thickness of Shell-1 Plate, Thickness of Shell-2 Plate, Weight of Shell-1 plate, h1 = h2 = ts1 = ts2 = W s' = 4000 mm = 4.00 m 12000 mm = 12.00 m 6 mm = 0.006 m (Assumed- Top Shell-1 Sections) 8 mm = 0.008 m (Assumed- Bott Shell-2 Sections) p x Mean Diameter x Height x Thickness x Density of material Weight of Shell-1 plate, W s'1 = 2667.00 Kg W s'1 = W s'2 = Weight of Shell-2 plate, W s' = Total Weight of Shell Plates, Weight of Stiffeners, Anchor Rings & additional weight on Shell Weight of Shell, Stiffeners etc., = Ws = Ws = Ws = Ws = 7) W5 W5 W5 = = = = 4500 mm = 4.50 m 3.1416 x 4.506 x 4 x 6 x 7.85 10672.74 Kg 13339.74 Kg 5255.6 Kg Weight of Shell + Weight of Stiffeners & additional items 13339.74 + 5255.57 18595.3 Kg 40995.7 lb W4+WR+Ws -3901516702.1 + 9668.71 + 40995.68 -3901466037.7 lb -1769372353 Kg 8) Total Weight of Silo & Contents, WT WT WT WT = = = = = Total Weight of Silo & Contents, Empty Weight of Silo + Weight of Contents 16720+143000 = 159720.0 Kg 352182.6 lb 159720.0 Kg Page 12 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 9) Weight , W6 W6 = WT - WC - WC1 WC1 WC1 = = = Weight of Contents in bottom, lb 11771.3 Kg 25955.7 lb WT = 352182.6 lb Wc = 6373.3 lb W6 W6 = = = = WT - WC - WC1 352182.6 - 6373.25 - 25955.72 319853.6 lb 145058.3 Kg Where, W C1 W6 10) Weight of Silo below point of supports plus total weight of contents, W7 = Weight of Silo below point of supports plus total weight of contents, lb Weight of Contents in Bottom Cone + Weight of Bottom Cone +Weight of Shell portion = below Support + Weight of Contents in Shell below point of Support Weight of Contents in Bottom Cone = = Weight of Bottom Cone Wc" = Wc" = Volume of Bottom Cone x Density of Stored Material 11771.3 Kg 2890.85 Kg 6373.3 lb Length of Shell Portion below Point of Support 9000.0 mm = Weight of Contents in Shell below point of Support 75863.75 Kg = W7 W7 W7 = = = 11771.3 + 2890.852 + 75863.75 90525.9 Kg 199575.6 lb 11) Summary of Silo Weights Weight of Shell Weight of Bottom Circular Cone = = 2667.0 Kg 2140.9 Kg Weight of Top Cone Weight of Structurals, Stiffeners etc Weight of above Components = = = 527.0 Kg 9864.2 Kg 15199.1 Kg Add 10% Weight for other items = 1520.0 Kg Total Empty Weight of Silo = 16720.0 Kg Weight of Contents in Silo Weight of Contents in Silo = = 143106.4 Kg 143000.0 Kg Weight of Silo with Contents = 159720 Kg Page 13 of 45 = 143.1 T (Nominal Capacity as per Drg.) = 143.0 T (Nom.Capacity based on Volume & % filling) Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 FORCE, STRESS, THICKNESS CALCULATIONS FOR CYLINDRICAL SHELL (FOR SOLID MATERIAL) a) Longitudinal Force on Shell due to Solid Material T1 = -W5/π*D - M48/πD T1 D M = = = Longitudinal Force, lb/ft or kg/m Diameter of Silo, ft or m Overturning Moment, ft-lb or kg-m Where, D = 14.77 ft M M = = Windload x Height of Support location 558827.1 ft-lb W5 = 40995.7 lb T1 = = = - (40995.68/ 3.1416 x 14.77) - (48 x 558827.06/ 3.1416 x 14.77) -578962.62 lb/ft -861496.379 kg/m = 4.50m b) Circulferential Force on Shell due to Solid Material T2 Where, ph R T2 = phR = = = = = = 122.67 7.382 psf ft 122.67 x 7.3818 905.53 lb/ft 1347.34 kg/m c) Maximum Allowable Compressive Stress (Boardman Formula) Fa = 20,000 psi maximum d) Required Shell Thickness for Solid Material, t = T/(12 * Fa) Where, T T T = = = Max(T1, T2) Max(-578962.62 , 905.53) 905.53 lb/ft Fa = 20,000 Substituting Values, t = = = psi maximum T/(12 * Fa) 905.53 / (12 x 20000 ) 0.00377 in Hence Required Shell Thickness for Solid Material, t = 0.096 mm Add Corrosion Allowance CA = 0.00 mm Minimum Required Thickness with C.A for Solid Material, = 0.10 mm Minimum Required Shell Thickness without C.A as per IS:9178 Part -II = 6.0 mm Page 14 of 45 (Refer Ring Support Ring Cals) Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 Provided Shell Thickness for Solid Material, t= 6.0 mm t= 8.0 mm > Calculated (Upper Shell-1 Portions of 4.0m Height) > Calculated (Lower Shell-2 Portions of 12.0m Height) Hence Safe Page 15 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 FORCE, STRESS, THICKNESS CALCULATIONS FOR CYLINDRICAL BOTTOM CIRCULAR CONE FOR SOLID MATERIAL A) Cylindrical Bottom Cone Thickness for Solid Material a) Vertical pressure of Contents in Bottom Cone pv = w*H H = = = = = Height of Cylinder Shell + Bottom Cone, ft or m h + h1 16000 + 3900 19900 mm 65.29 ft w = = = Density of Contents, lb/ft3 or kg/m3 kg/m3 530 lb/ft3 33.1 Therefore, pv = w*H pv pv = = H w pv = 33.09 x 65.29 2160.45 psf 15.01 psi b) Pressure Normal to Surface of Cone due to Solid Material pn = pv*Sin^2(α+θ)/Sin^3α(1+Sinθ/Sinα)^2 Where, θ θ = = Angle of Repose of Contents, Degrees (°) 30.0° α = 60.0° Cone Angle with Horizontal pv = 2160.45 psf = = = = pv*Sin^2(α+θ)/Sin^3α(1+Sinθ/Sinα)^2 2160.45 x Sin^2 (60 + 30) / ( Sin^3( 60) x (1+Sin30 / Sin60)^2) 1336.9 psf 9.28 psi Substituting Values, pn pn pn c) Weight for Bottom Circular Cone, W1 Where, W1 = W + Wc WC = = = = = Weight of Cone & Lining below Elevation under Consideration, lb or kg 6373.3 lb Total Weight of Silo Contents, lb or kg 143000 Kg 315315.0 lb = = = W + Wc 315315 + 6373.25 321688.3 lb W W Substituting Values, W1 W1 d) Longitudinal Force on Bottom Circular Cone due to Solid Material T1 = W1 / (2 p R Sinα) Page 16 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 Where, W1 R α Substituting Values, T1 T1 T1 = = = 321688.3 lb 7.38 ft 60.0° = = = = W1 / (2 π R Sinα) 321688.25/(2 x 3.1415 x 7.3818 x Sin(60)) 8008.95 lb/ft 11917.3176 kg/m = 89 in Cone Angle with Horizontal e) Circumferential Force on Bottom Circular Cone due to Solid Material T2 = pn*R/Sinα pn R α = = = 1336.9 7.38 ft 60.0° Substituting Values, T2 T2 = = pn*R/Sinα 1336.9 x 7.3818 / Sin( 60 ) Where, T2 T2 = = psf Cone Angle with Horizontal 11395.43 16956.4 lb/ft kg/m f) Required Thickness of Bottom Circular Cone for Solid Material t = (T1 or T2) / (12xSxE) +C.A Where, S S = = Maximum Allowable tension Stress for Cone Material 17068.02 psi E E = = Joint Effeciency 0.7 C.A. = = = Corrosion Allowance 0.00 mm 0.00 in = = = (T1 or T2) / (12SE) MAX (8008.95 or 11395.43) / ( 12 x 17068.02 x 0.7 ) 0.08 in C.A. Substituting Values, t t Hence Required Bottom Cone Thickness for Solid Material, t = 2.032 mm Add Corrosion Allowance CA = 0.00 mm Minimum Required Thickness of Bottom Cone with C.A for Solid Material, = 2.032 mm Minimum Required Thickness of Bottom Cone without C.A as per IS:9178 Part -II = 6.0 mm Provided Thickness of Bottom Cone for Solid Material, t= 8.0 mm > Calculated Hence Safe Page 17 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 g) Calculating Required Bottom Cone Ring Compression for Solid Material Q = T1*R*Cosα Where, Q = Total Circumferential Force T1 = = Longitudinal Force 8008.95 lb/ft R = 7.38 ft = = = T1*R*Cosα 8008.95 x 7.3818 x Cos (60) 29560.2 lb Substituting Values, Q Q Page 18 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 CHECKING SILO SHELL, BOTTOM CONE & TOP CONE FOR SMALL INTERNAL PRESSURE a) Calculating Pressures acting on Silo i) Pressure due to Gas Pressure during filling / emptying P1 = = = = Pressure due to Gas Pressure during filling / emptying (+/-) 1500mmWC 307.23 psf 2.14 psi P3 = Pressure due to Solid Material P3 = w*H*K*Cosf / 144 Where, f = = Angle of Filling, Angle of Surcharge, Friction Angle. Equal to θ for free filling or 0 if filled flush, Degree 60° H = = = Height of Cylinder, ft or m 16.000m 52.50 ft w = = = Density of Contents, lb/ft3 or kg/m3 kg/m3 530 lb/ft3 33 = = Rankines Factors, Ratio of Lateral to Vertical Pressure 1 = = = = w*H*K*Cosf / 144 33.09 x 52.5 x 1 x COS(60) / 144 6.04 psf 0.050 psi P1 ii) Pressure due to Solid Material f w K Substituting Values, P3 P3 P3 iii) Total Pressure due to Solid Material & Gas Pressure P = Total Pressure P = = = = P1 + P3 307.23 + 6.04 313.27 2.175 P b) psf psi Calculating Forces acting on Shell (as per API-620) i) Summation of all vertical downward forces Summation of all vertical downward forces, F = WT Where, WT = = 159720.0 Kg WT = 352182.6 lb WT Total Weight of Silo & Contents, lb Page 19 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 Substituting Values, F F F = = = WT 352182.6 lb 159720.0 Kg W6 = WT - WC - WC1 WT = Total Weight of Silo & Contents, lb WC = Weight of Cone below Elevation under Consideration, lb or kg = 25955.7 lb = = = = WT - WC - WC1 352182.6 - 6373.25 - 25955.72 319853.6 lb 145083.1 Kg A = p * R2 R = 7.38 ft = = = = π * R2 3.1416 x 7.3818^2 ft2 171.19 m2 15.91 ii) Weight, W6 Where, WT Wc W c1 W c1 Substituting Values, W6 W6 W6 = = 352182.6 lb 6373.3 lb Weight of Contents in bottom, lb or kg iii) Cross Sectional Area of Silo Where, Substituting Values, A A A iv) Longitudinal Force on Shell due to Internal Pressure Where, T1s = R/2*(P+(-W6+F)/A) P = = = Internal Pressure, psi 307.23 psf 2.134 psi W6 = = W T - W C - W C1 319853.6 lb F = = Summation of all vertical downward forces, lb or kg 352182.6 lb A = = Cross-Section area of Silo, ft2 or m2 ft2 171.19 R = 7.38 ft = = = = R/2*(P+(-W6+F)/A) 7.3818/2 x (307.23+ ( - 319853.63 + 352182.6) / 171.19) 1830.98 lb/ft 2724.50 kg/m Substituting Values, T1s T1s T1s Page 20 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 iv) Circumferential Force on Shell due to Internal Pressure T2s = P*R Where, R = 7.38 ft P = = = Total Pressure 307.23 2.134 psf psi = = = = P*R 307.23 x 7.3818 2267.92 3374.66 lb/ft kg/m Substituting Values, T2s T2s T2s c) Calculating Shell Thickness for Internal Pressure (as per API-620) i) Required Shell Thickness for Internal Pressure t = Maximum(T1s or T2s)/(12* S*E)+C.A. t = (T1s or T2s) / (12* SE) +C.A Where, T1s = Longitudinal Force on Bottom Cone T2s = Circumferential Force on Bottom Cone S S = = Maximum Allowable tension Stress for Cone Material 17068.02 psi E E = = Joint Effeciency 0.7 C.A. = = = Corrosion Allowance 0.00 mm 0.00 in = = = (T1s or T2s) / (12 SE) MAX (1830.98 or 2267.92) / ( 12 x 17068.02 x 0.7 ) 0.02 in T1s T2s C.A. Substituting Values, t t = = 1830.98 lb/ft 2267.92 lb/ft Hence Required Shell Thickness for Internal Pressure, t = 0.508 mm Add Corrosion Allowance CA = 0.00 mm Minimum Required Shell Thickness with C.A for Internal Pressure, = 0.5 mm Minimum Required Shell Thickness without C.A as per