C ENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT IMPROVED BUS SHELTER DEVELOPED TO COMPLEMENT THE HISTORIC SOUTH CAPITOL GROUNDS RECONSTRUCT CONGRESS AVENUE STAR BASED ON HISTORICAL DESCRIPTIONS GATEWAY TO WATERLOO PARK AND EAST AUSTIN CONSTRUCT BASIC SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS. “From the initial planning of the city, Congress Avenue has been a physical and symbolic link between the Capitol and the river. The powerful symbolism presented by the view up Congress Avenue is no doubt the image of Austin in the minds of most visitors.” ELEVENTH STREET CONGRESS AVENUE LAVACA R/UDAT Austin, 1991 ENHANCED PEDESTRIAN WALKING STREETS CONNECTING BUS TRANSIT STREETS. O SEVENTH STREET O ENHANCE BUS TRANSIT STREETS FOR PEDESTRIANS O DISTRICT COMPONENTS O O O Attractively finished sidewalks using more formal materials such as stone and exposed aggregate. Canopies to provide sidewalk shade. Canopies may be attached to buildings or free standing. Pedestrian amenities including benches and trash receptacles on north-south streets. DESIGN GOALS O O O Seasonal and permanent landscaping in free standing containers. Tourist oriented, destination specific and wayfinding informational signs. O Establish Congress Avenue as the southern anchor to the Capitol Complex with emphasis on identification and location of tourist and retail attractions. Maintain Congress Avenue as a “Great Street”emphasizing both the Capitol view and the south Congress vista. Establish transit presence with entrance to South Metro Center on Congress Avenue. Create East - West transit links with desirable pedestrian characteristics connecting Brazos and Colorado transit corridors. Complete sidewalk, curb and gutter construction within district. 6 th STREET ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT PROVIDE SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS. PROVIDE CONNECTIONS TO REMOTE PARKING LOCATIONS. TRANSIT STREET “... Austin is home to a thriving music industry and very active arts and cultural community. East Sixth Street, despite challenges, is a vital center for dining, entertainment and retailing.” DISTRICT COMPONENTS O O O O O IMPROVE 5TH STREET TO COMPLEMENT THOSE ALREADY COMPLETED ON 6TH STREET. CONGRESS AVENUE R/UDAT Austin, 1991 6TH STREET GATEWAY TO WALLER CREEK, OLE MEXICO AND PLAZA SALTILLO Well lit designated pedestrian and transit routes to peripheral parking. Seasonal and permanent landscaping in free standing containers. Seasonal and topical banners marking the district. EXISTING TRINITY GREEN FINGER PROPOSED RED RIVER GREEN FINGER CONTINUATION OF 4TH STREET RAMBLA Pedestrian amenities including benches and trash receptacles. Concentrate amenities on north-south streets to minimize pedestrian capacity reduction on 5th and 6th Streets. Tourist oriented and destination specific wayfinding informational signs regarding tourist attractions and historical sites to create self guided tours in the district. Brick parking and intersection markings. IMPROVE WALLER CREEK CONNECTION TO CITY GRID. DESIGN GOALS O O O Maintain East 6th Street as entertainment and live music center. Create visually identifiable gateway to Waller Creek. Create pedestrian gateway to East Austin. GUADALUPE GREEN FINGER CONNECTING COUNTY, CITY LIBRARIES, HISTORIC SITES TO CITY OFFICES. W AREHOUSE DISTRICT TRANSIT STREET ON COLORADO 4TH STREET RAMBLA CONNECTING PUBLIC ART, PLAZAS AND ENTERTAINMENT DESTINATIONS FROM REPUBLIC SQUARE “Capitalize on opportunities for progress as they arise. Various paths will lead TO GATEWAY AT IH35 TO PLAZA SALTILLO to the vision. Take the steps first that are most feasible, and where the actions and current resources can be leveraged.” R/UDAT Austin, 1991 CONGRESS AVENUE 7TH STREET 5TH STREET DISTRICT COMPONENTS 4TH STREET O O CESAR CHAVEZ ENHANCED CONNECTIONS TO TOWN LAKE CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS, CURBS AND GUTTERS. COMPLETE CONGRESS AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS 2ND STREET PROMENADE TO CONVENTION CENTER GENERAL LOCATION FOR SOUTH METRO CENTER O O O O O Transit Improvements Seasonal and topical banners identifying 4th Street as the district anchor. Seasonal and permanent landscaping in free standing containers on 2nd and 4th Streets. Well lit designated pedestrian and transit routes to parking. Building canopies as sidewalk shading devices. Vest pocket parks or courtyards as secondary focal points on the pedestrian enhanced streets. Informational signs and way finding graphics regarding area destinations, parking and transit options. 