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Project Proposal Guidelines: Sustainability Action Project

Task Description – Project Proposal
As soon as possible you should make contact with the JCU ED5914 Lecturer and any other
relevant parties in order to negotiate your small-scale, sustainability action project. Once you
reach an agreement, and have completed Task 1 (communicating your proposal to your
peers) you will need to submit a formal project proposal. This should include a description of
the context for the project, who is involved, clear aim/s, reasoning, your timeline and any
other special considerations or circumstances relevant to your unique project (effectively the
who, what, when, where and why). Please use the guiding questions (above) to ensure you
include all the important parts of your proposal (note: not allquestions are relevant to all
When considering your timeline remember this is a 3 Credit Point subject which requires a
130-hour workload: You are to allocate 100 hours to action for your small-scale project and
a further 30 hours to research and writing. You should read carefully through Tasks Three
(Project Progress Report) and Four(Final Report) and, allowing for writing time, mention the
dates you anticipate submitting assessment tasks in your timeline. You should also carefully
read through the criteria sheet to ensure each assessable element is included.
Your Project Proposal should include the following and may follow this format:
1. First give your project an interesting title that captures its focus.
2. Provide a covering page with the following details (these may be bullet points):
• Student’s Name
• Student Number
• Year and Study Period of Enrolment
• Project title
• Date of commencement
• Date of anticipated
completion and any of the
following as applicable:
• Name/s of co-operating workplace, community organization or institution (location)
• Name/s of Project Supervisor (other than ED5914 lecturer)
• Contact details of location/s and/or project supervisor/s
These sections (below) should not be bullet points, please use full sentences and appropriate