IS:9178 Part -II = 6.0 mm Provided Shell Thickness for Internal Pressure, t= 6.0 mm t= 8.0 mm > Calculated (Upper Shell-1 Portions of 4.0m Height) > Calculated (Lower Shell-2 Portions of 12.0m Height) Hence Safe Page 21 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 d) Calculating Forces acting on Bottom Cone (as per API-620) i) Longitudinal Force on Bottom Cone due to Internal Pressure T1s = R/2Cosα*(P+(-W6+F)/A) P = = = Internal Pressure, psi 307.23 psf 2.134 psi W6 = = W T - W C - W C1 319853.6 lb F = = Summation of all vertical downward forces, lb or kg 352182.6 lb A = = Cross-Section area of Silo, ft2 or m2 ft2 171.19 R = 7.38 ft α = 60.0° = = = = = R/2Cosα*(P+(-W6+F)/A) 7.3818/ 2 x Cos60 x (307.23 + ( - 319853.63 + 352182.6) / 171.19) 3661.96 1830.98 lb/ft 2724.50 kg/m Where, Substituting Values, T1s T1s T1s Cone Angle with Horizontal ii) Circumferential Force on Bottom Cone due to Internal Pressure Where, T2s = PR / SIN(a) R = 7.38 ft P = = = = Total Pressure 307.23 2.134 60.0° = = = = PR / SIN(α) 307.23 x 7.3818/SIN(60) 2618.76 lb/ft 3896.71 kg/m α Substituting Values, T2s T2s T2s e) psf psi Cone Angle with Horizontal Calculating Bottom Circular Cone Thickness for Internal Pressure (as per API-620) Required Bottom Circular Cone Thickness for Internal Pressure t = Maximum(T1s or T2s)/(12 * S*E)+C.A. t = (T1s or T2s) / (12 SE) +C.A Where, S S = = Maximum Allowable tension Stress for Cone Material 20000.00 psi E E = = Joint Efficiency 0.7 Page 22 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 C.A. C.A. Substituting Values, tc = tc = = = = Corrosion Allowance 0.00 mm 0.00 in = = = (T1 or T2) / (12 SE) MAX(1830.98 OR 2618.76) / ( 12 x 20000 x 0.7 ) ) 0.02 in Hence Required Bottom Cone Thickness for Internal Pressure, t = 0.508 mm Add Corrosion Allowance CA = 0.00 mm Minimum Required Thckness with C.A for Internal Pressure, = 0.5080 mm Minimum Required Thickness without C.A as per IS:9178 Part -II = 6.0 mm Provided Bottom Cone Thickness for Internal Pressure, tc = 8.0 mm > Calculated Hence Safe f) Calculating Bottom Circular Cone Compression for Internal Pressure (as per API-620) i) Compression Area Length in Cone Part, Wh = 0.6*SQRT (R2*(tc - C.A.) ) Where, R = 7.38 ft α = 60.0° R2 = = = = R / SIN(a) 7.3818 / SIN(60) 8.53 ft 102.360 in tc = = = Cone Thickness 8.0 mm 0.315 in CA CA = = 0.00 mm 0.000 in = = = = 0.6*SQRT (R2*(tc - C.A.) ) 0.6 x SQRT(102.36(x (0.31496 - 0 ) ) 3.410 in = 0.284 ft 86.6 mm R2 tc Substituting Values, Wh Wh Wh ii) Compression Area Length in Cone Part, Wc = 0.6*sqrt(R*(t - C.A.) Where, R α t t = = = 7.38 ft 88.582 in 60.0° = = = Shell Thickness 6.0 mm 0.240 in Page 23 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 CA CA = = 0.00 mm 0.000 in = = = = 0.6*SQRT (R*(t - C.A.) ) 0.6 x SQRT(88.5816x (0.24 - 0 ) ) 2.770 in = 0.231 ft 70.4 mm Substituting Values, Wc Wc Wc iii) Total Required Compression for Compression Ring for Internal Pressure Q = T2*Wh+T2s*Wc-T1*R2*Cosa Where, T1 T2 T2s Wh Wc R2 α = = = = = = = 8008.95 lb/ft 11395.43 lb/ft 2618.76 lb/ft 0.2850 ft 0.2310 ft 7.38 ft 60.0° = = = T2*Wh+T2s*Wc-T1*R2*Cosa 11395.43 x 0.285 + 2618.76 x0.231 - 8008.95 x 7.3818 x COS(60 ) -25707.6 lb Substituting Values, Q Q Page 24 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 DESIGN OF TOP CURB ANGLE AND STIFFENERS a) Top Curb Angle Size Calculations: ( As Per API 650, Clause No : ) D, H2, Z, V, Nominal Dia Height of Silo Shell, incl. Any free board Required Minimum Section Modulus, in cm^3 Design Wind Speed (as per wind cals.) Reqd. Section Modulus of Top Curb Angle, Selected Curb Angle = = = = Z= Z= Z= 4.5 m 16.0 m To Be Calculated 140.4 Km/ Hr (D2 H2 /17 )* ( V /190) 2 ((4.5^2 x 16 )/17) x (140.4 / 190 ) 14.09 cm^3 = ISA- 100 x 100 x 10 Thk Section Modulus of Selected Curb Channel - 'Z' = 24.7 cm^3 Provided 'Z' (24.7 ) > Required 'Z' (14.09) Hence selected Top Curb Angle ISA 100 x 100 x 10Thk is Safe. b) Stiffening Ring Calculations : Maximum Height of Unstiffened Shell (As per API 650, Clause no : H1, t, D, V, Max.Height of the Unstiffned Shell = As Ordered Thickness of Top Shell Course Nominal Dia Design Wind Speed H1 Transposed Width of Shell Course 9.47 x t x = 6.00 mm = 4.50 m = 140.4 Km/ Hr = 9.47 x 6 x (SQRT ( (6/4.5)^3) ) x ( 190 /140.4 )^2 H1 = 160.21 m ( As per API 650, Clause no : ) Wtr, Transposed Width of each Shell Course W, Actual Width of each Shell Course t uniform, As Ordered Thickness of Top Shell Course (thinnest) = W ( t uniform / t actual )^5 = 6.00 mm Incl. CA t actual, As Ordered Thickness of Shell Course,for Which Transposed Width is being Calculated Shell Course (from bottom) W, mm First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Height of Transformed Shell Height of Transformed Shell t actual , (Incl C.A.) mm 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 Total ( Σ Wtr ) Wtr , mm 974.3 974.3 974.3 974.3 974.3 974.3 2000.0 2000.0 9845.7 = Sum of Transposed Widths of All Shell Courses = 9846 mm = 9.8 m Check for Requirement of Intermediate Wind Girders /Stiffeners (As Per API 650 ,Clause No : ( t / D)^3 x (190 / V)^2 9.8 m Σ W tr < < 160.21 m