Guidelines for Estimating ESP Performance When Switching to Alternate Fuels Interim Report WARNING: Please read the License Agreement on the back cover before removing the Wrapping Material. 12867128 Technical Report 12867128 Guidelines for Estimating ESP Performance When Switching to Alternate Fuels Interim Report 1004075 Interim Report, February 2002 EPRI Project Manager R. Altman EPRI • 3412 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304 • PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303 • USA 800.313.3774 • 650.855.2121 • • 12867128 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITIES THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY THE ORGANIZATION(S) NAMED BELOW AS AN ACCOUNT OF WORK SPONSORED OR COSPONSORED BY THE ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. (EPRI). NEITHER EPRI, ANY MEMBER OF EPRI, ANY COSPONSOR, THE ORGANIZATION(S) BELOW, NOR ANY PERSON ACTING ON BEHALF OF ANY OF THEM: (A) MAKES ANY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, (I) WITH RESPECT TO THE USE OF ANY INFORMATION, APPARATUS, METHOD, PROCESS, OR SIMILAR ITEM DISCLOSED IN THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR (II) THAT SUCH USE DOES NOT INFRINGE ON OR INTERFERE WITH PRIVATELY OWNED RIGHTS, INCLUDING ANY PARTY'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, OR (III) THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS SUITABLE TO ANY PARTICULAR USER'S CIRCUMSTANCE; OR (B) ASSUMES RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF EPRI OR ANY EPRI REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES) RESULTING FROM YOUR SELECTION OR USE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION, APPARATUS, METHOD, PROCESS, OR SIMILAR ITEM DISCLOSED IN THIS DOCUMENT. ORGANIZATION(S) THAT PREPARED THIS DOCUMENT Southern Research Institute ORDERING INFORMATION Requests for copies of this report should be directed to EPRI Orders and Conferences, 1355 Willow Way, Suite 278, Concord, CA 94520, (800) 313-3774, press 2 or internally x5379, (925) 609-9169, (925) 609-1310 (fax). Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. EPRI. ELECTRIFY THE WORLD is a service mark of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. Copyright © 2002 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 12867128 CITATIONS This report was prepared by Southern Research Institute 2000 Ninth Avenue South P. O. Box 55305 Birmingham, AL 35255-5305 Principal Investigators K. Cushing J. McCain G. Marchant, Jr. This report describes research sponsored by EPRI. The report is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following manner: Guidelines for Estimating ESP Performance When Switching to Alternate Fuels: Interim Report, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2002. 1004075. iii 12867128 12867128 REPORT SUMMARY Fuel flexibility has always been an important issue for power producers because the cost of fuel is a major factor in the cost of generating electricity. More recently, the practice of fuel switching to meet SO2 emission limits has shown the effect of alternate fuels on combustion equipment, scrubbers, and electrostatic precipitators to be a more important and complicated issue. EPRI has developed tools that address all aspects of this issue and, in particular, has developed a number of tools to predict the impact of new coals and coal blends on electrostatic precipitator (ESP) operation and performance. Background EPRI published the first guidelines for estimating collection efficiencies of ESP’s in 1987. These guidelines documented relationships between coal and ash composition and the factors that dominate performance of conventional dry ESP’s: fly ash resistivity and particle size distribution. In 1993, the computer model of electrostatic precipitation, ESPM, was made available. Since that time, a significant body of new data on coal and ash properties have been gathered and major improvements in the model, ESPM, have been made. Objective To update the guidelines for estimating performance of ESP’s for new coals, coal blends, and selected foreign and opportunity fuels. Approach The project team added new data to the data originally used to develop the correlation between coal and ash composition and fly ash resistivity. New statistical techniques were used with the expanded data set to produce a new set of correlations. The team reevaluated the original set of particle size distributions in light of new data sets and new analytical procedures for calculating particle size distributions to see if more accurate size distribution recommendations could be made. Results from these studies were used in the new version of ESPM to examine the impact of the changes on predicted ESP performance. Results Results of the resistivity analysis produced new correlations that are more robust than the original correlations—predicting more accurate resistivity numbers for most coals. Particle size data analysis indicated that distributions already incorporated in the ESPM model produced satisfactory estimates of performance, but also suggested new, more realistic numbers to use in the model. Studies also determined that the correlations could be used for coal blends and foreign fuels. The new results are illustrated in numerous examples in this report. v 12867128 EPRI Perspective In an increasingly competitive market, power producers are constantly looking for ways to reduce costs, including the cost of coals and the cost of environmental compliance for their coalfired plants. Since most of these plants are equipped with electrostatic precipitators for particulate control, the impact of alternate fuels on ESP performance and operation is an important consideration in selecting fuels. EPRI has developed a number of tools to predict fuel impacts on ESP performance, and those tools have been recently updated and improved. This report gathers together those tools and illustrates their use in typical alternate fuel evaluations. The data and correlations in this report—combined with the EPRI-developed computer model of ESP performance, ESPM, and recently published reports on optimizing and upgrading ESP performance—make it possible to conduct a thorough investigation of the impact of a wide range of alternate fuels on ESP performance. These efforts will greatly improve EPRI members ability to select the most appropriate and least costly fuels for their plants. (See TR-113582 – Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, Guidelines for Upgrading Electrostatic Precipitator Performance). Keywords Fly ash properties Alternate fuels Electrostatic precipitator performance Particulate control ESP performance modeling vi 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1-1 How To Use This Report .................................................................................................... 1-2 2 CASE STUDIES USING THE ESPM MODEL...................................................................... 2-1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2-1 Base (Standard) Cases ...................................................................................................... 2-1 Base (Standard) Case #1 and Alternate Fuels.................................................................... 2-2 Base (Standard) Case #2 and Alternate Fuels...................................................................2-21 Base (Standard) Case #3 and Alternate ESP Configuration and Fuels..............................2-32 3 RESISTIVITY MODEL REVISIONS AND AN EXAMPLE CALCULATION FOR FLY ASH RESISTIVITY ................................................................................................................. 3-1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3-1 Early Work on Predictive Resistivity Correlations ............................................................... 3-1 Refinements in the Original Model...................................................................................... 3-2 Purpose of This New Research Effort................................................................................. 3-3 Calculation of Fly Ash Resistivity........................................................................................ 3-3 Specific Fly Ash Resistivity Calculations............................................................................. 3-4 Calculation of Volume Resistivity ................................................................................... 3-4 Calculation of Surface Resistivity................................................................................... 3-5 Calculation of the Net Combined Resistivities for Volume Plus Surface Conduction ...... 3-6 Calculation of the Direct Contribution of SO3 .................................................................. 3-6 Calculation of Acid Resistivity ........................................................................................ 3-7 Condition 1: [Mg + Ca] < 5 and [Fe] < 1 .................................................................... 3-9 Condition 2: All other combinations of [Mg + Ca] and [Fe] values ............................3-10 Condition 1: The ash is difficult to condition (see criteria below). .............................3-11 Condition 2: The ash is not difficult to condition (see criteria below). .......................3-12 Calculation of the Combined Surface, Volume, and Acid Resistivity .............................3-13 vii 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Estimation of SO3 Concentration When It Has Not Been Measured ..............................3-14 Other Considerations....................................................................................................3-14 An Example Calculation of Fly Ash Resistivity Using Model 3 ...........................................3-15 Example Calculation of Fly Ash Resistivity Using Model 3.................................................3-19 Definition of Symbols ....................................................................................................3-19 Values for Specific Parameters.....................................................................................3-20 Calculation of Volume Resistivity ..................................................................................3-20 Calculation of Surface Resistivity..................................................................................3-20 Calculation of Acid Resistivity .......................................................................................3-20 4 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ANALYSES AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..................... 4-1 Background ........................................................................................................................ 4-1 5 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 5-1 A CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL, AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FLY ASHES ....... A-1 viii 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1 Comparison of predicted results from Models 2A and Model 3 for an ash formed in the SRI Coal Combustion Facility at an SO3 concentration of 10 ppm.............3-22 Figure 3-2 Comparison of predicted results from Models 2A and the new model developed from the extended set of samples at an SO3 concentration of 10 ppm...........3-23 Figure 3-3 Resistivity of the various ash samples used in the development of the SO3 conditioning resistivity models. .......................................................................................3-24 Figure 3-4 Model 2A predictions at 10 ppm SO3 for ashes formed by combustion of five blends of PRB and James River coals............................................................................3-25 Figure 3-5 Predictions from the Model 3 at 10 ppm SO3 for ashes formed by combustion of five blends of James River and Jacobs Ranch (PRB) coals........................................3-26 Figure 3-6 Comparison of the average unsigned errors in the slopes of the resistivity versus temperature curves for the old and new models..................................................3-27 Figure 3-7 Comparison of the number of cases in the data bases for which the indicated model has the smaller error when compared to measured values. .................................3-28 Figure 4-1 Illustration of the change in measured particle size distributions resulting from improved understanding of inlet effects on the performance of inertial particle sizing devices (cascade impactors and cyclones)...................................................................... 4-2 Figure 4-2 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 2. ............................ 4-7 Figure 4-3 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 22 ........................... 4-8 Figure 4-4 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 25 ........................... 4-9 Figure 4-5 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 38 ..........................4-10 Figure 4-6 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 40. .........................4-11 Figure 4-7 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 7. ...........................4-12 Figure 4-8 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 8. ...........................4-13 Figure 4-9 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 9. ...........................4-14 Figure 4-10 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 24. .......................4-15 Figure 4-11 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 67.. ......................4-16 Figure A-1 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-57 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ........................................................... A-33 Figure A-2 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-58 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ........................................................... A-34 Figure A-3 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-59 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ........................................................... A-35 Figure A-4 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-60 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ........................................................... A-36 ix 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Figure A-5 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-61 with 10.1 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ........................................................... A-37 Figure A-6 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-67 with 10.1 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ........................................................... A-38 Figure A-7 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-68 with 10.2 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ........................................................... A-39 Figure A-8 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-69 with 10.1 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ........................................................... A-40 Figure A-9 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-70 with 10.1 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ........................................................... A-41 Figure A-10 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-121 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. .................................................... A-42 Figure A-11 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-122 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. .................................................... A-43 Figure A-12 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-123 with 10.2 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. .................................................... A-44 Figure A-13 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-124 with 10.2 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. .................................................... A-45 Figure A-14 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-130 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. .................................................... A-46 Figure A-15 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-133 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. .................................................... A-47 Figure A-16 Laboratory resistivity of Sample D492A with 10.4 % water by volume and one SO3 injection rate at specific temperatures.............................................................. A-48 Figure A-17 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 301 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ................................................................................................... A-49 Figure A-18 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 302 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ................................................................................................... A-50 Figure A-19 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 303 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ................................................................................................... A-51 Figure A-20 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 304 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ................................................................................................... A-52 Figure A-21 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 305 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ................................................................................................... A-53 Figure A-22 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 306 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ................................................................................................... A-54 Figure A-23 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 307 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ................................................................................................... A-55 Figure A-24 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 308 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ................................................................................................... A-56 Figure A-25 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 311 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ................................................................................................... A-57 x 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Figure A-26 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 312 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. ................................................................................................... A-58 xi 12867128 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Base Case #1, High Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP.......... 2-5 Table 2-2 Base Case #1, Switch from High Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal to Low Sulfur Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ............................................................ 2-7 Table 2-3 Base Case #1, Low Sulfur Powder River Basin Coal + 4 ppm S03, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ................................................................................................................. 2-9 Table 2-4 Base Case #1, 50/50 Blend of HS Eastern Bituminous Coal and LS Powder River Basin Coal (Resistivity Treated if it is Dominated by the Eastern Ash), 4-Field Cold-side ESP ................................................................................................................2-11 Table 2-5 Base Case #1, 50/50 Blend of HS Eastern Bituminous Coal and LS Powder River Basin Coal (Resistivity Treated as if Dominated by the Powder River Basin Coal), 4-Field Cold-side ESP..........................................................................................2-13 Table 2-6 Base Case #1, Switch from HS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Venezuelan Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ...........................................................................................2-15 Table 2-7 Base Case #1, Switch from HS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ...........................................................................................2-17 Table 2-8 Base Case #1, Switch from HS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, Inject 10 ppm SO3, 4-Field Cold-side ESP.............................................................2-19 Table 2-9 Base Case #2, Low Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP .........2-22 Table 2-10 Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Powder River Basin Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP .................................................................................2-24 Table 2-11 Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Venezuelan Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP ...........................................................................................2-26 Table 2-12 Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP ...........................................................................................2-28 Table 2-13 Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, Inject 4ppm SO3, 6-Field Cold-side ESP................................................................2-30 Table 2-14 Base Case #3, Low Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP .........2-35 Table 2-15 Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP ...................................................................................2-37 Table 2-16 Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Venezuelan Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP.............................................................................................2-39 Table 2-17 Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP.............................................................................................2-41 Table 2-18 Base Case #3, LS Eastern Bituminous Coal, Switch from 4-Field Hot-side ESP to 4-Field Cold-side ESP ........................................................................................2-43 xiii 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Table 2-19 Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP .................................................................................2-45 Table 2-20 Base Case #3, Switch to 50/50 Blend of LS Eastern Bituminous Coal and LS Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ...........................................................2-47 Table 2-21 Base Case #3, Switch from 50/50 LS Eastern Bituminous Coal/LS Powder River Basin Blend to Venezuelan Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ......................................2-49 Table 2-22 Base Case #3, Switch from 50/50 LS Eastern Bituminous Coal/LS Powder River Basin Coal Blend to South African Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP............................2-51 Table 2-23 Base Case #3, Switch from 50/50 LS Eastern Bituminous Coal/LS Powder River Basin Coal Blend to South African Coal, Inject 4ppm SO3, 4-Field Cold-side ESP................................................................................................................................2-53 Table 3-1 As-Received, Ultimate Coal Analysis and Fly Ash Analysis used in the Example Calculation of Fly Ash Resistivity .....................................................................3-16 Table 3-2 Calculation of Stoichiometric Flue Gas Composition ..............................................3-17 Table 3-3 Conversion of Weight Percent Analyses of Ash to Molecular Percent as Oxides and Catatonic Percent .......................................................................................3-18 Table 4-1 Boiler and Coal Characteristics, Particulate Concentrations, and Particle Size Distributions for the Plants used in this Study Taken from the “Precipitator Performance Estimation Procedure” Document............................................................... 