Chapter 6 Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations To perform satisfactorily, shallow foundations must have two main characteristics: 1. They have to be safe against overall shear failure in the soil that supports them. 2. They cannot undergo excessive displacement, or excessive settlement. The term excessive is relative, because the degree of settlement allowed for a structure depends on several considerations. TYPES OF SHEAR FAILURE Types of Shear Failure Shear Failure: Also called “Bearing capacity failure” and it’s occur when the shear stresses in the soil exceed the shear strength of the soil. There are three types of shear failure in the soil: a) General Shear Failure b) Local Shear Failure c) Punching Shear Failure GENERAL SHEAR FAILURE The following are some characteristics of general shear failure: Occurs over dense sand or stiff cohesive soil. Involves total rupture of the underlying soil. There is a continuous shear failure of the soil from below the footing to the ground surface (solid lines in the figure). When the (load / unit area) plotted versus settlement of the footing, there is a distinct load at which the foundation fails (Qu) The value of (Qu) divided by the area of the footing is considered to be the ultimate bearing capacity of the footing(qu). For general shear failure, the ultimate bearing capacity has been defined as the bearing stress that causes a sudden catastrophic failure of the foundation. As shown in the figure, a general shear failure ruptures occur and pushed up the soil on both sides of the footing (In laboratory). GENERAL SHEAR FAILURE For actual failures on the field, the soil is often pushed up on only one side of the footing with subsequent tilting of the structure as shown in figure below: LOCAL SHEAR FAILURE The following are some characteristics of local shear failure: Occurs over sand or clayey soil of medium compaction. Involves rupture of the soil only immediately below the footing. There is soil bulging on both sides of the footing, but the bulging is not as significant as in general shear. That’s because the underlying soil compacted less than the soil in general shear. The failure surface of the soil will gradually (not sudden) extend outward from the foundation (not the ground surface) as shown by solid lines in the figure. So, local shear failure can be considered as a transitional phase between general shear and punching shear. LOCAL SHEAR FAILURE Because of the transitional nature of local shear failure, the ultimate bearing capacity could be defined as the firs failure load (qu,1) which occur at the point which have the first measure nonlinearity in the load/unit area-settlement curve (open circle), or at the point where the settlement starts rabidly increase (qu) (closed circle). This value of (qu) is the required (load/unit area) to extends the failure surface to the ground surface (dashed lines in the figure). In this type of failure, the value of (qu) is not the peak value so, this failure called (Local Shear Failure). The actual local shear failure in field is proceed as shown in the figure below: PUNSHING SHEAR FAILURE The following are some characteristics of punching shear failure: Occurs over fairly loose soil. Punching shear failure does not develop the distinct shear surfaces associated with a general shear failure. The soil outside the loaded area remains relatively uninvolved and there is a minimal movement of soil on both sides of the footing. The process of deformation of the footing involves compression of the soil directly below the footing as well as the vertical shearing of soil around the footing perimeter. As shown in figure, the (q)-settlement curve does not have a dramatic break and the bearing capacity is often defined as the first measure nonlinearity in the (q)-settlement curve(qu,1). PUNSHING SHEAR FAILURE Beyond the ultimate failure (load/unit area) (qu,1), the (load/unit area)settlement curve will be steep and practically linear. The actual punching shear failure in field is proceed as shown in the figure below: Modes of Foundation Failure in Sand Figure 6.4 TERZAGHI’S BEARING CAPACITY THEORY Terzaghi was the first to present a comprehensive theory for evaluation of the ultimate bearing capacity of rough shallow foundation. This theory is based on the following assumptions: 1. The foundation is considered to be shallow if (Df≤B). 2. The foundation is considered to be strip or continuous if (B/L→0.0). (Width to length ratio is very small and goes to zero), and the derivation of the equation is to a strip footing. 