H1 Height of Transformed Shell < Max.Height of the Unstiffned Shell Since Height of Transformed Shell is Less than Max. Unstiffened Height Intermediate Wind Girder (Stiffener) is Not Required, but provided for safety Provided 3-Nos Stiffeners of ISMC-150 Page 25 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 Stiffening Ring Size Calculations: ( As Per API 650, Clause No : ) D, H2, Z, V, Nominal Dia Height of Silo Shell, incl. Any free board Required Minimum Section Modulus, in cm^3 Design Wind Speed (as per wind cals.) Reqd. Section Modulus of Stiffening Ring = = = = Z= Z= Z= Selected Stiffening Ring = 4.5 m 16.0 m To Be Calculated 140.4 Km/ Hr (D2 H2 /17 )* ( V /190) 2 ((4.5^2 x 16 )/17) x (140.4 / 190 ) 14.09 cm^3 ISMC-150 Section Modulus of Selected Stiffening Ring Channel - 'Z' = Provided 'Z' (103.9 ) > Required 'Z' (14.09) Hence selected Stiffening Ring Size of ISMC-150 is Safe. No. of Stiffening Rings Provided on Shell = 3 Nos No. of Stiffening Rings on Bottom Cone = 2 Nos Page 26 of 45 103.9 cm^3 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 TOP CONICAL ROOF PLATE DESIGN FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE & DEAD LOADS ROOF PLATE DESIGN: (As per API 620 ,Clause no:,c) ROOF TYPE : STIFFENED Slope of the Conical Roof Angle (Roof Angle) = 10.0° = = = = = 6 mm mm = tanθ x D/2 395.00 mm Vertical ht /sin θ 2284.48 mm 0.236 in = 0.00 0.000 in As per API 650 ,Clause no: Proposed Thickness of Roof The Vertical Height of Conical Roof (H Roof) Slant Height of the Roof Cone Nominal Thickness of Roof Plate Shall be Equal to Shell Thick (Excl. C.A.) Corrosion Allowance mm = ROOF PLATE WEIGHT : Weight, Including C.A W = 4385.65 Kg = For Nozzles, Pads, Handrails, Ladder, Supports Cleats Etc., F = = 3858.6 Kg 8508.22 lb 9669 lb (Assumed) For Conical Roof : R1 = Infinity R2 = R3 / cos a R3 = a= = = T1 = 2250.186 mm 512.71 in = 13022.76 mm 80.05 R2 = R3 / cos a = T1 = 88.59 in = o R3 2 cos a P+ 88.59 2 cos(80.05) ( 256.35 ) 735.93 T2 = P R3 cos a = 2.14 x 88.59 cos(80.05) T2 = 1097.19 2.13 + W+F At 9668.54 + 8508.22 24656 x ( 2.87 ) lb/in lb/in t= T1 + c or t = T2 + c S tsE S tsE = 0.0616 in or = 0.0918 in = 1.56 mm or = 2.33 mm From the above calculations, the minimum required thickness of Roof is = Add Corrosion Allowance, CA = 0.00 mm Minimum Reqd. Thickness of Top Roof Cone = 2.34 mm Minimum Required Thickness as per IS:9178 = \ Provided Roof Cone thk = 6.00 mm 2.33 mm 6.0 mm , without corrosion allowance > 2.34 mm (Calculated with CA) The Provided Roof Cone Thickness is more than minimum calculated thickness with CA. Hence Safe. Page 27 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 Design of 150 T PP Granules Storage Silo Body Flange Design Int Pressure,Pi (Kg / cm2) 0.153 Design Ext Pressure,Pe(Kg / cm2) 0.153 Design Temperature (oC) 65 Flange material SA 240 Gr. 304 Bolting Material SA 193 Gr. B8 Neck I/D (mm) Neck Thickness (mm) Bolt Size No. of Bolts Corrosion Allowance (mm) Gasket Material Gasket Width (N) Gasket thickenss (T) Tongue width (w) Gasket Mean Diameter (N) 4680 O/D 4600 P.C.D. 4680 Gasket O/D 4519 Flange I/D Design Conditions Design temp,Sfb Amb temp, Sfa Allowable Stresses Flange Bolting Design temp,Sb 1249.42 kg / cm² 1292.45 kg / cm² 1406.14 kg / cm² 1321.77 kg / cm² Amb temp, Sa DESIGN INPUT DATA Flange O/D (A) 4680 Flange I/D (B) 4519 Flange B.C.D. (C) 4600 Gasket O/D 4680 Gasket I/D 4519 Flange thickness provided 40 GASKET AND FACING DETAILS Facing Non-Asbestos (3 Thk) Factor m 80.5 mm Seating Stress (y) 3 mm Basic Gasket Width (bo) 0 mm Eff. Gasket Width (b) 4600 mm 4500 8 M36 88 0 80.5 x 3 4519 Gasket I/D 40 4500 Neck I/D 8 thk Load HD = πB2P/4 HG = Wm1 - H HT = ( H - HD) 24539.52 Kg 1413.78 Kg 882.07 Kg HD = πB2Pe/4 H = πG2Pe/4 HT = ( H - HD) 24539.52 Kg 25421.58 Kg 882.07 Kg HG = W 559146.85 Kg t = √(MoY) (SfbB) Operating Internal pressure 30.83 mm THK OK 38 Ø Holes 88 Nos. mm mm mm mm mm mm go (mm) h (mm) g1 (mm) 8 8 16 1b 2 1600 psi 40.25 mm 15.99 mm SHAPE CONSTANTS k = A/B 1.04 Y 54.84 BOLT SPACING 84.14 mm Min. Bolt spacing (Bsmin) 164.22 mm Act. Bolt spacing (Bsact) 168 mm Max. Bolt spacing (Bsmax) FLANGE DESIGN BOLT LOAD H = G2πP/4 25421.58 Kg HP=2bπGmP 1413.78 Kg Operating Conditions Wm1 = H + HP 26835.36 Kg Am1=Wm1/Sb 21.48 cm² Gasket Seating Conditions Wm2=πGby 259865.47 Kg Am2=Wm2/Sa 196.6 cm² W=(Am+Ab)/2 559146.85 Kg Actual Reqd. bolt area Am 196.6 cm² Act bolt area Ab 649.45 cm² MOMENT CALCULATIONS Lever Arm Operating Internal pressure hd = (C-B) / 2 4.05 cm hg = (C-G) / 2 0.03 cm ht = (hd+hg) / 2 2.04 cm Operating External pressure hd = (C-B) / 2 4.05 cm hg = (C-G) / 2 0.03 cm ht = (hd+hg) / 2 2.04 cm Gasket Seating hg = (C-G) / 2 0.03 cm FLANGE THICKNESS INCLUDING CA Operating External Pressure t = √(MoeY) 30.73 mm (SfbB) Moments MD = HD x hd MG = HG x hg MT = HT x ht MO 99385.04 Kg cm 35.34 Kg cm 1797.21 Kg cm #REF! Moe = HD x (hd - hg) + HT x (ht - hg) 100546.71 Kg cm Moe = M'O 13978.67 Kg cm Gasket Seating t = √(M'oY) 10.98 mm (SfaB) THK. OK THK OK STRESSES INDUCED Operating Internal pressure Operating External Pressure Gasket Seating ST = YMO