4-4 Table 4-2 Results from ESP Modeling for each of the Selected Data Sets.............................. 4-5 Table 4-3 Results from ESP Modeling for each of the Selected Data Sets.............................. 4-6 Table A-1 Chemical and Physical Characterization of Fly Ashes Used in Model 1. ................. A-2 Table A-2 Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Used in Model 1 ........................................................................................................................... A-3 Table A-3 Chemical Characterization of Ashes from Original Sulfur Trioxide Study (Model 2) by Dr. R. E. Bickelhaupt and Recent Particle Size and BET Results for Same............................................................................................................................... A-4 Table A-4 Reanalysis of Selected Ashes from Original Sulfur Trioxide Study (Model 2) by Dr. R. E. Bickelhaupt and Client Ash D492A. .................................................................. A-4 Table A-5 Results of Mineral, Particle Size and BET Analyses of Model 3 Fly Ash Samples. ......................................................................................................................... A-5 Table A-6 Results of Mineral Analyses of Model 3 Coal Samples. .......................................... A-6 Table A-7 Sample 9896-1-57 Resistivity Data Summary......................................................... A-7 Table A-8 Sample 9896-1-58 Resistivity Data Summary......................................................... A-8 Table A-9 Sample 9896-1-59 Resistivity Data Summary......................................................... A-9 Table A-10 Sample 9896-1-60 Resistivity Data Summary..................................................... A-10 Table A-11 Sample 9896-1-61 Resistivity Data Summary..................................................... A-11 Table A-12 Sample 9896-1-67 Resistivity Data Summary..................................................... A-12 Table A-13 Sample 9896-1-68 Resistivity Data Summary..................................................... A-13 Table A-14 Sample 9896-1-69 Resistivity Data Summary..................................................... A-14 Table A-15 Sample 9896-1-70 Resistivity Data Summary..................................................... A-15 Table A-16 Sample 9896-1-121 Resistivity Data Summary................................................... A-16 xiv 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Table A-17 Sample 9896-1-122 Resistivity Data Summary .................................................. A-17 Table A-18 Sample 9896-1-123 Resistivity Data Summary .................................................. A-18 Table A-19 Sample 9896-1-124 Resistivity Data Summary .................................................. A-19 Table A-20 Sample 9896-1-130 Resistivity Data Summary .................................................. A-20 Table A-21 Sample 9896-1-133 Resistivity Data Summary .................................................. A-21 Table A-22 Sample D492A Resistivity Data Summary ......................................................... A-22 Table A-23 Sample 301 Resistivity Data Summary .............................................................. A-23 Table A-24 Sample 302 Resistivity Data Summary .............................................................. A-24 Table A-25 Sample 303 Resistivity Data Summary .............................................................. A-25 Table A-26 Sample 304 Resistivity Data Summary .............................................................. A-26 Table A-27 Sample 305 Resistivity Data Summary .............................................................. A-27 Table A-28 Sample 306 Resistivity Data Summary .............................................................. A-28 Table A-29 Sample 307 Resistivity Data Summary .............................................................. A-29 Table A-30 Sample 308 Resistivity Data Summary .............................................................. A-30 Table A-31 Sample 311 Resistivity Data Summary .............................................................. A-31 Table A-32 Sample 312 Resistivity Data Summary .............................................................. A-32 xv 12867128 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material 1 INTRODUCTION In the mid-1980s the Electric Power Research Institute published a comprehensive document outlining a procedure for using an existing computer model to estimate the performance of a cold-side utility fly ash electrostatic precipitator (ESP)(1). The purpose of this report is to update this performance estimation procedure to predict changes in ESP performance (both cold-side and hot-side) following fuel switching or fuel blending. Generally, domestic coal sources consist of the following types – anthracite, eastern bituminous (low sulfur), eastern bituminous (high sulfur), western sub-bituminous (low sulfur), Powder River Basin, and lignite (Texas or North Dakota). Fuel switching and blending have become quite commonplace as utilities strive to meet lower SO2 emission requirements, take advantage of the low cost of PRB coals, or retrofit or install new cold-side ESPs to replace old hot-side precipitators. Additionally, there is increased use of foreign coal sources, either wholly or blended with domestic supplies. Alternate fuels such as petroleum coke and various biomass choices (seed husks, switchgrass, etc.) are also providing challenges to ESP operators. Site-specific data required for the ESP performance estimation procedure generally include: • Core-bore coal and ash analyses, • Values of precipitator mechanical dimensions, and • Values of gas temperature and gas volume flow rate. New tools have been developed in the past several years to assist in estimating the remaining data needed for the estimation procedure, if measured values are not available. These remaining data consist of the following operating parameters, which influence precipitator performance: • Inlet fly ash mass loading, • Inlet particle size distributions, • Fly ash electrical resistivity, and • Precipitator voltage and current values. The ESP operating parameters described above are used as input data for the electrostatic precipitator performance model (ESPM, Windows-based) developed by EPRI (2,3) from the original model (FORTRAN code) developed by Southern Research Institute under sponsorship of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (4,5). The basic structure of this report will be centered around the presentation of case studies based on various combinations of coal types and ESP configurations. The product of each case study 1-1 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Introduction will be predicted particulate emission rates and stack opacities. There are several base cases from which all alternate cases will proceed. The alternate cases will emphasize changes in coal type, coal blends, and ESP variations. Example ESPM model results from the performance estimation procedures will be presented for each case. Should the switches in fuel supply or ESP configuration produce unacceptable increases in predicted particulate emission rates or opacity, countermeasures will be proposed (and evaluated by ESPM) to bring the unit into compliance (SO3 conditioning, humidification, SO3 plus ammonia conditioning, etc.). How To Use This Report As indicated by the title of this report, the purpose of this guideline document is to provide a means for plant engineers and other interested parties to predict ESP performance variability when fuel characteristics are altered. This report can best be used when the following steps are followed. • Obtain a copy of the ESPM computer model from EPRI1. • Read this guideline document and become familiar with the illustrated cases and input and output data. • Gather data for your specific boiler, ESP, and fuel supply. This will be the data set for your own “base (standard) case.” • Input the data into ESPM and “calibrate” the model by adjusting the gas flow distribution and sneakage parameters so that the model’s output matches the known performance data for your system. • Obtain the properties of your new fuel source, blended fuels, alternate fuels, and other changes you may have made in your ESP (hot-side to cold-side conversion, for example). This report should assist you in determining the best particle size distribution input data to use and the most accurate prediction of fly ash resistivity. • If fuel or ash data are not available, you may have to perform a test burn of the selected fuel source to obtain accurate input information for the model. • Run the ESPM model to determine the impact of your anticipated fuel/ESP changes. • If the predicted performance is poor, use the ESP enhancement options listed in this report and in other EPRI documents to improve predicted ESP performance. The next section of this report illustrates this procedure with numerous examples. As indicated earlier, a discussion of the newly developed ash resistivity correlation follows in Section 3, and recommendations concerning the selection of appropriate particle size distributions follow in Section 4. An appendix provides documentation of old and new laboratory data measured to support the original development and recent revisions to the fly ash resistivity model. 1 ESPM 2.0, the current version, uses the old resistivity correlations. The case studies in Section 2 were developed using this version. ESPM 3.0 will be released later in 2002 and will contain the new resistivity correlations. In the meantime, users can override the calculated resistivity in ESPM 2.0 by entering a value obtained from Section 3 of this report. 1-2 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material 2 CASE STUDIES USING THE ESPM MODEL Introduction In this section the performance estimates of electrostatic precipitators described by various base or standard case scenarios will be compared to performance estimates following switching to either alternate fuel sources or following changes in the ESP configuration. ESP performance estimates will be outlined from the output of the ESPM computer model. Specific regulatory emission limits, as provided below, are met by all base (standard) cases. If these emission limits are not met following fuel switching, counter measures will be suggested which will bring the unit into compliance. To fully utilize the information and examples provided in this chapter, it is assumed that the reader has a copy of the most recent version of the ESPM program, has read the manual accompanying the software, and understands its use. Base (Standard) Cases Three standard case studies have been selected. Each will be described in detail below with the specific input parameters for the ESPM model. In general terms the three standard case studies can be differentiated as follows: Plant #1 Megawatt Rating: ESP Configuration: SCA: Coal Supply: Emission Limits: Plant #2 Megawatt Rating: 275-325 MWe ESP Configuration: Medium to large size cold-side 2 SCA: 350 – 450 ft /kacfm Low-Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Emission Limits: 0.1 lb/MMBtu, 20% opacity (6 min. ave.) Coal Supply: Plant #3 275 - 325 MWe Small size cold-side 200 – 250 ft2 /kacfm High-Sulfur Eastern Bituminous 0.1 lb/MMBtu, 20% opacity (6 min. ave.) Megawatt Rating: 275-325 MWe ESP Configuration: Medium size hot-side SCA: 250 – 300 ft2 /kacfm Low-Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Emission Limits: 0.1 lb/MMBtu, 20% opacity (6 min. ave.) Coal Supply: 2-1 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model All emission limits are the same among the three plants. Boilers are T-fired or wall-fired designs; cyclone boilers are not considered in this document. The ESPM computer model requires input data in the following categories: General Parameters, Coal Parameters, Ash Parameters, ESP Physical Parameters, Gas Properties at ESP Inlet, and Additional Parameters. These data are included in tables presented in the subsections that follow. Fly ash resistivity values used as input to the ESPM model are estimated (calculated) using Resistivity Model 3 as described in Section 3 of this report. Electrostatic precipitator voltages and currents are calculated using the EPRI PC Voltage/Current Correlation Model (4,5,6) see EPRI Report CS5040, Precipitator Performance Estimation Procedure. Base (Standard) Case #1 and Alternate Fuels This utility power plant consists of a moderate size boiler in the 275 to 325 megawatt range. The plant has an older cold-side ESP of a generally small size with an SCA in the 200 to 250 ft2 /kacfm range. The plant is burning a high-sulfur Eastern Bituminous coal. Environmental regulations require an outlet mass emission rate limit of 0.1 pounds per million Btu and a sixminute average stack opacity limit of 20%. The specific ESPM input parameters and model results are listed in Table 2-1. A four-field ESP having a total specific collecting area of 227 ft2/kacfm is able to provide the necessary particulate collection efficiency. The fly ash resistivity 9 is low, 1.5 x 10 ohm-cm, and the ESP power levels are high. The average stack opacity is 7.5%, while the particulate emission rate is 0.01 pounds per million Btu. Alternate Fuel #1 - To illustrate the procedure to study the impact of alternate fuels on precipitator operation and performance, it is assumed the plant is scheduled to switch to a lowsulfur coal from the Powder River Basin. All physical parameters of the four-field ESP from the Base Case are maintained. The ESPM input data and model results are presented in Table 2-2. The most obvious change is the dramatic increase in fly ash resistivity, from 1.50 x 109 ohm-cm to 3.51 x 1011 ohm-cm, the reduction in overall ESP input power, and the change in the fly ash particle size distribution. Poorer ESP performance would be expected and is supported by the model results which predict an 8-fold increase in the mass emission rate, 0.01 to 0.078 lb/106 Btu, and an increase from 7.5% to 35% in stack opacity. If the ESP is not physically enlarged, some type of flue gas conditioning will be required to bring this unit into compliance. In order to get the ESP back into compliance, a flue gas conditioning agent is selected, sulfur trioxide. An injection rate of 4 ppm is chosen. All other ESPM model input parameters remain the same. The input data and results for this test are shown in Table 2-3. The sulfur trioxide reduces the fly ash resistivity from 3.51 x 1011 to 1.19 x 1010 ohm-cm. Also, the ESP power levels increase by almost an order of magnitude. This action reduces the mass emission rate 6 from 0.078 to 0.023 lb/10 Btu and the stack opacity from 35% to just under 15%. This action brings the unit back into compliance. A revised and updated fly ash resistivity model is being used to estimate resistivity values input into the ESPM model for the examples described in this chapter. The resistivity prediction correlations are discussed in detail in the following section (Section 3) of this report. In the development of this updated model it was observed that for particular fly ash mineral compositions the ash particles were deemed “hard-to-condition.” The model provides criteria that, based on the ash mineral composition, offer the following three choices for the particular 2-2 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model ash in question: “easy to condition, “may be hard to condition”, and “probably hard to condition.” This criteria may become active in situations where two different coals are blended, as in the following examples. Selecting the correct particle size distribution for a blend of two coals can be difficult, especially if the coals are diverse, such as an eastern bituminous and a Powder River Basin low-sulfur coal. For this report ESPM was allowed to select the appropriate size distribution based on the fly ash chemistry. Alternately, if available, an actual size distribution histogram should be used based on a measured particle size distribution during a test burn of the coal blend. Another technique is to mathematically create a size distribution histogram from the differential mass size distributions for the two individual coal ashes. By taking the appropriate percentage from each size increment for each coal ash, a new blended differential mass size distribution can be developed for a 50/50 blend situation. From this a new cumulative mass or percent distribution can be generated. This new histogram can then be entered into ESPM. Alternate Fuel #2 - Continuing with this base case, another possible scenario involving an alternate fuel selection relates to a blended coal, 50% high-sulfur Eastern Bituminous and 50% low-sulfur Powder River Basin. Following one of the two possible choices from resistivity Model 3, the ash is treated as if it is dominated by the high-sulfur eastern fuel characteristics. For this blend the ash resistivity drops by two orders of magnitude and the ESP power increases dramatically. The ESPM input data and model results for this case are shown in Table 2-4. The mass emission rate and stack opacity are even lower than those for the flue gas conditioning case above, 0.014 lb/106 Btu and 9.8% opacity. It may be that for the 50/50 blend of high-sulfur Eastern Bituminous coal and low-sulfur Powder River Basin coal, the PRB coal dominates resulting in a high fly ash resistivity and low ESP power levels. This scenario is described in Table 2-5 and corresponds to the hard-to-condition ash case. For this case the fly ash resistivity jumps to 1.41 x 1011 ohm-cm and ESP power levels are only about twice what they were with 100% PRB. The impact on emissions is as expected, a high mass emission rate, 0.054 lb/106 Btu, half the allowable value, however, a stack opacity of 27.8%. It is likely that some type of mechanism for lowering ash resistivity will be required, either injecting a chemical agent or humidification to lower flue gas temperature. Alternate Fuel #3 – For this example, the alternate fuel is a foreign coal from Venezuela. The physical configuration of the electrostatic precipitator has not changed. The ESPM input data and model results are presented in Table 2-6. This is a low sulfur coal, but one that provides an 10 ash with a moderate resistivity, 5 x 10 ohm-cm. The ESP power levels are adequate. The overall performance is generally good with an acceptable average stack opacity, 16.5%, and mass emission rate, 0.028 lb/106 Btu. Alternate Fuel #4 – Another alternate foreign fuel that is evaluated is one from South Africa. The ESPM input data and model results for this coal are shown in Table 2-7. The overall performance with this coal is much poorer than the Venezuelan coal. This is primarily due to the 10 12 two order of magnitude increase in the ash resistivity, from 5 x 10 to 2 x 10 ohm-cm. This produces significantly lower power levels in the ESP, lower by about a factor of 6 in the first field. The particle size distribution selected by ESPM is higher; however, this cannot overcome the low power levels. This configuration is an obvious candidate for some type of flue gas conditioning to reduce the ash resistivity and increase the ESP power levels. 2-3 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model In order to reduce the very high opacity, 75%, and mass emission rate, 0.25 lb/106 Btu, to acceptable levels, the ash resistivity must be reduced. Injection of sulfur trioxide is one candidate technology. Humidification could also be selected. In this example SO3 injection has been chosen. The ESPM input data and model results are presented in Table 2-8. To achieve reasonable performance levels, 10 ppm SO3 must be injected for this South African fly ash. This reduces the ash resistivity almost four orders of magnitude and boosts ESP power levels 10-fold on the inlet field. This has the necessary benefit because the predicted opacity now is 14.5%, and the mass emission rate is 0.02 pounds per million Btu. 2-4 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-1 Base Case #1, High Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-1. Base Case #1, High Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant A #1 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr Hi Sulfur Coal 50 11613 138.9 % % % % 45.4 34.61 11.28 8.71 % % % % % 64.55 4.12 7.26 1.25 2.83 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 1.5 1.50E+09 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.04 0.67 1.81 0.86 3.24 20.89 20.49 48.92 0.98 0.14 1.96 16 3.4 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-5 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-1. (continued) Base Case #1, High Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 56.6633 44.75 1188 2 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 56.6633 45.01 2376 3 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 56.6633 42.65 2376 4 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 56.6633 39.8 2376 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,143,597 6.2 5.5 12.5 75.6 2034 8.1 4.71 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-6 12867128 0.00322 0.01 0.00271 7.5 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-2 Base Case #1, Switch from High Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal to Low Sulfur Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-2. Base Case #1, Switch from High Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal to Low Sulfur Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant A #1 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr PRB 50 8870 182.5 % % % % 22.8 45.3 26.5 5.5 % % % % % 51.27 3.83 11.76 0.72 0.44 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 0.9 3.51E+11 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.65 0.54 1.1 6.2 6.1 13.2 70.8 0.87 0.05 0.5 20.4 5.43 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-7 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-2. (continued) Base Case #1, Switch from High Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal to Low Sulfur Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 52.7149 36.27 204 2 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 52.7149 35.29 289 3 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 52.7149 34.93 428 4 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 52.7149 32.73 546 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,229,253 9.5 5.5 12.2 72.8 355 1 5.0583 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-8 12867128 0.02349 0.078 0.0178 35 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-3 Base Case #1, Low Sulfur Powder River Basin Coal + 4 ppm S03, 4-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-3. Base Case #1, Low Sulfur Powder River Basin Coal + 4 ppm SO3, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant A #1 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr PRB 50 8870 182.5 % % % % 22.8 45.3 26.5 5.5 % % % % % 51.27 3.83 11.76 0.72 0.44 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 0.9 1.19E+10 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.65 0.54 1.1 6.2 6.1 13.2 70.8 0.87 0.05 0.5 21 4.8 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-9 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-3. (continued) Base Case #1, Low Sulfur Powder River Basin Coal + 4 ppm SO3, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 52.7149 44.43 1527 2 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 52.7149 43.3 2319 3 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 52.7149 40.77 2198 4 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 52.7149 39.22 2900 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,229,253 9.5 5.5 12.2 72.8 355 1 5.0583 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-10 12867128 0.00689 0.023 0.00518 14.8 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-4 Base Case #1, 50/50 Blend of HS Eastern Bituminous Coal and LS Powder River Basin Coal (Resistivity Treated if it is Dominated by the Eastern Ash), 4-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-4. Base Case #1, 50/50 Blend of HS Eastern Bituminous Coal and LS Powder River Basin Coal (Resistivity Treated as if it is dominated by the Eastern Ash), 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant A #1 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr HiS/PRB 50 10241 157.8 % % % % 34.1 39.96 18.89 7.11 % % % % % 57.91 3.98 9.51 0.99 1.64 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 0.9 3.20E+09 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.03 0.66 1.18 0.98 4.72 13.5 16.85 59.86 0.93 0.1 1.23 21 4.8 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-11 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-4. (continued) Base Case #1, 50/50 Blend of HS Eastern Bituminous Coal and LS Powder River Basin Coal (Resistivity Treated as if it is dominated by the Eastern Ash), 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 54.8 44.8 1188 2 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 54.8 45 2376 3 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 54.8 42.7 2376 4 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 54.8 39.8 2376 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,183,276 7.7 5.5 12.3 74.3 1276 5 4.87 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-12 12867128 0.00418 0.014 0.00314 9.8 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-5 Base Case #1, 50/50 Blend of HS Eastern Bituminous Coal and LS Powder River Basin Coal (Resistivity Treated as if Dominated by the Powder River Basin Coal), 4-Field Coldside ESP Table 2-5. Base Case #1, 50/50 Blend of HS Eastern Bituminous Coal and LS Powder River Basin Coal (Resistivity Treated as if dominated by the Powder River Basin Coal), 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant A #1 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr PRB/HiS 50 10241 157.8 % % % % 34.1 39.96 18.89 7.11 % % % % % 57.91 3.98 9.51 0.99 1.64 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 0.9 1.41E+11 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.03 0.66 1.18 0.98 4.72 13.5 16.85 59.86 0.93 0.1 1.23 20.6 5.32 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-13 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-5. (continued) Base Case #1, 50/50 Blend of HS Eastern Bituminous Coal and LS Powder