3. The effect of soil above the bottom of the foundation may be assumed to be replaced by an equivalent surcharge (q=gDf). So, the shearing resistance of this soil along the failure surfaces is neglected (Lines GI and HJ in the figure) 4. The failure surface of the soil is similar to general shear failure (i.e. equation is derived for general shear failure) as shown in the figure. Note: 1. In recent studies, investigators have suggested that, foundations are considered to be shallow if [ Df≤(3→4)B], otherwise, the foundation is deep. 2. Always the value of (q) is the effective stress at the bottom of the foundation. TERZAGHI’S BEARING CAPACITY THEORY Figure 6.7 The failure zone under the foundation can be separated into three parts: 1. The triangular zone ACD immediately under the foundation 2. The radial shear zones ADF and CDE with the curves DE and DF being arcs of a logarithmic spiral 3. Two triangular Rankine passive zones AFH and CEG TERZAGHI’S BEARING CAPACITY EQUATION The equation was derived for a strip footing and general shear failure: qu=c’Nc+qNq+0.5gBNg (for continuous or strip footing) Where qu=Ultimate bearing capacity of the soil (KN/m2) c’=Cohesion of soil (KN/m2) q = Effective stress at the bottom of the foundation (KN/m2) Nc, Nq, Ng= Bearing capacity factors (non-dimensional) and are functions 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 of the soil friction angle, f’ The variations of bearing capacity factors and underlying soil friction angle are given in (Table 4.1) for general shear failure. The equation above (for strip footing) was modified to be useful for both square and circular footings as following: For square footing: qu=1.3c’Nc+qNq+0.4gBNg B=The dimension of each side of the foundation . For circular footing: qu=1.3c’Nc+qNq+0.3gBNg B=The diameter of the foundation . Note: These two equations are also for general shear failure, and all factors in the two equations (except, B,) are the same as explained for strip footing. TERZAGHI’S BEARING CAPACITY FACTORS Table 6.1 FACTOR OF SAFETY Ultimate bearing capacity is the maximum value the soil can bear it. i.e. if the bearing stress from foundation exceeds the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil, shear failure in soil will be occur. so we must design a foundation for a bearing capacity less than the ultimate bearing capacity to prevent shear failure in the soil. This bearing capacity is “Allowable Bearing Capacity” and we design for it. i.e. the applied stress from foundation must not exceed the allowable bearing capacity of soil. q qFS u, gross all, gross qall,gross = Gross allowable bearing capacity qu,gross = Gross ultimate bearing capacity (Terzaghi equation) FS = Factor of safety for bearing capacity ≥3 However, practicing engineers prefer to use the “net allowable bearing capacity” such that: q q FS q q gD u all (net) f Example 6.1 Example 6.2 Modification of Bearing Capacity Equations for Water Table Terzaghi equation gives the ultimate bearing capacity based on the assumption that the water table is located well below the foundation. However, if the water table is close to the foundation, the bearing capacity will decrease due to the effect of water table, so, some modification of the bearing capacity equation will be necessary. The values which will be modified are: 1. q (for soil above the foundation) in the second term of equation. 2. g (for the underlying soil) in the third term of equation . There are three cases according to location of water table: Case I. The water table is located so that 0≤D1≤Df q = D1g+ D2(gsat− gw) g → g ′= gsat− gw Modification of Bearing Capacity Equations for Water Table Case II. The water table is located so that 0≤d≤B : Case III. The water table is located so that d≥B in this case the water table is assumed have no effect on the ultimate bearing capacity. The General Bearing Capacity Equation Terzagi’s equations shortcomings: They don’t deal with rectangular foundations (0<B/L<1). The equations do not take into account the shearing resistance along the failure surface in soil above the bottom of the foundation. The inclination of the load on the foundation is not considered (if exist). To account for all these shortcomings, Meyerhof suggested the following form of the general bearing capacity equation: qu = c’ NcFcsFcdFci+ q NqFqsFqdFqi+ 0.5 B g NgFgs FgdFgi Where C’=Cohesion of the underlying soil q = Effective stress at the level of the bottom of the foundation. g = Unit weight of the underlying soil B = Width of footing (=diameter for a circular foundation). Nc, Nq, Ng = Bearing capacity factors (Table 4.2) Fcs, Fqs, Fgs= Shape factors. Fcd, Fqd, Fgd = Depth factors. Fci, Fqi, Fgi = Inclination factors. In the case of inclined loading on a foundation, the general equation provides the vertical component. The General Bearing Capacity Equation Notes: 1. This equation is valid for both general and local shear failure. 