ST = YMOe ST = YM'O 767.71 kg / cm² 762.62 kg / cm² 106.02 kg / cm² t² B t² B t² B STRESS OK STRESS OK STRESS OK Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 DESIGN OF RING SUPPORT ( As per Pressure Vessels Hand Book By: Eugene F. Megesy) Typ. Section with Notations 1) 2) Base Data Material of Construction No. of supports Base plate OD Base plate thickness Compression plate OD Compression plate thk Allowable stress Support Member Flange Size Bearing Area Distance between Silo OD & BCD Bolt Data Material of Construction No. of bolt / lug Bolt diameter PCD Dia. of bolt hole Allow. tensile stress (From ASME Sec-II, Part-D, at Design Temp) 3) Gusset Data Thickness Gusset height Gusset angle Gusset depth at top Gusset depth at bottom No. of gussets Dist. between gussets Slant Height of the Gussets Factor : IS-2062-A Plate N OD tb' tc Sb a' A a : = = = = = = = = = 8.0 Nos. 5036.0 mm 50.0 mm 4936.0 mm 50.0 mm 12.0 Kg/mm^2 140.0 mm 62160.0 mm^2 142.0 mm SA 307 Gr. B or IS:1367 Cl 4.6 / 4.0 Nb = 2.0 Nos. db = 30.0 mm D = 4796.0 mm = 33.0 mm Fs = 17.58Kg/mm^2 tg h θ Lc Lb n b h' Lb/b Page 29 of 45 = = = = = = = = = 25.0 mm 600.0 mm 87.61 175.0 mm 200.0 mm 16 300.0 mm 600.53 mm 0.667 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 4) 5) 6) Shell Data Material of Construction Outside diameter of Shell Outside diameter of Shell Thickness (corroded) : SA-240 Gr.304 OD OD ts Load and Moment Max. overturning moment M Empty weight of vessel Operating weight of vessel We Wo = = = 4516.0 mm 4500.0 mm 8.0 mm = = = = 77261.64 Kg-m 77261640.0 Kg-mm 16720.00 Kg 159720.00 Kg Design of Anchor Bolts a) Total uplift force on bolts : Where, Substituting the Values, T = 4 x M - We DxN N M M = = Max. overturning moment 77261640 Kg-mm We We = = Empty weight of vessel 16720.00 Kg D D = = Pitch Circle Diameter of Bolts 4796.0 mm N N = = No. of supports 8.0 Nos. T = = = 4 x M - We DxN N (4 x 77261640 / 4796 x 8) - (16720 / 8) 5964.80 Kg Am = T/Fs T T = = Total uplift force on bolts 5964.80 Kg Fs Fs = Allow. tensile stress 17.577Kg/mm^2 Am Am Am = = = T/Fs 5964.8 / 17.577 339.4 mm^2 Ab = Ar x Nb db db = = Bolt diameter 30.0 mm Ar Ar = = Root area of bolt 615.7536 T T b) Required Area of Bolts : Where, Substituting the Values, c) Available Area of Bolts : Where, Page 30 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 Substituting the Values, Nb Nb = = No. of bolt / lug 2 Nos. Ab Ab Ab = = = Ar x Nb (π / 4 ) x ( 30 - 2 ) ^2 x 2 1231.5 mm^2 Since, Ab > Am, No. of Bolts Provided are Sufficient. 7) Base Plate And Gusset Design a) Reaction force at each support : Where, Substituting the Values, Q = 4 x M + Wo DxN- N M M = = Max. overturning moment 77261640 Kg-mm Wo Wo = = Operating weight of vessel 159720.00 Kg D D = = Pitch Circle Diameter of Bolts 4796.0 mm N N = = No. of supports 8.0 Nos. Q = = = 4 x M + Wo DxN- N (4 x 77261640 / 4796 x 8) + (159720 / 8) 28019.80 Kg bp = Q/A Q Q = = Reaction force at each support 28019.80 Kg A A = = Bearing Area 62160.0 mm^2 bp bp bp = = = Q/A 28019.8 / 62160 0.46Kg/mm^2 PI = bp x Lb x b bp bp = = Bearing Pressure 0.46Kg/mm^2 Lb Lb = = Gusset depth at bottom 200.0 mm b b = = Dist. between gussets 300.0 mm Q Q b) Bearing Pressure : Where, Substituting the Values, c) Maximum axial force in gusset : Where, Page 31 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 Substituting the Values, PI PI PI = = = bp x Lb x b 0.46 x 200 x 300 27600.00 Kg Sg = 18000 1 + 12/18000 (h'/tg)2 h h = = Gusset height 600.0 mm θ θ = = Gusset angle 87.61 ° h' h' = = Slant Height of the Gussets 600.53 mm tg tg = = Thickness 25.0 mm Sg = d) Allowable comp. stress in gusset: Where, Substituting the Values, 18000 1 + 12/18000 (h'/tg)2 1800 / 1 + (12 / 18000) x (600.53 / 25)^2 18000.38 Psi 12.66Kg/mm^2 Sg Sg Sg = = = tg' = PI Sg x Lb PI PI = = Maximum axial force in gusset 27600.00 Kg Sg Sg = = Allowable comp. stress in gusset 12.66 Kg/mm^2 Lb Lb = = Gusset depth at bottom 200.0 mm tg' = tg' = = 27600 ( 12.66 x 200) 10.90 mm Mx My Mo = = = 0.06 x bp x b^2 -0.23 x bp x Lb^2 Max (Mx,My) Lb/b = 0.6667 Mx = 0.06 x bp x b^2 bp bp = = Bearing Pressure 0.46 Kg/mm^2 e) Required thickness of gusset Where, Substituting the Values, tg' PI Sg x Lb f) Calculating Moments Mx, My & Mo: Moment, Moment, Max. Moment, Factor, Calculating Moment Mx: Where, Page 32 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 b b = = Dist. between gussets 300.0 mm Mx Mx Moment of Force at X-axis, Mx = = = 0.06 x bp x b^2 0.06 x 0.46 x 300^2 2484.00 Kg-mm My = -0.23 x bp x Lb^2 bp bp = = Bearing Pressure 0.46 Kg/mm^2 Lb Lb = = Gusset depth at bottom 200.0 mm My My Moment of Force at Y-axis, My = = = -0.23 x bp x Lb^2 -0.23 x 0.46 x 200^2 -4232.00 Kg-mm Maximum Moment, = = Max (Mx,My) 4232.00 Kg-mm tb' = √(6 x Mo)/Sb Sb Sb = = Allowable stress 12.0 Kg/mm^2 Mo Mo = = Maximum Moment 4232.00 Kg-mm tb' = √(6 x Mo)/Sb tb' = = = f = PI x a / h PI PI = = Maximum axial force in gusset 27600.00 Kg OD OD = = Outside diameter of Shell 4516.0 mm a a = Distance between Silo OD & BCD 142.0 mm h h = = Gusset height 600.0 mm Substituting the Values, Calculating Moment My: Where, Substituting the Values, Mo Mo g) Required thickness of base plate : Where, Substituting the Values, tb' Hence Provide Base Plate Thk 8) √(6 x 4232) / 12 46.0 mm 50.0 mm (Nom) Design of Compression Plate a) Equivalent radial load : Where, Page 33 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 Substituting the Values, f f f = = = PI x a / h 27600 x 142 / 600 6532.00 Kg β = π/N N N = = No. of supports 8.0 Nos. β β β = = = π/N 3.1415 / 8 0.400 Radians Kr = 0.5 x [ 1/β - cot (β)] β β = = Angle between supports 0.400 Radians Kr Kr Kr = = = 0.5 x [ 1/β - cot (β)] 0.5 x (1 / 0.4 - Cot(0.4)) 0.0700 Mc = 0.5 x Kr x f x OD f f = = Equivalent radial load 6532.00 Kg OD OD = = Base plate 5036.0 mm Mc Mc Mc = = = 0.5 x Kr x f x OD 0.5 x 0.07 x 6532 x 5036 1151330.3 Kg-mm Z = Lc2 x tc 6 Lc Lc = = Gusset depth at top 175.0 mm tc tc = = Compression plate thk 50.0 mm Z = b) Angle Between Supports : Where, Substituting the Values, c) Internal Bending Moment : Where, Substituting the Values, Where, Substituting the Values, d) Section Modulus : Where, Substituting the Values, Z Z = = Page 34 of 45 Lc2 x tc 6 175^2 x 50 / 6 255208.33 mm^3 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 e) Bending stress induced in Compression Plate Where, Substituting the Values, fb = Mc Z Z Z = = Section modulous 255208.34 mm^3 Mc Mc = = Internal bending moment 1151330.32 Kg-mm fb = fb fb Induced Bending Stress in Compression Plate, = = Mc Z 1151330.32 / 255208.34 4.51 Kg/mm^2 4.51 < 12 Kg/mm2 (Allowable) Hence Selected Compression plate Thickness is Safe in Bending. Page 35 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 WIND LOAD CALCULATION Basic Wind Velocity Design Report Height of the Tank Dia of the Tank Height of the Roof (OPERATING CONDITTION) = 140 KMPH = Vb H, D, h, = = = 39 M/S 20.295 M 4.500 M 0.395 M AS PER API 650,CLAUSE NO: 3.11.2 For Unanchored Tank M < 2/3 ( WD / 2 ) Where, M, Overturning Moment For Wind Pressure, N-M W, Shell Weight Available To Resist Uplift, In Corroded Condition + Dead Weight Supported by the Shell - Simultaneaous Uplift From Operating Conditions Such as Internal Pressure on Roof OVERTURNING MOMENT,M: CALCULATIONS FOR DESIGN WIND SPEDD AS PER IS:875 Location of Silo Basic Wind Speed Design Wind Speed, Risk Coefficient, Terrain Category, Topography Factor, Vb Vz K1 K2 K3 = = = = = = Igatpuri Nashik, Maharashtra 38.9 Vb x K1 x K2 x K3 1.07 1.05 1 Vz Vz Vz = = = Vb x K1 x K2 x K3 38.89 x 1.07 x 1.05 x 1 43.7 m/sec Design Wind Speed, Vz = 43.7 m/sec Wind Pressure, Pz = = 0.6 x Vz2 1145.8 N/M2 Therefore, Design Wind Speed, Coeff. Of Tank, For Circular in Plan, Overturning Moment At Base = = X M 116.8 0.7 KG/M2 M = = = = = Shell Moment + Moment on the Roof Weight ,W = Shell Weight (Excl. C.A.) + Roof Weight (Excl. C.A ) + Internals Supports Structure + Hand Railing, Ladders Weight. Shell Weight (Excl. C.A.) Roof Weight (Excl. C.A ) Internals Supports Structure + Hand Railing, Ladders Weight = = = 18,595.31 4,385.65 500.00 2/3(WD/2) 7,57,936.69 SINCE, M = = = > > 18595.31 + 4385.649 + 500 230348.2Kg N 345522Kg N-M 345522Kg N-M 2/3(WD/2) (Pz x D x H x X )H/2 + ( D x h / 2 ) x Pz x X ( H + h / 3 ) (116.81 x 4.5 x 20.295 x 0.7) x 20.295/2 + (4.5 x 0.395/2) x 116.81 x 0.7 x ( 20.295 + 0.395/3) 77261.64 7,57,936.7 Kg-m N-M Assumed Hence, Anchors are Required For Wind Pressure Uplift Due to Moment Where, M M = 4 M /Do = = Overtuning Moment at base 77,261.64 Kg-m Do Do = = Outside Diameter of Silo 4.52 m = = 4 x 77261.64 / 4.516 68433.7Kg Page 36 of 45 KG. Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 Uplift Due to Internal Pressure = (TT/4)x Do^2 x P Do Do = = Outside Diameter of Silo 4.52 P P = = Design Pressure 0.05 = = = (TT/4)x Do^2 x P TT / 4 x 4.516^2 x 0.05 Total Uplift Total Uplift = = = = Uplift Due to Moment + Uplift Due to Internal Pressure 68433.7 + 0.81 68433.7 + 0.81 68435Kg Total Equipment Operating Weight Total Uplift 68434.51 Kg = < < 159720Kg Total Equipment Operating Weight (Maximum) 159720Kg 0.810 Kg Since Total Uplift is Less Than Equipment Operating Weight, Anchors are not Required. Conclusion: Hence Anchors are not Required for Wind Pressure in Operating Condition, but are provided for Stability. Stress at Silo Base Due to Wind Load : Where, Substituting the Values, S = M / TTx R2 x t M M M = = = Moment at Base, Due to Seismic Load 77261.640 Kg-m 77261640.0 Kg-mm t = = Minimum Required Thickness as per IS:9178 6.0 mm D R = = 4500.000 2250 S S S = = = M / TTx R2 x t 0.80965 Kg/mm2 0.80965 < mm mm Hence Equipment Selected Shell Thickness is Safe for Wind Load in Operating Condition. Page 37 of 45 12.00 Kg/mm2 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 WIND LOAD CALCULATION (EMPTY CONDITION) Basic Wind Velocity Design Report Height of the Tank Dia of the Tank Height of the Roof Vb = H, D, h, = = = 140 KMPH = 38.9 M/S 20.295 m 4.500 m 0.395 m AS PER API 650,CLAUSE NO: 3.11.2 For Unanchored Tank M < 2/3 ( WD / 2 ) Where, M, Overturning Moment For Wind Pressure, N-m W, Shell Weight Available To Resist Uplift, In Corroded Condition + Dead Weight Supported by the Shell - Simultaneaous