River Basin Coal (Resistivity Treated as if dominated by the Powder River Basin Coal), 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 54.7632 38.3 324 2 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 54.7632 37.3 468 3 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 54.7632 36.4 614 4 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 54.7632 34.4 790 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,183,276 7.7 5.5 12.3 74.3 1276 5 4.87 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-14 12867128 0.01646 0.054 0.01249 27.8 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-6 Base Case #1, Switch from HS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Venezuelan Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-6. Base Case #1, Switch from HS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Venezuelan Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant A #1 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr Venezuelan Coal 50 12490 129.3 % % % % 50 34.9 7.3 7.8 % % % % % 71.5 4.8 6.3 1.4 0.9 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 1.5 5.04E+10 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.54 1.92 2.38 3.49 8.77 21.88 56.31 0.92 0.19 3.59 16 3.4 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-15 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-6. (continued) Base Case #1, Switch from HS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Venezuelan Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 40.8 987 2 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 39.7 1456 3 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 38.2 1668 4 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 36.3 2169 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,176,777 5.9 5.5 12.5 76 591 2 4.82 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-16 12867128 0.00872 0.028 0.00737 16.5 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-7 Base Case #1, Switch from HS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-7. Base Case #1, Switch from HS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant A #1 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr South African 50 11151 144.7 % % % % 52.6 25.7 10 12 % % % % % 65.9 3.6 6.6 1.6 0.6 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 2.1 2.01E+12 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.35 0.75 1.5 6.26 4.4 26.83 50.28 1.44 1.41 0.5 21 4.8 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-17 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-7. (continued) Base Case #1, Switch from HS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 32.7 156 2 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 31.8 213 3 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 32.3 396 4 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 29.9 496 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,172,648 5.5 5.5 13 75.9 443 2 4.82 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown inbold type. 2-18 12867128 0.07675 0.245 0.05735 74.9 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-8 Base Case #1, Switch from HS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, Inject 10 ppm SO3, 4-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-8. Base Case #1, Switch from HS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, Inject 10 ppm SO3, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant A #1 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr South African 50 11151 144.7 % % % % 52.6 25.7 10 12 % % % % % 65.9 3.6 6.6 1.6 0.6 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 2.1 9.70E+07 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.35 0.75 1.5 6.26 4.4 26.83 50.28 1.44 1.41 0.5 21 4.8 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-19 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-8. (continued) Base Case #1, Switch from HS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, Inject 10 ppm SO3, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 44.75 1620 2 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 45.01 3240 3 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 42.65 3240 4 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 39.8 3240 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,172,416 5.5 5.5 13 75.9 443 10 4.82 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-20 12867128 0.00611 0.02 0.00458 14.5 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Base (Standard) Case #2 and Alternate Fuels This utility power plant consists of a moderate size boiler in the 275 to 325 megawatt range. The plant has a fairly new medium-sized, cold-side ESP. Its SCA is in a range of 350 to 450 ft2/kacfm. The plant is burning a low-sulfur Eastern Bituminous coal. Environmental regulations require an outlet mass emission rate limit of 0.1 pounds per million Btu and a sixminute average stack opacity limit of 20%. The specific ESPM input parameters and model results are listed in Table 2-9. A six-field ESP having a total specific collecting area of 395 ft2/kacfm is able to provide the necessary particulate collection efficiency, even though the fly 11 ash resistivity is high, 1.5 x 10 ohm-cm, and the ESP power levels are moderate. The average stack opacity is 15.1%, while the particulate emission rate is 0.022 pounds per million Btu. Alternate Fuel #1 - To illustrate the procedure to study the impact of alternate fuels on precipitator operation and performance, it is assumed the plant is scheduled to switch to a low sulfur coal from the Powder River Basin. All physical parameters of the six-field ESP from the Base Case are maintained. The ESPM input data and model results are presented in Table 2-10. Because of the size of the ESP, it is able to handle this switch to Powder River Basin coal, even though the ash resistivity increases by a factor of two, and the overall SCA of the ESP is reduced from 395 to 370 because of the higher gas volume flow rate. One beneficial result of the coal switch is that the fly ash concentration entering the ESP decreases. The overall result is that there is actually a net improvement in performance. The average stack opacity is now 13.6%, while the mass emission rate is 0.022 lb/106 Btu. Alternate Fuel #2 – Another alternate fuel could be a foreign fuel, such as a Venezuelan coal. The ESPM input data and model results from a switch from LSEBC to a Venezuelan coal is shown in Table 2-11. All of the mechanical design parameters for the 6-field cold-side ESP remain the same. The power levels in the ESP are quite adequate and this is reflected in the results. The average stack opacity and mass emission rate are very low. The ESP has no problem with this fuel. The opposite extreme is shown in the next example. Alternate Fuel #3 – For this example a switch to a South African coal is made. The ESPM input data and model results are presented in Table 2-12. Compared to the Venezuelan coal, the resistivity of the South African coal ash is almost two orders of magnitude higher. While the particle size distribution is larger for this ash, the low sulfur content and high resistivity result in very low ESP power levels. The power level in the first field is almost 8 times lower for this ash compared to the Venezuelan ash. These poor power levels translate to very poor particulate collection efficiency, even for this 6-field ESP. Both the mass emission rate and stack opacity 6 are above the regulatory limits, 0.108 lb/10 Btu and 52.4%, respectively. Some type of means for reducing the fly ash resistivity and increasing ESP power levels will be required to bring this unit into compliance, even thoughthis ESP is relatively large. One method for improving ESP performance with the South African coal is to inject a small amount of sulfur trioxide. For this example 4 ppm SO3 appears to work well. The ESPM input data and model results are presented in Table 2-13. The sulfur trioxide conditions the fly ash and reduces the fly ash resistivity by almost two orders of magnitude, down to an acceptable level of 10 6 x 10 ohm-cm. This, in turn, dramatically increases the power levels in the electrostatic precipitator, boosting secondary current values by a factor of 3 or 4. This reduces the mass emission rate by a factor of 10, down to 0.009 lb/106 Btu, and lowers the stack opacity from 52% to 7.5%. 2-21 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-9 Base Case #2, Low Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-9. Base Case #2, Low Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Plant B #2 Megawatts, Gross 300 Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. T Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate % (Btu/kw) 10400 Stack Exit Diameter Feet 20 Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation Model Calculated Low Sulfur Eastern mm 50 Btu/lb 12132 T/hr % % % % 47.53 34.24 6.05 12.18 % % % % % 68.86 4.62 6.36 1.29 0.65 gr/acf W-cm at °F 3 gm/cm 2.1 1.50E+11 320 2.27 Y/N mm sg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.03 0.64 1.35 1.06 1.26 4.5 29.2 58.96 1.7 0.5 0.4 15.9 3.6 Ash Chemistry Li2 O Na2 O K2 O MgO CaO Fe2 O3 Al2 O3 SiO2 TiO2 P2 O5 SO3 2-22 12867128 132.6 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-9. (continued) Base Case #2, Low Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents 1 2 3 150 150 150 36 36 36 6 6 6 64800 64800 64800 0.109 0.109 0.109 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 2 ft /kacfm 55.9596 56.6633 56.6633 37.16 36.31 killovolts 38.17 427 616 815 milliamps --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches 4 5 6 150 150 150 36 36 36 6 6 6 64800 97200 97200 0.109 0.109 0.109 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 12 12 56.6633 83.9393 83.9393 34.26 32.42 32.42 1048 2203 2203 . Model Calculated Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number sg in. mm 320 1,157,979 5.7 5.5 12.6 76.1 479.4 1.9 4.77 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % 0.0068 0.022 0.00587 15.1 Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-23 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-10 Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Powder River Basin Coal, 6Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-10. Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Powder River Basin Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Plant B #2 Megawatts, Gross 300 Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. T Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate % (Btu/kw) 10400 Stack Exit Diameter Feet 20 Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr PRB 50 8870 182.5 % % % % 22.8 45.3 26.5 5.5 % % % % % 51.27 3.83 11.76 0.72 0.44 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F 3 gm/cm 0.9 3.51E+11 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.65 0.54 1.1 0.62 0.61 13.2 70.8 0.87 0.05 0.5 20.6 5.31 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2 O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P2O5 SO3 2-24 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-10. (continued) Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Powder River Basin Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents 1 2 3 4 5 6 150 150 150 150 150 150 36 36 36 36 36 36 6 6 6 6 6 6 64800 64800 64800 64800 97200 97200 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.109 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 12 12 ft2/kacfm 52.7149 52.7149 52.7149 52.7149 79.0724 79.0724 35.32 34.95 32.75 31.96 31.96 killovolts 36.29 280 397 586 748 1903 1903 milliamps . Model Calculated o F 320 acfm 1,229,253 9.5 % % 5.5 12.2 % % 72.8 355 ppm ppm 1.4 5.0583 ft/sec atm 0.9853 --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % 0.00624 0.021 0.00479 13.6 Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-25 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-11 Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Venezuelan Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-11. Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Venezuelan Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Plant B #2 Megawatts, Gross 300 Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. T Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate % (Btu/kw) 10400 Stack Exit Diameter Feet 20 Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation Model Calculated Venezuelan µm 50 Btu/lb 12490 T/hr % % % % 50 34.9 7.3 7.8 % % % % % 71.5 4.8 6.3 1.4 0.9 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 1.4 5.04E+10 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.54 1.92 2.38 3.49 8.77 21.88 56.31 0.92 0.19 3.59 16 3.4 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P2O5 SO3 2-26 12867128 129.3 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-11. (continued) Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Venezuelan Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 40.8 987 2 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 39.7 1456 3 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 38.2 1668 4 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 36.3 2169 5 150 36 6 97200 0.109 9 9 12 82.9 33 3554 6 150 36 6 97200 0.109 9 9 12 82.9 33 3554 . Model Calculated Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,176,777 5.9 5.5 12.5 76 591 2 4.77 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % 0.00093 0.003 0.00079 2.5 Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-27 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-12 Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-12. Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Plant B #2 Megawatts, Gross 300 Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. T Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate % (Btu/kw) 10400 Stack Exit Diameter Feet 20 Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation Model Calculated South African µm 50 Btu/lb 11151 T/hr % % % % 52.6 25.7 10 12 % % % % % 65.9 3.6 6.6 1.6 0.6 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 2.1 2.01E+12 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.37 0.8 1.6 6.68 4.69 28.62 53.64 1.54 1.5 0.53 21 4.8 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P2O5 SO3 2-28 12867128 144.7 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-12. (continued) Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, 6-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 32.7 156 2 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 31.79 213 3 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 32.28 396 4 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 29.85 496 5 150 36 6 97200 0.109 9 9 12 82.9 28.83 899 6 150 36 6 97200 0.109 9 9 12 82.9 28.83 899 . Model Calculated Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,172,416 5.5 5.5 13 75.9 443 2 4.77 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % 0.03392 0.108 0.02574 52.4 Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-29 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-13 Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, Inject 4ppm SO3, 6-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-13. Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, Inject 4 ppm SO3, 6-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Plant B #2 Megawatts, Gross 300 Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. T Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate % (Btu/kw) 10400 Stack Exit Diameter Feet 20 Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation Model Calculated South African µm 50 Btu/lb 11151 T/hr 144.7 % % % % 52.6 25.7 10 12 % % % % % 65.9 3.6 6.6 1.6 0.6 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 2.1 5.97E+10 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.37 0.8 1.6 6.68 4.69 28.62 53.64 1.54 1.5 0.53 21 4.8 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P2O5 SO3 2-30 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-13. (continued) Base Case #2, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, Inject 4 ppm SO3, 6-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 40.35 680 2 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 39.29 1000 3 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 37.88 1171 4 150 36 6 64800 0.109 9 9 8 55.3 35.99 1520 5 150 36 6 97200 0.109 9 9 12 82.9 32.94 2588 6 150 36 6 97200 0.109 9 9 12 82.9 32.94 2588 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,172,416 5.5 5.5 13 75.9 443 4 4.83 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % 0.0028 0.009 0.00212 7.5 Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-31 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Base (Standard) Case #3 and Alternate ESP Configuration and Fuels This utility power plant consists of a moderate size boiler in the 250 to 350 megawatt range. The plant has a 1970’s era medium-sized, hot-side ESP. Its SCA is in a range of 250 to 300 ft2/kacfm. The plant is burning a low-sulfur Eastern Bituminous coal. Environmental regulations require an outlet mass emission rate limit of 0.1 pounds per million Btu and a sixminute average stack opacity limit of 20%. The specific ESPM input parameters and model results are listed in Table 2-14. A four-field ESP having a total specific collecting area of 266 ft2/kacfm is able to provide the necessary particulate collection efficiency because the fly ash 8 resistivity is low, 4.8 x 10 ohm-cm, and the ESP power levels are fairly high. The average stack opacity is 9.5%, while the particulate emission rate is 0.024 pounds per million Btu. In fact, the ESP would probably suffer from the sodium depletion process, and performance could decline and become unacceptable after a period of weeks or months of operation. Alternate Fuel #1 - To illustrate the procedure to study the impact of alternate fuels on precipitator operation and performance, it is assumed the plant is scheduled to switch to a low sulfur coal from the Powder River Basin. All physical parameters of the four-field ESP from the Base Case are maintained. The ESPM input data and model results are presented in Table 2-15. This hot-side ESP is able to tolerate the switch in fuel quite well. While the ash resistivity increases slightly, there is an overall increase in the particle size distribution. The ESP power levels remain the same. The model results indicate that the performance of the ESP will actually improve slightly. The opacity and mass emission rate are lower compared to the base case, 8.1% and 0.02 lb/106 Btu, respectively. However, as in the base case, this estimate is made for ash in the fresh condition before sodium depletion occurs. The performance could become marginal after an extended period of operation. Alternate Fuel #2 – Another choice as an alternate fuel could be a foreign coal, such as one from Venezuela. In this example a low-sulfur Venezuelan coal is investigated. The physical parameters of the hot-side ESP remain constant. The ESPM input data and model results are presented in Table 2-16. The particle size distribution of the Venezuelan coal is predicted to be smaller than that of the PRB coal ash. The inlet mass loading is higher for the Venezuelan coal ash. However, the resistivity is slightly lower for the Venezuelan coal ash; and hence, the calculated voltages and currents end up higher for the Venezuelan coal. Therefore, the overall performance is almost identical to that for the Powder River Basin coal Alternate Fuel #3 – A second foreign fuel to be considered could be a South African coal. In this case it is a low-sulfur coal, slightly lower than the Venezuelan coal. The ESPM input data and model results are shown in Table 2-17. While the fly ash resistivity increases by about a factor of five over the Venezuelan coal ash, the value is still quite low resulting in good ESP power levels. The ESPM model selects a larger overall particle size distribution for the South African coal ash compared to the Venezuelan coal ash. Overall performance is very good with 6 low opacity and mass emission rate values, 14.9% and 0.034 lb/10 Btu, respectively. The original coal and the three alternate choices do not appear to pose any performance issues for the 4-field hot-side ESP. Again, sodium depletion could result in unacceptable performance after an extended period of operation. 2-32 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Hot-side to Cold-side ESP Conversion – While the performance of the four hot-side ESP examples above appear very good, it has already been noted that hot-side ESPs suffer from sodium depletion. Depending on how rapidly this phenomenon occurs, your hot-side ESP may quickly become a candidate for conditioning with sodium sulfate or sodium carbonate to increase the sodium levels in the ash and improve overall ESP performance. One of the techniques for dealing with anticipated poor ESP performance when switching fuels is to convert to cold-side ESP operation. In this particular example, the original low-sulfur Eastern Bituminous coal continues to be used while switching to a cold-side configuration. The ESPM input data and model results are shown in Table 2-18. The physical attributes of the ESP remain the same. Several changes are observed in the input data. The SCA increases from 266 to 344 ft2/kacfm because of the reduced gas volume, the fly ash resistivity increases about three orders of magnitude because of the low flue gas temperature and SO3 content in the flue gas, and the ESP power levels are significantly lower. Nevertheless, the ESP is able to provide acceptable performance levels, 17.8% stack opacity and 0.031 lb/106 Btu mass emission rate. Apparently, the larger SCA is able to overcome the lower ESP power levels and high ash resistivity. Alternate Fuel #1 – The next test is to determine how the new cold-side ESP will perform with a Powder River Basin fuel. The ESPM input data and model results are presented in Table 2-19. The most significant changes involve the lower ESP power levels and the larger inlet particle size distribution. The fly ash resistivity is only slightly higher. The lower power levels and large particle sizes appear to offset each other, because the overall performance, while somewhat worse than with the low-sulfur Eastern Bituminous coal, is still within the regulatory limits. A larger operating margin would be provided by some type of gas conditioning, as demonstrated with Base Case #1 above. Alternate Fuel #2 – Another possible fuel choice would be a blend of the Eastern Bituminous and Powder River Basin low-sulfur coals. A 50/50 blend was selected for this example. The ESPM input data and model results are presented in Table 2-20. As expected, these results are very similar to both the low sulfur Eastern Bituminous and Powder River Basin performance data. The main reason for the generally good performance is the SCA and power levels in the precipitator. To gain an additional performance margin, steps could be taken to lower the fly ash resistivity by reducing gas temperature or increasing the sulfur trioxide level in the flue gas. Alternate Fuel #3 – Another alternate fuel which could be used in this configuration is one from Venezuela. It is a low-sulfur coal. The ESPM input data and model results are presented in Table 2-21. The calculated resistivity of the fly ash is lower than that for the low sulfur blend or the Powder River Basin coal ash. While the SO3 level is low and the model-selected particle size distribution has a small MMD, the overall ESP power levels are the highest for any cold-side ESP scenario described for this base case. The ESPM model results are quite good. The 6 predicted stack opacity is 7.5%, and the predicted mass emission rate is 0.012 lb/10 Btu. Alternate Fuel #4 – As would be expected from the results shown in Base Case #1 for the South African coal ash and the 4-field cold-side ESP, the performance for this particular ESP with South African coal ash is very poor. The ESPM input data and model results are shown in Table 2-22. The poor performance is caused by the very high ash resistivity, 2 x 1012 ohm-cm. This depresses the power levels in the ESP, almost four times lower than those for the Venezuelan coal ash. The larger particle size distribution selected by the model for this ash does not help 2-33 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model particularly. The average predicted stack opacity is over 50%, while the mass emission rate exceeds 0.1 lb/106 Btu. This ESP is a candidate for a technology to reduce the fly ash resistivity. One method for improving ESP performance with the South African coal is to inject a small amount of sulfur trioxide. For this example 4 ppm SO3 appears to work well. The ESPM input data and model results are presented in Table 2-23. The sulfur trioxide conditions the fly ash and reduces the fly ash resistivity by almost two orders of magnitude, down to an acceptable level of 6 x 1010 ohm-cm. This in turn dramatically increases the power levels in the electrostatic precipitator, boosting secondary current values by a factor of 5 or 6. This reduces the mass emission rate by a factor of 5, down to 0.024 lb/106 Btu, and lowers the stack opacity from 51% to 17%. 