2. This equation is similar to original equation for ultimate bearing capacity (Terzaghi’s equation) which was derived for continuous foundation, but the shape, depth, and load inclination factors are added to Terzaghi’s equation to be suitable for any case may exist. Bearing Capacity Factors: Nc, Nq, Ng The angle α=ϕ’ (according Terzaghi theory) was replaced by α=45+ϕ’/2. So, the bearing capacity factor will be changed. The variations of bearing capacity factors (Nc, Nq, Ng ) and underlying soil friction angle (ϕ’) are given in Table 4.2. The General Bearing Capacity Equation Table 6.2 The General Bearing Capacity Equation Shape factors: Notes: 1. If the foundation is continuous or strip →B/L=0.0 2. If the foundation is circular→B=L=diameter→B/L=1 The General Bearing Capacity Equation Depth Factors: Important Notes: 1. If the value of (B) or (Df)is required, you should do the following: Assume (Df/B≤1) and calculate depth factors in term of (B) or (Df). Substitute in the general equation, then calculate (B) or (Df). After calculating the required value, you must check your assumption→(Df/B≤1). If the assumption is true, the calculated value is the final required value. If the assumption is wrong, you must calculate depth factors in case of (Df/B>1) and then calculate (B) or (Df) to get the true value. 2. For both cases (Df/B≤1)and(Df/B>1) if ϕ>0→ calculate Fqd firstly, because Fcd depends on Fqd. The General Bearing Capacity Equation Inclination Factors: Note: If β°=ϕ→ Fgi =0.0, so you 𝐝𝐨𝐧′𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 to calculate Fgs and Fgd, because the last term in Meyerhof equation will be zero. Example 6.3 575 kN/m Read Examples 6.4 & 6.5 Ng Relationships Table 6.5 EFFECT OF SOIL COMPRESSIBILITY The change of failure mode is due to soil compressibility. Vesic (1973) proposed the following modification to the general bearing capacity equation: qu = c’ NcFcsFcdFcc+ q NqFqsFqdFqc+ 0.5 B g NgFgs FgdFgc where Fcc, Fqc, and Fgc are soil compressibility factors. Steps for calculating the soil compressibility factors. Page 232 EFFECT OF SOIL COMPRESSIBILITY Table 6.8 Figure 6.17 EXAMPLE 6.6 Example 6.6 ECCENTRICALLY LOADED FOUNDATION If the load applied on the foundation is in the center of the foundation without eccentricity, the bearing capacity of the soil will be uniform at any point under the foundation (as shown in figure) because there is no any moments on the foundation, and the general equation for stress under the foundation is: Q M y Mx Stress q A x I x y I y In this case, the load is in the center of the foundation and there are no moments so, Stress q QA (uniform at any point below the foundation) ECCENTRICALLY LOADED FOUNDATION However, in several cases, as with the base of a retaining wall or neighbor footing, the loads does not exist in the center, so foundations are subjected to moments in addition to the vertical load (as shown in the figure). In such cases, the distribution of pressure by the foundation on the soil is not uniform because there is a moment applied on the foundation and the stress under the foundation will be calculated from: Stress q Q M y M x I A I x y x y Stress q Q Mc A I (two way eccentricity) one way eccentricity ONE WAY ECCENTRICITY Stress q Q Mc A I one way eccentricity Since the pressure under the foundation is not uniform, there are maximum and minimum pressures (under the two edges of the foundation) and we concerned about calculating these two pressures. Assume the eccentricity is in direction of (B) A=B×L M=Q×e c=B/2 (maximum distance from the center) I 3 B L 12 (I is about the axis that resists the moment) ONE WAY ECCENTRICITY q Q Q *e * B Q Q *e *6 B * L 2B3* L B * L B2 * L 12 q Q (1 6e) B B* L There are three cases for calculating maximum and minimum pressures according to the values of (e and B/6 ) Case I. (For 𝐞<𝐁/𝟔): q Q (1 6e) B B* L q Q (1 6e) B B* L max min If eccentricity in (L) direction (For e<L/6): q Q (1 6e) L B* L q Q (1 6e) L B* L max min In this