Uplift From Operating Conditions Such as Internal Pressure on Roof OVERTURNING MOMENT, M: CALCULATIONS FOR DESIGN WIND SPEDD AS PER IS:875 Location of Silo Basic Wind Speed Design Wind Speed, Risk Coefficient, Terrain Category, Topography Factor, Vb Vz K1 K2 K3 = = = = = = Igatpuri Nashik, Maharashtra 38.9 Vb x K1 x K2 x K3 1.07 1.05 1 Vz Vz Vz = = = Vb x K1 x K2 x K3 38.89 x 1.07 x 1.05 x 1 43.7 m/sec Design Wind Speed, Vz = 43.7 Wind Pressure, Pz = = 0.6 x Vz2 Therefore, Design Wind Speed, Coeff. Of Tank, For Circular in Plan, = = X Overturning Moment At Base M = = 1145.8 116.8 0.7 m/sec N/m2 Kg/m2 Shell Moment + Moment on the Roof (Pz x D x H x X ) H/2 + ( D x h / 2 ) x Pz x X ( H + h / 3 ) (116.81 x 4.5 x 20.295 x 0.7) x 20.295/2 + (4.5 x 0.395/2) x 116.81 x 0.7 x ( 20.295 + 0.395/3) M = = 77261.64 7,57,936.7 Kg-m N-m Weight ,W = Shell Weight (Excl. C.A.) + Roof Weight (Excl. C.A ) + Internals Supports Structure + Hand Railing, Ladders Weight. Shell Weight (Excl. C.A.) Roof Weight (Excl. C.A ) Internals Supports Structure + Hand Railing, Ladders Weight = = = 18,595.31 4,385.65 500.00 2/3(WD/2) 7,57,936.69 SINCE, M = = = > > 18595.31 + 4385.649 + 500 230348.2 N 345522 N-m 345522 N-m 2/3(WD/2) Assumed Anchors are not Required for Wind Pressure Uplift Due to Moment Where, M M = 4 M /Do = = Overtuning Moment at base 77,261.64 Kg-m Do Do = = Outside Diameter of Silo 4.52 m Page 38 of 45 Kg Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 = = = 4 M /Do 4 x 77261.64 / 4.516 68433.7 Kg Uplift Due to Internal Pressure = (TT/4)x Do^2 x P Do Do = = Outside Diameter of Silo 4.52 P P = = Design Pressure 0.05 = = = (TT/4)x Do^2 x P TT / 4 x 4.516^2 x 0.05 Total Uplift Total Uplift = = = Uplift Due to Moment + Uplift Due to Internal Pressure 68433.7 + 0.81 68435Kg Equipment Empty Weight = 16720.00 Kg Total Uplift 68434.51 Kg > > Total Equipment Weight (Maximum) 16720.00 Kg 0.810 Kg Since Total Uplift is Less Than Equipment Empty Weight, Anchors are not Required. Conclusion: Hence Anchors are not Required for Wind Pressure in Empty Condition Stress at Silo Base Due to Wind Load : Where, Substituting the Values, S = M / TTx R2 x t M M M = = = Moment at Base, Due to Seismic Load 77261.640 Kg-m 77261640.00 Kg-mm t = = Minimum Required Thickness as per IS:9178 6.0 mm D R = = 4500.000 2250 mm mm S S S = = = M / TTx R2 x t 0.80965 0.80965 Kg/mm2 < Hence Equipment Selected Shell Thickness is Safe for Wind Load in Empty Condition. Page 39 of 45 12.00 Kg/mm2 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 SEISMIC DESIGN ( ERECTION CONDITION) Design Report D, Nominal Diameter H, Height of the Equipment from the Support W, Empty Weight of the Equipment Refer IS 1893-2002, Location of the Equipment Seismic Zone Number Z, Seismic Zone Factor Soil Type R, Response Reduction Factor Table-7,Sr.No-iii (a) I Importance Factor Sa/g, Average Response Acceleration Coeff. Ta, Fundamental Natural Period ( For Steel Frame Building) = = = 4.500 m 2.638 m 16720.00 Kg = = = = = Igatpuri Nashik, Maharashtra III 0.16 Type-III, Soft Soil 4.00 = = 1.00 To be Calculated From Fig.-2, & Clause-6.4.5 = = 0.085 x (H)^0.75 0.18 Sec. 2.50 , FOR 0.1 < = T < = 0.67 Calculation of Sa/g Value : For Soft Soil Sites, Sa/g = 2.5 Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient : Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient, Ah = Z 2 Ah = Ah = (0.16/ 2 ) (1/4) ( 2.5) 0.05 I R Sa g Ah Shall not be less Than Z/2, For T<=0.1 Sec, For any of the (I/R) Value. Here, T Value of ( Z / 2) = > 0.10 Sec. 0.08 0.05 < 0.08 Ah < Z/2 Therefore New Value of Ah Will Be = Ah = 0.05 Page 40 of 45 0.050 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 SEISMIC DESIGN ( ERECTION CONDITION) Total Shear at Base Due to Seismic Load : V = Where, Ah * W V = Total Base Shear Due to Seismic Load Ah = Desgn Horizontal Seismic Coefficient, Based on Seimic Zone & As Calculated Ah = 0.050 W = Empty Weight of the Equipment = 16720.00 Kg. Base Shear, V = 0.05 x 16720 Kg V= 836.00 Kg Bending Moment at Base Due to Seismic Load : M = 2 *Ah * W * H / 3 Where, M = Moment at Base, Due to Seismic Load Ah = Desgn Horizontal Seismic Coefficient, Based on Seimic Zone & As Calculated = 0.050 W = Empty Weight of the Equipment = 16720.0 Kg H = Height of the Equipment from the Support = 2.6380 M Total Moment at Base, M = 2 x 0.05 x 16720 x 2.638/3 M = 1470.250 Kg-m Stress at Silo Base Due to Seismic Load : S = M / TTx R^2 x t Where, M = Moment at Base, Due to Seismic Load = 1470.250 Kg-m = 1470250.00 Kg-mm Sress, t = Minimum Required Thickness as per IS:9178 6.00 MM S = M / TTx R^2 x t S = 0.01541 = 0.01541 Kg/mm2 < 12.00 Kg/mm2 Hence Equipment Selected Shell Thickness is Safe for Seismic Load in Empty Condition. Page 41 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 SEISMIC DESIGN ( OPERATING CONDITION) Design Report D, Nominal Diameter H, Height of the Equipment from the Support W, Operating Weight of the Equipment = = = Refer IS 1893-2002, Location of the Equipment Seismic Zone Number Z, Seismic Zone Factor Soil Type R, Response Reduction Factor Table-7,Sr.No-iii (a) I Importance Factor Sa/g, Average Response Acceleration Coeff. Ta, Fundamental Natural Period ( For Steel Frame Building) 4.500 M 2.638 M 159720.00 Kg = = = = = Igatpuri Nashik, Maharashtra III 0.16 Type-III, Soft Soil 4.00 = = 1.00 To be Calculated From Fig.