2-34 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-14 Base Case #3, Low Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP Table 2-14. Base Case #3, Low Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant C #3 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr LSEBC 50 11613 132.6 % % % % 47.53 34.24 6.05 12.18 % % % % % 68.86 4.62 6.36 1.29 0.65 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 1.3 4.78E+08 740 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.03 0.64 1.36 1.06 1.27 4.52 29.32 59.2 1.71 0.5 0.4 15.2 4.19 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-35 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-14. (continued) Base Case #3, Low Sulfur Eastern Bituminous Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 66.5 44.8 1620 2 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 66.5 45 3240 3 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 66.5 42.7 3240 4 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 66.5 39.8 3240 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 740 1,534,075 6.7 3 14.6 75.6 557 2 4.01 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-36 12867128 0.00568 0.024 0.00482 9.5 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-15 Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Powder River Basin Coal, 4Field Hot-side ESP Table 2-15. Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant C #3 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr PRB 50 8870 182 % % % % 22.8 45.3 26.5 5.5 % % % % % 51.3 3.8 11.8 0.7 0.4 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 0.6 1.50E+09 740 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.65 0.54 1.1 6.2 6.1 13.2 70.8 0.87 0.05 0.5 21 4.8 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-37 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-15. (continued) Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 62.8 44.8 1620 2 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 62.8 45 3240 3 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 62.8 42.7 3240 4 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 62.8 39.8 3240 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 740 1,624,036 11.1 3 14.1 71.8 413 2 4.01 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-38 12867128 0.00443 0.02 0.00342 8.1 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-16 Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Venezuelan Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP Table 2-16. Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Venezuelan Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant C #3 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr Venezuelan 50 12490 128.9 % % % % 50 34.9 7.3 7.8 % % % % % 71.5 4.8 6.3 1.4 0.9 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 1.3 1.13E+09 740 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.54 1.92 2.38 3.49 8.77 21.88 56.31 0.92 0.19 3.59 15.4 4.02 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-39 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-16. (continued) Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Venezuelan Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 65.6 44.8 2160 2 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 65.6 45 4320 3 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 65.6 42.7 4320 4 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 65.6 39.8 4320 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 740 1,554,058 6.8 3 14.6 75.6 687 3 4.05 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6) All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-40 12867128 0.00474 0.02 0.00401 8.3 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-17 Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP Table 2-17. Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant C #3 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr South African 50 11151 144.3 % % % % 52.6 25.7 10 12 % % % % % 65.9 3.6 6.6 1.6 0.6 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 1.4 5.93E+09 740 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.37 0.8 1.6 6.68 4.69 28.62 53.64 1.54 1.5 0.53 20.7 5.19 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-41 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-17. (continued) Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS South African Coal, 4-Field Hot-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 66.5 44.8 2160 2 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 66.5 45 4320 3 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 66.5 42.1 3847 4 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 66.5 39.8 4320 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 740 1,548,651 6.4 3 15.1 75.4 514 2 4.05 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-42 12867128 0.00805 0.034 0.00603 14.9 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-18 Base Case #3, LS Eastern Bituminous Coal, Switch from 4-Field Hot-side ESP to 4-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-18. Base Case #3, LS Eastern Bituminous Coal, Switch from 4-Field Hot-side ESP to 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant C #3 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr LSEBC 50 11613 133 % % % % 47.53 34.24 6.05 12.18 % % % % % 68.86 4.62 6.36 1.29 0.65 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 2.1 1.40E+11 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.03 0.64 1.36 1.06 1.27 4.52 29.32 59.2 1.71 0.5 0.4 15.7 3.84 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-43 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-18. (continued) Base Case #3, LS Eastern Bituminous Coal, Switch from 4-Field Hot-side ESP to 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86 38.2 427 2 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86 37.2 619 3 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86 36.3 817 4 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86 34.3 1051 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,185,437 5.7 5.5 12.6 76.1 479 1.9 3.1 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-44 12867128 0.00969 0.031 0.00825 17.8 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-19 Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Powder River Basin Coal, 4Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-19. Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant C #3 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr PRB 50 8870 182.5 % % % % 22.8 45.3 26.5 5.5 % % % % % 51.3 3.8 11.8 0.7 0.4 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 0.9 3.51E+11 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.65 0.54 1.1 6.2 6.1 13.2 70.8 0.87 0.05 0.5 20.1 5.66 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-45 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-19. (continued) Base Case #3, Switch from LS Eastern Bituminous Coal to LS Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 82.9 36.3 204 2 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 82.9 35.3 289 3 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 82.9 34.9 428 4 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 82.9 32.7 546 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,229,253 9.5 5.5 12.2 72.8 355 1.4 3.22 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-46 12867128 0.01062 0.035 0.00812 19.5 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-20 Base Case #3, Switch to 50/50 Blend of LS Eastern Bituminous Coal and LS Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-20. Base Case #3, Switch to 50/50 Blend of LS Eastern Bituminous Coal and LS Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant C #3 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr LSEC/PRB 50 10501 153.9 % % % % 35.17 39.77 16.28 8.84 % % % % % 60.07 4.23 9.06 1.01 0.55 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 1.5 7.51E+10 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.03 0.65 0.95 1.08 3.73 5.3 21.2 64.88 1.29 0.28 0.45 20.6 5.26 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-47 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-20. (continued) Base Case #3, Switch to 50/50 Blend of LS Eastern Bituminous Coal and LS Powder River Basin Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 85.6 39.8 445 2 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 85.6 38.8 651 3 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 85.6 37.5 785 4 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 85.6 35.6 1017 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,190,481 7.4 5.5 12.4 74.7 464 2 3.11 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-48 12867128 0.00937 0.031 0.0071 18.9 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-21 Base Case #3, Switch from 50/50 LS Eastern Bituminous Coal/LS Powder River Basin Blend to Venezuelan Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-21. Base Case #3, Switch from 50/50 LS Eastern Bituminous Coal/LS Powder River Basin Blend to Venezuelan Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant C #3 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr Venezuelan 50 12490 129.3 % % % % 50 34.9 7.3 7.8 % % % % % 71.5 4.8 6.3 1.4 0.9 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 1.4 5.04E+10 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.54 1.92 2.38 3.49 8.77 21.88 56.31 0.92 0.19 3.59 15.6 3.85 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-49 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-21. (continued) Base Case #3, Switch from 50/50 LS Eastern Bituminous Coal/LS Powder River Basin Blend to Venezuelan Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86.6 40.8 987 2 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86.6 39.7 1456 3 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86.6 38.2 1668 4 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86.6 36.3 2169 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,176,777 5.9 5.5 12.5 76 591 2 3.08 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-50 12867128 0.00364 0.012 0.00309 7.5 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-22 Base Case #3, Switch from 50/50 LS Eastern Bituminous Coal/LS Powder River Basin Coal Blend to South African Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-22. Base Case #3, Switch from 50/50 LS Eastern Bituminous Coal/LS Powder River Basin Coal Blend to South African Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant C #3 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr South African 50 11151 144.7 % % % % 52.6 25.7 10 12 % % % % % 65.9 3.6 6.6 1.6 0.6 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 2.09 2.01E+12 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.37 0.8 1.6 6.68 4.69 28.62 53.64 1.54 1.5 0.53 21 4.8 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-51 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-22. (continued) Base Case #3, Switch from 50/50 LS Eastern Bituminous Coal/LS Powder River Basin Coal Blend to South African Coal, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86.9 32.7 156 2 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86.9 31.8 213 3 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86.9 32.3 396 4 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86.9 39.9 496 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,172,416 5.53 5.5 12.99 75.94 443 2 3.07 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-52 12867128 0.03477 0.111 0.02616 51.2 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-23 Base Case #3, Switch from 50/50 LS Eastern Bituminous Coal/LS Powder River Basin Coal Blend to South African Coal, Inject 4ppm SO3, 4-Field Cold-side ESP Table 2-23. Base Case #3, Switch from 50/50 LS Eastern Bituminous Coal/LS Powder River Basin Coal Blend to South African Coal, Inject 4 ppm SO3, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data General Parameters Unit Being Modeled Megawatts, Gross Boiler Type, T Fired, Wall Fired, Etc. Estimated Thermal Efficiency or Heat Rate Stack Exit Diameter Coal Parameters Mine Name Mean Coal Diameter Heating Value Fuel Feed Rate Proximate Analysis, as Received Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Moisture Ash Ultimate Analysis, As Received C H2 O2 N2 S Ash Parameters ESP Inlet Concentration Calculated Ash Resistivity Ash Density Particle Size Log Normal Mass Median Diamerter Entering ESP Geometric Standard Deviation % (Btu/kw) Feet Plant C #3 300 T 10400 20 Model Calculated µm Btu/lb T/hr South African 50 11151 144.7 % % % % 52.6 25.7 10 12 % % % % % 65.9 3.6 6.6 1.6 0.6 gr/acf Ω−cm at °F gm/cm3 2.1 5.97E+10 320 2.27 Y/N µm σg Y % % % % % % % % % % % 0.02 0.37 0.8 1.6 6.68 4.69 28.62 53.64 1.54 1.5 0.53 21 4.8 Ash Chemistry Li2O Na2O K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P 2O 5 SO3 2-53 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Case Studies Using the ESPM Model Table 2-23. (continued) Base Case #3, Switch from 50/50 LS Eastern Bituminous Coal/LS Powder River Basin Coal Blend to South African Coal, Inject 4 ppm SO3, 4-Field Cold-side ESP ESPM Input Data ESP Parameters Field Number Number of Gas Passages Plate Height Collecting Plate Length Collecting Plate Area Discharge Electrode(Effective) Diameter Wire to Plate Spacing Wire to Wire Spacing Number of Wires per Gas Passage SCA of Section Secondary Voltages Secondary Currents --Feet Feet Sq. Ft. Inches Inches Inches ft2/kacfm killovolts milliamps 1 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86.9 40.35 1070 2 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86.9 39.29 1574 3 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86.9 37.88 1843 4 236 36 6 101952 0.109 9 9 8 86.9 35.99 2391 . Gas Properties at ESP Inlet Gas Temperature Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Moisture Content Oxygen Content Carbon Dioxide Content Nitrogen Content Sulfur Dioxide Content Sulfur Trioxide Content Gas Velocity in ESP Gas Pressure Model Calculated o F acfm % % % % ppm ppm ft/sec atm Additional Parameters Gas Velocity Standard Deviation Electrode Misalignment Fraction Misaligned Aerodynamic Sneakage Rap Reentrainment Fraction Particle MMD (Rap) Geometric Standard Dev. (Rap) Core Turbelent Number σg in. µm 320 1,172,648 5.53 5.5 12.99 75.94 443 4 3.07 0.9853 0.15 0 0 0.05 0.05 6 1.5 1 Results of the ESPM Model Emissions: gr/acf lb/MMBtu PM10; gr/acf Opacity, % Notes: Fly ash resistivity calculated from Resistivity Model 3 (see Chapter 3). ESP voltages and currents calculated from EPRI PC Correlation Model (4, 5, 6). All model calculated values shown in bold type. 2-54 12867128 0.00752 0.024 0.00562 16.6 EPRI Licensed Material 3 RESISTIVITY MODEL REVISIONS AND AN EXAMPLE CALCULATION FOR FLY ASH RESISTIVITY Introduction Methods for predicting resistivity were developed by Dr. Roy E. Bickelhaupt during the late 70’s and early 80’s. These models were based on correlations that he established between resistivity and fly ash compositions for specific laboratory test conditions. Although coal ash analyses can be used, the predictors are based on fly ash analyses. These include projected resistivities with SO3 conditioning. [The projected effects of SO3 conditioning are based on equilibrium values in the laboratory and may not be achieved in the field. This is especially true for gas temperatures above 325 degrees F (160 degrees C).] The data set available to Dr. Bickelhaupt at the time for developing the SO3 related parts of the correlations was limited to only ten ashes. In addition, the tools for data analysis that could be employed practically at the time were restricted as well. As a consequence, the set of correlations for the effects of SO3 used an either/or choice of two slopes for predicting the effect of changing SO3 concentration and a table containing six discrete values for the effect of temperature on resistivity in the presence of SO3. In Dr. Bickelhaupt’s model, changes in the slopes of resistivity versus temperature and SO3 concentration occurred at a set of breakpoints at particular concentrations of iron, lithium plus sodium, and magnesium plus calcium in the ash. Near these breakpoints, small changes in the concentration of one or more of these elements could cause large changes in the resistivity predicted by the model for any given SO3 concentration and gas temperature. Early Work on Predictive Resistivity Correlations Dr. Roy Bickelhaupt’s study of the electrical resistivity of coal fly ash began in the early 1970s. This work focused on the study of volume conduction and surface conduction in fly ash. Test data indicated that for fly ashes consisting principally of a glassy phase, the volume conduction process was similar to that of common glass. It was determined that conduction occurs by an ionic mechanism in which the alkali metal ions serve as charge carriers (in the absence of sulfuric acid vapor). His research showed that the electrical resistivity was inversely proportional to the combined molecular concentration of lithium and sodium (7). Dr. Bickelhaupt conducted additional experiments demonstrating that surface conduction takes place by an ionic mechanism in which the alkali metal ions serve as the principal charge carriers. It was observed that the surface resistivity was inversely proportional to the concentration of these alkali metal ions (in the absence of sulfuric acid vapor). Previously, it had been generally accepted that surface conduction occurred by an electrolytic or ionic mechanism dependent principally on the physical and chemical adsorption of certain species on the ash surface to produce a conducting film. Dr. 3-1 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity Bickelhaupt’s research showed that the role of the environment is no less important in that these factors control the release of the alkali metal ions (8). The results of Dr. Bickelhaupt’s research on surface and volume conduction mechanisms provided the basic tools for developing a method for predicting fly ash resistivity based on the chemical composition of the ashes. To provide a complete set of data for developing these correlations, an exhaustive study of 35 coal fly ashes was conducted in the late 1970s. From this group, sixteen ashes were selected to investigate the effect of the variation in flue gas moisture concentration and ash layer electric field strength on resistivity. Eight of these ashes were further utilized in experiments to determine the effect of sulfur trioxide on resistivity. By combining the expressions defining the effects of these three factors on resistivity with the basic expression for resistivity as a function of ash composition, correlations were developed to allow the prediction of fly ash resistivity as a function of temperature knowing the ash composition, water and sulfur trioxide concentrations, and the ash layer field strength. This work was published in 1979 (9). The laboratory tests showed that resistivity was strongly correlated to the concentrations of lithium, sodium, iron, calcium, and magnesium in the ashes. Strong correlations were also shown with moisture levels and sulfur trioxide concentrations. Mathematical expressions were developed relating volume resistivity to ash composition and surface resistivity to temperature and water vapor concentration. These were combined as a sum of parallel resistances. A mathematical expression was developed relating acid resistivity to temperature and sulfur trioxide concentration. Using the expression for parallel resistances, the surface-volume resistivity expression was combined with the acid resistivity expression to form the final predictive relationship. Refinements in the Original Model The original model developed in 1979 was labeled Model 1. Between 1980 and 1985 laboratory data relevant to the resistivity prediction model were periodically obtained. Usually these data simply verified previous observations. However, a series of tests were conducted using fly ashes having high concentrations of calcium and magnesium that showed extra sensitivity to water vapor concentration with respect to resistivity. This deviation from the previous resistivity/water vapor correlation used in Model 1 was incorporated into the computer program. This new program was designated Model 1A (10). In 1986 a new fly ash resistivity predictive tool was published, Model 2 (10). The basis for the development of this new model was a better understanding of the influence of sulfur trioxide on resistivity and the dependence of its influence on the concentration of alkali metals in the ash. In the course of development of Model 2 ten new ashes were thoroughly characterized both chemically and physically. The parameters investigated included fly ash composition, sulfuric acid concentration (1 ppm to 10 ppm), water concentration (5% and 10%), temperature (115°C to 200°C), and field strength intensity (2 kV/cm to 12 kV/cm). The principal type of experiment was the determination of resistivity at three temperatures for three concentrations of sulfuric acid vapor (1, 4, and 10 ppm). In 1990 Dr. Bickelhaupt updated the program slightly to account for observations relative to the combined concentrations of magnesium and calcium. At this point there were three criteria for 3-2 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity the selection of the slope of the acid resistivity curve as a function of reciprocal absolute temperature. New data and observations made since Model 2 was published demonstrated that predictions could be improved by altering a trigger point set by the concentration of calcium. With this change, the model, now designated Model 2A (11), showed better agreement with observation, and it became somewhat more conservative. A review of these earlier models has been published by EPRI. (12) Purpose of This New Research Effort Users of the several resistivity predictor models over the last twenty years have found Model 1 to be the most conservative, generally predicting the highest resistivity for normal ranges of ash constituent concentrations. It has been found, for all models, however, that even small changes in the concentrations of certain constituents, [Mg + Ca] or [Na +Li] for example, can result in large step changes in the predicted value of resistivity. Effects of this type are illustrated in Figures 3-1 and 3-2 in which the calculations were carried out for slight changes in the concentration of sodium. The development of revisions in the model to eliminate or smooth these unrealistic changes in resistivity has been the primary goal of this effort. In addition, coal blending is very common in the utility industry today. The current models may or may not work well with these blends. Incorporating additional coal blends into the sample database was another goal of this revision effort. Physical and chemical properties of sixteen new coal and fly ash samples were measured to expand the database upon which the next-generation resistivity model was to be based. These data, including the original data sets developed by Dr. Bickelhaupt for Models 1 and 2, are presented for completeness in Appendix A. A detailed description of the laboratory test program and results has been published by EPRI (13). Calculation of Fly Ash Resistivity All of the current models start with the calculation of flue gas and fly ash constituent concentrations using coal ultimate and ash mineral analyses. The steps in these calculations can be summarized as follows: Step 1: Calculate elemental concentrations as “Atomic Concentrations” (or cationic percentages) for the metals (cations) found in the ash analysis. The results of ash analyses for metals are generally provided by analytical laboratories in terms of concentrations as oxides in weight percent and must be transformed to the needed atomic concentrations. The steps required to perform these transformations are given below. a. Normalize the weight percentages to sum 100% by dividing each specified oxide percentage by the sum of the oxide percentages. b. Divide each oxide percentage by the respective molecular weight of the oxide to obtain mole fractions. 