2nd Street as a “Great Street” connecting the proposed municipal center on the west and the Convention Center. C ONVENTION CENTER DISTRICT PROPOSED 4TH STREET RAMBLA GATEWAY TO OLE MEXICO AND PLAZA SALTILLO 2ND STREET PROMENADE “The new Convention Center provides a significant opportunity to attract more visitors and provide a stronger market base to support these activities desired by visitors and local residents alike. PROPOSED RED RIVER GREEN FINGER ...ensure that linkages are implemented tieing the Convention Center to other downtown locations where visitors can recreate, make purchases and enjoy downtown's cultural offerings.” R/UDAT Austin, 1991 REINFORCE PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIONS ACROSS CESAR CHAVEZ TO TOWN LAKE. DISTRICT COMPONENTS O O O O O O Service kiosks and trail entrance markers. Well lit, designated pedestrian and transit routes to peripheral parking. Arcaded public walkways Pedestrian amenities including benches and trash receptacles. Informational signs. Tourist oriented and destination specific wayfinding. EXISTING TRINITY STREET GREEN FINGER GATEWAY TO WALLER CREEK T RAVIS COUNTY / ACC DISTRICT ACC PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIONS TO TRANSIT STREETS PEASE SCHOOL R/UDAT Austin, 1991 TRANSIT STREET TRAVIS COUNTY GUADALUPE GREEN FINGER CONNECTING PUBLIC LIBRARIES HISTORIC RESOURCES AND POST OFFICE “ The presence of the The University of Texas and the State Capitol and associated state agencies make Austin the center of government, culture and ideas for the State of Texas and beyond. It is more than simply the home of a large bureaucracy. It is a true capital in the fullest sense of the work.” PROVIDE ACCESSIBLE ROUTES TO TRANSIT OPTIONS AND DISTRICT DESTINATIONS DESIGN GOALS O O O Campus pedestrian environment between buildings in the Travis County and ACC complexes. Guadalupe “Green Finger” using historic Wooldridge Park as one of the key focal points. Emphasize links to historic settings including the Courthouse, Wooldridge Park, Austin History Center, Hirshfield House and Bremond Block. DISTRICT COMPONENTS O O O O Awnings, canopies and arcades. Public plazas with seating, artwork and shelter. Informational signs and wayfinding for public facilities. Consumer service areas. C APITOL DISTRICT ENHANCED PEDESTRIAN WALKING STREETS CONNECTING THE TRANSIT ORIENTED STREETS OF COLORADO, LAVACA, SAN JACINTO AND BRAZOS “... an opportunity presents itself to create a strong pedestrian corridor north to The University of Texas campus. [Congress] Avenue should provide both a symbolic and physical connection between the two institutions. In order to achieve the vision of this project, substantial tree plantings and pedestrian improvements are needed to reduce the impact of the large buildings and parking garages of the north Capitol Campus.” DEVELOP NORTH METRO CENTER. PROVIDE CONVENIENT ACCESS BETWEEN STATE BUILDINGS, PARKING, UT AND DOWNTOWN. DEVELOP CONGRESS AVENUE AS BOULEVARD INCLUDING FORMAL PLANTINGS AND PLAZA DEVELOPMENTS CONNECTING THE CAPITOL COMPLEX AND UT. MLK BLVD R/UDAT Austin, 1991 SAN JACINTO LAVACA FIFTEENTH ST. DISTRICT COMPONENTS O O O Landscaped boulevards. Public plazas with seating, artwork, and shelter. Building materials complementary to the Capitol complex. O Extensive formal landscaping. O Informational signs. O Wayfinding graphics for tourist destinations and state agency locations. RECONSTRUCT CONGRESS AVENUE STAR BASED ON HISTORICAL DESCRIPTIONS IMPROVED SHELTERED BUS STOP DEVELOPED TO COMPLEMENT THE HISTORIC SOUTH CAPITOL GROUNDS Enhanced Walking Street