-2, & Clause-6.4.5 = = 0.085 x (H)^0.75 0.18 Sec. 2.50 , FOR 0.1 < = T < = 0.67 Calculation of Sa/g Value : For Soft Soil Sites, Sa/g = 2.5000 Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient : Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient, Ah = Z 2 Ah = Ah = (0.16/ 2 ) (1/4) ( 2.5) 0.05 I R Sa g Ah Shall not be less Than Z/2, For T<=0.1 Sec, For any of the (I/R) Value. Here, T > 0.10 SEC. Value of ( Z / 2) = 0.05 < Ah < Therefore New Value of Ah Will Be = Ah = 0.08 0.08 Z/2 0.05 Page 42 of 45 0.050 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 SEISMIC DESIGN ( OPERATING CONDITION) Total Shear at Base Due to Seismic Load : V = Where, Ah * W V = Total Base Shear Due to Seismic Load Ah = Desgn Horizontal Seismic Coefficient, Based on Seimic Zone & As Calculated Ah = 0.050 W = Empty Weight of the Equipment = 159720.00 KG Base Shear, V = 0.05 x 159720 Kg V = 7986.00 KG Bending Moment at Base Due to Seismic Load : M = 2 *Ah * W * H / 3 Where, M = Moment at Base, Due to Seismic Load Ah = Desgn Horizontal Seismic Coefficient, Based on Seimic Zone & As Calculated = 0.050 W = Empty Weight of the Equipment = 159720.0 Kg H = Height of the Equipment from the Support = 2.6380 M Total Moment at Base, M = 2 x 0.05 x 159720 x 2.638/3 M= 14044.720 Kg-m Stress at Silo Base Due to Seismic Load : S = M / TTx R^2 x t Where, M = Moment at Base, Due to Seismic Load = 14044.720 Kg-m = 14044720.00 Kg-mm STRESS, t = Minimum Required Thickness as per IS:9178 6.00 MM S = M / TTx R^2 x t S = 0.14718 = 0.14718 Kg/mm2 < 12.00 Kg/mm2 Hence Equipment Selected Shell Thickness is Safe for Seismic Load in Operating Condition. Page 43 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 SUMMARY OF LOAD DATA 150MT PP Granules Storage Silos Sr. No. Description Silo Weight 1 Empty Condition 16720.00 Kg 2 Operating Condition 159720.00 Kg Notes : a) Considerations : Wind Design : b) Seismic Design : Wind Design Wind Load 2430.14 Kg 2430.14 Kg Seismic Design Moment Base Shear Moment (at Silo Base Plate) (at base plate) (at Silo Base Plate) 8748.51 Kg-m 8748.51 Kg-m 836.00 Kg 7986.00 Kg 1470.25 Kg-m 14044.72 Kg-m Base Plate Dimensions Anchor Bolt Details No. of Anchor Points Total No. of Bolts No. of Bolts per Anchor Point Anchor Bolt Size 8 Nos. 16 Nos. 2 Nos. M30 8 Nos. 16 Nos. 2 Nos. M30 Bolt Hole Size 33mm 33mm BCD OD 4796mm 5036mm 4796mm 5036mm IS:875, Basic Wind Speed = 39m/s, K1 =1.0, K2=1.07,K3=1.0, Design Wind Speed =43.7m/s, Wind pressure - 116.8Kg/m2, Silo Height from Anchor Baseplate to Top =6m (assumed), Class-A, Cat-2, 50Yrs, IS:1893, Seismic Zone =III, Zone factor = 0.16, Soil Type: Type-III, Soft Soil,R = 4, I =1.0 Refer Design Summary for Anchor Ring dimensional details. Page 44 of 45 Mechanical Design Calculations for 150MT PP Storage Silo Rev. No. : 01 SILO DESIGN SUMMARY Sr. No. Item Description Calculated Thickness (Without CA) Solid Int. Material Pressure 1 Main Shell-1 (4000 HT- Top) 0.096 mm 0.5 mm 3 Bottom Circular Cone-(3900 HT) 2.032 mm 0.5 mm 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 Main Shell-2 (12000 HT-Lower) Top Roof Cone -100 0.096 mm - 0.5 mm 2.3 mm Calculated Thickness (With CA) Min. Reqd. Thk. As per IS:9178 (without CA) Provided Nominal Thickness 0.5 mm 6.0 mm 6.0 mm 0.5 mm 6.0 mm 8.0 mm Solid Material Int. Pressure 0.1 mm 0.5 mm 0.1 mm 2.0 mm - 2.3 mm Stiffening Rings -Shell 3 Nos x ISMC-150, M.S. on SS.304 R.F. Pad Stiffening Rings -Bottom Cone 2 Nos x ISMC-150, M.S. on SS.304 R.F. Pad RF Pad for shell Stiffenning Ring RF Pad for shell Stiffenning Ring Radial Stiffenners -Roof 10 Curb Angle-Top of Shell 11 Silo Anchor Ring Support: 8 Nos x ISMC 75 (SS 304) ISA 100 x 100 x 10 mm Thk (SS 304) c Gussets 25 mm Thk x 600 HT (M.S.) (24 Nos) e Anchor Bolt Size f RF Pad Ring for Anchor 12 Body Flange 4936 OD x 200 W x 50 mm Thk (M.S.) 16 Nos ( 2 Nos per anchor bolt location) M30 750 W x 12 mm Thk (SS 304 ) a OD 4680 mm c BCD 4600 mm e No. of Bolts & Bolts Size M36 x 88 Nos b ID d Thk f Gussets for Body Flg 13 Body Flange Gasket a OD b ID c Thk d MOC 6.0 mm 200Wx 6Thk 5036 OD x 250 W x 50 mm Thk (M.S.) d No. of Anchor Bolts 6.0 mm 8.0 mm 200Wx 6Thk a Base Ring b Compression Ring 6.0 mm 4519 mm 40 mm 44 Nos x 6Thk - At alternate bolt hole location Full face Gasket 4680 mm 4519 mm 3.0 mm Compressed Non Asbestos Fiber- PTFE Enveloped CONCLUSION: 1 2 3 4 The Provided Nominal Thicknesses for Shell, Bottom Cone, Roof Cone are more than minimum required thicknesses as per calculations. The Provided Nominal Thicknesses for anchor ring base plates and anchor ring compression plates are more than minimum required thicknesses as per wind & seismic load calculations. The Provided Anchor Bolt Sizes & Qty.are more than minimum required as per wind load & overturning moment calculations. The Shell, Cone Thicknesses are Safe for Overturning Moments due to Wind. Page 45 of 45