3-3 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity c. Divide each mole fraction by the sum of the mole fractions and multiply by 100 to obtain the molecular percentages as oxides. d. Multiply each molecular percentage as oxide by the decimal fraction of cations in the given oxide to obtain the atomic concentrations. Step 2: Calculate flue gas composition Step 3: Calculate estimated SO3 concentration based on SO2 concentration. Step 4: Calculate volume resistivity of the ash based on the atomic concentrations of cations. Step 5: Calculate the surface resistivity. Step 6: Calculate the combined volume and surface resistivity. Step 7: Calculate the direct H2SO4 (SO3) acid concentration in order to calculate the resistivity at the actual (or estimated) flue gas SO3 concentration. Step 8: Calculate the combined volume, surface, and acid resistivity. Specific Fly Ash Resistivity Calculations Calculation of Volume Resistivity This correlation for the volume contribution to resistivity is used identically in all resistivity models (Models 1, 1A, 2, 2A, and 3). The resistivity, ρvol, governing volume conduction through the bodies of the particles is given by the following expression (Note: the log function as used here and throughout the following discussions is logarithm base 10): log(ρvol) = 8.9434 - 1.8916 * log(Li + Na) - 0.9696 * log(Fe) + 1.237 * (log(Mg + Ca) – 0.39794) - 0.03 * (E - 2) - 6.9352 + (4334.5 / T) or ρvol = 10(8.9434 - 1.8916 * log(Li + Na) - 0.9696 * log(Fe) + 1.237 * (log(Mg +Ca) – 0.39794) - 0.03 * (E - 2) - 6.9352 + (4334.5 / T)) where ρvol = volume resistivity, T = gas temperature in degrees Kelvin, and E = electric field strength in the dust layer expressed in kV/cm. 3-4 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity The value of the electric field strength, E, is set to either 4 kV/cm, representing a value typical of conditions in the laboratory, or 12 kV/cm, representing a value typical of electrostatic precipitator operation. No other values of the electric field strength are allowed. Li, Na, Fe, Mg, and Ca are the atomic concentrations of the respective elements in the ash. Calculation of Surface Resistivity The resistivity, ρsurf, governing conduction through the surface layer(s) of the particles comes into play only if the moisture content is greater than zero; otherwise it is effectively infinite. The primary difference in the models for ρsurf is the way they are dependent on the concentrations of magnesium plus calcium. The later Models 1A, 2, 2A, and 3 calculate a lower surface resistivity for high [Mg + Ca] concentrations (> 10) than the original Model 1. When the moisture content of the gas is non-zero and if [Mg + Ca] <= 10, ρsurf is given for Models 1A, 2, 2A, and 3 by the expression log(ρsurf) = 10.7737 - 2.2334 * log(Li + Na) - 0.128 * (H2O - 9) - 0.03 * (E - 2) + 0.127237* H2O – 0.000320924* H2O*exp(2303.3 /T) or ρsurf = 10(10.7737 - 2.2334 * log(Li + Na) - 0.128 * (H2O - 9) - 0.03 * (E - 2) + 0.127237* H2O - 0.000320924* H2O*exp(2303.3 /T)). When the moisture content of the gas is non-zero and if [Mg + Ca] > 10, ρsurf is given for Models 1A, 2, 2A, and 3 by the expression log(ρsurf) = 10.7737 - 2.2334 * log(Li + Na) - 0.128 * (H2O - 9) + 0.56 - 0.056 * (Mg + Ca) 0.03 * (E - 2) + 0.127237* H2O - 0.000320924* H2O*exp(2303.3 /T) or ρsurf = 10 (10.7737 - 2.2334 * log(Li + Na) - 0.128 * (H2O - 9) + 0.56 - 0.056 * (Mg + Ca) - 0.03 * (E - 2) + 0.127237* H2O - 0.000320924* H2O*exp(2303.3 /T)) where H2O = volume percent moisture in flue gas, T = gas temperature in degrees Kelvin, and E = electric field strength in the ash layer expressed as kV/cm. The value of the electric field strength, E, is set to either 4 kV/cm, representing a value typical of conditions in the laboratory, or 12 kV/cm, representing a value typical of electrostatic precipitator operation. No other values of the electric field strength are allowed. Li, Na, Mg, and Ca are the atomic concentrations of the respective elements in the ash. 3-5 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity For Model 1 the value of the surface resistivity, ρsurf , regardless of the magnitude of [Mg + Ca], is given by the expression log(ρsurf) = 10.7737 - 2.2334 * log(Li + Na) - 0.128 * (H2O - 9) - 0.03 * (E - 2) + 0.127237* H2O – 0.000320924* H2O*exp(2303.3 /T) or ρsurf = 10(10.7737 - 2.2334 * log(Li + Na) - 0.128 * (H2O - 9) - 0.03 * (E - 2) + 0.127237* H2O - 0.000320924* H2O*exp(2303.3 /T)) where H2O = volume percent moisture in flue gas, T = gas temperature in degrees Kelvin, and E = electric field strength in the ash layer expressed as kV/cm. The value of the electric field strength, E, is set to either 4 kV/cm, representing a value typical of conditions in the laboratory, or 12 kV/cm, representing a value typical of electrostatic precipitator operation. No other values of the electric field strength are allowed. Li and Na are the atomic concentrations of the respective elements in the ash. Calculation of the Net Combined Resistivities for Volume Plus Surface Conduction The combined contributions of ρvol and ρsurf are calculated by treating the two as resistors in parallel. This calculation applies to all versions of the model and represents the resistivity in the absence of SO3. If the moisture content is zero, there is no contribution from surface conduction and the combined resistivity is equal to ρvol. Otherwise, the combined resistivity, ρVS, is given by the expression 1/ρVS = 1/ρvol + 1/ρsurf or ρVS = (ρvol * ρsurf) / (ρvol + ρsurf). Calculation of the Direct Contribution of SO3 The acid dewpoint, TADP, is not used directly in the calculations of fly ash resistivity. However, it is important to know this value. The acid resistivity should not be calculated if the flue gas temperature is below the acid dewpoint. Specifically, these acid resistivity calculations given in the following section are applicable only if the gas temperature is above the acid dewpoint. If the gas temperature falls below the dewpoint, the actual resistivity in the presence of the acid may be significantly lower than that calculated by any of the models. (ln is used here to designate the natural-logarithm function or log base e.) 3-6 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity 1/TADP = (0.002276 - 2.943E-05 * ln(H2O * Pduct / 100) - 0.0000858 * ln(SO3 * 0.000001 * Pduct) + 0.0000062 * ln(H2O * Pduct / 100) * ln(SO3 * 0.000001 * Pduct)) where TADP = the acid dewpoint in degrees Kelvin, H2O = volume percent water vapor in the flue gas, SO3 = parts-per-million by volume of SO3 in the flue gas, and Pduct = absolute pressure in the flue gas duct (mm Hg). Calculation of Acid Resistivity The sequence of calculations used to model the effect of SO3 conditioning (acid resistivity) is the same in both the old and new models. The specific details for each model are presented in the following subsections below. 1. Calculate the resistivity at a temperature of 144 °C (291 °F) in an atmosphere containing 4 ppm SO3 and 10% moisture by volume. This calculation is based on fits to the “normal” ash and “hard-to-condition” ash data points shown in Figure 3-3. These results differ slightly from Models 2 and 2A because of the added data points used in the fits; however, the fundamental basis for the calculations remains the same. The choice between the “normal” and “hard-to-condition” curves was made at this point in Models 2 and 2A based on the sum of the “atomic” concentrations of Mg+Ca and the atomic concentration of Fe. The criteria for making this selection picked up only one of the two hard-to-condition ashes in the original data set. 2. Calculate the effect of SO3 concentration(s) for values other than 4 ppm. In Models 2, 2A, and 3 this effect is accommodated through a multiplier of log(SO3). In Models 2 and 2A this multiplier had one of two values depending on the atomic concentrations of Mg+Ca and Fe. In Model 3 the multiplier is calculated as a continuous function of the atomic concentrations of Mg+Ca, Fe, Li+Na, K, and native sulfur in the ash; the function having been determined by means of multiple regression analysis on the combined database. 3. Define the slope of resistivity versus temperature. In Models 2 and 2A, table look-ups are used based on the atomic concentrations of Li, Na, Mg, Ca, and Fe together with the gasphase SO3 concentration. If the atomic concentration of Li+Na is greater than 1 and the atomic concentration of Mg+Ca is greater than 5 then the temperature slope, depending on SO3 concentration is -4.74 or -4.85. If the atomic concentration of Fe is less than 1 and the atomic concentration of Mg+Ca is less than 5 then the temperature slope is set to -28.4. Finally, if neither of the former conditions is true, the temperature slope is set to a value in the range of –8.7 to –10.6. In Model 3 the temperature slope is calculated as a continuous function of the atomic concentrations of Mg+Ca, Fe, Li+Na, K, Al+Si, and SO3 in the flue gas. Again, the function was determined by means of multiple regression analysis on the combined database. 3-7 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity This acid resistivity calculation applies to only Model 1 and Model 1A. Different sets of parameters are used for this calculation depending on the atomic concentrations of Mg, Ca, and K. These elements directly affect the ash’s affinity for acid. If [Mg +Ca] > 3.5 and [K] < 1, typical of a western coal ash, the direct contribution to resistivity by SO3, ρacid, is given by the equation log(ρacid) = 12.1612- (0.3712 * CSO3) + 5.6673 * (2.37 – 1000/T) – 0.03 * (E - 2) or ρacid = 10 (12.1612- (0.3712 *CSO3) + 5.6673 * (2.37 – 1000/T) – 0.03 * (E - 2)) where T = gas temperature in degrees Kelvin, CSO3 = the concentration of SO3 in the flue gas in parts-per-million, and E = the electric field strength in the dust layer expressed in kV/cm. The value of the electric field strength, E, is set to either 4 kV/cm, representing a value typical of conditions in the laboratory, or 12 kV/cm, representing a value typical of electrostatic precipitator operation. No other values of the electric field strength are allowed. Otherwise, for the case in which [Mg + Ca] <=3.5 or [K] =>1, values which are typical for an eastern coal ash, log(ρacid) = 12.9676 - (0.3075 * CSO3) + 10.1048 * (2.37 – 1000/T) – 0.03 * (E - 2) or ρacid = 10 (12.9676 - (0.3075 * CSO3) + 10.1048 * (2.37 – 1000/T) – 0.03 * (E - 2)) . where T = gas temperature in degrees Kelvin, CSO3 = the concentration of SO3 in the flue gas in parts-per-million, and E = the electric field strength in the dust layer expressed in kV/cm. The value of the electric field strength, E, is set to either 4 kV/cm, representing a value typical of conditions in the laboratory, or 12 kV/cm, representing a value typical of electrostatic precipitator operation. No other values of the electric field strength are allowed. 3-8 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity Note: The use of “and” in the text above and throughout this document means that both of the conditions involved must be met simultaneously. The use of “or” means that either condition may be met. An obvious limitation to this model is the fact that step changes in resistivity can occur at the break points between these conditional statements concerning the concentrations of these ash constituents. This concern also applies to the discussion of Models 2 and 2A below. This acid resistivity calculation applies only to Model 2 and Model 2A. Again, different sets of parameters are used for this calculation depending on the atomic concentrations of several cations. In this case these are Mg, Ca, Li, Na, and Fe. The direct contribution to resistivity by SO3, ρacid, for these versions of the model is given by the equations below. Condition 1: [Mg + Ca] < 5 and [Fe] < 1 At the reference conditions used in the laboratory for developing the correlations the electric field strength was 4kV/cm and the correlation function for ρacid is log(ρacid) = 2.6354 + 0.7669 * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – (-5) *0.60206 + (-5) * log(CSO3) – (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T or ρacid = 10(2.6354 + 0.7669 * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – (-5) *0.60206 + (-5) * log(CSO3) - (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T). For an electric field strength of 12 kV/cm, a typical target condition for ESP operation, the correlation function for ρacid becomes log(ρacid) = 1.95 + 0.76 * (2.6354 + 0.7669 * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – (-5) * 0.60206 + (-5) * log(CSO3) - (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T) and ρacid = 10(1.95 + 0.76 * (2.6354 + 0.7669 * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – (-5) * 0.60206 + (-5) * log(CSO3) - (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T)), where T = gas temperature in degrees Kelvin, ρVS244 = value of ρVS as calculated above for a temperature of 416.67 degrees Kelvin, E = the electric field strength in the dust layer expressed in kV/cm, and CSO3 = the concentration of SO3 in the flue gas in parts-per-million. 3-9 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity Condition 2: All other combinations of [Mg + Ca] and [Fe] values At the reference conditions used in the laboratory for developing the correlations the electric field strength was 4kV/cm and the correlation function for ρacid is log(ρacid) = 0.2915 + 0.7669 * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – (-2.0502) *0.60206 + (-2.0502) * log(CSO3) – (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T or ρacid = 10(0.2915 + 0.7669 * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – (-2.0502) *0.60206 + (-2.0502) * log(CSO3) - (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T). For an electric field strength of 12 kV/cm, a typical target condition for ESP operation, the correlation function for ρacid becomes log(ρacid) = 1.95 + 0.76 * (0.2915 + 0.7669 * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – (-2.0502) * 0.60206 (-2.0502) * log(CSO3) - (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T) and (1.95 + 0.76 * (0.2915 + 0.7669 * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – (-2.0502) * 0.60206 + (-2.0502) * log(CSO3) - (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T)) ρacid = 10 , where Τ = gas temperature in degrees Kelvin, ρVS244 = value of ρVS as calculated above for a temperature of 416.67 degrees Kelvin, E = the electric field strength in the dust layer expressed in kV/cm, and CSO3 = the concentration in the flue gas in parts-per-million. The value of RTSlope depends on the concentrations of Li, Na, Mg, Ca, and the concentration of SO3. If [Li + Na] > 1 and [Mg + Ca] >= 5 then the following values are obtained depending on the SO3 concentration: SO3 < 2.75 2.75 – 6.5 > 6.5 RTSlope - 4.74 - 4.85 - 4.85 If [Fe] <1 and [Mg + Ca] < 3 in the case of Model 2 or [Fe] <1 and [Mg + Ca] < 5 in the case of Model 2A, RTSlope = -28.39. 3-10 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity The difference between the values of [Mg + Ca] at which the above slope change occurs is the only difference between Model 2 and Model 2A. If neither of the above conditions with respect to [Li + Na], [Mg + Ca], and Fe are met, the following values are used for RTSlope depending on the SO3 concentration: SO3 < 2.75 2.75 – 6.5 > 6.5 RTSlope - 8.67 - 9.71 -10.59 In all cases, if the value of log(ρacid) obtained by these calculations is greater than 25, the Models 2 and 2A set the value at 25. This acid resistivity calculation applies only to Model 3. Again, different sets of parameters are used for this calculation depending on the concentrations of several cations. In this case these are Mg, Ca, Li, Na, K, AL, Si and S. S here refers to the atomic concentration of sulfur in the original ash prior to the introduction of SO3 vapor to the sample. The specific set of equations to use in Model 3 to calculate acid resistivity depends on whether the ash is difficult to condition. Condition 1: The ash is difficult to condition (see criteria below). The direct contribution to resistivity by SO3, ρacid, for Model 3 is given by the equations below. At the reference conditions used in the laboratory for developing the correlations the electric field strength was 4kV/cm and the correlation function for ρacid is log(ρacid) = -1.4253 + (1.0858) * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – RASlope * 0.60206 + RASlope * log(CSO3) – (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T or (-1.4253 + (1.0858) * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – RASlope * 0.60206 + RASlope * log(CSO3) – (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T) ρacid = 10 . For an electric field strength of 12 kV/cm, a typical target condition for ESP operation, the correlation function for ρacid becomes log(ρacid) = 1.95 + 0.76 * (-1.4253 + (1.0858) * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – RASlope * 0.60206 + RASlope * log(CSO3) – (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T) and (1.95 + 0.76 * (-1.4253 + (1.0858) * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – RASlope * 0.60206 + RASlope * log(CSO3) – (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T)) ρacid = 10 , 3-11 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity where RASlope and RTSlope are calculated below, ρVS244 = value of ρVS as calculated above for a temperature of 416.67 degrees Kelvin, T = gas temperature in degrees Kelvin, E = the electric field strength in the dust layer expressed in kV/cm, and CSO3 = the SO3 concentration in the flue gas in parts-per-million. The value of RASlope depends on the atomic concentrations of Li, Na, Mg, Ca and Fe, K, and S as given below. RASlope = -(10 (0.444161 - 0.32591*log(Mg + Ca) – 0.20964*log(Fe)– 0.25399*log(Li + Na) – 0.16518*log(K) + 0.283781*(S)) ) The value of RTSlope depends on the atomic concentrations of Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Al, Si, and the concentration of SO3 vapor in the gas stream, CSO3, as given below. Currently the best available indicator for an ash being difficult to condition is the value of RTSlope. If RTSlope<– 14, the ash is probably one that is difficult to condition and if RTSlope<–11, the ash may be difficult to condition. RTSlope = -(10(2.34683 + 0.07734*log(CSO3) – 0.41572*log(Li + Na) – 0.33556*log(K) – 0.59776*log(Mg + Ca) – 0.01400*log(Fe) – 0.85569*log(Al + Si))) If the value of log(ρacid) obtained by these calculations is greater than 25, Model 3 sets the value at 25. Condition 2: The ash is not difficult to condition (see criteria below). The direct contribution to resistivity by SO3, ρacid, for Model 3 is given by the equations below. At the reference conditions used in the laboratory for developing the correlations the electric field strength was 4kV/cm and the correlation function for ρacid is log(ρacid) = -0.2575 + (0.8008) * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – RASlope * 0.60206 + RASlope * log(CSO3) – (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T or ρacid = 10(-0.2575 + (0.8008) * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – RASlope * 0.60206 + RASlope * log(CSO3) – (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T). For an electric field strength of 12 kV/cm, a typical target condition for ESP operation, the correlation function for ρacid becomes 3-12 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity log(ρacid) = 1.95 + 0.76 * (-0.2575 + (0.8008) * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – RASlope * 0.60206 + RASlope * log(CSO3) – (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T) and ρacid = 10(1.95 + 0.76 * (-0.2575 + (0.8008) * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – RASlope * 0.60206 + RASlope * log(CSO3) – (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T)), where RASlope and RTSlope are calculated below, ρVS244 = value of ρVS as calculated above for a temperature of 416.67 degrees Kelvin, T = gas temperature in degrees Kelvin, E = the electric field strength in the dust layer expressed in kV/cm, and CSO3 = the SO3 concentration in the flue gas in parts-per-million. The value of RASlope depends on the atomic concentrations of Li, Na, Mg, Ca and Fe, K, and S as given below. RASlope = -(10 (0.444161 - 0.32591*log(Mg + Ca) – 0.20964*log(Fe)– 0.25399*log(Li + Na) – 0.16518*log(K) + 0.283781*(S)) ) The value of RTSlope depends on the atomic concentrations of Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Al, Si, and the concentration of SO3 vapor in the gas stream, CSO3, as given below. Currently the best available indicator for an ash being difficult to condition is the value of RTSlope. If RTSlope<– 14, the ash is probably one that is difficult to condition and if RTSlope<–11, the ash may be difficult to condition. RTSlope = -(10(2.34683 + 0.07734*log(CSO3) – 0.41572*log(Li + Na) – 0.33556*log(K) – 0.59776*log(Mg + Ca) – 0.01400*log(Fe) – 0.85569*log(Al + Si))) If the value of log(ρacid) obtained by these calculations is greater than 25, Model 3 sets the value at 25. Calculation of the Combined Surface, Volume, and Acid Resistivity The combined contributions of ρVS and ρacid are calculated by treating the two as resistors in parallel. The combined resistivity, ρVSA, resulting from all three mechanisms (volume, surface, and acid) is given by the expression 1/ρVSA = 1/ρVS + 1/ρacid or ρVSA = ρVS * ρacid / (ρVS + ρacid). 3-13 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity Estimation of SO3 Concentration When It Has Not Been Measured Models 1 and 1A use a value of 0.4 percent of the SO2 concentration for all coals. That is, (Estimated SO3) = (Actual SO2) * 0.004. Models 2 and 2A differentiate between eastern ([Mg + Ca] < 5) and western ([Mg + Ca] >= 5) coals/ashes. In the case of eastern coals/ashes, as before in Models 1 and 1A, (Estimated SO3) = (Actual SO2) * 0.004. However, for western coals/ashes, (Estimated SO3) = (Actual SO2) * 0.001. Further, in Models 2 and 2A, if the ash content of the coal is greater than ten percent (10 %), the estimated SO3 concentration in either case is revised as follows: (Revised estimated SO3) = (Estimated SO3) * (1 – 0.011 * ([Percent Ash in Coal] – 10)). An option has been added in Model 3 for PRB (Powder River Basin) coals as follows: (Estimated SO3) = (Actual SO2) * 0.0005. Other Considerations The concentration ranges, as percentages by weight, of the ash components used in developing Model 3 are given below. All versions of the model share the same algorithm for calculating the resistivity of the ash alone (that is, without SO3 conditioning). The concentration ranges of the ash components used in generating the latter are those shown under the heading “REB Base” in the table below. The concentration ranges of the ashes used in developing the various SO3 conditioning algorithms are shown under the headings “REB SO3” and “Pooled EPRI & REB SO3” in the table. Use of the model for ashes for which component concentrations fall outside these ranges may lead to questionable and unrealistic results. In particular, the new model should not be used if any component concentration falls outside the ranges under “Pooled EPRI & REB SO3” by more than about ten percent (10%) of the range limits. (For instance, if the concentration of Na2O were below 0.17 (0.19 - 0.19/10) or above 4.4 (4 + 4/10) the new model should not be used.) 3-14 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity Concentration Ranges as Weight-Percentages in the Ash for the Samples Used to Generate the Resistivity Model DataBases REB Base Pooled EPRI & REB SO3 REB SO3 Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Li2O 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.1 0.01 0.1 Na2O 0.22 9.7 0.19 2.8 0.19 4 K2O 0.2 4.4 0.32 3.1 0.32 4.3 MgO 0.3 8.9 0.59 6.3 0.59 6.3 CaO 0.3 32.2 0.56 30.9 0.56 30.9 Fe2O3 0.7 23.6 3.9 21.4 3.9 21.4 Al2O3 10.0 31.5 19.8 32.8 14.4 32.8 SiO2 22.6 63.4 30.8 59 27.4 59 TiO2 0.7 5.5 0.84 2.3 0.84 2.7 P2O5 0.1 1.4 0.09 1.1 0.09 1.6 SO3 0.2 11 0.16 4.1 0.16 4.1 The models in all their forms were developed from actual flyash samples, primarily from pulverized-coal fired boilers. The use of ashes from other types of sources may lead to questionable results. SO3 concentrations in samples obtained by ashing coal in the laboratory have been found in this work to be six-fold higher than in actual flyash samples formed from the same coal in pulverized-coal fired boilers. Thus, when the model is used to predict resistivity from laboratory-ashed coal, the SO3 concentration should be reduced by a factor of six. Figures 3-4 and 3-5 show predicted resistivities at 10 ppm SO3 as calculated using Model 2A and Model 3, respectively, for ash from James River coal (an eastern bituminous coal), Jacobs Ranch coal (a Powder River Basin western coal), and ash from the combustion of three blends of the two coals. The smoother transitions between the ash types provided by the model are apparent, as is the somewhat better agreement between predicted and measured values provided by the new model. Figure 3-6 compares average unsigned errors in the slopes of the predicted resistivity versus temperature curves for Models 2A and Model 3. As can be seen, the new model is better in all cases and is substantially better when dealing with the new ashes. Figure 3-7 compares the number of cases in which predictions from Model 2A or Model 3 were closer to the measured values for the various data sets. Again, the new model is clearly superior on the whole. (14) An Example Calculation of Fly Ash Resistivity Using Model 3 The equations given previously for calculating resistivity are mathematical representations of empirical correlations of laboratory measurements of fly ash resistivity. These equations can be used in hand calculations or in development of a mathematical spreadsheet for the calculation of fly ash resistivity. The purpose of the following paragraphs is to describe a tutorial example. A hand calculation is somewhat tedious because of the need to do preliminary calculations of the flue gas composition and the atomic concentrations of metal elements in the fly ash. For further explanations of these preliminary calculations, the user is referred to Chapter 6 of the Babcock & Wilcox steam manual. (See footnote 1) 3-15 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity The example coal and fly ash analyses to be used in the example are shown in Table 3-1. (See footnotes 2 and 3) The first step is the calculation of the stoichiometric flue gas composition, as demonstrated in Table 3- 2. The second step is the conversion of the ash analysis from weight percent concentrations to atomic percent concentrations, as demonstrated in Table 3-3. The third step is to calculate the volume, surface, and adsorbed acid resistivities. These resistivities are added according to parallel circuit theory to give the total predicted resistivity of the fly ash. Table 3-1 As-Received, Ultimate Coal Analysis and Fly Ash Analysis used in the Example Calculation of Fly Ash Resistivity Coal Constituents Ultimate Analysis (weight % (as received)) Ash Constituents Ash Composition (weight %) Carbon 68.00 Li2O 0.01 Hydrogen 3.86 Na2O 0.96 Oxygen 6.00 K2O 2.43 Nitrogen 1.00 MgO 0.78 Sulfur 1.20 CaO 2.62 Moisture 3.60 Fe2O3 7.76 Ash 16.34 A12O3 17.85 SiO2 61.00 TiO2 0.62 P2O5 0.55 SO3 2.43 TOTAL 97.01 TOTAL 100.00 ____________________________________ 1. Babcock & Wilcox. Steam/Its Generation and Use. Babcock & Wilcox, New York, NY, 10017. 