case, qmin is positive ONE WAY ECCENTRICITY Case II. (For 𝐞=𝐁/𝟔): q Q (1 6e) B B* L q Q (11) 0 B* L max min If eccentricity in (L) direction (For e= L/6): q Q (1 6e) L B* L q Q (11) 0 B* L max min ONE WAY ECCENTRICITY Case III. (For 𝐞>𝐁/𝟔): As shown in the figure, the value of (qmin) is negative (i.e. tension in soil), but we know that soil can’t resist any tension, thus, negative pressure must be prevented by making (qmin=0) at distance (x) from point (A) as shown in the figure, and determine the new value of (qmax) by static equilibrium as following: R=area of triangle*L =0.5*qmax,new*X*L (1) ΣFy=0.0 →R=Q (2) ΣM@A=0.0 →Q*(B/2−e)=R*X/3 (but from Eq.2→R=Q)→X=3(B/2−e) Substitute by X in Eq. (1) → R=Q=0.5*qmax,new*3(B/2−e)*L →qmax,new=4Q/[3L(B−2e)] ONE WAY ECCENTRICITY Case III. (For 𝐞>𝐁/𝟔): If eccentricity in (L) direction (For e> L/6): qmax,new=4Q/[3B(L−2e)] Note: If the foundation is circular Calculate qmax and qmin q Q Mc A I 2 D A 4 c D 2 4 D I 64 Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading One-Way Eccentricity Effective Area Method: If the load does not exist in the center of the foundation, or if the foundation located to moment in addition to the vertical loads, the stress distribution under the foundation is not uniform. So, to calculate the ultimate (uniform) bearing capacity under the foundation, new area should be determined to make the applied load in the center of this area and to develop uniform pressure under this new area. This new area is called Effective area. Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading One-Way Eccentricity Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading One-Way Eccentricity EXAMPLE 6.7 Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading Two-Way Eccentricity Figure 6.25 Figure 6.25 Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading Two-Way Eccentricity Figure 6.26 Figure 6.26 Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading Two-Way Eccentricity Figure 6.27 Figure 6.27 Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading Two-Way Eccentricity Figure 6.28 Figure 6.28 Figure 6.28 Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading Two-Way Eccentricity Figure 6.29 Figure 6.29 Ultimate Bearing Capacity under Eccentric Loading Two-Way Eccentricity Figure 6.30 6.10 Table 6.10 Figure 6.30 EXAMPLE 6.10 EXAMPLE 6.10 Read Examples 6.11 & 6.12 Bearing Capacity of a Continuous Foundation Subjected to Eccentrically Inclined Loading Partially Compensated Case Meyerhof’s effective area method can be used to determine the ultimate load Qu(ei). the vertical component of the soil reaction. Bearing Capacity of a Continuous Foundation Subjected to Eccentrically Inclined Loading Patra et al. (2012a) proposed a reduction factor to estimate Qu(ei) for a foundation on granular soil: Reinforced Case (Granular Soil) Patra et al. (2012b) conducted several model tests on continuous foundations on granular soil and gave the following correlation to estimate Qu(ei) EXAMPLE 6.13 Read Example 6.14 IMPORTANT NOTES 1. The soil above the bottom of the foundation are used only to calculate the term (q) in the second term of bearing capacity equations (Terzaghi and Meyerhof) and all other factors are calculated for the underlying soil. 2. Always the value of (q) is the effective stress at the level of the bottom of the foundation. 3. For the underlying soil, if the value of (c=cohesion=0.0) you don’t have to calculate factors in the first term in equations (Nc in Terzaghi’s equations) and (Nc, Fcs, Fcd, Fci in Meyerhof equation). 4. For the underlying soil, if the value of (ϕ=0.0) you don’t have to calculate factors in the last term in equations (Ng in Terzaghi’s equations) and (Ng, Fgs,Fgd,Fgi in Meyerhof equation). 5. If the load applied on the foundation is inclined with an angle (β=ϕ). The value of (Fgi) will be zero, so you don’t have to calculate factors in the last term of Meyerhof equation (Ng, Fgs,Fgd). IMPORTANT NOTES 6. Always if we want to calculate the eccentricity, it’s calculated as following: Moment e Overall Vertical Loads 7. If the foundation is square, strip or circular, you may calculate (qu) from Terzaghi or Meyerhof equations (should be specified in the problem). 8. But, if the foundation is rectangular, you must calculate (qu) from Meyerhof general equation. 9. If the foundation width (B) is required, and there exist water table below the foundation at distance (d), you should assume d≤B, and calculate B, then make a check for your assumption.