38th Edition, 1972. 2. Coal ash shall be re-ignited at 1050°C, in still air overnight, in order that its chemical analysis will correspond to that of actual fly ash. 3. R. E. Bickelhaupt. A Technique for Predicting Fly Ash Resistivity. EPA-600/7 79-204. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Research Triangle Park, NC, 27711. August 1979. NTIS PB80-102379. 4. The laboratory measurements of fly ash resistivity were performed with an applied electric field of 2 or 4 kV/cm. The laboratory data correlations have been adjusted to a higher value (12 kV/cm) of electric field that more nearly represents the operating condition of a fly ash electrostatic precipitator. 3-16 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity Table 3-2 Calculation of Stoichiometric Flue Gas Composition A. Calculation of combustion products, air, and O2 for 100% combustion. Coal Constituent Ultimate analysis lb/100 lb fuel C H2 O2 N2 S H20 Ash 68.00 3.86 6.00 1.00 1.20 3.60 16.34 Total 100.00 Molecular weight / / / / / / - 12.01 2.02 32 28.01 32.06 18.02 - Moles per 100 lb fuel = = = = = = 5.662 1.911 0.188 0.036 0.037 0.200 - 1 Multipliers Moles/100 lb fuel required for combustion at 100% total air O2 Dry air X X X 1.00 and 4.76 0.50 and 2.38 -1.00 and -4.76 5.662 0.956 -0.188 26.951 4.548 -0.895 X 1.00 and 4.76 0.037 0.176 6.467 30.780 8.034 B. Calculation of dry air and O2 for 30% excess air O2 and dry air x 130/100 total Excess air = 40.014 - 30.780 Moles/100 lb fuel required for combustion at 30% excess air Dry air O2 8.407 40.014 9.234 Excess O2 = 8.407 - 6.467 1.940 - C. Calculation of flue gas composition Products of combustion Flue gas Constituent CO2 Total moles/100 lb fuel Combustion / Fuel / Air 5.662 % by volume % by volume wet basis dry basis 13.406 14.412 = 5.662 = 2.949 6. 983 = 0.037 0. 088 0.094 = 31.647 74.931 80.555 = 1.940 4. 593 4.938 Sum wet = 42. 235 Sum dry = 42.235 - 2.949 = 39. 286 a H2O 1.911 + 0.200 + 0.838 SO2 0.037 b 0.036 + 31.611 N2 1.94 O2 ___________________ a. Moles H20 in air = (40.014 x 29 x 0.013) /18 = 0.838. b. Moles N2 in air = (40.014 x 0.79) = 31.611. 3-17 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity Table 3-3 Conversion of Weight Percent Analyses of Ash to Molecular Percent as Oxides and Catatonic Percent Step 1: Normalize the weight percentages to sum 100% by dividing each specified percentage by the sum of the specified percentages. Step 2: Divide each oxide percentage by the respective molecular weight to obtain the mole fractions. Step 3: Divide each mole fraction by the sum of the mole fractions and multiply by 100 to obtain the molecular percentages as oxides. Step 4: Multiply each molecular percentage by the decimal fraction of cations in the given oxide to obtain the atomic concentrations. Oxide Specified Weight % Normalized Molecular Weight % Weight Mole Fraction Molecular Percentage Cationic Fraction Atomic Concentration of Cation Li20 0.01 0.01 29.88 0.00034 0.024 0.67 0.016 Na20 0.96 0.99 61.98 0.01600 1.116 0.67 0.744 K20 2.43 2.50 94.20 0.02654 1.854 0.67 1.236 Mg0 0.78 0.80 40.31 0.01985 1.387 0.50 0.694 Ca0 2.62 2.70 56.08 0.04815 3.364 0.50 1.682 Fe203 7.76 8.00 159.70 0.05009 3.500 0.40 1.400 Al203 17.85 18.40 101.96 0.18046 12.608 0.40 5.043 Si02 61.00 62.89 60.09 1.04660 73.123 0.33 24.368 Ti02 0.62 0.64 79.90 0.00801 0.560 0.33 0.186 P205 0.55 0.57 141.94 0.00402 0.281 0.29 0.080 S03 2.43 2.50 80.06 0.03123 2.183 0.25 0.546 Total 97.01 100.00 1.43129 100.000 3-18 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity Example Calculation of Fly Ash Resistivity Using Model 3 ρvol = 10(8.9434 - 1.8916 * log(Li + Na) - 0.9696 * log(Fe) + 1.237 * (log(Mg +Ca) – 0.39794) - 0.03 * (E - 2) - 6.9352 + (4334.5 / T)) ρsurf = 10(10.7737 - 2.2334 * log(Li + Na) - 0.128 * (H2O - 9) - 0.03 * (E - 2) + 0.127237* H2O - 0.000320924* H2O*exp(2303.3 /T)) 1/ρVS = 1/ρvol + 1/ρsurf 1/ρVSA = 1/ρVS + 1/ρacid Definition of Symbols ρvol = volume resistivity (ohm-cm) ρsurf = surface resistivity (ohm-cm) ρacid = adsorbed acid resistivity (ohm-cm) ρVS = volume and surface resistivity (ohm-cm) ρVSA = total resistivity (ohm-cm) Li+Na = percent atomic concentration of lithium plus sodium Fe = percent atomic concentration of iron Mg+Ca = percent atomic concentration of magnesium plus calcium K = percent atomic concentration of potassium Al+Si = percent atomic concentration of aluminum plus silicon S = percent atomic concentration of sulfur T = absolute temperature (K) W = moisture in flue gas (volume %) CSO3 = concentration of SO3 (ppm, dry) E = applied electric field (kV/cm) CSO2 = concentration of SO2 (ppm, dry 3-19 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity Values for Specific Parameters Li + Na = 0.016 + 0.744 = 0.76 Fe = 1.40 Mg + Ca = 0.694 + 1.682 = 2.376 Al + Si = 5.043 + 24.368 = 29.411 K = 1.236 S = 0.546 T = 417°K (Example gas temperature = 291°F) W = 6.983 CSO3 = (0.004) * CSO2, dry = (0.004)(940) = 3.76 ppm, dry E = 12 (See footnote 4 above) Calculation of Volume Resistivity ρvol = 10(8.9434 - 1.8916 * log(Li + Na) - 0.9696 * log(Fe) + 1.237 * (log(Mg +Ca) – 0.39794) - 0.03 * (E - 2) - 6.9352 + (4334.5 / T)) ρvol = 10(8.9434 - 1.8916 * log(0.76) - 0.9696 * log(1.40) + 1.237 * (log(2.376) – 0.39794) - 0.03 * (12 - 2) - 6.9352 + (4334.5 / 417)) = 1.443 x 1012 ohm-cm Calculation of Surface Resistivity The moisture content of the flue gas is non-zero and [Mg+Ca] <= 10, therefore, ρsurf = 10 (10.7737 - 2.2334 * log(Li + Na) - 0.128 * (H2O - 9) - 0.03 * (E - 2) + 0.127237* H2O - 0.000320924* H2O*exp(2303.3 /T)) ρsurf = 10(10.7737 - 2.2334 * log(0.76) - 0.128 * (6.983 - 9) - 0.03 * (12 - 2) + 0.127237* 6.983 - 0.000320924* 6.983*exp(2303.3 /417)) 11 = 2.114 x 10 ohm-cm Calculation of Acid Resistivity It must be determined if the ash is difficult to condition. This can be accomplished by determining the value of RTSlope. 3-20 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity RTSlope = -(10(2.34683 + 0.07734*log(CSO3) – 0.41572*log(Li + Na) – 0.33556*log(K) – 0.59776*log(Mg + Ca) – 0.01400*log(Fe) – 0.85569*log(Al + Si))) Substituting the appropriate values, RTSlope = -(10(2.34683 + 0.07734*log(3.76) – 0.41572*log(.76) – 0.33556*log(1.236) – 0.59774*log(2.376) – 0.01400*log(1.4) – 0.85569*log(29.411))) RTSlope = -(10 (0.926694) ) RTSlope = – 8.446796, therefore the ash is not hard to condition. Prior to calculating ρacid, the values for ρVS244 and RASlope must be determined. Using the values of ρvol and ρsurf calculated above 12 11 12 11 ρVS244 = (ρvol * ρsurf) / (ρvol + ρsurf) = (1.656 x 10 * 2.427 x 10 ) / (1.656 x 10 + 2.427 x 10 ) ρVS244 = 1.844 x 1011 ohm-cm. RASlope = -(10 (0.444161 - 0.32591*log(Mg + Ca) – 0.20964*log(Fe)– 0.25399*log(Li + Na) – 0.16518*log(K) + 0.283781*(S)) ) Substituting in the appropriate values gives RASlope = -(10(0.444161 - 0.32591*log(2.376) – 0.20964*log(1.40)– 0.25399*log(0.76) – 0.16518*log(1.236) + 0.283781*(0.546))) RASlope = -2.891019. The appropriate Model 3 expression for calculating the acid resistivity is given by ρacid = 10(1.95 + 0.76 * (-0.2575 + (0.8008) * log(ρVS244) + 0.03 * (E – 4) – RASlope * 0.60206 + RASlope * log(CSO3) – (RTSlope * 2.4) + RTSlope * 1000/T)). Substituting in the appropriate values, ρ = 10(1.95 + 0.76 * (-0.2575 + (0.8008) * log(2.117 x 1012) + 0.03 * (12 – 4) – (-2.891023)* 0.60206 + (-2.891023) * log(3.76) – (– 8.446832 * 2.4) + (– 8.446832) * acid 1000/417)) and ρacid = 10 (9.463991) ρacid = 7.320 x 108 ohm-cm. Having calculated the volume resistivity, surface resistivity, and acid resistivity for this example, the combined surface, volume, and acid resistivity value, ρvsa, can be calculated. 1/ρvsa = 1/ρvs + 1/ρa 1/ρvsa = 1/(1.844 x1011) + 1/(7.320 x108) = 1.3716 x10-9 so ρvsa = 7.291 x 108 ohm-cm. 3-21 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity Resistivity, ohm-cm 1.E+11 1.E+10 1.E+09 Model 2A - 10 ppm, 1.07 % [Na+Li] Model 2A - 10 ppm, 0.96 % [Na+Li] Model 3 - 10 ppm, 1.07 % [Na+Li] Model 3 - 10 ppm, 0.96 % [Na+Li] 1.E+08 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Temperature Figure 3-1 Comparison of predicted results from Models 2A and Model 3 (the new model developed from the extended set of samples) for an ash formed in the SRI Coal Combustion Facility at an SO3 concentration of 10 ppm. The measured sum of sodium and lithium in the ash, expressed as “atomic percentage,” was 1.07 %. The two versions of the model were each run twice—once using the measured sodium concentration and once using a reduced value of the sodium concentration that made the [Atomic Na + Atomic Li] concentration fall just below a 1.0 % breakpoint at which a change occurs in the Model 2/2A correlations. As can be seen, a dramatic change can be made in the results from Model 2/2A for small changes in composition in some instances. These abrupt changes do not occur in the new model. 3-22 12867128 600 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity 1.E+11 1.E+10 1.E+09 Model 2A - 10 ppm, 1.01% [Na+Li] Model 2A - 10 ppm, 0.94 % [Na+Li] 1.E+08 Model 3 - 10 ppm, 1.01 % [Na+Li] Model 3 - 10 ppm, 0.94 % [Na+Li] 1.E+07 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Figure 3-2 Comparison of predicted results from Models 2A and the new model developed from the extended set of samples at an SO3 concentration of 10 ppm. The measured sum of sodium and lithium in the ash, expressed as “atomic percentages,” was 1.01 %. The two versions of the model were each run twice—once using the measured sodium concentration and once using a reduced value of the sodium concentration that made the [Atomic Na + Atomic Li] concentration fall just below a 1.0 % breakpoint at which a change occurs in the Model 2/2A correlations. As can be seen, a dramatic change can be made in the results from Model 2/2A for small changes in composition in some cases. These abrupt changes do not occur in the new model. 3-23 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity 1.E+13 Resistivity with 4 ppm SO3 1.E+12 1.E+11 1.E+10 1.E+09 1.E+08 1.E+07 1.E+07 1.E+08 1.E+09 1.E+10 1.E+11 1.E+12 1.E+13 Resistivity without SO3 Figure 3-3 Resistivity of the various ash samples used in the development of the SO3 conditioning resistivity models at a temperature of 291°°F at equilibrium with 4 ppm SO3 plotted versus the resistivity at the same temperature at 0 ppm SO3. The solid symbols represent Dr. Bickelhaupt’s original data used in the development of Models 2 and 2a while the open symbols represent the data obtained during the current study. 3-24 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity 1.E+11 Resistivity, ohm-cm 1.E+10 1.E+09 100% James River 25% PRB / 75% James River 50% PRB / 50% James River 75% PRB / 25% James River 100% PRB 100% James River Measured 100% PRB Measured 1.E+08 1.E+07 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Temperature, deg. F Figure 3-4 Model 2A predictions at 10 ppm SO3 for ashes formed by combustion of five blends of PRB and James River coals. The model predictions are shown as solid lines and measured values are shown as dashed lines.. 3-25 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity 1.E+11 Resistivity, ohm-cm 1.E+10 1.E+09 100% James River 25% PRB / 75% James River 50% PRB / 50% James River 75% PRB / 25% James River 100% PRB 100% James River Measured 100% PRB Measured 1.E+08 1.E+07 200 300 400 500 600 700 Temperature, deg. F Figure 3-5 Predictions from the Model 3 at 10 ppm SO3 for ashes formed by combustion of five blends of James River and Jacobs Ranch (PRB) coals. The model predictions are shown as solid lines and measured values are shown as dashed lines. 3-26 12867128 800 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity 45 40 Model 2A Model 3 Average Error in Slope, % 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 All Samples New samples only Old samples only Figure 3-6 Comparison of the average unsigned errors in the slopes of the resistivity versus temperature curves for the old and new models. Model 3 represents the new model. 3-27 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Resistivity Model Revisions and an Example Calculation for Fly Ash Resistivity Number of cases in which model is better 40 35 Model 2A Model 3 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 All Samples New samples only Old samples only Figure 3-7 Comparison of the number of cases in the data bases for which the indicated model has the smaller error when compared to measured values. Model 3 represents the new model. 3-28 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material 4 PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ANALYSES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Background During the mid-eighties EPRI published a document (15) providing guidelines for estimating the performance of electrostatic precipitators when used to control emissions from various types of boilers firing both eastern bituminous and western sub-bituminous coals. Two of the key factors in projecting the performance of an ESP are the ESP inlet particulate concentration and particle size distribution. The guidelines document was based on data obtained at thirty-four full-scale utility boiler/ESP installations around the US. The test programs used to generate the database were carried out during the mid-seventies and early eighties. Subsequent to the production of the guideline document a previously unrecognized effect of sampling nozzles on the performance of inertial particle sizing devices was discovered. Simply put, this effect resulted in the first stage of an inertial particle-sizing device collecting smaller particles than existing theories and calibration data had preciously indicated. The actual magnitude of the effect depends on the specific nozzle geometry, the gas velocity in the duct being sampled and the sampling flow rate. After the effect was recognized data analysis techniques to account for it were devised and implemented; however, previously reported particle size data would have been biased low in terms of particle concentrations at intermediate sizes (~3 to 10 µm) and high in terms of particle concentration at larger sizes. An illustration of the effect is shown in Figure 4-1 below. In this example particle concentrations between about 3 µm and 15 µm were biased low in the original analyses with a corresponding high bias being introduced for particles with sizes larger than about 15 µm. The errors in the interpretation of particle size data prior to the realization of the inlet effects made the validity of the ESP performance estimation procedures published by EPRI somewhat open to question. For this reason, an exploratory study was undertaken to determine the extent to which the estimation procedure might have been affected. Field data archives at Southern Research Institute were searched to locate as many of the original data sets used in the development of the estimation procedures as possible. In the end, twelve of the original data sets were located of which ten were deemed to be useful in the study. All ten were from tests conducted on PC boilers, half firing bituminous coal and half firing sub-bituminous coal. The data from each of the ten boilers was reduced again as it had been originally and then once more as it would be currently. The results for each boiler were then used as inputs to WinESP, a modern Windows version of the SRI/EPA/EPRI ESP model (4,5). The model was exercised three times for each boiler using the same ESP setup each time. The first of each set of three modeling runs used the size distribution and concentration suggested by the estimation procedures, the second run used the measured concentration from the boiler with the size distribution calculated as was done originally and the third run used the size distribution as it 4-1 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations would be calculated today. In each case the ESP model was for a four-field ESP having an SCA of 389 ft2 /kacfm with an average applied voltage of 56.55 kV and an average current density of 39.59 nA/cm2. 5000 New Analysis Original Analysis Particle Concentration, mg/DNCM 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0.1 1 10 100 Particle Diameter, micrometers 1000 Figure 4-1 Illustration of the change in measured particle size distributions resulting from improved understanding of inlet effects on the performance of inertial particle sizing devices (cascade impactors and cyclones). The EPRI performance estimation procedure recommended the use of a single log-normal particle size distribution for all PC boilers burning bituminous coal, and a second log-normal particle size distribution was recommended for all tangentially fired boilers burning subbituminous coal. For other than tangentially fired boilers burning sub-bituminous coals a procedure for calculating the percentages by mass smaller than 1, 2, 5, and 10 micrometers was recommended. The latter percentages are calculated based on correlations with the coal ash, sodium, and Btu values. In practice it appears that the log-normal distribution recommended for tangentially fired boilers burning sub-bituminous coal is often used for other types of boilers firing sub-bituminous coals. For this reason model runs for the three non-tangentially-fired boilers in the data set were run with both the recommended size distribution estimates and using the tangentially-fired log-normal estimate. The estimation procedure for particulate concentrations for all PC boilers and coals uses a single, simple multiplier of the coal ash content to calculate the estimated concentration. Pertinent characteristics concerning the data sets used in this study are provided in Table 4-1. The measured and estimated ESP inlet particle size distributions for each of the ten sites are shown graphically in Figures 4-2 through 4-11. As can be seen from the figures, the log-normal estimates do not conform well to the measured distributions regardless of the way the measurements were reduced. 4-2 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations The results of the modeling runs are shown in Table 4-2. The table provides predicted total concentrations, PM10 concentrations, PM2.5 concentrations, and opacities for each site based on the three particle size distributions (estimated, measured using the current data analysis method, and measured using the old data analysis method). The table also provides ratios of the values predicted using the estimation procedures to those predicted from the measured concentrations and size distributions. The model predications calculated on the basis of the estimation procedures tended, on average, to be conservative (in the sense that predicted concentrations and opacities based on the estimation procedures were generally higher than those based on measured concentrations and size distributions when the latter were calculated in the original manner). However, the model predictions from the estimation procedures tended to be low when compared to those based on the reanalyzed measurements. Although the original estimation procedures may remain useful, they are not as conservative as would be desirable; consequently a revised set of particle size distribution estimators was sought. Given the limited size of the available data set and the overall similarities of most of the measured size distributions in that data set, a single revised estimator was generated for the particle size distribution. The revised estimator is a log-normal distribution with a mass median diameter (MMD) of 10 µm and geometric standard deviation (σg) of 2.6. Size distributions calculated using this revised estimator are included in Figures 4-2 through 4-11. Results from running the ESP model using the revised estimator are provided in Table 4-3. As can be seen from the table, the revised estimator results in significantly more conservative performance predictions but are not deemed to be excessively conservative. However, if one compares the measured distributions to those calculated using the revised estimators, significant discrepancies can be seen. Therefore it is recommended that further study of this subject be undertaken to refine and improve the particle size estimation procedure. 4-3 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations Table 4-1 Boiler and Coal Characteristics, Particulate Concentrations, and Particle Size Distributions for the Plants used in this Study Taken from the “Precipitator Performance Estimation Procedure” Document Plant ID Coal Boiler Type % Ash % Sodium BTU Cumulative Percent below Indicated Diameter Estimated Concentration Measured Concentration grains/dscf grains/dscf 4.32 3.51 3.39 3.27 3.39 2.01 1.89 2.37 4.05 3.72 3.12 4.54 2.57 3.91 3.01 2.40 1.23 3.07 2.83 4.45 2 µm 5.3 2 3.6 6 3.1 9.9 4.3 15 3.2 3 5 µm 14.00 6 12 12 14 30 18 38 15 15 10 µm 22 13 22 16 27 56 37 47 23 46 1 µm 0.41 1.53 3.26 2 µm 3.19 4.95 7.88 5 µm 13.20 16.59 23.01 10 µm 28.08 (from ash/sodium/Btu correlation procedure) 32.08 39.83 Estimated Size Distributions for tangential Sub-bituminous Coal Boilers 9.8 15.9 27.1 37.4 Estimated Size Distributions for Bituminous Coal Boilers 1.0 8.1 21.6 37.2 2 7 8 9 22 24 40 67 25 38 B SB SB SB B SB B SB B B O F F T O Turbo T T T T 14.4 11.7 11.3 10.9 11.3 6.7 6.3 7.9 13.5 12.4 0.55 0.36 0.39 1.80 0.50 0.59 3.50 0.81 0.20 0.33 11800 10900 9900 9600 12200 8300 10600 9700 11600 11700 1 µm 1.9 0.6 0.85 1.6 1.2 3.4 1.8 6.1 1.2 0.7 MMD, µm 40 19 30 47 19 9 15 11 23 11 Estimated Size Distributions for Non-tangential SB Coal Boilers 7 8 24 SB SB SB F F Turbo 11.7 11.3 6.7 4-4 12867128 0.36 0.39 0.59 10900 9900 8300 (from log-normal estimation procedure, MMD = 21.1 µm, Sg = 4.8) (from log-normal estimation procedure, MMD = 16.3 µm, Sg = 3.4) EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations Table 4-2 Results from ESP Modeling for each of the Selected Data Sets Plant ID WinESP Outlet Based on Report WinESP Outlet Based on Reanalyzed WinESP Outlet Based on Old Way for Estimates Impactor Data Impactor Data Total PM10 PM2.5 Opacity Total PM10 PM2.5 Opacity Total PM10 PM2.5 Opacity 2 0.00594 0.00366 0.00077 3.28 0.00486 0.00308 0.00062 2.55 0.00267 0.00155 0.00053 1.83 7 0.00342 0.00183 0.00047 1.84 0.00400 0.00255 0.00037 1.89 0.00223 0.00133 0.00032 1.32 a 0.00491 0.00295 0.00090 3.65 7LN 8 0.00405 0.00215 0.00069 3.09 0.00672 0.00436 0.00040 2.75 0.00262 0.00160 0.00032 1.37 a 0.00475 0.00285 0.00087 3.53 8LN 9 0.00460 0.00276 0.00084 3.42 0.00591 0.00360 0.00108 4.47 0.00433 0.00251 0.00102 3.90 38 0.00515 0.00316 0.00066 3.19 0.00809 0.00513 0.00072 3.93 0.00491 0.00296 0.00064 2.84 25 0.00557 0.00342 0.00072 3.38 0.00498 0.00323 0.00045 2.40 0.00358 0.00218 0.00042 1.96 22 0.00470 0.00288 0.00061 2.79 0.00442 0.00277 0.00045 2.27 0.00297 0.00175 0.00041 1.80 24 0.00324 0.00176 0.00065 3.11 0.00654 0.00407 0.00084 3.91 0.00399 0.00237 0.00079 3.04 a 0.00285 0.00171 0.00052 2.12 24LN 40 0.00266 0.00162 0.00034 1.55 0.00227 0.00137 0.00035 1.53 0.00199 0.00116 0.00035 1.45 67 0.00336 0.00201 0.00062 2.63 0.00711 0.00415 0.00180 6.50 0.00580 0.00326 0.00177 6.08 a Using log-normal approximation rather than Estimation Procedure Cumulative Percent Method. Ratio: 2 7 8 9 38 25 22 24 40 67 Avg. Min. Max. Estimation Procedure/Reanalyzed 1.22 1.19 1.23 1.29 0.86 0.72 1.29 0.97 0.60 0.49 1.74 1.12 0.78 0.77 0.78 0.77 0.64 0.62 0.92 0.81 1.12 1.06 1.59 1.41 1.06 1.04 1.35 1.23 0.50 0.43 0.77 0.80 1.17 1.18 0.97 1.01 0.47 0.48 0.34 0.40 0.84 0.47 1.22 0.80 0.43 1.19 1.10 0.34 1.74 0.98 0.40 1.41 Estimation Procedure /Old Way 2.22 2.36 1.45 1.79 1.53 1.38 1.48 1.39 1.55 1.34 2.15 2.26 1.06 1.10 0.83 0.88 1.05 1.07 1.03 1.12 1.56 1.57 1.72 1.72 1.58 1.65 1.47 1.55 0.81 0.74 0.82 1.02 1.34 1.40 0.99 1.07 0.58 0.62 0.35 0.43 1.33 0.58 2.22 1.32 0.62 2.36 1.23 0.35 2.15 0.55 0.56 0.39 0.73 0.61 0.72 0.67 0.61 0.88 0.82 Old Way/Reanalyzed 0.50 0.85 0.52 0.87 0.37 0.81 0.70 0.94 0.58 0.89 0.67 0.93 0.63 0.92 0.58 0.94 0.85 0.98 0.79 0.98 0.72 0.70 0.50 0.87 0.72 0.82 0.79 0.78 0.95 0.94 1.32 0.43 2.26 4-5 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations Table 4-3 Results from ESP Modeling for each of the Selected Data Sets Table 4-3. Results from ESP Modeling for each of the Selected Data Sets. Plant ID 2 7 8 9 38 25 22 24 40 67 Ratio: 2 7 8 9 38 25 22 24 40 67 Avg. Min. Max. WinESP Outlet Based on Revised LogWinESP Outlet Based on Reanalyzed WinESP Outlet Based on Old Way for normal Estimates Impactor Data Impactor Data Total PM10 PM2.5 Opacity Total PM10 PM2.5 Opacity Total PM10 PM2.5 Opacity 0.00815 0.00511 0.00084 3.83 0.00486 0.00308 0.00062 2.55 0.00267 0.00155 0.00053 1.83 0.00669 0.00419 0.00069 3.14 0.00400 0.00255 0.00037 1.89 0.00223 0.00133 0.00032 1.32 0.00647 0.00405 0.00066 3.04 0.00672 0.00436 0.00040 2.75 0.00262 0.00160 0.00032 1.37 0.00626 0.00392 0.00065 2.95 0.00591 0.00360 0.00108 4.47 0.00433 0.00251 0.00102 3.90 0.00709 0.00444 0.00073 3.33 0.00809 0.00513 0.00072 3.93 0.00491 0.00296 0.00064 2.84 0.00767 0.00480 0.00079 3.6 0.00498 0.00323 0.00045 2.40 0.00358 0.00218 0.00042 1.96 0.00647 0.00405 0.00066 3.04 0.00442 0.00277 0.00045 2.27 0.00297 0.00175 0.00041 1.80 0.00387 0.00241 0.00040 1.83 0.00654 0.00407 0.00084 3.91 0.00399 0.00237 0.00079 3.04 0.00365 0.00227 0.00038 1.73 0.00227 0.00137 0.00035 1.53 0.00199 0.00116 0.00035 1.45 0.00456 0.00284 0.00047 2.15 0.00711 0.00415 0.00180 6.50 0.00580 0.00326 0.00177 6.08 a Using log-normal approximation rather than Estimation Procedure Cumulative Percent Method. Estimation Procedure/Reanalyzed 1.68 1.66 1.34 1.50 1.67 1.64 1.87 1.66 0.96 0.93 1.67 1.11 1.06 1.09 0.60 0.66 0.88 0.87 1.01 0.85 1.54 1.49 1.74 1.50 1.46 1.46 1.47 1.34 0.59 0.59 0.48 0.47 1.61 1.66 1.06 1.13 0.64 0.68 0.26 0.33 1.21 0.59 1.68 1.21 0.59 1.66 4-6 12867128 1.15 0.26 1.87 1.05 0.33 1.66 Estimation Procedure /Old Way 3.05 3.30 1.58 2.09 3.00 3.15 2.16 2.38 2.47 2.53 2.07 2.22 1.45 1.56 0.63 0.76 1.44 1.50 1.13 1.17 2.14 2.20 1.88 1.84 2.18 2.31 1.61 1.69 0.97 1.02 0.51 0.60 1.83 1.96 1.09 1.19 0.79 0.87 0.27 0.35 1.93 0.79 3.05 2.04 0.87 3.30 1.29 0.27 2.16 1.43 0.35 2.38 0.55 0.56 0.39 0.73 0.61 0.72 0.67 0.61 0.88 0.82 Old Way/Reanalyzed 0.50 0.85 0.52 0.87 0.37 0.81 0.70 0.94 0.58 0.89 0.67 0.93 0.63 0.92 0.58 0.94 0.85 0.98 0.79 0.98 0.72 0.70 0.50 0.87 0.72 0.82 0.79 0.78 0.95 0.94 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations 9000 8000 Reanalyzed Original Analysis dM/dLogD, mg/DNCM 7000 Estimation Procedure Revised Estimate 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0.1 1 10 Diameter, micrometers 100 1000 Figure 4-2 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 2. Estimation is the log-normal distribution estimate for a boiler firing bituminous coal. 4-7 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations 8000 7000 Reanalyzed Old way dM/dLogD, mg/DNCM 6000 Estimation Procedure Revised Estimate 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0.1 1 10 Diameter, micrometers 100 Figure 4-3 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 22. Estimation is the log-normal distribution estimate for a boiler firing bituminous coal. 4-8 12867128 1000 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations 9000 8000 Reanalyzed dM/dLogD, mg/DNCM 7000 Old way Estimation Procedure 6000 Revised Estimate 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0.1 1 10 Diameter, micrometers 100 1000 Figure 4-4 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 25. Estimation is the log-normal distribution estimate for a boiler firing bituminous coal. 4-9 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations 14000 12000 Reanalyzed dM/dLogD, mg/DNCM Original Analysis Estimation Procedure 10000 Revised Estimate 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0.1 1 10 Diameter, micrometers 100 Figure 4-5 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 38. Estimation is the log-normal distribution estimate for a boiler firing bituminous coal. 4-10 12867128 1000 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations 3500 3000 Reanalyzed dM/dLogD, mg/DNCM Original Analysis 2500 Estimation Procedure Revised Estimate 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0.1 1 10 Diameter, micrometers 100 1000 Figure 4-6 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 40. Estimation is the log-normal distribution estimate for a boiler firing bituminous coal. 4-11 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations 14000 12000 Reanalyzed dM/dLogD, mg/DNCM Original Analysis Estimation Procedure 10000 Revised Estimate 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0.1 1 10 Diameter, micrometers 100 Figure 4-7 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 7. Estimation is the log-normal distribution estimate for a boiler firing sub-bituminous coal. Estimation procedure calls for use of cumulative percentages at discrete sizes for this boiler. 4-12 12867128 1000 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations 12000 Reanalyzed 10000 dM/dLogD, mg/DNCM Original Analysis Estimation Procedure Revised Estimate 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 0.1 1 10 Diameter, micrometers 100 1000 Figure 4-8 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 8. Estimation is the log-normal distribution estimate for a boiler firing sub-bituminous coal. Estimation procedure calls for use of cumulative percentages at discrete sizes for this boiler. 4-13 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations 10000 9000 Reanalyzed Original Analysis 8000 dM/dLogD, mg/DNCM Estimation Procedure 7000 Revised Estimation 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0.1 1 10 Diameter, micrometers 100 Figure 4-9 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 9. Estimation is the log-normal distribution estimate for a boiler firing sub-bituminous coal. 4-14 12867128 1000 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations 8000 7000 Reanalyzed Old way dM/dLogD, mg/DNCM 6000 Estimation Procedure Revised Estimate 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0.1 1 10 Diameter, micrometers 100 1000 Figure 4-10 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 24. Estimation is the log-normal distribution estimate for a boiler firing sub-bituminous coal. Estimation procedure calls for use of cumulative percentages at discrete sizes for this boiler. 4-15 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Particle Size Distribution Analyses and Recommendations 9000 8000 Reanalyzed Original Analysis dM/dLogD, mg/DNCM 7000 Estimation Procedure Revised Estimate 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0.1 1 10 Diameter, micrometers 100 Figure 4-11 Estimated and Measured Particle Size Distributions for Plant 67. Estimation is the log-normal distribution estimate for a boiler firing sub-bituminous coal. 4-16 12867128 1000 EPRI Licensed Material 5 REFERENCES 1. Nichols, G. B., J. P. Gooch, G. H. Marchant Jr., and A. Ferguson, Principal Investigators. Guidelines for Upgrading Electrostatic Precipitator Performance; Volume 1 – Optimizing the Performance of an Existing ESP; Volume 2 – ESP Upgrade Options, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 1999. TR-113582 2. EPRI ESPM (Electrostatic Precipitator Model) for Windows, Version 2.0. September 2000. Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA. 3. Norfleet, S. and R. Barton, Principal Investigators. EPRI ESPM (Electrostatic Precipitator Model) for Windows, Version 2.0: Electrostatic Precipitator Performance Model Setup and Tutorial Manual, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2000. 1000782. 4. Faulkner, M.G. and J.L. DuBard. A Mathematical Model of Electrostatic Precipitation (Revision 3): Volume I. Modeling and Programming. Final Report EPA Grant No. R806216010. EPA-600/7-84-069a, June 1984. NTIS PB84-212679. 5. Faulkner, M.G. and J.L. DuBard. A Mathematical Model of Electrostatic Precipitation (Revision 3): Volume II. User's Manual. Final Report EPA Grant No. R806216010. EPA600/7-84-069b, June 1984. NTIS PB84-212687. 6. DuBard, J. L., and R. F. Altman. Prediction of Electrical Operating Points for Use in a Precipitator Sizing Procedure. Presented at the EPRI Conference on Electrostatic Precipitator Technology for Coal-Fired Power Plants, Nashville, Tennessee, July 14-16, 1982. 7. Bickelhaupt, R. E. “Electrical Volume Conduction in Fly Ash.” Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, Volume 24, Number 3, March 1974, pp. 251 – 255. 8. Bickelhaupt, R. E. “Surface Resistivity and the Chemical Composition of Fly Ash.” Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, Volume 25, Number 2, February 1975, pp.148 – 152. 9. Bickelhaupt, R. E. “A Technique for Predicting Fly Ash Resistivity.” U. S. EPA Report Number EPA-600/7-79-204, August 1979, 114 pp. 10. Bickelhaupt, R. E. “Fly Ash Resistivity Prediction Improvement with Emphasis on the Effect of Sulfur Trioxide.” U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Report Number EPA600/7-86-010, NTIS PB 86-178126, March 1986. 11. Bickelhaupt, R. E. “Observations of Modeled and Laboratory Measured Resistivity.” In Proceedings: The Eighth Symposium on the Transfer and Utilization of Particulate Control 5-1 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material References Technology, March 20-23, 1990, San Diego, CA. Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA. 12. Cushing, K. M. and J. D. McCain. “Fly Ash Property Study: Preliminary Findings.” EPRI Technical Engineering Report No. TE-114557. Interim Report, December 1999. Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA. 13. McCain, J., Principal Investigator. Fly Ash Property Study: Laboratory Test Results, EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2000. 1000657. 14. McCain, J. D., K. M. Cushing and R. F. Altman. “Improvements in Predicting the Effects of Sulfur Trioxide Vapor on Fly Ash Resistivity.” Paper C4-4 in Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation, May 14-17, 2001, Birmingham, Alabama. International Society for Electrostatic Precipitation. 15. DuBard, J. L. and R. S. Dahlin. Precipitator Performance Estimation Procedure. Report Number CS-5040, February 1987. Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA. 5-2 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material A CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL, AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FLY ASHES The tables and graphs in this appendix present data used in the development of the fly ash resistivity models described in Chapter 3. They are presented in order to gather in one place a complete set of data that may be used in the future by researchers in further refinement of these fly ash resistivity correlations. Tables A-1 and A-2 reproduce data used in the development of Model 1 by Dr. Roy Bickelhaupt. The resistivity values in Table A-2 are for specific laboratory measurements conducted at definite sulfur trioxide environments. The original descending temperature resistivity data sets measured by Dr. Bickelhaupt in the absence of SO3, which were used in the development of the surface and volume resistivity correlations, are not available. Table A-3 presents mineral analysis results for several ashes used by Dr. Bickelhaupt in the development of Model 2. Reanalyses of several of those ashes are presented in Table A-3. Table A-5 presents mineral ash analyses on the new fly ashes used in the development of Model 3. Table A-6 shows data developed from mineral analysis on the ashed coals. Tables A-7 through Table A-22 present measured fly ash resistivities versus temperature and SO3 concentration for the new ashes. Tables A-23 through Table A-32 present measured fly ash resistivities versus temperature and SO3 concentration for the ashes tested by Dr. Bickelhaupt in the development of the Model 2 acid resistivity correlations. Figures A-1 through A-15 show plots of resistivity versus temperature at various SO3 concentrations and the standard descending temperature resistivity relationship at 0 ppm SO3 for the new ashes studied. These data were presented tabularly in Tables A-7 through A-22. Figure A-16 through A-26 present similar graphs for the test data developed by Dr. Bickelhaupt during the development of Model 2 and shown tabularly in Tables A23 through A32. A-1 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-1 Chemical and Physical Characterization of Fly Ashes Used in Model 1. Helium Pycnometer Ash No. Li2O Na2O K2O MgO 101 103 104 105 106 107 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 121 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 131 133 134 135 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.07 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.38 0.53 0.35 0.66 0.48 0.30 0.46 3.20 0.29 0.34 1.85 2.02 1.85 9.70 2.27 0.29 1.38 0.47 0.22 0.32 0.33 0.43 8.52 1.58 0.55 1.67 0.29 0.29 0.45 0.24 4.67 0.26 0.36 0.67 1.13 4.4 3.1 3.8 2.9 2.8 0.8 1.6 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.6 1.4 1.4 0.6 2.8 1.8 1.1 2.7 2.7 3.6 2.7 3.9 1.0 0.2 1.7 0.8 2.7 2.4 3.1 2.2 0.8 2.7 0.9 1.2 0.7 1.1 1.2 1.6 1.2 1.1 2.2 2.9 1.2 1.8 6.8 1.9 2.8 3.0 3.7 1.1 3.6 0.9 1.0 0.8 1.3 0.8 1.5 5.9 8.9 1.2 1.9 1.0 1.0 2.1 0.8 1.6 0.3 1.1 1.7 4.0 Reference: Chemical Analysis in Weight Percent as Oxides CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 1.9 2.2 1.5 3.1 2.1 9.6 14.5 15.6 12.8 19.6 9.1 13.0 13.7 17.3 2.6 8.6 5.2 4.7 0.4 1.2 1.5 1.4 23.3 32.2 4.3 11.8 1.8 1.6 4.6 1.2 11.5 0.3 0.8 7.0 22.7 13.1 9.6 11.1 10.5 11.4 3.9 7.8 5.2 4.3 4.7 5.4 10.2 9.8 8.7 19.2 5.9 4.3 19.3 4.8 8.8 23.6 10.3 10.6 12.6 5.1 5.9 15.3 11.0 8.2 11.7 5.9 0.7 7.3 4.5 4.8 24.0 25.1 25.9 24.1 28.2 17.1 18.5 22.9 22.5 21.4 23.4 18.5 17.3 19.3 18.3 23.7 23.4 19.5 31.5 27.6 19.9 27.9 10.0 12.3 23.7 23.2 22.1 26.1 26.0 30.0 20.1 27.6 26.3 21.5 21.6 52.2 54.2 51.6 51.4 51.0 61.5 51.0 45.9 55.0 43.8 51.2 47.7 47.2 28.9 52.0 51.9 58.5 50.4 54.5 54.0 46.2 51.7 27.6 22.6 59.7 51.2 50.7 55.3 52.9 50.9 52.7 63.4 58.3 59.3 38.8 2.1 2.3 1.7 2.7 2.5 2.5 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.6 5.5 1.4 1.4 1.9 1.9 1.3 1.7 1.6 2.8 2.3 1.9 2.3 0.7 0.7 2.0 1.8 2.1 1.9 2.2 1.5 0.7 2.1 1.9 1.1 1.9 P2O5 SO3 Total SO4-2 LOI g/cc 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.5 1.2 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.3 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.1 1.0 1.4 0.6 0.5 0.3 1.2 0.6 1.2 1.9 1.3 0.3 1.9 0.4 4.2 3.2 5.7 1.0 1.3 0.7 1.5 0.2 0.3 0.8 0.8 11.0 7.9 0.8 1.6 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.4 1.7 100.1 98.9 98.2 98.1 100.7 100.3 100.6 97.6 98.9 101.0 100.2 101.6 99.2 96.8 101.6 98.8 97.5 101.5 98.1 100.0 98.2 101.0 98.7 99.3 99.4 100.1 96.8 100.2 100.3 99.4 99.0 97.8 97.3 98.4 98.7 0.38 0.22 0.24 0.62 0.45 0.50 0.50 0.34 0.26 0.19 0.37 1.80 1.14 5.65 0.55 0.71 0.30 0.58 0.20 0.29 0.42 0.50 8.93 2.81 0.45 0.69 0.35 0.25 0.50 0.28 0.41 0.19 0.12 0.24 0.83 1.1 1.8 4.0 2.3 2.7 0.3 0.8 0.4 1.0 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.1 0.7 6.1 0.8 1.6 1.2 3.2 1.9 4.7 3.2 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.7 1.1 3.0 0.4 3.1 0.3 3.2 4.9 2.0 0.1 2.39 2.04 2.73 2.32 2.41 2.48 2.28 2.19 2.54 2.52 2.03 2.50 2.43 2.79 2.67 2.50 2.15 2.63 2.38 2.59 2.76 2.71 2.99 2.91 2.65 2.37 2.58 2.31 2.49 2.78 ND 2.43 2.26 2.27 2.54 Bickelhaupt, R. E. “A Technique for Predicting Fly Ash Resistivity.” U. S. EPA Report Number EPA-600/7-79-204, August 1979, 114 pp. A-2 12867128 Mass Median Diameter Source of Density Ash Sample Microns 26 15 7 13 13 24 50 10 20 11 35 10 10 12 14 3 38 16 14 6 16 4 6 12 11 15 12 13 19 4 13 8 13 80 7 Storage silo Inlet, hopper Inlet, cyclone Inlet, hopper Inlet, hopper Inlet, hopper Inlet1 hopper Proportionate blend, hoppers Mechanical collector Proportionate blend, hoppers Inlet, hopper Unknown Unknown Hopper Hopper Proportionate blend, hoppers Storaqe silo Proportionate blend, hoppers Unknown Unknown Inlet, cyclone Unknown Hopper Hopper Unknown Unknown Unknown Inlet, hopper Inlet, cyclone Proportionate blend, hoppers Proportionate blend, hoppers Proportionate blend, hoppers Inlet, hopper Unknown Unknown EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-2 Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Used in Model 1 Measured Resistivity in ohm-cm at Various Temperatures 1000/T(ºK) Atomic Percentages Ash No. Mg+Ca Fe Li+Na 101 103 104 105 106 107 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 121 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 131 133 134 135 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 2.3 2.5 2.5 3.2 2.4 7.5 11.2 10.8 9.3 16.8 7.3 10.3 11.0 14.4 2.7 8.4 4.0 4.1 1.0 2.0 1.9 2.3 19.0 26.3 3.7 8.9 2.2 2.0 3.8 1.6 8.4 0.5 1.5 5.8 17.1 2.5 1.8 2.1 2.0 2.1 0.6 1.3 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.7 1.7 1.6 3.6 1.0 0.8 3.6 0.9 1.6 4.8 1.9 1.8 2.1 0.9 1.0 3.0 2.0 1.5 2.2 1.0 0.1 1.3 0.8 0.8 0.37 0.49 0.35 0.62 0.47 0.24 0.35 2.43 0.23 0.31 1.40 1.52 1.43 7.53 1.84 0.25 1.10 0.43 0.24 0.35 0.33 0.42 6.20 1.16 0.48 1.27 0.31 0.34 0.41 0.30 3.47 0.26 0.32 0.53 0.84 Reference: 2.2 2 Experimental 2.8 2.6 2.4 1.6 Activation Ash Layer ºC 84 112 144 182 227 ºF 183 233 291 359 441 352 Energy in Porosity 666 Electron Volts 6.00E+10 3.40E+10 8.80E+09 2.20E+10 3.00E+10 1.30E+11 3.40E+10 1.70E+09 2.20E+11 3.20E+10 2.00E+09 2.70E+09 4.50E+09 1.00E+08 3.30E+09 8.00E+10 7.50E+09 5.00E+10 2.00E+11 8.00E+10 3.80E+10 3.70E+10 1.40E+08 2.20E+09 2.20E+10 2.60E+09 3.80E+10 4.00E+11 1.40E+10 1.60E+11 7.00E+08 2.40E+11 1.80E+11 4.40E+10 1.10E+10 6.20E+11 4.20E+11 1.50E+11 2.50E+11 3.50E+11 1.30E+12 2.60E+11 1.20E+10 1.80E+12 2.80E+11 1.50E+10 1.80E+10 3.40E+10 6.50E+08 3.20E+10 7.60E+11 6.00E+10 6.50E+11 3.00E+12 9.20E+11 5.00E+11 3.80E+11 1.00E+09 1.20E+10 2.60E+11 2.20E+10 4.20E+11 2.20E+12 1.30E+11 1.80E+12 4.80E+09 3.40E+12 1.40E+12 6.00E+11 9.00E+10 1.00E+12 9.00E+11 4.00E+11 5.00E+11 6.50E+11 2.30E+12 7.40E+11 2.30E+10 3.30E+12 8.00E+11 3.90E+10 4.00E+10 9.00E+10 1.40E+09 4.60E+10 1.40E+12 8.40E+10 1.20E+12 5.30E+12 1.80E+12 9.20E+11 9.00E+11 1.60E+09 2.80E+10 6.80E+11 4.50E+10 7.60E+11 2.90E+12 3.20E+11 3.00E+12 9.40E+09 6.70E+12 2.50E+12 1.30E+12 2.50E+11 6.00E+11 5.80E+11 4.00E+11 3.50E+11 4.50E+11 1.90E+12 8.50E+11 2.80E+10 2.70E+12 1.20E+12 4.60E+10 4.60E+10 9.60E+10 1.80E+09 2.20E+10 1.10E+12 5.50E+10 5.50E+11 3.20E+12 9.50E+11 4.60E+11 5.80E+11 2.00E+09 3.90E+10 5.20E+11 4.50E+10 4.40E+11 1.20 E+12 2.90E+11 1.80E+12 9.50E+09 3.90E+12 1.00E+12 8.00E+11 3.10E+11 1.40E+11 1.40E+11 1.50E+11 1.30E+11 1.40E+11 1.00E+12 4.80E+11 2.20E+10 1.10E+12 1.00E+12 3.00E+10 3.00E+10 6.50E+10 1.70E+09 4.50E+09 5.20E+11 1.80E+10 1.30E+11 6.80E+11 2.30E+11 1.10E+11 1.90E+11 2.00E+09 2.80E+10 1.90E+11 3.40E+10 1.10E+11 2.80E+11 1.10E+11 4.90E+11 5.80E+09 8.50E+11 2.50E+11 2.90E+11 2.20E+11 2.90E+09 2.60E+09 3.60E+09 2.50E+09 2.60E+09 5.20E+10 2.40E+10 3.50E+09 5.00E+10 1.10E+11 1.80E+09 2.20E+09 4.70E+09 9.00E+07 8.00E+07 1.50E+10 5.10E+08 2.20E+09 9.50E+09 3.80E+09 2.00E+09 2.70E+09 1.00E+08 2.80E+09 3.20E+09 3.40E+09 1.80E+09 4.00E+09 3.10E+09 6.40E+09 4.30E+08 1.30E+10 4.70E+09 5.80E+09 1.00E+10 % 0.90 0.90 0.79 0.86 0.90 0.86 0.79 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.66 0.68 0.74 1.10 0.86 0.95 0.79 0.90 0.90 0.95 0.90 0.95 1.32 0.86 0.83 0.76 0.79 0.90 0.86 0.90 0.60 0.90 0.83 0.86 0.79 54 50 69 59 59 47 44 60 54 59 55 64 60 67 58 70 53 63 67 65 56 81 78 68 76 54 56 67 53 68 ND 75 66 61 64 Bickelhaupt, R. E. “A Technique for Predicting Fly Ash Resistivity.” U. S. EPA Report Number EPA-600/7-79-204, August 1979, 114 pp. A-3 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-3 Chemical Characterization of Ashes from Original Sulfur Trioxide Study (Model 2) by Dr. R. E. Bickelhaupt and Recent Particle Size and BET Results for Same. Composition by Weight Percentage Sample # 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 311 312 Li2O 0.03 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.1 0.07 Na20 0.51 0.29 0.34 0.19 0.34 0.46 2.8 1.8 0.54 0.2 K2O 1.7 0.71 0.42 2.7 3.1 2.4 0.62 0.32 2.4 0.76 MgO 1.3 1.8 6.3 0.85 1.1 0.91 1.1 6.2 1.2 1.7 CaO 4.4 12.6 19.5 0.56 2.2 3.8 12.8 30.9 2.1 7.9 Fe2O3 5 4.1 4.3 4.1 12.5 21.4 4.1 5.5 8.1 3.9 Al2O3 25.8 24.6 24.1 32.2 27.1 20.7 25.6 19.8 30.8 32.8 SiO2 59 52.9 41.2 56.4 50.5 46.9 50.4 30.8 51.6 48.7 TiO2 1.7 1 1.5 2.3 1.8 1.5 0.84 1.7 2.1 2.3 P2O5 0.31 0.13 0.31 0.15 0.33 0.29 0.19 1.1 0.51 0.98 SO3 0.35 0.24 0.94 0.18 0.57 1.2 0.41 4.1 0.33 0.53 MMD 19.7 32.9 10.4 21.9 30.8 24.6 28.2 3.12 30.6 NA BET 1.55 2.18 1.03 1.17 .92 1.9 1.02 1.44 1.77 NA Table A-4 Reanalysis of Selected Ashes from Original Sulfur Trioxide Study (Model 2) by Dr. R. E. Bickelhaupt and Client Ash D492A. Composition by Weight Percentage Sample # 301 302 304 308 D492A Li2O 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.05 Na20 0.74 0.39 0.42 2.0 0.64 A-4 12867128 K2O 1.70 0.71 2.60 0.29 2.30 MgO 1.2 1.8 0.9 6.7 0.83 CaO 4.3 14.4 0.37 36.3 0.60 Fe2O3 5.4 4.6 4.6 5.9 5.7 Al2O3 23.8 23.0 30.8 20.1 30.9 SiO2 59.6 53.6 58.3 18.9 56.1 TiO2 1.3 0.83 1.8 1.6 1.9 P2O5 0.2 < 0.02 < 0.02 1.0 < 0.03 SO3 0.82 0.58 < 0.02 5.2 0.24 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-5 Results of Mineral, Particle Size and BET Analyses of Model 3 Fly Ash Samples. Composition by Weight Percentage Sample Number Fly Ash Corresponding Coal 9896-1-57 9896-1-52 9896-1-58 9896-1-53 9896-1-59 9896-1-54 9896-1-60 9896-1-55 9896-1-61 9896-1-56 9896-1-67 9896-1-2 9896-1-68 9896-1-12 9896-1-69 9896-1-71 9896-1-70 9896-1-62 9896-1-121 9896-1-126 9896-1-122 9896-1-85 9896-1-123 9896-1-128 9896-1-124 9896-1-129 9896-1-130 9896-1-22 9896-1-133 9896-1-132 a D492A Minimum Maximum Li2O Na20 K2O MgO CaO Fe2O3 Al2O3 SiO2 TiO2 P2O5 SO3 TOTAL 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.05 1.70 1.50 1.40 1.10 0.87 1.10 1.20 4.00 1.60 0.40 1.30 0.47 1.10 1.80 0.36 0.76 0.52 0.90 1.20 1.70 2.20 1.90 2.40 1.90 0.97 0.53 1.50 2.60 4.30 0.50 2.90 1.01 4.40 4.50 3.70 2.70 1.50 2.00 1.80 5.70 2.60 2.00 1.60 1.90 2.20 4.60 0.84 0.59 27.90 22.00 17.90 11.40 4.70 7.00 7.40 19.90 10.20 9.60 3.50 8.80 3.00 25.10 1.40 0.95 9.90 9.60 9.20 9.50 10.20 6.30 13.10 9.00 5.90 8.40 9.00 16.30 7.60 5.70 5.30 7.04 19.30 20.80 23.40 21.80 24.70 25.80 25.50 14.40 21.50 23.20 26.90 24.40 26.40 19.40 30.00 29.46 27.40 34.50 39.90 43.90 51.00 51.90 45.60 42.70 54.50 53.20 51.80 42.90 52.40 36.60 55.10 58.34 2.60 2.40 2.40 2.70 2.20 2.40 2.10 0.92 2.00 2.00 1.80 1.60 2.00 2.50 2.40 1.35 1.10 0.93 0.77 0.49 0.24 0.46 0.32 0.27 0.57 0.64 1.60 0.94 0.62 1.20 0.28 0.09 3.10 2.20 2.80 2.40 1.30 1.30 1.60 1.60 0.40 0.75 0.36 0.73 0.23 1.40 <0.08 0.16 0.01 0.05 0.36 4.00 0.50 4.30 0.59 5.70 0.95 27.90 5.30 16.30 14.40 30.00 27.40 58.34 0.92 2.70 0.09 1.60 0.16 3.10 97.94 99.35 102.7 97.72 98.95 100.2 101.06 100.4 100.25 100.74 99.4 100.68 99.9 98.82 98.62 99.80 MMD BET 7.6 1.22 9.6 1.28 12.8 1.11 18. 1.02 30.6 1.03 33.7 10.60 9.8 4.30 21.1 0.63 39.1 5.64 58.8 3.28 15.3 6.29 8.3 1.37 41.2 1.18 18.3 0.84 35.5 1.62 7.6 1.22 a. Fly ash analysis provided by supplier. A-5 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-6 Results of Mineral Analyses of Model 3 Coal Samples. Composition by Weight Percentage Sample # 9896-1-52 9896-1-53 9896-1-54 9896-1-55 9896-1-56 9896-1-2 9896-1-12 9896-1-71 9896-1-62 9896-1-126 9896-1-85 9896-1-128 9896-1-129 9896-1-22 9896-1-132 Li2O 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.04 Na20 1.40 1.10 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.93 1.40 3.00 1.50 0.38 1.10 0.48 1.00 1.40 0.42 A-6 12867128 K2O 0.29 0.91 1.30 1.80 2.40 2.00 1.90 1.80 0.83 0.61 2.00 2.70 4.40 0.50 3.00 MgO 4.50 3.20 2.40 1.80 0.87 1.80 1.50 4.80 2.80 2.10 1.30 1.80 2.00 3.70 0.91 CaO 22.60 14.50 10.20 6.10 1.40 6.30 5.40 16.80 11.30 8.60 3.30 8.10 4.20 20.90 1.50 Fe2O3 7.90 8.60 8.50 13.60 10.50 10.20 11.10 8.20 5.50 7.60 8.10 16.00 8.30 5.00 6.20 Al2O3 14.20 16.60 18.30 21.60 26.70 23.20 26.30 12.60 19.10 23.30 25.60 22.00 26.00 16.60 30.00 SiO2 25.70 33.10 39.60 43.70 51.90 44.70 43.60 37.40 45.40 46.00 53.70 40.10 49.40 34.20 53.40 TiO2 2.10 2.00 2.30 2.20 2.30 1.60 1.70 0.60 1.60 1.60 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.70 2.10 P2O5 0.84 0.66 0.50 0.34 0.11 0.33 0.17 0.11 0.45 0.91 1.00 0.67 0.70 0.84 0.28 SO3 18.90 17.70 13.70 9.10 1.90 8.60 5.40 14.60 9.00 8.40 2.10 8.80 3.90 13.20 1.40 TOTAL 98.45 98.39 97.75 101.05 98.89 99.71 98.51 99.93 97.5 99.53 99.34 101.89 101.15 98.05 99.25 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-7 Sample 9896-1-57 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.0 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 835 714 610 514 442 376 320 261 217 187 1.47 x 10 9 6.95 x 10 10 2.73 x 10 10 6.82 x 10 11 1.06 x 10 11 1.01 x 10 10 5.88 x 10 10 2.25 x 10 9 4.78 x 10 8 4.66 x 10 9 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 2.8 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 2.46 x 10 8 6.82 x 10 8 2.25 x 10 9 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 9.8 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 347 329 311 293 2.77 X 10 8 1.32 X 10 7 6.21 X 10 7 2.94 X 10 7 1.53 X 10 8 A-7 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-8 Sample 9896-1-58 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.0 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 829 718 619 527 455 388 331 271 228 187 3.18 x 109 1.66 x 1010 5.70 x 1010 1.39 x 1011 2.06 x 1011 2.12 x 1011 1.36 x 1011 4.11 x 1010 7.96 x 109 1.01 x 109 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 2.8 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 1.66 x 109 5.38 x 108 1.59 x 108 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 9.8 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 347 329 311 293 5.23 x 108 1.91 x 108 9.32 x 107 4.49 x 107 2.25 x 107 A-8 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-9 Sample 9896-1-59 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.0 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 824 714 613 523 451 387 329 270 226 187 4.90 x 109 2.55 x 1010 9.32 x 1010 2.39 x 1011 3.82 x 1011 4.39 x 1011 3.47 x 1011 1.41 x 1011 3.32 x 1010 3.47 x 109 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 2.8 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 4.34 x 109 1.96 x 109 5.23 x 108 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 9.8 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 347 329 311 293 1.19 x 109 5.79 x 108 2.83 x 108 1.34 x 108 6.47 x 107 A-9 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-10 Sample 9896-1-60 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.0 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 817 707 608 520 448 383 327 268 226 185 2.94 x 109 1.78 x 1010 7.96 x 1010 2.55 x 1011 5.54 x 1011 8.68 x 1011 9.32 x 1011 5.79 x 1011 1.74 x 1011 1.78 x 1010 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 2.8 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 5.62 x 109 2.12 x 109 5.16 x 108 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 9.8 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 347 329 311 293 1.01 x 109 4.78 x 108 2.25 x 108 1.11 x 108 5.92 x 107 A-10 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-11 Sample 9896-1-61 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.1 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 788 705 604 523 462 392 333 270 228 185 6.16 x 108 2.01 x 109 1.03 x 1010 4.66 x 1010 1.53 x 1011 5.16 x 1011 12 1.01 x 10 8.49 x 1011 2.94 x 1011 2.25 x 1010 After equilibration at 10.1 volume % H2O, 2.9 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 3.18 x 1010 7.21 x 109 1.32 x 109 After equilibration at 10.1 volume % H2O, 11.2 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 3.64 x 109 7.96 x 108 2.25 x 108 A-11 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-12 Sample 9896-1-67 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.1 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 783 700 601 520 459 388 331 268 216 176 1.74 x 109 6.37 x 109 3.47 x 1010 1.41 x 1011 3.94 x 1011 12 1.06 x 10 12 1.66 x 10 12 1.19 x 10 3.82 x 1011 3.18 x 1010 After equilibration at 10.1 volume % H2O, 2.9 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 3.64 x 1010 1.00 x 1010 1.78 x 109 After equilibration at 10.1 volume % H2O, 11.2 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 5.42 x 109 1.14 x 109 2.18 x 108 A-12 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-13 Sample 9896-1-68 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.2 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 795 698 603 522 459 390 331 273 228 189 1.63 x 109 7.49 x 109 3.82 x 1010 1.32 x 1011 3.06 x 1011 4.90 x 1011 4.34 x 1011 1.82 x 1011 4.39 x 1010 5.46 x 109 After equilibration at 10.2 volume % H2O, 2.6 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 3.47 x 109 8.88 x 108 2.32 x 108 After equilibration at 10.2 volume % H2O, 10.7 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 2.18 x 108 7.21 x 107 2.46 x 107 A-13 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-14 Sample 9896-1-69 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.1 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 777 694 595 6.95 x 108 2.12 x 109 8.30 x 109 2.32 x 1010 516 455 385 329 268 226 183 3.82 x 1010 4.15 x 1010 2.55 x 1010 5.54 x 109 1.23 x 109 2.12 x 108 After equilibration at 10.1 volume % H2O, 2.9 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 2.83 x 109 1.23 x 109 6.76 x 108 After equilibration at 10.1 volume % H2O, 11.2 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 4.72 x 108 1.63 x 108 4.20 x 107 A-14 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-15 Sample 9896-1-70 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.1 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 772 689 592 513 453 381 327 266 225 183 1.91 x 109 5.79 x 109 2.39 x 1010 7.35 x 1010 1.47 x 1011 2.18 x 1011 1.82 x 1011 6.59 x 1010 1.82 x 1010 2.12 x 109 After equilibration at 10.1 volume % H2O, 2.9 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 1.25 x 109 3.94 x 108 1.91 x 108 After equilibration at 10.1 volume % H2O, 11.2 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 2.73 x 108 9.79 x 107 4.34 x 107 A-15 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-16 Sample 9896-1-121 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.0 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 788 685 601 518 457 388 333 270 228 187 1.41 x 109 6.59 x 109 2.94 x 1010 1.36 x 1011 4.66 x 1011 12 1.66 x 10 12 3.18 x 10 12 3.18 x 10 12 1.09 x 10 1.14 x 1011 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 2.7 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 1.53 x 10 5.62 x 1011 4.42 x 1010 12 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 10.0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 7.35 x 1011 9.79 x 1010 3.84 x 108 A-16 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-17 Sample 9896-1-122 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.0 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 781 680 595 514 453 385 331 268 226 187 1.16 x 109 5.20 x 109 2.12 x 1010 8.30 x 1010 2.39 x 1011 5.88 x 1011 8.88 x 1011 6.47 x 1011 2.39 x 1011 3.90 x 1010 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 2.7 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 9.32 x 109 3.47 x 109 7.96 x 108 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 10.0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 3.11 x 109 5.46 x 108 8.30 x 107 A-17 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-18 Sample 9896-1-123 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.2 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 790 693 597 518 455 388 329 271 228 189 1.59 x 109 6.16 x 109 2.94 x 1010 1.01 x 1011 2.25 x 1011 3.32 x 1011 2.63 x 1011 9.79 x 1010 2.06 x 1010 2.25 x 109 After equilibration at 10.2 volume % H2O, 2.6 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 8.99 x 108 3.18 x 108 8.13 x 107 After equilibration at 10.2 volume % H2O, 10.7 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 1.66 x 108 4.44 x 107 1.12 x 107 A-18 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-19 Sample 9896-1-124 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.2 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 784 685 594 514 451 385 327 271 226 187 2.25 x 108 1.05 x 109 5.27 x 109 2.25 x 1010 6.37 x 1010 1.41 x 1011 1.53 x 1011 7.07 x 1010 1.56 x 1010 1.66 x 109 After equilibration at 10.2 volume % H2O, 2.6 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 1.50 x 109 5.88 x 108 2.25 x 108 After equilibration at 10.2 volume % H2O, 10.7 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 2.12 x 108 8.78 x 107 4.78 x 107 A-19 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-20 Sample 9896-1-130 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.0 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 775 675 590 511 450 383 329 268 226 187 3.94 x 109 1.70 x 1010 5.16 x 1010 1.21 x 1011 1.74 x 1011 1.56 x 1011 8.22 x 1010 1.82 x 1010 3.64 x 109 4.55 x 108 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 2.7 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 5.31 x 108 2.01 x 108 9.32 x 107 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 10.0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 1.47 x 108 4.87 x 107 1.70 x 107 A-20 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-21 Sample 9896-1-133 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.0 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 770 669 586 507 448 381 327 266 225 185 5.46 x 108 2.55 x 109 1.08 x 1010 4.60 x 1010 1.29 x 1011 3.06 x 1011 3.82 x 1011 2.12 x 1011 6.06 x 1010 6.37 x 109 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 2.7 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 4.34 x 1010 1.47 x 1010 2.55 x 109 After equilibration at 10.0 volume % H2O, 10.0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 365 329 293 7.64 x 109 2.12 x 109 4.75 x 107 A-21 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-22 Sample D492A Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.4 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 784 698 601 527 457 387 331 268 228 187 4.24 x 108 1.53 x 109 8.13 x 109 3.64 x 1010 1.56 x 1011 5.97 x 1011 12 1.27 x 10 9.67 x 1011 2.63 x 1011 1.39 x 1010 After equilibration at 10.4 volume % H2O, 3.0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F Resistivity,ohm cm 300 270 9.79 x 1011 2.83 x 108 A-22 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-23 Sample 301 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 9.9 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 185 235 290 359 440 563 665 826 Resistivity,ohm cm 4.85 x 1010 3.06 x 1011 6.50 x 1011 5.12 x 1011 2.11 x 1011 3.36 x 1010 6.98 x 109 8.25 x 108 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 1.5 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 257 269 Resistivity,ohm cm 7.55 x 1010 2.51 x 1011 After equilibration at 9.4 volume % H2O, 4.2 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 266 277 278 290 287 Resistivity,ohm cm 5.63 x 1010 7.50 x 1010 1.50 x 1011 2.70 x 1011 2.95 x 1011 After equilibration at 9.8 volume % H2O, 9.6 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 281 284 284 297 323 323 326 Resistivity,ohm cm 4.17 x 109 8.09 x 109 1.06 x 1010 3.89 x 1010 2.51 x 1011 3.54 x 1011 6.09 x 1011 A-23 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-24 Sample 302 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 9.9 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 185 238 293 362 445 546 679 835 Resistivity,ohm cm 2.10 x 1011 1.59 x 1012 2.73 x 1012 2.67 x 1012 1.38 x 1012 3.51 x 1011 5.09 x 1010 7.03 x 109 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 1.2 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 243 272 300 Resistivity,ohm cm 4.89 x 108 4.20 x 109 6.34 x 1010 After equilibration at 9.4 volume % H2O, 3.4 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 266 287 300 Resistivity,ohm cm 1.44 x 108 3.13 x 109 2.01 x 1010 After equilibration at 9.8 volume % H2O, 8.9 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 287 330 351 A-24 12867128 Resistivity,ohm cm 1.75 x 108 1.73 x 1010 1.11 x 1011 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-25 Sample 303 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 9.9 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 193 244 302 371 455 590 685 758 851 Resistivity,ohm cm 3.27 x 1010 2.17 x 1011 7.46 x 1011 1.37 x 1012 1.13 x 1012 4.18 x 1011 1.62 x 1011 4.94 x 1010 1.58 x 1010 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 1.5 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 260 297 338 Resistivity,ohm cm 9.06 x 108 5.45 x 109 8.04 x 1010 After equilibration at 9.4 volume % H2O, 4.2 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 279 314 353 Resistivity,ohm cm 4.49 x 108 2.97 x 109 3.12 x 1010 After equilibration at 9.8 volume % H2O, 9.6 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 287 321 361 402 Resistivity,ohm cm 6.62 x 107 9.51 x 108 8.04 x 109 4.94 x 1010 A-25 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-26 Sample 304 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 9.9 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 183 235 290 358 440 546 665 835 Resistivity,ohm cm 1.14 x 1011 1.22 x 1012 2.87 x 1012 1.70 x 1012 3.98 x 1011 4.99 x 1010 5.41 x 109 5.59 x 108 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 1.4 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 243 255 266 Resistivity,ohm cm 2.03 x 1011 2.62 x 1011 2.00 x 1012 After equilibration at 9.4 volume % H2O, 4.0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 266 260 275 290 Resistivity,ohm cm 5.41 x 109 3.02 x 1010 2.29 x 1011 1.94 x 1012 After equilibration at 9.8 volume % H2O, 9.8 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 281 287 284 300 320 320 323 A-26 12867128 Resistivity,ohm cm 4.32 x 108 1.69 x 109 7.71 x 109 1.77 x 1011 1.20 x 1012 1.40 x 1012 2.42 x 1012 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-27 Sample 305 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 9.8 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 185 235 293 362 445 546 672 835 Resistivity,ohm cm 3.34 x 1010 2.29 x 1011 4.38 x 1011 3.43 x 1011 9.47 x 1010 1.54 x 1010 2.25 x 109 2.08 x 108 After equilibration at 9.8 volume % H2O, 1.4 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 260 300 333 Resistivity,ohm cm 1.53 x 109 2.67 x 1010 1.79 x 1011 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 3.9 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 275 313 355 Resistivity,ohm cm 4.51 x 108 5.57 x 109 4.27 x 1010 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 9.8 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 286 326 362 Resistivity,ohm cm 1.65 x 108 2.14 x 109 1.36 x 1010 A-27 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-28 Sample 306 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 9.8 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 185 235 293 359 440 540 665 835 Resistivity,ohm cm 3.08 x 1010 2.63 x 1011 5.48 x 1011 3.16 x 1011 9.29 x 1010 1.40 x 1010 1.67 x 109 2.03 x 108 After equilibration at 9.8 volume % H2O, 1.4 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 257 293 330 Resistivity,ohm cm 2.86 x 109 4.79 x 1010 2.29 x 1011 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 3.9 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 272 310 348 Resistivity,ohm cm 1.17 x 109 1.23 x 1010 9.29 x 1010 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 9.8 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 284 320 359 A-28 12867128 Resistivity,ohm cm 4.56 x 108 5.03 x 109 3.00 x 1010 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-29 Sample 307 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 9.8 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 185 235 293 359 440 546 672 835 Resistivity,ohm cm 6.97 x 108 5.19 x 109 1.72 x 1010 2.42 x 1010 2.01 x 1010 8.89 x 109 1.62 x 109 2.82 x 108 After equilibration at 9.8 volume % H2O, 1.4 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 257 293 330 Resistivity,ohm cm 3.07 x 108 8.90 x 108 2.34 x 109 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 3.9 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 275 310 351 Resistivity,ohm cm 9.90 x 107 2.68 x 108 7.41 x 108 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 9.8 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 284 320 359 Resistivity,ohm cm 2.70 x 107 1.11 x 108 2.23 x 108 A-29 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-30 Sample 308 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 9.8 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 183 233 293 362 445 546 665 835 Resistivity,ohm cm 2.20 x 108 1.74 x 109 1.13 x 1010 4.99 x 1010 6.22 x 1010 3.21 x 1010 7.58 x 109 8.91 x 108 After equilibration at 9.8 volume % H2O, 1.4 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 257 293 330 Resistivity,ohm cm 1.70 x 108 8.90 x 108 2.74 x 109 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 3.9 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 275 313 348 Resistivity,ohm cm 3.61 x 107 1.66 x 108 6.50 x 108 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 9.8 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 284 320 362 A-30 12867128 Resistivity,ohm cm 1.55 x 107 6.19 x 107 2.05 x 108 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-31 Sample 311 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.2 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 182 233 289 351 431 489 554 639 723 835 Resistivity,ohm cm 1.60 x 1010 1.30 x 1011 4.00 x 1011 3.50 x 1011 1.30 x 1011 4.80 x 1010 1.40 x 1010 3.20 x 109 8.50 x 108 2.10 x 108 After equilibration at 9.6 volume % H2O, 1.5 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 258 294 331 Resistivity,ohm cm 4.30 x 109 6.00 x 1010 2.80 x 1011 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 4.0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 278 310 344 Resistivity,ohm cm 9.30 x 108 1.80 x 1010 1.55 x 1011 After equilibration at 9.7 volume % H2O, 9.0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 286 324 359 Resistivity,ohm cm 4.00 x 108 6.30 x 109 4.80 x 1010 A-31 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes Table A-32 Sample 312 Resistivity Data Summary Descending temperature mode at 10.1 volume % H2O, 0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 825 735 664 569 499 450 368 302 242 184 Resistivity,ohm cm 5.26 x 109 1.54 x 1010 4.00 x 1010 2.06 x 1011 6.34 x 1011 1.09 x 1012 2.68 x 1012 3.78 x 1012 2.15 x 1012 1.57 x 1011 After equilibration at 9.6 volume % H2O, 1.5 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 258 298 334 Resistivity,ohm cm 2.34 x 1010 1.78 x 1011 8.71 x 1011 After equilibration at 9.9 volume % H2O, 4.0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 275 310 343 Resistivity,ohm cm 4.66 x 109 5.78 x 1010 3.71 x 1011 After equilibration at 9.7 volume % H2O, 9.0 ppm SO3 Temperature, °F 284 323 363 A-32 12867128 Resistivity,ohm cm 1.24 x 109 3.37 x 1010 2.22 x 1011 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending 2.8 ppm SO3 RESISTIVITY, 1012 9.8 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-1 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-57 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. . A-33 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.8 ppm SO3 12 9.8 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-2 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-58 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-34 12867128 900 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.8 ppm SO3 12 9.8 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-3 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-59 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-35 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.8 ppm SO3 12 9.8 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-4 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-60 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-36 12867128 900 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.9 ppm SO3 12 11.2 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-5 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-61 with 10.1 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-37 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.9 ppm SO3 12 11.2 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-6 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-67 with 10.1 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-38 12867128 900 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.6 ppm SO3 12 10.7 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-7 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-68 with 10.2 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-39 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.9 ppm SO3 12 11.2 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-8 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-69 with 10.1 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-40 12867128 900 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.9 ppm SO3 12 11.2 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-9 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-70 with 10.1 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-41 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.7 ppm SO3 12 10.0 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-10 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-121 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-42 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.7 ppm SO3 12 10.0 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-11 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-122 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-43 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.6 ppm SO3 12 10.7 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-12 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-123 with 10.2 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-44 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.6 ppm SO3 12 10.7 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-13 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-124 with 10.2 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-45 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.7 ppm SO3 12 10.0 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-14 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-130 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-46 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 2.7 ppm SO3 12 10.0 ppm SO3 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-15 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 9896-1-133 with 10.0 % water by volume and two SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-47 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending RESISTIVITY, 10 3.0 ppm SO3 12 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-16 Laboratory resistivity of Sample D492A with 10.4 % water by volume and one SO3 injection rate at specific temperatures. A-48 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 RESISTIVITY, 1012 1011 1010 109 Descending, 9.9 volume % H2O 1.5 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O 108 4.2 ppm SO3, 9.4 volume % H2O 9.6 ppm SO3, 9.8 volume % H2O 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-17 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 301 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-49 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 RESISTIVITY, 1012 1011 1010 109 Descending, 9.9 volume % H2O 10 1.2 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O 8 3.4 ppm SO3, 9.4 volume % H2O 8.9 ppm SO3, 9.8 volume % H2O 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-18 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 302 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-50 12867128 900 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 RESISTIVITY, 1012 1011 1010 109 Descending, 9.9 volume % H2O 1.5 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O 108 4.2 ppm SO3, 9.4 volume % H2O 9.6 ppm SO3, 9.8 volume % H2O 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-19 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 303 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-51 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 RESISTIVITY, 1012 1011 1010 109 Descending, 9.9 volume % H2O 1.4 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O 108 4.0 ppm SO3, 9.4 volume % H2O 9.8 ppm SO3, 9.8 volume % H2O 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-20 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 304 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-52 12867128 900 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending, 9.8 volume % H2O 1.4 ppm SO3, 9.8 volume % H2O 1012 3.9 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O RESISTIVITY, 9.8 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-21 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 305 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-53 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending, 9.8 volume % H2O 1.4 ppm SO3, 9.8 volume % H2O 1012 3.9 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O RESISTIVITY, 9.8 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-22 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 306 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-54 12867128 900 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending, 9.8 volume % H2O 1.4 ppm SO3, 9.8 volume % H2O 1012 3.9 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O RESISTIVITY, 9.8 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-23 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 307 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-55 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending, 9.8 volume % H2O 1.4 ppm SO3, 9.8 volume % H2O 1012 3.9 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O RESISTIVITY, 9.8 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-24 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 308 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-56 12867128 900 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 Descending, 10.2 volume % H2O 1.5 ppm SO3, 9.6 volume % H2O 1012 4.0 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O RESISTIVITY, 9.0 ppm SO3, 9.7 volume % H2O 1011 1010 109 108 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-25 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 311 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-57 12867128 EPRI Licensed Material Chemical, Physical, and Electrical Characteristics of Fly Ashes 1013 RESISTIVITY, 1012 1011 1010 109 Descending, 10.1 volume % H2O 1.5 ppm SO3, 9.6 volume % H2O 108 4.0 ppm SO3, 9.9 volume % H2O 9.0 ppm SO3, 9.7 volume % H2O 107 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 TEMPERATURE, °F Figure A-26 Laboratory resistivity of Sample 312 with three SO3 injection rates at specific temperatures. A-58 12867128 900 12867128 Target: Fuel Switching/Multi-Pollutant Controls - Issues & Opportunities SINGLE USER LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND THE ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. (EPRI). PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY BEFORE REMOVING THE WRAPPING MATERIAL. BY OPENING THIS SEALED PACKAGE YOU ARE AGREEING TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT,PROMPTLY RETURN THE UNOPENED PACKAGE TO EPRI AND THE PURCHASE PRICE WILL BE REFUNDED. 1. 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Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. EPRI. ELECTRIFY THE WORLD is a service mark of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. Printed on recycled paper in the United States of America 1004075 EPRI • 3412 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304 • PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303 • USA 800.313.3774 • 650.855.2121 • • 12867128